Three Creeks Power Plant Project Environmental Evaluation Prepared for: Three Creeks Power GP Ltd. Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Ltd. November 2018 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................ I 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1.1 2.0 2.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND .............................................................................................. 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 2.1 2.1.1 Physical Activities ........................................................................................... 2.2 PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING .............................................................................. 2.5 CONSULTATION ................................................................................................................. 2.6 CONCORDANCE WITH PP17........................................................................................... 2.6 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION APPROACH .............................................................. 3.1 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 3.1 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND EFFECT PATHWAYS .............................................. 3.2 ASSESSMENT AREAS AND TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES .................................................... 3.2 3.3.1 Spatial Boundaries ......................................................................................... 3.2 3.3.2 Temporal Boundaries .................................................................................... 3.3 MITIGATION OF POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS ............................................................. 3.3 DISCUSSION OF RESIDUAL PROJECT EFFECTS ............................................................... 3.3 DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE ............................................................................... 3.3 4.0 SELECTION OF VALUED COMPONENTS ....................................................................... 4.1 5.0 5.1 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON AIR QUALITY .............................................. 5.1 ASSESSMENT BOUNDARIES............................................................................................... 5.1 5.1.1 Ambient Air Quality Objectives ................................................................... 5.1 5.1.2 Local Assessment Area ................................................................................. 5.2 ASSESSMENT APPROACH ................................................................................................. 5.4 5.2.1 Background Ambient Air Quality ................................................................ 5.5 5.2.2 Local Emission Sources .................................................................................. 5.5 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND PATHWAYS ............................................................ 5.6 PROJECT INTERACTIONS WITH AIR QUALITY ................................................................. 5.6 PREDICTED AMBIENT CONCENTRATIONS ...................................................................... 5.6 5.5.1 Dispersion Modelling Results ........................................................................ 5.6 MITIGATION........................................................................................................................ 5.8 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL EFFECTS ON AIR QUALITY .................................................. 5.9 5.7.1 Summary of Residual Effects on Air Quality............................................... 5.9 SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION ..................................................................................... 5.9 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT ....................... 6.1 ASSESSMENT BOUNDARIES............................................................................................... 6.1 6.1.1 Noise Study Area ............................................................................................ 6.1 6.1.2 Noise Receptors ............................................................................................. 6.3 ASSESSMENT APPROACH ................................................................................................. 6.4 6.2.1 Acoustic Modelling........................................................................................ 6.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR THE ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT ...................................... 6.5 6.3.1 Ambient Sound Level .................................................................................... 6.5 6.3.2 Baseline Case ................................................................................................. 6.5 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND PATHWAYS ............................................................ 6.5 PROJECT INTERACTIONS WITH ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT ......................................... 6.5 PROJECT CASE .................................................................................................................. 6.6 6.6.1 Project Case Results ...................................................................................... 6.6 MITIGATION........................................................................................................................ 6.7 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL EFFECTS ON ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT ......................... 6.8 6.8.1 Summary of Residual Effects on Acoustic Environment .......................... 6.8 6.8.2 Significance Determination ......................................................................... 6.9 7.0 MONITORING ................................................................................................................ 7.1 8.0 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 8.1 9.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................... 9.1 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 4-1 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 5-4 Table 5-5 Table 5-6 Table 5-7 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6-4 Table 6-5 Table 6-6 Table 6-7 Project Physical Activities ................................................................................... 2.2 Concordance with PP17 Requirements ........................................................... 2.6 Valued Components........................................................................................... 4.2 Ambient Air Quality Objectives .............................................................................. 5.1 Estimated Ambient Background Concentrations .......................................... 5.4 Estimated Ambient Background Concentrations .......................................... 5.5 Potential Project Interactions and Effects on Air Quality .............................. 5.6 Maximum Predicted Ground-level Concentrations (µg/m3) Associated with the Project Case ..................................................................... 5.7 Maximum Predicted Ground-level Concentrations (µg/m3) Associated with the Application Case ............................................................ 5.7 Mitigation Measures for Air Quality ................................................................... 5.8 Receptor Locations ............................................................................................. 6.3 Baseline Case Sound Level ............................................................................... 6.5 Potential Project Interactions and Effects on the Acoustic Environment .......................................................................................................... 6.6 Project Case Sound Level ................................................................................. 6.6 Mitigation Measures for Acoustic Environment .............................................. 6.7 Intermediary Case Noise Impact Assessment Results.................................... 6.8 Application Case Noise Impact Assessment Results ..................................... 6.9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Figure 5-1 Figure 6-1 Three Creeks Power Plant Project Location .................................................... 2.3 Air Quality Local Assessment Area and Receptor Grid ................................ 5.3 Noise Impact Assessment Study Area .............................................................. 6.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Abbreviations µg/m3 micrograms per cubic metre % percent °C Celsius AAAQO Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives ACIMS Alberta Conservation Information Management System AEP Alberta Environment and Parks AERMET/AERMOD American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model AUC Alberta Utilities Commission asl Above sea level AQMG Air Quality Modelling Group Carmon Creek Facility Peace River In-Situ Expansion Project, Carmon Creek Central Processing Facility CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System CPF Central Processing Facility CTG Combustion Turbine Generator dBA A-weighted decibels EE Environmental Evaluation EPEA Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act GHG greenhouse gas GTG Gas Turbine Generator i THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION ha hectares HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator ISO International Organization for Standardization km kilometres kPa Kilopascal LAA Local Assessment Area m metres MW Megawatt NIA Noise Impact Assessment NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOX nitrogen oxides PDA Project Development Area PSL Permissible Sound Level RAA Regional Assessment Area Stantec Stantec Consulting Ltd. TCP Three Creeks Power GP Ltd. The Plant Three Creeks Power Plant Project TPA Trapline Agreement US EPA United Sates Environmental Protection Agency UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VC Valued Component ii THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Introduction November 2018 1.0 INTRODUCTION Three Creeks Power GP Ltd. (TCP) holds Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) approval #22488-D022017 for the Three Creeks Power Plant (Plant). Under the approval, the Plant is described as comprising of three 230-MW natural gas-fired generators, with a total generating capability of 690 MW and two 5 MW stand-by diesel-fueled generators. TCP is requesting an amendment to the approval for a change from a simple cycle to a combined cycle power plant comprised of two 230 MW Gas turbine generators, each with heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), one 230 MW Steam Turbine Generator and two 5 MW stand-by diesel-fueled generators an air-cooled condenser and steam header (the Project). Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) was retained by TCP to conduct an Environmental Evaluation (EE) for the Project as per the Alberta Utilities Commission’s (AUC) Rule 007 (amended and approved on March 21, 2018 and effective as of April 2, 2018). Proponents of power facilities are required to submit an Environmental Evaluation (EE) at a level of detail commensurate with the size and type of potential effect(s) of the Project. Requirements associated with the EE are outlined under Rule 007, PP17. This report satisfies the EE requirements as outlined in PP17 and is organized into three sections: Project Background (Section 2.0), Environmental Evaluation Approach (Section 3.0) and the evaluation of Project interactions with each valued component (VC) (Sections 5.0 through 7.0). The Project will require approximately 20.35 hectares (ha) of previously disturbed land, located approximately 40 kilometres (km) northeast of the Town of Peace River, Alberta in NE-15-85-18W5M and SE-22-85-18-W5M. Pending regulatory approval, construction of the Project is anticipated to begin in 2019, with an expected start-up and commissioning date in 2022. An Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) approval amendment application is also being prepared for the Project which will be filed with Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) in Q4 2018. 1.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Introduction November 2018 1.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND The Project will be developed entirely within the northwest portion of the previously approved Peace River In-Situ Expansion Project, Carmon Creek Central Processing Facility area (Carmon Creek Facility). Ownership of the TCP Project Development Area (PDA) was transferred from Shell to TCP in February 2017. It is expected that the Project will be complete in Combined Cycle configuration by 2022. with an anticipated life expectancy of approximately 30 years. The PDA will require approximately 20.35 ha of land within an area previously cleared for the Carmon Creek Facility, consisting of approximately 19.62 ha for the power plant equipment and approximately 0.73 ha for the stormwater runoff retention pond. The PDA is shown on Figure 2-1. Access to the Project site will be via an existing all-weather gravel road off paved secondary Highway 946. 2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION As described in PP28 of the main AUC application, the Project will include the following main components: • Two 230 MW gas turbine generators (GTG), installed in separate buildings with outdoor heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) • One 230 MW steam turbine generator installed in a separate building • One air cooled condenser and steam header The GTG is made up of four major components: (i) an air compressor, (ii) a fuel combustor (iii) a power turbine and (iv) an electric generator. Combustion air is drawn into the air compressor where it is squeezed to a high pressure then mixed with natural gas and ignited in the combustor section. This forms high pressure, high temperature gases that are then expanded as they travel through the turbine section spinning the turbine thereby converting thermal energy to rotational energy in the turbine shaft. The turbine shaft is coupled to the shaft of an electric generator causing it to rotate which produces electric energy. A portion of the shaft energy is also used to drive (rotate) the compressor. The gas turbine-generator system is comprised of the following: • • • • • • Inlet air system with filtering, heating and silencing components Gas turbine enclosure with ventilation and noise control components Fuel gas delivery and ignition, which will be delivered via sales gas pipeline Lubrication and control oil systems Remote control and monitoring systems Fire and gas detection with fire suppression systems 2.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 From the Gas Turbines the exhaust gases are sent into the HRSGs to produce steam to drive the steam turbine, from the HRSGs the cooler exhaust gas is sent to atmosphere via stacks. Each stack will be equipped with suitable access and platforms to the continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) and aircraft warning lights. Other Project components include: • • • • • • Plant Electrical System Plant Control System Water Treatment Plant General Service and Instrument Air Systems Cooling System Substation and Interconnection 2.1.1 Physical Activities Physical Activities during each stage of the Project construction and operation phases are presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Project Phase Project Physical Activities Activity Associated Activities and Equipment Construction Transportation of Equipment It is anticipated that equipment will be transported by truck to the Project site along existing public roads. Construction Site Preparation (grading) Grading will be required to prepare (i.e., level) the site for infrastructure installation. No vegetation removal is required. Construction New Infrastructure Installation Buildings and other equipment will be installed. Equipment used during this activity includes cranes, semi-trailers and trucks. Construction Clean-up Upon completion of construction activities, clean-up procedures will be initiated using dozers, backhoes and graders. Garbage and debris will be removed and disposed of in compliance with municipal regulations. Operation Power Generation Initiation of gas-turbine power generation and associated equipment and facilities. 2.2 ! ( 743 ! ( 986 ! ( ! ( ! ( 986 688 986 ! ( 743 PEACE RIVER ! ( LSD: 7 688 LSD: 8 ( ! LSD: 5 2 ( (2 ! !2 ! ( 2 !2 ( Greene Valley Provincial Park W Pe ild ac lan e R d iv Pa Prov er rk in cia l LSD: 6 ! ( 684 (2 ! ! ( 744 ROUTE MAP 1:500,000 7KUHH&UHHNV3RZHU3ODQW LSD: 2 LSD: 1 LSD: 4 LSD: 3 TWP.85 RNG.18 W5 &DUPRQ&UHHN&HQWUDO3URFHVVLQJ)DFLOLW\ 06/ LSD: 15 LSD: 16 LSD: 13 LSD: 14 LSD: 10 LSD: 9 LSD: 12 LSD: 11 Figure 2-1 Three Creeks Power GP Ltd. Three Creeks Power Plant q 1:3,000 '$7($35,/ 7KUHH&UHHNV3RZHU*3/WG The information contained herein is compiled from various government and industry sources, subject to copyright, and includes but is not limited to: © Government of Alberta 2013, © Department of Natural Resources Canada, 2013. All rights reserved. Shell Canada Limited and its data suppliers provide no warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information, and assume no liability for the interpretation or use thereof. 352-(&7,211$'70$(3)RUHVW 0HWHUV THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 2.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 2.2 PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The PDA will require approximately 20.35 hectares (ha) of previously cleared, graded and graveled land, located within the previously approved Peace River In-Situ Expansion Project Carmon Creek Facility area (Figure 2-1). Associated topsoil and subsoil from the PDA was salvaged and stockpiled during site-preparation for the Carmon Creek Facility. No vegetation clearing or soil handling is required for construction of the Project. The Project is located within the within the Boreal Forest Natural Region in the Central Mixedwood subregion. The Central Mixedwood natural subregion is characterized by a mix of aspen (Populus tremuloides) dominated deciduous stands, aspen-white spruce (Picea glauca) forests, white spruce and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests on upland terrain. Wet, poorly drained fens and bogs are also common to the sub-region (Natural Regions Committee 2006). The Project is not located within any caribou zones, key wildlife and biodiversity zones, special access zones, grizzly bear zones, sensitive amphibian ranges, endangered or threatened plant ranges, and does not intersect any mapped trumpeter swan buffered areas, colonial nesting bird areas, sensitive raptor ranges, piping plover areas, or other important bird areas. There are 32 historical occurrences of wildlife species of management concern, including species at risk within 5 km of the PDA, including Boreal toad (Anaxyrus boreas), Northern Longeared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis), and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) (AEP 2018). There are two historical occurrences of vegetation species of management concern, including species at risk within 5 km of the PDA, including liverwort (Ricciocarpos natans) and reindeer lichen (Cladonia stygia) (ACIMS 2018). Wildlife and vegetation species of management concern, including species at risk are not anticipated to be found within the proximity of the Project or within the PDA due to the previously disturbed and cleared nature of the site and proximity to existing industrial disturbance. Land use in the area of the Project is primarily industrial, developed for the production of heavy oil, with areas of in-situ process infrastructure, such as central processing facilities, pipelines, well pads and road networks. Forestry practices are also within the area of the Project. Existing environmental conditions for each environmental component included within this EE are detailed in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. 2.5 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 2.3 CONSULTATION As described in Appendix B of the main AUC application and PP5 and PP6, TCP undertook a consultation program in support of the Project. The consultation program included stakeholders, consisting of local business owners, landowners, residents and municipal departments. As summarized in PP5 and PP6, there was one identified concern related to wildlife and land use, specifically where the Project is in proximity to an existing trapline agreement (TPA). TCP responded stating that no fencing, physical barriers or access restrictions to the TPA will result from construction of the Project. Stakeholders also expressed interest regarding water usage and the quantity of water required for the Project, which were resolved once water sources (i.e., trucking in water) were discussed for the Project. To date, there are no other known or unresolved concerns with the Project. 2.4 CONCORDANCE WITH PP17 This EE has been tailored to focus on the valued components (VCs) that the Project has the potential to interact with. Table 2-2 demonstrates concordance of this EE with PP17. Table 2-2 Concordance with PP17 Requirements PP17 Requirement Applicability to Project Report Section Environmental conditions of the local study area The Project Setting for the Project is provided in Section 2.2. Baseline conditions for the VC selected to be assessed in detail are provided in their respective VC sections. Section 2.2 and each VC Sections (Sections 5.0 and 6.0) Project activities & infrastructure Project activities and infrastructure have been outlined. Section 2.1 Methodology Methods used to identify, evaluate and rate adverse effects are described. Section 3.0 Valued components VCs included in this EE are outlined within individual VC sections. VCs included in this EE are: Section 5.0 and Section 6.0 • Soils and Terrain • Surface water bodies & hydrology • Groundwater • Vegetation and wetlands • Wildlife species & habitat • Aquatic species & habitat • Air quality and Acoustic Environment 2.6 • Air Quality • Acoustic Environment THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 Table 2-2 Concordance with PP17 Requirements PP17 Requirement • Applicability to Project Report Section Environmentally sensitive areas Potential adverse effects Potential adverse effects have been considered and evaluated within individual VC sections. Sections 5.0 and 6.0 Mitigation measures Mitigation measures were examined and summarized within individual VC sections. Sections 5.0 and 6.0 Predicted residual effects Predicted residual effects have been considered and are described within individual VC sections. Sections 5.0 and 6.0 Monitoring Monitoring will be conducted for the Project to follow the requirements of the Project’s EPEA approval from AEP. Section 7.0 2.7 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project Background November 2018 2.8 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Environmental Evaluation Approach November 2018 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION APPROACH This EE considers the potential effects of construction and operation of the Project on VCs that may be affected by the Project. Timing considerations and standard best practices will be incorporated into design and construction to further address general and site-specific effects. The Project’s EE scope was developed in the context of AUC Rule 007 requirements (PP17), Project activities and components, the Project setting, input from regulatory consultation, and results from previous environmental assessments for the Carmon Creek Facility. Sections 3.1 through 3.6 outline the methods used in the development of this EE. 3.1 SCOPE OF ASSESSMENT The EE focuses on valued components (VCs), which are environmental elements of particular value or interest to regulators and other parties and are identified based on biophysical and socio-economic elements. To focus the EE on matters of relevance, likely interactions of the Project with the surrounding biophysical environment are identified using a variety of sources, including: • federal, provincial, and municipal regulatory requirements • input from the Project’s Consultation Program • existing regional information and documentation regarding environmental (biophysical) components within the vicinity of the Project (e.g., species at risk) • documentation relating to other projects and activities within the vicinity of the Project • professional judgment of environmental assessment practitioners based on experience with similar projects elsewhere and other projects and activities in the Project area The VCs that were selected: • represent a broad environmental, ecological or human environment component that might be affected by the Project, or • are of scientific, historical, or archaeological importance The rationale for selecting each VC is explained in Table 4-1 and each is further detailed in the applicable section (Sections 5.0 and 6.0). 3.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Environmental Evaluation Approach November 2018 3.2 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND EFFECT PATHWAYS The evaluation of each potential Project effect for each VC scoped into the EE begins with a description of the pathways through which specific Project activities could result in an environmental effect. The potential effects and pathways by which the Project could affect the VCs were identified based on Project knowledge, scientific literature and professional judgment. The Project’s potential effects are discussed in the context of baseline conditions for each VC. 3.3 ASSESSMENT AREAS AND TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES This EE involved the screening of each VC to determine the spatial and temporal extent over which an effect could reasonably occur and be evaluated. This involved reviewing existing literature and using professional judgement to identify the potential zone of influence of the Project on each VC. 3.3.1 Spatial Boundaries Spatial boundaries for each VC are selected principally by considering the geographic extent over which Project activities and their effects are likely to occur. Consequently, assessment areas are likely to vary among VCs. Generally, boundaries for three nested assessment areas are established: the project development area (PDA), the local assessment area (LAA), and the regional assessment area (RAA), as follows: • PDA—is the most basic and immediate area of the Project. The PDA typically includes the area of physical disturbance associated with the construction or operation of the Project. The PDA for the Project is approximately 20.35 ha. • LAA—encompasses the area in which both a) Project-related environmental effects can be predicted or measured with a level of confidence that allows for assessment; and b) there is a reasonable expectation that those effects could be of concern • RAA—is the area that (a) establishes the context for the determination of significance of Project-specific effects; and (b) encompasses where Project-specific effects overlap with effects of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future activities. It is, consequently, the area for which the Project’s contribution to cumulative effects is assessed. The RAA for both Air Quality and Acoustic Environment are determined by established guidelines, described in their individual sections, Sections 5 and 6. Additional detail is provided in the Air Quality Assessment (Appendix F of the main AUC application) and the Noise Impact Assessment (Appendix D of the main AUC application). A RAA of 5 km has been applied for baseline searches of other VCs. 3.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Environmental Evaluation Approach November 2018 3.3.2 Temporal Boundaries Temporal boundaries identify when an environmental effect will be evaluated in relation to specific Project phases and activities. Temporal boundaries for this EE include: • Construction: Project construction is anticipated to take approximately three years, with equipment installation beginning in 2019. • Operation: The Project is anticipated to be commissioned in 2022. The Project is designed to operate for approximately 30 years. 3.4 MITIGATION OF POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS Mitigation measures are applied to mitigate the identified potential effects of Project construction and operation on the evaluated VCs included in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. These include industry standard practices, compliance with legislation, regulations and guidelines, and other measures applicable to the Project. 3.5 DISCUSSION OF RESIDUAL PROJECT EFFECTS Residual effects (i.e., environmental effects that remain after mitigation has been applied) are described for each VC and take into account how the proposed mitigation will alter or reduce the effect. Effects are reviewed on a Project-wide basis and, where relevant to the evaluation, a discussion of residual site-specific effects is presented. Criteria used to assess residual effects on VCs are provided in their respective VC sections. 3.6 DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE As outlined in PP17 of AUC Rule 007, the EE must determine the significance of residual effects. The definition of significance of an effect is “[a] measure of the magnitude, duration, frequency, timing, probability of occurrence, ecological and social context, geographic extent, and degree of reversibility of an effect on a Valued Ecosystem Component” (Government of Alberta 2010, pg. 12). Significant effects are those that may cause a change in the VC that will alter its status or integrity beyond an acceptable level or threshold. Where available, listed or legal standards or thresholds for defining significance of effects for the VC are identified and incorporated into the significance definition. Where thresholds are not set by guidelines or regulations, the threshold is developed using a combination of input from the consultation process, resource management objectives, scientific literature and professional judgment of acceptable changes in the state of the VC. For the purpose of this EE, significant adverse residual effects are defined in each VC section (Sections 5.0 and 6.0). 3.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Environmental Evaluation Approach November 2018 3.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Selection of Valued Components November 2018 4.0 SELECTION OF VALUED COMPONENTS VCs identified in PP17 are listed in Table 4-1 with rationale for including or excluding them from the EE. Table 4-1 considers the Project’s physical activities (as listed in Section 2.1.1) that have the potential to interact with each VC during the Project’s construction and operation phase. The rationale for selecting each VC is explained in Table 4-1 and each further detailed in the applicable VC section (see Section 5.0 through 7.0). VCs included in this EE are: • • Air Quality Acoustic Environment 4.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Selection of Valued Components November 2018 Table 4-1 Valued Components Potential Project Interaction Included in Assessment Soils and Terrain - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction activities will be located on entirely previously disturbed and stripped of topsoil as part of the construction of the Shell Peace River In-Situ Expansion Project. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Surface Waterbodies & Hydrology - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction and operational activities will not require water withdrawal from surrounding natural sources. Water requirements for the Project will be trucked in and out and will be stored in tanks to be shipped off site, as required. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Groundwater - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction activities or infrastructure installation are not expected to interfere with groundwater in the PDA or LAA. Water requirements for the Project will be trucked in and out and will be stored in tanks to be shipped off site, as required. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Vegetation and Wetlands - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction activities will be located entirely on previously disturbed land that has been cleared of vegetation as part of the construction of the Shell Peace River InSitu Expansion Project. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Wildlife Species & Habitat - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction activities will be located entirely on previously disturbed land that has been cleared of vegetation as part of the construction of the Shell Peace River InSitu Expansion Project and does not contain wildlife habitat. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Valued Component 4.2 Rationale for Inclusion or Exclusion in the EE Section(s) where addressed in the EE THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Selection of Valued Components November 2018 Table 4-1 Valued Components Potential Project Interaction Included in Assessment Aquatic Species & Habitat - - Excluded, as the Project’s construction and operational activities will not require water withdrawal from surrounding natural sources and will not interact with fish or aquatic habitat. Water requirements for the Project will be trucked in and out and will be stored in tanks to be shipped off site, as required. No Project interactions are anticipated. Not covered further Air Quality Included, as the Project’s construction and operation activities will contribute to a change in air emissions within the LAA. Section 5.0 Valued Component Rationale for Inclusion or Exclusion in the EE Section(s) where addressed in the EE Construction phase air emissions and interactions will be limited to the use of equipment, will be short-term, and will be addressed through the use of codified practices, proven effective mitigation measures, and best management practices. Standard mitigation measures include maintaining vehicles and reducing idling of equipment. Noise Included, as the Project’s construction and operation activities will contribute to a change in the local industrial noise levels within the LAA. Section 6.0 4.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Selection of Valued Components November 2018 4.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.0 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON AIR QUALITY An assessment of the effects of NOX emissions from the Project was completed using an air dispersion model. Dispersion modelling included emissions from the Project, as well as emissions from nearby industrial emission sources. Background concentrations from a representative Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) air quality monitoring station were used to determine local ambient background concentrations. Potential effects on ambient air quality were evaluated based on model predictions from the AERMOD dispersion model. Dispersion modelling was performed in accordance with the AEP Air Quality Model Guideline (AQMG, AEP 2013). The Air Quality Assessment completed for the Project is included in Appendix F of the main AUC application. 5.1 ASSESSMENT BOUNDARIES 5.1.1 Ambient Air Quality Objectives AEP has established Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines for a number of substances. They are referred to as Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives (AAAQO). The Project is a source of NOX. Oxides of nitrogen are produced in most combustion processes and are almost entirely made up of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Together they are often referred to as NOX. Nitrogen dioxide is a respiratory irritant, while NO is relatively inert. As such, regulatory ambient air quality objectives exist for NO2, and not for NO or NOX. Table 5-1 presents the relevant AAAQO (AEP 2017). Table 5-1 Ambient Air Quality Objectives Key Substances of Interest NO2 Averaging Period AAAQO (µg/m3) One-hour 300 Annual 45 NOTE: Concentrations given (µg/m3) at 25°C and 101.325 kPa. 5.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.1.2 Local Assessment Area Study area boundaries were established to focus the scope of the assessment, such that an applicable analysis of potential effects from Project operation could be made. For the assessment, it was determined that a study area measuring 10 km by 10 km centered on the Project site would be sufficient to determine the effects of Project emissions on air quality (see Figure 5-1). AQMG states the study area must extend to include all predicted ground-level concentrations at or above 10% of the ambient air quality objective or background concentration, whichever is higher. The Project is situated at a base elevation of approximately 636 m above sea level (asl). Terrain is gently sloping within the study area with the lowest elevations in the northwest with increasing elevations towards the east. The minimum and maximum terrain elevations in the study area are approximately 610 m and 687 m asl, respectively. A series of nested Cartesian grid with increasing receptor density with proximity to the Project were developed in accordance with the AQMG. A detailed description is provided in Appendix F of the main AUC application. 5.2 N:\1_Projects\123512966\disciplines\air_quality\terrain\study_area.srf N 32 33 34 35 36 31 29 28 27 26 25 30 20 21 22 23 24 19 17 16 15 14 13 18 8 9 10 11 12 7 5 4 3 2 1 6 33 32 34 35 TWP 85 RGE 18 W5M TWP 85 RGE 17 W5M TWP 84 RGE 18 W5M TWP 84 RGE 17 W5M 36 31 NT Project Location Elevation (m asl) 28 29 605 620 635 650 665 27 26 25 BC 30 AB SK 680 metres 123512966-study_area NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N Sources: Base Data - Natural Resources Canada, AltaLIS; Thematic Data - Stantec, Three Creeks Power USA Disclaimer: This map is for illustrative purposes to support this Stantec project; questions can be directed to the issuing agency. Terrain Elevations within the 10 km by 10 km Study Area THREE CREEKS POWER GP LTD. THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT Figure 5-1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.2 ASSESSMENT APPROACH The first step in the air quality assessment includes the estimation of emission rates associated with the Project emission sources and other industrial facilities in the Local Assessment Area (LAA). An air quality transport and dispersion model are then used to predict the magnitude and the spatial variation of ambient concentrations in the LAA due to Project emissions and other emission sources in the LAA. The cumulative model predictions including Project emission sources and other emission sources in the LAA as well as representative background concentrations are compared to the AAAQO identified in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 Species NO2 Estimated Ambient Background Concentrations Background Concentration a (µg/m3) Percent of Applicable AAAQO One-hour 48.5 16.2 Annual 13.3 29.6 Averaging Period NOTE: a Background concentration was calculated as per Section 4.2 of the Air Quality Modelling Guideline (AEP 2013). The hourly average background concentration is the 90th percentile value calculated from the complete data set. For averaging periods greater than one-hour, the maximum calculated value, for each averaging period, was based on a reduced hourly data set with the hourly values above the 90th percentile value removed. For this assessment, the AERMET/AERMOD model system (US EPA 2018) was used to determine the effect of Project emissions on ambient air quality. The AERMET model was used to provide hourly meteorological data required for the AERMOD transport and dispersion model. The application of the model system is conducted in accordance with the AEP AQMG. The default AERMET and AERMOD input model options recommended in the AQMG are applied. To assess the effects on air quality associated with emissions from the Project, dispersion modelling was conducted for the following scenarios: • • Project Case: Includes emissions from emission sources associated with the Project Application Case: Includes cumulative emissions from all sources associated with the Project, the Carmon Creek Facility, and the Peace River Complex and ambient background Complete details for each assessment scenario are provided in Appendix F of the main AUC application. 5.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.2.1 Background Ambient Air Quality The AQMG requires the most recent available year of monitoring data be used to establish background concentration for substances of interest. Data are available from the AEP Airdata Warehouse (2018) for the substance of interest. The nearest and most representative monitoring station to the Project is the Grande Prairie Henry Pirker station. The Henry Pirker monitoring station is 185 km southwest of the Project site and is the closest monitoring station measuring NO2. Ambient data for NO2 for 2017 were analyzed using the AQMG (AEP 2013) methodology to calculate background concentrations. Background concentrations for NO2 are presented in Table 5-3. These concentrations were added to the dispersion modelling results to produce final predictions (Appendix F of the main AUC application). Table 5-3 Estimated Ambient Background Concentrations Species NO2 Background Concentration a (µg/m3) Percent of Applicable AAAQO One-hour 48.5 16.2 Annual 13.3 29.6 Averaging Period NOTE: a Background concentration was calculated as per Section 4.2 of the Air Quality Modelling Guideline (AEP 2013). The hourly average background concentration is the 90th percentile value calculated from the complete data set. For averaging periods greater than one-hour, the maximum calculated value, for each averaging period, was based on a reduced hourly data set with the hourly values above the 90th percentile value removed. 5.2.2 Local Emission Sources The Project is located within the approved Carmon Creek Facility fence line. The Carmon Creek Facility is partially constructed but is not operating. The existing Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Peace River Complex is also located in the 10 km by 10 km study area. Emissions from the approved Carmon Creek Facility and the existing Peace River Complex were included in the dispersion modelling. For more details on these emission sources, please see the Air Quality Assessment (Appendix F of the main AUC application). 5.5 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.3 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND PATHWAYS As substances will be emitted to the air, changes to ambient air quality within the surrounding area may occur as a result of the Project. 5.4 PROJECT INTERACTIONS WITH AIR QUALITY Table 5-4 identifies which Project interactions have the potential to result in effects to air quality. These interactions are indicated by check marks. A justification is also provided for noninteractions (no check marks). Table 5-4 Potential Project Interactions and Effects on Air Quality Potential Effects Project Activity Changes in Ambient Air Quality Construction - Operation NOTES: = Potential interactions that might cause an effect. - = Interactions between the Project and the VC are not expected. Project interactions with Air Quality during construction are not assessed further, as the only source of criteria air contaminants are from Project vehicles and equipment used during construction. Construction phase interactions will be addressed through the use of codified practices, proven effective mitigation measures, and best management practices. Standard mitigation measures include maintaining vehicles and reducing idling of equipment. 5.5 PREDICTED AMBIENT CONCENTRATIONS Air emissions associated with the Project were estimated for the two gas turbines plus the two duct burners in the HRSGs. All combustion equipment is assumed to operate continuously at maximum rated capacity with all exhaust exiting through the HRSG stacks. 5.5.1 Dispersion Modelling Results The air dispersion modelling assessment considered two scenarios: Project Case and Application Case. Summaries of the maximum predicted ground-level concentrations associated with the Project Case and the Application Case are presented in Tables 5-5 and 5-6. Contour plots of the maximum predicted ground-level concentrations of NO2, are provided in Appendix F of the main AUC application (Appendix B Isopleth Maps of Appendix F in the main AUC application). 5.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 Table 5-5 Maximum Predicted Ground-level Concentrations (µg/m3) Associated with the Project Case Substance NOx NO2 a Maximum Predicted Ground-Level Concentrations (µg/m3) AAAQO (µg/m3) Comparison of Predictions to AAAQO (%) 1-hour b 53.1 NA NA Annual 2.2 NA NA 1-hour b 47.8 300 16 Annual 2.0 45 4 Averaging Period NOTES: a NOx was converted to NO2 using the Ozone Limiting Method. b 9th highest predictions (AEP 2013). NA – Not Applicable The maximum predicted one-hour and annual average ground-level NO2 concentrations associated with the Project Case are 47.8 and 2.0 µg/m3, respectively. All maximum predicted NO2 concentrations are much less than the relevant AAAQOs. Table 5-6 Maximum Predicted Ground-level Concentrations (µg/m3) Associated with the Application Case Ambient Background Concentration (µg/m3) Maximum Predicted Concentration Including Background (µg/m3) AAAQO (µg/m3) Comparison of Predictions to AAAQO (%) Substance Averaging Period Maximum Predicted Ground-Level Concentrations (µg/m3) NOx 1-hour b 249 NA NA NA NA Annual 11.4 NA NA NA NA 1-hour b 101 48.5 150 300 50 13.3 23.0 45 51 NO2 a Annual 9.7 NOTES: a NOx was converted to NO2 using the Ozone Limiting Method. b 9th highest predictions (AEP 2013). NA – Not Applicable 5.7 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 The maximum predicted one-hour and annual average ground-level NO2 concentrations associated with the Application Case are 150 and 23.0 µg/m3, respectively, including background. All maximum predicted NO2 concentrations are less than the relevant AAAQOs. 5.6 MITIGATION Standard industry practices and avoidance measures, along with specific mitigation, will be implemented during construction of the Project to reduce or eliminate environmental effects on ambient air quality. Table 5-7 identifies mitigation measures recommended to reduce potential adverse effects of the Project on ambient air quality. Table 5-7 Mitigation Measures for Air Quality Potential Effect Changes in Ambient Air Quality Effect Pathway • Changes in ambient air quality during operations Proposed Mitigation Measures • Adhere to federal emission standards and guidelines for new turbine emissions • Regular inspection and maintenance of the CTG to ensure optimum performance and minimize emissions. • Meet ambient air quality objectives, and industry standard best practices for operational emissions. Emissions of NOx comply with the Alberta Air Emission Standards for Electricity Generation (December 2005). Guidelines for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fuelled Stationary Combustion Turbines (2017) Regular inspection and maintenance of the gas turbines to ensure optimum performance and minimize emissions. Construction equipment and vehicles will be maintained to the appropriate code or industry best practice. • • • • • 5.8 All effort will be made to reduce the idling of construction equipment and vehicles. THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.7 5.7.1 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL EFFECTS ON AIR QUALITY Summary of Residual Effects on Air Quality An assessment of the effects of NOX, emissions from the Project during both Project and Application Case scenarios was completed using an air dispersion model. Dispersion modelling included emissions from the Project, as well as emissions from nearby industrial emission sources. Background concentrations from a representative AEP air quality monitoring station were used to incorporate local ambient background concentrations. Potential effects on ambient air quality were evaluated based on model predictions from the AERMOD dispersion model. Dispersion modelling was performed in accordance with the AEP Air Quality Model Guideline. The results of this assessment show that the maximum predicted ground-level concentrations of NO2, associated with emissions from the Project for both the Project Case and the Application Case are below the AAAQO. 5.8 SIGNIFICANCE DETERMINATION A significant residual effect for air quality is defined by the AEP established Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines. As per the AAAQO, the predicted ground-level concentrations associated with the Project and other industrial facilities in the study area are required to be less than the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives on and outside of the plant boundary where public access is not restricted. The maximum predicted ground-level concentrations of NO2 associated with emissions from the Project during are below the Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives. With the application of recommended mitigation measures, residual environmental effects from the Project on Air Quality are predicted to be not significant. 5.9 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Air Quality November 2018 5.10 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.0 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS ON ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT A noise impact assessment (NIA) has been completed for the Project. The purpose of the NIA was to quantify the Project’s noise contribution within the study area. The results of the NIA were compared to requirements under the AUC Rule 012: Noise Control (AUC 2013) in support of the regulatory approval process. The full results of the NIA completed for the Project are included in Appendix D of the main AUC application. 6.1 6.1.1 ASSESSMENT BOUNDARIES Noise Study Area The noise study area is defined as the area which may be affected by environmental noise emission from the Project. The selected study area is a boundary limit 3 km from the Project boundary. Achieving PSL compliance at a 1.5 km boundary limit means that the Project noise effect beyond the 3 km study area will be below the assumed ambient sound level for remote areas and have a negligible impact (Figure 6-1). 6.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 Figure 6-1 6.2 Noise Impact Assessment Study Area THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.1.2 Noise Receptors Permanent or seasonal residential dwellings within the noise study area must be considered as receptors for the NIA. The nearest dwelling to the Project is a cabin identified in the 2013 Carmon Creek NIA (Shell 2013). The cabin is approximately 4.5 km from the Project and is not included in the noise impact assessment. When there are no dwellings within 1.5 km of a facility, the cumulative environmental sound level is assessed against the PSL at a 1.5 km5km criteria boundary from the facility boundary. Five receptor points have been identified within the noise study area for compliance assessment based on application of the AUC 1.5 km criteria boundary. The receptor points are listed in Table 6-1 and shown on Figure 6-1. Receptor points IM01 and IM02 are used in the intermediary case assessment and represent the intersection of the 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Project and the 1.5 km criteria boundary for the existing Peace River Complex. Receptor points R03-R05 are points along the 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Carmon Creek facility as defined in the 2013 Carmon Creek NIA (Shell 2013). The Project is within the facility property of the approved but not yet constructed Carmon Creek facility, so receptors R03-R05 were used in the application case assessment. Table 6-1 Receptor Locations Location Receptor Point ID IM01 IM02 R03 R04 R05 Description UTM Zone 11 Intersection of 1.5 km noise criteria boundaries from Project and Peace River Complex 514840 m E Intersection of 1.5 km noise criteria boundaries from Project and Peace River Complex 516444 m E Point R03 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell 2013) 517248 m E Point R04 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell 2013) 518094 m E Point R05 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell 2013) 518280 m E Assessment Case Intermediary 6249610 m N Intermediary 6246465 m N Application 6249696 m N Application 6248785 m N Application 6247384 m N 6.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.2 ASSESSMENT APPROACH The NIA was conducted using the following assessment approach: 1. Applicable noise receptor locations were identified and Permissible Sound Levels (PSLs) established at the receptors. 2. The Baseline Case sound level was determined using the acoustic model at receptors IM01 and IM02. The baseline case is sound from the existing Peace River Complex and ambient sound. 3. The Project Case sound level was determined using the acoustic model. The Project Case is sound from the Project only. 4. The Intermediary Case sound level was calculated at receptors IM01 and IM02. The intermediary case is sound from the existing Peace River Complex, the Project, and ambient sound. 5. The Application Case sound level was calculated at receptors R03, R05, and R05. The application case is sound from the Project, the approved but not yet constructed Carmon Creek Facility, and ambient sound. Noise emissions from the Project and nearby third-party facilities can be reasonably expected to remain constant throughout normal daytime and nighttime operation, therefore compliance with the more stringent nighttime PSL is assessed. 6.2.1 Acoustic Modelling Noise prediction was conducted using Cadna/A acoustic modeling software (DataKustik 2017), based on internationally accepted sound propagation algorithms (ISO 1993, 1996). These standards are commonly used by noise practitioners and are accepted by the AUC. To account for the level of uncertainty in the noise predictions, a conservative approach was incorporated into the model. This included the assumption that meteorological conditions enhancing noise propagation (e.g., downwind and temperature inversion conditions) existed 100% of the time. The meteorological conditions used in the acoustics model do not occur all the time; therefore, model predictions are expected to be conservative. Further details on the modelling parameters used in the assessment are provided in section 4.3 of the NIA (Appendix D of the main AUC application). 6.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR THE ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT 6.3.1 Ambient Sound Level The ambient sound level used for the acoustic assessment is the 35 dBA average nighttime sound level in Alberta as defined in AUC Rule 012. 6.3.2 Baseline Case The baseline case is defined as the existing acoustic environment in the noise study area. This includes potential noise from the existing Peace River Complex only. Noise Emission from the Peace River complex was determined by modelling the Central Processing Facility (CPF) and well pads close to the Project site. Sound power levels for the Peace River Complex were obtained from the 2006 NIA (Shell, 2006), and are listed in Appendix A of the NIA report. Table 6-2 shows the baseline case sound level at receptors IM01 and IM02. Table 6-2 Baseline Case Sound Level Ambient Sound Level, dBA1 Peace River Complex, dBA2 Cumulative Baseline Sound Level, dBA IM01 35 15.6 35 IM02 35 10.0 35 Receptor NOTES: 1 AUC Rule 012 assumed ambient sound level for rural areas 2 Modelling results using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment 6.4 POTENTIAL PROJECT EFFECTS AND PATHWAYS As the Project will have noise emissions, the Project may result in changes to the existing acoustic environment within the noise study area. 6.5 PROJECT INTERACTIONS WITH ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT Table 6-3 identifies which Project interactions have the potential to result in effects to the acoustic environment. 6.5 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 Table 6-3 Potential Project Interactions and Effects on the Acoustic Environment Potential Effects Project Activity Change in existing Acoustic Environment Construction Operation NOTES: = Potential interactions that might cause an effect. - = Interactions between the Project and the VC are not expected. 6.6 PROJECT CASE The Project Case represents the noise effect from the Project. Appendix D of the main AUC application includes a detailed description of the predicted Project noise emissions during the operation phase. Project construction noise will occur during construction activities such as: levelling and grading, pile driving, excavation, concrete pouring, and steel and component erection. Rule 012 does not set noise limits for construction activities; however, measures will be implemented to minimize noise effects from these activities (see Section 6.7 for mitigation). 6.6.1 Project Case Results Table 6-4 summarizes predicted noise level due to the Project operation at all receptors. The highest predicted sound level is 36.6 dBA IM02 during the nighttime. The nighttime noise contour map results are presented in Figure 2 of the Noise Impact Assessment (Appendix D of the main AUC application). Table 6-4 Project Case Sound Level Receptor Project Sound Level, dBA IM01 36.3 IM02 36.6 R03 35.5 R04 34.2 R05 33.0 6.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.7 MITIGATION Standard industry practices and avoidance measures, along with specific mitigation, will be implemented during construction of the Project to reduce or eliminate environmental effects on the acoustic environment. Noise mitigation measures are included in the Project engineering design. Table 6-5 identifies mitigation measures recommended to reduce potential adverse effects of the Project on the acoustic environment as well as limit noise disturbance during construction of the Project. Table 6-5 Mitigation Measures for Acoustic Environment Potential Effect Change in existing Acoustic Environment during construction Change in existing Acoustic Environment during operation Effect Pathway • • Change in cumulative noise levels Change in cumulative noise levels Proposed Mitigation Measures • Noisy construction activities will be scheduled within the daytime hours of 07:00 to 22:00. • Noise mitigation measures installed on construction equipment (e.g., mufflers) will be kept in good working condition. • Construction vehicles will follow posted speed limits. • Construction equipment not in use will be turned off where practical. • Gas turbine generator and steam turbine generators will be located inside insulated metal buildings • Turbine building doors and windows will remain closed during normal operation periods. • Gas turbine sound attenuation package including combustion air inlet silencing, inlet duct lagging, acoustic enclosures, and enclosure ventilation silencing • Air cooled condenser noise attenuation by supplier to meet NIA noise emission specification 6.7 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.8 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL EFFECTS ON ACOUSTIC ENVIRONMENT 6.8.1 Summary of Residual Effects on Acoustic Environment The Intermediary Case and Application Case determine the cumulative sound level at the receptors in two possible scenarios. The intermediary case is the scenario where the Peace River Complex remains as it exists currently, the Project is included, and the Carmon Creek Facility is not included. This case is included in the assessment as the Carmon Creek Facility construction timeline is not known at this time and this intermediary case may persist. In this scenario, compliance with the PSL is evaluated at 1.5 km from the Project boundary at two points (IM01, IM02) which intersect with the 1.5 km criterion boundary from the Peace River Complex. Compliance assessment for the intermediary case is shown in Table 6-6. The application case considers the Project with the approved Carmon Creek Facility. The Carmon Creek Facility construction will involve decommissioning the Peace River Complex therefore, it is removed. Three 1x1 combined cycle turbines and their ancillary equipment are no longer part of Carmon Creek facility noise emission in this scenario; two of which are now part of the Three Creeks Power Plant Project. The 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Project is entirely within the 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Carmon Creek Project, therefore the cumulative sound level from the two facilities is evaluated using the further of the two. Three receptor points (R03, R04, R05) are used for compliance assessment in this scenario which correspond to points used in the 2013 Carmon Creek NIA (Shell 2013). Compliance assessment for the application case is shown in Table 6-7. For more details on the scenarios and results, refer to Appendix D of the main AUC application. Table 6-6 Intermediary Case Noise Impact Assessment Results Ambient Sound Level1, dBA Peace River Complex2, dBA Project Noise Effect, dBA Cumulative Sound Level, dBA PSL, dBA Rule 012 Compliance IM01 35 15.6 36.3 38.7 40 Yes IM02 35 10.0 36.6 38.9 40 Yes Receptor NOTES: 1 AUC Rule 012 assumed ambient sound level for rural areas 2 Calculated using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment 6.8 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 Table 6-7 Application Case Noise Impact Assessment Results Ambient Sound Level, dBA Carmon Creek w/o Turbines1, dBA Project Noise Effect, dBA Cumulative Sound Level, dBA PSL, dBA Rule 012 Compliance R03 35 35.1 35.5 40.0 40 Yes R04 35 35.2 34.2 39.6 40 Yes R05 35 36.8 33.0 40.0 40 Yes Receptor NOTES: 1 Calculated using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment 6.8.2 Significance Determination Residual environmental effects from the Project on the Acoustic Environment are significant when the Project noise effect is not in compliance with AUC Rule 012 requirements. The Project’s noise effect is predicted to be in compliance with Rule 012 at all receptors in both the application case and the intermediary case. Based on the results from the NIA, residual environmental effects from the Project on the Acoustic Environment are predicted to be not significant. 6.9 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Assessment of Potential Effects on Acoustic Environment November 2018 6.10 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Monitoring November 2018 7.0 MONITORING Monitoring during the Project’s construction and site preparation will be completed following the development of a construction plan, to ensure recommended mitigation measures included in this EE are completed. Following anticipated approval from AEP for the Project’s EPEA application, the Project will have set environmental monitoring conditions for the Project’s operation phase and will adhere to the requirements and limits set. 7.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Monitoring November 2018 7.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Summary & Conclusion November 2018 8.0 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION Stantec has assessed the potential interactions between the Project’s construction and operation activities and the relevant VCs. Two VCs were carried through an evaluation to determine residual effects and their significance; Air Quality and Acoustic Environment. The EE determined that the potential adverse effects associated with the Project can be mitigated with standard mitigation measures and industry best practices, as detailed in each individual VC section. Based on this evaluation, the residual adverse effects of the Project are predicted to be not significant. 8.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Summary & Conclusion November 2018 8.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION References November 2018 9.0 REFERENCES ACIMS. 2018. Element Occurrence Data. Available online at: Accessed November 2018. AEP (Alberta Environment and Parks). 2013. Air Quality Modelling Guideline. Alberta Environment and Parks Air Policy Section. Edmonton, AB. October 2013. Available at: Accessed: November 2018. AEP. 2017. Alberta's Ambient Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines Summary. Alberta Environment and Parks, Air Policy Branch. Edmonton AB. July 2017. AEP. 2018. Access FWMIS Data: Fish & Wildlife Internet Mapping Tool (FWIMT). Available online at: Pub. Accessed November 2018. AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission). 2013. Rule 012, Noise Control, version April 1, 2013 – present. Alberta, Canada DataKustik. 2017. Cadna/A Computer Aided Noise Abatement Model, Version 4.5.151. Munich, Germany. Government of Alberta. (2010). Environmental Assessment Program -- Glossary of Environmental Assessment Terms and Acronyms Used in Alberta Updated February 2010. Natural Regions Committee. (2006). Natural Regions and Subregions of Alberta. Available online at Shell Canada Ltd. 2006.Peace River Oil Sands Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment Volume IIA: Noise. 2006 Shell Canada Ltd. 2013. Carmon Creek Project Design Update Report. Appendix A - Air Quality. March 2013. ISO (International Organization for Standardization). 1993. International Standard ISO 9613-1, Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors. Part 1: Calculation of Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere. Geneva, Switzerland. 9.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION References November 2018 ISO. 1996. International Standard ISO 9613-2, Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors. Part 2: General Method of Calculation. Geneva, Switzerland US EPA. 2018. User’s Guide for the AMS/EPA Regulatory model - AERMOD. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emissions, Monitoring, and Analysis Division, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. EPA454/B-16-011. November 2018. 9.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PROJECT AUC RULE 007 APPLICATION Appendix D Noise Impact Assessment November 2018 Appendix D Three Creeks Power NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT D.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PROJECT AUC RULE 007 APPLICATION Appendix D Noise Impact Assessment November 2018 D.2 Three Creeks Power Three Creeks Power Plant Noise Impact Assessment November 2018 Prepared for: Three Creeks Power GP Ltd. Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Ltd. THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... I ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................... III GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. V 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 SETTING ........................................................................................................................ 2.1 PROJECT FACILITY ...................................................................................................... 2.1 THIRD-PARTY FACILITIES ........................................................................................... 2.1 2.2.1 Peace River Complex ................................................................................... 2.1 2.2.2 Carmon Creek Facility .................................................................................. 2.2 2.2.3 CCS Facility .................................................................................................. 2.2 3.0 3.1 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................... 3.1 AUC RULE 012 .............................................................................................................. 3.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 4.1 STUDY AREA ................................................................................................................ 4.1 ASSESSMENT APPROACH ......................................................................................... 4.3 4.2.1 Baseline Case .............................................................................................. 4.3 4.2.2 Project Case ................................................................................................. 4.3 4.2.3 Intermediary Case ........................................................................................ 4.3 4.2.4 Application Case........................................................................................... 4.3 NOISE MODELLING ...................................................................................................... 4.4 4.3.1 Project Sound Power Levels ........................................................................ 4.5 4.3 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT RESULTS .................................................................. 5.1 BASELINE CASE ........................................................................................................... 5.1 PROJECT CASE ............................................................................................................ 5.1 INTERMEDIARY CASE ................................................................................................. 5.4 APPLICATION CASE ..................................................................................................... 5.4 6.0 6.1 6.2 NOISE MITIGATION ...................................................................................................... 6.1 AIR COOLED CONDENSER ......................................................................................... 6.1 BUILDINGS .................................................................................................................... 6.1 7.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 7.1 8.0 ACOUSTIC PRACTICIONERS INFORMATION ........................................................... 8.1 9.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 9.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Assessment Receptor Points ................................................................................... 4.1 Acoustic Modelling Parameters ................................................................................ 4.4 Three Creeks Power Plant Sound Power Levels, dB ............................................... 4.5 Baseline Noise Levels .............................................................................................. 5.1 Project Noise Effect .................................................................................................. 5.1 Source Contribution Ranking at IM02 ...................................................................... 5.2 Intermediary Case Compliance Assessment ........................................................... 5.4 Application Case Compliance Assessment .............................................................. 5.4 ACC Noise Mitigation - Far field Sound Level Limit ................................................. 6.1 Building Acoustic Performance ................................................................................ 6.1 Practitioners Information .......................................................................................... 8.1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Receptor Locations .................................................................................................. 4.2 Project Noise Effect Contour Plot ............................................................................. 5.3 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A PEACE RIVER COMPLEX SOUND POWER LEVELS .............................. A.1 APPENDIX B CARMON CREEK FACILITY TURBINE SOUND POWER LEVELS ......... B.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Executive Summary Stantec was retained by Three Creeks Power GP Ltd (TCP) to prepare a Noise Impact Assessment for the proposed Three Creeks Power Plant Project. The Project will use two Siemens SGT6-5000F(4) 230 MW gas turbine generators originally intended for the approved but not constructed Shell Carmon Creek Facility. The gas turbines will be configured in base load combined cycle operation with a Siemens SST65000 230MW steam turbine generator and air-cooled condenser. The Project site is within the Carmon Creek Facility site at the same location they were originally intended for. Information about the environmental noise contribution for the adjacent existing and approved facilities was obtained from two published noise impact assessment reports prepared by Shell for those facilities. The adjacent facilities are the existing CNRL Peace River Complex and the approved Carmon Creek Facility. The adjacent facilities are spread over a large area which is surrounded by forest and is largely uninhabited. The most significant finding in the NIA is that the air-cooled condenser will require some noise attenuation in order to meet the permissible sound level at a criteria boundary 1.5 km from the facilities. With attention to the noise emission of the air-cooled condenser and noise attenuation from the turbine buildings, the Project is expected to comply with AUC Rule 012. i THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT ii THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Abbreviations AER Alberta Energy Regulator ASL Ambient Sound Level AUC Alberta Utility Commission BSL Basic Sound Level CSL Comprehensive Sound Level dB Decibel dBA A-Weighted Decibel dBC C-Weighted Decibel Directive 038 AER Directive 038, Noise Control HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generators Hz Hertz ISO International Organization for Standardization Leq Energy Equivalent Sound Level LFN Low frequency noise m metre NEF Noise exposure forecast iii THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT NIA Noise Impact Assessment PSL Permissible Sound Level PWL Sound Power Level re 10-12 Watt Rule 012 AUC Rule 012: Noise Control SPL Sound Pressure Level re 20 µPa iv THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Glossary Ambient Noise All noises that exist in an area and are not related to a facility. Ambient noise includes sound from other industrial noise not being measured, transportation sources, animals, and nature. Ambient noise is the same as background sound level Ambient Sound Level (ASL) The ASL consists of all noise in an area that is not related to regulated facilities. This noise includes sound from other nonregulated industrial facilities, transportation sources, animals and nature. The ASL does not include any energy-related industrial component and must be measured without it. The ASL can be measured when the sound level in an area is not felt to be represented by the BSLs. The ASL must be measured under representative conditions. As with comprehensive sound levels, representative conditions do not constitute absolute worst-case conditions (i.e., the quietest day in this case) but conditions that portray typical conditions for the area Background Sound Level (i.e., Baseline) It includes noise from all sources other than the sound of interest (i.e., sound from other industrial noise not being measured, transportation sources, animals, and nature) Bands (octave, 1/3 octave) A series of electronic filters separate sound into discrete frequency bands, making it possible to know how sound energy is distributed as a function of frequency. Each octave band has a centre frequency that is double the centre frequency of the octave band preceding it Basic Sound Level (BSL) The A-weighted Leq sound level commonly observed to occur in the designated land-use categories with industrial presence. The BSL is assumed to be 5 dBA above the ASL and is set out in Table 1 of AUC Rule 012. Category A classification of a dwelling unit in relation to transportation routes used to arrive at a BSL v THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Class A Adjustment Consists of the sum of adjustments that account for the seasonal nature of the noise source, absence of both tonal and impulse/impact components, and the actual ASL in an area. It cannot exceed +10 dBA. The Class A adjustment is added to the BSL, the daytime adjustment, and the Class B adjustment to arrive at a permissible sound level Class B Adjustment An adjustment based on the duration of a noisy activity that recognizes that additional noise can be tolerated if it is known that the duration will be limited. An adjustment of B1, B2, B3, or B4 may be selected as applicable Comprehensive Sound Level (CSL) The sound level that is a composite of different airborne sounds from many sources far away from and near the point of measurement. The CSL does include industrial components and must be measured with them, but it should exclude abnormal noise events Daytime The hours from 07:00 to 22:00 Daytime Adjustment An adjustment that allows a 10 dBA increase because daytime sound levels are generally about 10 dBA higher than nighttime values dB - Decibel A logarithmic unit associated with sound pressure levels and sound power levels dBA - Decibel, A-Weighted A logarithmic unit where the recorded sound has been filtered using the A frequency weighting scale. A-weighting somewhat mimics the response of the human ear to sounds at different frequencies. Aweighted sound pressure levels are denoted by the suffix ‘A’ (i.e., dBA), and the term pressure is normally omitted from the description (i.e., sound level or noise level) dBC - Decibel, C-Weighted The logarithmic units associated with a sound pressure level, where the sound pressure signals has been filtered using a frequency weighting. The C-weighting approximates the sensitivity of human hearing at industrial noise levels (above about 85 dBA). C-weighted sound pressure levels are denoted by the suffix ‘C’ (i.e., dBC). Cweighted levels are often used in low-frequency noise analysis, as the filtering effect is nearly flat at lower frequencies vi THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Decibel Addition In acoustics, due to the logarithmic nature of the decibel scale, the addition of two or more sound pressure levels (denoted as SPL1, SPL2 … SPLn) is done as follows: SPL1 + SPL2 + …SPLn = 10 log (10 (SPL1/10) + 10(SPL2/10) + …+ 10(SPLn/10)) As an example: 50 dB + 50 dB = 53 dB Dwelling Unit Any permanently or seasonally occupied structure used for habitation for the purpose of human rest; including a nursing home or hospital with the exception of an employee or worker residence, dormitory, or construction camp located within an energy-related industrial plant boundary. Trailer parks and campgrounds may qualify as a dwelling if it can be demonstrated that they are in regular and consistent use. In the case of a condominium or apartment complex, each unit is considered a dwelling. Dwelling Unit (most affected) The most impacted dwelling(s) are those subject to the highest average weighted sound level relative to the permissible sound level. The nearest dwelling unit may not necessarily be the one most adversely affected because of factors such as topography or manmade features. For example, the nearest dwelling unit to a facility may be located behind an intervening ridge, while a more distant dwelling unit may be in direct line of sight with the facility. Care must be taken in determining the most impacted dwelling unit Energy Equivalent Sound Level (Leq) An energy-average sound level taken over a specified period of time. It represents the average sound pressure encountered for the period. The time period is often added as a suffix to the label (e.g., Leq(24) for the 24-hour equivalent sound level). Leq is usually A-weighted. An Leq value expressed in dBA is a good, single value descriptor of the annoyance of noise Frequency Number of cycles per unit of time. In acoustics, frequency is expressed in hertz (Hz), i.e. cycles per second vii THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Frequent Aircraft Flyovers Used in the assessment of categories as part of a site specific analysis for dwellings that lie within a contour area with a noise exposure forecast (NEF) 25 or greater, as designated by Transport Canada. In the absence of any NEF contours for local airport, Transport Canada is to be contacted for current air traffic statistics. In this case, to qualify for the BSL adjustment, a dwelling must be within 5 km of an airport that has a minimum of nine aircraft takeoffs or landings over the nighttime period Heavily Travelled Road Generally includes highways and any other road where the average traffic count is at least 10 vehicles per hour over the nighttime period. It is acknowledged that highways are sometimes lightly travelled during the nighttime period, which is usually the period of greatest concern Hertz (Hz) Unit of measurement of frequency, numerically equal to cycles per second Low Frequency Noise (LFN) Noise in the low frequency range (AUC definition), 20 Hz up to 250 Hz, where a clear tone is present below and including 250 HZ and the difference between the overall C-weighted sound level and the overall A-weighted sound level exceeds 20 dB Nighttime the hours from 22:00 to 07:00 Noise Unwanted sound Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) The NEF contours are site specific to each airport and take into account such factors as traffic levels, proximity to runways, flight paths, and aircraft type and size Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) An NIA identifies the expected sound level emanating from a facility as measured 15 m from the nearest or most impacted permanently or seasonally occupied dwelling. It also identifies what the permissible sound level is and how it was calculated Noise Level Same as Sound Level, except applied to unwanted sounds viii THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT No net increase The logarithmic addition of sound pressure levels when predicting noise where the sum does not exceed the permissible sound level by more than 0.4 dB Permanent Facility Any existing or proposed facility that will be at a location longer than two months Permanently Occupied Dwelling A fixed dwelling occupied on a full-time basis Permissible Sound Level (PSL) The maximum sound level that a facility should not exceed at a point 15 m from the nearest or most impacted dwelling unit. The PSL is the sum of the BSL, daytime adjustment, Class A adjustment, and Class B adjustment Seasonally Occupied Dwelling A fixed dwelling that, while not being occupied on a full-time basis, is occupied on a regular basis. A regular basis does not imply a scheduled occupancy but implies use of six weeks per year or more. The dwelling must not be mobile and should have some sort of foundation or features of permanence (e.g., electrical power, domestic water supply, septic system) associated with it. Summer cottages or mobile homes are examples of seasonally occupied dwellings, while a holiday trailer simply pulled onto a site is not Sound A dynamic (fluctuating) pressure Sound Pressure Level (SPL) The logarithmic ratio of the root mean square sound pressure to the sound pressure at the threshold of hearing. The sound pressure level is defined by equation below where P is the RMS pressure due to a sound and P0 is the reference pressure. P0 is usually taken as 2.0 × 10-5 Pascals. SPL (dB) = 20 log(PRMS/P0) Sound Power Level (PWL) The logarithmic ratio of the instantaneous sound power of a noise source to that of the reference power. The sound power level is defined by equation below where W is the sound power of the source in watts, and Wo is the reference power of 10-12 watts PWL (dB) = 10 log(W/W0) ix THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Spectrum The description of a sound wave's resolution into its components of frequency and amplitude Tonal Components Often industrial facilities exhibit tonal components. Examples of tonal components are transformer hum, sirens, and piping noise. The test for the presence of tonal components consists of two parts (as per tonality prescribed in AUC Rule 012). The first part must demonstrate that the sound pressure level of any one of the slowresponse, A-weighted, 1/3-octave bands between 20 and 16 kHz is 10 dBA or more than the sound pressure level of at least one of the adjacent bands within two 1/3-octave bandwidths. In addition, there must be a minimum of a 5 dBA drop from the band containing the tone within 2 bandwidths on the opposite side. The second part is that the tonal component must be a pronounced peak clearly obvious within the spectrum x THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Introduction November 2018 1.0 INTRODUCTION Three Creeks Power GP Ltd (TCP) is proposing the Three Creeks Power Plant (the Project). The Project will use two gas turbine generators originally intended for the approved Carmon Creek Facility and acquired from Shell. The gas turbine generators will be converted to base load combined cycle operation through the addition of a steam turbine generator and air-cooled condenser. Stantec was retained by TCP to complete a Noise Impact Assessment (NIA) for the Project to demonstrate compliance with Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 012: Noise Control. The assessment methodology and technical details of the assessment are included in this report. The NIA uses manufacturer noise emission data, engineering estimates, noise propagation modelling calculations, and information published in third party facility noise impact assessments to predict the cumulative noise level in the surrounding environment under different scenarios. Noise mitigation is recommended for the Project in order to comply with the AUC Rule 012 Permissible Sound Level (PSL). 1.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Introduction November 2018 1.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Setting November 2018 2.0 SETTING 2.1 PROJECT FACILITY The Project is located within the northeast quarter section of 15-085-18 W5M, approximately 40 km northeast of the town of Peace River, within the northwest portion of the approved Peace River in-situ expansion Carmon Creek Project Area (Carmon Creek Facility). The Project site is within an area cleared for development, surrounded by lowland forest. The terrain is predominantly flat, gently sloping upwards from west to east. There are no dwellings within 1.5 km of the Project boundary. The Project consists of a 2x1 combined cycle gas turbine power generating plant with air cooled condenser. The Project will be comprised of the following major pieces of equipment and their associated ancillary systems: (Qty 2) Siemens SGT6-5000F(4) 230 MW Gas turbine generators, installed in separate buildings with outdoor Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) (Qty 1) Siemens SST6-5000 230MW Steam Turbine Generator, installed in a separate building (Qty 1) Air Cooled Condenser and Steam Header Ownership of the Project was transferred from Shell to TCP in February 2017. Originally three gas turbines were intended for the site, however the current plan is to develop the site in the combined cycle configuration described here. 2.2 THIRD-PARTY FACILITIES 2.2.1 Peace River Complex The Peace River Complex is an in-situ heavy oil facility in operation since 1986. The Peace River Complex uses steam injection to fluidize bitumen so that it can be pumped to the surface. The Peace river complex consists of a central processing facility surrounded by numerous well pads. The central processing facility of the Peace River Complex is approximately 2.5 km east of the Project. The development plan of the Carmon Creek Facility involves decommissioning the existing Peace River Complex central processing facility. Ownership of the Peace River Complex was transferred from Shell to CNRL in March 2017. Information about noise emission from the Peace River Complex was obtained from the 2006 Shell Canada Ltd. Peace River Oil Sands Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment Volume IIA: Noise. (Shell, 2006) 2.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Setting November 2018 2.2.2 Carmon Creek Facility The Carmon Creek Facility is an approved but not yet constructed expansion of the Peace River complex in-situ heavy oil facility. The Carmon Creek facility approval included three gas turbine generators equipped with HRSGs. Two of these gas turbines will be part of the Three Creeks Power Plant, which is now an independent project. The third gas turbine will not be installed. Ownership of the Carmon Creek Facility (except cogeneration) was transferred from Shell to CNRL in March 2017. Information about noise emission from the Carmon Creek Facility was obtained from the 2013 Shell Canada Ltd. Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix B: Noise Report. (Shell, 2013) 2.2.3 CCS Facility The CCS facility is a regulated facility that was included in previous noise assessments related to the Carmon Creek Facility. It is more than 5 km away from the Three Creeks Power Plant and will not contribute to the cumulative noise levels related to the Project, therefore it is excluded from this assessment. 2.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Regulatory Framework November 2018 3.0 REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 3.1 AUC RULE 012 The cumulative sound level including the Project and third-party regulated facilities, and ambient background sound must be at or below the Permissible Sound Level (PSL) established in AER Directive 038: Noise Control and AUC Rule 012: Noise Control. The PSL is the same under both AUC and AER noise assessment criteria. The cumulative noise level of both the proposed facilities and existing and approved third party regulated facilities in the Noise Study Area must be included under either regulation. For simplicity, this report will reference AUC Rule 012 noise assessment criteria only. All regulated facilities must meet a daytime (07:00 to 22:00) and nighttime (22:00 to 07:00) PSL at a distance of 1.5 km (AUC criteria boundary) from the Project boundary or at the nearest receptor, whichever is closer. Only dwellings that are permanently or seasonally occupied are defined as receptors. Exceptions to this definition include any employee or worker residence, dormitory, or construction camp located within an industrial plant boundary. As there are no receptors identified within the 1.5 km boundary, the nighttime PSL of 40 dBA Leq would be applicable at the 1.5km criteria boundary. In situations where the 1.5 km boundaries of a proposed facility intersect with the 1.5 km boundary of an existing facility, the PSL may be exceeded in the overlapping area provided there are no receptors present. As part of the NIA requirements in Rule 012, potential for Low Frequency Noise (LFN) effects from a project should be considered. A LFN condition may exist when there is a clear tone present at or below 250 Hz and the difference between the overall C-weighted sound level and the overall A-weighted sound level exceeds 20 dB. The presence of both conditions at a receptor indicates the potential for LFN concerns. 3.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Regulatory Framework November 2018 3.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 STUDY AREA The study area is defined as the area which may be affected by environmental noise emission from the Project. The selected study area is a boundary limit 3 km from the Project boundary. Achieving PSL compliance at a 1.5 km boundary limit means that the Project noise effect beyond the 3 km study area will be below the assumed ambient sound level for remote areas and have a negligible impact. The nearest dwelling to the project is a cabin identified in the 2013 Carmon Creek NIA (Shell, 2013). The cabin is approximately 4.5 km from the Project facility and is not included in this assessment. Five receptor points have been identified within the study area for compliance assessment based on application of the AUC 1.5 km criteria boundary. The receptor points are listed in Table 1 and plotted on Figure 1. Table 1 Assessment Receptor Points Receptor Point ID Description Location UTM 11V Assessment Case IM01 Intersection of 1.5 km noise criteria boundaries from Project and Peace River Complex 514840 m E 6249610 m N Intermediary IM02 Intersection of 1.5 km noise criteria boundaries from Project and Peace River Complex 516444 m E 6246465 m N Intermediary R03 Point R03 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell, 2013) 517248 m E 6249696 m N Application R04 Point R04 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell, 2013) 518094 m E 6248785 m N Application R05 Point R05 on 1.5 km noise criteria boundary from Carmon Creek Facility (Shell, 2013) 518280 m E 6247384 m N Application 4.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 Figure 1 4.2 Receptor Locations THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 4.2 4.2.1 ASSESSMENT APPROACH Baseline Case The baseline case is defined as the existing acoustic environment in the study area. This includes noise from the existing Peace River Complex only. Noise Emission from the Peace River complex was determined by modeling the Central Processing Facility (CPF) and well pads close to the Project site. Sound power levels for the Peace River Complex were obtained from the 2006 NIA (Shell, 2006), and are listed in Appendix A. 4.2.2 Project Case The project case is defined as the scenario considering noise from the proposed Three Creeks Power Plant only. Noise emission for major equipment and facility data used to model the Project Case was obtained from the equipment manufacturer and project specification drawings. Sound Power Levels for some ancillary sources were determined using estimating algorithms from published acoustic engineering texts. 4.2.3 Intermediary Case The intermediary case is the scenario where the Peace River Complex remains as it exists currently, the Project is included, and the Carmon Creek Facility is not included. This case is included in the assessment as the Carmon Creek Facility construction timeline is not known at this time and this intermediary case may persist. In this scenario, compliance with the PSL is evaluated at 1.5 km from the Project boundary at two points (IM01, IM02) which intersect with the 1.5 km criterion boundary from the Peace River Complex. 4.2.4 Application Case The application case considers the Project with the approved Carmon Creek Facility. The Carmon Creek Facility construction will involve decommissioning the Peace River Complex therefore, it is removed. Three 1x1 combined cycle turbines and their ancillary equipment are no longer part of Carmon Creek facility noise emission in this scenario; two of which are now part of the Three Creeks Power Plant Project. The 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Project is entirely within the 1.5 km criteria boundary for the Carmon Creek Project, therefore the cumulative sound level from the two facilities is evaluated using the further of the two. Three receptor points (R03, R04, R05) are used for compliance assessment in this scenario which correspond to points used in the 2013 Carmon Creek NIA (Shell, 2013). In order to determine the contribution of the Carmon Creek Facility without the three 1x1 gas turbine/HRSG systems, the turbine sources were modelled using CadnaA and the result was logarithmically subtracted from the facility sound level stated in the 2013 NIA. The turbine sound power levels, far-field model results and logarithmic subtraction are shown in Appendix B. 4.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 4.3 NOISE MODELLING Noise prediction was conducted using CadnaA acoustic modeling software (DataKustik 2016), based on the internationally accepted sound propagation algorithms (ISO 1993, 1996). The modelling parameters used in the assessment are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Acoustic Modelling Parameters Item Model Parameters Model Setting 1 Temperature 10 °C 2 Relative humidity 70 % 3 Wind speed Downwind condition, wind speed of 1 to 5 m/s 4 Noise propagation model CadnaA (DataKustik 2016) 5 Standard ISO 9613 6 Ground conditions and attenuation factor Ground absorption (G) of 0.7 (surrounding area) and 0.1 (Project area) 7 Terrain Parameters (terrain resolution) Ground terrain incorporated at 10 m by 10 m resolution. 8 Foliage Dense areas beyond facility limits are included based on aerial imagery 9 Reflection parameters 1 order of reflection Meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction affect sound propagation. Effects of wind and atmospheric stability on outdoor sound propagation during various weather conditions can cause large variations in project-related sound levels when measured at a receptor location. Upwind sound propagation, or propagation during unstable atmospheric conditions, typically results in lower receptor levels, while downwind conditions and stable atmosphere tends to increase receptor levels. ISO 9613 algorithms used in this assessment simulate downwind propagation under a mildly developed temperature inversion (both of which enhance sound propagation) and provide a reasonably conservative assessment of potential effects. The existing plant is set in a forest area with thick vegetation and loose soil. Correspondingly, the ground absorption constant G was set to 0.7 (soft, absorptive ground) outside the Project boundary and 0.1 (hard, gravel) within the Project boundary. Building structures were included in the model to account for the directivity effect of the noise sources and barrier effects of buildings. One order of reflection is also incorporated in the model. 4.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 4.3.1 Project Sound Power Levels Project sound power levels are presented in Table 3. Table 3 Three Creeks Power Plant Sound Power Levels, dB Octave Band frequency, Hz Source Name 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA GT Intake (Pad Filters) 116 114 108 99 83 84 76 91 102 102 Lagged Inlet Duct Wall 105 104 102 93 85 92 80 82 87 95 GT Enclosure Walls 94 99 91 87 82 86 90 84 75 94 GT Enclosure Air Inlet Vents 89 98 93 93 90 93 98 91 87 101 GT Enclosure Air Discharge Vents 89 98 93 92 89 94 99 91 86 102 Unenclosed Gas Turbine Lube Oil Package 99 102 100 100 100 100 101 98 91 106 Rotor Air Cooler Fin-Fan 107 105 100 96 94 89 85 83 79 96 Fuel Gas Piping 104 100 89 81 80 86 88 91 89 96 GT Exhaust Diffuser & Expansion Joint 130 120 109 108 108 101 98 98 79 109 HRSG Duct Burner Gas Piping 107 113 115 107 97 99 103 104 101 110 HRSG Transition 126 124 111 107 104 99 98 98 93 107 HRSG Body 123 122 107 103 99 94 90 90 73 102 HRSG Stack 122 118 102 95 93 99 77 75 50 100 Stack Exit (w/o directivity) 132 127 123 116 114 110 98 101 79 116 Steam Turbine 110 115 116 111 110 105 106 106 100 113 ST Lube Oil Supply Skid 105 110 102 105 12 101 98 98 94 106 ACC Steam Duct 101 98 91 86 82 79 95 76 65 96 ACC Inlet (per cell, w/o directivity) 112 104 101 97 94 92 89 94 90 99 ACC Outlet (per cell, w/o directivity) 110 99 96 91 88 85 82 85 80 92 Vacuum Pump Set 105 107 103 100 100 98 97 96 89 104 Boiler Feed Water Pump (ea) 104 110 108 102 103 112 110 106 96 116 Condensate Pump (ea) 92 106 101 99 99 98 98 93 91 104 Generator Step-Up Transformer (ea) 99 105 107 102 102 96 91 86 79 103 Glycol Cooler (per fan) 102 105 105 102 99 95 92 89 81 107 ST Lube Oil Cooler (per fan) 102 105 105 102 99 95 92 89 81 107 GT Building Ventilation Exhaust & Fan (ea) 89 88 83 85 79 79 78 77 75 85 GT Building Ventilation Inlet (ea) 86 88 84 82 79 79 80 78 73 86 ST Building Ventilation Exhaust & Fan (ea) 84 98 95 91 84 80 81 82 79 90 ST Building Ventilation Inlet (ea) 78 102 100 94 90 87 87 87 84 95 4.5 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Methodology November 2018 4.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Impact Assessment Results November 2018 5.0 NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT RESULTS 5.1 BASELINE CASE The baseline case results shown in Table 4 show the calculated sound level at two points where the 1.5 km PSL criteria boundaries for the Project and the Peace River Complex intersect. The noise effect from the Peace River Complex is below the assumed ambient sound level and has no effect on the cumulative sound level. This is because the closest Peace River Complex sources are well pads which are not high noise emitters. Table 4 Baseline Noise Levels Ambient Sound Level, dBA1 Peace River Complex, dBA2 Cumulative Baseline Sound Level, dBA IM01 35 15.6 35 IM02 35 10.0 35 Receptor NOTES: 1 AUC Rule 012 assumed ambient sound level for rural areas 2 Calculated using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment See Appendix A 5.2 PROJECT CASE The calculated Project noise effect is shown in Table 5 and on Figure 2. A ranking of Project noise sources is shown in Table 6. The project noise effect includes noise mitigation measures discussed in Section 6.0. Table 5 Project Noise Effect Project Sound Level, dBA Project Sound Level, dBC dBC-dBA IM01 36.3 56.2 19.9 IM02 36.6 60.7 24.1 R03 35.5 60.5 25 R04 34.2 59.6 25.4 R05 33.0 58.2 25.2 Receptor The dBC – dBA value is calculated for the Project Case and exceeds 20dB in some cases, however no low frequency noise problems are expected for the following reasons: Gas turbine power plant noise does not generally contain tonal components at low-frequencies There are no dwellings in the study area, therefore no complaints are expected The overall dBA and dBC are generally low and close to the natural ambient background level 5.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Impact Assessment Results November 2018 Table 6 Source Contribution Ranking at IM02 Source Name Unit dBA ACC_Outlet ACC 30.9 GT_HRSG_Stack_Exit CTG1 29 GT_HRSG_Stack_Exit CTG2 28.6 ACC_Inlet ACC 25.9 GT Exhaust Diffuser and Expansion Joint CTG1 23.4 GT HRSG Transition CTG1 23.2 GT HRSG Body CTG1 22.9 GT HRSG Body CTG2 20.6 GT HRSG Transition CTG2 20.2 GT_HRSG_Stack CTG1 20.1 GT Exhaust Diffuser and Expansion Joint CTG2 19.6 GT_HRSG_Stack CTG2 19 GT Intake CTG1 17.1 GT Intake CTG2 16.3 STG Building Walls STG 15.8 STG Building Roof STG 14.8 GT HRSG Transition CTG1 11.7 Total NOTE: sources calculated contributions less than 10dBA have been omitted from the ranking table 5.2 36.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Impact Assessment Results November 2018 Figure 2 Project Noise Effect Contour Plot 5.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Impact Assessment Results November 2018 5.3 INTERMEDIARY CASE The cumulative sound level results for the intermediary case are summarized in Table 7 below. Receptor location IM02 is the most affected point along a 1.5km criteria boundary from the Project site. The cumulative sound level is below the PSL at each receptor point. Table 7 Intermediary Case Compliance Assessment Ambient Sound Level1, dBA Peace River Complex2, dBA Project Noise Effect, dBA Cumulative Sound Level, dBA PSL, dBA Rule 012 Compliance IM01 35 15.6 36.3 38.7 40 Yes IM02 35 10.0 36.6 38.9 40 Yes Receptor NOTES: 1 AUC Rule 012 assumed ambient sound level for rural areas 2 Calculated using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment See Appendix A 5.4 APPLICATION CASE The cumulative sound level results for the application case are summarized in Table 8 below. Receptor location R03 and R05 are the most affected receptors along a 1.5 km criteria boundary from the Carmon Creek Facility. The cumulative sound level is at or below the PSL at each receptor point. Table 8 Application Case Compliance Assessment Ambient Sound Level, dBA Carmon Creek w/o Turbines1, dBA Project Noise Effect, dBA Cumulative Sound Level, dBA PSL, dBA Rule 012 Compliance R03 35 35.1 35.5 40.0 40 Yes R04 35 35.2 34.2 39.6 40 Yes R05 35 36.8 33.0 40.0 40 Yes Receptor NOTES: 1 Calculated using Information from Third Party Noise Impact Assessment See Appendix B. 5.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Mitigation November 2018 6.0 NOISE MITIGATION 6.1 AIR COOLED CONDENSER Noise mitigation is needed for the ACC in order to achieve compliance with the AUC Rule 012 nighttime PSL. Table 9 shows the maximum noise level for the ACC at 400 feet (’). Noise attenuation for air cooled condensers can be achieved by reducing fan speed, using low-noise fan blades, adding acoustic materials to the discharge plenum/fan housing, or by adding acoustic louvers to the inlet or discharge. In some circumstances it may be possible to equip the fan motors with variable frequency drives and reduce the fan speed at night when less cooling capacity is required which can achieve a greater noise reduction than running fewer fans at full speed. Table 9 ACC Noise Mitigation - Far field Sound Level Limit Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Source 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k dBA Maximum ACC Sound Pressure Level, as measured 400’ from the side at 1.5m above grade1 34 42 49 49 52 55 51 46 35 59 NOTE: 1 Includes air absorption and ground attenuation per site conditions (see Table 2) 6.2 BUILDINGS The two gas turbine buildings and steam turbine building will provide some inherent noise attenuation to the Project, although noise from buildings sources are not high ranking, the modelling assumption is that all doors will be normally closed and that each building will have 8 exhaust fans and 8 air intake openings in addition to the turbine compartment ventilation which is ducted outdoors. The sound power levels of modelled building ventilation sources are included in Table 3. Table 10 shows the modelled acoustic performance of the gas turbine and steam turbine buildings. This performance can be achieved with a 4 inch (”) thick envelope with 24ga exterior cladding, high density mineral wool insulation, and a perforated inside liner. Table 10 Building Acoustic Performance Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Source Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine Building Transmission Loss (TL), dB 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 9 16 19 27 32 24 34 43 50 6.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Noise Mitigation November 2018 6.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Summary and Conclusion November 2018 7.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Noise Emission from the Three Creeks Power Plant Project was modelled using the current combined cycle co-generation facility configuration. Cumulative noise levels were assessed for two scenarios based on the development status of existing and approved third-party facilities in the area. In both the intermediary and application cases, the cumulative sound level was predicted to be below the 40 dBA PSL at receptor locations at the collective 1.5 km noise criteria boundaries from the regulated facilities. Noise mitigation for the new ACC is necessary in order to comply with the PSL. The ACC noise emission performance is described in Section 6.0 along with the inherent noise mitigation performance provided by the turbine buildings and HVAC sources. The dBC – dBA value is calculated for the Project Case and exceeds 20dB in some cases, however no low frequency noise problems are expected for the following reasons: Gas turbine power plant noise does not generally contain tonal components at low-frequencies There are no dwellings in the study area, therefore no complaints are expected The overall dBA and dBC are generally low and close to the natural ambient background level This assessment concludes that the Three Creeks Power Plant Project will comply with AUC Rule 012 by applying noise mitigation measures as described in Section 6.0. A contour plot showing noise emission from the Project is shown in Figure 2. 7.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Summary and Conclusion November 2018 7.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Acoustic Practicioners Information November 2018 8.0 ACOUSTIC PRACTICIONERS INFORMATION Table 11 Practitioners Information Name Chris Giesbrecht Jonathan Chui, P.Eng, INCE Title Senior Noise and Vibration Specialist Role Discipline lead Noise emission and modelling NIA report author Senior Noise Specialist Quality Review Training and experience Over 14 years of experience in acoustic consulting Member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and a member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineers of the USA (INCE) Over 15 years of experience in acoustic consulting Member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and a member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineers of the USA (INCE) 8.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Acoustic Practicioners Information November 2018 8.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT References November 2018 9.0 REFERENCES AER (Alberta Energy Regulator). 2007. Directive 038, Noise Control, version February 2007 – present AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission). 2013. Rule 012, Noise Control, version April 1, 2013 – present. Alberta, Canada. DataKustik. 2016. Cadna/A Computer Aided Noise Abatement Model, Version 4.5.155. Munich, Germany. ISO (International Organization for Standardization). 1993. International Standard ISO 9613-1, Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors. Part 1: Calculation of Absorption of Sound by the Atmosphere. Geneva, Switzerland. Shell Canada Ltd. 2006. Peace River Oil Sands Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment (Vol. IIA, Noise, Rep.). Shell Canada Ltd. 2013. Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment (Appendix B: Noise Report, Rep.). 9.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT References November 2018 9.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix A Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels November 2018 Appendix A PEACE RIVER COMPLEX SOUND POWER LEVELS Table A-1 is an excerpt of Table 4.3-3 of the 2006 Shell Canada Ltd. Peace River Oil Sands Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment Volume IIA: Noise. (Shell, 2006). The sound power levels of the existing Peace River Complex Facility were used with modeling information in the 2006 NIA report to estimate the facility contribution at receptor points IM01 and IM02 where the 1.5 km noise criteria boundary of the two facilities intersect. Figure A-1 shows a noise propagation contour of the Peace River Complex within the Project study area. Table A-1 Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels Existing Peace River Complex Equipment Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA PV-17-XX HP Steam Separator 90.4 94.3 90.1 94.9 100.5 99.9 98.8 96.1 94.5 105.2 HT 7.02 Cooler Outlet 116.4 109.1 104.1 103.8 106.4 97.8 87.2 78.4 66.8 105 HT 16.07 Cooler Outlet 94.3 92.7 83.5 84.6 82.6 88.6 94.9 101.9 98.2 104.8 HT 4.06 Cooler Outlet 109.3 111.6 104.7 101.7 96.9 100 91.1 86.7 80.7 102.5 HT 16.07 Reflux Cooler Inlet 109.4 112.1 105.1 101.6 96.7 99.7 92 86.1 80.3 102.4 HT 4.06 Cooler Inlet 110 109.7 98.9 96.4 94 88 97.4 89.3 81.6 100.5 HT 16.11 Cooler Inlet 98.2 92.5 89.2 91.3 98.8 96.7 92.6 84.6 71.4 100.5 East and West Steam Vents 106.7 109.1 102.2 99.1 94.3 97.4 88.5 84.1 78.1 99.9 Prep Building open equip door south 89.2 87.6 78.4 79.6 77.6 83.5 89.9 96.8 93.2 99.8 LCV24501 Valve 87.2 83.6 81.4 83 85.6 92.5 95.2 92.5 86 99.5 PM 7.01A Motor Air outlet 98 90.2 87.2 93.7 93.1 92.6 88.4 85 80.2 96.6 Prep Building upper wall vents 100.6 92.6 87.2 88.4 91 91.3 86.4 79.1 71.1 94.4 Prep building open equip door north 95.8 88.8 84.2 91.2 90.7 86.3 78.8 67 94.1 prep building lower wall vents 99.1 91.2 85.7 87 89.6 89.9 85 77.6 69.6 93 prep building open equip door northeast 94.6 87.6 82.9 84 90 89.5 85.1 77.6 65.8 92.8 prep building open man doors south 86.5 79.3 84.6 86 91.3 89 83.6 77.4 66.2 92.7 HR 15.01 Furnace air inlet 101.7 99.4 98 94.9 90.1 84.6 76.4 71.3 65.4 91.7 A.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix A Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels November 2018 Table A-1 Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Existing Peace River Complex Equipment 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA PM 18.12 VGO Pumps (Qty 2) 100.6 100.3 89.5 87 84.6 78.5 87.9 79.9 72.2 91.1 Prep boiler side NG Valve 97.9 100.5 93.6 90.1 85.1 88.1 80.5 74.5 69.1 90.9 HT 16.11 Cooler Outlet 97.1 94.3 87.9 92.7 86 80.5 79.3 76.7 69.4 88.8 Prep boiler air inlets 96.3 93.5 87.1 91.9 85.2 79.7 78.5 75.9 68.6 88 PM 18.11 Bottoms PUMP 99.6 101.1 90.9 84.4 85 80.5 81 77 68.4 87.8 Prep building open man doors north 88.2 81.3 76.6 77.7 83.7 83.2 78.8 71.2 59.5 86.5 Prep boiler building wall vent 88.9 90.2 84.2 77.4 76.7 72.2 68.8 63.2 53.9 78.3 HT-16-XXR Prisp inlet preheaters 88.2 89.4 83.4 76.6 75.9 71.4 68 62.4 53.1 77.5 119.3 118.0 111.1 109.2 109.5 107.6 104.8 104.7 101.0 113.1 92.4 90.1 89.7 93.8 97.8 95.8 91 84.2 101.5 Total Existing Typical Well Pads 16-Well Pumping Unit Pad A.2 85.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix A Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels November 2018 Figure A-1 Peace River Complex Facility Noise Emission A.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix A Peace River Complex Sound Power Levels November 2018 A.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 Appendix B CARMON CREEK FACILITY TURBINE SOUND POWER LEVELS Table B-1 is an excerpt from Tables 2 and 3 of the 2013 Shell Canada Ltd. Carmon Creek Project Environmental Impact Assessment Appendix B: Noise Report. (Shell 2013). is an excerpt from Attachment A: Noise Modelling Parameters of the same report. The sound power levels listed in Table B-2 were used with modeling information in the 2013 NIA report to estimate the turbine noise contribution at receptor points R03, R04, and R05. Figure B-1 shows noise contours for the Carmon Creek Facility co-generation sources. The contribution of the Carmon Creek Facility without co-generation sources was determined by subtracting the modelled co-generation sources from the values in Table B-1 logarithmically using the formula: 10log 10 10 Where: Ln is the Carmon Creek facility without co-generation L1 is the Carmon Creek facility sound level from the 2013 NIA L2 is the modelled turbine contribution from Carmon Creek facility sources Table B-1 Carmon Creek Facility Sound Levels (Shell 2013) Carmon Creek Facility Nighttime Sound Level, dBA Carmon Creek Facility Nighttime Sound Level, dBC 35.6 50.3 R04 35.5 51.2 R05 37 52.7 Receptor R03 B.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 Table B-2 Carmon Creek Facility – Co-Generation Turbine Sound Power Levels Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Tag Description Type Qty 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Building Attn (dBA) P-12271 GT GLYCOL PUMP Centrifugal 1 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 98.0 100.0 97.0 93.0 87.0 18.8 E-12300 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-12310 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-12320 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-12330 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 GAS TURBINE CASING RADIATION Turbine 1 100.4 101.4 102.4 103.4 102.4 104.4 101.4 97.4 91.4 20.8 POWER GENERATOR Generator 1 113.1 116.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 115.1 113.1 110.1 105.1 17.7 B-12840 HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR STACK HRSG 1 96.3 97.3 98.3 99.3 98.3 100.3 97.3 93.3 87.3 0.0 B-12850 ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR #1 Heater 1 110.0 109.0 104.0 98.0 97.0 95.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 0.0 C-12870 OTSG #1 FORCE DRAFT FAN Draft Fan 1 106.5 109.5 109.5 106.5 103.5 99.5 96.5 93.5 85.5 0.0 B-12880 ONCE THROUGH STEAM GENERATOR #2 Heater 1 110.0 109.0 104.0 98.0 97.0 95.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 0.0 B.2 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 Table B-2 Carmon Creek Facility – Co-Generation Turbine Sound Power Levels Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Type Qty 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Building Attn (dBA) OTSG #2 FORCE DRAFT FAN Draft Fan 1 106.5 109.5 109.5 106.5 103.5 99.5 96.5 93.5 85.5 0.0 P-12272 GT GLYCOL PUMP Centrifugal 1 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 98.0 100.0 97.0 93.0 87.0 18.8 E-22300 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-22310 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-22320 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-22330 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 GAS TURBINE CASING RADIATION Turbine 1 101.3 102.3 103.3 104.3 103.3 105.3 102.3 98.3 92.3 20.8 POWER GENERATOR Generator 1 113.1 116.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 115.1 113.1 110.1 105.1 17.7 B-22840 HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR STACK HRSG 1 92.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 94.0 96.0 93.0 89.0 83.0 0.0 P-12273 GT GLYCOL PUMP Centrifugal 1 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 98.0 100.0 97.0 93.0 87.0 18.8 E-32300 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-32310 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 Tag Description C-12900 B.3 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 Table B-2 Carmon Creek Facility – Co-Generation Turbine Sound Power Levels Octave Band Center Frequency, Hz Tag Description Type Qty 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Building Attn (dBA) E-32320 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 E-32330 GT GLYCOL AERIAL COOLER Aerial Cooler 4 107.2 110.2 110.2 107.2 104.2 100.2 97.2 94.2 86.2 0.0 GAS TURBINE CASING RADIATION Turbine 1 100.4 101.4 102.4 103.4 102.4 104.4 101.4 97.4 91.4 20.8 POWER GENERATOR Generator 1 113.1 116.1 117.1 117.1 117.1 115.1 113.1 110.1 105.1 17.7 HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR STACK HRSG 1 96.2 97.2 98.2 99.2 98.2 100.2 97.2 93.2 87.2 0.0 B-32840 B.4 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 Figure B-1 Carmon Creek Co-generation Source Noise Contours B.5 THREE CREEKS POWER PLANT NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Appendix B Carmon Creek Facility Turbine Sound Power Levels November 2018 B.6 THREE CREEKS POWER PROJECT AUC RULE 007 APPLICATION Appendix E Plot Plan November 2018 Appendix E Three Creeks Power PLOT PLAN E.1 THREE CREEKS POWER PROJECT AUC RULE 007 APPLICATION Appendix E Plot Plan November 2018 E.2 Three Creeks Power EL PR AR IN IM Y