DETECTING BIASES AND PROPAGANDA DEVICES USED BY SPEAKERS MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES Detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers 2 3 propaganda advertisement bias 4 Is the statement bias or propaganda? bias Baby sitting is for mothers only. 5 Is the statement bias or propaganda? bias Farmers drive slowly. 6 Is the statement bias or propaganda? propaganda My idol uses this shampoo. It must be that good. 7 Is the statement bias or propaganda? propaganda ML soap whitens your skin in three days. 8 Is the statement bias or propaganda? bias Dogs always get themselves dirty. 9 REAL WOMEN HAVE SMOOTH SKIN! When you need to revitalize your skin, aloe soap is the way to go! It is 100% organic. It is made from aloe vera extracts that will help rebuild the beauty of your skin. Find out why more people are using this product? Julia Montes endorses it, too. TRY IT NOW! Read the advertisement. 10 Real women have smooth skin. - bias 11 It is 100% organic. More people use it. Julia Montes endorses it, too. - propaganda - 12 Which statement is bias/propaganda? “Delicious burgers are offered only in well-known restaurants.” “It just tastes better. Try it now!” 13 Which statement is bias/propaganda? Trust your wife! They know better! Women are equally strong as man. 14 Group Activity 15 NORMS FOR GROUP ACTIVITY R-ead and understand the instructions. O-bserve social physical distancing. S-eek the guidance of the teacher if needed. E-ngage in positive discussion. L-isten to everyone’s ideas. I-ndulge yourselves with the task. 16 SCORING RUBRICS Category 4 Completeness All questions were and Accuracy answered, all answers are correct with no grammatical errors Timeliness Activity was finish on time. Presentation The activity was presented comprehensively orderly and does not exceed for 5 minutes. Collaboration All members or the group participated actively during the activity. 3 2 1 1 or 2 questions were not answered, have 1 incorrect answer and have 1 grammatical error. 3 or 4 questions were not answered, have 2 incorrect answers and have 2 grammatical errors 5 questions were not answered, have 3 incorrect answers and has more than 2 grammatical errors. Activity was finish 3 minutes late. Activity was 5 minutes late. Activity was more than 5 minutes late. The activity was presented comprehensively orderly and does not exceed for 6 minutes. The activity was presented comprehensively, orderly and does not exceed for 7 minutes. The activity was presented comprehensively, orderly and exceed more than 7 minutes. One member of the group is not participating Two members of the group are not participating Only the leader of the group performs the activity. 17 GROUP 1 ▰ Detect if the statement is a bias or propaganda. 1.Don’t be fool! Alcohol is not cool. 2.San Miguel Beer is among the best tasting beers in the world today! 3.Alcohol use is life abuse. 4.Real men drink beer. 5.Alcohol is a drug, too 18 GROUP 2 ▰ Study the picture. Make 5 bias and 5 propaganda statements about it. 19 GROUP 3 ▰ Choose among Masbate’s local products and make an advertisement promotion it featuring bias and propaganda statements. 20 Group Presentation 21 What is bias? Bias is a strong feeling for or against something without enough reason. When claim is of an advertisement are considered half-truth or baseless, we call these as biases. 22 23 What is propaganda? Propaganda seeks to control what people believe that is the ideas they consider to be true. It promotes ideas as being the only real truth and denigrates other beliefs as plain wrong. 24 “Evaluation” Identify if the statements are bias or propaganda. W rite B if it is bias and P for propaganda. 25 1. Teenagers are technology-crazed, uncivilized and shallow. 2. Be informative. Be like Mark Zuckerberg. 26 3. Monde Magazine rated its monad cars as the best cars in town. 4. During the pandemic. Naomi Corporations donates food packages to the employees. 27 5. Show your care to children. Be one of us. 28 ASSIGNMENT Write lines you usually hear in advertisements and TV programs. Identify if the statements are biases or propaganda. 29