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IoT Traffic Management Research Proposal

Faculty of Computing and Informatics,
Department of Software Engineering
Leveraging Internet of Things to Improve Traffic Management in Windhoek.
João Julia Luzolo
Student number: 220079447
Supervisor: Dr. Simon Muchinenyika
A research proposal to be submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for a bachelor’s degree
Honours in Software Development.
14 JUNE 2024
TITLE : (Mr.)
STUDENT NAME: João Julia Luzolo
SUPERVISOR: Dr. Simon Muchinenyika
QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s degree Honours in Computer Science
SPECIALISATION: Software Development
STUDY TITLE: Leveraging Internet of Things to Improve Traffic Management in Windhoek.
MAIN KNOWLEDGE AREA: Research Gateway…
KEYWORDS: city planning, Internet of Things, smart city, Traffic management system
STATUS: Proposal
SPONSOR (or Cluster/ Research lab): Smart and Secure Systems
I, João Julia Luzolo, hereby declare that the work contained in this research project is my
original work. I further declare that I have acknowledged through referencing, the work of
other people that I used in this project.
Signature _________________________
/ 05
João Julia Luzolo (student)
I herewith declare that I accept this proposal for my supervision
Dr. Simon Muchinenyika (supervisor)
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ............................................ 5
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5
BACKGROUND OF STUDY AREA ....................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT ....................................................................................... 7
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM ...................................................................................... 7
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................... 8
RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................... 8
This research has the following questions: .................................................................................... 8
1.8 SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER ................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 3. PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW and or Theoretical ........................................ 9
Underpinnings/ Framework .................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Efficient and sustainable Traffic Management through IoT ....................................................... 9
3.3 Reduce Time Travel and Enhance Road Safety through IoT ..................................................... 11
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 13
CHAPTER 4. SIGNIFICANCE/BENEFITS OF THE STUDY............................................................ 13
CHAPTER 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 14
Research Methodology .......................................................................................................... 14
Research Design ..................................................................................................................... 14
Data Collection Methods ........................................................................................................ 14
CHAPTER 6. RESEARCH DELINEATION .................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER 7. RESEARCH ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................ 16
CHAPTER 9. OUTLINE OF RESEARCH WORK PLAN ................................................................. 17
On the 13th of March 2024, the Namibia Statistics Agency had published the latest population
count of Namibia to be 3,022,401 people, a population increase of 909,324 in the last 12 years
(The population was 2.1 million people in 2011). It was also stated that the Khomas region
(mainly comprising of the city of Windhoek) is the most populated region of Namibia, with a
population of 494,729 people. With the increase in population, there is also an increase in
traffic congestion. As the city has grown, there has been an increase in roads traffic too in the
recent years. There are more vehicles on the road, as well as more pedestrians, bringing more
concerns for road safety for the drivers, pedestrians, and the Namibia Roads Authority.
Majority of the drivers affected by this congestion are the commuters (Home-work trip cars)
and deliveries drivers (!hoaës, 2013).
The city of Windhoek has had a high number of roads traffic accidents(RTAs) recorded in the
past recent years, most caused by young drivers (drivers in the age range of 17 – 30 years),
who often drive recklessly while under drug or alcohol influence, driving while they are on
their cell phones, and not adhering to speed limits on the road (Shaduka, 2018). These young
drivers also fall under the commuters and delivery driver categories. Such drivers’ behaviors
create more chances for RTAs, which is very concerning and creates an urgent need for a
better traffic management. IoT can potentially provide a better traffic management solution
that can reduce the traffic congestion in certain roads. For this reason, this research aims at
finding out how to leverage IoT to improve the traffic management in Windhoek.
Windhoek is the capital city of Namibia, located in the central highlands of the country. In
recent years, it has experience a population growth, which has also increased the number of
vehicles on the roads, affecting the flow of traffic (Ntinda, 2012). The current traffic
management of Windhoek is comprised of the traffic lights, street signs and different road
marking which assist in the flow of traffic (City of Windhoek, n.d). The city of Windhoek has a
traffic management unit which is responsible for matters that are related to traffic control. It
has four strategies of operation namely: Traffic Engineering, Education Enforcement, and
Evaluation (City of Windhoek, n.d). Traffic engineering looks at road designs and considers
variables such as population, industrial areas, and town growth in order to ensure a safe and
efficient flow of traffic. It assists in identifying different areas that may pose problem to the
road safety and tries developing solutions to those problems. Road Safety alludes to the
measures and the methods used to prevent injury and death of the road users (Assailly, 2017).
This is done by looking at the design of the roads as well as considering the population grow
to ensure that the roads have an efficient and safe flow of traffic (City of Windhoek, n.d). The
education strategy aims at informing and creating awareness about road safety to the road
user. The enforcement strategy deals with monitoring the road users’ behaviours such as over
speeding, by using speed limits traffic cameras in order to encourage responsible driving and
avoid speed related accidents (New Era, 2023). Last but not least, the evaluation strategy
assesses whether the measures put in places are being effective (City of Windhoek, n.d). All
these strategies have been very helpful, however, they need human intervention in order to
function. Internet of Things(IoT) offers a more effective way of managing the traffic which
would require less human efforts. IoT refers to the interconnected network of different devices
and technologies that communicate between themselves and other cloud systems over the
internet (Gillis, 2021). IoT has been moving the world towards automated processes and smart
management systems (Lilhore et al., 2022). IoT includes the collection and analyses of data
from different sensors and other physical devices, and this data is used to effectively manage
and support traffic management (Manasseh & Sengupta, 2010).
Namibia just like many other countries in the world has experienced an increase in the
population, and as the population has increased, the number of cars on the road has also
increased. Traffic congestion is something that has become more and more evident in the
city of Windhoek, experienced by different drivers and passengers every day as they go to
work, school, home, and other destinations. Commuters and delivery drivers are the most
affected by the traffic congestion (!hoaës, 2013). Due to the traffic congestion, many trips
that would have taken about 10 minutes under normal circumstances, now take about 30
minutes, and those that could have taken 30 minutes take about an hour (!hoaës, 2013). In
November 2023, there was a meeting held by Honourable John Mutorwa, the Minister of
Works and Transport, to discuss some challenges of the Windhoek road infrastructure, which
is not being able to accommodate the increasing population and has led to traffic congestion.
The main aim of the meeting was to state out the challenges and find ways to have a
transport system that is more efficient and sustainable (Staffer, 2023)
 the main objective of this research is to leverage IoT to improve the traffic
management in Windhoek.
In order to achieve the set main objective, below sub-objectives were set:
 To establish the existing IoT technologies used in traffic management.
 To evaluate these technologies to see which one of those apply for Windhoek.
 To design and evaluate a solution for better traffic management in Windhoek.
Research main question:
 How to Leverage IoT to improve the traffic management in Windhoek? 
In order to answer the main question, the research has sub-questions below:
 What are the existing IoT technologies used in traffic management?
 Which of these technologies can be used in Windhoek?
 How to design and evaluate a solution for better traffic management in
Namibia has experienced an increase in population and the city of Windhoek has the highest
population. The infrastructure of the roads in city of Windhoek have not been able to accommodate
the increasing number of cars in Windhoek and this has led to a traffic congestion. This study will
investigate how the use of IoT can help improving the traffic management in the city of Windhoek, as
well as reducing the traffic congestion on the roads.
Underpinnings/ Framework
3.1 Introduction
The fast-increasing population in urban cities is rising more concern for traffic management
and road safety. The need for a better traffic management and road safety is evident as more
vehicles are seen on day-to-day roads taken for work, schools, and other destinations. Many
researchers have taken the journey of studying the issues of traffic congestion, traffic
management and road safety. IoT offers a variety of applications that can be used to solve
problem caused by traffic congestion, it can also help in improving traffic management and
provide a better road safety. This chapter reviews and analysis the work done by other
researchers on the use of IoT for traffic management.
3.2 Efficient and sustainable Traffic Management through IoT
The world is experiencing a new era of technology and as new technologies keep on emerging,
the need for IoT can no longer be ignored in making a way for automated traffic management
systems and advanced transport systems. As it is in the name, Internet of Things (IoT) is
comprised of two main words “Internet” which refers to the standard Internet protocol suite
(TCP/IP) which provides services over the cloud, and “Things” which refers to different devices
and systems that are connected to the cloud, sending and receiving data (Madakam,
Ramaswamy, & Tripathi, 2015). An IoT system specifically needs sensors, network, a
communication channel and other technologies in order to work (Gigli & Koo, 2011). IoT has
transformed cities into intelligent hubs of interconnected devices where daily operation have
been immensely optimised. Nevertheless, the goal is not just to make the cities smart, the
main aim is to improve day-to-day operation through system automations that are effective
and sustainable (Sujatha et al, 2023). In visioning this transformation of our cities, traffic and
congestion management becomes very pivotal, and considering the fact that the population
size of cities will keep on increasing, there is a need for a sustainable traffic management
system. Traffic management alludes to the measures put place to preserve the capacity of the
traffic and improving the reliability, security, safety of the road and transport system (Piarc,
n.d.). This is leverged by making use sensors such as the image sensor and vide sensors, which
may be installed by the traffic lights and capture images of the traffic in order to determine the
status of the traffic flow and better direct the drivers on the roads they should take (Calabrese
et al., 2020). The sensors have been very much utilised car accidents prevention system such
as the Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS). ADAS has sensors such as Radar, Lidar,
Camera, Ultrasonic, and others. These sensors have helped in enhancing the drivers’
convenience and safety (Devapriya, Nelson Kennedy Babu, & Srihari, 2015). The radar sensors
assist with the Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC) which auto matically adjusts the speed of the car
according to the traffic ahead, and in automatic emergency braking (AEB) features. The radar
sen sors detect objects from far away and help the ADAS in preventing collisions (Hung et al.,
2019). The camera sensor has enhanced the recognition of surroundings, which has been of
great help in difficult conditions such as harsh weather and inadequate light. The camera sensor
has an important role in the Lane Detection Warning (LDW) system of the ADAS, where the
camera detects the lane markers and warns the driver if they are about to leave or change the
lane without indicating (Barbosa & Osório, 2023). The ultrasonic sensors detect obstacles near
the vehicles by sending some ultrasounds and alerting the driver with a beep. This sensor is
used mainly in the parking assistance systems and makes it easier to move into parking spots
collisions (Hung et al., 2019). Finally, the Lidar sensor assists with creating 3D maps of the area
around the vehicle, which is very helpful in the mapping systems collisions (Olusola et al., 2023).
3.3 Reduce Time Travel and Enhance Road Safety through IoT
Traffic congestion management can help in reducing the time travel and also make the roads
safer to drive on (Chahal et al, 2023). Smart cities have different IoT sensors placed on both
sides of their roads. These sensors collect data from the road in which they are placed and
send them to a cloud storage. These data are then collected by many IoT platforms which are
connected to the cloud. Through these sensors the speed of cars can be detected as well as
other components like traffic congestion, and they can also control the traffic lights. The
intercommunication of these different devices with the cloud makes the real-time sharing of
data possible to platform such as google maps which can then accurately predict and manage
traffic congestion (Chahal et al, 2023). These predictions may be used for mobile based
applications or embedded car systems that provides destinations routes to drivers and help
them avoid traffic congested roads hence reducing the time travel in comparison to taking a
road which might be traffic congested. Road safety involves some aspects such as the
infrastructure of the road, traffic congestion, as well as the behaviour of the drivers using the
road (Sohail et aL, 2023). Many researchers have conducted studies on the topic of road
safety, some focused on collecting data from a specific device like a smart phone and other
focused on collection of data through other devices such as sensors (OBD sensor, RADAR
sensor, LIDAR sensor, etc.), these data were collected to predict and prevent road accidents.
In the study: Data-Driven Approaches for Road Safety, A Comprehensive Systematic Literature
Review by Sohail et al (2023), a significant research was done to minimise the negative effects
of the factors that contribute to road safety. The study approached road safety enhancement
through two main aspects, accident prevention and accident prediction and detection. For
accident prevention, the study considered how the infrastructure of the roads can increase
accident possibility or not, and also who are the users of the roads and what are their
behaviours, this includes pedestrians and drivers behaviours. The accident prevention aspect
also comprises the road traffic, where congestion prediction and flow prediction have to be
accurate. IoT does already a great job when it comes collecting data needed for all these
detections and prediction through sensors that are in smart phones and those which can be
placed on the roads. Nevertheless, this study revised the use of some modern data driven
techniques like Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the prediction and detection of
accidents. In the case of Namibia, the traffic infrastructure is not being accommodative for a
lots of cars (Staffer, 2023), there is traffic congestion on the roads, and the driver’s behaviour
are influenced by speed, alcohol, and phone distraction (Shaduka, 2023). Such behaviour may
make the roads less safe, however, detection of such behaviour on road through IoT can help
improve the road safety.
3.1 IoT based Intelligent Traffic Congestion Control System for Road Crossings
Traffic Congestion has gained the attention of many researchers in recent years and various
studies have been carried on this particular area which have a shown that traffic congestion
has many negative effects on the growth of the economy of a country and reduces the
productivity of the people, through constant stresses brought by the long-time of idleness on
the road while driving or waiting in a public transport. In this reviewed study, Sadhukhan and
Gazi (2018) have addressed this issues through a traffic congestion management system that
is IoT based, it detects the density of the traffic and based on the data it determines how long
and when a specific traffic light should be green. The system has two modules, a traffic density
monitoring module (TDMM) and a traffic management module (TMM). The traffic density
monitoring module(TDMM) tries to measure the density of the traffic congestion which is
created by ultrasonic sensors node (USN). These ultrasonic nodes are installed on one side of
the roads and they emit ultra-sounds at a range of 25 -50 KHz. This is used to detect nearby
vehicles, then measures the difference in time of when the sound was emitted to the time of
reception, to determine that there is a queue on the road. Once the presence of vehicles
queue is detected by the TDMM, some time-based signals dynamically are sent via Wi-Fi to
TMM to label the current traffic density as low, medium, high or very high. The shorter the
queue, the lower the traffic density. If the queue is long then the traffic density high. This is
how it actually works, on every road there are TDMMs mounted with certain distance
between them, and the first one is closer to the traffic light. If vehicles queue is only detected
by the first TDMM then the traffic density is low, when it reaches the second one, it changes
to medium, when the third one also detects a queue, it goes to high, and if it exceeds the
third one then, it traffic density becomes very high. The traffic management module (TMM)
on the other hand, is a software deployed on a work station or Wi-Fi enabled laptop
positioned at the road crossing. It goes further by mapping various estimated values of the
traffic congestion density and their corresponding time of green light. TMM is connected to a
microcontroller, which is connected to a relay module which receives signals from the LED
and helps it have data about the status of the traffic light. The TMM then maps the Congestion
density received from the TDMM via Wi-Fi with green-lights-periods, 20 seconds for low
density, 30 seconds for medium 50 seconds for high density, and 80 seconds for very high
density. The study has done a great job in reducing the delayed time caused by traffic
congestion, however, the proposed solution does not have the drivers in mind or provide a
way for them to avoid roads that are congested with traffic. Besides that, there is no realtime data being shared about roads that have high traffic congestion density, and those which
have low traffic congestion density, for a better navigation of vehicle.
These studies have shown that traffic congestion management and road safety have become
critical aspect of the society, not just in terms of transport aspect, but also in economical
aspect and environment sustainability. They also shown how by reducing time travel,
predicting and detecting traffic congestion, and improving road safety, the use of IoT may
bring solution to many of the problems caused by traffic congestion. Finally, they have proven
that even when there is a good road infrastructure, the use of IoT in Traffic Management and
Road Safety cannot be put aside.
This study will help the ministry of Works and Transport to have a better planning in creating
an efficient and sustainable transport in the city of Windhoek. Researches have shown that
it is expected that the world population will increase by 3.1 billion people between 2020 –
2100 (RUIZ, 2019). This expected rise in population does not exclude Namibia, whose
population is also rapidly increasing. Namibia therefore needs a sustainable solution to traffic
congestion and for better traffic management. This study will not just help the city of
Windhoek to have this solution, but it may potentially help Namibia as a country to have a
better traffic management.
5.1 Research Methodology
This study will make use of the design research methodology to be informed on the
requirements for an IoT based traffic management system in the city of Windhoek. Design
research will also be used for continues testing, and improvement of the system design.
5.2 Research Design
Since the research will need a continues testing, and user involvement will be very critical in
order to make sure that the system will meet the needs of the end user, the design of this
research will therefore be qualitative. This research aims at answering the question, “how IoT
can improve the traffic management of the city of Windhoek?” Therefore, the data that will
be collected will be qualitative data. This design would help in collecting data which may lead
to new findings that would be tested to see if this research assumptions are right or wrong.
The qualitative design is versatile, which is perfect for this research since this study will
continually be changing the design of the IoT system for better results in traffic management.
Although, this research design may be time consuming and will require extra concentration
for insight interpretation, it will however, be the most suitable for collection of participants
thoughts, belief, and attitude towards the IoT based traffic management system and its
5.3 Data Collection Methods
This research will use focus group discussions and interviews to collect data which gives
insight about participants thoughts, belief, and attitude towards the IoT based traffic
management system and its acceptance.
5.3.1 Data Collection Instruments
This research will make use of literature review in order to establish the existing IoT
technologies used in traffic management. It will also make use of focus-group and
online surveys as methods to capture data from the end user and stake holders of the
traffic management system, which include entities such as the ministry of Works and
Transport and Roads Authority. This will help in evaluating existing IoT technologies to
see which one of those apply for Windhoek. Then design a solution for better traffic
management in Windhoek, which would be continually evaluated through more focusgroup and interviews. The IoT system may include the collection of data from users’
devices and for this reason, focus group discussions is more suitable for this research
so that the researcher may know the concerns and doubts that the end users may have
concerning data collection from their devices in the IoT system. These concerns
would then be used to improve the design of the system to make it convenient for the
end user. Additionally, this research will also make use of literature review for collection
of data on how IoT based systems have been deployed in other countries for traffic
management and road safety.
5.3.2 Participants/Population
This research does a convenience sampling to get its participants. This research focus
on a system whose users are the drivers in the city of Windhoek and has stake holders
such as ministry of Works and Transport and Roads Authority. Therefore, the research
participants are representatives from each of these groups. And since this research is
making use of focus-group discussions and interviews, it can only be carried out based
on their availability and accessibility. The table below shows how many participants
from each group will be included in the study.
Group Represented
Number of participants
Drivers in Windhoek
Ministry of Work and Transport
Roads authority
Since this research is qualitative, it will make use of a textual analysis. Data collected
through interview and discussions, will be transcribed and the resulted texts will go
through an automated textual analysis on Voyant Tools, which will help in making the
data analysis process faster. With the help of Voyant tools, the texts can be analysed
and also visualised for insights and better interpretation of the data. The Voyant tools
supports reading of texts from scholars, which is perfect for this research because it
will also be using data collected from literature reviews.
5.3.4 Method Limitations
If this research would not be able to conduct focus group interviews and discussions,
then the research will only focus on using literature review as its main method.
This study is focused in determining how IoT can assist in improving the traffic management
in Windhoek as well as the road safety. In order to improve traffic management, this study
could have looked into how to improve the infrastructure of the road of Windhoek in order
to accommodate more cars on the roads, however, due to low budget, this study will only
investigate how IoT can help improve the traffic management of the city of Windhoek with
the current infrastructure of the road. The study aims at having an IoT based solution that
can reduce the traffic congestion being experienced in City of Windhoek. The solution will be
a mobile application which would help in providing the best route for the drivers to their
destination, tracking roads which are congested and avoiding them in the driver’s route.
This research assumes that there are some sensors placed on roads of the city of Windhoek.
These sensors will be considered in the design of the IoT based traffic management system.
Alternatively, the system might also need to communicate with the cars on the road or with
the devices of the drivers, hence this research also assumes that either a car on the road has
some sensors installed on them or that the driver in the car has a smart phone.
All ideas, concepts, and information taken from other works will be cited and
referenced accordingly.
This research proposal document will be submitted to the Faculty of Computing and
Informatics at the Namibia University of Science and Technology and will be kept for
a period of two years.
the research will only start when it has been approved.
The researcher will need to obtain a formal approval from the ministry of Work and
Transport for interviewing its representatives, before doing so.
The researcher will need to obtain a formal approval from the Roads Authority for
interviewing its representatives, before doing so.
The researcher will also have to make sure that all participants receive an informed
consent, before proceeding with the interviews and discussions.
The participants identity will not be disclosed and therefore kept anonymous.
All interviews will be kept confidential.
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