PREFERENTIAL TAX SENIOR CITIZENS LAW AND MAGNA CARTA FOR DISABLED PERSONS EXEMPT CORPORATIONS AND FISCAL INCENTIVES Compensation as MWE – Exempt from income tax All establishments Goods and services Exclusive use Export Enterprises – manufacturing, assembling, processing Deductible from GI/GS/GR: HIGHER Actual discount granted Sales discount not less than statutory rate Goods Domestic Enterprises – edi yung hindi export :) Goods and services Medical, dental, medicines, etc. VAT on fare – land, air, sea Hotel, lodging place, theater, cinema Funeral and burial services Special Corporate Income Tax [SCIT or Gross Income Tax] ↳ In lieu of ALL national and taxes (except RPT - developers) *activities w/in ECOZONE *only to registered activities Flu, pneumonia vaccines Basic necessities (exclude pastry & cakes)* Prime commodities (meats, groceries)* 5% Net of sales discounts, returns, allowances Less of cost of sales or direct costs Direct Costs: ↳ Direct salaries, wages and labor expenses ↳ Raw materials used, WiP, Finished Goods sold ↳ Supplies and fuels used ↳ Depreciation – related to registered activity ↳ Rent and utility charges ↳ Finance charge – not capitalized to fixed assets La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Professional fees: Physicians, medical, dental Health workers (n/a to PWD) Hotel, lodging place, theater, cinema Funeral and burial services Only one discount – if BOTH Senior citizen and PWD ↓ Promotional Higher discount SC & PWD Discount *Max of P 1,300 per week [so 1,300 x 5%] *No VAT exemption if goods are already discounted Senior Citizens Resident – 60 years old and above Dual citizenship – atleast 6 months residency Discounts and Exemptions ONLY for Senior Citizens: ↳ 5% discount for monthly water and electricity bills ! Registered in the name of senior citizen ! Max 100kWH(E); 30 cubic meters(W) ! Per household, not per senior citizen ↳ 50% water, electricity and telephone ! Consumed by Senior Citizen Centers ! Administered by Government or NGO ! For abandoned, homeless senior citizens Deduction Incentives for Establishments Employment atleast 6 months 15% SC’s income does not exceed poverty level ↳ of the amount paid as salaries and wages Sales discounts Promotional discount 5% on water and electricity 20% discount 50% water, electricity, telephone ↳ Senior Citizen Centers Persons with Disability Any age, Filipino citizen Restriction on abilities [mental, physical, sensory] 3% National 2% Local Government Gross Income 5% Service le s VAT Exempt IT, BPO Tourism Logistics and Warehousing Agro-industrial Manufacturer Eco-Zone Development Ops Facility and Utility Providers 70% of sales/services are exported rc u 20% Discount BOI – Registered Enterprises Enhanced Deductions [additional deductions] 10% - buildings and structures ↳ Depreciation 20% - machineries and equipment ► Not including admin and support services ↳ Labor expense – 50% (not including admin, managerial) ↳ Domestic Input – 50% - directly used for registered export ↳ Power expense – 50% - for directly related activities ↳ Reinvestment allowance – Manufacturing RBEs ► Reinvested undistributed profits under SIPP ► Max of 50% within 5 years ↳ R&D – 100% [2x] – for directly related activities ► Only for salaries of Filipino employees; and ► Local organization expenditures ↳ Training - 100% [2x] ► Filipino employees, local activities ► Approved by IPA based on SIPP ↳ Enhanced NOLCO ► NOL during first 3 years from the start ► Carried over within 5 consecutive taxable years following the year of such loss Incentives under CREATE Law Export Income Tax Holiday1 4-7 years 4-7 years After Income Tax Holiday . Incentive SCIT ED Duration 10 years 5 years Tax Rate 5% 20% or 25% Domestic* Atleast 500M 4-7 years ED 5 years 20% or 25% Below 500M 4-7 years × × 20% or 25% *Engaged in ‘critical’ activities under Strategic Investment Priority Plan *With a minimum investment capital of P500 Million. SCIT – based on Gross Income (after deductions) – only for EXPORT ED – based on Net Taxable Income Period of Availment under SIPP [Years of ITH] 1 Deduction Incentives for Establishments Certification from DOLE 25% Accredited by DOLE and DOH ↳ of the amount paid as salaries and wages N/A if under BP 344 (sidewalks, ramps, etc) 50% Deduction from Net Taxable Income ↳ cost of improvement/modification to accommodate PWDs Proof to Avail Identification Card ↳ SC: OSCA ID or anything to indicate 60 years old ↑ ↳ PWD: Barangay/Municipal ID; NCWPD ID (transport) Passport NO EXEMPTION - CGT (NL shares) - Donor’s Tax - 20% FWT - CGT (6% Cap A) - Estate Tax - 10% FWT - 7.5% on FCDS - VAT/OPT (employed - Excise Tax or engaged Bus/Prof) - DST NCR NCR Adjacent Metro Areas Other areas TIER I 4 5 6 TIER II 5 6 7 TIER III 6 7 7 TIER I – high potential job creation; takes place in market failures; creation though innovation; essential support to critical industries; emerging potential advantage [medyo poor] TIER II – Produce import substitutes, goods that are not available locally, but critical to industries (ex. oil refines) TIER III – R&D; science and health breakthroughs; high paying jobs; new knowledge and intellectual properties, patents, copyrights; highly technical manufacturing; transformation of economy [mala-robotic sa sci-fi movie] Barangay Micro-Business Enterprises Assets not exceeding 3M (excluding land); agro-processing and trading services; DTI-registered. Fees to LGU not exceeding P1,000 - Annual Registration Fee: P500 - Required to file Annual Information Return: 15th day of fourth month after close of taxable year *Regional District Office or Municipal Treasury REMEDIES OF THE TAXPAYER still liable to deficiency or did not address discrepancy 30 days to provide docs LOA issued to RO found liable RO audit 120 days still unresolved 10 days PAN disagrees CIR or Rep 5 days to explain Notice of Discrepancy Taxpayer Failed or disagreed FAN/FLD 180/240 days to conduct audit 180 - RDO Cases 240 - Large Taxpayer cases LOA ↳ Must be e-LOA ↳ one LOA every year only, request to cancel other if there are multiple illegally, erroneously, ↳ Separate LOAs if audit is more than one year excessive payment Paid within 30 days 30 days to protest -Personal delivery -Substituted (only if not present or known) -Mail No protest filed Protest by filing Request for Reconsideration FDDA Final Decision on Disputed Assessment Request for Reinvestigation 60 days to submit additional documents Tax credit 2 years to PAN not needed (FAN agad) Mathematical error Discrepancy between tax w/held and remitted by w/holding agent Refund or credit is carried over and applied Unpaid excise tax due Articles are sold by exempt to non-exempt person 15 days to reply Taxpayer 30 days to be served GR: PAN is required before FAN (Due process) Discussion of Discrepancy Shall in no case be extended beyond 30 days from receipt of NoD Failed to submit Claim for refund from BIR DENIED CIR to decide 180 days 30 days Request for Reconsideration to Commissioner DENIED 30 days within 2 year-period May be simultaneous NOT ACTED ADVERSE: 15 days CTA en banc Await decision DENIED 😛 ADVERSE: 15 days (Administrative Appeal) Same CTA Division DENIED 30 days rc u within 30 days Appeal to Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) REMEDIES OF THE GOVERNMENT ASSESSMENT Ordinary Fraud/Failure Assess Collect 3 years 3 years 10 years 5 years Facts and law Computation of tax liabilities Specific period within 3 years (w/c is later) May be extended after last day of filing date of filing False/fraudulent return evasive intent ↳ 10 years from discovery Agreed-upon by CIR and taxpayer ↳ before expiry of 3-year period COLLECTION [After issuance of FAN] 3 years after finality of assessment 5 years (fraud/omission) even without assessment Distraint (seizure) [Personal] * Levy [Real] * Actual – possession transferred Constructive – prohibited to dispose Forfeited to government if no bidder CIR -public auction -private sale (approval SecFin) * may be pursued simultaneously Court Action ↳ CIVIL – to collect taxes less than 1M - RTC/MTC ► Principal amount at least 1M - CTA ↳ CRIMINAL – acquittal from evasion: not a bar to civil actions NOTE: Deficiency tax – not assessed nor collected if < P 100 Tax Audit GR: only ONCE every taxable year XPN: fraud or mistakes; request of reinvestigation; CGT Notice to Submit Documents Checklist ⇢ 10 days ⇢ 1st Notice ⇢ 10 days ⇢ 2nd Notice ⤵ (order to produce) Subpoena Duces Tecum ⇠ 10 days Best Evidence Obtainable (TP fails to obey SDT) lost/refusal to submit false/incomplete reports Estimation is allowed – XPN: arbitrary and capriciously Jeopardy Assessment – assessed without the benefit of a complete or partial audit by authorized revenue officer Other Notices Tax Verification Notice – for ONETT (estate, donor’s, CGT) Letter Notice – “no-contact-audit”; cannot be a sub to eLOA ↳ 5 days to reconcile, 30 days to settle REMEDIES FOR BOTH TAXPAYER AND GOVERNMENT Compromise [last resort] ↳ Can be entered even if a civil case has been filed ↳ Taxpayer: offer to pay CIR: acceptance ↳ “Compromise penalty” = in lieu of criminal prosecution 15 days ADVERSE GROUNDS: ! Assessment lacks legal/factual basis ! Failed to receive notice caused failure to file protest ! Based on Best Evidence Obtainable Rule ! Delinquency resulted from jeopardy assessment ! Waiver of Statute of Limitation is not authentic ! SC has no finality of decision ! Financial incapacity (+ waiver under Bank Secrecy Law) CANNOT BE COMPROMISED: ! Withholding tax cases; criminal tax fraud cases ! Criminal violations already filed ! Final/executory cases (XPN: financial incapacity) ! Estate tax cases (XPN: doubtful valid assessment) ! Reinvestigation/Reconsi reduces original assessment La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Valid Assessment Failure to file judicial appeal on time makes the assessment FINAL, EXECUTORY, and DEMANDABLE le s Supreme Court Amounts (minimum) Financial incapacity – 10% of basic tax Doubtful validity - 40% of basic tax Approval Basic tax exceeds P1M ⇣ Settlement – below minimum rates by National Evaluation Board (1 Commissioner, 4 Deputies) Abatement or Cancellation Unjust or Excessive Assessment: ↳ Wrong venue, TP’s mistake caused by erroneous RO ↳ Non-compliance because of difficult law interpretation ↳ Labor disputes, substantial losses, beyond control ► Only surcharge and compromise, not interest Unjust Administrative and Collection Cost CIVIL PENALTIES (Applies to all taxes and withholding agents) FILED (but deficient) DUE DATE DEFICIENCY DELINQUENT Tax on Return < BIR Audit Not paid correctly (Interest) (Interest + Surcharge) ↳ Surcharge is not imposed on deficiency ↳ Interest on deficiency and delinquency is not simultaneous Surcharge 25% Failure to pay on time Wrong venue hahahaha Fail to pay full or part (returnable) Fail to pay full (return not required) Willful neglect Filed after written notice False or fraudulent return ↳ 30% Understate: income Overstate: deductions Interest 12% [20% before 2018] Deficiency Failure to pay in full the amount Delinquency due when installment is applied Extended payment 50% Administrative Penalties Failure to include required attachment Failure to w/hold and remit Failure to refund excess WT P1,000 each failure Max P25,000 a year = tax not withheld = refund not refunded Paid before GR: removal from production [local] removal from BoCustom [import] (landed on) (sold/used) Eco-zone ⇢ exempt Outside ⇢ excisable XPN: Petroleum – paid by importer ↳ excisable in Eco-zone/Freeport TRANSACTION BASIS DST Original issuance of shares Par Value P2 per P200 No-par value shares Actual consideration P2 per P200 Stock dividends Actual value of shares P2 per P200 XPN: The issuing corporation should remit the payment of DST Sale of share (previously issued) Par Value P1.5 per P200 50% of DST paid on P1.5 per P200 original issuance DST still imposable whether or not certificate of stock is issued No-par value shares Exempt Transfer of Securities ↳ Borrowing/lending - Securities Borrowing and Lending Program ↳ Sale through PSE (STT – in lieu of income tax, and DST) ↳ Fixed income, securities under secondary market ↳ Tax-free exchange (Merger/conso, recap, reorganization) ↳ Derivatives, repurchase agreements La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Automobile: [4 or more wheels] Exempt [BTS JEEP; ExEmPT] ↳ Bus, Truck ↳ Special purpose [Fire truck, Mixer] ↳ Jeepney ↳ Purely E-vehicle ► If hybrid: 50% exempt lang ↳ Pick-ups, single cab DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX If unpaid: Document is still valid; not admissible to court, not registered to registry of deeds (not recorded) GR: Any party is liable. If one is exempt, the one who is not exempt is liable. Other exemption Removal Export Exclusive use w/in PEZA Used for Test-run Delivery to tax-exempt [Embassies, ADB] Minimum Selling Price 80% x (SRP – Excise - VAT) NOTE: SP includes cost of aircon, radio, installation in a car Mineral Products [inorganic substance] Marketable state (with no chemical change) Quarry resources (no metals) – used for construction Paid by operators, lessees, miners, manufacturer of MP ↳ LIABLE: who is in possession in case of non-payment Paid before removal 20 days after end of quarter (malayo kasi minahan) Cosmetic Surgery Improving, altering (pag pumanget haha), enhancing Subject: Invasive cosmetic surgery Surgery entering the body or skin Rhino (ilong), pwet, dodo, lypo (taba), face/neck lift, eyelid Exempt: Non-invasive and Amelioration ✖ Air dissector??, Laser/light, injectables ✖ Deformity – defect or abnormality ✖ Injury, disfiguring disease, infection ✖ Covered by PhilHealth 5% of GR – 10 days after close of the month Non-Essential Goods Jewelry (precious metals) [fine and immitated] ↳ 20% of wholesale price/importation EXEMPT: Qualified Jewelry Enterprise ↳ BOI Accredited; Entitled to 50% training deduction Subject: Perfume, toilet water (pabango) Yachts, Vessels for pleasure or sports. Tobacco Products, Heated tobacco Cigar, cigarettes, vapor, ✖ EXPT: Import to Eco-/Freeport Zones ↳ Still subject: cigar/rettes, alcoholic (duty-free) ✖ EXPT: if duty-free shops is GOCC Alcoholic products [FAQ] Wines covered by rules of affixtures Distilled spirits Including: flavored beer, Gin Fermented liquor EXPT: Tuba, basi, tapuy Paid: before removal or advanced payment le s Based on Gross Selling/Receipts Price ► If price is < cost + expense, GSP shall be: (cost + expense) + atleast 10% profit CIR may add profit for taxing purposes Sweetened beverages (non-alcoholic) Sweetened juice, tea, carbonated (soda) Flavored water, energy/sports drinks Powdered, cereal and grained drinks Other sweetened non-alcoholic beverage EXPT (on sweetened beverages): ✖ Meal replacement, medical beverages ✖ Fermented liquor, wine, distilled spirits ↳ Because subject to tax on alcoholic beverages ✖ 100% Natural fruit juice, all milk products ✖ Kapeeeee rc u EXCISE TAX Remove VAT, add excise, then add VAT ↳ National and Indirect ↳ Ad valorem (value) and specific (volume) ↳ Proportional and progressive ↳ Privilege/Transactional Bank checks and drafts Check, Deposit, Paymt P3 Debt instruments Issue price P1.5 per P200 less than 1 year Proportionate to date P1.5 per P200 The issuer of debt instrument is liable; XPN: agreement (borrower) Bill of Exchange or Drafts 1 Acceptance 2 Foreign bills of exchange 1 Drawn outside but payable in PH Face Value P0.6 per P200 Face Value P0.6 per P200 Face Value P0.6 per P200 2 Drawn inside but payable outside Exempt Indebtedness ↳ Loan, notes, not exceeding P250,000 (personal use only) ↳ Interbank/department advances (same legal entity) ↳ Credit sales (only that executed by seller/service provider) ↳ Bank deposits with no fixed term/maturity ↳ Interbank call loans (not more than 7 days) ↳ Business conduct with BSP ↳ Assignment of debt (same maturity or remaining period) Life insurance policy Not exceeding 100k > 100k to 300k > 300k to 500k > 500k to 700k > 750k to 1M More than 1M Property Insurance1 Other (indemnity, bonds, title) Amount of insurance Amount of premiums Amount of premiums EXEMPT P20 P50 P100 P150 P200 P0.5 per P4 P0.5 per P4 Annuities (ex. retirement) Premiums or installment P1 per P200 Pre-need plans Premiums or contribtion P0.4 per P200 Indemnity bonds (surety) 2 Amount of premiums P0.3 per P4 1 No DST for reinsurance contracts (only on first insurance) 2 Ex. construction activity. EXPT: required in legal proceedings RULE: Always paid by the insurance company Exempt Insurance Policies ↳ Fraternal, beneficiary, cooperative ↳ Assignment of policy (same maturity or remaining period) First P2,000 Leases (each year, real only) every P1,000 Fractional excess Mortgage, pledge, (land) E&Trust1 Not exceeding P5,000 Amount loaned Each 5k in excess of 5k Amount loaned 2 Sale, donation (real property) Consi vs FV (higher) 1 For estate and trust: whether real or personal Subsequent advances: additional DST 2 Goverment transaction: Based on actual consideration P6 P2 P40 P20 P15 per P1k Exempt Property Transactions ↳ Grants, patents, certificates from government ↳ If exempt from donor’s tax (gift to gov’t, charity, educational) ↳ Assignment of mortgage or lease (same maturity, period) ↳ Tax-free exchange (Merger/conso, recap, reorganization) Omitted: Certificates (diploma, notary: P30); Warehouse receipts (P30); Bills of lading (P2 or P200); Proxy voting (P30); Power of attorney (P10) Loose Stamps: P15 (max P200) Deadline: 5th day of following month Comparisons of VAT Transactions If opted 8%: Optional Exempt, cannot avail; except exceeds 3,000,000 ↳ Prospectively liable starting next month Not required but elects to register Non-cancellable for 3 years Non-cancellable forever (Radio and TV) Can carry over excess input VAT Separately bill Output VAT to customer Entitled to input tax credit Can claim refund 12% Yes Yes Yes Zero Exempt Yes Yes When a non-VAT person issues a VAT invoice/receipt ↳ Liable to VAT and 50% surcharge; cannot claim input tax credit VAT on Goods or Properties Sale of Goods or Properties: Actual receipt – cash basis (at time of sale) rendered or not Constructive receipt – placed at the control of seller ↳ Bank deposit/transfer of amount without restriction ↳ Offsetting with debtor’s obligation Transactions Deemed Sale – tax base is the market value ↳ GSP is unreasonably lower (30% more than MV) ↳ Transfer, use, or consumption or goods originally intended for sale in the course of business ↳ Distribution to SHs as share in profit; CRs as payment ↳ Consignment if not sold within 60 days of consignment ↳ Existing inventories at retirement/cessation of business NOTE: 1. If disposition does not result into a VATable transaction or deemed sale, there is input tax benefit even without output tax. 2. Unused input tax by the dissolved corporation as a result of merger/conso is absorbed by new or surviving corporation La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Liable Introduction GS/GR for 12 months exceeds P3,000,000 Reasonable grounds – VAT registrable Radio, TV franchise – exceeds P10,000,000 Importer – whether in the course of trade or not rc ul es VALUE-ADDED TAX Tax on consumption, indirect, may be shifted NOTE: Taxpayer becomes liable to VAT but fails to register: ► Liable to whole Output VAT ► Cannot separately bill output VAT, cannot be shifted ► No Input tax can be claimed ► Liable for fines and sanctions If main business is exempt: cannot elect for VAT Incidental/Isolated transactions: ► If an exempt sale – Exempt ► If a zero-rated sale – Liable (12%) Registration Commencing business – simultaneous with bus. Registration Who exceeded threshold – before end of next month Radio and TV – 30 days from end of the year Opted to register – 10 before beginning of the taxable quarter Cancellation of Registration Effective next month after approval of cancellation Written application – if not exceeded P3,000,000 Ceased business, no expectation to resume within 12 months Sole – change of ownership Partnership and Corporation – dissolution Merger and Consolidation Failure to start business [FAQ], or becomes exempt Did not exceed 3M within 3 years, or revocation after 3 years OTHER MATTERS 1. Supplementary Receipts or Invoices (delivery, DM/CM, acknowledgement, PO, JO, bill of lading, etc.) are not valid proof to support claims for INPUT TAXES 2. Service rendered by NRA in PH – considered in the course of trade or business (even if not in a regular basis) 3. Subsidence or livelihood – exempt from business taxes. 4. Gross Sales – mean less returns, allowances, and discounts - cash discounts (conditional) – not allowed - trade discounts (time of sale) – allowed VAT on Importation – based on landed cost Customs duty + brokerage + DST + Excise Sale of Tax-free Goods to NON-Exempt IMPORT ⇢ EXEMPT PERSON (ex. embassy) ⇢ sold to NON-EXEMPT [VAT exempt] [Liable as importer] Sale or Exchange of Real Property Selling price FV (which is higher) Sale not in ordinary course of business Residential house and lot by Not used in business Used (incidental) a non-dealer Residential house and lot by More than 3,199,200 3,199,200 or less a real estate dealer EXEMPT CGT (6%) VAT VAT EXEMPT Sale on Installment: Initial payment does not exceed 25% of GSP/CP Sale on Deferred-Payment: > 25% of gross selling/contract price INITIAL PAYMENT = Down payment + Installment during the year Including excess mortgage (Mortgage – Cost = excess) Sale of residential lots are no longer exempt VAT on Services Performed within the Philippines Lease or use of intangible rights Assistance ancillary for enjoyment of property/right Service by non-resident person in connection with the use of property or rights purchased from that non-resident person Lease of motion picture films, films, tapes and discs Lease or right of use for radio, TV, satellite, cable NOTE: Zero-rated - service performed for a foreign client within PH Lessors of Property (see exempt lease of property) Properties located in PH – based on gross rentals Rental/royalties to NRFC – licensee is liable on behalf Advanced payment – VATable when received ↳ excluding: Loan to lessor, option money, security deposit Professionals – including actors, singers, athletes, etc. GPP – deposits received as income ↳ Expenses to be claimed – should be in the name of GPP Others haha dami VAT to lessors or distributors of films, not to sale of tickets VAT to toll operators, not to the toll fees. Operators are liable Dealers in securities – GSP less cost of security sold Lending investors – other than non/quasi/banks, financial co. NON-life insurance companies – OPT kapag life insurance Zero-Rated Sales If VAT is not billed separately, it is deemed inclusive Cross-border Doctrine: taxed only on where items are consumed Export sales/services Sale and actual shipment: PH to Foreign SALE of goods, supplies, equipment, and fuel – engaged in: ↳ International shipping or international air transport, provided: ► Only for exclusive use for goods and passenger transport ► PH port directly to foreign port ► 12% VAT: portion of such items used for other purposes ↳ Sale of power, or fuel generated through renewable energy Effectively Zero-Rated [FAQ: different from zero-rated] Sales to PEZA and Freeport-Zone registered Sales to entities granted with indirect exemption - special laws Removed from Zero-Rated [Now 12% VAT under TRAIN] ✖ Processing, manuf for outside business and subsequently exported ✖ Sub/contractors whose export sales > 70% of annual production ✖ Foreign currency denominated sales under IRR or BSP ✖ Export sales under Omnibus Investments Code and special laws ✖ Sale of gold to BSP (now exempt) Freeport and Eco-zones are considered outside PH custom territories Zero-rated: Sale to PAGCOR: VAT registered but exempt under law Value Exempt TRANSPORTATION SERVICE International [PH-Abroad] VEHICLE Sale Importation Lease Years of Stay Outside Did not avail before arrival within: FUEL or GOODS Land Air/water DOMESTIC C ORPO Air/water FOREIGN C ORPO Sale Importation 3% 12% VAT 12% VAT 12% VAT Passenger Goods/Cargoes Passenger Goods/Cargoes 0% 0% EXEMPT 3% Domestic Shipment/Air Transport EXEMPT International Shipment/Air Transport Domestic Shipment/Air Transport International Shipment/Air Transport Domestic Shipment/Air Transport International Shipment/Air Transport P150,000 Less than 5 years 6 months P250,000 5 to not > 10 years 5 years P350,000 10 or more years 10 years Appliances – one of every kind; max 60 days after return Balikbayan boxes – max P150,000, not for sale, 3x a year De minimis importation – goods valued P10,000 or below Professional instruments; tools of trade, occupation or employment, wearing apparel, domestic animals. IMPORTATION: Fuel, goods, supplies to international... D. Medical, dental, hospital, veterinary, laboratory services XPN: Rendered by professionals (see above) Sale of medicine for in-patients [XPN: VAT if out-patient] E. Sale or importation under CREATE Law For diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension (E: Jan 1, 2019) For cancer, mental illness, tuberculosis (E: Jan 1, 2023) COVID Related – vaccines, medicines (NE: June 30, 2023) F. Agricultural contract growers and millings (ex. palay to rice) G. Private Educational Institutions (DepEd, CHED, and TESDA) H. Services under employer-employee relationship I. Regional or Area Headquarters [RHQ] ↳ NOTE: ROHQs – (10% income tax), (12% VAT) J. Banks, non-banks (quasi-banking), financial intermediaries ✖ Cooperatives ✖ Home-owners, condominium association dues A. Agricultural Cooperatives [CDA] Sales to non-members (original state) Importation: direct farm inputs, mach&equipment & parts Coop not the producer: only sales to members are exempt B. Lending activities by credit/multipurpose cooperative [CDA] C. Non-agri, non-electric, non-credit [CDA]:share cap max 15k ✖ Residential Properties A. Low-cost housing and Socialized housing B. Lease of Residential Units (VAT or OPT if commercial) Monthly rent atleast P15,000 (regardless of aggregate) EXEMPT Monthly rent exceeds P15,000 (subject to 3M threshold) VAT/OPT Regular Input Vat REQUISITES 1. Transaction – VAT is passed on to a VAT-registered taxpayer ↳ Goods – when sold, used, converted. Even if in accrual basis ↳ Service – VAT has actually paid 2. Registration – claimed only by VAT-registered persons ↳ Importation – upon release of goods from customs ↳ Purchase of Goods - upon consummation of sale ↳ Service or Lease – upon payment 3. In the course of trade or business 4. Attribution – directly attributable or ratable portion 5. Documentation – to substantiate input tax credit ↳ Invoice – proof of transaction or sale (accrual basis) ↳ Official receipt – proof of payment ↳ VAT invoice – sale, barter, exchange of goods or properties ↳ VAT official receipt – for services and lease of goods/properties Importation of goods Import entry, BOC receipt, other docs Purchase of goods/prop Invoice Purchase of real property Public instrument + VAT invoice Services Official receipt ✖ Export sales by not VAT-registered persons ✖ Treaties ✖ Sale of gold to BSP (previously zero-rated) ✖ Tax-free exchange ✖ Printers and publishers – regular/subscription basis NO LONGER APPLICABLE Amortization of Input Vat on aggregate purchase of depreciable capital goods exceeding P1M in one calendar month [E: December 31, 2021] REPAIRS Passenger Goods/Cargoes Passenger Goods/Cargoes rc ul es Domestic [PH-PH] La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Exempt Goods, Properties, and Services ✖ Senior citizens and PWD’s - Sale of essential/basic goods A. Hotel, lodging, sports, recreation, restaurants, hospitals ✖ Exempt goods and services A. Agricultural, marine food products – “original state” Agricultural [CCROP MO] Marine Livestock Poultry Corn grits, Copra Fish Cow, bulls Fowl (pabo) Raw sugar – now muscovado Lobster Calves, pig Duck Ordinary salt Shrimp,Prawn Sheep, goat Geese Polished/Husked rice Oyster, clams Rabbit Turkey Molasses Trout, etc. Means unprocessed even undergone simple processing: Preparation – boiling,broiling,grinding,roasting,husking Preservation – freezing, drying, salting, smoking Packaging – vacuum, shrink wrapping, tetra-pack, etc. B. Fertilizers, feeds, including ingredients (except for pets) C. Importation: Personal or household effects (returning) Domestic Shipment International Shipment INPUT VAT Special Rules Presumptive Input VAT – 4% for purchase of primary agricultural products (not including fish and marine) as inputs for processing or manufacturing of: peyborit mo Sardines Milk Packed instant noodles Mackerel Cooking Oil Refined Sugar 12% VAT 0% 12% VAT EXEMPT 12% VAT 0% Transitional Input VAT – for those who become liable to VAT Basis: HIGHER of 2% of beginning inventory [LCNRV] Actual VAT paid on such inventory Withholding VAT A. For lease/service payments to non-residents 12% VAT is remitted to BIR: ↳ BIR Form 1600-VT: Monthly Remittance Return ► 10 days following the month the withholding was made ↳ BIR Form 2306: Certificate of Final Tax Withheld at Source ► On or before Jan 31 of the ff. year or upon request B. Sales to Government: Now a 5% CREDITABLE withholding VAT 5% is withheld by the government 7% is paid by the taxpayer ↳ Excess of 7%: Expense: Actual input > 7% payment Income: Actual input < 7% payment Input VAT Refund or Tax Credit For: VAT-Registered whose sales are effectively-zero or zero-rated Refund: Within 2 years after close of the taxable quarter of sale CIR: 90 days from submission of filing and OR/invoices to decide Denial of CIR: must be in writing + legal and factual basis Appeal to CTA: within 30 days from denial Tax Credit Certificate: pwede to pay any internal revenue taxes Deadlines Monthly VAT: NO LONGER Required Quarterly VAT: 25th day following the close of the quarter AMENDED: Standard Input VAT – 7% final withholding VAT of sales to government; based on selling prices, now creditable WVAT [E: Jan. 1, 2021] Real or Personal Tangible Properties Situs Resident or Citizen Non-resident alien - Wherever - In Philippines only Exempt: Intangible properties of NRA (within PH) under reciprocity rule ↳ Franchise – exercised in Philippines ↳ Share or rights - any partnership or Industry established in PH ↳ Eighty-five (85%) of share, obligations, bonds by FC is w/in PH ↳ SOB issued by Domestic corporations (sociedad anonima) ↳ SOB of Foreign Corp that acquired a business Situs in PH La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Inclusions in Gross Estate Life insurance proceeds Beneficiary Revocable Irrevocable Third persons Included EXEMPT Estate, executor or administrator Included Included Insufficient Consideration Transfer – selling price below FV Fair value at time of transfer basis if insufficient (SP < FVT) Consideration (Selling price) basis of amount included in GE FV at time of death Deductions Ordinary Deductions Losses - within 1 year ↳ Costs incurred in settlement of estate ↳ Casualties – including robbery, theft, embezzlement ↳ Not compensated by insurance (or the portion) ↳ Losses not claimed as deduction for income tax ↳ Incurred not later than last day of payment of estate tax Claims against the estate/insolvent persons Against Estate Insolvent Person Decedent DEBTOR CREDITOR Ordinary Deduction Pecuniary debt Uncollectible portion Requisites (Against Estate): [CPA SEN] i. Not Condoned or prescribed ii. Personal obligation at time of death iii. Adequate and full consideration and good faith iv. Substantiated within 3 years v. Enforceable and valid in law vi. Notarized (no need if financial institution) Unpaid Taxes – accrued before death ↳ Not including income tax, RPT, estate tax. Unpaid Mortgages – include FV of property in GE first Transfer for Public Use ↳ Transfers for the use of government or political subdivisions for public purpose (deduction from exclusive property) Vanishing Deductions (Property Previously Taxed) ↳ Death of present must not exceed 5 years from death of prior decedent or date of donation ↳ Must have formed part of prior decedent’s estate or gift ↳ Estate tax must have been finally determined and paid ↳ No vanishing deductions were allowed for prior decedent le s 6% based on Net Taxable Estate Gross Estate – fair value at time of death ↳ Real property – HIGHER of Zonal vs Assessed ↳ Personal Properties – purchase price (recent purchase) ► If not recent: Pawn value x 3 ↳ Listed shares – Quotation at time of death ► If no available: arithmetic mean (High-Low) ↳ Unlisted Common Shares – Book value ↳ Unlisted Preference Shares – Par value rc u ESTATE TAX [transfer mortis causa] EXCLUDE: Bona fide sales: Selling price = or > FV time of transfer Transfer in Contemplation of Death Condition When? Status Before death No, Donor’s Tax Fulfilled At/After death INCLUDED to GE Not fulfilled INCLUDED to GE Waived (transferred) Malamang before No, Donor’s Tax Revocable Transfers (pwede bawiin, so kay decedent pa rin) Power to revoke transfer Status Exercised or Not INCLUDED Waived Expired before death Expired after death INCLUDED Transfer under General Power of Appointment ↳ In favor of anybody (not designated, no transfer yet) Void Transfers – nullified transfers, reverted back to decedent Exclusions/Exemptions in Gross Estate Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title (TAX) LOLO [decedent] APO [owner of naked title] (TAX) USUFRUCTUARY EXCLUDED “ako muna gagamit” [no title] Transfer or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by fiduciary heir or legatee to the fideicommissary (form of trust) (Tax) (EXEMPT) Decedent Fiduciary Heir Fideicommissary Transmission from first heir in favor of another beneficiary in accordance with the desire of the predecessor ↳ A special power of appointment (specific designation) Bequest, devises, legacies, transfer to social welfare, cultural, charitable institutions (religious, educational: NOT excluded) ↳ No part of net income inures to benefit of any individual ↳ Not more than 30% is used for administration purposes Exclusive property of spouse Before Marriage During Marriage Properties owned or acquired Exclusive – exclusive money CPG Exclusive Conjugal – common fund ACP Community Community Acquired through labor or industry CPG Exclusive Conjugal ACP Community Community Acquired through gratuitous title CPG Exclusive Exclusive ACP Community Exclusive Acquired through labor CPG Exclusive Conjugal ACP Community Community NOTE: Under Absolute Community of Properties [On or after 8-3-88] 1. Personal property and exclusive use: Exclusive XPN: Jewelry - Community; Exclusive if inherited 2. Property before marriage who has legitimate descendant in former marriage – Exclusive Special Deductions Family Home – including land, must be in PH ↳ Lower FV (Declared in GE vs. Interest); Max P10,000,000 Standard Deduction ↳ Resident or Citizen – P5,000,000; NRA – P500,000 Retirement Benefits (RA 4917) – include in GE first ↳ Amount received by heirs from the employer Foreign Tax Credit LIMIT A (Per Country) LIMIT ACTUAL ALLOWED Country A NE Country A Worldwide NE x PH tax due = xx xx Country B NE Country B Worldwide NE x PH tax due = xx xx LOWER LIMIT A LIMIT B (Total Foreign NE) Country A LOWER LIMIT Total Foreign NE x PH tax due = xx Worldwide NE ACTUAL ALLOWED xx LOWER LIMIT B Which is lower between limit A or B, or the actual foreign taxes paid Filing Who: Administrator or Executor (primary obligation to pay) What: BIR Form 1801 When: 1 year from decedent’s death ↳ Extension for Filing: Meritorious cases – Max 30 days ► No extension for fraud, negligence, disregard of IRR ↳ Extension for Payment: ► Judicial settlement – Max 5 years ► Extra-judicial settlement – Max 2 years Pro-forma Gross Estate L:Ordinary Deductions L:Special Deductions: Standard Deduction Family Home Net Estate L:Share of surviving spouse NET TAXABLE ESTATE Rate [FAQ] ESTATE TAX DUE L: Tax credit Estate Tax Payable Exclusive xx (xx) x Common xx (xx) x ½ TOTAL xxx (xxx) xx (x) (x) xx (xx) xx 6% xx (x) xx Funeral, medical, and judicial expenses: NO LONGER DEDUCTIBLE Notice of Death: NO LONGER NEEDED under TRAIN Certification from a CPA: when GE exceeds P5,000,000 – includes (1) Itemized assets, (2) Itemized deductions, (3) Tax due paid and still due Bank withdrawal: (should be made within 1 year) – subject to 6% FWT XPN: If already included in the gross estate P5,000 or less Simultaneous delivery More than P5,000 Acceptance is also in writing 2) Real Property ↳ In public instrument ↳ Deed of donation and Deed of acceptance Void Donations - Taxable if not nullified w/in 30 days Officials – his wife of descendant by reason of his office Failure to observe formalities Future property Incapacitated persons (minor, insanity, NRNW deaf-mute) Criminal offenses Inexistent object Adultery (for man) and concubinage (for woman) Lack of acceptance Spouse donation between spouse (XPN: moderate gift) *For corporations: real properties does not include MACHINERIES Unlisted/Not Traded Shares – the fair market values are: Common shares – book value Preferred shares – liquidation value (redemption price + premiums and dividend in arrears) (sa Estate Tax yung par) Listed or Traded through SEC – Stock Transaction Tax (0.6%) Constitutes a final tax; not subject to Income tax and CGT Not subject to Capital Gains Tax ↳ If made through local stock exchange ↳ Shares are of a foreign corporation ↳ Not a capital asset (seller is a dealer in securities) ↳ The sale resulted to a loss Sale of Real Property to Government, Political Subdivisions or Agencies, or GOCCs ↳ CGT or Income tax – at the option of the taxpayer La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Inclusions Capital Gains Tax Capital Assets – Other than dealers in securities Shares of a Domestic Corporation Unlisted 15% Net Capital Gain Listed 0.6% Selling Price ↳ Through SEC (STT) 15% Net Capital Gain ↳ Directly to the buyer Real Property (Capital Asset)* 6% GSP vs. FMV le s Form 1) Personal Property ↳ Orally ↳ Writing DEALINGS IN PROPERTIES rc u DONOR’S TAX [transfer inter vivos] 6% based on Total Gifts in excess of P250,000 Cumulative over one year Elements Consent, Object, Cause or Consideration Donor’s capacity – minors, even unborn child: can be donees Donative intent – “animus donandi” and delivery Acceptance of the donee and donor’s knowledge of acceptance Less than Full and Adequate Consideration Fair market value P3,000,000 P1,500,000 donor’s tax Consideration (SP) P1,500,000 P 500,000 income tax Cost/tax basis P1,000,000 Real Personal Ordinary asset Donor’s tax Donor’s tax Capital asset Donor’s tax CAPITAL GAINS TAX Renunciation of Surviving Spouse – share in ACP/CPG ↳ XPN: Renunciation as an heir: not to donor’s tax Incomplete gifts because of reservation: becomes complete ↳ When donor renounces reserved power ↳ Right to exercise ceases – reasons other than death Condonation or Forgiveness of Debt ↳ If creditor desires to benefit a debtor ↳ No other consideration is required ↳ If not included in debtor’s gross income Exclusions/Exemptions Gifts to Government, Non-profit agencies, Political subdivision Social welfare, charitable, cultural, educational, religious, NGO ↳ 30% rule applies (see in estate tax); paying no dividends Campaign contributions to political parties ↳ Must be utilized and spent; reported to CIR ↳ Payments made by political parties - withheld 5% CWT ↳ Declared to Statement of Contributions and Expenditures Under special laws (IRRI, IBP, Ramon Magsaysay Award, etc.) General renunciation (property not specifically designated) Deductions Encumbrance (ex. mortgage) assumed by the donee Diminutions specifically provided by the donor Husband and Wife Husband and wife are separate taxpayers (same in estate) Only one donor – when a conjugal/community property is donated by husband. (Wife can nullify the validity) Filing What: BIR Form 1800 (duplicate) under oath ↳ Donation at different dates - separate return each donor ↳ Donation at a same date – only one return each donor ↳ Separate return if involves conjugal/community property When: 30 days after the gift Where: Where the donor is registered (AAB, RDO, Treasurer) ↳ PH Embassy, or CIR office (South QC) for non-resident Sale of Principal Residence - not subject to CGT if: ↳ Proceeds are fully utilized to acquire new principal residence ↳ Within 18 calendar months from date of sale ► Requisites Exemption can be availed once every 10 years BIR is notified within 30 days of the intention Unutilized portion subject to CGT: Unutilized portion Taxable Amount = x FV vs Selling Price Gross Selling Price Other Capital Assets Subject to Income Tax Amounts realized – Tax basis = Gain Retirement of Bonds Short sales – selling of a security a speculator does not own Option gains and losses – exclusive privilege to buy or not ↳ The option money (or privilege) is the capital asset Securities becoming worthless – loss from sale of shares that become worthless. Deductible to gains (not under CGT) Liquidating Dividends – Difference between sum of cash and the surrendered share. If installment, taxable only on final. Retirement or Redemption for Cancellation of Preferred Shares – difference between the value received and cost of preferred shares. Not applicable when acquired for treasury. Holding Period Rule – only for INDIVIDUALS Amount of gain or loss to be recognized: 100% Capital asset - held for 12 months or less 50% Capital asset - held for more than 12 months Capital Loss Limitation Rule – for all taxpayers ↳ Losses from sale of capital asset are allowed only to the extent of the gains. The excess loss goes to: Capital Loss Carry-over – only for INDIVIDUALS ↳ Only to succeeding taxable years (1 year only) Installment Basis APPLIES TO: Regular sales – personal (movable) property by a dealer who normally sells in installment Casual sales Personal Property ► More than P1,000 ► Initial payment does not exceed 25% of selling price ► Not an inventory Real Property ► Initial payment does not exceed 25% of selling price Initial Payment – Payments made within the year Notice of Donation: to be exempt and claim full deduction ↳ Donations are at least P 50,000 ↳ Donees are accredited donee institutions (charitable, etc.) ↳ 30 days after receipt of the donee’s Certificate of Donation Formulas: Installment CGT = (Total CGT/Contract Price) x Installment Coll Realized GP = (Gross Profit/Contract Price) x Collection Certification Authorizing Registration (CAR) – signifies clearance that taxes have been paid. For transfers requiring CAR, donor’s tax return must still be filed indicating zero payment. Selling price = basis for installment compliance Contract price = basis for income or CGT to be recognized Casual sales and holding period does not apply to real estate dealers INCOME TAX GENERAL PRINCIPLES (Highlights only) Installment: May elect when tax due exceeds P2,000 ↳ On or before April 15, then on or before October 15 Lifeblood Theory – to enable government to operate Necessity Theory – government cannot fulfill duties w/o tax Benefits Received Theory or Symbiotic Relationship – gov’t would be paralyzed w/o tax. Every person who is able – must contribute share in running the government. Principles of a Sound Tax System Fiscal Adequacy – requires sources of revenues must be adequate to meet government expenditures Administrative Feasibility – must be effectively enforced and administered with least inconvenience to taxpayer Theoretical Justice – uniform and equitable (progressive) Taxes are payable in money, but Congress can enact other form Tax Exemption – Majority of ALL members of Congress Stage of Taxation 1. Levy – Determination of Congress as to object, subject, rate 2. Assessment and Collection – final stage of tax administration 3. Payment – taxpayers’ compliance including remedies 4. Refund – restitution of tax payment as excessive or erroneous La N st O M T i FO nu R te SA by LE H e Fringe Benefits (Monetary Value ÷ 65%) x 35% [75%-25% for NRA] Congress: Exercise power to tax; BIR: Implementation le s For non-VAT registered only Income does not exceed P3,000,000 8% Flat Rate Should be signified in the first quarter In lieu of percentage taxes No need to attach FS with the return Based on gross sales/receipts (no cost deductions) Pure Business or Professional Income Including other non-operating income First P250,000 is exempt ✖ No other deductions from gross sales/receipts Mixed Compensation – always graduated tax ✖ Business and Profession – P250,000 deduction not allowed ✖ No other deductions from gross sales/receipts Inherent Powers Police power – for the public welfare Eminent Domain – taking properties; “just compensation” Power of taxation – collect enforced monetary contribution SIMILARITIES OF INHERENT POWERS: ↳ Inherent and Indispensable ↳ Legislative in nature; have limitation on rights ↳ Equivalent compensation rc u Non-resident Citizen – at least 183 days (most of the time”) NRA ETB – more than 180 days Resident AND Citizen Within and without RIT Others Within only RIT NRA-NETB Within only 25% on GI Not Subject to Fringe Benefits Tax Given to a rank-and-file employee Retirement, insurance, hospitalization benefits for employees Benefits necessary for trade; for convenience of employer De minimis benefits De Minimis Benefits Max value per year Monetized unused vacation leave credit 10 days VL Medical cash allowance to dependents P3,000 (P250/month) Rice subsidy (P2,000 or 1 sack of 50kg) P24,000 Uniform and clothing allowance P6,000 Actual medical allowance P10,000 Laundry allowance P3,600 (P300/month) Employee achievement (non-cash) P10,000 Christmas gift P5,000 Daily meal allowance 25% of MW Benefits through CBA P10,000 In excess of P90,000 is taxable: Commissions, honoraria, fringe benefits, in excess of maximum de minimis HOUSING PRIVILEGE ER lease for use of EE ER owns for use of EE ER transfers ownership to EE ER transfers with lower price VEHICLES ER lease for use of EE ER owns for use of EE ER purchase in the name of EE ER provides cash to purchase ER shouldered a portion Monetary Value Value Rental 50% of value 5% of FMV 50% of value FV vs Cost Entire value FV less price Entire value Rental* Cost ÷ 5 Acq Cost Cash given Shouldered 50% of value 50% of value Entire value Entire value Entire value *Vehicles not normally used in business OTHERS Corporations Not Subject to MCIT Non-Profit Proprietary Educational Institution and Hospitals – reduced to 1% (as per CREATE) ↳ Provided income from unrelated activities shall not exceed 50%; back to 10% starting June 30, 2023 Depositary banks under FCDU ↳ Offshore income – EXEMPT ↳ Onshore income – 10% final tax Offshore Banking Units – now subject to RIT and MCIT Regional Operating Headquarters – now subject to 25% Branch Profit Remittance Tax (15%) – PEZA is exempted Special Foreign Corporations International Carrier (Originating from Philippines) Non-resident cinematographic film owner, lessor or distributor Non-resident owner or lessor of aircraft, machineries, equipment Non-resident owner or lessor of vessels chartered by PH nationals 15% on Gross Philippine Billings 25% on Gross income 7.5% on Gross Rentals 4.5% on Gross Rentals Quarterly Income Tax: May 15, August 15, November 15 Nature of Power of Taxation Comprehensive – covers person, businesses, rights, etc. Unlimited – involves power to destroy Supreme – insofar as the selection of the subject of taxation Plenary – complete, unqualified, absolute INHERENT LIMITATION OF POWER OF TAXATION ↳ Public Purpose – primarily to raise revenue ► Secondary – non-revenue or sumptuary Promote general welfare, regulation, reduction of social inequity (progressive tax system), economic growth (ITH and PEZA), protectionism (duties) ↳ Exemption of Government – GR: GOCCs are subject ↳ Non-delegability of taxing power – exclusively: Congress ► XPN: President – tariffs; LGU – local taxes; Agencies ↳ International Comity – Doctrine of Sovereign Equality ↳ Situs (Territoriality) – act of sovereignty; boundaries CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS OF POWER OF TAXATION ↳ Due Process ► Procedural – proper notice (writing), not arbitrary ► Substantive – not harsh, oppressive; must state law ↳ Equal Protection – comes from valid classification ► Apply both to present and future conditions ► Applied equally to all members of the same class ► Must be germane to purposes of the law ► Based on substantial distinction Direct double taxation – prohibited (same subject matter, place, period, purpose, authority, kind) Indirect double taxation – allowed (in absence) ↳ Religious freedom – free exercise clause ↳ Exemption of religious, charitable and educational institution from property taxes ↳ Exemption of non-stock, non-profit educational institution from all taxes ↳ Uniformity – uniform, equitable, progressive ↳ Non-imprisonment for non-payment of debt or poll tax ↳ Non-impairment of contracts ↳ Freedom of speech and the press Bureau of Internal Revenue 1 Commissioner and 4 Deputies (Operations, Legal, Information System, Resource Management) ↳ Power of assessment and collection (not levy) ↳ Interpretation of tax laws (subject to review of SecOfFinance) ↳ Examination of return – assessment of correct amount of tax ↳ Examination of books – that may be relevant or material ↳ Issue summons – produce records or testify under oath ↳ Compromise or abate (non-delegable) – P500,000 or less Certified Public Accountant 2023