Abortion: Public Speech What is Freedom? Are we all Free? Freedom is the possibility of choosing, of making a decision. We all might think that nowadays everybody is free. But are all women free? When we talk about abortion, does a woman have the right to choose whether to finish her pregnancy or not? Unluckily, this does not happen in all countries. What is abortion? Abortion can be defined as pregnancy termination by choice or one that happens accidentally in case of a miscarriage. From a statistical point of view, abortions caused by rape and incest constitute just 7% of the total numbers. When a woman decides to go for an abortion, it’s not an impulsive decision, although the sexual behavior that led to the pregnancy may have been impulsive or a big irresponsibility. But must a woman suffer all her life because she just had one impulsive misconduct? Because all the responsibility is laid down on women, but what about her partner? Her partner generally disappears and does not feel any responsibility towards the unborn child. Many people are against abortion, and most men are against abortion too, because they do not have to carry the baby and because as I said before they do not feel any responsibility towards the unborn baby. All the responsibilities are on the woman. Abortions are a part of our society and abortion should be considered legal as in many countries of the first world in order to avoid infection, sepsis, recurrent miscarriages and death for the mother. Even though abortions can cause serious psychological impairment to the woman in the form of depression and guilt they should be legalized, especially if the woman has been raped. If having the baby, the woman will have a reminder throughout all her life because she has been raped or just because she made just one mistake in her life. Is that mistake impossible to erase? Is a woman condemned for the rest of her life for that single mistake’? Please think about the trauma that a woman has to bear her whole life for not being able to have an abotion. Thank you ladies and gentlemen 397 words