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Crushing Can Press Project Report

Crushing Can Press Project Report
Figure 1: Pneumatic Can Crusher credit to Amazon.ca
By: Allan Barahona Carvajal, Ahmed Elsnose, Kwame Kodie, Santiago ParraRojas, Akash Vengackal Kamal
Due: July 12, 2024
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Report Body .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
References........................................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
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Sustainable development has become a primary goal for many countries around
the world. Steel, aluminum, and many other metals play major roles throughout our daily
lives, but it is important to preserve the existing stocks of these materials as Earth’s
ecosystems become more and more affected by human actions. As the need for the
preservation of Earth’s resources increases, the time has come for methods that can
help with this to be investigated. The pop can crusher is an apparatus that is used
industrially as well as in regular homes to recycle cans and bottles. Therefore, the
Crushing Can Press may be crucial in achieving sustainable goals globally and should
be explored in depth.
This project’s focus is on material selection based on their properties to calculate
the necessary forces on each member of the crusher press to ensure it has the required
strength to crush any specific material during operation. The goal behind this project is
to equip students with the ability to apply their knowledge of mechanics of materials,
particularly areas related to material selection and structural analysis. Overall, this
project provides students with valuable experience into the expectations and challenges
they will encounter in real life engineering situations.
The aluminum can crusher was invented in 1937 by Jesse M. Wright and
patented on August 30th, 1938. Since then, many different models of crushers were
created, some are hydraulic, pneumatic, wood, or the typical aluminum. The main
purpose of the can crusher is to reduce the size of the can so that it is easier to store,
move, and recycle, in the hopes that the apparatus can have a positive effect in terms of
maintaining the environment. [1]
From this point onward the can crusher had become a common household and
industrial tool, becoming very popular due to the increasingly common use of aluminum
cans. It’s only relatively recently that the apparatus has seemingly become less popular,
however, this does not mean it has become redundant, pop can crushers still see plenty
of use to this day.
Report Body
[1] D. P. Jegath Rakshgan G, "Design and Fabrication of Hydraulic Aluminium Tin Can," Sathyabama,
Chennai, 2022.