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Classroom Management Plan: Strategies Class

Classroom Management Plan
Teacher: Mr. Harder
Class: Strategies
Phone: 480-224-2929
Email: Harder.Nathan@chandler.k12.az.us
Welcome to class. In order to create and educational environment where every leaner
can be successful, the following rules will apply.
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect all students, teachers and property. Racial slurs, sexist remarks, and
other negative comments will not be tolerated.
2. No food, gum, sunflower seeds, cell phones, iPods, MP3&4 players,
headphones, or inappropriate clothing allowed. Inappropriate clothing
includes sagging pants. Water bottles are allowed.
3. Arrive with necessary materials (book to read, homework, writing utensil,
paper, positive attitude, ect.), and stay seated in your desk until the teacher
dismisses you.
4. Follow directions and participate in class. 10 Points possible per day for
adequate participation. Behavior that interferes with other students’ progress
and learning will not be tolerated and will result in point deductions.
5. Abide by all the rules as stated in the Perry High School handbook.
1. For all electrical devices such as iPods, MP3&4 players, cell phones, ect…
there will be one warning per student. After the first warning the device will
be confiscated and sent to the attendance office where the student can pick it
up after school. The second time the device is sent to the attendance office the
parents will have to pick it up (per school rules).
2. If a student brings in food other than a water bottle, the student will be asked
to put it away or throw it away. If the student refuses, the student will receive
an office referral.
3. For disruptive behavior there will be a verbal warning for the first offence.
For the second offence there will be a verbal warning and brief student teacher
conference in the hall. For the third offence there will be an office referral
and parent contact from the teacher.
Tardy Policy:
You are tardy to class if you are not inside the classroom door when the bell starts to ring.
Consequences: 4th unexcused tardy = Office Referral (per school rules)
Every Tardy after 4 results in an Office Referral
Grading Policy: 40/40/20
Progress reports will be sent home periodically on Fridays for parent signatures and
collected on Monday for 100 points. I will accept them late until Wednesday for half
credit. Every class day is worth 10 participation points. 5 points will be deducted for not
having student planner correctly filled out, and another 5 points will be deducted for not
signing up for something to work on in the sign in sheet. Additional assignments will be
added to the point total. Quarter grades are worth 40 % of grade and the Final is worth
Grading Scale:
100% - 90% of total semester points = A
89% - 80% of total semester points = B
79% - 70 % of total semester points = C
69% - 60% of total semester points = D
Below 60 % of total semester points = F
Daily Routine/What to Expect:
- Attendance will be taken
- Student Planner Check
- Announcements and warm-up activity
- StrategiesAssignment or / Outside work time –Sign up on sign in sheet that Mr.
Harder will have (this is worth 5 points). Students must be quietly working on
assignments to maintain the 10 possible points for the day.
- Bring homework, projects, assignments, extra credit, make-up work, test
reviews, or a book to read. Student not working will be given an assignment to complete
in class.
Useful Strategies:
Goal Setting
Test Taking
Note Taking
Textbook Use
Problem Solving
I look forward to making this year a happy and fulfilling one for each student.
Please feel free to keep this management plan for future reference. Please read
through this management plan, sign and return the attached information sheet of
paper. Please feel free to contact me at anytime with your concerns. Thank you for
your time.