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Eric Sia Siew Wei 19000760 Case Study 7.1

Case Study
Cantilever Piezoelectric Accelerometer
Categorized as quantitative study, this case
study was created to explore the design,
development, analysis, application and
communication challenges of a micromachined
cantilever piezoelectric accelerometer (CPA). In this
context, this case study could contribute towards
optimization of structural dynamics in the realm of
professional communication. As thorough analyses
are potent to refine the existing theories,
particularly in optimizing parameters and
assessing material compatibility. Terminologically,
piezo in Greek defined as pressure thus the term
piezoelectric defined as electricity caused by
pressure [2]. The piezoelectric effect applies when
vibration energy from mechanical strains being
converted to electrical potential energy. Coupled
with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMs)
technology, mankind uses piezoelectric
accelerometer to quantitatively measure
accelerations due to applied mechanical forces.
This case examines the following research
• What are the motivation supporting and
bottlenecks hindering the technological evolution
of CPA?
• How is CPA being incorporated into the existing
sophisticated sensing devices?
• What are the methods to enhance the
performance and efficiency of CPA?
The rest of this case study is organized as
follows. In section II, the significance of the current
case study and its relevancy to current issues,
practices, education and studies from similar cases
will be presented. Section III explains the data
collected to address the case, including the data
collection methods, justification on using those
methods and data credibility. Section IV discusses
about the case in detail. In section V, we conclude
the findings with the limitations and
This section contextualizes our case study within
the existing body of literature. First and foremost,
this study will outline the background of the CPA
identified in previous literature. Next, this case
study will explain the literature selection method
and criteria for review. This study also highlights
innovation in sensor technology and its importance
to various industries.
How Literature Was Selected
The selection of a cantilever piezoelectric
accelerometer for research can be driven by several
factors, including its unique characteristics,
potential applications, and relevance to the
research objectives. In selecting cantilever
piezoelectric accelerometers for a research project,
the literature review process should focus on
gathering relevant studies that demonstrate the
sensor's capabilities, applications, performance
characteristics, and limitations.
In this context, the literature was selected
with several criteria, for instance, credibility of the
source and publication date, relevancy to the
subject matter. Firstly, this study searches the
literature from credible databases, namely IEEE
Xplore [5], Nature [6], etc. Aforementioned
databases could be retrieved from interdisciplinary
databases like Google Scholar in various formats,
including theses, books, abstracts, journal articles,
conference papers, encyclopedia and case study.
Next, literature containing keywords such as
‘cantilever’, ‘piezoelectric’, ‘accelerometer’ and
phase such as ‘acceleration’, ‘sensor’, ‘vibration
measurement’ related to the study will be focused.
These terms facilitated targeted searches and were
used in various combinations to maximize the
retrieval of pertinent literature. As for the country
of study, it could vary depending on the institution
or research organization conducting the study, the
location of the authors, or the geographical focus of
the research.
Related Works
[3] has presented a hypothesis that piezoelectric
accelerometers has an edge over capacitive
accelerometers in terms of high dynamic range and
quality factor resonances (Q).
[4] has suggested the use of Pt/ZnO/ Si3N4
stack, namely selecting Zinc Oxide (ZnO) as the
piezoelectric material, Platinum (Pt) as the top
electrode, mixture of Polysilicon with Nitride (Si3N4)
as the lower electrode, as well as polysilicon
cantilever structure with a length 1000 µm and
thickness less than 3 µm. The justifications of
selecting ZnO were its relatively easier fabrication
and integration into Integrated Circuit (IC).
e31, f
Maximum extractable electric power for a
cantilever structure operating in the 31 mode
at resonance frequency
Mass of the proof mass
Natural frequency
Poisson’s ratio
Young’s modulus of the passive layer for thin
film piezoelectric
Piezoelectric coefficient
Permittivity of free space
Relative permittivity
Total quality factor
Barriers to the Evolution of CPA
Charge Sensitivity of CPA
Assuming tZnO << tSi, EZnO = ESi
Transverse piezoelectric coupling coefficient
Beam density
Beam Width
Beam slow
Thickness of the polysilicon cantilever substrate
Thickness of piezoelectric layer
Elastic moduli of the polysilicon cantilever substrate
Elastic moduli of piezoelectric layer
From the work presented by [3], in 2013, the CPA
fabricated together with a proof mass (bulk silicon
tip mass) possesses weakness in achieving high
resonance frequency (67.4 Hz), albeit the quality
factor, Q could be achieved up to 200 under
vacuum condition. [3] presented the dielectric loss
contributed that main source of noise in the
piezoelectric material. [3] also asserted that the
method to improve the CPA is to lower the
resonance frequency, at the cost of reducing the
bandwidth, with the condition that the materials
and overall device architecture were the constant
The performance of CPAs heavily relies on the
properties of piezoelectric materials used in their
construction. Material limitations, such as limited
sensitivity, stability, or durability under certain
conditions, for example, temperature extremes and
humidity, can impede the evolution of CPAs.
Statement of [7] revealed that MEMS piezoelectric
accelerometers material incorporating lead.
Considering the adverse effects of lead to mankind
and the environment, the lead-free CPA has been
introduced. Nevertheless, lead-free CPA has
relatively lower piezoelectric coefficient, sensitivity,
bandwidth than lead CPA [7]. [8] reported some
common method to enhance the piezoelectric
characteristics such as doping, when using
acceptor dopants such as Manganese (Mn3+) in
fabrication, it will establish an internal bias field
within piezoelectric material, that will reduce the
dielectric constant and cause tangent loss.
Figure 1: A Cantilever Piezoelectric Accelerometer
Maximum extractable electric power
Supporting [8], [9] discovered that power is an
indispensable factor in measuring performance.
Performance Measuring
Choice of a Research Methodology
[9] mentioned that it is difficult to measure the
performance of CPA through direct testing and
measuring of human motion.
Qualitative methods
This method includes conducting literature
reviews, case studies, and expert interviews to
gather insights into the motivations, challenges,
and emerging trends in the field of CPA.
Quantitative methods
[9] suggested that if cantilever of CPA was
orientated at 70o, the measurement of generated
peak power will be the most accurate.
Quantitative research were employed to gather
numerical data on CPA performance metrics, such
as sensitivity, power output, and fabrication
parameters. This data was essential for assessing
the technical capabilities and limitations of CPAs,
as well as identifying trends and patterns across
different studies and applications.
From [4], sensitivity can be improved by
increasing the planar beam dimensions b and L.
The Beam length L is limited by die size, while
beam width b is limited primarily by fabrication
constraints during the structural release step.
Beam length L is limited by die size, while beam
width b is limited primarily by fabrication
constraints during the structural release step.
[8] suggest the method to improve the piezoelectric
material, such as proper crystallographic
orientation, composition control, stress state
control, doping, development of imprint.
Specifically, Niobium (Nb5+) is a dopant (donor) that
could improve dielectric constant and piezoelectric
responsiveness though improved domain wall
motion [8]. [1] preferred Zinc Oxide (ZnO) over Lead
Zirconate Titanate (PZT) due to the large parasitic
capacitance within PZT, as PZT has a greater
dielectric constant, albeit a greater piezoelectric
Selection of the Case
The selected case needed to align with the research
objectives and scope of the study. Moreover, it
extensively addressed the detailed fabrication
steps, highlighted some performance metrics such
as sensitivity and resonant frequency, as well as
elaborated of the working principle of CPA.
[1] highlighted the structural design of the CPA. In
this context, the cantilever was configured at fixedfree configuration. The functional piezoelectric
layer (ZnO), top electrode (Platinium) and bottom
electrode (PolySi) were fabricated following the
Figure 2.
Performance Measuring
[9] suggested piezoelectric shaker test as a simple
and efficient way to gauge the capability of the
To situate this case study in the context of existing
literature and methodologies, a comprehensive
mixed-methods approach was adopted, combining
quantitative and qualitative data analysis. By
integrating findings from diverse sources, including
industry reports, academic journals, and patent
databases, the research sought to provide a
thorough examination of CPAs' current state,
offering insights into the challenges and
opportunities within this field.
Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of a CPA
Working Principle
Figure 5: LPCVD of Si (Covering Bare Silicon Surfaces, PolySi
and PSG sacrificial Layer)
The working principle of the cantilever piezoelectric
accelerometer involves the conversion of
mechanical stress into an electrical signal. From
[1], a vertical acceleration, above the cantilever,
capable of deflecting the cantilever, this further
creating a longitudinal stress in axis 1. This stress
alters the electric polarization within the
piezoelectric ZnO layer, which is polarized
perpendicularly to the substrate. As a result, an
electrical charge is produced, proportional to the
applied stress, due to the piezoelectric effect. The
generated charge is then collected by the top and
bottom conducting layers, creating a measurable
voltage output indicative of the acceleration
experienced by the sensor.
Figure 6: LPCVD of Si3N4 as Stress-compensation Layer
Figure 7: RF-magnetron sputtering of ZnO as Piezoelectric
Fabrication Process
Table III outlines various processes involved in the
fabrication of CPA.
Figure 8: Sputtering of Pt as Top Electrode
Reactive Ion
Etching (RIE)
Deposition of SiO2
Deposition of Si3N4
Deposition and
patterning of ntype PolySi
Deposition and
patterning of
glass (PSG)
Deposition and
patterning of
Silicon (Si)
Deposition of Si3N4
Deposition of ZnO
Thin film
sputtering of
Platinium (Pt)
100 nm thick
700-800°C, 100 nm
620-650°C, 300-500
nm thick
400-450°C, 2 µm
650-700°C, 2 µm
750-800°C, 300 nm
200-300°C, 0.5 µm
Room temperature
to 200°C, 0.2 µm
Figure 3: CVD of SiO2 (bottom) and Si3N4 (top) as Insulating
Figure 4: RIE of Phosphorus-doped PolySi as Electrical Contacts
(Bottom Electrode)
[9] mentioned the CPA could be applied in an
energy harvesting device from piezoelectric patches
located inside the shoe, with the pressure created
by human weight. Nevertheless, this technology
could not harvest sufficient amount of energy due
to the low frequency property of human walking.
NVH Acceleration Sensors for E—mobility Testing
From the European Test and Telemetry Conference
2022, [10] highlighted the challenges faced on the
quality of measurement of the e-vehicles (EVs)
related to piezoelectric vibration and acceleration
sensor. Specifically, hybrid and EVs leverage Noise,
Vibration, Harshness (NVH) testing. However, NVH
possess challenges in addressing complex vehicle’s
structure and external signal interference such as
stray electrical signals presented during testing.
Moreover, the technological advancement in emobility and hydrogen vehicles also drives the
sensors to have the ability to generate reproducible
and reliable data in various environments. [10]
suggested the use of ICP® accelerometers (IEPE),
abbreviated for “Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric”, to
be used for NVH testing. This sensor integrates
built-in microelectronics that are responsible for
converting the high-impedance charge signal
generated by a piezoelectric sensing element into a
low-impedance voltage signal. This voltage signal is
more easily transmitted over standard two-wire or
coaxial cables to any data acquisition system or
readout device. Moreover, this sensor could
simplify the process of interfacing with
piezoelectric sensing elements by providing
integrated electronics that handle signal
(Transducers ’97), pp. 1205–1208, Jun. 1997.
[5] IEEE Xplore, IEEE Xplore,
(accessed Mar. 20, 2024).
[6] Nature, Nature, https://www.nature.com/
(accessed Mar. 20, 2024).
[7] C.-Y. Li et al., “Design and development of a
low-power wireless MEMS lead-free
piezoelectric accelerometer system,” IEEE
Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1–11, 2023.
Figure 9: ICP® System Schematic [10]
The case study on micromachined CPA provides
valuable insights into their design, fabrication, and
applications. Several limitations of this case study
include limited scope of study, such as limited to
specific aspects of CPA design and application,
which may overlook some broader contextual
factors. Future works in the field of CPA include
continued exploration of alternative materials and
fabrication techniques to enhance CPA
performance and reliability.
[8] H. G. Yeo and S. Trolier-McKinstry, “Effect of
piezoelectric layer thickness and poling
conditions on the performance of cantilever
piezoelectric energy harvesters on Ni foils,”
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 273,
pp. 90–97, Apr. 2018.
[9] I. Izadgoshasb et al., “Optimizing orientation of
piezoelectric cantilever beam for harvesting
energy from human walking,” Energy
Conversion and Management, vol. 161, pp. 66–
73, Apr. 2018.
[10] S. Meyer, “4.1 the challenge of E-mobility and
evtols on measurement technology with
vibration and acceleration sensors,”
Proceedings - ettc2022, 2022.
[1] C. Liu, V. B. Mungurwadi, and A. V. Nandi,
Foundations of MEMS. Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, 2012
[2] Walter P. The history of the accelerometer:
1920s-1996—prologue and epilogue, 2006.
Sound and Vibration. 2007; 41(1):84–92.
[3] N. N. Hewa-Kasakarage, D. Kim, M. L.
Kuntzman, and N. A. Hall, “Micromachined
Piezoelectric Accelerometers via epitaxial silicon
cantilevers and bulk silicon proof masses,”
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1438–1446, Dec. 2013.
[4] D. L. DeVoe and A. P. Pisano, “A fully surfacemicromachined Piezoelectric Accelerometer,”
Proceedings of International Solid State
Sensors and Actuators Conference
Eric Sia Siew Wei is currently pursuing
his B.Eng. degree in electrical & electronics
engineering (Hons.), in field of Electronics & Devices
(E&D), at Institute of Technology PETRONAS (UTP),
Malaysia, completing it in 2024. His research
interests are in computer applications and the
Internet of Things.