Ref. AXENS A0066-2011 FIXED BED CATALYST HANDBOOK MB4-A.DOT 3 2 May 2013 April 2011 1 April 2004 Rev. Date M. THERY M. THERY PY. LEGOFF F. CHOPINET J. COOK J. DE BONNEVILLE X. DECOODT JM. DEVES H. DEVILLE P. DUHAUT PY. LEGOFF F. LEPELTIER R. ODELLO M. THERY Redacted by X. DECOODT P. MEGE PY. LEGOFF J. DE BONNEVILLE H. DEVILLE A. LECORRE Checked by Approved by Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 1/ 172 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. PREFACE ....................................................................................................... 4 2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND CATALYST ......................................................... 6 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 7 2.1.1 Objective of chapter 2 ................................................................................ 7 2.1.2 General considerations - Thermodynamics and kinetics ........................... 7 2.2 Chemical reactions ...................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Fundamental reactions............................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Kinetic analysis of the chemical reactions................................................ 16 2.3 Catalyst ...................................................................................................... 22 2.3.1 Activity, selectivity, stability ..................................................................... 22 2.3.2 Reforming catalyst characteristics ........................................................... 22 2.3.3 Catalysis mechanism ................................................................................ 23 2.3.4 Catalyst contaminants .............................................................................. 26 2.3.5 Catalyst distribution in reactors ............................................................... 37 2.4 Process variables ....................................................................................... 39 2.4.1 Independent variables .............................................................................. 39 2.4.2 Pressure .................................................................................................... 39 2.4.3 Temperature ............................................................................................. 40 2.4.4 Space velocity ........................................................................................... 40 2.4.5 Hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio and hydrogen partial pressure .............. 41 2.4.6 Feed quality .............................................................................................. 41 3 START-UP PROCEDURE FOR FRESH CATALYST ............................................. 44 3.1 Preparation of the unit - General considerations – Unit Dry-out............. 45 3.2 Catalyst loading ......................................................................................... 46 3.3 Catalyst drying........................................................................................... 46 3.4 Catalyst reduction ..................................................................................... 48 3.5 Catalyst sulfiding ....................................................................................... 49 3.6 Oil-in .......................................................................................................... 50 3.7 Startup phase ............................................................................................ 51 3.7.1 First temperature level: 460°C ................................................................. 52 3.7.2 Second temperature level: 470°C ............................................................ 52 3.7.3 Third temperature level: 480°C ................................................................ 52 3.7.4 High severity operation: 480°C ............................................................. 52 3.7.5 WAIT increase summary ........................................................................... 53 4 NORMAL OPERATION ................................................................................. 58 4.1 Change of feed rate .................................................................................. 59 4.1.1 Increase of feed rate ................................................................................ 59 4.1.2 Decrease of feed rate ............................................................................... 59 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 2/ 172 Change of reformate octane number ....................................................... 60 Recycle gas water content. Water and chloride injection ........................ 60 Sulfur content – hydrogen sulfide concentration ..................................... 62 Operating parameters............................................................................... 62 4.5.1 Pressure .................................................................................................... 62 4.5.2 Temperature ............................................................................................. 62 4.5.3 Space velocity ........................................................................................... 64 4.5.4 Hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio ............................................................... 65 4.5.5 Feed quality .............................................................................................. 66 4.5.6 Butane content of the reformate ............................................................. 68 4.5.7 Start of run WAIT calculation ................................................................... 68 4.5.8 Cycle length .............................................................................................. 69 4.5.9 Delta C5+ yield (wt %) for different feedstocks/versus RONC .................. 70 4.6 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 85 4.6.1 General ..................................................................................................... 85 4.6.2 Unexpected decrease of the octane number .......................................... 85 4.6.3 Loss of product yield ................................................................................ 87 4.6.4 Unexpected T reduction ........................................................................ 88 4.6.5 High hydrocracking rate and risk of temperature runaway ..................... 89 5 SHUTDOWN / RE-STARTUP PROCEDURES ................................................... 92 5.1 Normal shutdown ..................................................................................... 93 5.2 Re-startup.................................................................................................. 93 5.3 Shutdown for regeneration ...................................................................... 94 5.4 Emergency shutdown ............................................................................... 94 5.4.1 Recycle compressor failure ...................................................................... 95 5.4.2 Loss of feed ............................................................................................... 95 5.4.3 Other pumps failure ................................................................................. 95 5.4.4 Utilities failure: fuel gas ............................................................................ 96 5.4.5 Utilities failure: cooling water .................................................................. 96 5.4.6 Utilities failure: power supply .................................................................. 96 5.4.7 Utilities failure: HP steam ......................................................................... 96 5.4.8 Utilities failure: instrument/power or air ................................................. 96 5.4.9 Major leak - fire ........................................................................................ 97 6 REGENERATION .......................................................................................... 98 6.1 General ...................................................................................................... 99 6.2 Preparation of the unit ........................................................................... 101 6.3 Coke combustion - oxychlorination - calcination ................................... 104 6.3.1 Coke combustion .................................................................................... 105 6.3.2 Catalyst sieving and reloading ................................................................ 106 6.3.3 Catalyst reactivation ............................................................................... 107 6.4 Emergency handling procedure for regeneration .................................. 110 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 3/ 172 6.5 Sulfur and Sulfate removal procedures .................................................. 111 6.5.1 Sulfur removal procedure ...................................................................... 111 6.5.2 Sulfate removal procedure ..................................................................... 112 6.6 Miscellaneous ......................................................................................... 114 7 SAFETY AND HEALTH RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 122 7.1 General .................................................................................................... 123 7.2 List of health and safety data sheets ...................................................... 123 7.3 Catalyst safety data sheet ....................................................................... 123 8 ANALYTICAL CONTROL.............................................................................. 124 8.1 Recommended methods and frequency ................................................ 125 8.1.1 Feed ........................................................................................................ 125 8.1.2 Products .................................................................................................. 126 8.1.3 Catalyst ................................................................................................... 128 8.2 IFP Analytical methods ............................................................................ 128 9 MISCELLANEOUS ...................................................................................... 130 9.1 Chemicals specifications ......................................................................... 131 9.2 TBP - ASTM Boiling range transformation .............................................. 135 9.3 Reformate RVP versus butane content .................................................. 138 10 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOR FIXED BED UNIT............................ 140 10.1 Catalyst performance estimation on site ............................................... 141 10.2 Unit follow up at Axens offices ............................................................... 141 10.3 Catalyst analysis ...................................................................................... 141 10.4 Follow up of the regeneration and the start up ..................................... 142 10.5 Catalyst optimisation performance ........................................................ 142 10.6 Operator training .................................................................................... 142 10.7 Training simulators ................................................................................. 142 10.8 Catapac – Texicap – Catalyst sampler ..................................................... 143 11 TYPE OF REACTORS – CATALYST LOADING ................................................ 151 11.1 Type of reactors ...................................................................................... 152 11.2 Catalyst loading procedure .................................................................... 158 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4/ 172 1. PREFACE REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 5/ 172 This handbook is not an operating manual. Its purpose is to provide USER staff with the necessary background and information to understand how the process works with RG / PR series Catalysts. It also gives brief instructions on how to prepare the unit for start-up, how to start-up, how to operate, how to shut it down, how to regenerate the catalyst and how to prevent or correct operational upsets. The information supplied in this document is valid for any unit using RG / PR series catalysts. The purpose of Reforming process using these catalysts is to produce a high octane number reformate, which is a main component to gasoline pool, and a hydrogen rich gas. Reformer feed is either straight run naphthas or cracked naphthas generally mixed with straight run. Due to the presence of contaminants in all cases and to the specific characteristics of cracked naphthas, more or less elaborate naphtha pretreating is always necessary. A high temperature (in the range of 500°C) is required to promote the chemical reactions which improve octane number. Hence the need for a preheating of the feed. More over, some of the desirable reactions are highly endothermic. This leads to split the inventory of the catalyst into several reactors with intermediate heaters. RG / PR series catalysts are operated with average reaction pressures between 12 and 30 barg. Octane Number (RON clear) of the reformate as high as 102 can be obtained. Before implementing any special procedure not included in this handbook contact first one AXENS Technical Assistance Adviser or our web site THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AXENS’ CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. IT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. IT SHALL BE USED ONLY BY STAFF WITHIN YOUR COMPANY REQUIRING THE INFORMATION. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6/ 172 2. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND CATALYST REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 2.1 7/ 172 Introduction 2.1.1 Objective of chapter 2 The aim of the information given in this chapter is to provide enough theoretical background, in the simplest possible way, to supplement the instructions given in the chapters that follow, i.e. Start-up of unit, Operation of the unit and Shutdown of the unit. It is expected that this theoretical support helps the operators to better understand the reasons of the operating instructions and enables them to make considered decisions, should the circumstances deviate from what is covered in the Operating Instructions. 2.1.2 General considerations - Thermodynamics and kinetics For any chemical reaction the thermodynamics dictates the possibility of its occurrence and the amount of products and unconverted reactants. In fact, some reactions are 100% completed i.e. all the reactants are converted into products. Others are in equilibrium i.e. part of the reactants only are converted. The amount of products and reactants at equilibrium depends upon the operating conditions and is dictated by the thermodynamics. Note that thermodynamics do not mention the time required to reach the equilibrium or the full completion of a reaction. Kinetics dictates the rate of a chemical reaction. Kinetics is dependent upon operating conditions but can also be widely modified through the use of properly selected catalysts. One reaction (or a family of reactions) is generally enhanced by a specific catalyst. In other words, thermodynamics dictates the ultimate equilibrium composition assuming the time is infinite. Kinetics enables to forecast the composition after a finite time. Since time is always limited, when several reactions proceed simultaneously, kinetics is generally predominant. A heterogeneous catalyst generally consists of a support (alumina, silica, magnesia...) on which (a) finely divided metal(s) is (are) dispersed. The metal is always responsible for the catalytic action. Very often, the support has also a catalytic action linked to its chemical nature. A catalyst is not consumed but can be deactivated either by impurities in the feed or by some of the products of the chemical reactions involved, resulting in coke deposit on the catalyst. The different chapters of the section describe: • The various chemical reactions involved in the process as well as the effect of the operating conditions. • The catalyst characteristics. • The catalytic mechanism or catalysis. • The catalyst contaminants. • The process variables. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 2.2 8/ 172 Chemical reactions 2.2.1 Fundamental reactions The chemical reactions involved in reforming processes are of two types: • Desirable reactions, i.e. reactions which lead to an increased octane number and to high purity hydrogen production. These are the reactions to promote. • Adverse reactions, i.e. reactions which lead to a decreased octane number, a decrease in hydrogen purity or a loss in products yield. These are the reactions to minimize. The heats of the reactions mentioned hereafter as well as their relative rate are necessary to understand the process. They are listed for the ease of reference in Table 1, below. A catalyst is being used to promote the desirable reactions at the expense of the adverse ones through its action on reaction kinetics. TABLE 1 REFORMING REACTIONS HEAT OF REACTION - RELATIVE RATE OF REACTION REACTIONS Naphthenes dehydrogenation Paraffin dehydrocyclization Isomerization: Paraffins Naphthenes Cracking (1) (2) REV. 4 HEAT OF REACTION (1) KCAL/MOLE RELATIVE RATE (2) APPROX. - 50 - 60 +2 +4 + 10 30 1 (base) 3 0.5 Heat of reaction < 0 = endothermic reaction. For pressure below 15 bar. Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK A 9/ 172 Desirable reactions with hydrogen production a) Naphthenes dehydrogenation Naphthenic compounds i.e. cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, dimethylcyclohexane up to C10 naphthenes are dehydrogenated respectively into benzene, toluene, xylenes, C 9 and C10 aromatics with the production of 3 moles of hydrogen per mole of naphthene. The cyclohexane reaction, for instance, proceeds as follows: CH CH 2 CH HC 2 2 (m) HC CH + 3H HC 2 CH CH 2 2 Cyclohexane HC 2 CH CH Benzene (m) Catalyst Metallic function (a) Catalyst Acidic function Note: Cyclohexane and benzene are generally schematically represented as follows: Cyclohexane Benzene Thermodynamically the reaction is highly endothermic and is favored by high temperature and low pressure. In addition the higher the number of carbon atoms, the higher the aromatics production at equilibrium. From a kinetic view point, the rate of reaction increases with temperature (Refer to figure 2-2) and is not affected by the hydrogen partial pressure (Refer to figure 2-1). The rate of reaction is high compared to other reactions (Table 1). It also increases with the number of carbon atoms. At the selected operating conditions the reaction almost total. It is promoted by the metallic function of the catalyst. Since it yields a high octane product, promoting this reaction is most desirable: refer to octane number below: REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 10/ 172 Note that cyclopentane, present in feeds having a low ASTM D86 IBP, is an undesirable component as either it does not react or its cycle is broken and results in low carbon parafins or olefinsand hydrogen consumption. RON MON Cyclohexane 83 77.2 Methylcyclohexane 74.8 71.1 1.3 dimethylcyclohexane 71.7 71.0 Benzene 114.8 > 100 Toluene 120 103.5 m-Xylene 117.5 115.0 RON: MON: Research Octane Number Motor Octane Number Throughout this document, “octane” is generally used for “octane number”. b) Effect of parameters on naphthene dehydrogenation The tables below summarize the effect of the main parameters governing the dehydrogenation and dehydrocyclization reactions. Thermodynamics dictates the equilibrium which could be theoretically reached (i.e. if the time was infinite). Kinetics dictates the rate of reaction, i.e. the possibilities to reach a state close to equilibrium in a finite time. Increase of Pressure Temperature H2/HC ratio (1) Effect on dehydrogenation due to thermodynamics to kinetics decreases unaffected increases increases slightly decreases slightly decreases (1) Ratio of pure hydrogen (mole) to hydrocarbon feed (mole). c) Paraffins dehydrocyclization This is a multiple step process which applies either to the normal paraffins (linear) or isoparaffins (branched). It involves a dehydrogenation with a release of one hydrogen mole followed by a molecular rearrangement to form a naphthene and the subsequent dehydrogenation of the naphthene. The molecular rearrangement to build a naphthene is the most difficult reaction to promote but the subsequent aromatization of the naphthene yields a noticeable octane increase. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 11/ 172 The reaction can be summarized as follows: CH 2 CH CH 2 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 CH (m) CH 3 CH 2 CH CH CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 2 CH 3 2 CH 3 2 C H 7 14 C H 7 16 CH +H CH 2 CH (a) H C 2 CH 3 CH 2 CH CH 2 CH 3 2 Methylcyclohexane CH 2 CH CH 2 CH H C 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH C CH 3 (m) HC CH CH 3 + 3H 2 CH Toluene The paraffin dehydrocyclization step becomes easier as the molecular weight of the paraffin increases, however the tendency of paraffins to hydrocrack increases concurrently (Refer to figure 2-3). Kinetically, the rate of dehydrocyclization increases with low pressure and high temperature (figures 2-1 and 2-2), but altogether, at the selected operating conditions, this rate is much lower than that of naphthene dehydrogenation (30/1). The reaction is promoted by both catalytic metallic and acidic functions. d) Effect of parameters on paraffin dehydrocyclization Increase of Pressure Temperature H2/HC ratio REV. 4 Effect on dehydrocyclization due to thermodynamics to kinetics decreases decreases increases increases slightly decreases slightly decreases Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK B 12/ 172 Desirable reactions without hydrogen production a) Linear paraffins isomerization (a) Reaction is as follows: CH 7 16 CH 7 16 These reactions are fast, slightly exothermic and do not affect the number of carbon atoms. The thermodynamic equilibrium of isoparaffins to paraffins depends mainly on the temperature. The pressure has no effect. Iso-N paraffin equilibria Carbon atom C4 C5 C6 % Isoparaffin at 500°C 44 58 72 C7 80 C8 88 The paraffins isomerization results in a slight increase of the octane number. From a kinetic view point (figures 2-1 and 2-2), high temperature favors isomerization but hydrogen partial pressure has no effect. These reactions are promoted by the acidic function of the catalyst support. b) Napththenes isomerization The isomerization of an alkylcyclopentane into an alkylcyclohexane involves a ring rearrangement and is desirable because of the subsequent dehydrogenation of the alkylcyclohexane into an aromatic. Owing to the difficulty of the ring rearrangement, the risk of ring opening resulting in a paraffin is high. The reaction is slightly exothermic. The reaction can be summarized as follows: (a) CH3 CH3 Alkylcyclopentane (Ethylcyclopentane) Alkylcyclohexane (Methylcyclohexane) Theoretically, at the selected operating temperature (about 500°C) the thermodynamics ( limits the alkylcyclohexane formation. But the( subsequent dehydrogenation of the alkylcyclohexane into an aromatic shifts the reaction towards the desired direction. This type of reaction is also easier for higher carbon number. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 13/ 172 The octane number increase is significant when considering the end product (aromatics) as shown: RON MON • Ethylcyclopentane = 67.2 61.2 • Methylcyclohexane = 74.8 71.1 • Toluene = 120 103.5 C Adverse reactions a) Cracking Cracking reactions include hydrocracking and hydrogenolysis reactions. Hydrocracking affects either paraffins (normal or iso) or olefins. It involves both the acid and metallic function of the catalyst. It is, to some extent, a parallel reaction to paraffin dehydrocyclization. It can be represented schematically by a first step of dehydrogenation which involves the metallic function of the catalyst, followed by a cleavage of the resulting olefin and the hydrogenation of the subsequent short chain olefin. The second reaction is promoted by the acidic function of the catalyst. (m) +H 2 CH 7 14 CH 7 16 (a) + +H 2 C H 3 8 C H 4 8 C H 7 14 (m) +H 2 CH 4 8 CH 4 10 The first reaction involves the same reactants as the dehydrocyclizationand is likewise catalysed by the metallic function. At the selected operating conditions, hydrocracking reaction could be almost complete. Fortunately it is somewhat limited by its kinetics. Compared to its desirable concurrent reaction (dehydrocyclization), hydrocracking becomes significant as the temperature increases. It is also favored by high pressure. The main effects of hydrocracking are: • a decrease of paraffins in the reformate which results in an increase of the aromatics percentage (i.e. an increase in octane) and a loss of reformate. • a decrease in hydrogen production. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 14/ 172 • an increase of LPG production. b) Hydrogenolysis This undesirable reaction has some similarity with hydrocracking since it involves hydrogen consumption and cleavage of bonds. But it is promoted by the metallic function of the catalyst and leads to lighter hydrocarbon C1 + C2 - even less valuable than LPG (C3 + C4). It can be represented schematically as follows: (m) +H CH 2 4 + CH 6 14 CH 7 16 or (m) +H CH 7 16 2 CH + 2 6 CH 5 12 Like hydrocracking it is exothermic and favored by high pressure and high temperature. Naphten’s rings opening is also under (m) control of metal function. or CH3 + H2 C6 - H14 CH3 - C5H9 (m) or + H2 CH3 - C6H11 REV. 4 or C7 - H16 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK c) 15/ 172 Hydrodealkylation Hydrodealkylation is the breakage (or cleavage) of the branched radical (-CH3 or -C2H5) of an aromatic ring. Xylene (two radical groups) can be dealkylated into toluene (one radical group) which in turn can be dealkylated to benzene. The standard representation is: (m) +H 2 +CH4 H3C Xylene +H 2 Toluene (m) Toluene + CH 4 Benzene Hydrodealkylation consumes hydrogen and produces methane. It is favored by high temperature and high pressure and promoted by the metallic function of the catalyst. d) Alkylation Alkylation is a condensation reaction which adds an olefin molecule on an aromatic ring. It results in an aromatic with an increased molecular weight. The reaction proceeds as follows: CH (m) + CH = CH - CH 3 2 HC CH Benzene Propylene 3 3 Isopropylbenzene This reaction, promoted by the catalyst metallic function, is not hydrogen consuming. But it leads to heavier molecules which may increase the end point of the product. In addition the high molecular weight hydrocarbons also have a high tendency to form coke. This reaction must be avoided. e) Transalkylation (Alkyl disproportionation) Two toluene rings (one branched CH3 radical) can disproportionate to produce one benzene ring (no branched radical) and one xylene ring (two branched radicals), as (m) shown: + + Toluene REV. 4 Toluene Benzene Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Xylene Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 16/ 172 This reaction, promoted by the catalyst metallic function, occurs mainly in very severe conditions of temperature and pressure. f) Coking Coke formation on the catalyst results from a very complex group of chemical reactions, the detailed mechanism of which is not fully known yet. Coke formation is linked to heavy unsaturated products such as polynuclear aromatics (or polycyclics which can be dehydrogenated) resulting either from the feed or from the polymerization of aromatics involved in some of the reforming reactions (dehydrocyclization, disproportionation...). Traces of heavy olefins or diolefins may also result from the reforming reactions (dehydrocyclization, alkylation, for instance) and promote coke formation. A high end boiling point of the feed means greater amount of polyaromatics and then a higher coking tendency. Since condensation is promoted by high temperature, poor distribution in a reactor favors local high temperatures and coke build up. Coke deposit on the catalyst reduces the active surface area and greatly reduces catalyst activity. 2.2.2 Kinetic analysis of the chemical reactions The effect of the main operating conditions on the rate of the reactions involved in the reforming process using the selected catalyst is summarized below. A Effect of hydrogen partial pressure Figure 2-1 shows, with a logarithmic scale, the relative rate of the various reactions as a function of hydrogen partial pressure. The dehydrogenation rate is used as reference and taken at 100 (Log 100 = 2). Other reaction rates are measured against this reference. At 10 barg hydrogen partial pressure, the dehydrogenation of naphthene is about 10 times, faster than isomerization, 30 times faster than dehydrocyclization and 50-60 times faster than cracking (hydrocracking and hydrogenolysis). At relatively high pressure (above 20 barg) the rate of coking is low compared to the other reactions but it increases noticeably at lower pressure. To sum up, figure 2-1 shows that there is an incentive to operate at low pressure: cracking rate will be reduced and dehydrocyclization rate increased as well as the coking rate. On another hand thermodynamics also favors low pressure for dehydrogenation and dehydrocyclization. The only drawback of low pressure is the high coking rate. B Effect of temperature Temperature influences the rate of the various reactions as shown in Figure 2-2. Energy of activation is calculated from the slope of the curves. Dehydrogenation has a moderate energy of activation (~ 20 Kcal. mole -1) as does isomerization (~ 25 Kcal. mole -1) and REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 17/ 172 consequently temperature only slightly increases the rate of these reactions. Dehydrocyclisation has a higher energy of activation (35 Kcal. mole -1) and consequently temperature increases the rate of reaction. Cracking and coking have higher energy of activation (45 and 35 Kcal. mole-1 respectively). The rate of these undesirable reactions is more significantly increased by temperature. To sum up, a higher temperature clearly favors the undesirable reactions more than the desirable one. However a moderate temperature rise is required during the catalyst life to maintain catalyst activity and therefore product octane. C Effect of carbon number The kinetic study of the chemical reactions becomes even more complicated owing to the presence of molecules with different numbers of carbon atoms. As is the case for thermodynamic equilibria, it appears that the rates of the reactions are affected by the length of the chain of the reactant. Figure 2-3, presents the rates of dehydrocyclization and cracking of C6 to C10 paraffins related to that of n-heptane, as a function of the number of carbon atoms of reactant. Figure 2-3 shows that the cracking reaction rate, (the curve represents in fact the sum of hydrocracking and hydrogenolysis), increases regularly with the number of carbon atoms, whereas dehydrocyclization rate exhibits a sudden increase between hexane and heptane as well as between heptane and octane, while the variation between the higher homologues remains relatively slight. To sum up, the dehydrocyclization of C6 paraffins to benzene is more difficult than that of C7 paraffin to toluene, which itself is more difficult than that of C 8 paraffin to xylenes. Accordingly the most suitable fraction to feed a reforming process is the C7- C10 fraction. CONCLUSIONS: From the above analysis it can be concluded: a) Dehydrogenation reactions are very fast, about one order of magnitude faster than the other reactions. b) Low pressure favors all desirable reactions and reduces cracking. To compensate the detrimental effect of low pressure on coking, low pressure reformer requires continuous catalyst regeneration. For semi regenerative reformer the recommended lowest operating pressure to have acceptable cycle lengh is ~ 12 kg/cm2g. (c) An increase in temperature favors the kinetics of dehydrogenation, isomerization, dehydrocyclization, but accelerates the degradation reactions (cracking, coking) even more. Consequently an increase in temperature leads to an increased octane associated with a decrease in reformate yield. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 18/ 172 (d) The reaction rates of such important reactions as paraffins dehydrocyclization increase noticeably with the number of carbon atoms. Cyclization is faster for C8 paraffin than for C7, and for C7 than for C6. Consequently the C7 - C10 fraction is the most suitable feed. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 19/ 172 RELATIVE RATE OF REACTION VERSUS HYDROGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE FIGURE 2-1 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 20/ 172 RELATIVE RATE OF REACTION VERSUS TEMPERATURE FIGURE 2-2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 21/ 172 RELATIVE RATE OF REACTION VERSUS NUMBER OF CARBON ATOMS FIGURE 2-3 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 2.3 22/ 172 Catalyst 2.3.1 Activity, selectivity, stability The main characteristics of a catalyst other than its physical and mechanical properties are: • The activity which expresses the catalyst ability to increase the rate of the reactions sought after. It is measured by the temperature at which the catalyst must be operated to produce a reformate of a given octane number, for a given feed and given operating conditions. • The selectivity expresses the catalyst ability to favor desirable reactions rather than others. It is practically measured by the C5+ reformate and hydrogen yields, for a given feed and octane number, and given operating conditions. • The stability characterizes the change with time of the catalyst performance (i.e. activity, selectivity) when operating conditions and feed are stable. It is chiefly the coke deposit which affects stability, through its inhibition of the catalyst acidity and decrease of metal contact area. Traces of metal in the feed also affect stability adversely. Stability is generally measured by the amount of feed treated per unit weight of catalyst (i.e. m3 of feed per kg of catalyst). C5+ wt reformate yield, at steady conditions, is also an indirect measure of the stability. 2.3.2 Reforming catalyst characteristics The fixed bed Reforming catalysts are bimetallic catalysts consisting of platinum plus rhenium promotor on an alumina support. Some of them can have an additional promotor, as a consequence they are trimetallic catalysts. The main features of these catalysts are: • High purity alumina support having a strong mechanical resistance. • High stability and selectivity due to the platinum associated with rhenium. • High regenerability. The combination of these qualities gives the following advantages: • High reformate yield. • High hydrogen yield. • High on-stream factor (long cycle duration). • Low catalyst inventory. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 23/ 172 2.3.3 Catalysis mechanism A Bifunctional catalyst The catalyst affects reaction rates through its two different functions: metallic and acidic, which promote different type of reactions. Dehydrogenation and hydrogenation reactions are enhanced by the metal activity. Structural rearrangements of the molecules (from linear to cyclic for instance) which involve a reorganization of the carbon bonds are primarily catalyzed by the acidic function of the support. Because of its high activity in dehydrogenation and dehydrocyclization, platinum has been selected for the base catalytic metal. Promotor has been added to improve catalyst selectivity and stability. The support is a high purity alumina (acidic function) which is chiefly active for the cyclization of paraffins to aromatics and for isomerization reactions. In short, the main reactions involved in reforming processes are catalyzed essentially either by the acid support or the metal functions, as indicated below: Dehydrogenation Metallic function Dehydrocyclization Metallic + acidic functions Isomerization Metallic + acidic functions Hydrogenolysis Metallic function Hydrocracking Metallic + acidic function The key point for good catalyst activity, selectivity and stability is the proper balance between the two functions. A1 Metallic function For a maximum catalyst activity the metal must be highly dispersed on the alumina support and under the minimum possible particle size (actual figure is in the range of 1.10-6 mm). This high dispersion and micrometric particle size which result from the special manufacturing process must be maintained during the catalyst life by the use of proper operating conditions and restored after regeneration. In fact catalyst ageing and coke deposit require a temperature increase which favors metal agglomeration and particle growth. The coke burning during the regeneration results in further chlorine elution owing to combustion water. Therefore an oxychlorination step is required to restore the chlorine level but also to favor the redispersion of the metal. A wet reduction leads to sintering of the metallic phase. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 24/ 172 The poisoning of the metallic function is covered in detail in chapter 2.3.4. A2 Acidic function A certain level of acidity of the catalyst support is required to promote some of the desired reactions (isomerization, dehydrocyclization). The optimum level of acidity changes somewhat with the desired performance (maximization of gasoline and hydrogen yields or gasoline and LPG production). The acidity of the catalyst is dependant on the amount of chlorine which is fixed and presence of hydroxyl groups on alumina surface. This equilibrium is under controlled of water / chloride balance. During operation chlorine elution (leaching) from the catalyst is a function of the recycle gas moisture. The chlorine content of the catalyst is kept constant by injecting a chlorinated agent into the reformer feed. To be noted, chlorine favours the bonding of metals/support. Consequently low chlorine levels are promoting metals sintering or agglomeration. The chlorine content of the catalyst must be in the range 0.9% to 1.1% wt. Moreover it is known that alumina based catalysts require some moisture to activate the acidic function. A simplified representation of the catalyst support chemical structure, after chlorination is as follows: OH Cl OH Al Al Al O O The simplified theory, generally accepted today, suggests that the optimum acidity level (which varies with the requested performance) is a function of concentration of the -OH groups and the -Cl groups. The relative concentrations, in turn are a function of the water and HCl content in the recycle gas, because of the equilibrium which exists, between water and HCl in the recycle and -OH and -Cl groups on the catalyst. For the purpose of Reforming, this optimum acidity level is obtained for water content in the recycle in the range 15 - 25 ppm vol. The associated HCl content should be approximately 0.2 to 0.5 vol. ppm. The basic recommendation is then to operate with 0.9 to 1.1 wt% of chloride on the catalyst. Starting from the optimum catalyst structure (the right balance of -OH vs. -Cl), an excess of water in the recycle gas will shift the balance towards excess of -OH and reduces the activity. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 25/ 172 This is referred to as chloride elution or leaching by water and can be represented schematically as follows: OH Cl Al Al +H O 2 OH OH Al Al O + HCl O An over-chloride catalyst under normal moisture level will tend to enhance hydrocracking reactions with major production of C3 and C4. A catalyst with normal chloride level and under too dry operating conditions (< 5-7 ppm. Vol) will tend to enhance cracking reactions with major production of C1 and C2. Of course, over-chlorination of the catalyst may result merely from the accidental presence of chlorine, or uncontrolled addition, in the feed. There are a couple of other occurrences worth mentioning: • If a catalyst is excessively dry (i.e. it has been operated with a deficiency of water for some time) it will exhibit a very high acidic function indicated by an increased hydrocracking activity. • If a catalyst excessively dry undergoes a water upset (amount of water in the recycle over 50 ppm vol.) a situation may occur where the water displaces the chlorine from the first reactors towards the last reactor with a subsequent temporary increase of the acidic function and hydrocracking activity in the last reactor. To conclude, for an optimum operation of reformer unit: • Highly dispersed metal clusters in the alumina support volume obtained by optimal regeneration conditions • The chloride content of the catalyst must be maintained between 0.9 to 1.1 wt%. Operators can adjust the chloride injection rate based on catalyst analysis. For units without catalyst sampling devices, control of the correct chloride content on catalyst is more difficult. Optimum control is maintained by careful monitoring of water and chloride injection rates, by monitoring of recycle gas HCl content and ultimately by following the evolution of unit performance. • The water content in the recycle must be maintained between 10 to 20 volume ppm. • HCl traces (0.2 to 0.5 volume ppm), measured by dedicated Dräeger tubes, scale 0 to 10 vol. ppm, have to be detected in the recycle gas. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK B 26/ 172 Alteration of catalyst activity The causes and consequences of catalyst activity loss (due to an unbalance of either the acidic or metallic function) are listed in Table 2. TABLE 2 Initial consequences Causes Decrease of acidic function Increase of acidic function Decrease of metallic function • Elution of chloride due to high • Over chlorinated catalyst due to: • Temporary reversible poisoning water content in the recycle by sulfur – chlorine in the feed gas. • Permanent poisoning by metals. – or too low water in recycle gas. • Nitrogen compounds (loss of • High water content in the recycle Cl through NH4Cl) in the feed. gas (upset) on a very dry catalyst (the acidic function increase is temporary). • Decreased octane. • Slight increase in octane. • Large decrease in octane. • Decreased LPG production. • Decrease in liquid product and H2 • Decreased delta T in first reactor. yields. • Increased Cl production • Decreased C1 + C2 production. related to C1-C4 cut. • Increased LPG production. • Increased liquid production. • Increased recycle gas H2 • Decreased C1 production related • Large decrease of H production. 2 purity. to C1-C4 cut. • Decreased recycle gas H2 purity. • Increased liquid product yield. • Decreased recycle gas purity. • Decreased T in last reactor. 2.3.4 Catalyst contaminants Catalyst contaminants are classified in two categories. Temporary poisons (sometimes called inhibitors) and permanent poisons. Temporary poisons are those which can be removed from the catalyst without a shutdown and for which the catalyst proper activity and selectivity is restored once the contaminant disappears. The effect of temporary poisons, if the operator maintains the operating conditions prevailing before the poisoning, is a temporary decrease of performance. The most common temporary poisons of reforming catalysts are sulfur, organic nitrogen, water, oxygenated organics and halogens. Permanents poisons are those which induce a loss of activity which cannot be recovered, even with a regeneration and which is so severe that the catalyst must be replaced. For conventional fixed bed catalysts as well as for continuously regenerated catalysts, the main permanent poisons are arsenic, lead, copper, iron, nickel, chromium, sodium, potassium. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 27/ 172 In order to ensure the optimum use of the catalyst, a proper design shall include: • The removal of poisons from the feed prior to its introduction to the unit. • The necessary procedures to remove, as far as possible, the temporary poisons from the contaminated catalyst. Impurities from the feed are removed by pretreating feed in adequatly designed units. However their efficiency is never complete and generally limited depending upon the type of impurities to be removed. In addition a poor adjustment of the operating conditions of the pretreating unit results in a decreased efficiency. A smooth and successful operation of the reforming unit requires the proper adjustment and control of the operating conditions of the pretreating unit. A Temporary poisons • Sulfur Sulfur is the most common impurity found in the feed of any reforming unit. The maximum allowable concentration is 0.5 ppm wt expressed as S. Whenever possible, operation at lower sulfur content will provide additional catalyst stability and selectivity. – Mechanism: Poisoning is caused by H2S, either contained in the unit feed, or resulting from the decomposition, on the catalyst, of sulfur compounds contained in the feed. H2S reacts with platinum according to the equilibrium reaction: Pt + H2S PtS + H2 and with rhenium according to the equilibrium reaction: Re + H2S ReS + H2 and consequently it reduces the activity of the catalyst while decreasing the metallic contact area. The same type of reaction occurs with H2S towards the rhenium, and further reduces the catalyst activity. – Effect of sulfur contamination: Sulfur contamination inhibits the metal function of the catalyst. This is indicated by: • A decrease in hydrogen yield. • A decrease in recycle gas purity. • An increase in hydrocracking (LPG yield increase). • An increased coking rate. • A reduced temperature drop in the reactors, especially first one and sometimes an increase T across the second reactor. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK – 28/ 172 Prevention and causes of contamination: Sulfur removal is achieved by pretreating the naphtha feed, which results in H2S production. Poor operation of the pretreater is generally the cause of sulfur poisoning of the reforming catalyst: Either low activity of the hydrotreater catalyst. Sudden change of feed characteristics (EBP, total sulfur). Too low hydrotreater reactor temperature or hydrogen partial pressure. Or too high temperature at SOR conditions leading to possible recombination of olefins with H2S. which leads to an insufficient sulfur removal. Unsatisfactory operation of the hydrotreater stripper can also result in dissolved H2S being fed to the reforming unit. In such a case water content of the reforming feed also increases. – Detection: Analytical methods are available to detect sulfur in the unit feed. A very easy way, however, is to check sulfur content in the recycle gas using Draëger tubes. The H2S content in the recycle which corresponds to the 0.5 ppm wt in the feed, is approximately 1 ppm volume. H2S detection can also be performed on the stabilizer column off-gas (about 5 ppm volume in stabilizer column off-gas corresponding to 1 ppm volume in the recycle gas). – Remedies: When the sulfur content in the recycle gas increases, the reactor inlet temperature must be preferably reduced but in all case not increase to compensate the loss of activity. Typically for an H2S level of 5 vol. ppm in the recycle the reactor inlet temperature must be lowered to 480°C; the reformer feed must be reduced accordingly to maintain product quality (octane number). These conditions must be maintained until the cause of the upset has been found and corrected. Contemporarily chloride injection shall be increased by about 1 wt ppm. The high severity operating conditions can only be resumed when the H 2S content in the recycle gas is lower than 1 ppm vol. In no instance shall the lost activity due to sulfur poisoning be compensated with temperature. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 29/ 172 • Nitrogen Nitrogen is less frequently present in the reforming feed than sulphur. Scarcely present in straight run naphtha, nitrogen is a usual impurity of cracked naphtha and may also result from injection of amine based corrosion inhibitors. The maximum allowable concentration in the feed is 0.5 wt ppm expressed as organic nitrogen. Organic compounds containing nitrogen are responsible for inhibition but nitrogen gas itself (N2) has no detrimental effect. – Mechanism: Contamination is due to NH3 formed by decomposition of compounds containing organic nitrogen, on the catalyst. Then NH3 which is alkaline reacts with chlorine decreasing the acidic function of the catalyst and producing ammonium chloride NH 4Cl. This compound is volatile in the conditions of the reactors and is eliminated inducing a loss of chlorine. The reaction can be represented schematically as follows: NH + H O + 3 2 Cl OH Cl Al Al Al O and HCl + NH – O 3 Cl OH OH Al Al Al O NH 4 + HCl + NH 3 O Cl Effect of nitrogen contamination: Nitrogen contamination reduces the acidic function and is indicated by: A decrease in octane. A slightly increased hydrogen production. A reduced reactor temperature drop. On top of this, ammonium chloride in the recycle gas can deposit in coolers, separators, stabilizer cold trays, creating mechanical problems, as it becomes solid under 80°C It is worth remembering that 0.5 ppm wt of organic nitrogen in the feed leads to approximately 2 T/year of NH4 Cl for a 1 106 T/y unit. – Prevention and causes of contamination: Organic nitrogen removal is also achieved by naphtha pretreating of the feed. But it shall be emphasized that nitrogen removal is more difficult than sulfur efficient nitrogen removal often requires the use of a specific catalyst, also active for desulfurization, but generally operating at higher hydrogen partial pressure. Naphtha, with high nitrogen content must not be fed to a pretreater not designed for it. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 30/ 172 Cracked naphthas are generally characterized by high organic nitrogen content, consequently cracked naphthas shall never be introduced to a pretreater designed to process straight-run feeds without getting technical advice from the licensor and/or the catalyst manufacturer. In the pretreating unit, decomposition of nitrogen compounds gives NH3. However the amount is generally limited and easy to remove by stripping. The corrosion inhibitor (amine based), usually injected in the pretreatment stripper shall be selected to be decomposed at the condition of the stripper overhead line to avoid contamination of the stripper bottom product (Reforming feed). In fact, the presence of nitrogen compounds in the feed is typically due to a low activity of the pretreatment catalyst towards denitrification. – Detection: There is no available method for ammonia detection in the recycle gas. Thus laboratory analyses need to be performed on the feed to detect nitrogen compounds. – Remedies: When nitrogen contamination is detected operators must: Increase the chlorination agent injection. Not try to make up for the drop in octane number of the reformate by an increase of the reactor inlet temperature. This will only increase the loss of chlorine Take the necessary actions to lower the nitrogen content down to the acceptable figure of 0.5 ppm wt. • Water and oxygenated organic compounds: Oxygenated organic compounds (methanol, MTBE, TAME, phenol...) are converted into water at reactor conditions. Water is not exactly a poison since some water is necessary to activate the acidic function of the catalyst. However, in usual practice, elimination of water from reforming feed is a major concern of operators, because an excess of water leads to a decrease in catalyst activity. Water is often present in naphtha feeds, moreover water is frequently injected in reforming feed hydrotreaters to remove formed salts in the cold part of the reaction section. The maximum allowable content in feed is set to achieve approximately 20 ppm volume in the recycle gas for typical conditions (P = 14 barg; T = 40°C at the separator). When feeding a reformer unit from storage, route the sweet naphtha (ex-storage) through the HDT stripper (see paragraph 4-3). REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK – 31/ 172 Mechanism: Water affects the acidic function of the catalyst and decreases the dehydrocyclization of paraffins. – Prevention and causes of contamination: Water removal is usually achieved in the stripper of the feed hydrotreater. Generally contamination by water results from a poor operation of this equipment (insufficient bottom temperature, water not drained in the reflux drum…..) – Detection: Since water contamination is a major concern for the operator, on line analyzer is provided for the recycle gas. Operating experience shows that the optimum water content in the recycle gas must be within a range of 15 to 20 ppm (vol.). The associated chlorine level will then be about 0.5 ppm vol. Above 50 ppm vol. of water, the reactor inlet temperature must be lowered to reduce the chlorine elution (leaching) from the catalyst. The following figures are generally accepted: • > 50 ppm water Temperature 480°C • > 100 ppm water Temperature 460°C Below 10 ppm of water in the recycle gas the catalyst acidic function is enhanced. Water injection must be used: 1 ppm wt in the feed results in an increment of 2 to 5 ppm vol. in the recycle. – Remedies: In case of waterupset: Adjust chlorine injection to make up for the increased chlorine loss. Decrease reactor inlet temperature as indicated above. Restore operating conditions upstream of the unit to reduce water contamination. Check amount of oxygenated compounds in the feed. If it is known that large ingress of moisture cannot be prevented, consider shutdown of the unit until the situation is remedied. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 32/ 172 • Halogens (chlorine, fluorine): The maximum allowable amount in the unit feed is 0.5 ppm wt for each of them. – Mechanism: The presence of chlorine as chloride in the feed modifies the acidic function of the catalyst and promotes the hydrocracking reaction. Once chloride is eliminated, the proper chloride balance of the catalyst can be restored. The effect of fluorine as fluoride is similar but it is more difficult to remove from the catalyst. It is very seldom to find fluoride in the reformer feed. – Effect of chlorine, fluorine contamination: Hydrocracking reactions are enhanced: Lower reformate product yield. Higher LPG and C1 yields. Slightly higher octane. Decrease of hydrogen production. – Prevention and causes of contamination: Chlorine and fluorine are sometimes present in crude as organic halides owing to the field production techniques. They are normally eliminated in the pretreatment stage. Note that if present in pretreatment feed in notable quantity (several wt ppm) they provoke a huge corrosion in the cold part of the pretreatment reaction section. B Permanent poisons Permanent poisons have been defined as contaminants which irreversibly damage the catalyst. – Mechanism: Most metals poison the metal function of the catalyst. Metal poisons tend to affect the first reactor, then to break through and affect the 2 nd reactor. The first reactor is typically the reactor where the poisoning is first detected. – Effect of metal contamination: Metal contamination is characterized by: • A dramatic decrease of the T in the first reactor associated with an increased T in the second reactor, then if poisoning follows through, decrease of second reactor T with an increased T in the third reactor, etc.. • A decrease in octane number. • An increase in reformate yield. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 33/ 172 • A decrease of hydrogen production. In addition, mechanical problems may result from the collection of corrosion products (scale, rust...) in the first layer of the first reactor… – Prevention and causes of contamination: The contaminants and the source of contamination are listed in Table 3 above. Prevention consists of adequate hydrotreating and appropriate material selection to limit corrosion. Metal poisons are generally partially retained on the upstream hydrotreating catalysts. However the retention capacity is limited and breakthrough may occur. Such a breakthrough would result in a very harmful situation for the unit since these poisons would not be eliminated by the catalyst regeneration. It is very important to check periodically the metal content of the hydrotreater feed and product. It enables to monitor the performance of the hydrotreater with regard to demetallization and also to be warned of a possible metal breakthrough of the hydrotreatment catalyst, providing the maximum metal retention of the hydrotreatment catalyst is known. When the metal loading of the hydrotreater catalyst is nearing the maximum metal retention, the hydrotreatment catalyst needs be replaced. C Coke The coke which deposits on the catalyst is a temporary poison since its detrimental effect is reversible through regeneration. Owing to its paramount importance in catalytic reformers, coke formation is treated separately. – Mechanism: Indane derivatives, polynuclear aromatics or naphthenes are the assumed precursors of coke formation. They result either from slight amounts of polynuclear aromatics in the feed (depending upon the nature of the crude and the end point of the feed) or from the aromatics producing reactions of the reforming process itself. Some diolefin intermediates of reforming reactions are also potential coke precursors. Coke deposit affects the catalyst activity by reducing the contact area between catalyst and the reactants. – Prevention and causes of contamination: Since coke formation is inherently associated with the reforming reactions, there is no real way to avoid it. One can only minimize it. Coke will be reduced by a decrease in reactor temperature (i.e. if severity is reduced) and an increase in hydrogen circulation. Low system pressure, to the contrary, favors coke formation. Another parameter to watch to minimize coke is the feed end point, in order to limit heavy polyaromatics amount. In European countries the maximum allowable feed end point must not exceed 180°C (ASTM D86) as the marketed gasoline end boiling point is REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 34/ 172 limited at 205°C. But in USA were the marketed gasoline and boiling point can reach 215°C the feed end boiling point can go up to 205°C (400°F). When the feed results from a mixture of different streams, each stream must comply with the 180°C end point. Note that in case of mixed feeds (use of imported naphtha, SR + cracked naphtha, etc…) the final boiling point of the mixture does not give sufficient information. Each feed shall be analyzed separatly as to know the final boiling point of each stream. Very often mixed feeds are responsible of short catalyst cycle duration, even though the final boiling point of the mixture stays within acceptable values. Table 3 hereunder lists the main temporary and permanent poisons as well as their acceptable level in reformer feed and their most likely source. Table 4 hereunder lists the maximum acceptable limits on the catalyst. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 35/ 172 TABLE 3 Summary of maximum allowable impurities (wt) in the feed Component Type Source 0.5 ppm max Temporary Crude Organic nitrogen (as nitrogen) 0.5 ppm max Temporary Cracked Naphtha Water or oxygenated products 5.0 ppm max Temporary Contaminants Chloride as chlorine 0.5 ppm max Temporary Crude Fluoride as fluorine 0.5 ppm max Temporary Arsenic 5 ppb max Permanent Crude S.R. or cracked Naphthas or gas condensates Lead 5 ppb max Permanent Recycled slops Mercury 1 ppb max Permanent Naphtha condensates Copper < detection limit Permanent Corrosion Iron < detection limit Permanent Corrosion Silicon < detection limit Permanent Additives (antifoaming) Nickel < detection limit Permanent Corrosion Chromium < detection limit Permanent Corrosion Sodium < detection limit Permanent Crude Calcium < detection limit Permanent Crude Potassium < detection limit Permanent Crude Manganese < detection limit Permanent Crude Magnesium < detection limit Permanent Crude Sulfur (as sulfur) Max. allowable (wt) Note that ASTM D86 distillation End Boiling point must preferably be lower than 180°C. Also diolefins shall be absent from the feed and olefins content kept at the lowest, possibly less than 0.1 wt%, as these are coke precursors. This value of 0.1 wt% corresponds to a bromine index equal to ~ 150 Operating with a feed having a content of impurities higher than the allowance will lead either to the shortening of the cycle duration or to the decrease of the catalyst life. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 36/ 172 TABLE 4 RG / PR SERIES CATALYSTS CUMULATIVE POISONS LIMIT (Beyond these limits catalyst performances start to deteriorate) S wt ppm = ~ 700 Pb wt ppm = ~ 200 As wt ppm = ~ 200 Zn wt ppm = ~ 400 Co wt ppm = ~ 400 Cr wt ppm = ~ 400 Mo wt ppm = ~ 400 Cd wt ppm = ~ 400 Cu wt ppm = ~ 400 Fe wt ppm = ~ 5000 Si wt ppm = ~ 400 Na wt ppm = ~ 500 Ca wt ppm = ~ 100 K wt ppm = ~ 500 P wt ppm = ~ 300 Mg wt ppm = ~ 100 To be noticed that all poisons will be catched by catalyst of first reactor. Every time that first reactor catalyst sample is available, it is recommended to check it for contaminants and poisons. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 37/ 172 2.3.5 Catalyst distribution in reactors Thermodynamics and kinetics have shown that there is an optimum operating temperature range, approximately 450°C-520°C in order to simultaneously favor the rate of the desirable reactions and limit the undesirable ones to an acceptable level. For each specific case, the most appropriate operating temperature is selected taking into account the feed quality (PNA, distillation range ...) and product requirement (octane). Owing to the great endothermicity of the most important and desirable reactions (naphthenes dehydrogenation and paraffins dehydrocyclization) this optimum temperature cannot be sustained through out the whole catalyst volume. In addition, dehydrogenation is also, by far, the fastest reaction, which means that the temperature drops very sharply over the first part of the catalyst. In order to restore the catalyst activity, when temperature has dropped to a certain level which depends upon the reactions involved, the reactor feed is reheated. To achieve this, the catalyst is distributed in several reactors (3 or 4) and intermediate heaters are provided. Figures 2-4 and 2-5, illustrate this aspect, Figure 2-4 shows for a given feed (Paraffins: 45% LV, Naphthenes 45% LV, Aromatics 10% LV) the profile of the amount of P.N.A along the catalyst volume. In this case there is no need for more than 10% of the catalyst in the first reactor because the naphthenes dehydrogenation results in a temperature too low to sustain the reaction any longer. The reactor effluent is reheated to allow for the naphthenes dehydrogenation to continue and the paraffin dehydrocyclization to start. Over the next 15% of catalyst, distributed in the 2nd reactor, temperature drops again to a level where reheating is required to enable the paraffin dehydrocyclization to proceed. The catalyst typical distribution in this case is: • R1 = 10% • R2 = 15% • R3 = 25% • R4 = 50% In the case of 3 reactors typical distribution is: • R1 = 15% • R2 = 25% • R3 = 60% Each specific case, obviously, requires a specific catalyst distribution. In a somewhat simplified but practical way, for operational guidance, the main reactions take place in the various reactors can be represented in the following order: • 1st reactor: - Dehydrogenation - Isomerization REV. 4 • 2nd reactor: – Dehydrogenation – Isomerization – Cracking – Dehydrocyclization Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. • 3rd and 4th reactor: – Cracking – Dehydrocyclization Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 38/ 172 CATALYST DISTRIBUTION IN THE REACTORS FIGURES 2-4 & 2-5 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 2.4 39/ 172 Process variables 2.4.1 Independent variables The process variables are: • Pressure. • Temperature. • Space velocity. • Hydrogen partial pressure or H2/HC recycle ratio. • Quality of the feed. The above are independent variables: each of them can be fixed by the operator within the operating range of the equipment - independently from the others. For one set of independent variables, for same feed characteristics, there is only one performance of the unit i.e. one set of values for: • Product yields. • Product quality (octane). • Catalyst stability (coke make). In this chapter we examine the effect on the unit performance of each independent variable taken separately. 2.4.2 Pressure Hydrogen partial pressure is the basic variable because of its inherent effect on reaction rates. But for the ease of understanding total reactor pressure can be used. Reactor pressure is most accurately defined as the average catalyst pressure. Due to catalyst distribution in the reactors, it is usually close to the last reactor inlet pressure. All the hydrogen producing reactions i.e. dehydrogenation, dehydrocyclization are enhanced by low pressure. The lower the pressure the higher the yields of both reformate and hydrogen for a given octane number. This is the reason for minimizing unit pressure drop and operating at the lowest practical pressure. Low pressure however increases the coke make. Operator action on pressure is limited: • Operating pressure rise is limited by equipment design pressure. • Operating pressure lowering is limited by recycle compressor design power and intake volume. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 40/ 172 2.4.3 Temperature Catalyst activity is directly related to reactor temperature. Thus the most direct operating variable available for the operator, to control product quality and yields, is the reactor inlet temperature. In a conventional semi-regenerative unit when all independent variables are steady, the loss of activity of the catalyst caused by the coke deposit results in a decrease of the product octane as well as the reformate yield and recycle gas purity. A slight modification in reactor inlet temperature is used to compensate and maintain product octane number, or: • To process a different feed quantity. • To process a different feed quality. • To balance catalyst ageing, this occurs slowly over several years. An increase of the reactor inlet temperature results in: • An increased conversion of the non aromatic compounds of the feed mainly the paraffins. But since the hydrocracking reaction is more favored than the cyclization of paraffins, the end result is: – An increased octane but a decrease in reformate yield. – An increase of the coke deposit. 2.4.4 Space velocity The space velocity is the amount of liquid feed, expressed in weight (or in volume) which is processed in one hour, divided by the amount of catalyst, expressed in weight (or in volume). Weight (volume) of feed and catalyst must be expressed with the same unit. Weight Hourly Space Velocity: Liquid Hourly Space Velocity: WHSV = LHSV = Weight of feed (per hour) Weight of catalyst Volume of feed at 15 C (per hour) Volume of catalyst The inverse of the liquid hourly space velocity i.e. (LHSV)-1 is linked with the residence time of the feed in the reactor. The space velocity then affects directly the kinetics of the reforming reactions. A decrease in the space velocity means an increased residence time, hence a higher severity which results in increased octane, lower reformate yield, higher coke deposit. When changing feed rate, an important recommendation derives from the above: • Always decrease reactor inlet temperature first and decrease feed flow rate afterwards. • Always increase feed flow rate first and increase temperature afterwards. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 41/ 172 2.4.5 Hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio and hydrogen partial pressure The H2/HC ratio is the ratio of pure hydrogen in the recycle gas (mole/hour) to the feed flow rate (mole/hour), at first reactor inlet. H2 HC = Pure hydrogen (mole / hour) in recycle Naphtha flow rate (mole / hour) Hydrogen partial pressure is linked to the H2/HC ratio and total system pressure. Since there is, in practice, little flexibility in the total pressure, hydrogen partial pressure is mainly adjusted through recycle flow. Recycle hydrogen is necessary in the reformer operation for purposes of catalyst stability. It has the effect of sweeping the reaction products and condensable materials from the catalyst and supplying the catalyst with readily available hydrogen. An increase in H2/HC ratio will move the naphtha through the reactors at a faster rate and supply a greater heat sink for the endothermic heat of reaction. The end result is an increased stability. A lower H2/HC ratio decreases the hydrogen artial pressure and increases coke formation. Within the typical operating range, the H2/HC ratio has little influence on product quality or yields. It is not a variable that the operator typically adjusts, it is set by design based on an economic balance between equipment sizing i.e. recycle compressors, fired heaters and the cycle duration. Moreover, for a given unit, the amount of recycle is limited by the recycle compressor characteristics (power, suction flow). 2.4.6 Feed quality A Distillation range Light fractions have a poor naphthenic and aromatic content and consequently a high C 6 paraffinic content. Cyclization of C6 paraffins to aromatics is more difficult than cyclization of C7 or C8 paraffins, as discussed in paragraph 2.2.2 C. Hence, for a required octane number, the lighter the feed the higher the required severity or, conversely, at constant severity, low initial boiling point results in lower aromatic and hydrogen yields. The restriction of benzene content in gasoline has resulted in selecting feed with IBP above 100°C (210°F) to limit benzene precursors. Heavy fractions have a high naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons content, thus they need a lower severity to obtain good yields. But these fractions contain also polycyclic compounds which produce a high coke deposit on the catalyst. High final boiling point of the feed is favourable up to a certain level, however detrimental if above specified limits. An end boiling point above 180°C (350°F) is generally not recommended (see also paragraph 2.3.4.C). REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK B 42/ 172 Chemical composition The detailed chemical composition of the feed is determined by gas chromatography analysis. This analysis is necessary to predict the aromatics and hydrogen production as well as the severity of the operation. Even if not sufficient for a complete prediction, an index of characterization of the feedstocks related to the actual and potential aromatics content of the feed proves very useful. N + 2A has long been used (N and A volume % of naphthenes and aromatics in the feed). AXENS now uses 0.85 N + A which is found to be more representative. The higher this index, the lower the severity of operation to meet the same product specifications. The lower this index (i.e. the higher the paraffins content), the higher the severity of operation to meet the same product specifications as the dehydrocyclization of paraffins becomes important. Note that cracked naphthas have a ratio naphthenes C6 nucleus / naphthenes C5 nucleus much lower than SR naphthas. Ratio NNC6 / NNC5 Number of carbon SR naphtha Coker Naphtha Hydrocracking Naphtha FCC naphtha 6 1.4 to 1.5 0.4 to 0.5 0.1 – 0.4 ~ 0.1 7 1.6 to 1.7 0.2 to 0.3 ~ 0.5 ~ 0.3 8 ~ 2.0 ~ 0.6 ~ 1.5 ~ 0.5 Remember that aromatisation of NNC5 requires first an isomerisation in NNC6. If this process is rather good for C7+ naphthenes it is only ~60% for the methylcyclopentane while the cyclohexane is completly converted in benzene. C Impurities in the feed The catalyst activity can be reduced, either temporarily or permanently by poisons contained in the feed. Refer to paragraph 2.3.4. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK D 43/ 172 Summary Table 5 summarizes the theoretical effect on the unit performance of each independent process variable taken separately. TABLE 5 Effect of process variables Increased RONC Reformate yield H2 yield Coke deposit Pressure Temperature Space velocity H2/HC ratio A + 0.85 N Naphtha End boiling point Quality Initial boiling point Note: OFF-SPEC. Reformate must not be rerun to the reformer as: a) It does not generate hydrogen and consequently the recycle gas hydrogen purity decreases ( pp H2, H2/HC ratio). b) Aromatics desorption from catalyst takes more time than paraffins and naphtenes desorption, thus less « room » left for the useful reactions. Both effects lead to an increased catalyst coking. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 3 REV. 4 44/ 172 START-UP PROCEDURE FOR FRESH CATALYST Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 3.1 45/ 172 Preparation of the unit - General considerations – Unit Dry-out The following recommendations are of general type; hence do not apply to all circumstances which can appear in an industrial process unit. Suitable modifications may be necessary to accommodate each specific case. Reaction section is isolated by blinds from the rest of the unit. The present document gives some general and simple rules to be followed before the start-up of a fresh catalyst or of a regenerated catalyst in an existing reformer. • Should a spent catalyst have to be replaced, a combustion phase must be carried out before dumping. This operation leads to a complete burning of coke deposits. It also carries away all residuals, fines, oxides, sulfides, chlorides and other deposits from all equipment to the reactors and to the separator drum. Their elimination becomes easier before loading the new catalyst. This procedure is mandatory and carried out by following only the combustion steps with burn proof, without chlorine injection but maintaining the soda water circulation. Oxychlorination and calcination do not need to be performed. Particular attention should be taken regarding feed/effluent exchanger that could contain some hydrocarbon and could not be exposed directly to high concentration of oxygen. • If a catalyst, fresh or regenerated, is to be loaded in a unit after water washing, cleaning or pressure tests under water of equipements, the drying of this unit must be done carefully before loading new catalyst. The operation is carried-out in a close loop: heat exchanger, furnaces and reactors empty, coolers, separator drum and recycle compressor. Should the catalyst be already loaded in dry and clean reactors, those reactors must by-passed by installing suitable lines inbetween the furnaces to realize the close loop. • In case of partial catalyst replacement, proceed as per normal regeneration procedure paragraph 6.3.3 . In case the unit is equipped with one dryer, this dryer needs to be regenerated and kept under nitrogen to make it ready for the oil in. It will be by passed during regeneration & reduction. Typical unit drying procedure: This step is mandatory prior loading new catalyst if water leak test have been performed on equipments in the reaction section circuit (feed effluent exchanger). Otherwise a complete oxychloration should be performed as per paragraph XYZ. The elimination of water is achieved in circulating dry nitrogen under a 5 to 9 barg pressure using the recycle compressor. The furnaces are fired and the outlet temperature is increased up to 500°C. During such operation, water collected from the reaction section is removed, after condensation in the trim cooler, at separator bottom REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 46/ 172 and at all cold low points drains (see Figure 3-1). The quantity of water collected is recorded precisely. If presence of hydrocarbon in the circuit is suspected, little air could be added in the system at 400°C to detect less than 1 vol% of O2 in the recycle gas. Then check that no burning is taking place in equipments (feed/effluent exchanger, heater….). Absence of CO2 is a good indicator that unit is well hydrocarbon free. The unit is considered as “dry” when the water drained becomes lower than an equivalent of 0.1 wt % of the total catalyst weight per hour. The unit is considered as hydrocarbon free when CO2 is not produced in presence of 1 vol% of O2 at 400 – 500°C. The furnace outlet temperature is then reduced at a rate of 50°C per hour till the complete cooling of the catalytic section. This can be achieved by switching off the furnaces at 200°C at reactors inlet, while maintaining the recycle compressor in service. The atmosphere inside the reactors must be made suitable for man entry by switching from nitrogen to air until authorization of refinery safety department is obtained to enter the reactors. 3.2 Catalyst loading This operation is carried out taking precautions highlighted hereafter: • The catalyst is an expensive product and should be handled carefully, avoiding any hazardous loss. • The catalyst being very hygroscopic must be handled in such a way that the minimum adsorption of water can be assured in spite of a final drying of the catalyst which is done before introduction of the feed. Before loading, it is recommended to check that all reactors are dry, clean and that all internals are in the proper place and installed as recommended in the various drawings and process data sheets. The drums containing catalyst must be handled with care in order to minimize particle attrition. Covers must be installed at the top of each reactor on temporary structures to protect against rain. Loading of catalyst shall not be done during a period of rain or of great level of humidity. See Annexe11 3.3 Catalyst drying This procedure, which must be applied before the catalyst reduction, ensures a good elimination of water that has been reabsorbed by the catalyst during handling and loading. It is carried out in the presence of chlorine and of oxygen. The catalyst drying REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 47/ 172 does not replace the phase of oxychlorination which is part of the catalyst regeneration procedure described in this document. It is only applicable to a brand new catalyst. Note that catalyst dryring procedure is applicable only if no works followed by hydraulic test took place in the reaction section (for instance repair or replacement of heater tubes, etc…). In such a case, before catalyst loading, the reaction section shall be dryedout as per typical unit drying procedure. After catalyst loading, the reaction circuit is established and placed under a 5 to 9 barg pressure of nitrogen. After start-up of the recycle compressor, the oxygen concentration in nitrogen is adjusted and maintained around 3 to 5 volume % during the whole drying step. If presence of hydrocarbon in the circuit is suspected proceed to a first step with less than 1 vol% of O2 in the recycle gas and check no burning is taking place in equipments (feed/effluent exchanger, heater….). Absence of CO2 is a good indicator that unit is well hydrocarbon free. This oxygen concentration is followed regularly by laboratory analysis or by means of an on-line analyzer. Injection of air could become necessary to keep the oxygen concentration at the required level. Furnaces are fired and temperature of all catalytic beds is increased at a rate of 40°C per hour up to 400°C (the average temperature between reactor inlet and outlet temperatures when there are no thermocouples inside the reactors). Between 400°C and 485°C it is preferable to reduce the heating rate at 25°C per hour, to reduce the chloride leaching from the catalyst, HCl content at the oulet of the last reactor needs to be below 20 ppm vol. When the catalyst temperature reaches 350°C, an injection of a suitable pure chlorinated compound is carried out (for example tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane etc…), for about four hours, so as to introduce chlorine (as Cl) equivalent to 0.2 – 0.3 wt % of the total mass of catalyst. This injection is done at the first reactor inlet while progressing normally with the temperature rise. During the whole operation of drying, the water which has condensed and accumulated in the separator drum and at all low and cold parts of the unit is drained every hour. The quantity of water collected is recorded precisely. Separator temperature is kept as low as possible. The catalyst bed temperature is maintained at 485°C for two hours minimum, or until the total quantity of water drained at low points is lower than 0.05 wt % of the catalyst per hour. Then temperature is reduced to 200°C in catalyst beds at a rate of 50°C per hour. Typical amount of water drained is less than 1 wt % of total inventory. At this temperature level, furnaces and recycle compressor are shutdown simultaneously. If the reactors are equipped with sampling devices, catalyst must be sampled at the end of the drying step. The analyses of chlorine on the catalyst shall be used to eventually adjust the quantity of chloriding agent to be injected after oil-in. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 48/ 172 When unit is equipped with plate’s feed effluent exchanger like Packinox, it could be recommended to decrease catalyst bed temperature below 180°C, at the outlet of the last reactor, to avoid thermal stress of feed effluent exchanger when compressor will be restarted. Check with exchanger manufacturer. Axens has no objection to decrease catalyst bed temperature below 180°C. Additionally, to smooth down thermal shocks due to potential cold gas waves, it must be considered restarting the compressor at the minimum achievable driver speed and monitor last reactor outlet temperature until it stabilizes. Then the normal operating recycle gas flow can be reached in complete safety for internals. 3.4 Catalyst reduction Before hydrogen introduction check that recycle gas is containing no more than 0.5 vol% no less than 0.2 vol % of O2 and also less than 10 volppm CO and 500 volppm CO2 concentration. Repeat nitrogen purges as necessary. Electrolytic hydrogen shall be used for the reduction of the metal oxides. The quantity of hydrogen necessary to perform the reduction step is 25 to 30 times the volume of the reaction section. This quantity takes into account the maintaining of the pressure in reaction section up to the OIL-IN. As an alternative, hydrogen produced by a steam reforming + PSA unit (99.9 vol. % of H2, H2O < 20 volppm and CO < 5 volppm) can also be used. Both of them being dry and hydrocarbon free will allow to reduce the metals oxides in a proper way. In several cases, as to ease the operation of recycle gas compressor unable to operate with low molecular weight, it is possible to add dry nitrogen to the pure hydrogen to adjust the molecular weight of the recycle gas. If H2 is diluted with N2, the hydrogen purity must remain higher than 50 vol%. If none of the above mentioned hydrogen gases are available it is possible to use hydrogen rich gas from a reformer unit, mixed with nitrogen to minimize the impurity level. The H2 purity of recycle gas (mixture of N2 + Hydrogen make-up) must be higher than 50 vol% and C2+ content shall be limited to 2 vol% maximum. In that case, due to the presence of hydrocarbons, catalyst coking will take place during the reduction stage and lead to shorter cycle duration. In addition catalyst activity and stability will also be affected as well as product yields. Check for recycle gas composition for H2, N2 and HC. If pure hydrogen was used for reduction, presence of HC will be a sign of potential catalyst contamination under its oxide form. Reactor inlet is increased up to 400°C at a rate of 40°C/h, then at 25°C/h up to 510°C. The objective is to minimize chloride stripping during this step. Practically HCl content at the oulet of the last reactor must stay below 20 ppm vol if not reduce heating rate at 15°C/h The final reduction step starts when the average temperature between reactor inlet and outlet is 500°C. As a reminder, Pt reduction may start with temperature as low as 200°C and above, then it is important to keep the recycle gas compressor running any time to evacuate the water produced by metals reduction. In case of recycle gas compressor shutdown during this period, pressurization/depressurization cycles shall be performed REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 49/ 172 to maintain a dry atmosphere within the reactors, avoiding metals sintering caused by moisture presence. The 500°C step is maintained until the quantity of water drained is lower than 0.05% of the catalyst weight per hour (two consecutive measurements). During this whole step, water formed by reduction is drained every hour from the separator drum and at the various low and cold parts. The quantity of water collected is recorded precisely. Separator temperature is kept as low as possible. Hydrogen make-up may be necessary to maintain the pressure inside the reaction section. Under no circumstances should a neutralizing solution be used to protect cold parts of the loop as this will lead to water saturated conditions and chloride removal which will adversely affect metals dispersion. If for any reason a started reduction has to be stopped for more than 24 hours another oxidation step shall be performed. Indeed during the shutdown the catalyst will cool down and adsorb water and if re-started in these conditions the reduction will be done under too wet atmosphere this will lead to metals agglomeration and consequently is going lead to shorten cycle length. Note 1: 3.5 Oxygen removal before catalyst reduction. It is strongly recommended not to use the ejector installed on top of the reaction section separator to pull vacuum in the section as: In case of leak in the section, oxygen will be introduced. In case of lack of blinds, hydrocarbons can be introduced. In the particular case of cold wall reactor (internal insulation), contaminants (sulfur, heavy hydrocarbons) will enter the section. In this last case it is strictly prohibited to use the ejector. Catalyst sulfiding Sulfiding is performed to reduce temporarily the extra activity of the catalyst, especially the hydrogenolysis function of the freshly reduced metallic phase which could lead to cracking reactions with production of methane. This procedure (See figure 3-4) is based on a reversible formation of sulfides. This operation also allows the sulfiding of iron metal which could lay down in the reactor during the catalyst regeneration. The sulfiding step is carried out after reduction, when the catalyst beds temperature has been reduced from 500°C down to 400°C at a rate of 50°C per hour. The sulfiding step lasts for at least 3 hours at 400°C. The recommended sulfiding agent is dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) which is an odorous liquid with a low vapor pressure. The sulfur injection is carried out reactor by reactor starting with reactor n°2, then reactor n°3 (then reactor n°4 if any) and finally with reactor n°1. This allows either to let REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 50/ 172 more time for the sulfur to disperse in the last reactor and to oil-in the unit immediately after reactor n°1 sulfiding. For a fresh catalyst the quantity of DMDS to be introduced corresponds to 0.15 wt % sulfur on catalyst (i.e. 150 kg of sulfur for 100 tons of catalyst equivalent to about 225 kg of DMDS). For regenerated catalyst this quantity could be reduced to 0.04 – 0.08 wt % sulfur on catalyst. Before injection make sure that the sulfiding agent injection lines have been purged and filled with sulfiding agent. Every 5 minutes, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at reactors outlet must be determined using the usual method of Dräger tubes or equivalent. Such analyses are used to make sure that each catalyst bed is well sulfided (~ 2 to 5 ppm vol.) and that the excess of H2S is transfered from one reactor to the following one. If on two consecutive measurements H2S breakthrough is noticed the injection is stopped. If, in the course of the sulfiding step, an injection pipe happens to be plugged and it becomes impossible to sulfide one given reactor, then the required quantity of DMDS for this given reactor will be introduced at the inlet of the upstream reactor. For the first reactor, another injection point should be found to introduce the required quantity of sulphur. During this step, remaining water is drained from the separator drum and at the various low and cold parts. Due to presence of iron in first reactor you may need to inject more DMDS in this reactor. For checking with Drager tube, make sure that the samples points at reactor outlets are short and do not include sections of copper or carbon steel piping. Only sealed drums of sulfiding agents, not already open, can be used for sulfiding. Note: – 3.6 DMDS is the selected sulfiding agent. – DMDS “evolution”, less odorous, can also be used. – Mercaptans can also be used but their handling is difficult. – TBPS could be acceptable. – H2S, too dangerous to handle shall be avoided. – CS2, too dangerous and responsible for catalyst coking is banned. – Polysulfides other than TBPS, responsible for catalyst coking, are banned. Oil-in Feed should be introduced to the unit within one hour of completing sulfiding. The catalyst bed temperature being stabilized at 400°C, the reaction section pressure is increased to a minimum of 8 barg at the separator drum by injection of start-up REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 51/ 172 hydrogen. Swing open the blind on feed. The feed is introduced to the reactors at 60% of the design rate in about 10 minutes. The furnaces are controlled to maintain 400°C at the inlet each catalytic bed (around 405°C at furnace outlet). If exothermal phenomenon is not observed (temperature increase higher than 5°C), the inlet reactor temperature can be increased by 10°C during the first hour, then pushed to 460°C at a rate of 25°C per hour. During this period, a continuous injection of chlorinated agent is carried out. The quantity to be introduced amounts to 10 wt. ppm calculated as Cl concentration in the feed rate to the unit. If it is suspected (or checked when catalyst samplers are installed) that the chlorine content of the catalyst is lower than 0.8 wt % the Cl concentration in feed can be increased-up to 20 wt ppm. The chlorinated agent can be used as pure component, or diluted in naphtha feed. The production of gas brings an automatic increase of pressure which is adjusted at its operating value. As soon as the pressure builds up start the H 2 rich gas compressor (if any). The excess of gas is fed to the feed pretreater. The temperature increase profile in function of the water content of the recycle gas is described in the following paragraph 3.7. If the feed pretreater cannot be in operation before the reformer start-up, it is necessary to use dry and low sulfur content naphtha for this phase of start-up. Route the feed from storage to the HDT stripper as to eliminate the water before entering the reformer unit. As feed could pass through unusual circuit during this step, check the feed quality and color before feed-in. 3.7 Startup phase After feed injection, a phase of water removal develops for a period of 3 to 5 days during which special precautions must be taken for temperature increase profile in function of water and hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the recycle gas (See paragraph 3.7.5 and figure 3-4). For an efficient drying, the operator has advantage to bring the feed rate to its maximum value in order to reduce the dehydration time, the risk of water pocket in the piping and, in consequence, to minimize the period necessary to reach the desired octane level (for information, it is recommended to decrease as fast as possible the water content in the reformer feed below 5 wt. ppm). During this step, purge all drain low point where water could be accumulated. Please also note that a high feed rate brings a good repartition of flow through the catalytic beds and an improved distribution of chlorine on the catalyst. Hence, the exothermal reactions are minimized. If the unit is equipped with a recycle gas dryer it shall be put on stream when the reactor inlet temperatures are 450°C. Note that the dryer shall be regenerated before the previous shutdown of the unit. When gas moisture at dryer outlet will equals inlet one or when dryer inlet moisture falls under 30 vol. ppm whichever comes first, the dryer shall be by-passed. Further regeneration of the dryer shall only take place when the moisture REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 52/ 172 of the recycle gas is lower than 500 vol. ppm. When dryer is in service, reduce chloride injection at 1 wtppm. 3.7.1 First temperature level: 460°C This temperature level is maintained as long as the water content in the recycle gas is over 200 vol. ppm and the hydrogen sulfide content higher than 10 vol. ppm. The injection of chlorinated agent is maintained at a rate of 10 wt ppm chloride to feed during this phase. If the unit is equipped with catalyst samplers, thus the chloride level of the catalyst known, it is possible in case of low chloride content to increase the chlorinated agent injection as to have up to 20 wt ppm chloride to feed. 3.7.2 Second temperature level: 470°C The reactor inlet temperature is increased to 470°C and maintained at this level as long as the water content in the recycle gas is above 100 vol. ppm and the hydrogen sulfide concentration is higher than 5 vol. ppm. The injection of chlorinated agent is decreased to 5 wt. ppm during this phase. However, the rate of chloride injection and the place of introduction might be modified in function of the chloride concentrations determined by analysis on the catalyst samples which are collected from the reactor bottoms using the sampling systems (if this device is installed). 3.7.3 Third temperature level: 480°C The temperature is finally increased at inlet of each reactor to 480°C and maintained at this level while keeping the water content in the recycle gas between 100 and 50 vol. ppm and the hydrogen sulfide concentration between 5 and 2 vol. ppm. The chloride injection is reduced to 3 wt. ppm in the naphtha feed. 3.7.4 High severity operation: 480°C The reactor inlet temperature is then progressively increased to the required value to reach the reformate octane number as soon as the recycle gas water content is below 50 vol. ppm and the hydrogen sulfide concentration is lower than 2 vol. ppm. It is recommended to wait 30 vol. ppm moisture in the recycle gas before increasing the reactor inlet temperatures above 500°C. The chloride injection rate as a function of the recycle gas water content is defined in more detail under the "normal operation" chapter. When catalyst sampling devices are installed the catalyst of first and last reactor is analyzed for chloride content. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 53/ 172 3.7.5 WAIT increase summary RIT°C 460 max 470 max 480 max > 480 > 500 H2O in R/G ppm > 200 < 200 < 100 < 50 < 30 H2S in R/G ppm > 10 < 10 <5 <2 <1 Chloride injection rate wt ppm 10 – 5 5 3 2 0.2 - 1 Note: During this period, an increase of RiT’s implies a temporary rise of moisture in the recycle gas, as at the new WAIT conditions more water is removed from the catalyst. Consequently maintain anyway the new WAIT even though the moisture in the recycle gas exceeds the allowance. If after an increase of RiT’s, you observe a drop of recycle gas purity, we recommend to increase the feed rate in order to have higher space velocity and reduce cracking. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 54/ 172 REACTION SECTION DRY OUT DIAGRAM FIGURE 3-1 500°C 20°C / h Water drain < 10 L/h 400°C 50°C / h 20°C / h 200°C 40°C / h Water drain < 10 L/h Water drain < 10 L/h Stop heaters at # 200°C Stop RG Compressor Ready for Catalyst loading Duration for reaction section dry out about 48 hours REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 55/ 172 CATALYST DRY OUT DIAGRAM FIGURE 3-2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 56/ 172 CATALYST HEATING REDUCTION AND SULFIDING FIGURE 3-3 REDUCTION: Removal of O2/CO/CO2 Electrolytic hydrogen recommended C2+ max 2%vol Oil-in 500°C 50°C / h 40°C / h Mini 4 hours 400°C REDUCTION – 500°C Duration 4 hours mini And H2O less than 0.05% wt of catalyst per hour SULFIDING – 400°C Duration 3 hours 0.15 wt%sulfur Breakthrough 20 ppm Reactors order 2-3-1 Reaction section under H2 RG Compressor in service Start heaters TOTAL DURATION ~20 hours REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 57/ 172 TYPICAL REFORMING START-UP FIGURE 3-4 Increase feed by 10% stroke Increase temp. by 2°C stroke 480°C 470°C 460°C Oil-in 10°C / h 10°C / h H2O < 50 ppm Cl in feed = 2 ppm H2S < 2 ppm 25°C / h H2O < 100 ppm Cl in feed = 3 ppm H2S < 5 ppm 60% of design feed in 10 min Cl in feed = 10 ppm wt 400°C H2O < 200 ppm Cl in feed = 5 ppm H2S < 10 ppm 10°C / h ESTIMATED DURATION ~ 5 / 6 days REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4 REV. 4 58/ 172 NORMAL OPERATION Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4.1 59/ 172 Change of feed rate The modification of the feed rate, while maintaining a constant reformate octane level, requires an adjustment of the reactor inlet temperature. According to experience, it appears more simple to monitor the temperature at each reactor inlet at the same value ("horizontal" profile). "Ascending" or "Descending" profiles can be used (to handle very high naphtenic feed, heater skin temperature problem, etc...). 4.1.1 Increase of feed rate The increase of feed rate must be followed by an increase of reactor inlet temperature using the indications given in the figure attached in appendices to chapter 4.5. The simplified following rules can apply: • increase of feed rate by 10% Increase of temperature by 2°C. • increase of feed rate by 20% Increase of temperature by 3.5°C. • increase of feed rate by 50% Increase of temperature by 8°C. 4.1.2 Decrease of feed rate The reactor inlet temperature must be reduced at first. This operation is then followed by a decrease of the feed rate according to information shown on the figure given in appendices to chapter 4.5. The simplified following guidelines can apply: • decrease of feed rate by 10% Decrease of temperature by 2°C. • decrease of feed rate by 20% Decrease of temperature by 4°C. • decrease of feed rate by 50% Decrease of temperature by 13°C. The changes in feed rate and temperatures are accomplished in such a way that cracking reactions and coke deposit on the catalyst are avoided. Following such adjustments, it is necessary to check the reformate octane number after stabilization of the operating conditions and to correct the eventual injections of water and chlorine. The recycle ratio must be recalculated and possibly adjusted by varying on the recycle compressor speed. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4.2 60/ 172 Change of reformate octane number With a constant feed rate, the modifications of the reformate octane number are obtained by changing the reactor inlet temperature. The temperature increase per one octane number point depends on several factors: operating pressure, recycle ratio, feedstock quality in terms of naphthenes and aromatics content and mostly the state of catalyst activity. Nevertheless, the operator can follow the indications given in Appendices attached to chapter 4.5 « Operating Parameters », or follow the « rules-of-thumb » listed here below: • RON (clear): 85 to 90 Temperature increase of ~ 1.8 °C per octane point. • RON (clear): 90 to 95 Temperature increase of ~ 2.4 °C per octane point. • RON (clear): 95 to 100 Temperature increase of ~ 2.8 °C per octane point. • RON (clear): 100 to 102 Temperature increase of ~ 3.5 °C per octane point. 4.3 Recycle gas water content. Water and chloride injection The adjustment of water content in the recycle gas at the separator is a determining factor for a good operation of the reforming unit. The recommended water concentration in the recycle gas must be between 15 and 25 volume ppm. This corresponds to water content in feed of about 3 - 5 wt ppm. Normally a well operated HDT stripper provides a feed containing 1 to 3 wt ppm of water. An increase of concentration can indicate: • A misoperation of the stripping column at the pretreater. • The feeding of the reformer from a storage having not been water drained. • The utilization of lines or equipments which have been either water washed or pressure tested with water. In such cases, an additional injection of chlorine must be performed (tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene or trichloroethane are preferred) at a rate indicated in the following table. If necessary, the reactor temperature shall be decreased. Conversely if the unit is fed with a feedstock properly treated, an injection of water can be carried out at a rate of 3 to 5 wt. ppm calculated on the feed rate expressed in weight. Anyway never let the moisture in the recycle gas fall under 10 vol. ppm. The water concentration is monitored by an on-line analyzer placed on the recycle gas. The most common are of the "Beckmann" type with a phosphoric acid cell Ametek or Dupont type. These analyzers, which are normally resistant when the water concentration is below 700 ppm, show partial degradation in function with time and their indications correspond to values getting lower and lower. Note that online analyzers can be cross-checked with a portable analyzer (Meeco, Mitsubishi or Shaw). REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 61/ 172 Before adjusting the water injection rate, it is recommended to check the analyzer cell as per the methods given by the manufacturer. Chloride level of the catalyst is maintained by injecting a chlorinated agent to the feed. As to have an accurate control of the injection the chlorinated agent is diluted with reformate. Table indicating the approximate chloride content of the feed in function of the water content in the recycle gas Recycle gas moisture content, volume ppm Chloride content, (Cl), weight ppm in feed 15 - 25 0.2 to 1.0 25 - 35 1.0 to 1.5 35 - 50 1.5 to 2.0 50 3.0 (Decrease reactor inlet temperature to 480°C). 100 5.0 (Decrease reactor inlet temperature to 460°C). When the recycle gas contains more than 35 ppm water, such situation must be temporary and no short term effects occur. In the range of 50 ppm, an increasing production of LPG can be noticed against a decrease of the reformate yield, as the water increase enhances temporarily the last reactor catalyst acidity. The chloride concentration on the catalyst must stay in the following range: • 0.9 wt % to 1.1 wt % If the unit is equipped with sampling device, it is recommended to collect a sample from each reactor twice a month and eventually at a higher frequency during the temporary changes of operation. The normal analyses to be carried out on such samples are: chloride, coke, sulfur and occasionally, contaminants, surfaces area, platinum dispersion. As already mentioned in paragraph 2.3.3 “Catalyst mechanism”, for a moisture in recycle gas in the normal range of 15 to 25 vol. ppm, the associated HCl should be approximately traces (i.e 0.2 to 0.5 vol. ppm). HCl content in recycle gas is measured by dedicated Dräeger tubes, scale 0 to 10 vol. ppm. Sampling point shall be drained until the temperature is equal to the one of the recycle gas at compressor discharge. Typically chloride injection in normal operating conditions shall be between 0.2 and 1.0 wt ppm related to feed. In the case of presence of nitrogen compounds in feed, chloride injection shall be increased ( 0.25 wt. ppm of chloride for 0.1 wt ppm nitrogen above 0.2 wt. ppm in feed). As a test for the proper chloride level, Axens recommends that the refiner increase reactor inlet temperatures by 5 °C. If the product octane increases by roughly 1.5 - 2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 62/ 172 RONC, the catalyst chloride level is satisfactory. If the octane increase is greater than or less than 1.5 – 2 RONC, the catalyst is possibly either over or under chlorided respectively. 4.4 Sulfur content – hydrogen sulfide concentration A properly hydrotreated feedstock must contain less than 0.5 wt ppm sulfur If the accuracy of the analytical methods is not sufficient to monitor the content of sulfur in feed, it is practical to measure the hydrogen sulfide in the recycle gas and in the stabilizer off-gas. H2S content in the recycle gas should not amount to more that 1.0 vol. ppm and should normally amount less than 0.5 vol. ppm. As already said in paragraph 2.3.4 for the low values of H2S in the recycle gas a more accurate approach can be made by checking the H2S content of the stabilizer off-gas. For instance 5 – 8 vol. ppm in stabilizer off-gas corresponds to about 1 vol. ppm in the recycle gas. 4.5 Operating parameters Paragraph 2.4 listed the process variables, i.e. the variables (pressure, temperature, space velocity, H2/HC ratio) which according to the thermodynamics and the kinetics have an impact on the reactions involved in the process. This rather theoretical approach did not outline whether the operator could actually change the particular variable. In the present chapter we will look at these variables again from a more practical standpoint as operating parameters and how the operators can actually use them to adjust the performance of the unit. 4.5.1 Pressure Theoretically, the lower the pressure, the higher the reformate yield and hydrogen purity - for a given space velocity - and feed characteristics. The pressure at the last reactor inlet is generally considered as the most representative for the purpose of this discussion. However there is little flexibility since the unit and the recycle compressor are designed for a given pressure. Lowering the operating pressure below the design pressure results in higher pressure drop and is limited by the recycle compressor design driver power. The low pressure which favors high yields, favors also coke build up. 4.5.2 Temperature Temperature, together with space velocity (see hereafter) is the most important and most used operating parameter. By simply raising or lowering reactor inlet temperatures operators can raise or lower the octane number of the product. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 63/ 172 Since all reactor inlet temperatures are not necessarily identical it is commonly accepted to consider the weight average inlet temperature (WAIT) as representative of the reactor temperatures. Anyway WAIT flat profile is recommended for fixed bed reformer operation. The WAIT is defined as follows: WAIT = wt of catalyst R1 x Ti1 + wt of catalyst R2 x Ti2 + wt of catalyst R3 x Ti3 Ti1, Ti2, Ti3... Total wt of catalyst are inlet temperatures to reactors R1, R2, R3... (wt of catalyst R.) are the weight of catalyst in reactors R1, R2, R3,... An increase of temperature (i.e. WAIT) has the following effects', assuming the space velocity (i.e. the feed rate) and feed characteristics stay unchanged: • Increases octane. • Decreases the yield (of C5+ fraction). • Decreases the H2 purity • Increases the coke deposit. At constant WAIT, the coke deposit and the ageing of the catalyst (caused by the regenerations, the possible metal deposit and the unavoidable upsets) results in a slight but steady loss of activity (i.e. of octane). An increase of temperature (WAIT) through the cycle makes up for this activity loss. Larger and temporary changes in temperature are required: • To change octane- at constant feed quality and quantity. • To change feed quantity and still maintain octane (see space velocity hereunder). • To change feed quality and still maintain octane (see feed quality). The set of curves given in the appendix allow an estimate of the increment in the WAIT which would result from increment in the selected parameter: • Space velocity (WHSV) figure 4-1 • Pressure figure 4-2 • RON clear figure 4-3 • Feed quality (A + 0.85N and MABP) figures 4-4 and 4-5 Example: One wants to increase RON from 96 to 100. Refer figure 4-3 in appendix. REV. 4 RON 96 WAIT = -4.5 RON 100 WAIT = 5.5 Result WAIT = 5.5 - (-4.5) = 10°C Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 64/ 172 CONCLUSION: WAIT must be raised by 10°C. WABT, weight average bed temperature, used for figures 4-2 and 4-3 is defined as follows: Ti1 + Ti1 ' + catalyst wt R x Ti2 + Ti2 ' + catalyst wt R x Ti3 + Ti3 ' catalyst wt R1 x 2 3 2 2 2 WABT = Total weight of catalyst Ti1, Ti2, Ti3... are inlet temperatures to reactors R1, R2, R3... Ti1’, Ti2’, Ti3’... are outlet temperatures for reactors R1, R2, R3... Catalyst wt R1, R2, R3,... are the weight of catalyst for reactors R1, R2, R3,... 4.5.3 Space velocity Space velocity has already been defined. It is the amount of liquid (expressed in weight or in volume) which is processed per hour divided by the amount of catalyst (in weight or in volume). The inverse of the space velocity is linked to the residence time (or contact time) in the reactors. Knowing the liquid flow rate (or the space velocity), plus the recycle flow and the reactors operating conditions enables to calculate the actual flow in the reactor, hence the contact time. The lower the space velocity (i.e. the higher the contact time), the higher the severity, assuming all other conditions unchanged. Lowering the space velocity has, then, the same effects as increasing the temperature i.e., it: • Increases the octane. • Decreases the product yields. • Decreases H2 purity. • Increases coke deposit. If temperature increase is limited (by heater design duty or anything else) lowering space velocity (i.e. decreasing flow rate) can give an additional boost to octane. Operators must bear in mind that each time liquid feed rate is changed a temperature correction must be applied if octane is to be maintained. When feed is increased, temperature must be raised and conversely, when feed is reduced temperature must be lowered. When changing feed rate, an important rule is: • For feed increase: meet Increase feed first, then adjust temperature increase to octane • For feed reduction: Lower temperature first, then adjust feed reduction to meet octane REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 65/ 172 Example of temperature adjustment with space velocity (see figure 4-1 in appendix). Original conditions Increased feed bbl/h 800 1000 m3/h 127.19 158.99 (API) lb/bbl (55) 265.3 no change Kg/m3 756.9 no change lb/h 212,240. 265,300. t/h 96.270 120.340 wt (lb) 117,910. no change (t) 53.480 no change WHSV 1.8 2.25 WAIT reading (°C) -2 + 2.5 WAIT change (°C) Base + 4.5 Feed vol. Sp gr Feed wt Catalyst CONCLUSION: For an increase of WHSV from 1.8 to 2.25 the WAIT must be increased by 4.5°C. 4.5.4 Hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio The H2/HC ratio is the ratio of pure H2 in the recycle (mole/h) to the feed flow rate (mole/h). The H2/HC ratio is calculated as follows: R H2 HC Where R REV. 4 = xY M F m is the recycle flow in kg/h M is the recycle gas molecular weight F is the feed rate in kg/h m is the feed molecular weight Y vol. fraction of H2 in the recycle gas Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK R H2 HC = 22.4 66/ 172 xY F m is the recycle flow in Nm3/h Where R 22.4 is the recycle gas molecular volume F is the feed rate in kg/h m is the feed molecular weight Y vol. fraction of H2 in the recycle gas The recycle gas MW (M) is obtained by chromatographic analysis, as well as the H2 vol. fraction (Y). The feed MW (m) is obtained by chromatographic analysis or by correlation from its distillation range and specific gravity. Operators can change the H2/HC ratio by lowering or increasing the recycle compressor flow. The H2/HC ratio has no obvious impact on the product quality (octane) or yield. But a high H2/HC ratio reduces the coke build up. It is strictly recommended to operate with a H2/HC ratio equal to (or higher than) the design figure. 4.5.5 Feed quality The feed has always been hydrotreated with the object of removing the sulfur, the nitrogen, the metals and in case of cracked naphthas the olefins and diolefins. It is assumed the pretreated feed meets the specifications given in 2.4.6. The feed quality, once hydrotreated, is mainly expressed by its chemical analysis and its distillation range. A Chemical analysis The chemical analysis of the feed will give for each carbon number (C6, C7 ... to C10) the breakdown into Paraffins, Naphthenes, Aromatics (or PNA). As the fastest reaction is the dehydrogenation of naphthenes into aromatics, the quality index of a specific feed can be characterized by its initial concentration in naphthenes and aromatics. An index (A + 0.85N) where N and A are the volume percent of naphthenes and aromatics in the feed, is used by AXENS to characterize the process feed. A feed with a high (A + 0.85N) will be easier to process than one with a lower (A + 0.85N) i.e.: REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 67/ 172 • The same octane will be obtained at a lower severity (temperature) and the product yield will be higher. • Or for the same severity (temperature), the octane will be higher. Typically, with a feed having a higher reforming index, the naphthenic hydrocarbon content is generally higher, the endothermic reaction heat is increased and the feed flow rate will be limited by the heater design duty. In the opposite case, with a paraffinic feed the hydrogen purity of the recycle gas decreases and operation will be limited by the recycle compressor capacity. Figure 4-7 in appendix gives an estimate of the relationship between PNA and severity. As with the other figures it is used to determine increments related to an existing base case (see example), versus a new case. B Distillation range One feed property that the Refiners can control is the distillation range. The naphtha end point is controlled in the upstream unit distillation (crude unit fractionator for straight run naphtha). The initial boiling point is controlled at the naphtha hydrotreater splitter. The feed distillation range in European countries where the end boiling point of the marketed gasoline shall be lower than 205°C is generally as follows: (°C) (°F) IBP (Initial Boiling Point) 70-100 158-212 EBP (End Boiling Point) 140-180 284-356 Lower IBP enables to include in the feed, components such as methylcyclopentane (BP 72°C) and cyclohexane (BP 80.7°C) which are benzene precursors. In some cases however the benzene content in the gasoline is to be strictly limited. In these cases the IBP must be raised to 82°C (180°F) or above. A feed with a low IBP generally contains more C6 and lighter paraffins and requires a higher severity, to obtain the same octane number than a feed with a higher IBP. One must also consider the distillation end boiling point (EBP). High EBP means heavier fractions which are richer in aromatics and naphthenes and thus are easier to process. However the high boiling point fractions are potential sources of polynuclear aromatics which are coke precursors. In addition high EBP of the feed leads to obtain a reformate EBP higher than 200°C (problem with gasoline pool). EBP higher than 180°C (356°F) are generally not recommended in European countries. Figure 4-8 in Appendix gives an estimate of the change in severity associated with a change in the distillation range. The distillation range is expressed by the mean average boiling point (MABP) defined as follows: REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK MABP = 68/ 172 T 10% + 2 x T 50% + T 90% 4 Example of temperature adjustment for A + 0.85 N and RON changes (See figures 4-4 and 4-3 in appendix) Base case Alternate (A + 0.85 N) vol% 42 35 RON 97 96 WAIT Figure 4-4 -4.8 + 0.7 WAIT Figure 4-3 - 2.3 -4.5 WAIT from Figure 4-4 (A + 0.85 N) Base + 5.5 WAIT from Figure 4-3 (RON) Base - 2.2 CONCLUSION: WAIT must be increased by 3.3°C. 4.5.6 Butane content of the reformate In the case a gas chromatography is not available the butane content of the reformate can be estimated using figure 9-2. 4.5.7 Start of run WAIT calculation S.O.R. WAIT is not really an Operating parameter but an indication of the catalyst activity. Figure 4-6 gives the expected SOR WAIT versus RON C for different qualities of feedstock. (0.85 N + A) using a fresh catalyst in the following operating conditions: WHSV = 2 - reactor average pressure = 13.5 barg. It is supposed that chloride level of the catalyst is between 0.9 to 1.1 wt %, that recycle gas moisture, chloride and H2S contents are according to the recommendations. After correction for pressure, WHSV and MABP the SOR WAIT can be compared to the present WAIT. The between both WAIT’s gives an idea of the catalyst activity. Plotting on a graph the WAIT allows to follow the loss of activity of the catalyst. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 69/ 172 4.5.8 Cycle length The cycle length is defined: • Either as the number of months of operation. • or the number of cubic meters of feed treated per kilogram of catalyst or barrels per pound. It depends on: • The operation severity: – WHSV, – RONC, – H2/HC, – Operating pressure. • The nature of the feedstock: – Feed composition (0.85N+A vol. %), – End Boiling Point °C. The influence of these parameters on the cycle length is given in the following figures: Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-10 Figure 4-11 Figure 4-12 REV. 4 : : : : : : WHSV RONC H2/HC Operating pressure Feed composition (A + 0.85Nvol. %) End Boiling Point °C Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 70/ 172 Application The cycle length is equal to 10 months in the base case conditions. What will be the cycle length in the new case? Base case New case WHSV 1.5 2 RONC 94 96 H2/HC 6 5 Operating pressure 15 18 Feed composition (A + 0.85N vol. %) 30 40 End Boiling Point °C 160 170 Base case New case Figure 4-7 WHSV Figure 4-8 RONC Figure 4-9 H2/HC Figure 4-10 PRESS. Figure 4-11 A + 0.85N Figure 4-12 EBP 1.78 1.3 1.62 1.34 1.28 1.0 1.0 1.22 0.64 1.0 1.1 1.0 The cycle length for new case will be equal to: 1.30 1.34 1.0 1.22 1.0 1.0 10 x x x x x x = 8.2 months 1.78 1.62 1.28 1.0 0.64 1.1 4.5.9 Delta C5+ yield (wt %) for different feedstocks/versus RONC Figure 4-13, allows you to forecast, for different feedstocks, the change in C 5+ yield which will result from a variation of the reformate octane number. The curves were plotted for an average reactor pressure of 13.5 barg. Other operating pressures can be approximated by using similar trends as plotted in figure 4-13. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 71/ 172 APPENDICES ATTACHED TO PARAGRAPH 4.5, OPERATING PARAMETERS REV. 4 FIGURE 4-1 Wait correction for WHSV FIGURE 4-2 Wait correction for pressure FIGURE 4-3 Wait correction for RON Clear FIGURE 4-4 Wait correction for (A + 0.85N) FIGURE 4-5 Wait correction for MABP FIGURE 4-6 SOR WAIT requirement versus feed composition (A + 0.85N Vol. %) FIGURE 4-7 Relative coking rate versus WHSV FIGURE 4-8 Relative coking rate versus RON Clear FIGURE 4-9 Relative coking rate versus recycle molal ratio H2/HC FIGURE 4-10 Relative coking rate versus reactors average pressure FIGURE 4-11 Relative coking rate versus feed composition (0.85N+A vol. %) FIGURE 4-12 Relative coking rate versus feed end boiling point °C FIGURE 4-13 Delta C5+ yield (wt %) for different feedstocks / versus RON Clear Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 72/ 172 WAIT CORRECTION FOR WHSV (TYPICAL HYDROTREATED STRAIGHT RUN NAPHTHA) FIGURE 4-1 8 6 4 2 Delta Temperature (°C) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 0.5 1 1.5 2 WHSV in hour REV. 4 2.5 3 -1 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 73/ 172 WAIT CORRECTION FOR PRESSURE (TYPICAL HYDROTREATED STRAIGHT RUN NAPHTHA) FIGURE 4-2 8 6 Delta Temperature (°C) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Pressure in Kg/cm2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 74/ 172 WAIT CORRECTION FOR RON CLEAR (TYPICAL HYDROTREATED STRAIGHT RUN NAPHTHA) FIGURE 4-3 14 12 10 8 6 Delta Temperature (°C) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -18 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 Research Octane Number F1 clear REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 75/ 172 WAIT CORRECTION FOR A + 0.85N (TYPICAL HYDROTREATED STRAIGHT RUN NAPHTHA) FIGURE 4-4 10 8 6 Delta Temperature (°C) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 A + 0.85*N in vol% REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 76/ 172 WAIT CORRECTION FOR ASTM 50% (TYPICAL HYDROTREATED STRAIGHT RUN NAPHTHA) FIGURE 4-5 12 10 8 6 Delta Temperature (°C) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 ASTM Distillation 50% °C REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 77/ 172 SOR WAIT REQUIREMENT VERSUS FEED COMPOSITION (A + 0.85N VOL. %) FIGURE 4-6 525 520 25 515 35 510 45 WAIT °C 505 55 500 A+0.85N (vol%) 495 490 485 480 475 92 94 96 98 100 102 RON For REV. 4 P WHSV MABP = = = 13.5 bar g 2 122°C H2 / HC = 5 to 6 C6P - + C5N < 5 wt. % Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 78/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS WHSV FIGURE 4-7 3.0 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 WHSV in hour-1 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 79/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS RON CLEAR FIGURE 4-8 2.2 2.0 1.8 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 RON Clear REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 80/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS H2 / HC MOLAR RATIO FIGURE 4-9 1.8 1.6 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H2/HC molar ratio REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 81/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS REACTOR AVERAGE PRESSURE FIGURE 4-10 2.0 1.8 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 2 REACTOR AVERAGE PRESSURE Kg/cm g REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 82/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS FEED COMPOSITION (A + 0.85N VOL. %) FIGURE 4-11 1.5 1.4 1.3 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 FEED COMPOSITION (A + 0.85N (vol%)) REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 83/ 172 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH VERSUS FEED END BOILING POINT FIGURE 4-12 1.3 1.2 RELATIVE CYCLE LENGTH 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 FEED END BOILING POINT °C REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 84/ 172 DELTA C5+ YIELD (WT%) FOR DIFFERENT FEEDSTOCKS / VERSUS RON CLEAR FIGURE 4-13 A+0.85N (vol%) 0 -2 -4 47 -8 + Delta C5 Yield (wt%) -6 40 -10 -12 31 -14 25 -16 92 94 96 98 100 102 RON REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 4.6 85/ 172 Troubleshooting 4.6.1 General The main causes of concern related to process for the Refiners can be one or more of the following: • Unexpected decrease of octane number. • Loss of reformate yield. • Unexpected T reduction in the first catalytic bed. • High hydrocracking rate. 4.6.2 Unexpected decrease of the octane number We are not considering here the cases where the octane number decrease is easily related to: • A change in feedstock quality (more paraffins). • A lowering of the reactor inlet temperature. • An increased feed flow rate. An unexpected decrease of the octane number may be caused by one or several of the following: • Leak in the feed/effluent exchangers. • Presence of nitrogen in the feed. • Presence of sulfur in the feed. • Presence of metals in the feed. • Low chloride content of the catalyst. • Partial by-pass of the catalyst. A Leak in the feed / effluent heat exchangers Since the feed is at higher pressure than the effluent, it may leak through the exchangers. Relatively small leaks can lower the product octane number significantly. How to detect feed / effluent exchangers leak Presence of sulfur in the reformate allows you to suspect a leak at feed/effluent exchangers (the small amount of sulfur present in feed 0.1 to 0.5 wt ppm is transformed in H2S in the reactors and is mainly found in the recycle gas). To ascertain a leak on these exchangers the following method can be followed. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 86/ 172 A-1 TEST WITH PHENOL Small quantity of phenol is injected in the reformer feed. Phenol is dissociated in the reactors (hydrocarbon and H2O) and shall not be found in the reformate if the exchangers are not leaking. Phenol in feed and separator liquid is dosed by UV detection (method IFP 9860). Procedure is as follows: 1. Decrease the liquid level in separator down to the lower acceptable level. Analyse feed before injection of phenol. 2. Inject 100 ppm phenol in reformer feed. Analyse feed 10 minutes after phenol injection. Phenol concentration should be 100 wt ppm. 3. After 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, 50 minutes, 60 minutes, take a sample at separator bottom. 4. Stop phenol injection when the last sample at separator bottom has been taken. In case of exchangers leak, phenol will be detected in separator product. As the method forecast use of 25 ml samples by safety each sample will be equal to 50 ml. In the case you cannot perform by yourselves the analysis send well sealed sample bottles to an independent laboratory or to AXENS laboratory. A-2 TEST WITH HYDROCARBON TRACERS A-2-1 Ratio cyclohexane / methyl cyclopentane in reformate. cC 6 0.1 M cC5 Above this ratio you can consider that the feed / effluent exchanger is leaking. For instance a ratio of 0.3 means ~ 5% leak feed to effluent. A-2-2 Ratio methylcyclohexane + 1Cis2 Dimethyl cyclopentane / 1 trans2 Dimethylcyclopentane in reformate. McC6 1 cis2DMcC5 1.7 1 trans2 DMcC5 Above this ratio you can consider that the feed / effluent exchanger is leaking. For instance a ratio of 2.0 means ~ 5% leak feed to effluent. Note: These ratios are valid if the components used for calculation are present in feed for more than 1% each. Also they are valid for a reformate having a RON between 94 and 102. B Presence of nitrogen in the feed The maximum allowable nitrogen content in the feed is 0.5 ppm wt expressed as NH3. The effect to the catalyst, the causes and remedies have been described in section 2.3.4. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK C 87/ 172 Presence of sulfur in the feed The maximum allowable sulfur content in the feed is 0.5 ppm wt expressed as sulfur It is worth noting that sulfur affects primarily the octane number. The effect, the causes and remedies have been covered in section 2.3.4. D Presence of metals in the feed The presence of metal induces a permanent catalyst poisoning which results in a quick and noticeable drop in the octane number. It shows mainly through a shift in the T across the reactors. This will be discussed later (4.6.4). E Low chloride content of the catalyst If the chloride content is too low, the catalyst activity is reduced and the octane is lower than expected. If catalyst sampling devices exist, it is possible to check and optimize the chloride levels. The optimum content lies between 0.9 to 1.1 wt %. Any shortfall in chloride level can be rectified by increasing the continuous injection level. It is recommended to do this correction slowly as short large doses can create large chloride gradients through the reactors, especially in dry units. It may take several weeks to re equilibrate the catalyst chloride levels following a large deviation. F Partial by-pass of the catalyst If for any reason, part of the catalyst is by-passed, the actual space velocity is higher than expected and the octane will drop. A higher temperature would be required to make-up for the octane loss. The causes of by-passing can be multiple: damaged internals, build-up of fines or scales at various places in the catalyst bed, catalyst slumping, etc... A hazardous situation may occur because of channeling, due to the risk of exothermic hydrocracking reactions taking place in the area where space velocity is very low. By-passing and channeling are generally identified by increased pressure drop or uneven and odd temperature profiles. In such a case the reactor should be dumped, screened and reloaded. 4.6.3 Loss of product yield A loss in product yield may be caused by one or several of the following: • Presence of sulfur in the feed. • Presence of metals in the feed. • Too high chloride content of the catalyst. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK A 88/ 172 Presence of sulfur in the feed The sulfur affects primarily the hydrogen rich gas production. Any increase in sulfur above 0.5 ppm wt reflects immediately in a lower H2 yield and a reduced T across the first reactor. Refer to 2.3.4. for the causes, effects and remedies. B Presence of metals in the feed This will be discussed later (paragraph 4.6.4) in the item related to decrease T in the first reactor. C Too high chloride content of the catalyst A too high chloride content (above 1.1 wt. % as Cl) promotes hydrocracking reactions which result in a lower products yield, a lower hydrogen purity, a lower hydrogen yield, but a higher octane. A too high chloride content will be detected through an increased yield of stabilizer overhead liquid and gas and lower hydrogen recycle purity. To correct it, chloride injection must be reduced, but not stopped unless severe over chloriding occurs. It may take several weeks to re balance the chloride levels on the catalyst. 4.6.4 Unexpected T reduction The temperature difference T (inlet - outlet) in the various reactors is a very good indication of the catalyst condition. Note that delta T absolute values are fluctuated according feed rate, feed quality and recycle gas flow rate. It could be interested to normalize the delta T of each reactor with the total Delta T for smoothing representation. Obvious reasons for a T decrease are: • Feedstock quality: naphthene dehydrogenation is highly endothermic. A lower naphthene content shows up immediately on the T in the first reactor. • H2/HC ratio increase (increased recycle). An increased recycle acts as a larger heat sink for the heat of the reaction. Other reasons of a T decrease are the consequence of upsets, mentioned earlier, such as: • Presence of sulfur in the feed. • Presence of nitrogen in the feed. • Too high chloride content (which favors hydrocracking - exothermic reaction). A loss of T in the first reactor generally results from a sulfur upset in the unit feed. Poor operation of the pretreatment reactor or of the stripper can then be suspected. Severity must be reduced, according to the H2S content in the recycle (for H2S > 5 ppm volume, reduce temperature to 480°C). REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 89/ 172 In case of low T in reactors 2 to 4, hydrocracking can be suspected. If such is the case, H2 purity drops and LPG production increases. Generally hydrocracking does not occur in the first reactor because the average temperature is lower. But the most worrying aspect of a decreased T, when it cannot be related to one of the above grounds is the result of a permanent poisoning with metals. Lead, arsenic and other metals mentioned in paragraph 2.3.4 are very severe catalyst poisons. The maximum allowable contents are shown in table 3 of paragraph 2.3.4. Due to the very high poisoning activity of the metals, the catalyst in the first reactor is affected first, and the T through this reactor decreases. The endothermic reactions (naphthenes dehydrogenation) move then to the 2 nd reactor which exhibits an unexpected high T. Heavy metals generally result either from the crude processed or from a poor operation of the upstream hydrotreating unit. Reprocessing of leaded gasoline (not a common occurrence to day) can also cause catalyst poisoning. Metals poisoning requires the dumping and replacement of the catalyst load. 4.6.5 High hydrocracking rate and risk of temperature runaway Hydrocracking will be suspected when H2 purity drops, the amount of LPG and stabilization off-gas increases with a simultaneous decrease of product yield. Hydrocracking can be caused by: • A fresh catalyst (too active) or an excessive acid function of the catalyst (i.e. high chloride). • A too high severity (either a too high temperature at the reactor inlet or a too low space velocity). • Poor distribution (channeling) in the reactor which results in local high severity conditions. The precautions to avoid hydrocracking are: • Not to operate at capacity below the design turn-down ratio (generally 60%). • Not to introduce feed on a fresh or regenerated catalyst before sulfiding. • Not to introduce feed for the first time on a fresh or regenerated catalyst, at temperature higher than 400°C. For a subsequent restart the temperature limit can be increased to 430°C. • When raising throughput, to raise flow first and increase temperature afterwards. • When lowering throughput, to lower temperature first and throughput afterwards. • To raise temperature always cautiously: proceed by increment of 2°C/h. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 90/ 172 • To monitor the differential pressure in the reactors. An increased differential pressure is the sign of poor distribution. If hydrocracking is suspected: • Lower the reactor inlet temperature down to 400°C. • Increase the feed rate to full capacity (to increase space velocity). • Keep (or set) the recycle gas flow to the maximum. • Consider catalyst dumping after next regeneration. Note: Excessive hydrocracking will cause the reformate to become deep yellow. This colour is due to the formation of polynuclear aromatics. 4.6.6 Stabilizer high pressure drop/bad fractionation Ammonium chloride salts deposit on the upper cold trays of the column is generally responsible for this bad behaviour. Washing requirement can be decided when column becomes unstable, with considerable fluctuations in the column top pressure and temperature as well as reflux drum and column bottom levels. Consequently either reformate RVP or LPG C5+ content are affected. The following procedure for on-line washing of the stabilizer column can be adopted. REV. 4 Line-up an empty reformate tank to receive reformate during stabilizer washing period. Note that the reformate will be badly stabilized and will contain chlorinated water. Reduce the stabilizer bottom column down to 140°C. Stop the reflux pump when reflux drum level is lower than 20%. Reduce the pressure down to 14 kg/cm2g. Connect treated water injection line to the reflux line downstream the FCV. Drain the treated water line to remove iron oxide scales and other debris until the water is clear. Close the reflux FCV block valves and by-pass valve. At 140°C at stabilizer bottom start to introduce the treated water to the column. Introduction of water shall be very gradual to avoid pressure upsets. Then increase the water flow rate up to 20 wt. % of the feed rate. Collect water sample from reformate to storage line, downstream the cooler, every half an hour and check for chlorides and conductivity. Continue the washing until the chloride level in water for two consecutive samples is lower than 100 wt ppm. Discontinue then the treated water injection and drain the reflux line for any holdup water. Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK Wait for 2 hours for the water in the stabilizer to drain and check the reformate which must be free of water before starting the bottom temperature increase. Drain the reflux drum, bottom, reflux pumps suction for any water. Slowly increase bottom temperature and pressure, gradually, establish the reflux and normalize the column conditions. Check for reformate RVP and switch the reformate to rundown tank. 91/ 172 Alternatively, the column can be water washed or steamed at the next convenient shutdown. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 5 REV. 4 92/ 172 SHUTDOWN / RE-STARTUP PROCEDURES Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 5.1 93/ 172 Normal shutdown The procedure consists of switching-off the feedstock under hydrogen rich atmosphere in order to reduce the cracking of heavy components in contact with a too hot catalyst. • Reduce reactor inlet temperature to 460°C at a rate of 25°C per hour. • Simultaneously, decrease the feed rate to 60% of its design value. • Stop chlorinated agent and/or water injection to feed. • Cut-off the feed and maintain the recycle gas circulation during 2 - 4 hours at 460°C and drain liquid hydrocarbon at separator. • Cool down the catalytic beds to 350°C at a rate of 50°C per hour, then switch-off furnaces. If the unit has to be restarted within the next following 24 hours, shutdown the compressor and leave the reaction section under pressure. If the shutdown is planned for a longer period, the recycle gas circulation must be maintained until the catalyst beds are totally cooled down. The recycle compressor is then shutdown and the reaction section depressurized. A nitrogen purge is then carried-out in the case maintenance work demands such precaution. 5.2 Re-startup The startup can then be carried out according to the following procedure: • Increase the unit pressure to 8-12 barg, using reformer hydrogen rich gas or electrolytic hydrogen. In case of hydrogen shortage the pressure can be increased to the lowest pressure which permits a start of the recycle gas compressor. A nitrogen make-up is also possible, but hydrogen concentration shall stay above 60 vol. %. • Start-up recycle gas compressor. • Light all furnaces and increase the reactor temperature to 430°C at a rate of 40°C per hour. • After temperature stabilization, inject feed at 60% of design capacity. • Adjust reactor inlet temperature at a rate of 30°C per hour up to 460°C, then 20°C per hour up to 480°C and finally by steps of 10°C per hour in order to obtain the desired reformate octane number, under the condition that moisture in the recycle gas stays under 30 vol. ppm. On the contrary refer to section 3.7. • Adjust the required feed rate. • Resume chlorinated agent and/or water injection to feed REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 5.3 94/ 172 Shutdown for regeneration The procedure starts as for a normal shutdown: • Reduce reactor inlet temperature to 460°C at a rate of 25°C per hour. • Simultaneously, decrease the feed rate to 60% of its design value. • Stop chlorinated agent and/or water injection. • Switch-off the feed. The subsequent operation consists of ensuring a maximum elimination of hydrocarbons: • Under circulation of recycle gas, maintain the temperature at reactor inlet at 460°C during 2 - 4 hours and drain all liquid hydrocarbons which have accumulated in the different cold low parts of the unit and at the separator drum bottom. Keep same conditions until there is no more purge of liquid HC. • Decrease the reactor inlet temperature to 350°C at a rate of 50°C per hour. Switch-off the furnaces and stop the recycle compressor. If unit is equipped with plate’s feed effluent exchanger like Packinox, it could be recommended to decrease catalyst beds temperature at lower temperature to avoid thermal stress when recycle gas compressor will be restarted. • Decrease the reaction section pressure and purge with nitrogen in order to eliminate hydrogen and hydrocarbons (sweeping, pressurization / depressurization, or any other method). Purge the catalyst sampling device to drain all liquid hydrocarbons they may have retained. The residual content of hydrogen and of hydrocarbons must be below 1 volume % at the end of the nitrogen purge operations (follow internal refinery safety policy). Isolate the reaction section with blinds and proceed with the regeneration operation (see chapter 6). 5.4 Emergency shutdown The general guidelines to prevent damage to the catalyst while maintaining its activity and to protect the main equipment are given here below. Concerning catalyst preservation the operator must avoid: • Catalyst bed temperatures exceeding 540°C, to keep grain temperature under 700°C as over this temperature there is a change of alumina structure. • Presence of hydrocarbons without a sufficient hydrogen partial pressure which results in a rapid coke deposit and the possible formation of « catalyst cakes » which favour channeling. • Quick depressurization of the reaction section which can damage the alumina support and induce the formation of catalyst fines. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 95/ 172 The refinery safety regulations shall apply and have a priority and precedence over any other considerations. Note that reformer emergency shutdown provokes a pretreating unit shutdown if no alternative supply of hydrogen is available. 5.4.1 Recycle compressor failure Immediately: • Switch-off all furnaces and stop the feed pump. Stop also chlorinated agent and/or water injection pump. Close and isolate the feed valve and the pressure regulation valve with the associated block valves. If necessary, open the dampers in order to avoid overheating of the tubes. • Keep the stabilizer at total reflux conditions. • If the unit pressure level is sufficient to use again the compressor, start-up this recycle compressor. When healthy increase the reaction section pressure to 8 barg by hydrogen make-up. • If the pressure level is too low, carry out an injection of hydrogen to reach the proper and minimum value necessary for the compressor operation. Start-up the compressor, then increase the reaction section pressure to 8 barg by hydrogen make-up. 5.4.2 Loss of feed Either both pumps failure or more likely upstream units upset. • Maintain the recycle gas flowrate and the pressure of the reaction section. • Stop chlorinated agent and/or water injection pump • If the shutdown is expected to be short, decrease the reactor inlet temperature to 430°C and maintain this temperature level. • Keep the stabilizer at total reflux conditions. • Feedstock will be again injected at this temperature (proceed with normal startup procedure). 5.4.3 Other pumps failure • Absorber feed pumps, if any. • Stabilizer feed pumps, if any. • Stabilizer reflux pumps or heater reboiler pumps. • Treated water make-up or circulation to boiler pumps. • etc... This situation requires to stop the feed to the unit. Refer to paragraph 5.4.2 « Loss of feed ». REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 96/ 172 5.4.4 Utilities failure: fuel gas All burners of all heaters will be shutdown. Cut-off feed immediately and proceed as per loss of feed (paragraph 5.4.2) with however the following difference: in order to insure the highest possible temperature for hydrocarbons sweeping with the recycle gas, air to reaction heaters (primary and secondary) must be closed. 5.4.5 Utilities failure: cooling water In case of total failure the unit must be shutdown: • Cut-off fire to all reactor heaters and cut-off feed. • Keep the recycle gas compressor in service as long as possible without risk for the machine, in order to cool down the heaters tubes and the catalyst. • Cut-off fire to stabilizer reboiler. 5.4.6 Utilities failure: power supply Normally recycle compressor is steam driven and will remain in operation except if the power failure affects also the cooling water system. Normally instrument power and instrument air shall neither be affected by a power failure. All other electric motors (pumps, cooler fans, etc...) are stopped. • Close feed FCV and separator LCV block valves. • Shut-off heaters firing (if not stopped by emergency shut down). • Keep the recycle gas compressor in service as long as possible (take care with the suction temperature). • Maintain pressure in reaction section and stabilizer. 5.4.7 Utilities failure: HP steam Normally the recycle gas compressor is steam driven and will shutdown. For the shut down refer to paragraph 5.4.1 « Recycle gas compressor failure ». 5.4.8 Utilities failure: instrument/power or air Both instrument air or instrument power failure will have the same effect: • All control valves will fail to their safe position. • Emergency safety valves (XV), if any, will close. • Recycle compressor will stop. • Cut-off fuel gas to all burners. • Stop all pumps. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 97/ 172 • Close feed FCV and separator LCV block valves. • Maintain pressure in reaction section and stabilizer. 5.4.9 Major leak - fire The following are only guidelines which must be reviewed and complemented by the refiner. They are considering the process view point. In case of major leak the following actions must be taken: • Cut-off fire to all heaters. Close the stack damper of all heaters and inject snuffing steam. • Shut off the feed pumps (from MCC). • Depressurize the stabilizer and adsorber section if any. • If possible keep the recycle compressor running for few more minutes to cool down the heaters coils and sweep the catalyst from hydrocarbons, then shut-it down. • Depressurize the reaction section to flare. • Decrease to a minimum the level in the vessels then stop all the pumps (from MCC). • When depressurized vessels cool down watch the pressure and inject nitrogen to avoid vacuum. In case of fire. Generally speaking, all precautions to be taken and operations to be carried-out, are the same as above and the fire fighting can take place. Note: If leak occurs in one of the heaters, the hydrocarbons will ignite immediately. In such a case let the fire develop in the heater box. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6 REV. 4 98/ 172 REGENERATION Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.1 99/ 172 General For bimetallic platinum and rhenium catalysts the coke accumulation on the first reactor is around 3 to 8 weight % at the end of a normal cycle. The end of a normal cycle is defined as a C5+ yield decline higher than 2 wt. %. The coke deposit increases in the successive reactors with a maximum in the last reactor which can vary from 14 to 22 weight % at the end of a normal cycle. Deviation of these coke deposit levels is an indication of mechanical and/or operating problem. Flow by-passing in one reactor can displace the reactions to the next one, resulting in an unusual coke deposit. Excessive seal oil leak from the recycle gas compressor will result in a too high coke deposit on the first reactor catalyst. Poisoning of the first reactor catalyst will also shift the reactions to the following ones. The following procedure applies for a normal regeneration carried out after the end of a normal cycle of operation. It can be adapted if the catalyst has suffered from a contamination by sulfur (see paragraph 6.5) and in case of poor performance of the catalyst during the cycle. As a general rule, when there is a suspicion of sulphur upset during the cycle, H2S in the recycle gas above 2 ppm vol, it is advised to double the chloride injection versus normal injection during the two last weeks of operation. This is in order to strip off sulphur from the catalyst. Then the unit is shutdown and hydrocarbons are purged as described in the procedure "Shutdown for regeneration" as per paragraph 5.3. During the whole regeneration, temperature at the separator shall be kept as low as possible to minimize recycle gas moisture. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 100/ 172 Catalyst regeneration is composed of several phases summarized as per following table: Standard Regeneration Shutdown Coke burning Cooldown Maintenance Nitrogen Purge Coke burn proof Oxychlorination - calcination Rincing - drying Cooldown Nitrogen Purge Reduction Sulfidation Oil-in REV. 4 Regeneration with sulphur removal Sulfur removal Shutdown Coke burning Cooldown Maintenance Nitrogen Purge Sulfate removal Cooldown – Nitrogen purge Coke burn proof Oxychlorination - calcination Rincing - drying Cooldown Nitrogen Purge Reduction Sulfidation Oil-in Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 101/ 172 CATALYST REGENERATION AND REACTIVATION LOGIC DIAGRAM FIRST COMBUSTION RiT’s 400°C - T max 50°C O2 0.1 0.5 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection and Caustic solution circulation at RiT’s 350°C SECOND COMBUSTION RiT’s 480°C - T max 30°C O2 0.5 1.0 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection in service Caustic solution circulation YES MAINTENANCE WORK and / or CATALYST SIEVING NO PROOF COMBUSTION RiT’s 520°C - T max 0°C O2 1.0 – 2.0 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection in service Caustic solution circulation COOLING RiT’s 520°C 50°C Stop C2 Cl4 injection (350°C) Stop caustic solution circulation(350°C) O2 3.0 vol. % OXYCHLORINATION RiT’s 520°C - T max 0°C O2 2.0 5.0 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection in service Caustic solution circulation CALCINATION RiT’s 520°C - T max 0°C O2 6.0 to 8.0 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection in service Caustic solution circulation MAINTENANCE WORKS O2 21.0 vol. % Works execution O2 1.0 vol. % RINSING / DRYING RiT’s 520°C O2 3 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection in service Stop caustic solution circulation Rinsing with semi water Stop C2 Cl4 injection Drying period HEATING RiT’s up to 520°C O2 = 1.0 vol. % C2 Cl4 injection at 350°C Caustic solution circulation (350°C) Note : Maintenance work has to be performed before or after second burning step, never after calcination. COOLING RiT’s 520°C 200°C O2 3 vol. % Stop heaters – Stop RG compressor O2 0.3 vol. % max READY FOR REDUCTION REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.2 102/ 172 Preparation of the unit The reaction section is hydrocarbon free and put under slight positive nitrogen pressure. The unit is then prepared for regeneration as follows: • Turn all necessary blinds and isolate the unit from all pipe systems containing hydrocarbons. • Install gas sampling systems at reactor outlet and at high pressure separator. The major part of the gases analyses are done with Drager Tube. These tubes, although not having a high precision, will give acceptable data, if a correct sampling system is used. It is mandatory that sample lines be as short as possible to control HCl, H2S, SO2. • Install an O2 and CO2 analyzers and connect to the different gas sampling systems. Note that higher the regeneration pressure, the shorter will be the regeneration duration and the lower the chloride consumption, if equipment allows. • Prepare all lines for air injection and check the recording / reading of air flows. In case of an external air compressor is used, it should be oil-free. Purge and flush those pipes to eliminate water and various debris • Check the pump and the pipes used for chlorinated agent injection as well as the storage tank. Check the individual lines to each reactor. The chloride injection device shall be installed as per figure 6-5. Wash with demineralized water from upstream air coolers to separator. Drain at separator bottom until total solid salts are below 2 wt%. Afterwards isolate the recycle gas compressor by blinds, then wash with demineralised water the separator, the compressor suction and discharge line. This will avoid recycle gas compressor vibration problem and subsequent spurious shutdown caused by the carry-over of salts to the compressor due to the high moisture content of the recycle gas during the coke combustion. It is also wise to wash the effluent/feed exchanger with hot water. If the unit is equipped with plates exchanger (Packinox type) proceed to a chemical cleaning according manufacturer instructions. • Certain refiners wash the recycle gas compressor with condensates additioned with sodium carbonates every regeneration after coke combustion (see with the compressor manufacturer for exact procedure). Others prefer to dismantle the compressor with same frequency. • Install at the caustic solution inlet to process an injector as shown hereunder: REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 103/ 172 • Prepare a caustic soda/demineralized water solution with a 4 wt. % concentration of NaOH in the separator drum. Check and prepare the circulation pump and its flow controller. The required flow is 25 to 35% of the design feed flowrate to the unit, in order to obtain a good washing and a sufficient neutralization of hydrochloric acid present in the effluent of combustion. The caustic solution is injected upstream the effluent air coolers. • Prepare an analytical program with control laboratory to monitor the complete elimination of sodium carbonates and to predict the soda make-up into the section when the solution does not show a sufficient neutralization effect. • Set the unit under a nitrogen pressure at 1 bar below the pressure of the regeneration air system while maintaining the normal flow direction through the reactors. The reactor average pressure is adjusted between 5 and 15 barg depending on the air supply pressure. Higher pressure will obviously reduce the combustion period. • Commission all effluent air cooler fin fans and check that cooling water is in service at trim coolers. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.3 104/ 172 Coke combustion - oxychlorination - calcination The combustion air is introduced at recycle compressor suction. develops from first reactor to last reactor. The combustion For a reactor where coke burning develops, it is necessary to control carefully the inlet temperature in order to avoid any run-away. Note that carbon and hydrogen in the chlorinated agent will be oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with corresponding heat release and oxygen consumption (see figure 6-3). • Start the compressor. • Make sure that the reactor effluent coolers are in their maximum service and that the compressor flow rate is set at its maximum value compatible with the regeneration operating conditions. • Light the furnaces and increase the inlet reactor temperature to 400°C at a rate of 50°C per hour. • At 350°C, start the anti-corrosion loop circulation and begin injecting the chlorinated agent to the 1st reactor. The injection rate should be such that the molar ratio H2O/Cl is 20/1. See the attached Table 6-1 for separator drum pressure and temperature. This injection is carried out until the end of the calcination step. Note: If there exist an air line to the last reactor equipped with a FI, parallel burning of 1st and last reactor can be undertaken. Chloride injection is done to first reactor inlet with molar ratio of 20/1. If a line is available, additional chloride injection with molar ratio of 30/1 should be put in place at last reactor inlet. Particular care will be taken at the end of upstream reactor catalyst coke burn as to avoid excessive O2 concentration at last reactor inlet by decreasing air flow-rate at last reactor inlet. Notes for caustic circulation: REV. 4 A Before establishing a caustic solution level in the separator circulate clear water in the washing circuit and drain carefully this initial inventory (see paragraph 6-2). B Make-up again clear water then inject caustic soda so as to have a concentration of 4 wt. % maximum in the solution. C During the chloride injection monitor the concentration so as to have a pH of the solution between 7.0 and 8.0 and density between 1.007 - 1.015. D Control carefully the caustic solution circulation flow (25 to 35% design feed flow rate). E Do not exceed 5 wt. % of solids in the solution. F Alkalinity to be kept at 2 to 3 wt. % of NaOH equivalent. Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 105/ 172 6.3.1 Coke combustion FIRST COMBUSTION • When all catalyst beds have reached a temperature of 400°C, introduce the regeneration air at compressor suction and follow the evolution of temperature inside the catalyst beds. If possible, all temperatures must be recorded. • The regeneration air flowrate is controlled in such a way that the temperature increase through the catalyst bed does not exceed 50°C, (outlet Rx temperature -inlet Rx temperature). The temperature of the combustion zone (flame front) shall not be higher than 500°C. This can only be checked if bed thermocouples are available. Excessive exotherm is controlled by decreasing the air flowrate in order to maintain a temperature at reactor outlet not exceeding 450°C (the injection of air can be eventually stopped in case of excessive exotherm above 60°C) • In order to monitor the temperature increase, the oxygen concentration at reactor inlet is controlled in the range of 0.5 volume % and under no circumstances must exceed 0.8 volume %. The burning generally starts with an oxygen concentration of 0.1 vol% in the gas entering the reactor. Solid burn starts when oxygen concentration is established at 0.3 vol%. As long as combustion takes place, the air flowrate must be adjusted in order to limit the temperature increase through the catalyst bed at 50°C or to maintain the reactor outlet temperature at 450°C max. During the whole phase of combustion, the O2 and CO2 contents at reactor inlet and outlet are regularly (every hour) monitored by either online or portable analyzers. Adequate sampling devices must be installed for that purpose. Check with Draeger tube of SO2 and HCl could be performed at each reactor’s outlet. An excess of SO2 (> 30 - 40 vol. ppm) could be the sign of catalyst contamination by sulphur. HCl breakthrough (> 20 vol. ppm) should be noticed. When delta T between inlet and outlet becomes negative (-2/3°C) in the last reactor and when the oxygen concentration at last reactor outlet equals the oxygen concentration at reactor inlet, the combustion phase is considered complete. In the case parallel burning, air to last reactor shall be slowly cut-off at the end of upstream reactor burning, so as to have all combustion air injected at compressor suction. Simultaneously chloride injection at last reactor (if any) will be stopped. The combustion is considered complete when all reactor deltaT’s have been come back at their base level for a period of minimum 4 hours and with oxygen and CO2 concentrations at reactor inlet’s and outlet’s within the same range. SECOND COMBUSTION When the first combustion is completed and the reactor temperatures are stable at 400°C, the inlet temperature is then progressively increased to 480°C in 4 hours with an oxygen concentration of 0.5 to 1 volume % in the recycle gas, exotherm is not representative during the temperature increase. Watch for the second combustion to REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 106/ 172 take place. Wait stable inlet and outlet temperature to conclude that combustion is ended. A maximum temperature increase of 30°C through the catalyst bed is acceptable, corresponding to a maximum temperature inside the reactors of 510°C. Where bed thermocouples are available, individual point may not exceed 520°C. PROOF BURNING The maximum oxygen content in the gas at reactor inlet must be between 1 to 2 volume %. When the second combustion is completed, the reactor inlet temperatures are increased to 520°C in one hour. Keep RiT’s at 520°C during 2 hours. No post combustion shall be noted at this stage. On the contrary reduce inlet temperature to 480°C. Temperature increase can only be resumed when no temperature increase exists in the reactors. If no maintenance work is forecast proceed directly to oxychlorination step. If maintenance work and/or catalyst unloading for screening are planned, it shall take place at the end of carbon burn (first or second combustion step) and burn proof will be done after unit restart up for catalyst reactivation. If so, stop chlorinated agent injection and caustic solution circulation. Drain the caustic solution, wash with clear water, drain at all low point then start cooling down the unit with the recycle gas compressor running to a temperature at which the unit can be inspected and the catalyst unloaded. During all the cooling down period maintain at least 3.0 vol. % of O2 in the recycle gas. Refer to COOLING step in paragraph 6.3.3. 6.3.2 Catalyst sieving and reloading Axens recommends catalyst unloading for screening after the combustion of the coke during 3rd regeneration or after 5 years operation, whichever comes first. When channeling is suspected (coke burning tailing), or abnormal pressure drop it is mandatory to sieve the catalyst and inspect the concerned reactor internals. Catalyst shall be unloaded from reactor bottom unloading nozzle. Unloading by “sucking” (vacuum system) must be avoided as it leads to huge breakage of catalyst. CATALYST SIEVING Catalyst sieving machine is installed under the reactor to be unloaded. Sieved catalyst / inert balls / fines dust and broken extrudates are recovered in drums. Two upper grids (mesh opening 16 mm and 4 mm) allow the segregation of 3/4" and 1/4" inert balls. The lower grid (mesh opening 1 mm) allows the elimination of fines, dust and broken extrudates from the sieved catalyst. Note that sieving a catalyst withdrawn from the bottom of the reactor leads to a catalyst loss of 3-5%. On the contrary sieving catalyst unloaded by “sucking” can lead to losses a high as 20%. In both cases fresh catalyst shall be available on site to compensate the losses. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 107/ 172 CATALYST RELOADING Contaminants affect mainly the catalyst of first reactor. It is not recommended to mix first reactor catalyst with catalyst of others reactors. General rules are: - Avoid mixing first reactor catalyst in downstream reactors as it is the most contaminated catalyst - Compensate losses due to sieving with last reactor catalyst and complete last reactor catalyst with new one. For example: If the catalyst of first reactor doesn’t need to be replaced, reload as follows: • First reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus catalyst from the last reactor or fresh catalyst. • Second reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus catalyst from the last reactor. • Third reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus catalyst from the last reactor. • Fourth reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus new fresh catalyst make-up to compensate the losses occurring during the sieving If the catalyst of first reactor needs to be replaced, reload as follows: • First reactor: Catalyst from the last reactor or new catalyst. • Second reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus catalyst from the last reactor. • Third reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus catalyst from the last reactor. • Fourth reactor: Its own remaining catalyst plus new fresh catalyst make-up to compensate the losses occurring during the sieving. 6.3.3 Catalyst reactivation OXYCHLORINATION If the unit has been shut down after coke combustion for maintenance work the unit is first swept with nitrogen to reduce the oxygen concentration down to ~ 1 vol. % and then the reaction section pressure increased to the regeneration pressure. Then the recycle gas compressor is started-up, heaters are fired and reactor inlet temperatures increased to 520°C (50°C/h). If unit was shutdown for maintenance work and/or catalyst unloading for screening, burn proof step will be done before increasing oxygen concentration. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 108/ 172 At 350°C the anticorrosion loop circulation is started up and the chloride injection resumed (20/1 H2O/Cl molar ratio). Chloride injection shall be started only when oxygen is present to promote chlorinating agent decomposition. If unit was shutdown after the primary coke burning, resume operation at the second burning step. Bed average temperature 510°C, no sign of combustion: • At 510°C stable average bed temperature, the oxygen concentration in the gas is increased to 5 volume % in 2 hours while observing carefully for any restart of the combustion (see figure 6-4). If necessary, reduce or stop the air injection. Check that CO2 concentration stays lower than 3 - 5 vol. %. If needed put in place nitrogen make-up. • Maintain the conditions – bed temperature = 510°C and 5 vol. % O2 during 4 hours and check every hour that the HCl content in the gas at reactors outlet is higher than 40 ppm vol. (Draëger tubes). CALCINATION • Increase the oxygen concentration up to 8 vol. % (for pressure < 5 kg/cm2g see figure 6-2) in one hour. • Note that some of the centrifugal recycle compressors have a maximum O 2 content on the process side of 5 vol% due to concerns about O 2 leaking into the compressor lube system. 0.7 bar abs. O2 partial pressure is the lower limit for obtaining good platinum redispersion in a semi-regeneration reformer. Please refer to figure 6-2 • Then, maintain such conditions at bed temperature of 510°C for 6 hours without exceeding an outlet reactor temperature of 520°C. Check that CO2 concentration stays lower than 2 - 3 vol. % and do a nitrogen make up to purge if necessary. RINSING / DRYING • At the end of the calcination phase at bed temperature 510°C, stop the anticorrosion loop circulation and drain the caustic solution at all cold low points. • At this step and before start to decrease RIT, it is very important to eliminate the liquid water in order to avoid that catalyst catch water during cooling. • The anti-corrosion loop will then be rinsed away with clear water then drained carefully at all cold low points. Stop the chlorinated agent injection as soon as the rinsing water make-up is stopped. The caustic solution purging, cleaning with clear water and draining the clear water shall be done as quickly as possible. During all these operations the temperature at reactors inlet is maintained at 520°C. Temperature shall only be decreased when the total clear water drained at all cold low points is lower than 0.05 wt % of the catalyst per hour. This drying period should be carried-out in about 4 hours and should not exceed 6 hours. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 109/ 172 COOLING It is important to complete flushing and draining at 510°C before cooling. If not, catalyst will absorb excessive water. During reduction, this water could be desorbed with subsequent chloride loss and possible metal sintering. While maintaining an oxygen concentration in the recycle gas higher than 3 vol. %, the reactor outlet temperatures are decreased to 200°C in all catalyst beds at a rate of 50°C per hour. When unit is equipped with plate’s feed effluent exchanger like Packinox, it could be recommended to decrease catalyst bed temperature below 180°C to avoid thermal stress when compressor will be restarted. Check with exchanger manufacturer. Axens has no objection to decrease catalyst bed temperature below 180°C. At this temperature, furnaces and recycle compressor are shutdown. NITROGEN PURGE AND TURN BLINDS The reaction section is depressurized and purged with nitrogen in order to decrease oxygen down to 0.5 vol % but never below 0.2 vol % to protect catalyst to decrease CO below 10 vol. ppm and CO2 below 500 vol. ppm. If the nitrogen purge follows a regeneration, purge the section until the SO2 content is lower than 25 vol. ppm. Swing open the isolation blinds (except the one on the feed) as soon as possible. To avoid any pollution of catalyst at this stage, it is mandatory to proceed by pressurization and depressurization with dry nitrogen. (See note 1 paragraph 3.4). As soon as the O2 content is lower than 0.5 volume %, nitrogen is displaced by electrolytic hydrogen and the pressure of the reaction section increased to a minimum of 7 barg. Immediatly after, continue with catalyst reduction (see paragraph 3.4), then catalyst sulfiding (see paragraph 3.5). Note 1: When the unit is equipped with catalyst samplers, catalyst samples should be taken at the end of combustion phase. This could allow to finely adjust the chlorine injection. Note 2: If for any reason reduction cannot take place immediatly after the post calcination drying the catalyst beds shall be cooled down to 180°C while keeping an oxygen concentration ~ 3 vol. %. Nitrogen purge will take place only when the forecast for reduction start-up is known. Note 3: When equipments, which were by-passed during combustion and oxidation steps, are put again in the circuit, particular attention has to be done regarding presence of hydrocarbon in these equipments. When catalyst is under oxide form, hydrocarbons are poisons for metal function. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.4 110/ 172 Emergency handling procedure for regeneration Following broad approach (modified suitably for each specific site) will be used as guideline. 1- If the caustic circulation fails and can not be restored immediately, stop chloride injection then block in the air injection. Maintain the recycle gas compressor operation and maintain the catalyst beds hot. Caustic make-up to be stopped. If the duration is forecast to be long, decrease the reactor inlet temperatures down to 400°C and maintain O2 concentration between 0.5 and 0.8 vol. %, resuming air injection. 2- If the catalyst temperatures become excessive, delta > 50°C, reduce the air injection to all reactors. Investigate the incident thoroughly before resuming the normal air injection. 3- If the recycle compressor fails, immediately stop chloride injection, block in the air injection and caustic circulation. Cut-off fire to heaters. Try to maintain the system pressure at 6 barg, with N2. If the recycle compressor fails when first burn is in progress ensure that the O 2 content is in the range of 0.5 - 0.8% never above 1%. Inject N2 to maintain O2 content in this range if needed. If the recycle compressor fails when final burn is in progress ensure that the O 2 content is in the range of 0.8 - 1.2% never above 1.5%. Inject N2 to maintain O2 content in this range if needed. If the recycle compressor fails when calcination is in progress ensure that the O2 content is in the range of 6-8 vol% never below 5%. When recycle gas compressor is recovered, in each of the above cases ensure that the O2 limits are not exceed before you increase the temperatures. 4- In all cases be sure that caustic does not find its way to the catalyst. Also do not inject chloride when recycle compressor is stopped or when air is stopped for long duration. 5- If the proceedings are to be halted for long duration before reduction, a catalyst preservation procedure shall be adopted. See note 2 in the paragraph 6.3.3. 6- During steps with high oxygen concentration, in case of hydrocarbon introduction in the reaction section (oil from compressor for example) a large exotherm will take place. That could conduct to catalyst damage, potentially irreversible depending of which temperature was reached. Immediately stop air injection and cool down RiT’s to 400°C. Restart regeneration procedure at burning step. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.5 111/ 172 Sulfur and Sulfate removal procedures 6.5.1 Sulfur removal procedure This procedure is not included in the standard regeneration procedure. Due to the low sulfur of reformer feed when multimetallic catalysts are used, the sulfur removal should not be necessary. Check with Axens before proceeding. Anyway, if due to a malfunction of the HDT unit, the reformer feed contained 1 wt ppm total sulfur for a long period this procedure can be used. If the unit is equiped with sampling devices, a total sulfur of more than 1000 wt ppm on the catalyst, means than the sulfur removal shall be performed. Contamination by sulfur can be reduced by circulating high purity hydrogen at high temperature transforming sulfur compounds in H2S later on removed by a caustic solution washing. As chloride and sulfur occupy concurently the catalyst sites, addition of chloriding agent during sulfur removal will help sulfur elimination. As sulfur is transformed in sulfate during regeneration it is wise, especially with catalyst at start of life, to remove the sulfur before the regeneration. Sulfates fixed on the catalyst support are very difficult or impossible to remove. It is important to perform the sulfur removal before coke combustion when the unit suffered an important sulfur poisoning as to avoid an important formation of sulfates during combustion. But it is to be considered that more coked the catalyst, more difficult the sulfur removal. After the feed has been switched off at 460°C, reactors inlet temperature is increased up to 510°C and maintained at this value during two hours to strip the hydrocarbons adsorbed on the catalyst and drain all hydrocarbons which have accumulated in the different cold parts of the unit. Then reduce reactors inlet temperature to 400°C. • Decrease the pressure of the reaction section to the minimum the recycle gas compressor can accept. • By injecting electrolytic hydrogen increase the pressure of the reaction section to a pressure which can allow a smooth operation of the recycle gas compressor with low MW gas. Repeat this operation if necessary as to have a hydrogen rich gas containing less than 5 vol. % of C3+, then increase the pressure up to 10 bar at separator. • Start the neutralization solution circulation (See paragraph 6.2). • Start chlorinated agent injection to have a 20/1 H2O/Cl mole ratio (see table 61). • Increase reactors inlet temperature to 530°C at a rate of 40°C/hour. inlet T + outlet T = 525C 2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 112/ 172 • Maintain the pressure of the reactor by injecting electrolytic hydrogen • Check H2S content at the outlet of each reactor. Plot the results on a graph. • When H2S content at the outlet of all reactors is lower than 2 vol. ppm sulfur removal is considered as complete. • Stop chlorination agent injection and neutralizing circulation. Drain the neutralizing solution, rinse the circuit with fresh waterand drain the cold parts of the reaction section. • Cool down the reaction section to 350°C at a rate of 50°C /hour. Switch-off the furnaces and stop the recycle gas compressor. • Decrease the pressure of the reaction section to flare and purge with nitrogen in order to eliminate any remaining H2S, until residual hydrogen results lower than 0.1 vol. %. Isolate reaction section with blinds and proceed with the regeneration procedure. 6.5.2 Sulfate removal procedure If the sulfur removal is unsuccessful, either checked by sulfur analysis if the unit is provided with catalyst samplers or if the H2S in recycle gas stayed very low during the sulfur removal phase, sulfate removal shall be carried-out after the oxychlorination step. Basically sulfate removal procedure is identical to sulfur removal one. To be noted that during coke combustion part of the sulfur is eliminated under the form of SO2 while the rest is transformed in sulfates and sulfur oxides. The reaction section has the following conditions at the end of combustion: • Recycle compressors in service, RiT’s = 510°C, O2 content in the recycle gas 1 vol. %, all reactors T’s negative, neutralization circulation in service. The sequence is as follows: • Stop chlorinated agent injection and neutralisation solution circulation. • Rinse the circuit with fresh water, then drain carefully all cold low points. • Decrease RiT’s from 510°C to 350°C. • Cut combustible to fired heaters and stop the recycle gas compressor. • Depressurize the section. Purge the section with nitrogen until O2 < 0.3 vol. %. • Set blinds in reduction position. • Introduce electrolytic hydrogen and follow exactly the sulfur removal procedure (paragraph 6.5.1), the only difference being that RiT’s are decreased to 480°C, in one hour instead of 350°C before switching-off the heaters and stopping the recycle gas compressor. • Pressurize the section with nitrogen up to the regeneration pressure. • Start the recycle gas compressor and cut-on fire to the heaters. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 113/ 172 • Slowly inject air until obtaining 1 vol. %. Note that residual combustion can be expected due to the carbon content of the chlorinating agent used during the sulfate removal. • Resume neutralisation solution circulation and chloriding agent injection. • Increase RiT’s up to 510°C and follow catalyst reactivation procedure (paragraph 6.3.3) REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 6.6 114/ 172 Miscellaneous Flow meters reading correction: A Correction for gas given in volume K = R x 1 B 1 MW d x P op x T d MW op x P d x T op Correction for gas given in weight K = R x 2 2 MW op x P op x T d MW d x P d x T op Where: Note: K1 : Corrected flow at 0°C and 1 ATM in Nm3/h. K2 : Corrected flow in kg/h. R1 : Instrument reading in Nm3/h. R2 : Instrument reading in kg/h. MW d : Design molecular weight. MW op : Operating molecular weight. Pd : Absolute design pressure in ATM. P op : Absolute operating pressure in ATM. Td : Design temperature in °K. T op : Operating temperature in °K. A molecular weight ~ 30 can be taken into consideration for the recycle gas flow calculation during the regeneration if you have not a more accurate analysis. Calculation of catalyst coke levels: Assuming that coke molecular formula is CH1.3, the coke combustion can be represented by the following equation: CH1.3 + 2.65 O2 CO2 + 0.65 H2 O 2 Thus 0.7547 mole of coke is combusted for each mole of O2 consumed. This means that it requires 2.23 Nm3 of oxygen to burn 1 kg of coke or 10.62 Nm 3 of air to burn 1 kg of coke. If the amount of air is known (air inlet minus losses) the quantity of coke combusted can be calculated directly. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 115/ 172 On the contrary the following formula can apply: O2 inlet (vol. %) - O2 outlet (vol. %) x Recycle gas (Nm 3 / h) O2 combustion rate = 100 3 Total O2 consumption = O2 consumption rate (Nm /h) x combustion time (hours). Coke combusted = Total oxygen combustion (Nm 3 ) 2.23 (Nm 3 / kg) Example of coke calculation: • Recycle gas = 30 000 Nm3/h • O2 concentration at 1st reactor inlet = 0.8 vol. % • O2 concentration at last reactor outlet = • Combustion phase duration 12 hours = 0.1 vol. % Oxygen consumption: 0.8 - 0.1 30 000 x x 12 = 2520 Nm 3 100 Combusted coke: 2520 Nm 3 = 1130 kg 2.23 It can also be calculated as follows: The total quantity of air injected during the combustion phase multiplied by a coefficient for air losses (0.9) corresponds to the total quantity of coke. For instance 13 333 Nm3 of air corresponds to: 13333 x 0.9 = 1130 kg of coke 10.62 Repartition of the coke between the reactors can be calculated using the sum of hourly positive T’s obtained in each reactor and the sum of hourly positive T’s for all reactors during the combustion. R1 T = 200°C coke = R2 T = 600°C coke = R3 T = 2200°C coke = All Rx T = 3000°C coke = 1130 x 200 3000 1130 x 600 3000 1130 x 2200 3000 = 75 kg % on catalyst = = 226 kg % on catalyst = = 829 kg % on catalyst = 1130 kg % on catalyst = 75 1327 226 3000 829 5838 1130 10165 = 5.65 = 7.53 = 14.20 = 11.12 Eventhough these methods are not very accurate they give a good idea of the total coke deposited during the cycle as well as the repartition of the coke. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 116/ 172 TABLE 6-1 Injection rate of chloride during the phases of combustion and calcination related to conditions at separator drum Molar ratio H2O/HCl = 20/1 Temperature °C 4 bar g 5 bar g 6 bar g 7 bar g 8 bar g 9 bar g 10 bar g 11 bar g 12 bar g 13 bar g 14 bar g 15 bar g 10 1,92 1,60 1,37 1,20 1,07 0,96 0,87 0,80 0,74 0,69 0,64 0,60 15 2,67 2,22 1,90 1,67 1,48 1,33 1,21 1,11 1,03 0,95 0,89 0,83 20 3,66 3,05 2,61 2,29 2,03 1,83 1,66 1,52 1,41 1,31 1,22 1,14 25 4,95 4,13 3,54 3,10 2,75 2,48 2,25 2,06 1,91 1,77 1,65 1,55 30 6,64 5,53 4,74 4,15 3,69 3,32 3,02 2,77 2,55 2,37 2,21 2,07 35 8,79 7,33 6,28 5,50 4,89 4,40 4,00 3,66 3,38 3,14 2,93 2,75 Expressed in Kg of chloride Cl per 10,000 Nm3/h of recycle gas. Note: 1 Kg of chloride Cl = 0.68 liter of carbon tetrachloride 0.72 liter of tetrachloroethylene 0.85 liter of trichloroethylene 0.96 liter of trichloroethane 1.19 liter of dichloroethane 1.37 liter of dichloropropane REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 117/ 172 WATER DIAGRAM IN AIR FIGURE 6-1 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 118/ 172 OXYGEN REQUIREMENTS DURING CALCINATION FIGURE 6-2 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 119/ 172 REGENERATION: COKE COMBUSTION FIGURE 6-3 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 120/ 172 REGENERATION: OXYCHLORINATION / CALCINATION FIGURE 6-4 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 121/ 172 CHLORINE INJECTION DEVICE FIGURE 6-5 REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 7 REV. 4 122/ 172 SAFETY AND HEALTH RECOMMENDATIONS Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 7.1 123/ 172 General A list of health and safety data sheets including the catalyst plus some of the chemicals involved in the Reforming process is given below. Regarding chemicals, the list mentions those which are specific to the AXENS process. Consequently health and safety data related to well known hydrocarbons are not being considered here. The material safety data sheet of the catalyst provided by the manufacturer is attached. Regarding the other material safety data, the Refiner is advised to request the last issue of the following document: Regulated Hazardous Substances published by: The Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) US Department of Labor 7.2 List of health and safety data sheets • RG / PR series • Tetrachloroethylene • Trichloroethylene • Trichloroethane • Dichloropropane • DMDS 7.3 Catalyst safety data sheet Updated MSDS are available on the following internet link: REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 8 REV. 4 124/ 172 ANALYTICAL CONTROL Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 8.1 125/ 172 Recommended methods and frequency The frequencies given below routine related to a normal operation. During start-up and test runs more analyses will be required. The following schedule is proposed for the analysis. The methods nominated "ASTM D-" are copyrighted by ASTM International ("ASTM"), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 USA; The right of use of these methods must be obtained from this organization. 8.1.1 Feed Product Feed Analysis Method Frequency Composition IFP 9301 2 per week Specific gravity ASTM D 1298 / D 4052 1 per day Distillation ASTM D 86 2 per week Molecular weight IFP 9413 As required Total sulfur content ASTM D 5453 (1) / D 4045 1 per day Doctor test ASTM D 4952 As required Water content ASTM D 6304 As required Oxygenated components ASTM D 5599 As required Total chlorine content ASTM D 4929 1 per week Total nitrogen content ASTM D 4629 1 per day Bromine index (2) ASTM D 2710 As required Arsenic content IFP 9312 As required Copper content ASTM D 6732 As required Iron content ASTM D 5863 / D 5708 As required Lead content IFP 9406 As required Mercury content IFP 9606 As required Nickel content IFP 9507 As required ICP (3) / AAS (4) (5) As required Other metal contaminants REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 126/ 172 8.1.2 Products Product Method Frequency Composition IFP 9302 2 per week Distillation ASTM D 86 1 per day ASTM D 1298 / D 4052 1 per day RON clear ASTM D 2699 or carburane (6) 1 per day MON clear ASTM D 2700 or carburane (6) 1 per day Reid Vapor Pressure ASTM D 323 / D 5191 2 per week Bromine index (2) ASTM D 2710 As required Existent gum ASTM D 381 As required Potential residue ASTM D 873 As required IFP 9908 1 per day Draeger tube 6728041 As required Water ASTM D 5454 1 per week HCl Draeger tube CH 29501 1 per week Ammonia Draeger tube CH 20501 As required Hydrogen production Composition IFP 9908 1 per day LPG LPG sampling method ASTM 1265 As required Composition IFP 9909 1 per day Density ASTM D 1657 1 per week Volatility ASTM D 1837 1 per day Vapor pressure ASTM D 1267 As required Copper strip ASTM D 1838 As required Total sulfur content ASTM D 5453 (7) / D 3246 / D 4468 As required Total chlorine content ASTM D 4929 modified (8) As required ASTM D 2420 / D 4084 As required ASTM D 6228 As required Draeger tube CH 29501 As required IFP 9909 1 per day Stabilized reformate Analysis Specific gravity Recycle gas Composition Hydrogen sulfide H2S Sulfur species HCl Fuel gas REV. 4 Composition Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 127/ 172 (1) ASTM D 5453 is recommended on usual basis. Total sulfur by ASTM D 4045 could be used if necessary for cross-checking. (2) Bromine index (mg Br2 / 100g) for low olefin content. (3) ICP = Inductively Coupled Plasma. (4) AAS = Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. (5) Specification below available techniques quantification limit, back calculated on the basis of spent catalyst analysis. (6) Vinci Technology Licensee. (7) ASTM D 5453 is recommended on usual basis. Total sulfur by ASTM D 3246 or D 4468 could be used if necessary for cross-checking. (8) ASTM D 4929 part B: Oxidative combustion and microcoulometry detection used LPG injection loop. Product Analysis Method Frequency Regeneration gas O2 IFP 9810 or Refinery GC Analyser As required CO IFP 9810 or Refinery GC Analyser As required Draeger tube CH 19701 CO2 IFP 9810 or Refinery GC Analyser As required Draeger tube CH 23501 HCl Draeger tube 6728181 As required SO2 Refinery GC Analyser As required Caustic solution Alcalinity UOP 209 1 per shift (regeneration) Total solids ASTM D 5907 1 per day pH paper 1 per hour pH REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 128/ 172 8.1.3 Catalyst Catalyst (12) Carbon 310 CA 220 / ASTM D 3178 (9) 1 per week for spent catalyst }As required for regenerated 310 CA 207 / IFP 9303 (10) Chlorine content catalyst Na content IFP 9508 As required Sulfur content 310 CA 220 / IFP 9303 (10) 1 per week ICP (3) or WDX RF (11) As required ASTM D 3663 As required Other metals contaminants Specific surface (9) Recommended laboratory analyser: Eraly Analyser. (10) To be used on usual basis. WDXRF method IFP 9303 could be used if necessary for cross-checking. WDXRF = Wave-Length Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence. (11) Matrix matched calibration. (12) From usual practice, only carbon, sulfur and chloride determination are performed in refinery laboratory. Other determinations are seldom required and can be performed in IFP laboratories or other specialised laboratories. 8.2 IFP Analytical methods IFP 9301 Petroleum naphtha Detailed analysis Capillary gas chromatography IFP 9302 Stabilized reformate effluent Detailed analysis Capillary gas chromatography IFP 9303 Alumina-based catalysts Determination of chlorine and sulfur Wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence IFP 9312 Petroleum products analysis Determination of arsenic Graphite furnace electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry IFP 9406 REV. 4 Gasoline and naphtha analysis Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 129/ 172 Determination of trace amounts of lead Graphite furnace electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry IFP 9413 Gas condensates and crude oils up to 340 °C Direct determination of the molar masses Capillary gas chromatography IFP 9507 Petroleum products Determination of nickel and vanadium Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry IFP 9508 Alumina-based catalysts Determination of the sodium content Atomic absorption spectrometry IFP 9606 Liquid hydrocarbons Determination of mercury content Flameless atomic absorption spectrometry IFP 9810 Catalytic cracked gas Analysis of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon oxides, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and hydrocarbons Gas chromatography IFP 9908 Gas from reforming Hydrogen and hydrocarbons (small content) analysis Gas chromatography IFP 9909 Gas from reforming Hydrocarbons and hydrogen (small content) analysis Gas cromatography 310 CA 207 Determination of chloride ions in used catalyst Potentiometric titration 310 CA 220 Determination of total sulfur and carbon in used catalyst Infra-red analysis of combustion products These methods are available upon request, to AXENS customers. REV. 4 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 9 REV. 4 130/ 172 MISCELLANEOUS Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 9.1 REV. 4 131/ 172 Chemicals specifications Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 132 / 187 COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CHLORIDING AGENTS Name Formula Trichloroethylene CHCl = CCl2 Source : Ins. Nat. Recherche Scientifique Physical properties Aspect Detection limit (ppm) Molecular weight Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C) Specific gravity (D20/4) Vapour density Vapour pressure (kPa) (1 atm = 101,3 kPa) 1, 1, 1 - Trichloroethane CH3 - CCl3 Tetrachloroethylene CCl2 = CCl2 1, 1, 2, 2 - Tetrachloroethane CHCl2 - CHCl2 Liquid - colorless - volatile 28 131,4 -87,1 86,7 (atmospheric pressure) 1,47 4,45 7,7 to 20°C 19,6 to 40°C 40,8 to 60°C Liquid - colorless - volatile 100 133,4 -33 74 (atmospheric pressure) 1,32 4,6 13,3 to 20°C 26,6 to 36°C 53,2 to 54°C Liquid - colorless - volatile 30 165,8 -22,4 121,2 (atmospheric pressure) 1,62 5,8 5,5 to 40°C 13,9 to 60°C 30,1 to 80°C 58,5 to 100°C Liquid - colorless 1,5 167.9 -42,5 146,3 (atmospheric pressure) 1 ,60 5,8 0,7 to 20°C 25,2 to 100°C > 120 (HCl ; Cl2 ; CO ; COCl2) 410 11 41 > 200 (HCl ; Cl2 ; CO ; COCl2) 537 8 10,5 > 140 (HCl ; Cl2 ; CO ; COCl2) unknown --- > 120 (HCl ; Cl2 ; CO ; COCl2) unknown unknown unknown -> 20 -> 100 > 140 -- T°C ambient -- Fire hazard Normal conditions Fire case Not flammable ; not explosive decomposition : toxic gas Not flammable ; not explosive decomposition : toxic gas Not flammable ; not explosive decomposition : toxic gas Not flammable ; not explosive decomposition : toxic gas Toxicity Average exposit. Value (ppm) Limit. Exposit. Value (ppm) acute 75 200 acute 300 450 acute 50 unknown Axens recommended very toxic 1 5 Chemical properties Decomposition (°C) Autoignition (°C) LEL (% vol.) UEL (% vol.) HCL formation with water (°C) with some metals (°C) COCl2 = Phosgen (lethal gas). * carcinogenic * mortal risk by contact with skin * not advisable to use CATALYST HANDBOOK 133 / 187 DMDS: Dimethyldisulfide is a pale yellow liquid with a foul odor. It contains 68% of sulfur and its molecular weight is 94. 1. Commercial specifications Typical analysis > 98% 99.5% Purity 0.30% Methylmercaptan < 1% < 0.06% Moisture < -5°C/-23°F < -10°C/-14°F Cloud point 2. General properties Freezing point Boiling point (1 atmosphere) d 420CC = d3968CC Specific gravity Refractive index Viscosity Surface tension nD20C = nD68C (20°C = 68°F) (20°C = 68°F) Cryoscopic constant Polar moment Dielectric constant Heat of vaporization Heat of combustion Flash point (open cup) Cubic expansion coefficient (at 50°C = 122°F) Conductivity Compressibility coefficient (at 22.7°C = 72.9°F and 100 bars = 1 450 psi) Compressibility coefficient (at 100°C = 212°F and 100 bars = 1 450 psi) LEL UEL Auto ignition temperature Sulfur content REV. 3 = = = -84.7°C 109.6°C 1.0625 = 1.526 = = = = = = = = = = = 0.62 cP 33.6 dynes cm-1 0.0062 poundals per inch 0.030C-1 = 0.054 F-1 1.95 D 9.6 9.6 mth mole-1 183.8 BTU/lb 665.8 mth mole-1 12 750 BTU/lb 16°C = 61°F 0.0011 = = = 5.2 10-7 -1 cm-1 13.2 10-7 -1 inche-1 0.45 = 0.70 = = = = 1.1% in air 16.1% in air > 300°C (> 570°F) 68 wt % Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. = -121°F = 229°F Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 134 / 187 Nitrogen : Purity 99.5 mol% minimum O2 and noble gases 0.4 mol% maximum CO + CO2 40 ppm maximum H2O 20 ppm maximum Hydrogen: Electrolytic grade for reduction: Purity 99.5 mol% minimum CO + CO2 20 ppm maximum O2 nil H2S nil Chloride nil H2O 5 ppm maximum Reformer for sulphate removal: REV. 3 Purity 75 mol% minimum C2+ 2 mol% maximum CO + CO2 nil O2 nil H2S 5 ppm maximum Chloride 5 ppm maximum H2O 20 ppm maximum Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 9.2 REV. 3 135 / 187 TBP - ASTM Boiling range transformation Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 136 / 187 EDMISTER METHOD FOR TBP – ASTM BOILING RANGE TRANSFORMATION FIGURE 9-1 Amplitude of ASTM curve segments, °C Amplitude of TBP curve segments, °C ASTM – TBP CORRELATION Segments of the distillation curve, % vol. ASTM 50% point, °C REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 137 / 187 Correlation TBP – ASTM Often the ASTM D86 distillation is known, not the TBP. Curve can be used to obtain from the ASTM D86 the TBP distillation data. For a reformer feed having the following ASTM D86: IBP = 82°C 10% = 99°C 30% = 110°C 50% = 125°C 70% = 143°C 90% = 166°C EBP = 185°C The TBP curve can be obtained as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ASTM 50% ASTM (30% - 50%) ASTM (10% - 30%) ASTM (IBP - 10%) ASTM (70% - 50%) ASTM (90% - 70%) ASTM (EBP - 90%) = = = = = = = 125°C - 15°C - 11°C - 17°C 18°C 23°C 19°C Curve TBP 50% TBP 50% = ASTM + 1°C = 125°C + 1°C = 126°C TBP (30% - 50%) TBP 30% = 26°C = 126°C - 26°C = 100°C TBP (10% - 30%) TBP 10% = 22°C = 100°C - 22°C = 78°C TBP (IBP - 10%) TBP IBP = 32°C = 78°C - 32°C = 46°C TBP (70% - 50%) TBP 70% = 26°C = 126°C + 26°C = 152°C TBP (90% - 70%) TBP 90% = 31°C = 152°C + 31°C = 183°C TBP (EBP - 90%) TBP EBP = 21°C = 183°C + 21°C = 204°C The TBP corresponding to the above ASTM D86 is: REV. 3 IBP = 46°C 10% = 78°C 30% = 100°C 50% = 126°C 70% = 152°C 90% = 183°C EBP = 204°C Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 9.3 REV. 3 138 / 187 Reformate RVP versus butane content Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 139 / 187 REFORMATE RVP VERSUS BUTANE CONTENT FIGURE 9-2 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 140 / 187 10 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES FOR FIXED BED UNIT REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 141 / 187 Technical Assistance Axens compared to some of our competitors is not only a well-known catalyst manufacturer, but also a process design company. These two aspects allow us to provide advices, indeed it is straightforward that the operating procedures, current operations, equipment and catalysts are interrelated. Based on this double knowledge Axens offers a wide range of technical assistance for both fixed bed unit and continuous unit. Here below you will have an overview of the various areas in which Axens can provides an expertise. 10.1 Catalyst performance estimation on site Axens offers proprietary software in order to estimate the predicted unit performance. This software is easy to use as the interface looks like windows one. This allows you to compare the actual versus the predicted performance and to check if there are any discrepancies. 10.2 Unit follow up at Axens offices Based on large experiences both for fixed bed unit and continuous units Axens can provide assistance and advices by analysis of operation data. Our technical assistance department will review these data and make comments and remarks Both aspects of the unit follow up, on site and at Axens offices’, help us in order to reduce the time needed for corrective actions. 10.3 Catalyst analysis During the life of the catalyst, Axens can perform chemical and physical analysis. For example, we can check the presence of poison, sulfur, coke, and chloride on the catalyst. These analysis allow us to give you advises for the catalyst replacement and better operations. Moreover if we suspect any difficulties during oxychlorination and reduction steps we can measure the metals dispersion. Regarding the physical analysis we, mainly, can control the surface area and the mechanical resistance of the catalyst. The last point is a major issue for continuous unit, as a low mechanical resistance will increase the operating cost of the unit. Moreover, the catalyst sampling device recommended by Axens can be installed on existing reactors to collect catalyst samples during operation. As a consequence, for fixed bed unit, we are not obliged to wait for regeneration of the catalyst in order to have samples. Finally Axens can also performed analysis of the feed and the reformat and octane measurements. REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 142 / 187 10.4 Follow up of the regeneration and the start up During regeneration and unit start up, we supply on-site assistance from a technically trained start up engineer. This advisor will assist and review the operating procedure. Moreover, Axens recommends, when the reactors are reloaded to review internals to check the gas ditribution. 10.5 Catalyst optimisation performance During the life of the catalyst, Axens will be available to discuss the optimisation of the catalyst performance. Indeed thank to your research and industrial experience we can propose improvements taking into account any modifications in the operating conditions. For example for radial fixed bed units we can propose Texicap™ in order to improve the gas distribution and to make the loading easier and shorter. For cycle length improvement we can propose the dense loading Catapac™. 10.6 Operator training The starting point for your operational staff should begin with theoretical and operational classroom training, process simulation and on-site visits of units. Customer tailored training courses are conceived, prepared and jointly executed by Axens and the IFP School, an international center for graduate level training for petroleum industry. Training programs can be carried out either at an Axens site or at a specified refinery. We are committed to offer additional training sessions to your staff as required, during the operational lifetime of your units. 10.7 Training simulators Axens’ Performance Programs Business Unit conceives generic version training simulators for the operational staff. For further information, please consult our web site REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 143 / 187 10.8 Catapac – Texicap – Catalyst sampler REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATAPAC ULTRA HIGH DENSITY LOADING SYSTEM FOR UP TO 25% MORE REACTOR OR ADSORBER CAPACITY A KEY TO SUCCESSFUL CATALYSIS OR ADSORPTION: SURFACE AREA Whether it be catalysis or adsorption, an important key to successful processing is the surface available for mass transfer. By increasing the amount of surface area in a given volume, bed performance increases accordingly. This can be done by increasing the vessel volume; however, because vessels are expensive, good design requires the vessel to be as small as practical. There are other ways. One can change various aspects of the material; its size, shape, structure or composition or, using the very cost-effective Catapac, you can put more material in the same volume. Schematic of a bed loaded conventionally A CHANGE FROM TRADITIONAL WAYS Traditional methods for loading catalyst or adsorbents in a vessel involve things like “socks” or chutes, raking (leveling the bed) or just plain dumping. The Catapac system breaks with the old ways and puts up to 25% more material in the same volume. This is like getting five vessels for the price of four, or, for existing installations, getting 25% better performance for a tiny fraction of the cost of new equipment. Moreover, Catapac performs the operation more gently, safely and quickly than conventional loading methods. Schematic of a “Catapacked” bed Axens Process Licensing TM As shown in the preceding illustrations, loading with Catapac distributes the particles uniformly throughout the bed. Large voids are eliminated and flow is distributed in smaller, more homogeneous channels. As Catapacking reduces void volumes considerably, operators will notice that bed settling and the problems it causes disappear. Bed performance improves. EFFECTIVE FOR A VARIETY OF PARTICLES AND BED SIZES Catapac works on all kinds of fixed beds, radial as well as axial flow. It handles all particle sizes and shapes that are commonly available in extrudates, beads, and even grain. Beds ranging in diameter from 50 cm to 7 meters are loaded with ease. The gain in bed density depends on particle shape and homogeneity, but even spherical shapes or beads show packing improvement. The bed density improvement is largely due to Catapac’s gentle, even distribution and orientation action. REDUCED BREAKAGE AND FINES Other loading methods create fines because the particles are subjected to the crude mechanical actions that raking or dumping involve. Broken catalyst or adsorbent fines are undesirable because they cause pressure drop to build up and reduce bed performance due to channeling. Catapac’s technique minimizes breakage and fines production because the particles are gently sprinkled into place from a short distance. Walking on the bed, or leveling it using a rake or board are expressly avoided because that would degrade bed performance. FAST, SAFE, EASY TO USE Loading is quick thanks to Catapac’s lightweight, high flow loader and because there is no one inside to worry about. Vessel entry has often led to safety or health incidents; Catapac loading operations are conducted outside the vessel. No electrical set-up other than lighting is needed. To check loading progress, the Catapac loader is simply stopped and restarted after the check. No catalyst mound builds up. Thus, significant maintenance cost savings are obtained while increasing operating productivity. AXENS - YOUR REFERENCE FOR REVAMPS OR NEW INSTALLATIONS Optimizing reactors and adsorbers for top performance has long been an Axens strength. Installed in all dense-loaded reactors and adsorbers designed by Axens, Catapac is a good example of our technology at work with over 300 loading operations and 7500 tons loaded in recent years. Catalysts and adsorbents are other areas where Axens excels. Through them, you have the best available catalysts and adsorbents for your new or existing plant. Axens maintains its enviable position in technology services by constantly creating, improving and testing its catalysts, processes and equipment in what is one of the world’s most comprehensive R&D centers. 011CATA Axens Process Licensing BETTER FLOW DISTRIBUTION Process Licensing 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt, BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel: + 33 1 47 14 21 00 Fax: + 33 1 47 14 24 98 IFP North America, Inc. 650 College Road East, Suite 1200 Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA Tel: 1 609 243 8700 Fax: 1 609 987 0204 Axens Process Licensing TEXICAP TM 15% MORE PERFORMANCE FROM FIXED-BED RADIAL-FLOW REACTORS INCREASED PERFORMANCE OVER CONVENTIONAL RADIAL BED DESIGN Fixed-bed radial-flow reactors are used when low pressure drop is critical to performance, such as in reforming units. Most fixed-bed radial reactor designs “waste” the top 15% or so of the catalyst bed. Compared with original flow conditions, reactor pressure drop will be lower, now that the reactants flow through a larger catalyst bed. Or, viewed differently, the reactor can accept 15% more feed. This is done intentionally to prevent reactants from short-circuiting the catalyst after the bed settles. When the catalyst settles, a gap appears between the top of the bed and cover plate. Were it not for the shroud extending down into the bed, some reactants would pass preferentially through the gap, short-circuiting the catalyst. This practice does not permit the full utilization of the expensive reforming catalyst (containing platinum) in the reactor. Responding to the problem, Axens developed and patented an extremely cost-effective way to recover unused bed volume. As shown in the figure, the conventional metal shroud assembly is replaced by Texicap, a flexible flowguide that moulds to the shape of the top of the bed, regardless of the amount of the settling. There is no further need to have dead space and the formerly dormant catalyst section can now go to work. Process Licensing 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt, BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel: + 33 1 47 14 21 00 Fax: + 33 1 47 14 24 98 IFP North America, Inc. 650 College Road East, Suite 1200 Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA Tel: 1 609 243 8700 Fax: 1 609 987 0204 OTHER REVAMP CONSIDERATIONS The flowguide is an engineered composite of refractory fibers and fillers. It is strong and impermeable; furthermore, it contains no asbestos. Texicap has been proven industrially with great customer satisfaction. It withstands a reformer's severe regeneration conditions as well as its hydrogen and hydrocarbon atmospheres. The first application, installed years ago, is still as good as new. Significant low cost improvements carried out inside existing radial reactors are both possible and easily implemented. In fact, a combination of Axens technologies makes it possible to add as much as 40 percent to a reactor’s performance – at a fraction of the reactor replacement cost. A smart first step would be to ensure that the reactor is loaded with catalyst using the Catapac dense loading system. EASE OF INSTALLATION CATAPAC CATALYST LOADING The maintenance department will like Texicap when they find out that installing or removing it takes about a tenth of the manpower and time it took to remove and replace the shroud and cover assembly. Texicap eliminates the problems associated with metal shrouds, such as seized or broken bolts, heavy metal panels to coax into place and long hours spent in cramped quarters. Manipulating Texicap couldn't be easier; one man can usually do it in an hour. Payout is incredibly fast. Depending on the catalyst shape, you can put significantly more catalyst into a reactor bed compared with the old “sock” loading procedure. For radial and axial flow beds alike, the catalyst is placed uniformly and gently, reducing potential channeling as well. It works on all kinds of materials and shapes from cereal grain to catalysts; it's very effective for extrudates (up to 25% higher bed density), but good results have also been obtained on beads. Your safety and maintenance personnel will be pleased to know that there's no need for anyone to be inside the reactor during loading. REFERENCES There are over fifty Texicap installations todate. Customer feedback has been excellent. 012TEA Axens Process Licensing TOUGH AND DURABLE FLOWGUIDE Process Licensing 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt, BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel: + 33 1 47 14 21 00 Fax: + 33 1 47 14 24 98 IFP North America, Inc. 650 College Road East, Suite 1200 Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA Tel: 1 609 243 8700 Fax: 1 609 987 0204 Axens Process Licensing CATALYST SAMPLING SYSTEM ON-LINE SYSTEM WITHSTANDS THE SEVERE OPERATING CONDITIONS OF REFORMER UNITS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR REFORMER FIXED BED REACTORS AND CCR REGENERATORS The equipment includes the following items: The rugged Axens sampling system has proven its mettle in the harsh conditions encountered in catalytic reformers. Getting catalyst samples without interfering in the operation is mandatory for good reformer performance providing plant personnel with vital operating information. Sampling head that takes uniform, constant volume catalyst samples Pipe that allows removal of the catalyst sample from the reactor. The body length is adjustable to attain the optimum head position in the catalyst bed. Drive system that controls the head rotation Sample receiving system equipped with Axens' special-design isolation valves. DESCRIPTION Special design considerations were taken to ensure that the system operates on demand in the aggressive reforming environment that includes hydrogen and hydrocarbon at temperatures upwards of 500°C. Process Licensing 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt, BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel: + 33 1 47 14 21 00 Fax: + 33 1 47 14 24 98 IFP North America, Inc. 650 College Road East, Suite 1200 Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA Tel: 1 609 243 8700 Fax: 1 609 987 0204 Axens Process Licensing USAGE IN REFORMING UNITS SAMPLING HEAD During normal operations, the catalyst sampling system is used to control catalyst chlorine levels, to schedule regenerations, to analyze catalyst carbon content, to determine the nature of any catalyst contamination or poisoning that may have occurred, and to detect abnormal carbon deposition. The head shape and clearance as well as its surface hardness due to a special surface treatment have been developed by Axens to withstand severe operating conditions. Moreover, each system is supplied with a head test certificate issued by Axens which ensures its reliability. During regeneration, the sampling equipment is used during the oxychlorination stage to control the catalyst chlorine content. SAMPLING PROCEDURE In the standby position, the sampling head in the reactor is empty. During the sampling process, the following procedure is applied: The receiving pot is purged. Under hydrogen and hydrocarbon atmosphere, the receiving pot is opened to the reactor. Sampling head is filled with catalyst using the sampler drive system. The catalyst flows to the receiving pot. The receiving pot is isolated by valves. The catalyst is purged and the drain valve is opened. The catalyst sample is available for analysis and the operation can be repeated as needed. Slide Valve Installation INSTALLING A CATALYST SAMPLER ON AN EXISTING REACTOR If the reactor has not been previously fitted with an appropriate sampling system nozzle, the sampler can be passed through the catalyst unloading nozzle. To unload the catalyst bed, the sampling system can be removed by means of a slide-valve that Axens can provide for this purpose. This valve also is used to control catalyst flow during unloading. To-date, more than eighty catalyst sampling systems are operating around the world. The sampler is available under license from Vinci Technologies. Process Licensing 89 bd Franklin Roosevelt, BP 50802 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex – France Tel: + 33 1 47 14 21 00 Fax: + 33 1 47 14 24 98 IFP North America, Inc. 650 College Road East, Suite 1200 Princeton, NJ 08540 - USA Tel: 1 609 243 8700 Fax: 1 609 987 0204 CATALYST HANDBOOK 151 / 166 11 TYPE OF REACTORS – CATALYST LOADING REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 11.1 Type of reactors A Radial reactor - figures 11-1 / 11-2 152 / 166 The loading philosophy for a radial reactor proves to be somewhat more complex than for a downflow one. The major concern for a radial reactor is partial bypassing of the catalyst. To prevent this, allowance must be made for the settling that will occur during the run, called the slump allowance. Further, the catalyst must be loaded to a level such that regardless of which path the feed will take to the center-pipe, it will always traverse a minimum of 1 bed thickness. This is called the seal allowance. The slump allowance is determined by taking 5 percent of the bed height. Therefore, the total catalyst bed depth equals (1.05 x basic catalyst depth) + seal allowance. The seal allowance usually provides for one half a radial bed thickness above the top row of holes in the centerpipe. Note also that if there is an alumina balls support under the catalyst bed a seal allowance of one half the radial bed thickness shall be provided from the bottom of the scallops to the upper level of alumina balls support. During loading, care should be taken not to get any inerts or catalyst in the scallops. This will accumulate at the bottom of the scallops and cause maldistribution of flow. Note that if the catalyst is loaded with a dense loading apparatus, as the arrangement of catalyst extrudates within the reactor is horizontal leading to an almost maximum loading density, there will be a little bed settling. Slump allowance can be reduced to 2% of the bed height. Note also that to increase the volume of catalyst for a given radial fixed bed reactor, AXENS has patented a device: a flexible flow guide which allows to use the normally wasted seal catalyst necessary on top of the catalyst bed of this type of reactor (See figure 11-3). B Cylindrical down flow reactor - figure 11-4 Of the three reactor types commonly employed in reformer service, the downflow (or axial) is the least complicated to load. For an existing system, the available loading volume is determined, and catalyst is loaded to the required level. A minimum 100 mm layer of 20 mm alumina balls should be allowed on top of the catalyst. A minimum 450 mm between the top of the inert layer and the bottom of the inlet distributor should be allowed. C Spherical downflow reactor - figure 11-5 The difficulty with loading a spherical reactor turns out to be a practical consideration. It is very difficult to level the bed due to the large diameters typically encountered, especially at the level of the great circle of the sphere. Since it is usually desirable to load symmetrically above and below the great circle, the spherical reactor requires a lot of 20 mm alumina balls at the bottom of the reactor. REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 153 / 166 RADIAL REACTOR CATALYST LOADING DIAGRAM FIGURE 11-1 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 154 / 166 RADIAL REACTOR CATALYST LOADING DIAGRAM FIGURE 11-2 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 155 / 166 RADIAL REACTOR USING FLEXIBLE FLOW GUIDE (TEXICAP) FIGURE 11-3 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 156 / 166 CYLINDRICAL DOWNFLOW REACTOR CATALYST LOADING DIAGRAM FIGURE 11-4 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 157 / 166 SPHERICAL DOWFLOW REACTOR CATALYST LOADING DIAGRAM FIGURE 11-5 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 11.2 158 / 166 Catalyst loading procedure Preliminary When the reaction section drying out is complete and nitrogen has been replaced by air, the reactors can be opened for inspection of the internals. If needed, the reactors will be brushed and vacuum cleaned before catalyst loading starts. The catalyst loading period must be as short as possible to minimize the risk of moisture entering the reaction system. If necessary, the job will be done in shifts. Catalyst loading will be interrupted in case of rain or snow, or efficient protection must be set in place. Catalyst is delivered either in steel drums or cloth big bags. The catalyst must be handled with care to avoid breakage of the extrudates. During the loading, the loading sleeves will be adjusted to allow a free fall no higher than 1 meter above the catalyst level. Catalyst drums must not be rolled. Big bag shall be handled very carefully. Catalyst loading period by itself lasts between 2 and 5 days according to the amount of catalyst to be loaded, the number of reactors and their type, the work force and last but not least the weather. This figure does not take into account neither the reactors opening nor their boxing-up, but includes internals installation. In this period of time there is no provision for internals repair (scallops, center pipe, etc..). Note also that dense loading does not make the overall loading any faster or longer. On the contrary use of Texicap instead of conventional steel covering system can save pup to 20% of the time. Equipment and personnel The list below is based on the following assumption: catalyst loading will be carried out with 1 crane. • 1 telescopic crane capable of lifting approximatively 3 tons, 5 meters above the reactor upper manhole (See figure 11-6). • 1 forklift to handle the catalyst drum pallets. • Stationary hopper equipped with Ø 8 to 10" nozzles to be installed on the reactor upper manhole (See figure 11-11). • 2 mobile hoppers, each will a capacity of about 5 to 6 catalyst drums (See figure 11-10). • 1 structure (scaffolding and timbers) to unload the drums into the mobile hoppers (See figure 11-8). • 1 safety harness, rope ladders, portable oxygen analyzer, low voltage lighting, dust masks, air masks, goggles, plastic sheets to protect drums and reactor in case of rain. REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 159 / 166 To serve the above mentionned equipment the following personnel is necessary: • 1 foreman, • 1 crane operator, • 1 fork lift operator, • 1 team of 4 riggers at ground level for catalyst handling and loading into the mobile hoppers. • 1 team of 6 fitters for vessels opening closing and for catalyst loading. Note: This personnel shall be permanently present during the loading operation. The total number of personnel will be obtained by multiplying by the number of shifts, if the loading takes place on 24 hours basis. Catalyst packaging, handling and storage Catalyst can be delivered either in drums or in big bags. Catalyst must be handled with care to avoid breakage of the catalyst extrudates. During the loading, the loading sleeve shall be adjusted to allow a free fall no higher than 1 meter, above the catalyst level. Catalyst drums must not be rolled and big bags must be carefully handled to avoid catalyst attrition. Catalyst delivered in sealed still drums shall be stored in an enclosed and ventilated warehouse. Storage time under such a condition is two years without any damage for the catalyst and for the packaging. Outdoor storage is possible, provided original packaging is stored under water-tight cover and raised above the naturally flood-free ground: Such storage is not recommended and should be minimized to reduce as much as possible the risk of water damage. Catalyst delivered in big bag shall normally be loaded in the reactor as soon as it arrives on site. Short duration storage can be envisaged provided, it is in a covered and dry warehouse. PACKAGING DRUM Description Steel drum (UN standard). Air tight cover. Thickness: 0.8 mm Tare: 14.5 kg Dimensions Diameter: 0.6 m – Height: 0.9 m Standard capacity: 217 liters. Netweight 105 kg BIG BAG Description REV. 3 External skin: fiber glass spliced propylene Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 160 / 166 Internal skin: 80 micron polyethylene REV. 3 Dimensions Square section 80 x 89 cm. Cylinder diameter: 110 cm. Height: empty 160 cm, full: 120 to 150 cm. Netweight 700 kg Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 161 / 166 Typical catalyst loading report REACTOR LOADING REPORT PLANT TYPE: CLIENT & JOB NUMBER: LOCATION: UNIT NUMBER: REACTOR: DATE: SHEET OF CATALYST TYPE: Drum Lot N° Drum N° Net wt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Drum Lot N° Drum N° Net wt 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Drum Lot N° Drum N° Net wt 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 TOTAL WEIGHT LOADED: LOADING SUPERVISOR NAME: NUMBER OF DRUMS: SIGNATURE: LOADING DENSITY: Note: Bar code plastic label attached to the seal securing the drum closure handle shall be kept for reference. REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 162 / 166 CATALYST HANDLING WITH DRUMS FIGURE 11-6 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 163 / 166 FILLING-UP THE HOPPER AT GROUND LEVEL FROM DRUMS FIGURE 11-7 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 164 / 166 CATALYST HANDLING WITH BIG BAG FIGURE 11-8 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 165 / 166 GROUND LEVEL PREPARATION FOR BIG BAG LIFTING FIGURE 11-9 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 166 / 166 CATALYST LOADING - MOBILE HOPPER FIGURE 11-10 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 167 / 166 CATALYST LOADING - STATIONARY HOPPER FIGURE 11-11 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 168 / 166 CATALYST LOADING - SLIDE VALVE FIGURE 11-12 Note: As to avoid the sleeve full of catalyst falling accidentally on the worker standing on the catalyst bed, in addition to the clamp the sleeve shall be secured by a rope. REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 169 / 166 SOCK LOADING AXIAL REACTOR (UNDER AIR) FIGURE 11-13 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 170 / 166 SOCK LOADING RADIAL REACTOR FIGURE 11-14 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx CATALYST HANDBOOK 171 / 166 CATAPAC DENSE LOADING FIGURE 11-15 REV. 3 Confidential information proprietary to Axens. Do not use for other purpose than exploit the catalyst, do not duplicate. Catalyst Handbook Rev 4.docx