Group Statements – Volume 1 Seventeenth edition Group St Sta atte em ment me nts s – Vo Vollume 1 Se Seve enttee en nth h edi e itio on CS Bi CS B nn ne eka ad de MCo m(T Taxxat ion)(P Prett) CA(S C SA) As ssocciate te Profe P fess sor of Acc A coun ntin ng U verssity of Sou Univ S uth Afrrica a ZR R Ko op ppes scha aar DC Com m(A Accc)(P Prett) CA( C SA A) As ssocciate te Profe P fess sor of Acc A coun ntin ng U verssity of Sou Univ S uth Afrrica a N Ste S eg gm man nn n D om((RA DCo AU) As ssocciate te Profe P fess sor of Acc A coun ntin ng Un nive ersit ity o of Joha J ann nesb burg rg J Ro Ross so ouw w MA Accc(U UFS S) CA( C SA A) As ssocciate te Profe P fess sor of Acc A coun ntin ng Un nive ersit ity o of th he Fre F ee State S te CW Wrrig ghtt M om((Fo MCo oren nsicc Acc) A ) (P Potcche efst roo om) CA A(S SA) Sen S niorr Le ectu urerr of Acccou untin ing U verssity of Sou Univ S uth Afrrica a M Mem mberrs of o th he L LexiisNe exis s Grroup world w dwiide S Soutth Afric A ca DUR RBAN N JOHANN NESB BUR RG CAP PE TOWN O N LexissNe L exis (Pty y) Ltd L 2 Peter M 215 Mok kaba a Ro oad (No orth Rid dge Roa ad), Mo ornin ngsiide, Du urba an, 4001 4 1 B ding Build g 8, Cou untrry Club Esttate Offfice Parrk, 2 21 Woo W odla andss Drrive, Wo oodm mea ad, 219 91 F First Flo oor, Gre eat Wes W sterrford d, 24 40 Main M n Road d, Ro ond debo osch h, 77 700 0 w w.lexisn www nex xis.c co.zza A Austtraliia A Austtria LexissNe L exis, CHATS H SWO OOD, Ne ew Sou S uth Wale W es L sNe Lexis exis Verlag g AR RD Orac O c, VIENNA B Bene elux x L sNe Lexis exis Ben nelu ux, AMS STER RDAM C Cana ada a C Chin na LexissNe L exis Canad da, MAR RKHA AM, Onttario o L sNe Lexis exis, BEIJIN E NG F Fran nce L sNe Lexis exis, PARIS A G Germ man ny H Hong g Kong g LexissNe L exis Germa any, MÜNST Ü TER R KONG L sNe Lexis exis, HONG O O In ndia a L sNe Lexis exis, NEW E DELHI Ittaly Japa an Giufffrè Edit G E tore, MILAN I N L sNe Lexis exis, TOKYO O O K Kore ea L sNe Lexis exis, SEOUL E L M Mala aysia N New Zea alan nd LexissNe L exis, KUALA U A LUMPU U UR L sNe Lexis exis, WELLI E INGT TON P Pola and L sNe Lexis exis Polland d, WARS SAW W S Sing gapo ore U Unite ed King K gdo om LexissNe L exis, SIN NGA APOR RE L sNe Lexis exis, LONDO O ON U USA A L sNe Lexis exis, DAYTO A ON, Ohiio © 20 017 IS SBN N 97 78 0 409 9 12 2847 5 E E-bo ook ISB I N 978 9 0 40 09 1284 1 48 2 F First edition n 1975, Reprin nted 197 76 S Seco ond edittion 198 82 T Third d ed dition n 19 988, Re eprin nted d 19 992 F Fourth editio e on 199 1 3, Repr R rinte ed 1995 1 5, 1996 6 F Fifth edition n 1997 S Sixth h edition n 19 998,, Re eprin nted d 19 999, Re evise ed repr r int 1 1999 S Seve enth h edition n 20 001,, Re eprin nted d 20 002, 200 03 E Eightth editio e on 2003 2 3 nth editi e ion 200 04 Nin Ten nth edittion 200 05, Rep printted 200 07 Ele even nth edit e ion 200 08 Tw welfth h ed ditio on 2009 9 Thiirtee enth h ed dition n 20 010 Fou urte eenth ed ditio on 2 2011 1 Fiftteen nth edit e ion 201 13 Sixxteenth edittion n 2015 C Copy yrigh ht subssistss in thiss wo ork. No parrt of thiss wo ork may y be e reprod ducced in any a form f m orr by anyy mean ns w witho out th he publ p lishe er’s wriitten n pe ermiissio on. Any y un nautthorrised d re epro oducction n off this work w will co onstitute e a cop pyrig ght infrringe eme ent and a d ren nder the e do oer liab ble unde u er both civiil an nd crim c inal law w. W Whils st ever e ry effor e rt ha as bee b n made m e to o en nsurre that the e infform matio on pub blish hed in this t s wo ork is accu a urate, the t edito ors, pub blish herss an nd print p ters takke no n re esp ponssibiliity for f any a losss o or da ama age sufffere ed by b any a perrson n as sa re esullt of the e reliancce upon u n the in nform mation con ntain ned the erein n. Editor: Ma andyy Jonck nical Editor: Liz Biss scho off Techn Preface The purpose of this book is to set out the principles and conceptual issues of consolidated financial statements as based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). It focuses on the principles of control and consolidation techniques in preparing consolidated financial statements for a group of entities. Furthermore, the accounting treatment of an investor’s interests in associates and joint arrangements is covered in Volume 2 of this work. Group Statements focuses on providing detailed explanatory application examples of the following IFRSs: • IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements; • IFRS 3 Business Combinations; • IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements; • IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures; and • IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities (by providing limited disclosure examples of some core aspects). The text includes numerous illustrative and practical examples which expand on the principles and conceptual issues of the standards above and related aspects of other IFRSs. The approach of the book is to primarily make use of the analysis of owners’ equity in table format, but extensive use is also made of consolidation journal entries. In addition, the worksheet approach is applied up to the end of chapter 4. The text makes use of commentary to explain important concepts. Disclosure requirements for the consolidated financial statements are illustrated and taxation issues are also addressed to the extent that deferred tax is applicable to certain accounting areas. The book is aimed at: • undergraduate and postgraduate university students registered for financial accounting modules; • members and students of professional bodies such as the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), the Institute of Certified Professional Accountants (CPA), etc.; and • practicing accountants and preparers of consolidated financial statements. LexisNexis Passplus is still included for Volume 1 of this work. PassPlus is an electronic assessment tool which allows students to continuously assess their own understanding of, and progress through the textbook. All PassPlus questions are automatically and immediately graded by the system, which allows students to receive their feedback instantly. PassPlus also affords lecturers the opportunity to use the system for continuous assessment purposes, without adding any additional marking to their own workload. The most beneficial way for students to use PassPlus is to work v Preface through each chapter in the textbook and then complete the accompanying questions to test their progress. During the latter part of 2017, the SAICA finalised its “syllabus overload” review and some aspects were excluded or moved to an “awareness level” for the sake of SAICA’s professional assessment (the Initial Test of Competence (ITC)). The major aspects thus affected relating to Group Statements are as follows: • investment entities; • some aspects relating to the identification of a business combination and the acquirer; • pre-existing relationships and reacquired rights in a business combination; • some aspects relating to determining control (such as delegated power, principal/ agent consideration; control of specified assets); • vertical groups (less detailed emphasis); • subsidiaries classified as held for sale and subsidiaries acquired with a view to resale; • share buy-backs and rights issues of subsidiaries leading to loss of control or step acquisition; • joint operation accounting; • parent recognising its investment in investees at fair value/under the equity method in its separate financial statements (the update of this work focused on the parent carrying the investment at cost); • group reorganisations; • changes in interests in associate (but still an associate); and • associates held for sale. This work was updated to still include a brief discussion of some of these aspects (where relevant), but without very detailed explanatory examples thereof. Volume 2 was mostly affected by these changes. We trust that users of this publication will find it beneficial. THE AUTHORS November 2017 vi Contents Page 1 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background ....... 2 IFRS 3 Business combinations ...................................................................... 3 Consolidation at acquisition date ................................................................... 4 Consolidation after acquisition date ............................................................... 5 Intragroup transactions .................................................................................. 6 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements ................................... 7 Consolidation of complex groups ................................................................... 8 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary ............................................ 1 37 83 131 203 327 439 479 Legend P/L = Profit or loss section of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income SFP = Statement of financial position SCI = Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income SCE = Statement of changes in equity OCI = Other comprehensive income section of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income NCI = Non-controlling interests vii 1 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background The emergence of a group of entities 1.1 1.2 Growth of entities ..................................................................................... Accounting for groups as determined by the Companies Act, 2008 ........ 4 4 The concept of control in terms of IFRS 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Definitions ................................................................................................ Elements of control .................................................................................. Power ....................................................................................................... Exposure, or rights to variable returns ..................................................... Link between power and returns .............................................................. Examples of group structures .................................................................. Example 1.1: Simple group ................................................................... Example 1.2: Vertical group .................................................................. Example 1.3: Simple group with spread shareholding .......................... Example 1.4: Simple group with spread shareholding .......................... Example 1.5: Associate controls subsidiary.......................................... Example 1.6: Subsidiaries together control sub-subsidiary .................. Example 1.7: Control through directors on board meetings.................. Example 1.8: Arrear preference dividends............................................ Non-controlling interests .......................................................................... 9 10 10 12 12 12 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 Group financial statements 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Presentation of consolidated financial statements ................................... Circumstances when consolidated financial statements need not be prepared by the parent............................................................................. Investment entities ................................................................................... Consolidation procedures ........................................................................ Disclosure of interests in other entities .................................................... 19 21 22 22 24 1 Chapter 1 Accounting and disclosure in the separate financial statements of the parent 1.15 2 Accounting of subsidiaries in the separate records of the investor (parent) ....................................................................................... Example 1.9: Investment in subsidiary accounted for at fair value through profit or loss in the separate financial statements of the parent ................................................. Example 1.10: Investment in subsidiary accounted for at fair value with adjustments in other comprehensive income in the separate financial statements of the parent .................... Example 1.11: Investment in subsidiary accounted for using the cost method in the separate financial statements of the parent .............................................................................. Example 1.12: Investment in subsidiary accounted for using the equity method in the separate financial statements of the parent…………………… ........................................... 28 32 33 34 35 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF CHAPTER 1 Companies Act 71 of 2008: Section 8 determines the classification of companies: Public listed company or Private company (PIS >350) but Private company <PIS 350; and Unlisted public company Must comply with IFRS: Control (IFRS 10.7): l Power over investee; l Exposure, or rights to, variable returns from involvement with investee; and l Ability to use power to affect amount of returns. Must comply with IFRS for SMEs, but may choose to apply IFRS If one entity (P) controls another entity (S), the parent shall prepare consolidated financial statements (IFRS 10.4) IFRS requirements for: Preparation of consolidated financial statements: l IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements requirements; l Circumstances when consolidated financial statements need not be prepared; l Investment entities’ exemption from preparing consolidated financial statements and l Accounting treatment in separate financial statements of the parent: l IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities; and l Accounting for subsidiaries in separate records of investor (parent) in terms of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. 3 Chapter 1 The emergence of a group of entities 1.1 Growth of entities 1 2 The growth of a business entity takes place in various ways, and can occur for various reasons. These could be the reduction of costs through economies of scale; investing in competitors or suppliers in order to manage risks and gain easier access to resources, or gaining access to required manpower or skills. The growth can take place in an intensive manner through an increased volume of purchases, production and sales without geographic expansion. Alternatively, an undertaking can grow in an extensive manner by means of a geographic expansion, for example by using travelling representatives, creating marketing agencies and the formation of branches. Applied to the sphere of companies, this tendency to growth in business entities manifests itself mainly in one of two ways: l the company itself can grow in size, as mentioned above; or l the company can combine with other companies. A business combination is regulated by IFRS 3 Business combinations. A business combination is defined as a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses (Appendix A). The basic aspects of IFRS 3 Business combinations are discussed comprehensively in chapter 2 and the advanced aspects in chapter 9 of Volume 2. In this chapter, attention is paid to the requirements of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (hereafter referred to as the Companies Act, 2008) and the relevant IFRSs with regard to the theory and background of groups of entities. 1.2 Accounting for groups as determined by the Companies Act, 2008 1 4 The Companies Act, 2008 defines a group of companies as a holding company and all of its subsidiaries (section 1). A holding company in relation to a subsidiary is defined as a juristic person (or undertaking) that controls the subsidiary. A company will be a holding company if one of the following applies: l it has the ability to directly or indirectly exercise, or control the exercise of a majority of the general voting rights at a general meeting; or l it has the right to appoint or elect, or control the appointment or election of directors of that company who would have a majority of the votes at a board meeting; or l all the general voting rights associated with the issued securities of the company are held and controlled by the persons contemplated above. It should be noted that in terms of the Companies Act, 2008 the holding company does not have to own shares in the company as ownership of voting rights is no longer required to constitute a subsidiary relationship. If the holding company has the rights or control (e.g. a shareholders’ agreement) then that will constitute a subsidiary relationship. A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround C mme Com ents s A su ubsidiarry re elattionship p iss sett ou ut in n se ectio on 3 of the e Co omp panies Actt, 20 008 8 ass follow ws: 3 3(1) A com c mpa any is a su ubsidiarry of o an noth her juriisticc pe erso on, – (a a) if th hat juris j stic person, one o or mo ore othe o er subs s sidia arie es of o th he ju uristic pers p son n, orr on ne or mor m re nom n mine ees of tha at ju uristtic person n orr an ny of o itts subs s sidia arie es, alon ne or in com mbin nation – (i) is or are e directtly or o indirecttly able a e to o exxerc cise e, or co ontrrol the t exe ercise of, a majority of the t generral vvotin ng righ r hts ass a ocia ated d with w issu ued d se ecurritiess off tha at co omp panyy, whe w ther pu ursu uant to a shar s reho olde er agre a eem mentt or oth herw wise e; orr (ii) ( ha as or o h hav ve the righ hts to app poin nt or o e elec ct, or o cont c trol the e appo a ointment or o electiion of, dire ecto ors of tthat compa anyy wh ho cont c trol a majo m ority y off the e vo otess at a meeting of the t boa ard;; or (b b) a whol w lly-o own ned sub bsid diaryy orr an noth her juris j stic perrson n if all the t gen nera al votin v ng rrights asssociated w with issued d se ecurritie es of the compan ny are a held d or co ontrrolle ed, alon a ne or o in com c mbinatio on, by pers p son ns contemplatted in p para agra aph h (a)). 2 The T e Act A furrthe er det d erm min nes tha at for f the e purp p posse of o d detterm min ning g th he con ntro ol of o vvotiing righ r hts, th he ffollo owing g sh hou uld be consiidered d: l vo oting rrigh hts tha at are a e ex xercisablle o only in n cert c tain n circu umsta ances are e to o be b ttak ken intto acc a count onlly whe w en tho ose e cirrcu ums stan nce es hav h ve aris a sen n an nd forr ass lo ong ass th hey will cont c tinu ue, orr wh hen n th he circ c cum msttancess are und derr co ontrol of the e persson n ho oldiing e votin v ng rightss; the l vo oting rrigh hts th hat are exe e erciisable e only o y on ins i tructio on or with the con c nse ent of an noth herr pe ersson arre to be e treatted d as s bein b ng he eld byy a no omine ee for f that oth her pe erso on; an nd l vo oting rrigh hts held by a per p rson as a n nom min nee e fo or a ano othe er per p rson n are a to be e tre eatted ass he eld by y th hat otherr persson, or o h held d by b a pers p son n in n a fid duciary y cap c aciity to be tre eate ed as he eld by the e be ene eficciarry o of th hosse vot v ting g rig ghts. 5 C Cha apte er 1 Com C mme ent 1 E Eac ch isssue ed sha are of a co omp pany, rega r ardlesss of its cla ass, has asso ociated witth itt on ne g genera al vo oting g rig ght, excep pt to o the e ex xten nt provvided d ottherrwisse by: b l the Co omp panies Act A ; orr l the pre eferrencces, rig ghtss, limita atio ons and d ottherr termss de eterrmin ned by or in term t ms of o the com mpa anyy’s Mem M morand dum m of Inccorp pora ation n (M MoI)) (se ection 37(2)).. 2 H How wever, desspite e an nyth hing g to the e co ontra ary in a co omp panyy’s Mo oI, e everry sh hare e isssue ed by b tthat compa anyy ha as asso a ocia ated witth itt an irre evocab ble righ r ht off the e sh hare eho older to votte on o a any pro opo osal to am mend prefe p eren nce es, righ r hts, lim mitattions and a oth her term ms asssocciate ed w with h tha at sha s re ((sec ction 37(3 3 3)). The e sp peccific con ntin ngen nt votin v ng rrigh hts exe e ercissablle by b tthe hollderrs of o p preference e sh hare es und u der succh ccon nditio onss will therefore hav h ve tto be b ttake en into o accco ountt in de eterrmin ning g whet w therr a co omp panyy (tthe inv vesttor) ho oldss th he m majorityy vo oting rights in n an noth her ccom mpa any (the e inves stee e) fo or it to be dee eme ed to o be e th he ssubsidiaryy of succh com c pan ny (the inv vesttor).. 3 S Sha aress do o no ot h have e a no omin nal or parr va alue e in terrmss of the e C Compan niess Acct, 2 200 08 ((sec ction n 3). 3 Any A y sh hare es of o a pre-e exissting g co omp pan ny that ha ave been issued d w with a n nom mina al or pa ar vvalu ue (in term t ms o of th he old Co omp paniies Actt 61 1 off 19 973)), and tha at arre h held d byy a sha areh hold der imm med diattely be efore e th he e effectivve date d e (o of th he Act, A i.e e. 1 Ma ay 2 2011), con ntin nue to havve the t nomin nal or par va alue asssigned d to o them wh hen isssued d, ssubjjectt to o any reg gula ations to be e made m e rega arding the eir tran nsitiona al stattus an nd cconv verssion n. The T righ hts of sha s reholde ers willl be e pre ese erve ed to o the extent th hat doiing so is ccom mpattible e with w the e ne ew Act. A . Sh hare eho olders will w be com mpe ensated fo or th he losss off an ny ssuch h rig ghtss (S Sche edu ule 5(6) 5 )). B Befo ore e the acc a countin ng treatm men nt of o gro g upss in n te erm ms of o IFR RS can c n be ed disc cusssed d, it shou uld b be det d term min ned d whic w ch rep r portting g frram mew worrk is s rele evant in termss off th he Co omp pan niess Act, A 2 2008. Th his disscussion co omm me ence es with a brie ef exp e possitio on of the e d diffe ere ent cla assses of ccom mpa anie es def d fine ed in the Acct. 3 The T e Com C mpa anies Acct, 20 008 id dentifie es two typ t es off co ompan nie es tto be incorrpo oratted und u der th he Ac ct. A co om mpany ca an eithe er be a p proffit comp pan ny or a no on--pro ofit com c mpa anyy. A profiit com mpa any is define ed as a com c mpa anyy in nco orpo orated d fo or th he purpo ose e of fina f anccial ga ain forr itss sha s reh hold derrs. A non n-p proffit com c mpa anyy iss in nco orpo orated d fo or p pub blic the inco ben b nefiit and a ome a and d prop pertty a are e no ot dis d trib buta able e to itts iincorp pora ate es. Pro ofit com c mpa anie es can be b eith e her:: l a stat s te-o owned d com mpa any (SOC C Lttd); l a priv p vate e co om mpa any (Prop prie etarry Lim L mited) (Pt ( y) Ltd L d); l a per p rson nal lia abiliity com c mpanyy (IIncorp pora ate ed)((Incc); o or l a pub p blic co omp pan ny (Lim ( mite ed))(Lttd). 6 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background The types of companies can be summarised schematically as follows: Section 8 Non-profit company (NPC) Profit company State-owned company (SOC Ltd) Private company (Pty) Ltd Public company (Ltd) May not offer securities to the public, and transferability of securities is restricted Personal liability company (Inc) Meets criteria for private company, and Memorandum of Incorporation stipulates that it is a personal liability company 4 Depending on the classification of the company, a specified financial reporting framework must be applied (only profit companies are discussed): Profit company Abbreviations Reporting framework State-owned company SOC Ltd Minister may grant exemption from IFRS where alternative ensures achievement of purpose of Act, i.e. GRAP Private company (Pty) Ltd *IFRS or IFRS for SMEs depending on Public Interest Score (PIS): • PIS > 350/holds assets in excess of R5 million in fiduciary capacity – IFRS or IFRS for SMEs • PIS between 100 and 350 – IFRS or IFRS for SMEs • PIS < 100 and financial statements are independently compiled – IFRS or IFRS for SMEs • PIS < 100 and financial statements are internally compiled –IFRS for SMEs Personal liability company Inc Framework for non-public entities Public company – unlisted Ltd *IFRS or IFRS for SMEs (if company meets scoping requirements in IFRS for SMEs) Public company – listed Ltd IFRS * Framework to be applied depends on public interest score (PIS) of company. 7 C Cha apte er 1 C mme Com ent A co omp pan ny may m y a alwa ays ele ect to us se a “hig “ gherr” fram f mew workk, b but ne everr a “lo owe er” frram mework. Com C mme ent T The Pu ublicc In nterrest Sc core e (P PIS) iss ca alcu ulate ed by aw ward ding g 1 mark for each h off th he fo ollow wing: l e every R1 R milli m ion turn novver; l e every emp e ployyee (av vera age num mbe er); l e every secu s urityy ho olde er; and a l e every R1 R milli m ion thirrd party p y ob bliga atio on (R Reg gula ation n 26 6). 5 The T e fo ocu us of thiss work w k iss priva p ate ely ow wned prof p fit com c mpaniies an nd tthe ereffore e, from f m the t dis d cusssio on above e, iti iss cllear th hat fin nancia al re epo ortin ng willl be gov g vern ned d byy IF FRS o or the t RS forr S SME Es. For the e rem main nde er o of the t e discusssion refe r erence e will w there eforre be IFR ma made to the e re equ uire eme entts of o th he rele eva ant IFR RS Ss, nam mely: l IFR RS 10 0 Consolida ate ed Fin F nan ncia al S Sta atem ments s; l IFR RS 12 2 Disc clos surre o of Inte I ere ests s in n Oth O er En ntitiies s; l IAS S 27 2 S Sep parrate e Fina F anc cial Stat S tem men nts; and l IFR RS fo or SME S Es.. The T e fo ollo owin ng two o IF FRS Ss are e disccusssed d in n Vo olu ume e 2 of thiss wor w k: l IAS S 28 2 IInv vestments in As A socia ates s and a d Jo oint V Ven nturres s; and a l IFR RS 11 1 Jo oin nt Arra A ang gem ments s. 6 IFR RS 10 0 C Co onsolidatted d Fin F nan ncia al Sta ate eme entts es stab blisshes principle es forr the t pre p sen nta ation n and a d prep p parratio on of co onssolid datted fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts wh hen n an a enttity con c ntro ols on ne or more m e e entiities (IF ( RS S 10.1 1). It de efines th he principle es of co ontrrol, esta e ablish hes co ontrrol as the e basi b is for f dettermin ning g whic w ch enttitie es are a e co onssolidatted d, and a sets s s out o th he acccou untting g re equ uire eme entts forr th he pre epa ara ation n of o suc ch co onssolid datted fina f anccial sta atem me entss (IF FR RS 10. 1 IN7 7). 7 IFR I RS 12 2 D Disc clos surre of Inttere estts in Other Ent E itie es req quirres an n entit e ty to t dissclo ose info i orm matiion n that ena e able es use erss off itss fin nan ncia al state em ments to t eva e alua ate: estts in (a) ( th he natture e of, o and a d rissks s assso ocia ated d with w itss inttere n othe o er e entiitiess; and a d (b) ( th he efffectt off th hose in nte eressts on n itss finan ncia al pos p sitio on, fin nan ncia al perf p form mance e and a c h flow cash ws (IFR ( RS 12 2.1)). 8 IAS I S 27 2 Separa ate Fina F anc cial Sta S atem me ents s con c ntaiins acco a oun ntin ng an nd dissclo osu ure entture req r quirrem men nts forr invvesstm men nts in sub s bsid diariess, jo oin nt ve es and da asso ociate es whe w en an ent e tity prrep pare es se epa arate fina f anccial sttate ementts. Th he sta and darrd req quirress an a enttity pre p epa aring ssep para ate fin nan ncia al state em ments to t acc a cou unt forr th hose in nve estm me entss att co ost or in i acc a cord dan nce e with IFR RS 9 Fin F nan ncia al Insttrume entts ((IAS S 27.I 2 N1). 9 Irre esp pecttive e of whe w the er IFRS S 10 1 Con C nso olid date ed Fina F anc cial Sta ate eme entts or IFR I RS forr SME Es is i app a plied, bot b th stan s nda ards hav h ve the sa ame e re equ uire eme entss with w respe ect to t a pare ent an nd itts sub s bsid diarriess – an n en ntity y th hat is a p parentt sh halll prrese entt co onssolid datted fina f anccial sta ateme entss (IFR RS 10..4 and a d IF FRS S fo or SM S Es.9.2 2). 8 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround Where e a pa are ent is linkked wiith a sub s bsid diarry or o sub s bsid diarriess to o fo orm m a largerr an nd mo ore 10 Wh com c mplexx eccon nom mic un nit, it is cus c tom marry to t refe r er to t tthe e en ntityy as a a grou g up. Th he basic cha c aracte eristic of such a gro oup p is that the e man m nagem men nt of o th he difffere entt in ndepen nde ent par p ren nt and a ubssidia aryy en ntitiess co omprissing the grroup p is s co-o c ordina ated d in n such s h a way w su tha t at th heyy arre ma managed do on a centtrall an nd unified bas b sis in the t e inttere estt off the grou g up as a who w ole.. T This s man m agem men nt on o a unif u fied d basiis is p pos ssib ble be eca ause e of o the co ontrrol, imp i pliccit in i tthe e pare ent--su ubsidia ary re elation nship, wh hich h the t are ent ex xerccise es ovver its pa sub s bsid diariess. Thi T is con c ntro ol ma m kess itt poss siblle for th he gro g oup p to o b be ma managed d a as an eco e ono omiic u unit, in the e ssense that the e diffe d erent pa aren nt and a d sub s bsid diarry enttitie es no lon l ger carr c ry ou ut the t ir ccom mm merccia al a activities on n a bas b sis off co om mple ete eccon nom mic ind i epend den nce e. A hou ugh h the discllosure e re equ uire ementts of the e Act A t in n res r pecct of grroup fina f anc cial 11 Alth sta s atem men nts (such h as con c sollida ated d ann a uall fin nan ncia al sstatem men nts) tre eat the e grou up a as an eco e ono omiic uniit or o business s ent e ity, th hey y do d nott d detrractt frrom m tthe se epa ara ate leg gal per p rsonallitie es of o the t e differen nt pare p entt an nd sub bsidia ary entitie es. Th he dutty on o the ep part of the t e pa are ent to su ubm mit grroup p fina f anccial sta ate eme entss iss pur p elyy an n a add ditio ona al stat s tuto ory req r quirrem men nt. Com C mme ent T The Co omp panies Actt, 2008 8 (A Act) usses the e te erm “ho olding com mpa any””, while w e In nterrnattional F ancia Fina al Rep R portiing Sta and dard ds (IFR RS) use es the terrm “pa aren nt”, ind dicatting g that not n only compan niess ma ay be b ssubsidiarie es, as iindiicated in the d definition belo ow.. Th he te erm m “pa arent” is used d in thiss wo ork to ccom mplyy with IFRS S. T The e con c ncep pt of o co onttro ol in ter t rms o of IFRS S 1.3 Def D finitio ons 1 A grou g up consistss off a parren nt and a its su ubsidia arie es. A ssub bsid diary is i d defiined as a an a enttity tha t at iss co ontrollled byy an notherr en ntityy (kkno own n as th he paren nt) (IF ( RS S 10 0 Appe A end dix A). An A invvesstor con c trols an a inv vesstee e whe w en the e in nve esto or is exp possed d, or o has h s riigh hts, to affe var v riab ble retturn ns fro om its inv volvvem ment w with the invvesstee e and a d ha as the e abilitty to t a ect tho t ose retturn ns throug gh its po owe er ove o r th he inve i esttee (IF FRS S 10.6 6). Com C mme ent IF FRS S fo or SM MEs de efine es a sub s sidiiary y ass an a enti e ty that t t iss co ontrrolle ed by the e pa arent (p par 9.4 4). 2 It iss clea c ar ttha at cont c trol iss es sse entiial. IF FRS S 10 Co C nsolid datted d Fina F anc ciall Stat S tem men nts the t ereffore e re equ uire es tha t at a an inve estor, regardle esss off th he natture e of o itts invo olve ementt with w an a entityy (th he invvestee e), ssha all det d term min ne whe w eth her it iss a pa arent by b ass sesssin ng wh heth her iti conttrolls the en ntityy (.5 5). In thiss asse a esssme entt all re elevvan nt fa actss and a cirrcumsstan nce es are a con c nsid derred an nd such assse essm ment is rep pea ated d iff fa acts s and a d circu ums stance es ind dica ate tha t at th here a are chang gess to o on ne or mo ore of the e ellem men nts of con ntro ol liiste ed bel b ow w. 9 C Cha apte er 1 Com C mme ent T term The ms “invvesttor” and “inve este ee” a are nott de efine ed in IF FRS S 10 0. “Inve esto or” iss ussed d to refe er to o a rep portiing enttity that po oten ntially ccontrols one or m morre othe o er en ntities, and d “inve este ee” to t re eferr to an enttity that t t is, or ma ay potentia ally be, the e su ubsidiary of o a rep porting enttity. 1.4 Ele E eme ents of co onttro ol 1 2 3 4 5 Wh When n the d defiinition n of co ontrrol is ana a alyssed d, th hree elem e mentss off co ontrrol are e evvide entt: An A invvesstorr co ontrrolss an n in nve este ee if, and a d only if, the e in nvesto or has h alll the fo ollo owing: (a) ( p wer over the pow t e invvesstee; (b) ( e osu expo ure, or rig ghtts to o, var v riab ble return ns from f m in nvo olve ementt with w the e in nve este ee; and (c) ( th he ab bilitty to usse po owe er ove er the e invvesttee e to o affe a ect th he am mou unt o of the t in nve esto or’s s re eturrns (IF FRS S 10.7 7). Wh When n an n in nve esto or ass a sessses whe w ethe er an invvesstee e iss conttrollled d, facttorss such ha as the t pur p rpo ose an nd dessign of o tthe e invesste ee, the e natu n ure off the rele r eva ant ac ctiviitiess and a d ho ow dec d cisiions a abo out tho ose e acctiv vitie es are aem made; wh heth herr the righ r hts of the e in nve esto or g give e it the t e cu urre ent ab bilityy to o direcct the rellevantt ac ctivvitie es; wh heth herr the e in nve esto or is exp e ose ed to, or o has h s rightts to t var v iab ble return ns from f m itts invo i olvvem men nt with w h the inve estee;; an nd wh heth her the t e invesstor has the e abili a ity to use e itts p pow werrs ove o er th he invvesstee e to o afffecct the am mou unt of o the t invvesstorr’s return ns a are taken n in nto consideration n. In the e mos m st stra s aightfo orw warrd sce s ena ario o, an a invvesstee e, in the e abs a enc ce of ad ddition nal arra a ang gem ments s thatt alte a er de ecission n-m mak king g, is co ontrolled by b me ean ns off e equ uity ins i trume entss (s sha aress) tha t t give the hold h derr prroportion nate e vo otin ng righ hts s in the e in nve este ee. The T e part p ty w who o iss ab ble to ex xerccise e votin ng rightss su ufficcient to t det d term min ne the t invvesstee e’s ope o era ating ga and fin nan ncin ng p poliicie es will w co ontrrol the t e invesstee. An A in nvesste ee ma ay howe ever also a o be b de esig gne ed so th hat vo oting righ hts are no ot the t in dom d min nan nt ffactor in n dec d cidin ng who co ontrolss the t nve este ee. Votin ng rig ghtss ma may for exa e ample e re elatte only to ad dminisstrative e taskks an nd rele eva ant acctivvitie es be co ontrollled thro t oug gh contra acttual arrange ementts. In su uch ca ases a all fac f ctorrs men m ntio one ed in 2 a abo ove sho s ould d be b co onside ered d. Atttenttion n sho s ould d also a o be b paid to the rrisk ks to wh hich h the t inv i esttee wa as dessigned d to o be b exp e possed, th he risk r ks iti w was s de esig gne ed tto pas p ss on o to oth her par p rties in nvo olve ed wit w h th he inv vestee e an nd wh heth her the e in nve esto or iss expo e ose ed to som s me or all of o tho t se risks in the t e assse essm me ent. Eacch of the e elem men nts of co ontrrol wil w l no ow be e diiscu usssed d to o hiighligh ht its imp i porrtan nce e in the t e assse essm me ent of con c ntro ol. 1.5 Pow P we er 1 Pow wer iss de efin ned d ass exis e sting righ r hts tha at give g e th he currren nt abi a lityy to direcct th he rele eva ant act a tivittiess and fo or the pu urpose e of o IFR I RS 10 0 Con C nso olid date ed Financiial Sttate em ments, rele r eva ant acctiviitiess are a acttivitiess of th he inv vesttee e that signifiicantlyy a affec ct the t invvesstee e’s retu r urn ns (Ap ( ppendiix A). A 2 The T e dete d erm mina atio on of the e in nve esto or’ss po owerss de epe end ds on the rele r eva ant acttivittiess, the t wa w y dec d cisio ons s abo a ut the e re elevvan nt act a tivittiess arre ma ade e an nd the e rrigh hts the e in nve esto ors and a d othe er p parttiess ha ave e in n re elation n to the e in nve este ee (Ap ppe end dix B .B10). 3 Pow wer aris a es fro om rig ghtss. Suc S ch rig ghtss can c be e stra s aigh htfo orwa ard d (e e.g. th hrough h vvotiing righ r hts)) or o ccom mple ex (e.g. em mbe edd ded in co ontrracctua al a arra ang gem men nts)) an nd req quire mo ore 10 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background 4 5 6 7 8 9 than one factor to be considered. Rights that, either individually or in combination, give an investor power, include: l voting rights granted by equity instruments such as shares (see 1.8); l potential voting rights; l rights to appoint, reassign or remove members of an investee’s key management personnel who have the ability to direct the relevant activities; l rights to appoint or remove another entity that directs the relevant activities; l rights to direct the investee to enter into, or veto any changes to, transactions for the benefit of the investor; and l other rights (such as decision-making rights specified in a management contract) that give the holder the ability to direct the relevant activities (Appendix B.B15). When an investor assesses whether it has control over an investee, only substantive rights relating to an investee are considered. A substantive right gives the holder thereof the practical ability to exercise that right (IFRS 10.B22). This means that the holder should not be hindered from exercising the right through penalties, inabilities to obtain the necessary information or prohibitive legal or regulatory requirements, amongst others. In Volume 1 of this work all rights will be assumed to be substantive rights, unless the opposite is stated specifically. Relevant activities could be any operating and financing activities of an entity, including selling and purchasing of goods or services, selecting, acquiring and disposing of assets, researching and developing new products or processes, managing financial assets during their life and determining funding structures or obtaining funding. Often an investor has the current ability, through voting or similar rights, to direct the relevant activities. This will be the case where the investor holds more than half of the voting rights of an investee and the relevant activities are directed by a vote of the holder of the majority of the voting rights, or a majority of the members of the governing body that directs the relevant activities is appointed by vote of the holder of the majority of the voting rights (IFRS 10.B34−36). An investor can have power even if it holds less than a majority of the voting rights of an investee. Such power could be obtained through a contractual arrangement between the investor and other vote holders giving the former the right to exercise voting rights sufficient to give the investor power, rights arising from other contractual arrangements, potential voting rights or a combination thereof (IFRS 10.B38). When assessing whether an investor’s voting rights are sufficient to give it power, all facts and circumstances should be considered. The size of the investor’s holding of voting rights relative to the size and dispersion of holdings of the other vote holders is important, as the more voting rights an investor holds, the more likely the investor is to have existing rights enabling it to direct relevant activities. An investor is also more likely to have the current ability to direct relevant activities, where a lot of parties are needed to act together to outvote the investor. All facts and circumstances should therefore be taken into account, for example previous voting patterns by other voters (IFRS 10.B42). Another factor that also warrants attention in the assessment is where the investor has a special relationship with the investee, which suggests that the investor has 11 Chapter 1 more than a passive interest in the investee. Indicators of a special relationship are where the investee’s key management personnel are current or previous employees of the investor, where the investee’s operations are dependent on the investor, where a significant portion of the investee’s activities either involve or are conducted on behalf of the investor or the investor’s exposure, or rights, to returns from its involvement with the investee is disproportionately greater than its voting or similar rights. 1.6 Exposure, or rights to variable returns 1 2 3 An investor must be exposed, or have rights to variable returns from its involvement with an investee to control the investee. This would be the case where the investor’s returns from its involvement with the investee have the potential to vary as a result of the investee’s performance. Such returns can be positive or negative or both (IFRS 10.15). Although one investor can control an investee, more than one party can share in the returns of an investee (IFRS 10.16). Examples of returns are: l dividends; l other distributions of economic benefits from an investee, i.e. interest from debt instruments and changes in the value of the investor’s investment in the investee; l remuneration for services; l fees and exposure to loss from providing credit or liquidity support; l returns not available to other investors, i.e. savings through combination of operations, sourcing scarce products, gaining access to proprietary knowledge or limiting some operations or assets to enhance the value of the investor’s other assets (IFRS 10.B57). 1.7 Link between power and returns 1 2 A parent must not only have power over an investee and exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; a parent must also have the ability to use its power over the investee to affect its returns from its involvement with the investee (IFRS 10.17). The investor should therefore determine whether it acts as principal or an agent. An agent is a party primarily engaged to act on behalf and for the benefit of another party or parties (the principal(s)) and therefore does not control the investee when it exercises its decision-making authority (IFRS 10.B58). If an investor merely acts as an agent and exercises only decision-making rights that were delegated to it, it does not control the investee. 1.8 Examples of group structures 1 12 A parent (P Ltd) may have more than one subsidiary, while a subsidiary (S Ltd) may in turn be the parent of another company (SS Ltd); SS Ltd is referred to as the subsubsidiary of the ultimate parent (P Ltd). A parent plus subsidiaries plus sub-subsidiaries (if any) together form a group of companies. Note that, according to law, a sub-subsidiary is regarded as being a subsidiary of the ultimate parent. A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround Com C mm mentt In th his boo b ok, the t follo owing is used u d th hrou ugho out the texxt: P = Parent S = Subsid diarry 2 A sim s mple g group, whic w ch con nsissts off a pa aren nt and a d a singlle sub s bsid diary, ma ay thu us be dia d agra amm ma atica allyy re epre ese ente ed as folllow ws: P Lttd % 51% S Lttd In the e abo a ove diagram m, P Ltd d has h m mad de an assse essme ent an nd esttab blish hed d thatt it con c ntro ols S Ltd d th hrou ugh h th he holdin ng of the e majo m orityy o of th he votting g riights, wh hich h in n tu urn wa w s obta o aine ed fro om holldin ng 51% 5 % of o the iss sue ed equ e uity sh hare e ca apital of S Ltd L . fo 3 A com c mplexx grou up ma ay be e co onsstitu ute ed by,, fo or exa am mple e, the t ollowin ng ow wne ersh hip inte i erest in i the isssue ed equ e uity y sh hare e capiital: P Ltd d S1 1 Lttd S2 2 Ltd d S3 3 Lttd SS1 S 1 Lttd SS S2 Ltd L A com c mpa anyy is s th he fell f ow w su ubssidiaryy off anotthe er com c mpa anyy if both are e subssidiariies of the t e sa am me parren nt, for f exxam mple S2 S Lttd and a d S3 S Ltd d are a fe ellow w ssub bsid diariess in the t exa e ample e ab bov ve. Co C mp plexx grrou ups are disc d cussed d in n ch hap pter 7. 4 As A ca an be e see s n, the ere e is s virtu v ually no lim mit to o th he va arietty an nd perrmu uta ation ns of ow o nerrsh hip inte ere estss that ccan n exist with w in a grou up. 13 C Cha apte er 1 Ex xam mple e 1.1 S mple Sim e gro g up P Lttd ow o ns 51% of the e shares s off S Ltd d. Eac ch share e entittless th he hol h der to o one ge ene eral vvote e at th he annua al gen g neral me eeting (A AGM M). Th he rele eva ant acctivvitie es a are direccted db by the t A AGM M. S Ltd L ha as no n oth o her cla asse es of issued d sharess. P Lttd 51% % S Lttd S Lttd is i a su ubssidiiaryy of P Lttd and a d P Ltd d iss th he parren nt o of S Lttd, as P Ltd d, by b hol h din ng the t m majoritty of o the ge eneral vo oting g riights (51 ( %)), has h the e exis e sting g riights tha t at give e it the e cu urre ent a abiliity to dire d ect the e re elevvan nt a actiivitiies. In n th he absen nce e of add a itional arrran nge ementts tha t at alte a r decisio on-m makin ng, the e asse esssme ent o of con c trol fo ocu uses s on o wh w ich h pa artyy, if any, a , is s ab ble to exxerc cise voti v ing rig ghtss suff s ficie ent to d dete erm mine e the inv vesstee e’s op perrating an nd financcial polic p cies (IFR ( RS 10 0.B B6).. In n th he mo ost sstraigh htfo orwa ard d sc cen nario, su uch ass th he one o e abo a ove, th he inv vesttor tha at hollds a ma ajorrity of th hos se vot v ing g rig ghts, in the ab bsen nce e off otthe er fa acto orss, co onttrols th he invvesstee e. Com C mm mentts a In all a th he exa amp ples s in Vo olum me 1 whe w re con c ntroll wa as obta aine ed thro ough th he ma ajority vvotin ng righ hts, it iss as ssu ume ed th hat the e pa aren nt has h the e ab bilityy to o de etermin ne th he rele evant a activ vitie es, with w houtt sp pecifica ally stat s ting g this fa act. b It is neccesssarry to o distin nguish betw wee en con c trol and owne o ersh hip.. P Ltd con ntro ols 100 1 0% of o the (ne et) asse a ets of S Lttd, but P L Ltd hass an n eccon nom mic interestt (o ownersh hip inte eresst) of o 5 51% % off the e undivvide ed net n asssetss off S Ltd. P Ltd d co ontrrols 100% % of the e ne et asse a ets of o S Lttd, ther t refo ore 100 0% of S Lttd’s net asssetts are a ttake en up u in th he cconsolidated fina ancial sstate eme entss. Due D e to P Ltd d on nly owning g 51% 5 % off the e net n asssetss, th he non n n-co ontro ollin ng interestts (the ( e re ema ainin ng 49% 4 %) iin the nett asssetts of o S Lttd are a als so in nclu uded d in n th he ccons solid date ed stat s eme ent of fina f ncia al po osittion. 14 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background Example 1.2 Vertical group P Ltd holds 51% of the shares of S Ltd and S Ltd hold 51% of the shares of SS Ltd. Each share entitles the holder of the share to one general vote on the annual general meeting. S Ltd and SS Ltd have no other classes of issued shares. P Ltd 51% S Ltd 51% SS Ltd In the absence of additional arrangements that could alter decision-making, it may be assumed that S Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd and P Ltd is the parent of S Ltd, as P Ltd is able to direct the relevant activities of S Ltd through the voting rights. The same applies in respect of S Ltd and SS Ltd. SS Ltd is a subsidiary of S Ltd and S Ltd is the parent of SS Ltd, as it may be assumed that S Ltd has the ability to direct the relevant activities of SS Ltd through exercising the majority of the voting rights. As SS Ltd is controlled by S Ltd, which in turn is controlled by P Ltd, it may be assumed that P Ltd is also able to exercise control over the relevant activities of SS Ltd, thus establishing a parent-subsidiary relationship between P Ltd and SS Ltd, as P Ltd can give S Ltd instructions on how SS Ltd should be governed. Example 1.3 Simple group with spread shareholding P Ltd owns 48% of the shares of S Ltd. Each share entitles the holder to one general vote at the annual general meeting (AGM). The relevant activities are directed by the AGM. S Ltd has no other classes of issued shares. The remaining voting rights are held by 1 000 shareholders (none holding more than 1% and no arrangements exist between them to consult one another or make collective decisions). P Ltd 48% S Ltd S Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd and P Ltd is the parent of S Ltd, as P Ltd can exercise power through its 48% shareholding. The relative size of the other shareholders’ interest gives P Ltd a large enough dominant voting interest to meet the power criterion without the need to consider any other evidence of power. 15 Chapter 1 Example 1.4 Simple group with spread shareholding P Ltd owns 40% of the shares of S Ltd. Each share entitles the holder to one general vote at the annual general meeting (AGM). The relevant activities are directed by the AGM. S Ltd has no other classes of issued shares. The remaining voting rights are held by Mr A, who owns 35%, and Mrs B, who owns 25% of the issued shares. No other arrangement exists that could influence decision-making. P Ltd 40% S Ltd S Ltd is not a subsidiary of P Ltd and therefore P Ltd is not the parent of S Ltd. The size of P Ltd’s voting interest and its size relative to the other shareholdings are sufficient to conclude that P Ltd does not have power over S Ltd. Only two other investors would need to co-operate to be able to prevent P Ltd from directing the relevant activities of S Ltd. Example 1.5 Associate controls subsidiary P Ltd holds 40% of the shares of S Ltd and S Ltd hold 51% of the shares of SS Ltd. Each share entitles the holder to one vote on the annual general meeting. S Ltd and SS Ltd have no other classes of issued shares. P Ltd 40% S Ltd 51% SS Ltd S Ltd is not a subsidiary of P Ltd, as P Ltd does not hold enough voting rights in S Ltd to direct its relevant activities. SS Ltd is a subsidiary of S Ltd and S Ltd is the parent of SS Ltd, as S Ltd, by holding the majority of the general voting rights (51%), has the existing rights that give it the current ability to direct the relevant activities of SS Ltd. SS Ltd is not a subsidiary of P Ltd, as P Ltd does not have control over S Ltd. If, however, the following arrangement exists in the example above, the whole scenario changes: The remaining 60% of S Ltd’s shares are held by 12 other shareholders, each holding only 5% of the voting rights of S Ltd. A shareholder agreement grants P Ltd the right to 16 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background appoint, remove and set the remuneration of management responsible for directing the relevant activities. To change the agreement, a two-thirds majority vote of the shareholders is required. The shareholding of P Ltd and the relative shareholding of the other 12 shareholders solely is not sufficient to determine whether P Ltd can exercise control over S Ltd. If P Ltd’s ability to determine S Ltd’s management (through which the relevant activities are directed) is however considered, it is clear that P Ltd controls S Ltd and that S Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd (IFRS 10 B34 Example 10). Example 1.6 Subsidiaries together control sub-subsidiary P Ltd holds 60% of the shares of S1 Ltd and S2 Ltd. S1 Ltd holds 30% of the shares of SS Ltd and S2 Ltd holds 30% of the shares of SS Ltd. Each share entitles the holder of the share to one vote on the annual general meeting. S1 Ltd, S2 Ltd and SS Ltd have no other classes of issued shares. P Ltd 60% 60% 30% 30% S1 Ltd S2 Ltd SS Ltd S1 Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd and P Ltd is S1 Ltd’s parent, as P Ltd holds the majority voting rights (60%) in S1 Ltd. S2 Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd and P Ltd is S2 Ltd’s parent, as P Ltd holds the majority voting rights (60%) in S2 Ltd. If it is assumed that there are no other arrangements, in both the abovementioned relationships, the majority shareholdings (and thereby the majority voting rights) give P Ltd the ability to direct the relevant activities of the subsidiaries (S1 Ltd and S2 Ltd). As it controls both S1 Ltd and S2 Ltd, by implication it also controls the relevant activities of SS Ltd, thus establishing a parent-subsidiary relationship. Example 1.7 Control through directors on board meetings P Ltd holds 40% of the shares of S Ltd, but has, in terms of an agreement with the other shareholders, the right to appoint four of the six directors of S Ltd. Each director has one vote on the directors’ meetings. P Ltd 40% S Ltd 17 Chapter 1 S Ltd is a subsidiary of P Ltd and P Ltd is the parent of S Ltd, as P Ltd has the right to appoint directors of S Ltd that have a majority (4/6 = 67%) of the voting rights on directors’ meetings through which the relevant activities of S Ltd are directed. Example 1.8 Arrear preference dividends P Ltd holds 51% of the Class A shares and 10% of the Class B 5% preference shares of S Ltd. Each Class A share entitles the holder to one general vote on the annual general meeting. The MoI determines that a Class B preference shareholder is entitled to one vote per share when the preference dividend is in arrears. The preference dividend has been in arrears for the past five years. S Ltd’s issued share capital is as follows: 100 000 Class A shares 50 000 Class B 5% preference shares Interest in Class A shares: P Ltd 51% S Ltd Under the present circumstances S Ltd is not a subsidiary of P Ltd, as P Ltd only holds 37% ((51 000 + 5 000)/(100 000 (Class A shares) + 50 000 (Class B 5% preference shares)) of the total voting rights on the annual general meeting of S Ltd as long as the preference dividends are in arrears. P Ltd will not be able to direct the relevant activities under such circumstances. As soon as the arrears Class B preference dividends are paid, P Ltd’s shareholding (and voting rights) would be equal to 51%, which constitutes a parent-subsidiary relationship. 1.9 Non-controlling interests 1 18 Until now, attention has been given to the portion of the equity held by the parent. The equity in a subsidiary not attributable, directly or indirectly, to a parent, is called the non-controlling interests (IFRS 10 Appendix A). Previously, this component of equity was called the “minority interest”. The term “non-controlling interests” is regarded as a more accurate description of the interests of those owners who do not have a controlling interest in an entity than the term “minority interest”. The noncontrolling interests in a subsidiary represent the residual interest in the net assets of subsidiaries held by some of the other owners (not the parent) of the subsidiaries within a group, and is classified as equity. This classification is in compliance with the definition of equity in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, namely, equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all of A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround its i liabilitiess (.49 ( 9(c))). Th he situ s uation n w where a subsidia ary is pa artia ally y-ow wne ed ca an be gra g aph hica ally illu ustrrate ed as a folllow ws: P Lttd 75% % 25 5% S Lttd N NCI 2 A pare p entt prrese entts non n n-co ontrollling g in nterrests in i the co onso olid date ed sta atem me ent of fina f anc cial pos p sitio on wiithin equ e uityy, ssep para ate ely fro om th he equityy of o the t e own o ners s of o the t e p pare ent (IF ( RS S 10 0.22 2). G Gro oup fin f nan nciial sttatem ments s 1.10 0 Prres sen nta atio on of co ons sollida ate ed fin nan ncial sta ate emen nts 1 Fro om the ep prio or disc d cusssio on iti iss clea ar th hatt if on ne ent e tity (th he parren nt) con c ntro ols an noth her ent e tity (th he su ubssidia aryy), the e enti e ity tha at is the e par p rent sha s all pre p epa are co onssolid datted fina f anccial sta ateme entss (IFR RS 10..4). Com C mme ent T IFR The RS for f SM MEs s is also o clearr tha at a pa aren nt en ntityy sh hall pre esen nt ccons solid date ed fina f ancial state eme entss tha at in nclu ude all its sub s bsidiarie es (9.2 ( 2). 2 The T e te erm m g group fin nancia al stat s em men nts (grroup stat s tem men nts)) iss co om mmo onlyy use u d ffor all form f ms of fin nan ncia al stat s em men nts pre ese enting infform mation n of o a grrou up o of ent e itie es as a ttho ose of o a sing gle e enttity. 3 Co C nso olid date ed fin nancia al sstatem men nts consttitutte the e m mos st imp porttan nt and a d wide w ely us sed form f m of o gro g oup sta ate eme entss and a d arre def d ine ed as a the e fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts of a gro g oup p in wh w ich h the a ass setss, liiab bilities,, eq quity, inccom me,, exxpe ensses an nd cas c sh flow ws of the ep pare ent and a d itts sub s bsid diarriess are a pre ese ente ed ass th hosse of o a ssing gle eccon nom mic en ntityy (IFR RS 10 App A pen ndixx A A). In this t s work w k, th he prima ary foc cuss is thu us on the e conssolida ation of o com c mpa any fina f anccial sta ate eme entss in n de ealing g with gro oup p sttate ementts and a d th he und u derrlyin ng acc a cou untiing tec t chniqu ues. 4 Co C nso olid date ed fin nan ncia al ssta atem men nts com mplyy with w h tthe ne eed d of o userss of o fina f anc cial sta s atem men nts to ob btaiin info orm mation on n th he fina f anccial po osittion n, resu ultss off op perrationss and a cha c ang gess in the fina f anccial po ositiion off th he gro g oup ass a wh hole e. In con c nso olidate ed fina f anc cial sta s atem men nts, financial inform mattion n iss p pres sen nted d abo a out the e gro g up as s a single enttity with w hou ut reg gard d for the e le ega al bou b und daries of the sep s parate e le ega al e entitiess. In I ord der to obt o tain n a clearr pictu ure off th he fina f anccial po osittion n and a aren nt, it iis not n prrospeccts of a pa suf s fficiientt to o hav h e insightt in nto on nly the e fiinancial sta atem mentss off th he paren nt as a suc ch. The T e intim mate busin nesss tties s be etw wee en the e pare p ent an nd subsiidia arie es as we ell as su ubsub s bsid diariess re equ uire e more m e co om mple ete infform mattion n. 19 C Cha apte er 1 C mme Com ent T Compa The anie es Act, A , 20 008 req quire es the follo f owin ng rega r arding fina ancial sstattementts: 29(1) Iff a com 2 mpa anyy prrovid dess an ny ffina ancia al state s eme ents s, inclu udin ng a any y an nnual fina f ancial state eme entss, to o an ny p person for anyy reaso on, thos t se stat s ementss must m t– (a a) sa atisfyy th he fina anc cial rep portting stand dard ds as to forrm and d cconttentt, iff an ny suc ch sta andard ds are p pres scribed d; (b b) pre ese ent fairly tthe sta ate of affa a airs and d busi b nesss of o th he com mpa any, an nd exp e plain n th he tra ansa actionss an nd th he fina f ancia al p position n of the e bu usinesss of the e companyy. 5 It iss obviious th hatt co onssolid datted fin nan ncia al stat s em men nts sha all in the t e firrst insstan nce e co omply with w h IA AS 1 Pre P esenta atio on of o Fin nan nciial Stat S tem men nts s. Pa art 1 Illu I strratiive Pre P ese entatio on off Fina ancial Sttate ementts is in factt ba ase ed on o the e finan ncial sta s atem men nts of o a grou up. To T sa ave e spac ce in this book,, an abr a ridg ged d state em ment of o pro p ofit or loss an nd oth her com c mpreh hen nsiv ve inco i om me iis use u ed in i this t s work w k. The T e re ead der mustt ho owe eve er tak t en notice tha t at a co omp plette stat s tem men nt of o com c mprehe ens sive e in nco ome e mus m st be prep p parred in pra actice e. The T e form f matt of o the state eme entt off prof p fit or o losss and d oth o er co omp prehen nsivve inccom me (ac ( ccordin ng to fun f nctio on)) off an n in ndivvidu ual en ntityy accco ordiing to IAS 1 iss as s fo ollow ws: 20.18 2 R 20.1 2 17 R Rev R venue C st off sa Cos ales s G oss pro Gro ofitt O er inco Othe ome e D ribu Dist utio on cos c sts A ministra Adm ativ ve exp e pensess O er exp Othe e pensess F ance ccostts Fina xxx x (xx) ( ) xxx x xx (xx) ( ) (xx) ( ) (xx) ( ) (xx) ( ) xx xx (x) ( xx xx xx x (x xx) (x xx) (x xx) (x xx) Proffit bef P b fore e ta ax In nco ome e ta ax exp e ensse xxx x (xx) ( ) xx xx (x xx) P OFIT F PRO FOR R THE T E YEA AR xxx x xx xx Other com O c mp preh hen nsiv ve inc com me M k-to Mar o-m mark ket resserrve (fa air valu v ue adjjusttme ent on invvesstme entt) In nco ome e ta ax rela ating g to o ite ems s not rec r lasssifie ed O er com Oth c mp preh hen nsiv ve inc com me for f r the yea y r, net n of tax x xx (xx) ( ) xx xx x (x xx) xx x T TAL TOT LC COM MPR REHE ENS SIVE E IN NCOM ME FO OR TH T E YEA Y AR xxx x xx xx The T e high h hlig ghte ed se ectio on up p to o Prof P fit b beffore e ta ax, ass in ndiccatted ab bov ve, is om mittted in mo most exa e ample es in th his wo ork pu urely to o save e spacce. 2 20 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround 1.11 1 Ciircum msttan nce es wh hen n con c nso olid datted d fiina anc cia al stat s tem me ents s nee n ed no ot be b prrep parred d by y the t e pa are entt 1 It has h s alrea ady y be een n esta e ablishe ed ab bove thatt an enti e ity tha at iss a pa are ent sh hall pre ese ent con c nso olidate ed fina ancciall sttate eme entts. Ho owe eve er, IFR RS 10 0.4(a) alllow ws a parren nt n not to pre p esent con c nso olidate ed fina f anc cial sta ateme ents s if it mee m etss alll the fo ollo owing co onditio ons: (i)) iti iss a whollly-o ow wned d sub s bsid diarry o or it iss a pa artia ally y ow wned su ubsidia ary an nd all its o her ow oth wne erss, inclluding g th hosse no ot oth o herw wisse enttitle ed to vo ote e, hav h ve be een i orm info med d abou ut, an nd do d no ot obje o ect to,, th he par p rent not n pre ese entiing co onssolid datted f anccial sta fina ate eme entss; (ii)) its i de ebt orr equiity ins stru ume entts are e not n tra ade ed in a pu ublicc ma m rke et (like ( e the t J han Joh nne esburg g Stocck Exc E cha ange); (iii)) iti did d no ot fiile (no or iis it in n th he pro oce ess off filing g) itts fina f anccial sta ate eme entss w with h a s curitie sec es com c mm misssion n or o othe o er reg gula atory org gan nisa atio on to t iss sue an ny cla ass of i trume ins ent in a pub p blic ma arke et; and (iv)) its i mate e or o an ny intterme edia ate pare ent p prod ducces cons c solida ated d fina f anc cial ulltim s atem sta men nts in terrmss off IF FRS S th hat are e avaiilab ble forr pu ublic use u e. Com C mme ent In n the case e of an SM ME, a subssidia ary is not n exc e lude ed ffrom m co onsolid datio on: l ssimp ply beccause the invvesttor is a ve entu ure cap c pital org gan nisattion n, m mutu ual fund f d, unit u trust o or simillar enti e ty ((IFR RS for f SME S Es.9 9.8)); l b becausse itts busi b ines ss activ a vitie es a are disssim milarr fro om tho ose of the oth her enttitie es w within tthe gro oup.. In succh case c es the t sub bsid diarry iss co onso olidated d and add ditio onal infform mation is d disc closed abo out tthe difffere ent acti a vitie es of o th he subs s sidiary (IF FRS forr SM MEss.9.9 9). l b becausse itt op pera ates s in a ju urissdicttion n tha at im mpo ose es re estrrictio onss on n tra ansfferring cassh or o o othe er asse a ets out o of the t jurisdicction (IFRS S fo or SME S Es.9 9.9). Itt ma ay how h weve er be b e exclu ude ed frrom m co onso olida atio on if: l b both h of the e follow wing g co ondition ns a are met m t: • the e pa aren nt iss itself a su ubsidia ary; and d • its ultiima ate parent (orr an ny iinte erme edia ate parrentt) prod p duce es cconsoliidatted general purposse fina anciial stat s tem mentts that comply w with h full IF FRS Ss o or with w h the IFRS S fo or SM MEss (IF FRS S fo or SME Es.9.3). A su ubsidiarry iss also not con nso olida ated d if it iss acquired and held with th he intentio on of o se ellin ng o dispo of osing of it with w hin one e ye ear from f m its s accquisition date (IFRS S fo or S SME Es.9 9.3A A). T carrryin The ng amo a ountts of o su ubsidia ariess that are a nott conso olida ated d arre d discllose ed eithe e er in n th he state eme ent of o fiinan ncia al po osittion or the nottes.. 2 An A en ntityy tthatt iss exe e mp pted d in n acc a cord dan nce e with w pa ara agra aph h 4(a) 4 ) of IF FRS 10 fro om con c nso olidatio on may m nt sep s para ate e fiina anciial sta ate eme ents as its s only o y fina f anc cial pressen sta s atem men nts. 3 In Oc O tob ber 20 012 2 IF FRS S 10 was w s ame a end ded d to o in ntro odu uce an n exxce eption n to o th he prin p ncip ple tha t at all a sub bsidia arie es sha s all be co onssoliidatted d. Thi T s e exc cep ption rela r ates s to t invvesttme ent ent e titie es and a d will w be b dis d scussse ed nex n xt. 21 C Cha apte er 1 1.12 2 Inve estm me entt en ntittie es 1 2 3 4 5 An A invvesstm mentt en ntity iss de efin ned d ass an a e entiity tha t at: (a) ( o ainss fun obta f ds from m one o e or o mo ore in nve esto ors fo or the e purp p pos se off prov p vidiing in nve estm men nt ma m nag gem ment ser s rvicces to the em; (b) ( iss com mmitted to t its i bu usin nesss pur p rpose to invesst fun nds so olely for f re eturrns fro om capiital ap ppre ecia atio on, inv vesstm ment in ncome e, or o both b h; and a d (c) ( m asu mea ures s and evvalu uate es the e perfo orm man nce e off su ubs stan ntia allyy all off itss in nve estm men nts o a fa on air valu v ue basis (IF FRS S 10 App A pen ndixx A). A In ass a sesssin ng wh w eth her an n en ntitty mee m etss the def d inittion n ab bovve, an n entitty sha s all con c nsid der wh w eth her it h has s the fo ollo owiing typ pica al cha c arac cteristticss off an n in nvestm men nt enti e ty: (a) ( it ha as m more tha t an one o e in nvesstm men nt (IFR RS 10.B8 85O O); it ha (b) ( as m more tha t an one o e in nvessto or (IIFR RS 10..B8 85Q Q); it ha e enti (c) ( as inve estorss th hat are e no ot rela r ated d part p tiess off the e ty (IFR ( RS S 10 0.B85T T); an nd its ow (d) ( wne ersh hip in nteres sts are in the fo orm m of eq quitty orr sim s ilarr inte eres sts (IIFR RS 10..28 8). An A en ntityy ssha all con nsiderr all a fac f cts an nd circcum msttan nces s, incclud ding g its purpo ose e and a des d sign n, wh w en asssesssing wh hetherr it is an invvesstm men nt entit e ty. Th his can n be b det d erm min ned from f m doc d cum men nts tha at ind i dica ate the e entitty’s s in nvesstm men nt obje o ective es ssuc ch as a the t e en ntity’s offe o erin ng me emo ora andum m an nd corrpo oratte p pub blicatio onss. Itt sh hou uld be e cle earr th hat it doe d es not n pla p an to t hol h ld its i invvesstmentts ind i efin nite ely an nd the ereffore e nee n eds a cle ear exxit stra ate egy reg r gard ding th he holdin ng of iinvesttme entss. If th he enttityy ob btaiins be ene efits s th hat are e not obt o tain nab ble by oth herr pa artie es, wh hich in ndicattes tha t at itt iss a relate ed pa arty to the inve esttee, th hen n th he enttityy is no ot a an invvessting g e entity. on of Exa am mple es of such be ene efits s are a the a acq quissitio on, usse, exxch han nge e or exp e loittatio pro p ocesse es, as ssetts or o tech t hno olog gy of an inv vesstee e (IFR RS 10. 1 B8 85I). inve An A estme ent prop p perrty th hat is there eforre no ot co onssoliida ated d due to the t abo a ove eme enttion ned d co ond ditio ons s sh halll be em mea asu ured d at a fa air vallue throu ugh h prrofit or lo oss s in acc a cord dan nce e with w IFR RS S 9 Fin nan ncia al Ins I stru ume entts (IFR ( RS 10 0.31 1). Com C mme ent N with Notw hsta andiing the e req quirrementts se et out o abo a ove,, if a an inve estm men nt en ntity y ha as a su ubsidiary that pro ovid des serrvices thatt re elate e to o the e in nvesstme ent enttity’s in nvesstm mentt acctivittiess, it sha all c solidate th cons hat sub bsid diaryy in n acccorrdan nce e with IFR I RS 10 1 and a ap pplyy the e re equiirem men nts of o IFRS S 3 to the t acq quissitio on of o th he subs s sidia ary.. 1.13 3 Co onso olid dation n pro p oce edu ure es 1 It has h alrea ady y be een n essta ablis she ed tha t at iff on ne enttityy co ontrrolss anotthe er entit e ty, the e fo orm mer kno k own n as a th he paren nt sha s ll prep p parre con c nsolida ated d financial sta s atem men nts (IF FRS S 10.4 4). 2 Bro B oad dly spe eak king g, con c nsolida ated fiina anciial sta atem mentss: (a) ( com mbin ne like e item ms of assse ets, lia abillitie es, eq quitty, inccom me, exxpe ensses an nd ca ash flow ap ws o of the t e pa are ent witth tho t ose off its s subssidiariies. The T pprroac ch of co omb biniing s is cle earrly e eviden nt in i the t wo orkkshe eetts thatt arre use u ed in Vol V lum me 1 o of this like items w k; work (b) ( o et (ellimina offse ate) th he ca arryying g a amo oun nt of the parren nt’s in nvestm men nt in ea ach subssidiary y and a d th he p parrent’s po ortio on of eq quityy o of eac e ch sub s bsid diary, an nd exp e plains 2 22 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround how w to o acco oun nt for f an ny rela r ated d p purcha ase e diffe d eren nce e (ssee e 3 3.13 3 to o 3.15 3 5 o of this w k); work (c) ( e mina elim ate in fulll in ntra agro oup p asse a etss an nd liab bilittiess, equ e uity, in nco ome e, exp e pensess and a cash h fflow ws relatin ng to tra anssacctio ons be etw ween e enttitie es of the e grou g up (proffits or lo ossses re esultin ng from intrag grou up tra anssacction ns tha at are e reco r ogn nise ed in assse ets, such h a as invventorry a and d non n -cu urre ent assse ets, arre elim min nate ed in fulll). Inttrag gro oup lo ossses ma ay ind dica ate an n im mpa airm men nt thatt re equ uires re eco ogn nitio on in the t e co onssolid datted finan ncial stat s tem men nts. Com C mm mentt R er to chap Refe pter 5 ffor a de etaiiled disscus ssio on of o th he ttrea atme ent of intra agro oup p ba alancess an nd intra agro oup p tra ansa actio ons s, ass we ell as a cchap pterr 6 for f a diiscu ussion of impa airm men nt. (d) ( IA AS 12 2 Inco om me Ta axes app a plie es tto tem mpo ora ary diffferrencess th hatt arise e from m the t e mina elim atio on of prof p fits and a lo ossses s res r ulting frrom m intrrag grou up trranssacctio ons (IIFR RS 10..B8 86).. 3 Co C nso olid datiion of a sub bsidia ary begin ns ffrom m the t da ate the e in nve esto or o obtain ns con c ntro ol and a cea c ase es whe w en the e pa are ent los ses co ontrrol o of the t su ubsidia ary (IF FRS S 10.2 20). 4 The T e fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts of the e pa are ent and itts sub s bsid diarriess ussed d in n th he pre p eparatiion of the t c sollida con ated d financcial sta s tem men nts sha s all ha ave th he sam me re eportin ng da ate (IFR ( RS 10 0.B9 92)). If the reporrtin ng dat d eo of a subssidiaryy diffe d ers fro om tha at of o the t e pa are ent, the t su ubsidia ary ha as to t pre p parre add a ditio ona al fina ancial info orm mattion n ass o of th he sam s me da ate as the t fin nan ncia al sta atem mentss of o the pa are ent to en nab ble th he paren nt tto conso olid date e the t fina f anccial infform ma ation n of o tthe e su ubssidiaryy, unle u esss itt iss im mprracttica able e to do d so o. Iff it is imp praccticcab ble to do o so o, tthe e most m t re ece ent fin nan ncia al sstatem men nts of the e sub s sid diarry are a adju a ustted for th he effe ectts o of sign s nificcan nt tran nsa actio onss o or even e ntss that occ curr be etw wee en the t dat d e of tho ose e fina f ancial sttate eme entts and d the t e date d e of o the e con c nsolida ated d fina f anc cial stat s tem men nts (IF FRS S 10.B B93 3). Com C mm mentt T e IF The FRS S fo or SME S Es dete d erm mine es that the e finan ncia al sttate eme entss of the e pare p ent and d th he s sidiiaryy tha sub at are a used for the e p prep para ation n off th he cons c solidated fina anccial statem ments s ll ha sha ave e the e sa ame e re epo orting date d e, un nlesss itt is impracticcable to o do o so o. In such h a cas se t mo the ost rece r ent fina f ancial state s eme entss off the e su ubsiidia ary is ussed d, ad djussted d for the effec e cts of o s nific sign cant tra anssactions s and a evventts that t t occu ur b betw wee en the t re eporrting g date d e off th he s sidiiaryy and th sub he d date e of the e co onso olida ated d fin nan ncial sta atem men nts (9.1 16) 5 In the pre epa ara ation n of o cons c solida ated d finan ncial sta s tem men nts the e financiial sta s atem men ntss sh hall be b pre epa ared usin u ng un niform accco ounting g poli p cie es (IF ( RS S 10 0.19). If a subsiidia ary us ses acc a countin ng po olicciess th hat diffe er from f m ttho ose ad dop pte ed in the e con c nsolida ated fina f anc cial stat s tem men nts,, ap pprrop priatte adjjustme entts ssho ould d be b ma made to itss fin nan ncia al sta s tem men nts to ens e sure e confform mitty with w h th he gro g up’’s acc a countin ng pollicie es (IF FRS S 10 0.B B87 7). 6 The T e prof p fit o or losss and a ea ach h co ompon nen nt of o oth o er com mp preh hen nsivve inc com me, ass well as the e to otall co omp pre ehe ensiive inc com me sh hall be e atttrib buted to the e own o nerss of th he parren nt and a the e no on--controlling inttere ests s on o the ba asis s off the pres p sen nt own o nerrshiip inte eressts (evven n if thiss re esu ultss in the e non--co ontrrolliing inttere ests hav h ing g a defficitt ba alance e) (IFR ( RS 10 0.B9 94)). 23 C Cha apte er 1 Com C mm mentt a W Whe ere pottenttial votting g rig ghtss exxist,, the prop p portiion of pro ofit or lloss s an nd cha ange es in e equity allo a ocated to the t parrentt an nd non n -contro ollin ng in nterrests are d dete erm mine ed sole s ly on o the bassis of o th he e exis sting owne ersh hip inte eressts and d do o no ot re efle ect tthe posssib ble exe e ercis se o or convverssion n of pottential voti v ng righ hts (and ( d ottherr de eriva atives) (IF FRS 10.B8 89). b If a sub bsid diaryy ha as issu ued cum mullativ ve pref p fere ence e sh hare es that are e classsified as a e equity a and arre held h d byy non--con ntro olling g in nterrests, the t pa aren nt’s share e of prrofit or losss is ccalc culated after a adju ustin ng for f the t dividen ndss atttribu utab ble to t such s h sh hare es, whe w ethe er o or no ot ssuch h divide end ds h have e be een decclarred (IFRS 10.B95). 1.14 4 Diisc closure off in nterres sts s in n othe er entitiies s 1 IFR I RS 12 2 Dis sclo osu ure e o of Intterestts in Oth O er Entities s spe eciffies s the t m imu min um dis d clo osure re equirem me entss for f ubssidiiaries,, join nt arrang gem mentss, asssocciattes and a su unc u con nso olida ate ed stru s uctu ured enti e tiess. Com C mm mentt In th his cha apte er the em mpha asiss falls on the e ba asic dissclo osurre relat r ting g to su ubsid diarriess an nd b aus bec se a ch hang ge in own o nersship p is nott disscusssed in n Vo olum me 1, disc d clos sure e requirem ments r ating rela g to o su uch chang ges are e also a om mitte ed. Dissclo osurre relatting g to joint arra a angements, a ocia asso atess an nd uncconsoliidatted strructured d entit e ties are e discu d usssed in Volum me 2 of th he w rk. wor 2 IFR RS 12 2 re equ uire es an a en ntity y to o discclosse info orm mation n th hat en nab bless us serrs of o fina f anc cial sta s atem men nts to evvalu uate e th he na aturre of, o a d riiskss asso a ociate ed with w h itts inte eressts in oth her and ent e titie es; an nd th he efffect of o tho ose e inte eressts on its finan ncia al po osition n, fina f anc cial per p rforrma ancce and a d ca ash h flo ows s (IIFR RS 12..1).. 3 An A en ntityy sh hall diiscllose in nfo ormatio on ab boutt significantt ju udgem men nts and d ass a um mptions s it has h s mad m de in de etermiinin ng tha at it has h s cont c troll of o a ano othe er enttity (IFR RS 12.7) (s see cha c apter 10 forr more e de eta ail). Th he follo f ow wing g judge em men nts and a d assu a umptio onss mad m de in this reg r gard d shalll be disc d clossed d, nam n melyy whe w ere: l it doe d es n not co ontrrol ano a other enttity evven tho oug gh it h hold ds mo more tha an hal h f off th he vvotiing rightss off the othe o er ent e ity; l it con c ntro ols ano a other enttity evven n thoug gh it hold h ds lesss than n half h of the e vo otin ng righ hts s of the e otthe er entit e ty; and l it iss an a a age ent or a prin p ncip pal (IF FRS S 12 2.9 9). Com C mm mentt E amp Exa ple of o note n e on signific cantt jud dge eme ents s an nd a ass sum mptiions s: T e co The omp panyy ha as d dete ermined d th hat it co ontrrolss S Ltd, ev ven tho ough h it ow wns lesss th han 50% % o tthe votting of g rig ghtss. The T facctorrs ttake en into o co onssideratio on in ma aking th his jud dgement inclu ude e the size of its blo ock of sha s ares s, th he rela r ative e siz ze and a d dispe ersio on of o hold h ding gs by b o er shar othe s reho olde ers, the e ab bilityy to appoint and a rem movve th he maj m joritty of the direcctorss on n th he B ard of Dire Boa D ecto ors a and the e sh haring of key k ma anag gem men nt po osittionss be etw ween n the compan ny a d S Ltd. and L . 4 If a pare p ent is an n in nve estm ment enttityy (ssee e 1..12 2 ab bovve), it sh halll disclosse info i orm matiion abo a out sig gnifica ant jud dge ementts and a d asssu ump ptio onss mad m de in dete d erm miniing that it iss in nde eed 2 24 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround an a invvesstmentt en ntitty (IFR RS 10 0.9A A). Th he follo f owing g sh hou uld alsso be b dis sclo ose ed for f ea ach unc u con nso olida ate ed sub s bsid diarry: l the e su ubssidiaryy’s nam me e; l the e prrinccipa al plac p ce of bu usin ness (and d cou c ntrry of o in nco orpora atio on if diffe eren nt from f m the t prin ncipall place e of bu usines ss) of the e subs sidiaryy; and a d l the e prop p porrtion n of o ow ownersh hip inttere est he eld byy the pa are ent an nd, if diffferentt, the t pro opo ortio on of vot v ing g rig ghts held h d (IFR RS 10. 1 19B B). 5 The T e pare p entt sh hall disclosse info i orm matiion to o en nab ble ussers s of o itts con c nso olida ate ed fina f anc cial sta s atem men nts: (a) ( to o unde ers stan nd: l the co omp possitio on o of the gro oup p; l the inttere est that non-ccon ntro ollin ng inte i eressts ha ave e in n th he gro oup p’s acttivittiess and a c sh flow cas ws; and (b) ( to o evvaluatte: l the na aturre and a d exxtent of sig s nifiicant res r stricctio ons on n itss ab bilitty to t acc a cess o or use u a sets ass s, and a se ettle e lia abilitie es, of the e grrou up; l the na ature of,, a and ch han nge es in, the riskks assocciatted d w with itss in nte eressts in c nsolida con ated stru s uctu ured d entit e tiess (IFR RS 12. 1 10). Com C mm mentt E amp Exa ple of o com c mpo osition of the e grroup p: P ncip Prin pal sub bsid diarries s: T e co The onso olida ated d fin nanciall sta atem men nts for the year e ended 28 Feb brua ary 20..18 include e th he a ounts of the amo t co omp panyy and a its su ubsidiariess. T The princiipal su ubsiidiariess and the eir a vitie activ es are: a So outh h Afric can su ubsiidia arie es: A Ltd (80 0%) R earch and Res a d de evelopm men nt off produ ucts s B Ltd (75 5%) Own O ner of ma anu ufaccturing pla ant an nd leas l sing g to o th he c mpan com ny (parrentt) Ge erm man subsidia ary: C Ltd (55 5%)) C sulttatio Con on serv s vice es 6 Wh When n th he ffina ancial sta atem me entss off a subsidia ary are ea as of o a da ate or for a pe erio od thatt is diff d fere ent fro om tha at of o the t e co onssolidatted d fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts,, an ne entity sha s all dissclo ose the t e date e o of the t end off th he rep porrting perriod d of o tthe e finan ncial sta atem me entss o of the t sub s bsid diary a and d th he rea r ason fo or usi u ng a d diffe ere ent period d (IIFR RS 12.11). 7 Forr eac e ch sub bsid dia ary tha at ha as non n-ccontrolling inte i erestss th hat are ma ate erial to o the t rep r portting g en ntitty, the t e follow win ng sha s all be b d disc closed d: l the e na am me of o the subsiidia ary;; l the e princcipa al plac p ce of bus sinesss; l the e prop porttion n off ow wne ers ship p in nterrestts held h d by b non n n-co ontrollling g in nterrestts; 25 Chapter 1 l the proportion of voting rights held by non-controlling interests, if different from the proportion of ownership interests held; l the profit or loss allocated to non-controlling interests during the period; l the accumulated non-controlling interests of the subsidiary at the end of the reporting period; l the following summarised financial information about the subsidiary: • dividends paid to non-controlling interests; • summarised financial information about the assets, liabilities, profit or loss and cash flows of the subsidiary that enables users to understand the interest that non-controlling interests have in the group’s activities and cash flows (before intragroup eliminations) (IFRS 12.12). 26 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround Com C mm mentt E amp Exa ple of o disc d clos sure: N n-co Non ontrollling g inttere ests s T e follow The wing subsid diarries havve mat m teria al NCI: N Na ame e Principal pla ace e of bu usin nes ss Ope O erating g seg gmentt Ow wne ership inttere ests s (% %) he eld by NC CI 20..18 2 17 20. A Ltd Nam mib bia De eale er 25 5 25 5 B Ltd Sou uth Africa Manu ufaccture er 20 20 0 The T e follow wing g is the e su umm marrised finan ncia al in nform mattion n of the e P Ltd d Grou G up prep p pare ed in a ordancce with acco h IIFR RS, mo odified fo or fair f va alue e adju a stm mentts on accquisition an nd d eren diffe ncess in n the G Grou up’ss acccou unting policie es, befo b ore anyy in ntrag grou up elim mina ations hav ve b en done bee e: A Ltd d B Ltd L 2 18 20.1 R’00 R 00 20 0.17 7 R’’000 0 20.1 2 18 R’00 R 00 20..17 R’0 000 Re evenue e 3 0 30 000 0 20 0 00 00 12 1 000 0 1 0 10 000 0 Prrofit 20 000 0 1 50 00 8 800 6 600 0 5 500 0 37 75 1 160 1 120 0 – – 40 10 0 To otal co omp preh hen nsiv ve in nco ome e 20 000 0 1 50 00 8 840 6 610 0 To otal com mprrehe ensive inccome atttribu utab ble to NCI N 5 500 0 37 75 1 168 1 122 2 No on-c currrentt assetss 50 000 0 4 50 00 8 000 0 70 000 0 Cu urre ent ass a ets 30 000 0 2 50 00 4 000 0 30 000 0 No on-c currrentt liabilitties ( 0 (2 000)) (1 500) (1 40 00) ( 2 (1 200)) Cu urre ent liab l ilitie es (5 500)) (800) (1 60 00) ( 0 (1 000)) Ne et asse a ets 55 500 0 4 70 00 9 000 0 78 800 0 Ne et asse a ets attri a ibuttable to o NC CI 13 375 5 1 17 75 1 800 8 15 560 0 Ca ash flow ws from m operratin ng activ a vitie es 4 480 0 45 50 2 280 3 320 0 Ca ash flow ws from m in nves sting activvitiess (130)) (85) (20 00) 60 0 Ca ash flow ws from m finan ncin ng activ a vities 20 0 (125) 4 400 (3 300)) Ne et in ncre eas se in n ca ash h an nd cas c h eq quiv vale ents s 3 370 0 24 40 4 480 80 0 Divide end ds paid p to NCI du uring g th he yyearr 80 0 7 70 40 – Prrofit attribu utab ble tto NCI N Ottherr co omp preh henssive e inccom me 27 C Cha apte er 1 8 In the t ca ase of SM MEss th he folllow wing g sh hall be e disc d clossed d (IF FRS S fo or SM SMEs s.9.23): l the e fa act tha at th he sta atem me entss arre con c nso olida ate ed fina ancial sta atem ments s; l the e bas b sis forr conccludin ng tha at con c ntro ol exis e sts w when the t e pare ent do oess not n ow wn, dirrecttly or ind directlyy th hrou ugh h subssidiiaries, more m e th han n ha alf of o the t e vo oting pow p werr; l any diffe d ere ence e in n th he rep portting g date d e off th he fina f anccial sta ateme entss of o th he parren nt and a its su ubsidia arie es use u ed in the t e prrep para atio on of o the t e co ons solid datted d fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts; and l the e natu ure an nd exte e entt of an ny sign s nifican nt rest r tricctions (e.g. ressultting g fro om m bo orro owiing arrran ngeme entss or re egu ulatoryy re equ uireme entss) on o the t e ab bilitty of o subssidiaries to tra ansfer fun ndss to o the pare p entt in the e fo orm m off ca ash h divid dends or to rep payy loans s. Com C mm mentt T e dis The sclo osurre re elatting to the t losss of co ontro ol of o a sub bsid diaryy is disscusssed d in n chaptter 1 13. A Acc co oun ntin ng g and d disc d clo osu ure e in the t e sep s paratte fin nan nciall sttattem me entts of the e pare en nt 1.15 5 Ac cco ountiing g of o sub s bsidia arie es in n th he se s pa aratte rec corrds so of the t e in nve esttor (p pare ent) 1 Sep S parrate e fina ancial sta ate eme entss are a de efin ned d as a tho t ose prressentted d by a par p entt (ii.e. inv i esttor witth con c ntro ol of o a su ubssidiiaryy) in whi w ch the e in nve estm mentss arre acc a cou unte ed for at cos c st, in acc a cord dan nce e with w IFRS S 9 Fin nan ncial Ins stru um ments or usiing the equ e uity me eth hod as a descrribe ed in IAS I S 28 8. ((IAS S 27. 2 10)). S Sep para ate fin nan ncia al state em ments are a e prresentted d in add a ditio on to conso olid date ed fina ancciall sttate eme entts (IAS S2 27.4 4). IFRS S do oes s not req quirre the t pre p epa arattion n off se epa ara ate financcial sttate ementts and a d th hey y are generrally only o y prep p parred due d e to o lo ocal re egu ulation ns o or iff re equired db by othe o er fina f anccial sta ateme ent userss. Com C mm mentt T e IFRS forr SM The MEss do oess no ot re equire pre esen ntation of sep para ate fina ancial stat s tem mentts fo or t parrentt entity or ffor the ind the divid dual su ubsid diarriess (pa ar .9 9.24 4). H wev How ver, wh hen a parrentt do oes pre epa are sep para ate fina anccial sta atem men nts and a d de escribe es t m as them a con c nform min ng to t the t IFRS for SME S Es, the e entityy’s fina anccial sta atem men nts sha all c mply com y with all a of o th he requ r uire eme entss of the e IFRS forr SM MEs. The T e en ntity shall acc a coun nt fo or inve estm men nts in su ubssidia ariess: l at cost c t lesss im mpa airm men nt; or o l at fair f valu ue with w h ch hang gess in fair f vallue reccogn nise ed in n prrofitt or losss; or o l usin ng the t equ uityy me etho od (9.26). 2 Invvesttme ents in i subsidia arie es are e acc a oun nte ed forr in n an a entityy’s se eparate fina f anc cial sta s atem men nts as s fo ollow ws:: l at cosst; l in acccorrdance e with w IFRS S 9 Fin nan ncial Ins I stru ume entts; or l using g the equ e uity me ethod ass de esccribed in IAS S 28 2 IInv vesttme entts iin Ass A soc cia ates s and Jo ointt Ve entture es.. 2 28 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround 3 An A en ntityy cclas ssiffiess fiina anciial asssets such ass in nve estm mentss in n ssha aress in n term ms of IFR I RS 9 Fin F ancia al In nsttrum me ents s on o the ba asiss off bo oth:: l the e en ntityy’s bu usin nesss m mod del forr man m naging g the fina ancial asssets a and l the e co ontrac ctua al cas c h fllow w ch harractteriistic cs of o the t e fin nan ncia al asse a et ((IFR RS 9.4 4.1.1). Tw Two opttion ns are e ava a aila able e in n term ms of IF FRS S 9 ffor ussing g the fa air vallue m mod del. Invvesttme ents in n subs s sidiaries may be e cla ass sifie ed as eitther finan ncial a ass setss at a fa air vallue thro t oug gh pro ofit or losss, orr, at in nitia al reco r ogn nitio on, the p parrentt may m ym make e an a irre i evocab ble dec d cisiion to me eassurre itts iinvesttme ent in eq quityy in nstrum men nts at fair vvalu ue thro t oug gh oth her com c mpreh hen nsiv ve inco om me. On nce an n in nvesstm men nt in n a su ubs sidia aryy is de esig gna ated d as o one e of the t e tw wo cat c tegorie es, this cclas ssiffica atio on m ma ay not n be e ch han nge ed. Th he cclas ssiffica atio on o of the t inv i esttme ent may on nly chang ge if the t e en ntity’ss bu usin nesss mo ode el fo or m ma ana agin ng fina f anc cial ass a setss chan nge es. Com C mme ent E mples of fina Exam anciial asssetss cla assified d as a at a fa air vvalu ue thro ough o othe er com c mpre ehen nsiv ve in ncom me arre invvestments in n sharres he eld forr lo ong g-terrm pu urpo oses s (e.g ( g. stra s ategic in nvesstm mentts). This ccould be b th he casse fo or inve estm men nts in i subs s sidia arie es, as a inve i estm men nts in subssidia arie es are seld s dom m made e wiith a view to spe eculate witth th he sha s ares s in the e sh hort term o fo or or trradiing purposes s (e exce ept whe ere the e in nvesstorr is an invvesttme ent entity – see s 1.12 a ve). abov 4 Tra T anssacttion n co ostts on o fina f anc cial insstru umentts are a de efin ned ass incre eme enttal cos c sts tha at are a dire d ectly attribu utable e to o the accqu uisittion n, iss i ue orr disposa al of a fina ancciall asse et (or liab l bility) (IF FRS S 9). An A inccreme enta al cos c st is s one tha at w wo ould d no ot havve been inccurrred d if the t e entitty had d not n accqu uire ed the e fiinancial assett (IIFR RS 9). Tran T nsa action co ostss are a typ t pica ally fees an nd comm missio ons pa aid to o ag gen nts an nd bro oke ers, le evie es of re egulato ory ser s rvicces an nd sec s curitie es e exc change es, an nd tra t nsffer taxxes s an nd duttiess. The T e trreattme entt of the t e tra anssacctio on cos c sts is de eterrmin ned d b by IFR I RS 9 and a d is s set out b belo ow. Brrieffly, su uch tran t nsa actiion costts are e ccap pita alise ed ag gainstt th he in nves stm men nt if the e inve estme ent is me measure ed a at fair f va alue e th hrou ugh h othe er ccom mprrehe enssive e in nco ome e or if the e costt meth m hod d is app a plie ed. Wherre the t e invesstm men nt iss mea m asu ured d at a fa air va alue e th hrou ugh h prof p fit or o losss, the t tran t nsa actiion co ostss arre exp e pen nse ed in prof p fit or o losss. Tra T ansa acttion n co ostss on o an a invvesttme ent in i a sub s bsid diarry that t t iss accco oun nted d fo or iin term t ms off th he equ e uityy meth m hod d are cap pita alis sed aga a ainsst the t inv vesstm ment. 5 At A inittial reccog gnittion n, a finan ncial ass a set is me eassure ed at its fair valu v ue, ge ene erallly beiing the t e co onsside era ation n give g en, i.e e. the t tra anssac ction pric p ce. At initia al re eco ogn nitio on, there e is s a reb r butttable pre esu ump ptio on tha at the t tra anssac ctio on pric p ce is eq qua al to o the fa air val v ue.. The T me measure eme entt modelss ch hos sen to o accco oun nt fo or an a invves stm ment in n a su ubssidia aryy le ead to the t e follow win ng acc a countin ng treatm men nts on n initia al re eco ogn nitio on: l Fin nan ncia al ass a etss at faiir valu v ue thro t oug gh pro p ofit or losss Th he inve estme ent is reccog gnissed d att co ost,, be eing the fair valu v ue, exxclu udin ng tran t nsa actiion costss, w whic ch are a e exxpe ensed. l Fin nan ncia al ass a et at a fair f va alue e th hrou ugh h otthe er com c mpre ehe enssive e in nco ome e Th he inve esttme ent is reccog gnissed d att co ost, be eing the t fair valu v ue and d trran nsactio on cos sts are e ca apiitalised to o th he inv vesttme entt. l Fin nan ncia al ass a setss th hat do o no ot hav h ve quo ote ed pric p cess in an n activve ma arke et and a dw who ose fair va alue can c nnot be e re elia ablyy mea m asured d. 29 C Cha apte er 1 Th his typ t pe of o inve estme ent is car c rrie ed a at cos c st. Initiial transa action n co osts s are a cap pita alis sed to the e in nves stm men nt. Com C mme ent IF FRS S 3 Business s Co ombin natio ons s de etermin nes tha at accquisition-rela ated d co ostss are e exxpense ed in n th he perio p odss in which the ey are a incurre ed. (Re eferr Exx 2.13.) Accqu uisition--rela ated d co ostss arre d ned ass co defin ostss th he acq a uire er incu urs to effe ect a b bus sine ess com mbination. Thosse ccosts in nclu ude finderr’s fees f s; advi a isorry, lega al, acccoun ntin ng, valu uatiion and o othe er profe p esssional or o conssultiing fee es; generral adm miniistra ative e cost c ts, inclluding the e costss of o main m ntaining g an a in nterrnal acq quissitio on d depa artm men nt (IFRS S 3.53)). It is clea c ar th hat thiss de efiniition n is mu uch bro oade er th han the e on ne for f tran t nsac ction n co ostss on n fin nanccial insstrum men nts.. (Also see e ch hapter 2.10 o of this w k.) work T autthorrs are The a of o the opin nion n th hat tthe tran nsa actio on ccostts on o fiinan ncia al in nstru ume entss sh hould b ccapitalissed be d ag gain nst the t investm men nt in n th he sepa s arate fina f ncia al state s eme entss off the e pa aren nt a d as discu ussed abo ove. Ho owe ever, due d to the t facct th hat these and d otherr co osts are e exxpense ed in n th he cons c solid date ed fina ancial stat s ements, as a requ r uire ed by b IF FRS S 3, th he amo a ountt sh houlld be b e inatted aga elimi ainsst th he inve estm men nt in n the e su ubssidia ary and d tra ansferrred to prof p fit or o lo oss on a p fform pro ma bas b sis on o ccons solidation.. This asp pectt is add dres sse ed in n de etaill in cha apte er 5 (5..3) of o th his w worrk as a well w as ccha apte er 2 (2.10). 6 The T e subsseq que ent me eassure em ment off th he ffina ancial asssetts is s as fo ollo owss: l Fin nan ncia al ass a etss at faiir valu v ue thro t oug gh pro p ofit or losss Aftter initial re ecogniition n, the e fin nan ncia al ass a set is rem measu ure ed at a ffairr va alue e, and a d any a ga ain or los ss due d e to o ccha anges in the e fair va alue e iss re eco ogn nise ed directtly in pro ofit or losss. l Fin nan ncia al ass a etss at faiir valu v ue thro t oug gh oth o her com mp preh hen nsivve inc i om me Aftter initiall re eco ognitio on, the e finan ncial assset is reme eassure ed at fair valu v ue and a d any a ga ain orr lo osss due d e tto ch han nge es in th he fair value e iss reccog gnissed d in oth her comp preh hen nsivve inccom me an nd acc a cum mulate ed in equity y th hro ough tthe markk-to o-m mark ket resserrve.. l Fin nan ncia al ass a setss th hat do o no ot hav h ve quo ote ed pric p cess in an n activve ma arke et and a dw who ose fair va alue can c nnot be e re elia ablyy mea m asured d Aftter iniitial re eco ogn nitio on, su uch an n in nve estm ment is rettain ned d att itss initial cosst pric ce, unlesss there are a e indiccationss th hat the e fiinanciial ass a set ma ay be im mpa aired d. If I th herre are a dica atio ons s off im mpa airm men nt (IAS S 36.1 3 12), th he rec r cove era able e amo oun nt, whi w ch will b be the t ind fair va alu ue lesss costts tto sell s , has to be e ca alcu ulatted d. Fair F r va alue e iss de efin ned d in n IA AS 36 mpa airm men nt of o As A setts as a the e price e th hat wo ould db be rec r eivved to se ell an a ass a set in an Im ord derrly transa action n be etw wee en ma arke et par p rticiipa antss att th he me eassure ementt date e (.6). Th he inve esttme ent in the e sub s sid diarry iss im mpaire ed if tthe e ca arryying ga amo oun nt (cos ( st p pric ce) excee edss th he reccovvera able e amo a oun nt. T The e fina ancial assett will be b writte en dow d wn to its ely able amo a oun nt, an nd an a impaiirm ment lo osss w will be b reccog gnissed d im mm med diate y in reccovvera pro ofit or los ss (IAS ( S 36.5 3 59 & .60). l Th he car c rryin ng am mou unt of fin nancia al a asse ets that are e acco oun nted d fo or usiing the e equ uity me etho od is inccrea ase ed ((or decre eassed) to o re eco ognise e the in nve esto or’ss sh harre of o the pro ofit (orr lo oss) of o the invvesstee e afte a er the t da ate off accqu uisition n. Disstrib bution ns (div ( vide end ds) recceivved d from m an n in nve este ee red r duce th he carryiing am mou untt of the e finan ncial ass a set.. 7 An A en ntityy sh hall re eco ognise e a divvide end d fro om a sub bsid dia ary in pro p ofit or los ss in n itts sep s para ate fina f anccial sta ateme entss whe w en itts righ r ht to o re ece eive e th he div d ide end is esttab blish hed d (IAS S 27 7.12). 3 30 A group of entities and its financial statements: theory and background The accounting treatment of the different options to recognise an investment in a subsidiary in the separate records of the parent can be illustrated as follows: Accounted for in terms of IFRS 9: Cost model: Is the financial asset an investment in equity instruments and/or that is not held for trading? No quoted prices available in open market or investor chooses cost model YES CLASSIFICATION: Is the equity instrument designated as at FV through OCI? Equity method IAS 28 By choice NO NO Classify as at FV through P/L YES Measure at FV Measure at FV Capitalise transaction costs (debit investment in subsidiary) Measure at FV Expense transaction costs in P/L Capitalise transaction costs (debit investment in subsidiary) Capitalise transaction costs SUBSEQUENT RECOGNITION: Recognise FV gains/ losses in OCI Recognise FV gains/ losses in P/L Retain at original CA unless impaired, then write down to RA In(de)crease carrying amount with investor’s share of profit/(loss) RECOGNITION OF DIVIDEND: Recognise when right to receive the dividend is established Recognise when right to receive the dividend is established Recognise when right to receive the dividend is established INITIAL RECOGNITIION: 8 Measure at cost Reduce carrying amount with dividend received Assume the following information to illustrate the different ways in which investments in subsidiaries may be accounted for in the separate financial statements of the parent (example 1.9 to 1.12). A Ltd purchased 10 000 (of a total of 15 000) shares in B Ltd at R15 000 on 1 January 20.18 and paid for them in cash. Transaction costs amount to R500. On 31 January, a dividend of 7 cents per share is paid in respect of the reporting period ended 31 December 20.17. On 1 August 20.18, B Ltd pays an interim dividend of 8 cents per share. At the end of the reporting period the share trades at R1,80 each. Ignore tax implications for the purpose of this example. 31 C Cha apte er 1 Ex xam mple e 1.9 In nve estme ent in su ubs sidiiary y acc a ounte ed forr att fa air v value throu ugh h p fit or prof o los ss in i the t e se epa ara ate fin nancia al stat s tem men nts s off th he par p ren nt O On acq quissition of the e in nvestm men nt: Dr R Inv vesttme ent in B Ltd L (Sttate eme ent of fina anccial po osition (SFP))) Tra anssacttion n co osts s (P Profit or o lo oss s (P P/L))) Ban B nk Re eco ognitio on o of inv i esttme entt in B Ltd d att fa air valu v ue Crr R 15 000 0 500 5 15 5 50 00 O On recceip pt of o th he divvide end ds b by A Ltd: L D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Ja anuaryy 20 0.18 in n re esp pec ct of o prevviou us rep r portting g pe erio od: Dr R ank (SF FP)) Ba Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd on 31 Ja anuary y 20 0.18 Crr R 700 7 70 00 Com C mmentt A e An entity reco r ognisess a diviiden nd from f m a sub bsid diaryy in pro ofit or losss in its sep para ate fina f ancial s eme stat entss whe w n itts righ r ht to o re ece eive the divid d den nd is esta e ablisshed d. Eve en tho t ugh h th he d den divid nd relattes to the pre evio ous rep portting g pe eriod d w when n A Ltd d had no inte eresst in n B Ltd d, A Lttd’s rig ght to receiv ve the e divid dend d was w esstab blish hed on n 31 3 JJanu uaryy 20.1 2 8 (post a uisition acq n) and a is ttherrefo ore reccogn nise ed in n profitt orr los ss for f the rep portting g pe eriod d ende ed 3 D 31 Dec cem mberr 20 0.18 8 (IA AS 36.1 3 12(h h)). D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Au ugu ust 20.18 8: Dr R Ba ank (SF FP)) Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd L Crr R 800 8 80 00 O On rem mea asu ureme ent at the t e en nd of the t e re eportin ng per p riod d: Dr R Inv vestme ent in B Ltd L (SF FP)) Rem R mea asu urem ment gain g n (P P/L L) Re ecognitio on o of fair f r va alue e adju ustm ment at tthe e en nd of o the t e rep porrtin ng per p riod d ((110 000 0 0×R R1,80) – R15 R 5 00 00) 3 32 Crr R 3 000 0 3 00 00 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround Ex xam mple e 1.10 0 In nve estme ent in su ubs sidiiary y acc a ounte ed forr att fa air v value wiith a usttme adju entts in oth o er comp pre ehensive e in nco ome e in n th he sep parrate e fiina anc cial sta ate eme entts o of the t e pa are ent O On acq quissition of the e in nvestm men nt: Dr R vesttme ent in B Ltd L (SF FP)) (15 000 + 500) Inv Ban B nk (SF ( FP) Re eco ognitio on o of inv i esttme entt in B Ltd d att fa air valu v ue plu us tra ansacttion nc costts Crr R 15 500 5 15 5 50 00 O On recceip pt of o th he divvide end ds b by A Ltd: L D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Ja anuaryy 20 0.18 in n re esp pec ct of o prevviou us rep r portting g pe erio od: Dr R ank (SF FP)) Ba Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd on 31 Ja anuary y 20 0.18 Crr R 700 7 70 00 Com C mm mentt T e same princip The ple reg gard ding the e rig ght to rece r eive e the e divide end d ap pplie es as a in n exxam mple e 1.9 9. D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Au ugu ust 20.18 8: Dr R Ba ank (SF FP)) Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd Crr R 800 8 80 00 O On rem mea asu ureme ent at the t e en nd of the t e re eportin ng per p riod d: Dr R Inv vesttme ent in B Ltd L (SF FP)) Mar M rk-tto-m marrkett re eserrve e (otthe er co ompre ehe ensiive inccom me ((OC CI))) Re eco ognitio on o of fair f r va alue e adju ustm me ent at tthe e en nd of o the t e rep porrtin ng per p riod d ((110 000 0 0×R R1,80) – R15 R 5 50 00) Crr R 2 500 5 2 50 00 33 C Cha apte er 1 Ex xam mple e 1.11 In nve estme ent in su ubs sidiiary y acc a ounte ed forr us sin ng tthe e co ost me eth hod d in n th he separate fina anc ciall sttate ements of the t e pare ent O On acq quissition of the e in nvestm men nt: Dr R Inv vesttme ent in B Ltd L (SF FP)) (15 000 + 500) Ban B nk (SF ( FP) Re eco ognitio on o of inv i esttme entt in B Ltd d att co ost plu us tra ansacttion nc costts Crr R 15 500 5 15 5 50 00 O On recceip pt of o th he divvide end ds b by A Ltd: L D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Ja anuaryy 20 0.18 in n re esp pec ct of o prevviou us rep r portting g pe erio od: Dr R Ba ank (SF FP)) Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd on 31 Ja anuary y 20 0.18 Crr R 700 7 70 00 Com C mm mentt T e same princip The ple reg gard ding the e rig ght to rece r eive e the e divide end d ap pplie es as a in n exxam mple e 1.9 9. D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Au ugu ust 20.18 8: Dr R Ba ank (SF FP)) Div D idend recceiv ved d (P P/L) Re eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd Crr R 800 8 80 00 O On rem mea asu ureme ent at the t e en nd of the t e re eportin ng per p riod d: N Not ap pplicab ble; th he invvesttme entt is ca arrie ed at cost. Th he vvalue of the e in nve estm ment will only b be adjjustted d if indiccationss o of imp pairrme ent arre fou und d, a and d th he ca arryying g amo oun nt o of the t in nve estm ment exccee edss th he reccov vera able e am a oun nt, i.e e. th he fair valu v ue lesss cossts to o se ell. In ssuch h a ca ase e th he carryiing am mountt (ccost p price e) of the e in nvestm men nt is w writtten n dow wn tto the t re eco ove erab ble am mou unt, byy re eco ogn nisin ng an im mpa airm men nt lo osss. 3 34 A grou g up of enttitie es and a d itss finan ncia al stat s tem men nts:: th heory and a d backkgrround Ex xam mple e 1.12 2 In nve estme ent in su ubs sidiiary y acc a ounte ed forr us sin ng tthe e eq quity m tho met od iin the t e se epa aratte fin f anc cia al s stattem men nts of the par p entt F For this exa e mp ple, asssume e th he follo f owiing infform ma ation n to o illlustratte the t e eq quitty met m tho od: O On acq quissition of the e in nvestm men nt: Dr R Inv vesttme ent in B Ltd L (15 5 00 00 + 500 5 ) Ban B nk (SF ( FP) Re eco ognitio on o of inv i esttme entt in B Ltd d att fa air valu v ue plu us tra ansacttion nc costts Crr R 15 500 5 15 5 50 00 O On recceip pt of o th he divvide end ds b by A Ltd: L D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Ja anuaryy 20 0.18 in n re esp pec ct of o prevviou us rep r portting g pe erio od: Dr R Ba ank (SF FP)) Inve estm ment iin B Lttd (P/L ( L) eco ognitio on o of div d ide end d re eceive ed from f m B Ltd on Re 31 Ja anuary y 20 0.18 i..t.o o. eq quiity me etho od Crr R 700 7 70 00 Com C mm mentt T e same princip The ple reg gard ding the e rig ght to rece r eive ead divid den nd appl a ies as in exa e mplle 1.9. H wev How ver, in con c trasst to o th he prev p vious exam mple es, the e div vide end recceivved is not n reccogn nise ed in profit orr losss, but b rath her cre edite ed a aga ainstt the e assse et, In nvestm mentt in B Ltd L (SF ( FP) in te erm ms o th of he equ e ity met m thod d. D Dividen nd pa aid o on 31 Au ugu ust 20.18 8: Dr R B Ban nk (SF ( FP) In nve estm men nt in n B Ltd d (P P/L L) R Rec cog gnittion o of divi d den nd rec ceiv ved d frrom m B Lttd Crr R 800 8 80 00 35 C Cha apte er 1 A At th he end d of o th he rep portting g pe erio od: Dr R Inv vesttme ent in B Ltd L (10 0 00 00 × (100 000 0/15 500 00 × 10 00% %) Sha S are of pro ofit of sub s bsid diarry und u er equ e uityy me ethod (P//L) Re eco ognitio on o of par p rent’s sh hare e in n prrofits of B Ltd L d affterr its s acquiisittion n unde er the t e eq quitty me m tho od Crr R 6 667 6 6 66 67 R Rem mea asu urem me ent at the t e re eportin ng dat d e: N Not ap ppliccab ble; as s th he invvesttme ent is accou untted forr the equ e uity me ethod, no o fa air vallue re em measurrem men nt is s don d e at a th he rep porrting gd date e. The T e ca arryying amo a oun nt o of th he invvesstmentt is R R20 0 66 67 aftter A Ltd d’s sha are e off B Ltd’ss prrofitts (66 ( 6,67 7% %) has h be een n ad dde ed to the e co ost of th he invvesttme entt an nd the t e disstriibution ns (divvidend ds recceivved d) had h d be een n de edu ucte ed. Com C mm mentt It sh hou uld be b note n ed tthatt evven tho ough IA AS 27 allo owss an n en ntityy to o ele ect to acc a coun nt fo or its inve estm men nts in subssidia aries att co ost, in acc a ordancce w with h IFR RS 9 or o byy applyying g the e equity m thod met d, th he ado a optio on of o th he cos c tm method is prev p vale ent in Sou S th Afric A ca and a d the ereffore e this w k givess prrece wor ede ence e to o the cost me etho od. It iss hiighly unlikkelyy tha at the equ uity me etho od w uld be wou b ado a opte ed to o acco ountt forr an n inv vesstme ent in a su ubsidia ary in i th he sep s para ate fina f ancial s ementss withi stat w in tthe So outh h Affrica an con ntexxt. It w was purelyy diiscu usse ed herre bec b aus se IAS 27 listts it as an alte erna ative e way w of acco a oun nting g for an n invvesstme ent in a su ubsidiary. P ase reffer to cha Plea apte er 11 in Volu V ume e 2 of thiss w work forr a dettaile ed disccussion n o of th he e ity met equ m thod d. 3 36 2 IFRS 3 Business combinations Introduction 2.1 2.2 2.3 Overview of the topic ............................................................................... Scope of IFRS 3....................................................................................... Example 2.1: Entities under common control ..................................... Identifying a business combination .......................................................... Example 2.2: Accounting for a transaction as an asset acquisition ... Example 2.3: Accounting for a transaction as a business combination .................................................................. 39 41 41 42 42 42 The acquisition method 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Identifying the acquirer............................................................................. Example 2.4: Identifying the acquirer ............................................ Determining the acquisition date.............................................................. Example 2.5: The acquisition date ..................................................... Recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interests in the acquiree ...... Recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase .................................................................................................. Example 2.6: Goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets ................................................... Example 2.7: Goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at fair value ................................................................... Example 2.8: Gain from a bargain purchase ...................................... Example 2.9 Consideration for business combination ...................... Example 2.10: Contingent consideration – Financial liability settled in cash .......................................................................... Example 2.11: Contingent consideration – Financial liability settled in shares ........................................................... Additional guidance for applying the acquisition method to particular types of business combinations ............................................................... Example 2.12: Business combination achieved in stages (10%–60%) ................................................................... Measurement period ................................................................................ Determining what is part of the business combination transaction .......... Example 2.13: Acquisition-related costs .............................................. 44 45 45 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52 52 53 54 55 57 37 Chapter 2 Subsequent measurement and accounting 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Reacquired rights ..................................................................................... Contingent liabilities ................................................................................. Indemnification assets ............................................................................. Contingent consideration ......................................................................... Example 2.14: Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration classified as equity ....................................................... Example 2.15: Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration classified as a liability (to be settled in cash) ................ Example 2.16: Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration classified as a liability (to be settled in shares) ............ 57 58 58 58 59 60 61 Business combinations and consolidated financial statements 2.15 2.16 2.17 Summary of IFRS 3 for the direct acquisition of net assets as a business combination....................................................................... Example 2.17: Acquiring the assets and liabilities of another entity in terms of a business combination .............................. The link between IFRS 3 and consolidated financial statements ............................................................................................... Example 2.18: Acquiring an interest in an entity’s equity shares in terms of a business combination .............................. Disclosure ................................................................................................ Example 2.19: IFRS 3 Disclosure ................................................................ 62 64 66 70 73 77 Self-assessment question Question 2.1 .......................................................................................................... 38 79 IFRS 3 Business combinations Introduction 2.1 Overview of the topic The objective of IFRS 3 Business Combinations is to enhance the relevance, reliability and comparability of information reported by an entity regarding business combinations. It does that by applying the acquisition method for accounting for business combinations and prescribing information that should be disclosed in the financial statements. IFRS 3 establishes important principles for how the acquirer recognises and measures the following in its records: l the assets acquired and liabilities assumed; l the non-controlling interests in the acquiree; l the goodwill acquired in a business combination or the gain from a bargain purchase; and l adequate disclosure of information relating to the business combination, in order to provide useful information for decision-making to the user of the financial statements. In accordance with IFRS 3, each identifiable asset and liability should be measured at its acquisition-date fair value. The non-controlling interests in an acquiree are measured either at fair value or as the non-controlling interests’ proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Once the acquirer has identified the identifiable assets and liabilities and the noncontrolling interests in the acquiree, any difference that exists between: (a) the aggregate (sum) of the consideration transferred (the latter being measured at fair value), any non-controlling interests in the acquiree and the acquisition-date fair values of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree; and (b) the identifiable net assets acquired, should be identified. If such a difference is an excess of (a) over (b), the amount of the difference will be recognised as goodwill. If the difference is not an excess but a shortfall of (a) over (b), the acquirer has made a gain from a bargain purchase, and that gain will then be recognised in profit or loss immediately. In this chapter the basic principles of IFRS 3 Business Combinations are discussed, while more advanced aspects relating to the recognition and measurement of the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interests in the acquiree, as well as the consideration transferred and measurement period, are discussed in chapter 9 of Volume 2. IFRS 3 is applicable to all transactions that meet the definition of a business combination. The business combination definition comprises mainly two core aspects, namely “control” and “business”. Chapter 10 of Volume 2 elaborates on the definition of control and the definition of a business is discussed in chapter 2.3. 39 Chapter 2 IFRS 3 can be summarised as follows: IFRS 3 Business Combinations Is IFRS 3 applicable? The acquisition method Subsequent measurement and accounting 2.2 Scope of IFRS 3 (IFRS3.2–2A) 2.3 Identifying a business combination (IFRS 3.3) 2.4 Identifying the acquirer (IFRS 3.6–7) 2.5 Determining the acquisition date (IFRS 3.8–9) 2.6 Recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and non-controlling interests (IFRS 3.10–31) 2.7 Recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase (IFRS 3.32–40) 2.8 Additional guidance for applying the acquisition method to particular types of business combinations (IFRS 3.41–44) 2.9 Measurement period (IFRS 3.45–50) 2.10 Determining what is part of the business combination transaction (IFRS 3.51–53) 2.11 Reacquired rights (IFRS 3.55) 2.12 Contingent liabilities (IFRS 3.56) 2.13 Indemnification assets (IFRS 3.57) 2.14 Contingent consideration (IFRS 3.58) 40 IFRS 3 Business combinations 2.2 Scope of IFRS 3 IFRS 3 should only be applied to transactions that meet the definition of a business combination (refer to chapter 2.3 below). IFRS 3 does not apply to: l the accounting for a joint arrangement in the financial statements of the joint arrangement itself (accounted for in accordance with IFRS 11, refer to chapter 12 of Volume 2); l the acquisition of an asset (or group of assets) that does not constitute a business as defined in IFRS 3 (refer to example 2.1); and l a combination of entities or businesses under common control (which refers to a business combination in which all of the combining entities or businesses are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination, and control is not transitory). Example 2.1 Entities under common control Assume the following group structure: 60% 40% P Ltd S1 Ltd S2 Ltd P Ltd controls (as defined in IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements) both S1 Ltd and S2 Ltd by virtue of an agreement. On 1 January 20.18, S1 Ltd acquired a 55% equity investment in S2 Ltd from the non-controlling interests of S2 Ltd (i.e. not from P Ltd), resulting in total non-controlling interests of 60% (i.e. 55% held by S2 Ltd and 5% by other owners) in S2 Ltd. P Ltd still holds the controlling interest of 40% by virtue of agreement. The new group structure is as follows: P Ltd 60% S1 Ltd 40% 55% S2 Ltd After S1 Ltd’s acquisition of the shares in S2 Ltd, P Ltd still ultimately controls both S1 Ltd and S2 Ltd by virtue of agreement. IFRS 3 is therefore not applicable to the above business combination transaction. 41 Chapter 2 2.3 Identifying a business combination In identifying whether a business combination is present, the definition of a “business” as per IFRS 3 should be applied. If the acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities do not constitute a business, the transaction shall be accounted for as an asset acquisition instead of a business combination. Example 2.2 Accounting for a transaction as an asset acquisition On 1 January 20.18 P Ltd acquired the following group of assets from S Ltd at a cost of R4,9 million in a single transaction: Individual fair values of items (1 January 20.18) Property, plant and equipment 1 600 000 Intangible assets 750 000 Investment property 2 000 000 Current assets (inventory) 400 000 R4 750 000 The cost price of the assets was paid in cash by P Ltd on 1 January 20.18. Ignore any tax consequences. The transaction was considered by P Ltd and it was concluded that it does not meet the definition of a business as defined in IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase can therefore not be recognised at the date of acquisition. The purchase price of R4,9 million is allocated to the individual assets based on their relative fair values as at 1 January 20.18. The following journal entry will be recognised in the accounting records of P Ltd on 1 January 20.18: Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.18 Property, plant and equipment (SFP) (1 600 000/4 750 000 × 4 900 000) Intangible assets (SFP) (750 000/4 750 000 × 4 900 000) Investment property (SFP) (2 000 000/4 750 000 × 4 900 000) Inventory (SFP) (400 000/4 750 000 × 4 900 000) Bank (SFP) Recognising an asset acquisition at the acquisition date Example 2.3 1 651 000 774 000 2 063 000 412 000 4 900 000 Accounting for a transaction as a business combination Assume the same information as in example 2.2. Also, assume that after consideration of the transaction by P Ltd, it was concluded that the transaction meets the definition of a business as defined in IFRS 3 Business Combinations. It is therefore possible that goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase can arise at the acquisition date. 42 IFRS 3 Business combinations The journal entry to recognise the business combination transaction on 1 January 20.18 would be as follows: Dr R 1 January 20.18 Property, plant and equipment (SFP) Intangible assets (SFP) Investment property (SFP) Inventory (SFP) Goodwill (SFP) (balancing) Bank (SFP) Recognising a business combination at the acquisition date Cr R 1 600 000* 750 000* 2 000 000* 400 000 150 000 4 900 000 * at fair value The importance of determining whether assets are acquired or liabilities assumed as a business is evident from the above examples. IFRS 3 defines a business combination as a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses by (for example) the transfer of cash, incurrence of liabilities, issue of equity interests or by contract alone. Various types of business combinations may be identified, including (for example) a business becoming a subsidiary of the acquirer; the net assets of a business being legally merged into the acquirer; assets or equity interests being transferred to another combining entity, and so forth. There are two crucial aspects in the definition of a business combination, namely “control” and “business”: l Control – IFRS 10 (Appendix A) defines when an investor controls an investee, the investor is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. l Business – IFRS 3 defines a business as an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed for the purpose of providing a return in the form of dividends, lower costs or other economic benefits directly to investors or other owners, members or participants. A business consists of inputs and processes applied to those inputs that have the ability to create outputs. Outputs are however not required for an integrated set of activities and assets to qualify as a business (IFRS 3 (Appendix B, B7–B12)). Therefore, the acquisition of a subsidiary by an acquirer would constitute a business combination, as the acquirer gained control over the business of the subsidiary. There are three main elements in a business: l input; l process; and l output. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT 43 Chapter 2 Input is any economic resource that creates or has the ability to create outputs when one or more processes are applied to it. Examples would be non-current assets, intellectual property, the ability to obtain access to necessary materials or rights, and employees. Process is any system, standard, protocol, convention or rules that, when applied to an input or inputs, creates or has the ability to create outputs. Examples would be strategic management processes, operational processes and resource management processes. Accounting, billing, payroll and administrative systems are typically not processes used to create outputs. Output is the result of inputs and the processes applied to those inputs that provide or have the ability to provide a return in the form of dividends, lower costs or other economic benefits directly to investors or other owners, members or participants. An integrated set of activities and assets in the development stage might not have outputs. If not, the acquirer should consider other factors to determine whether the set is a business as defined. Those factors include whether the set: l has begun principal activities; l has employees, intellectual property and other inputs and processes that could be applied to those inputs; l is pursuing a plan to produce outputs; and l will be able to obtain access to customers that will purchase the outputs. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a particular set of assets and activities in which goodwill is present shall be presumed to be a business. However, a business need not have goodwill. The acquisition method The entity shall account for each business combination by applying the “acquisition method” (IFRS 3.4). This method requires four steps to be executed: l identifying the acquirer (chapter 2.4); l determining the acquisition date (chapter 2.5); l recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interests in the acquiree (chapter 2.6); and l recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase (chapter 2.7). 2.4 Identifying the acquirer In accordance with IFRS 3, one of the combining entities shall be identified as the acquirer for each business combination. This is the entity that obtains control of the acquiree. According to IFRS 3, the guidance in IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements should be applied when identifying the entity that obtains control. As discussed in chapter 1, according to IFRS 10.6 an investor controls an investee when the investor is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee. The elements of control as discussed in chapter 1 are important in determining whether a parent controls another entity. The existence of potential voting rights should also be considered when determining control. If the holder of those potential voting rights currently has the practical ability to 44 IFRS 3 Business combinations exercise the right, it will influence the determination of control. Potential voting rights are addressed in chapter 10 of Volume 2 in more detail. Example 2.4 Identifying the acquirer During 20.18 P Ltd entered into the following transactions: l On 1 January 20.18 P Ltd acquired the majority of the shares (voting rights) in S Ltd. P Ltd paid the consideration to the former owners of S Ltd in cash. P Ltd is the acquirer as P Ltd obtained control of S Ltd. P Ltd is exposed to variable returns (dividends) from its involvement with S Ltd and has the ability to affect those returns through its power (majority voting rights) over S Ltd. l On 15 April 20.18 P Ltd (an existing investor in S Ltd) signed an agreement with other owners of S Ltd in terms of which P Ltd can now appoint the majority of the directors of S Ltd. P Ltd is the acquirer as P Ltd obtained control of S Ltd. P Ltd is exposed to variable returns (dividends) from its involvement with S Ltd and has the ability to affect those returns through its power (appoint the majority of the directors) over S Ltd. 2.5 Determining the acquisition date The acquisition date in a business combination is the date on which the acquirer obtains control of the acquiree. In accordance with IFRS 3.9, this is normally the date on which the acquirer legally transfers the consideration, acquires the assets and assumes the liabilities of the acquiree, i.e. the closing date. It is, however, possible that the acquirer obtains control before or after the closing date. It is, for example, possible that a written agreement between the parties stipulates that the acquirer obtain control of the acquiree on a different date than the closing date. Certain business combinations are also subject to the satisfaction of certain suspensive legal conditions, for example the successful completion of a due diligence review or the obtaining of the approval of an authority such as the South African Competition Board, etc. Where there are conditions that have to be satisfied before ownership can be transferred, control is not transferred until those conditions have been met. Example 2.5 The acquisition date P Ltd acquired 70% of the shares in S Ltd and paid the consideration on 31 October 20.18. In terms of an agreement with the former owners of S Ltd, P Ltd took control of the business of S Ltd on 30 September 20.18. From 30 September 20.18 P Ltd controlled all the assets of S Ltd and assumed responsibility for all the obligations of S Ltd. The acquisition date is therefore 30 September 20.18. 45 Chapter 2 2.6 Recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interests in the acquiree 1 Recognition principle IFRS 3.10 determines that the acquirer shall, at the acquisition date, recognise, separately from goodwill, the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interests in the acquiree. Recognition conditions Firstly, to be recognised, the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed must meet the definitions of assets and liabilities in the Conceptual Framework. For this reason, future planned costs to be incurred by the acquirer will not meet the definition of a liability as at the date of acquisition, as there is no present obligation to incur these costs at this date. These costs will therefore only be recognised after the date of acquisition, when the obligation to pay arises. Secondly, to be recognised, the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed must be part of what the acquirer and acquiree exchanged in the business combination transaction and not the result of separate transactions. Guidance is provided in IFRS 3 as to what forms part of a business combination transaction – this guidance is addressed in chapter 2.10. Thirdly, the acquirer’s application of the recognition principle and conditions may result in recognising some assets and liabilities that the acquiree had previously not recognised as assets and liabilities in its pre-acquisition financial statements. This would be the case especially where the acquirer recognises, for example, certain intangible assets (e.g. brand names, customer relationships, etc.) at the acquisition date where these items were not recognised as intangible assets by the acquiree as they were internally generated by the acquiree. IFRS 3 has introduced some new principles, especially in respect of intangible assets in accordance with IAS 38 Intangible Assets. These are dealt with in chapter 9 of Volume 2 in detail. Classifying or designating identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination The acquirer shall classify or designate at the acquisition date the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed to facilitate the subsequent application of other IFRSs. These designations or classifications shall be made on the basis of contractual terms, economic conditions, the acquirer’s operating or accounting policies and other pertinent conditions as they exist at the acquisition date. Two exceptions to this rule exist: l the classification of a lease contract, in which the acquiree is the lessor, as either operating lease or finance lease in accordance with IFRS 16 Leases; and l classification of a contract as an insurance contract in accordance with IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts. The above contracts will be classified on the basis of the contractual terms and other factors at the inception of the contract (or, if the terms of the contract have been modified in a manner that would change the classification of the contract, at the date of the modification, which may be the acquisition date). 46 IF FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations 2 Mea M asu urem me ent princ ciplle T The e accqu uire er ssha all mea m asu ure the iden ntiffiab ble assetts acq a quirred d an nd liabilittiess assu a um med at th heir acq a quissitio on-d datte fairr vvalu uess. The T e e effe ect of an ny reme easure eme entt of ass a etss and a liabiilitie es to fa air vallue att th he accquisittion n date d e sho s ould d be b takken n in nto accco ount in n the t cconsolida ated d fiinancial sta atem mentss. For F exxam mple e, if mac m chinerry is i rem r mea asu ured d to o itts fair f vvalu ue at a acq a quissitio on datte, the e de eprreciatiion on n th he ma m chinery sho s ould db be bas b sed on n th he fair f vvalu ue in the conso olid date ed fina anc ciall state eme ents (a also re efe er to o th he exa e ample es in n cha c pte er 6). 6 Com C mm mentt C apte Cha er 9.3 9 pro ovide es exa amp pless relatin ng to this t s se ectio on, and d chap pter 9.4 4 expla ainss th he e eptiionss to the exce e re ecog gnitiion and dm meas sure eme ent prin ncip ples. 2 2.7 R Rec cogn nisiing g and dm mea asu urin ng go oodw will orr a ga ain n from m a ba arg gaiin p rch pur has se G Goo odw will is an a ass sett repre ese enting the e fu uturre eco e ono omiic b ben nefitts aris a sing g frrom m otthe er a asse ets a acquire ed in a bus sinesss com c mbin nation n th hat are not n ind divvidu uallyy id den ntifiied d an nd separate ely re eco ogn nise ed. A At th he acq quisitiion da ate, go ood dwilll shalll be em mea asu ured d as a th he exccesss of o ((a) over (b) ( be elow w: (a a) the agg a greg gate of: o (i) th he ccon nsid derratio on tra anssferrred d, m me easu ure ed in acc corrdance e w with h IF FRS S 3, 3 w which ge ene erally req quirress ac cqu uisittion n-da ate e fa air valu v ue; (ii) th ed in he am mou unt of an ny no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inttere estss in the t e acqu uire ee me eassure accco orda ancce witth IFR RS 3 (i.e e. eitherr at a fa air va alue e or o at a tthe e non--co ontrrolliing in nterrestts’ pro opo ortio ona ate share e off the acq a quirree’’s iden ntifiab ble nett assse ets)); a and (iii) in n a busin nesss com c mbin nattion n acchieve ed in sta age es, the e accqu uisition n-d date e fa air vallue off the acq a quirer’ss p prev viou uslyy held d eq quitty inte eresst in th he acq quiiree e. (b b) the net n of the e acq a uissitio on-d date amo a oun nts of the e id den ntifiiable ass a setss acq a uire ed an nd the t lia abilities a assum med meassurred in accorrda ance e with w h IF FRS S 3. T The e ca alcu ula ation n of o goo g odw will orr a ga ain fro om a ba arga ain pu urch hasse can be b illu ustrrate ed as fo ollo owss: Con C nsidera atio on tra ans sferrred d Non-co ontrrolling g in nte eres sts Tota T al net n a sets* ass G odw Goo will// gain g n frrom m a ba argain n p cha purc ase e * To otal ne et asse a ets s arre equ e ual to ide i entiffiab ble as ssetts acq a quirred lesss liab l bilitties s asssu ume ed. 47 Chapter 2 Example 2.6 Goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets On 1 January 20.19, P Ltd acquired a 75% interest in S Ltd. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. The fair value of the consideration was R1,4 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of S Ltd amounted to R1,65 million at the acquisition date. The non-controlling interests are measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Ignore any tax consequences. Goodwill is calculated as follows: Consideration transferred Fair value of previously held equity interest (n/a) 1 400 000 412 500 – Less: Net identifiable assets acquired 1 812 500 (1 650 000) Goodwill (SFP) R162 500 Non-controlling interests (25% × R1,65 million) Example 2.7 Goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at fair value On 1 January 20.19, P Ltd acquired a 75% interest in S Ltd. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. The fair value of the consideration was R1,4 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of S Ltd amounted to R1,65 million at the acquisition date. The non-controlling interests are measured at fair value of R430 000 at the acquisition date. Ignore any tax consequences. Goodwill is calculated as follows: Consideration transferred Non-controlling interests at fair value Fair value of previously held equity interest (n/a) 1 400 000 430 000 – Less: Net identifiable assets acquired 1 830 000 (1 650 000) Goodwill (SFP) R180 000 It will occasionally happen that the acquirer will make a bargain purchase. The gain is recognised in profit or loss of the combined entity on acquisition date and is attributable to the acquirer. However, before such a gain is recognised on a bargain purchase, the acquirer shall: l reassess whether it has correctly identified all of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed and shall then recognise the additional assets or liabilities identified in such an assessment; l review the procedures used to measure the amounts that IFRS 3 requires to be recognised at the acquisition date for all of the following: (i) the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed; (ii) the non-controlling interests in the acquiree; 48 IFRS 3 Business combinations (iii) (iv) for a business combination achieved in stages, the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree; and the consideration transferred. Example 2.8 Gain from a bargain purchase On 1 January 20.19, P Ltd acquired a 75% interest in S Ltd. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. The fair value of the consideration was R1,1 million. The fair value of the identifiable net assets of S Ltd amounted to R1,6 million at the acquisition date. The non-controlling interests are measured at the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Ignore any tax consequences. P Ltd reassesses its identification of assets and liabilities of S Ltd and reviews its procedures to recognise and measure all the items required by IFRS 3. No adjustments are made. The gain from the bargain purchase is calculated as follows: Consideration transferred Non-controlling interests (25% × R1,6 million) 1 100 000 400 000 Less: Net identifiable assets acquired 1 500 000 (1 600 000) Gain from bargain purchase (P/L) R100 000 1 Consideration transferred The consideration transferred in a business combination shall be measured at fair value, i.e. the sum of the acquisition-date fair values of: l the assets transferred by the acquirer; l the liabilities incurred by the acquirer to former owners of the acquiree; and l equity interests issued by the acquirer. It should be noted here that any portion of the acquirer’s share-based payment awards exchanged for awards held by the acquiree’s employees that are included in the consideration transferred in the business combination, should be measured in accordance with the “market-based measure” of the award instead of at fair value. If the carrying amounts of assets or liabilities transferred by the acquirer in the business combination differ from their acquisition-date fair value, these assets and/or liabilities should be remeasured to their acquisition-date fair values by the acquirer, and the resulting gains or losses will be recognised by the acquirer in profit or loss in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. 49 C Cha apte er 2 Ex xam mple e 2.9 Co ons sid dera atio on forr busine ess s co ombin nation n O On 1 Jan J nua ary 20.19 9 P Ltd da acquire ed a 90% 9 % inte eresst in S Ltd. L P Ltd da acqu uire ed the e sh harres frrom m Mr M Co C ntro ola all, the e fo orm mer ow wne er. Fro om that datte P Ltd L ha ad contro ol ove o er S L Ltd as p per the e defi d inition n off conttroll in n accco ordancce witth IFR RS 10 0. The T e con c sid dera atio on is to be ssettled d ass fo ollow ws: l A cassh payym ment off R800 0 000 0 . l Trransfe er o of a ve ehiccle to Mr Con C trolall. The T fair valu v ue of the t e ve ehiccle is R7 75 000 0 0 and a the carr c ryin ng am a ount in i the reccorrds of P Ltd L wa as R6 65 000 0 0. l P Ltd d will w ssetttle an ou utsttandin ng liab bilityy off R40 R 00 00 o on beh half off M Mr Con C ntro olall. l P Ltd d will w iissue 3 000 0 0 sh harres to Mrr C Controlall. P Ltd’s s sh hare es had a mark m ket prrice e of 10 pe er sshare on 1 Janua aryy 20 0.19 a and d R11 R pe er ssha are at the ee end d off th he fina f anc cial R1 pe erio od. Ig gno ore an ny tax t conse equ uen nce es. T The e to otall conssidera atio on is the ereffore e R94 R 45 00 00 (R8 800 0 00 00 + R7 75 000 + R40 R 00 000 0 + R R30 0 00 00 (3 000 × R10 R 0)). P Ltd d shalll acco a oun nt for f the e trran nsacctio on in its ow wn reccord ds as fo ollo owss: Drr R Cr R 1 January 20..19 9 IInve estme ent in S Lttd (SF ( FP) Ban B k (S SFP P) Prop P pertty, pla ant and a d eq quipm mentt (S SFP P) (ccarrryin ng am mount) Gain G n on n trranssfer off ve ehiccle (P//L) Sun S dryy lia abiliities s (S SFP P) Sha S re cap c pital (S SCE E) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he consiide erattion n fo or the bu usin nes ss c com mbina atio on o of S Lttd 945 000 0 800 8 0 00 00 65 5 00 00 10 0 00 00 40 0 00 00 30 0 00 00 Com C mm mentt T e consid The dera atio on trrans sferrred d sh hould be meas m sure ed a at th he acq a uisiition n-da ate fairr valuess. W Whe ere e assse ets or liabilitiess, w who ose e acqu a uisitio on-d date fair va alue es diff d fer fro om the eir carrryiing a amo oun nts, arre tran nsfe erre ed directtly to t the t e accqu uire ee (ins ( stea ad of to t the t former ow owners o of the t a acquire ee)) ass pa art of the e co onsside era ation trran nsfe erre ed, the ese e as sse ets and/o or liiabilities shall be m mea asu ured d not n at the eir acq quisition--da ate fair valu v ues, but at the eir acq a quissitio on--da ate carrryiing a amo oun nts, an nd n no ressultting g gain ns or o lo osssess will be b rec r cognis sed on n th hem m by th he acq quiirerr at th he acquiisitiion n da ate. This T s iss be eca ausse the t e ac cqu uire er con c trols the t e assse ets an nd/o or liab bilities b befo ore an nd afte a er the bu usin ness com c mbin nattion n. Iff the info orm mation pro ovided d in n exam mp ple 2.9 2 9 sttate ed tha t at th he veh hiclle was w s not transfferrred to M Mr Con C ntro olall b but to t S Ltd, L , the to ota al co onsside era ation wou w uld ha ave be een R9 935 5 00 00 (R800 0 000 0 + R65 R 5 00 00 + R4 40 000 0 0 + R R30 0 00 00 (3 000 × R10 R 0)).. P Ltd’ss own o n re eco ords wou w uld d also cchange e as a fo ollo ows s: 5 50 IFRS 3 Business combinations Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.19 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Property, plant and equipment (SFP) (carrying amount) Sundry liabilities (SFP) Share capital (SCE) Recognition of the consideration for the business combination of S Ltd 935 000 800 000 65 000 40 000 30 000 2 Contingent consideration The acquirer may agree to transfer additional equity interests, cash, or other assets to the former owners of the acquiree after the acquisition date, provided that specified events occur, for example if certain profit levels are reached – this is referred to as contingent consideration. Any asset or liability that arises from a contingent consideration agreement will be included in the consideration transferred by the acquirer in the business combination. The contingent consideration shall be measured at the acquisition-date fair value thereof as part of the consideration transferred by the acquirer to obtain the acquiree. The obligation to pay the contingent consideration shall be classified in accordance with IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation as either an equity instrument or as a financial liability. The classification is important as it will impact the subsequent measurement of the contingent consideration. The subsequent measurement is addressed in chapter 2.14. An asset will also be recognised by the acquirer for the right it has to the return of previously transferred consideration if certain specified conditions are met. Example 2.10 Contingent consideration – Financial liability settled in cash On 1 January 20.19 P Ltd acquired a 70% interest in S Ltd for R1,3 million from a former owner, payable in cash. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. In terms of the agreement with the seller, P Ltd will have to pay an extra R200 000 to the seller if the sales of S Ltd increase by more than 15% in total over the next three financial periods. On 1 January 20.19 both P Ltd and the seller were confident that the 15% increase will indeed take place. The fair value of the financial liability for the contingent payment is estimated at R110 000. Ignore any tax consequences. P Ltd shall account for the transaction in its own records as follows: Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.19 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Financial liability (SFP) Recognition of the consideration and contingent consideration for the business combination of S Ltd 1 410 000 1 300 000 110 000 51 Chapter 2 Example 2.11 Contingent consideration – Financial liability settled in shares On 1 January 20.19 P Ltd acquired a 70% interest in S Ltd for R1,3 million from a former owner. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. P Ltd shall settle the consideration by issuing 100 000 of P Ltd’s shares to the former owner at market price of R13 per share. P Ltd and the seller agreed that P Ltd would issue more shares to the seller if the market price of the P Ltd’s shares declined below R13 per share by the share issue date. Ignore any tax consequences. The fair value of the total consideration for the acquisition of S Ltd is R1,3 million on 1 January 20.19 and is classified as a financial liability (variable number of the P Ltd’s own equity instruments to be issued). P Ltd shall account for the transaction in its own records as follows: Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.19 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Financial liability (SFP) Recognition of the contingent consideration for the business combination of S Ltd 1 300 000 1 300 000 2.8 Additional guidance for applying the acquisition method to particular types of business combinations Two specific areas are elaborated upon by IFRS 3: l a business combination achieved in stages; and l a business combination achieved without the transfer of consideration. 1 Business combinations achieved in stages (refer to examples in chapter 13 of Volume 2) Also referred to as a “step acquisition”, this type of transaction exists where the acquirer held non-controlling interests in the acquiree before obtaining a controlling interest in that acquiree. The principle identified is that the acquirer shall remeasure its previously held equity interest in the acquiree at its acquisition-date fair value in a business combination achieved in stages, and recognise the resulting gain or loss arising from such remeasurement, in profit or loss or other comprehensive income, as appropriate. It is possible that the acquirer may have recognised changes in the fair value of the previously held equity interests in the acquiree in other comprehensive income, for example, fair value adjustments of the investment in the acquiree, before the controlling interest was obtained (e.g., the investment held before acquisition was regarded as a financial asset measured in the acquirer’s financial statements at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments). Such fair value adjustments recognised in other comprehensive income should be derecognised on the same basis as if the acquirer had disposed directly of the previously held equity interest (i.e. the cumulative fair value adjustments accumulated in other comprehensive income may be transferred to retained earnings on the date that control is obtained). 52 IF FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations Ex xam mple e 2.12 2 Bu usiine ess co omb bin nation ac chie eve ed in sta s age es (10% %– –60%) T The e isssue ed sha s are e ca apittal of o S Ltd L con nsistss of 10 00 000 0 0 sh harres. On O 1 Ja anu uarry 20.1 2 18 P Ltd L a acquire ed 10 0 00 00 sh hare es in S Ltd at a fair valu v ue forr R R10 00 000 0 0 (ttran nsa action co ostss are a im mm mate eria al). Th he invvesttme ent wa as cla assiified d as a a finan ncia al ass a set subse equ uen ntlyy meassurred a at fa air va alue e th hrough h othe o er com mp preh hen nsivve inccom me (OCI)). On O 31 De ece emberr 20 0.18 the t fa air value e off the inve estme ent wa as R13 R 30 00 00. On n 1 Janua ary y 20 0.19 9 P Lttd acq quired d 50 0 000 0 ssharess in n S Lttd at a ma marke et vvalu ue of R1 13 per sha s re (tra ans sacction cos c sts are e im mm mate eria al). F From m tha at datte P Ltd L d had h co onttrol overr S Ltd L ass p perr th he de efin nitio on of co ontrrol in a acco ord dan nce witth IFR I RS 10. Ig gnore anyy ta ax ccon nse equ uencess. Com C mm mentt T e ac The cquissitio on date d e is 1 Janu uaryy 20 0.19 9 wh hen n P Ltd gaiined d co ontrrol o over S Ltd thrroug gh its 6 % intere 60% est (see e ch hap pter 2.5 5). T The e fair valu v ue o of the t co onside erattion n is ca alcu ulatted ass fo ollow ws:: F Fairr va alue e off co ons side era ation n trran nsfe erre ed (50 ( 000 0 sh hare es × R13) F Fairr va alue e off th he pre p evio ously h held d equ e ity intere est 650 6 0 00 00 1 0 00 130 00 T Tota al con c nsid dera atio on for f the e businesss com mb bina atio on R7 780 0 00 00 P Lttd sha s all acc a count for f the e trrans sacctio on in itts own o n re eco ordss as fo ollo owss: Dr D R Cr C R 1 January 20..18 8 F Fina anccial asssett (S SFP P) Ban B k (S SFP P) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he inv ves stmentt mad m de in n S Lttd 1 0 00 100 00 1 0 00 100 00 Dr D R Cr R 3 31 De ecemb berr 20 0.18 8 F Fina anccial asssett (S SFP P) (11300 0000 – 100 000) Mark M k-to o-m markket resservve (OC CI) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he fair va alu ue adju a usttme ent on n th he iinvesttme entt 30 0 00 00 30 0 00 00 53 C Cha apte er 2 Drr R C Cr R 1 Jan J nua ary y 20 0.19 9 1 J1 J2 2 Invvesstmentt in S Ltd L (SFP) B nk (SF Ban FP) (500 0000 × R13) Financciall assset (S SFP P) Re eco ogn nitio on of the e co ons side era atio on ffor the e bu usin nes ss com c mbina atio on of o S Ltd 7 780 00 00 Ma ark-to--ma arke et rese r ervve (S SC CE) Rettain ned d ea arniingss (S SCE) Trrans sfe er of o mar m rk-to-m marrke et re ese erve e with w hin equitty 00 30 00 650 6 0 00 00 1 0 00 130 00 30 0 00 00 2 Bus B sine ess s co om mbinattion ns ac chie eve ed wit w tho out the e trran nsfe er of o consiide erattion n T The e acq a uissitio on me eth hod a as disscusse ed sh hou uld sttill be e app a plied to su uch h bus b sine ess ccom mbin nation ns. Exam mple es of o ssuc ch circ c cum msta anc cess arre: l Th he accquiree e rep r purccha ase es its ow wn sh hare es to su uch h an a exten nt tha t at an a exxistiing invvesstorr (th he acquiirerr) o obta ainss co onttrol. l Mino orityy vveto o righ hts lap pse e th hat prrevviou uslyy kept k t th he accqu uirer from m con c ntro ollin ng an accqu uiree in n whic w ch the t e accqu uire er held d th he maj m jority vot v ting g rig ghts. l Th he acq quiirerr an nd accquiree e agre a ee to co omb bine e th heiir bus b ine esses by y co ontracct a alon ne. Th here iss n no con c nsid dera atio on transfferrred d an nd no eq quity in nteresst iss held d byy th he acq quirer in th he acq quiiree e befo b ore e or o afte a er the e bus b ine ess co ombin nation.. T This s wou w uld be e, for exxam mple, w with h th he purrpo ose of forrming a dua d al-liiste ed ccorrporation n. Com C mm mentt In th he latte er exam mple e, th he acq a uire er sh hall attribu ute the t full net asssetts o of (i.e. equ e ity inte i erests in) tthe accquiree to the e non-con ntrolling g in ntere estss in n th he post p t-co omb bina ation n co onssolid date ed f ncia fina al state eme entss of the e accquirer. 2 2.9 Me Meas sure em men nt pe p rio od In n th he secctio onss ab bovve, it was w s in ndiccate ed tha at th he acquiirerr ne eed ds to t identiffy and a d re ecognise a all the asssets and d liiabilities of the e acq a uire ee.. Fu urth herrmo ore, th he fairr va alue of o the t va ario ous a asse etss, liabilitie es, no on--contro olling inttere ests, con nsid derratiion, etc. e , need ds to be e obta o aine ed. F From m a prac p cticcal poiint of vie ew, on ne sho s ould d bea b r in n mind m d th hat alll these e re equ uire eme entts are a vvery y tim me e-co onssum ming g. The T em mea asu urem ment p perriod d in n IF FRS S 3 there efore a allo owss th he acq quirer ssom me lee ewa ay tto fina f alisse all a tthe e re equ uired p proced durres to co omp plete the e ac cco oun nting o of the t b busine ess co omb bina atio on pro p operly.. Iff th he inittial acccountting g fo or the e business co omb bina atio on is inccom mple ete e att th he end d o of the t re epo orting pe erio od in i whi w ich the com c mbinattion n trransacctio on occ currs, the t e accqu uire er sha s all rreport p prov visiona al am a ountss in itss fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts forr the ittem ms for wh hich h th he acccou untting g is in nco omp plette. D During g the mea m asu ureme ent period d, the t e accqu uirer shalll re etro osp pecttive ely ad djus st th he pro ovission nal a amo oun nts reccog gnis sed d at a th he acquiisition n da ate to o re efle ect new w info i orm matiion ob btaine ed a abo out fa acts and a d circu ums stan nce es tha t at exis e sted d at a th he acq quisition da ate tha at, if kkno own n, wou w uld ha ave a affecte ed the t me eas surem men nt of th he am a oun ntss recog gnised da at th he acq a quissitio on date. 5 54 FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations IF D During g the mea m asu ureme ent period d, the t e accqu uirer shalll also o recog gnise ad ddition nal ass a setss and a liabiilitie es if new n w in nfo orm matio on is ob btained d a abo out faccts an nd circ c cum msttancces s th hat exxistted at th he accquisittion n date e th hat, iff kn now wn,, wou w uld ha ave re esulted d in n the re ecogniition of o ttho ose a asse etss an nd liab l bilitiess at the ea acqu uisitio on date d e. T The e meassurrem men nt peri p iod en nds s ass soon na as the t accqu uirer re ece eive es the t e in nforrma atio on it was w sseeking abo a out fac cts and circ c um msta ancces tha at exis e ste ed at a th he acq quiisitiion da ate or lea arnss th hat m morre info orm mation is nott ob bta aina able e. How H wevverr, th he me eassure eme entt pe erio od sha s all not n t exxce eed o one ye ear fro om the e accqu uisittion n date e. T The e efffecct of o the e abov a ve princ ciple e iss thatt good dw will is sub bse equ uen ntly ad djussted for f su uch cchange es due to o th he facct th hatt the cha c anges res sultting g frrom m new w infform ma ation are a pro oce ess sed re etro osp pecctive elyy, as s if the e in nformatio on had de exis sted d at th he a acq quissitio on datte. Th his ressults in na fa aire er pre p esen nta ation of o the go ood dwill (o or gai g n from m a ba arg gain n purc p cha ase) at a th he acq quiisitiion d date e. Itt is ve ery importan nt to t not n te tthatt no ot all a info orm mattion n ob bta aine ed in i the t meas surrem men nt p periiod w will ressultt in n ch han nge es to t the t e prrovvisio ona al a amo oun nts at the acq a quissitio on datte. Th he acq quirer sshould d ap pply p pro ofesssio ona al ju udg gem men nt to ensurre tha at tthe ne ew infform ma ation n refle r ectts the t ccircu um msta ancces tha at existe ed a at the t e accqu uisition n date d e and a ot thosse tha at aro a se the ere eaftter. no T The e sh horrterr th he tim me period d betw b ween the est e tima ate e off th he pro ovissio onal amo oun nt a at the t a acquissitio on dat d te and a d th he recceip pt of o add a ditio ona al in nforma atio on aboutt th he p pro ovission nal am mou unt in n the mea m surrem men nt per p riod d, the t e mor m re like ely that the e new n w info orm mation re elates to o a ccircu um msta ancce thatt exxistted at the e acqu a uisitio on date d e. The T e oppo ositte is i also a o true.. A Afte er the t m asurrem mea men nt perriod d end e ds, the e acq a quirrer sh hall re evisse the e acco a oun ntin ng forr a b busine ess co omb bina atio on only to corrrecct an a error in accco orda ancce witth IIAS S 8 Acco ounting P Poliicie es, Ch han nge es in Ac Accounting Est E tim mate es and a d Erro E ors s. Com C mm mentt C apte Cha er 9.7 of o Volume 2 cont c tains exxam mple es relat r ting g to the e me easure ement peri p od. 2 2.10 0 De ete erm min ning wh what is pa art off th he busin nes ss co ombin nattio on tra t ans sac ctio on In n cert c tain n ciircu umsta ance es,, th he acq a quirrer an nd the e acqu uire ee ma ay havve ha ad a prep -exxistiing re elation nsh hip orr otthe er arra a ang gem men nt beffore e neg n gotiiationss for the e bus b sine esss co om mbin natiion b began, and a d m may y eve e en entter in nto an n a arra ang gem men nt durring g the t ne ego otia atio ons th hat is ssepara ate fro om the e bus b ine ess co omb bina atio on. Th he acq quiirerr sh hall id dentifyy an ny am mou untss th hat a are no ot part of wh hatt th he ac cqu uirer and a d the accqu uire ee exxcha ang ged d in the e bus b sine ess ccom mbin nation n, i.e. am amountss th hat are e no ot par p rt off th he exc e cha ange e fo or the t accquiree. T The e acqu uire er sha all reccog gnisse, ass par p t o of app a plying th he acq quisition meth m hod d, only o y the t cconsidera atio on ttran nsfferrred for th he acquiree e and a d on nly the ass a setss acqu a uire ed and liab bilities a assu um med in the exc e cha ange e for the e acqu uire ee. Se epa arate transa action ns ssha all be b acccou untted fo or sep s para ate ely iin acc a cord dan nce e wiith the e re elevvan nt IF FRSs. T The e fo ollowin ng fac ctorrs sho ould be b co onside ered d by b the t e acqu uire er to t dettermin ne wh heth herr a sspecific trran nsacctio on form f mss pa art of o the t bu usin nes ss com c mbinattion n: l Th he rea aso ons forr th he tran t nsa actiion. A tra ans sacction n ente e ere ed into o prrimarily for f the e be ene efit of the acq a quirrer or the en new w co om mbin ned d en ntitty rath r her than prima arilyy fo or the e be ene efit of a quirree orr itss fo orm merr ow wnerss befo ore the e com c mbinattion n, is like ely to be e su uch h a the acq epa aratte ttran nsa actiion. T The e po ortiion off th he transa action n price e paid p d (a and d any a y re elatted se 55 Chapter 2 assets or liabilities) should not be included in the application of the acquisition method. l Who initiated the transaction? A transaction initiated by the acquirer is more likely to be for the acquirer’s benefit and therefore more likely to be a separate transaction, whereas a transaction initiated by the acquiree will be more likely to the benefit of the acquiree or its former owners and will therefore be less likely to be a separate transaction. l The timing of the transaction. A transaction between the acquirer and acquiree that takes place during the negotiations of the terms of the business combination may have been entered into in contemplation of providing benefits to the acquirer or the combined entity, and if so, is less likely to provide benefit to the acquiree or its former owners and therefore more likely to be a separate transaction. It is clear from the above that both parties’ intentions should be investigated in order to determine which party would benefit from the identified separate transaction. If the acquiree or its former owners clearly stand to benefit from the additional transaction, the transaction is very likely to form part of the business combination transaction. Where the acquiree or its former owners clearly do not stand to benefit from the additional transaction, such a transaction will very likely qualify as a separate transaction that should not be included in the business combination transaction at the acquisition date. Examples of such separate transactions include: l a transaction that settles pre-existing relationships between the acquirer and acquiree; l a transaction that remunerates employees or former owners of the acquiree for future services; and l a transaction that reimburses the acquiree or its former owners for the paying of the acquirer’s acquisition-related costs. Acquisition-related costs These are costs the acquirer incurs to effect the business combination. Examples are advisory, legal, accounting, valuation and other professional and consulting fees and other general administrative costs. The acquirer shall account for acquisition-related costs as expenses in the periods in which the costs are incurred and the services are received. The costs to issue debt or equity securities shall however be recognised in accordance with IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (i.e. these costs shall be set off against the cash flow at initial recognition of the debt or equity instrument). Acquisition-related costs must be distinguished from transaction costs in accordance with IFRS 9 (e.g. brokerage fees), which may be capitalised to the carrying amount of the investment in the separate records of investor. If transaction costs were capitalised in the separate records of investor, the transaction costs should be reclassified to profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 3 upon consolidation. 56 IFRS 3 Business combinations Example 2.13 Acquisition-related costs P Ltd acquired a 90% interest in S Ltd on 1 October 20.18 for R1 million. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. The consideration was settled as follows: l cash of R500 000; l issuing 50 000 shares to the seller to the value of R300 000; l issuing debentures to the seller to the value of R200 000. Legal and other costs incurred in relation to the acquisition of the shares in S Ltd amounted to R63 000. Costs to issue the shares and the debentures amounted to R45 000 and R32 000 respectively. Ignore any tax consequences. P Ltd shall account for the transaction in its own records as follows: Dr R Cr R 1 October 20.18 J1 J2 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Share capital (SCE) Debentures (financial liability) (SFP) Recognition of the consideration for the business combination of S Ltd 1 000 000 Other expense (P/L) Retained earnings (SCE) Debentures (financial liability) (SFP) Bank (SFP) Recognition of the acquisition-related costs for the business combination of S Ltd 63 000 45 000 32 000 500 000 300 000 200 000 140 000 Subsequent measurement and accounting Assets acquired, liabilities assumed or incurred, and equity instruments issued in a business combination, shall be subsequently measured and accounted for in accordance with other IFRSs for those items, depending on their nature. There is, however, specific guidance provided in IFRS 3 for the following items: l reacquired rights; l contingent liabilities; l indemnification assets; and l contingent consideration. 2.11 Reacquired rights The acquirer may reacquire a right that it had previously granted to the acquiree, such as the right to use one or more of the acquirer’s recognised or unrecognised assets. This right is recognised separately from goodwill as an intangible asset. An example is the acquisition of the right to use its trade name under a franchise agreement that the acquirer had previously granted to the acquiree. The right is now reacquired by the acquirer from the acquiree in the business combination transaction. 57 Chapter 2 2.12 Contingent liabilities After initial recognition and until the liability is settled, cancelled or expires, the acquirer shall subsequently measure the contingent liability recognised in the business combination at the higher of: l the amount that would be recognised in accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets; and l the amount initially recognised, less, if appropriate, the cumulative amount of income recognised in accordance with the principles of IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. However, this requirement does not apply to contracts that are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. 2.13 Indemnification assets The seller in the business combination (i.e. the acquiree) may contractually indemnify the acquirer for the outcome of a contingency or uncertainty related to all or part of a specific asset or liability. For example, a seller may guarantee that an acquirer’s liability will not exceed a specified amount. As a result, the acquirer obtains an indemnification asset. At the end of each subsequent reporting period, an indemnification asset that was recognised at the acquisition date shall be measured on the same basis as the indemnified asset or liability, subject to any contractual limitations on its amount and management’s subsequent assessment of the collectability of its amount (where such indemnification asset is not measured at fair value). The acquirer shall derecognise the indemnification asset only when it collects the asset, sells it or otherwise loses the right to it. 2.14 Contingent consideration It should be noted that information that becomes available during the measurement period and relates to circumstances that existed at the acquisition date should be accounted for in terms of the principles of the measurement period (refer chapter 2.9). Changes resulting from events after the acquisition date, for example, meeting set targets or reaching a specified share price, are not regarded as measurement period adjustments. These changes shall be accounted for as follows: l Contingent consideration classified as equity shall not be remeasured and its subsequent settlement shall be accounted for within equity. l Contingent consideration classified as an asset or liability that: • is within the scope of IFRS 9 shall be measured at fair value at each reporting date, with any resulting gain or loss recognised in profit or; • is not within the scope of IFRS 9 shall be measured at fair value at each reporting date, with any resulting gain or loss recognised in profit or loss. 58 IFRS 3 Business combinations The subsequent measurement of contingent consideration can be illustrated as follows: Contingent consideration (always measured at fair value at acquisition date) Classified as financial liability (for example obligation to issue variable number of shares) Subsequently remeasured to fair value in profit or loss Example 2.14 Classified as equity (for example obligation to issue fixed number of shares) Not subsequently remeasured Classified as financial asset (for example right of return of previously transferred consideration) Subsequently remeasured to fair value in profit or loss Subsequent measurement of contingent consideration classified as equity On 1 April 20.19, P Ltd acquired all of the shares of S Ltd for R700 000 cash. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in accordance with IFRS 10. In terms of the agreement with the seller, P Ltd will issue 20 000 shares in P Ltd to the seller, if the profit of S Ltd for the financial reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 is more than R1,4 million. On 1 April 20.19 the fair value of the contingent consideration is estimated at R60 000. The fair value of P Ltd’s shares on 1 April 20.19 is R5 per share. The contingent consideration is classified as equity, as it will be settled through a fixed number of shares. The actual profit of S Ltd for the financial reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 was R1,44 million and P Ltd issued the additional 20 000 shares to the seller. The fair value of P Ltd’s shares on 31 December 20.19 is R7 per share. Ignore any tax consequences. P Ltd shall account for the transaction in its own records as follows: Dr R Cr R 1 April 20.19 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Equity – contingent consideration (SCE) Recognition of the consideration and contingent consideration for the business combination of S Ltd 760 000 700 000 60 000 continued 59 C Cha apte er 2 Drr R Cr R 3 31 De ecemb berr 20 0.19 9 E Equ uityy – con c ntin ngen nt con c nsid dera atio on (SFP) Sha S re cap c pital (S SFP P) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he iss suin ng of add ditiion nal s sha are es in n re esp pec ct o of the t co ontiing gent co ons sid dera atio on for f the eb busine ess s c com mbina atio on o of S Lttd 60 00 00 60 0 00 00 Com C mm mentt E en th Eve hou ugh the e tottal fair f value of tthe 20 000 0 sh hare es increassed from R10 R 00 000 0 (20 0 00 00 × R5) to t R14 R 0 000 (20 0 000 × R7 7), tthe con ntingen nt co ons side eration wass no ot remeassure ed as a it wa as clas c ssified as equ uity.. Acccorrdin ng to o IA AS 32.2 3 22 cchange es in n th he fa air valu v ue of o an a e equity instrum mentt are no ot rreco ogniised d in the e fin nanccial sta atem men nts. Ex xam mple e 2.15 5 Su ubs seq que entt meas surrem men nt of o con c ntinge entt co ons sid dera atio on class sifiied d as s a lia abillity y (to o be b sett s tled d in n cas c sh) O On 1 Jan J nua ary 20 0.19 9 P Ltd L ac cquired d a 7 70% % in nteresst in S Ltd L for R R1,3 3 mill m ion n frrom m a fo orm merr ow wne er, pa ayab ble in ca ash. From m thatt da ate P Ltd d had co ontrrol ove er S Ltd L ass pe er the t d definition off co ontrol in accco orda ancce wit w h IFR RS 10. In n te erm ms of the e a agre eem men nt witth the t sselle er, P Ltd d w will ha ave to o pay an n extr e ra R R20 00 00 00 to t the e selle er if tthe sa aless of o S Ltd L in ncreasse byy m more than 15 5% % in n tota t al ov ver the next thrree e fiina ancial pe erio odss. On O 1 Ja anu uaryy 20.19 bot b th P Ltd L and the se ellerr were w e conffide ent tha at the t e 15 5% % incre easse w wou uld nde eed d ta ake pla ace e. The T e fa air value e off the ffina anccial liability for the con c ntingen nt pay p yme entt is in e estim ma ated d att R110 0 000 0 . B By 31 De ece emb berr 20 0.19, the e sale s es of S Lttd dec d clin ned d so omew wha at d due e to o an a advverrse e econom micc cllima ate e. P Lttd now n w esti e ma atess th hat the e 15% % ta arg get will prob bab bly nott be em mett at th he en nd of the e third t d fina f anccial pe erio od. Th he faiir valu v ue of th he fina f anccial lia ability fo or the t ccontting gen nt pay p yme ent is now we estima ated d at a R R30 00 00. Ign norre any a y taxx con c seq que encces. P Lttd sha s all acc a count for f the e trrans sacctio on in itts own o n re eco ordss as fo ollo owss: Dr D R Cr C R 1 January 20..19 9 IInve estme ent in S Lttd (SF ( FP) Ban B k (S SFP P) Fina F anciial liab bility y (S SFP P) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he consiide erattion n an nd continge entt c con nsid derratiion n for th he bus sin ness s com c mbin nattion n of S Ltd 1 410 4 0 00 00 1 300 3 0 00 00 1 0 00 110 00 co tinu cont ued d 6 60 IF FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations Dr D R Cr R 3 31 De ecemb berr 20 0.19 9 F Fina anccial lia ability (SF ( FP) (1110 0000 – 30 3 000) 0 ) Fair F value e ad djus stmentt (P P/L)) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he fair va alu ue adju a usttme ent on n th he liab bilitty ffor the e contting gen nt con c nsid derration for th he b bus siness s c com mbina atio on o of S Lttd 80 0 00 00 80 0 00 00 Com C mme ent A th At he end d off th he tthird d finan ncia al pe erio od the t liab bilitty will w be setttled d. P Ltd L sha all ffirstly re eme easure e the e lia ability to t fair f value (wh hich h will equa al th he amo a oun nt to o be e pa aid i.e. RN Nil or o R 0 00 R200 00) thrroug gh p proffit or losss as a illus stratted abo ove e. Se eco ondly, P Lttd will w dere d ego onise e th he lia abillity. Ex xam mple e 2.16 6 Su ubs seq que entt meas surrem men nt of o con c ntinge entt co ons sid dera atio on class sifiied d as s a lia abillity y (to o be b sett s tled d in n sha s ares s) O On 1 Jan J nua ary 20 0.19 9 P Ltd L ac cquired d a 7 70% % in nteresst in S Ltd L for R R1,3 3 mill m ion n frrom m a fo orm merr ow wne er. Frrom m th hat da ate, P Ltd ha ad con c ntro ol ove o er S Ltd L ass pe er the e defin d nition of cconttroll in n acco a ord dance wiith IFRS S 10. P Ltd d sha s ll sett s tle the e con c nsid dera atio on by issuiing 100 00 00 of o PL Ltd’s sha s aress to o th he form f me er o own ner at ma arkket pricce of R1 13 per p r sh harre. P Ltd L a and th he sel s ler ag gree ed tha at P Ltd L wo ould issu ue mo ore sh hares to the sselller if the t e m mark ket p price of o P Lttd’ss sh harres de eclin ned d belo b ow R13 per p r sh hare eb by 28 2 Feb F bru uaryy 20 0.19. Ign nore e any a ta ax con nse equ uen nces s. T The e fa air val v ue of the e tota al cconsid dera atio on ffor the e acq a quissitio on of S Ltd d is s R1,3 3 millio m on on 1 Ja anu uaryy 20.19 and is cla assified as a fin nan ncia al liab bility y (fixe ( ed am mountt fo or variab ble n num mbe er of o shares s). O On 28 Fe ebru uarry 20. 2 19 P Ltd d’s sha are es wer w re trad t ding at a R R10 0 per sha are e, and a P Ltd d isssu ued 130 00 00 sha s aress to o th he sel s ler.. P Lttd sha s all acc a count for f the e trrans sacctio on in itts own o n re eco ordss as fo ollo owss: Dr D R 1 Ja anu uarry 20.1 2 19 IInve estme ent in S Lttd (SF ( FP) Fina F anciial liab bility y (S SFP P) R Rec cog gnittion o of th he consiide erattion n pa aid d fo or th he bus sin ness s c com mbina atio on o of S Lttd Cr C R 1 300 3 0 00 00 1 300 3 0 00 00 co tinu cont ued d 61 C Cha apte er 2 Dr D R 2 28 Feb bru uary y 20.19 F Fina anccial lia ability (SF ( FP) Sha S re cap c pital (S SCE E) (1000 0000 × R113) R Rec cog gnittion o of sha s res s is ssued Cr C R 1 300 3 0 00 00 1 300 3 0 00 00 Com C mme ent B 2 By 28 Feb F brua ary 20.19 the e fair valu v e of o th he con c nside eration n ha ad not n chang ged, bu ut P Lttd isssue ed more sha s aress to the e se ellerr to o co omp penssate e fo or th he dec d line e in the e in ndividua al ssharre p e. Deta price D ails of o th he ccon nside erattion n are e th here efore ass fo ollow ws: O 1 Ja On anua ary 20..19:: 10 00 000 0 sha aress at R13 each h = R1,,3 millio m on O 2 On 28 Feb F rua ary 20.1 2 19: 130 0 00 00 shar s res at R10 R 0 ea ach = R1,3 R 3 million. B Bus sin nes ss s co om mbina atiion ns an nd co ons so olid datted d fina ancia al sta ate em men nts s 2 2.15 5 Su um mmary y of o IFR RS 3 for f r th he dirrec ct acq a quiisittion of o ne et a ass sets s as s a bu usiine ess s com mbina atio on IF FRS 3 Bus B siness s Com C mb bina atio ons s pres p scriibes the accco ountting g trrea atmentt off all bus b sine ess ccom mbin nation ns, irre esp pecctive eo of how h w th he businesss com c mbin nattion n was w efffec cted d. A bus b sine ess ccom mbin nation n ca an be e efffeccted d thro t oug gh the t e direcct acq a quissitio on of asssets and d take eovver of liabiilitie es of o ano a othe er ent e ity as a bus b sine ess, orr th hrou ugh h an n in nve estm men nt in n th he equ e uityy of an noth herr e entitty. Th he lattter wiill lea l d tto the e prep p para atio on of co onsolid date ed fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts as d disc cusssed d in n the nex n xt se ection n of this cha c pte er. T To sum s mm marise the e apprroa ach requiired d byy IF FRS 3, 3 th he follow wing g sttep ps ssho ould d be e fo ollo owe ed: D Dire ect ac cqu uisiitio on of o ass a sets and a d/orr ta ake eov ver of lia abillitie es S Step p 1: Enssurre tha t at th he asssetts acq a quirred d and//or lia abiliities s ass a um med d in n th he tran t nsa actiion rep pressen nt a businesss com mb bina atio on as a deffine ed in IFR RS 3. Co ons side erattion n shou uld b givven be n to o th he con c nce ept of co ontrrol in this t s re ega ard ass well w ass th he def d finittion n of a b sine bus ess s ass expl e lain ned d in the e cha c pte er 2.2. 2 S Step p 2: Recog gnise alll id denttifia able e ass a setss acqu uire ed and liab bilitiies asssume ed (ass part of t e bu the usin nesss com c mbina ation tran nsa actio on)) accco ordiing to the e prin p ncip pless off IF FRS S 3 in t e se the epa aratte fina f anccial sta ateme entss off th he acq a quirrer.. He ere e fo ocus sho s uld d be e plac ced o ide on enttificcatio on of as sse ets and d liab bilitiies that ma ay nott ha ave e app a peared d o on the t s atem sta men nt of o fina ancial position of the e acqu uire ee beffore e th he bussinesss co om mbin natiion b t th but hat fo orm pa art off th he busin ness com c mbiination n tran t nsa actio on (e e.g. in ntan ngib ble a setss or ass o co ontinge entt liabiilitie es, etc.) e ). Ca are sh hou uld also be e tak t ken n not to reccognis se asssetts an nd lia abilitiess tha t at do not form part p t of o the t e bus b sine ess c mbina com ation, i.e e. th hose tra anssac ction ns th hatt are a e reg r gard ded d as sep s para ate t nsa tran actiions. S Step p 3: 3 Me Measure e all id den ntifiiable ass a setss a and d lia abilitie es a at the t ir res r pecctiv ve fair f r va alue es as p escribe pre ed by IFRS S 3 in the t e se epa aratte fina ancial sta atem me entss off the acq a quirer. Mo ost a setss and ass a d liab l bilities s are a m asured mea d at a the eir accquisittion n-da ate e fa air va alue es, a hou alth ugh h ce erta ain exxceptio onss to o th his me eassure em ment ru ule ha ave e be een n id den ntifie ed by 6 62 IFRS 3 Business combinations Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: IFRS 3. Measure all assets and liabilities that cannot be measured reliably at the acquisition date, at their provisional fair values. Recognise the consideration paid for the business combination according to the principles prescribed by IFRS 3 in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. This would entail ensuring that all components of the consideration are carefully identified and properly measured at their fair values. Care should be taken to consider whether a component forms part of the consideration of the business combination transaction. Furthermore, certain components of the consideration may be contingent and should be treated in accordance with the principles in IFRS 3. Identify the difference between the assets and liabilities recognised in step 3 and the consideration of the business combination in step 4 as goodwill where such a difference represents an excess of step 4 over step 3, or as a gain from a bargain purchase where such a difference represents an excess of step 3 over step 4. Also, ensure that a reassessment is performed where a gain from a bargain purchase is initially identified in order to comply with the requirements of IFRS 3.36 in this regard. Recognise goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. Assets and liabilities that could not be measured reliably at the acquisition date were measured at provisional values (refer step 3). These values should now be adjusted during the measurement period as defined in IFRS 3 in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. Note that any such relevant adjustments during the measurement period will be adjusted against the relevant asset and/or liability and the other leg of the adjustment will be processed against goodwill or the gain from a bargain purchase in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. Any adjustments that are made to the consideration in respect of finalisation of provisional values during the measurement period are processed against goodwill or the gain from a bargain purchase in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. The business combination transaction should be properly disclosed in accordance with IFRS 3’s requirements in the separate financial statements of the acquirer. 63 Chapter 2 Example 2.17 Acquiring the assets and liabilities of another entity in terms of a business combination On 1 January 20.16, P Ltd decided to expand its operations by acquiring all of the assets and liabilities of S Ltd in a business combination transaction. The assets and liabilities meet the definition of a “business” in accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations. The following information is available: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION OF S LTD AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.15 Carrying amounts ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangible assets (meet IAS 38 requirements) Goodwill (from previous business combinations) Trade receivables Fair values 950 000 R1 200 000 500 000 R700 000 800 000 R900 000 50 000 ? 1 300 000 R1 200 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital Retained earnings Long-term loan Deferred tax Trade and other payables R3 600 000 Total equity and liabilities R3 600 000 1 600 000 500 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 n/a n/a R500 000 ? R300 000 The purchase consideration for the assets and liabilities is paid as follows: l R2 million is paid in cash immediately to the former owners on 1 January 20.16. l 100 000 of P Ltd’s shares with a market price on 1 January 20.16 of R10 per share are issued to the former owners of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. l Land, with a carrying amount of R200 000 and fair value of R600 000, is transferred to the former owners of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. l A final once-off amount of R1 million is payable on 31 December 20.18 in cash to the former owners of S Ltd. In terms of the business combination agreement, no interest is charged on this amount. The market-related interest rate available to P Ltd for financing purposes is 10% per annum, nominal and pre-tax. Additional information S Ltd expensed development costs of R100 000 (fair value on 1 January 20.16: R200 000) in its individual financial statements. The project meets the definition of an intangible asset in accordance with IAS 38 Intangible Assets but was not recognised by S Ltd in its individual financial statements, as S Ltd could not previously demonstrate the probability of future economic benefits in accordance with IAS 38. S Ltd has a contingent liability of R450 000, which is a present obligation for which the probability criterion was not met in S Ltd’s individual financial statements. At the acquisition date the fair value of the contingent liability was R300 000. The contingent 64 IFRS 3 Business combinations liability forms part of the business combination transaction. The amount is not deductible for taxation purposes. Assume a tax rate of 28% and a capital gains tax inclusion rate of 80%. Certain employees of S Ltd will have to be retrenched due to the business combination, at a cost of R2 million. This transaction is regarded as a separate transaction in accordance with IFRS 3. The South African Revenue Service (SARS) accepts all transfer values of assets and liabilities for taxation purposes. The following considerations should be taken into account in respect of the business combination transaction: Is control obtained? Yes; P Ltd obtains control over assets and liabilities of S Ltd through direct acquisition. Is there an acquirer? Yes; P Ltd is the party obtaining control. Is there a business? Yes; the assets acquired and liabilities assumed meet the definition of a business in accordance with IFRS 3. What is the acquisition date? 1 January 20.16 Are there any identifiable assets (e.g. intangible assets) that do not appear on the acquiree’s statement of financial position? Yes; therefore recognise them now in accordance with the principles of IFRS 3 and IAS 38 (section dealing with intangible assets in a business combination). Are there any identifiable liabilities and/or contingent liabilities that do not appear on the acquiree’s statement of financial position? Yes; therefore recognise them now in accordance with the principles of IFRS 3. Are the assets and liabilities on S Ltd’s statement of financial position all fairly valued? No; therefore make sure to recognise the assets and liabilities at their acquisition-date fair values in P Ltd’s accounting records. Are there assets and liabilities on S Ltd’s statement of financial position that should not be recognised in accordance with IFRSs (e.g. intangible assets that do not meet the definition in IAS 38)? No; the example did not state any such assets. If it had, these assets/liabilities may not be recognised in the business combination. Are there any assets or liabilities that cannot be taken over in the business combination? Yes; existing goodwill is not an identifiable intangible asset and deferred tax of the acquiree may never be taken over in a business combination. Are all items of the consideration transferred measured at fair value? No; the deferred payment should be measured at the present value thereof, using a market-related discount rate. Are there any separate transactions that do not form part of the business combination transaction? Yes; these transactions may not be recognised as part of the acquisition journal entry and should be accounted for in the postacquisition period (employees retrenched). 65 C Cha apte er 2 T The e accqu uisittion n jo ourn nal en ntryy is the ere eforre a as follow ws in th he separrate e financial sta s atem men nts o of P Lttd (the ere are e no con c nsolida ated d fiinanciial sta s atem men ntss): Dr R Crr R 1 Jan J nua ary y 20 0.16 JJ1 Prrope ertyy, plan p nt and a equip pme ent (SF FP)) Invvesstmentt prrope ertyy (S SFP P) Inttangib ble ass a setss (S SFP P) (9 900 0 00 00 + 20 00 000) 0 ) Trade e re ece eiva able es (SF FP) Go ood dwilll (S SFP P) (bal ( lancing) Lon ng-tterm m lo oan n (S SFP P) T ade an Tra nd othe o er pay p yables (SFP) C ntin Co nge ent liab bilityy (S SFP P) B nk (SF Ban FP) S are Sha e ca apita al (SC ( CE) Lan nd ((SF FP) Pro ofit on tra ansffer of lland d (P P/L L) T ade an Tra nd othe o er pay p yables (SFP) (a at pres p sent va alue e) (F FV = 1 milllion n; i = 10 0%; n = 3)) orr (1 000 0 00 00 / 1.1 103) 12 200 00 00 7 700 00 00 1 100 00 00 200 00 00 12 12 251 315 500 5 0 00 00 3 0 00 300 00 3 0 00 300 00 2 000 0 0 00 00 1 000 0 0 00 00 2 0 00 200 00 4 0 00 400 00 7 1 31 751 15 Ac cqu uisiitio on journa al e entrry in the separrate e fiinanciial sta ate eme ents of o P Lttd JJ2 Otther exxpe enses (P//L) 20 000 00 00 Pro ovission n fo or re etre encchm ment co ostss (S SFP P) 2 000 0 0 00 00 Prrovide e th he retr r renchm me ent cos sts s th hat aro ose e as s a separrate e tra ans sac ction thro oug gh tthe e po ost-ac cqu uisition prof p fit o or los l ss Com C mme ent D erred ta Defe ax is i not n rreco ogn nised in n th his exa e ample, as SARS accep pts a all tran t nsfe er va alue es of o a ets and asse d lia abillities fo or taxa t ation p purp pose es. Th here efore, the t taxx b base es of o ass a ets an nd lia abillities are a eq qual to o th he carryin ng amoun nts the ereo of and a th here e are no tem mpo orary d rencess. diffe T The princip pless illu ustrrate ed in n th his exa amp ple (exccep pt fo or th he deferre ed ttax)) ap pplyy eq qually to t b nes busin ss com c mbinatio ons wh here e co ontro ol is s ob btaiined d th hrou ugh the e accquisition of sha s aress in a subssidia ary (as is disc d cuss sed d in the next sect s tion). 2 2.16 6 Th he lin nk betw wee en IIFR RS 3 and c consoliida ated d fina f ancia al s sta atem me entts Itt is ve ery imporrtan nt to t est e abllish h th he link l k be etw wee en IFR I RS 3 Bus B sin ness C Com mb bina atio ons s and a th he pre epa arattion n of o conssolida ated d finan ncial ssta atem men nts ea arly y on n. Wh When re eading g IF FRS S 3, 3 it a appears tha at tthe sttandarrd is only appliccab ble to the d dire ect accqu uisittion n of o ass a setss and a liabiilitie es tha at fo orm m a bu usin nesss as a def d fine ed iin the t sta and dard. Thi T is iss, how h wev ver, no ot the t ca ase a as IFR RS 3 is ap ppliicable e to o all a bussinesss com c mbinattion n tran nsa actio onss whe w ere co onttrol is on of o obta aine ed ovver an noth herr busiiness, whet w the er tha t t hap h ppens throu ugh h direc ct acq a quissitio a asse etss an nd takkeo ove er of o liab bilitiies off an notther entit e ty (ass was w illu usttrated in the pre p evio ous la e examp ple), or o throug gh invvesstm men nt in the t e equ e ity off anotthe er ent e ity.. The T atte er w wou uld re eprresentt an o own nerrship inte ere est tha at is o obta ained in an notherr entitty w whe ere e th he acq quirer o obta ainss co onttroll ov ver the e vo otin ng righ hts of tha at ent e ity, ass discu usssed d ea arlie er in this ch hap pterr. 6 66 IFRS 3 Business combinations It should always be borne in mind that IFRS 3 has, as one of its main objectives, the fair presentation of goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase arising in a business combination transaction. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the principles of the standard be applied in all such relevant transactions. To summarise the approach required by IFRS 3, the following steps should be followed: Indirect acquisition of assets and/or assumption of liabilities through an equity investment in the acquiree In the separate financial statements of the acquirer Step 1: Recognise the consideration paid for the investment in the separate financial statements of the acquirer in accordance with the principles of IFRS 3. Note that no goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase will arise at the acquisition date as no underlying assets or liabilities have been recognised by the acquirer in its separate financial statements. The cost price of the investment will be equal to the fair value of the consideration given in the business combination. Step 2: Thereafter, measure the investment in the shares of the acquiree in accordance with IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements either: l at cost; l in accordance with IFRS 9; or l using the equity method as described in IAS 28. In the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer Step 1: Ensure that the acquirer gained control over another entity that represents a business, as defined in IFRS 3, through its investment in the equity of the acquiree. Consideration should be given to the concept of control in this regard as well as to the definition of a business as explained in this chapter 2.2. Step 2: Recognise all identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed (as part of the business combination transaction) according to the principles of IFRS 3 in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer (this may entail processing pro forma journal entries (*) to recognise/derecognise certain assets and/or liabilities). Here, focus should be placed on identification of assets and liabilities that may not have appeared on the statement of financial position of the acquiree before the business combination, but that form part of the business combination transaction (e.g. intangible assets or contingent liabilities, etc.). Care should also be taken not to recognise assets and liabilities that do not form part of the business combination, i.e. those transactions that are regarded as separate transactions. It should be noted here that certain assets and liabilities that were not recognised in the statement of financial position of the acquiree at the acquisition date might now have to be recognised on a pro forma (*) basis at the acquisition date, for the purposes of drawing up consolidated financial statements. 67 C Cha apte er 2 Com C mme ent * A prro form f ma jou urna al en ntryy is a jjourrnall en ntry tha at is s not n pro ocesssed d in n th he sepa s aratte fin nan ncia al sttate eme ents s off th he acq a uire er or o the t ind divid dua al finan ncia al state eme entss off th he acqu uiree e, but prroce esse ed for the purp p posses of dra awing up p co onsolid date ed fina f ancial sttate eme entss. Pro fform ma jour j rnall en ntrie es th here eforre o only y ad djust th he ccons solid date ed fina f ancial sttate eme entss an nd a are processsed d to o giv ve effe e ct to IF FRS S 3 req quire eme ents s an nd to t elim e inatte in ntragroup tran t nsacctio ons and d ba alan nces s in acccord dan nce with h IF FRS S 10 0. S Step p 3: 3 M Me easure e all id den ntifiiable ass a setss a and d lia abilitie es a at the t ir res r pecctiv ve fair f r va alue es as p escribe pre ed by IF FRS S 3 in the e con c solida ated d financial sta s atem men nts s off the acq a quirrer. heir acq Most assetts and Mo a d lia abiilitie es are e m mea asu ured d at a th a uissitio on-d datte fair f r va alue es, a hou alth ugh h ce erta ain exxceptio onss to o th his me eassure em ment ru ule ha ave e be een n id den ntifie ed by bly at IFR RS 3. Me eassure ea all ass a setss and lia abilitiess th hatt ca ann not be em measurred d re eliab t e acqu the uisiition dat d te, at their prrovisio ona al fa air va alue es. Allso, note n e th hatt ce erta ain a setss and ass a d lia abilitie es ma m y hav h ve tto be b ad djussted d to o th heir app a rop pria ate fair vvalu ues b me by ean ns of pro o fo orm ma jou urna al e entriess at a th he ac cquisittion n da ate e. This T s wou w uld be d ne to ensurre com don c mplian nce e with w the e re equ uire eme entts of o IFR RS 3. No ote tha at w whe ere a setss and ass a d lia abillitie es are a e accqu uire ed dire ecttly, no o such h pro p forrma a jo ourrnal entries w uld wo d be e requ uire ed as the tran t nsa action is reccog gnis sed d and a meas surred direcctly y in t e ssep the para ate fiina anciial sttate eme entts of th he ac cqu uire er and d no sub s seq que ent c nso con olidate ed fina anccial state s em men nts are e pre p epared d. All A ide enttifia able e ass a etss and a l bilitties liab s arre the t ereffore e re eco ogn nise ed and mea m asu ure ed by b me ean ns of o act a tual jo ourn nal e tries pro ent oce esse ed in n the se epa ara ate fin nan ncia al sta atem mentss of o the e acq a quirrer. Howe ever, whe w ere e an n equ e ity invvesstmentt iss accqu uire ed, the e finan ncial sta s atem men nts of t e accqu the uire er and a d a acquire ee are e ssub bseq que enttly con nso olid date ed. Th herrefo ore,, ce erta ain a usttme adj ents ma m y n nee ed to be e done bot b h at a the e acqu a uisitio on dat d te as a we ell as s bse sub equ uently to ensurre tha t at th he con nso olidate ed ffina anccial sta ate eme entss com c mplyy with w t e re the equ uire eme entss o of IFR RS 3. Ch hap pterr 6 de ealss mai m nlyy with the e pro p fo orma fair f v ue ad val djusstm ments ttha at are req quirred in conso olid date ed fina ancciall state eme ents. S Step p 4: 4 A cho c oice e sh hou uld be e made e in n re esp pect off th he me m asu ure eme ent of the e non--co ontrrolliing i erests inte s in the acq a uiree.. Accco ording g to o IF FRS S 3, a no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte i erest iin the t a quirree acq e is me eassurred at the e acqu a uisitio on date d ee either at a the t e fa air valu v ue of the t e no onc ntro con ollin ng inte ere estss or at a th he no on-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere estss’ prop p porrtion natte sha s are of t e accqu the uire ee’ss identtifia able e net ass a sets. S Step p 5: 5 Elim min nate e the co ost price e off th he inv vestme entt off th he acquiirerr (ffair va alue e o of the t c nsid con derratio on forr th he bus b sine esss co om mbin natiion) a against th he fair f rly vallued equ e uity y of t e accqu the uire ee tha at w was s in nclu ude ed in the e con c sollida ated d fina ancial sta ateme entss and a reccognis se the e am a oun nt of th he no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inttere estss ((as s dete d erm mine ed in s ep 4 ste 4). No ote he ere that the e equ e ity of the acq a quirree e att th he acq quiisitiion da ate is i directly ind y fa airlyy valu ued byy en nsu urin ng tha t at all a the ide entifia able e assse ets an nd liab bilities o the of e acq a uire ee are e me m asu ure ed a at the eir acq quiisitiion-da ate fair valu v uess (o or oth her s eciffied spe d va alues pe er th he exccep ptio ons to the e mea m asurem ment prin p ncip ple of IFR RS S 3)) at t e accqu the uisittion n date e. Itt is alsso imp porrtan nt to note n e th hat an ny fair f r va alue e adju ustm men nts t at w tha were mad m de to the e in nve estm ment in the e se epa ara ate fina ancciall sttate eme entts o of the t a quirrer sh acq hou uld be e re eve erse ed on a pro o fo orm ma ba asiss in n orde er for f the e hist h toric cal c st p cos pric ce of o the invves stmentt to o be e elim mina ated da againsst th he equ uity y off th he acq a quirree a the at t e ac cqu uisittion n da ate e. Goo G odw will or a gain g n frrom m a ba arga ain pu urch hasse is th herrefo ore k pt ccon kep nsta ant at all subse equ uen nt cconsollida atio on d date es. 6 68 IFRS 3 Business combinations Step 6: Recognise the resulting difference between the equity of the acquiree and the aggregate of the cost price of the investment and the amount of the noncontrolling interests, that arose in the elimination process in step 5 as either goodwill (where such a difference represents an excess of the aggregate of the cost price of the investment and the amount of the non-controlling interests over the equity of the acquiree at the acquisition date), or as a gain from a bargain purchase (where such a difference represents an excess of the equity of the acquiree at the acquisition date over the aggregate of the cost price of the investment and the amount of the non-controlling interests) in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer. Also, ensure that a reassessment is performed where a gain from a bargain purchase is initially identified in order to comply with the requirements of IFRS 3.36 in this regard. Step 7: Assets and liabilities that could not be measured reliably at the acquisition date were measured at provisional values. These values should now be adjusted during the measurement period as defined in IFRS 3 in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer. Note that any such relevant adjustments during the measurement period will be adjusted against the relevant asset and/or liability and the other leg of the adjustment will be processed against goodwill or the gain from a bargain purchase in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer. Such adjustments will most often be processed in the consolidated financial statements by means of pro forma journal entries, unless the acquiree processes these adjustments in its separate financial statements as well, in which case the acquiree would have to ensure that the fair value adjustments are in line with its adopted accounting policies. Step 8: Any adjustments that are made to the consideration in respect of the finalisation of provisional values during the measurement period are accounted for against goodwill or the gain from a bargain purchase in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer. Step 9: Also note that all pro forma journal entries that were processed at the acquisition date in the consolidated financial statements could have a postacquisition impact on the consolidated financial statements. This could, for example, occur where a depreciable asset is remeasured to its acquisitiondate fair value on a pro forma basis at the acquisition date. Subsequent depreciation included from the financial statements of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements should then also be adjusted, on a pro forma basis, to reflect the pro forma fair value adjustment that was processed at the acquisition date. This concept is elaborated on in chapter 6. Step 10: The business combination transaction should be properly disclosed in accordance with IFRS 3’s requirements in the consolidated financial statements of the acquirer. 69 Chapter 2 Example 2.18 Acquiring an interest in an entity’s equity shares in terms of a business combination On 1 January 20.16, P Ltd decided to invest in S Ltd by acquiring 80% of the issued share capital of S Ltd in a business combination transaction. Control is obtained as defined in IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements. The following information is available: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION OF S LTD AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.15 Carrying amounts ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangible assets Trade receivables Fair values 1 000 000 R1 200 000 500 000 R700 000 800 000 R800 000 1 300 000 R1 200 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital Retained earnings Long-term loan (10% interest) Trade and other payables R3 600 000 Total equity and liabilities R3 600 000 2 100 000 500 000 600 000 400 000 n/a n/a R660 000 R400 000 The purchase consideration for the equity interest is paid as follows: l R3,5 million is paid in cash for the 80% investment in the shares of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. Additional information l S Ltd measures all property, plant and equipment (PPE) and investment property according to the cost model in accordance with IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 40 Investment Property. S Ltd will therefore not process any fair value remeasurments in its individual financial statements in respect of the business combination transaction. l PPE is depreciated over 10 years on the straight-line method. On 1 January 20.16, the average remaining useful life of the PPE was five years. S Ltd qualifies for wear-and-tear allowances on all items of PPE. l Existing intangible assets are all amortised over 20 years in accordance with IAS 38, and in terms of the company’s accounting policy for intangible assets. l An allowance for credit losses (doubtful debt) of R100 000 has to be raised in respect of the receivables of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. The allowance is only deductible for tax purposes when the credit losses realise. l Interest on the long-term loan had to be recognised in respect of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. l S Ltd expensed development cost of R100 000 (fair value on 1 January 20.16: R300 000) in its individual financial statements. The project meets the definition of an intangible asset in accordance with IAS 38 Intangible Assets, but was not 70 IFRS 3 Business combinations recognised by S Ltd in its individual financial statements as the probability of future economic benefits could not previously be demonstrated in accordance with IAS 38 by S Ltd. l S Ltd has a contingent liability of R450 000, which is a present obligation for which the probability criterion was not met in S Ltd’s individual financial statements. At the acquisition date the fair value of the contingent liability was R300 000. The contingent liability forms part of the business combination transaction. The amount is not deductible for taxation purposes. l P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree as its proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. l P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. l Assume a tax rate of 28% and a capital gains tax inclusion rate of 80%. The acquisition is journalised as follows in P Ltd’s separate financial statements: Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.16 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Recognition of the investment in S Ltd in P Ltd’s records 3 500 000 3 500 000 The acquisition is dealt with as follows in the consolidated financial statements: Pro forma fair value adjusting journal entries required at acquisition to comply with IFRS 3 requirements: Dr R Cr R 1 January 20.16 J1 J2 J3 Property, plant and equipment (SFP) Equity at acquisition (SCE) Deferred tax (SFP) (200 000 × 28%) Pro forma remeasurement of property, plant and equipment at group level 200 000 Investment property (SFP) Equity at acquisition (SCE) Deferred tax (SFP) (200 000 × 80% × 28%) Pro forma remeasurement of investment property at group level 200 000 Equity at acquisition (SCE) Deferred tax (SFP) (100 000 × 28%) Allowance for credit losses (SFP) Pro forma provision for credit losses at group level 72 000 28 000 144 000 56 000 155 200 44 800 100 000 continued 71 C Cha apte er 2 Dr R J4 4 5 J5 6 J6 Cr R Eq quitty a at acqu uisition n (S SCE E) De eferrred d ta ax (SF ( FP) (600 00 00 × 28 8%) Lon ng-term m lo oan n (S SFP P) Prro form f ma reme easure eme entt off loan at gro oup p le eve el – inte i ere est rec cog gnis sed d 43 20 00 16 80 00 Inttangib ble ass a setss (S SFP P) Equ uityy att accquisition (SCE E) Defferrred taxx (S SFP P) ((300 0 00 00 × 28 8%)) Prro form f ma rec cog gniitio on of o in nta ang gible ass a ets s att grroup lev vel 3 300 00 00 Eq quitty a at acqu uisition n (S SCE E) Contin nge ent liab bility (S SFP P) Prro form f ma rec cog gniitio on of o con c ntin nge ent liab bility at a g gro oup p lev vel 3 300 00 00 60 0 00 00 216 2 6 00 00 84 4 00 00 3 0 00 300 00 Com C mm mentt W en rem Wh mea asurring ass setss an nd liab l bilitie es of o th he acq a quire ee to t fa air valu v ue on o the t acq quissitio on d e in date n termss off IFR RS 3, the pro o fo orma re eme eassure eme ent can c be e recorded d in any e equity a coun acc nt of o the t accquiree e. For F ea ase of reffere ence e, the t au utho ors reffer to “eq quitty at a a quis acq sitio on”.. Th he sspecificc eq quitty a acco ountt ussed is not imporrtant, a as at a accqu uisition date t the en ntire e eq quitty b bala ance e of o the acq quirree (in nclu uding any a remeasu urem men nts) wiill be b e mina elim ated d in n th he ma ain elim mina atio on jour j rnall, agai a instt th he “invvesttme ent in sub bsid diary y” r orde reco ed in i th he sep s arate acco a oun nting g re ecorrds of the a acq quire er. A Afte er th he abo a ove e fa air valu v ue rem r mea asu urem mentss, th he equ e uityy (now w faiirly sta ated d) at a acq a quissitio on will w b be: S Sha are capita al (giv ven) 2 100 1 0 00 00 R Reta ained ea arniings (ggiveen) 5 0 00 500 00 E Equ uity at acquiisitiion (1444 0000 + 1555 2000 – 772 000 0 – 43 4 200 2 0 + 216 2 6 00 00 – 3 300 000 0) 1 0 00 100 00 E Equ uity (i.e e. net n as ssett va alue e) a at acq a quissitio on (fairlyy va alue ed) R 700 R2 7 0 00 00 T The e pro p forma elim min nation jo ourn nal entryy is the t ereffore e pro p ocessse ed as s fo ollo owss in n the t cconsolida ated d finan ncia al stat s tem men nts of P Ltd L : Drr R Crr R 1 January 20.16 6 S Sha are ca apita al (SFP) R Rettain ned d ea arniings s (S SCE E) E Equ uityy at accquiisitiion (SC CE E) G Goo odw will (SFP)) (b bala ancin ng) In nve estm men nt in n S Ltd d (S SFP P) Non N n-co ontrrolliing intere estss (S SFP P/SC CE) (220% % × 2 70 00 000 0 0) E Elim min nation n off ow wne ers s’ equity of S Ltd L d at ac cqu uisittion n 7 72 2 10 00 000 0 50 00 000 0 00 000 0 10 1 34 40 000 0 3 500 5 0 00 00 5 0 00 540 00 IF FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations Com C mm mentt T e prro form The ma fair f va alue rem mea asu urem men nts and d elliminatiion jou urna al entri e ies cou uld als so h e been hav n co omb bine ed in nto one o e jou urna al: D Dr R 1J Jan nua ary 20.1 2 16 Prrope ertyy, plant and eq quip pme ent (SF FP) Invves stme ent pro operrty (SF ( P) Allo owa ance e fo or crrediit lo osse es (S SFP P) Lon ng-tterm m lo oan (SF FP) Inttang giblle asse a et (S SFP P) Contin ngen nt liability (SF FP) Deferrred tax (SF FP) (((2 200 0 00 00 × 80 0%) + (200 ( 0 00 00 – 10 00 000 0 – 60 6 000 0 + 300 3 000 0)) × 28 8%) Sh hare e ca apita al (S SCE E) Re etained d ea arningss (S SCE) Go ood dwilll (SFP)) (balan ncin ng) Inv vestment in n S Ltd d (S SFP)) Non-controlliing inte eressts (SF ( FP/S SCE E) (2 20% %×27 700 000 0) Prro form ma jou j rna al en ntry y att ac cquiisitiion Cr R 20 00 000 0 0 20 00 000 0 0 100 000 0 60 000 0 30 00 000 0 0 3 000 300 0 140 000 0 2 10 00 000 0 0 50 00 000 0 0 1 34 40 000 0 0 3 500 5 000 0 5 000 540 0 Com C mm mentt I ome Inco e an nd exp pensses s of the e su ubsidia ary are a ba ased d on n th he amo a oun nts of o the asssetss an nd l bilitie liab es reco r ogn nised d in n th he cons c solidated fina anciial sstattem mentts at a th he acq a quis sitio on d date. F exa For amp ple,, de epre eciation n exxpen nse e rec cognise ed in i p profiit orr losss afte a r the acqu uisittion date i b is based on the ffair va alue es of the e re elate ed dep prec ciab ble asssetss re eco ognised d in n th he c nsolidatted fina con anccial sta atem men nts a at the t acq quisitiion da ate. Th here efore e post p -acq quissitio on a ustm adju men nts, like e de epre ecia ation n, amo a ortisatio on, etc. e ., w will subs s sequen ntly be pro ocesssed d due to t abo the ove fair va alue e rem mea asu urem men nts at a acqu uisition datte. In n th his ch hap pterr the bas b sic princiiple es of o bus b sine esss co om mbin natiions wer w re d disc cussse ed, wh hile e in th he next cha c apter the ese e prrincciples are e app a plied d in n orde o er tto pre p pare con c nso olidate ed fina f anc cial sstatem men nts. 2 2.17 7 Diisc closure F For ea ach bu usin nes ss com mb bina atio on tha t t occu o urre ed du uring tthe cu urre ent re eportin ng per p riod d, the t fo ollo owin ng shoulld be b dis d clo osed d by b the accquirerr, unle u esss it iis imp praccticcab ble to t do d so:: l the nam n me of the t e accqu uire ee; l a desscrriptiion of the e acqu uire ee; l the acq a uissitio on dat d e; l the perc p cen ntag ge of votting g eq quity inte i erests s accqu uired; l the prim p marry rea aso ons fo or th he bu usin nesss com c mbina ation and a d a de esccrip ption of o how h w the t accqu uirer obta aine ed con c ntro ol of o th he acq quiree e; l a de escrripttion n of th he facctors tha at ma make up p goo g dw will, su uch ass e expectted syyne ergies om co omb biniing op peratio ons s off th he acq a quirree e an nd the e acqu uire er, inta ang gible ass a setss th hat fro do o no ot qua q alify y fo or sep s ara ate reccog gnittion n orr otthe er fa acto ors s; 73 Chapter 2 l l l l l l l l 74 the acquisition-date fair value of the total consideration transferred and the acquisition-date fair value of each major class of consideration, such as: Ɣ cash; Ɣ other tangible or intangible assets, including a business or subsidiary of the acquirer; Ɣ liabilities incurred, for example, a liability for contingent consideration; and Ɣ equity interests of the acquirer, including the number of instruments or interests issued or issuable and the method of measuring the fair value of those instruments or interests; for contingent consideration and indemnification assets: Ɣ the amount recognised as of the acquisition date; Ɣ a description of the arrangement and the basis for determining the amount; and Ɣ an estimate of the range of undiscounted outcomes or, if a range cannot be estimated, that fact, and the reasons why not. If the maximum amount of the payment is unlimited, the acquirer shall disclose that fact; for acquired receivables: Ɣ the fair value of the receivables; Ɣ the gross contractual amounts receivable; and Ɣ the best estimate at the acquisition date of the contractual cash flows not expected to be collected; the amounts recognised as of the acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed; for each contingent liability recognised: Ɣ a brief description of the nature of the obligation and the expected timing of any resulting outflows of economic benefits; Ɣ an indication of the uncertainties about the amount or timing of those outflows. Where necessary to provide adequate information, an entity shall disclose the major assumptions made concerning future events; and Ɣ the amount of any expected reimbursement, as well as the amount of any asset that has been recognised for that expected reimbursement; If a contingent liability is not recognised because its fair value cannot be measured reliably, the acquirer shall disclose: Ɣ a brief description of the nature of the contingent liability; Ɣ an estimate of its financial effect (if practicable); Ɣ an indication of the uncertainties relating to the amount or timing of any outflow; Ɣ the possibility of any reimbursement; and Ɣ the reasons why the liability cannot be measured reliably; the total amount of goodwill that is expected to be deductible for tax purposes (in South Africa goodwill is normally not tax deductible); for transactions that are recognised separately from the acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in the business combination (see chapter 2.10): Ɣ a description of the transaction; Ɣ how the acquirer accounted for the transaction; IFRS 3 Business combinations Ɣ the transaction amount and the line item in the financial statements in which the amount is recognised; and Ɣ if the transaction is the effective settlement of a pre-existing relationship, the method used to determine the settlement amount; l separately recognised acquisition-related costs as well as the amount recognised as an expense and the line item in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in which those expenses are recognised. The amount of any issue costs not recognised as an expense and how they were recognised shall also be disclosed; l in a bargain purchase: Ɣ the amount of any gain recognised and the line item in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in which the gain is recognised; and Ɣ a description of the reasons why the transaction resulted in a bargain purchase; l for each business combination in which the acquirer holds less than 100% of the equity interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date: Ɣ the amount of the non-controlling interests in the acquiree recognised at the acquisition date and the measurement basis for that amount; and Ɣ for all non-controlling interests in an acquiree measured at fair value, the valuation technique(s) and significant inputs used in the valuation; l in a business combination achieved in stages: Ɣ the acquisition-date fair value of the equity interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer immediately before the acquisition date; and Ɣ the amount of any gain or loss recognised as a result of remeasuring to fair value the equity interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer before the business combination and the line item in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in which that gain or loss is recognised; l the following information: Ɣ the amounts of revenue and profit or loss of the acquiree since the acquisition date included in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the reporting period; and Ɣ the revenue and profit or loss of the combined entity for the current reporting period as though the acquisition date for all business combinations that occurred during the year had been as of the beginning of the annual reporting period. If the acquisition date of a business combination is after the end of the reporting period but before the financial statements are authorised for issue, the acquirer shall disclose all the information as stated above, unless the initial accounting for the business combination is incomplete at the time the financial statements are authorised for issue. In that situation, the acquirer shall describe which disclosures could not be made and the reasons why they cannot be made. If any of the above disclosure is impracticable to provide, the acquirer shall note that fact and explain why it is impracticable to disclose the information. 75 Chapter 2 The following information should be disclosed annually for each material business combination or in the aggregate for individually immaterial business combinations that are material collectively: l if the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete and some amounts have only been determined provisionally: • the reasons why the initial accounting for the business combination is incomplete; • the assets, liabilities, equity interests or items of consideration for which the initial accounting is incomplete; and • the nature and amount of any measurement period adjustments recognised during the reporting period. l for each reporting period after the acquisition date until the entity collects, sells or otherwise loses the right to a contingent consideration asset, or until the entity settles a contingent consideration liability or the liability is cancelled or expires: • any changes in the recognised amounts, including any differences arising upon settlement; • any changes in the range of undiscounted outcomes and the reasons for those changes; and • the valuation techniques and significant inputs used in the valuation; l for contingent liabilities recognised in a business combination, the acquirer shall disclose the following for each class of provision: • the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period; • additional provisions made in the period, including increases to existing provisions; • amounts used (incurred) during the period; • unused amounts reversed during the period; • the increase during the period in the discounted amount arising from the passage of time and the effect of any change in the discount rate; • a brief description of the nature of the obligation and the expected timing of any resulting outflows of economic benefits; • an indication of the uncertainties about the amount or timing of those outflows. Where necessary to provide adequate information, an entity shall disclose the major assumptions made concerning future events; and • the amount of any expected reimbursement, stating the amount of any asset that has been recognised for that expected reimbursement; l a reconciliation of the carrying amount of goodwill at the beginning and end of the reporting period showing separately: • the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the beginning of the reporting period. • additional goodwill recognised during the reporting period (except goodwill included in a disposal group that, on acquisition date, meets the criteria held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations); 76 IFRS 3 Business combinations l • adjustments resulting from the subsequent recognition of deferred tax assets during the reporting period; • goodwill included in a disposal group held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 and goodwill derecognised during the reporting period; • impairment losses recognised during the reporting period in accordance with IAS 36; • net exchange rate differences arising during the reporting period in accordance with IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates; • any other changes in the carrying amount during the reporting period; • the gross amount and accumulated impairment losses at the end of the reporting period; the amount and an explanation of any gain or loss recognised in the current reporting period that both: • relates to the identifiable assets acquired or liabilities assumed in a business combination that were effected in the current or previous reporting period; and • is of such a size, nature or incidence that disclosure is relevant to understanding the combined entity’s financial statements. Example 2.19 IFRS 3 Disclosure The following example illustrates certain of the disclosure requirements as discussed above. P LTD GROUP NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.15 IFRS 3 disclosure requirement Acquisition of subsidiary On 1 June 20.15 P Ltd obtained control over S Ltd by acquiring 80% B64(a)–(d) of the shares and voting rights of the company. S Ltd is a bakery equipment manufacturer. The interest was acquired to expand the business and gain control B64(d)–(e) over the one of P Ltd’s major suppliers. The fair value of the total consideration transferred amounted to B64(f) R507 000 and is made up out of the following: Cash 457 000 Deferred payment 50 000 R507 000 The non-controlling interests for the acquisition of S Ltd was measured at the proportionate interest in the acquiree’s identifiable net assets on acquisition date and amounted to R123 000. B64(o) 77 Chapter 2 IFRS 3 disclosure requirement The fair value of the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed of S Ltd were as follows: Property, plant and equipment 700 000 Trade receivables 60 000 Cash and cash equivalents 25 000 Long-term borrowings (140 000) Trade payables (30 000) Net assets acquired B64(i) R615 000 The gross contractual amount receivable from trade receivables is R68 000 of which R8 000 is expected to be uncollectible. Goodwill of R15 000 was recognised and is mostly made up of anticipated future synergy savings for the Group. The goodwill recognised will not be deductible for income tax purposes in the future. Acquisition-related cost amounted to R25 000 and was included in other expenses in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. S Ltd’s revenue and profit for the period 1 June 20.15 to 30 June 20.15 amounted to R31 000 and R12 000 respectively. S Ltd’s revenue and profit for the period 1 July 20.14 to 30 June 20.15 amounted to R372 000 and R144 000 respectively. B64(h) B64(k) B64(m) B64(q)(i) B64(q)(ii) Goodwill Carrying amount at the beginning of the period R40 000 Gross carrying amount Accumulated impairment losses 65 000 (25 000) B67(d)(i) B67(d)(i) Acquisition of subsidiary Derecognition of goodwill on loss of control in subsidiary Impairment loss 15 000 (8 000) (10 000) B67(d)(ii) B67(d)(vii) B67(d)(v) Carrying amount at the end of the period R37 000 Gross carrying amount Accumulated impairment losses 72 000 (35 000) B67(d)(viii) B67(d)(viii) During the year an impairment loss of R10 000 was recognised in profit or loss (IAS 36.126(a)). The impairment loss of R10 000 is with regards to A Ltd, a subsidiary of the P Ltd group acquired on 1 July 20.10 (IAS 36.130(d)(i)). 78 IFRS 3 Business combinations Self-assessment question Question 2.1 Alpha Ltd purchased a 60% controlling interest in Omega Ltd on 1 January 20.11. On this date Alpha Ltd obtained control in accordance with IFRS 10 over Omega Ltd when the share capital and retained earnings of Omega Ltd amounted to R1 000 000 and R900 000 respectively. On acquisition date Omega Ltd’s net asset value was considered to be fairly valued with the exception of the following items: 1. Equipment with a cost price of R300 000 had a fair value of R400 000 on 1 January 20.11. Alpha Ltd, however, does not intend to use the equipment in the future and subsequently valued the equipment only at R200 000 on 1 January 20.11. 2. Omega Ltd disclosed a contingent liability of R300 000 in its financial statements on 1 January 20.11 relating a court case. The claim represents a present obligation, but at this point in time the attorneys of Omega Ltd are of the opinion that it is unlikely to lead to an outflow of economic benefits due to a lack of evidence to support the claim. The R300 000 is the fair value of the claim taking into account all possible outcomes on 1 January 20.11. The shareholders of Omega Ltd have, as part of the purchase agreement by Alpha Ltd, guaranteed to reimburse Omega Ltd 50% of the claim, should it be successful. The claim will not be deductible for taxation purposes should it succeed. 3. Details of the consideration transferred to the shareholders of Omega Ltd were as follows: l Cash of R600 000 was paid. l Due to current cash flow problems Alpha Ltd will make a further cash payment of R275 000 on 31 December 20.11. l Alpha Ltd issued 1 000 ordinary shares to the shareholders of Omega Ltd. The fair value of the shares was R460 each on 1 January 20.11. On registration date of the shares on 22 January 20.11, the shares were valued at R465 each. l Alpha Ltd is required to make an additional cash payment of R110 000 on 31 December 20.12 if the share price of Omega Ltd increases by more than 20%. The fair value of the contingent consideration was estimated to be R50 000 on 1 January 20.11. l Alpha Ltd transferred office furniture that is currently not used to Omega Ltd. On 1 January 20.11 the fair value of the furniture is R40 000 and the carrying amount in the records of Alpha Ltd is R30 000. Included in the cash consideration paid is valuation fees of R120 000 and share issue cost of R20 000, which was paid by Alpha Ltd. Additional information l All the companies in the group have a 31 December year end. l It is the accounting policy of Alpha Ltd to measure non-controlling interests in subsidiaries at fair value. 79 Chapter 2 l l l l The fair value of the non-controlling interests was R750 000 on 1 January 20.11. Alpha Ltd recognised the equity investment in Omega Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax inclusion rate is 80%. A market-related interest rate (before tax) is 10% compounded annually. Required (a) Prepare the journal entry in the separate accounting records of Alpha Ltd to account for the acquisition of Omega Ltd on 1 January 20.11. (b) Prepare the pro forma journal entries for the Alpha Ltd Group to account for the acquisition of Omega Ltd on 1 January 20.11. Journal entries relating to deferred taxation are also required. Suggested solution 2.1 (a) Journals entries in the accounting records of Alpha Ltd Dr R J1 1 January 20.11 Investment in Omega Ltd (SFP) (balancing) Acquisition cost (P/L) Retained earnings (SCE) (share issue cost) Office furniture (SFP) (comments (a)) Share capital (SCE) (1 000 × R460) Contingent consideration (SFP) Deferred consideration (SFP) Cr R 1 250 000 120 000 20 000 30 000 460 000 50 000 250 000 600 000 (275 000 × 100/110) Bank (SFP) Accounting for the investment in Omega Ltd (b) Pro forma journals entries in the group’s accounting records Dr R J1 J2 1 January 20.11 Equipment (SFP) (comments (b)) (400 000 – 300 000) Equity at acquisition (SCE) Deferred tax (SFP) (100 000 × 28%) Pro forma remeasurement of equipment at group level Equity at acquisition (SCE) Indemnification asset (SFP) (300 000 × 50%) Contingent liability (SFP) Pro forma recognition of contingent liability at group level Cr R 100 000 72 000 28 000 150 000 150 000 300 000 continued 80 IF FRS S 3 Bu usines ss com mbina ations Dr R JJ3 Share cap S c pital (S SCE E) R aine Reta ed ear e rnin ngs (SCE E) G odw Goo will (SF ( FP) (ba alan ncin ng) Eq quitty at a acqu uisition n (S SCE E) No on-c con ntro ollin ng inte eressts (SF FP//SC CE) Invves stmentt in Om meg ga Ltd d (S SFP P) (p parrt (a a)) E mina Elim atio on of ow wners’ eq quitty o of Om O ega a Ltd L at acqu uis sitio on Cr C R 1 000 0 0 00 00 9 0 00 900 00 178 8 00 00 78 8 00 00 750 7 0 00 00 1 250 2 0 00 00 Com C mme ents a Th he con c side erattion n tra anssferrred ma ay incllude e asse a ets of the e ac cquirerr that hav ve carrying am moun nts tha at diifferr fro om the eir fa air vvalu ues at the e accquisition datte. IIf so o, the e acqu uirer sh hall remeasu ure the e tra anssferrred asssetts or o liiabilitie es to theirr fa air valuess and rec cogn nise e th he rresu ultin ng gain g ns o or lo osses in prof p fit or o lo osss. Howe eve er, sometime es the tra ansfferre ed ass setss re ema ain w with hin the e co omb bine ed entit e ty afte a r th he busine esss co omb bination n an nd tthe acq quirrer the erefo ore retain contro ol of th hem m. In n this situatiion,, th he acq a uire er shal s ll meas m sure e th hosse asse a ets at the eir carr c ryin ng amo a ounts immediattelyy before e the acqu uisittion datte and a sha all not n reco ogn nise a gain g n or losss. b Acccorrding to o IF FRS S 13 3 Fa air V Valu ue Measu urem men nt, fair value refers to the hig ghest and best b t usse of o a no on-fiinan ncia al asse a et. The T erefo ore,, altthou ugh h Alpha a Lttd does d s no ot intend d to use th he equ e ipm mentt aftter the acquissitio on of o Ome O ega Ltd d, th he high h hestt an nd be est use u of the e eq quipment w will be to sell s it ffor R40 R 00 000 0 and th hus R4 400 000 0 will w be e consid dere ed to t be b th he fair f value. 81 3 Consolidation at acquisition date Review 3.1 Group statements and consolidated statements...................................... 86 Basic consolidation techniques 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Fundamental procedures ......................................................................... The elimination of common items ............................................................ The consolidation of non-common items ................................................. Use of a consolidation worksheet ............................................................ Pro forma journals.................................................................................... Components of consolidated financial statements................................... 86 86 88 88 88 89 Consolidation of the statement of financial position of a wholly-owned subsidiary at acquisition date 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Acquisition date........................................................................................ Measurement principle in terms of IFRS 3............................................... Similar accounting policies and reporting dates....................................... Acquisition price of interest in the subsidiary ........................................... Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree .................................................... Example 3.1: Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets ......................... Interest acquired at more than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree (therefore at a premium) ........................................................................................... Accounting treatment of goodwill ............................................................. Example 3.2: Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a premium ................................................................ Interest acquired at less than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree (therefore at a discount) ................................................................................................. Example 3.3: Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a discount ................................................................. 89 89 90 90 91 91 96 97 97 101 101 83 Chapter 3 Consolidation of the statements of financial position of a parent and partially-owned subsidiary at acquisition date 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 Non-controlling interests (NCI)................................................................. Analysis of owners’ equity........................................................................ Recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase Acquisition of a partial interest in a subsidiary ......................................... Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree – NCI measured at their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date ........................................................................................ Example 3.4: Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets, NCI measured at their proportionate share of the identifiable net assets at acquisition date ............................................. Interest acquired at a premium – NCI measured at their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date ........ Example 3.5: Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a premium, NCI measured at their proportionate share of the identifiable net assets at acquisition date .......... Interest acquired at a premium – NCI is measured at fair value at acquisition ................................................................................................ Example 3.6: Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a premium, NCI measured at the fair value of the identifiable net assets at acquisition date .................... Interest acquired at a discount – NCI measured at their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date......... Example 3.7: Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a discount, NCI measured at their proportionate interest of identifiable net assets at acquisition date ................. 104 105 105 106 107 107 112 112 116 116 119 119 Self-assessment questions Question 3.1 Question 3.2 Question 3.3 84 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 122 124 127 Consolidation at acquisition date SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF CHAPTER 3 CONSOLIDATION AT DATE OF ACQUISITION Basic consolidation procedure: l Eliminate common items; l Consolidate non-common items Consolidation method in chapter 3: 1. Analysis of owners’ equity; 2. Pro forma journals; 3. Worksheet; and 4. Consolidated SFP Wholly-owned subsidiary Partially-owned subsidiary Examples: l Interest acquired at FV of identifiable net assets; l Interest acquired at a premium (goodwill) l Interest acquired at a discount (gain from a bargain purchase) Parent and non-controlling interests NCI – Two options: l Measure at their proportionate share of the identifiable net assets; l Measure at fair value Examples: l Interest acquired at FV of identifiable net assets – NCI at proportionate share; l Interest acquired at a premium (goodwill) – NCI at proportionate share; l Interest acquired at a premium (goodwill) – NCI at FV; l Interest acquired at a discount (gain from a bargain purchase) – NCI at proportionate share. 85 Chapter 3 Review 3.1 Group statements and consolidated statements 1 2 Chapter 1 dealt in general with groups and the element of control in the constitution of a group of entities. The presentation of group statements by the parent and the general principles governing group statements and consolidated statements were considered. Consolidated financial statements are the most important and most commonly used form of group statements. IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements very clearly requires an entity (the parent) that controls one or more other entities (subsidiaries) to present consolidated financial statements (.2). The next few chapters deal with the way in which the information contained in the individual financial statements of the companies in a group is combined to present consolidated financial statements (see chapter 1.10). Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the consolidation of the financial statements of a simple group (consisting of the parent and a single subsidiary) where the share capital of both companies includes no preference shares. In chapter 3, the discussion is limited to consolidation of the financial statements of the parent and the subsidiary as at the acquisition of the controlling interest by the parent. The discussion deals with the procedures where the subsidiary is respectively a wholly-owned or partially-owned subsidiary and where, in both of these cases, the interest is acquired at the present fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree, a consideration higher than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree, or a consideration lower than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree. Basic consolidation techniques 3.2 Fundamental procedures The mechanics of the preparation of consolidated annual financial statements are based on certain basic procedures and although the application of these procedures may differ somewhat from case to case, they remain essentially the same. The basic procedures comprise the following: l the elimination of common items; and l the consolidation or combination of the remaining non-common items, line-by-line by adding together like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. In this process pro forma journals are prepared to account for the elimination of intragroup items. Pro forma journals are prepared for consolidation purposes only and are not recognised in the individual records of either the parent or the subsidiary. These pro forma journals form part of the working papers to effect the consolidation process. 3.3 The elimination of common items 1 86 An important intra-entity relationship between the respective financial statements of a parent and subsidiary is that which exists between the investment in the subsidiary in the statement of financial position of the parent and the parent’s portion of the equity of the statement of financial position of the subsidiary. Since this investment account in the parent’s records (an asset) is merely a claim against the net assets of the subsidiary as represented by its equity, the two items are the obverse sides or mirror images of the same item and must be eliminated in the new reporting entity, i.e. the group. In branch accounts, the investment account in the C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate rec r cord ds of the e he ead d offic o ce (the ( e bran b nch h acco oun nt) is rep placced d on n cconsollida atio on o of the t rec r cord ds of tthe e he ead d offic o ce and a d bran nch h, by b the ne et a assetss off the b branch h. In I a simiilar ma manner, the acc a count for f the e in nve estm ment in a sub s sid diarry in n th he pa aren nt’ss re ecordss is s in effe e ect re epla ace ed on o co onssolid dattion n by tthe ap pprropriatte portio on of o the e in nteresst o of the t par p ren nt in n th he net n asssetts o of the subsiidia ary.. Com C mm mentts A ssimp ple con nsolida ation n att th he date d e off accquisition can n be b expl e lain ned sch hem maticallly as a f ows: follo Whe W en one o conso olida ates two o in ndiviidua al sttate ements of ffina ancia al posit p tion into one, it beco b ome es t ffina the ancia al sttate ements of a ne ew entit e ty, the t P Ltd grou g up. The T thicck dotte d ed line sym mbo olise es th he c solid cons dation or com mbin nation of the tw wo state s eme entss into one e co onso olida ated d sttate eme ent of f ncia finan al po osition at a a specific re eporting g da ate: S P 1:: Elim STE mina ate the t com mmo on ite ems s (Indica ated d by high hlighted d blo ocks s): P Ltd S Ltd d Stat S teme ent of o finan ncial pos sitio on Statement of finan ncial po ositio on AS SSET TS AS SSE ETS PP PE 1 000 100 PP PE Invvestm ment in S Ltd d 80 000 Re eceivables 50 000 0 Re eceiv vable es 20 000 To otal ass sets 120 000 0 To otal asse a ets 2 000 200 EQ QUIT TY AND A LIABILIITIES 70 000 0 EQ QUIT TY AND A D LIA ABIL LITIE ES Share capiital 1 000 100 Sh hare e cap pital 50 000 0 Re etained earn e ingss 40 000 Re etain ned earn ningss 30 000 0 Pa ayables 60 000 Pa ayab bles 40 000 0 To otal equi e ity and a l ilitie liabi es 2 000 200 To otal equ uity and a liab biliti es 120 000 0 ST TEP P 2: Afte A er the e co omm mon item ms (IInve estm mentt in S Ltd d in P L Ltd’s s financial state s ements and d Tottal e equity in S Ltd d’s fina f ncia al statem men nts) h have e be een elim e minatted, the e rem main ning item ms are a com c mbine ed on o a line-b by-liine b basiis: P Ltd d Gro oup – Cons C solid dated d Sttatem men nt of Financ cial Posi P ition n C culattions Calc s R PPE 100 0 00 00 (P P) + 70 000 0 (S) 170 000 0 R Rece ivab bles 20 0 000 0 (P) + 5 50 000 (S) 70 000 0 A ETS ASSE To otal Ass sets s 240 000 0 EQUIITY AND A D LIA ABIL LITIE ES Share e cap pital R Retai ned earning gs Payab bless To otal equ uity and d liab bilitiies 100 000 0 (P)) 100 000 0 40 000 0 (P) 40 000 0 60 0 000 0 (P) + 4 40 000 (S) 100 000 0 240 000 0 2 In this t s ch hap pter, th he on nly ccas se tha t at iss diiscusssed d is on ne in i whi w ich the e in nve estm ment iin the t sub s bsid diary iis carr c ried d (in th he reccords of the e pa are ent) at the e orig o ina al co ostt prrice e. 87 Chapter 3 3.4 The consolidation of non-common items In order to present the combined assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses of the parent with those of the subsidiary, all non-common items (thus after carrying out the elimination procedures described in par 3.3) are included in the consolidated statements. Non-common items are combined on a line-by-line basis in the consolidated statements by adding together like assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. 3.5 Use of a consolidation worksheet In the following discussion, a relatively broad approach to the solution of consolidation problems is followed. You will notice that use is made of: l an analysis of the owners’ equity in the subsidiary; l pro forma consolidation journal entries; and l a worksheet. It is stressed that a separate set of consolidated records is not normally kept. Nowadays, more emphasis is placed on electronic data-processing in the consolidation process of large groups, while most other groups make use of a standard consolidation package, which is included in the accounting manual of the group and in terms of which the consolidation process is carried out. In the learning process, it is important to show clearly how the figures in respect of subsidiaries are taken up in the consolidated statements. For this purpose, a consolidation worksheet, to which the necessary adjustments and eliminations are posted by means of pro forma consolidation journal entries, is initially used in this book. The worksheet aids in preparing the consolidated financial statements by adding together the balances in the trial balances of the parent and the subsidiary on a line-byline basis after taking pro forma journals into account. The end result of the worksheet is to determine the consolidated balances that are taken up into the consolidated financial statements. This procedure will become clear in the examples that follow. This broad approach (in which all the procedures are initially explained and used repeatedly) is adopted with a definite purpose. You will soon realise that you need not always make use of all these procedures when preparing consolidated statements. 3.6 Pro forma journals Pro forma journals are prepared to eliminate the effect of internal transactions between the parent and the subsidiary. Pro forma journals are not recognised in the individual general ledgers of either entity. Such journals may affect the trial balances of any of the entities involved. It may therefore happen that a ledger account in the parent’s trial balance is debited while a ledger accounting in the subsidiary’s trial balance is credited. Such journal entries form part of the working papers or calculations related to consolidations and are taken into account on the worksheet described above. It is important to realise that they are never recognised in either of the individual accounting records of the parent or the subsidiary and because of this, such pro forma journals need to be repeated every year on consolidation of the financial statements. 88 Consolidation at acquisition date 3.7 Components of consolidated financial statements 1 The consolidated statements consist of five components: l a consolidated statement of financial position at the end of the reporting period; l a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period; l a consolidated statement of changes in equity for the period; l a consolidated statement of cash flows for the period; and l the notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (IAS 1.10). The disclosure requirements for the notes to a set of consolidated financial statements agree with the disclosure requirements for notes in the financial statements of an individual entity. 2 The consolidated statement of financial position is a statement that presents the combined financial position of a group as an entity at a fixed date. The consolidated statement of financial position thus shows the assets, liabilities and equity of the consolidated entities as they would appear to an outsider who regards the separate entities in the group as a single economic unit. 3 The remainder of this chapter will be devoted mainly to the consolidation of the statements of financial position of a parent and subsidiary (wholly-owned and partially-owned) at the acquisition date of the interest in the subsidiary. At the acquisition date, there is no reporting period in respect of which statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statements of changes in equity could be prepared in respect of the subsidiary. Consolidation of the statement of financial position of a wholly-owned subsidiary at acquisition date 3.8 Acquisition date The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer (parent) obtains control over the acquiree (subsidiary) (IFRS 3 Business Combinations Appendix A). When acquisition is achieved in a single exchange transaction, as is the case in the first volume of Group Statements, the date of exchange coincides with the acquisition date. It is generally the date on which the acquirer legally transfers the consideration, acquires the assets and assumes the liabilities of the acquiree, and is also called the closing date. However, the acquirer might obtain control on a date that is either earlier or later than the closing date. An acquirer shall consider all pertinent facts and circumstances in identifying the acquisition date (IFRS 3.9). A business combination may however involve more than one exchange transaction, for example when it is achieved in stages by successive share purchases. In chapter 13, step acquisition is discussed in detail. 3.9 Measurement principle in terms of IFRS 3 As discussed in chapter 2, the acquirer (the parent) shall measure the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at their acquisition-date fair values. The measurement of specific assets and liabilities at the acquisition date in terms of IFRS 3 is discussed in chapter 6. 89 Chapter 3 3.10 Similar accounting policies and reporting dates 1 Before the consolidation process can commence, it must be ensured that the financial statements of the parent and its subsidiary used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are prepared as of the same date, i.e. the financial statements must have the same reporting date. When the reporting date of the parent is different from that of the subsidiary, the subsidiary prepares, for consolidation purposes, additional financial statements as of the same date as the financial statements of the parent, unless it is impracticable to do so. In any case, the difference between the end of the reporting period of the subsidiary and that of the parent shall be no more than three months. The length of the reporting period and any difference between the reporting dates shall be the same from period to period (IFRS 3 B92, B93). 2 Consolidated financial statements shall be prepared using uniform accounting policies. If a member of the group uses accounting policies other than those adopted in the consolidated financial statements for like transactions and events in similar circumstances, appropriate adjustments are made to that group member’s financial statements in preparing the consolidated financial statements to ensure conformity with the group’s accounting policies (IFRS 3.B87). 3 For the sake of simplicity, it will however be assumed that there are no differences in this regard in the examples and questions discussed in chapters three and four of Volume one of this work. 3.11 Acquisition price of interest in the subsidiary 1 The mechanics of the consolidation procedures in respect of the consolidated statement of financial position at the acquisition date of, in the first instance, the wholly-owned subsidiary will now be dealt with. In a wholly-owned subsidiary the parent owns 100% of the shares (and voting rights) and there are therefore no noncontrolling interests. 2 The process of consolidation of the financial statements of a parent and subsidiary at the acquisition date of the shares in the subsidiary by the parent is illustrated with reference to three situations: l where the shares in a wholly-owned subsidiary are acquired by the parent at a consideration equal to the fair value of the net assets (being assets less liabilities which is the equity of the entity) on the last day of the reporting period as it appears in the accounting records of the subsidiary. Such an acquisition is referred to as an acquisition of shares at the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree; l where the shares in a wholly-owned subsidiary are acquired by the parent at a premium (therefore a consideration higher than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree) on the first day of the reporting period; and l where the shares in a wholly-owned subsidiary are acquired by the parent at a discount (therefore for less than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree) on the first day of the reporting period. In all three cases, the investment is recognised in the records of the parent at cost price. 90 Consolidation at acquisition date 3.12 Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree Example 3.1 Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary, S Ltd, at 31 December 20.18, the date on which P Ltd acquired all the shares in S Ltd. From that date P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in terms of IFRS 10. P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 80 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 91 000 89 000 48 000 65 000 – 44 000 R228 000 R109 000 200 000 8 000 20 000 80 000 9 000 20 000 R228 000 R109 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.1 As was stated earlier, the basic consolidation procedures comprise (a) the elimination of common items and (b) the combination of the remaining (non-common) items on a line-by-line basis. When the two individual statements of financial position are combined (consolidated) and regarded as those of a single reporting entity (i.e. the group), the only two common items are the investment in the subsidiary (S Ltd) on the statement of financial position of the parent and the portion of the equity of the subsidiary (S Ltd) held by the parent (P Ltd) on the statement of financial position of the subsidiary. The line item “Investment in S Ltd” of R89 000 represents the cost to P Ltd of acquiring the equity of (and control over) S Ltd. The two line items, share capital and retained earnings, together comprise “Equity” of R89 000 which represents the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree in the statement of financial position of S Ltd (or the interest of the owners in S Ltd) and must be eliminated against the investment in S Ltd. As the shares in S Ltd were acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed, these two items must be set off against each other. The remaining non-common items in the two statements of financial 91 C Cha apte er 3 p positio on are e tthen sim mplyy a add ded d toge t eth her on n a line l e-by y-line basiis to prrodu uce e the t cconsolida ated d sttate ementt off fin nan ncia al pos p itio on. A An ana alyysiss off eq quity is use ed in thiis wo w rk to sim mpllify the con c nso olida atio on pro oce ess. The T a analysis of o th he equityy att accqu uisittion n co omplie es with w h th he req r quirrem ments of o IFR RS 3. 3 C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L P Lttd 100 1 0% To otal i At A acq a quis sitiion (31/12/2 20.1 18) Sha S are cap pita al Ret R ain ned ea arnin ngss Pur P rcha ase e diffferrence Con C nsid dera atio on At ac cqu uisittion n 80 000 8 0 0 (d dr) 9 000 0 0 (d dr) 80 0 00 00 9 00 00 8 000 89 0 0 – 89 9 00 00 – R8 89 000 0 0 (ccr) R 9 00 R89 00 Com C mm mentts T e reffere The ence es to t ((dr) and d (ccr) in i th he abo ove ana alyssis refe er to o th he rrelev van nt jo ourn nal e entry ( ). (J1) F From m the t an nalyysis s it is cle ear tha at the t re is n no purch hasse d diffe ere ence betw b ween the e fa air vallue o of th he ide entiffiab ble asssetts and a d lia abilitie es of o tthe accqu uiree a and d the con c nsid dera atio on tran t nsfferrred b by the pa aren nt tto obta o ain the in nve estm me ent. IFRS S 3 req quiress th hat the e pu urcchase diffferencce be ccalc cula ated d in n th he follo f ow wing gm mannerr: C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 89 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d th he liab bilities as ssum me ed (8 att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) 89 000) P Purc cha ase e differen nce e R– R Com C mm mentts In o orde er to o comply witth the req quire eme entss off IF FRS S 3, thiis calc c ulattion n wiill be b don d e fo or e ry exam eve e mplle, eve e n th houg gh the t purrcha ase e difffere ence e is s alsso refle ecte ed in n the analyysiss. In n orde o er to ap pply y th he co onssolid dattion n work w ksh hee et met m tho od, prro form f ma a jo ourn nals mu m st be p prep parred tha at a are ussed d so olely to o elim e mina ate inttrag group items s in the e con c solida atio on proc p ces ss. W With h th he abo ove e ana a lysis as a basis, th he elim min natiion of the rela ated d item ms can c n be e reco ord ded a as follo owss byy m mea anss off a pro o fo orm ma con c nsolida atio on jou j rna al entr e ry: 9 92 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttry y Drr R 1 J1 Sh hare e capital (S))(SC CE E) Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o equ e uity y off S Ltd d ag gainstt in nvestm men nt ac cco ount att ac cqu uisitio on Cr R 8 80 000 0 9 000 0 89 9 00 00 Com C mm mentts a T The reffere ence es tto (S S) and a d (P P) arre pure p ely for f purrpos ses of clarity,, be eing g reffere ence es to t the resspe ectivve fina anciial sta atem ments in which these e ittems a app pearr, nam n melyy th he ssubs sidiary (S)) an nd th he pare p ent (P). b T The follow wing g ab bbre evia ations tha at are a use ed in tthe pro o fo orm ma jjourrnals refer to o th he d diffe eren nt parts p s o of th he fina f ancial sstattem mentts that are e in nfluencced by y ea ach pro o fo orm ma jo ournal:: S SFP P – Sta atem men nt off fin nanccial pos sitio on S SCE E – Sta atem men nt off ch hang ges in equ e uity P P/L – Pro ofit o or lo osss O OCI – Oth her com mprrehe ensive income e. B By ne ettin ng offf th he pro form f ma a jo ournall e entrry aga ainst the e am a oun ntss conttain ned d in n the t sstatem men nts of fin nan ncia al pos p sitio on of P Ltd d and a d S Ltd, L , th he no on-ccom mm mon ite ems w which re em main n arre the t en add a ded d to ogethe er on o a line--by y-lin ne bas b sis in the e co onssolidatted d sttate eme entt of financial pos p sitio on. Fo or thiss pu urpo ose e, use u e is ma ade e off a conso olid dation wo orks she eet. C C4 Co ons solida atio on wo works she eett: P Lttd and a d sub s bsid diary PL Ltd S Ltd Ld Con C nso olid datiion n ad djus stm men nts Drr P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equiipm ment IInve estme ent in S Lttd T Tra ade recceivvab bles s 91 000 89 9 000 48 8 000 65 0 000 – 4 0 44 000 C Cr 89 000 0 (J1 1) R 8 000 R10 R228 R 90 000 S Sha are ca apita al R Rettain ned ea arnings s T Tra ade and othe o er paya able es 200 0 000 8 000 80 0 000 90 000 20 0 000 20 0 000 Con C nso olida ated d 1 6 00 156 00 – 92 2 00 00 R2 248 8 00 00 80 0 00 00 ((J1)) 9 00 00 ((J1)) R 8 000 R10 R228 R 90 000 R89 R 9 00 00 200 2 0 00 00 8 00 00 40 0 00 00 89 000 0 0 R8 R2 248 8 00 00 T The e co onssolid datted state eme ent of fin nan ncia al p positio on is prep p parred d fro om the wor w rkshee et a and d it sshould d be e clea c ar to you y u th hat all inttrag gro oup ba alan nce es hav h ve now w bee b en elim min nate ed an nd the t re em main ning g item ms were w e add a ded d to oge ether on n a line l e-byy-line basiis. Th he co onssolid datted sstatem men nt of o financcial pos p sitio on will the t ereffore e only o y ccon ntain ite emss thatt resu ult fro om trran nsacctio onss with partie es outs o side the gro oup p. 93 C Cha apte er 3 P LTD L D GRO G OUP C CO ONS SOL LID DAT TED D ST TA ATE EME ENT T OF O FIN F NAN NCIAL L PO OSITIO ON N AS S AT A 31 3 DE ECE EMB BER 2 20.1 18 A ASSE ETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (9 91 000 0 0(P)) + 6 65 000 0 0(S)) 1 6 00 156 00 C Currrent ass a sets T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (448 000((P) + 44 4 00 00(S S)) 92 2 00 00 T Tottal ass setts R2 248 8 00 00 E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABIILIT TIES E Equ uity y atttributab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned d ea arnings s (P P) 200 2 0 00 00 8 00 00 T Tottal equ uity y 2 8 00 208 00 C Currrent liab bilities s T Tra ade an nd othe o er pay p yablles (200 00 00(P P) + 20 0 00 00(S S)) 40 0 00 00 T Tottal equ uity y and lia abilitie es R2 248 8 00 00 Com C mm mentt T e inv The vesstme ent in the e su ubsiidiary iis not n sett offf on nly aga ainsst the sha are capita al o of th he s sidiiaryy, bu sub ut ra athe er agai a nst the e tottal equ e uity of the t sub bsid diaryy ass at the e accquiisitio on d date e, i.e. sha are cap c pital and re etained d ea arnin ngs s. N e th Note here eforre th hat as a resu ult of o th he cons c solidation adjjusttme ent, no item m of o th he equ e ity of o t sub the bsid diaryy att accquisitio on date d e ap ppe earss in the eq quity y of the e co onso olidated sttate eme ent of o f ncia fina al pos p ition n. O Only the t share ca apita al and a d re etain ned d ea arniingss of o th he parrentt arre p sented in the pres t con nsolida ated d sta atem men nt of fin nanccial positio on. S Sup ppo ose tha at exttraccts fro om the stat s tem men nts of profitt orr lo oss an nd oth her co omp pre ehe ensive in nco ome e and a sta ate eme entss of o chan nge es in equ e uity y off P Ltd da and S Ltd d were w e as a follo owss fo or the t re epo orting pe eriod end e ded 31 1 Dece ember 20 0.18: E EXT TRA ACT FRO F OM TH HE ST TAT TEM MEN NTS S OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LOS SS AN ND OT THE ER CO OMP PREHEN NSIV VE INC CO OME E OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO P Lttd S Lttd P Pro ofit be eforre ttax IInco ome ta ax exp e pen nse 10 0 00 00 (3 3 00 00) 11 50 00 (3 50 00) P PRO OF FIT FO OR T THE E YEA Y AR 7 00 00 00 8 00 O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive inc com me for th he yea y ar T TOT TA AL COM C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE Y AR R 9 94 – – R7 7 00 00 R8 00 00 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate Com C mm mentt In th his wor w rk, the t pre esen ntattion of the com mpo one entss of pro ofit or o lo oss in a siingle sttate eme ent of o p fit or prof o loss and a d otther com c mpre ehen nsivve inco ome e is ado a opte ed in term ms of IA AS 1 P sen Pre ntattion n off Fin nan ncia al Sttate eme ents s (.12 & .8 81),, altthou ugh inittial exa amp pless incclud de no n item ms of o ottherr co omp preh henssive e inccom me. EX XTR RAC CT FROM M THE E ST TAT TEM ME ENT TS OF O CH HANG GES S IN N EQ QU UITY Y FO OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 R ain Ret ned d ea arning gs PL Ltd S Lttd B Ballance at 1 J Jan nua ary 20..18 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me forr the yea y r: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Div vide end – fina f al divid dend 20.1 2 17 5 00 00 4 00 00 7 00 00 (4 4 00 00) 8 00 00 (3 000) B Ballance at 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 R8 8 00 00 00 R9 00 P Lttd onl o y obta o ained co ontrrol ove er S Ltd L on n 31 Dec D cem mbe er 20. 2 18. P Lttd therrefo ore e ha ad no in nflu uen nce ove o er the e pe erfo orm mance of o S Ltd L fo or th he re epo ortin ng perio od e end ded 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18 an nd P L Ltd ha as no rig ght to the e prof p fit for f tha at rep r portting g pe erio od. Th hat p proffit “bellongs”” to o the prev p vious ow wne ers, fro om wh hom m P Lttd obta o ain ned the e sha s ress. T The e co onssolidatted d sttate ementt off profit or o lloss s and a d otthe er com c mprrehe enssive e in nco ome e o of the t g grou up forr th he rep porrting g per p riod d will w the ere eforre con c ntaiin onlly the t e profit of o P Ltd L fo or the t re epo orting pe erio od; likkew wise e th he co onsolid datted state eme entt off chan nge es in eq quitty will w l also cconttain n onlyy the prof p fit for the t e re epo ortin ng per p riod d off P Ltd d. T The e diivid den nd o of R3 3 000 that wa as paiid by S Ltd d iss a also o attri a ibutab ble to the pre p evio ous o own nerss and no ot to P L Ltd. The T e rettain ned d ear e rnin ngs s of o R9 9 000 of o S Lttd at 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18 is “pu urcchased d prof p fit” and d fo orm ms parrt of o th he “ne et identiffiab ble asssetts”, th hat we ere e taken n overr in n the b busine ess co omb bina atio on and a d iss elimiina ated d on n conssolida ation. T The e co onssoliida ated d state s em men nt of o pro p ofit or loss an nd oth her co ompre ehe ensive e in ncome e and a sstatem men nt off ch han nge es in equ e uity will th herefo ore be e ass fo ollow ws: P LTD L D GRO G OUP P E TRA EXT ACT T FRO F OM TH HE CO ONS SOL LID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LO OS SS AN ND O OT THE ER CO COMP PRE EHEN NSIV VE INC CO OME E OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO P Pro ofit be eforre ttax (on nly P Ltd) L ) IInco ome ta ax exp e pen nse (on nly P L Ltd)) 10 000 (3 000) P PRO OF FIT FO OR T THE E YEA Y AR 7 000 O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive inc com me for th he yea y ar T TOT TA AL COM C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE Y AR R – R 000 R7 95 Chapter 3 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year (P) Dividend paid (P) 200 000 5 000 – – 7 000 (4 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R200 000 R8 000 3.13 Interest acquired at more than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree (therefore at a premium) 1 2 3 96 A parent may pay more than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree (through the shares it acquires) when an interest in a subsidiary is obtained. Because the ownership of shares in an entity represents an indivisible interest in the net assets and earning capacity of such an entity, the premium (excess) which is paid to acquire the interest can arise as a result of different factors. In simple terms, the parent may pay more than the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed due to factors such as the investee’s good customer base, its market share or to merely ensure that it gets the controlling interest in the entity. In the Basis for Conclusions to IFRS 3, the following, amongst others, are identified as possible components of goodwill when it is measured as the residual (which is currently the case): l the fair value of the “going concern” element of the subsidiary’s existing business. The “going concern” element represents the ability of the subsidiary to earn a higher rate of return on an assembled collection of net assets than would be expected if those assets had to be acquired separately. That value stems from the synergies of the net assets of the business, as well as from other benefits (such as factors related to market imperfections, including the ability to earn monopoly profits and barriers to market entry – either legal or because of transaction costs – by potential competitors); l the fair value of the expected synergies and other benefits from combining the subsidiary’s net assets and businesses with those of the parent (BC 313–318). The two concepts described above represent the “core” goodwill, and qualify as an asset under the definition of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, due to the fact that the parent can direct the policies and management of the subsidiary (BC 323). Goodwill cannot be directly measured and IFRS 3 therefore determines that it is measured as a residual (BC 328). Such residual (being a premium or excess of the consideration over the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree) must thus be analysed with care. If the excess is ascribable to specific assets, it must be allocated to such items on consolidation (refer to chapter 6). However, where the excess cannot be allocated in this way and thus in fact Consolidation at acquisition date 4 represents the amount paid for an intangible asset which does not appear in the records of the subsidiary, such excess must be recognised as an asset of the group in the consolidated statements. According to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), such unallocated excess should be treated as goodwill. Goodwill is defined in IFRS 3 in terms of its nature, rather than in terms of its measurement. It is defined as an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognised (IFRS 3 Appendix A). It is important to note that the current view of the IASB is that the goodwill that is created at the acquisition date in a business combination is regarded as an asset of the subsidiary. This view is in compliance with the principle of IAS 21 where a foreign operation is translated into the functional currency and any goodwill is regarded as an asset of the subsidiary. In addition, a fair value could be awarded to the non-controlling interest, as assets are recognised in full at fair value, including goodwill. The fact that the goodwill “belongs” to the subsidiary implies that it increases the equity that is analysed at the acquisition date (increase in assets increases equity). 3.14 Accounting treatment of goodwill 1 2 In the case of a wholly-owned subsidiary, the parent (acquirer) shall recognise goodwill as of the acquisition date, measured as the excess of the consideration transferred (at fair value) over the net of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed and the contingent liabilities, based on acquisition-date fair values, i.e. the equity of the subsidiary (IFRS 3.32 – adopted for a wholly-owned subsidiary). After initial recognition, the goodwill acquired in a business combination shall be measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill may not be amortised. Instead, it shall be tested for impairment annually, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (.10) (see chapter 6.7). Example 3.2 Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a premium The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary, S Ltd, at 1 January 20.19, the acquisition date of the shares in S Ltd by P Ltd. The information in this example is thus very similar to that in the previous example, except for the increased consideration paid for the investment. In this case, the acquisition date is 1 January 20.19, i.e. the first day of the reporting period; thus there is no profit that warrants the preparation of a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity. Only a consolidated statement of financial position can be prepared at that date. 97 Chapter 3 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 80 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 91 000 95 000 42 000 65 000 – 44 000 R228 000 R109 000 200 000 8 000 20 000 80 000 9 000 20 000 R228 000 R109 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.2 The basic consolidation procedures are the same as in example 3.1, i.e. eliminate the common items and consolidate the remaining non-common items on a line-by-line basis. The line item “Investment in S Ltd” in the statement of financial position of P Ltd represents the fair value to P Ltd of acquiring the equity in and control over S Ltd. P Ltd has thus purchased equity (net assets) amounting to R89 000 and paid R95 000, which leaves a difference of R6 000. P Ltd has in essence acquired, at a consideration at fair value (assumed) of R95 000, the following net assets: Consideration transferred (Investment at fair value) 95 000 Net recognised values of S Ltd’s identifiable assets and liabilities (89 000) Property, plant and equipment 65 000 Trade receivables 44 000 Trade and other payables Excess/premium 109 000 (20 000) R6 000 As the excess of R6 000 cannot be attributed to a single asset that is undervalued, it may be assumed that the excess was paid for factors that relate to various intangible assets, which is called goodwill. As there is no common element or item against which this goodwill of R6 000 can be set off, it is presented as a separate item in the consolidated statement of financial position of the group. This goodwill is an asset and because an increase in assets increases the equity of S Ltd, the amount is transferred to the total column in the analysis of the equity of S Ltd. 98 Consolidation at acquisition date Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 100% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.19) Share capital Retained earnings At acquisition 80 000 (dr) 9 000 (dr) 80 000 9 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 89 000 6 000 (dr) 89 000 6 000 Consideration R95 000 (cr) R95 000 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) 95 000 (89 000) Goodwill R6 000 The pro forma consolidation journal entry for the elimination of common items and the recognition of the goodwill is as follows: C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (S)(SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of goodwill at acquisition Cr R 80 000 9 000 6 000 95 000 By netting off the pro forma journal entry against the amounts contained in the individual statements of financial position of P Ltd and its subsidiary, only the noncommon items remain. These are then added together on a line-by-line basis in the consolidated statement of financial position. For this procedure, use is again made of a consolidation worksheet. 99 C Cha apte er 3 C C4 Co ons solida atio on wo works she eett: P Lttd and a d sub s bsid diary P Ltd L ons sollida atio on Co a adju usttme entts SL Ltd Dr P Pro ope ertyy, pllan nt and equipm men nt G Goodw willl IInvesttme ent in S Ltd L T Tra ade e receiivable es 91 00 00 – 95 00 00 00 42 00 65 5 00 00 – – 44 4 00 00 Crr 6 000 0 0 (J J1) 95 000 0 (J J1) R2 228 00 00 R109 9 00 00 S Sha are e ca apittal R Rettain ned d ea arn ning gs T Tra ade e an nd oth o her paya ables 2 200 00 00 8 00 00 80 0 00 00 9 00 00 00 20 00 0 00 00 20 Co C ons solidate ed 156 1 6 00 00 6 00 00 – 86 6 00 00 R2 248 8 00 00 80 000 8 0 0 (J J1) 9 000 0 0 (J J1) R2 228 00 00 R109 9 00 00 R9 95 000 0 0 200 2 0 00 00 8 00 00 40 0 00 00 R95 000 R2 248 8 00 00 T The e la ast co olum mn off th he wo orks she eet ca an no ow ea asilyy b be ad dapted d in nto a co onssolid datted sstatem men nt off fin nan ncia al pos p sitio on. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ON NSO OLID DA ATE ED STA S ATE EM MEN NT OF OF FIN NA ANC CIA AL POS P SIT TION AS A AT T 1 JANU UAR RY 20..19 A ASS SETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (9 91 000 0 0(P) + 6 65 000 0 (S))) G Goo odw will T Tottal non n-c currren nt asse a ets s C Currrent ass a sets s T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (42 000(P) + 44 4 00 00(S S)) T Tottal ass a sets 156 1 6 00 00 6 00 00 1 2 00 162 00 86 6 00 00 R2 248 8 00 00 E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (P P) 200 2 0 00 00 8 00 00 T Tottal equ e uity y 2 8 00 208 00 C Currrent liab l bilitties s T Tra ade and othe o er pay p ables (200 00 00(P P) + 20 0 00 00(S S)) T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es 40 0 00 00 R2 248 8 00 00 Com C mm mentt G odw Goo will is an inttang gible e asse a et tthatt iss prese ente ed as a no on-ccurre ent asssett in n th he c soliidatted stattem con mentt of fina ancial p pos sition. 100 Consolidation at acquisition date 3.15 Interest acquired at less than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree (therefore at a discount) 1 2 It is possible that a parent may acquire the interest in a subsidiary at less than the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. (In the interest of brevity, this item is henceforth referred to as acquisition at a discount.) The possibility of obtaining an interest in a subsidiary at a discount may be as a result of different factors such as a forced sale in which the seller is acting under compulsion, or due to the recognition of a contingent liability in terms of IFRS 3.22–.31. The parent pays less than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities for the acquisition of the interest in the subsidiary; in other words, the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the consideration transferred for the shares acquired. This difference is called a gain from a bargain purchase. Due to the potential of inappropriately recognising a gain, IFRS requires a reassessment of the identification and measurement of the assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and the measurement of the consideration transferred, as discussed in chapter 2. If after the review process an excess remains, a gain from the bargain purchase is recognised in profit or loss on the acquisition date (IFRS 3.34). Such gain on a bargain purchase is attributable to the acquirer (IFRS 3.34) and is therefore added to the equity at the acquisition date. In this chapter it will be assumed that such reassessment has been done and that the shares were obtained at a bargain price, thus requiring the immediate recognition of the gain from a bargain purchase in profit or loss. Example 3.3 Wholly-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a discount Assume the same information as in example 3.2, except that P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd for R75 000 and that its trade receivables amounted to R62 000. The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary S Ltd at 1 January 20.19, the date on which P Ltd acquired all the shares in S Ltd: P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 80 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 91 000 75 000 62 000 65 000 – 44 000 R228 000 R109 000 200 000 8 000 20 000 80 000 9 000 20 000 R228 000 R109 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values as determined in terms of IFRS 3. 101 Chapter 3 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications Solution 3.3 The basic consolidation procedures are once again the same as in the two previous examples: elimination of the common items and consolidation of the remaining noncommon items on a line-by-line basis. As previously explained, only the consolidated statement of financial position can be prepared. The line item “Investment in S Ltd” of R75 000 in the statement of financial position of P Ltd represents the fair value to P Ltd to acquire the equity in and full control of S Ltd. P Ltd thus purchased equity (net assets) amounting to R89 000 and only paid R75 000, the gain thus being R14 000. This is clear from the following calculation: Consideration transferred (Investment at fair value) 75 000 Net recognised values of S Ltd’s identifiable assets and liabilities (89 000) Property, plant and equipment 65 000 Trade receivables 44 000 Trade and other payables 109 000 (20 000) Gain from a bargain purchase (R14 000) In practice, the reassessment required by IFRS 3.36 is done at this stage and if the excess remains, the gain is recognised immediately in profit or loss at the acquisition date (IFRS 3.34) as an excess of fair value over cost on acquisition (hereafter called gain from a bargain purchase, for the sake of brevity). This gain is regarded as part of the equity of the subsidiary and added to the other components of equity of the subsidiary. Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.19) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 100% At acquisition 80 000 (dr) 9 000 (dr) 80 000 9 000 Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent R89 000 (14 000) (cr) 89 000 (14 000) Consideration R75 000 (cr) R75 000 102 Consolidation at acquisition date C2 Proof of calculation of gain from a bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (89 000) Gain from a bargain purchase The pro forma consolidation journal entry concerned is thus as follows: (R14 000) C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Gain from a bargain purchase (S)(P/L) Elimination of common items and recognition of gain from a bargain purchase at acquisition Cr R 80 000 9 000 75 000 14 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd Consolidation adjustments S Ltd Dr Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables 91 000 75 000 62 000 65 000 – 44 000 Cr 75 000 (J1) R228 000 R109 000 Share capital Retained earnings Gain from a bargain purchase Trade and other payables 200 000 8 000 80 000 9 000 – – 20 000 20 000 R228 000 R109 000 Consolidated 156 000 – 106 000 R262 000 80 000 (J1) 9 000 (J1) 200 000 8 000 14 000 (J1) 14 000 40 000 R89 000 R89 000 R262 000 The last column of the worksheet can now, once again, be adopted into a consolidated statement of financial position. 103 C Cha apte er 3 P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ON NSO OLID DA ATE ED STA S ATE EM MEN NT OF OF FIN NA ANC CIA AL POS P SIT TION AS A AT T 1 JANU UAR RY 20..19 A ASS SETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (9 91 000 0 0(P) + 6 65 000 0 (S))) C Currrent ass a sets s T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (62 000(P) + 44 4 00 00(S S)) 1 6 00 156 00 1 6 00 106 00 T Tottal ass a sets E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (88 0000(P P) + 14 4 00 00(g gain fro om a ba arga ain purrcha ase))) T Tottal equ e uity y C Currrent liab l bilitties s T Tra ade and othe o er pay p ables (200 00 00(P P) + 20 0 00 00(S S)) R2 262 2 00 00 200 2 0 00 00 22 2 00 00 2 2 00 222 00 40 0 00 00 T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es R2 262 2 00 00 Com C mm mentt T e ga The ain resu r ultin ng from m the acqu a uisittion of an inte eresst in n a sub bsid diaryy at lesss th han n the e fa air v ue of valu o the t ide entiffiab ble asssetss an nd liab bilitie es of tthe accquiree e (ccalle ed a gain fro om a b gain barg n pu urch hase e) iss re ecog gnissed in pro ofit or o lo oss on the e accquiisitio on date (IFRS S 3.34 3 4). As A n cconsoliidatted stattem no mentt of pro ofit o or lo osss and othe o er co omp preh hensive e incom me is prep p pare ed in this example,, th he amo a ount iss ad dde ed to retained d earn e ning gs at a th he end d of o th he yyea ar. R mem Rem mbe er, any a gaiin (e e.g.., a gain frrom m a barrgain purchasse) that t t wa as reco r ognised d durin ng a re eporrting g pe erio od fo orm ms part p of “rettained earrnings a at the end d off the e ye ear”” byy the e en nd of o t t rep that portting period d. C Cons solida atiion n of o the t es statem me entts off fina anc cia al pos p sittion o of a pa parent a and d par p rtia ally y-o ow wne ed su ub bsid dia ary ya at acq a qu uisiitio on da ate e 3 3.16 6 No on-co onttro ollin ng g in nteres sts s (N NCI) 1 Wh Where e th he pa aren nt doe d es nott accqu uire e th he enttire e issue ed share e ca apital of a sub bsid dia ary, th the t e ow wnerss othe o er tha t an the e pare p ent (a and d itss sub s bsid diarriess and a heirr no om mine eess) are a refe r erre ed to as s th he no on-ccon ntro ollin ng intere estss (N NC CI). In th he pas p st, the e te erm m “mi “ norrity inte i erest” w was ussed d fo or this cat c ego oryy of own o ners, but the ch han nge e in n te erm minolo ogy refl r lectts the t e fa act tha at the ow wne er of o am minoritty inte eresst in i an a entityy migh m ht con c ntro ol th hat ent e tity an nd con nve erse ely, th hat the own o nerrs of o a maj m jority inte ere est mightt no ot con ntro ol the t ent e tity,, as a dis scussse ed in ch hap pterr 1. N Non n-conttrollling g inte eressts (N NCI) are e th herrefo ore def d fine ed as the equ e uityy in n a su ubssidia aryy no ot attrribu utable e, dire d ectlyy o or indirecctlyy, tto the t par p ren nt (IFR RS 10.. Ap ppe end dix A).. Th his ca an diag d gra amm mattica ally be e re epre ese ente ed as follow ws: P Lttd 70% % 30 0% S Lttd 104 N NCI Consolidation at acquisition date 2 3 4 As is the case with the parent, their ownership interests entitle owners other than the parent to their undivided share of the net assets. As the total equity equals net assets, it follows that the respective interests of the parent and the non-controlling interests can be determined simply by allocating to each their respective share of equity. In preparing consolidated financial statements, the non-controlling interests in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries, as well as the non-controlling interests in the profit or loss of consolidated subsidiaries for the reporting period, is identified separately from the parent’s ownership interests in them. Non-controlling interests in the net assets consist of: l the amount of the non-controlling interests at the date of the original business combination (calculated in accordance with IFRS 3); and l the non-controlling interests’ share of changes in equity since the date of the business combination. For the sake of brevity, a subsidiary that is partially owned is hereafter referred to as a partially-owned subsidiary. The non-controlling interests shall be presented in the consolidated statement of financial position within equity, separately from the equity of the owners of the parent (IFRS 10.22). Profit or loss, and each component of other comprehensive income, are attributed to the owners of the parent and to the non-controlling interests. Total comprehensive income is similarly attributed to the owners of the parent and to the non-controlling interests, even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance (IFRS 10.B94). 3.17 Analysis of owners’ equity 1 The allocation of the respective interests of the parent and of the non-controlling interests can conveniently be made by analysing the owners’ equity of the subsidiary, S Ltd at acquisition date in order to determine the following: l the portion of equity at acquisition attributable to the parent, P Ltd; and l the portion of equity at acquisition attributable to the non-controlling interests. 2 When drawing up a consolidated statement of financial position, the non-controlling interests shall be taken into account and presented separately as will be clearly seen from the following examples. As explained earlier in the chapter, the investment in the subsidiary can be purchased at a consideration higher or lower than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date. This would lead to goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase arising as a result. 3.18 Recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase 1 In paragraph 3.12 to 3.14 of this chapter, the accounting treatment of goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase was discussed for the acquisition of a wholly-owned subsidiary. The matter is complicated where the subsidiary is not wholly owned. 105 Chapter 3 2 IFRS 3 Business Combinations requires in paragraph 32 that the goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase shall be calculated by the acquirer at the acquisition date, as the difference between: (a) the aggregate of: (i) the consideration transferred (generally acquisition-date fair value) (IFRS 3.32(a)(i)); and (ii) the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree (IFRS 3.32 (a)(ii)) and (b) the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed (i.e. equity). If (a) exceeds (b), the difference is called “goodwill”. If (b) exceeds (a), the difference is called a “gain from a bargain purchase”. The non-controlling interest in (a)(ii) of the calculation above may be measured in two ways in terms of IFRS. 3 In principle IFRS 3 determines that any non-controlling interests in an aquiree (the subsidiary) should be measured at their acquisition date fair values. It however permits the non-controlling interests to be measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. If an entity chooses the latter option, only the goodwill related to the acquirer is recognised (BC 329). The fair value of the noncontrolling interests may be measured, for example, on the basis of active market prices for shares held by non-controlling shareholders or by applying another valuation technique (BC 207). It is therefore clear that the non-controlling interests may be measured: l at the acquisition date fair value; or l as their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets (BC 210). 3.19 Acquisition of a partial interest in a subsidiary 1 In the examples that follow, the consolidation once again takes place at the acquisition date, therefore only the respective statements of financial position of the parent and partially-owned subsidiary can be consolidated. Example 3.4, however, contains the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity so that it can clearly be observed that neither statement is influenced by the acquisition of a subsidiary on the last day of the reporting period. In examples 3.5 and 3.6, only the consolidated statements of financial position are prepared. 2 As in the case of the wholly-owned subsidiary dealt with earlier in this chapter, the consolidation procedure is illustrated with reference to three situations, but an additional example is supplied to allow for the measurement of the non-controlling interests at fair value at the date of acquisition, namely: l where the consideration of the shares acquired is equal to the pro rata value of the net assets acquired (i.e. the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree) at the last day of the reporting period. Such an acquisition is referred to as an acquisition of shares at the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree; 106 Consolidation at acquisition date l where the shares in such partially-owned subsidiary are acquired at a premium (i.e. the consideration is higher than the fair value of the net assets acquired) on the first day of the reporting period, and the non-controlling interest is measured at their proportionate share of the identifiable assets and liabilities; l where the shares in such partially-owned subsidiary are acquired at a premium (i.e. the consideration is higher than the fair value of the net assets acquired) on the first day of the reporting period and the non-controlling interest is measured at fair value at the date of acquisition; and l where the shares in question are acquired at a discount (i.e. the consideration is lower than the fair value of the net assets acquired) on the first day of the reporting period, where the non-controlling interest is measured at their proportionate share of the identifiable assets and liabilities. 3 To simplify the explanation of the consolidation process, the investment in the subsidiary is accounted for using the cost method in the separate financial records of the parent. 3.20 Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed of the acquiree – NCI measured at their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date Example 3.4 Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets, NCI measured at their proportionate share of the identifiable net assets at acquisition date The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd, a subsidiary which is partially owned, at 30 September 20.18, the acquisition date: P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 60 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 23 000 75 000 112 000 50 000 – 86 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R210 000 R136 000 100 000 26 000 84 000 80 000 20 000 36 000 Total equity and liabilities R210 000 R136 000 107 Chapter 3 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit before tax Income tax expense 23 000 (7 000) 20 000 (6 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 16 000 14 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR – – R16 000 R14 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 October 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 S Ltd 14 000 8 000 Profit for the year Dividend paid on 1 December 20.17 16 000 (4 000) 14 000 (2 000) Balance at 30 September 20.18 R26 000 R20 000 Total comprehensive income for the year: Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.4 The basic consolidation procedures are once again the same as explained earlier in this chapter: l eliminate common items, and l consolidate the remaining non-common items, on a line-by-line basis. The 80 000 shares (which make up the issued capital of S Ltd) are held in the following percentage ratio: 60 000 P Ltd in S Ltd: = 75% 80 000 20 000 Non-controlling interests in S Ltd: = 25% 80 000 108 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate Com C mm mentt T e ca The alcu ulatio on of the pe erce enta age ow wnerrship in n a su ubsidiarry is a alwa ays bassed d on n th he n mber off sh num hare es ((not the e ca arryying g am mou unt of o the investm men nt). It is also a asssum med d tha at o e vo one ote is atta a ache ed to t eve e ry sha s are, as contro ol iss as ssumed to o vvest in con ntro ol o of th he v ng righ voti hts on sha areh hold derss’ meet m ting gs (a as disccussed d in cha apte er 1 1) of o th his wor w rk in n th he a enc abs ce of o other fa actors. In Volu V ume e 1 it iss th here efore e as ssumed th hat the e pa aren nt exxerccise es c trol ove con er th he sub s bsidiaryy ass pe er th he defin d nitio on of o co ontrrol in te ermss off IFRS 10.. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T Tottal i At A acq a quis sition (30 0/9 9/20 0.18 8) Sha S are cap pita al Ret R ain ned ea arnin ngss P Ltd L 75% % At ac cquisittion n No on--co ontrrollling g in nte eres sts (NCI) 8 80 000 0 (dr) 2 20 000 0 (dr) 60 6 000 0 15 000 0 20 000 2 0 5 000 0 Pur P rcha ase e diffferrence 10 00 000 0 0 – 75 7 000 0 – R2 25 000 0 – Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NCI R 00 000 R10 0 0 R75 000 0 (crr) R2 25 000 0 0 (c cr) Com C mm mentt A ffrom As m th his poin p nt onwa ardss, in n this w work k the abbrrevia atio on NCI N willl be e us sed in the ana a alysis f ““non for n-co ontrrolling inte eressts”.. F From m the t an nalyysis s it is cle ear tha at no n pu urch has se diffe d ere encce aris a ses on n accqu uisiition. In tterm ms o of th he IFR RS 3.3 32 cal c cullatio on,, it is also a o clea ar th hat the ere e is no o pu urchasse difffere encce: C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 75 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 5 00 00 25 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 5 00 00 100 0 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 2(b)) P Purc cha ase e differen nce e (100 00 00) R– R W With h th he abo ove e ana a lysis as a basis, th he elim min natiion of the rela ated d item ms can c n be e reco ord ded b by mea m anss off prro form f ma co onso dation n journ nal enttrie es. olid 109 Chapter 3 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of non-controlling interests at acquisition Cr R 80 000 20 000 75 000 25 000 By netting off the pro forma journal entry against the amounts contained in the individual statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd, the non-common items remain. Thereafter, the non-common items are added together on a line-by-line basis in the consolidated statement of financial position. C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Consolidation adjustments P Ltd S Ltd 23 000 75 000 112 000 50 000 – 86 000 Dr Cr 75 000 (J1) R210 000 R136 000 Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Trade and other payables 100 000 26 000 80 000 20 000 – – Consolidated 73 000 – 198 000 R271 000 80 000 (J1) 20 000 (J1) 84 000 36 000 R210 000 R136 000 R100 000 100 000 26 000 25 000 (J1) 25 000 R100 000 (J1) 120 000 R271 000 The last column of the worksheet is now adapted into a consolidated statement of financial position. 110 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SOLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O FIN NAN NCIAL L POS SITIION N AS S AT A 30 3 SE S PTEM MBE ER 20.18 8 A ASS SETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (2 23 000 0 0(P) + 5 50 000 0 (S))) 73 3 00 00 C Currrent ass a sets s T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (112 0000(P)) + 86 8 000 0 0(S)) 1 8 00 198 00 T Tottal ass a sets R2 271 00 00 E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (P P) 100 1 0 00 00 26 6 00 00 N Non n-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s 126 1 6 00 00 25 5 00 00 T Tottal equ e uity y 1 00 151 00 C Currrent liab l bilitties s T Tra ade and othe o er pay p ables (844 00 00(P P) + 36 6 00 00(S S)) 1 0 00 120 00 T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es R2 271 00 00 Com C mm mentt In te erm ms of IF FRS 10 0.22, the non-con ntrolling g intere estss sh hall be presen nted d se eparrate ely in n th he c soliidatted statem con ment off financcial pos sitio on with w in e equity, from the t equ uity of the ow wners o th of he pare p ent.. Th his ccan n be e ob bserrved d th hrou ugh the e to otal amoun nt fo or e equiity whic w ch incl i ude es t non the n-co ontrrollin ng interests. T The e co onssoliida ated d state s em men nt of o pro p ofit or loss an nd oth her co ompre ehe ensive e in ncome e and a uity cconsolida ated d sstatem ment of o chan nge es in equ y will w be ass fo ollow ws: (K Kee ep in min nd tha at the t cconttrollling g inte eres st and a d th he non-ccon ntro ollin ng inte eressts on nly origin nate ed on n th he lasst d day of th he rep portting g perio od and th hatt P Ltd d iss no ot e entiitled d to o th he pre e-accqu uisition n prof p fits of S L Ltd.) P LTD L D GRO G OUP P E TRA EXT ACT T FRO F OM TH HE CO ONS SOL LID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LO OS SS AN ND O OT THE ER CO COMP PRE EHEN NSIV VE INC CO OME E OR THE T E YEA Y AR EN NDE ED 30 SE EPT TEM MBER R 20 0.18 8 FO P Pro ofit be eforre ttax (on nly P Ltd) L ) IInco ome ta ax exp e pen nse (on nly P L Ltd)) 23 000 (7 000) P PRO OF FIT FO OR T THE E YEA Y AR 16 000 O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive inc com me for th he yea y ar T TOT TA AL COM C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE Y AR R – R16 000 111 C Cha apte er 3 P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SOLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT OF O CH HAN NGES IN EQ QUITY Y OR THE T E YEA Y AR EN NDE ED 30 SE EPT TEM MBER R 20 0.18 8 FO B Ballance at 1 O Octtober 20. 2 .17 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quitty for f 20 0.18 8 T Total com c mprrehe ens sive e incom me or th he yea ar: fo P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear (P)) D Divide end pa aid ((P) S Sub bsid diarry acq a quire ed at the t en nd of th he repo r orting period d B Ballance at 30 Se epte emberr 20.18 N Non nconttro ollin ng inte ere ests s T tal Tot equ e uity y 114 4 000 0 – 114 00 00 16 6 00 00 (4 4 00 00) 16 6 000 0 (4 4 000)) – – 16 00 00 (4 000) – – 25 00 00 00 25 00 Sh harre ca apital Reta R ained earn e nings To ota al 10 00 000 0 0 14 4 00 00 – – – R 00 000 R10 0 0 R26 R 6 00 00 R R126 6 000 0 R R25 00 00 R151 00 00 Com C mm mentts a T The sta atem men nt o of prrofitt or losss a and oth her com c mpre ehe ensive inco ome e off S Ltd d ca anno ot be b ccons solidated, as P Ltd did d no ot h have e th he pow p wer tto con c trol S Ltd during g th he repo ortin ng p period. There efore e, P Lttd coul c dn not obta o ain eco onomic c be eneffits from m itt. The diviiden nd of o R R2 000 0 0 tha at was w paiid by b S Ltd d there efore e is nott atttributab ble to P Lttd. b T The conce ept “non “ n-co ontrrolling inte eres sts” only exxistts in n relatio on to t th he sub s sidiiaryy. Be eforre a pa aren nt-ssubssidia ary relatio onsh hip com mess in nto exissten nce, no on-ccontrolling g inttere estss ca an n not exisst. In this t exa amp ple,, the e non--con ntrolling g in ntere estss on nly com me into o be eing g on n th he la ast dayy off the e re eporrting g pe eriod d. 3 3.21 1 Interres st acq a quiire ed a at a pre p emium m – NCI N I mea m asu ure ed at the eirr porrtio ona ate e sha are of th he su s bs sidiiary y’s s id den ntiffiable en net as sse ets s att prrop ac cqu uis sitio on n da ate e Ex xam mple e 3.5 Parttiallly--ow P wne ed subsiidia ary y – Inttere estt ac cqu uire ed at a pre p mium m, N meas NCI surred d att th heirr prop porrtio ona ate sh hare e of o th he ide enttifia able n assetts at net a acq a quiisittion n date e A Assum me the e ssam me basic in nforrma atio on as a in exxam mple e 3 3.4, with w h th he exc cep ptio on tha at the t p pare ent accqu uired the 75 5% inttere est in the e subs sidiaryy at a a prrem mium m on o the e first da ay o of the t n nextt re epo ortin ng perriod d. 112 Consolidation at acquisition date The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd, a subsidiary which is partially owned, at 1 October 20.18, the acquisition date: P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 60 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 23 000 80 000 107 000 50 000 – 86 000 R210 000 R136 000 100 000 26 000 84 000 80 000 20 000 36 000 R210 000 R136 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.5 As before, the basic consolidation procedures consist of: l the elimination of common items; and l the consolidation of the remaining non-common items on a line-by-line basis. In order to determine which balances must be eliminated, what the total of the noncontrolling interests is (in view of the fact that P Ltd only owns 75% of the interests) and to determine the goodwill, the equity must be analysed as follows: Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/10/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI P Ltd 75% At acquisition NCI 80 000 (dr) 20 000 (dr) 60 000 15 000 20 000 5 000 100 000 5 000 (dr) 75 000 5 000 25 000 – R105 000 R80 000 (cr) R25 000 (cr) 113 Chapter 3 Goodwill calculated in the analysis above is measured as a residual. The goodwill calculation as required by IFRS 3.32 is as follows: C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 80 000 25 000 105 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (100 000) Goodwill R5 000 The relevant pro forma consolidation journal entry is clear from the analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd: C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (S)(SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of goodwill and non-controlling interests at acquisition Cr R 80 000 20 000 5 000 80 000 25 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Consolidation adjustments P Ltd S Ltd 23 000 – 80 000 107 000 50 000 – – 86 000 Dr Cr 5 000 (J1) 80 000 (J1 R210 000 R136 000 Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Trade and other payables 100 000 26 000 80 000 20 000 – – 84 000 36 000 Consolidated 73 000 5 000 – 193 000 R271 000 80 000 (J1) 20 000 (J1) R210 000 R136 000 R105 000 100 000 26 000 25 000 (J1) 25 000 120 000 R105 000 R271 000 The consolidated statement of financial position is prepared from the information contained in the worksheet. 114 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONSO OLID DATED STA S ATE EM MEN NT OF O FIN NA ANC CIAL POS P SIT TION N AS A AT T1O OC CTO OBE ER 20.18 8 A ASS SETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (2 23 000 0 0(P) + 5 50 000 0 (S))) G Goo odw will 73 3 00 00 5 00 00 78 8 00 00 C Currrent ass a sets s T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (107 0000(P)) + 86 8 000 0 0(S)) T Tottal ass a sets E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (P P) 1 3 00 193 00 R2 271 00 00 100 1 0 00 00 26 6 00 00 N Non n-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s 126 1 6 00 00 25 5 00 00 T Tottal equ e uity y 1 00 151 00 C Currrent liab l bilitties s T Tra ade and othe o er pay p ables (844 00 00(P P) + 36 6 00 00(S S)) 1 0 00 120 00 T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es R2 271 00 00 Com C mme ents s a It is cle ear thatt a conso olida ated d sttatement of o prof p fit or o lo oss and o othe er com c pre ehen nsiv ve in ncom me and d sttate eme ent of o chan c nges in n eq quityy ca annot be b prep p pare ed, as the ere has h s no ot ye et been n an ny perf p form man nce in resp r pecct off the e cu urre ent rep porting perriod d, an nd no n cha ange es in i equitty have h e ass ye et oc ccurred d. 115 Chapter 3 3.22 Interest acquired at a premium – NCI is measured at fair value at acquisition Example 3.6 Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a premium, NCI measured at the fair value of the identifiable net assets at acquisition date The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd, a subsidiary which is partially owned, at 1 October 20.18, the acquisition date: P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 60 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 123 000 80 000 107 000 50 000 – 86 000 R310 000 R136 000 200 000 26 000 84 000 80 000 20 000 36 000 R310 000 R136 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date. On 1 October 20.18 the fair value of the non-controlling interests was R35 000 based on current market prices. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.6 As before, the basic consolidation procedures consist of: l the elimination of common items; and l the consolidation of the remaining non-common balances on a line-by-line basis. In order to determine which balances must be eliminated, what the total non-controlling interests (in view of the fact that P Ltd only owns 75% of the interests) and goodwill are, the equity must be analysed as follows: 116 Consolidation at acquisition date Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total P Ltd 75% NCI At acquisition i At acquisition (1/10/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Equity represented by goodwill – NCI Consideration and NCI at fair value 80 000 (dr) 20 000 (dr) 60 000 15 000 20 000 5 000 100 000 5 000 (dr) 10 000 (dr) 75 000 5 000 – 25 000 – 10 000 115 000 80 000 (cr) 35 000 (cr) The goodwill calculation now incorporates the non-controlling interests measured at fair value: C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 80 000 35 000 115 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (100 000) Goodwill (5 000 (Parent) + 10 000 (NCI)) R15 000 The relevant pro forma consolidation journal entry is clear from the analysis of the equity of S Ltd. C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (S) (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of goodwill and non-controlling interests measured at fair value at acquisition Cr R 80 000 20 000 15 000 80 000 35 000 117 Chapter 3 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Consolidation adjustments P Ltd S Ltd 123 000 – 80 000 107 000 50 000 – – 86 000 Dr Cr 15 000 (J1) 80 000 (J1) R310 000 R136 000 Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Trade and other payables 200 000 26 000 80 000 20 000 – – 84 000 36 000 Consolidated 173 000 15 000 – 193 000 R381 000 80 000 (J1) 20 000 (J1) R310 000 R136 000 R115 000 200 000 26 000 35 000 (J1) 35 000 120 000 R115 000 R381 000 The last column of the worksheet is now adapted into a consolidated statement of financial position. P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 1 OCTOBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (123 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Goodwill 173 000 15 000 188 000 Current assets Trade receivables (107 000(P) + 86 000(S)) Total assets 193 000 R381 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (P) 200 000 26 000 Non-controlling interests 226 000 35 000 Total equity 261 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (84 000(P) + 36 000(S)) 120 000 Total equity and liabilities 118 R381 000 Consolidation at acquisition date 3.23 Interest acquired at a discount – NCI measured at their proportionate share of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date Example 3.7 Partially-owned subsidiary – Interest acquired at a discount, NCI measured at their proportionate interest of identifiable net assets at acquisition date In this example the 75% interest in the subsidiary is acquired at less than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree by the parent. The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and subsidiary S Ltd at 1 October 20.18, the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 60 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 23 000 65 000 122 000 50 000 – 86 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R210 000 R136 000 100 000 26 000 84 000 80 000 20 000 36 000 Total equity and liabilities R210 000 R136 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Ignore tax implications. Solution 3.7 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total P Ltd 75% NCI At acquisition i At acquisition (1/10/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent Consideration and NCI 80 000 (dr) 20 000 (dr) 60 000 15 000 20 000 5 000 100 000 (10 000) (cr) 75 000 (10 000) 25 000 – R90 000 R65 000 (cr) R25 000 (cr) 119 C Cha apte er 3 Com C mm mentt C mpa Com are thiss an nalyysis with th he ana a lysis of the equit e ty of o S Ltd d in exxample 3.6 6 wh here e th he n -contro non ollin ng interest ha as a fair f value of R3 35 0 000 0. Itt sh hould b be clea ar that t t in n this e mple (as in exam exa e mplle 3.5) 3 the e no on-c conttrollling intterests do nott ha ave an inte eresst in n th he p cha purc ase diffe d eren nce e. C C2 P Proo of of o c callcu ulattion no of gain g n frrom m a ba arg gain n purc cha ase e off S Lttd in term t ms o IF of FRS S3 3.32 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 5 00 00 65 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 25 5 00 00 90 0 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (100 00 00) G Gain n frrom m a ba arga ain pu urch hasse (R R10 00 00) T The e ga ain fro om a barg b gain purc p cha ase e ha as no n efffectt on n th he n non n-conttrollling g in nteressts. C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttry y Drr R 1 J1 Sh hare e capital (S))(SC CE E) Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Ga ain ffrom m a ba arga ain pu urch hase (S S)(P/L L) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Elimiina atio on of o com c mm mon ite ems s and rec cog gnition ain fro om a barg b gaiin pur p rchase e and no on-c con ntro ollin ng of ga inttere estts at a acqu a uis sitio on Cr R 8 80 000 0 2 20 000 0 65 5 00 00 10 0 00 00 25 5 00 00 C C4 Co ons solida atio on wo works she eett: P Lttd and a d sub s bsid diary P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equiipm ment IInve estme ent in S Lttd T Tra ade recceivvab bles s C solida Con atio on adjjus stmentts PL Ltd S Ltd L 23 3 00 00 65 5 00 00 1 2 00 122 00 50 0 00 00 – 86 6 00 00 Drr Cr 6 000 65 0 (J J1) R2 210 0 00 00 R1 136 6 00 00 S Sha are ca apita al R Rettain ned ea arnings s G Gaiin from m a ba arga ain purcchase N Non n-conttrolling g in nterrestts T Tra ade and othe o er paya able es 73 3 00 00 – 2 8 00 208 00 R2 281 1 00 00 100 1 0 00 00 26 6 00 00 80 0 00 00 20 0 00 00 80 0 00 00 ((J1) 20 0 00 00 ((J1) – – 0 (J J1) 10 000 10 0 00 00 – – 2 000 25 0 (J J1) 25 5 00 00 84 4 00 00 36 6 00 00 R2 210 0 00 00 R1 136 6 00 00 R1 100 0 00 00 120 Co onsoli-date ed 100 1 0 00 00 26 6 00 00 1 0 00 120 00 R100 000 R2 281 1 00 00 C Conso olid dation at acquiisitiion da ate T The e la ast co olum mn off th he wo orks she eet ca an no ow ea asilyy b be ad dapted d in nto a co onssolid datted sstatem men nt off fin nan ncia al pos p sitio on. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONSO OLID DATED STA S ATE EM MEN NT OF O FIN NA ANC CIAL POS P SIT TION N AS A AT T1O OC CTO OBE ER 20.18 8 A ASS SETS S N Non n-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (2 23 000 0 0(P) + 5 50 000 0 (S))) C Currrent ass a sets s T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (122 0000(P)) + 86 8 000 0 0(S)) T Tottal ass a sets E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (226 000 0 + 10 000( 0 (gaiin frrom m a barg b gain n pu urch hase e)) 73 3 00 00 2 8 00 208 00 R2 281 00 00 100 1 0 00 00 36 6 00 00 N Non n-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s 136 1 6 00 00 25 5 00 00 T Tottal equ e uity y 1 00 161 00 C Currrent liab l bilitties s T Tra ade and othe o er pay p ables (844 00 00(P P) + 36 6 00 00(S S)) 1 0 00 120 00 T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es R2 281 00 00 Com C mm mentt A iin exam As e mple 3.3 3 tthe gaiin re esu ulting g from the e accquiisitio on of o an a in nterrest in a su ubssidia ary at a lesss tha an the fair f value of o th he iden ntifia able e asssets an nd lliabilitie es of o the accqu uiree e, ca alle ed a gain f m a barrgaiin purc from p chas se, is re eco ognised d in pro ofit or o lo oss s at acq quissition date (IF FRS S 3 ..34))). A no conso As olida ated d sttate eme ent of pro ofit or losss a and oth her com mprrehe enssive inccom me is p pare prep ed in this exa amp ple,, the e amount is add ded d to rettained earrnings at the t end o of th he y r. yea 121 Chapter 3 Self-assessment questions Question 3.1 The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and whollyowned subsidiary S Ltd at 31 December 20.18, the acquisition date of the shares in S Ltd by P Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 10 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 50 000 shares/S Ltd: 10 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 25 000 27 000 59 000 12 000 – 28 000 R111 000 R40 000 50 000 40 000 21 000 10 000 20 000 10 000 R111 000 R40 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Required Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 31 December 20.18. 122 Consolidation at acquisition date Suggested solution 3.1 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (25 000(P) + 12 000(S)) 37 000 Current assets Trade receivables (59 000(P) + 28 000(S)) 87 000 Total assets R124 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (40 000(P) + 3 000(gain from a bargain purchase)) 50 000 43 000 Total equity 93 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (21 000(P) + 10 000(S)) 31 000 Total equity and liabilities R124 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i P Ltd 100% At acquisition At acquisition (31/12/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings 10 000 20 000 10 000 20 000 Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent 30 000 (3 000) 30 000 (3 000) R27 000 R27 000 Consideration C2 Proof of calculation of gain from a bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 27 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) – 27 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (30 000) Gain from a bargain purchase (R3 000) 123 Chapter 3 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Gain from a bargain purchase (S)(P/L) Elimination of common items and recognition of gain from a bargain purchase at acquisition Cr R 10 000 20 000 27 000 3 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Share capital Retained earnings Gain from a bargain purchase Trade and other payables Consolidation adjustments P Ltd S Ltd 25 000 27 000 59 000 12 000 – 28 000 R111 000 R40 000 50 000 40 000 10 000 20 000 – – 21 000 10 000 R111 000 R40 000 Dr Cr Consolidated 37 000 – 87 000 27 000 (J1) R124 000 10 000 (J1) 20 000 (J1) 50 000 40 000 3 000 (J1) 3 000 31 000 R30 000 R30 000 R124 000 Question 3.2 The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary S Ltd at 31 December 20.18, the acquisition date of the shares in S Ltd by P Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 10 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 100 000 60 000 5 000 50 000 – 5 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 50 000 shares/S Ltd: 10 000 shares) Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Trade and other payables R165 000 R55 000 100 000 20 000 40 000 5 000 20 000 10 000 20 000 5 000 Total equity and liabilities R165 000 R55 000 124 Consolidation at acquisition date Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Required Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 31 December 20.18. Suggested solution 3.2 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (100 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Goodwill (C1) 150 000 10 000 160 000 Current assets Trade receivables (5 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 10 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (P) Other components of equity (Revaluation reserve) (P) R170 000 100 000 40 000 20 000 Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (5 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 160 000 10 000 Total equity and liabilities R170 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (31/12/20.18) Share capital Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration P Ltd 100% At acquisition 20 000 10 000 20 000 20 000 10 000 20 000 50 000 10 000 50 000 10 000 R60 000 R60 000 125 Chapter 3 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 60 000 – 60 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (50 000) Goodwill R10 000 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Revaluation surplus (SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Goodwill (S)(SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of goodwill at acquisition Cr R 20 000 10 000 20 000 60 000 10 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Goodwill Trade receivables Share capital Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Trade and other payables 126 P Ltd S Ltd 100 000 60 000 – 5 000 50 000 – – 5 000 R165 000 R55 000 100 000 20 000 40 000 20 000 10 000 20 000 5 000 5 000 R165 000 R55 000 Consolidation adjustments Dr Cr 60 000 (J1) 10 000 (J1) Consolidated 150 000 – 10 000 10 000 R170 000 20 000 (J1) 10 000 (J1) 20 000 (J1) 100 000 20 000 40 000 10 000 R60 000 R60 000 R170 000 Consolidation at acquisition date Question 3.3 The following are the abridged statements of financial position of P Ltd and its subsidiary at 1 January 20.18, the date at which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 1 JANUARY 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 40 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 80 000 shares/S Ltd: 50 000 shares) Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 32 000 48 000 70 000 40 000 – 50 000 R150 000 R90 000 80 000 18 000 12 000 10 000 30 000 50 000 7 000 8 000 5 000 20 000 R150 000 R90 000 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests at fair value at acquisition date. At that date the directors of P Ltd were of the opinion that the non-controlling interests were worth R3 000 more than their proportionate share of the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Required Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 1 January 20.18. 127 Chapter 3 Suggested solution 3.3 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 1 JANUARY 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (32 000(P) + 40 000(S)) 72 000 Current assets Trade receivables (70 000(P) + 50 000(S)) 120 000 Total assets R192 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (12 000 (P) + 1 000(gain from a bargain purchase)) Other components of equity (revaluation surplus) (P) 80 000 13 000 18 000 Non-controlling interests (C1) 111 000 16 000 Total equity 127 000 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (10 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 15 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (30 000(P) + 20 000(S)) 50 000 Total equity and liabilities R192 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent Equity represented by goodwill – NCI Consideration and NCI at fair value 128 P Ltd 80% At acquisition NCI 50 000 7 000 8 000 40 000 5 600 6 400 10 000 1 400 1 600 65 000 (4 000) 3 000 52 000 (4 000) 13 000 – 3 000 R64 000 R48 000 R16 000 Consolidation at acquisition date C2 Proof of calculation of gain from a bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 48 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 16 000 64 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (65 000) Gain from a bargain purchase (R1 000) C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Revaluation surplus (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Gain from a bargain purchase (4 000 – 3 000(NCI)) (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of common items and recognition of gain from a bargain purchase and non-controlling interests at acquisition Cr R 50 000 7 000 8 000 48 000 1 000 16 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Share capital Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables Consolidation adjustments Consolidated P Ltd S Ltd 32 000 48 000 70 000 40 000 – 50 000 R150 000 R90 000 80 000 18 000 12 000 50 000 7 000 8 000 10 000 5 000 16 000 15 000 30 000 20 000 50 000 R150 000 R90 000 Dr Cr 48 000 (J1) 72 000 – 120 000 R192 000 50 000 (J1) 7 000 (J1) 8 000 (J1) 1 000 (J1) 16 000 (J1) R65 000 R65 000 80 000 18 000 13 000 R192 000 129 4 Consolidation after acquisition date Consolidation after acquisition contrasted with consolidation at the acquisition date 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Basic consolidation procedures ............................................................... Consolidation after acquisition date ......................................................... Distributable profits of an acquired subsidiary in the hands of the group ........................................................................................................ Investment in subsidiary carried at fair value in the separate records of the parent ............................................................................................. Example 4.1: Recognition of investment in subsidiary in the separate records of the parent ...................................................... Intragroup dividend .................................................................................. 134 134 134 135 136 137 Consolidation procedure for the interest in a wholly-owned subsidiary after acquisition date 4.6 4.7 Consolidation of statements of financial position, statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statements of changes in equity.................................................................................................... Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed ............................................................................. Example 4.2 Interest in wholly-owned subsidiary acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets. Parent accounts for investment in subsidiary at cost in its separate records. ........................................................... Example 4.3 4.9 142 142 Interest in wholly-owned subsidiary acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets. Parent accounts for investment in subsidiary at fair value in its separate records. ........................................................... 4.8 140 Interest acquired at a premium ................................................................ Example 4.4: Interest acquired at a premium ..................................... Interest acquired at a discount ................................................................. Example 4.5: Interest acquired at a discount ..................................... 149 155 155 161 161 Consolidation of a partially-owned subsidiary compared with that of a wholly-owned subsidiary after acquisition 4.10 4.11 Consolidation of a wholly-owned subsidiary after acquisition .................. Consolidation of a partially-owned subsidiary after acquisition................ 166 166 131 Chapter 4 Consolidation procedures for the interest in a partially-owned subsidiary after the acquisition date 4.12 Basic consolidation procedures ............................................................... Example 4.6: Consolidation after acquisition date. Interest obtained at fair value. .................................................................... Example 4.7: Consolidation after acquisition date, NCI measured at fair value at acquisition date ....................................... 167 168 175 Other movements in equity of the subsidiary since the acquisition date 4.13 Movement in equity .................................................................................. Example 4.8: Consolidation where S Ltd’s equity includes a mark-to-market reserve .................................................. 180 181 Self-assessment questions Question 4.1 ....................................................................................................... Question 4.2 ....................................................................................................... Question 4.3 ....................................................................................................... 132 188 193 195 Consolidation after acquisition date SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION OF CHAPTER 4 CONSOLIDATION AFTER ACQUISITION Basic consolidation procedure: l Eliminate common items; l Consolidate non-common items Consolidation method in chapter 4: 1. Analysis of owners’ equity; 2. Pro forma journals; 3. Worksheet; and 4. Consolidated SFP New issues: l Intragroup dividend; l Fair value adjustments on investment in subsidiary Wholly-owned subsidiary Partially-owned subsidiary Examples: l Interest acquired at FV of identifiable net assets; l Interest acquired at a premium – goodwill l Interest acquired at a discount – gain from a bargain purchase Parent and non-controlling interest NCI – Two options: l Measure at their proportionate share of the identifiable net assets; l Measure at fair value Examples: l Interest acquired at FV of identifiable net assets; l Consolidation where subsidiary’s equity includes a mark-to-market reserve 133 Chapter 4 Consolidation after acquisition contrasted with consolidation at the acquisition date 4.1 Basic consolidation procedures In the previous chapter, the consolidation of the financial statements of a parent and subsidiary as at the acquisition date of the controlling interest by the parent was discussed. The basic consolidation procedures were explained in the case of both wholly-owned subsidiaries and partially-owned subsidiaries where the interest of the parent was acquired at: l the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed; l more than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed; or l less than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. 4.2 Consolidation after acquisition date 1 2 Basic procedures still applicable In this chapter, exactly the same exposition as outlined above is followed to explain the consolidation of the financial statements of a parent and subsidiary after the acquisition of the interest in the subsidiary. The procedures for preparing the consolidated statements after the acquisition date are in essence exactly the same as those followed with consolidation at acquisition date, that is: l eliminate common items; and l consolidate the remaining non-common items on a line-by-line basis. Confirmation of commonality With consolidation after the acquisition date, it is frequently necessary to confirm the common elements between the investment in the subsidiary in the records of the parent and the equity of the subsidiary before the normal elimination procedures can be followed. 4.3 Distributable profits of an acquired subsidiary in the hands of the group 1 2 Any profits that were earned before the acquisition date, called pre-acquisition profits, are not distributable in the hands of the group. Such profits are “purchased profits” and form part of equity that is eliminated on acquisition. Any profit of the subsidiary arising in the period since acquisition by the parent is distributable profit from the point of view of the group and is disclosed as such in the consolidated financial statements. Note, however, that until such time as dividends are distributed by the subsidiary out of such post-acquisition profit to the parent, this profit is not available for distribution by the parent itself. 134 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate Com C mme ent T The allo oca ation n off th he subs s sidiaryy’s p proffit betw b wee en tthe “at” and “sin nce” perio ods can be b illusttrate ed as a follo f ows: Purch hase ed pro p ofit Eliimin nate e at acq quissitio on A i ii Acquisition Onset of business activities The gra T aph below w is a repr r rese enta ation n of a pro ofita able e subsid diarry with w the e arrrow w siigniifyin ng a upwa an ard pro ofit-ttren nd. Ea arned pro ofit Re eco ognise P’s inte eres st since s e accqu uisitiion Tota T al i A At ac cqu uisittion n S Sharre ca apittal R Reta ained d ea arningss P Lttd 100% % A At Sinc S ce XX X XX XX (dr) X XX XX (dr) XX X XX XX X XX XX P Purc chasse differ d rencce XX XXX X – XX X XX XX – C Cons side eration XX X XX XX (cr) XX X XX XX iii S Sinc ce acqu uisittion n To begi b nning of c currrentt ye ear: • T R Reta ained d ea arningss Currrentt year: • C P Profit for the e ye ear D Divid dend d – X XX XX (XX XX) Th his who w ole s section n re epre esen nts ear e ned d p proffit frrom m the grou g up’s s pe ersp pecttive – X XXX X (X XXX) 4 4.4 Inv ves stm men nt in i su s bs sidiiary car c rrie ed at fair val v lue e in n th he se epa ara ate reco ords o the of t ep pare ent 1 Afte A er init i ial rec cog gnittion n, a an inve estme ent in a sub s sidiaryy sha s ll be b carr c ried d eithe er at a itts fair f r val v ue orr att its s cost c t price e in n the se epa aratte rec r cord ds of the e pare p ent (IF FRS 9.5 9 5.2.1). In cha c apte er 1 (1.1 15) the e acco a oun ntin ng trea t atm men nt of o the invves stmentt in n th he sub s bsid diarry iin the t sep s parrate e re eco ordss of o the t e pa are ent is disscu usssed. Iff an inve esttme ent in a su ubsidia ary is cla c ssified d a as a fina f anccial as sse et at a fair f va alue e thro oug gh oth her co omp pre ehensive inccom me (OC ( CI), chan nge es in fair vvalu ue are e reco ogn nise ed in oth herr co om mpre ehe ens sive e in nco ome e and a acc a cum mulate ed in equityy th hro ough the t mark k-to o-m markket re eserve e. On O co onso olid dation n, any a fair f r va alue ea adju ustm me entss th hat we ere re ecog gnised d in n th he pa aren nt’ss se epa aratte reccord ds sin nce acq a quissitio on must m t be b revverrsed d to t obttain n the t accqu uisiition-d date e ffair va alue, i.e e. the t con c nsid derratio on tra ansfferred d fo or th he invvesttme ent in the e su ubs sidiiaryy. 135 Chapter 4 2 3 A distinction needs to be made between the reversal of the current period’s movement against other comprehensive income and movements that occurred in previous reporting periods, which are reversed against the opening balance of the mark-to-market reserve in the statement of changes in equity. The following journals will be done in the separate records of the parent (the investor) to account for the investment correctly as a financial asset at fair value through OCI. Thereafter the pro forma journals that must be done at group level to reverse the fair value adjustments are shown. Example 4.1 Recognition of investment in subsidiary in the separate records of the parent On 1 January 20.18 P Ltd purchased a 70% interest in S Ltd for R100 000 cash. At the end of that reporting period (31 December 20.18) the fair value of the investment was R110 000. On 31 December 20.19, the end of the current reporting period, the fair value of the investment was R130 000. The recognition of the purchase of the investment and the changes in fair value will be done as follows in P Ltd’s records (ignore taxation in this example for the sake of simplicity): P Ltd’s records: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18: Dr R 1 January 20.18 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Recognition of investment in subsidiary 31 December 20.18 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Mark-to-market reserve (OCI) Recognition of fair value adjustment of investment in subsidiary Cr R 100 000 100 000 10 000 10 000 P Ltd’s records: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19: Dr R 31 December 20.19 Investment in S Ltd (SFP) Mark-to-market reserve (OCI) Recognition of fair value adjustment of investment in subsidiary Cr R 20 000 20 000 On consolidation these fair value adjustments to the investment must be reversed to determine the fair value of the investment at acquisition (consideration transferred) through pro forma journal entries. 136 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate P Pro fo orm ma journa als s fo or th he rep porrtin ng period end e ded d 31 1 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.19: Drr R J1 2 J2 31 De ece emb berr 20 0.19 9 Ma ark-to--ma arke et rese r ervve – Be egin nning of yea y ar (SC CE) ent in S Ltd L ((SF FP) (1110 000 0 0 – 100 1 000) Investtme Re eve ersa al of o fair va alue e ad djustm men nt o on inv ves stmentt in S Ltd L d att be egin nniing g off the yea y r att grrou up lev l el Ma ark-to--ma arke et rese r ervve (O OC CI) Investtme ent in S Ltd L ((SF FP) (1330 000 0 0 – 110 1 000) Re eve ersa al of o fair va alue e ad djustm men nt o on inv ves stmentt in n S Ltd d fo or the year at a g gro oup p levell Cr R 10 000 0 10 0 00 00 20 000 0 2 20 0 00 00 A Afte er re eco ogn nitio on of the e prro fform ma a journ nalss abovve, the inve estme ent in S Ltd L wiill be b ttak ken in nto accco ountt in n th he ana a alyssis of the equ e uity at accqu uisittion n at th he orig gin nal con nsiderratiion of R R10 00 000 0 0 fo or cconsollida atio on p purpossess. 4 The T e que q estio on wh hetherr ta ax sho ould be b tak ken n in nto acccou untt on n th he mo ove eme entts in fair f val v ue in te erm ms of taxx a allo oca ation n prin p ncip pless aris a sess. In this t s wor w rk, de eferrred d ttax is acc a cou unte ed forr at the e ra ate e ap ppliicable e to o ca apittal gai g ins, i.e e. 80% 8 % of o th he current tax t x ra ate, for f exxam mple e 80% % × 28 8% = 22,4 2 4% %. Itt is reg garrded as a a re efle ectio on of the e ap pprrop priatte tax t con c nse equ uences s th hatt wou w ld follow w frrom m th he ma ann nerr in n whic w ch the e entit e ty exp peccts to rec r cover the e ca arryying amo a oun nt of o this t s in nvestm men nt, i.e. th hrou ugh h sale s e off th he invvesttme ent (IA ( S 12.5 1 51)). In n th his cha aptter taxx im mplica ation ns are e ig gno ored d fo or th he sake of sim mpliicityy and a to t first f t illusttratte the t efffecct off th he acc a cou unting revverrsall off the fa air value e ad djusstm men nts. In cha c apter fivve (an nd furrthe er) in th his wo ork, how h wevver, th he revverrsall of o the fa air vallue adj a usttme ent will be b adju a usted forr th he tax efffectt. Com C mme ent Itt sh houlld be b note ed tha at in nvesstm mentts in n subssidia arie es are a mo ostlyy ca arrie ed at cosst in n th he state eme ent of fina anciial pos p sition of o S Soutth Afric A can co omp panies. For F this s re easo on the t cost m el is mod s ad dop pted d in this s wo ork. 4 4.5 Intrrag gro oup p divi d ide end d 1 IFR RS 10 0.B86(c) re equires tha t at all a intrrag grou up tra anssaction ns sh hall be e elim e minate ed on first ex con c nso olidatio on. The T xam mple tha at is discu usssed d in n this t s w worrk is inttrag gro oup div d ide ends. 2 A div d ide end re epre ese ents a dist d tributio on of a po ortio on of the com c mpa any y’s prrofitts to its sha s arehollde ers in pro opo ortio on to their sh hare eho olding g. D Diviidendss are a no orm mally dec d clarred from f m reta r aine ed ea arningss (e eve en tho t ough th hey y may m y be e distrribu uted d frrom m any resserrve)). Itt is imp i porrtan nt to o re emem mbe er th hat a div d ide end is a dist d tributio on to the t e ow wne ers s of the e com c mpa any state and a d not n an n ex xpe ensse; the erefore itt iss in nclu ude ed in the t eme ent off ch han nge es in e equ uity and a d not in i tthe sta ateme ent of pro ofit or losss and a d otthe er com mpre ehe enssive e in ncome e. 3 Wh When n a divvide end d iss prropose ed it imp pliess th hatt the dire d ecto ors of a com c mpa anyy ca alcula ated da div d ide end an nd ma ade e a ssuggesstio on on n wha w t itt sh hou uld be e in n the t ir opi o nio on. Su uch h a dis d trib bution mus m st be b au uthorissed d by b resollutio on byy the t e boa b rd of direccto ors. The T me memo orandu um m of o incorrpo orattion n ma may alsso re equ uire e furtthe er ap ppro ova al byy the t 137 Chapter 4 4 shareholders at the annual general meeting, which then also needs to be complied with. Before the proper authorisation has been obtained, no dividend may be recognised and will also not be presented in the statement of changes in equity. A dividend is deemed to be declared once it is appropriately authorised as explained above. At such date the dividend is no longer at the discretion of the entity. In terms of IFRS, a dividend is recognised when the dividend is declared, for example by management or the board of directors, if the jurisdiction does not require further approval (as required by the Companies Act 2008, S46) or when declaration of the dividend by management or the board of directors, has been approved by the relevant authority, for example the shareholders (if required by the statute and MOI) (IFRIC 17.BC 19). As soon as the dividend has been approved, the company has a present obligation to pay the amount. It is therefore logical that such dividend should be recognised. Suppose that the board of directors of S Ltd declared a dividend of R10 000 on 1 March 20.19 in respect of the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 and paid the dividend on 15 March 20.19. S Ltd will put through the following journal in its individual records on 1 March 20.19: Records of S Ltd: Dr R Cr R 1 March 20.19 Dividend declared (SCE) Shareholders for dividend (SFP) Recognition of dividend declared 10 000 10 000 When payment is made, the following entry is done: Dr R Cr R 15 March 20.19 Shareholders for dividend (SFP) Bank (SFP) Recognition of payment of dividend 5 6 10 000 10 000 IAS 10.13 determines that if a dividend is declared after the reporting period, but before the financial statements are authorised for issue, the dividend may not be recognised as a liability at the end of the reporting period, because no obligation exists at that time. In terms of IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets it does not meet the criteria of a present obligation (.18). Such dividends that were proposed or declared before the financial statements were authorised for issue, but not recognised as a distribution to owners during the reporting period, and the related amount per share are disclosed only in the notes to the financial statements in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial (.137). It is therefore important to note that a final dividend that is only approved after the end of the reporting period (which is normally the case), is not recognised in the period to which it relates, but in the following reporting period. With regards to the example above it means that S Ltd will only recognise the dividend relating to the 138 Consolidation after acquisition date 7 20.18 reporting period in the 20.19 reporting period, as no liability existed at 31 December 20.18 to pay a dividend. The shareholders of a company will in turn recognise the dividend in their individual records at the date when the other company’s board of directors approved the dividend. In the case of a listed company an additional requirement should be met, i.e. that a dividend may only be recognised on the last day to register (when the shareholder’s right to receive payment has been established) and the dividend has been approved in terms of S46 of the Companies Act 2008. Such dividend is recognised as income in the reporting period in which the shareholder becomes entitled to the dividend (when the right to receive the dividend has been established). Suppose that P Ltd owns all the shares in S Ltd. This means that P Ltd becomes entitled to the dividend income on 1 March 20.19. The following journal will be recorded in the separate records of P Ltd to record the dividend receivable: Records of P Ltd: Dr R Cr R 1 March 20.19 Dividend receivable (SFP) Other income (Dividend received) (P/L) Recognition of dividend receivable from subsidiary 8 10 000 10 000 At the date when the dividend is paid (15 March 20.19), and the actual cash flow occurs, the liability is reversed through the following journal in S Ltd’s individual records: Records of S Ltd: Dr R Cr R 15 March 20.19 Shareholders for dividend (SFP)) Bank (SFP) Payment of dividend payable 9 10 000 10 000 On the date when the cash is received, the shareholders (P Ltd) will reverse the asset, dividend receivable, through the following journal: Records of P Ltd: Dr R Cr R 15 March 20.19 Bank (SFP)) Dividend receivable (SFP) Recognition of dividend received in cash 10 000 10 000 10 On consolidation the effect of the transaction above must be eliminated. The distribution of a dividend by a wholly-owned subsidiary out of profit after acquisition is, in truth, from the point of view of the group, only a transfer of a portion of the retained earnings of the subsidiary to the retained earnings of the parent: that is why it is merely eliminated as an intragroup transaction and the amounts disclosed in the 139 Chapter 4 consolidated statement of financial position are not affected at all by the transaction. The pro forma journal that should be taken into account on consolidation to recognise the elimination is as follows: Pro forma journal on 31 December 20.19: Dr R J1 31 December 20.19 Other income (Dividend received) (P)(P/L) Dividend declared (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend on consolidation Cr R 10 000 10 000 11 Additional motivation for the elimination of intragroup dividends is as follows: l The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in effect comprises a merger of the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the parent and the subsidiary. In order to prevent duplication of amounts, the dividend received from the subsidiary as it appears in the records of P Ltd must be eliminated pro forma. l The consolidated statement of changes in equity is prepared for the owners of the parent; it can consequently only account for the dividends paid in favour of the owners of the parent. The group, as an economic entity, cannot pay a dividend to itself. l The elimination of the intragroup transactions will cause the line items disclosed in the consolidated financial statements to be fairly presented. Not eliminating these items will produce a statement of financial position with potentially materially misstated line items. 12 In practice the dividend paid as presented in the financial statements (in the statement of changes in equity) for a particular reporting period will therefore normally consist of the final dividend of the previous reporting period (that was declared and paid after the end of that reporting period) as well as any interim dividend in respect of the current reporting period. An interim dividend that was declared during a reporting period is however not accounted for until such time as the dividend is paid, as until that date the dividend declaration may be withdrawn. Consolidation procedure for the interest in a wholly-owned subsidiary after acquisition date 4.6 Consolidation of statements of financial position, statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statements of changes in equity 1 As consolidation takes place at a date after the parent acquired the interest in the wholly-owned subsidiary, the full set of financial statements have to be consolidated, namely the statements of financial position, the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as well as the statements of changes in equity of the parent and the subsidiary. 140 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate 2 The T e basi b ic ccon nsolida atio on p pro oced durress co ons sist of the e fo ollow win ng: l elim min nation n off co omm mon ittem ms; l elim min nation n off inttrag gro oup ite emss (ssucch as a divi d idendss); l conso olid dation of rem ma ainin ng non-ccom mmon itemss on n a line-b by-lline e ba asis. 3 In cha c apte er 3 3, atte a entiion is paid to t the t eliimin nattion n off co ommo on item ms at acq quissition da ate. Thi T is in nvo olve es: l the e to ota al equ e uity of th he sub bsid dia ary as s att th he accquisition n da ate e, bein b ng elimin natted again nst the e in nvesstm men nt in n th he sub s bsid diary; an nd l a purrch hase e diffe d ere ence, name ely go oodwill or gain g n frrom m barg b gaiin pur p rchase e, beiing reccog gnissed d. 4 In the t e firrst parrt of o th his ch hapter, th he elim e min nation of inttrag group ite emss is s introd ducced d with w refe r ere ence to o divid d den ndss pa aid byy the sub s sid diarry. Com C mm mentt T e eliimin The natio on of iintra agro oup p de ebtss an nd unre u ealised d prrofitt on n inttrag grou up tran t nsacctions is e lain exp ned in cha c pter 5. 5 Co Consolidattion of o the e s stattem men nts s o of pro p ofit orr lo oss s and otthe er com c mp preh hen nsiive inc i com me an nd the t e state eme entts of o cha c ang ges s in n equity As A sta ated a abo ove, it folllow ws tha at bec b cause co onso olid datiion is ca arrie ed outt on n a da ate e affter acq a quissitio on,, th he sta atem ment of pro ofitt orr lo oss an nd oth herr co om mpre ehe ens sive e in nco ome e and a sta s atem men nt o of cha c ang ges in eq quitty of o the t su ubsidia ary for th he period da after acq a uisitio on will w be b co omb bine ed witth the t e sttate eme entt off prrofit or lo osss an nd oth herr co omp pre ehe ensiive inccom me and a d state em ment off ch han nge es in i equ e uityy of the e pare p entt for th he sam me re eportin ng per p riod d, in nto a con c nsolida ated d stat s tem men nt of o prof p fit or o los ss and a d othe er com c mprrehenssive inco ome a and da con c nso olidate ed stat s tem men nt o of cha c nge es in e equ uityy. The T e con c sollida ated d stat s tem men nt of o prof p fit o or loss l s and a d otthe er com c mpre ehe ens sive e in nco ome e and a con c nso olidate ed stat s tem men nt o of cha c nge es in e equ uityy off the g grou up will th huss inc clud de:: l all the d disc clossab ble de ebitt an nd cre editt item ms in i the t e sttate eme entt off profiit or o lo osss and a herr co ompre ehe ensive e in ncome e fo or tthe e re epo ortin ng pe eriod and a d in n th he sta ate eme ent of oth chang gess in n eq quitty of o the subsiidia ary forr the peri p iod d sin nce e accqu uisiition n; and a d l the e corrres spo ond ding g item ms in n the e sta s atem men nt off prof p fit orr losss and d oth her comp preh hen nsivve inccom me and a d sttate ementt off ch han nge es in n equ e ity of the e pa are ent. In orderr tto dra aw up a co onsolid dated sttate ementt of o pro ofit o or losss and oth her com c mpreh hen nsiv ve inc i om me ffor a gro oup p of entit e tiess conssistting g of o sep s ara ate leg gal en ntities and a d to o pre p sen nt the t erein tthe re esults of the gro g oup ass a siingle eco ono omic enttity, itt is ess e sen ntia al th hat all intrag group and com c mmon ite emss be e exclude ed.. In con nso olid dating the sta s atem men nt of chang gess in n equ e uity y, th he eliiminattion n of o com c mm mon item i ms re esults in the exc e cisio on of the rreta aine ed ea arniings s of o the t ubs sidia aryy ass a at the t su acq a quissitio on da ate fro om the con c nso olida ate ed reta ain ned ea arn ning gs at the e beg b ginn ning g o of the t cur c rren nt rep r orting g pe erio od. In add dition, th he elim e minatio on of intrrag grou up item ms results in the t exc e clussion n of divvidend ds re eceive ed by th he pa arent fro om th he su ubsidia ary frrom m the t sta s atem men nt o of pro p ofit or losss and a d othe o er ccom mprrehenssive in nco ome e and a d diivid den nds pa aid by the t e su ubssidia ary y fro om the e cons solida ated d sttate ementt off ch han nge es in n equ e ity. 141 Chapter 4 6 As was done in the preceding chapter, the consolidation procedure will be dealt with in each of the three sets of circumstances where the interest in the subsidiary was acquired: l at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed; l at a premium; and l at a discount. 4.7 Interest acquired at the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed Example 4.2 Interest in wholly-owned subsidiary acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets. Parent accounts for investment in subsidiary at cost in its separate records. The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary S Ltd on 30 June 20.18, one year after P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 80 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 20 000 88 000 132 000 80 000 – 60 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R240 000 R140 000 100 000 15 000 125 000 80 000 11 000 49 000 Total equity and liabilities R240 000 R140 000 On 1 July 20.17, the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the balance of the retained earnings account of S Ltd amounted to R8 000. There has been no change in the share capital of S Ltd since 1 July 20.17. 142 Consolidation after acquisition date The extracts from the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the two companies for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 13 000 4 000 10 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (4 000) 10 000 (3 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 13 000 7 000 – – R13 000 R7 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR The extracts from the statements of changes in equity of the two companies for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 S Ltd 7 000 8 000 13 000 – (5 000) 7 000 – (4 000) R15 000 R11 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.2 A consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18, as well as a consolidated statement of financial position at 30 June 20.18, must be prepared. Note that a relatively comprehensive approach is again followed, comprising: l an analysis of the owners’ equity of the subsidiary; l pro forma consolidation journal entries whereby the common and intragroup items are eliminated; and 143 C Cha apte er 4 l onssolidattion n wo w rksshe eet in whic w ch th he re ema aining non n -co omm mon itemss are a a co co omb bined on a line e-by-liine ba asiss. equ T The e an nalyysiss of th he own o nerrs’ e uityy off S Ltd d is s no ow de ealt witth in suc s ccesssiv ve period ds: i At A acqu a uisitio on date d e ii Sinc S ce acq a quissitio on datte: • To T beg b ginn ning g of o cu urre entt ye ear • Curr C ren nt ye earr. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tot A acq a quis sitiion n (1//7/2 20.17)) i At Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss P Ltd L 10 00% % Att 80 0 00 00 (dr) 8 00 00 (dr) 8 80 000 0 8 000 0 Pur P rcha ase e differrence 88 8 00 00 – 8 88 000 0 – Con C nsid deratio on 88 8 00 00 (cr) 8 88 000 0 iii Sin S nce ac cquisittion n • To T beg ginn ning g of o cu urre ent ye ear: Not N t ap ppliccab ble • Cur C rren nt yea y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear (peer sttateeme ent of o profi p it orr los ss an nd othe o er ccom mpre ehen nsivve in ncome) Div D idend Sinc ce – – 7 00 00 (4 4 00 00) 7 00 00 (4 000) R 00 R91 00 00 R3 00 Com C mm mentt a T The wo ordss “a at” a and d “ssince” as a hea adin ngs to the e co olum mnss that a are ussed to ana alys se P Lttd’s inte erest in S Ltd d (1 100%),, are e abbrrevia atio ons for the e termss “a at accquisitiion”” an nd ““sinc ce acq a uisiition n”. b T The pe eriod d “tto the beg ginn ning g off the curre c ent ye ear” falls awa a ay for the t firsst re epo ortin ng p period followiing the e accqu uisition da ate as the e inves stme ent wa as o only y ob btaiined d at th he b beginniing of the t yea ar. F From m the t an nalyysis s it is cle ear tha at the t re is n no purch hasse d diffe ere ence betw b ween the e fa air vallue o of th he nett id dentifia able e ass a etss off the acq a quirree an nd the t co onside erattion n trrans sferre ed to o obta ain th he invvesttme entt. 144 Consolidation after acquisition date C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 88 000 – Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 88 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (88 000) Purchase difference R– On the date of acquisition of the interest by the parent in the subsidiary, R88 000 is eliminated from the equity of the subsidiary as being the opposite side of the balance of the investment in the subsidiary, in the records of the parent. C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of common items at acquisition Cr R 80 000 8 000 88 000 The analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd since acquisition provides the information for the following pro forma consolidation journal entry by means of which the intragroup transaction (dividend from S Ltd to P Ltd, R4 000) is eliminated: Dr R J2 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend Cr R 4 000 4 000 The consolidation procedures can once again be done by means of a consolidation worksheet. 145 C Cha apte er 4 C C4 Co ons solida atio on wo works she eett: P Lttd and a d sub s bsid diary P Lttd S Lttd Co ons solida atio on a adju ustm me ents s Dr P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equiipm ment IInve estme ent in S Lttd T Tra ade recceivvab bles s P Pro ofit D Divide end fro om S Ltd L P Pro ofit bef b fore e ta ax IInco ome ta ax exp e pen nse P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Divide end pa aid R Rettain ned ea arnings s For F the t e ye ear Beg B inning g of the e ye earr End E of the e ye ear S Sha are ca apita al T Total equ e uity T Tra ade and othe o er paya able es 2 20 000 0 80 000 8 88 000 0 – 13 32 000 0 60 000 R 40 000 R24 0 R140 000 1 13 000 0 4 000 0 1 17 000 0 (4 000 0 0) 1 13 000 0 (5 000 0 0) 10 000 – 10 000 (3 000) 7 000 (4 000) 8 000 0 7 000 0 1 15 000 0 10 00 000 0 11 15 000 0 3 000 8 000 11 000 80 000 91 000 Cr 8 000 88 0 (J J1) 4 000 0 0 (J J2) 4 000 0 (J J2) 100 000 – 192 000 * R292 000 23 000 – * 23 000 (7 000) * 16 000 (5 000) * 11 000 7 000 * 18 000 100 000 * 118 000 8 000 0 0 (J J1) 8 000 80 0 0 (J J1) 12 25 000 0 49 000 R 40 000 R24 0 R140 000 R9 92 000 0 0 Con C nso oli-da ate ed R9 92 000 0 174 000 * R292 000 Com C mm mentt N e th Note hat cert c tain n am mounts in the t con nsolida ated d co olum mn repr r rese ent eith her sub btota als or ttotals in that co olum mn and a d do o not n reflect a horrizontal to otalling of the e o other co olum mnss in n th he w rksh wor heett. Th hesse a amounts are id den ntifie ed with w h an n *. 146 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate T The e la ast collum mn of the e work w ksh hee et can c no ow, on nce e ag gaiin, be ad dap pted d in nto co onssolid datted financial sta s atem men nts: P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SOL LID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O FIN F NAN NCIIAL L PO OS SITION N AS AT A 30 JU UNE E 20 0.18 8 A ASSE ETS S N Non-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equ e uipm men nt (2 20 000 0 0(P)) + 8 80 000 0 0(S)) C Current ass sets T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (132 0000(P)) + 60 6 000 0 0(S))) T Tottal ass setts E EQ QUIT TY AN ND LIA ABIILIT TIES E Equ uity y atttributab ble to ow wne ers of the e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al R Rettain ned d ea arniings s 1 0 00 100 00 1 2 00 192 00 R2 292 2 00 00 100 1 0 00 00 18 8 00 00 T Tottal equ uity y 1 8 00 118 00 C Current liab bilities s T Tra ade an nd othe o er pay p yablles (1225 000( 0 (P) + 49 4 0 000((S)) 1 4 00 174 00 T Tottal equ uity y and lia abilitie es R2 292 2 00 00 Com C mm mentt A the at--acq As quissitio on equ e ity of S L Ltd wa as elim e inatted as pa art of o tthe bassic elim minatio on jourrnal entry, the e eq quitty will w be b rep presented by the e sh hare e ca apita al o of P Ltd d, th he reta aine ed e ning earn gs of o P Ltd d an nd the grow g wth h in reta aine ed earn e ning gs of o S Ltd d sin nce acq quissitio on. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P E TRA EXT ACT T FRO F OM TH HE CO ONS SOLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LOS SS AN ND OT THE ER CO OMP PREHEN NSIV VE INCO OME E FO OR R TH HE YE EAR RE END DED D 30 JUN J NE 20..18 P Pro ofit be eforre ttax (177 0000(P P) + 10 0 00 00(S S) – 4 0 000(J2)) IInco om me ta ax exp pen nse (4 0000(P)) + 3 0000(S)) 23 00 00 (7 000) P PROF FIT FO OR T THE YEA Y AR 00 16 00 O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive e inc com me e for th he yea y ar – T TOTA AL CO C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE EAR R R 00 R16 00 P Pro ofit attr a ribu utab ble to: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt R 00 R16 00 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me atttributa able e to o: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt R 00 R16 00 147 C Cha apte er 4 Com C mm mentt A cord Acc ding to IAS S 1 Guidanc ce on o Implementin ng the e pro ofit atttribu utab ble to the t ow wners s uld be sho e prrese ente ed belo b ow the e sta atem men nt of o prof p fit or o lo oss and o othe er com c mpre ehen nsiv ve inco ome e. In n th his exa e mple, the subsid diarry iss whol w ly o own ned and d as th he pare p ent is the t only o ner, all of the own t pro ofit is ulltimately a attrib buta able e to the e ow wne ers of o th he p pare ent. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P EX XTR RAC CT FROM M THE T E CO ON NSO OLIDA ATE ED STA S ATEM MEN NT OF OF CH HANG GES S IN N EQU UITY Y FO OR R TH HE YE EAR RE END DED D 30 JUN J NE 20..18 Sh harre capita al Rettain ned d earrnin ngs s T al Tota eq quity B Ballance at 1 J July y 20.17 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me forr the yea y r: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Div vide end 100 0 00 00 7 000 107 00 00 – – 16 6 000 (5 5 000)) 16 00 00 (5 000) B Ballance at 30 Ju une e 20 0.18 8 100 0 00 00 *R R18 8 000 R118 00 00 * 15 1 000 0 (P) + 3 00 00(S S – ana alyssis (tota al)) = 18 000 Com C mm mentt N e th Note hat onlly th he parrent’s (P ( Ltd) L ) div vide end ap ppea ars in the t conso olida ated d sttate eme ent of o c nge cha es in n eq quitty o of th he grou g up. This is s co orre ect as a the diviiden nd paid p d by y S Ltd d to P L Ltd is a intra an agro oup-item that had d be een n eliimin nate ed on o cons c solid datiion.. Iff th he sam s me exam mple e iss ussed d, but b the e pare p ent ch hose to a acc count for f the e in nve estm men nt iin the t ssubsidiaryy in tterm ms of IF FRS S 9 an nd me eassurre the t nvesstm men nt at a fair f r va alue, a ma mark-toin m marrkett re ese erve e wou w ld havve been reccog gnissed d in n itss se epa ara ate reccord ds,, which wou w uld ha ave to o be reve erssed at acquiisitiion n. Exa E amp ple 4.3 3 dea d ls with w h th his sce ena ario o. 148 Consolidation after acquisition date Example 4.3 Interest in wholly-owned subsidiary acquired at the fair value of the identifiable net assets. Parent accounts for investment in subsidiary at fair value in its separate records. The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its whollyowned subsidiary S Ltd on 30 June 20.18, one year after P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 80 000 shares at fair value (cost price: R88 000) Trade receivables S Ltd 20 000 80 000 90 000 132 000 – 60 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings Trade and other payables R242 000 R140 000 100 000 2 000 15 000 125 000 80 000 – 11 000 49 000 Total equity and liabilities R242 000 R140 000 On 1 July 20.17, the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the balance of the retained earnings account of S Ltd amounted to R8 000. There has been no change in the share capital of S Ltd since 1 July 20.17. The extracts from the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the two companies for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 13 000 4 000 10 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (4 000) 10 000 (3 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 13 000 7 000 Other comprehensive income: Mark-to-market reserve (fair value adjustment on investment) 2 000 – Other comprehensive income for the year 2 000 – R15 000 R7 000 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 149 Chapter 4 The extracts from the statements of changes in equity of the two companies for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Mark-to-market reserve P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd – 7 000 8 000 – 2 000 – 13 000 – (5 000) 7 000 – (4 000) R2 000 R15 000 R11 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd classified the equity investment in S Ltd under IFRS 9 in its separate financial statements and recognised fair value adjustments in a mark-to-market reserve (other comprehensive income). Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.3 A consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18, as well as a consolidated statement of financial position at 30 June 20.18, must be prepared. Note that a relatively comprehensive approach is again followed, comprising: l an analysis of the owners’ equity of the subsidiary; l pro forma consolidation journal entries whereby the common and intragroup items are eliminated; and l a consolidation worksheet in which the remaining non-common items are combined on a line-by-line basis. The analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd is now dealt with in successive periods: i At acquisition date ii Since acquisition date: • To beginning of current year • Current year. 150 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tot A acq a quis sitiion n (1//7/2 20.17)) i At Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss P Ltd L 10 00% % Att 80 0 00 00 (dr) 8 00 00 (dr) 8 80 000 0 8 000 0 Pur P rcha ase e differrence 88 8 00 00 – 8 88 000 0 – Con C nsid deratio on (90 ( 000 0–20 000((J1))) 88 8 00 00 (cr) 8 88 000 0 iii Sin S nce ac cquisittion n • To T beg ginn ning g of o cu urre ent ye ear: Not N t ap ppliccab ble • Cur C rren nt yea y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear (peer sttateeme ent of o profi p it orr los ss an nd othe o er ccom mpre ehen nsivve in ncome) Div D idend Sinc ce – – 7 00 00 (4 4 00 00) 7 00 00 (4 000) R 00 R91 00 00 R3 00 Com C mm mentt a T The wo ordss “a at” a and d “ssince” as a hea adin ngs to the e co olum mnss that a are ussed to ana alys se P Lttd’s interest in S Ltd (1 100 0%) are e ab bbre evia ations for the e terrmss “a at accquisitiion”” an nd ““sinc ce acq a uisiition n”. b T The pe eriod d “tto the beg ginn ning g off the curre c ent ye ear” falls awa a ay for the t firsst re epo ortin ng p period followiing the e accqu uisition da ate as the e inves stme ent wa as o only y ob btaiined d at th he b beginniing of the t yea ar. c T The elimin natio on o of th he inve estm men nt in n P Ltd d is don ne at a the orig gina al co onssideratio on (cost p price e). If th he fa air vvalu ue adju a ustm men nt was w not revverssed, a purrcha ase difffere ence e off R2 2 00 00 w wou uld hav h ve been b n crreatted.. Th his w wou uld be inco orre ect, as the e co onsiiderratio on paid p d fo or th he in nve estm ment eq qualled d the e fa air value v e off the e ne et asse a ets take t en ove o r. F From m the t an nalyysis s it is cle ear tha at the t re is n no purch hasse d diffe ere ence betw b ween the e fa air vallue o of th he nett id dentifia able e ass a etss off the acq a quirree an nd the t co onside erattion n trrans sferre ed to o obta ain th he invvesttme entt. C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 88 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 00 – A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 88 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) P Purc cha ase e differen nce e (8 88 000) R– R 151 Chapter 4 On the date of acquisition of the interest by the parent in the subsidiary, R88 000 is eliminated from the equity of the subsidiary as being the opposite side of the balance of the investment in the subsidiary, in the records of the parent. C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Mark-to-market reserve (P)(OCI) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd for current year 2 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) (90 000 – 2 000) Elimination of common items at acquisition 80 000 8 000 Cr R 2 000 88 000 The analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd since acquisition provides the information for the following pro forma consolidation journal entry by means of which the intragroup transaction (dividend from S Ltd to P Ltd, R4 000) is eliminated: Dr R J3 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend Cr R 4 000 4 000 The consolidation procedures can once again be done by means of a consolidation worksheet. 152 Consolidation after acquisition date C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd Consolidation adjustments S Ltd Dr Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Profit Dividend from S Ltd Profit before tax Income tax expense Profit for the year Dividend paid Retained earnings For the year Beginning of the year End of the year Share capital Mark-to-market reserve Total equity Trade and other payables 20 000 90 000 80 000 – Cr 88 000 (J2) 2 000 (J1) 132 000 60 000 R242 000 R140 000 13 000 4 000 17 000 (4 000) 13 000 (5 000) 10 000 – 10 000 (3 000) 7 000 (4 000) 8 000 7 000 15 000 100 000 2 000 117 000 3 000 8 000 11 000 80 000 – 91 000 Consolidated 100 000 – 192 000 * R292 000 4 000 (J3) 4 000 (J3) * 11 000 7 000 * 18 000 100 000 – * 118 000 8 000 (J2) 80 000 (J2) 2 000 (J1) 125 000 49 000 R242 000 R140 000 R94 000 23 000 – * 23 000 (7 000) * 16 000 (5 000) R94 000 174 000 * R292 000 The last column of the worksheet can now, once again, be adapted into consolidated financial statements: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (20 000(P) + 80 000(S)) Current assets Trade receivables (132 000(P) + 60 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 192 000 R292 000 100 000 18 000 Total equity 118 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (125 000(P) + 49 000(S)) 174 000 Total equity and liabilities R292 000 153 Chapter 4 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Profit before tax (17 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 4 000(J2)) Income tax expense (4 000(P) + 3 000(S)) 23 000 (7 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 16 000 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R16 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent R16 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent R16 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings Total equity Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend 100 000 7 000 107 000 – – 16 000 (5 000) 16 000 (5 000) Balance at 30 June 20.18 100 000 *R18 000 R118 000 * 15 000(P) + 3 000(S – analysis (total)) = 18 000 154 Consolidation after acquisition date 4.8 Interest acquired at a premium Example 4.4 Interest acquired at a premium The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and subsidiary S Ltd at 31 December 20.18, two years after P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 40 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 15 000 50 000 70 000 30 000 – 67 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 40 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R135 000 R97 000 100 000 10 000 25 000 40 000 8 000 49 000 Total equity and liabilities R135 000 R97 000 On 31 December 20.16, the date at which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the credit balance on retained earnings of S Ltd was R2 500. There has been no change in the share capital of S Ltd since 31 December 20.16. The statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of P Ltd and S Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 were as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 34 000 6 000 18 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 40 000 (16 000) 18 000 (8 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 24 000 10 000 Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR – – R24 000 R10 000 155 Chapter 4 The condensed statements of changes in equity of P Ltd and S Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend 5 000 4 000 24 000 (19 000) 10 000 (6 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R10 000 R8 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.4 A consolidated statement of financial position for P Ltd and its subsidiary at 31 December 20.18, as well as a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18, must be prepared. Once again a relatively comprehensive approach is adopted in the solution of the problem. You will notice that use is made of an analysis of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, pro forma consolidation journal entries and a worksheet. 156 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tota n (3 31/1 12/2 201 16) i At acquisittion Share e ca apittal etain ned d ea arning gs Re epre ese ente ed by b goo g odw will – Pare P entt Equityy re onsiideratiion Co nce e ac cqu uisiitio on ii Sin • To beeginnninng of o curr c rentt ye ear: Re etain ned d ea arning gs (44 0000 – 2 5000) • Cuurrent yea y ar: Pro ofit forr the e yearr Divvide end d P Ltd L 10 00% % Att Sinc ce 40 0 00 00 (dr) 2 50 00 (dr) 4 40 000 0 2 500 5 42 2 500 7 50 00 (dr) 4 42 500 5 7 500 5 50 0 00 00 (cr) R5 50 000 0 1 500 1 50 00 10 0 000 (6 6 00 00)) 00 10 00 (6 000) R 5 500 R55 00 R5 50 Com C mmentt T The ch hang ge in reta r ained earn e ning gs ssince th he acq quissition date d e un ntil tthe be eginning g o of th he c rent rep curr portting period d is calccula ated d as s follow ws: Rettain ned earrnin ngs Balanc ce at a 1/1/2 20.1 18 from m sta atem men nt of o ch hangess in equ uityy Balanc ce at a 31/1 3 2/20.16 (a acquisition n da ate) 40 000 0 (2 5 500 0) The ereffore e: In ncre ease e un ntil 1/1//20.18 R 5 R1 500 0 OR R P Ltd d 10 00% % To otal At i At acq quis sitio on (31//12//2016) Sha are cap pita al Retain ned earrnin ngs 4 40 000 0 0 (drr) 2 500 5 0 (drr) 40 0 00 00 2 50 00 Equityy rep pressen nted d by goo odw will – Pare ent 42 500 0 7 500 5 0 (drr) 42 2 50 00 7 50 00 Consid dera atio on 5 50 000 0 0 (crr) R R50 0 00 00 ii Sin nce acq quisitiion • To beg ginn ning g of currren nt ye ear: Retain ned earrnin ngs (4 000 0 0– 25 500 ) 1 500 0 S ce Sinc 15 500 0 157 Chapter 4 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 50 000 – 50 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (42 500) Goodwill R7 500 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of common items at acquisition date and recognition of goodwill at acquisition 40 000 2 500 7 500 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends 6 000 Cr R 50 000 6 000 The pro forma consolidation journal entries are prepared from the foregoing analysis. A closer look at the analysis will reveal that not all the amounts that appear in the analysis are accounted for in the pro forma consolidation journal entries. These amounts, in fact, represent the remaining non-common items which are combined in the worksheet with corresponding line items of the parent. In accounting for J1 in the following worksheet, R2 500 of retained earnings (being a common item) is eliminated; this results in R1 500 of S Ltd’s retained earnings remaining. This last amount must be combined with the corresponding line item of P Ltd. 158 Consolidation after acquisition date C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd S Ltd 15 000 – 50 000 70 000 30 000 – – 67 000 R135 000 R97 000 Profit Dividend from S Ltd 34 000 6 000 18 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 40 000 (16 000) 18 000 (8 000) Profit for the year Dividend paid Retained earnings For the year Beginning of the year End of the year Share capital Total equity Trade and other payables 24 000 (19 000) 10 000 (6 000) 5 000 5 000 10 000 100 000 110 000 4 000 4 000 8 000 40 000 48 000 25 000 R135 000 49 000 R97 000 Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Investment S Ltd Trade receivables Consolidation adjustments Dr Cr 7 500 (J1) 50 000 (J1) Consolidated 45 000 7 500 – 137 000 R189 500 52 000 – 6 000 (J2) 52 000 (24 000) 6 000 (J2) 9 000 6 500 15 500 100 000 115 500 2 500 (J1) 40 000 (J1) R56 000 28 000 (19 000) R56 000 74 000 R189 500 159 Chapter 4 The last column of the worksheet can now, once again, be adapted into consolidated financial statements. P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (15 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Goodwill 45 000 7 500 52 500 Current assets Trade receivables (70 000(P) + 67 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 137 000 R189 500 100 000 15 500 Total equity 115 500 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (25 000(P) + 49 000(S)) 74 000 Total equity and liabilities R189 500 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (40 000(P) + 18 000(S) – 6 000(J2)) Income tax expense (16 000(P) + 8 000(S)) 52 000 (24 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 28 000 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R28 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent R28 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent R28 000 160 Consolidation after acquisition date P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend Balance at 31 December 20.18 * Ȝ Retained earnings Total equity 100 000 *6 500 106 500 – – 28 000 (19 000) 28 000 (19 000) R100 000 ȜR15 500 R115 500 (5 000(P) + 1 500(S – analysis (since)) = 6 500 (10 000(P) + 5 500(S – (analysis (total)) = 15 500 4.9 Interest acquired at a discount Example 4.5 Interest acquired at a discount The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd at 31 December 20.18, two years after P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 40 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 25 000 39 000 70 000 30 000 – 67 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 40 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R134 000 R97 000 100 000 10 000 24 000 40 000 8 000 49 000 Total equity and liabilities R134 000 R97 000 On 31 December 20.16, the date at which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the credit balance of the retained earnings account of S Ltd amounted to R2 500. There has been no change in the share capital of S Ltd since 31 December 20.16. 161 Chapter 4 The condensed statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of P Ltd and S Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 were as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 34 000 6 000 18 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 40 000 (16 000) 18 000 (8 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 24 000 10 000 – – R24 000 R10 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR The condensed statements of changes in equity of P Ltd and S Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend 5 000 4 000 24 000 (19 000) 10 000 (6 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R10 000 R8 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.5 A consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group as at 31 December 20.18, as well as a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18, must be prepared. Once again, the comprehensive approach is adopted in the solution of the problem. Use is made of an analysis of interests in the subsidiary, pro forma consolidation journal entries and a worksheet. 162 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate Com C mm mentt T s co This omp preh henssive e ap ppro oach h iss at this s sta age e still be eing g ussed delibe erate ely. It will w soo on be b a pare app ent tha at it is no ot nece n essaryy to usse all thre ee of the ese ste eps wh hen n prrepa arin ng c solidatted stattem con mentts. C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tota n (3 31/1 12/2 20..16)) i At acquisittion Share e ca apittal Re etain ned d ea arning gs Ga ain from f mb barg gain n purc p cha ase – Par P entt Co onsiideratiion nce e ac cqu uisiitio on ii Sin • To beeginnninng of o curr c rentt ye ear: etain ned d ea arning gs (44 0000 – 2 5000) Re • Cuurrent yea y ar: Pro ofit forr the e yearr Divvide end d P Ltd L 10 00% % Att 40 0 00 00 (dr) 2 50 00 (dr) 40 0 00 00 2 50 00 42 2 500 (3 3 50 00))(cr) 42 2 50 00 (3 3 50 00) 39 9 000 39 9 00 00 Sinc ce 1 50 00 1 500 10 0 000 (6 6 00 00) 10 000 (6 000) R 4 500 R44 R 500 R5 C C2 P Proo of of o c callcu ulattion no of gain g n frrom m a ba arg gain n purc cha ase e off S Lttd in term t ms o IF of FRS S3 3.32 2 3 00 39 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) – A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 3 00 39 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (4 42 500) G Gain n frrom m a ba arga ain pu urch hasse R 50 R3 00 F From m the t ab bovve ana a alyssis iti iss clear th hat thrree co onsolid dation n journ nal enttrie es are a req quiired d: C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R J1 Sharre ccap pital (S S)(S SCE E) R aine Reta ed ear e rnin ngs (S))(SCE E) Invvesstmentt in S Ltd L (P)(S SFP P) Re etaiined d earn e ning gs ((Ga ain from a ba arg gain n pu urch hasse) (S)(S SCE E) Elim mina atio on of com c mm mon n ite em ms at a a acq quis sitio on da ate and a d re eco ogn nitio on of gaiin ffrom m a barg gain n purc p cha ase e att ac cqu uisitio on Crr R 40 00 00 2 50 00 39 9 00 00 3 50 00 co tinu cont ued d 163 C Cha apte er 4 Drr R 2 J2 Divid den nd rece r eive ed (P)(P//L) Divvide end d pa aid (S)(S SCE E) Elim mina atio on of o intr i rag grou up div vide end d Cr R 0 6 000 6 00 00 Com C mm mentt T e ga The ain from f m a barrgain purc p chasse o orig ginated at acq quis sition, that t t is on 31//12//20.16. This g n ha gain ad bee b n in ncluded d in the e co onso olida ated d prrofitt or los ss fo or th he yea y r en nded 31/12 2/20 0.16 6. H wev How ver, as the e cu urrent con c soliidattion ha as been b n do one e for the year y r en nded d 31/12 2/20 0.18 8, t the gain that t t origin nate ed on acquissitio on wou uld no ow be inccluded in the e co onssolid date ed r ained earn reta nings att the begin nnin ng o of th he yea y ar in n the e co onsolid date ed sstate eme ent of cha c nge es in equitty. C C4 Co ons solida atio on wo works she eett: P Lttd and a d sub s bsid diary P Ltd S Lttd C Consolida atio on a adjusttme entts Dr P Pro operty,, pla antt an nd equiipm ment IInve estme ent in S Lttd T Tra ade recceivvab bles s 2 25 000 0 0 3 39 000 0 0 7 70 000 0 0 3 0 30 000 0 – 6 0 67 000 0 R 34 000 R13 0 0 R9 97 0 000 0 P Pro ofit D Divide end fro om S Ltd L 3 34 000 0 0 6 000 0 0 1 0 18 000 0 – P Pro ofit bef b fore e ta ax IInco ome ta ax exp e pen nse 4 40 000 0 0 (1 16 000 0 0) 18 0 1 000 0 ( 0 (8 000 0) P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Divide end pa aid R Rettain ned ea arnings s For F the t e ye ear Beg B inning of the e ye ear 2 24 000 0 0 (1 19 000 0 0) 10 0 1 000 0 ( 0 (6 000 0) 5 000 0 0 5 000 0 0 40 000 0 40 000 0 2 500 5 0 (J J1) End E of the e ye ear S Sha are ca apita al 1 10 000 0 0 10 00 000 0 0 80 000 0 40 0 4 000 0 4 000 40 0 0 (J J1) T Total equ e uity T Tra ade and othe o er paya able es 11 10 000 0 0 4 0 48 000 0 2 24 000 0 0 4 0 49 000 0 R 34 000 R13 0 0 R9 97 0 000 0 Cr 39 9 00 00 (J1) Co ons soliid ed date 55 000 – 137 000 R192 000 52 000 – 6 000 0 0 (J J2) 52 000 (24 000) 6 00 00 (J2) 28 000 (19 000) 3 50 00 (J1) 9 000 10 000 19 000 100 000 119 000 73 000 R4 48 500 5 0 R 8 50 R48 00 R192 000 T The e la ast collum mn of the e work w ksh hee et can c no ow, on nce e ag gaiin, be ad dap pted d in nto co onssolid datted financial sta s atem men nts. 164 Consolidation after acquisition date P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (25 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Current assets Trade receivables (70 000(P) + 67 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 55 000 137 000 R192 000 100 000 19 000 Total equity 119 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (24 000(P) + 49 000(S)) 73 000 Total equity and liabilities R192 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (40 000(P) + 18 000(S) – 6 000(J2)) Income tax expense (16 000(P) + 8 000(S)) 52 000 (24 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 28 000 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R28 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent R28 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent R28 000 165 C Cha apte er 4 P LTD L D GRO G OUP P EX XTR RAC CT FROM M THE E CO ON NSO OLID DA ATE ED STA S ATEM MEN NT OF OF CH HANG GES S IN N EQU UITY Y OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN ND DED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO Sh hare e cap c pita al B Ballance at 1 J Jan nua ary 20..18 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me forr the yea y r: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Div vide end B Ballance at 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 * Ȝ Re etaine ed ea arning gs T al Tota eq quiity 10 00 000 0 0 * 0 00 *10 00 110 00 00 – – 28 8 00 00 (19 9 00 00) 28 00 00 ((19 000) R 00 000 R10 0 0 ȜR R19 9 00 00 R119 00 00 (5 ( 000( 0 (P) + 1 500 0(S S – ana a alysiis (s sincce)) + 3 50 00 (J J1 – Gain G fro om a ba arga ain purrcha ase))) = 10 000 0 10 1 000 0 (P) + 5 50 00(S S – ana alyssis (tota al)) + 3 500 (J J1 – Ga ain from m a ba arga ain purc p chase) = 19 1 000 0 Com C mm mentt W ere a gain Whe g n fro om a barg b gain n pu urch hase iss crreatted on acq quissitio on, the am mou unt mus m st be b a ed to the add e co onssolid date ed reta aine ed earning gs at the e be egin nnin ng a and d th he end e d off th he r ortin repo ng perriod d to o determine if the e ba alan nce es a are co orrect. It is onlly crea c ated d on o c solidattion an con nd is nott re eco ognised d in n th he ind divid dual re eco ordss off th he sub bsid diary. R mem Rem mbe er th his is pu urely a calcullatio on to te est if i yo our con nsolida ated d figures are corr c rect. C Cons solida atiion n of o a par p rtia ally y-o ow wne ed su ubsid dia ary y com c mp parred d w with tha t at of a wh ho olly y-o own ne ed su subs sid diary affte er acq a quisiitio on 4 4.10 0 Co onso olid dation n of o a who w olly y-o own ned sub s bsidiary y afte a er acq a quisitio on 1 The T e fiirst pa art of this t s chap pte er was w s de ediccatted to proce edu ures fo or the t e co onssolidattion n of a wh w ollyy-ow wn ned su ubsidia ary aftter acquiisitiion da ate.. Sin S nce conssolida ation takkes placce aftter the acq quisition date e, tthe e stat s em men nts of fina f anccial po osittion n, stat s em men nts of pro ofit or losss and a d othe er com c mprrehe ens sive e in nco ome e and a sta s atem men nts of o cha c ang gess in n equ e uityy o of the t e pare p entt and a th he su ubs sidia aryy mus m st be con c nso olidate ed. Th he pro oce eduress fo or the t e co onssolidattion n of o stat s tem men nts of pro ofitt orr lo oss and a d oth o er co omp pre ehensiive in nco ome e a and d stat s em men nts of chan nge es in eq quity we ere dis d cussse ed iin 4.6. 4 . 2 The T e cons c solida ation of o th he sta atem me entss off fin nan ncia al pos p sitio on, sta atem me ents s off prrofit or lo oss and a d othe o er ccom mprreh hensivve inco ome and a d sttate ementts o of cha c ang gess in eq quitty of o ap pare ent and a d subssidiary y unde er thre t ee difffere entt sittua ation ns recceivved d attten ntio on, i.e.: l intere est in su ubssidia aryy ac cqu uire ed at the e fair va alue e of o the t identtifia able e ass a setss and a bilittiess ac cqu uire ed; liab l intere est in sub s bsid diary a acq quirred d att a pre emiium m; and a d l intere est in sub s bsid diary a acq quirred d att a dis scou untt. 4 4.11 1 Co onso olid dation n of o a part p tially-ow wn ned d sub bsid dia ary y affterr a acq quis sition n 1 The T e pos p sib bility y th hat the e in nte eresst in n a su ubs sidiaryy iss no ot held h d in n fu ull (i.e e. th hatt it wa as not n wh w ollyy ow wned)) iss discu usssed d in ch hap pterr 3. Th he res r st o of th his chaptter is ded dicate ed tto the t con c nso olidatio on pro oce edu uress att a da ate after acq quissition of a sub s bsid diarry whi w ich is pa artia ally ow o ned d. 166 Consolidation after acquisition date 2 3 4 As consolidation takes place on a date after acquisition by the parent of the interest in the partially-owned subsidiary, the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, statements of changes in equity and the statements of financial position of the parent and the subsidiary must be consolidated. The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and the consolidated statement of changes in equity present the trading results and other changes in equity of the parent and the subsidiary for the relevant reporting period, for the group as a whole. In order to prepare a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for a group of companies consisting of separate legal entities, and to present the results of the group as a single economic entity in such statement, it is necessary that all common and intragroup items be eliminated. Subsequently, the remaining non-common income and expense items of the parent and its subsidiary are combined on a line-by-line basis in the same manner as for a consolidated statement of financial position in order to prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity. The non-controlling interests in the profit or loss and total comprehensive income of the group for the reporting period are presented in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as allocations of profit or loss for the period (IAS 1.81B). The consolidated statement of financial position presents the state of affairs and business of the parent and all its subsidiaries at the relevant reporting date for the group as a whole. In order to prepare a consolidated statement of financial position for a group of companies consisting of separate legal entities, and to present therein the state of affairs of the group as a single economic entity, it is necessary that all common and intragroup items be eliminated. Subsequently, the remaining assets and liabilities of the parent and its subsidiary are combined on a line-by-line basis in order to prepare the consolidated statement of financial position. Non-controlling interests are presented in the consolidated statement of financial position within equity, separately from the equity of the owners of the parent (IFRS 10.22). Consolidation procedures for the interest in a partially-owned subsidiary after the acquisition date 4.12 Basic consolidation procedures The basic consolidation procedures as applied up to this stage are still followed, namely: l elimination of common items; l elimination of intragroup items; and l consolidation of the remaining non-common items on a line-by-line basis. The comprehensive approach (the worksheet approach) is still followed in this chapter in executing the consolidation procedures, i.e.: l the analysis of owners’ equity of the subsidiary; l pro forma consolidation journal entries to eliminate the common and intragroup items; 167 Chapter 4 l a consolidation worksheet in which: • the individual financial statements of the parent and its subsidiary are combined; • the pro forma consolidation journal entries are recorded; and • the remaining non-common items which represent the consolidated amounts are added together. Although in practice the comprehensive approach is most often applied in one or other form (normally computerised), the method is not ideal for examination purposes. The consolidation of a partially-owned subsidiary after acquisition will now be explained with reference to an acquisition at: l the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed; l more than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed and the non-controlling interests are also measured at fair value at acquisition; and l less than the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed and movements between reserves occur in the reporting period. Example 4.6 Consolidation after acquisition date. Interest obtained at fair value. The following are the condensed financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd, which is partially owned, two years after P Ltd acquired 80% of the issued share capital of S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 64 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 15 000 70 000 119 000 50 000 – 86 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R204 000 R136 000 100 000 14 000 90 000 80 000 15 000 41 000 Total equity and liabilities R204 000 R136 000 168 Consolidation after acquisition date EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 13 800 3 200 14 500 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (7 000) 14 500 (5 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 10 000 9 500 – – R10 000 R9 500 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 20 JUNE 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 S Ltd 9 000 9 500 10 000 – (5 000) 9 500 – (4 000) R14 000 R15 000 On 1 July 20.16, the date at which P Ltd acquired the shareholding in S Ltd, the financial statements of S Ltd showed the following credit balance: Retained earnings R7 500 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. 169 Chapter 4 Solution 4.6 Since consolidation takes place after the acquisition date, the analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd is apportioned over the following periods: i At date of acquisition ii Since date of acquisition: l To the beginning of the current year l Current year C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (9 500 – 7 500) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 80 000 7 500 64 000 6 000 16 000 1 500 87 500 – 70 000 – 17 500 – 87 500 70 000 17 500 2 000 1 600 400 17 900 9 500 (4 000) 7 600 (3 200) 1 900 (800) R95 000 R6 000 R19 000 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 70 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 17 500 87 500 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Purchase difference 170 (87 500) R– Consolidation after acquisition date C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd on acquisition Cr R 80 000 7 500 70 000 17 500 With regard to the period since acquisition until the beginning of the current reporting period, the non-controlling interests in the post-acquisition profits and reserves should be recorded to reflect the portion of the profits attributable to the non-controlling interests. Consolidation will require a line-by-line aggregation of the items in the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the entities, thereby including 100% of the line items of the subsidiary. This is done to indicate to the user how the controlling entity used the assets at its disposal to generate profits. This amount however needs to be diluted as 20% of these profits are not attributable to the parent, but to the non-controlling interests. This elimination is done by means of the following journal entries: Dr R J2 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period 1/7/20.16–30/6/20.17 ((9 500 – 7 500) × 20%) Cr R 400 400 In respect of the current reporting period the non-controlling interests in the profit of the subsidiary must be allocated to them. The result of the adjustment is that the total profit of the group as a whole, as far as the owners of the parent are concerned, is disclosed: Dr R J3 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the profit for the year (9 500 × 20%) Cr R 1 900 1 900 171 Chapter 4 Finally, it is necessary to eliminate the dividend paid by the subsidiary completely. The portion which is paid to the parent is cancelled out because, as has already been explained, it is an intragroup transaction, while the non-controlling interests are debited because the pro rata portion paid to them represents a reduction of their total interest in the subsidiary: Dr R J4 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of non-controlling interests in the dividend Cr R 3 200 800 4 000 The consolidation process is now completed by using the consolidation worksheet. C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd S Ltd Consolidation adjustments Dr Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Cr Consolidated 15 000 70 000 119 000 50 000 – 86 000 R204 000 R136 000 Profit Dividend from S Ltd 13 800 3 200 14 500 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (7 000) 14 500 (5 000) 28 300 (12 000) Profit for the year Other comp income: Total comprehensive income NCI in profit Dividend Retained earnings For the year At beginning of year 10 000 – 9 500 – 16 300 – 10 000 – (5 000) 9 500 – (4 000) 5 000 9 000 5 000 9 500 End of year Share capital 14 000 100 000 15 000 80 000 80 000 (J1) Total equity Non-controlling interests 114 000 – 95 000 – 800 (J4) 90 000 41 000 R204 000 R136 000 Trade and other payables 172 70 000 (J1) 65 000 – 205 000 R270 000 28 300 – 3 200 (J4) 1 900 (J3) 4 000 (J4) 16 300 (1 900) (5 000) 9 400 10 600 7 500 (J1) 400 (J2) 20 000 100 000 17 500 (J1) 400 (J2) 1 900 (J3) 120 000 19 000 131 000 R93 800 R93 800 R270 000 Consolidation after acquisition date The last column of the worksheet can now easily be adapted into consolidated financial statements: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (15 000(P) + 50 000(S)) 65 000 65 000 Current assets Trade receivables (119 000(P) + 86 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (90 000(P) + 41 000(S)) Total equity and liabilities 205 000 R270 000 100 000 20 000 120 000 19 000 139 000 131 000 R270 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Profit before tax (17 000(P) + 14 500(S) – 3 200(J4)) Income tax expense (7 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 28 300 (12 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests (analysis) 16 300 – R16 300 14 400 1 900 R16 300 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 14 400 1 900 R16 300 173 C Cha apte er 4 Com C mm mentt T e pro The ofit attribu utab ble to t the non n-co ontrrollin ng inte i eressts is obta o ained frrom m the e analyysiss, i.e e. t the po ortio on of prrofit fo or the e yyearr attrib a buta able e to the t non-con ntrolling g interests ( 5 (9 500 × 20% 2 %). The T e prrofitt atttrib buta able to the e own o ers of the e pare p ent is the e diffferrenc ce b wee betw en the tota al comprehen nsivve p profiit fo or th he yea y ar, le ess the e po ortio on attri a ibuttable to o th he n -contro non ollin ng in nterrests (1 16 300 3 – 1 90 00), i.e.. the e ba alan ncin ng fiigurre. In th he casse of o th he allo ocattion of the e to otal com mprrehe ens sive inccom me, as the ere is no n o othe er c mpre com ehensivve inco i ome e fo or th he year y r, th he sam s me amo a ounts are a use ed ffor the disstrib butio on of o t tota the al co omp preh hen nsive in ncom me. Re etaine ed ea arniing gs T al Tota Non-co ontrolling g in nte eres sts 10 00 000 0 * 10 0 60 00 110 60 00 @ 17 1 9 900 0 128 50 00 – – 14 4 40 00 (5 5 00 00) 14 40 00 (5 000) 19 900 0 (8 800 0) 16 30 00 (5 800) R 00 000 R10 0 # R20 R 0 00 00 R120 00 00 19 0 R1 000 0 R139 00 00 Sh hare e cap pita al B Ballance at 1 Ju uly 20..17 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quitty fo or 20. 2 18 T Total com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncome e for th he yea y ar: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Divide end pa aid B Ballance at 30 Jun J ne 20.1 2 18 * @ # To ota al eq quitty 9 000( 0 (P) + 1 600 0(S S – ana a alysiis (s sincce)) = 10 1 6 600 17 500 0 + 400 0 = 17 900 0(an nalyysis) 0(P)) + 6 00 00(S – analyssis (total)) = 20 2 0 000 14 000 alyssis Ana T The e next n t exa e amp ple sh how ws the con nso olid dation affterr a acquissitio on of a pa artiallyy-o own ned ssubsidiaryy. Ho owe eve er, in thiss cas c se the t e non--co ontrrolliing interrestts are e mea m asu ured d a at fair f vvalu ue at the e a acq quissitio on da ate. Th he ba asicc in nformatio on is ve ery sim mila ar to the e pre p evio ous e examp ple, bu ut itt sh hou uld be reg garrded as a a se epa ara ate exa ample e. 174 Consolidation after acquisition date Example 4.7 Consolidation after acquisition date, NCI measured at fair value at acquisition date The following are the condensed financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd, which is partially-owned, two years after P Ltd acquired 75% of the issued share capital of S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 60 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 15 000 76 000 119 000 50 000 – 86 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables R210 000 R136 000 100 000 14 000 96 000 80 000 15 000 41 000 Total equity and liabilities R210 000 R136 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from subsidiary 14 000 3 000 14 500 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (7 000) 14 500 (5 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 10 000 9 500 – – R10 000 R9 500 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 175 Chapter 4 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 S Ltd 9 000 9 500 10 000 9 500 (5 000) (4 000) R14 000 R15 000 On 1 July 20.16, the date at which P Ltd acquired the shareholding in S Ltd, the financial statements concerned of the latter showed the following credit balance: Retained earnings R7 500 P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at fair value at the acquisition date. At the acquisition date, the directors of P Ltd were of the opinion that the non-controlling interests were worth R25 000, after a remeasurement was done. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.7 The consolidated financial statements of P Ltd and the subsidiary must be prepared for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18, as illustrated below. Since consolidation takes place after the acquisition date, the analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd is apportioned over the following periods: i At date of acquisition ii Since date of acquisition l To the beginning of the current year l Current year 176 Consolidation after acquisition date Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings At Since NCI 80 000 7 500 60 000 5 625 20 000 1 875 87 500 10 375 3 125 65 625 10 375 – 21 875 – 3 125 101 000 76 000 25 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Equity represented by goodwill – NCI Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (9 500 – 7 500) P Ltd 75% 2 000 1 500 500 25 500 • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend 9 500 (4 000) 7 125 (3 000) 2 375 (1 000) 108 500 5 625 26 875 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 76 000 25 000 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 101 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (87 500) Goodwill R13 500 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd on acquisition Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period 1/7/20.16–30/6/20.17 ((9 500 – 7 500) × 25%) Cr R 80 000 7 500 13 500 76 000 25 000 500 500 continued 177 Chapter 4 Dr R J3 J4 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the profit for the year (9 500 × 25%) 2 375 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of non-controlling interests in the dividend 3 000 1 000 Cr R 2 375 4 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd Consolidation adjustments S Ltd Dr Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables 15 000 50 000 13 500 (J1) 76 000 119 000 – 86 000 R210 000 R136 000 Profit Dividend from S Ltd 14 000 3 000 14 500 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (7 000) 14 500 (5 000) Profit for the year NCI in profit Dividend paid Retained earnings For the year At beginning of year 10 000 – (5 000) 9 500 – (4 000) 2 000 9 000 5 500 9 500 End of year Share capital 11 000 100 000 15 000 80 000 Total equity Non-controlling interests 116 000 95 000 – – 96 000 41 000 R210 000 R136 000 Trade and other payables 178 Cr 76 000 (J1) Consolidated 65 000 13 500 – 205 000 R283 500 28 500 – 3 000 (J4) 28 500 (12 000) 2 375 (J3) 4 000 (J4) 16 500 (2 375) (5 000) 9 125 10 500 7 500 (J1) 500 (J2) 19 625 100 000 80 000 (J1) 119 625 1 000 (J4) 25 000 (J1) 500 (J2) 2 375 (J3) 26 875 137 000 R107 875 R107 875 R283 500 Consolidation after acquisition date P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (15 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Goodwill 65 000 13 500 78 500 Current assets Trade receivables (119 000(P) + 86 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 205 000 R283 500 100 000 19 625 Non-controlling interests 119 625 26 875 Total equity 146 500 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (96 000(P) + 41 000(S)) 137 000 Total equity and liabilities R283 500 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Profit before tax (17 000(P) + 14 500(S) – 3 000 (J4)) Income tax expense (7 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 28 500 (12 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 16 500 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests (analysis) – R16 500 14 125 2 375 R16 500 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests (analysis) 14 125 2 375 R16 500 179 C Cha apte er 4 Com C mm mentt T e am The mou unt attrributable to t th he non n-co ontrrollin ng inte eres sts is i obta o aine ed from m th he ana a lysis, i.e. the e port p ion of prrofitt fo or the t ye ear attribu utab ble to the e nonn -con ntro olling interests ( 5 (9 500 × 25% 2 %). The T e am mou unt attrribu utable to t the ow wnerrs of o th he par p ent is the e diffferrenc ce b wee betw en th he tota t al co omp preh hensive e in ncom me for the yea ar, lesss th he porti p ion attrributable to o th he n n-contro non ollin ng in nterrestts (1 16 500 5 – 2 37 75), i.e.. the e ba alan ncin ng fiigurre. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SO OLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EMEN NT OF O CH HAN NGES S IN N EQ QUITY Y FO OR R TH HE YE EAR RE END DED D 30 JUN J NE 20..18 B Ballance at 1 J July y 20.17 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me fo or the yea ar: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear D Div vide end pa aid B Ballance at 30 Ju une e 20 0.18 8 Sh harre ca apittal Re etaiine ed ea arniing gs To otal Non N n-contro ollin ng i erests inte s T tal Tot equity e 100 00 00 * 10 0 50 00 110 500 5 @2 25 500 5 0 136 00 00 – – 14 4 12 25 (5 5 00 00) 14 125 0 ) (5 000) 2 375 3 5 (1 000 0 0) 16 50 00 00) (6 00 R100 00 00 # R19 R 9 62 25 R R119 625 6 R2 26 875 8 5 R146 50 00 * 9 000( 0 (P) + 1 500 0(S S – ana a alysiis (s sincce)) = 10 1 5 500 @ Ana alyssis Con nso olida ated d SC CI # 14 000 0(P)) + 5 62 25(S – analyssis (total)) = 19 1 6 625 O Oth herr mo move em men nts s in ne equ uity y of o the e su s bs sidiarry sin nc ce the t e acq a quisiitio on d datte 4 4.13 3 Mov vem men nt in eq quitty In n the discu usssion n up u to t this poin p nt, move ementts in the e equ e uity of th he sub bsid dia ary we ere re esttrictted d to o incre easses in rettain ned d earn ning gs from one e rrepo ortiing pe erio od to t the t e ne extt. The T e equity of a sub s bsid diarry can c alsso cha ang ge due e to o: l ch han nges in the t markk-to o-m markket re eserve e whe w re a ssub bsid dia ary ha as inve estme entss th hat arre acc a oun nte ed for f in term t ms of IFR RS 9; l the isssu ue o or buy b y-ba ackk off sh hares (discu uss sed d in Vo olum me 2, chaptter 14 4); and a d l reme eassure ementt of o pro ope ertyy, pla ant an nd eq quipm men nt and d fina anc ciall in nstrum men nts (disccusssed d in n ch hap pterr 6)). In n te erm ms of o IAS S 1..79 9(b)), th he natture e and a pu urpo ose e off evverry rese erve with w hin equityy has to be d disc clossed d byy w way y of a desscrription. An A ent e tity ca an therrefo ore e no ot cre c ate e a ge eneral resserrve w with hout any purpo ose e T The e ca ase e will n now w be b add a dressse ed wh w ere e a su ubsidia ary ha as a mar m rk-to-m marrke et re ese erve e th hat fo orm ms parrt of o e equity at acquiisitiion an nd tha t at has h ch hanged d sinc s ce due d e to o th he reccognitiion of fa air vallue e ad djusstm men nts. Th his res serrve is treate ed exa e actlly the sa ame e ass re eta aine ed ear e rnin ngs s in th he con nso olid datio on pro oce esss. 180 Consolidation after acquisition date Example 4.8 Consolidation where S Ltd’s equity includes a mark-to-market reserve The following are the financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary for 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 40 000 shares at fair value Financial asset (at fair value through OCI) Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 50 000 shares) Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 99 400 49 800 – 15 000 15 200 45 000 – 20 000 23 800 10 000 R179 400 R98 800 100 000 5 000 49 400 25 000 50 000 4 000 28 800 16 000 R179 400 R98 800 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit before investment income Dividend received 40 000 6 400 24 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 46 400 (12 000) 24 000 (7 200) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 34 400 16 800 Mark-to-market reserve 3 200 2 500 Other comprehensive income for the year 3 200 2 500 R37 600 R19 300 Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 181 Chapter 4 EXTRACTS FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Mark-to-market reserve P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Dividend Balance at 31 December 20.18 S Ltd 1 800 1 500 3 200 2 500 5 000 4 000 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd 25 000 20 000 34 400 16 800 (10 000) (8 000) R49 400 R28 800 Additional information P Ltd paid R44 800 for its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.16 when the latter had retained earnings of R5 000 and a mark-to-market reserve of R1 000. The capital has remained unchanged since that date. All companies in the group classify equity investments in terms of IFRS 9 in their individual financial statements and recognise fair value adjustments in a mark-to-market reserve (other comprehensive income). P Ltd elected to measure non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. The following information is relevant to the dividends of S Ltd: Final dividend paid (paid 15 February 20.18) R3 000 Interim dividend (paid 31 July 20.18) R5 000 Final dividend declared (registration date for payment – 31 January 20.19) R6 000 Ignore tax implications. Solution 4.8 When the equity of the subsidiary contains more than one reserve, a distinction should be made between such reserves in the analysis to simplify the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. 182 C nso Co olid dation aftter acquiisitiion da ate C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L To otall i At A acq a quis sition (1//1/2 20.1 16)) Sha S are cap pita al Mar M rk-to-m marrkett re eserrve Ret R ained ea arnin ngss Pur P cha ase e diffferrencce Con C nsid dera atio on (49 ( 800 0–50 000((J1)) and NCI iii Sin S ce acq quiisittion n • To T beg b ginn ning g of cu urre ent yea ar: Mar M rk-to-m marrkett re eserrve (1 50 00 – 1 0 000 0) Ret R ained ea arnin ngss (20 000 – 5 000) • Cur C rren nt year y r: Prof P fit for f the t e ye ear Mar M rk-to-m marrkett re eserrve Fina F al divid d den nd paid p d Inte erim m dividend d paid d A At P Ltd L 80% S nce Sin NC CI 50 0 00 00 1 00 00 5 00 00 40 0 000 0 800 8 4 000 0 10 00 00 20 00 1 00 00 56 6 00 00 – 44 4 800 8 – 00 11 20 – 56 6 00 00 R44 4 800 8 11 20 00 50 00 15 5 00 00 40 00 MM M 12 2 00 00 RE E 10 00 3 00 00 00 14 30 16 6 80 00 2 50 00 (3 3 00 00)) (5 5 00 00)) 13 3 44 40 RE E 2 00 00 MM M (2 2 40 00) RE E (4 4 00 00) RE E 3 36 60 50 00 ((600) (1 000) R R82 2 80 00 R19 R 9 04 40 RE E R2 2 40 00 MM M R16 560 Com C mm mentt T e ab The bbre eviation ns R RE (Re ( tain ned earrnin ngs)) an nd MM M (Ma ark--to-m marrkett) are used u d to o ide entify t different rese the r erve es in n th he anal a lysiss to o sim mplify the t calcula atio on of o th he to otals att the e en nd of o t the yea ar at a th he botttom m off the ta able e. The e to otalss re epre esent the t pa arent’s inte eresst in n th he d eren diffe nt re eservess siince e accquiisitio on u untiil the end of the curr c rentt reporrting g pe eriod d. C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 44 4 80 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 11 20 00 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 6 00 00 56 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) G Goo odw will ( 6 00 (56 00) R– R 183 Chapter 4 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 184 Cr R Mark-to-market reserve – Beginning of year (P)(SCE) Mark-to-market reserve (P)(OCI) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd 1 800 3 200 Share capital (S)(SCE) Mark-to-market reserve (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 1 000 5 000 Mark to market reserve – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in mark-tomarket reserve of S Ltd for the period since acquisition until beginning of the year 100 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of S Ltd for the period since acquisition until beginning of the year 3 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in S Ltd’s profit for the period 3 360 Other comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests (OCI) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in movement in S Ltd’s mark-to-market reserve for the period 500 Dividend received (P)(P/L) (4 000 + 2 400) Non-controlling interests (SFP) (1 000 + 600) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) (5 000 + 3 000) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of dividend paid to non-controlling interests 6 400 1 600 5 000 44 800 11 200 100 3 000 3 360 500 8 000 Consolidation after acquisition date C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd S Ltd Consolidation adjustments Dr Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd Cr Consolidated 99 400 49 800 45 000 – – 15 000 20 000 23 800 20 000 38 800 15 200 10 000 25 200 R179 400 R98 800 R228 400 Profit Dividend from S Ltd 40 000 6 400 24 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 46 400 (12 000) 24 000 (7 200) Profit for the year FV gain on fin asset 34 400 3 200 16 800 2 500 Financial asset Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents 5 000(J1) 44 800(J2) 64 000 (19 200) 19 300 – (10 000) – (8 000) Retained earnings For the year At beginning of year 27 600 25 000 11 300 20 000 52 600 1 800 31 300 1 500 100 000 50 000 1 800(J1) 1 000(J2) 100(J3) 50 000(J2) 154 400 – 82 800 – 1 600(J7) 25 000 16 000 R179 400 R98 800 Trade and other payables 44 800 2 000 3 200(J1) 500(J6) 37 600 Total equity Non-controlling interests 64 000 – 6 400(J7) Total omprehensive income Non-controlling interests Dividend paid End of year Mark-to-market reserve – Beginning of year Share capital 144 400 – 46 800 3 360(J5) 8 000(J7) (3 360) (10 000) 33 440 5 000(J2) 3 000(J4) 37 000 70 440 400 100 000 11 200(J2) 100(J3) 3 000(J4) 3 360(J5) 500(J6) 170 840 16 560 41 000 R75 960 R75 960 R228 400 185 Chapter 4 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (99 400(P) + 45 000(S)) Financial asset (S) 144 400 20 000 164 400 Current assets Trade receivables (15 000(P) + 23 800(S)) Cash and cash equivalents (15 200(P) + 10 000(S)) 38 800 25 200 64 000 Total assets R228 400 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings 100 000 2 400 68 440 Non-controlling interests 170 840 16 560 Total equity 187 400 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (25 000(P) +16 000(S)) Total equity and liabilities 186 41 000 R228 400 Consolidation after acquisition date P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (46 400(P) + 24 000(S) – 6 400(J6)) Income tax expense (12 000(P) + 7 200(S)) 64 000 (19 200) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 44 800 Other comprehensive income for the year Mark-to-market reserve (S) – 2 500 R47 300 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests (Analysis) 41 440 3 360 R44 800 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (41 440 + 2 000(S – Analysis)) Non-controlling interests (3 360 + 500(S – Analysis)) 43 440 3 860 R47 300 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 MarkRetained tomarket earnings reserve Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 100 000 Ŷ 400 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity # 37 000 137 400 14 300 151 700 41 440 41 440 3 360 44 800 – (10 000) 2 000 (10 000) 500 Ž(1 600) 2 500 (11 600) Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year: Mark-to-market reserve Dividend – – _ 2 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18 R100 000 ƇR 2 400 * R68 440 R170 840 Ŷ # Ƈ Ž * R16 560 R187 400 (Analysis) 25 000(P) + 12 000(S – analysis (since)) = 37 000 (Analysis) (600 (Final) + 1 000(Interim)) 49 400(P) + 19 040(S – analysis (total)) = 68 440 187 Chapter 4 Self-assessment questions Question 4.1 On 1 July 20.14, P Ltd acquired all the shares in S Ltd at R52 000. At that date, the balance on S Ltd’s retained earnings account amounted to R12 000. The share capital amounted to R40 000 and no shares have been issued since that date. The following are the condensed statements of financial position of P Ltd and subsidiary S Ltd at 31 December 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 4 000 shares at cost price Trade receivables S Ltd 41 000 56 000 29 000 35 000 – 52 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 8 000 shares/S Ltd: 4 000 shares) Retained earnings Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables R126 000 R87 000 80 000 18 000 10 000 18 000 40 000 18 000 2 000 27 000 Total equity and liabilities R126 000 R87 000 The statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the two companies for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received 18 500 3 000 10 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 21 500 (5 500) 10 000 (3 000) 16 000 – R16 000 7 000 – R7 000 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 188 Consolidation after acquisition date The statements of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 are as follows: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Dividend Balance at 31 December 20.18 S Ltd 10 000 14 000 16 000 – (8 000) 7 000 – (3 000) R18 000 R18 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. Ignore tax implications. Required Prepare the consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18. 189 Chapter 4 Suggested solution 4.1 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (41 000(P) + 35 000(S)) Goodwill Current assets Trade receivables (29 000(P) + 52 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings Total equity Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (10 000(P) + 2 000(S)) Current liabilities Trade and other payables (18 000(P) + 27 000(S)) Total equity and liabilities 76 000 4 000 80 000 81 000 R161 000 80 000 24 000 104 000 12 000 45 000 R161 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (21 500(P) + 10 000(S) – 3 000(J2)) Income tax expense (5 500(P) + 3 000(S)) 28 500 (8 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 20 000 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R20 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent R20 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent R20 000 190 Consolidation after acquisition date P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend Balance at 31 December 20.18 Retained earnings Total equity 80 000 *12 000 92 000 – – 20 000 (8 000) 20 000 (8 000) R80 000 ȜR24 000 R104 000 *10 000(P) + 2 000(S – analysis (since)) = 12 000 Ȝ18 000(P) + 6 000(S – analysis (total)) = 24 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.14) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (14 000 – 12 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend P Ltd 100% At 40 000 12 000 40 000 12 000 52 000 4 000 52 000 4 000 56 000 R56 000 Since 2 000 2 000 7 000 (3 000) 7 000 (3 000) R62 000 R6 000 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 56 000 – 56 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (52 000) Goodwill R4 000 191 Chapter 4 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd on acquisition 40 000 12 000 4 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of non-controlling interests in the dividend 3 000 Cr R 56 000 3 000 C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Investment in S Ltd Trade receivables Consolidation adjustments P Ltd S Ltd 41 000 35 000 Dr Cr 4 000 (J1) 76 000 4 000 – 81 000 56 000 29 000 – 52 000 R126 000 R87 000 Profit Dividend from S Ltd 18 500 3 000 10 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 21 500 (5 500) 10 000 (3 000) 28 500 (8 500) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income: Total comprehensive income Dividend Retained earnings For the year At beginning of year 16 000 7 000 20 000 – – – 16 000 (8 000) 7 000 (3 000) 8 000 4 000 10 000 14 000 12 000 (J1) 12 000 End of year Share capital 18 000 80 000 18 000 40 000 40 000 (J1) 24 000 80 000 Total equity Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables 98 000 58 000 104 000 10 000 2 000 12 000 192 18 000 27 000 R126 000 R87 000 56 000 (J1) Consolidated R161 000 28 500 – 3 000 (J2) 3 000 (J2) 20 000 (8 000) 12 000 45 000 R59 000 R59 000 R161 000 Consolidation after acquisition date Question 4.2 On 1 January 20.14 S Ltd was incorporated with an authorised share capital of 150 000 shares. Shares were issued as follows: 1 January 20.14 100 000 shares at R1 each 1 January 20.16 50 000 shares at R1,20 each On 1 January 20.18, P Ltd purchased 120 000 of these shares for R155 000, at which date S Ltd’s mark-to-market reserve was R15 000, and the retained earnings amounted to R12 000. The following represents the abridged statement of financial position of S Ltd at 31 December 20.18: S LTD STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Financial assets Trade receivables 140 000 60 000 55 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (150 000 shares) Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings Trade and other payables R255 000 Total equity and liabilities R255 000 160 000 20 000 18 000 57 000 Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisitioin date. All companies in the group classify equity investments in their separate financial statements in terms of IFRS 9 and recognise fair value adjustments in a mark-to-market reserve (other comprehensive income). By the reporting date the fair value of P Ltd’s investment in S Ltd had not changed. Ignore tax implications. Required Prepare an analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd at 31 December 20.18. 193 Chapter 4 Suggested solution 4.2 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital (1) Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 160 000 15 000 12 000 128 000 12 000 9 600 32 000 3 000 2 400 187 000 149 600 37 400 5 400 5 400 – Consideration and NCI 192 400 R155 000 37 400 ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year (2) Mark-to-market reserve (3) 6 000 5 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent R203 400 (1) (2) (3) 4 800 RE 4 000 MM 1 200 1 000 R4 800 RE R39 600 R4 000 MM 100 000 + (50 000 × 1,2) = 160 000 18 000 – 12 000 = 6 000 20 000 – 15 000 = 5 000 Proof of calculation of goodwill in terms of IFRS 3.32: Consideration transferred at acquisition date IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 155 000 37 400 192 400 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date IFRS 3.32(b): Goodwill 194 (187 000) R5 400 Consolidation after acquisition date Question 4.3 The following represents the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 48 000 shares at cost price Financial assets at cost price Inventories Trade receivables Bank Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 75 000 shares/S Ltd: 60 000 shares) Retained earnings Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables Bank overdraft Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 390 000 330 000 – 80 000 255 000 55 000 400 000 – 50 000 165 000 105 000 – R1 110 000 R720 000 300 000 375 000 225 000 210 000 – 240 000 240 000 150 000 50 000 40 000 R1 110 000 R720 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 945 000 (472 500) 1 500 000 (750 000) Gross profit Other expenses Dividend received from S Ltd 472 500 (202 500) 96 000 750 000 (450 000) – Profit before tax Income tax expense 366 000 (108 000) 300 000 (120 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 258 000 180 000 – R258 000 – R180 000 Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 195 Chapter 4 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Dividend 225 000 180 000 258 000 – (108 000) 180 000 – (120 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R375 000 R240 000 Additional information On 1 January 20.15, the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the equity of S Ltd consisted of: Share capital R240 000 Retained earnings R139 000 P Ltd elected to measure non-controlling interests at fair value at the acquisition date. On 1 January 20.15 the directors were of the opinion that the non-controlling interests’ shares were worth R6,50 each, based on market prices. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. All companies in the group recognise equity investments in their separate financial records using the cost method. Required Prepare consolidated financial statements for the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18. 196 Consolidation after acquisition date Suggested solution 4.3 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (390 000(P) + 400 000(S)) Financial assets Goodwill (C2) 790 000 50 000 29 000 869 000 Current assets Inventories (80 000(P) + 165 000(S)) Trade receivables (255 000(P) + 105 000(S)) Bank (P) 245 000 360 000 55 000 660 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings R1 529 000 Non-controlling interests (C1) 300 000 455 800 755 800 98 200 Total equity 854 000 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (225 000 (P) + 150 000 (S)) 375 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (210 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Bank overdraft (S) 260 000 40 000 Total current liabilities 300 000 Total liabilities 675 000 Total equity and liabilities R1 529 000 197 Chapter 4 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (945 000(P) + 1 500 000(S)) Cost of sales (472 500(P) + 750 000(S)) 2 445 000 (1 222 500) Gross profit Other expenses (202 500(P) + 450 000(S)) 1 222 500 (652 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense (108 000(P) + 120 000(S)) 570 000 (228 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income to profit or loss TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 342 000 – R342 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 306 000 36 000 R342 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (306 000(profit) + 1 600(OCI)) Non-controlling interests (36 000(profit) + 400(OCI)) 306 000 36 000 R342 000 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity * 257 800 557 800 #86 200 644 000 306 000 (108 000) 306 000 (108 000) 36 000 (24 000) 342 000 (132 000) Share capital Retained earnings 300 000 – – R300 000 ƇR455 800 R755 800 ƔR98 200 R854 000 * 225 000(P) + 32 800(S – analysis (since)) = 261 000 @ (S – analysis) # (Analysis) Ƈ 375 000(P) + 84 000(S – analysis) = 459 000 Ɣ (Analysis) 198 Consolidation after acquisition date Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total P Ltd 80% At i At acquisition (1/1/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI NCI Since 240 000 139 000 192 000 111 200 48 000 27 800 379 000 303 200 75 800 29 000 26 800 2 200 408 000 R330 000 *78 000 Consideration and NCI (*12 000 × R6,50) ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (180 000 – 139 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend 41 000 32 800 8 200 86 200 180 000 (120 000) 144 000 (96 000) 36 000 (24 000) R509 000 R80 800 R98 200 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 330 000 78 000 408 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (379 000) Goodwill R29 000 199 Chapter 4 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 200 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd on acquisition Cr R 240 000 139 000 29 000 330 000 78 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period 1/1/20.15–31/12/20.17 ((180 000 – 135 000) × 20%) 8 200 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the profit for the year (180 000 × 20%) 36 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of non-controlling interests in the dividend 96 000 8 200 36 000 24 000 120 000 Consolidation after acquisition date C4 Consolidation worksheet: P Ltd and subsidiary P Ltd Property, plant and equipment Financial assets Goodwill Investment in S Ltd Inventories Trade receivables Bank Consolidation adjustments Dr Cr Consolidated 400 000 50 000 – – 165 000 105 000 – R720 000 790 000 50 000 29 000(J1) 29 000 330 000(J1) – 245 000 360 000 55 000 R1 529 000 Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Other expenses Dividend from S Ltd 945 000 1 500 000 (472 500) (750 000) 472 500 750 000 (202 500) (450 000) 96 000 – 2 445 000 (1 222 500) 1 222 500 (652 500) – Profit before tax Income tax expense 366 000 (108 000) 300 000 (120 000) 570 000 (228 000) Profit for the year Non-controlling interests Dividend Retained earnings For the year At beginning of year End of year Share capital Total equity Non-controlling interests 258 000 180 000 342 000 – (108 000) 150 000 – (120 000) 60 000 36 000(J3) 225 000 180 000 139 000(J1) 8 200(J2) 375 000 300 000 675 000 – 240 000 240 000 480 000 – 225 000 150 000 375 000 210 000 – R 1 110 000 50 000 40 000 R720 000 260 000 40 000 R572 200 R1 529 000 Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables Bank overdraft 390 000 S Ltd – 330 000 80 000 255 000 55 000 R1 110 000 96 000(J4) 120 000(J4) 257 800 240 000(J1) 24 000(J4) R572 200 (36 000) (108 000) 198 000 78 000(J1) 8 200(J2) 36 000(J3) 455 800 300 000 755 800 98 200 201 5 Intragroup transactions Intragroup transactions within a group of entities 5.1 Intragroup transactions ............................................................................ 206 Intragroup balances 5.2 5.3 5.4 Elimination of intragroup balances ........................................................... Elimination of transaction costs at acquisition of investment in subsidiary ........................................................................................... Bank overdrafts and guarantees .............................................................. 206 208 210 The direct method of preparing consolidated financial statements 5.5 The direct method .................................................................................... Example 5.1: The direct method for implementing the basic consolidation procedures ............................................... 210 211 Intragroup transactions within a group 5.6 Intragroup sales of trading inventories and other assets ......................... 216 Intragroup transactions involving trading inventories 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 Unrealised profit in closing inventories .................................................... Example 5.2: Elimination of unrealised profit in closing inventories ..... Unrealised profit in opening inventories ................................................... Example 5.3: Unrealised profit where the parent sells.......................... Example 5.4: Unrealised profit where the subsidiary sells.................... Intragroup profit in inventories at acquisition date ................................... Losses on intragroup inventories ............................................................. Inventories written down to net realisable value ...................................... General approach to tax in respect of the allocation of income tax and the elimination of unrealised profit .................................................... Allocation of income tax in respect of unrealised profit in inventories...... Example 5.5: Allocation of tax and the elimination of unrealised profit included in closing inventories ............................... Example 5.6: Allocation of income tax and the elimination of unrealised profit included in opening and closing inventories ...................................................................... 217 221 225 226 228 236 236 237 239 240 240 241 203 Chapter 5 5.14 Allocation of income tax in respect of fair value adjustments on financial assets at fair value through OCI ............................................................... Example 5.7: Income tax allocation and reversal of fair value adjustment on financial asset at fair value through OCI ................................................................................. Example 5.8: Income tax on unrealised intragroup profit...................... 242 243 245 Property, plant and equipment held by entities in the group 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 Disclosure of the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment in the consolidated statement of financial position................................... Property, plant and equipment acquired from other entities in the group .............................................................................................. Intragroup gain on non-depreciable property, plant and equipment ........ Example 5.9: Non-depreciable property acquired from the parent ....... Intragroup gain on depreciable property, plant and equipment ............... Example 5.10: Sale of property, plant and equipment to a partially-owned subsidiary .............................................. Example 5.11: Consolidation adjustment for intragroup sales of depreciable property, plant and equipment with the subsidiary as the selling entity .......................... Allocation of income tax and the elimination of unrealised gain included in depreciable property, plant and equipment ........................... Example 5.12: Allocation of income tax on unrealised gain included in depreciable property, plant and equipment ................ Example 5.13: Allocation of income tax and intragroup transactions ..... Tax implications – Different cases where property, plant and equipment are sold .................................................................................. Example 5.14: Carrying amount and tax base agree.............................. Example 5.15: Asset sold at price exceeding original cost ..................... Example 5.16: Carrying amount and tax base differ ............................... Example 5.17: Comprehensive example in respect of the elimination of unrealised gain and the relevant tax implications ....... Example 5.18: The elimination of unrealised gain and the subsequent sale of the property, plant and equipment ...................... 250 250 251 251 253 254 255 263 263 265 271 271 272 272 273 310 Self-assessment questions Question 5.1 .......................................................................................................... Question 5.2 .......................................................................................................... 204 313 318 Intragroup transactions SCHEMATIC PRESENTATION OF CHAPTER 5 INTRAGROUP BALANCES l Loans l Transaction INTRAGROUP TRANSACTIONS Trading inventories Property, plant and equipment costs l Bank accounts Unrealised profit in: l closing inventories; l opening inventories; l write-down to net realisable value; l tax implications Unrealised profit in: l non-depreciable property; l depreciable property, plant and equipment; l tax implications 205 Chapter 5 Intragroup transactions within a group of entities 5.1 Intragroup transactions 1 This chapter is dedicated to the discussion of intragroup transactions. Attention will first be given to the elimination of intragroup balances, such as intragroup loans, and then to intragroup sales involving profits. Three types of intragroup sales are discussed: l the sale of inventories; l the sale of non-depreciable property; and l the sale of depreciable property, plant and equipment. Each type of sale will first be discussed without taking the tax implications into account in order to explain the principle clearly. The tax effect of intragroup sales is explained thereafter. Intragroup balances 5.2 Elimination of intragroup balances 1 2 In terms of IFRS 10.B86(c) all intragroup assets and liabilities, equity, income and expenses relating to transactions between entities of the group must be eliminated on consolidation. Examples of such intragroup balances are amounts receivable/ payable between entities in the group. Such intragroup balances are mainly the result of: l intragroup rendering of services, for example management and payroll services; and l intragroup borrowings The recording of such transactions in the individual (separate) records of the parent and the subsidiary represents mirror images of the same transaction. As soon as the financial statements of the parent and the subsidiary are consolidated, and the group is regarded as one economic and reporting entity, it is logical to set-off these balances. From the new reporting entity’s (the group) perspective you cannot enter into a transaction with yourself. The following consolidation journal entry is an example of the elimination of intragroup balances which arose from a loan by the parent to a subsidiary: Pro forma consolidation journal: Dr R Loan from parent (S)(SFP) Loan to subsidiary (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup loan Cr R 100 000 100 000 The elimination of intragroup balances ensures that the assets and liabilities of the group are not overstated per individual line item for disclosure purposes in the consolidated statement of financial position. 206 Intra agro oup p tra anssacctions Com C mm mentt P = Parent S = Subsid diarry 3 The T e acco a om mpanyiing inttere est on n th he loa l n sho s ould d allso be e ellimina ated d. Sup S ppo ose inttere est wa w s cha c rge ed on o the e lo oan at 8% % fo or the t fulll ye earr. Pro P o fo orm ma co ons solidattion journa al: D Dr R Fin nan nce inccom me (P)( ( (P/L) F ancce ccos Fina sts (S)( ( (P/L) Eliminattion n of o in ntra agrroup in nte eres st (100 ( 0 00 00 × 8% % × 12/12) Crr R 8 000 0 0 8 00 00 4 Oth O herr tra anssac ction ns inccurrred d be etw wee en e enttitie es with w hin the gro g up sh hould be elimin natted in i a sim mila ar ma ann ner.. T The e fo ollo owin ng co onssolidattion n jourrna al ent e ry is fo or exa e amp ple pre p epa ared d o on con nso olid datio on to ellimina ate inttrag group re ent wh herre S Ltd L pa aid re ent to P Ltd. L . On O ccon nso olidatio on, th he gro g oup p iss re ega arde ed ass on ne rep porrting ent e ity, an nd on nce aga a ain th he gro oup p as a en ntity y can c nno ot p pay y rent r t to itse elf an nd sh hould the ere eforre be elim e min nate ed: Pro P o fo orm ma co ons solidattion journa al: D Dr R Ottherr incom me (P))(P/L) O her exp Oth pen nse es (S)((P/L L) Eliimiination of o in ntra agrrou up ren r nt Crr R 2 20 000 0 0 20 0 00 00 Com C mmentts T e co The onso olida atio on jo ourn nal to elim e mina ate intrragrroup pm mana age eme ent fees f s is s the e sa ame e ass th he jourrnal ab bove e, but b the de escrriptio on refe ers to the elimin natio on of intra i agro oup p mana agement f s. fees 5 Co C nsideration n mus m st be e give g en to o th he efffecct of th he eliiminattion n of o inttrag gro oup tran t nsa actiions, suc s ch as a tho ose e re eflecte ed in the jou urnalss ab bovve rela r atin ng to t the t inttrag gro oup inte i erest and a d re entt on n th he non n-ccontrolling in nte eressts in a par p rtially-ow wned sub s bsid diarry. As nei n the er the t e profit nor n r th he net ass a etss of th he grroup p is affe a ecte ed by y th he pro o fform ma con c nso olidatio on jo ourn nals above e, the no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inttere estts will alsso no ot be infl i uen nce ed. In the exa e amp ple ab bovve a similar am mou untt is de ebitted an nd cre editted ag gain nst the t e prrofit o of th he gro oup p o on con c nso olidatio on and the t refore e th he non-ccon ntro olling inte eres sts are a e no ot in nflu uen nce ed by b the t e eliiminattion n. 6 Ano A oth her exxam mple e of o in ntra agrroup p bala b ancces s is de ebe entu ure es. De ebe entu ures s isssu ued d byy one o ent e tity wh hich h are a he eld byy an notherr entitty in the t sa ame e grou g up (in ntra agro oup p debe entture es) are a e elimiinated d fro om m the ccon nsolida ated d sstatem men nt of o fin nan ncia al pos p sitio on in the t sa ame e way w as a intrag grou up recceivvab ble an nd payyab ble am mou untss: the t e va alue e of o th he iss sue ed deb d ben nturres is i set s offf ag gain nst the e deb d entture es held b by the t e otther entitty in n th he sam me e grroup. Bot B th the t par p rent (P ( Ltd d) and d the t su ubssidiiaryy (S Ltd d) wo w uld d have h e to t comp ply with IFR RS S 9 207 2 Chapter 5 Financial Instruments. This standard requires the investment in debentures and the debenture liability to be accounted for at amortised cost. The pro forma consolidation journal entry, where S Ltd issued debentures to P Ltd to the value of R10 000, would therefore be as follows: Dr R J1 Debenture liability (S)(SFP) Investment in debentures (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup debentures Cr R 10 000 10 000 5.3 Elimination of transaction costs at acquisition of investment in subsidiary 1 2 3 Transaction costs on the acquisition of an investment in a subsidiary (transaction costs on a financial asset) pose a particularly interesting case where consolidated financial statements are prepared. As discussed in chapter 1.15 (4) transaction costs on financial assets are defined as incremental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, issue or disposal of a financial asset (IAS 39.AG13). An incremental cost is one that would not have been incurred if the entity had not acquired, issued or disposed of the financial asset (IFRS Glossary). Transaction costs are typically fees and commissions paid to agents and brokers, levies of regulatory services and securities exchanges, and transfer taxes and duties. Such costs are capitalised against the investment in the subsidiary in the separate financial statements of the parent if they are measured in terms of IFRS 9 using the fair value through other comprehensive income measurement (this also applies to the cost method). However, if the investment in the subsidiary is measured at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction costs are immediately expensed in profit or loss. IFRS 3 Business Combinations on the other hand determines that acquisitionrelated costs are expensed in the consolidated financial statements in the period in which they are incurred. Acquisition-related costs are defined as costs the acquirer incurs to effect a business combination. Those costs include finder’s fees; advisory, legal, accounting, valuation and other professional or consulting fees; as well as general administrative costs, including the costs of maintaining an internal acquisition department (IFRS 3.53). The problem that needs to be dealt with on consolidation is the transaction costs that were capitalised in the separate statement of financial position of the parent (if the financial asset is measured at fair value though other comprehensive income) but need to be expensed in the consolidated financial statements in order to comply with IFRS 3. This is done by reversing the costs that were capitalised and expensing them on a pro forma basis. Where an investment in a subsidiary is measured at fair value through profit or loss there is no problem, as both transaction costs on the acquisition of the investment, as well as acquisition-related costs on the business combination are expensed. Explanatory example P Ltd obtained an 80% interest in S Ltd at 1 January 20.18 at R80 000. At the acquisition date P Ltd classified the investment in S Ltd as held at fair value through 208 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions o othe er com c mpreh hen nsivve inccom me. Th he folllow wing cos c sts, pa aid d in n ca ash h, w were inccurred d th hat re elate to t the t accqu uisittion n: Bro B okerag ge R1 R 60 00 Tra T ansffer taxxes s R 00 R20 Val V uattion n fe ees s R4 R 20 00 T The e jou urn nal enttry in the e se epa aratte rec r ord ds o of P Ltd L at 1 Januarry 20. 2 18 willl be e as a follo ows s: D Dr R IInve estme ent in S Ltd (SF ( FP) V Valuattion n exxpe ense (P P/L L) Ban B k (S SFP P) R Rec cog gnition o of in nve estm me ent in S Ltd L an nd c cap pita alisatio on of ttran nsa action n co osts (880 000 0 0 + 1 60 00 + 20 00) Crr R 8 81 800 8 0 4 200 2 0 86 6 00 00 Com C mmentt T e tra The anssacttion co osts s in n th he exa e amp ple are e th he b brokera age e and tra ansfer dutties, i.e e. increme enta al cost c ts th hat wo ould no ot ha ave e be een inccurre ed if th he enti e ty h had no ot accqu uired d th he s res in S Ltd. sha L In tterm ms of o IF FRS S 9 suc ch cos c ts are a cap pitallised wher w re the fina anciial a asse et is m meas sure ed at a fair valu ue thro t ough otther co omp preh hensive e incom me. The valua v atio on cost c ts fa all u er the und t bro oade er d defin nitio on of o accquisition--rela ated d co osts s in IFR RS 3 an nd are a exp penssed d. In te erm ms of o IF FRS S 3 the e broke erag ge a and tra ansffer taxe t es are a exp pen nsed d in the e co onssolid date ed f ncia fina al stat s ementss. This T s im mplies tha at thes t se tran nsa actio on cossts sho ould d be e reve r erse ed a ainstt th aga he inve estm men nt in S Ltd L an nd exp pensed d th hrou ugh a pro form f ma jou urna al on o c solidattion. con P Pro fo orm ma con c nso olid dation n jo ourrnal: D Dr R T Tra ansa action co osts s on n FIIs (P)((P/L L) In nve estm men nt in n S Ltd d (P P)(S SFP) R Rev verrsal off tra ans sac ctio on cos c sts inc currred do on acq a quis sitio on of iinv vesttme entt in S Ltd d Crr R 1 800 8 1 80 00 Com C mm mentts N pro No o form ma con nsolida ation n jo ournal en ntry is re equired d fo or the va alua ation n exp e ens se ( quis (acq sitio on-re elatted cos st in te erm ms o of IFRS 3), 3 as it sho s uld be e exxpense ed in i both b h th he s arate fina sep f ncia al state eme entss of the e pa aren nt and the conso olida ated d fin nanc cial sta atem men nts of o t gro the oup. 209 2 C Cha apte er 5 5 5.4 Ban B nk k ov verrdrraftts an nd gu g ara anttee es O On conso olid dation, th he ban nk overd drafft of o o one e en ntitty in tthe grroup p sho s ould d onlyy be e sset off a againsst th he favvourab ble ba ank ba alan nce e off an notherr en ntitty in n th he gro oup p, iff bo oth en ntities ha ave th heir acco a oun nts at the sam s me ba ankk an nd wh hen n all of o the folllow wing thre t ee condiitions ha ave b been met m t: l bo oth en ntitie es havve bank accou unts at a th he sam me fin nan ncia al in nstitution n; l the ban b nk itse elf wo ould d set off the two t o ac cco oun nts ag gain nst ea ach otther in n te erm ms of an gree em mentt be etw wee en the t tw wo enti e itiess cconc cerrned and a d the ban b nk; and d ag l the grou g up has s th he inte enttion n to o se ettle e th he am amountss on n a ne et bas b is. Itt is cle earr tha at tthe e se et off o of o b ban nk acc a cou untss withi w in a grou up doe d es nott co ons stitu ute inttrag gro oup trran nsacctio onss an nd req quirres sp pecial treatm men nt. Com C mm mentt E en witho Eve w out con nsid dering the condittion ns state ed abov a ve, the e offfsettting g off ite ems sho ould d no ot b d be done in n co onso olida ated d fin nan ncial sta atem men nts bassed on the e req quirrem mentts of IA AS 1: A e An entiity sha s ll no ot o offse et asse a ets and d lia abilitiess orr inccom me and a exp pen nses s, unless req r uire ed o p or perm mitte ed by b an a IFRS S (IAS 1.3 32). A enttity rep An portts ssepa arattelyy bo oth ass setss and a liab bilities,, an nd inco ome e and a exxpen nses. O settiing in the Offs t sta atem mentt of pro ofit or losss an nd othe o er co omp preh hen nsive e in ncom me or fina f ancial p ition pos n, exce e ept whe en offs o setting reflects s th he subs s stan nce of the tra ansa actio on or o othe o er even nt, d racts frrom the detr e ab bility y off usserss bo oth to und u erstand th he tran t nsacctions, oth her eve entss an nd c ditio con onss tha at have e oc ccurrred d an nd to o as ssesss the t enttity’s s future e ca ash flow ws (IAS S 1..33)). A Any y no ote to the fina ancial sta atem me entss off an n enti e ty in the t e grroup, con nce erning g a co ontin nge ent liabiilityy in n re esp pect of o a gu uarrantee e mad m de in favvour of o a ano othe er ent e tity in the gro g up,, fa alls a awa ay on o co onso olid datiion be eca aus se bot b h the ite em gu uara anteed d and a d th he n nett assse ets ba ackiing ssuch h gua g aran ntee will w no ow appea ar in the t e co ons solidatted d sttate eme entts of o tthe grroup p, wh w ich h is re ega arded ass on ne ent e tity forr re eportin ng pur p rposes s. T The e dire d ec ct m me eth hod d of o p pre epa ariing gc con nsoliida ate ed fin nan nc ciall stattem me entts 5 5.5 The T e dire d ectt met m ho od In n th he rem ma aind der of this cha c apter the e direcct me etho od is applie ed to pre epa are co onssolid datted financial state eme entts. Th he diirecct me ethod in nvo olve es the pre epa aration n of a se et of cconsolida ated d finan ncial sta s atem men nts wiitho out the e utilis u sation n off a wo orksshe eet. To o prep p parre the t cconsolida ated d fiinancial sta atem mentss, th he folllow wing g in ndivid dua al finan ncia al ssta atem men nts off bo oth th he paren nt and a the e subs s sidiaryy are a req quirred d: l sta ate eme entss of o profit or o lo oss s an nd oth o her com mp preh hen nsivve inc i om me; l sta ate eme entss of o ch han nge es iin equ e uity; an nd l sta ate eme entss of o fin nan ncia al p pos sitio on. In n add a itio on, pro o fo orm ma jou urna als for th he elim min nation n off in ntra agro oup p ite em ms and a d trranssacctio ons a and the ana a alyssis of the e eq quity of the t e su ubssidiaryy arre pre p epa ared d to o do o th he co onso olid datiion of th he fina ancciall sta ate eme entss. dire A An exa am mple e ccontain ning intr i ragrou up balan nces will w be e d disc cussse ed nex n xt using th he d ect m method d fo or the t firs st time t e. 2 210 Intragroup transactions Example 5.1 The direct method for implementing the basic consolidation procedures The following are the abridged statements of financial position, statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statements of changes in equity of P Ltd and the partially-owned subsidiary, S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 64 000 shares at cost price Investment in S Ltd: Loan Inventories Trade receivables Bank S Ltd 80 000 90 000 50 000 65 000 55 000 30 000 150 000 – – 55 000 35 000 – Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings Long-term borrowings Loan from P Ltd Trade and other payables Bank overdraft R370 000 R240 000 100 000 125 000 75 000 – 70 000 – 80 000 90 000 – 50 000 10 000 10 000 Total equity and liabilities R370 000 R240 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Profit Dividend received from S Ltd 90 000 32 000 100 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 122 000 (36 000) 100 000 (30 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 86 000 70 000 – R86 000 – R70 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 211 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentt F m th From his point fo orw ward d in cha apte er 5 the e inform mattion in the t sta atem men nt off financcial possitio on r ated to sha rela are cap c pital tha at was w pre eviouslyy prrese ente ed as a fo ollows:: Sha S are cap pita al (P P L Ltd: 10 00 000 sha ares/S Ltd: 80 8 000 0 shar s res)), w will be pre esented as a ( 0 00 (100 00/8 80 000 0 0 sh hare es) whe w ere the e firs st figurre re elattes to the t parrentt’s (P ( Ltd) L ) nu umb ber of o s res and sha d th he seco s ond figure to the t num mbe er of o sh hare es of o th he subs s sidiiary y. EX XTR RAC CT FROM M THE E ST TAT TEM ME ENT TS OF O CH HANG GES S IN N EQ QU UITY Y OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO Re etained d earn e nings P Ltd L B Ballance at 1 J Jan nuary 20. 2 .18 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me forr the yea y r: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear O Oth her com mpreh hensive in nco ome e D Div vide endss B Ballance at 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 S Ltd d 7 0 75 000 0 60 00 00 8 0 86 000 0 – (3 36 0 000 0) 70 00 00 – ( 000) (40 R 25 0 R12 000 0 R 00 R90 00 O On 1 Jan J uary 2 20.15, th he dat d e on o whi w ich P Ltd d accqu uire ed tthe inttere est in S Ltd L , th he equ e uity y of S Lttd was w s as fo ollo owss: Sha S are cap pita al R80 R 0 00 00 Reta R ained ea arningss R45 R 5 00 00 eleccted P Ltd L d to t me eassure e the t e non n n-co ontrollling g inte eres sts in n an a ac cqu uiree at th heir p prop porrtion natte ssha are of the e accqu uire ee’ss id dentifia able e net n asssetts at a acq a uissitio on date d e. P Lttd reccognissed the equ e uityy inv vesstm men nt in n S Lttd in i its i sep parrate e finan ncial rec r cord ds usiing th he cosst met m tho od. Ig gno ore taxx im mpllica atio ons.. 2 212 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.1 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group can be prepared as follows by applying the direct method of consolidation: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (80 000(P) + 150 000(S)) 230 000 230 000 Current assets Inventories (65 000(P) + 55 000(S)) Trade receivables (55 000(P) + 35 000(S)) Bank (P) 120 000 90 000 30 000 240 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings R470 000 100 000 171 000 Non-controlling interests 271 000 34 000 Total equity 305 000 Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (P) 75 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (70 000(P) + 10 000(S)) Bank overdraft (S) 80 000 10 000 Total current liabilities 90 000 Total liabilities 165 000 Total equity and liabilities R470 000 213 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentts a C Calc cula ation ns are a sho own n in bra acke ets but b do nott forrm part p t of the e fin nanc cial sta atem ments. b It is no ot ne ece essa ary to reco r ord all the e prro fo orm ma cconsoliidattion jou urna al entri e ies, bu ut th he a aggregate efffectt off all th he pro p forrma a jo ourn nals is accou unte ed ffor, forr exxam mple e th he e elim mina ation n of o in ntra agro oup divvide ends and a de ebtss is s done e altho ough the pro o fo orm ma ccons solidation jou urna al entri e ies are e no ot sho s wn.. Ussua ally at least tthos se jour j rnall en ntrie es w whic ch have h e an n efffec ct on n the subssidia ary’ss eq quitty are show s wn.. c T The intrragrroup p loan doe d es not n appe a ear in the t con nsolidatted statem mentt of fina anciial posi p ition n. d T The po ositivve ban b nk bala b ance e off P Ltd d an nd the ban nk ove o rdra aft of o S Lttd may m y no ot be e se et o off; as there is i n no evid e encce of o P Ltd d providin ng a gu uara ante ee for tthe ban nk ove o erdra aft of o S Lttd or o an agre eement witth the ban nk in n te erms of which h th he amo a ountts may m y be e se et offf. P LTD L D GRO G OUP P E TRA EXT ACT T FRO F OM TH HE CO ONS SOLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LOS SS AN ND OT THE ER CO OMP PREHEN NSIV VE INC CO OME E OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO P Pro ofit be eforre ttax (1222 000 0 (P + 10 00 000 0 0(S)) – 32 000 0(J5 5) IInco om me ta ax exp pen nse (366 0000(P P) + 30 0 00 00(S S)) 190 00 00 (66 000) P PROF FIT FO OR T THE YEA Y AR O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive e inc com me e for th he yea y ar 00 124 00 – T TOTA AL CO C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE EAR R P Pro ofit attr a ribu utab ble to: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt N Non n-conttrolling g in nterestts R124 00 00 110 00 00 14 00 00 00 R124 00 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me atttributa able e to o: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt N Non n-conttrolling g in nterestts 110 00 00 00 14 00 R124 00 00 Com C mmentt T e profit forr the The e ye ear atttribu utab ble to the t non n-co ontrrolling inte eressts is obta o aine ed from f m th he a alysis of the eq ana quitty of o S Ltd d (C Calculattion n C1 1). The T am mount attrib a buta able e to o the e ow wne ers of o t the pa arent iss th he diffe eren nce e be etw ween n th he tota al p profit fo or the t ye ear and d the am moun nt a butable attri e to o NC CI. A ttherre iss no As o ottherr co omp preh henssive e inc com me for f the t rep porting perriod d in thiss exxam mple e, th he a butable attri e to otal co omp preh henssive e incom me is the t same as the e attrib a buta able e prrofitt for th he y r. yea 2 214 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 * ¨ Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 * 97 000 197 000 28 000 225 000 – – 110 000 (36 000) 110 000 (36 000) 14 000 (8 000) 124 000 (44 000) R100 000 ¨ R171 000 R271 000 R34 000 R305 000 75 000(P) + 12 000(S – analysis (since)) + 10 (gain from a bargain purchase) = 97 000 125 000(P) + 36 000(S – analysis (total)) + 10 (gain from a bargain purchase) = 171 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (2/1/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 80 000 45 000 64 000 36 000 16 000 9 000 Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent 125 000 (10 000) 100 000 (10 000) 25 000 – Consideration and NCI 115 000 R90 000 25 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (60 000 – 45 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend 15 000 12 000 3 000 28 000 70 000 (40 000) 56 000 (32 000) 14 000 (8 000) R160 000 R36 000 R34 000 215 Chapter 5 C2 Proof of calculation of gain from a bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 90 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 25 000 115 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (125 000) Gain from a bargain purchase R10 000 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entry Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Loan from P Ltd (S)(SFP) Investment in S Ltd: Loan (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup loan 50 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (Gain from a bargain purchase) (SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 80 000 45 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year 3 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 14 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recognition of non-controlling interests in the dividend 32 000 8 000 Cr R 50 000 10 000 90 000 25 000 3 000 14 000 40 000 Intragroup transactions within a group 5.6 Intragroup sales of trading inventories and other assets 1 It frequently happens that sales of trading inventories and other assets take place between entities in a group. This is expected, as one of the benefits of a business combination is to benefit from the synergies within the group. The selling entity will record such sales and reflect its profit (if any) in its individual profit or loss in the normal way. From the perspective of the group as an accounting entity, the same principle applies that was identified earlier in this chapter, namely that one cannot sell goods and make a profit out of oneself. From the point of view of the 216 Intragroup transactions 2 3 consolidated entity (the group), the profit cannot be recognised until the inventories or other assets (acquired from another entity in the group) are sold to a third party outside the group or used. Only then does the profit realise from the perspective of the group as an entity. IFRS 10.B86(c) requires that intragroup balances and transactions, including income, expenses and dividends, are eliminated in full to ensure that individual consolidated line items in the consolidated financial statements are not misstated. Profits or losses resulting from intragroup transactions that are recognised as part of the cost price of assets, such as inventories and fixed assets are eliminated in full. Profits (or losses) which are not realised in terms of transactions with a party outside the group, or used within the group, are considered, insofar as it concerns the group, to be unrealised intragroup profits (or losses) and must be eliminated when drawing up the consolidated financial statements. The group will only realise the profit or loss on the sale of the asset once the group realises the economic benefits associated with the asset. If the asset is trading inventory, the benefits will be realised upon the sale thereof to an outside party and if the asset is property, plant and equipment that will be used by the group, the economic benefits will be realised by using the asset. The elimination of such unrealised profits or losses and the appropriate adjustments on consolidation are discussed in the remainder of this chapter. Each type of intragroup sale will be discussed by initially ignoring the tax effect to clearly illustrate the principle of the elimination of intragroup profits. Thereafter, the tax effect will be introduced. Intragroup transactions involving trading inventories 5.7 Unrealised profit in closing inventories One of the most common forms of intragroup transactions is the sale (usually at a profit) of inventories by one entity to another in the same group. Where part of such inventories is still held by the purchasing entity at the end of the reporting period, the following applies: The total profit or loss arising from transactions within the group, to the extent that such profit or loss is not realised, is excluded in the determination of the total group profit (or loss) or of the interest of the parent in the profit (or loss) of any subsidiary. 1 Application of entity approach In accordance with the entity approach, we wish to submit that the logical application of this rule requires that the total amount of unrealised intragroup profit be debited against the profit of the selling entity and credited against the inventories of the purchasing entity. The format of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, however, requires that the relevant line items, namely revenue and cost of sales of the selling entity, must be adjusted, not only the profit of the selling entity. The adjustment of the individual line items in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income will lead to a decrease in the consolidated profit. 2 Tax implications In the interest of simplifying the initial discussions, tax implications in respect of unrealised profit are initially ignored. 217 C Cha apte er 5 E Exp plan nattory ye examp ple P Lttd sold s d in nve ento orie es to t SL Ltd at a cos c st pric p e plus p s 25 5% %. A At th he end d of o th he rep portting g pe erio od, S Ltd L ha ad R50 R 0 000 0 off in nvento orie es on o ha and whic w ch we w re purch hassed fro om m P Lttd. To otal ssale es of o inve entorie es fro om P L Ltd to S Ltd d du urin ng the t e cu urre ent reporrting p period d am mountted to R R10 00 000 0 0. Ig gno ore taxx im mpllica atio ons.. T The e prro fo orm ma conso olid dation jou urn nal ent e try for the e elim e mina atio on of o the un nrea alissed inttrag gro oup ssale es is as a follo ows s: D Dr R R Rev ven nue e (P P)(P P/L)) Cos C t off sa aless (S S)(P P/L)) E Elim min nation n off in ntra agro oup p sa ale es Crr R 10 00 000 0 1 0 00 100 00 Com C mmentt T e ab The bove e journal e entrry co orre ectss the e fig gure es for f reve enu ue and a cosst o of sa aless ass prrese ente ed in th he sepa s aratte fiinan ncia al sttate eme ents of the enttitie es, a as both b h wo ould d be e ov versstate ed from f m th he g up’s grou s pe ersp pecctive e. The T pro o fo orm ma cons c solidation jou urna al entry e y h has no efffectt on n th he c solidatted pro con ofit o of the gro oup as an equ ual deb bit a and d creditt is reccogn nise ed in i th he p profit b ore tax of the conso befo olida ated d en ntityy. It doe es how h weve er have h e th he effec e ct of sh how wing the e lin ne item ms, (co onso olida ated d) reve r enue and a (co onso olid date ed) cos st of o sa aless to o pa artie es outs o side e th he g up corr grou c rectly. T The e ne ext ste ep is to elimin natte the t un nrea alissed d prrofiit cont c tain ned d in n th he clo osin ng invventtories th hro ough th he follow wing g pro for f ma a journ nal:: D Dr R C Cos st of o sale es (P)(P/L L) In nve ento orie es (S)(SF FP) E Elim min nation n off th he unr u reallise ed intrrag grou up pro ofitt in nclu ude ed in i tthe e clo osiing g inven nto orie es of o S Lttd (50 ( 000 0 × 25//125 5) 2 218 Crr R 10 000 0 10 0 00 00 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions Com C mm mentt a O Only y th he prof p it on in nven ntorriess at the e en nd of o th he reporting perriod tha at was w purchase ed from m an entit e ty w with hin the grroup p has to be elim min nate ed. The e in nven ntorriess that hav ve a alreadyy be een sold to o ou utsid de part p ties havve alre a eadyy re ealissed.. b P Lttd sold s d the in nventorriess to S Ltd at cosst price p e (C CP) plu us 25% 2 %. As A the t invventtorie es w were e re eco ogniised d in n S Lttd’s reccord ds at the e se ellin ng pric p ce (SP ( P) (125 5%), th he profit ““con ntain ned d” in n the e se ellin ng price p e ca an be b dete d ermiined d th hrou ugh the e follow wing rattio: CP + pro ofit = S SP 10 00 + 25 5 = 125 5 2 T The unrea alise ed p profiit is detterm mine ed as a 25 /1225 × SP, therefore e 25/125 × 50 5 000 0 = R10 R 000 c F For pro ofit or o lo osss an nd equi e ity item ms, it iss im mporrtan nt to o ind dica ate in tthe pro o forrma a journal w who o the e bu uye er an nd sell s er wer w re. If th he subs s sidiary y was the t selller,, the e efffecct off the e prro form ma jour j rnall ne eeds to o be ta ake en in nto accou unt beffore e the prof p it (o or losss) or o e equity ccom mpon nen nt ca an b be ana a alyse ed for f con nsollida ation n pu urpo osess. In n th he e exam mplle abov a ve P Lttd w was s the selle s er w whic ch would ha ave no efffectt on n th he ana alyssis o of the t eq quityy off th he ssubs sidiary and d th hus no effe ect on NCI. T The e effec e ct of the abo ove e jourrna al ent e ry is that the e ttota al am mou unt of th he un nrea alis sed in ntra agroup p pro p fit is debite ed ag gain nst the e ccon nso olida ate ed ccos st of o sal s es,, whic w ch lea adss to o a d decrea ase e in the e conssolida ated d profiit of th he g gro oup. 3 Elim E min nattion n of o unre u ealise ed pro ofitt wherre a sale s e is sm mad de by b a par p rtially--ow wne ed sub s bsidia ary T The e elimiination n of o th he am mou unt of the e unre ealiised d in ntra agrroup prof p fit in i cclos sing in nve ento orie es, w whe ere a su ubsidia ary whic w ch is partia ally ow wne ed is the sseller, iss not n infflue encced d byy the t e exis sten nce e off th he non n n-conttrollling g in nteressts. Th he total (10 00% %) unrrea alise ed intrag grou up pro ofit iss sttill elim min nate ed as a debit ag gain nst the e ccostt off sa ales o of the se ellerr and a cre c edit ag gain nst th he invven ntorriess of o the t urcchasing ent e tity. On O co onso olid datiion, 100 1 0% of ea ach h line ite em pu sshould d be e co onssoliidated d an nd the ereffore e 100% of o the t tra anssaction n shou uld be e ellimiina ated d. E Exp plan nattory ye examp ple P Ltd hass in nve ento orie es on ha and d amo a oun nting to t R10 R 00 000 (at ( cost pricce to P Ltd d) w which w was s pu urchassed d frrom m S Ltd (in wh w ich h P Ltd d has h a 90% % iinte erest). S Ltd d mak m kess a pro ofitt of 2 25% % on o the t co ost pricce of go oods s sold s d to o P Ltd. The T e to ota al sa ale es of o in nve entorie es from S Ltd L to o P Lttd duri d ing g the curr c rent re epo ortin ng period d amo a oun nted d to o R250 R 0 000 0 0. Ig gno ore taxx im mpllica atio ons.. T The e prro fo orm ma conso olid dation jou urnal ent e try to elim e min nate e th he intr i ragrou up ssale es is as a folllow ws: D Dr R R Rev ven nue e (S S)(P P/L)) Cos C t off sa aless (P P)(P P/L)) E Elim min nation n off in ntra agro oup p sa ale es Crr R 25 50 000 0 2 0 00 250 00 219 2 Chapter 5 The above journal entry has no effect on the consolidated profit of the group, but has the effect that the consolidated line items, revenue and cost of sales to parties outside the group are correctly presented. Dr R Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd (100 000 × 25/125) Cr R 20 000 20 000 The effect of the above journal entry is that the full amount of the unrealised intragroup profit is debited against the consolidated cost of sales, which leads to a decrease in the consolidated profit of the group. The non-controlling interests in the profit of S Ltd for the current reporting period is calculated after the profit of S Ltd has been reduced by the above debit. 4 Determination of non-controlling interests Suppose in the above example that the profit of S Ltd was R80 000 after tax. The noncontrolling interests in the profit for the reporting period will then be calculated as follows: Profit for the year Unrealised profit 80 000 (20 000) 60 000 Non-controlling interests in profit (60 000 × 10%) R6 000 It is thus clear that when the intragroup sales are made by a subsidiary with noncontrolling interests, a portion of the unrealised intragroup profit is allocated to the noncontrolling interests. If the unrealised intragroup profit had not been taken into account, the non-controlling interests in the current reporting period’s profit would have been R8 000 (10% × R80 000). This interest is, however, reduced by the non-controlling interests in the unrealised intragroup profit, namely R2 000 (10% × R20 000). The final effect of the consolidation journal entry is thus that the consolidated profit is only reduced by the share of the parent in the unrealised intragroup profit. 5 Rationale for debiting the non-controlling interests with a pro rata portion of unrealised profit Certain experts object to debiting the non-controlling interests with a pro rata portion of the unrealised profit. They submit that, from the point of view of the non-controlling interests, their share of the intragroup profit is in fact realised. Although this is so from the point of view of the separate legal person, this point of view does not take into account the fact that the consolidated group is a single economic entity. The effect, as well as the reasonableness of the point of view followed in this book, is clear from example 5.2 below. 220 Intragroup transactions Example 5.2 Elimination of unrealised profit in closing inventories The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and subsidiary S Ltd, which is partially owned: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 64 000 shares at cost price Inventories Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/80 000shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 70 000 10 000 130 000 – 30 000 106 000 R210 000 R136 000 100 000 26 000 84 000 80 000 20 000 36 000 R210 000 R136 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 100 000 (50 000) 80 000 (40 000) Gross profit Other expenses 50 000 (33 000) 40 000 (29 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense 17 000 (7 000) 10 500 (5 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 10 000 5 500 – – R10 000 R5 500 Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 221 Chapter 5 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 S Ltd 21 000 14 500 10 000 – (5 000) 5 500 – – R26 000 R20 000 Since 1 July 20.17, P Ltd has been purchasing all its inventories from S Ltd at a profit mark-up of 25% on the cost of the goods. These goods are inventories in the records of S Ltd. Total sales from S Ltd to P Ltd during the current reporting period amounted to R50 000. On 1 July 20.15, the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd for R70 000, the retained earnings of the latter amounted to R7 500. The share capital has remained unchanged since that date. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Ignore tax implications. 222 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.2 A consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 30 June 20.18, as well as a consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18, will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Current assets Inventories (10 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 2 000(J3)) Trade receivables (130 000(P) + 106 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (84 000(P) + 36 000(S)) Total equity and liabilities 38 000 236 000 274 000 R274 000 100 000 34 400 134 400 19 600 154 000 120 000 R274 000 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Revenue (100 000(P) + 80 000(S) – 50 000(J1)) Cost of sales (50 000(P) + 40 000(S) – 50 000(J1) + 2 000(J2)) 130 000 (42 000) Gross profit Other expenses (33 000(P) + 29 500(S)) 88 000 (62 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense (7 000(P) + 5 000(S)) 25 500 (12 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 13 500 – R13 500 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 12 800 700 R13 500 12 800 700 R13 500 223 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity *26 600 126 600 18 900 145 500 12 800 (5 000) 12 800 (5 000) 700 – 13 500 (5 000) R100 000 ŻR34 400 R134 400 R19 600 R154 000 Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 – – Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 30 June 20.18 * Ż 21 000 + 5 600 (analysis) = 26 600 26 000 + 8 400 (analysis) = 34 400 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (14 500 – 7 500) • Current year: Profit for the year (5 500 – 2 000(J2)) P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 80 000 7 500 64 000 6 000 16 000 1 500 87 500 – 70 000 – 17 500 – 87 500 R70 000 17 500 7 000 5 600 1 400 18 900 3 500 2 800 700 R98 000 R8 400 R19 600 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 70 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 17 500 87 500 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Purchase difference 224 (87 500) R– In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R J1 J2 2 Crr R Re eve enue (S S)(P/L L) Cost o of sale s es (P)( ( (P/L L) Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up sal s es 5 50 000 0 Co ost of sales (S))(P//L) Invventtories (P))(SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o the un nrea alis sed d intra agro oup p proffit inc clu ude ed in th he clo osin ng inv ven ntorries s of P Ltd d 2 000 0 50 0 00 00 2 00 00 (10 0 00 00 × 25 5/12 25) Com C mme ent a J1 1 ha as no n effe e ect o on the t con nsolida ated d pro ofit,, the ereffore e it is not n incllude ed in th he ana a alysiis off S Ltd’’s owne o er’ss eq quityy. b W Where the t sub bsid diary iss the selle s er, the t pro o fo orma a conssolid datio on journal en ntryy forr the elliminatiion of the un nrea alise ed intra agro oup pro ofit is rreco ogn nised d before com c mme encing witth th he anal a ysiss off the e eq quityy off the e su ubsidia ary c W Where the t dire ect method iss ap pplie ed, the e prro fo orm ma jo ourn nal enttry iis direc d ctly acccou unte ed fo or in n the e an nalyysis (se ee J3). J d Th he followiing conso olida ation n jo ourn nals s do o not n havve to t be b pre eparred wh hen the e d direc ct m meth hod is app a plied d, as a all a th he req quire ed info i orma atio on can c be obtain ned dirrectlly from m the an naly ysiss of the equity y of the e subsid diarry. Furth herr pro o fo orm ma c consolida ation n jo ourn nal enttries D Dr R J3 J4 J5 Cr C R Sha S are cap c pital (S))(SC CE)) Reta R aine ed earn e ning gs (S)( ( SCE) In nvesstm mentt in S Ltd L (P)( ( SFP P) N -con Nonntro olling g in ntere estss (S SFP) Elim E minatio on o of equ e ity of S Ltd at a acqu a uisiition date d e 80 000 0 7 500 0 Reta R aine ed earn e ning gs – Be egin nnin ng of o ye ear (S))(SC CE) N -con Nonntro olling g in ntere estss (S SFP) Rec R cognitiion of non n-co onttrolling g intere ests s in i th he reta r aine ed ear e nings of tthe subsidia ary for f the e ye ear 1 1/7//20..15– –30 0/6/2 20.1 17 1 400 0 Non N n-co ontrollin ng interestts (P/L L) N -con Nonntro olling g in ntere estss (S SFP) Rec R cognitiion of the e no on-c con ntrolling in nterrests in i th he pro p ofit ffor the e ye ear 700 0 70 000 0 17 500 0 1400 0 700 0 5 5.8 Un U rea alis sed d pro p ofitt in n op penin ng invento ories s 1 Up U to thiis p poin nt in th he disscu ussiion, onlyy inttrag gro oup prrofitt in invven ntories s sttill on ha and at the t e en nd of o tthe e re eportin ng p perriod d ha as bee en disscusse ed. Be eca ause the clo osin ng invventtories of o one o e re epo ortin ng period da are the e open ning in nve entorie es of the e fo ollow win ng rep r portting g pe erio od, the t e elimiina ation n of o unre u ealise ed pro p fit at a tthe e en nd of (sa ay) 20 0.17 7 nec n ess sarrily afffectts the t bal b ancce of the e con c sollida ated d re eta aine ed earrnin ngss brou ugh ht fo orw ward d from m 20.1 2 17, ass well w as a the e cons c solida ated d prof p fit of o 20. 2 18.. It mustt be e re em mem mbe ered d th hatt ea ach h entitty iin the t 225 2 Chapter 5 2 group is a separate entity and that each entity in the group draws up its own separate financial statements. The consolidation journal entries are pro forma adjustments processed to draft the consolidated financial statements. The entities in the group thus do not recognise intragroup adjustments in their own separate financial statements. The consolidated financial statements for 20.18 are prepared from the separate financial statements of the entities in the group. Should there have been an adjustment on consolidation at the end of 20.17 for unrealised intragroup profit, an adjustment must be made to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.18 are in agreement with the closing consolidated balance of 20.17 This adjustment is made on the assumption that the inventories on hand at the end of 20.17 were sold during 20.18 to parties outside the group and that the intragroup profit has thus realised. This comprises no new concepts; it is simply a question of procedures: the consolidated results at the end of one reporting period must simply, by means of pro forma consolidation journal entries, be brought forward in the consolidation process of the following reporting period. Example 5.3 Unrealised profit where the parent sells S Ltd purchased all its inventories from P Ltd at cost price plus 33䱩 %. The inventories on hand in the records of S Ltd were as follows: 31 December 20.17 R20 000 31 December 20.18 R25 000 Total sales of inventories from P Ltd to S Ltd were as follows: 20.17 R50 000 20.18 R80 000 Ignore tax implications. Solution 5.3 The required pro forma consolidation journal entries are as follows: 31 December 20.17 – Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 226 Revenue (P)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 50 000 Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Inventories (S)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised profit in the closing inventories of S Ltd (20 000 × 33,3/133,3) 5 000 Cr R 50 000 5 000 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions F First ens e ure e th hat the con c nso olida ated reta r aine ed ea arniings a at the t be eginniing off 20 0.18 a agrree w with h the con c nsolida ated d re eta aine ed ear e rnin ngss att the e end e of 20 0.17 7: 3 31 Dec D cem mb ber 20.18 8 – Pro o fo orm ma co ons soliida atio on jou j urna al ent e trie es D Dr R J1 Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of ye ear (P)(SC CE)) Cost o of sale s es (P)( ( (P/L L) Ad djustm men nt to t ens e sure e th hatt the con c nso olida ate ed reta r aine ed ea arniing gs at a the be egin nnin ng of 20.18 8 is in agree eme entt wiith the e co ons solida ated d re eta aine ed ear e rnin ngs s att th he en nd of o 2 20.17 Crr R 5 000 0 5 00 00 Com C mmentt T s journal can This c be exp plained d ass fo ollow ws, as it iss a com mbin natiion of tthe folllowing two o prro f ma jourrnalss: form A th At he beg b ginning of tthe rep porting perriod d the e fo ollow wing g prro fo orma jo ourn nal is done d e: R Re etained d ea arningss – Beg B ginn ning g of yea ar (P P)(S SCE E) IInve ento oriess (S S)(S SFP P) Ad djus stm men nt to o e ensu ure that the t e co ons solid date ed rettain ned ea arniings s att th he b beginn ning g 20 0.18 8 arre in n agre a eem mentt with w th he cons c soliidatted rettain ned earrnin ngs s at the e en nd o of 20.1 2 7. R 5 000 0 50 000 0 Oncce the invventorie O es are a solld by b tthe S Ltd, L the e fo ollow wing pro p form ma jou urna al woul w ld be b r orde reco ed on o date d e of salle to o acccou unt for the e rea alisatio on of o th he profi p it: R Invven ntoriies (S)(SF FP) C Cos st off sa ales (P))(P//L) Re eco ognitio on of o re ealisattion n of pro ofit R 5 000 0 50 000 0 By tthe end B d off the e re eporrting g pe eriod th he pro p form ma journa al (a as sh how wn a above) is put p thro oug gh inste ead d. N Now w elim e mina ate e in ntra agro oup p ssale es an nd unrea alised prrofit in n clos c sing g iinventtories fo or the t ccurrrent re epo ortin ng perriod d: D Dr R J2 2 J3 3 Re eve enue (P P)(P/L L) Cost o of sale s es (S)( ( (P/L L) Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up sal s es du urin ng the t cu urre ent ye ear 8 80 000 0 Co ost of sales (P))(P//L) Invventtories (S))(SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o unr u eallise ed pro p ofit in the e cllos sing g ven nto orie es of o S Lttd a at 31/1 3 12//20..18 (25 5 00 00 × 33 31/3//133 31/3) inv 6 250 2 Crr R 80 0 00 00 6 25 50 T The e elim e mina atio on of un nre ealissed d pro p ofit in es sse encce co omp prisses th he de eferrme ent o of the t re eco ogn nitio on of the pro p ofit fro om on ne rep porrting g per p riod d to o th he follow win ng rep portting g p periiod (ccom mpa are e J2 2o of 20.1 2 17 witth JJ1 of 20.18 8 abov ve). In n th he above e exa e mp ple, th he par p rentt was w 227 2 Chapter 5 the seller, thus the intragroup profit is included in the profit or loss of the parent. As a result, the intragroup adjustments are not taken into account in the analysis of the equity of S Ltd and have no effect on any possible non-controlling interests in S Ltd. This is also clear from the pro forma consolidation journal entries of the example, where each time only the profit or loss of P Ltd is affected. Where the subsidiary is, however, the selling entity, the pro forma journals must be taken into account before the analysis of the equity is done and a portion of the unrealised intragroup profit is appropriated to the non-controlling interests in the subsidiary, as will be clear from the following example: Example 5.4 Unrealised profit where the subsidiary sells The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and subsidiary S Ltd for the reporting periods 20.17 and 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER P Ltd 20.17 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 45 000 shares at cost price Inventories Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/50 000 shares) Retained earnings Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 20.18 20.17 20.18 67 500 30 000 62 500 67 500 40 000 102 500 – 20 000 60 000 – 30 000 55 000 R160 000 R210 000 R80 000 R85 000 100 000 60 000 100 000 110 000 50 000 30 000 50 000 35 000 R160 000 R210 000 R80 000 R85 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.17 20.18 20.17 20.18 Revenue Cost of sales 70 000 (35 000) 90 000 (20 000) 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 35 000 (15 000) 70 000 (10 000) 25 000 (15 000) 30 000 (18 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 000 (5 000) 60 000 (10 000) 10 000 (5 000) 12 000 (7 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 15 000 – 50 000 – 5 000 – 5 000 – R17 500 R55 000 R5 000 R5 000 228 Intragroup transactions Retained earnings P Ltd 20.17 Balance at 1 January 20.17/20.18 Changes in equity for 20.1720.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Balance at 31 December 20.17/20.18 S Ltd 20.18 20.17 20.18 45 000 60 000 25 000 30 000 15 000 50 000 5 000 5 000 – – – – R60 000 R110 000 R30 000 R35 000 P Ltd acquired its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.17 at R67 500. Intragroup sales of inventories (S Ltd to P Ltd at cost price plus 25%) were as follows: 20.17 R30 000 20.18 R20 000 P Ltd had the following inventories on hand, which were purchased from S Ltd: 31 December 20.17 R10 000 31 December 20.18 R15 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Ignore tax implications. 229 C Cha apte er 5 So oluttion n 5.4 5 T The e co onssoliidated d finan ncial sta atem me entss o of th he P Ltd d G Gro oup p fo or the t e re epo ortin ng pe erio ods e ended 31 Dece ember 20 0.17 a and d 20 0.18 will w be e prrep pare ed as folllow ws by ap pplyying g th he d dire ect m method d: R Rep porrtin ng per p riod d end e ded 31 1 Dece em mbe er 2 20.1 17: P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SOLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EME ENT T OF O FIN NAN NCIAL L POS SITIION N AS A AT A 31 DE ECE EMBE ER 20. 2 17 A ASS SETS S C Currrent ass a sets s IInve entorie es (30 000 0(P P) + 20 000 0(S) – 2 000(J2)) T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (62 500(P) + 60 0 00 00(S S)) 48 8 00 00 122 1 2 50 00 1 0 50 170 00 T Tottal ass a sets R1 170 0 50 00 E EQUIT TY AN ND LIA ABILIT TIES S E Equ uity y atttributtab ble to ow wne ers of the t e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al (P) R Rettain ned ea arnings s (S SCE E) 100 1 0 00 00 62 2 70 00 N Non n-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s (A Ana alyssis) 162 1 2 70 00 7 80 00 T Tottal equ e uity y T Tottal equ e uity y and lia abilitie es 1 0 50 170 00 R1 170 0 50 00 Com C mm mentt T e fig The gure es and a acrrony ymss in bra acke ets fulfiil th he ro ole of a work w kshe eet a and d are not inten nde ed f p for pub blica ation n. 2 230 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO CONS SOL LID DAT TED D ST TA ATE EME ENT T OF O PRO P OFIT OR OR LO OSS AN ND OT THE ER CO OMP PREHEN NSIV VE INCO OME E FO OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.17 7 R Rev ven nue e (770 0000((P) + 500 0000(S) – 300 0000(JJ1))) C Cos st of o sale es (335 000 0 0(P) + 25 2 0 000(S) – 30 3 000( 0 (J1)) + 2 00 00(JJ2))) 90 00 00 ((32 000) G Gro oss pro ofit O Oth her exp pen nse es (15 000 0 0(P)) + 1 15 000 0 0(S))) 58 00 00 ((30 000) P Pro ofit be eforre ttax IInco om me ta ax exp pen nse (5 0000(P)) + 5 0000(S)) 00 28 00 ((10 000) P PROF FIT FO OR T THE YEA Y AR O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive e inc com me e for th he yea y ar 00 18 00 – T TOTA AL CO C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE EAR R R 00 R18 00 P Pro ofit attr a ribu utab ble to: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt N Non n-conttrolling g in nterestts 17 70 00 30 00 R 00 R18 00 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me atttributa able e to o: O Ow wners of o th he parren nt N Non n-conttrolling g in nterestts 17 70 00 30 00 R 00 R18 00 P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SO OLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EMEN NT OF O CH HAN NGES S IN N EQ QUITY Y FO OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.17 7 Share S ca apittal B Ballance at 1 J Jan nuary 20. 2 .17 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quitty for f 20 0.17 7 T Total com c mprrehe ens sive e incom me fo or th he yea ar: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear A Acq quissitio on of o ssub bsid diaryy B Ballance at 31 Dec D cem mbe er 20.1 2 17 Re etaiine ed ea arniing gs To otall N Nonc conollin ng tro inte eres sts s T al Tota eq quiity 1 0 00 100 00 45 5 00 00 14 45 000 0 0 – 1 5 00 145 00 – – 17 7 70 00 – 17 1 700 7 0 – 300 3 0 7 500 5 0 18 8 00 00 7 50 00 R1 100 0 00 00 R62 R 2 70 00 R R16 62 700 7 0 R R7 800 8 0 R1 170 0 50 00 Co omment Ass cont c trol of the sub s bsidiiaryy w was ob btain ned d in n th he currren nt rrepo ortin ng perriod (o on 1 Jan nuarry 20.1 2 7), th he no on-cconttrolling in nterrestts sho ould d be b prrese ente ed in th he co onso olidated fin nan ncial sta atem men nts for the e period d. 231 2 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Retained earnings At NCI Since 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 Purchase difference 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI 75 000 R67 500 7 500 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.17) • Current year: Profit for the year (5 000 – 2 000(J2)) – – – 3 000 2 700 300 R78 000 R2 700 R7 800 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 7 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 30 000 Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd 2 000 Cr R 30 000 2 000 (10 000 × 25/125) continued 232 Intragroup transactions Dr R J3 J4 Cr R Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 300 67 500 7 500 300 Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 3 000(J2)) Trade receivables (102 500(P) + 55 000(S)) 67 000 157 500 224 500 Total assets R224 500 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (SCE) 100 000 116 300 Non-controlling interests (SCE) 216 300 8 200 Total equity 224 500 Total equity and liabilities R224 500 233 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (90 000(P) + 60 000(S) – 20 000(J2)) Cost of sales (20 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 2 000(J1) – 20 000(J2) + 3 000(J3)) 130 000 (31 000) Gross profit Other expenses (10 000(P) + 18 000(S)) 99 000 (28 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (10 000(P) + 7 000(S)) 71 000 (17 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 54 000 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R54 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 53 600 400 R54 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 53 600 400 R54 000 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 *62 700 162 700 7 800 170 500 – 53 600 53 600 400 54 000 R100 000 R116 300 R216 300 R8 200 R224 500 * 60 000 + 2 700 (analysis) = 62 700 110 000 + 6 300 (analysis) = 116 300 234 Retained earnings Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Retained earnings At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (30 000 – 25 000 – 2 000(J1)) 3 000 Purchase difference 2 700 300 7 800 • Current year : Profit for the year (5 000 + 2 000(J1) – 3 000(J3)) 4 000 3 600 400 R82 000 R6 300 R8 200 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Purchase difference (75 000) R– 235 C Cha apte er 5 C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R J1 2 J2 3 J3 4 J4 5 J5 6 J6 Crr R Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of ye ear (S)(SC CE)) Cost o of sale s es (S)( ( (P/L L) Ad djustm men nt to t ens e sure e th hatt the con c nso olida ate ed reta r aine ed ea arniing gs at a the be egin nnin ng of 20.18 8 arre in n agre a eem men nt wiith the e co ons solida ated d re eta aine ed ear e rnin ngs s att th he e end d off 20 0.17 7 2 000 0 Re eve enue (S S)(P/L L) Cost o of sale s es (P)( ( (P/L L) Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up sal s es forr th he cur c ren nt y yea ar 2 20 000 0 Co ost of sales (S))(P//L) Invventtories (P))(SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o unr u eallise ed intr i rag grou up pro ofitt inclu ude ed ven ntories s of o P Lttd at a 31/1 3 12/2 20.18 (155 0000 × 255/12 25) in inv 3 000 0 Sh hare e capital (S))(SC CE E) Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Elimiina atio on of o own o nerrs’ equ e uity y att ac cqu uisiitio on of o S Ltd 5 50 000 0 25 000 0 2 Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of ye ear (S)(SC CE)) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ogn nitio on of non-c con ntro ollin ng inttere ests s in n re etaine ed ea arniing gs of o the su ubsidia ary y fo or th he period d sinc s ce ac cqu uisittion unti u il beg b inn ning g of o currrent ye earr 300 3 No on-con ntro ollin ng inte eressts (P//L) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ogn nitio on of non-c con ntro ollin ng inttere ests s in n proffit for the yea y r 400 4 2 00 00 20 0 00 00 3 00 00 67 7 50 00 7 50 00 30 00 40 00 Com C mm mentt N e th Note hat J1 on nly m mov ves the e R2 R 0 000 0 to o the e curre c ent rep portting pe eriod d – the repo ortin ng p od in whic peri w ch the t inv venttorie es are a solld to o parties outside e th he grou g up, thus re ealising g th he p fit. prof 5 5.9 Intrrag gro oup p pro p ofit in in nve ento oriies s att acq quis sition n date d e In ntra agrroup prof p fit in n in nve ento orie es at a acq a quissitio on datte sho s ould d not be b elim min nated,, be eca ausse itt is a as a res r ult of tra anssacctions be eforre the e e entitiess bec b cam me pa art of o the e sam s me gro oup p, i.e. i re epo orting en ntityy. 5 5.10 0 Lo oss ses s on o inttragro oup inv i ven nto orie es A As in i the t e ca ase e off profits on intragro oup p sa ales, lossess o on intr i ragrou up salles ca ann not, fro om th he point of vie ew of co onso olid datiion, be reg r ard ded d ass nece n ess sarily rea alissed. Unle U esss th he net n 2 236 Intragroup transactions realisable value of the inventories is lower than the cost price of the goods to the purchasing entity (and therefore leads to impairment), intragroup losses must be added back to the value of the inventories of the entity at the end of the reporting period, as well as to the profit of the entity which sold the goods. 5.11 Inventories written down to net realisable value In terms of IAS 2 Inventories, inventories shall be valued at the lower of cost price and net realisable value (.9). The following is applicable should the carrying amount of goods on hand acquired from other entities in the group be written down from the purchase price (to the entity having the goods on hand) to the net realisable value: l If the amount written off is the same as or more than the amount which would normally have been eliminated by way of adjustment for unrealised profit on such goods, the (written down) value of the inventories will be equal to or less than the cost price of the goods to the entity in the group which sold the goods to the other. It will thus be equal to or less than cost price to the group. No further reduction would therefore be necessary. l If the write-down to net realisable value is less than the intragroup unrealised profit, the difference must still be eliminated. Explanatory example S Ltd (subsidiary) sells inventories to P Ltd (parent) at cost plus 25%. The closing inventories in the records of P Ltd on 31 December 20.18 amount to R50 000. On 31 December 20.18, P Ltd writes the inventories down to the net realisable value at that date of R39 000 in its separate records. Ignore tax implications. The journal entry in the records of P Ltd at 31 December 20.18 is as follows: P Ltd’s records: Dr R Cost of sales (Loss on write down of inventories to net realisable value) (P/L) Inventories (SFP) Inventories written down to their net realisable value at the end of the year according to IAS 2 requirements Cr R 11 000 11 000 As the write-down exceeds the intragroup profit, and the net realisable value of the inventories (R39 000) is now less than the original cost price to the group (R50 000 × 100/125 = R40 000), no further pro forma consolidation journal entry is required in respect of the elimination of unrealised profit. 237 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentt T e follow The wing tab ble illus strates thiss prrinciple e cle earlyy: Inv venttory y Va alue e ac ccordin ng at selling g prrice e to o grroup R R 50 000 40 4 000 0 0 Nett re ealis sab ble va alue e R 39 9 00 00 (50 0 00 00 × 100 0/12 25) itte-d dow wn in n P Ltd d’s rreco ordss R11 R 000 0 Unrrealiised U d prrofit R 000 R10 0 A tthe value should As d be R40 R 000 frrom m the grou g up’s pe ersp pective and th he net n rea alisa able e v ue is valu i lo owe er (R39 ( 9 00 00), no o fu urth her pro o fo orma a cons solid dation jou urna al iss re equiired d fo or c soliidattion purposes con s. Iff P Ltd d did not n t re ecog gnise the e write w e-d dow wn tto net n rea alissab ble vallue in its ind dividu ual reccord ds, th he un nrea alissed inttrag gro oup p prrofit wou w uld firsstly y ha ave e to o b be elim e min nate ed and then n the wrrite d dow wn wou w uld ha ave e to be e do one e on n a prro form ma ba asiss ass fo ollow ws: P Pro fo orm ma con c nso olid dation n jo ourrnals: Drr R C Cos st of o sale es (S)(P/L L) In nve ento orie es (P)(SF FP) E Elim min nation n off un nre ealis sed dp proffit incllud ded in clo osing iinv venttorries s (50 000 0 x 25/1 2 25) Cr R 10 000 0 10 0 00 00 a and Drr R C Cos st of o sale es (Los ss on o writ w te d dow wn of o inve ento orie es to t net n re ealiisab ble va alue e) (S S)(P P/L L) In nve ento orie es (P)(SF FP) IInv venttorries s written do own n to o th heirr ne et real r lisa able e valu v ue a at the t en nd of o tthe ye ear acc corrdin ng to IAS S 2 requirem me ents s (4 40 Cr R 1 000 0 1 00 00 0 000 0 – 39 000 0) E Exp plan nattory ye examp ple S Lttd (su ( ubsidia ary) se ellss in nve ento orie es to t PL Ltd (th he par p rent) at a cos c st plus p s 25 5% %. The T e closiing in nve ento orie es in the e reco r ord ds of P Ltd d at a 3 31 De ece emb berr 20.18 am mou unt to R50 00 00. At 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18, P Ltd L write w es the e inve entorie es do own n to t nett rreallisa able e valu v ue at 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 20.18 8 off R44 R 4 00 00 in its se epa aratte reccord ds. Ig gnore taxx im mpllica atio ons. The T jo ourrnal en ntryy in n the reco ord ds o of P Lttd at a 31 3 D Decem mber 20.18 8 is ass follow ws: 2 238 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions P Lttd’s s re eco ord ds: Drr R C Cos st of o sale es (Los ss on o writ w te d dow wn of o inve ento orie es to t net n rea r lisa able e va alue e) (P/L ( L) In nve ento orie es (SFP) IInv venttorries s written do own n to o th heirr ne et real r lisa able e valu v ue a at the t en nd of o tthe ye ear acc corrdin ng to IAS S2 rreq quirrem men nts Cr R 0 6 000 6 00 00 T The e ne et reallisa able e va alue of o th he invventorriess (R R44 4 00 00) is mo ore tha an the e origiinal co ost price to o the t grou up (R50 00 00 × 100/125 5 = R R40 0 00 00) and th here efore a furthe er pro o fform ma cconsolida ation jo ourrna al en ntryy iss re equired in n re esp pecct off th he e elim minatio on of unrrea alise ed pro ofit.. P Pro fo orm ma con c nso olid dation n jo ourrnal: Drr R C Cos st of o sale es (S)(P/L L) (444 000 0 0 – 40 4 000 0 0) In nve ento orie es (P)(SF FP) E Elim min nation n off un nre ealis sed dp proffit in the clo osin ng inv ven ntorries s o of P Ltd L at 31 De ecemb ber 20 0.18 8 Com C mm mentt T e follow The wing tab ble iillus strates thiss prrinciple e cle earlyy: In nve ento ory at selling pric ce R 50 000 Writte-o W off to o ne et re ealisab ble valu v ue in P Lttd’s reccord ds Unrealiised U d prrofit fro om grou g up’ss p spectivve pers Add A ditional elim minatio on of o un nrea alised p fit re prof equired d through pro o forrma a c soliidattion jou con urna al Cr R 0 4 000 4 00 00 Net N rea alisa able e Valu V ue acc a cord ding g vallue to gro oup p R R 4 000 44 0 0 40 0 00 00 R 60 000 R10 000 R4 000 5 5.12 2 Ge enera al ap a pro oac ch to o ta ax in res spect of o the e allloc cattio on o of inc com me e ta ax an nd the elim e min nattio on of o un nrea alis p ofitt sed pro 1 As A ha ad bee b en exp e plaiine ed e earlierr in the e ccha apte er, unrrea alise ed intrag grou up pro ofitss or o lo oss ses are a e ellimiina ated d on con c sollida atio on. In the e RSA R A, how h wevver,, intragro oup p prrofits and a d lo oss ses are a e ta axa able e or dedu ucttible e in n th he same e way w ass any oth herr prrofits or lossses, as ea ach ent e tity in the e grrou up sub s bmits its i ow own ta ax retturn n an nd willl be ta axe ed on o its taxxab ble inccom me. If acc a ord ding gly no o ad djustm men nt to t the t co ons solid datted taxx exp e pensse is ma ade e in n th he g gro oup sta s atem men nts, such h ta ax expen nse e, bec b cau use of the e elim e mina atio on of unrea alised inttrag gro oup pro p ofitss or o loss sess, will w be e disp d pro oportio ona atelyy high h h ((or low w) in relatiion to o th he pro ofit bef b fore e ta ax o of the t group p. IIt is s th hus ap ppro oprriate thatt an n adju ustm men nt b be ma ade e in respe ect 239 2 Chapter 5 2 3 of the tax in order to allocate the tax to the reporting period in which the credit (or debit) is taken for the deferred (unrealised) profit (or loss). The question which now arises is how this adjustment should be dealt with in the consolidated financial statements. The deferred tax account is debited (or credited) with the amount of tax concerned because the purpose with the creation of a deferred tax account is inter alia to carry just such a temporary difference. IAS 12 Income Taxes therefore applies to the temporary differences that originate on the elimination of unrealised profits or losses. The tax on the deferred amount is therefore recognised against deferred tax as a temporary difference. Care must be taken, however, should such an item be shown as an asset, that it is in fact recoverable (as in the case of a debit balance on deferred tax). IFRS 10.B86 specifically requires that IAS 12 Income Taxes shall be applied to temporary differences that arise from the elimination of profits and losses resulting from intragroup transactions. In consolidated financial statements, temporary differences are determined by comparing the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements with the appropriate tax base. The tax base of the inventories is the cost of the inventories to the entity that legally owns the asset. From the group’s perspective the carrying amount of the inventories is the amount at which the selling entity originally purchased the goods. 5.13 Allocation of income tax in respect of unrealised profit in inventories It is now necessary to give attention to the tax effect of unrealised profit originating from the sale of inventories. The basic principles concerning the allocation of tax and the elimination of unrealised profit included in inventories are explained here using three examples. Example 5.5 Allocation of tax and the elimination of unrealised profit included in closing inventories S Ltd (a partially-owned subsidiary) sold inventories for the first time to its parent, P Ltd, during the reporting period ended 28 February 20.18, at a profit mark-up of 25% on cost price. On 28 February 20.18, inventories to the value of R100 000 (at cost to P Ltd) were still on hand. The company tax rate is 28%. Total sales from S Ltd to P Ltd for the current reporting period amounted to R200 000. Solution 5.5 The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries will be as follows: Dr R J1 Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales Cr R 200 000 200 000 continued 240 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions D Dr R J2 2 3 J3 Crr R Co ost of sales (S))(P//L) FP)) Invventtories (P))(SF Elimiina atio on of o unr u eallise ed intr i rag grou up pro ofitt inclu ude ed osing inv ven ntories s of o P Lttd (100 ( 0 00 00 × 25 5/12 25) in clo 2 20 000 0 De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) Inccom me tax exp pen nse e (S S)(P P/L) Ad djustm men nt for f de eferrred d ta ax on o R2 20 000 0 0 un nrea alis sed d in ntra agro oup p prof p fit (20 ( 000 0 × 28% %) 5 600 6 20 0 00 00 5 60 00 Com C mm mentt T e de The eferrred d ta ax o on the un nrea alise ed pro ofit can n be e expl e aine ed as follow ws in term ms of o IAS 12.11: In th he reccord ds of o P Ltd (tthe purchase er) the t invventtorie es wou w uld havve had d th he fo ollo owin ng a oun acco nting g an nd tax t valu uess: Carr C ryin ng amo a oun nt T bas Tax se Te emp pora ary diifferen nce Defferrred tax x @ 28% 2 % R100 R 0 00 00 R 0 00 R100 00 R0 R R R0 For the F e grroup, afte a er th he pro p forrma a journals ha ad b been n ta aken in nto acc cou unt, the e va alue es w uld be wou b as a follo f ows: Carr C ryin ng amo a oun nt T bas Tax se Te emp pora ary diifferen nce Defferrred tax x @ 28% 2 % R80 R 0 00 00 R 0 00 R100 00 (R R20 0 00 00) R 600d R5 6 dr T e DT The TA cha c ange es from m R0 0 to o R5 5,6, the erefo ore req quirring a debi d it ad djusstme ent of R5 R 600 0. Com C mm mentt T e ne The et adju a ustm men nt afte a r ta ax amoun nts to R14 4 400 an nd a porti p ion of the e after a r ta ax a ustm adju men nt iss alloca ated d via a th he ana a lysis of o S Ltd d’s o own ner’’s equi e ty to th he non n n-co ontro ollin ng interestts. Ex xam mplle 5.6 5 Allocattion of A o inco om me ttax x an nd the e elim mina atio on of un nrea alis sed d proffit includ ded d in n op pen nin ng and a d clos c sing inve enttorries s A Assum me tha at a at 28 2 Fe ebru uarry 20. 2 19 (i.e. a yea y ar late er tthan in exa e amp ple 5.5) P Ltd d had h in nve ento orie es on ha and d to o the va alue e of o R15 R 50 000 0 (at ( co ost priice to o P Lttd) wh hich h itt had h a acquire ed fro om S Ltd L at the e ssam me pro p ofit ma ark--up p ass durin ng the e prevviou us rep r portting g pe erio od. T Tota al sale s es of o iinventtoriies fro om S Ltd d to o P Ltd d fo or the t cu urre ent rep porrting peri p iod am mou untted to o R30 R 00 000 0 0. A Aga ain asssum me a com c mpa anyy ta ax rate r e off 28 8% %. 241 2 C Cha apte er 5 So oluttion n 5.6 5 B Bas sed on n th he F FIF FO cosst form f mula, it is ass a um med d that the e in nvento orie es w which P Ltd d ha ad on h hand at a 28 2 Feb F bru uaryy 20 0.18 w werre sold s d enti e rely y duri d ng the e cou c rse e off th he cur c rren nt repo ortiing p period. The T fo ollow win ng pro o fo orm ma con nso olid dation jou urn nal en ntrie es will be nec n cesssary at 28 F Feb brua ary 20 0.19 9: D Dr R J1 2 J2 J3 3 4 J4 J5 5 Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of ye ear (S)(SC CE)) De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) Cost o of sale s es (S)( ( (P/L L) Ad djustm men nt to t ens e sure e th hatt the con c nso olida ate ed retain ned d earn ning gs at the e be eginning g off 20 0.19 9 are a in gree em ment with w h the c con nso olida ate ed rreta aine ed earnings ag at the ee end of 20 0.18 8 14 400 4 5 600 6 Inccom me tax x exxpe ense e (S S)(P P/L L) Defferrred taxx (S S)(S SFP P) Ta ax imp i plic catiions of o re eallisa atio on of o u unrrealise ed pro ofit in op pen ning g in nve ento orie es of o P Ltd L 5 600 6 Crr R 20 0 00 00 5 60 00 Re eve enue (S S)(P/L L) Cost o of sale s es (P)( ( (P/L L) Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up sal s es 30 00 000 0 Co ost of sales (S))(P//L Invventtories (P))(SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o unr u eallise ed intr i rag grou up pro ofitt inclu ude ed in P Ltd L d’s clo osin ng inv ven ntorries s (150 000 0 × 25//125 5) 3 30 000 0 De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) Inccom me tax exp pen nse e (S S)(P P/L) Ad djustm men nt of o def d errred tax x on o R30 R 0 00 00 un nrea alis sed d in ntra agro oup p prof p fit (30 ( 000 0 × 28% %) 8 400 4 3 0 00 300 00 30 0 00 00 8 40 00 Com C mm mentt B 28 February 20 By 0.19 9 th he in nve ento ories s on hand h d a at th he end e d off the e prev p vious re epo ortin ng p od are peri e assum med d to havve bee b en ssold. Th he intra agro oup pro ofit hass the erefore e re ealissed from t the gro oup’s pers p specctiv ve and a furrthe ermo ore the e ta axattion n ha as ther t refo ore beccom me pay p yable e, n ess nec sitatting the e reco ogniition n of a tax x expe e ense ((J2 abo ove e) and a the e re eve ersal off th he t porraryy difffere tem ence es. 5 5.14 4 Allloc cattio on of o inc com me e ta ax in re esp pec ct of o fair f r valu ue ad djus stm me ents s on n fiina anc cia al ass a set at fa air va v lue e th hro oug gh OCI T The e accco ounting g trrea atme entt off fin nan ncia al asse a ets at faiir valu v ue thro t oug gh OC OCI was w s discu usssed d in cchapte er 4 (4 4.4). As A the e effe e ct of taxxation on n in ntra agro oup p trransacctio onss is s introducced d, the t ta ax imp pliccatiions of o fair va alue e adju a ustm mentss to o fin nan ncia al a ass setss at fa air vallue throu ugh h OCI O a also o warrrantt attten ntio on. In terrms s off tax re equ uire ementts, cap pita al gain g ns tax t x is pa ayab ble e wh hen na financial assset at fair valu v ue thrroug gh OC CI (the e in nve estm me ent in the e su ubssidiiaryy) is sold s d to oa hird d par p ty. (S See e IA AS S 12.5 51 on n th he asssu ump ptio on tha at the e car c ryin ng am mou untt o of the t th 2 242 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions nve estm ment will ultim matelyy be e re eco ove ered d th hro oug gh sale s e.) De eferre ed tax t is there eforre ttak ken in in nto accco ountt at th he cap pita al g gain ns ratte on o any gain g ns or los sse es on o financ cial assse et a at fair f vvalu ue thro t oug gh OC CI. The cap c pital ga ains ta ax ratte iss calc c cula ated as a 80% 8 %o of the t co omp pan ny tax t ra ate e, as 80% 8 %o of th he cap c pita al g gain n is taxxab ble. As th he taxx ra ate is set s t at 28 8% in thiss wor w k, the t ccapital ga ainss ta ax rate r e will w be b 22,4% % (8 80% % × 28% %). A At th he end of o e every rep r portting g pe erio od, the e in nve estm men nt in the subsiidia ary is me easure ed a at fair f vvalu ue in th he pa are ent’s ind dividua al fin nancia al sta s atem men nts s. Ga Gainss o or lossse es on n the t re em measurrem men nt of o fina f anccial as ssetts are a e re eco ognise ed in i O OC CI th hro oug gh tthe markk-to o-m mark ket re ese erve e. On O co ons solid dattion n of th he fina f ancciall state eme ents o of the pa aren nt a and d th he sub bsid dia ary, th he mark m k-to o-m markett rese ervve is re everse ed to dete erm mine e the t e orig o gina al con nsiderratiion trran nsfe erre ed to t o obtain n the con c ntrolling in nte eresst in n th he sub bsid dia ary at a the t e accqu uisittion n da ate e. T The e de eferred d ta ax tha at was w s ta aken in nto o accco ount on n any a ga ains s or lo osses on fin nan ncia al a asse ets va a at fair f alue e tthro oug gh OC CI mu ust also be e reve r erssed on n con c nso olida atio on of the fina f anc cial sstatem men nts of o tthe pa aren nt and a d th he sub s bsid diarry. Com C mm mentt It sh hould be b note n ed that the e co ost met m thod d iss mo ostlyy ap pplied in Sou S uth A Africa to t mea m asurre an a inve estm men nt in n a sub bsid diarry in n th he p pare ent’s sepa s aratte finan ncia al re eco ords s. The T ma ajoriity of o e mples in this exa t wo ork is th here efore e ba ase ed on o th he cost c t me etho od. Ex xam mplle 5.7 5 In nco om me ttax allloc catiion n an nd rev verrsal off fa air vallue e ad dju ustm ment on n fiina anc cial as sse et at a fa air value e th hro oug gh OC OCI O On 2 Jan J nuary 2 20..17 7 P Ltd d acqu uire ed an 80 0% intere est in S Ltd L at R8 8 000.. P Ltd d clas c ssifies th he invvesstmentt in n te erm ms of o IFR RS 9 in itts ssep parrate e fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts an nd reccog gnis ses fa air vallue ad djusstm men nts in a m mark-to o-m marrkett re ese erve e (o othe er com c mprreh hensiv ve in nco ome e). O On 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.17 7 th he ffairr va alue e of th he inve esttme ent in S Ltd L wa as R R9 50 00. O On 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 th he ffairr va alue e of th he inve esttme ent in S Ltd L wa as R R10 0 000 0 0. A Assum me a com mpa any taxx ra ate of 28 8% and d th hatt 80 0% of the e ca apital ga ain is sub s bjecct to o ccapital g gain ns tax t . So oluttion n 5.7 5 R Rep porrtin ng per p riod d end e ded 31 1 Dece em mbe er 2 20.1 17: O On con nso olidatio on the e fo ollowin ng pro o fo orm ma jourrna al iss do one e to o re everse e th he mov m vem ment in the t nt during 20. fa air va alue e of o tthe e in nve estm men 2 .17, to det d term min ne the e con c nsid dera atio on pa aid at a acquissitio on date d e: Drr R M Mark-tto-m marke et re eserve e – Beginnin ng of o year y r (P P)(O OCII) In nve estm men nt in n S Ltd d (P P)(S SFP) (9 500 5 – 8 00 00) R Rev verrsal off fa air valu v ue gain o on inv ves stm ment in n S Ltd d a at the t en nd of o tthe ye ear at gro oup p le evel Cr R 5 1 500 1 50 00 243 2 C Cha apte er 5 T The e taxx effe e ct w willl be e ass fo ollo ows s: Drr R D Defferrred taxx (P P)(S SFP P) In nco ome e ta ax e expensse of o OC O I (P P)(O OCI) (11 5000 × (880% % × 28% 2 %)) R Rec cog gnition o of defe d erre ed tax x on n re eve ersal o of fair f r va alue e gain n o on inv ves stm ment in n S Ltd d at a th he end e d of o th he y yea ar at a gro g up lev vel Cr R 336 3 33 36 Com C mm mentt T e de The eferrred taxx on n the move m eme ent in the t fair va alue e of the e invvesstme ent can n be e exxpla aine ed a follo as ows in term t ms o of IA AS 12.11: In the reccord ds of o P Ltd L (the e in nvesstorr) th he inve estm men nt wou w uld havve had h d the fo ollo owin ng a oun acco nting g an nd tax t valu uess: Ca arrying g am mou unt Tax x ba ase e Tem T mporrary y d eren diffe nce e De eferrred d ta ax @ 80% % × 28 8% (or 22,4% %) 9 50 00 8 000 1 500 0 33 36cr For the F e grroup, afte a er th he pro p forrma a journals ha ad b been n ta aken in nto acc cou unt, the e va alue es w uld be wou b as a follo f ows: Ca arrying g am mou unt Tax x ba ase e Tem T mporrary y d eren diffe nce e De eferrred d ta ax @ 80% % × 28 8% (or 22,4% %) 8 00 00 8 000 0 0 The T e de eferrred taxx ba alan nce nee edss to be ad djustted fro om R33 R 36 to R0, R therefo ore req quiriing a d bit adjusstm deb mentt of R33 36. R Rep porrtin ng per p riod d end e ded 31 1 Dece em mbe er 2 20.1 18: W Whe en the e conssolida ation of o P Ltd L and S L Ltd is done for th he rep portting g peri p od en ndin ng on 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 20.18 8, th he tottal mo ove eme entt in n th he fairr va alue of o the t e in nvestm men nt mu must be re eve erse ed in two o step s ps to detterm min ne the e acctu ual con nsid derration tra anssferrred d on o acq a quissitio on. F For this purp p posse, the e fo ollo owin ng pro o fo orm ma co ons solidation journa als are prep p parred: Drr R Cr R M Mark-tto-m marke et re eserve e – Beginnin ng of o year y r (P P)(S SCE E) (1 1 50 00 × (100% % – 22 2,4% %)) D Defferrred taxx (P P)(S SFP P) (1 ( 500 5 × (8 80% % × 28% %)) In nve estm men nt in n S Ltd d (P P)(S SFP) (9 500 5 – 8 00 00) R Rev verrsal off fa air valu v ue adjus stm ment on in nve estme ent in S L Ltd at b beg ginnin ng of o tthe e ye ear at gro oup p le eve el M Mark-tto-m marke et re eserve e (P P)(O OCI) (110 000 0 – 9 50 00) In nve estm men nt in n S Ltd d (P P)(S SFP) R Rev verrsal off fa air valu v ue adjus stm ment on in nve estme ent in S L Ltd ffor cu urre ent year at a gro g oup p le evell 1 164 336 3 1 50 00 500 5 50 00 co tinu cont ued d 2 244 Intragroup transactions Dr R Deferred tax (P)(SFP) (500 × (80% × 28%)) Income tax expense of OCI (P)(OCI) Deferred tax effect of reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd for current year at group level Cr R 112 112 The explanation in example 5.7 serves as basis for the fair value adjustments to the investment in example 5.8 which follows: Example 5.8 Income tax on unrealised intragroup profit The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 8 000 shares at fair value (20.17 – R9 500) Inventories Trade receivables S Ltd 10 000 15 000 9 000 – 15 000 6 200 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (10 000/10 000 shares) Mark-to-market reserve Retained earnings Deferred tax R34 000 R21 200 10 000 1 552 20 400 2 048 10 000 – 11 200 – Total equity and liabilities R34 000 R21 200 245 Chapter 5 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (40 000) Gross profit Other expenses 25 000 (5 000) 20 000 (10 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 000 (5 600) 10 000 (2 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income: Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss Mark-to-market reserve (fair value adjustment on investment) Income tax relating to items not reclassified 14 400 7 200 500 (112) – – Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 338 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R14 788 R7 200 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Mark-to-market reserve P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd 1 164 6 000 4 000 – 388 14 400 – 7 200 – R1 552 R20 400 R11 200 P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd on S Ltd’s incorporation on 1 January 20.17 at R8 000. Since 1 January 20.18, S Ltd has acquired all its inventories from P Ltd at cost price plus 25%. S Ltd’s total inventories have therefore been acquired from P Ltd during the reporting period. Total sales of inventories from P Ltd to S Ltd during the reporting period ended 31/12/20.18 amounted to R30 000. P Ltd classified the equity investment in S Ltd under IFRS 9 in its separate financial statements and recognised fair value adjustments in a mark-to-market reserve (other comprehensive income). Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume a company tax rate of 28% and that 80% of a capital gain is subject to capital gains tax. 246 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.8 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Current assets Inventories (15 000(P) + 15 000(S) – 3 000(J5)) Trade receivables (9 000(P) + 6 200(S)) 27 000 15 200 42 200 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (2 048 – 336(J1) – 112(J3) – 840(J6)) Total equity and liabilities R42 200 10 000 27 200 37 200 4 240 41 440 760 R42 200 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (50 000(P) + 60 000(S) – 30 000(J4)) Cost of sales (25 000(P) + 40 000(S) – 30 000(J4) + 3 000(J5)) 80 000 (38 000) Gross profit Other expenses (5 000(P) + 10 000(S)) 42 000 (15 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 600(P) + 2 800(S) – 840(J6)) 27 000 (7 560) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 19 440 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests R19 440 18 000 1 440 R19 440 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 000 1 440 R19 440 247 C Cha apte er 5 P LTD L D GRO G OUP P CO ONS SO OLID DAT TED D STA S ATE EMEN NT OF O CH HAN NGES S IN N EQ QUITY Y FO OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 Sha S are capiitall B Ballance at 1 J Jan nua ary 20..18 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me fo or the yea ar: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear B Ballance at 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 Re etaiined ea arniings Tot T tal Noncontrrolling g inttere estts T tal Tot equ e uity y 10 0 00 00 *9 9 20 00 19 9 20 00 2 80 00 22 2 00 00 – 18 8 00 00 18 8 00 00 1 44 40 19 9 44 40 R 0 00 R10 00 R R27 7 20 00 R37 R 7 20 00 R4 4 24 40 R 1 44 R41 40 * 6 00 00 + 3 200 0 (analyysiss) = 9 2 200 20 2 400 4 + 8 96 60 (ana alyssis) – 3 000 0(J5 5) + 84 40(JJ6) = 27 20 00 Com C mm mentt A P Ltd As L is the t selller of the e invven ntoriies, the e unre ealis sed pro ofit tha at was w elim minate ed on o c soliidattion sh con houlld be b take en into o acco a ountt when w n th he bala ancces of the e co onssolid date ed r ained earningss arre chec reta c cked. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tota A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.17)) i At Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss Pur P rcha ase e differrence P Ltd d8 80% % At Sin nce e NC CI 10 000 0 – 8 000 0 0 – 2 00 00 – 0 10 000 – 8 000 0 0 – 2 00 00 – 10 000 0 R 000 R8 0 0 2 00 00 Con C nsid deratio on (1 10 000 0 – 1 50 00(JJ1) – 50 00(JJ2))) an nd NC N I iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year : Ret R tain ned ea arningss (44 0000 – 0) • Cur C rren nt yea y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear 4 000 0 3 200 2 80 00 2 80 00 0 7 200 5 760 7 1 44 40 R2 21 200 0 R8 960 9 R4 4 24 40 Com C mm mentt A P Ltd is th As he selle s er, the t intrragrroup p sa ale of inve i ento ories ha as no n effe e ect on o the t ana alyssis of o t equ the uity of S Lttd. 2 248 Intragroup transactions C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3 .32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 8 000 2 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 10 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (10 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Mark-to-market reserve – Beginning of year (P)(SCE)(1 500 × (100% - (80% × 28%)) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) (1 500 × (80% × 28%) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) (9 500 – 8 000) Reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd at beginning of year at group level Cr R 1 164 336 1 500 Mark-to-market reserve (P)(OCI) (10 000 – 9 500) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd for current year at group level 500 Deferred tax (P)(SFP)(500 × 80% × 28%) Income tax expense of OCI (P)(OCI) Tax effect of reversal of fair value adjustment on investment in S Ltd for current year at group level 112 500 112 Revenue (P)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 30 000 Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Inventories (S)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in the closing inventories of S Ltd at 31/12/20.18 3 000 30 000 3 000 (15 000 × 25/125) J6 J7 Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferral of the applicable tax on the unrealised intragroup profit (3 000 × 28%) Share capital (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 840 840 10 000 8 000 2 000 continued 249 Chapter 5 Dr R J8 J9 Cr R Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year 800 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 1 440 800 1 440 Property, plant and equipment held by entities in the group 5.15 Disclosure of the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment in the consolidated statement of financial position As consolidated financial statements combine the information contained in the separate financial statements of the parent and of the subsidiaries, the consolidated statement of financial position must show, in respect of property, plant and equipment, the total gross carrying amount of such assets and the total accumulated depreciation as per the separate statements of financial position of the entities in the group, despite the fact that certain of these assets were in fact purchased by the subsidiary before the date on which the parent acquired its controlling interest in the subsidiary. The reason for this is that, on consolidation, a new reporting entity is created, namely the group. All the assets are now viewed as belonging to the entity, i.e. the group. As discussed before, from the perspective of the group, intragroup transactions between the different entities, irrespective of whether the parent sold to the subsidiary or vice versa, had for all intents and purposes not occurred from the group’s perspective. The principle is that one cannot enter into transactions with oneself, nor make a profit out of oneself. For this reason, all intragroup profits (or losses) should be eliminated on consolidation. Constantly keep in mind the entity concept when intragroup transactions are discussed. 5.16 Property, plant and equipment acquired from other entities in the group Where property, plant and equipment are acquired from other entities within the group a distinction must be drawn between intragroup gains earned on: l property, plant and equipment which are not subject to depreciation (nondepreciable property); and l property, plant and equipment which are subject to depreciation (depreciable property, plant and equipment). A further distinction that warrants attention is whether the selling entity is a trader in property, plant and equipment, in which case it constitutes inventories in its records. If, however, the selling entity is a non-trader of such items, the property, plant and equipment is classified as the latter in its records. In the initial discussion, the seller is a non-trader and therefore the item that is sold forms part of property, plant and equipment. 250 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions 5 5.17 7 Intra agrrou up ga ain on n non n n-d dep pre ecia ablle pro p ope ertty, pla ant a and d equ uipm me entt S Sho ould d one en ntity y in n th he gro oup p se ell a non n n-de eprreciab ble pro ope ertyy to o an notther entit e ty iin the t g grou up at a gai g n, the e fu ull intrrag grou up gain mu ust, ass lo ong g as s th he asssett is s he eld withiin the t g grou up, be e elimina ated d fo or con c nso olida atio on purpo ose es. The rreas son n iss th hat a gai g n on o the e sa ale o of a non n n-de eprreciiable pro ope erty y, pla p nt an nd equ uipme ent ite em will onl o ly be re egarde ed as re ealise ed wh hen th he asssett iss sold d to o a th hird d part p ty outtsid de the e gro g up. Reg R gard dless of w whe ethe er the t e assse et was w s so old by y th he paren nt or o by b a who w olly y-ow wne ed subsidia ary to an noth her e entitty in the e g grou up, th he full amo a oun nt of o tthe e un nre ealised d gain g n iss reve r ers sed an nd de ebitted a againsst th he gro oup p ga ain. The sale of o pro p operty ha as no n inccom me tax t x im mplicattion ns (it ( how h wev ver h has ca apita al gai g ns taxx im mpliication ns wh hich h arre initiallyy ig gno ored d fo or the sa ake of sim mplicitty). Ex xam mplle 5.9 5 N n-de Non eprrec ciab ble e prrop pertty acq a quiired d frrom m the pa aren nt A Assum me tha at P Ltd L so old pro ope ertyy (w which origin nallly cos c st R10 R 00 000 0) to S Ltd L , a w whollyo own ned d subssidiary y, at R150 0 000 on n 2 JJan nua ary 20 0.17. S Ltd solld the e prop p perrty at R R25 50 000 0 0 on o 30 0 Jun J e 20.19 9 to o a thir t rd party.. P L Ltd’’s rep porting g per p riod d end e ds on 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er. So oluttion n 5.9 5 T The e follow win ng p pro forrma a jo ournall en ntrie es will be e re equ uire ed o on con nso olid datio on:: al ent 3 31 Dec D cem mb ber 20.17 7 – Pro o fo orm ma co ons soliida atio on jou j urna e try D Dr R O Oth her inccom me ((Ga ain on sale o of prop p pertty) (P))(P//L) Prop P pertty (S)( ( (SF FP) E Elim min nation n off th he unr u reallise ed intrrag grou up ga ain inc clud ded d iin the t prroperty of o S Lttd Crr R 5 50 000 0 50 0 00 00 Com C mm mentt F m the perrspe From ectivve of o the gro oup, the e transsacttion did d no ot ta ake e pla ace e an nd the carrryin ng a ount off th amo he prop p pertty iss sttill R10 00 000 0. Itt is cle ear tha at th he carrryin ng amo a oun nt of th he p pertty (a prop as pres p sen nted in S Ltd’s L s statemen nt of o fin nan ncia al po ositiion at R R15 50 000 0 ) sh hould be b r uced by R50 redu R 000 0. Furt F herrmore, the ga ain on o the sale e th hat was w s re ecog gnissed by P L Ltd in its p profit orr losss, is n now w de eemed to b be unre u ealissed d fro om the t perrspe ectivve of o th he gro g up ((as a t d pa third arty wa as not invo olve ed), and d sh hould th here eforre b be reve erse ed. T e ga The ain on o sale s e of pro operty will be inc clud ded in the t line e ite em, “otherr inc com me” in th he p profit o lo or oss secction off the e sttate eme ent of o p profit orr losss and a oth her com c mpre ehe ensiv ve inco ome e. 251 2 C Cha apte er 5 3 31 Dec D cem mb ber 20.18 8 – Pro o fo orm ma co ons soliida atio on jou j urna al ent e try D Dr R R Rettain ned d ea arniings s – Be egin nnin ng of o yea y ar (P P)(S SCE) Prop P pertty (S)( ( (SF FP) A Adjjus stm mentt to o en nsu ure e that tthe e co ons soliida ated d re etaiine ed e earrnin ngs s att th he beg b ginn ning o of 20.1 2 18 are a e in ag gree em ment w with h tthe e co ons soliidated d re etaiined e earn nin ngs at the e end of 20 0.17 7 Crr R 5 50 000 0 50 0 00 00 Com C mm mentt In 2 20.17 th he con c soliidatted pro ofit for f tthatt rep portting g pe eriod d was w deb bited d with w the e un nrea alise ed g n of R5 gain 50 000. 0 . Th he resu r ultin ng effec e ct was w tha at th he rretained d ea arningss att the e en nd of o 2 20.17 w s red was ducced by the e un nrea alise ed gain g n. The reta aine ed e earn ning gs at a th he e end of 20.17 beccam me t the reta aine ed ear e ning gs at a the t beg ginn ning g off 20 0.18 8. A As th he assset is sstill owned d within n th he g up, and th grou he gain is s sttill regard ded as un nrea alise ed (rea ( ason ns abo ove)), th he adjustment n eds to nee t be b repe eate ed with w reffere ence e to the e 20 0.18 8 lin ne itemss. 3 31 Dec D cem mb ber 20.19 9 – Pro o fo orm ma co ons soliida atio on jou j urna al ent e try D Dr R R Rettain ned d ea arniings s – Be egin nnin ng of o yea y ar (P P)(S SCE) Othe O er inco ome e (G Gaiin on o sale s e off prropertyy) ((P)((P/L L) A Adjjus stm mentt to o en nsu ure e that tthe e co ons soliida ated d re etaiine ed e earrnin ngs s att th he beg b ginn ning o of 20.1 2 19 are a e in ag gree em ment w with h tthe e co ons soliidated d re etaiined e earn nin ngs at the e end of 20 0.18 8 a as we ell as a to t g give e re eco ogn nitio on to the e fa act tha at the t u unrrea alise ed inttrag gro oup p ga ain ha as bee b en rea r lise ed by the e d dis sposall off th he ass a et dur d ring g 20.1 2 19 Crr R 5 50 000 0 50 0 00 00 Com C mm mentt In 20.19 when w n th he p prop pertyy is solld to o a thirrd partyy, th he follo owin ng appl a lies: In S Lttd’s reccord ds a gain g of R100 000 0 iss sh how wn, i.e. R2 250 000 – R150 0 00 00 (pric ( ce at a w ch S Lttd purc whic p chassed pro operty intrragrroup p fro om P L Ltd).. F m th From he pers p spe ectivve of o th he grou g up the gain n sh hou uld h how weve er be b R15 R 50 000, 0 i.e. R2 250 0 00 00 – R100 0 00 00 (orig gina al co ost to the t gro oup)). Byy re ecog gnissing g the pro form f ma jourrnal above e, th he c rect gain of corr o R150 R 0 00 00 (100 ( 0 00 00 + 50 0 00 00 (pro ( o forrma a ad djusttme ent)) is reccogn nise ed in th he c soliidatted pro con ofit o or lo oss.. F From m the t e th hree e pro p forrma a jo ourrnals abo a ove e, itt iss clear th hat in the yea y ar of o the inttrag gro oup ssale e off prop pertty, the e gain n on n the sa ale of pro ope ertyy will w b be sh how wn at a R50 000 0 0 in P Ltd d’s p proffit or o losss fo or 20. 2 17, bu ut n no such ite em will appe earr in the 20. 2 17 co onso olid date ed pro ofit or pprrop lo oss s, as a a re esu ult of o the t re ecorrdin ng of the e ap priate jou j urna al entr e ry. Wh hen n th he pro ope erty y is e eventu uallyy sold s d to o a thiird pa arty in 20 0.19 9, the ga ain on the e sale s e off prrop pertty will w ap ppe ear as R R10 00 000 0 0 in n th he pro ofit or losss of S Ltd L fo or 20.1 2 19, bu ut a as R150 00 00 iin the t co onssolid datted p proffit or o lo osss fo or 20.1 2 19. 2 252 Intragroup transactions It is once again clear that the elimination of unrealised gain, in essence, shifts the applicable gain to the reporting period where the gain is realised as a result of a transaction with a party outside the group. In the case where the subsidiary is the selling entity of property to another entity in the group, the pro forma journals will remain unchanged, but the adjustment to equity will have to be taken into account before the equity of the subsidiary is analysed. The noncontrolling interest will therefore be affected with “their share” of the unrealised gain while the entity still holds the property, or the realised gain in the reporting period that the property is sold. 5.18 Intragroup gain on depreciable property, plant and equipment 1 2 3 As already stated, any unrealised gain on property, plant and equipment which were purchased from another entity in the group, must be eliminated in the same way as unrealised profit in inventories which is still on hand at the end of the reporting period. In addition, the excessive amount of depreciation in the case of property, plant and equipment which are subject to depreciation, must be written back. Intragroup profit on inventories and gains on property, plant and equipment, such as land, which is not subject to depreciation, is only realised when the assets are sold to an entity outside the group. However, physical transfer is unnecessary in the case of property, plant and equipment subject to depreciation. An unrealised gain on depreciable property, plant and equipment is “realised” through the process of depreciation (or by sale to an entity outside the group (third party)) as depreciation represents the expired portion of the future economic benefits contained in property, plant and equipment. To the extent that depreciation is merely the allocation of the cost (which represents the future economic benefits) of the asset over its expected useful life, from an accounting point of view, the realisation of intragroup gain on such assets comes about only in the sense that the unrealised gain is expunged over the same period. That portion of intragroup gain which is accounted for in the depreciation figure of any reporting period is accordingly realised when the products or services produced by means of the use of depreciable assets are sold to third parties. Assume that P Ltd sells inventories to a wholly-owned subsidiary, S Ltd, at a profit of R5 000. Should the subsidiary sell one-fifth of the inventories in each of the following five reporting periods to outsiders, one-fifth of the unrealised profit would be realised in every reporting period. Should P Ltd sell equipment which cost R40 000 to S Ltd at a gain of R5 000 and the latter recognises depreciation at the rate of 20% per annum on the cost price (for S Ltd) of the equipment (that is one fifth in each year according to the straight-line method), S Ltd would recognise R9 000 annually (1/5 × R45 000) until the equipment has been written off in full by the end of the fifth year. For consolidation purposes, the unrealised gain (R5 000) is eliminated and the equipment written off at R8 000 per annum (based on the supposition that the group will apply the same depreciation rate). Therefore, onefifth of the unrealised gain can be regarded as being realised annually and included in the group gain. This comes about by writing back the excess depreciation annually (R9 000 – R8 000 = R1 000). 253 Chapter 5 4 Should the asset be sold by the parent or by a wholly-owned subsidiary to another entity in the group, the full amount of unrealised gain is set off against the consolidated gain. No allocation of the unrealised intragroup gain is made to the possible non-controlling interests. Should the unrealised gain or a part thereof be realised later, there is once again no allocation to the non-controlling interests. Example 5.10 Sale of property, plant and equipment to a partially-owned subsidiary At 31 December 20.18, the end of the reporting period, P Ltd holds an interest of 80% in S Ltd. On 2 January 20.18, P Ltd sold certain equipment which originally cost R10 000 to S Ltd for R15 000. S Ltd recognises depreciation on this equipment on a straight-line basis at a rate of 20% per annum. Solution 5.10 The pro forma consolidation journal entry is as follows: Dr R Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (P)(P/L) Equipment (S)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup gain included in the equipment of S Ltd on 31/12/20.18 Cr R 5 000 5 000 This journal entry indicates that it is the gain on sale of equipment (which will be included in the line item “other income”) of P Ltd that is debited; as a result, no allocation is made to the non-controlling interests in S Ltd. This in fact means that the consolidated gain is reduced by the full unrealised intragroup gain. Dr R Accumulated depreciation: Equipment (S)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (P)(P/L) Recognition of the portion of the unrealised intragroup gain “realised” by the depreciation process during 20.18 Cr R 1 000 1 000 (5 000 × 20%) Because the full unrealised intragroup gain is set off against the consolidated gain, the full realised portion of the unrealised intragroup gain must be set off against the consolidated gain. No allocation is made to the non-controlling interests in S Ltd. Similarly to the case of inventories, the two pro forma journals that were discussed above affect the consolidated retained earnings (in this case for 20.18). When the consolidated financial statements are prepared for the following reporting period (20.19), it must first be ensured that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 agree with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18. This is accomplished through the following pro forma journal entry: 254 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions Drr R R Rettain ned d ea arniings s – Be egin nnin ng of o yea y ar (P P) (SC CE) (5 0000 – 1 000) A Acc cum mula ate ed d deprecciation: Equipm ment (S S)(S SFP P) Equ E ipm men nt (S S)(S SFP) A Adjjus stm mentt to o en nsu ure e that tthe e co ons soliida ated d re etaiine ed e earrnin ngs s att th he beg b ginn ning o of 20.1 2 19 agr a ree es with w h th he c con nso olid date ed retain ned d ea arning gs of o 20.1 2 18. C Cr R 4 00 00 1 00 00 5 00 00 Com C mm mentt T s pro form This f ma con nso olida ation n jo ourn nal is purrelyy a combinattion n off the two pro o fo orm ma jourrnals th hat wer w re p prep pare ed for the t con nsollida ation n off the e prreviouss reporrting g pe eriod d, b but in r ation rela n to the e cu urren nt repo ortin ng perio p od’s s (2 20.19) figu f res and d fin nan ncial sta atem men nts. 5 Sho S oulld the t e as sse et be b sold by a partia ally-ow wne ed sub bsidia ary to an noth herr en ntitty in the t gro g oup p, th he releva antt po ortion of the unr u realise ed gaiin, as s in the cas c se of o invventtories in sim s mila ar circ c cum msta anccess, m must be e alloccate ed to o th he no on-ccon ntro ollin ng intere estss in n the t sub s bsid diary. As s and a wh hen n th he unrea alissed ga ain is rea alis sed d, a po ortiion there eof is on nce aga a ain alloca ate ed to th he non-c con ntro ollin ng inte eressts in the e su ubssidiaryy. Ex xam mplle 5.11 5 1 Con C nso olid datiion n ad dju ustm me ent forr in ntra agrroup sale s es of de epre eciiab ble p perrty, plan prop nt and a d eq quiipm men nt wit w h the su ubs sidiiary y as a the t s ing sell g en ntitty T The e follow win ng a are the abri a idged fin nancia al sttate ementts of o P Ltd L and itts ssub bsid diarry S L Ltd for th he rep portting g perio odss 20 0.18 a and d 20 0.19: S ATEM STA MEN NTS SO OF FIN F NAN NCIAL L PO OSITIO ON N AS S AT A 31 3 DE ECE EMB BER R P Lttd S Lttd 20 0.18 8 20.19 9 20.18 2 19 20.1 A ASSE ETS S P Pla ant at a cos c st prrice e A Acc cum mula ate ed d deprecciation 20 2 000 0 0 (2 000 0 0) 20 000 0 0 ) (4 000) 4 40 000 0 0 (4 000 0 0) 40 00 00 00) (8 00 IInve estme ent in S Ltd: 45 00 00 ssha aress T Tra ade recceivvab bles s 18 1 000 0 0 67 6 500 5 0 74 7 500 5 0 0 16 000 67 500 5 106 500 5 3 36 000 0 0 – 4 45 000 0 0 00 32 00 – 54 00 00 T Tottal ass setts E EQ QUIT TY AN ND LIA ABIILIT TIES S Sha are ca apita al (100 0 00 00/5 50 000 0 sha aress) R Rettain ned d ea arniings s R R16 60 000 0 0 R R190 000 0 R8 81 000 0 0 R 00 R86 00 10 00 000 0 0 60 6 000 0 0 100 000 0 90 000 0 5 50 000 0 0 3 31 000 0 0 50 00 00 36 00 00 T Tottal equ uity y and lia abilitie es R R16 60 000 0 0 R R190 000 0 R8 81 000 0 0 R 00 R86 00 255 2 Chapter 5 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 Revenue Cost of sales 50 000 (25 000) 120 000 (60 000) 25 000 (12 500) 30 000 (15 000) Gross profit Depreciation Other income Other expenses 25 000 (2 000) 15 800 (18 000) 60 000 (2 000) 11 600 (28 000) 12 500 (4 000) 8 300 (8 500) 15 000 (4 000) 7 900 (12 000) Profit before tax 20 800 41 600 8 300 6 900 Income tax expense (5 800) (11 600) (2 300) (1 900) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 15 000 30 000 6 000 5 000 – – – – R15 000 R30 000 R6 000 R5 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER Retained earnings P Ltd 20.18 S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.18/20.19 Changes in equity for 20.18/20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year 45 000 60 000 25 000 31 000 15 000 30 000 6 000 5 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18/20.19 R60 000 R90 000 R31 000 R36 000 P Ltd purchased all its plant from S Ltd on the acquisition date, 1 January 20.18. The plant did not form part of S Ltd’s inventories. S Ltd realised a gain of R2 500 on the transaction. Depreciation is provided annually on the straight line basis at a rate of 10% per annum. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Ignore tax implications. 256 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.11 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 31 December 20.19 will be as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Plant (20 000(P) + 40 000(S) – 2 500(J1)) Accumulated depreciation (2 000(P) + 4 000(S) – 250(J2)) 57 500 (5 750) 51 750 Current assets Trade receivables (74 500(P) + 45 000(S)) Total assets 119 500 R171 250 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 63 375 Non-controlling interests 163 375 7 875 Total equity 171 250 Total equity and liabilities R171 250 257 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (50 000(P) + 25 000(S)) Cost of sales (25 000(P) + 12 500(S)) 75 000 (37 500) Gross profit Other income (15 800(P) + 8 300(S) – 2 500(J1)) Other expenses (18 000(P) + 8 500(S) + (2 000(P) + 4 000(S)(depreciation)) 37 500 21 600 (32 250) – 250(J2) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 800(P) + 2 300(S)) 26 850 (8 100) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 750 – R18 750 18 375 375 R18 750 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 375 375 R18 750 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Acquisition of subsidiary Balance at 31 December 20.18 258 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 45 000 145 000 – 145 000 – – 18 375 – 18 375 – 375 7 500 18 750 7 500 R100 000 R63 375 R163 375 R7 875 R171 250 Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.18) • Current year : Profit for the year (6 000 – 2 500(J1) + 250(J2)) At NCI Since 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – 75 000 R67 500 7 500 – – – 3 750 3 375 375 R78 750 R3 375 R7 875 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3 .32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 Cr R Other income (Gain on sale of plant) (S)(P/L) Plant (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised intragroup gain included in the plant of P Ltd at 31/12/20.18 2 500 Accumulated depreciation: Plant (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Recognition of the portion of the unrealised intragroup gain realised in 20.18 250 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 2 500 250 50 000 25 000 67 500 7 500 375 375 259 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentt B caus Bec se S Ltd L is the sellling en ntity, th he “othe er inco ome e” withi w n profi p it or lo oss of S L Ltd is d ited deb d with the t unrreallised d in ntragro oup gain. Sim S milarrly, the rea alise ed portion n is cre edite ed to t t “oth the her exp pen nsess” of o S Ltd d. This T s prroce edure ens e ures th hat a porti p ion of the un nrea alise ed intra agro oup p ga ain is i a alloc cate ed to t th he n non n-co ontro ollin ng interest in S Ltd, just as a a po ortio on of o t rea the alise ed porti p ion is alloc a cate ed to th he nonn -con ntro olling in nterrest in S Lttd. R Rep porrtin ng per p riod d end e ded 31 1 Dece em mbe er 2 20.1 19 P LTD L D GRO G OUP CO ONSO OLID DAT TED STA S ATE EMEN NT OF O FIN NANC CIAL L POS P SIT TION N AS A AT A 31 DE ECEM MBE ER 20..19 A ASSE ETS S N Non-c currren nt a asse ets s P Pla ant (20 ( 000 0(P P) + 40 000 0(S)) – 2 50 00(JJ1))) A Acc cum mula ate ed d deprecciation (4 000 0(P)) + 8 000(S) – 50 00(JJ1 & 2))) 57 50 00 (11 500) 00 46 00 C Current ass sets T Tra ade recceivvab bles s (106 5000(P)) + 54 5 000 0 0(S))) T Tottal ass setts E EQ QUIT TY AN ND LIA ABIILIT TIES E Equ uity y atttributab ble to ow wne ers of the e pa are ent S Sha are ca apita al R Rettain ned d ea arniings s 160 50 00 R2 206 50 00 100 00 00 00 98 10 N Non-c con ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s 00 198 10 8 40 00 T Tottal equ uity y 2 50 206 00 T Tottal equ uity y and lia abilitie es 2 260 R2 206 50 00 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Revenue (120 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Cost of sales (60 000(P) + 15 000(S)) 150 000 (75 000) Gross profit Other income (11 600(P) + 7 900(S)) Other expenses 75 000 19 500 (45 750) (28 000(P) + 12 000(S) + (2 000(P) + 4 000(S) – (depreciation) 250(J2)) Profit before tax Income tax expense (11 600(P) + 1 900(S)) 48 750 (13 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 35 250 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R35 250 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 34 725 525 R35 250 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 34 725 525 R35 250 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.19 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 *63 375 163 375 7 875 171 250 – 34 725 34 725 525 35 250 R100 000 R98 100 R198 100 R8 400 R206 500 * 60 000 + 3 375 (analysis) = 63 375 90 000 + 8 100 (analysis) = 98 100 261 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (31 000 – 25 000 – 2 250(J1)) 3 750 Purchase difference • Current year : Profit for the year (5 000 + 250(J2)) 3 375 375 7 875 5 250 4 725 525 R84 000 R8 100 R8 400 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) 75 000 (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 262 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Accumulated depreciation: Plant (P)(SFP) Plant (P)(SFP) Adjustments to ensure that the consolidated balances concerned at the beginning of 20.19 are in agreement with the adjusted balances at the end of 20.18 Accumulated depreciation: Plant (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Recording of the portion of the unrealised intra-group gain realised in 20.19 Cr R 2 250 250 2 500 250 250 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions 5 5.19 9 Allloc cattio on of o inc com me e ta ax an nd tthe e elim e min nattion n of o unr u rea alis sed d gai g n inclu ude ed in n de eprec cia able e pro p ope erty y, pla p antt an nd eq quiipm ment A As in i the t e ca ase e off in nvento orie es, deferred d ta axa ation iss calc c cula ated on o the e elimina ation o of the t entt. The in ntra agroup p unre u ealiised prof p fit o on the t e sa ale of pro ope ertyy, plan nt and a eq quip pme T inttrag gro oup g gain n on o the t e sa ale off a de eprreciiab ble asssett is s re ealiised d b by me ean ns of the e peri p odica al and a cconttinu uou us dep pre ecia atio on of o tthe assse et. The T e re ela ated d defe erre ed tax t x will tthus red r uce ea as the t d deprecciattion n iss writte en offf on n an a ass a set of wh hich h th he ca arry ying g va alue include es un nrea alis sed g gain n. In n th he disscussiion be elow w, iti iss asssu ume ed tha at the t se ellin ng ent e ity tra ades in n th he rele eva ant d deprecciab ble prroperty, pla ant an nd equip pme ent (in nve ento orie es in the e reco r ord ds of o the e sselliing e entitty).. Ex xam mplle 5.12 5 2 Allo A ocatio on of o incom me ttax x on n unre u eallise ed gain inc clud ded d in n deprec ciab ble e prrop pertty, pla antt an nd eq quip pm men nt O On 31 Dec D cem mbe er 20. 2 18, P Ltd L pu urch hassed d all a its pla antt at R20 R 0 0 000 0 frrom m S L Ltd,, a ssubsidiaryy in nw whic ch iti hold ds a 90 0% % interestt. S Lttd iss a manufa actu urer off plantt an nd rea alis sed a ga ain of R5 5 00 00 on thiis part p ticu ularr tra anssacctio on. De epre ecia atio on is pro p vid ded for byy usin u ng the t sstraigh ht-line ba asis s att a ratte o of 10% 1 % on o cosst. The repo r ortiing g da ate of bo oth P Ltd d an nd S Ltd L iss 31 Dec D cem mbe er. Asssume e a comp pan ny ta ax ratte of o 28% 2 %. So oluttion n 5.12 5 2 T The e ne ece essaryy prro form f ma a co ons solidattion n jo ournall en ntries forr th he rep r portting g pe erio odss endiing 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18, 20 0.19 a and d 20 0.20 will w be reccorrde ed a as follo f ows: (a a) At 31 Dece em mbe er 20.1 2 18 D Dr R J1 2 J2 Re eve enue (S S)(P/L L) Cost o of sale s es (S)( ( (P/L L) ant (P)(SF FP)) Pla Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up sal s e and a d off un nrea alis sed d oup p ga ain n inclu ude ed in P Lttd’s s plan p nt inttragro on n 31 1/12/2 20.1 18 2 20 000 0 De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) Inccom me tax exp pen nse e (S S)(P P/L) Re eco ogn nitio on of defferred d ta ax on o unrrea alised inttrag gro oup p ga ain inc clud ded d in n P Ltd’s s pllant (55 0000 × 288%) 1 400 4 Crr R 15 5 00 00 5 00 00 1 40 00 Com C mm mentt W en one Whe e ite em tha at is s classsifie ed a as inve ento ory in the e re ecorrds of the e se ellerr is so old to t a other entityy withi ano w n th he gro oup, the e gross profi p it in ncluded d in n the ssellin ng pricce mus m st be b e mina elim ated d ass it is reg gard ded as be eing un nrea alise ed. This iss done d e byy adju a stin ng both b h th he r enue and cosst off sa reve ales line e ite emss, i.e e. th he sell s ing pric ce is de ebitted aga ainsst re evenue e an nd t the cos st price p e iss crrediited d ag gain nst cos st of o saless. T The e taxx adju a stm mentt is su ubse equ uenttly d e. don 263 2 Chapter 5 (b) At 31 December 20.19 Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) (20 000 – 15 000 – 1 400) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Plant (P)(SFP) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated balances at the beginning of 20.19 are in agreement with the adjusted balances at the end of 20.18 J2 Cr R 3 600 1 400 5 000 Accumulated depreciation – Plant (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Recognition of the portion of unrealised intragroup gain realised during the year ended 31/12/20.19 (5 000 500 500 × 10%) J3 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Writing back of deferred tax (500 × 28%) 140 140 The first journal is a combination of the two pro forma journals that were taken into account in the prior reporting period on consolidation. The realised portion of the gain is then pro forma credited to the depreciation (“other expenses”) of S Ltd in 20.19, and the tax provision pro forma adjusted in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of S Ltd. As the subsidiary is the seller, in this way, it is ensured that the non-controlling interests in S Ltd bear and receive their appropriate allocations of the unrealised gain, later realisations and tax adjustments. (c) At 31 December 20.20 Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) (3 600 – 500 + 140) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (1 400 – 140) Accumulated depreciation – Plant (P)(SFP) Plant (P)(SFP) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated balances concerned at the beginning of 20.20 are in agreement with the adjusted balances at the end of 20.19 J2 Cr R Accumulated depreciation – Plant (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Recognition of the portion of unrealised intragroup gain realised during the year ended 31/12/20.19 (5 000 3 240 1 260 500 5 000 500 500 × 10%) J3 264 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Reversal of deferred tax (500 × 28%) 140 140 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions Com C mm mentt It sh hould be b clea c ar th hat the t unrrealise ed profi p t re ealisses ove er th he dura d atio on of o th he usef u ful life of o t ass the set thro oug gh th he reve ersa al of o th he exce e esss de epre eciation n. By B th he e end d of the e ussefu ul liffe t full pro the ofit would hav ve rea r lised frrom m the e pe ersp pecctive e off the e grroup p, and a no furrthe er prro f ma jourrnals woul form w d be re equired d Ex xam mplle 5.13 5 3 A oca Allo atio on of o inc i com me tax x an nd inttragro oup p trran nsa action ns P Ltd L acquiired d a 70% % in nterres st in n S Ltd L on n 1 Ja anu uaryy 20.1 2 15 forr R R24 4 50 00,, whe w n the t re eta aine ed ear e rnin ngs s off th he latter am mou unte ed to R2 25 000 0 0. P Ltd wa was of o the op pinio on tha at the t a asse etss of S Ltd d were e sh how wn at fairr va alue es at this t s da ate e. T The e follo f owing g are a e the t a abridg ged fina ancial state em ments off the t e two t o ent e titie es at 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18: S ATE STA EMEN NTS S OF F FINA AN NCIA AL PO OSIITIO ON AS SA AT 31 3 DE D CE EMB BER R 20.1 2 18 P Ltd d A ASSE ETS S P Pla ant: S Ltd Ld 19 000 0 18 0 000 0 Gros G ss car c rryin ng am mount Accu A umula ated d de epreciatio on 6 000 60 0 (4 41 000 0) 4 0 40 000 0 (22 0 000) IInve estme ent in S Ltd at a cos c t prrice e IInve enttorie es T Tra ade recceivvab bles s 24 500 2 0 17 000 0 2 700 28 0 – 15 0 000 0 3 0 30 000 0 T Tottal ass setts E EQ QUIT TY AN ND LIA ABIILIT TIES S Sha are ca apita al R Rettain ned d ea arniings s D Defferrred taxx T Tra ade an nd othe o er pay p yablles R89 200 0 R6 63 0 000 0 25 000 2 0 4 000 45 0 0 8 000 0 11 200 10 0 000 0 3 6 38 600 0 60 000 0 84 400 0 T Tottal equ uitiies an nd liab l bilitties s R89 200 0 R6 63 0 000 0 ST TAT TEM MEN NTS OF O PR ROF FIT OR R LOS L SS A AN ND OT O HE ER C CO OMP PRE EHEN NSIV VE INC CO OME E OR TH HE YEA Y AR R EN NDED D 31 1 DEC CEM MBE ER 20 0.18 8 FO P Ltd Ld S Ltd L R Rev ven nue e C Cos st of o sale es 40 0 00 00 (20 0 00 00) 30 00 00 (15 000) G Gro oss pro ofit O Oth her exp pen nse es 20 0 00 00 (13 3 30 00) 00 15 00 (10 000) P Pro ofit be eforre ttax IInco om me ta ax exp pen nse 6 70 00 (1 90 00) 00 5 00 (1 400) P PROF FIT FO OR T THE YEA Y AR O Oth her co omp pre ehensiive e inc com me e T TOTA AL CO C MP PRE EHE ENS SIV VE IINC COM ME E FO OR TH HE YE EAR R 4 80 00 – R4 4 80 00 00 3 60 – R3 60 00 265 2 Chapter 5 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 S Ltd 40 200 35 000 4 800 – 3 600 – R45 000 R38 600 S Ltd, a manufacturer of plants, sold a plant with a manufacturing cost of R6 000 to P Ltd for R10 000 on 1 January 20.17. P Ltd recognises depreciation on the plant on the straight-line basis at a rate of 20% per annum. P Ltd sells trading inventories to S Ltd at a profit mark-up of 25% on cost. The following figures relate to these intragroup inventories transactions: l Intragroup inventories included in the inventories of S Ltd (also inventories in the records of P Ltd): At 1 January 20.18 R6 000 At 31 December 20.18 R5 000 l Sales of inventories by P Ltd to S Ltd during 20.18 amounted to R10 000. l It may be assumed that the inventories on hand at 1 January 20.18 were sold during 20.18. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. 266 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.13 The consolidated financial statements of the group for 20.18 can be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Plant (60 000(P) + 40 000(S) – 4 000(J1)) Accumulated depreciation (41 000(P) + 22 000(S) – 800(J1) – 800(J2)) Current assets Inventories (17 000(P) + 15 000(S) – 1 000(J7)) Trade receivables (28 700(P) + 30 000(S)) 96 000 (61 400) 34 600 31 000 58 700 89 700 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILTIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (8 000(P) + 6 000(S) – 896(J1) + 224(J4) – 336(J4) + 336(J5) – 280(J8)) Current liabilities Trade and other payables (11 200(P) + 8 400(S)) Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities R124 300 25 000 52 591 77 591 14 061 91 652 13 048 19 600 32 648 R124 300 267 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (40 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 10 000(J6)) Cost of sales (20 000(P) + 15 000(S) – 1 200(J4) – 10 000(J6) + 1 000(J7)) 60 000 (24 800) Gross profit Other expenses (13 300(P) + 10 000(S) – 800(J2)) 35 200 (22 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense (1 900(P) + 1 400(S) + 224(J3) + 336(J5) – 280(J8)) 12 700 (3 580) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 9 120 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests R9 120 7 867 1 253 R9 120 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 7 867 1 253 R9 120 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity *44 724 69 724 12 808 82 532 7 867 7 867 1 253 9 120 R25 000 R52 591 R77 591 R14 061 R91 652 Share capital Retained earnings 25 000 – * 40 200 + 5 388 (analysis) – 864(J4) = 44 724 45 000 + 8 311 (analysis) – 864(J4) + 1 200(J4) – 336(J5) – 1 000(J7) + 280(J8) = 52 591 268 In ntra agro oup p tra anssacctions Com C mm mentt It is imp porttantt to notte in n th his exam e mplle th hat the e subsid diarry sold a plan p nt to o the e pa aren nt, w while t the parrentt so old inve ento orie es to o th he ssubs sidiary. Alll th he jo ournalss th hat affe ecte ed the pro ofit or o losss of the e su ubssidia ary (jou urna als 4 to o 6) 6 were w e taken n into acc a oun nt in n th he ana a lysis o of th he e ity of S Lttd. On equ O the e oth her hand, the e inttrag grou up p proffit th hat wass eliminated aga ainsst th he p fit or prof o lo oss of the parrentt (jo ourn nals 7 to 11) doe d es not affe a ct the ana alys sis of o th he equ e ity of o S Lttd. Ho owevver, th hese jourrnals m mus st be b takken intto acc a coun nt w whe en pre eparring g th he c soliidatted fina con ancial stattem mentts. S Spe ecia al attten ntion n must m t be e pa aid to the t reccognitio on of o t the jou urna al affec a cting th he reta aine ed earrnings of the e pa aren nt (J4) ( wh hen n de eterrmin ning g th he c soliidatted reta con aine ed earn e ning gs at a th he begi b nnin ng of o th he repo r ortin ng peri p iod.. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tota A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.15)) i At Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss Pur P rcha ase e differrence Con C nsid deratio on and a d NCI iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year : Ret R tain ned ea arningss (10 000 0 – 2 30 04 (JJ1))) • Cur C rren nt yea y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear (3 600 6 0+8 800 0(J2 2) – 224 4(J3 3)) P Ltd d7 70% % At Sin nce e NC CI 10 000 0 2 000 25 0 7 000 0 0 17 500 1 5 0 3 00 00 7 50 00 3 000 35 0 – 2 500 24 5 0 – 10 0 50 00 – 3 000 35 0 R2 24 500 5 0 10 0 50 00 7 696 6 5 388 3 2 30 08 12 2 80 08 4 176 6 R4 46 872 2 2 923 9 1 25 53 R8 311 3 R 4 06 R14 61 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 24 50 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 00 10 50 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 35 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d a at acqu uisition d date e: IFR RS 3.3 3 32(b b) P Purc cha ase e differen nce e (3 35 000) R– R 269 2 Chapter 5 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) [(4 000 – 1 120) – (800 – 224)] Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (1 120 – 224) Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (4 000 × 20%) Plant (SFP) (10 000 – 6 000) Adjustment to ensure that the relevant consolidated balances at the beginning of 20.18 are in agreement with the adjusted balances at the end of 20.17 J2 J3 J4 J7 4 000 800 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Reversal of the deferred tax attributable to gain now realised through written-off depreciation (800 × 28%) 224 800 224 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (P)(SCE) (1 200 × 72%) J6 2 304 896 800 Accumulated depreciation (SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Reversal of excessive depreciation in respect of unrealised gain in plant of P Ltd (4 000 × 20%) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) (1 200 × 28%) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) (6 000 × 25/125) Elimination of unrealised gain in opening inventories J5 Cr R Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Tax implication of unrealised gain in opening inventories that realises in the current year 864 336 1 200 336 336 Revenue (P)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 10 000 Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Inventories (S)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised gain in closing inventories 1 000 10 000 1 000 (5 000 × 25/125) J8 J9 Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Tax implication of the unrealised gain in the closing inventories of P Ltd (1 000 × 28%) 280 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 10 000 25 000 280 24 500 10 500 continued 270 Intragroup transactions Dr R J10 J11 Cr R Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year 2 308 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 1 253 2 308 1 253 5.20 Tax implications – Different cases where property, plant and equipment are sold Example 5.14 Carrying amount and tax base agree S Ltd sells a plant with a carrying amount and tax base (value) of R15 000 (original cost price R25 000) for R20 000 on 1 January 20.18 to P Ltd. P Ltd depreciates the machine at a rate of 20% per annum on the straight-line basis. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Solution 5.14 The unrealised profit which must be eliminated is R5 000. S Ltd will, however, pay tax of R1 400 on the recoupment of R5 000 (20 000 – 15 000). The pro forma consolidation journal entries on 31 December 20.18 are as follows: Dr R J1 Other expenses (Gain on sale of plant) (S)(P/L) Cr R 5 000 (20 000 – 15 000) Plant (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in P Ltd’s plant J2 J3 J4 5 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (5 000 × 28%) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implications of the elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in P Ltd’s plant 1 400 Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (5 000 × 20%) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd 1 000 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (1 000 × 28%) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax on realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd 280 1 400 1 000 280 271 Chapter 5 Example 5.15 Asset sold at price exceeding original cost On 1 January 20.18, S Ltd sold a plant with a carrying amount and tax base of R15 000 (original cost price R20 000) to P Ltd for R25 000. P Ltd depreciates machinery at 20% per annum on the straight-line basis. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Solution 5.15 The unrealised profit which must be eliminated is R10 000. The tax recoupment is limited to R5 000 ((20 000 – 15 000) × 28%). Capital gains tax is payable on 80% of the gain (excess over original cost price) ((25 000 – 20 000) × 80% × 28%). The pro forma consolidation journal entries on 31 December 20.18 are as follows: Dr R J1 Cr R Other income (Gain on sale of plant) (S)(P/L) (25 000 – 15 000) 10 000 Plant (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd J2 10 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (5 000 × 28%(recoupment)) + (5 000 × (80% × 28%)(CGT)) 2 520 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implications of the elimination of unrealised profit included in the intragroup profit of P Ltd J3 J4 Accumulated depreciation (SFP)(10 000 × 20%) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd Income tax expense (S)(P/L) ((5 000 × 20% × 28%) + (5 000 × 20% × (80% × 28%)) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax on realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd Example 5.16 2 520 2 000 2 000 504 504 Carrying amount and tax base differ S Ltd sells a plant with a carrying amount of R15 000 and a tax base of R12 000 (original cost price R25 000) to P Ltd for R20 000. P Ltd depreciates machinery at 20% on the straight-line basis. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. 272 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.16 The unrealised profit which must be eliminated is R5 000. The tax expense which must be eliminated on consolidation is R1 400; this is determined as follows: Current tax on recoupment (8 000 × 28%) 2 240 Balance on the deferred tax account attributable to the difference between the carrying amount and the tax base of the machinery now reversed as the machine is sold (3 000 × 28%). (840) R1 400 The pro forma consolidation journal entries on 31 December 20.18 are as follows: Dr R J1 Cr R Other income (Gain on sale of plant) (S)(P/L) (20 000 – 15 000) 5 000 Plant (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd J2 J3 J4 5 000 Deferred tax (SFP) ((8 000 – 3000) × 28%) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implications of the elimination of unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd 1 400 Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (5 000 × 20%) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd 1 000 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (5000 × 20% × 28%) Deferred tax (SFP) Tax on realisation of a part of the unrealised intragroup profit included in the plant of P Ltd 280 Example 5.17 1 400 1 000 280 Comprehensive example in respect of the elimination of unrealised gain and the relevant tax implications The discussion up to this point has been confined to the case where the selling entity is a dealer in plant. The case is now discussed where the selling entity is not a dealer in the relevant depreciable property, plant and equipment. Where the selling entity is not a dealer in plant, the following cases can be distinguished: 273 Chapter 5 Alternative 1 Inventories sold as inventories The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 20.19: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER P Ltd 20.18 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 45 000 shares at fair value (cost: R67 500) Equipment Inventories Trade receivables S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 67 500 20 000 30 000 52 500 67 500 40 000 40 000 72 500 – 10 000 20 000 60 000 – 14 000 30 000 50 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/50 000 shares) Retained earnings Deferred tax R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 100 000 60 000 10 000 100 000 110 000 10 000 50 000 30 000 10 000 50 000 34 000 10 000 Total equity and liabilities R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 Revenue Cost of sales 70 000 (35 000) 169 000 (84 500) 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 35 000 (14 200) 84 500 (15 000) 25 000 (18 050) 30 000 (29 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 800 (5 800) 69 500 (19 500) 6 950 (1 950) 5 500 (1 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 15 000 – 50 000 – 5 000 – 4 000 – R15 000 R50 000 R5 000 R4 000 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 274 Intragroup transactions EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER Retained earnings P Ltd 20.18 S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.18/20.19 Changes in equity for 20.18/20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year 45 000 60 000 25 000 30 000 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18/20.19 R60 000 R110 000 R30 000 R34 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at its proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd obtained its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 at R67 500. Intragroup sales (S Ltd to P Ltd at cost price plus 25%) were as follows: 20.18 R30 000 20.19 R50 000 P Ltd had the following items, which were bought from S Ltd, on hand at: 31 December 20.18 R10 000 31 December 20.19 R15 000 The items are inventories in the records of S Ltd (seller). The items are inventories in the records of P Ltd (buyer). The cost price of the investment in S Ltd equals the fair value of the investment. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Assume that SARS accepts the buyer’s cost price as the new tax cost. 275 Chapter 5 Solution 5.17 – Alternative 1 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 and 31 December 20.19, will be prepared as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (20 000(P) + 10 000(S)) 30 000 Current assets Inventories (30 000(P) + 20 000(S) – 2 000(J2)) Trade receivables (52 500(P) + 60 000(S)) 48 000 112 500 160 500 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 560(J3)) Total equity and liabilities 276 R190 500 100 000 63 204 163 204 7 856 171 060 19 440 R190 500 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (70 000(P) + 50 000(S) – 30 000(J1)) Cost of sales (35 000(P) + 25 000(S) – 30 000(J1) + 2 000(J2)) 90 000 (32 000) Gross profit Other expenses (14 200(P) + 18 050(S)) 58 000 (32 250) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 800(P) + 1 950(S) – 560(J3)) 25 750 (7 190) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 18 560 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R18 560 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 204 356 R18 560 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 204 356 R18 560 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Acquisition of subsidiary Balance at 31 December 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 45 000 145 000 – 145 000 – – 18 204 – 18 204 – 356 7 500 18 560 7 500 R100 000 R63 204 R163 204 R7 856 R171 060 277 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.18) • Current year : Profit for the year (5 000 – 2 000(J2) + 560(J3)) At NCI Since 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – 75 000 R67 500 7 500 – – – 3 560 3 204 356 R78 560 R3 204 R7 856 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 Cr R Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 30 000 Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised gain included in the closing inventories of P Ltd (10 000 × 25/125) 2 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the closing inventories of P Ltd 30 000 2 000 560 560 (2 000 × 28%) continued 278 Intragroup transactions Dr R J4 J5 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the year Cr R 50 000 25 000 67 500 7 500 356 356 Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (40 000(P) + 14 000(S)) 54 000 Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 3 000(J4)) Trade receivables (72 500(P) + 50 000(S)) 67 000 122 500 189 500 Total assets R243 500 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 116 156 Non-controlling interests 216 156 8 184 Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 560(J1) + 560(J2) – 840(J5)) Total equity and liabilities 224 340 19 160 R243 500 279 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Revenue (169 000(P) + 60 000(S) – 50 000(J3)) Cost of sales (84 500(P) + 30 000(S) – 50 000(J3) – 2 000(J1) + 3 000(J4)) 179 000 (65 500) Gross profit Other expenses (15 000(P) + 24 500(S)) 113 500 (39 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense (19 500(P) + 1 500(S) + 560(J2) – 840(J5)) 74 000 (20 720) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 53 280 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R53 280 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 52 952 328 R53 280 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 52 952 328 R53 280 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.19 280 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 63 204 163 204 7 856 171 060 – 52 952 52 952 328 53 280 R100 000 R116 156 R216 156 R8 184 R224 340 Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (30 000 – 25 000 – 1 440(J1)) 3 560 Purchase difference 3 204 7 856 • Current year : Profit for the year (4 000 + 2 000(J1) – 560(J2) – 3 000(J4) + 840(J5)) 356 3 280 2 952 328 R81 840 R6 156 R8 184 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Cr R Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) (2 000 × 72%) Deferred tax (SFP) (2 000 × 28%) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) (10 000 × 25/125) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 is in agreement with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18 1 440 560 2 000 continued 281 Chapter 5 Dr R J2 J3 J4 J5 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implications of realisation of unrealised gain included in opening inventories of P Ltd Cr R 560 560 Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 50 000 Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised gain included in the closing inventories of P Ltd (15 000 × 25/125) 3 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the closing inventories of P Ltd 840 50 000 3 000 840 (3 000 × 28%) J6 J7 J8 282 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of the year 356 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 328 67 500 7 500 356 328 Intragroup transactions Alternative 2 Equipment sold as inventories The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd, for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 20.19 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER P Ltd 20.18 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 45 000 shares at fair value (cost: R67 500) Equipment Inventories Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/50 000 shares) Retained earnings Deferred tax Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 67 500 20 000 30 000 52 500 67 500 40 000 40 000 72 500 – 10 000 20 000 60 000 – 14 000 30 000 50 000 R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 100 000 60 000 10 000 100 000 110 000 10 000 50 000 30 000 10 000 50 000 34 000 10 000 R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 Revenue Cost of sales 70 000 (35 000) 169 000 (84 500) 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 35 000 (14 200) 84 500 (15 000) 25 000 (18 050) 30 000 (24 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 800 (5 800) 69 500 (19 500) 6 950 (1 950) 5 500 (1 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 – – – – R15 000 R50 000 R5 000 R4 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 283 Chapter 5 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER Retained earnings P Ltd 20.18 S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.18/20.19 Changes in equity for 20.18/20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year 45 000 60 000 25 000 30 000 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18/20.19 R60 000 R110 000 R30 000 R34 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at its proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd obtained its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 at R67 500. P Ltd had the following items, which were bought from S Ltd at cost price plus 25%, on hand at: 31 December 20.18 R10 000 31 December 20.19 R15 000 The items were equipment in the records of S Ltd (seller). The items are inventories in the records of P Ltd (buyer). Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Assume that SARS accepts the buyer’s cost price as the new tax cost. 284 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.17 – Alternative 2 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 31 December 20.19 will be prepared as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (20 000(P) + 10 000(S)) Current assets Inventories (30 000(P) + 20 000(S) – 2 000(J1)) Trade receivables (52 500(P) + 60 000(S)) 30 000 48 000 112 500 160 500 Total assets R190 500 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 63 204 Non-controlling interests 163 204 7 856 Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 560(J3)) Total equity and liabilities 171 060 19 440 R190 500 285 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (70 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Cost of sales (35 000(P) + 25 000(S)) 120 000 (60 000) Gross profit Other income and expenses (14 200(P) + 18 050(S) + 2 000(J1)) 60 000 (34 250) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 800(P) + 1 950(S) – 560(J2)) 25 750 (7 190) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 18 560 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests R18 560 18 204 356 R18 560 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 204 356 R18 560 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Acquisition of subsidiary Balance at 31 December 20.18 286 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 45 000 145 000 – 145 000 – – 18 204 – 18 204 – 356 7 500 18 560 7 500 R100 000 R63 204 R163 204 R7 856 R171 060 Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.18) • Current year : Profit for the year At NCI Since 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – 75 000 R67 500 7 500 – – – 3 560 3 204 356 R78 560 R3 204 R7 856 (5 000 – 2 000(J1) + 560(J2)) C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Cr R Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd (10 000 × 25/125) 2 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S))P/L) Tax implications of the deferral of the unrealised profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd 560 2 000 560 (2 000 × 28%) continued 287 Chapter 5 Dr R J3 J4 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the year Cr R 50 000 25 000 67 500 7 500 356 356 Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (40 000(P) + 14 000(S)) 54 000 Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 30 000(S) – 3 000(J3)) Trade receivables (72 500(P) + 50 000(S)) 67 000 122 500 Total current assets 189 500 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings R243 500 100 000 116 156 Non-controlling interests 216 156 8 184 Total equity 224 340 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 840(J4)) 19 160 Total equity and liabilities 288 R243 500 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Revenue (169 000(P) + 60 000(S)) Cost of sales (84 500(P) + 30 000(S)) 229 000 (114 500) Gross profit Other expenses (15 000(P) + 24 500(S) – 2 000(J1) + 3 000(J3)) 114 500 (40 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense (19 500(P) + 1 500(S) + 560(J2) – 840(J4)) 74 000 (20 720) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 53 280 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME R53 280 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 52 952 328 R53 280 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 52 952 328 R53 280 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.19 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 63 204 163 204 7 856 171 060 – 52 952 52 952 328 53 280 R100 000 R116 156 R216 156 R8 184 R224 340 289 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (30 000 – 25 000 – 1 440(J1)) 3 560 Purchase difference 3 204 7 856 • Current year: Profit for the year (4 000 + 2 000(J1) – 560(J2) – 3 000(J3) + 840(J4)) 356 3 280 2 952 328 R81 840 R6 156 R8 184 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Purchase difference 290 (75 000) R– Intragroup transactions C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE)(2 000 × 72%) Deferred tax (S)(SFP)(2 000 × 28%) Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (S)(P/L) Cr R 1 440 560 2 000 (10 000 × 25/125) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 are in agreement with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18 J2 J3 J4 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implications of realisation of unrealised profit included in opening inventories of P Ltd 560 Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd (15 000 × 25/125) 3 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised profit included in the closing inventories of P Ltd 840 560 3 000 840 (3 000 × 28%) J5 J6 J7 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (S)(SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of year 356 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 328 67 500 7 500 356 328 291 Chapter 5 Alternative 3 Inventories sold as equipment The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd, for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 20.19 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 45 000 share at fair value (cost: R67 500) Equipment Inventories Trade receivables Total assets 67 500 20 000 30 000 52 500 R170 000 67 500 40 000 40 000 72 500 R220 000 – 10 000 20 000 60 000 R90 000 – 14 000 30 000 50 000 R94 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/50 000 shares) Retained earnings Deferred tax Total equity and liabilities 100 000 60 000 10 000 R170 000 100 000 110 000 10 000 R220 000 50 000 30 000 10 000 R90 000 50 000 34 000 10 000 R94 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 Revenue Cost of sales 70 000 (35 000) 169 000 (84 500) 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 35 000 (14 200) 84 500 (15 000) 25 000 (18 050) 30 000 (24 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 800 (5 800) 69 500 (19 500) 6 950 (1 950) 5 500 (1 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 – – – – R15 000 R50 000 R5 000 R4 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 292 Intragroup transactions EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER Retained earnings P Ltd 20.18 S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.18/20.19 Changes in equity for 20.18/20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year 45 000 60 000 25 000 30 000 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18/20.19 R60 000 R110 000 R30 000 R34 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at its proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd acquired its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 at R67 500. P Ltd bought items to the value of R10 000 from S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 (cost plus 25%). P Ltd bought items to the value of R15 000 from S Ltd on 1 January 20.19 (cost plus 25%). The items are inventories in the records of S Ltd (seller). The items are equipment in the records of P Ltd (buyer). Depreciation on equipment is provided according to the straight-line method at 10% per year. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Assume that SARS accepts the buyer’s cost price as the new tax cost. 293 Chapter 5 Solution 5.17 – Alternative 3 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 31 December 20.19 will be prepared as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (20 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 2 000(J1) + 200(J3)) 28 200 Current assets Inventories (30 000(P) + 20 000(S)) Trade receivables (52 500(P) + 60 000(S)) 50 000 112 500 162 500 Total assets R190 700 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 63 334 Non-controlling interests 163 334 7 870 Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 560(J2) + 56(J4)) Total equity and liabilities 294 171 204 19 496 R190 700 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (70 000(P) + 50 000(S) – 10 000(J1)) Cost of sales (35 000(P) + 25 000(S) – 8 000(J1)) 110 000 (52 000) Gross profit Other expenses (14 200(P) + 18 050(S) – 200(J3)) 58 000 (32 050) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 800(P) + 1 950(S) – 560(J3) + 56(J4)) 25 950 (7 246) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 18 704 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests R18 704 18 334 370 R18 704 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 334 370 R18 704 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Acquisition of subsidiary Balance at 31 December 20.18 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 45 000 145 000 – 145 000 – – 18 334 – 18 334 – 370 7 500 18 704 7 500 R100 000 R63 334 R163 334 R7 870 R171 204 295 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings 50 000 25 000 75 000 – 75 000 Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.18) • Current year : Profit for the year (5 000 – 2 000(J1) + 560(J2) + 200(J3) – 56(J4)) At NCI Since 45 000 22 500 67 500 – R67 500 5 000 2 500 7 500 – 7 500 – – – 3 704 R78 704 3 334 R3 334 370 R7 870 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Equipment (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup sales and the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (10 000 × 25/125) 10 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (2 000 × 28%) 560 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (2 000 × 10%) 200 Cr R 8 000 2 000 560 200 continued 296 Intragroup transactions Dr R J4 J5 J6 Cr R Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implications of the realisation of unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (200 × 28%) 56 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 56 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 67 500 7 500 370 370 Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (40 000(P) + 14 000(S) – 2 000(J1) + 200(J1) + 200(J2) – 3 000(J4) + 300(J6)) Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Trade receivables (72 500(P) + 50 000(S)) 49 700 70 000 122 500 192 500 Total assets R242 200 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 115 314 Non-controlling interests 215 314 8 090 Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 504(J1) + 56(J3) – 840(J5) + 84(J7)) Total equity and liabilities 223 404 18 796 R242 200 297 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Revenue (169 000(P) + 60 000(S) – 15 000(J4)) Cost of sales (84 500(P) + 30 000(S) – 12 000(J4)) 214 000 (102 500) Gross profit Other expenses (15 000(P) + 24 500(S) – 200(J2) – 300(J6)) 111 500 (39 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (19 500(P) + 1 500(S) + 56(J3) – 840(J5) + 84(J7)) 72 500 (20 300) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 52 200 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R52 200 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 51 980 220 R52 200 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 51 980 220 R52 200 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.19 298 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 63 334 163 334 7 870 171 204 – 51 980 51 980 220 52 200 R100 000 R115 314 R215 314 R8 090 R223 404 Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (30 000 – 25 000 – 1 296(J1)) 3 704 Purchase difference 3 334 7 870 • Current year : Profit for the year (4 000 + 200(J2) – 56(J3) – 15 000 + 12 000(J4) + 840(J5) + 300J6) – 120(J7)) 370 2 200 1 980 220 R80 904 R5 314 R8 090 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE)(2 000 – 560 – 200 + 56) Deferred tax (S)(SFP)(56 – 56) Accumulated depreciation (SFP)(2 000 × 10%) Equipment (P)(SFP) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 is in agreement with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18 Cr R 1 296 504 200 2 000 continued 299 Chapter 5 Dr R J2 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation Cr R 200 200 (2 000 × 10%) J3 J4 J5 J6 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (200 × 28%) 56 Revenue(S)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Equipment (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup sales and unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (15 000 × 25/125) 15 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (3 000 × 28%) 840 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation)(S)(P/L) Realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation 300 56 12 000 3 000 840 300 (3 000 × 10%) J7 J8 J9 J10 300 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (300 × 28%) 84 84 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year 370 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 220 67 500 7 500 370 220 Intragroup transactions Alternative 4 Equipment sold as equipment The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary, S Ltd, for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 20.19: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER P Ltd 20.18 ASSETS Investment in S Ltd: 45 000 shares at fair value (cost: R67 500) Equipment Inventories Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (100 000/50 000 shares) Retained earnings Deferred tax Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 67 500 20 000 30 000 52 500 67 500 40 000 40 000 72 500 – 10 000 20 000 60 000 – 14 000 30 000 50 000 R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 100 000 60 000 10 000 100 000 110 000 10 000 50 000 30 000 10 000 50 000 34 000 10 000 R170 000 R220 000 R90 000 R94 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER P Ltd S Ltd 20.18 20.19 20.18 20.19 Revenue Cost of sales 70 000 (35 000) 169 000 (84 500) 50 000 (25 000) 60 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 35 000 (14 200) 84 500 (15 000) 25 000 (18 050) 30 000 (24 500) Profit before tax Income tax expense 20 800 (5 800) 69 500 (19 500) 6 950 (1 950) 5 500 (1 500) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 – – – – R15 000 R50 000 R5 000 R4 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 301 Chapter 5 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER Retained earnings P Ltd 20.18 S Ltd 20.19 20.18 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.18/20.19 Changes in equity for 20.18/20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year 45 000 60 000 25 000 30 000 15 000 50 000 5 000 4 000 Balance at 31 December 20.18/20.19 R60 000 R110 000 R30 000 R34 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at its proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Assume that the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed at acquisition date are shown at their acquisition-date fair values, as determined in terms of IFRS 3. P Ltd obtained its interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 at R67 500. P Ltd bought items to the value of R10 000 from S Ltd on 1 January 20.18 (cost plus 25%). P Ltd bought items to the value of R15 000 from S Ltd on 1 January 20.19 (cost plus 25%). The items are equipment in the records of S Ltd (seller). The items are equipment in the records of P Ltd (buyer). Depreciation on equipment is provided at 10% per annum according to the straight-line method. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Assume that SARS accepts the buyer’s cost price as the new tax cost. 302 Intragroup transactions Solution 5.17 – Alternative 4 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting periods ended 31 December 20.18 and 31 December 20.19 will be prepared as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (20 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 2 000(J1) + 200(J3)) 28 200 Current assets Inventories (30 000(P) + 20 000(S)) Trade receivables (52 500(P) + 60 000(S)) 50 000 112 500 162 500 Total assets R190 700 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 63 334 Non-controlling interests 163 334 7 870 Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 560(J2) + 56(J4)) Total equity and liabilities 171 204 19 496 R190 700 303 Chapter 5 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (70 000(P) + 50 000(S)) Cost of sales (35 000(P) + 25 000(S)) 120 000 (60 000) Gross profit Other expenses (14 200(P) + 18 050(S) + 2 000(J1) – 200(J3)) 60 000 (34 050) Profit before tax Income tax expense (5 800(P) + 1 950(S) – 560(J2) + 56(J4)) 25 950 (7 246) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 18 704 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R18 704 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 334 370 R18 704 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 18 334 370 R18 704 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Acquisition of subsidiary Balance at 31 December 20.18 304 Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 45 000 145 000 – 145 000 – – 18 334 – 18 334 – 370 7 500 18 704 7 500 R63 334 R163 334 R7 870 R171 204 R100 000 Intragroup transactions Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 90% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings Purchase difference Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : None (control acquired on 1/1/20.18) • Current year : Profit for the year (5 000 – 2 000(J1) + 560(J2) + 200(J3) – 56(J4)) At NCI Since 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – 75 000 R67 500 7 500 – – – 3 704 3 334 370 R78 704 R3 334 R7 870 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Cr R Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (S)(P/L) Equipment (P)(SFP) Elimination of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (10 000 × 25/125) 2 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd 560 2 000 560 (2 000 × 28%) J3 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of the unrealised gain included in the equipment or P Ltd as a result of depreciation 200 200 (2 000 × 10%) continued 305 Chapter 5 Dr R J4 J5 J6 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implications of the realisation of unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (200 × 40%) Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period Cr R 56 56 50 000 25 000 67 500 7 500 370 370 Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment (40 000(P) + 14 000(S) – 2 000(J1) + 200(J1) + 200(J2) – 3 000(J4) + 300(J6)) Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Trade receivables (72 500(P) + 50 000(S)) 49 700 70 000 122 500 192 500 Total assets R242 200 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 115 314 Non-controlling interests 215 314 8 090 Total equity 223 404 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 504(J1) + 56(J3) – 840(J5) + 84(J7)) Total equity and liabilities 306 18 796 R242 200 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Revenue (169 000(P) + 60 000(S)) Cost of sales (84 500(P) + 30 000(S)) 229 000 (114 500) Gross profit Other expenses (15 000(P) + 24 500(S) + 3 000(J4) – 300(J6) – 200(J2)) 114 500 (42 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (19 500(P) + 1 500(S) + 56(J3) – 840(J5) + 84(J7)) 72 500 (20 300) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 52 200 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R52 200 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 51 980 220 R52 200 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 51 980 220 R52 200 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.19 Noncontrolling interests Ordinary share capital Retained earnings 100 000 63 334 163 334 7 870 171 204 – 51 980 51 980 220 52 200 R100 000 R115 334 R215 314 R8 090 R223 404 Total Total equity 307 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 50 000 25 000 45 000 22 500 5 000 2 500 75 000 – 67 500 – 7 500 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings 75 000 R67 500 7 500 (30 000 – 25 000 – 1 296(J1)) 3 704 Purchase difference 3 334 • Current year : Profit for the year (4 000 – 3 000 + 200(J2) – 56(J3)) + 840(J5) + 300(J6) – 84(J7) 370 7 870 2 200 1 980 220 R80 904 R5 314 R8 090 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 67 500 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 7 500 75 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (75 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE)(2 000 – 560 – 200 + 56) Deferred tax (SFP)(560 – 56) Accumulated depreciation (SFP)(2 000 × 10%) Equipment (P)(SFP) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 are in agreement with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation Cr R 1 296 504 200 2 000 200 200 (2 000 × 10%) continued 308 Intragroup transactions Dr R J3 J4 J5 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (200 × 28%) Other income (Gain on sale of equipment) (S)(P/L) Equipment (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd (15 000 × 25/125) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the equipment of P Ltd Cr R 56 56 3 000 3 000 840 840 (3 000 × 28%) J6 Accumulated depreciation (P)(SFP) Other expenses (depreciation) (S)(P/L) Realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation 300 300 (3 000 × 10%) J7 J8 J9 J10 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of unrealised gain included in equipment of P Ltd as a result of depreciation (300 × 28%) 84 84 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 50 000 25 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year 370 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit of the subsidiary for the period 220 67 500 7 500 370 220 309 Chapter 5 Example 5.18 The elimination of unrealised gain and the subsequent sale of the property, plant and equipment The parent, P Ltd, sold a plant to a 70% subsidiary on 1 January 20.18 for R20 000. The original cost price of the plant was R15 000. The subsidiary, S Ltd, classifies the plant as property, plant and equipment. The parent, P Ltd, classifies the plant as inventories. The remaining useful life of the plant was set at five years on 1 January 20.18. S Ltd sold this plant on 30 June 20.19 for R18 000. The reporting period of the group ends on 31 December. Assume a company tax rate of 28%. Solution 5.18 The pro forma consolidation journal entries for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary for the different reporting periods are as follows: Reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 Dr R J1 J2 Cr R Revenue (P)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Property, plant and equipment (S)(SFP) Elimination of the intragroup sales and the unrealised gain included in plant of S Ltd 20 000 Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Tax implication of the elimination of the unrealised gain included in the plant of S Ltd 1 400 15 000 5 000 1 400 (5 000 × 28%) J3 Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (P)(P/L) Realisation of the unrealised gain included in the plant of S Ltd, through depreciation 1 000 1 000 (5 000 × 20%) J4 310 Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of the unrealised gain included in the plant of S Ltd through depreciation (1 000 × 28%) 280 280 Intragroup transactions Reporting period ended 31 December 20.19: Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Beginning of the year (P)(SCE) (5 000 – 1 400 – 1 000 + 280) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP)(5 000 × 20%) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) (1 400 – 280) Property, plant and equipment (SFP) Adjustment to ensure that the consolidated retained earnings at the beginning of 20.19 are in agreement with the consolidated retained earnings at the end of 20.18 J2 Cr R Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Other expenses (Depreciation) (P)(P/L) Realisation of the unrealised gain included in the plant of S Ltd, through depreciation 2 880 1 000 1 120 5 000 500 500 (5 000 × 20% × 6/12) J3 J4 J5 Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Tax implication of the realisation of the unrealised gain included in the plant of S Ltd, through depreciation (500 × 28%) 140 Property, plant and equipment (SFP) Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (1 000 + 500) Other income (Gain on sale of plant) (P)(P/L) Adjustment to the consolidated gain on the sale of the plant 5 000 Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Adjustment for tax payable on the balance of unrealised intragroup gain realised through sale of the plant (3 500 × 28%) 980 140 1 500 3 500 980 311 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentt T e de The eferred taxx th hat is crea c ated d w when n th he prof p fit iss ellimin nate ed is tthe taxx efffectt for th he s er that selle t t iss de eferrred d to o be e reco r ogniised d in n fu uturre whe w en the t prrofit of the grou g up is r ognised reco d on n diispo osal of the e asssett. Th he defe d erre ed ta ax is mea m asurred with h re eferencce to o th he t tax effect forr th he selller at the e da ate of sa ale. Ass the rela r ated asssett iss cla asssified as a inve ento oriess in n th he rreco ordss off th he sselle er (P), ( de eferrred taxx iss meas m sure ed at the t cu urrent c mpany tax com t rate e (2 28% %). T e follow The wing tab ble ssho ows the e releva ant figu ure for the e pro o fo orma a journ nals: SL Ltd’s sep s para ate rec cord ds Pro fform P ma a oun am nt D erre Defe ed tax xation @ 28 8% Grou up 2 20 000 0 5 000 0 0 (1 400) 15 0 000 De epre ecia ation fo or 20.18 8 (4 000) 0 ) (1 000 0 0) 280 (3 000) Ba alan nce 31//12//20..18 1 16 000 0 4 000 0 0 (1 1 12 20) 12 0 000 Trrans sferr price from f m P to S 3 312 De epre ecia atiio on fo or 2 20.19 (2 000) 0 ) (5 500 0) 140 1 (1 500) Ba alan nce 30//6/2 20.19 1 14 000 0 3 500 5 0 (980) 10 5 500 Se ellin ng price p e to o 3rd d pa artyy 1 18 000 0 – – 18 0 000 Prrofitt 4 000 0 3 500 0 980 9 75 500 Intragroup transactions Self-assessment questions Question 5.1 On 1 January 20.15 P Ltd purchased 75% of the shares in S Ltd for R90 000. At that stage S Ltd’s equity consisted of the following: Share capital R100 000 Retained earnings R20 000 The abridged statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the two entities for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 are as follows: P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 400 000 (240 000) 255 000 (153 000) Gross profit Depreciation Other expenses 160 000 (20 000) (84 500) 102 000 (8 000) (52 400) Profit before tax Income tax expense 55 500 (15 500) 41 600 (11 600) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 40 000 30 000 – – R40 000 R30 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR An extract from the abridged statements of changes in equity of the two entities for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 is as follows: Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Ordinary dividend Balance at 31 December 20.18 S Ltd 58 000 50 000 40 000 (8 000) 30 000 – R90 000 R80 000 On 31 December 20.18, the following items, inter alia, appeared in the two entities’ statements of financial position: Plant: Cost price Accumulated depreciation Inventories at cost P Ltd S Ltd 200 000 (80 000) 80 000 (32 000) R120 000 R48 000 R40 000 R12 000 313 Chapter 5 Additional information 1 Included in S Ltd’s plant is a machine sold on 1 January 20.16 by PLtd to S Ltd. P Ltd realised a gain of R20 000 on this transaction and the machine was classified as equipment in P Ltd’s records. Plant and equipment are depreciated at 10% per year on the straight-line basis. 2 Since May 20.15, P Ltd has purchased all its inventories from S Ltd at the normal selling prices, determined by S Ltd at cost price plus 25%. Total sales from S Ltd to P Ltd for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18 amounted to R164 000. 3 At 31 December 20.17, the inventories on hand of P Ltd were R30 000 (valued at cost price for P Ltd). 4 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. 5 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. 6 Ignore the tax implications. Required (a) Prepare the abridged consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18; and (b) Present the following items as they shall appear in the consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 31 December 20.18: l plant; and l inventories. Suggested solution 5.1 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (200 000(P) + 80 000(S) – 80 000(P) – 32 000(S) + 2 000(J1) – 20 000(J1) + 2 000(J2)) Current assets Inventories (40 000(P) + 12 000(S) – 8 000(J4)) Total assets 314 152 000 44 000 R196 000 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (400 000(P) + 255 000(S) – 164 000(J5)) Cost of sales 491 000 (231 000) (240 000(P) + 153 000(S) – 164 000(J5) – 6 000(J3) + 8 000(J4)) Gross profit Other expenses (84 500(P) + 52 400(S)) Depreciation (20 000(P) + 8 000(S) – 2 000(J2)) 260 000 (136 900) (26 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (15 500(P) + 11 600(S)) 97 100 (27 100) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 70 000 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R70 000 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 63 000 7 000 R70 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 63 000 7 000 R70 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Noncontrolling interests (58 000(P) + 18 000(S) - 16 000(J1)) 60 000 36 000 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid 63 000 (8 000) 7 000 – R115 000 R43 000 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Balance at 31 December 20.18 (90 000(P) + 39 000(S) - 16 000(J1) + 2 000(J2)) 315 C Cha apte er 5 Com C mm mentt A info As orma atio on on o P Ltd’ss eq quityy iss un nava aila able, on nly an exttracct from the e sttate eme ent of o c nge cha es in n eq quity iss shown n. T ke note of the effect of unre Tak u ealiised d prrofit wh here e the e pa aren nt or o th he ssubs sidia ary sells. If th he p ent is the pare t seller, the e efffectt of the e un nrea alise ed proffit on o cons c solidated reta aine ed earn e ning gs s uld be takken into sho o ac ccou unt sep para ately. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L T al Tota i At A acq a quis sitiion (1//7/2 20.15)) Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss P Ltd L 75 5% Att S Since NC CI 100 1 0 00 00 20 0 00 00 75 5 00 00 15 5 00 00 25 5 00 00 5 00 00 1 0 00 120 00 – 90 0 00 00 – 30 0 00 00 – Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NCI iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg b ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year: Ret R tain ned ea arningss 1 0 00 120 00 R90 R 0 00 00 30 0 00 00 (5 50 000 0 –2 20 000 0 – 6 00 00(J3)) 24 4 00 00 Pur P rcha ase e diffferrence 18 8 00 00 36 6 00 00 • Cur C rren nt year y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear (3 30 000 0 + 6 00 00(JJ3) – 8 000 0(J4 4)) 6 00 00 28 8 00 00 21 1 00 00 7 00 00 R1 172 2 00 00 R R39 9 00 00 R 3 00 R43 00 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off S Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 90 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 00 30 00 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 120 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) P Purc cha ase e differen nce e 3 316 (12 20 000) R– R Intragroup transactions C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (P)(SCE) (20 000 – 2 000) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) (20 000 × 10% × 2yrs) Plant (S)(SFP) (Given) Elimination of unrealised gain in plant to ensure that the balances at the beginning of 20.18 agree with those at the end of 20.17 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 Cr R Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Depreciation (P)(P/L) Depreciation that realises in 2.18 (20 000 × 10%) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Elimination of unrealised profit in opening inventories) (30 000 × 25/125) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Inventories (P)(SFP) Elimination of unrealised profit in closing inventories (40 000 × 25/125) Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings of the subsidiary for the period since acquisition until beginning of current year Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 16 000 4 000 20 000 2 000 2 000 6 000 6 000 8 000 8 000 164 000 164 000 100 000 20 000 90 000 30 000 6 000 6 000 7 000 7 000 317 Chapter 5 Question 5.2 The abridged financial statements of P Ltd and S Ltd for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18 are as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Fixed property Plant S Ltd 140 000 12 800 97 000 10 000 20 000 (7 200) 25 000 (15 000) Furniture 5 000 3 000 Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation Investment in S Ltd at fair value: 75 000 shares (cost: R105 000) Investment in unlisted shares Current account: S Ltd Trade receivables Inventories Bank 10 000 (5 000) 10 000 (7 000) 105 000 – – 20 000 45 000 16 000 53 850 25 000 – 23 000 28 000 63 750 R397 650 R249 750 200 000 154 650 – 10 000 33 000 100 000 98 000 8 750 15 000 28 000 R397 650 R249 750 Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (200 000/100 000 shares) Retained earnings Current account: P Ltd Dividend payable Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 200 000 (110 000) 150 000 (110 000) Gross profit Other expenses Dividend received Interest received 90 000 (30 150) 11 250 4 800 40 000 (9 050) 1 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 75 900 (21 250) 31 950 (8 950) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 54 650 – 23 000 – R54 650 R23 000 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 318 Intragroup transactions EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 July 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid and provided Balance at 30 June 20.18 S Ltd 120 000 90 000 54 650 (20 000) 23 000 (15 000) R154 650 R98 000 Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd on 30 June 20.15 when the equity of S Ltd was as follows: Share capital R100 000 Retained earnings R35 000 2 On 1 January 20.16, P Ltd sold non-depreciable fixed property with an original cost price of R50 000 to S Ltd for R57 000. The property is classified as property, plant and equipment and is still in the possession of S Ltd. 3 On 30 June 20.17, S Ltd sold furniture that cost R12 500 and on which accumulated depreciation to the amount of R2 500 was recognised, to P Ltd for R10 000. P Ltd classifies this furniture under property, plant and equipment. 4 S Ltd purchases all its inventories from P Ltd at cost price plus 25%. Total inventories to the value of R75 000 were sold to S Ltd by P Ltd during the reporting period. Inventories in the records of S Ltd were R25 000 on 1 July 20.17. At the end of the reporting period, S Ltd still owed P Ltd R23 000 in respect of the inventories purchased from P Ltd. These amounts are included in trade receivables and trade and other payables. 5 On 30 June 20.16, S Ltd sold 2 machines with a carrying amount of R18 000 each to P Ltd for a total amount of R40 000. P Ltd uses the plant in the production of inventories. Both companies write off depreciation on plant at 20% per annum on the diminishing balance method. On 29 June 20.18, P Ltd sold one of the machines at a slight profit that was set off against other expenses. 6 Assume a company tax rate of 28%. 7 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate financial records using the cost price method. 8 P Ltd elected to measure any non-controlling interests in an acquiree at their proportional share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at acquisition date. Required Prepare the consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 30 June 20.18. 319 Chapter 5 Suggested solution 5.2 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Fixed property (140 000(P) + 97 000(S) – 7 000(J1)) Plant: Gross carrying amount (20 000(P) + 25 000(S) – 4 000(J9) + 2 000(J12)) Accumulated depreciation (7 200(P) + 15 000(S) – 800(J9) – 640(J10) + 720(J12)) Furniture: Gross carrying amount (10 000(P) + 10 000(S) – 2 500(J2)) Accumulated depreciation (5 000(P) + 7 000(S) – 2 500(J2)) Goodwill (C2) Financial asset Deferred tax (1 568(J5) + 1 400(J6) – 1 400(J7) + 896(J9) – 180(J11) – 358(J13)) 230 000 21 520 43 000 (21 480) 8 000 17 500 (9 500) 3 750 25 000 1 926 290 196 Current assets Inventories (16 000(P) + 28 000(S) – 5 600(J4)) Trade receivables (45 000(P) + 23 000(S) – 23 000(J8)) Bank (53 850(P) + 63 750(S)) 38 400 45 000 117 600 201 000 Total assets R491 196 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 200 000 190 176 Non-controlling interests (C1) 390 176 49 270 Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (33 000(P) + 28 000(S) – 23 000(J8)) Provision for dividend Dividend payable to non-controlling interests Total current liabilities Total equity and liabilities 320 439 446 38 000 10 000 3 750 51 750 R491 196 Intragroup transactions P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Revenue (200 000(P) + 150 000(S) – 75 000(J3)) Cost of sales 275 000 (110 000(P) + 110 000(S) – 75 000(J3) + 5 600(J4) – 5 000(J6)) (145 600) Gross profit Other expenses (30 150(P) + 9 050(S) – 640(J10) – 1 280(J12)) Interest received (P) Dividends received 129 400 (37 280) 4 800 1 000 Profit before tax Income tax expense 97 920 (30 570) (21 250(P) + 8 950(S) – 1 568(J5) + 1 400(J7) + 180(J11) + 358(J13)) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 67 350 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R67 350 Profit attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 61 254 6 096 R67 350 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 61 254 6 096 R67 350 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 148 922 348 922 46 924 395 846 61 254 (20 000) 61 254 (20 000) 6 096 (3 750) 67 350 (23 750) R190 176 R390 176 R49 270 R439 446 Retained earnings @ 200 000 – – R200 000 # @ 120 000(P) + 39 522(C2) – 7 000(J1) – 3 600(J6) = 148 922 # Test: 154 650(P) – 7 000(J1) – 5 600(J4) + 1 568(J5) + 46 558(C1) = 190 176 321 Chapter 5 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (30/6/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 75% At Since NCI 100 000 35 000 75 000 26 250 25 000 8 750 135 000 3 750 101 250 3 750 33 750 – Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings 138 750 R105 000 33 750 (90 000 – 35 000 – 2 304(J9)) 52 696 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 39 522 46 924 • Current year: Profit after tax (23 000 + 640(J10) – 180(J11) + 1 280(J12) – 358(J13)) Dividend 13 174 24 382 (15 000) 18 286 (11 250) 6 096 (3 750) R200 828 R46 558 R49 270 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 105 000 33 750 138 750 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (135 000) Goodwill R3 750 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 Retained earnings (P)(SCE) Property (S)(SFP) Unrealised gain made by P Ltd from the sale of property to S Ltd 7 000 Accumulated depreciation: Furniture (S)(SFP) Furniture (S)(SFP) Transfer of furniture from S Ltd to P Ltd at carrying amount – derecognition in records of S Ltd and recognition in records of P Ltd 2 500 Revenue (P)(P/L Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 75 000 Cr R 7 000 2 500 75 000 continued 322 Intragroup transactions Dr R J4 Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Inventories (S)(SFP) Unrealised profit in closing inventories Cr R 5 600 5 600 (28 000 × 25/125) J5 Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Tax on unrealised profit in closing inventories 1 568 1 568 (5 600 × 28%) J6 J7 Deferred tax (P)(SFP)(5 000 × 28%) Retained earnings (P)(SCE) (5 000 × 72%) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) (25 000 × 25/125) Unrealised profit in opening inventories realised in current year 1 400 3 600 Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Tax on unrealised profit in opening inventories 1 400 5 000 1 400 (5 000 × 28%) J8 J9 J10 Trade and other payables (S)(SFP) Trade receivables (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup debt 23 000 Retained earnings(S)(SCE) (4 000 × 4/5 × 72%) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (4 000 × 4/5 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (4 000 × 20%) Plant (SFP) (40 000 – 18 000 × 2)) Correction of opening balances with unrealised gain on intragroup plant 2 304 896 800 Accumulated depreciation (SFP) Depreciation (S)(P/L) Realisation of a portion of the unrealised gain through the write-off of depreciation on the plant 640 23 000 4 000 640 ((4 000 – 800) × 20%) J11 Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Recognition of tax on excessive depreciation 180 180 (640 × 40%) J12 J13 Plant (4 000/2) Other income (gain on sale)(S)(P/L) (balancing) Accumulated depreciation ((800 + 640)/2) and Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (1 280 × 40%) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Realisation of unrealised gain through sale of plant from the group, remove balances from records 2 000 1 280 720 358 358 continued 323 C Cha apte er 5 Drr R J14 4 5 J15 6 J16 7 J17 Cr R Sh hare e capital (S))(SC CE E) Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Go ood dwilll (S SFP P) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Non-cconttrolling g in nterrestts (SFP) Elimiina atio on of o own o nerrs’ equ e uity y att ac cqu uisiitio on of o S Ltd 100 000 0 3 35 000 0 3 750 7 Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of year (S)(SC CE)) Non-cconttrolling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ogn nitio on of non-c con ntro ollin ng intere ests s in n re etaiine ed ea arniing gs of o the su ubsidia ary y fo or th he perriod d sinc s ce ac cqu uisittion n unti u il beginn ning g of currrentt ye earr 13 174 No on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte eressts (P//L) Non-cconttrolling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ogn nitio on of non-c con ntro ollin ng intere ests s in n proffit for th he y yea ar 0 6 096 Divvidend d re ece eive ed (P)((P/L L) No on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte eressts (SF FP)) Divvide end pa aid (S)(SC CE)) Elimiina atio on of o in ntragrrou up div d vide end d 2 11 250 3 750 7 105 1 5 00 00 33 3 75 50 13 3 17 74 6 09 96 15 5 00 00 Com C mmentt J iss a com J2 mbinatiion of the t follo owing jjournals: In th he reco r ord ds of o P Ltd d Fu urniture e (S SFP) B Ban nk (S SFP P) Sa ale of furn f nitu ure to S Lttd 10 0 00 00 10 0 000 0 In th he reco r ord ds of o S Ltd d: Acccumullate ed depr d reciatio on (SFP P) Ba ank (SF FP) F Furn nitu ure (SF ( FP) De erec cog gnition n of furnitu ure solld to o S Ltd d att ca arrying am mou unt C C4 Un nre ealised d pro p fit inc clud ded d in n in nve enttories s an nd pla antt In nve enttoriies s G Gro oss s Un nre ealiised pro p ofit 1 Ju uly 20.17 7 R R25 5 00 00 R5 5 000 3 30 Jun J ne 20. 2 18 R R28 8 00 00 R5 5 600 3 324 2 50 00 10 0 00 00 Ta ax R1 400 R 0 R 568 R1 8 12 5 500 0 N t Net R3 3 60 00 R4 4 03 32 Intragroup transactions Plant 30/6/ 20.16 Gross carrying amount 30/6/ 20.17 Depreciation P Ltd 20 000 (4 000) Group Gross 18 000 2 000 (3 600) (400) Carrying amount 29/6/ 20.18 Depreciation 16 000 (3 200) 14 400 (2 880) Carrying amount R12 800 * Selling price Tax 560 (112) Net 1 440 (288) 1 600 (320) 448 (90) 1 152 (230) R11 520 1 280 (1 280) 358 (358) 922 (922) * R– R– R– * The adjustment against the profit or loss of P Ltd will be R1 280, regardless of the selling price of the plant. 325 6 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Introduction ..................................................................................................... 330 Basic consolidation procedures ............................................................. 331 Adjustments at acquisition date 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Recognition of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the subsidiary at their fair values ........................................... Example 6.1: Recording of remeasurement in records of subsidiary ... Remeasurement at acquisition date of property, plant and equipment not subject to depreciation ....................................................................... Example 6.2: Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s land and buildings at acquisition date ........................................... Example 6.3: Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s assets at acquisition date .............................................................. Subsequent sale of property, plant and equipment which had been remeasured at acquisition date – Remeasurement not recognised in records of subsidiary ............................................................................ Example 6.4: Subsequent sale of property, plant and equipment, which was remeasured on acquisition ............................ Remeasurement at acquisition date of depreciable property, plant and equipment ............................................................................................... Example 6.5: Remeasurement of plant and detailed journal entries .... Example 6.6: Remeasurement of plant and detailed journal entries for subsequent periods ........................................................ Remeasurement of inventory at acquisition date .................................... Example 6.7: Remeasurement of inventory and detailed journal entries Example 6.8: Remeasurement of current asset (property) at acquisition date ................................................................................ 334 335 337 338 341 345 346 350 350 354 355 356 357 327 Chapter 6 Impairment of goodwill 6.6 6.7 6.8 Significance of goodwill ........................................................................... Impairment losses ................................................................................... Impairment losses and non-controlling interests ..................................... Example 6.9: Impairment of goodwill – Difference between non-controlling interests measured at proportionate share of identifiable net assets and non-controlling interests measured at fair value ...................................... Example 6.10: Impairment of goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at proportionate share of identifiable net assets ............................................................................. Example 6.11: Impairment of goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at fair value..................................................... 361 362 362 363 366 371 Losses of a subsidiary 6.9 6.10 6.11 Accumulated losses of subsidiary at acquisition date ............................. Example 6.12: Accumulated losses of a subsidiary at acquisition date ................................................................................ Post-acquisition losses of subsidiaries ................................................... Example 6.13: Accumulated losses of a subsidiary since acquisition date ................................................................................ Assessed loss of a subsidiary at acquisition date ................................... Example 6.14: Income tax loss (assessed loss) of a subsidiary at acquisition date .......................................................... 376 376 378 379 381 382 Insolvent subsidiaries 6.12 6.13 The legal liability of the shareholders of an insolvent subsidiary ............ Accounting for an insolvent subsidiary .................................................... 385 386 Acquisition of an insolvent subsidiary 6.14 Basic consolidation procedures .............................................................. Example 6.15: Consolidation where shares are acquired in an insolvent subsidiary ........................................................ 388 389 Insolvency of a subsidiary after acquisition 6.15 Basic consolidation procedures .............................................................. Example 6.16: Consolidation of a subsidiary that becomes insolvent after acquisition date ...................................................... 393 393 Preference shares 6.16 6.17 328 Characteristics ........................................................................................ Liability versus equity .............................................................................. 397 398 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Consolidation procedures where the capital of the subsidiary includes preference shares 6.18 6.19 The treatment of preference shares and their profit-sharing preferential right when preparing consolidated financial statements ...... Example 6.17: Issued preference shares of acquiree with limited preference on liquidation of the acquiree ...................... Example 6.18: Issued preference shares of acquiree with preference on liquidation of the acquiree ......................................... Example 6.19 All preference shares are held by non-controlling interests and preference shares have limited rights on liquidation ....................................................................... The calculation of non-controlling interests in the profit of the current reporting period of a subsidiary with preference share capital ................ Example 6.20: All preference shares are held by non-controlling interests and there are no accrued or outstanding dividends ........................................................................ Example 6.21: Calculation of the non-controlling interests in the profit of the current reporting period of a subsidiary with issued preference shares ............................................... Example 6.22: Consolidation procedures: Preference shares of the subsidiary held by both the parent and non-controlling interests .......................................................................... 400 401 402 403 405 406 411 414 Treatment of preference dividends of subsidiaries 6.20 6.21 6.22 Situations to be considered...................................................................... Preference dividends outstanding at the end of the reporting period ..... Example 6.23: Treatment of preference dividends outstanding at the end of the reporting period ............................................. Accrued preference dividends on acquisition of preference shares in a subsidiary ......................................................................................... 420 420 421 425 Self-assessment questions Question 6.1 ........................................................................................................ Question 6.2 ..................................................................................................................... 427 432 329 Chapter 6 Introduction In the preceding chapters, the main focus was on the basic consolidation procedures applicable to the preparation of consolidated financial statements at the acquisition date and after the acquisition date, both in the case of wholly-owned subsidiaries and nonwholly-owned subsidiaries. There was also a discussion of intragroup transactions and how they impact on consolidated financial statements. In the discussion of the above matters, the set-up of the examples was deliberately kept as simple as possible with a view to the analysis of the relevant principles and concepts, in order to facilitate the learning process. IFRS 3 addresses the methods used to account for business combinations and was discussed in detail in chapter 2. IFRS 10 establishes principles for the presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements and is used to affect the consolidation process after the acquisition of the business combination. During the process of consolidating a subsidiary in terms of IFRS 10, IFRS 3 is applied to determine the following at the acquisition date: l the fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date; l the fair value of the consideration of the business combination; l the recognition and measurement of the non-controlling interests in the acquiree; and l the recognition and measurement of the goodwill acquired in the business combination or the gain from a bargain purchase. Before proceeding in later chapters with the more complex consolidation problems that often arise in practice, it is necessary to focus on specific aspects that arise from the fact that the consideration paid for the acquisition of the shares in the subsidiary is determined by the parent with reference to the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the subsidiary at the acquisition date. Until now it has been assumed that the fair values of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary at the acquisition date were equal to the carrying amounts of the said items at that date (excluding chapter 2). In this context, it has already been indicated that the difference between the consideration given (cost price) of the shares in the subsidiary and the interest of the parent in the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the subsidiary is recognised as goodwill or as a gain from a bargain purchase. This chapter will discuss certain sundry aspects, namely: l the recognition and measurement of the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and contingent liabilities of the subsidiary at their fair values at the acquisition date; l the impairment of goodwill; l any losses incurred by the subsidiary, as well as the procedures to be followed in the case of an insolvent subsidiary; and l the consolidation procedures should the equity of the subsidiary include preference share capital, as well as the treatment of preference dividends paid by the subsidiary. 330 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements It is important to realise that the issue at the acquisition of a subsidiary is the acquisition of control over the assets, liabilities and operating activities of the subsidiary. An interest in the net assets of the subsidiary is acquired and because of the plough-back of retained earnings by the subsidiary, the net assets increase. In the preparation of consolidated financial statements, the analysis of the owners’ interest of the subsidiary represents the equity side of the basic accounting equation (i.e. the owners’ interest represents the opposite of net assets (Equity = Assets – Liabilities)). The essential issues in the analysis of owners’ equity are: l the measurement of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the subsidiary at their fair values at the acquisition date; l the measurement of goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase at the acquisition date; l the measurement of the non-controlling interests in the net assets of the subsidiary at the reporting date; and l the division of the increase in retained earnings and other items of comprehensive income of the subsidiary arising from the operating activities of the subsidiary, between the parent and non-controlling interests since acquisition date. Basic consolidation procedures The consolidation procedures for the consolidated financial statements can be summarised as follows: l The consolidated statement of financial position is prepared by adding 100% of the carrying amounts (or the fair value if there was an adjustment to fair value as at the business combination date) of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the subsidiary as at the reporting date on a line-for-line basis to the carrying amounts of the corresponding assets and liabilities of the parent. The consolidated statement of financial position therefore consists of 100% of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary and 100% of the assets and liabilities of the parent. By adding the statements of financial position of the parent and the subsidiary together, it means that the investment of the parent in the shares of the subsidiary are still included in the combined results, but now through the inclusion of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary. The intragroup items are eliminated, namely the equity of the subsidiary and the investment in the subsidiary in the records of the parent (see chapter 3.3 and 3.4). The parent and the subsidiary are combined into one entity which means that the equity investment in the subsidiary needs to be eliminated (IFRS 10.B86(b)). The following at-acquisition pro forma consolidation journal entry is prepared to eliminate the parent’s investment in the subsidiary: Dr R Share capital Retained earnings Investment in S Ltd (wholly-owned subsidiary of P Ltd) Cr R xxx xxx xxx 331 C Cha apte er 6 Comm men nt a Tak T ke note n e th hat the pro o fo orm ma cons c solid datiion jou urna al entryy is no ot re ecorded in n th he acccoun nting re ecords of eith e her tthe parrentt or the e su ubsid diarry. b The T e abo a ve tre eatm men nt is in acccorrdan nce with w the prin ncip ple co onta ained d in IFR RS 10.B 1 B86 6(a) tha at th he con c soliidatted fina anccial stattem mentts ccom mbine like item ms of o asssetss, lia abilities s, equ e ity, inccom me, exp penssess an nd cas c h fllows of o th he pare p ent witth thos t se of o itts subs sidia arie es. The T erefo ore,, the e co onsolid date ed finan ncia al sttatements pre esent fina f ancial in nforrma ation n ab bou ut th he group as a th hat o of a sin ngle e en ntityy. c Afte A er the t ab boveme entiione ed pro o fo orm ma con nsollidation n jo ourn nal entry ha as b bee en processsed d, the con nsolida ated d sta atem men nt of o fiinan ncia al posittion n wiill only o refflecct th he sha are cap c pital of the t parentt. l l l l Th he diff d fere enc ce in i the ca arry ying g am mountt off th he par p entt’s invvesttme entt in ea ach su ubsidia ary (conssidera atio on for f the e businesss comb bina atio on – costt off th he sha s aress in n th he sub s bsid dia ary) an nd the e p parren nt’s po ortiion of equ e uityy of o eac e ch su ubsidia ary att a acq quissitio on da ate is recog gnised d pro p forrma a as goo g odw will or as a gai g n from m a ba arg gain n purc cha ase. How H wev ver, it is im mportantt to t rea alis se that th he reccog gnittion n of o go ood dwill (ba ase ed on n the t meassurrem men nt of o the t no on--contro olling inttere estts at a tthe eir pro opo ortio ona ate sh hare e o of the t accqu uiree’ss id dentifia able e n net assse ets) orr a ga ain fro om a barga ain pu urch hasse only b bea ars relatiion to the e own o nerss o of th he paren nt. A As disscu usse ed in cha aptter 2, the e non--co ontrrolliing inttere ests ccan be e mea m asured d att itss fa air vvalu ue wh hich h afffec cts the e calc c cula atio on of o goo g odw will. hus Go ood dwiill th s re eco ogn nise ed also a o bea b rs rrela atio on to t the t no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte i eresstss. Th he like e item ms of o ass a setss and a lia abilitie es of o the pa aren nt are a e co ombin ned with tha at o of the t su ubssidia aryy. The T ob bliga atio on to elim min nate e in ntra agro oup p lo oan ns/d deb bts does no ot detractt fro om this bas b sic com mbina ation (dis scussse ed in i ccha apte er 5). 5 Sh hou uld the e pare ent no ot o own n the full isssued sha s are cap pita al of o th he subsidia ary, the a abo ove ba asicc com c mbin nation n sttill ap pplie es; ho owe eve er, it is necces ssa ary to recog gnise an nd sho ow se epa arattelyy th he no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s in n th he ne et ass a setss of o tthe su ubssidiaryy (ii.e. se epa aratte from m th he inte ere est of the t e pa arent in i the t eq quity of o subssidiaryy). Th he follow wing g at-a a acq quissitio on pro o fo orm ma co onso olid datiion jo ourn nal en ntry y iss prep p parred to eliiminatte tthe pa aren nt’ss in nvestm men nt in n th he sub bsid dia ary: Drr R Sharre cap S c pital R aine Reta ed e earrnin ngs G dw Goo will ((refer to t cha c apte er 2) 2 Invvesstmentt in S Ltd L (pa artial sub s bsid diarry of o P Ltd d) No on-ccon ntro ollin ng in nte eresst in n su ubssidia ary l l 3 332 Cr R xxx x xxx x xxx x xx xx xx xx Th he carrying g amo oun nt o of the t assse ets of the par p rent are a afffeccted d (a as disscu ussed in ch hap pterr 5)) by the t elimiination n of o unr u reallise ed pro ofitss whe w ere the ssub bsid diarry wa was the t se ellin ng ent e tity an nd, sho oulld the t pa aren nt b be the e se elling en ntityy, th hen n th he carrrying am mou unt of the e asse a ets of the e subssidiaryy will w be b afffectted d. Th he conso olid date ed sta atem me ent of pro ofitt orr lo oss an nd oth her co omp pre ehe ensiive incom me e is prrepa are ed b by comb bining 10 00% % of o th he rev ven nue an nd exp pen nse es of o tthe su ubssidia aryy on na lin ne-ffor--line e bas b sis witth the e corr c resp pon nding ite emss o of the t pa are ent. Th he likke item i ms of inccom me an nd exp e pen nse es o of the t pa arent a are e co ombin ned d with tha at of o tthe su ubssidia aryy. The T divvidend ds rec ceivved d fro om m the sub s bsid diarry as a refl r ectted d in the e re eco ordss of o th he parren nt, are a eliiminatted d. Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements l Subsequently, the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of the subsidiary are deducted to obtain the profit for the year of the group attributable to the shareholders of the parent. The non-controlling interests in profit for the year as deducted in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income are added to the non-controlling interests in the consolidated statement of financial position. l Any other movements that have taken place during the current year in other components of equity of the subsidiary are divided between the parent and noncontrolling interests based on the equity interest of each. The parent’s share of the other components of equity of the subsidiary is added to the corresponding other components of equity of the parent, while the portion of the non-controlling interests is added to the non-controlling interests as reflected in the consolidated statement of financial position. l The net movement from the acquisition date up to the beginning of the current financial year in each of the other components of equity of the subsidiary (the opposite of the net increase that had occurred in the net assets of the subsidiary during the year) is divided between the parent and the non-controlling interests on the basis of the equity interest of each. The share of the parent is added to the corresponding other components of equity of the parent, while the portion of the non-controlling interests is added to the non-controlling interests as reflected in the consolidated statement of financial position. The contents of the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position as well as the basic consolidation procedures may be summarised as follows: CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 100% 100% AND 100% 100% AND of assets and liabilities of P Ltd which includes: l loan to S Ltd but with the omission of: l the consideration for the S Ltd business combination (cost price of shares in S Ltd) of assets and liabilities of all S Ltd’s which are subsidiaries at year end which includes: l loan from P Ltd (the loan accounts contra on consolidation) bring into account for all S Ltd’s which are subsidiaries at year end: l non-controlling interests l goodwill/gain from a bargain purchase of revenue and expenses of P Ltd but with the omission of: l dividends received from S Ltd (the full interest received from S Ltd contras in the disclosable items) of the revenue and expenses of all S Ltd’s for the period that S Ltd’s are subsidiaries bring into account: l non-controlling interests in profit for all S Ltd’s for the period that such S Ltd’s are subsidiaries 333 C Cha apte er 6 Com mm ment P = Pa aren nt S = Su ubsidiary/S Sub bsidiiarie es A Adjjus stm me entts at a ac cqu uis sitiion n dat d te 6 6.1 R Rec cogn nitio on off th he ide enttifiab ble as sse ets, liab bilitties s and a dc con ntin nge entt liab biliitie es of o the e sub s bsiidia ary y at a th heir fair f r valu v ues s l l l Th he appliccatiion off th he a acq quissitio on me ethod requiiress th hat the acq a quirrer reccog gnisse on the acq a uissitio on dat d te, the e fa air valu v uess off th he identiffiab ble asssetts acq a quirred an nd liab bilities asssume ed of the e sub s bsid diarry(a a) at a the t e ac cqu uisiition d date (IFR ( RS 3..10 an nd pa arag gra aph 2.6.2 2). In a add ditio on, th he a acq quirrer alsso rec cognisses an nd me easure es a any y non--co ontrrolliing inttere ests in n th he acq a quirree e(b)). Th he goodw willl will w be re ecog gnised d as a the e exce esss of th he co onsiide erattion n paid d fo or the t accqu uisittion n pllus the e amo a oun nt of o non n -co ontrrolling g inttere estts reco ogn nise ed ((b b) abov a ve)) ov ver the acq a quissitio on datte am amountss off th he ffairr va alue es of ide entiifiable e assse ets acquiired d and a lia abilities a assum med d off th he sub s bsid diarry (((a)) ab bovve). S Should d (a a) be b m mo ore tha an the t e su um of the e co onsside erattion n pa aid a and d (b b), then t n a ga ain from f m a ba arga ain purch hase e will w be b rec r ogn nise ed. If the e fair f va alues of th he asssetts and a d liab bilitiies off th he su ubsidia ary differ from m the t ca arryying g amo oun nts in the t e re ecordss off the sub s bsid diarry, the ese e ca arryying g amo oun nts mu ust be ad djussted d ffor purpo ose es o of the t e prrep para atio on of o the e co ons soliidated d fin ncia al sta s atem men nts nan evveryy time e a con nso olid dation is perrforrme ed. Th he con nsideratiion pa aid by y th he paren nt for the e sharres s in n th he sub s bsid diary is in ma any ca ase es affe a ecte ed byy th he faiir valu v ue of th he asssetss o of the t e subssidiary y. Some etim mes s it ha app pen ns ttha at th he faiir vvalu ue of the a ass setss (e esp peccially lan nd and a d buil b din ngss) d diffe ers mate eria ally at the acq a quissitio on da ate fro om the e carr c ryin ng am mou untss, a as reccorrded in the t ountting g re eco ordss of o th he sub s bsid diary. In succh a case e, th he parren nt ca an follow w on ne o of tw wo accco po ossible e ap pprroacche es, nam me ely: • to rem me easu ure e th he ass a sets s in the re eco ords of o th he sub bsid dia ary; or • to rem me easu ure e th he ass a sets s prro form f ma up pon n co onssolid dattion n. 1 Rev R valu uattion ns rec corrde ed in the t records s of th he subsidia ary y T The e firrst ap ppro oac ch is i for f the e sub s bsid diarry tto rev r valu ue its as ssett att th he acquiisitiion da ate in a acco ord dan nce with the t e va alue es tha at wer w re plac p ced d on o itt in n th he det d erm min natio e purccha ase on of the cconsidera atio on. This alte a erna ativve is pos p ssib ble if itt iss the grou g ups s’ acc a oun ntin ng pollicyy to revallue itts ass a setss in n te erm ms of o IAS S 16 Pro P ope erty y, P Pla ant an nd Eq quip pm men nt. If sso, the en no o sp pec cial a adju ustm mentss arre nee n ede ed on co onso olid dation n, sincce the t re equirem ment tha at the asssetts o of the t ssubsidiaryy mu ust be e rec r ogn nised att the t ir fairr valu v uess in n the t e con c sollida ated d fina f anc cial e re sstatem men nts is i m mett via th he revvalu uattion n in the eco ords of o th he sub bsid dia ary. 3 334 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Example 6.1 Recording of remeasurement in records of subsidiary On 1 March 20.18, P Ltd acquired an 80% interest in S Ltd, and the abridged statements of financial position of the two companies on 28 February 20.19 are as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 P Ltd ASSETS Land Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 20 000 shares/ S Ltd: 10 000 shares) Revaluation surplus (25 000 × 77,6% (1)) Retained earnings: On 1/3/20.18 Since acquisition Deferred tax (25 000 × 80% × 28%) Total equity and liabilities (1) S Ltd – 34 000 36 000 50 000 – 20 000 R70 000 R70 000 20 000 10 000 – 19 400 30 000 20 000 – 7 500 27 500 5 600 R70 000 R70 000 (100% – 22,4%(80% × 28%)) On the date on which P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, the land of S Ltd with a carrying amount of R25 000 was valued at R50 000. S Ltd revalued the asset in its accounting records. Assume that the value of the land has subsequently remained unchanged. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. 335 Chapter 6 Solution 6.1 The consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group is prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Land (S) Goodwill 50 000 4 480 54 480 Current assets Trade receivables (36 000(P)) + 20 000(S)) 56 000 Total assets R110 480 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings (30 000(P) + 20 000(P) + 22 000(S)) 20 000 72 000 Non-controlling interests 92 000 12 880 Total equity 104 880 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (S) 5 600 Total equity and liabilities R110 480 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/3/20.18) Share capital Revaluation surplus Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 10 000 19 400 7 500 8 000 15 520 6 000 2 000 3 880 1 500 Equity represented by goodwill – parent 36 900 4 480 29 520 4 480 7 380 – Consideration and NCI 41 380 R34 000 7 380 ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year 336 27 500 22 000 5 500 R68 880 R22 000 R12 880 Ad djusstm men nts and sun s dry y asspe ectss off grrou up stat s tem men nts Co omm men nt a Th he reco r ogn nition o of defe d erre ed tax t is req quirred byy th he provisiionss of o th he acccountin ng sta atem men nt IA AS 12 IInco ome Taxe T es. b SL Ltd reccord ded the e rev valu uatio on of o la and d ass follow ws on 1 Ma arch h 20 0.18 8: Dr R La and d (50 0 00 00 – 25 5 00 00) De eferrred taxx (S SFP) (2 25 000 0 ×8 80% % × 28% 2 %) Re evalluattion surplu us (O OCI) Land d re evallued d affterr va alua ation o on 1/3/2 20.1 18 Cr R 2 25 000 0 0 56 600 19 4 400 c Th he fa air valu v ue of o the (only) assset of S Lttd was w s the ereffore e alsso take t en into i o co onsid derratio on byy P Ltd d in the e de eterrmin nation of the pu urch hase e prrice e of the e sh hare es in the t sub bsid diary. Ta ake notte th hat a p pro rata a po ortio on o of the revvalua atio on surp s pluss is app porttioned to the t non nco ontro ollin ng in nterrestts. C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S Ltd L in terrms s of o IF FRS 3.32 3 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 34 4 00 00 7 38 80 41 38 80 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n d date e: IFR RS 3.3 3 2(b b) ( 6 90 (36 00) G Goo odw will R4 4 48 80 2 Rem R mea asu ure eme entts not n t re ecorde ed in rec corrds s off su ubs sidiarry A sec s ond d app a proach h is to t rev valu ue th he ass setts of o the e sub s bsid diarry pro o form ma fo or the t p prep parratio on of the e cons c solida ated d finan ncial ssta atem men nts. T This s wou w ld ent e tail no ot mak m king g any a e entrry in th he acccou untting g re eco ords s of th he sub s bsid diary for the e reva aluatio on. If thiss app a roa ach h is fo ollo owe ed, the ea asse etss off the ssub bsid diarry at a ccon nso olida atio on mu ust firsst be b a adjustted d prro fform ma to o th he va alue es tha at wer w re pla aced on o the em fo or the de etermiination n of o tthe pu urchasse price (ccon nsid derratio on)). This T s must m t be e don d e fo or eve e ery co onso olid datiion un ntil the e in nves stm men nt iss so old. T The e incom me an nd exp e pen nse es tthatt re elatte to t the ab bovem men ntioned d asse a et w would d be e base ed on th he vallue es attri a ibutab ble to the e as sse et at a th he acquiisitiion da ate. An exa e amp ple of thiss wou w uld be d deprecciattion n. T The e dep d recciattion n on the t e re eva alue ed asssett will be b ba ase ed on o the e reva r alu ued a amo oun nt of o th he assett ass att th he dat d te of o acq a quis sitio on (i.e e. th he inccrea ase ed carrrying am mou untt of th he assset). T The e disscu usssion n an nd exa am mple es tha t t fo ollow wo only y re elatte to t tthe se econd ap ppro oacch. 6 6.2 R Rem me eas surrem ment at ac cqu uis sitio on n da ate e of pro p ope erty y, pla p ant an nd eq quipm men nt n t sub not bjec ct to t de eprreciattion n T The e co onsside erattion n paid d byy th he par p rent fo or th he share es in a su ubssidiaryy iss de eterrmiined b by the t erly vvalu ue pla ace ed b by the e par p rentt on o the t e unde ying g valu v ue of th he sub bsid dia ary’ss net n assse ets. S Sho ould d th he fair f r va alue e att th he a acq quissitio on datte of o land d of o th he sub bsidia ary be hig ghe er tha t an the t ccarrryin ng am amou unt the ere eof, the pur p rcha ase e cconsid dera atio on w nclu ude e a su urpllus wh hicch will w will in re equ uire e th he adj a justtme entt off the carr c ryin ng am mou unt of the e la and to the e fa air value e th here eoff. 337 3 Chapter 6 When an asset is revalued the carrying amount of the asset increases but the tax base thereof does not. The deferred tax obligation that arises on the remeasurement of an asset is based on the manner in which the entity expects to recover the carrying amount of the asset (IAS 12 Incomes Taxes). Land being a non-depreciable asset can only be recovered by means of a sale of the land. The deferred tax raised on the revaluation surplus of land must therefore reflect the tax consequences of selling the land. The sale of land results in a capital gain which will attract capital gains tax which will result in 80% of the gain being taxable at the current company tax rate. Example 6.2 Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s land and buildings at acquisition date On 1 January 20.18, P Ltd acquired an 80% interest in S Ltd. The abridged statements of financial position of the two companies on 31 December 20.18 were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd ASSETS Land and buildings Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 20 000 shares/S Ltd: 10 000 shares) Retained earnings: Balance at 1 January 20.18 Profit for the year for 20.18 Total equity and liabilities S Ltd 24 200 48 000 28 800 25 000 – 7 000 R101 000 R32 000 20 000 10 000 61 000 20 000 12 000 10 000 R101 000 R32 000 On the acquisition date, the assets of S Ltd consisted only of land and buildings. Carrying amount R5 000 R20 000 Fair value R22 567 R50 000 Land Buildings (factory building) The value of the land has subsequently remained unchanged. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their fair value of R12 000 on the acquisition date. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. 338 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.2 The consolidated statement of financial position of the P Ltd Group at 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Land and buildings (24 200(P) + 25 000(S) + 17 567(J1) + 30 000(J1)) Goodwill 96 767 2 768 99 535 Current assets Trade receivables (28 800(P) + 7 000(S)) Total assets 35 800 R135 335 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (61 000(P) + 20 000(P) + 8 000(S) 20 000 89 000 109 000 14 000 123 000 Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (J1) Total equity and liabilities 12 335 R135 335 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Equity at acquisition (1)(J1) Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 10 000 35 232 12 000 8 000 28 186 9 600 2 000 7 046 2 400 57 232 45 786 11 446 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI 2 768 2 214 554 Consideration and NCI 60 000 R48 000 12 000 ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year 10 000 8 000 2 000 R70 000 R8 000 R14 000 (1) 77,6 (2)(22 567 – 5 000) + 72%(3)(50 000 – 20 000) = 35 232 (2) 100% – (80% × 28%) = 77,6% (3) 100% – 28% = 72% 339 C Cha apte er 6 Com C mm mentt A part of the t equ uity at acq quissition, w whic ch is derivved from the t pro o forrma a remeasu urem men nt, is a alloc cate ed to t the t non-controlliing interests.. Th his is in acc a cord dancce with w h th he prin p nciple c tain con ned in IFR RS 10.B86 6(a)) th hat the co onso olida ated d finan ncia al sttate eme entss co omb bine e lik ke item ms of o asse a ets, liab bilities,, eq quityy, in ncome, exxpense es and a cassh flow ws of o th he parrentt witth t se of the thos e subssidia ary. Th here eforre, the e cons c solid date ed fina anccial sta atem men nts pre esent f ancia fina al in nforrma ation n ab boutt the e grroup p as s th hat of o a sin ngle e en ntity. C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill in tterm ms s off IF FRS S 3..32 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 48 00 00 00 12 00 00 60 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (57 23 32) G Goo odw will R 76 R2 68 C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R 1 J1 and (S)(S SFP P) (222 567 5 – 5 00 00) La Bu uilding gs (S S)(SFP) (500 000 – 20 0000) D ferrred taxx (S Def S)(S SFP P) 1 17 567 5 7 3 30 000 0 0 12 2 33 35 35 5 23 32 ( 7 56 ((17 67 × 80 0% × 28% %) + (30 0 00 00 × 28 8%))) Equ uityy at accquisitiion (S)(S SCE E) Re eme eas surrem men nt of o la and d an nd building gs of o sub s bsid diary at a ac cqu uisittion n date d e J2 2 J3 3 3 340 Crr R Sh hare e ca apital (S))(SC CE) Eq quitty a at ac cqu uisition n (S S)(S SCE E) Re etaiined d earn e ning gs (S)( ( (SC CE)) Go ood dwilll (S S)(S SFP P) (pa ( ren nt and NC CI) ((2 214 2 + 554) 5 ) Investtme ent in S Ltd L ((P)(SF FP)) N n-cconttrolling Non g in nterrestts (S S)(SFP) Ma ain eliiminattion n jo ourrna al in n re esp pectt off S Ltd d at a ac cqu uisittion n date d e 1 10 000 0 0 3 35 232 2 2 1 12 000 0 0 2 768 7 8 No on-ccon ntro ollin ng in nte eressts (S)(P//L) N n-cconttrolling Non g in nterrestts (S S)(SFP) Alloc catiion n off the non n n-co onttrolling in nte eres sts’ po ortion n off cu urre ent ye ear's prof p fit iin res r pec ct of o S Ltd L 2 000 0 0 48 8 00 00 12 2 00 00 2 00 00 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Example 6.3 Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s assets at acquisition date On 1 January 20.17, P Ltd acquired a 60% interest in S Ltd. The abridged statements of financial position of the two companies on 31 December 20.18 were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 110 000 130 000 68 200 190 000 28 800 80 000 140 000 133 000 – 67 000 R527 000 R420 000 180 000 100 000 140 000 155 000 52 000 210 000 95 000 15 000 R527 000 R420 000 On the acquisition date, the net assets of S Ltd consisted of the following: Carrying amount Land 80 000 Buildings (factory building) 92 000 Equity investments 66 000 Trade receivables 44 000 Trade payables (26 000) Fair value 125 000 105 000 86 000 35 000 (26 000) R256 000 R325 000 ASSETS Land Buildings Equity investments Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 180 000 shares/S Ltd: 100 000 shares) Retained earnings: Balance at 1 January 20.18 Profit for the year for 20.18 Trade payables Total equity and liabilities The value of the land has subsequently remained unchanged. The remaining useful life of the building at the acquisition date was 13 years. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their acquisition date fair value of R125 000. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. 341 Chapter 6 Solution 6.3 The consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated statement of changes in equity of the P Ltd Group at 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Land and buildings (110 000(P) + 80 000(S) + 130 000(P) + 140 000(S) 516 000 221 200 5 680 742 880 + 45 000(J1) + 13 000(J1) – 1 000(J5) – 1 000(J7)) Equity investments (68 200(P) + 133 000(S) + 20 000(J1)) Goodwill Current assets Trade receivables (28 800(P) + 67 000(S)) Total assets 95 800 R838 680 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 180 000 387 424 567 424 186 616 754 040 Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (18 200(J1) – 2 520(J2) + 2 520(J4) – 280(J5) – 280(J8)) Current liabilities Trade payables (52 000(P) + 15 000(S)) Total liabilities 17 640 67 000 84 640 Total equity and liabilities R838 680 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings 180 000 *175 856 Total equity 355 856 148 904 504 760 – ^211 568 211 568 37 712 249 280 R180 000 R387 424 R567 424 R186 616 R754 040 * 140 000(P) + 35 856(S) = 175 856 ^ 155 000(P) + 94 280(S) – 37 712(J9) = 211 568 342 Total Noncontrolling interests Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Calculations C1 Calculation of equity at acquisition and adjustment to retained earnings at acquisition Fair value Carrying Difference amount Tax rate Tax effect After tax Land Buildings Equity investments 125 000 105 000 86 000 R316 000 80 000 92 000 66 000 R238 000 45 000 13 000 20 000 R78 000 22,4% 28% 22,4% (10 080) (3 640) (4 480) (R18 200) 34 920 9 360 15 520 R59 800 Trade receivables Trade payables 35 000 (26 000) 44 000 (26 000) (9 000) – 28% 28% R2 520 – (R6 480) – R9 000 R18 000 (R9 000) R2 520 (R6 480) Net asset value Share capital 256 000 (100 000) Retained earnings (at acquisition) R156 000 C2 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Equity at acquisition (C1)(Refer to J1) Retained earnings (2) P Ltd 60% At Since NCI 100 000 59 800 149 520 60 000 35 880 89 712 40 000 23 920 59 808 Fair value of net assets (1) Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI 309 320 185 592 123 728 5 680 4 408 1 272 Consideration and NCI 315 000 R190 000 125 000 ii Since acquisition Retained earnings (3) • Current year: Profit for the year (4) 59 760 35 856 23 904 148 904 94 280 R469 040 56 568 37 712 R92 424 R186 616 (1) 325 000(given) – 18 200(J1)(C1) + 2 520(J2)(C1) = 309 320(after deferred tax has been brought into account) (2) 309 320 – 100 000 – 59 800 = 149 520 or 156 000(C1) – 6 480(J2) = 149 520 (3) 210 000 – 149 520 – 720(J5) = 59 760 or 210 000 – 156 000(C1) + 6 480(J4) – 720(J5) = 59 760 (4) 95 000 – 1 000(J7) + 280(J8) = 94 280 343 Chapter 6 C3 Proof of calculation of goodwill in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 190 000 125 000 315 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (309 320) Goodwill R5 680 C4 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Land (S)(SFP) (125 000 – 80 000) Buildings (S)(SFP) (105 000 – 92 000) Equity investments (S)(SFP) (86 000 – 66 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) ((45 000 × 80% × 28%) + Cr R 45 000 13 000 20 000 18 200 59 200 (13 000 × 28%) + (20 000 × 80% × 28%)) Equity at acquisition Remeasurement of non-current assets of subsidiary at acquisition date J2 Retained earnings (at acquisition) (S)(SCE) (9 000 × 72%(after-tax)) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (9 000 × 28%) Trade receivables (35 000(FV) – 44 000(CA)) Revaluation of trade receivables of subsidiary at acquisition date J3 Share capital (S)(SCE) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (S)(SFP) Main elimination journal entry at acquisition date of S Ltd 6 480 2 520 9 000 100 000 59 800 149 520 5 680 190 000 125 000 J4 Trade receivables Retained earnings (at acquisition) (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (9 000 × 28%) Reversal of trade receivables of subsidiary after acquisition 9 000 J5 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) ((13 000/13) × 72%) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (1 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for 20.17 due to fair value adjustment 720 280 6 480 2 520 1 000 continued 344 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Dr R J6 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (S)(SFP) Allocation of non-controlling interests' portion of retained earnings (beginning of year) 23 904 J7 Depreciation (S)(P/L) (13 000/13) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for 20.18 due to fair value adjustment 1 000 Cr R 23 904 1 000 J8 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (1 000 × 28%) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Income tax on additional deprecation for 20.18 due to fair value adjustment 280 J9 Non-controlling interests (S)(SCI) Non-controlling interests (S)(SFP) Allocation of non-controlling interests' portion of current year's profit ((95 000 – 1 000(J7) + 280(J8)) × 40%) 37 712 280 37 712 6.3 Subsequent sale of property, plant and equipment which had been revalued at acquisition date – Remeasurement not recognised in records of subsidiary l l l l Should the parent at the acquisition date of the subsidiary, for purposes of determining the consideration for the shares, measure the land and buildings of the subsidiary at a higher amount than its carrying amount (and such remeasurement is not recorded in the records of the subsidiary), such remeasurement must be accounted for on a pro forma basis in the annual drafting of the consolidated financial statements, even if such land and buildings are no longer owned by the subsidiary. It also follows that the gain or loss on the sale of the land and buildings will not be the same for the group as for the subsidiary, because the cost price of the asset for the group will differ from the cost price of the asset for the subsidiary. The gain or loss in the hands of the subsidiary is the selling price less the cost price, whilst the gain or loss for the group will be the selling price less the measurement of the asset at the acquisition date (being the date of the business combination). The pro forma measurement of property, plant and equipment at the acquisition date determines the amount of goodwill, and such goodwill is not altered merely because the subsidiary no longer owns the property, plant and equipment. This entails that the pro forma measurement surplus arising from the initial measurement at the acquisition date should annually be brought into account on consolidation even though the subsidiary no longer owns the property, plant and equipment concerned. A remeasurement surplus (equity at acquisition) is thus credited annually (using the acquisition date as the effective date) with the increased amount created by the original remeasurement. The corresponding pro forma debit is dealt with as follows: • The property, plant and equipment concerned will be debited as long as it is owned by the parent. 345 Chapter 6 • The gain on sale of property, plant and equipment is debited in the year in which the property, plant and equipment is sold. • The retained earnings since acquisition of the subsidiary at the beginning of the reporting period concerned is debited in the year which follows on the financial year in which the particular property, plant and equipment was sold. Example 6.4 Subsequent sale of property, plant and equipment, which was remeasured on acquisition P Ltd purchased 80% interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.16 when the latter’s owners’ equity comprised the following: Share capital (110 000 shares) R110 000 Retained earnings R175 000 On the acquisition date, P Ltd measured the land and buildings of S Ltd, with a carrying amount of R250 000, at R350 000. This remeasurement was not recorded in the books of S Ltd. The abridged statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd at 31 December 20.18 are as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 90 000 shares/S Ltd: 110 000 shares) Retained earnings: Balance on 1 January 20.18 Profit for the year Gain on sale of land and buildings Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 113 000 360 000 74 000 562 500 – 87 500 R547 000 R650 000 90 000 110 000 342 000 115 000 – 290 000 100 000 150 000 R547 000 R650 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. During 20.18, S Ltd sold the land and buildings remeasured at acquisition for R400 000. Ignore all deferred tax implications. 346 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.4 The abridged financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be compiled as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (113 000(P) + 562 500(S)) Goodwill Current assets Trade receivables (74 000(P) + 87 500(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings (342 000(P) + 115 000(P) + 212 000(S)) Non-controlling interests Total equity Total equity and liabilities 675 500 52 000 727 500 161 500 R889 000 90 000 669 000 759 000 130 000 889 000 R889 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (1) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests 265 000 R265 000 235 000 30 000 R265 000 (1) 115 000(P) + 100 000(S) + 150 000(S) – 100 000(J2) = 265 000 347 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings 90 000 *434 000 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 524 000 100 000 624 000 – 235 000 235 000 30 000 265 000 R90 000 ^R669 000 R759 000 R130 000 R889 000 * 342 000(P) + 92 000(S) = 434 000 ^ 342 000(P) + 115 000(P) + 212 000(S) = 669 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Equity at acquisition (350 000 – 250 000) P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 110 000 88 000 22 000 Retained earnings 100 000 175 000 80 000 140 000 20 000 35 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 385 000 52 000 308 000 52 000 77 000 – Consideration and NCI 437 000 R360 000 77 000 (Deferred tax ignored) ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (290 000 – 175 000) • Current year: Profit for the year 115 000 92 000 23 000 100 000 150 000 120 000 30 000 (100 000 + (150 000 – 100 000)) R702 000 R212 000 R130 000 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 360 000 77 000 437 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (385 000) Goodwill R52 000 348 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries 31 December 20.18 Dr R J1 Gain on sale of land and buildings (S)(P/L)(C4) Equity at acquisition (S)(OCI) Adjustment of pro forma remeasurement of land and buildings of S Ltd Cr R 100 000 100 000 The journal entry above could also be replaced with the following journal entries: Dr R J1.1 Land and buildings (S)(SFP)(C4) Equity at acquisition (S)(OCI) Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s land and buildings at acquisition date (350 000 – 250 000) 100 000 J1.2 Gain on sale of land and buildings (S)(P/L) Land and buildings (S)(SFP) Sale of land and buildings remeasured at acquisition date 100 000 Cr R 100 000 100 000 31 December 20.19 and all the future years Dr R J2 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE)(C4) Equity at acquisition (S)(OCI) Offsetting of the pro forma remeasurement of S Ltd’s land and buildings. The land and buildings were sold during the period since the acquisition date to the beginning of the current year Cr R 100 000 100 000 The journal entry above could also be replaced with the following journal entries: Dr R J2.1 Land and buildings (S)(SFP)(C4) Equity at acquisition (S)(OCI) Pro forma remeasurement of subsidiary’s land and buildings at acquisition date 100 000 J2.2 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) Land and buildings (S)(SFP) Sale of land and buildings remeasured at date of acquisition. The land and buildings were sold in the period since the acquisition date to the beginning of the current year 100 000 Cr R 100 000 100 000 349 Chapter 6 C4 Proof of the gain on sale of land and buildings for the group P Ltd Selling price Carrying amount Gain per records of S Ltd Pro forma consolidation journal Gain for purposes of the group 400 000 (250 000) Gain on sale of land and buildings per trial balance R– R150 000 (R100 000)(J2) R50 000(1) (1) 400 000(selling price) – 350 000(carrying amount for the group) = 50 000 6.4 Remeasurement at acquisition date of depreciable property, plant and equipment The measurement of income and expenses of the subsidiary is based on the amounts of assets and liabilities recognised in the consolidated financial statements at the acquisition date (IFRS 10.B88). When property, plant and equipment that is subject to depreciation is remeasured, then the depreciation expense recognised in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income after the acquisition date is calculated on the remeasured amount of the related depreciable asset that was recognised in the consolidated financial statements at the acquisition date (IFRS 10.B88). Example 6.5 Remeasurement of plant and detailed journal entries On 1 July 20.14, P Ltd acquired 80% of the issued ordinary shares of S Ltd. At that date, plant of S Ltd, with a cost price of R200 000 and a carrying amount of R120 000, was remeasured at R150 000. At that stage, P Ltd also confirmed the original estimated useful life of the plant as five years. S Ltd depreciates the plant at 20% per year on cost price. S Ltd’s depreciation per year is R200 000 × 20% = R40 000 The expired useful life at 1 July 20.14 is calculated as follows: Cost of plant 200 000 Carrying amount of plant (120 000) Accumulated depreciation R80 000 ∴ Expired useful life = R80 000 ÷ R40 000 = 2 years Since the original estimated useful life was confirmed as five years and the number of years that has expired is two years (as above), the remaining useful life of the plant is three years. The remeasurement was not recorded in the books of S Ltd. As at the remeasurement date the carrying amount of the plant was equal to the tax base thereof. The company tax rate is 28%. 350 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements The plant of the subsidiary was pro forma remeasured upwards on 1 July 20.14 by R30 000(150 000 – 120 000) to R150 000. In the consolidated financial statements, the increased carrying amount must be written off as depreciation on a straight-line basis over the remaining useful life of the plant of three years. It follows that the depreciation on consolidation is increased annually as from 1 July 20.14 by R10 000 (30 000 ÷ 3 years) per year. Assume that P Ltd had no plant and that the plant as above is the only plant that S Ltd had. Solution 6.5 The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries for the year ended 30 June 20.15 are as follows: Dr R J1 J2 J3 Plant (S)(SFP) (150 000 – 120 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at acquisition date 30 000 Depreciation (S)(P/L) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for the current year (30 000/3) 10 000 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (10 000 × 28%) Tax implication of additional depreciation for the current year 2 800 Cr R 8 400 21 600 10 000 2 800 C1 Explanation of depreciation for the group Total depreciation for the plant for 20.15 Remeasurement amount Carrying amount 150 000 (120 000) Remeasurement surplus Additional depreciation per year as a result of the remeasurement valuation (30 000/3 years) R30 000 Cost of plant Depreciation per year in records of S Ltd R200 000 (200 000/5 years) R10 000 R50 000 R40 000 351 Chapter 6 Per trial balance of P Ltd Depreciation – Plant R– Per trial balance of S Ltd Pro forma consolidation journal Depreciation for purposes of the group R40 000(dr) R10 000(dr)(J2) R50 000 Deferred tax @28% C2 Explanation of deferred tax For S Ltd Carrying amount at 1 July 20.14 Depreciation/ Tax allowance – 20.15 (200 000/5) Carrying amount Tax base Temporary differences 120 000 120 000 – – (40 000) (40 000) – – R80 000 R80 000 – – Carrying amount Tax base Temporary differences 120 000 30 000 120 000 – – – 150 000 120 000 30 000 For the group Carrying amount at 1 July 20.14 Remeasurement (150 000 – 120 000) Depreciation/ Tax allowance – 20.15 (150 000/3);(200 000/5) Deferred tax @28% – – 8 400(cr)(J1) (50 000) (40 000) (10 000) (2 800)(dr)(J3) R100 000 R80 000 R20 000 R5 600(cr) The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries for the year ended 30 June 20.16 (the next year) are as follows: Dr R J1 J2 Plant (S)(SFP)(150 000 – 120 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at date of acquisition 30 000 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) 7 200 Cr R 8 400 21 600 (10 000 – 2 800) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (10 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation since acquisition to beginning of current year (30 000/3) 2 800 10 000 continued 352 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Dr R J3 Depreciation (S)(P/L) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for the current year Cr R 10 000 10 000 (30 000/3) J4 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (10 000 × 28%) Tax implications of additional deprecation for the current year 2 800 2 800 The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries for the year ended 30 June 20.17 (the following year) are as follows: Dr R J1 J2 Plant (S)(SFP) (150 000 – 120 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at date of acquisition 30 000 8 400 21 600 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) (10 000 – 2 800 + 10 000 – 2 800) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (20 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation since acquisition to beginning of current year (30 000/3 × 2) J3 Cr R Depreciation (S)(P/L) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for the current year 14 400 5 600 20 000 10 000 10 000 (30 000/3) J4 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L)(10 000 × 28%) Tax implications of additional deprecation for the current year 2 800 2 800 The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries for the year ended 30 June 20.18 and all future years are as follows: Dr R J1 J2 Plant (S)(SFP)(150 000 – 120 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at date of acquisition 30 000 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) (30 000/3 × 3) Additional depreciation since acquisition to beginning of current year 21 600 8 400 Cr R 8 400 21 600 30 000 353 Chapter 6 However, the above two journals may also be replaced by the following journal: Dr R J1 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) (30 000 × (100% – 28%)) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at date of acquisition, now fully depreciated Example 6.6 Cr R 21 600 21 600 Remeasurement of plant and detailed journal entries for subsequent periods Assume the same information as example 6.5 (the previous example) but add the following information: S Ltd sells this plant on 31 December 20.15 for R30 000. Solution 6.6 The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entries for the year ended 30 June 20.16 are as follows: Dr R J1 J2 J3 Plant (S)(SFP) (150 000 – 120 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (30 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Pro forma remeasurement of plant of S Ltd at date of acquisition 30 000 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (10 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation since acquisition to beginning of current year (30 000/3) 7 200 2 800 Depreciation (S)(P/L) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Additional depreciation for the current year 5 000 Cr R 8 400 21 600 10 000 5 000 (30 000/3 × 6/12) J4 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L)(5 000 × 28%) Tax implications of additional depreciation for the current year 1 400 1 400 continued 354 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Dr R J5 Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (8 400 – 2 800 – 1 400) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP)(10 000 + 5 000) Loss on sale of plant (S)(P/L)(45 000 – 30 000) Income tax expense (S)(P/L)(15 000 × 28%) Plant (S)(SFP) Adjustment to consolidated loss upon sale of plant Cr R 4 200 15 000 15 000 4 200 30 000 C1 Calculation of loss on sale of plant in the books of S Ltd and for group purposes Revalued amount Carrying amount 1 July 20.14 Depreciation (200 000/5) 120 000 1 July 20.14 (40 000) Depreciation (150 000/3) 150 000 (50 000) 30 June 20.15 Depreciation (40 000 × 6/12) 80 000 30 June 20.15 (20 000) Depreciation (50 000 × 6/12) 100 000 (25 000) 31 December 20.15 Selling price at 31 December 20.15 60 000 31 December 20.15 Selling price at (30 000) 31 December 20.15 75 000 (30 000) Loss in records of subsidiary R30 000 Loss for group purposes R45 000 C2 Proof of loss on sale of plant for the group Loss per records of S Ltd P Ltd Selling price Carrying amount Loss on sale of plant per trial balance Pro forma consolidation journal Loss for purposes of the group 30 000 (60 000) R– (R30 000) (R15 000)(J5) (R45 000) 6.5 Remeasurement of inventory at acquisition date In this section, the remeasurement of two types of inventory is dealt with, namely: l ordinary trading inventory, which is routinely purchased and sold by the subsidiary; and l remeasurement of property constituting inventory in the hands of the subsidiary, for example, stands held as inventory. Inventory held by a subsidiary must, in accordance with IAS 2 Inventories (.9), be valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. If the FIFO or average cost formula is applied by the subsidiary, the carrying amount of the inventory and the value placed on such inventory by the parent to determine the purchase price of the shares will generally not differ materially. The parent can, however, place a fair value on the inventory of the subsidiary other than the inventory’s carrying amount in the subsidiary’s records. 355 C Cha apte er 6 Ex xam mple e 6.7 R mea Rem asu ureme ent of inv ven nto ory an nd d dettailled d jo ourn nall en ntriies s O On 1 Jan J nua ary 20 0.18 8, P Ltd L purch hassed 80 0% off the issu ued d ordin narry ssha aress of o S Lttd. At th hat da ate,, P Ltd d plac p ced a vallue of R5 5 00 00 les ss tha t n itts ccarryin ng am mou unt on the e in nve ento ory o of S Lttd. Th T is rrem mea asurem men nt was w s not reccord ded d in n th he b boo oks of S Ltd d. The T co omp pan ny tax t ra ate e is 28 8%. So oluttion n 6..7 T The e ne ece essa aryy prro form f ma co onsolid dation n journ nal entrie es ffor the e ye earr en nde ed 31 De ece emb ber 2 20.1 18 are a e ass fo ollowss: Dr R 1 J1 2 J2 Crr R etaiined d earn e ning gs – A At ac cqu uisittion n (S S)(S SCE E) Re De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) (5 000 0 0 × 28% 2 %) C st o Cos of sale s es (S)((P/L L) Prro form f ma rem me easure eme entt off S Ltd d’s inv ven ntory a at ac cqu uisittion n date d e 3 600 6 1 400 4 Inccom me tax x exxpe ense e (S S)(P P/L L) D ferrred taxx (S Def S)(S SFP P) Ta ax imp plic cation of the e prof p fit rea r lisa atio on during the cu urre ent ye ear 1 400 4 5 00 00 1 40 00 Com C mmentt J ccan be J1 e exxpla ained as a fo ollo ows,, ass it is a co omb bina atio on of o th he follo f owin ng two t o pro fo orm ma jo ournals s: A a At acqu uisittion date the follo f owin ng pro p forma jou urna al is perforrmed: Dr D R J1(1) Reta R aine ed e earn ning gs – Be egin nnin ng of o ye ear (S)(SC CE) D erre Defe ed ta ax (S)( ( (SFP) (5 ( 0 000 × 28% 2 %) In nven ntorries (S))(SF FP) R mea Rem asurem men nt off inven ntorry of o subs s sidiiary y att a uis acq sitio on date d e Crr R 3 60 00 1 40 00 5 000 0 Oncce the O t invventories are e so old byy S Ltd d th he followiing pro o fo orm ma jour j rnal wo ould d be b r orde reco ed on o the date d e off sa ale, to acco a oun nt fo or th he re ealiisation of the t pro ofit: Dr R J1(2) Inve ento oriess (S S)(S SFP P) C Cost of ssale es (P)( ( P/L L) R cognitiion of pro Rec ofit rea alisa atio on 5 00 00 Inco ome e taxx ex xpense e (S S)(P//L) D rred Defe d ta ax (S S)(S SFP P) (5 5 00 00 × 28 8%)) T x im Tax mplic catiion of the e rea alis sation of the t pro ofit d ing the dur e cu urre ent yea ar 1 40 00 Crr R 5 000 0 1 400 0 By the en B nd of o the t rep portting g pe eriod the pro o-forma a jo ourn nal (ass sh how wn abo a ve (J1 1)) is p cess proc sed d insstea ad. 3 356 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements The net effect of the pro forma consolidation journal entries is that retained earnings at acquisition date is reduced by R3 600 and the subsidiary’s post-acquisition profit is increased by R3 600 to formalise the view of the parent, namely that the subsidiary in its own records will incur an after-tax loss of R3 600 after 1 January 20.18 in respect of which the subsidiary should already have made provision for, in the year ending 31 December 20.17. The necessary pro forma consolidation journal entry in respect of the year ending 31 December 20.19 and all future years is as follows: Dr R J1 Retained earnings – At acquisition (S) Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S) Pro forma remeasurement of S Ltd’s inventory on acquisition date Example 6.8 Cr R 3 600 3 600 Remeasurement of current asset (property) at acquisition date The following is the abridged statement of financial position of S Ltd as at 31 December 20.17: S LTD STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.17 ASSETS Inventory – Property R50 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (50 000 shares) R50 000 On 1 January 20.18, P Ltd acquired all the issued shares of S Ltd for R450 000. For determining the purchase price, S Ltd’s inventory was valued at R600 000. The company tax rate is 28%. 357 Chapter 6 On 31 December 20.18, the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and S Ltd were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Inventory Loan to P Ltd Trade receivables Investment in S Ltd: 50 000 shares at cost price Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 60 000 shares/S Ltd: 50 000 shares) Retained earnings Loan from S Ltd Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 150 000 30 000 – 19 600 450 000 260 300 20 000 15 000 13 900 – R649 600 R309 200 60 000 574 600 15 000 50 000 259 200 – R649 600 R309 200 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 80 000 (40 000) 480 000 (30 000) Gross profit Other expenses 40 000 (10 000) 450 000 (90 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense 30 000 (8 400) 360 000 (100 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 21 600 259 200 – – R21 600 R259 200 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 358 S Ltd 553 000 – 21 600 259 200 R574 600 R259 200 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements During 20.18, S Ltd made no inventory purchases and sold 60% of the inventory that was on hand at 1 January 20.18. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Solution 6.8 The consolidated financial statements for the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (150 000(P) + 260 300(S)) Goodwill 410 300 4 000 414 300 Current assets Inventory (30 000(P) + 20 000(S) + 550 000(J1) – 330 000(J2)) Trade and other receivables (19 600(P) + 13 900(S)) 270 000 33 500 303 500 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P) Retained earnings Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (154 000(J1) – 92 400(J3)) Total equity and liabilities R717 800 60 000 596 200 656 200 61 600 R717 800 359 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (80 000(P) + 480 000(S)) Cost of sales (40 000(P) + 30 000(S) + 330 000(J2)) 560 000 (400 000) Gross profit Other expenses (10 000(P) + 90 000(S)) 160 000 (100 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (8 400(P) + 100 800(S) – 92 400(J3)) 60 000 (16 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 43 200 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R43 200 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Share capital Retained earnings Total 60 000 553 000 613 000 43 200 43 200 Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 – R60 000 R596 200 R656 200 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total P Ltd 100% At i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings ((600 000 – 50 000) × 72%) 50 000 396 000 50 000 396 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 446 000 4 000 446 000 4 000 Consideration and NCI 450 000 R450 000 ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year (259 200 – 330 000(J2) + 92 400(J3)) 360 Since 21 600 21 600 R471 600 R21 600 djusstm men nts and sun s dry y asspe ectss off grrou up stat s tem men nts Ad C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S Ltd L in terrms s of o IF FRS 3.32 3 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 4 00 450 00 – 4 00 450 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (446 00 00) G Goo odw will R 00 R4 00 C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es Dr R J1 1 J2 2 J3 3 Invven ntorry (S)(SF FP) (6000 000 0 – 50 000) Rettain ned d ea arniingss – At accquiisitiion (S))(SCE E) D ferrred taxx (S Def SFP P) ((550 0 00 00 × 28 8%)) Prro form f ma rem me easure eme entt off S Ltd d’s inv ven ntory a at ac cqu uisittion n date d e 550 000 0 Co ost of ssales (S))(P//L) Inventtory y (S S)(S SFP P) Sa ale of 60% % of o inve enttory y as a rem mea asured d att ac cqu uisittion n date d e (5550 000 0 × 60% %) 330 000 0 De eferrred d ta ax (S)( ( (SF FP) Incom me tax exp pen nse (S)(P P/L) Re eve ersa al of o app a prop pria ate e pa art of defferrred d ta ax crea c ate ed at ac cquisittion n (3330 0000 × 28% %) 92 400 4 Crr R 396 3 6 00 00 1 4 00 154 00 3 0 00 330 00 92 2 40 00 Co omm men nt S Ltd's clos c ing invventtory y ass pe er th he ssep para ate fina f ancial state s eme entss iss R2 20 000 0 0. Howe eve er, forr the e grroup p th he in nventory valu v e iss ba ased d on n th he fa air vvalu ue as a at a the a acqu uisittion datte o of th he bu usine ess s combinattion n. Ass the ere we ere no purrcha asess du urin ng the current re eporrting g pe erio od th he inve ento ory on han nd at a the e en nd of o th he fina f ncia al year y r is the t balanc ce of o th he inve ento ory that t t is unssold d at the e en nd o of th he rep portting g pe eriod d. Th here efore e, th he fair f value of the inve i ento ory at repo r ortin ng d date e sh houlld be: b R2 240 000 0 (R R60 00 000 0 × 40% 4 %(un nsold portion)). Th his is ach a hieved by pro oce essing the e abovve-m men ntion ned prro form f ma con nsolida ation n jo ourn nal en ntrie es as fo ollow ws: R2 20 0 000((S) + 550 5 000 0(J1 1) – 33 30 000( 0 (J2) = R24 R 40 000 0 Im mp pairm me entt off goo g odw will 6 6.6 Sig S gnific can nce e off goo g odw will G Goo odw will is de efin ned d in n IFR I RS 3 Ap ppe end dix A ass “an “ asse et rep presen ntin ng the e ffutu ure e econom micc bene efitts aris a sing g frrom m othe o er ass a sets s acq a quired in a busin ness com c mbinattion n th hat a are no ot in ndivvidu ually ide i ntiffied d and se eparate ely y re ecog gnised d”. Th his imp plie es tha t at th he acq quirer 361 3 Chapter 6 made a payment in the anticipation of earning future economic benefits from assets that are not individually identified at the time of the acquisition. IAS 38 Intangible Assets prescribes the accounting treatment for identifiable intangible assets acquired in a business combination. An intangible asset is defined as an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance (IFRS 3 Appendix A). Goodwill acquired in a business combination is carried at the amount that was recognised at the acquisition date of the acquiree less any accumulated impairment losses and is disclosed under “Non-current assets" in the consolidated statement of financial position. 6.7 Impairment losses After initial recognition, goodwill acquired in a business combination is tested annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset might be impaired, in accordance with the requirements of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. IAS 36 prescribes the accounting treatment for impairment losses. An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset or cash generating unit (CGU) exceeds its recoverable amount (IAS 36.6). A CGU represents the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets (i.e. the subsidiary can be considered to be the CGU). The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use. In terms of IAS 36.6 the value in use is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or CGU and the fair value less costs of disposal is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, less the costs of disposal. When establishing whether a CGU is impaired or not, the basis of calculating the carrying amount of the CGU must be the same as the basis for calculating the recoverable amount (i.e. the same items must be included). If, after determining the recoverable amount of the subsidiary (CGU), it is found to be lower than the carrying amount of the subsidiary, an impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss reduces the carrying amount of the assets of the CGU but is first allocated to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill of the CGU (IAS 36.104(a)). Goodwill will be reflected at cost less accumulated impairment losses in the consolidated statement of financial position. The impairment losses recognised in respect of impaired goodwill are never reinstated (i.e. reversed). This is to avoid recognising internally generated goodwill which is prohibited by IAS 38. 6.8 Impairment losses and non-controlling interests In terms of IFRS 3.32 there are two measurement options for determining the noncontrolling interests at acquisition of an acquiree. When the goodwill amount attributable to a business combination is determined at acquisition it will vary depending on the measurement option applied at acquisition. Consider the following two scenarios: l When P Ltd has elected to measure the non-controlling interests at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the total goodwill that is attributed to a subsidiary will only comprise that attributable 362 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements to the parent (amount contributed by the non-controlling interests is Rnil as it is not measured at fair value). l When P Ltd has elected to measure the non-controlling interests at its fair value at the acquisition date, the total goodwill is attributable to the subsidiary and will comprise the portion attributable to the parent as well as the portion attributable to the non-controlling interests. The annual goodwill impairment test involves comparing the entire recoverable amount of the CGU (Subsidiary) with the entire carrying amount of the CGU (Subsidiary). This is not a problem when goodwill is measured at fair value but when the goodwill is measured at the non-controlling interests' proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the recoverable amount of the subsidiary will include goodwill attributable to both the parent and the non-controlling interests. In contrast, the goodwill recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position includes only the portion of goodwill allocated to the parent. This implies that the carrying amount of the subsidiary would need to be restated to include the unrecognised non-controlling interests' portion of goodwill. Please refer to the following illustrative example: Example 6.9 Impairment of goodwill – Difference between non-controlling interests measured at proportionate share of identifiable net assets and non-controlling interests measured at fair value The following information is available: P Ltd acquires an 80% interest in subsidiary S Ltd. Acquisition date of subsidiary Consideration paid Fair value of total identifiable net assets Fair value of non-controlling interests on 1/1/20.18 Recoverable amount for S Ltd on 31/12/20.18 1/1/20.18 R140 000 R150 000 R40 000 R162 500 Solution 6.9 (a) Non-controlling interests measured at their proportionate share of identifiable net assets Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Identifiable net assets Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI Goodwill impairment P Ltd 80% At 150 000 20 000 120 000 20 000 170 000 (10 000) 140 000 R160 000 Goodwill impairment Since NCI 30 000 – (10 000) 30 000 – R10 000 R30 000 (10 000) R10 000 363 Chapter 6 The impairment loss is calculated as follows: Carrying amount 175 000 Identifiable net assets Goodwill (Attributable to parent) Notional goodwill attributable to non-controlling interests 150 000 20 000 5 000 [25 000(20 000/80%) – 20 000] Recoverable amount (162 500) R12 500 The impairment loss will be allocated between the parent and the non-controlling interests in the profit-sharing ratio. i.e. 12 500 × 80% = R10 000 If the impairment loss attributable to the non-controlling interests relates to goodwill that is not recognised in the consolidated financial statements, then such impairment is not recognised as an impairment loss. In such cases, only the impairment loss relating to the goodwill that is allocated to the parent is recognised as a goodwill impairment loss (IAS 36 Appendix C8). Since the non-controlling interests is measured at the proportionate share of identifiable net assets at acquisition date, then R2 500 (12 500 × 20%) of the impairment loss will not be recognised in the consolidated financial statements. Therefore, goodwill will be disclosed in the consolidated statement of financial position as: 20 000 – 10 000 = R10 000 Dr R J1 J2 364 Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 150 000 20 000 Impairment loss (P)(P/L)(12 500 × 80%) Accumulated impairment losses for goodwill (P)(SFP) Impairment of goodwill as at year end 10 000 Cr R 140 000 30 000 10 000 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements (b) Non-controlling interests measured at fair value Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Net identifiable assets Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI 150 000 Consideration and NCI Goodwill impairment P Ltd 80% At 120 000 NCI 30 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 180 000 (17 500) 140 000 (14 000) 40 000 (3 500) (R14 000) R36 500 R162 500 Goodwill impairment Since (14 000) R6 000 The impairment loss is calculated as follows: Carrying amount 180 000 Net identifiable assets Goodwill (Attributable to parent and NCI) 150 000 30 000 Recoverable amount (162 500) R17 500 Therefore, the impairment loss that will be accounted for in the consolidated financial statements is R17 500. Goodwill will be disclosed in the consolidated statement of financial position as: 30 000 – 17 500 = R12 500 The impairment loss will be allocated between the parent and the non-controlling interests in the profit-sharing ratio. Parent: 17 500 × 80% = R14 000 Non-controlling interests: 17 500 × 20% = R3 500 Dr R J1 J2 J3 Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 150 000 30 000 Impairment loss (P)(P/L) Accumulated impairment losses for goodwill (P)(SFP) Impairment of goodwill as at year end 17 500 Non-controlling interests (SFP) (17 500 × 20%) Non-controlling interests (SCI) Recording of non-controlling interests in impairment loss at year end 3 500 Cr R 140 000 40 000 17 500 3 500 365 Chapter 6 Example 6.10 Impairment of goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at proportionate share of identifiable net assets The abridged statements of financial position of the two companies on 30 June 20.18 were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd: 100 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade payables Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 850 000 160 000 48 000 240 000 – 57 000 R1 058 000 R297 000 200 000 826 000 32 000 100 000 184 800 12 200 R1 058 000 R297 000 STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 800 000 (400 000) 480 000 (300 000) Gross profit Other expenses 400 000 (100 000) 180 000 (90 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense 300 000 (84 000) 90 000 (25 200) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 216 000 64 800 – R216 000 – R64 800 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 30 June 20.18 366 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd 610 000 120 000 216 000 64 800 R826 000 R184 800 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired 80 000 shares in S Ltd on 1 July 20.16 for R160 000 when the equity of S Ltd consisted of the following: Share capital (100 000 shares) 100 000 85 000 Retained earnings R185 000 2 3 4 5 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. The carrying amount of the subsidiary at 30 June 20.18 exceeded the recoverable amount of the subsidiary by R10 100. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. Solution 6.10 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 30 June 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (850 000(P) + 240 000(S)) Goodwill (12 000 – 8 080) 1 090 000 3 920 1 093 920 Current assets Trade receivables (48 000(P) + 57 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Current liabilities Trade payables (32 000(P) + 12 200(S)) Total equity and liabilities 105 000 R1 198 920 200 000 897 760 1 097 760 56 960 1 154 720 44 200 R1 198 920 367 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Revenue (800 000(P) + 480 000(S)) Cost of sales (400 000(P) + 300 000(S)) 1 280 000 (700 000) Gross profit Other expenses (100 000(P) + 90 000(S) + 8 080) 580 000 (198 080) Profit before tax Income tax expense (84 000(P) + 25 200(S)) 381 920 (109 200) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 272 720 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests R272 720 259 760 12 960 R272 720 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 30 June 20.18 λ # Retained earnings Total 200 000 λ638 000 838 000 44 000 882 000 – 259 760 259 760 12 960 272 720 R200 000 #R897 760 R1 097 760 610 000(P) + 28 000(S) = 638 000 826 000(P) + 71 760 = 897 760 368 Noncontrolling interests Share capital Total equity R56 960 R1 154 720 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 80% Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings At Since NCI 100 000 85 000 80 000 68 000 20 000 17 000 185 000 148 000 37 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 12 000 12 000 – Consideration and NCI 197 000 R160 000 37 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (120 000 – 85 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Goodwill impairment (1) 35 000 28 000 7 000 44 000 64 800 (8 080) 51 840 (8 080) 12 960 – R288 720 R71 760 R56 960 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 160 000 37 000 197 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (185 000) Goodwill R12 000 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Main elimination journal entry at acquisition date of S Ltd 100 000 85 000 12 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year Non-controlling interests Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings at beginning of year 7 000 Cr R 160 000 37 000 7 000 continued 369 C Cha apte er 6 Dr R 3 J3 J4 4 on-ccon ntro ollin ng in nte eressts (SC CI) No N n-cconttrolling Non g in nterrestts (S SFP) Re eco ogn nitio on of non-c con ntro ollin ng intere ests s in n cu urrrentt ye ear’’s p profit 12 960 9 Im mpairm mentt loss (P//L)(10 1000 × 80% 8 %) ((refe er to o Comment) A cum Acc mulate ed im mpairm ment losssess for go ood dwill (S SFP P) Im mpa airm men nt of o goo g odw will as at 30 Ju une e 20 0.18 8 8 080 0 Crr R 2 96 60 12 8 08 80 Com C mme ent Iff the e su ubsidia ary is re egarde ed as a a cassh gen g nera ating g un nit and a goo odw will a aros se bec b ausse o of th he b nes busi ss com c mbin natio on, the en the e ca ash ge enerratin ng unit, i.e. the e su ubsidia ary, should d be b te este ed for f impairm men nt att lea ast ann nua ally. T ttestt whet To w therr an ny imp pairrment has s ta aken plac p ce, the e re ecovvera able e amo a ountt off th he s sidia subs ary mu ust be b ccom mpared to the carryin ng amo a oun nt off the e su ubsidia ary and a d if the t carrryin ng a ountt exxcee amo eds the e recovvera able e am mount, then th here e is an imp pairrme ent loss l s. The carrryin ng a ountt wiill in amo nclu ude e the id den ntifia able e ne et asse a ets of the e su ubsidia ary and d th he unid u den ntifie ed a ets that asse t t are no ot reco ogniised d se eparate ely (i.e. ( go oodw will)). Iff th he pare p ent has e elected to me eassure e the nonn -con ntro olling in nterrestts (in ( the t ca ase of a p ially parti y ow wne ed subs s sidia ary)) att the eir p prop porttion nate e sh hare e of the e accquiree e’s iden i ntifia able e ne et a ets at the asse t acq quissition date, then the go oodw will reccogn nise ed in n th he ccons solid date ed fina f ancial s eme state entss will w be b a attributtablle to o th he parrent an nd tthe goo odw will attrributable to t the non nc trolling inte cont eresst w will not n havve been b n re ecog gnissed. F the For ere to be a ffair com mpa arison bettween the e re ecov vera able e am mou unt and d th he carrryin ng a ountt, the carrying am amo mount of the e subs s sidia ary sh houlld also a o in nclu ude th he goo g odw will a buta attrib able e to o the n non--con ntro olling g in nterestss. To T ach a hieve e th his the go oodw will attrribu utab ble to t th he p parent is gro g sse ed up u to o ca alcu ulate th he tota t al go oodwill forr the e su ubssidia ary and d this figurre to oge ethe er with w the e ca arry ying g am mou unt of the e su ubsidiary’s s ne et asse a ets willl be e eq qua al to o th he n ona notio ally adjuste ed carrryin ng amo a oun nt of th he sub s sidiiary y wh hich h ca an be com mpa ared d to o th he re eco overrable amount to dete erm mine e the e im mpa airment losss. T goo The odw will imp i pairm men nt in n J4 4 wa as ccalculatted as follows s: Impairme ent losss given n (to o be e allloca ated d to goo odw will) (difffere ence e be etween n ca arrying am moun nt and a reccove erab ble amo a oun nt) R10 100 0 Ass S Ltd d is a cas c h gene g eratting un nit the losss sh hou uld be allo ocatted in the pro ofit--sha aring ra atio o be etwe een the e pa aren nt and a the e no on-c conttrollling g inttere ests and only o y th he porrtion n attrib a buta able e to o th he parent is s re ecognissed d. The T impairme ent losss tha at re elattes to th he non n-co ontro ollin ng inte eresst is not reccognise ed as the go oodw will rela atin ng to o th he non n -co ontro ollin ng in nterrestts was w no ot re ecog gnissed in tthe con nsollida ated fina anccial stattem mentts (1 10 100 1 0×8 80% %). R 0 R8 080 0 Iff the e to otal imp pairrme ent losss exxcee eds the e no otionallly a adjusted d ca arryying g am mou unt of o good g dwill, th hen n th he exc e cesss w will be allo ocated to the othe o er a assets in the e ccash h gene eratting un nit (ssub bsidiaryy) on a pro o rata basi b is (b bassed on the carrryin ng amo a oun nts of o th he asse a ets)). 3 370 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Example 6.11 Impairment of goodwill – Non-controlling interests measured at fair value The abridged statements of financial position of P Ltd and S Ltd on 30 June 20.18 are as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 200 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade payables Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 520 000 421 000 12 000 400 000 – 105 000 R953 000 R505 000 100 000 758 800 94 200 200 000 291 400 13 600 R953 000 R505 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Gross profit Other income Other expenses 480 000 20 000 (65 000) 315 000 – (70 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense 435 000 (116 200) 245 000 (68 600) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 318 800 176 400 – – R318 800 R176 400 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 371 Chapter 6 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividends paid Balance at 30 June 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 490 000 140 000 318 800 (50 000) 176 400 (25 000) R758 800 R291 400 Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired 160 000 shares in S Ltd on 1 July 20.16 when the equity of S Ltd consisted of the following: Share capital (200 000 shares) 200 000 Retained earnings 102 000 R302 000 2 3 4 5 On the acquisition date, P Ltd remeasured land of S Ltd, with a carrying amount of R250 000, at R500 000. This remeasurement was not recognised in the records of S Ltd. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their fair value of R108 000 at the acquisition date. The carrying amount of the subsidiary at 30 June 20.18 exceeded the recoverable amount of the subsidiary by R10 100. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. 372 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.11 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group at 30 June 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (520 000(P) + 400 000(S) + 250 000(J3)) Goodwill (33 000 – 10 100) 1 170 000 22 900 1 192 900 Current assets Trade receivables (12 000(P) + 105 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (J3) Current liabilities Trade payables (94 200(P) + 13 600(S)) Total liabilities 117 000 R1 309 900 100 000 902 240 1 002 240 143 860 1 146 100 56 000 107 800 163 800 Total equity and liabilities R1 309 900 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Gross profit (480 000(P) + 315 000(S)) Other expenses (65 000(P) + 70 000(S) + 10 100(J6)) 795 000 (145 100) Profit before tax Income tax expense (116 200(P) + 68 600(S)) 649 900 (184 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 465 100 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (465 100 – 33 260) Non-controlling interests (35 280(J6) – 2 020(J9)) – R465 100 431 840 33 260 R465 100 373 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividends paid Share capital Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 100 000 λ520 400 620 400 @115 600 736 000 – 431 840 (50 000) 431 840 (50 000) &33 260 @(5 000) 465 100 (55 000) Balance at 30 June 20.18 R100 000 #R902 240 R1 002 240 R143 860 R1 146 100 λ 490 000(P) + 30 400(S) = 520 400 # 758 800 + 143 440 = 902 240 & 35 280(C1) – 2 020(C1) = 33 260 @ C1 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/7/20.16) Share capital Equity at acquisition (1)(J1) Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 200 000 194 000 102 000 160 000 155 200 81 600 40 000 38 800 20 400 496 000 396 800 99 200 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI 33 000 24 200 8 800 Consideration and NCI 529 000 R421 000 108 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (140 000 – 102 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividends paid Impairment of goodwill (1) (500 000 – 250 000) × 77,6% = 194 000 374 38 000 30 400 7 600 115 600 176 400 (25 000) (10 100) 141 120 (20 000) (8 080) 35 280 (5 000) (2 020) R708 300 R143 440 R143 860 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 421 000 108 000 529 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (496 000) Goodwill R33 000 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 Land (S)(SFP) (500 000 – 250 000) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (250 000 × 80% × 28%) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Remeasurement of land of subsidiary at acquisition date 250 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 200 000 194 000 102 000 33 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recording of non-controlling interests in retained earnings at beginning of year 7 600 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recording of non-controlling interests in current year’s profit for the year 35 280 Dividends received (P)(P/L) (25 000 × 80%) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend at year end 20 000 5 000 Impairment loss (P/L) Accumulated impairment losses for goodwill (SFP) Impairment of goodwill as at 30 June 20.18 10 100 Non-controlling interests (SFP) Non-controlling interests (P/L) Recording of non-controlling interests in impairment of goodwill as at 30 June 20.18 2 020 Cr R 56 000 194 000 421 000 108 000 7 600 35 280 25 000 10 100 2 020 375 Chapter 6 Losses of a subsidiary 6.9 Accumulated losses of subsidiary at acquisition date An accumulated loss at the acquisition date of the controlling interest in a subsidiary forms a negative element in the owners’ interest of the subsidiary at this date. If a subsidiary has an accumulated loss, it does not necessarily mean that the subsidiary is insolvent (refer to section 6.13) as the share capital and other components of equity can exceed the accumulated loss. The existence of such an unfavourable balance would certainly have influenced the price paid for the shares, and the goodwill or gain on bargain purchase which would have been determined by considering such an unfavourable balance, would thus be realistic. Example 6.12 Accumulated losses of a subsidiary at acquisition date The following are the condensed statements of changes in equity of P Ltd and its subsidiary, S Ltd, for the year ended 31 December 20.18: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 200 000 (50 000) 100 000 80 000 R300 000 R30 000 P Ltd purchased 80% of the issued shares of S Ltd on 1 January 20.14, for R80 000. At 1 January 20.14 the owners’ interest of S Ltd was as follows: Share capital (300 000 shares) R300 000 Accumulated loss (R200 000) At that date the owners’ interest of P Ltd was as follows: Share capital (100 000 shares) R100 000 Retained earnings R50 000 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 376 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.12 The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and the consolidated statement of changes in equity of the P Ltd Group will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (100 000(P) + 80 000(S)) 180 000 Other comprehensive income for the year – R180 000 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (180 000 – 16 000) Non-controlling interests 164 000 16 000 R180 000 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 31 December 20.18 # Retained earnings 100 000 # 320 000 – 164 000 Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 420 000 50 000 470 000 164 000 16 000 180 000 R100 000 R484 000 R584 000 R66 000 R650 000 200 000(P) + 120 000(S) = 320 000 377 Chapter 6 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.14) Share capital Accumulated loss P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 300 000 240 000 (200 000) (160 000) 60 000 (40 000) Purchase difference 100 000 – 80 000 – 20 000 – Consideration and NCI 100 000 R80 000 20 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (–50 000 – (–200 000)) • Current year: Profit for the year 150 000 120 000 30 000 50 000 80 000 R330 000 64 000 16 000 R184 000 R66 000 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 80 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 20 000 100 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Purchase difference (100 000) R– 6.10 Post-acquisition losses of subsidiaries If a subsidiary incurs losses subsequent to the parent’s acquisition of the subsidiary, the loss will be allocated to the parent and to the non-controlling interests in their proportionate shareholdings. The consolidation process is not affected by the subsidiary incurring losses. The parent’s proportionate share in the subsidiary’s accumulated loss will decrease the retained earnings of the group and the noncontrolling interests’ proportionate share will decrease the non-controlling interests’ balance in the statement of changes in equity (a debit to the non-controlling interests). Fair value is defined by IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value at the reporting date would be determined as the best price that could be obtained by the seller (Parent) in a hypothetical sale. The fair value measurement assumes that the transaction to sell the asset takes place in the principal market for the asset or in the absence of a principal market in the most advantageous market for the asset (IFRS 13.16). IAS 36 determines that an entity should assess whether there is any indication that an asset could be impaired at each reporting date. If any such indication exists, the entity 378 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements should estimate the recoverable amount of the asset (IAS 36.9). The investment in the subsidiary is an asset in the parent’s separate financial statements and therefore the principles of IAS 36.9 also apply to such an investment in the subsidiary. The parent should therefore assess if there is any indication that the asset (investment in subsidiary) could be impaired at each reporting date. These indications are fully explained in IAS 36.10, but IAS 36.11 points out that the list is not exhaustive. An entity can also identify other signs that the asset could be impaired, and this would also require the determination of the recoverable amount. The authors believe the postacquisition losses of the subsidiary (as identified in the analysis of the owners’ interest of the subsidiary) could be such a sign. Thus, if the subsidiary has post-acquisition losses, the recoverable amount of the subsidiary should be determined according to the requirements of IAS 36. An impairment loss should be recognised in P Ltd’s separate financial statements if the carrying amount of the investment in the subsidiary exceeds the recoverable amount of the investment in the subsidiary. The impairment loss should, however, be reversed for the preparing of the consolidated financial statements of the group. Example 6.13 Accumulated losses of a subsidiary since acquisition date The following is the condensed statement of changes in equity of S Ltd for the year ended 31 December 20.17: EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Retained earnings 150 000 Balance at 1 January 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.17 Total comprehensive income for the year: Loss for 20.17 (200 000) Balance at 31 December 20.17 (R50 000) P Ltd purchased 90% of the issued shares of S Ltd for R396 000 on 1 January 20.16. At that date, S Ltd’s owners’ equity was as follows: Share capital (300 000 shares) R300 000 Retained earnings R140 000 The investment is reflected in the separate financial statements of P Ltd as follows: Statement of financial position Non-current assets Investment in S Ltd at cost price less impairment losses R20 000 The impairment loss was recognised in the current year. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 379 Chapter 6 Solution 6.13 The analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd and pro forma consolidation journal entries will be prepared as follows: Calculations C1 Analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (2/1/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 300 000 140 000 270 000 126 000 30 000 14 000 Purchase difference 440 000 – 396 000 – 44 000 – Consideration and NCI 440 000 R396 000 44 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (150 000 – 140 000) • Current year: Loss for the year 10 000 9 000 1 000 45 000 (200 000) R250 000 (180 000) (20 000) (R171 000) R25 000 C2 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 396 000 44 000 440 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (440 000) Purchase difference R– C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) (396 000 – 20 000) Impairment loss in respect of subsidiary (P)(P/L) Reversal of impairment loss on investment in S Ltd for current year 376 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity at acquisition of S Ltd 300 000 140 000 Cr R 376 000 396 000 44 000 continued 380 Ad djusstm men nts and sun s dry y asspe ectss off grrou up stat s tem men nts Dr R J3 3 J4 4 Re etaiined d earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of year (SC ( CE)) N n-cconttrolling Non g in nterrestts (S SFP) Alloc catiion n off no on-c con ntro olliing g intterestts in reta r aine ed arniing gs at a beg b ginn ning of o yea y r off S Ltd d ea 1 000 0 No on-ccon ntro ollin ng in nte eressts (SF FP) N n-cconttrolling Non g in nterrestts (P/L L) Alloc catiion n off no on-c con ntro olliing g intterestts in the los sse es he y yea ar of o S Lttd for th 20 000 0 Crr R 1 00 00 20 0 00 00 Co omm men nt a An impairrme ent loss l s sh hall be recogn nise ed im mmedia atelly in n prrofit or losss (IA AS 36.60). b If the carrryin ng amo a ount off the e in nvesstment in S Ltd L is, as in this t casse, R2 20 000 0 and d th he orig gina al cons c side eratiion paiid fo or th he iinve estm men nt was w R396 000 0 0, th hen the e am mou unt that t t ha as bee en writ w tten off (re ecog gnissed in prof p fit or loss) as an imp pairment lo osss, is R3 376 000 0. 6 6.11 1 As sse ess sed d los ss of o a sub s bsiidia ary y at a acq a quisittion dat d te W Whe en a par p rent acqu uire es a ccon ntro ollin ng inte eres st in a subssidiaryy th hat is inc currring g lo ossses s, it m mus st obv o viou uslyy have e a ve eryy go ood d re easson n fo or ta aking su uch a ste ep. Th he posssib bilitty e exis sts th hat the inte eresst in i the t su ubssidia aryy in ncurrin ng lossess has h be een n accqu uire ed witth the t inccom me ta ax possitio on as the e main m n cons c sidera atio on. A defe d erre ed taxx ass a et arisin ng from f m the e p pote ential be ene efit of an n in nco ome e ta ax losss ca arry fo orw ward d (ass ( sessse ed losss) shall be e re eco ogn nise ed at the e a acq quissitio on datte of the e bus b sine ess ccom mbin nation n to o the exte e ent tha at iti iss prrob bab ble tha t at th he tem t mpo ora ary difffere enc ce will w l re everse e in th he forrese eea able futu ure an nd ttha at fu uture taxxab ble pro ofit willl be b ava a ailable e ag gainstt whic w ch the t u unused d ta ax los l ses s ca an be e ussed d (IA AS 12 2.44 4). T The e pa arent will ac cco ording gly be pre epa are ed tto pay p y more m e fo or the t e sh harres tha an the e net ass set vvalu uess ba ase ed o on the t e ca arryying g amo oun nts. T The e po ote entia al b ben neffit of o the t e ac cqu uire ee’ss in nco ome e ta ax losss car c rry forrwa ards s may m y not n ha ave ssatis sfie ed the t e re ecognition crite c eria a at th he acq a quis sitio on da ate of the e businesss com mb bina atio on but b th he beneffit may m y be b sub s bseque enttly rea alise ed (IA AS 12.68 8). D Defferrred d ta ax b ben nefits tha t at re ealise a after th he accqu uisittion n date d e o of the t bu usin nesss comb bina atio on, bu ut with w hin the me measure eme ent p period, th hat re esulted d from m a add ditio ona al info orm mation ab bou ut fac f ts and ccirc cum mstanccess th hat e exis sted d att th he a acq quissitio on datte, will be e acco a oun nted fo or as a folllow ws: l a deb bit to tthe e de eferred ta ax asssett an nd a cred c dit to t the t ca arryying g am mo ount off an ny goo odw will ed to ttha at acq a uisitio on; or relate l if the t e ca arryying g amo a oun nt o of goo g dw will is zzero o, any a y re ema aining g de eferred tax beneffitss sh hall be e re eco ognise ed in n prof p fit o or lo osss (IA AS 12 2.68 8(a a)). Com C mm mentt S 10 03(2 2) of o the t Inccom me Tax T x Acct 5 58 of o 1962 1 2 plac p es a liimitt on n th he utilis u sation of suc ch a ess ass sed lossess. 381 3 Chapter 6 Example 6.14 Income tax loss (assessed loss) of a subsidiary at acquisition date The following are the condensed trial balances of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the year ended 31 December 20.18: Debits Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd – at cost price Current assets Income tax expense Credits Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares and S Ltd: 80 000 shares) Retained earnings – 1 January 20.18 Profit before tax Current liabilities P Ltd R S Ltd R 352 000 10 000 44 000 40 600 446 600 120 000 – 23 600 8 400 152 000 100 000 160 000 145 000 41 600 446 600 80 000 38 000 30 000 4 000 152 000 P Ltd purchased 75% of the issued shares of S Ltd for R10 000 on 1 January 20.16. At that date, S Ltd’s owners’ equity was as follows: Share capital (80 000 shares) R80 000 Accumulated loss (/assessed tax loss) R220 000 At the acquisition date of S Ltd, the identified assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities were fairly valued except for a deferred tax asset that was not recognised for the carry forward of unused tax losses. Before the business combination, S Ltd was unsure of sufficient future taxable income against which the assessed tax loss could be used and correctly did not recognise a deferred tax asset (refer to IAS 12.34) in its individual statements. As a result of the synergy from being part of a group of companies, it became probable (as at the date of the business combination) that future taxable profit would be available against which the unused tax losses could be used (refer to IAS 12.66). S Ltd then correctly recognised a deferred tax asset of R61 600 (R220 000 × 28%) in its individual financial statements in the period after the business combination, and subsequently fully used the assessed tax loss against taxable income (profit) since 1 January 20.16 and before the current year (i.e., S Ltd was indeed profitable after the date of the business combination). 382 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.14 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (352 000(P) + 120 000(S)) Goodwill 472 000 68 800 Current assets (44 000(P) + 23 600(S)) 540 800 67 600 Total assets R608 400 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 100 000 427 900 Non-controlling interests 527 900 34 900 Total equity 562 800 Current liabilities (41 600(P) + 4 000(S)) 45 600 Total equity and liabilities R608 400 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (145 000(P) + 30 000(S)) Income tax expense (40 600(P) + 8 400(S)) 175 000 (49 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 126 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (126 000 – 5 400) Non-controlling interests – R126 000 120 600 5 400 R126 000 383 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Retained earnings 100 000 # 307 300 – Balance at 31 December 20.18 R100 000 # 120 600 Total Noncontrolling interests 407 300 29 500 436 800 5 400 126 000 120 600 R427 900 R527 900 Total equity R34 900 R562 800 160 000(P) + 147 300(S) = 307 300 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Accumulated loss Deferred tax asset recognised P Ltd 75% At Since NCI 80 000 60 000 (220 000) (165 000) 61 600 46 200 20 000 (55 000) 15 400 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent (78 400) 68 800 (58 800) 68 800 (19 600) – Consideration and NCI (9 600) R10 000 (19 600) (220 000 × 28%)(J1) ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings 196 400 147 300 49 100 (38 000 – (–220 000) – 61 600 (J3)) • Current year: Profit for the year (30 000 – 8 400) 29 500 21 600 R208 400 16 200 5 400 R163 500 R34 900 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 10 000 (19 600) (9 600) Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (–(–78 400)) Goodwill 384 78 400 R68 800 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Deferred tax asset (S)(SFP) (220 000 × 28%) Equity at acquisition (deferred tax expense) Recognition of deferred tax asset at acquisition date 61 600 Share capital (S)(SCE) Accumulated loss (S)(SCE) Equity at acquisition (J1) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date 80 000 Cr R 61 600 220 000 61 600 10 000 68 800 19 600 Accumulated loss/Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Deferred tax asset (S)(SFP) Reversal of entry done by subsidiary for deferred tax also recognised within the group at the time of the business combination 61 600 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recording of non-controlling interests in retained earnings at beginning of year 49 100 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recording of non-controlling interests in current year’s profit for the year 5 400 61 600 49 100 5 400 Insolvent subsidiaries 6.12 The legal liability of the shareholders of an insolvent subsidiary In terms of Section 4(1) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 a company will be considered to be solvent and liquid if at a particular time, considering all reasonably foreseeable financial circumstances of the company at that time: l the fairly valued assets of the company equal or exceed the liabilities of the company as fairly valued; and l it appears that the company will be able to pay its debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business for a period of 12 months after the date on which the liquidity test is performed. A subsidiary is insolvent when the accumulated deficit (unfavourable balance on the retained earnings in the statement of changes in equity) exceeds the total equity interest; under these circumstances, such equity will normally consist of only the total issued share capital. In other words, the total liabilities of the subsidiary exceed the total assets. A company is technically insolvent when its liabilities exceed its assets (i.e. the entity has a negative net asset value). Technical insolvency may be an indicator of serious 385 Chapter 6 problems that may lead to actual insolvency, or it may be perfectly acceptable as it is possible to be technically insolvent, while still being able to repay debt. It is also possible that the entity may be technically solvent but unable to repay its debt. The reason for this is because technical insolvency is based only on the statement of financial position and ignores the impact of cash flows. In addition, the carrying amounts of the entity’s assets as reflected in the statement of financial position may be less than the fair values thereof. Commercial insolvency means the inability of the entity to pay debts as and when they become due in the ordinary course of business. A company with a share capital is a legal persona because of its incorporation in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (effective date 1 May 2011). As a result, the shareholders are not legally liable for the debts of the company. From this follows, in principle, that no shareholder or group of shareholders should lose more than the cost price of the shares they hold in a specific company should that company become insolvent. The unsecured creditors will thus have to bear any losses over and above the total shareholders’ interest. Under certain circumstances it is, however, possible that some or all the shareholders of an insolvent subsidiary will be held responsible for a part of the deficit, over and above the total shareholders’ interest. These circumstances are as follows: l where a shareholder (usually the parent) has guaranteed the liabilities or a certain liability of the insolvent subsidiary; or l where a shareholder (usually the parent) that is also a creditor subordinates its claim as creditor until such time that the subsidiary becomes solvent again. 6.13 Accounting for an insolvent subsidiary Where a parent has an insolvent subsidiary, various situations can be discerned, each of which must be treated differently in the annual financial statements: (a) The parent may decide to abandon the subsidiary. (b) The parent as well as the non-controlling interests guarantees the obligations to third parties of the subsidiary in relation to their respective shareholding. (c) The parent alone guarantees the liabilities of the insolvent subsidiary. (d) The parent subordinates its claim until such time as the subsidiary regains its solvency. (e) Loans to subsidiaries (usually by the parent) are converted to share capital. Each of the above situations will be accounted for as follows in the appropriate annual financial statements: Situation Financial statements of parent Consolidated financial statements Financial statements of subsidiary (a) The investment in the subsidiary is written off. Provision is made for any further losses which may arise from loans granted or guarantees issued. The subsidiary is consolidated with disclosure in terms of IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. Financial statements of the subsidiary are prepared on a liquidation basis. continued 386 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Situation Financial statements of parent Consolidated financial statements Financial statements of subsidiary (b) The investment in the subsidiary is written off. Provision is made for any further losses which may arise from loans granted or guarantees issued. The subsidiary is consolidated. Total liabilities and assets of the subsidiary are taken up in the consolidated financial statements on a going-concern basis. Non-controlling interests are shown as a deficit balance. The subsidiary is now technically solvent. Financial statements are prepared on a goingconcern basis with explicit reference to the guarantees provided. (c) The investment in the subsidiary is written off. Provision is made for any further losses which may arise from loans granted or guarantees issued The subsidiary is consolidated. Total liabilities and assets of subsidiary are taken up in the consolidated financial statements on a going-concern basis. Non-controlling interests are allocated its share of the losses and shown as a deficit balance. The subsidiary is now technically solvent. Financial statements are prepared on a goingconcern basis with explicit reference to the guarantees provided by the parent. (d) The investment in the subsidiary is written off. Provision is made for any further losses which may arise from loans granted. Additional disclosure is required with respect to the subordination agreement. The subsidiary is consolidated. Total liabilities and assets of subsidiary are taken up in the consolidated financial statements on a goingconcern basis. Non-controlling interests are allocated its share of the losses and shown as a deficit balance. The subsidiary is now technically solvent. Financial statements are drawn up on a goingconcern basis with explicit reference to the subordination agreement. (e) The loan to the subsidiary is converted to shares in the subsidiary. The increased investment is then written off. The amount thus written off will correspond with the total amount the parent will have to write off under (d) above. The subsidiary is consolidated. Remaining liabilities and assets of the subsidiary are taken into the consolidated financial statements on a going-concern basis. The proportional shareholding of the non-controlling interests is reduced (diluted). The subsidiary is now solvent. Financial statements are prepared on a going-concern basis. A closer look at situations (b) to (e) reveals that the specific steps taken in each case were only to help prevent liquidation of the subsidiary by creditors and the noncontrolling shareholders. The adverse effect that the existence of the insolvent subsidiary has on the financial statements of the parent, as well as on the consolidated financial statements, can only be eliminated by: l managing the subsidiary to profitability; l obtaining further capital, especially from the non-controlling shareholders. 387 Chapter 6 Acquisition of an insolvent subsidiary 6.14 Basic consolidation procedures When a parent acquires shares (especially a controlling interest) in an already insolvent company, it must obviously have a very good reason for taking such a step. It may be that the parent believes the unfavourable affairs of the subsidiary are only temporary and that the subsidiary, with the co-operation of the group, can be converted into a profitable entity. A further possibility is that the interest in an insolvent subsidiary, which has at its disposal an assessed loss, is acquired with the income tax advantage as a consideration. In such circumstances, it is logical to accept that the parent will have to provide the unsecured creditors with some or other form of security to prevent them from applying for the liquidation of the company. Non-controlling shareholders will normally not provide such guarantees. Although this may be the case, in terms of IFRS 10.B94 Consolidated Financial Statements however, as the accumulated losses of a subsidiary are attributed to the owners of the parent and to the non-controlling interests, even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance. The reasoning behind this treatment is that, even though the non-controlling interests are not compelled to cover the deficit (unless they have otherwise specifically agreed to do so), the fact is that the non-controlling interests meet the Framework’s definition of equity. Paragraph 49(c) of the Framework states that equity is the residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all its liabilities. Since the non-controlling interests in a subsidiary meet the definition of equity and thus participates proportionately in the risks and rewards of the investment in the subsidiary, any negative total comprehensive income will be attributed to them even if it results in a deficit balance (IFRS 10.B94). Where interests are acquired in an already-insolvent subsidiary, the difference between the consideration paid for the interest and the underlying net asset value must be examined to determine whether the difference can be attributed to a specific asset (which is possibly undervalued in the records of the subsidiary). This is the same treatment as in the case of a solvent subsidiary. If not, the difference (as with a solvent subsidiary) will be allocated to goodwill or a gain on bargain purchase. A gain on bargain purchase is taken to profit or loss if there is no uncertainty about the fair values of the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired by the parent. It has already been stated that the parent possibly acquired the interest in an already insolvent subsidiary with the income tax advantage of an assessed loss. All post-acquisition profits of an insolvent subsidiary will usually be treated as distributable profits in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. These profits are legally distributable. If the parent has already provided in its own records for its share of the losses of the subsidiary, care must be taken that these same losses are not included again on consolidation. The correct procedure would be to reverse the actual entries already made by the parent by means of a pro forma consolidation journal entry before the actual losses of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements. The following example illustrates the consolidation of the financial statements of a simple group in the case where the parent acquired shares in an already insolvent subsidiary. 388 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Example 6.15 Consolidation where shares are acquired in an insolvent subsidiary The following are the condensed financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the financial year ended 31 December 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd – 16 000 shares at cost price less impairment losses (Cost price – R10 000) Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 50 000 shares/S Ltd: 20 000 shares) Retained earnings Accumulated loss Long-term liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 300 000 112 000 – 94 000 – 9 000 R394 000 R121 000 50 000 257 000 – 55 000 32 000 20 000 – (25 000) 92 000 34 000 R394 000 R121 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 6 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR S Ltd 2 000 – – R6 000 R2 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 254 000 (27 000) 6 000 (3 000) R257 000 2 000 – (R25 000) P Ltd acquired an 80% interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.17, on which date the accumulated loss of the latter amounted to R28 000. 389 Chapter 6 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. Goodwill was considered to be totally impaired at the end of the reporting period in which the subsidiary was acquired. Solution 6.15 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (300 000(P) + 112 000(S)) Current assets Trade receivables (94 000(P) + 9 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 412 000 103 000 R515 000 50 000 253 000 Non-controlling interests 303 000 (1 000) Total equity 302 000 Non-current liabilities Long-term liabilities (55 000(P) + 92 000(S)) Current liabilities Trade and other payables (32 000(P) + 34 000(S)) Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 147 000 66 000 213 000 R515 000 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (6 000(P) + 2 000(S)) Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (8 000 – 400) Non-controlling interests 8 000 – R8 000 7 600 400 R8 000 390 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Total equity 298 400 (1 400) 297 000 7 600 (3 000) 400 – 8 000 (3 000) Retained earnings Total 50 000 #248 400 – – 7 600 (3 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R50 000 # Noncontrolling interests Share capital R253 000 R303 000 (R1 000) R302 000 254 000(P) + 800(S) + 10 000(write back of impairment loss) – 16 400(goodwill) = 248 400 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Accumulated loss P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 20 000 (28 000) 16 000 (22 400) 4 000 (5 600) Equity represented by goodwill – Parent (8 000) 16 400 (6 400) 16 400 (1 600) – Consideration and NCI 8 400 R10 000 (1 600) ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (–27 000 – (–28 000)) 1 000 800 200 (1 400) • Current year: Profit for the year Impairment of goodwill: • To beginning of current year 2 000 1 600 400 R11 400 2 400 (R1 000) (16 400) (16 400) R– (R14 000) 391 C Cha apte er 6 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S Ltd L in terrms s of o IF FRS 3.32 3 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 10 00 00 00) (1 60 00 8 40 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (R Reffer to com mm men nt) 8 00 00 G Goo odw will R 40 R16 00 Co omment Th he iiden ntifia able e lia abilities s assu ume ed a at acqu a uisittion n arre grea g ater tha an tthe assetss acqu uired d, wh hich h re esultts in n a ne egattive nett asssett sittuattion. Th he iimp plica ation ns of o th he abo ove callculatio on arre th hat the e ne et lia abillities s are add a ded to the t sum of o th he con c nside eration n tra ansfferrred and d th he am mou unt of o nonn -con ntro olling in ntere estss (e e.g. –(– –8 000) 0 )). C C3 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R J1 1 2 J2 3 J3 4 J4 J5 5 3 392 Crr R Invvesstmentt in S Ltd L (P P)(S SFP P) Imp pairrme ent losss reve r ersed at acq a quissitio on dat d te (P/L L) Re eve ersa al of o imp pairrme ent los ss 10 000 0 Sh hare e capital (S))(SC CE E) A cum Acc mulate ed lo osss (S S)(S SCE E) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Go ood dwilll (S SFP P) No on-con ntro ollin ng inte eressts (SF FP)) Elimiina atio on of o own o nerrs’ equ e uity y off S Ltd d at a acqu uis sitio on da ate 2 20 000 0 Re etaiined earn e ning gs – B Beginning g of ye ear (S)(SC CE)) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ording g off no on--contrrolling g in nterrests in i reta r ained ea arniing gs at a beg b ginn ning of o yea y r 200 2 No on-con ntro ollin ng inte eressts (P//L) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ording g off no on--contrrolling g in nterrests in i cur c rren nt ye ear’’s p pro ofit forr the y year 400 4 Im mpairm ment off go ood dwill (P P/L)) Goodw will (SFP) Re eco ording g off go ood dwiill imp pairrme entt 10 0 00 00 28 8 00 00 10 0 00 00 16 400 4 1 600 6 20 00 40 00 16 400 4 16 6 40 00 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Insolvency of a subsidiary after acquisition 6.15 Basic consolidation procedures If a subsidiary becomes insolvent after the acquisition date of the controlling interest by a parent, the treatment of the insolvent subsidiary on consolidation of the financial statements of the group would be dictated by the actual circumstances applicable in each case. The parent may decide to abandon the insolvent subsidiary in the sense that it does not provide any active financial support, either by way of guarantee of the debts of such subsidiary or otherwise, to prevent the possible liquidation of the subsidiary. In such a case, the financial statements of S Ltd will be prepared on a liquidation basis. The fair value of the assets and liabilities will reflect their liquidation values. Disclosure is done in terms of IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. The subsidiary will, however, still be consolidated, probably in terms of the limited-lineitem consolidation as determined by IFRS 5. The basic calculations remain like those applied in example 6.16. However, should the parent believe the reversal in the affairs of the subsidiary is only temporary, or decide on any other grounds to provide such support as may be necessary to prevent the liquidation of the subsidiary, the use of liquidation values in the preparation of financial statements is not justifiable. As a result, the going-concern approach must be applied in the preparation of the subsidiary’s financial statements, as well as the consolidated financial statements. The following example illustrates the consolidation of the financial statements of a simple group, where the subsidiary became insolvent after the acquisition date of the controlling interest by the parent. Example 6.16 Consolidation of a subsidiary that becomes insolvent after acquisition date The following are the condensed financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 16 000 shares at cost price less impairment losses Loan to S Ltd Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 50 000 shares/S Ltd: 20 000 shares) Retained earnings/(Accumulated loss) Long-term liabilities Trade and other payables Loan from P Ltd Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 609 200 184 000 – 132 000 63 300 – – 55 000 R804 500 R239 000 50 000 492 500 230 000 32 000 – 20 000 (133 000) 92 000 128 000 132 000 R804 500 R239 000 393 Chapter 6 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 326 000 15 000 – – R326 000 R15 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR S Ltd EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 241 500 (148 000) 326 000 (75 000) 15 000 – R492 500 (R133 000) P Ltd acquired an 80% interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.17 for R64 000, when the retained earnings of the latter amounted to R45 000. In terms of an agreement, P Ltd subordinated the loan to S Ltd to rank below the claims of the other creditors. At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their fair value of R17 000 on 1 January 20.17, the acquisition date. 394 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Solution 6.16 The condensed financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (609 200(P) + 184 000(S)) Goodwill 793 200 16 000 809 200 Current assets Trade receivables (63 300(P) + 55 000(S)) Total assets 118 300 R927 500 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 50 000 414 100 Non-controlling interests 464 100 (18 600) Total equity 445 500 Non-current liabilities Long-term liabilities (230 000(P) + 92 000(S)) 322 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (32 000(P) + 128 000(S)) 160 000 Total liabilities 482 000 Total equity and liabilities R927 500 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (326 000(P) + 15 000(S)) Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (341 000 – 3 000) Non-controlling interests 341 000 – R341 000 338 000 3 000 R341 000 395 Chapter 6 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 # Share capital Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 50 000 #151 100 201 100 (21 600) 179 500 338 000 (75 000) 338 000 (75 000) 3 000 – 341 000 (75 000) R50 000 R414 100 R464 100 (R18 600) R445 500 241 500(P) – 154 400(S) + 64 000(write back of impairment loss) = 151 100 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 80% At Since NCI 20 000 45 000 16 000 36 000 4 000 9 000 65 000 52 000 13 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI 16 000 12 000 4 000 Consideration and NCI 81 000 R64 000 17 000 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (–148 000 – (+45 000) (193 000) (154 400) (38 600) (21 600) • Current year: Profit for the year 15 000 (R97 000) 12 000 3 000 (R142 400) (R18 600) C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 64 000 17 000 81 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (65 000) Goodwill R16 000 396 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Impairment loss reversed at acquisition (P/L) Reversal of impairment loss 64 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date 20 000 45 000 16 000 Non-controlling interests (SFP) Accumulated loss – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Recording of non-controlling interests in accumulated loss at beginning of year 38 600 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recording of non-controlling interests in current year’s profit for the year 3 000 Cr R 64 000 64 000 17 000 38 600 3 000 Preference shares 6.16 Characteristics Preference shares can only exist when another class of shares, generally ordinary shares, exists, in comparison to which the preference shares enjoy certain preferential rights. These preferential rights can be summarised as follows: (a) Preferential rights in respect of dividends For the purposes of the following discussion, this is probably the most important right attached to preference shares. This right is normally expressed as a percentage of the value of the share, for example 9% preference shares with an issued value of R400 000 would receive a dividend of R36 000 (9% × R400 000). Where a subsidiary has issued preference shares, these shares have a preferential claim to the profit of the company, whilst the balance is attributable to the ordinary owners (shareholders). As in the case of ordinary shares, preference owners cannot legally lay claim to their share of the profit before a preference dividend has been declared. If the preference shares are cumulative (see (c) below), ordinary owners may not receive a dividend in the current reporting period unless a preference dividend is declared. The preference shares can, for the purposes of allocation of profit, be regarded as a debt that bears “interest”, of which the obligation to pay accrues on a time basis. If this approach is followed, no problems should be experienced with the treatment of preference dividends on consolidation. 397 Chapter 6 (b) Preferential rights in respect of repayment of capital Unless an express provision exists in the articles of the company to the effect that preference shares also enjoy preference to repayment of capital on liquidation, they share pro rata in such repayment with the ordinary shares. (c) Classification with regard to dividends Preference shares can be classified as follows with regard to dividends: l Non-cumulative These shareholders are not entitled to the payment of arrear dividends. l Cumulative If no dividend is declared in a specific reporting period(s), a cumulative preferential right exists that on the first dividend declaration in a subsequent year the arrear and current preference dividends must first be declared before a dividend may be declared to any other class of shares. Even if no formal dividend is declared to the preference shareholders, a dividend will accrue and become payable based on the terms of the preference shares. Cumulative preferential rights to dividends are normally expressly prescribed and expressed in the designation of the shares, for example 8% cumulative preference shares. Where it is not expressly stipulated, it is assumed that preference shares are cumulative. For the sake of brevity, reference is made in this publication only to preference shares, which by implication refers to cumulative preference shares. (d) Participating and non-participating The participation of preference shares in the sharing of profit is normally restricted to the fixed percentage dividend to which they are entitled. Participating preference shareholders are, however, entitled to such fixed percentage dividend, as well as a share of the remaining portion of the distributable profits, if available. (e) Voting rights A final characteristic of preference shares to which we wish to draw attention in this text is that they normally do not carry a vote, except while the preference dividend or a redemption instalment (see below) is in arrears and remains unpaid, and where any resolution is proposed at a shareholders’ meeting which directly affects the rights attached to the preference shares or the interests of the preference shareholders (also refer example 1.8 of chapter 1). Several types of preference shares also exist, such as convertible preference shares (i.e. shares which give the holder the right, subject to certain stated conditions, to convert the shares into other shares of the company – usually ordinary shares) and redeemable preference shares (i.e. preference shares which may be redeemed out of profits or out of the proceeds of a new issue of shares). The fact that preference shares may be redeemable raises the question of whether such preference shares may be regarded as owner’s equity. 6.17 Liability versus equity Per IAS 32.15 an issuer of a financial instrument should, on initial recognition, classify the instrument as a financial liability or an equity instrument in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement and the definitions of a financial liability and an equity instrument. 398 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Although the classification of preference shares could become very complicated in practice, a brief discussion, starting with the definitions of relevant concepts in IAS 32.11, is essential before the related consolidation procedures can be discussed, A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. A financial liability is any liability that is a contractual obligation: l to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; or l to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the entity; or l a contract that will be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is: • a non-derivative, for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity’s own equity instruments; or • a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed amount of the entity’s own equity instruments. For this purpose, the entity’s own equity instruments do not include instruments that are themselves contracts for the future receipt or delivery of the entity’s own equity instruments. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting the liabilities. When the definition of a financial liability is analysed, it becomes clear that the essence of the classification depends on whether the issuer of the instrument has a contractual obligation: l to deliver cash or another financial instrument to the holder of the instrument; or l to exchange financial assets and liabilities with other entities under conditions that would be potentially unfavourable to the issuer. Furthermore, it is important to determine whether the issuer has an unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial asset to settle an obligation, i.e.: l if an entity does not have an unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial asset to settle a contractual obligation, the obligation meets the definition of a financial liability (IAS 32.19); therefore l if an entity does have an unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial asset to settle a contractual obligation, the obligation meets the definition of an equity instrument. Various permutations of preference shares may be found in practice, depending on their “redeemability”, i.e. redeemable, non-redeemable and redeemable at the option of either the issuer or the holder. The same applies to the payment of dividends, which could be discretionary or compulsory. The purpose of this discussion is not to classify financial instruments. Therefore, to simplify the classification of preference shares for this work, it is assumed that preference shares that provide for the mandatory redemption by the issuer for a fixed (or determinable) amount at a fixed (or determinable) future date, and that the payment of dividends is compulsory (thus cumulative) are not classified as preference shares. A financial instrument that falls into this category is classified as a financial liability and is accounted for in terms of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Presentation. Such investments in preferences shares are not consolidated. Furthermore, if the preference share is classified as a financial liability, the related dividends are regarded as interest and thus classified as an expense in 399 C Cha apte er 6 p proffit or o lo osss. S Such h divid d den ndss there eforre also a o ha ave e no o effe e ct on o the e co onssolid dattion n prroce ess s. In n all a oth o er insstan nce es pre p eferrence sh hare es are e assu a um med to o be e non n -re edeem mab ble and are a th herrefo ore re egarde ed as eq quitty insttrum mentss fo or the t pu urpose es of thiis w worrk. Fu urth herm mo ore, ssuch h an a inv i esttme ent in the ep preffere encce sha s ares of o a su ubssidiiaryy iss re ega arde ed as be eing g part o of th he net in nve estm men nt in i the t su ubssidia aryy ass a wholle, becau use e of th he e equ uityy na ature o of the t p preffere ence sha s ares s. In nve estm men nts in pre eferrence share es are a co onso olid date ed in term t ms of IFR RS 10 in n th he sam s me ma anner as a ord dina ary sha are es. Com C mm mentt T s vie This ew is subs s stan ntiated by the e de efinition n of non-co ontrolliing inte eressts in IF FRS S 10 0, w whic ch d erm dete mine es th hat “no on-c conttrollling inttere ests is the e eq quity y in n a sub bsid diary y no ot attri a buttable e, d ectly dire y or ind direcctly, to a pare p ent” (IF FRS 10 App pendix A). C Cons solida atiion n pro p oce edu ure es whe w ere e th he ca apita al of o the t e sub s bsidiiarry in nc clud de es pre efe ere ence e sh ha ares 6 6.18 8 Th he trea t atm ment of prrefe ere enc ce sha s are es and the t eir pro ofitt-s sha arin ng pre efe ere ential rig ghtt whe en pre p epa aring g co onso olid date ed fin nan ncial sttate em men nts s W Whe en dra awiing up p co onssolidatted d fin nan ncia al sstattem men nts, sp pec cificc attten ntio on mus m st be b givven to th he rightss atttacche ed to t pre p ferenc ce sha are es. If the t sh hare e ccapital of a sub bsid dia ary con nsissts of m morre tha t n one o e classs of sharres s, th he tota t al o own nerr’s equ uityy mus m st be b allo a ocatted d be etw wee en the t d diffe eren nt clas c sse es of o cap c pita al in n ac cco orda ancce w with h th he parrticcula ar riights atta a ach hed d to o ea ach h. The T p purp posse of o suc s ch allo a ocattion n iss to o: l ide enttify the e equiity of the t e su ubssidia aryy atttrib buta able to o th he tota al inve estme ent of the e pa are ent; an nd l de eterrmiine the e to otal in nterrestt off the non n n-co ontrolling g in nterrestts (wh ( here e app a lica able e). A At acq a quissitio on da ate,, th he accquirer sha s all m measu ure e th he no on-ccon ntro ollin ng intere estss in n the t a acquire ee (thatt are a e pres p sen nt ow wne ersh hip in nteressts and entittle th heirr hold h derrs to a p prop porrtion natte sha are e of o the t e entit e ty’ss net n as sse ets in th he evven nt of o liqu uidatio on)) a at the t p prop porrtion natte ssha are of the e en ntity y’s ide enttifia able e ne et ass a setss or att fa air valu v ue (IFRS S 3..19 9). Iff th he non-ccon ntro ollin ng inte ere ests s in n th he accquiree e are a e no ot entitle ed on n liq quidattion n o of the t a acquire ee to a p pro oportio ona ate sha are e off th he a acq quirree e’s nett as sse ets the en the e non--co ontrrolliing in nteressts sha all be me eassure ed at the t eir acq a quissitio on--datte fair f r va alue es (IF ( RS S 3.19)). Iff th he non n n-co onttrolling g in nteressts incclud de pre eferren nce sh hare es the en the em mea asurem men nt o of the t p preffere encce sha s are ca apita al will w be e de etermine ed as a follo f ows: l the acq a quirree ha as isssued pre p ferencce share es and d the prrefe eren nce e sha s ress give e th heir ho olde ers a right to t a pref p fere enttial divvide end d in n priorrityy to the pay p yme ent of an ny div d ide end to the e hold h ders of o ordi o narry sha s aress and a d the pref p fere encce sha are eholde ers are e onlyy en ntitlled to re ece eive e a repa aym ment of th he no omin nal valu ue of the pre eferren nce sharre up pon liq quid datiion of the e acqu a uire ee. In this situ s uatiion, th he acq quirerr meassurres the pref p fere enc ce sha are es a at the t ir acq a quissitio onate fair va alue, da l the acq a quirree ha as isssued pre p ferencce share es and d the prrefe eren nce e sha s ress give e th heir olde ers a right to t a pref p fere enttial divvide end d in n priorrityy to the pay p yme ent of an ny div d ide end ho to the hold h derrs of o ord o dina ary sh hare es and the t prrefe eren nce e shareh hold ders are a en ntitlled to 4 400 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements receive a proportionate share of the net assets available for distribution upon liquidation of the acquiree. In this situation, the acquirer measures the preference shares at their acquisition-date fair value or at their proportionate share in the acquiree’s recognised identifiable net assets. This will be in accordance with the method elected by the parent for the measuring of the non-controlling interests at acquisition date. In the analysis of the owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the portion attributable to the preference owners must be allocated first. The remaining balance is then attributable to the ordinary owners. Example 6.17 Issued preference shares of acquiree with limited preference on liquidation of the acquiree The issued share capital of S Ltd is as follows: 500 000 Ordinary shares R500 000 20 000 Preference shares (classified as equity) R30 000 The preference shareholders have the following preferential rights: l their dividend payment has priority over that of the ordinary shareholders; and l will receive the return of their investment upon liquidation of the acquiree. P Ltd acquired all the ordinary shares of S Ltd on 1 January 20.18. The acquisition gives P Ltd control of S Ltd. P Ltd did not acquire any of the preference shares. The acquisition-date fair value of the preference shares is R40 000. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. Solution 6.17 The non-controlling interests that relate to S Ltd’s preference shares do not qualify for the measurement choice in IFRS 3.19 because their holders are not entitled to a proportionate share of the entity’s net assets in the event of liquidation. Therefore, the preference share capital must be measured at the acquisition-date fair value of R40 000. Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Equity represented by goodwill – NCI Consideration and NCI P Ltd 0% At Since NCI 30 000 10 000 – – 30 000 10 000 R40 000 R– R40 000 401 Chapter 6 Example 6.18 Issued preference shares of acquiree with preference on liquidation of the acquiree The issued share capital of S Ltd is as follows: 500 000 Ordinary shares R500 000 20 000 Preference shares (classified as equity) R30 000 The preference shareholders have the following preferential rights: l their dividend payment has priority over that of the ordinary shareholders; and l will receive a proportionate share of the net assets available for distribution upon liquidation of the acquiree. P Ltd acquired all the ordinary shares of S Ltd on 1 January 20.18. The acquisition gives P Ltd control of S Ltd. P Ltd did not acquire any of the preference shares. The acquisition-date fair value of the preference shares is R40 000. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. Solution 6.18 The non-controlling interests that relate to S Ltd’s preference shares qualify for the measurement choice in IFRS 3.19 because they entitle their holders to a proportionate share of the entity’s net assets in the event of liquidation. Therefore, P Ltd can choose to measure the preference shares at their acquisition-date fair value of R40 000 or at their proportionate share in the acquiree’s recognised amounts of the identifiable net assets of R50 000. In this solution assume that P Ltd has elected to measure non-controlling interests at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Equity represented by goodwill Consideration and NCI P Ltd 0% At Since NCI 30 000 – – – 30 000 – R30 000 R– R30 000 A study of the previous section of this work will have highlighted the following points which deserve attention when consolidating the preference share capital: l Is the preference share capital classified as equity or as a liability? l Does the parent hold all the preference shares or is there a non-controlling interest component? l What are the rights attached to the preference shares? l Are any of the dividends payable to the preference shareholders in arrears? l What is the elected method for measuring the non-controlling interests at acquisition date? 402 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements After taking into consideration the abovementioned pointers apply the relevant consolidation procedures. Example 6.19 All preference shares are held by non-controlling interests and preference shares have limited rights on liquidation The following information relates to the ordinary and preference share capital of S Ltd: STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Gross profit Other income (including dividend received) 200 100 72 900 140 000 20 000 Profit before tax Income tax expense 273 000 (71 960) 160 000 (44 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 201 040 115 200 – – R201 040 R115 200 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired 32 000 ordinary shares in S Ltd on 1 March 20.15 for R102 000 when the equity of S Ltd consisted of the following: Share capital: Ordinary (40 000 shares) 40 000 Share capital: 10% Preference (10 000 shares) 10 000 Retained earnings 80 000 R130 000 2 3 4 At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. The preference shareholders have a prior right to their dividend payment and will receive the return of their investment upon liquidation of the acquiree. All preference dividends have been paid up to and including 28 February 20.18. The fair value of the preference shares at acquisition date is R12 000. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 403 C Cha apte er 6 So oluttion n 6..19 T The e good dwill or ga ain fro om a ba arga ain purc cha ase att acqu uisiition will w l be calc c culate ed as fo ollo owss: C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysiis o of the t e ow wners s’ equ e uity y off S Ltd P Ltd L 80% % O Ord dinary y sh harres T al Tota NC CI Att i At acquisittion n (1 1/3//20.15 5) e ca apittal Share Re etain ned d ea arning gs 40 000 80 000 32 00 00 64 00 00 8 00 00 16 6 00 00 120 000 0 6 000 0 96 00 00 6 00 00 24 4 00 00 – R126 000 0 R102 00 00 R 4 00 R24 00 epre ese ente ed by b goo odw will – Pare P entt Equityy re Co onsiideratiion and NCI N S Since C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S Ltd L in terrms s of o IF FRS 3.32 3 2: C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 102 1 2 00 00 24 4 00 00 1 6 00 126 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (1 120 0 00 00) G Goo odw will R6 6 00 00 Com C mm mentt a T The e an naly ysis s of the e ow wne ers’ eq quitty of o S Ltd d is expan nded d to o incclud de the t ana alyssis of o tthe prefere ence ow wne ers’ equityy. b S Sinc ce the t non-co ontrrolling inte eressts tha at re elate e to o S Ltd d’s pre efere enc ce shar s res do o no ot q qua alify y for th he m mea asurrem mentt ch hoice in n IF FRS S 3.19 beccausse theyy do not n enti e itle the eir h hold derss to a prop p porttion nate e sh hare e of the e en ntityy’s n net asssetss in the e ev ventt off liquida atio on tthe prefere ence sh hare ca apittal mus m st be e meas m sure ed a at th he acq a uisition n-da ate fair vallue.. C C3 An naly ysis o of pre p ferren nce ow wne ers s’ equ e uity y off S Ltd d P Pre eferren nce sh hare es S Sha are ca apita al E Equ uityy atttrib buta able e to o go ood dwill – NC CI C Con nsid derratio on and d NCI N 4 404 To otal P Ltd L 0% % A At S nce Sin NC CI 10 000 0 2 000 0 10 0 00 00 2 00 00 R12 000 0 R 2 00 R12 00 Ad djusstm men nts and sun s dry y asspe ectss off grrou up stat s tem men nts C C4 Pro ooff off ca alc cula atio on of go ood dwill of o p preferrence sh hare es of S Ltd L d in n te erm ms of o IFR RS 3.3 32:: C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) – A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 12 00 12 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (10 00 00) G Goo odw will R 00 R2 00 Com C mm mentt T e co The onssolid date ed amoun nts can b be obttain ned eittherr by b sett s ting offf th he pro o fo orm ma c soliidattion journal entr con e riess ag gain nst the e co omb bine ed amoun nts of the e pa arent and a d th he s bsidiiaryy (in sub n a wo orks sheet), or byy mere m ely add a ding g ce ertain amo a oun nts in resp r pecct off th he s bsidiiaryy to tha sub at off the e pa aren nt. 6 6.19 9 Th he cal c lcu ulattion of o no on-c con ntrrollling g inte ere ests in the t e prof p fit of the cur c rre ent rep portin ng pe erio od d off a su ubs sid diarry with prrefe ere enc ce sh harre cap c pita al W Whe ere e a su ubssidia aryy has isssue ed pre eferen nce e sh harres, th hes se pre eferen nce sh harres ha ave e a p preffere ential cla aim m to o th he pro p ofit of the e sub s sid diary for tha at rep r orting g pe erio od. Th his rig ght is, h how wevver, lim mite ed to a pre p detterm min ned d am mo ount per yea ar, na ame ely the ea amo oun nt of o the fix xed p preffere encce div d ide end. The T inttere estt off th he o ord dina ary ow wne ers in the e prof p fit of o the su ubsidia ary fo or the e currentt re epo ortin ng pe erio od is thu t us a afte er the e prof p fit attr a ribu utab ble to o th he pre eferren nce sshareh hold derrs (i.e e. pre eferen nce e divi d den nd)) has h s bee b en ac cco ountted d ffor, assu a um ming g the t p preffere encce sha s ares are a cumu ulattive e (a as disc d cus sse ed in 6.17 6 7(c c)). An n im mpo orta ant aspecct w which m mus st con c nseq que enttly be b kept in min m nd is tha t at whe w en the t no on-con ntro ollin ng intere estss hold d bo oth p preffere encce and a d ordi o inary sha are es, the e non n -co ontrrolling g in nterrestts in i the t e prrofit fo or the t e ye ear in nclu ude es the t e follow win ng: l the pro p o ra ata po ortion off th he pre eferren nce diivid den nd ffor th he cur c rren nt rep portting g p periiod atttrib buta able e to th he prefe eren nce e sha s areholldin ng off th he no on--co ontrrolling in nteres sts, irrresp pecctivve of wh heth herr such h pre p ferenc ce divvide end d is pai p d or o decla ared d, or ev ven wh herre no prrovvisio on ha as bee en made e for f a pre efe eren nce e divid d den nd in the fina f anc cial sta ate eme entss of o th he sub s bsid diary; and l the pro p ra ata share e attrib buttable to the e ordin narry sha s areholldin ng of the e non--co ontrrolliing inttere ests in the cu urre ent profitt fo or the reportin ng per p riod d whic w ch rem mainss affterr th he full f prrefe eren nce e divid den nd for f the e re epo ortin ng perriod d ha as been takken n in nto acc cou unt.. 405 4 Chapter 6 Example 6.20 All preference shares are held by non-controlling interests and there are no accrued or outstanding dividends The following represents the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd on 28 February 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 350 000 102 000 17 040 266 200 – 35 000 R469 040 R301 200 100 000 40 000 20 000 10 000 Retained earnings Trade and other payables 340 040 9 000 219 200 32 000 Total equity and liabilities R469 040 R301 200 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd: 32 000 ordinary shares at cost price Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital: Ordinary shares (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 40 000 shares) Share capital: 10% preference shares (P Ltd: 20 000//S Ltd: 10 000 shares) STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Gross profit Other income (including dividend received) 200 100 72 900 140 000 20 000 Profit before tax Income tax expense 273 000 (71 960) 160 000 (44 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 201 040 115 200 – – R201 040 R115 200 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 406 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements EXTRACTS FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 March 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid: Ordinary (31 January 20.18) Dividend paid: Preference (31 January 20.18) Balance at 28 February 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 164 000 125 000 201 040 (25 000) – 115 200 (20 000) (1 000) R340 040 R219 200 Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired 32 000 ordinary shares in S Ltd on 1 March 20.15 for R102 000 when the equity of S Ltd consisted of the following: Share capital: Ordinary (40 000 shares) 40 000 Share capital: 10% preference (10 000 shares) 10 000 Retained earnings 80 000 R130 000 2 3 4 At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. The preference shareholders have a prior right to their dividend payment and will receive the return of their investment upon liquidation of the acquiree. All preference dividends have been paid up to and including 28 February 20.18. The fair value of the preference shares at acquisition date is R12 000. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 407 Chapter 6 Solution 6.20 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group are prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (350 000(P) + 266 200(S)) Goodwill (6 000(ordinary) + 2 000(preference)) 616 200 8 000 624 200 Current assets Trade receivables (17 040(P) + 35 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (Ordinary) Share capital (Preference) Retained earnings 52 040 R676 240 100 000 20 000 451 400 Non-controlling interests (51 840(ordinary) + 12 000(preference)) 571 400 63 840 Total equity 635 240 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (9 000(P) + 32 000(S)) Total equity and liabilities 41 000 R676 240 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 Gross profit (200 100(P) + 140 000(S)) Other income (72 900(P) + 20 000(S) – 16 000(dividend received)) 340 100 76 900 Profit before tax Income tax expense (71 960(P) + 44 800(S)) 417 000 (116 760) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 300 240 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (300 240 – 23 840) Non-controlling interests (23 040(C1) + 1 000(C2) – 200(C1)) – R300 240 276 400 23 840 R300 240 408 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.18 Balance at 1 March 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 28 February 20.18 Share Share capital – Retained capital – earnings PreOrdinary ference 100 000 20 000 * 200 000 – – R100 000 – – 276 400 (25 000) Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 320 000 @ 45 000 365 000 276 400 (25 000) 23 840 & (5 000) 300 240 (30 000) R20 000 R451 400 R571 400 #R63 840 R635 240 * 164 000(P) + 36 000(S) = 200 000 @ 33 000(C1) + 12 000(C2) = 45 000 # 51 840(C1) + 12 000(C2) = 63 840 & 4 000(C1) + 1 000(C2) = 5 000 Calculations C1 Analysis of the owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 80% Ordinary shares Total NCI At i At acquisition (1/3/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (125 000 – 80 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Income attributable to preference shareholders Dividends paid Since 40 000 80 000 32 000 64 000 8 000 16 000 120 000 96 000 24 000 6 000 6 000 – 126 000 R102 000 24 000 45 000 36 000 9 000 115 200 92 160 33 000 23 040 (1 000) (20 000) (800) (16 000) (200) (4 000) R265 200 R111 360 R51 840 409 Chapter 6 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 102 000 24 000 126 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (120 000) Goodwill R6 000 C2 Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 0% Preference shares Total NCI At Since Share capital Equity attributable to goodwill – NCI 10 000 10 000 2 000 2 000 Consideration and NCI Income attributable to preference shareholders Dividends paid 12 000 12 000 1 000 (1 000) 1 000 (1 000) R12 000 R12 000 C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 Share capital (Ordinary) (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of ordinary owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date 40 000 80 000 6 000 Share capital (Preference) (P)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd at acquisition date 10 000 2 000 Non-controlling interests (SVE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in since acquisition retained earnings 9 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) (23 040 – 200 + 1 000) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in current year’s profit for the year 23 840 Cr R 102 000 24 000 12 000 9 000 23 840 continued 410 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Dr R J5 J6 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Ordinary dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup ordinary dividend and recording of non-controlling interests in dividend 16 000 4 000 Non-controlling interests (SFP) Preference dividend paid (S)(SCE) Recording of non-controlling interests in preference dividend 1 000 Example 6.21 Cr R 20 000 1 000 Calculation of the non-controlling interests in the profit of the current reporting period of a subsidiary with issued preference shares The following are the condensed financial statements of S Ltd, a subsidiary of P Ltd, for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18: S LTD STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital: Ordinary (100 000 shares) Share capital: 8% Preference (50 000 shares) Retained earnings Total equity 210 000 R210 000 100 000 50 000 60 000 210 000 Total equity and liabilities R210 000 S LTD EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax Income tax expense 50 000 (21 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 29 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR – R29 000 411 C Cha apte er 6 S LT TD EX XTRA ACT T FR RO OM TH T E STA S ATE EMEN NT OF O CH HAN NGES S IN N EQ QUITY Y FO OR TH HE YE EAR R END DED D 31 1 DEC D CEM MBER R 20 0.18 8 Rettain ned d earrnin ngs s B Ballance at 1 J Jan nua ary 20..18 C Cha ang ges s in n eq quity for f 20 0.18 8 T Tottal com c mprrehe ens sive e in ncom me forr the yea y r: P Pro ofit for f the e ye ear P Pre eferrencce divvide end pa aid O Ord dina ary divvide end d pa aid 45 00 00 29 00 00 (4 000) ( 000) (10 B Ballance at 31 De ece emb ber 20 0.18 8 R 00 R60 00 O On 1 Jan J nuary 20..18 8, P Lttd a acq quirred 80 0% of the e ordi o nary sha s ares of o S Lttd for f R1 120 0 00 00, a and 50% % of o tthe e prefere encce sha are es of S Ltd for f R R25 00 00. Th herre we ere no o a arre ear p preffere encce divi d idendss at a th hat da ate. T The e prrefe erence e sharreh hold derss have e a prrefe erentia al righ r ht to o th heirr diivid den nd pay p yme ent an nd will w re ece eive e a propo ortiionate e sh harre of o th he net assse ets avvaila able e fo or dist d trib bution up pon liq quid datiion o of th he acq a quiree e. The T e fair valu v ue of o the t pre efe eren nce e sh harres at acq quiisitiion da ate is R26 0 000 0. A At the accquisittion n da ate e, th he assetts and a d lia abilitie es we ere fairly va alue ed and d therre we w re no u unacco oun nted d fo or con c ntin ngent lliab bilitiess. P Ltd L eleccted d to me eassure e the t n -co non ontrrolling g in nteres sts in th he ac cqu uire ee at th heir p prop porrtion natte ssha are of the e accqu uire ee’ss id dentifia able e net n asssetts at a th he acq quisition da ate. So oluttion n 6..21 T The e non--co ontrrolliing in nterrestts in the e pro p ofit of S Lttd forr th he rep porrting per p riod d e end ded 3 31 Dec D cem mbe er 2 20.18 will be b ccalc cula ated as a ffollo owss: A pro p ra ata po ortion off th he prrefe erence e d diviidend fo or tthe e curr c rent rreportiing perio od is a attributtab ble to the e prefe ere ence sha s areh hold din ng of o the t no on-ccon ntro ollin ng inte ere estss (irrresspe ective o of whe w ether the e pref p fere encce div vide end d has h be een n paid p d, o or de ecla ared d, or evven wherre no p prov vision ha as b bee en ma ade e fo or th he pre eferen nce e divid dend in the financcia al sttate ementts o of the t ssubsidiaryy): P Pro ratta sha s are of pre eferen nce e div vidend d: 50% 5 % × 4 00 00 2 00 00 P Pro ratta sha s are of pro ofit atttributa able e to o orrdin narry sha s areh hold derrs buta able to o th he non n-ccontrolling in nte eressts:: 20 0% × 25 2 000 5 00 00 atttrib N Non n-co ontrollling g in nterrestts R7 7 00 00 Com C mm mentt If P Ltd d, in n the exam mple e ab bovve, held h d no o prrefe eren nce sha aress in n S Ltd, the non--con ntro olling g interestts in i prof p fit w wou uld have am mounted d to o R9 R 0 000 0 (4 4 00 00(p preference e dividend d) + 5 00 00(C C1)). In n th he inttere est of cla arityy, the t e treattme ent off the pre p ferencce share e capiital an nd pre eferren nce d divid den nd in the t e an nalyysiss of o th he ow wners’ eq quity of o S Lttd iis dea d alt with w hn nextt. The T e prro fform ma cconsolida ation jo ourrna al en ntriies are e also a o given n. 4 412 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 80% Ordinary shares Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 45 000 80 000 36 000 20 000 9 000 145 000 116 000 29 000 4 000 4 000 – 149 000 R120 000 29 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year : Profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders (29 000 – 4 000(1)) Ordinary dividend At Since 20 000 (8 000) R12 000 25 000 (10 000) R164 000 NCI 5 000 (2 000) R32 000 (1) 50 000 × 8% = 4 000 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32: Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 120 000 29 000 149 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (145 000) Goodwill R4 000 C3 Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 50% Preference shares Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Purchase difference 50 000 – 25 000 – 25 000 – 50 000 R25 000 25 000 Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit attributable to preference shareholders Preference dividend At NCI Since 4 000 (4 000) 2 000 (2 000) 2 000 (2 000) R50 000 – R25 000 413 Chapter 6 C4 Proof of calculation of purchase difference of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32: Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 25 000 25 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 50 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (50 000) Purchase difference R– C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 Share capital (Ordinary) (S)(SCE) Share capital (Preference) (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (Ordinary)(P)(SFP) Investment in S Ltd (Preference)(P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) (29 000 + 25 000) Elimination of owners’ equity in S Ltd at acquisition date 100 000 50 000 45 000 4 000 120 000 25 000 54 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) (5 000 + 2 000) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in the profit for the year 7 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Ordinary dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup ordinary dividend and recording of non-controlling interests in dividend 8 000 2 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Preference dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup preference dividend and recording of non-controlling interests in dividend 2 000 2 000 Example 6.22 Cr R 7 000 10 000 4 000 Consolidation procedure: Preference shares of the subsidiary held by both the parent and non-controlling interests P Ltd purchased 80% of the issued ordinary shares of S Ltd and 60% of the preference shares on 1 January 20.16. There were no preference dividends in arrears on that date and the owners’ equity of S Ltd then consisted of the following: Share capital: Ordinary (50 000 shares) R50 000 Share capital: 7% Preference (30 000 shares) R30 000 Retained earnings R11 000 The preference shareholders have a preferential right to their dividend payment and will receive a proportionate share of the net assets available for distribution upon 414 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements liquidation of the acquiree. The fair value of the preference shares at acquisition date is R13 000. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their fair value at the acquisition date. The fair value of the ordinary non-controlling interests at acquisition was R12 000. At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities of S Ltd were fairly valued. There were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. The condensed financial statements of the two companies for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 are as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 P Ltd ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price: 40 000 ordinary shares 18 000 7% preference shares Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital: Ordinary S Ltd 78 900 65 000 47 000 20 000 34 000 – – 32 000 R179 900 R97 000 150 000 50 000 – 29 900 R179 900 30 000 17 000 R97 000 (P Ltd: 150 000 shares/S Ltd: 50 000 shares) Share capital: 7% Preference (30 000 shares) Retained earnings Total equity and liabilities EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 P Ltd S Ltd Profit before dividends received Dividend received from S Ltd: Ordinary Preference 23 240 15 400 3 600 1 260 – – Profit before tax Income tax expense 28 100 (6 500) 15 400 (4 300) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 21 600 11 100 – – R21 600 R11 100 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 415 Chapter 6 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Preference dividend paid Ordinary dividend paid 21 800 12 500 21 600 – (13 500) 11 100 (2 100) (4 500) Balance at 31 December 20.19 R29 900 R17 000 Solution 6.22 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.19 are as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (78 900(P) + 65 000(S)) Goodwill 143 900 3 000 146 900 Current assets Trade receivables (34 000(P) + 32 000(S)) Total assets 66 000 R212 900 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 150 000 36 700 Non-controlling interests 186 700 26 200 Total equity 212 900 Total equity and liabilities 416 R212 900 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Profit before tax (23 240 + 15 400) Income tax expense (6 500 + 4 300) 38 640 (10 800) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 27 840 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (27 840 – 2 640) Non-controlling interests (1 800(C1) + 840(C2)) R27 840 25 200 2 640 R27 840 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.19 Balance at 1 January 20.19 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Share capital Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 150 000 * 25 000 175 000 @ 25 300 200 300 – – 25 200 (13 500) 25 200 (13 500) 2 640 # (1 740) 27 840 (15 240) Balance at 31 December 20.19 R150 000 * R36 700 R186 700 & R26 200 R212 900 21 800(P) + 1 200(S) + 2 000(gain from bargain purchase) = 25 000 @ 12 300(ordinary) + 13 000(preference) = 25 300 # & 900(ordinary) + 840(preference) = 1 740 13 200(ordinary) + 13 000(preference) = 26 200 417 Chapter 6 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 80% Ordinary shares Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings 50 000 11 000 40 000 8 800 10 000 2 200 61 000 48 800 12 200 (2 000) (1 800) (200) 59 000 R47 000 12 000 Gain from a bargain purchase – Parent and NCI Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (12 500 – 11 000) • Current year: Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (11 100 – 2 100(1)) Ordinary dividend At 1 500 Since 1 200 NCI 300 12 300 9 000 (4 500) 7 200 (3 600) 1 800 (900) R65 000 R4 800 R13 200 (1) 30 000 × 7% = 2 100 C2 Proof of calculation of gain from bargain purchase on ordinary shares of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32: Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 47 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 12 000 59 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (61 000) Gain from a bargain purchase (R2 000) C3 Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd Preference shares i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit attributable to preference shareholders Preference dividend 418 Total P Ltd 60% At Since NCI 30 000 18 000 12 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 33 000 R20 000 13 000 2 100 (2 100) 1 260 (1 260) 840 (840) R33 000 R– R13 000 djusstm men nts and sun s dry y asspe ectss off grrou up stat s tem men nts Ad C C4 Pro ooff off ca alc cula atio on of go ood dwill of o p preferrence sh hare es of S Ltd L d in n te erm ms of o IFR RS 3.3 32:: C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 0 00 00 20 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 13 3 00 00 33 3 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) ( 0 00 (30 00) G Goo odw will R3 3 00 00 Com C mm mentt a If the pare p ent, as well ass th he nonn -con ntro olling in nterrests, hold h ds prefe p erence e sh hare es o of th he ssubs sidiary, th he a analysis iss sttill d done in n th he usu u ual way w y. The T elim min natio on of o com c mmo on ittem ms, intra i agro oup p ba alan ncess an nd tthe detterm mina ation of o th he nonn -con ntro olling g in ntere estss arre a also o do one in the t usu ual way w y. b If the purc p chasse p pric ce paid p byy the e pa aren nt for suc s h prefe p eren nce e sh hare es diffe d rs from f m th he n net assset valu v ue o of th he sha s res, go oodwill or a gain g fro om a ba arga ain purrcha ase is crea c ated d, a as in n th he case c e wiith the t acq quissition off ord dina ary sha ares s. c If the parent has h ele ecte ed to o meas m sure e th he nonn -con ntro olling g in ntere estss att the eir fair f valu ue at a the acq quissition da ate and d th he fa air vvalu ue of o th he pref p fere ence e sh hare es is highe er th han n the e ne et a asse et valu v e off the e sh hare es then t n go oodwill will be e cre eate ed. C C5 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R 1 J1 J2 2 J3 3 Crr R Sh hare e capital:: Orrdin naryy (S S)(S SCE) Sh hare e capital:: Prrefe eren nce e (S S)(S SCE E) Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Go ood dwilll (S SFP P) Ga ain ffrom m barg b gain n purc chasse Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Invvesttme ent in S Ltd L (P)(SF FP)) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) (122 000 + 13 000) Elimiina atio on of o own o nerrs’ equ e uity y off S Ltd d at a date d e of ac cqu uisittion n 5 50 000 0 3 30 000 0 11 000 0 3 000 0 Re etaiined earn e ning gs (S) ( (SC CE)) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ording g no on--co ontrrolling g in nterres sts in sin s ce ac cqu uisittion re eta aine ed e earrnin ngs s off th he sub s bsid dia ary 300 3 No on-con ntro ollin ng inte eressts (P//L) (1 800 8 + 840) 8 ) Non-cconttrollling g in nterrestts (SFP) Re eco ording g no on--co ontrrolling g in nterres sts in pro p ofit forr th he ye ear 2 00 00 47 7 00 00 20 0 00 00 25 5 00 00 30 00 2 640 6 2 64 40 co tinu cont ued d 419 4 Chapter 6 Dr R J4 J5 Dividend received (P)(P/L) (3 600 + 1 260) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) (4 500 + 2 100) Elimination of intragroup dividends and recording of non-controlling interests’ portion of the dividend 4 860 1 740 Gain from a bargain purchase Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Recognition of gain from bargain purchase 2 000 Cr R 6 600 2 000 The consolidated amounts can be obtained by either setting off the pro forma consolidation journal entries against the combined amounts of the parent and the subsidiary (in a worksheet), or by merely adding certain amounts in respect of the subsidiary to that of the parent. Treatment of preference dividends of subsidiaries 6.20 Situations to be considered IAS 27.12 determines that an entity shall recognise a dividend from a subsidiary in profit or loss in the entity’s separate financial statements when the entity’s right to receive the dividend is established. When such a dividend is recognised in terms of IAS 27 and evidence is available that the carrying amount of the investment in the separate financial statements exceeds the carrying amount in the consolidated financial statements of the investee’s net assets, including associated goodwill, or the dividend exceeds the total comprehensive income of the subsidiary in the period in which the dividend is declared, an impairment test needs to be done in terms of IAS 36.12(h) and .9 Impairment of Assets. This impairment test is done for the first dividend received after acquisition. It may also be necessary to perform an impairment test in any year in which the dividends received from the subsidiary for that year exceed the parents' share of the total comprehensive income for that year. In the treatment of the preference dividends of subsidiaries, the following circumstances will be considered: l preference dividends outstanding at the end of the reporting period; l accrued preference dividends on acquisition of a subsidiary; and l preference dividends in arrears. 6.21 Preference dividends outstanding at the end of the reporting period As has already been stated, the preference dividend of a subsidiary must, for consolidation purposes, be treated as if it is an expense (like interest on a loan) which accrues on a time-proportion basis. When regarded in this way, this dividend represents a charge against income, and must be brought into account before the profit attributable to the owners of both the non-controlling interests as well as the parent is determined. 420 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Example 6.23 Treatment of preference dividends outstanding at the end of the reporting period The following are the condensed statements of financial position and statements of changes in equity of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the reporting period ended 28 February 20.19: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price: 105 000 ordinary shares 32 000 preference shares Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital: Ordinary (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd:140 000 shares) Share capital: 10% Preference (80 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade payables Total equity and liabilities P Ltd S Ltd 436 100 456 000 127 500 58 500 44 000 – – 14 000 R666 100 R470 000 200 000 110 000 – 452 000 14 100 80 000 261 000 19 000 R666 100 R470 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 Retained earnings Balance at 1 March 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Balance at 28 February 20.19 P Ltd S Ltd 212 000 145 000 240 000 R452 000 116 000 R261 000 P Ltd acquired ownership of both the ordinary shares and the preference shares in S Ltd on 28 February 20.15, when the retained earnings of S Ltd amounted to R40 000. At that date, the preference dividends had been declared and paid, up to 28 February 20.15. Provision must still be made for the preference dividend for the reporting period ended 28 February 20.19 that was declared on 28 February 20.19. At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. 421 Chapter 6 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Solution 6.23 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 28 February 20.19 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (436 100(P) + 456 000(S)) Goodwill (15 000 + 26 500) 892 100 41 500 933 600 Current assets Trade receivables (44 000(P) + 14 000(S)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests (90 750(ordinary) + 48 000(preference)) Total equity Current liabilities Trade payables (14 100(P) + 19 000(S)) Preference dividend payable (J4) 58 000 R991 600 200 000 614 950 814 950 138 750 953 700 33 100 4 800 37 900 Total equity and liabilities R991 600 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (240 000(P) + 116 000(S)) Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (356 000 – 31 800) Non-controlling interests (27 000(ordinary) + 4 800(preference)) 356 000 – R356 000 324 200 31 800 R356 000 422 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.19 Share capital Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity Balance at 1 March 20.18 200 000 290 750 490 750 @ 111 750 602 500 Changes in equity for 20.19 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year – 324 200 324 200 # 31 800 356 000 Dividend payable – – – (4 800) (4 800) Balance at 28 February 20.19 R200 000 R614 950 R814 950 & R138 750 R953 700 @ 63 750(ordinary) + 48 000(preference) = 111 750 # & 212 000(P) + 78 750(S) = 290 750 27 000(ordinary) + 4 800(preference) = 31 800 90 750 + 48 000 = 138 750 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 75% Ordinary shares Total NCI At i At acquisition (28/2/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year : Retained earnings (145 000 – 40 000) Since 110 000 40 000 82 500 30 000 27 500 10 000 150 000 112 500 37 500 15 000 15 000 – 165 000 R127 500 37 500 105 000 78 750 63 750 • Current year : Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (1) 26 250 108 000 81 000 27 000 R378 000 R159 750 R90 750 (1) 116 000 – 8 000(80 000 × 10%)(preference dividend) = 108 000 423 C Cha apte er 6 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cullation n off go ood dwill of o o ord dinary y sharres s off S Ltd in term ms off IF FRS S 3..32 2: C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 127 1 7 50 00 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 37 7 50 00 1 5 00 165 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att a acquissitio on date d e: IFR I RS 3.3 32(b b) (1 150 0 00 00) G Goo odw will R 5 00 R15 00 C C3 An naly ysiis o of pre p eferren nce e ow wners s’ equ e uity y off S Ltd P Ltd L 40% % P Pre eferren nce sh hare es To ota al NC CI Att i At A acq a quis sitiion (28/2 2/20 0.15 5) Sha S are capita al Equ E uityy rep pre esen nted by b goo g odw will Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NC CI ii Sin S ce acquisittion n • Cur C rren nt yea y ar Pro P ofit attr a ribu utab ble to pre p efere enc ce sha s areh hold ders Pre P eferencce d diviidend payyab ble S Sinc ce 80 000 8 0 0 2 500 26 5 0 32 000 26 500 48 00 00 – 10 06 500 5 0 R58 R 500 00 48 00 8 000 0 0 ((8 000 0 0) 3 200 0 2 0) (3 200 4 80 00 00) (4 80 R10 R 06 500 5 0 – R 00 R48 00 C C4 Prroo of of o c calc cullation n off go ood dwill on o prefe erence es sha ares s of o S Lttd in i ter t ms s off IF FRS S 3..32 2: C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 58 50 48 00 00 106 50 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att ac cqu uisittion n date e: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(b b) (8 80 000) G Goo odw will R26 50 00 Com C mm mentt a W Where a subssidia ary hass isssue ed p preffere ence e sh hare e capittal whi w ich is who w olly or parrtially he eld by the e no on-cconttrolling inte eressts, the e prrofit of the sub bsid diarry m mustt, ass in ndica ated d, be b alllocated to t the orrdin naryy an nd pre eferrencce sha areh hold derss of o tthe su ubsid diarry. This alllocatio on mus m st b be mad m de eve e en w whe en the sub bsid diary y has ma ade no pro ovission n for th he prefe eren nce divvidend in itts sepa arate fin nan ncia al sta atem men nts. b S Since e S Ltd has h nott ye et mad m e p prov visio on for f the t pre eferrencce divi d den nd and a d P Ltd d ha as co ons sequ uently nott ye et reaccted d th here eto, it is, i on con nso olida ation n, m merrely ne ecesssary to t trans sfer the e portion of the e prreference divvidend which is due e to o th he non n n-co ontro ollin ng in ntere estss fro om non n-co ontrrollin ng inte erests (SCE) to t ccurre ent liab bilities ((SF FP). 4 424 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 Share capital (Ordinary) (S)(SCE) Share capital (Preference) (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (15 000 + 26 500) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) (127 500 + 58 500) Non-controlling interests (SFP) (37 500 + 48 000) Elimination of owners’ equity in S Ltd at acquisition date 110 000 80 000 40 000 41 500 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in since acquisition retained earnings of the subsidiary to the beginning of the current reporting period 26 250 Non-controlling interests (P/L) (27 000(C1) + 4 800(C2)) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 31 800 Non-controlling interests (SFP) Preference dividend payable (S)(SFP) Transfer of portion of preference dividend owing to non-controlling interests 4 800 Cr R 186 000 85 500 26 250 31 800 4 800 6.22 Accrued preference dividends on acquisition of preference shares in a subsidiary In the normal course of events, there are at least two reasons why there may be a difference between the carrying amount of the preference shares acquired and the actual price paid for them, namely: l If the dividend rate on the preference shares is appreciably higher than the dividend yield available on similar investments in the open market, the purchase price of the shares will probably be higher than the carrying amount thereof. In these circumstances, the excess purchase price should be regarded as goodwill and treated in terms of IFRS 3; and l Should the preference shares be acquired during the course of the reporting period at a time before the dividend on preference shares has been declared, provision must be made for this. If the dividend is, for example, declared annually and the shares in the subsidiary are purchased eight months after the date on which the previous dividend had been declared, it can be reasonably assumed that the parent would have made provision in the determination of the purchase price for the fact that the full preference dividend would be paid within four months (acquisition date fair value). As previously discussed, as per IAS 27.38A, a dividend from a subsidiary must be recognised in profit or loss in the separate financial statements when the right to receive the dividend is established. IAS 18.30(c) also requires such dividends to be recognised as income. However IFRS 9.B5.7.1 states that dividends received from investments 425 Chapter 6 which are recorded at fair value through other comprehensive income (as elected by the entity) are recognised in profit or loss in accordance with IAS 18, unless the dividend clearly represents a recovery of part of the cost price of the investment. Should the preference shares initially be classified as a liability in terms of IAS 39, then the correct treatment would be to credit the investment in a subsidiary with any received dividend which was payable from pre-acquisition profits. Furthermore, such an investment would not be consolidated. Assume, for example, that P Ltd acquired all the preference shares (100 000 6% shares) of S Ltd, whose reporting period ends on 31 December, on 31 August 20.14 for R104 000. The total purchase price of the shares is debited to an investment account (investment in preference shares of S Ltd). When the dividend of R6 000 (6% × R100 000) for the reporting period to 31 December 20.14 is received, the dividend recognised in profit or loss will be R2 000 (100 000 × 6% × 4/12) as R4 000 (100 000 × 6% × 8/12) represents a recovery of part of the cost price of the investment (IFRS 9.B5.7.1). The parent will make the following entries in its records: Dr R Investment in preference shares of S Ltd (SFP) Bank (SFP) Recording of investment in preference shares Bank (SFP) (100 000 × 6%) Investment in preference shares (SFP) ) (100 000 × 6% × 8/12) Dividend from subsidiary (P/L) (100 000 × 6% × 4/12) Recognition of dividend received from subsidiary 426 Cr R 104 000 104 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements Self-assessment questions Question 6.1 The following represents the trial balances of P Ltd and its subsidiary for the year ended 31 December 20.17: Share capital (P Ltd: 200 000 shares/S Ltd:100 000 shares) Retained earnings – 1 January 20.17 Equity investments: Investment in S Ltd at cost price Investment in Z Ltd at cost price Loan granted – P Ltd Revenue Dividends received Interest received Gain on sale of land (capital gains tax paid) Cost of sales Other expenses Interest paid Income tax expense Dividends paid – 31 December 20.17 Property, plant and equipment Accumulated depreciation Trade receivables Inventories Cash and cash equivalents Long-term loan – ABC Ltd Long-term loan – S Ltd P Ltd Dr/(Cr) (200 000) (539 200) S Ltd Dr/(Cr) (100 000) (483 700) 410 000 – – (800 000) (32 000) – – 400 000 156 000 33 800 58 856 22 000 688 000 (44 000) 41 000 99 544 86 000 (80 000) (300 000) – 27 000 300 000 (700 000) (2 000) (30 000) (70 000) 350 000 150 000 – 74 200 40 000 270 000 (30 000) 87 500 65 000 52 000 – – – – P Ltd purchased an 80% interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.16, when the retained earnings of S Ltd amounted to R300 000. On 1 January 20.16, the assets and liabilities of S Ltd were fairly valued except for the assets detailed below: Fair Carrying value amount Land R210 000 R150 000 Plant R48 000 R40 000 There were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. S Ltd sold the above-mentioned land during the current reporting period. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired to the end of the current reporting period. 427 Chapter 6 The plant of S Ltd is depreciated at 20% per annum on a straight-line basis. The remaining useful life of the plant at acquisition date of S Ltd remained unchanged at four years. P Ltd purchases inventory from S Ltd at a profit mark-up of 25% on the cost price of the goods. Included in the inventory of P Ltd at 31 December 20.17 is inventory of R50 000 purchased from S Ltd. The total sales from S Ltd to P Ltd during the current reporting period amounted to R110 000. The interest received by S Ltd is in respect of the intragroup loan. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. Suggested solution 6.1 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.17 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.17 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Equity investments (S) Deferred tax Ȝ 888 000 48 144 27 000 1 680 964 824 Current assets Cash and cash equivalents (86 000(P) + 52 000(S)) Trade receivables (41 000(P) + 87 500(S)) Inventories (99 544(P) + 65 000(S) – 10 000(J7)) 138 000 128 500 154 544 421 044 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings R1 385 868 200 000 952 432 Non-controlling interest 1 152 432 153 436 Total equity 1 305 868 Non-current liabilities Long-term loan (300 000(P) + 80 000(P) – 300 000(S(J10)) Total equity and liabilities Ȝ 80 000 R1 385 868 688 000(P) + 270 000(S) + 60 000(J1) + 8 000(J1) – 44 000(P) – 30 000(S) – 60 000(J4) – 2 000(J5) – 2 000(J6) = 888 000 13 440(J4) – 15 680(J1) + 560(J5) + 560(J6) + 2 800(J7) = 1 680 428 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Revenue (800 000(P) + 700 000(S) – 110 000(J8)(intragroup sales)) Cost of sales (400 000(P) + 350 000(S) – 110 000(J8) + 10 000(J7)) 1 390 000 (650 000) Gross profit Other income ȍ Other expenses (156 000(P) + 150 000(S) + 2 000(J6)) Finance costs (33 800(P) – 30 000(J9)) 740 000 12 000 (308 000) (3 800) Profit before tax Income tax expense & 440 200 (116 256) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 323 944 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R323 944 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (323 944 – 34 520(J11)) Non-controlling interests d 289 424 34 520 R323 944 ȍ 32 000(P) + 2 000(S) + 30 000(S) + 70 000(S) – 60 000(J4) – 30 000(J9) – 32 000(J12) = 12 000 & 58 856(P) + 74 200(S) – 13 440(J4) – 560(J6) – 2 800(J7) = 116 256 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Balance at 1 January 20.17 Noncontrolling interests Total equity 885 008 126 916c 1 011 924 289 424 (22 000) 34 520d (8 000)e 323 944 (30 000) Share capital Retained earnings Total 200 000 ȍ 685 008 289 424 (22 000) Changes in equity for 20.17 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.17 R200 000 R952 432 R1 152 432 R153 436 R1 305 868 ȍ 539 200(P) + 145 808a = 685 008 429 Chapter 6 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 80% Total i At acquisition 1/1/20.16 Share capital Equity at acquisition Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (483 700 – 300 000 – 1 440(J5)) • Current year: Profit for the year (1) Dividends paid At Since NCI 100 000 52 320 300 000 80 000 41 856 240 000 20 000 10 464 60 000 452 320 361 856 90 464 48 144 48 144 – 500 464 R410 000 90 464 182 260 145 808 a 36 452 126 916 c 172 600 (40 000) 138 080 (32 000)b R815 324 R251 888 34 520 d (8 000)e R153 436 f (1) Calculation of profit for the year of S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 700 000 (350 000) Gross profit Gain on sale of land Other income (interest received) Other income (dividend received) Other expenses 350 000 70 000 30 000 2 000 (150 000) Income tax expense 302 000 (74 200) Reversal of at acquisition remeasurement of land (J4) Deferred tax on reversed remeasurement of land (J4) Depreciation on remeasurement at acquisition (J6) Tax on depreciation on remeasurement at acquisition (J6) Unrealised profit in inventory (J7) Tax on unrealised profit in inventory (J7) C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interest: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 227 800 (60 000) 13 440 (2 000) 560 (10 000) 2 800 R172 600 410 000 90 464 500 464 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Goodwill 430 (452 320) R48 144 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C3 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Land (S)(SFP) (210 000 – 150 000) Plant (S)(SFP) (48 000 – 40 000) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Cr R 60 000 8 000 52 320 15 680 ((60 000 × 80% × 28%) + (8 000 × 28%)) Remeasurement of assets at acquisition of investment in S Ltd J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Elimination of owners' equity at acquisition of S Ltd 100 000 300 000 48 144 52 320 Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in retained earnings since acquisition of S Ltd 36 452 Gain on sale of land (S)(P/L) (J1) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) Land (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) (60 000 × 80% × 28%) Sale in current reporting period of land remeasured at acquisition date 60 000 13 440 Retained earnings – Since acquisition (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (2 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) (8 000/4) Additional depreciation since acquisition to beginning of year 1 440 560 Depreciation (S)(P/L) (8 000/4) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (2 000 × 28%) Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Additional depreciation for current year 2 000 560 Cost of sales (P)(P/L) (50 000 × 25/125) Deferred tax (P)(SFP) Inventory (P)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) (10 000 × 28%) Elimination of unrealised profit included in inventory 10 000 2 800 Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (P)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup sales 110 000 410 000 90 464 36 452 60 000 13 440 2 000 2 000 560 10 000 2 800 110 000 continued 431 Chapter 6 Dr R J9 Interest received (S)(P/L) Interest paid (P) (P/L) Elimination of intragroup interest paid on intragroup loan Cr R 30 000 30 000 J10 Long-term loan (P)(SFP) Loan granted (S)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup loans 300 000 J11 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in current year's profit for the year of S Ltd 34 520 J12 Dividends received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recording of non-controlling interests therein 32 000 8 000 300 000 34 520 40 000 Question 6.2 The following are the financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary S Ltd for the year ended 31 December 20.17: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.17 P Ltd S Ltd 117 500 211 500 146 000 240 000 Cost Accumulated depreciation 352 500 (141 000) 300 000 (60 000) Investment in S Ltd at cost price 152 000 – 45 000 Ordinary shares 39 000 8% Preference shares 110 000 42 000 – – ASSETS Land Machinery Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital: Ordinary (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/S Ltd: 60 000 shares) Share capital: 8% Preference (130 000 shares) Retained earnings Total equity and liabilities 432 79 000 96 100 R560 000 R482 100 100 000 60 000 – 460 000 130 000 292 100 R560 000 R482 100 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 687 124 (291 120) 520 500 (250 500) Gross profit Other expenses Depreciation Gain on sale of machinery Dividends received from S Ltd 396 004 (125 000) (80 000) 50 000 48 120 270 000 (53 750) (60 000) – – Profit before tax Income tax expense 289 124 (74 124) 156 250 (43 750) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 215 000 112 500 – – R215 000 R112 500 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.17 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Ordinary dividend paid Preference dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.17 P Ltd S Ltd 300 000 250 000 215 000 (55 000) – 112 500 (60 000) (10 400) R460 000 R292 100 Additional information 1 P Ltd purchased the shares on 1 January 20.13, when the retained earnings of S Ltd were R66 000. 2 S Ltd purchased all its machinery on 1 January 20.17 from P Ltd. S Ltd depreciates the machinery over the remaining useful life of the asset of five years. 3 P Ltd sold the machinery at cost price plus 20%, and the machinery was not part of inventories in the records of P Ltd. 4 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. 5 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 6 The company tax rate is 28% and capital gains tax (CGT) is calculated at 80% thereof. 433 Chapter 6 Required Prepare the consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.17. Suggested solution 6.2 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.17 will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.17 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (117 500(P) + 146 000(S) + 352 500(P) + 300 000(S) – 141 000(P) – 60 000(S) – 50 000(J2) + 10 000(J3)) Deferred tax (14 000(J2) – 2 800(J3)) Goodwill (15 500 + 3 000) 675 000 11 200 18 500 704 700 Current assets Trade receivables (79 000(P) + 96 100(S)) Total assets 175 100 R879 800 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings 100 000 600 775 Non-controlling interests (88 025(C1) + 91 000(C3)) 700 775 179 025 Total equity 879 800 Total equity and liabilities 434 R879 800 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Revenue (687 124(P) + 520 500(S)) Cost of sales (291 120(P) + 250 500(S)) 1 207 624 (541 620) Gross profit Other expenses (125 000(P) + 53 750(S) + 80 000(P) + 60 000(S) – 10 000(J3)) 666 004 (308 750) Profit before tax Income tax expense (74 124(P) + 43 750(S) – 14 000(J2) + 2 800(J3)) 357 254 (106 674) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 250 580 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests (25 525(C1) + 7 280(C3)) R250 580 217 775 32 805 R250 580 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.17 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.17 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.17 & Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interest Total equity 100 000 &438 000 538 000 @168 500 706 500 – – 217 775 (55 000) 217 775 (55 000) 32 805 §(22 280) 250 580 (77 280) R100 000 #R600 775 R700 775 R179 025 R879 800 300 000(P) + 138 000(C1) = 438 000 @ 77 500(ordinary) + 91 000(preference) = 168 500 # § 460 000(P) + 169 575(S) – 50 000(J2) + 14 000(J2) + 10 000(J3) – 2 800(J3) = 600 775 15 000(S)(ordinary) + 7 280(S)(preference) = 22 280 435 C Cha apte er 6 Co omme ent In thiis exam e mple P Lttd sold s ma ach hinery to t S Lttd. The e prrofitt on n th he transacction n ha as b bee en re ecog gnis sed in the t acccou untin ng reco r ordss off P Ltd. Th he p pro forma con nso olida ation n jo ourn nal e entry J5 5 eliimin nate es the unrrealised d prrofitt on n the e mach hine ery. The e no on-ccon ntrollling g inttere estss are e no ot afffectted by J5. Th he iintra agro oup p profit is in i th he mea anw while e re ecognissed d by y the e group (rrealised d) by b redu r ucin ng the d deprrecia atio on char c rge (usse of o th he m mac chin ne). The e profitt ca an also a o be e rea alised by the sale off the e mach m hine e to o a tthird d partyy. The T red ducttion of the e de epre ecia ation n ch harg ge as a per p J6 als so do oes no ot affec a ct the t non-controlliing interests ass P Ltd d origi o nally m mad de the prrofit an nd there efore e th he re ealisatiion of the t pro ofit m mus st allso be allo ocatted to P Lttd. C Calc cullatiion ns C C1 An naly ysis o of own o nerrs’ eq quitty of o S Ltd L P Ltd d 75 5% % O Ord dina ary y sh harres To ota al i At A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.13)) Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss 60 6 000 0 0 66 6 000 0 0 45 000 0 5 49 500 15 00 00 00 16 50 12 26 000 0 0 5 94 500 00 31 50 Equ E uity rep pre esen nted by b goo g odw will (P Parrentt) Con C nsid deratio on and a d NCI ii Sinc S ce acq quissitio on T beg b ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year: • To Ret R tain ned ea arningss (1) At A Sinc ce 15 1 500 5 0 15 500 5 – 14 41 500 5 0 R R110 000 0 31 50 00 18 84 000 0 0 13 38 000 0 0 46 00 00 00 77 50 C rren nt yea y r: • Cur Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear after pre p eferencce divid dend (22) Ord O dina ary divvide end NC CI 10 02 100 1 0 (6 60 000 0 0) 7 76 575 5 5 (4 45 000 0 0) 25 52 25 ((15 00 00) R R36 67 600 6 0 R 69 575 R16 5 5 R 02 R88 25 (1 1) 250 0 00 00 – 66 6 00 00 = 18 84 000 0 (2 2) 112 2 50 00 – 10 0 40 00 = 10 02 100 1 C C2 P Proo of of o c callcu ulattion no of goo g odw will of ordin narry sha s ares of o S Lttd in ter t rms s o IF of FRS S3 3.32 2: 110 00 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 00 31 50 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 141 50 00 N Net am mou untss o of th he ide i ntiffiab ble assetts acq a quirred an nd liab bilitiies asssume ed att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (126 00 00) G Goo odw will 00 R15 50 4 436 Adjustments and sundry aspects of group statements C3 Analysis of preference owners’ equity of S Ltd P Ltd 30% Preference shares Total NCI At i At acquisition (1/1/20.13) Share capital Equity represented by goodwill Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year: Attributable profit Dividend paid Since 130 000 3 000 39 000 3 000 91 000 – 133 000 R42 000 91 000 10 400 (10 400) 3 120 (3 120) 7 280 (7 280) R133 000 R– R91 000 C4 Proof of calculation of goodwill of preference shares of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32: Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 42 000 91 000 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 133 000 Net amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Goodwill (130 000) R3 000 C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 Ordinary share capital (S)(SCE) Preference share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) (15 500(ordinary) + 3 000(preference)) Non-controlling interests (SFP) (91 000 + 31 500) Investment in S Ltd – Ordinary (P)(SFP) Investment in S Ltd – Preference (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ equity in S Ltd at acquisition date 60 000 130 000 66 000 18 500 Gain on sale of machinery (P)(P/L) (300 000 × 20/120) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (50 000 × 28%) Property, plant and equipment (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Elimination of unrealised profit on machinery 50 000 14 000 Accumulated depreciation (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (P)(P/L) Depreciation (P)(P/L) (50 000/5) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (10 000 × 28%) Depreciation on unrealised profit in machinery 10 000 2 800 Cr R 122 500 110 000 42 000 50 000 14 000 10 000 2 800 continued 437 Chapter 6 Dr R J4 J5 J6 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in since acquisition retained earnings of subsidiary to beginning of current year 46 000 Non-controlling interests – Preference (P/L) Non-controlling interests – Ordinary (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit for the year 7 280 25 525 Dividends received (P)(P/L) 48 120 (45 000(ordinary) + 3 120 (preference)) Non-controlling interests (SFP) (15 000 + 7 280) 22 280 Preference dividend paid (S)(SCE) Ordinary dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup preference and ordinary dividend and recording of non-controlling interests in dividends 438 Cr R 46 000 32 805 10 400 60 000 7 Consolidation of complex groups Composition of a group of companies 7.1 7.2 7.3 Introduction .............................................................................................. Horizontal groups ..................................................................................... Vertical groups ......................................................................................... 440 440 440 Consolidation of a horizontal group 7.4 Basic consolidation procedures ............................................................... Example 7.1: Horizontal group ................................................................ 441 441 Consolidation of a vertical group 7.5 7.6 Introduction .............................................................................................. Basic consolidation procedures ............................................................... Example 7.2: Vertical group – P Ltd acquired an interest in S Ltd on the same date that S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd ........................................................................... Example 7.3: Vertical group – P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd after S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd. ......................... Example 7.4: Vertical group – P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd before S Ltd acquired the interest in SS Ltd ...................... 447 447 448 454 460 Self-assessment questions Question 7.1 ........................................................................................................ Question 7.2 ........................................................................................................ 466 473 439 Chapter 7 Composition of a group of companies 7.1 Introduction A “group” consists of a parent which is not itself a full subsidiary, and all such companies which are its subsidiaries. A parent (P Ltd) can have more than one subsidiary, whilst a subsidiary (S Ltd) could also be the parent of another entity (SS Ltd). SS Ltd is known as the sub-subsidiary of the ultimate parent (P Ltd). A parent, together with its subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries (if any), forms a group of entities. Note that a sub-subsidiary is legally considered to be a subsidiary of the ultimate parent. This arises from the definition of a subsidiary as stated in chapter 1. A simple group is a group consisting of a parent and a single subsidiary, whilst there is more than one subsidiary in a complex group. Complex groups can, according to the structure of the controlling equity shareholding, be divided into horizontal, vertical and mixed groups. 7.2 Horizontal groups In the case of horizontal groups, also known as single level structures, the shares forming the equity interest in two or more subsidiaries in the group are owned by the parent itself. There is thus direct ownership by the parent. This group is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 1. P Ltd 90% 70% S1 Ltd S2 Ltd Figure 1 7.3 Vertical groups In the case of vertical groups, also known as multiple level structures, the parent owns the controlling equity shareholding in a subsidiary, which in its turn owns the controlling interest in a sub-subsidiary. The sub-subsidiary may in turn own the controlling interest in another entity. Thus, the vertical line of shareholding can extend even further downwards. The dominant entity can therefore control other entities by means of indirect as well as direct ownership of shares. Figures 2 and 3 diagrammatically illustrates two possible combinations of this type of group. P Ltd P Ltd 80% 90% 75% S1 Ltd S1 Ltd 80% SS1 Ltd Figure 2 440 S2 Ltd 60% 75% SS1 Ltd SS2 Ltd Figure 3 Consolidation of complex groups Consolidation of a horizontal group 7.4 Basic consolidation procedures In a horizontal group, the parent itself is the only entity in the group holding shares in two or more subsidiaries. (Note that in Figure 1, control is exercised in only one direction.) In the case of a horizontal group, the consolidation process is thus like the process applied in the case of a simple group, where the parent owns the controlling interest in only a single subsidiary. The interests of the subsidiaries in a horizontal group must be separately analysed. It does not matter which subsidiary is analysed first. Example 7.1 Horizontal group The following are the abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiaries at 31 December 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Trade receivables Investment in S1 Ltd at cost price: 70 000 shares Investment in S2 Ltd at cost price: 80 000 shares P Ltd S1 Ltd S2 Ltd 322 600 161 200 92 000 116 000 115 000 233 000 – – 365 000 145 000 – – Total assets R691 800 R348 000 R510 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 250 000 shares/S1 Ltd: 100 000 shares/ 250 000 – – S1 Ltd: 100 000 shares) – 100 000 100 000 Retained earnings 373 880 238 800 387 000 Trade payables 67 920 9 200 23 000 Total equity and liabilities R691 800 R348 000 R510 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S1 Ltd S2 Ltd Profit before dividend received Dividend received 244 000 17 200 140 000 – 275 000 – Profit before tax Income tax expense 261 200 (68 320) 140 000 (39 200) 275 000 (77 000) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 192 880 100 800 198 000 – – – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R192 880 R100 800 R198 000 Other comprehensive income for the year 441 Chapter 7 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S1 Ltd S2 Ltd 206 000 150 000 200 000 192 880 (25 000) 100 800 (12 000) 198 000 (11 000) R373 880 R238 800 R387 000 P Ltd purchased 70 000 shares in S1 Ltd on 1 January 20.14. At this date, the retained earnings of S1 Ltd amounted to R28 000. The fair value of the non-controlling interests of S1 Ltd on 1 January 20.14 was determined to be R39 000. P Ltd purchased its interest in S2 Ltd on 1 January 20.17. At this date, the retained earnings of S2 Ltd amounted to R40 000.The fair value of the non-controlling interests of S2 Ltd on 1 January 20.17 was determined to be R29 000. At the dates of acquisition, the assets and liabilities of both subsidiaries were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their fair value at the acquisition date. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired till the end of the current reporting period. The company tax rate is 28%. 442 Consolidation of complex groups Solution 7.1 The abridged consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (322 600(P) + 115 000(S1) + 365 000(S2)) Goodwill (5 000g + 3 000a ) 802 600 8 000 810 600 Current assets Trade receivables (161 200(P) + 233 000(S1) + 145 000(S2)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests (102 240(S1) + 98 400(S2)) Total equity Current liabilities Trade payables (67 920(P) + 9 200(S1) + 23 000(S2)) Total equity and liabilities 539 200 R1 349 800 250 000 799 040 1 049 040 200 640 1 249 680 100 120 R1 349 800 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Profit before tax (244 000(P) + 140 000(S1) + 275 000(S2)) Income tax expense (68 320(P) + 39 200(S1) + 77 000(S2)) 659 000 (184 520) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 474 480 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (474 480 – 69 840) Non-controlling interests (30 240e + 39 600k) – R474 480 404 640 69 840 R474 480 443 Chapter 7 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 # & ȍ Noncontrolling interests Share capital Retained earnings Total 250 000 # 419 400 669 400 & 136 600 806 000 – – 404 640 (25 000) 404 640 (25 000) 474 480 (30 800) 69 840 ȍ (5 800) Total equity R250 000 R799 040 R1 049 040 R200 640 R1 249 680 206 000(P) + 85 400b + 128 000h = 419 400 j 75 600d + 61 000 = 136 600 3 600f + 2 200l = 5 800 373 880(P) + 147 560c + 277 600i = 799 040 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of S1 Ltd P Ltd 70% Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.14) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (150 000 – 28 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend 444 At Since NCI 100 000 28 000 70 000 19 600 30 000 8 400 128 000 89 600 38 400 2 400 600 R92 000 39 000 3 000 a 131 000 122 000 85 400b 36 600 75 600 d 100 800 (12 000) 70 560 (8 400) 30 240 e (3 600)f R341 800 R147 560c R102 240 C Con nso olidatio on of com mp plexx grroups C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S S1 Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS 3.3 32 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 92 00 00 00 39 00 131 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (12 28 000) G Goo odw will R 00 R3 00 C C3 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S2 S Ltd d P Ltd d 80% 8 % Tot T al i At A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.17)) Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss Equ E uity rep pre esen nted by b goo g odw will – Pa aren nt a and d NC CI Con C nsid deratio on and a d NCI iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg b ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year: Ret R tain ned ea arningss (2200 0000 – 40 0000) • Cur C rren nt yea y r: Pro P ofit for f the e ye ear Div D idend At A NC CI Siinc ce 100 00 00 00 40 00 80 8 000 0 0 32 3 000 0 0 20 00 00 00 8 00 140 00 00 112 000 0 0 00 28 00 g 4 000 0 0 1 00 00 R R116 000 0 0 00 29 00 5 00 00 145 000 0 160 000 0 12 28 000 0 0 h 32 00 00 j 61 000 0 198 000 0) (11 000 15 58 400 4 0 (8 800 0) 39 600 l (2 200) R492 000 0 R 77 600 R27 0 C C4 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S S2 Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS 3.3 32 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) i k 400 R9 98 4 0 116 00 00 29 00 00 145 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) G Goo odw will (14 40 000) R 00 R5 00 Com C mm mentt T e ca The alculatio on C4 abo ove e is pro ovide ed as proof of o th he calc c cula ation n off go oodw will or the gain o barrgaiin purc on p cha ase an nd is only o y proviided d fo or ccom mple eten nesss p purp pose es. Eittherr th he a alysis appr ana a roacch o or the abo a ove calcula atio on can c be use ed to t calcu c ulatte th he goo g odw will o or th he g n on gain n ba arga ain purrcha ase on acq quissitio on of o a sub bsid diary y. A othe Ano er poin p nt to o re eme emb ber is that t t prro form ma jour j rnalls are a pre eparred forr co onso olid datio on p pos purp ses onlly and a are e no ot re eco ogniised d in the e in ndivvidual reco r ordss off eittherr the pare p ent or o t sub the bsid diaryy. The T pro o forma a jou urna als elim mina ate com mmon bala ancces.. 445 4 Chapter 7 C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 446 Share capital (S1)(SCE) Retained earnings (S1)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S1 Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of equity of S1 Ltd at acquisition date 100 000 28 000 3 000 Share capital (S2)(SCE) Retained earnings (S2)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S2 Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of equity of S2 Ltd at acquisition date 100 000 40 000 5 000 Retained earnings (SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since acquisition retained earnings of S2 Ltd until the beginning of the current year 32 000 Retained earnings (SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since acquisition retained earnings of S1 Ltd until the beginning of the current year 36 600 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S1 Ltd 30 240 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S2 Ltd 39 600 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S1)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends from S1 Ltd and recording of non-controlling interests in the dividend 8 400 3 600 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S2)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends from S2 Ltd and recording of non-controlling interests in the dividend 8 800 2 200 Cr R 39 000 92 000 29 000 116 000 32 000 36 600 30 240 39 600 12 000 11 000 C Con nso olidatio on of com mp plexx grroups Com C mm mentt a T The e co onso olida ated d fin nan ncial sta atem men nts can n be e prrepa ared d byy ussing g on ne of o th he follo owin ng ttwo pro oced dure es: l Pro o forma a co onso olidatio on jo ournal enttriess ca an b be prep p pare ed from f m th he abo a ve ana alys sis and d th hen sett offf ag gain nst the t com mbined d fin nanciall sta atem men nts of P Lttd, S1 Ltd d an nd S2 Ltd d (in naw worrksh heett), re esu ulting in n the e co onssolid date ed amo a ountts. l The e co onsolid date ed fiinan ncia al sttate eme entss are e prepared direcctly from the ana alyssis by b add ding g the e ap ppliicab ble amo a oun nts for f the t sub bsid diariies to thosse o of th he pare p ent. b T The e direcct prep p para atio on of o con nsolida ated fin nan ncial state eme entss (d dire ectlyy frrom m th he indiv vidu ual fina anciial stat s eme entss off the e en ntities in th he gro g up and a d the e analyysiss of ow wnerrs’ e equity of the sub bsid diaries) can b be fo orm mallyy repre esen nted d in a wor w ksh heett forrma at. W Whe en a answerring g more m e com c mple ex que q estio ons, th he pre epa aration of co onso olid date ed fina f ancial sstatementss in naw worrksh heett forrma at is the e most suitable as a an a exam e minatio on te echnique. c T The e lattter pro oced dure (p prep pariing of the t conso olida ated d statements directlly) is i gene g erallly u used in n the e re ema aind der of o th his texttboo ok. C Cons solida atiion n of o a ver v rtic call group p 7 7.5 Intrrod duc ction n A su ubssidiiaryy p partially own o ned d by a pa are ent,, ca an, in turn, ha ave e su ubssidia arie es of its ow wn. In ssuch h cas c es tw wo sets s s of o con c sollida ated d fiinancial sta atem ments s must m t be p preparred d – on ne set s th fo or the t e partiallyy-o own ned d su ubssidiiaryy and a he sub s b-subssidiariies, and a a furrthe er sett fo or the t g grou up ass a wholle. In the llattter insstance e, the t ere wiill b be at leastt tw wo group ps of no oncconttrollling g sha s areh holders: those e of o the t e su ub--subsidia ary((ies s) and a d th hosse of the par p rtiallyo own ned d su ubssidia ary y who will in ndirrecctly share e in n th he pro p ofit o or loss and a d th he net n asssetts o of the t ssub-su ubsidia arie es. T The e efffecctive in nte eresst of o th he pa aren nt in n th he sub-ssub bsid diarries s ca an be lesss tha an 50% 5 %. If, for e examp ple, the p parttially-o own ned d subssidiaryy S Lttd is 60% 6 %o own ned d byy th he p parrent and if S Ltd, L in n tu urn, ho old ds a 75 5% % interrestt in n the equ e uity sh hare e capiital of a sub s b-subssidiaryy, SS S Ltd d, the t e effectivve inte ere est of the e pa are ent in the e sub--subsiidia ary is only 45% 4 % (60 ( 0% × 75% 7 %). He enc ce, th he non n-ccontrolling in nte eressts can be b a mate m eria al amo a oun nt. 7 7.6 Bas B sic c con nso olid dattion n pro p oce edu ure es A ve erticall grrou up in itts sim s mple est form co onsists s of a pa arent wit w h a co onttrolling g in nterresst in na p parttiallly-o own ned d su ubssidiiaryy, w which,, in n turn, ha as a cont c trolling in nte eresst in n a su ub-sub bsid dia ary. T The e ba asicc app a proa ach h to o co onssolida ating g the fin nancia al stat s em men nts of a vverrtica al gro g oup p is to first co onsolid date the fin nancia al sttate ementts o of the t su ubssidia ary y an nd the e su ub--sub bsidia ary,, affter w whic ch th he fin nancia al sta s atem men nts of o the e par p rentt and a d sub s bsid diarriess (su ubsidia ary and a ssub-su ubsidia aryy) are con c nso olidate ed. W Whe ere e a verticcal gro oup p co onssistts of o a pa are ent,, P Ltd d, a p parttiallly-o own ned d subssidiaryy, S Ltd, L a and a su ub-ssub bsid diarry, SS S L Ltd, tw wo setts o of con nso olid date ed fina ancciall sttate ementts mu must be p prep parred: on ne sett fo or S Lttd a and d itss subs s sidiary y SS S Ltd d an nd a furtherr se et for P Ltd L an nd the t tw wo su ubsidia arie es S Ltd L and S SS Ltd d. In pra p ctic ce, the e con c sollida ated d financial sta s atem men nts s of th he S Ltd d Gro G oup p an nd the e ffina ancial sta ate eme entss of o P L Ltd will be b ussed d to o prep pare the t cconsolida ated d ffina ancial state eme ents of o the e P Lttd Grroup. It is the ere eforre neccesssa ary to a analysse the conso olid date ed own o nerrs’ equ e uityy off the S Lttd Gro G oup p. W Whe en a que q estiion re equiress th he conso olid date ed financcial sttate ementts of o tthe e P Ltd d Gro G oup to b be pre p epa ared d, o only the t fin nan ncia al stat s tem men nts of the individ dua al enti e tiess in n the grroup are a u usuallyy giiven. In suc s ch cas c sess, it is unn neccesssa ary to t firs f st prep pare e th he con nso olid date ed fina f anc cial 447 4 Chapter 7 statements of S Ltd Group (S Ltd and its subsidiary SS Ltd). All that must be done is to analyse S Ltd’s interest in SS Ltd and then to use certain details from that analysis to analyse P Ltd’s interest in S Ltd’s consolidated owners’ equity. On consolidation of a vertical group, the dates on which the parent acquired the controlling interest in the subsidiaries are of primary importance. Should P Ltd own 90% of the shares of S Ltd and S Ltd in turn own 80% of the shares in SS Ltd, the timing of the acquisitions may be illustrated as follows: l P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.17, while S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd on 1 January 20.19. (S Ltd has been a subsidiary of P Ltd since 1 January 20.17, while SS Ltd has been a subsidiary of P Ltd since 1 January 20.19.) l P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.19, while S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd on 1 January 20.17 (S Ltd and SS Ltd have thus been subsidiaries of P Ltd since 1 January 20.19). The alternative possibilities whereby a vertical group can be formed must be kept in mind when analysing the owners’ equity in the subsidiaries. Example 7.2 Vertical group – P Ltd acquired an interest in S Ltd on the same date that S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd The abridged financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiaries S Ltd and SS Ltd as at 31 December 20.18 were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Bank and trade receivables Investment in S Ltd at cost price: 60 000 shares Investment in SS Ltd at cost price: 270 000 shares Total assets P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 990 000 200 000 174 000 – 334 000 66 000 – 467 000 908 000 150 000 – – R1 364 000 R867 000 R1 058 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 500 000 shares/S Ltd: 100 000 shares/SS Ltd: 300 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities 448 500 000 725 000 139 000 R1 364 000 100 000 687 000 80 000 300 000 586 000 172 000 R867 000 R1 058 000 Consolidation of complex groups EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 380 000 362 000 136 000 – – – R380 000 R362 000 R136 000 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 345 000 325 000 470 000 380 000 – 362 000 – 136 000 (20 000) R725 000 R687 000 R586 000 P Ltd acquired a 60% interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.16 for R174 000. At this date, the retained earnings of S Ltd amounted to R149 500. P Ltd had control over S Ltd as per the definition of control in terms of IFRS 10 from the acquisition date. S Ltd paid R467 000 for a 90% interest in SS Ltd on 1 January 20.16. At this date, the retained earnings of SS Ltd amounted to R200 000. S Ltd had control over SS Ltd as per the definition of control in terms of IFRS 10 from the acquisition date. At the acquisition dates, the assets and liabilities of both subsidiaries were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their fair value at the acquisition date. At 1 January 20.16 the fair values of the non-controlling interests were as follows: Non-controlling interest of SS Ltd – R50 000 Non-controlling interest of S Ltd – R114 500 A dividend of R18 000 received from SS Ltd is included in the profit for the year of S Ltd. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired to the end of the current reporting period. The company tax rate is 28%. 449 Chapter 7 Solution 7.2 The consolidated financial statements for the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be prepared as follows. P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (990 000(P) + 334 000(S) + 908 000(S)) Goodwill (39 300(C3) + 17 000(C1) 2 232 000 56 300 2 288 300 Current assets Bank and trade receivables (200 000(P) + 66 000(S) + 150 000(SS)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings Non-controlling interests (88 600(C1) + 468 760(C3)) Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (139 000(P) + 80 000(S) + 172 000(SS)) Total equity and liabilities 416 000 R2 704 300 500 000 1 255 940 1 755 940 557 360 2 313 300 391 000 R2 704 300 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 860 000 (380 000(P) + 362 000(S) – 18 000(dividend received) + 136 000(SS)) Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (860 000 – 200 160) Non-controlling interests (13 600(C1) + 137 600(C3) + 48 960(C3)) – R860 000 659 840 200 160 R860 000 450 Consolidation of complex groups P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 & # ɛ Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 500 000 596 100 1 096 100 &359 200 1 455 300 – – 659 840 – 659 840 – 200 160 (2 000) 860 000 (2 000) R500 000 ɛR1 255 940 R1 755 940 # R557 360 R2 313 300 345 000(P) + 251 100(S) = 596 100 77 000 + 282 200 = 359 200 88 600 + 468 760 = 557 360 725 000(P) + 530 940(S) = 1 255 940 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of SS Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 90% At Since NCI 300 000 200 000 270 000 180 000 30 000 20 000 500 000 450 000 50 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 17 000 17 000 – Consideration and NCI 517 000 R467 000 50 000 ii Since acquisition To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (1) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend 270 000 243 000 27 000 77 000 136 000 (20 000) 122 400 (18 000) 13 600 (2 000) R903 000 R347 400 R88 600 (1) 470 000 – 200 000 = 270 000 451 Chapter 7 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of SS Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 467 000 50 000 517 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (500 000) Goodwill R17 000 C3 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.16) Share capital Retained earnings P Ltd 60% At Since NCI 100 000 149 500 60 000 89 700 40 000 59 800 249 500 149 700 99 800 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 39 300 24 300 15 000 Consideration and NCI 288 800 174 000 114 800 ii Since acquisition To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (1) Retained earnings – SS Ltd • Current year: Profit for the year (362 000 – 18 000) Profit for the year – SS Ltd 175 500 243 000 105 300 145 800 70 200 97 200 282 200 344 000 122 400 R1 173 700 206 400 73 440 137 600 48 960 R530 940 R468 760 (1) 325 000 – 149 500 = 175 500 C2 Proof of calculation of goodwill of SS Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 174 000 114 800 288 800 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (249 500) Goodwill R39 300 452 Consolidation of complex groups C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 Share capital (SS)(OCI) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Goodwilll Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in SS Ltd (S)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of SS Ltd at date of acquisition 300 000 200 000 17 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of S Ltd at date of acquisition 100 000 149 500 39 300 Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since-acquisition retained earnings of SS Ltd until beginning of current year 27 000 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since-acquisition retained earnings of S Ltd until beginning of current year 70 200 97 200 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of SS Ltd Non-controlling interests (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SS)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S Ltd 13 600 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends from SS Ltd and recording of non-controlling interests in the dividend Cr R 50 000 467 000 114 800 174 000 27 000 167 400 13 600 137 600 48 960 186 560 18 000 2 000 20 000 453 Chapter 7 Example 7.3 Vertical group – P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd after S Ltd acquired an interest in SS Ltd P Ltd paid R467 000 for a 90% interest in the issued equity share capital of S Ltd on 1 January 20.16. At this date, the retained earnings of S Ltd amounted to R200 000. On 1 January 20.15, S Ltd acquired an 80% interest in the issued equity share capital of SS Ltd when the retained earnings amounted to R155 000 and paid R217 000 for the investment. The retained earnings of SS Ltd amounted to R205 000 on 1 January 20.16. At the acquisition date, the assets and liabilities of both subsidiaries were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired to the end of the current reporting period. The dividends received from the respective investments in the subsidiaries are included in the profit for the year of P Ltd and S Ltd. The company tax rate is 28%. The abridged financial statements of the group of companies at 31 December 20.18 were as follows: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Trade receivables Investment in S Ltd at cost price: 270 000 shares Investment in SS Ltd at cost price: 96 000 shares Total assets P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 403 000 172 000 495 000 – 571 000 90 000 – 217 000 702 000 60 000 – – R1 070 000 R878 000 R762 000 500 000 431 000 139 000 300 000 460 000 118 000 120 000 588 000 54 000 R1 070 000 R878 000 R762 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 500 000 shares/S Ltd: 300 000 shares/SS Ltd: 120 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities 454 Consolidation of complex groups EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd PROFIT FOR THE YEAR SS Ltd 136 000 130 000 335 000 – – – Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR S Ltd R136 000 R130 000 R335 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 325 000 350 000 298 000 136 000 130 000 335 000 (30 000) (20 000) (45 000) R431 000 R460 000 R580 000 The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20.18 must be prepared for the P Ltd Group. 455 Chapter 7 Solution 7.3 The interest of S Ltd in SS Ltd is analysed first, after which certain information from the analysis is used to analyse P Ltd’s interest in S Ltd’s consolidated owners’ equity. The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be prepared as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (403 000(P) + 571 000(S) + 702 000(SS)) Goodwill Current assets Trade receivables (172 000(P) + 90 000(S) + 60 000(SS)) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital (P) Retained earnings g b Non-controlling interests (110 940 + 141 600 ) Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (139 000(P) + 118 000(S) + 54 000(SS)) Total equity and liabilities 1 676 000 6 300 1 682 300 322 000 R2 004 300 500 000 940 760 1 440 760 252 540 1 693 300 311 000 R2 004 300 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (1) Other comprehensive income for the year 547 000 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R547 000 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (547 000 – 103 200) Non-controlling interests (67 000a + 13 000e + 23 200f ) 443 800 103 200 R547 000 (136 000(P) – 36 000j(J8) + 130 000(S) – 18 000(J7) + 335 000(SS)) = 547 000 456 Consolidation of complex groups P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity Balance at 1 January 20.18 500 000 ȍ 526 960 887 800 160 340 1 228 340 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year Profit for the year – 443 800 443 800 103 200 547 000 Dividend paid – (30 000) (30 000) (11 000) (41 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R500 000 R940 760 R1 440 760 &R252 540 R1 734 340 ȍ & c 325 000(P) + 201 960(S) = 526 960 h i 83 600(SS) + 76 740(S) = 160 340 431 000(P) + 509 760(S)k = 940 760 b g 141 600(SS) + 110 940(S) = 252 540 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of SS Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.15) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by gain from bargain purchase – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings Till 1 January 20.16 (1) Till 1 January 20.18 (2) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividends paid S Ltd 80% At Since NCI 120 000 155 000 96 000 124 000 24 000 31 000 275 000 220 000 55 000 3 000 3 000 – 272 000 R217 000 55 000 50 000 93 000 40 000 74 400 10 000 18 600 83 600h 335 000 (45 000) 268 000 (36 000)j 67 000a (9 000) R705 000 R346 400 R141 600b (1) 205 000 – 155 000 = 50 000 (2) 298 000 – 205 000 = 93 000 457 C Cha apte er 7 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of pu urchas se diffferren nce e off SS S Ltd L in terrms of o IFR RS 3.3 3 2 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) 217 00 00 A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 00 55 00 00 272 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (27 75 000) G Gain n frrom m barg gain n purccha ase R 00 R3 00 Com C mm mentt B using the By e ab bove e anal a ysiss off SS Ltd, L the e co onssolid date ed fina f ancia al stat s ementss o of th he S Lttd Gro G up can n be e prrepa ared d. As A tthe que estion onlly re equ uiress th he ccons solid date ed fina f ancial s tementts of th stat he P Ltd Grou G up, cerrtain n inform mation from the t abo ove e an nalyssis of equ e uity is u ed to use o an nalyyse S L Ltd’s s co onso olid date ed owne ers’’ eq quityy. C C3 An naly ysiis o of con c nso olid dated ow wne ers s’ e equ uity y off S Ltd d To otall i At A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.16)) Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arningss Equ E uity rep pre esen nted by b gain g n fro om barg b gain purc p cha ase Ret R tain ned ea arningss off SS SL Ltd: Till T 1 Jan J uarry 20.1 2 16 Equ E uity rep pre esen nted by b goo g odw will – Pa aren nt Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NCI P Ltd L 90 0% At NCI NC S nce Sin e 3 300 0 00 00 2 200 0 00 00 27 70 000 0 0 18 80 000 0 0 30 0 3 000 0 2 0 20 000 0 3 00 00 2 700 7 0 3 300 0 40 000 0 3 36 000 0 0 40 000 0 5 543 3 00 00 48 88 700 7 0 5 3 54 300 0 6 30 00 6 300 3 0 – 5 549 9 30 00 R 95 000 R49 0 0 5 3 54 300 0 iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg b ginn ning g of o cu urre ent year: 2 224 4 40 00 2 96 201 60 c 2 4 22 440 0 Ret R tain ned ea arningss – SS S Lttd Ret R tain ned ea arningss – S Ltd L (1) 74 4 40 00 1 150 0 00 00 6 96 60 66 135 1 5 00 00 74 440 0 15 0 1 000 0 i • Cur C rren nt year y r: Pro P fit for f the e ye ear:: 7 7 76 740 0 3 362 2 00 00 3 80 325 00 3 2 36 200 0 d S Ltd L SS Ltd 1 130 0 00 00 2 232 2 00 00 117 7 00 00 208 2 8 80 00 13 0 000 0e 2 2 23 200 0f Divi D idend paid (20 0 00 00) ( 8 00 (18 00)d (2 0 000 0) R 115 R1 5 70 00 (1 1) 350 0 00 00 – 20 00 000 0 = 150 1 000 0 4 458 R5 509 76 60 k R 10 9 R11 940 0g Consolidation of complex groups C4 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 495 000 54 300 549 300 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (543 000) Goodwill R6 300 C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Share capital (SS)(OCI) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Gain from bargain purchase Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in SS Ltd (S)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of SS Ltd at date of acquisition 120 000 155 000 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Equity represented by gain from bargain purchase Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of S Ltd at date of acquisition 300 000 200 000 40 000 3 000 6 300 Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since-acquisition retained earnings of SS Ltd until beginning of current year 18 600 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since-acquisition retained earnings of S Ltd until beginning of current year 15 000 7 440 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of SS Ltd 67 000 Cr R 3 000 55 000 217 000 54 300 495 000 18 600 22 440 67 000 continued 459 Chapter 7 Dr R J6 J7 J8 Non-controlling interests (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SS)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S Ltd 13 000 23 200 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends from S Ltd and recording of non-controlling interests in the dividend 18 000 2 000 Dividend received (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (SS)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividends from SS Ltd and recording of non-controlling interests in the dividend 36 000 9 000 Example 7.4 Cr R 36 200 20 000 45 000 Vertical group – P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd before S Ltd acquired the interest in SS Ltd The abridged financial statements of P Ltd, S Ltd and SS Ltd were as follows on 31 December 20.18: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investments in subsidiaries at cost price: 24 000 shares in S Ltd 16 000 shares in SS Ltd Trade receivables Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 50 000 shares/ S Ltd: 30 000 shares/SS Ltd: 20 000 shares) Retained earnings Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities 460 P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd 426 400 237 800 674 000 129 600 – 109 000 – 285 200 50 000 – – 40 000 R665 000 R573 000 R714 000 100 000 540 000 25 000 110 000 433 000 30 000 140 000 539 000 35 000 R665 000 R573 000 R714 000 Consolidation of complex groups EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd PROFIT FOR THE YEAR SS Ltd 210 000 188 000 115 000 – – – Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR S Ltd R210 000 R188 000 R115 000 EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd SS Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid 380 000 270 000 440 000 210 000 (50 000) 188 000 (25 000) 115 000 (16 000) Balance at 31 December 20.18 R540 000 R433 000 R539 000 P Ltd purchased an interest in S Ltd on 1 January 20.15, when the retained earnings of S Ltd amounted to R62 000. S Ltd purchased an interest in SS Ltd on 1 January 20.17, when the retained earnings of SS Ltd amounted to R210 000. At the dates of acquisition, the assets and liabilities of both subsidiaries were fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired to the end of the current reporting period. 461 Chapter 7 Solution 7.4 The abridged consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18 will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (426 400(P) + 237 800(S) + 674 000(SS)) Goodwillh 1 338 200 5 200 1 343 400 Current assets Trade receivables (109 000(P) + 50 000(S) + 40 000(SS)) Total assets 199 000 R1 542 400 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 1 055 360 Non-controlling interests (135 800i + 161 240j) 1 155 360 297 040 Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables (25 000(P) + 30 000(S) + 35 000(SS)) Total equity and liabilities 1 452 400 90 000 R1 542 400 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (1) 480 200 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (480 200 – 76 440) Non-controlling interests (23 000e + 53 440f) – R480 200 403 760 76 440 R480 200 (1) (210 000(P) + 188 000(S) + 115 000(SS) – 20 000(dividend)(S) – 12 800(dividend)(SS)) = 480 200 462 Consolidation of complex groups P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Noncontrolling interests Share capital Retained earnings Total 100 000 701 600 801 600 # 228 800 – 403 760 (50 000) 403 760 (50 000) R100 000 ȍR1 055 360 76 440 (8 200) Total equity 1 030 400 480 200 (58 200) R1 155 360 R297 040 R1 452 400 380 000(P) + 313 600g + 8 000(gain from bargain purchase/J9) = 701 600 # 116 000(S) + 112 800(SS) = 228 800 ȍ 540 000(P) + 507 360(S) + 8 000(J9) = 1 055 360 Calculations C1 Analysis of owners’ equity of SS Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Retained earnings Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (440 000 – 210 000) • Current year: Profit for the year Dividend paid S Ltd 80% At Since NCI 140 000 210 000 112 000 168 000 28 000 42 000 350 000 280 000 70 000 5 200 5 200a – 355 200 R285 200 70 000 230 000 184 000c 46 000 116 000 115 000 (16 000) R684 200 92 000d (12 800) 23 000e (3 200) R263 200b R135 800i 463 C Cha apte er 7 C C2 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S SS Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS S 3.32 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 285 20 00 70 00 00 00 355 20 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att accqu uisittion n da ate e: IF FRS S3 3.32 2(b) (3 350 00 00) G Goo odw will R 20 R5 00 Com C mm mentt I tthe con In nso olida ated d sttate ements of S Ltd an nd sub s bsidiaryy SS S Ltd, L the ere is goo odw will of R 200 R5 0. This T s am mou unt rep pressentts, iin esse e encce, a ccorre ection of the e eq quityy off S Ltd d, as a S Lttd paid R28 R 85 2 200 for an a inve i estm men nt of o whic w ch the e un nde erlying ne et asse a et vvalu ue a oun amo nted d to R28 80 0 000 0. T The e co onssoliidatted d own nerss’ e equ uityy off S Lttd can n now n w b be detterm min ned d and a an nalyyse ed by a adding g th he am mou untts in the e abo a ove e “S Since”” colu c umn n ((18 84 000 0c and 92 00 00d) to o the t re ese erve es of S L Ltd forr th he corr c res spondiing pe erio ods. C C3 An naly ysiis o of con c nso olid dated ow wne ers s’ e equ uity y off S Ltd d To ota al i At A acq a quis sitiion (1//1/2 20.15)) Sha S are capita al Ret R tain ned ea arnin ngss Equ E uity rep pre esen nted by b gain g n fro om ba arg gain n pu urch hasse – Pare ent Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NCI S ce Sin N I NC 88 8 000 49 9 600 22 0 2 000 0 1 4 12 400 0 1 2 00 172 00 137 7 600 3 4 34 400 0 (8 8 00 00) (8 8 000)) – 1 4 00 164 00 R 9 600 R129 3 4 34 400 0 3 2 00 392 00 S Lttd (270 ( 0 00 00 – 62 2 00 00) S Ltd SS d 208 2 8 00 00 1 4 00 184 00c 4 464 A At 110 1 0 00 00 62 2 00 00 iii Sin S ce acquisittion n • To T beg b ginn ning g of cu urre ent year: Ret R tain ned ea arnin ngss: • Cur C rren nt year y r: Pro P fit for f the e ye ear:: S Lttd (188 ( 8 00 00 – 12 2 80 00) S Ltd SS d Divi D idend paid P Lttd 80% 8 % 3 3 60 313 00g 7 4 78 400 0 11 12 800 0 267 2 7 20 00 1 5 20 175 00 92 2 00 00d ( 5 00 (25 00) R7 798 8 20 00 2 3 76 213 60 53 440f (20 0 00 00) R5 507 7 36 60 (5 000 0) R161 240j Consolidation of complex groups C4 Proof of calculation of gain from bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) 129 600 Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 34 400 164 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (172 000) Gain from bargain purchase (R8 000) C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 Share capital (SS)(SCE) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in SS Ltd (S)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of SS Ltd at date of acquisition 140 000 210 000 5 200 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (SCE) (Gain from a bargain purchase) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of S Ltd at date of acquisition 110 000 62 000 Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since acquisition retained earnings of SS Ltd until beginning of current year 46 000 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since acquisition retained earnings of S Ltd until beginning of current year 78 400 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of SS Ltd Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S Ltd 23 000 Cr R 70 000 285 200 8 000 34 400 129 600 46 000 78 400 23 000 53 440 53 440 continued 465 Chapter 7 Dr R J7 J8 J9 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)( SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend of S Ltd 20 000 5 000 Dividend received (S)( P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (SS)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend of SS Ltd 12 800 3 200 Gain from bargain purchase (SCE) Retained earnings – Beginning of year (S)(SCE) Recognition of gain from bargain purchase in retained earnings 8 000 Cr R 25 000 16 000 8 000 Self-assessment questions Question 7.1 The following are the trial balances of the companies within the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18: P Ltd Dr/(Cr) R S1 Ltd Dr/(Cr) R S3 Ltd Dr/(Cr) R 300 000 467 100 222 000 30 000 8 000 90 000 80 200 200 000 189 800 178 000 – – 40 000 24 000 150 000 115 000 110 000 20 000 – 42 000 77 000 1 197 300 631 800 514 000 339 000 481 200 200 500 256 000 220 000 – 81 400 118 200 66 000 5 600 61 100 50 000 – – – 36 000 19 900 17 000 2 700 35 000 40 000 – – 110 000 77 000 30 000 75 000 1 500 20 000 – 1 197 300 631 800 514 000 Credits Share capital (P Ltd: 150 000 shares/ S1 Ltd: 200 000 shares/S3 Ltd: 150 000 shares) Retained earnings – 1 January 20.18 Gross profit Dividends received Interest received Long-term loan Trade payables Debits Property plant and equipment Equity investments at cost price: Investment in S1 Ltd Investment in S3 Ltd Sundry investments Inventory and trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Other expenses Finance costs Income tax expense Dividends paid – 31 December 20.18 466 Consolidation of complex groups Additional information 1 2 3 4 5 Investment in S1 Ltd P Ltd acquired 150 000 shares in S1 Ltd on 1 January 20.17 when S1 Ltd's retained earnings amounted to R90 000. At that date the inventory in S1 Ltd was valued at R47 000 more than its carrying amount. Investment in S3 Ltd P Ltd acquired 90 000 shares in S3 Ltd on 1 January 20.18. For the acquisition of the interest in S3 Ltd there were no unidentified assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities and the assets and liabilities were considered to be fairly valued. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. The company tax rate is 28%. Required Prepare the consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18. 467 Chapter 7 Suggested solution 7.1 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group will be drawn up as follows as at 31 December 20.18: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (339 000(P) + 481 200(S1) + 200 500(S3)) Equity investments Goodwill (13 120(S1 analysis) + 61 000(S3 analysis)) 1 020 700 110 000 74 120 1 204 820 Current assets Inventories and trade receivables (81 400(P) + 36 000(S1) + 77 000(S3)) Cash and cash equivalents (118 200(P) + 19 900(S1) + 30 000(S3)) 194 400 168 100 362 500 Total assets R1 567 320 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 300 000 674 445 Non-controlling interests (120 275(S1) + 119 400(S3)) 974 445 239 675 Total equity Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings (90 000(P) + 40 000(S1) + 42 000(S3)) 1 214 120 172 000 172 000 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (80 200(P) + 24 000(S1) + 77 000(S3)) Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 468 181 200 181 200 353 200 R1 567 320 Consolidation of complex groups P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Gross profit (222 000(P) + 178 000(S1) + 110 000(S3)) Other income (30 000(P) + 20 000(S3) + 8 000(P) – 30 000(J8)) Other expenses (66 000(P) + 17 000(S1) + 75 000(S3)) Finance costs (5 600(P) + 2 700(S1) + 1 500(S3)) 510 000 28 000 (158 000) (9 800) Profit before tax Income tax expense (61 100(P) + 35 000(S1) + 20 000(S3)) 370 200 (116 100) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 254 100 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R254 100 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (254 100 – 46 225) Non-controlling interests (13 400(J7) + 32 825(J6)) 207 875 46 225 R254 100 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Share capital Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Acquisition of subsidiary Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Retained earnings 300 000 516 570 Noncontrolling interests Total Total equity 816 570 97 450 914 020 – – – 106 000 106 000 – – 207 875 (50 000) 207 875 (50 000) 46 225 (10 000) 254 100 (60 000) R300 000 §R674 445 R974 445 ȍR239 675 R1 274 120 467 100(P) + 49 470(S1) = 516 570 ȍ 120 275(S1) + 119 400(S3) = 239 675 § 467 100(P Opening RE) + 222 000(P GP) + 30 000(P Div rec) – 66 000 (P other exp) – 5 600 (P Finance costs) – 61 100(P Income tax expense) – 50 000(P div paid) + 117 945(S1) + 20 100(S2) = 674 445 469 Chapter 7 Calculations C1 Schematic diagram of group structure P Ltd 75% 80% 1 January 20.17 1 January 20.18 S1 Ltd S3 Ltd C2 Analysis of owners’ equity of S1 Ltd i At acquisition (1/1/20.17) Share capital Equity at acquisition (1)(J1) Retained earnings 75% 100% Total At 200 000 33 840 90 000 150 000 25 380 67 500 50 000 8 460 22 500 Since 25% NCI 323 840 242 880 80 960 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 13 120 13 120 – Consideration and NCI 336 960 R256 000 80 960 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (2) 65 960 • Current year Profit for the year (3) 131 300 98 475 32 825 (40 000) (30 000) (10 000) R494 220 R117 945 R120 275 Dividend paid 49 470 16 490 97 450 (1) 47 000 × 72% = 33 840 (2) 189 800 – 90 000 – 33 840(J4) = 65 960 (3) 178 000 + 8 000(other income) – 17 000 – 2 700 – 35 000 = 131 300 C3 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S1 Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 256 000 80 960 336 960 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) Goodwill 470 (323 840) 13 120 C Con nso olidatio on of com mp plexx grroups Com C mm mentt I ento Inve orie es are curr c rentt asssets and are expeccted d to rea alise e within n 12 2 mont m ths.. Th here efore, t rea the alisa ation of the curre ent asssetss is pro ocesssed in n the next n pe eriod d – “sin nce acq quissitio on t b to begiinning of curr c rent yea ar”. Th he in ncre ease e in n va alue (re eme easu urem men nt) of o th he inve i ento ory at t acq the quissitio on date d e is only acco a oun nted forr, fo or grou g up purp p pose es in i o orde er to o ca alcu ulate e th he g odwill/g goo gain on n b barg gain pu urch hase at a the t accquisitio on datte corr c recttly (IFR RS 3). Th he r meas rem sure eme ent of tthe inventory is n not acccounted fo or in n the se epa arate e ac cco ountting reccord ds o S of S1 Ltd. L As a resu r ult of o th he remeassure eme ent at a th he a acq quisition n da ate,, the e ca arryying am mount o inve of ento ory from m th he gro oupss’ pers p spec ctive e iss more m e than tha at re efleccted d in n th he sepa s arate a coun acc nting g re ecorrds of S1 S Ltd. When W n th he asse a et re ealisses, du ue to itss ca arry ying g am mount b bein ng m re, the mor e group ps’ profit will w be lesss than t n th hat reccogn nise ed in th he sep para ate acccou untin ng r ords reco s off S1 Ltd d. C C4 An naly ysiis o of ow o ners’ eq quitty of o S3 S Ltd d 60 0% 100 1 0% T tal Tot A At 150 1 0 00 00 1 5 00 115 00 90 000 9 0 0 6 000 69 0 0 60 00 00 00 46 00 Equ E uity rep pre esen nted d by b goo g dwill – Pa are ent 341 00 3 00 61 00 00 20 04 600 6 0 6 000 61 0 0 106 00 00 – Con C nsid dera atio on and a d NCI 3 6 00 326 00 R22 R 20 000 0 0 106 00 00 A acq a quis sition (1//1/2 20.1 18)) i At Sha S are cap pita al Ret R ained ea arnin ngss iii Sin S ce acq quiisittion n • Cur C rren nt year y r Prof P fit for f the t e ye ear (1) 33 3 50 00 R3 359 9 50 00 Sin nce e 20 0 10 00 40% % NC CI 13 40 00 R R20 0 10 00 R1 119 9 40 00 (1 1) 110 1 0 00 00 + 20 0 00 00 – 75 000 – 150 00 – 20 0 00 00 = 33 3 50 00 C C5 Prroo of of o c calc cula atio on of go ood dwiill of o S S3 Ltd d in n te erm ms of IFR RS 3.3 32 C Con nsid dera atio on transfferrred at ac cquisittion n da ate: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(a))(i) A Amo oun nt of o non n n-co ontrrolling g interestts: IFR RS 3.3 32(a)(ii) 220 00 00 106 00 00 326 00 00 N Net of the e id den ntifia able ass a etss ac cqu uire ed and a d lia abilitie es ass a sum med d att ac cqu uisittion n date e: IF FRS S 3.32 3 2(b b) (3 341 00 00) G Goo odw will R61 00 00 C C6 Prro form f ma a co ons solida atio on jou j urn nal enttrie es D Dr R J1 1 Invven ntorry (S1)(SFP P) Equ uityy att accquisition Defferrred d taxx (S S1)(SF FP)) (477 0000 × 288%) Re emeas surrem men nt of o in nve ento ory y att ac cqu uisition date d e of o S1 1 Lttd Crr R 4 47 000 0 33 3 84 40 13 3 16 60 co tinu cont ued d 471 4 Chapter 7 Dr R J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 472 Share capital (S1)(SCE) Retained earnings (S1)(SCE) Equity at acquisition Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S1 Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of S1 Ltd at acquisition date 200 000 90 000 33 840 13 120 Share capital (S3)(SCE) Retained earnings (S3)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S3 Ltd (P)(SCE) Elimination of owners’ interest of S3 Ltd at acquisition date 150 000 115 000 61 000 Retained earnings (S1)(SCE) Deferred tax (S1)(SFP) Inventory (S)(SFP) Inventory of S1 Ltd remeasured at acquisition realised after acquisition 33 840 13 160 Retained earnings (S1)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since acquisition retained earnings of S1 Ltd 16 490 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S1 Ltd 32 825 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S3 Ltd 13 400 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S1)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recording of dividend paid to non-controlling interests 30 000 10 000 Cr R 80 960 256 000 106 000 220 000 47 000 16 490 32 825 13 400 40 000 Consolidation of complex groups Question 7.2 The following are the trial balances of the companies within the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18: P Ltd Dr/(Cr) R S Ltd Dr/(Cr) R SS Ltd Dr/(Cr) R Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price Investment in SS Ltd at cost price Loan to P Ltd Trade receivables Inventories Cash and cash equivalents Share capital (P Ltd: 100 000 shares/ 534 200 190 000 – – 165 000 142 500 102 500 358 900 – 153 000 200 000 20 000 40 000 23 000 283 100 – – – 9 000 15 000 13 000 S Ltd: 100 000 shares/SS Ltd: 90 000 shares) (100 000) (474 000) (352 400) (60 000) 44 500 98 000 15 300 25 000 (298 000) (32 600) (100 000) (359 000) (410 000) (25 000) 88 000 73 000 – 15 000 – (76 900) (90 000) (114 000) (148 000) (40 000) 24 000 45 900 – 30 000 – (28 000) R– R– R– Retained earnings – 1 January 20.18 Gross profit Other income Other expenses Income tax expense Finance costs Dividend paid Long-term borrowings Trade and other payables Additional information 1 P Ltd acquired 80 000 shares in S Ltd on 1 October 20.17 when the retained earnings amounted to R68 000. The assets and liabilities were considered to be fairly valued and there were no unaccounted for contingent liabilities. 2 S Ltd acquired 63 000 shares in SS Ltd on 1 January 20.18. For the acquisition of the interest in SS Ltd there were no unidentified assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities, and the assets and liabilities were considered to be fairly valued. 3 P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. 4 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. 5 Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investments were acquired to the end of the current reporting period. 6 The following intragroup transactions took place within the group during the year ended 31 December 20.18: 6.1 S Ltd made a loan of R200 000 to P Ltd on 1 July 20.18. The loan is repayable in five equal instalments from 1 July 20.19. S Ltd charges 10% interest on the 473 Chapter 7 7 loan per annum. Included in finance costs of P Ltd is interest paid of R10 000 to S Ltd for the period 1 July 20.18 to 31 December 20.18. 6.2 P Ltd charges its subsidiary, S Ltd, a management fee of R4 000 per month. The company tax rate is 28%. Required Prepare the consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18. Suggested solution 7.2 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group will be drawn up as follows as at 31 December 20.18: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (534 200(P) + 358 900(S) + 283 100(SS)) Goodwill (55 600(S) + 10 200(SS)) 1 176 200 65 800 1 242 000 Current assets Trade receivables (165 000(P) + 20 000(S) + 9 000(SS)) Inventories (142 500(P) + 40 000(S) + 15 000(SS)) Cash and cash equivalents (102 500(P) + 23 000(S) + 13 000(SS)) 194 000 197 500 138 500 530 000 Total assets R1 772 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings 100 000 1 192 936 Non-controlling interests (155 934(S) + 87 630(SS)) 1 292 936 243 564 Total equity Long-term liabilities Long-term borrowings (298 000(P) – 200 000(J5)) Current liabilities Trade and other payables (32 600(P) + 76 900(S) + 28 000(SS)) Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 474 1 536 500 98 000 137 500 235 500 R1 772 000 Consolidation of complex groups P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Gross profit (352 400(P) + 410 000(S) + 148 000(SS)) Other income (60 000(P) + 25 000(SS) + 40 000(S) – 10 000(J6) – 12 000(J4) 910 400 34 000 – 21 000(J3) – 48 000(J7)) Other expenses (44 500(P) + 88 000(S) + 24 000(SS) – 48 000(J7)) Finance charges (15 300(P) – 10 000(J6)) (108 500) (5 300) Profit before tax Income tax expense (98 000(P) + 73 000(S) + 45 900(SS)) 830 600 (216 900) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 613 700 Other comprehensive income for the year – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR R613 700 Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (613 700 – 102 564) Non-controlling interests (35 430(J10) + 67 134(J9)) 511 136 102 564 R613 700 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Non-controlling interests arising from acquisition of subsidiary Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings Total 100 000 706 800 806 800 – – 511 136 (25 000) Noncontrolling interests Total equity 91 800 898 600 61 200 61 200 511 136 102 564 (25 000) @(12 000) 613 700 (37 000) R100 000 R1 192 936 R1 292 936 ũR243 564 R1 536 500 474 000(P) + 232 800(S) = 706 800 ũ 155 934(S) + 87 630(SS) = 243 564 @ 9 000(SS) + 3 000(S) = 12 000 475 Chapter 7 Calculations C1 Schematic diagram of group structure P Ltd 80% 1 Oct 20.17 S Ltd 70% 1 Jan 20.18 SS Ltd C2 Analysis of owners’ equity of SS Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/1/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings S Ltd 70% At Since NCI 90 000 114 000 63 000 79 800 27 000 34 200 204 000 142 800 61 200 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 10 200 10 200 – Consideration and NCI 214 200 R153 000 61 200 ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year (1) Dividend paid 118 100 (30 000) 82 670 (21 000) 35 430 (9 000) R302 300 R61 670 R87 630 (1) 148 000 + 40 000 – 24 000 – 45 900 = 118 100 C3 Proof of calculation of goodwill of SS Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 153 000 61 200 214 200 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (204 000) Goodwill R10 200 476 Consolidation of complex groups C4 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd i At acquisition (1/10/20.17) Share capital Retained earnings 80% 20% NCI 100% Total At 100 000 68 000 80 000 54 400 20 000 13 600 168 000 134 400 33 600 Since Equity represented by goodwill – Parent 55 600 55 600 – Consideration and NCI 223 600 190 000 33 600 ii Since acquisition • To beginning of current year: Retained earnings (359 000 – 68 000) • Current year Profit for the year Profit for the year – S Ltd (1) Profit for the year – SS Ltd (2) 291 000 232 800 58 200 91 800 335 670 268 536 67 134 274 000 61 670 219 200 49 336 54 800 12 334 Dividends paid (15 000) (12 000) (3 000) R835 270 R489 336 R155 934 (1) 410 000 + 25 000 – 88 000 – 73 000 = 274 000 (2) 82 670 – 21 000 = 61 670 C5 Proof of calculation of gain on bargain purchase of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 190 000 33 600 223 600 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (168 000) Goodwill R55 600 C6 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Share capital (SS)(SCE) Retained earnings (SS)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in SS Ltd (S)(SFP) Elimination of owners’ interest of SS Ltd at acquisition date Cr R 90 000 114 000 10 200 61 200 153 000 continued 477 Chapter 7 Dr R J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 478 Share capital (S)(SCE) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SCE) Elimination of owners’ interest of S Ltd at acquisition date 100 000 68 000 55 600 Dividend received (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (SS)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recording of dividend paid to non-controlling interests 21 000 9 000 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend and recording of dividend paid to non-controlling interests 12 000 3 000 Long-term borrowings (P)(SFP) Loan to P Ltd (S)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup long-term loan accounts 200 000 Interest received (SS)(P/L) Interest paid (P)(P/L) Elimination of interest charged on intragroup longterm loan accounts 10 000 Management fees received (P)(P/L) Management fees paid (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup management fees 48 000 Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the since-acquisition retained earnings of S Ltd 58 200 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of S Ltd and SS Ltd 67 134 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of the non-controlling interests in the profit for the year of SS Ltd 35 430 Cr R 33 600 190 000 30 000 15 000 200 000 10 000 48 000 58 200 67 134 35 430 8 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Introduction 8.1 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary compared to the acquisition at reporting date of a subsidiary ............................................ 481 Allocation of statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income items and items in the statement of changes in equity 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 General approach ................................................................................... Allocation of income and expense items ................................................. Allocation of items in other comprehensive income ................................. Allocation of items in the statement of changes in equity ........................ 481 481 482 482 Presentation of the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity 8.6 8.7 Alternative methods ................................................................................ Consolidation process when there is an interim acquisition .................... Example 8.1: Elimination of investment at acquisition date .................. Example 8.2: Interim acquisition of control ........................................... 483 483 484 485 Disclosure requirements for a subsidiary acquired in the current reporting period ................................................................ 492 Disclosure requirements for subsidiaries (IFRS 12 Disclosing Interests in Other Entities) .............................. 493 Self-assessment question Question 8.1 ..................................................................................................... 497 479 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Introduction 8.1 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary compared to the acquisition at reporting date of a subsidiary In the preceding chapters, the acquisition date of an interest in a subsidiary by the parent was consistently taken to be the first day of the subsidiary’s relevant reporting period. The purchase of an interest in a subsidiary at a date which is later than the first day of the subsidiary’s current reporting period is known as an “interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary”. In the event of an interim acquisition, the profit or loss for the year of the specific reporting period during which the interest was acquired must be allocated between pre-acquisition and post-acquisition profit and losses. If it is feasible, financial statements must be drawn up at the acquisition date of the interest in the subsidiary concerned. Should this be done, the consolidation process would not differ materially from a case in which the interest is acquired at the beginning of the reporting period. Allocation of statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income items and items in the statement of changes in equity 8.2 General approach If, however, financial statements have not been drawn up at the acquisition date of the interest in the subsidiary concerned, it is necessary to allocate the profit or loss of the subsidiary for the relevant period concerned with reference to the available information. The profit or loss for any reporting period of the subsidiary will, if it is not practicable to apportion it with reference to the facts, be treated as if it accrued from day to day during the year and be apportioned accordingly. 8.3 Allocation of income and expense items Income and expense must be examined individually in order to determine the basis on which each item should be apportioned between the period before acquisition and the period post acquisition. Certain items, such as depreciation, assessment rates, etc., normally accumulate from day to day. Other items, such as gains or losses on the sale of property, plant and equipment or investments, may be realised at a definite time, while other items may accrue during the respective periods at differing rates or tariffs. For example: l Gross profit may accrue at an increasing rate as a result of an increase in sales or in the profit margin. l Directors’ remuneration may change as a result of new appointments. l Salaries and wages are allocated on a time basis but this may change due to new appointments or resignations. l Fair value adjustments on investment properties are allocated to the period when the investment property was adjusted to fair value. It may be at acquisition date or at the end of the reporting period. l Interest paid may change because new loans are raised or existing loans have been paid off. 481 Chapter 8 l l Income or expenses related to leases will be allocated on a time basis, taking into account the starting date of a new lease agreement or the termination date of a lease that has ended. Normal tax of the subsidiary for the current year should be apportioned in the ratio of the taxable income for the periods before and since acquisition. 8.4 Allocation of items in other comprehensive income l Fair value adjustments – financial assets Fair value adjustments on investment properties are allocated to the period when the investment property was adjusted to fair value. It may be at the acquisition date or at the end of the reporting period. l Revaluation surplus The revaluation surplus will be allocated to the specific period in which the revaluation surplus arose. It may be at the acquisition date or at the end of the reporting period. 8.5 Allocation of items in the statement of changes in equity Items in the statement of changes in equity can be divided into four groups for the purpose of apportionment between the periods before and after acquisition, i.e.: l Preference dividends Preference dividends regarding issued preference shares of the subsidiary is a term cost, and should therefore be accounted for on a time basis. The cumulative preference dividend must be accounted for even if it has not been declared. The only condition for accounting is that adequate profits must be available for distribution on the current reporting date. l Ordinary dividends Ordinary dividends are taken into account when the dividend is declared. l Year-end items By their very nature, year-end items fall into the post-acquisition period. Examples of such items are dividends paid. l Adjustments in respect of previous financial years Items which represent adjustments in respect of previous financial years will be included in the pre-acquisition period. This will include the correction of prior period errors and the effect of a change in accounting policy on the retained earnings of the subsidiary at the beginning of the year. l Special items Such items will be treated according to their own merits and allocated on a time basis to the pre- or post-acquisition period, depending on when the transaction concerned took place. Examples of such items are interim dividends. 482 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Presentation of the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and consolidated statement of changes in equity 8.6 Alternative methods After the profit of the subsidiary for the current year has been apportioned between the pre- and post-acquisition periods, one of two methods can be used in drawing up the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income: l According to the first method, only the post-acquisition profit for the year is included in the profit for the year of the group. l According to the alternative method, both the pre- and post-acquisition profit of the subsidiary is included in the profit for the year of companies in the group. Thereafter, the profit for the year earned by the subsidiary before acquisition of the controlling interest is then deducted in order to determine the profit for the year of the group. The alternative method has the advantage that it facilitates comparison with subsequent years, which gives a better indication of the earning capacity of the group. However, the first method is theoretically a more correct representation of the profit over which the group had control (refer to example 8.2). IFRS 10.B88 Consolidated Financial Statements also supports the first method mentioned above, because IFRS 10 stipulates that the income and expenses of a subsidiary must be included in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income from the date it gains control until the date when the entity ceases to control the subsidiary. Income and expenses of the subsidiary must be based on the amounts of the identifiable assets and liabilities recognised in the consolidated financial statements at the acquisition date. For example, a depreciation expense recognised in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income after the acquisition date must be based on the fair values of the related depreciable assets recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position at the acquisition date. To ensure the comparability of the consolidated statements with the following and previous periods, applicable information about the newly acquired subsidiaries must be provided. If a subsidiary was acquired during the current reporting period or after the end of the reporting period but before the financial statements are authorised for issue, the acquirer must disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effect of the acquisition of the subsidiary (IFRS 3.59(b) together with IFRS 3 paragraphs B64–B66) (these paragraphs detail the disclosure requirements). 8.7 Consolidation process when there is an interim acquisition If the acquisition of a subsidiary took place during the current reporting period, then the equity at the date of acquisition will consist of the following: l share capital; l retained earnings at the beginning of the current reporting period; and l current profit or loss items which have accumulated from the beginning of the current year to the date of acquisition. 483 Chapter 8 This current profit or loss consists of revenue, cost of sales, other income, etc. Therefore, in the main elimination journal entry at the acquisition date of S Ltd, the pro forma consolidation journals would need to include entries to remove, from the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income line items, the portion attributable to the parent before the subsidiary was acquired. This principle is illustrated in the following example. Example 8.1 Elimination of investment at acquisition date P Ltd acquired all the shares of S Ltd on 1 October 20.18 for R310 000. The group’s reporting date is 31 December. S Ltd entered into a loan with ABC Bank on 1 July 20.18 for R180 000 at 12%. After P Ltd acquired the interest in S Ltd, P Ltd charged S Ltd a management fee of R7 500 per month. On 1 October 20.18 S Ltd had the following reserves: Share capital R25 000 Retained earnings – Beginning of year R175 000 Total 1/1/20.18– 31/12/20.18 9 months 1/1/20.18– 30/9/20.18 3 months 1/10/20.18– 31/12/20.18 520 000 390 000 130 000 (300 000 × 9/12); (300 000 × 3/12) (300 000) (225 000) (75 000) Gross profit Interest paid (180 000 × 12% × 6/12); 220 000 165 000 55 000 (10 800) (18 000) (22 500) (5 400) (13 500) – (5 400) (4 500) (22 500) 168 700 146 100 22 600 (46 700) (40 444) (6 256) 122 000 105 656 16 344 Revenue (520 000 × 9/12); (520 000 × 3/12) Cost of sales (10 800 × 3/6) Other expenses (18 000 × 9/12); (18 000 × 3/12) Management fees (7 500 × 3) Profit before tax Income tax expense (146 100/168 700 × 46 700); (22 600/168 700 × 46 700) Profit after tax Retained earnings – Beginning of year 175 000 280 656 484 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SFP) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Revenue (S)(P/L) Goodwill (SFP) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Interest paid (S)(P/L) Other expenses (S)(P/L) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of investment at acquisition date Example 8.2 Cr R 25 000 175 000 390 000 4 344 225 000 5 400 13 500 40 444 310 000 Interim acquisition of control The following are the trial balances of P Ltd and S Ltd at 30 June 20.18: P Ltd Dr Share capital (100 000/80 000 shares) Retained earnings: 1/7/20.17 Trade and other payables Long-term finance lease liability Property, plant and equipment at cost price Accumulated depreciation: 30/6/20.18 Inventory on hand: 30/6/20.17 Trade receivables Cash in bank Investment in S Ltd at fair value: 60 000 shares Sales Dividend received Purchases Depreciation Other expenses Interest paid on lease agreement Income tax expense Dividend paid S Ltd Cr Dr Cr 100 000 350 150 28 640 – 338 000 80 000 145 000 39 296 266 680 572 500 112 000 45 000 76 600 28 400 46 000 13 700 55 300 6 536 218 000 – 825 000 11 250 454 000 30 000 153 000 – 54 040 30 000 R1 427 040 R1 427 040 390 000 – 163 900 41 700 48 000 13 800 36 540 15 000 R966 976 R966 976 485 Chapter 8 P Ltd acquired its interest in S Ltd on 1 March 20.18. The average monthly sales of S Ltd have increased by 25% during the period since P Ltd acquired the controlling interest. Other expenses have accrued uniformly during the year. Included in property, plant and equipment of S Ltd is plant with a cost of R258 000 that was acquired under a finance lease agreement. The lease was entered into on 1 January 20.18 and the plant has a useful life of 10 years. The group provides for depreciation on plant on the straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset. Inventory on hand at 30 June 20.18: P Ltd R50 000 S Ltd R21 600 The company tax rate is 28% and CGT is calculated at 80% thereof. P Ltd recognised the equity investment in S Ltd in its separate records using the cost price method. P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests in the acquiree at their proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. Goodwill was not considered to be impaired from the time that the investment was acquired to the end of the reporting period. 486 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Solution 8.2 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group in respect of the year ended 30 June 20.18, will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 752 500 (338 000(P) + 572 500(S) – 112 000(P) – 46 000(S)) Goodwill 3 944 756 444 Current assets Inventory (50 000(P) + 21 600(S)) Trade receivables (76 600(P) + 55 300(S)) Bank (28 400(P) + 6 536(S)) 71 600 131 900 34 936 238 436 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital Retained earnings (SCE) Non-controlling interests (analysis or SCE) Total equity Non-current liabilities Long-term liability R994 880 100 000 485 952 585 952 74 312 660 264 266 680 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (28 640(P) + 39 296(S)) 67 936 Total liabilities 334 616 Total equity and liabilities R994 880 487 Chapter 8 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Revenue (825 000(P) + 150 000(S)) Cost of sales (45 000(P) + 454 000(P) – 50 000(P) + 60 000(S)) 975 000 (509 000) Gross profit Other expenses (153 000(P) + 16 000(S) + 30 000(P) + 8 600(S) + 9 600(S)) Finance costs (S) 466 000 (217 200) (9 200) Profit before tax Income tax expense (54 040(P) + 13 048(S)) 239 600 (67 088) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 172 512 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (172 512 – 6 710) Non-controlling interests ((b)Ȝ) – R172 512 165 802 6 710 R172 512 Comment The above method of presentation complies with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in that the income of subsidiaries on consolidation is included only from the effective acquisition date. 488 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Should the alternative method of presentation be used (refer to paragraph 8.6), the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income would be as follows: Alternative presentation of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Revenue (825 000(P) + 390 000(S)) Cost of sales (45 000(P) + 454 000(P) – 50 000(P) + 156 000(S)) Gross profit Other expenses (153 000(P) + 48 000(S) + 30 000(P) + 41 700(S)) Finance costs (S) Profit Profit earned by subsidiary for eight months before acquisition of controlling interest ((a)&) Profit before tax Income tax expense (54 040(P) + 13 048(S)) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (172 512 – 6 710) Non-controlling interests ((b)Ȝ) 1 215 000 (605 000) 610 000 (272 700) (13 800) 323 500 (83 900) 239 600 (67 088) 172 512 – R172 512 165 802 6 710 R172 512 P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.18 Balance at 1 July 20.17 Changes in equity for 20.18 Acquisition of subsidiary Total comprehensive income for the year Profit for the year Dividend Balance at 30 June 20.18 Share capital Retained earnings Total 100 000 # 350 150 450 150 Noncontrolling interests Total equity – 450 150 71 352 71 352 165 802 (30 000) Ȝ 6 710 ĭ (3 750) 172 512 (33 750) R100 000 &R485 952 R585 952 R74 312 R660 264 165 802 (30 000) # 350 150(P) (350 150(P) + 825 000 – 449 000(C2) – 153 000(P) – 30 000(P) – 30 000(P) + 11 250(dividend received from S Ltd) – 54 040(P) + 15 592(C3) = 485 952 (proof) (to SFP) J1 or (b) Ȝ J2 or (b)Ȝ or SCI ĭ J3 or (b)ĭ & 489 Chapter 8 Calculations C1 Allocation of statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income items Total 1/7/20.17 to 28/2/20.18 8 months 1/3/20.18 to 30/6/20.18 4 months Sales (see calculation below) 390 000 240 000 150 000 Inventory: 30/6/20.17 Purchases 13 700 163 900 Inventory: 30/6/20.18 177 600 (21 600) Cost of sales (= 40% of sales) (156 000) (96 000) (60 000) Gross profit (= 60% of sales) Finance costs (1) Other expenses 234 000 (13 800) (89 700) 144 000 (4 600) (55 500) 90 000 (9 200) (34 200) Other expenses (2) Depreciation – Finance lease (3)(4) Depreciation (5) (48 000) (12 900) (28 800) (32 000) (4 300) (19 200) (16 000) (8 600) (9 600) Profit before tax Income tax expense 130 500 (36 540) 83 900 (23 492) 46 600 (13 048) Profit for the year R93 960 R60 408 R33 552 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 13 800 × 2/6 = 4 600; 13 800 × 4/6 = 9 200 48 000 × 8/12 = 32 000; 48 000 × 4/12 = 16 000 258 000/10 × 6/12 = 12 900 12 900 × 2/6 = 4 300; 12 900 × 4/6 = 8 600 41 700 – 12 900 = 28 800 × 8/12 = 19 200; 28 800 × 4/12 = 9 600 Comment Allocation of sales Say S Ltd’s sales to 1 March 20.18 were Ry per month. Then: 8y + (4 × 1,25y) 8y + 5y 13y ∴y Sales 1/7/20.17 – 28/2/20.18 (8 × 30 000) Sales 1/3/20.18 – 30/6/20.18 (4 × 1,25 × 30 000) C2 Calculation of cost of sales of P Ltd Inventory: 30/6/20.17 Purchases 45 000 454 000 Inventory: 30/6/20.18 499 000 (50 000) Cost of sales 490 R449 000 = = = = 390 000 390 000 390 000 30 000 R240 000 R150 000 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary C3 Analysis of owners’ equity of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/3/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings 28/2/20.18 80 000 205 408 Retained earnings 1/7/20.17 Profit 1/7/20.17−28/2/20.18 ($) 145 000 60 408 285 408 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit for the year (1/3/20.18–30/6/20.18) Dividend paid * P Ltd 75% At Since NCI 60 000 154 056 20 000 51 352 214 056 71 352 3 944 3 944 − 289 352 R218 000 71 352 33 552 (15 000) 26 842 (11 250) Ȝ 6 710 ĭ (3 750) *R307 904 R15 592 R74 312 218 000 + 15 592 + 74 312 = 307 904 C4 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 218 000 71 352 289 352 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (285 408) Goodwill R3 944 C5 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Share capital (S)(SFP) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Revenue (S)(P/L) Goodwill (SFP) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Other expenses (S)(P/L) Finance charges (S)(P/L) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of investment at acquisition date Cr R 80 000 145 000 240 000 3 944 96 000 55 500 4 600 23 492 71 352 218 000 continued 491 Chapter 8 Dr R J2 J3 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit since acquisition 6 710 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend 11 250 3 750 Cr R 6 710 15 000 The consolidated amounts can be obtained either by setting off the pro forma journal entries against the combined amounts of the parent and the subsidiary (the worksheet approach) or by merely setting off certain amounts in respect of the subsidiary against those of the parent (the direct approach). Disclosure requirements for a subsidiary acquired in the current reporting period The following information must be disclosed for each business combination that occurs during the reporting period (IFRS 3.B64): l The name and a description of the acquiree. l The acquisition date. l The percentage of voting equity interests acquired. l The primary reasons for the business combination and a description of how the acquirer obtained control of the acquiree. l A qualitative description of the factors that contributed to the recognition of goodwill, for example synergies expected from combining operations of the acquiree and the acquirer, intangible assets that do not qualify for separate recognition or other factors. l The acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred and the fair value at the acquisition date of each major class of consideration, i.e. cash, tangible or intangible assets, liabilities incurred, for example a contingent consideration liability, and equity interests of the acquirer, etc. l Details of contingent consideration arrangements and indemnification assets, including amounts, descriptions and estimated outcomes. l Details of receivables acquired, including the fair value, the gross amounts receivable, and the best estimate of the uncollectible amounts. Each major class of receivable, such as loans, direct finance leases and any other class of receivables must be disclosed. l The amounts recognised at acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. l Disclosure of all contingent liabilities in terms of IAS 37. If a contingent liability is not recognised because it could not be reliably measured, the reasons why it could not be measured must be disclosed. 492 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary l l l l l The total amount of goodwill that is expected to be deductible for tax purposes. In South Africa this will always be Rnil and therefore it would not be necessary to disclose this point. Disclosure of any transactions that are recognised separately from the business combination, i.e. acquisition-related costs including the amount, a description, how they were accounted for and the line item in the financial statements in which each amount is recognised. If there is a bargain purchase, the amount of the gain recognised and the line item in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income in which the gain is recognised and a description of the reasons why the transaction resulted in a gain. If the acquirer holds less than 100% of the equity interest, the amount of the non-controlling interests in the acquiree recognised at the acquisition date, the measurement basis and if the non-controlling interests were measured at fair value, the valuation techniques and key model inputs used to determine the fair value. Full details of the business combination achieved in stages including the acquisition-date fair value of the previously held interest and the resulting gain or loss arising from the aforementioned remeasurement disclosing the line item in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income which contains the gain or loss. The amounts of revenue and profit or loss of the acquiree since the acquisition date included in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the reporting period, and the revenue and profit or loss of the combined entity for the current reporting period as though the acquisition date for all business combinations acquired during the year had been the beginning of the year. Disclosure requirements for subsidiaries (IFRS 12 Disclosing Interests in Other Entities) IFRS 12 requires extensive disclosures for interests in subsidiaries, structured entities (both consolidated and not consolidated); joint arrangements and associates. The intention of IFRS 12 is to improve the disclosure requirements for interests in other entities to enable users to evaluate the nature of, and risks and financial effects associated with these interests in the financial performance, financial position and cash flows of the reporting entity. Entities should consider the level of detail that is needed in order to satisfy this intention. IFRS 12 is effective for entities with annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013 (IFRAS 12.C1 & .C2). IFRS 12.7 Disclosure requirements Significant judgements and assumptions The reporting entity must disclose information about significant judgements and assumptions it has made in determining: • that it has control over another entity; or • that it has joint control of an arrangement or significant influence over another entity. continued 493 Chapter 8 IFRS Disclosure requirements 12.8 Significant judgements and assumptions referred to in IFRS 12.7 would include those made by the entity when coming to a conclusion whether it has control, joint control or significant influence over another entity. 12.9 In particular to comply with IFRS 12.7 an entity shall disclose the significant judgements and assumptions made in determining whether: • it holds more than half of the voting rights of another entity where it does not have control; • it holds less than half of the voting rights of another entity where it has control; or • it is an agent or principal with respect to another entity 12.10 Interests in subsidiaries IFRS 12 requires the reporting entity to disclose information that enables users of the consolidated financial statements to understand or evaluate .10(a)(i) • the composition of the group (i.e. the parent and its subsidiaries); .10(a)(ii) • the interest that the NCI has in the group’s activities and cash flows; .10(b)(i) • the nature and extent of significant restrictions on the parent’s ability to access or use assets or settle liabilities of the subsidiaries in the group; .10(b)(iii) • the consequences of changes in its ownership interest that do not result in a loss of control (Volume 2 of Group Statements); .10(b)(iv) • the consequences of losing control during the reporting period. (Volume 2 of Group Statements). 12.12 IFRS 12 requires reporting entities to disclose additional information for each of an entity’s subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests as follows: • the subsidiary’s name; • its principal place of business (and country of incorporation, if different; • the proportion of ownership interests held by non-controlling interests; • the proportion of voting rights held by non-controlling interests, if different from the proportion of ownership interests held; • the profit or loss allocated to non-controlling interests of the subsidiary during the reporting period; • the accumulated non-controlling interests of the subsidiary at the end of the reporting period; • summarised financial information about the subsidiary. The summarised financial information referred to above helps users to understand the interest that non-controlling interests have in the group’s activities and cash flows. It includes the assets, liabilities, profit or loss and cash flows of the subsidiary. It might include, but is not limited to, current/noncurrent assets, current/non-current liabilities, revenue, profit or loss, and total comprehensive income. Dividends paid to non-controlling interests should also be disclosed. The amounts disclosed should be given before intragroup eliminations. .12(a) .12(b) .12(c) .12(d) .12(e) .12(f) .12(g) continued 494 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary IFRS Disclosure requirements 12.13 Nature and extent of significant restrictions .13(a) An entity must disclose, at a minimum, the nature and extent of any significant restrictions on its ability to access or use the assets and settle the liabilities of the group, such as (i) those that restrict the ability of a parent or its subsidiaries to transfer cash or other assets within the group; and (ii) guarantees or other requirements that may restrict dividends or other capital distributions being paid, or loans and advances being made or repaid to other entities within the group. 12.11 Non-coterminous year-ends When the financial statements of a subsidiary used in the preparation of consolidated financial statements are as of a date or for a period that is different from that of the consolidated financial statements, an entity shall disclose: • the date of the end of the reporting period of the financial statements of that subsidiary; and • the reason for using a different date or period. This is additional to the preparation requirements of IAS 27.22 and .23 when dealing with non-coterminous year-ends. The following are notes (illustrative) that are required as a result of having to comply with IFRS 12 when preparing consolidated financial statements for P Ltd Group: P LTD GROUP NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.15 (extract) 10 Financial assets and financial liabilities (included under this note) IFRS 1. Holding more than 50% of voting rights without control 12.7,.9(a) IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities requires disclosure of the reasons why the ownership, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, of more than half of the voting or potential voting power of an investee does not constitute control. 8. Interests in other entities (a) Material subsidiaries The groups principal subsidiaries as at 31 December 20.15 are set out 12.10(a) below. Unless otherwise stated the share capital of the subsidiaries consists of ordinary shares and these shares are held directly by members of the group. The voting rights held by the group are representative of the group’s ownership interests. The country of incorporation or registration is 12(a)–(d) also their principal place of business. continued 495 Chapter 8 Name of entity Place of business/ incorporation Ownership interest held by the group Ownership interest held by non-controlling interests 20.15 20.14 20.15 20.14 Principal activities S Ltd RSA 100% 100% 0% 0% Marketing and selling of marine products S1 Ltd RSA 45% 45% 55% 55% Marine craft boatbuilding S2 Ltd Germany 70% 70% 30% 30% Marine craft engineering SS Ltd Landout (Note (1) & (2) 100% 100% 0% 0% Marine Materials and Leatherworks 12.10(a)(i) 12.10(a)(ii) (1) Significant judgement: Consolidation of entities with less than 12.7(a),.9(b) 50% ownership The directors have concluded that the group controls S1 Ltd, even though it holds less than half of the voting rights of this subsidiary. The reason therefore being that the group is the largest shareholder with a 45% equity interest while the remaining shares are held by ten investors. The other shareholders and S1 Ltd signed an agreement allowing S1 Ltd to appoint or remove the majority of the directors on the board of S1 Ltd. The only way this agreement can be changed is by means of a 75% majority vote and since P Ltd holds 45% of the voting rights, this cannot be achieved. (2) Significant restrictions The group holds cash and short-term deposits in Landout which are 12.10(b)(i), subject to local exchange control regulations. These regulations do .13 not apply to dividends received from the subsidiary but are applicable to all other capital. Included in the consolidated financial statements are assets with a carrying amount of FC50 000 (2014: FC105 000) to 12.13(c) which these restrictions are applicable. (b) Non-controlling interests (NCI) Set out below is summarised financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests that are material to the group. The amounts disclosed for each subsidiary are before intragroup eliminations. 12.12(g) 12.B11 continued 496 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary Abridged statement of financial position S2 Ltd Current assets Current liabilities 20.15 261 150 (119 070) 20.14 432 080 (155 000) Current net assets 142 080 277 080 Non-current assets Non-current liabilities 1 770 501 (487 716) 1 956 432 (234 432) Non-current net assets 1 282 785 1 722 000 R1 424 865 R1 444 920 R148 093 R167 656 1 500 000 273 365 – 1 200 000 304 532 – R273 365 R304 532 264 772 8 593 292 089 12 443 R273 365 R304 532 R2 500 R8 000 Net assets Accumulated non-controlling interests Abridged statement of comprehensive income and profit and loss Revenue Profit for the period Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interests Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 12.10(a)(i) 12.10(a)(ii) 12.B10.(b) 12.12(f) 12.12(e) 12.B10(a) Comment The above method of presentation complies with the requirements of IFRS 12. If the financial statements of one of the subsidiaries used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements had been for a date for a different period to that of the consolidated financial statements, this would have been needed to be mentioned in terms of IFRS 12.11. The IFRS 12 disclosures that have been discussed in this section are relevant to Volume 1 of Group Statements. IFRS 12 also includes disclosure requirements applicable to associates and joint ventures as well as the interest that non-controlling interests have in the cash flows of the subsidiary. In addition, there are specific disclosure requirements for the risks associated with an entity’s interests in consolidated structured entities and changes in a parent’s ownership. These aspects are not part of the scope of this volume of Group Statements. Self-assessment question Question 8.1 The financial statements of P Ltd and its subsidiary, S Ltd, for the year ended 31 December 20.18 are given below. P Ltd purchased 75% of the issued shares of S Ltd. It was agreed that the acquisition will become effective from 1 October 20.18. S Ltd appointed management personnel in an attempt to improve the profitability of S Ltd. The management fee for the period October to December amounted to a total of R35 000. Profit of S Ltd for 20.18 accrued evenly throughout the year. 497 Chapter 8 The following abridged financial statements must still be adjusted to provide for the management fee: STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd 902 000 430 000 188 000 30 000 10 400 59 500 540 000 – – – 50 250 141 000 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital (P Ltd: 160 000 shares/S Ltd: 150 000 shares) Share capital (100 000 8% preference shares) Retained earnings Long-term liabilities Tax payable R1 619 900 R731 250 160 000 100 000 989 900 370 000 – 150 000 – 357 380 130 000 93 870 Total equity and liabilities R1 619 900 R731 250 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Investment in S Ltd at cost price Other investments Loan to S Ltd Inventory Trade receivables STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 P Ltd S Ltd Revenue Cost of sales 1 295 000 (815 500) 820 000 (400 000) Gross profit Interest received from S Ltd (October to December) Dividend received from S Ltd Interest received on other investments Other expenses Interest paid Costs incurred to acquire S Ltd – Consulting fees 479 500 750 7 500 9 500 (120 000) (41 000) (8 750) 420 000 – – – (72 000) (12 750) – Profit before tax Income tax expense 327 500 (89 600) 335 250 (93 870) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 237 900 241 380 Other comprehensive income for the year TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR 498 – – R237 900 R241 380 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary EXTRACT FROM THE STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Retained earnings P Ltd S Ltd Balance at 1 January 20.18 Changes in equity for 20.18 Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Preference dividend paid Ordinary dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 810 000 126 000 237 900 (8 000) (50 000) 241 380 – (10 000) R989 900 R357 380 Additional information 1 S Ltd paid the dividend on 20 December 20.18 and P Ltd paid the preference dividend and the ordinary dividend on 30 June 20.18. 2 The details of the property, plant and equipment of S Ltd on 1 October 20.18 were as follows: Carrying Fair amount value Land R152 500 R247 500 Other property, plant and equipment R240 000 R240 000 There were no other liabilities other than deferred tax which originated from the revaluation of land at 1 October 20.18. The carrying amount of trade receivables made up the difference of the net assets and liabilities acquired at acquisition. 3 P Ltd elected to measure the non-controlling interests of the acquiree at its fair value of R142 000 on the acquisition date. 4 Goodwill has not been subject to any impairment. 5 The company tax rate is 28% and CGT is calculated at 80% thereof. Required (a) Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position, statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and an extract from the consolidated statement of changes in equity (retained earnings and non-controlling interests) of the P Ltd Group for the year ended 31 December 20.18. (b) Disclose the acquisition of the subsidiary in the notes to the annual financial statements of the P Ltd Group for the reporting period ended 31 December 20.18. 499 Chapter 8 Suggested solution 8.1 The consolidated financial statements of the P Ltd Group in respect of the year ended 31 December 20.18, will be drawn up as follows: P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.18 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (902 000(P) + 540 000(S) + 95 000(J1)) Goodwill (C3) Other investments 1 537 000 49 065 188 000 1 774 065 Current assets Inventory (10 400(P) + 50 250(S)) Trade receivables (59 500(P) + 141 000(S)) 60 650 200 500 261 150 Total assets R2 035 215 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity attributable to owners of the parent Share capital – Ordinary shares – Preference shares Retained earnings 160 000 100 000 1 014 624 Non-controlling interests (C3) 1 274 624 150 241 Total equity 1 424 865 Non-current liabilities Long-term liabilities (370 000(P) + 130 000(S) – 30 000 (J5)) Deferred tax (J1) 470 000 21 280 491 280 Current liabilities Trade payables (J3) Tax payable (93 870(S) – 9 800(J3)) 35 000 84 070 119 070 Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 500 610 350 R2 035 215 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary P LTD GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Revenue (1 295 000(P) + 205 000(C1)) Cost of sales (815 500(P) + 100 000(C1)) 1 500 000 (915 500) Gross profit Other expenses (120 000(P) + 18 000(C1)) Administrative costs (8 750(P) + 35 000(J3)) Other income (P) Finance costs (41 000(P) + 3 000(S)) 584 500 (138 000) (43 750) 9 500 (44 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense (89 600(P) + 15 085(S) – 9 800(J3)) 368 250 (94 885) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Other comprehensive income for the year 273 365 – TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the parent (273 365 – 10 741) Non-controlling interests R273 365 262 624 10 741 R273 365 P LTD GROUP EXTRACT FROM THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 Balance at 1 January 20.18 (P) Changes in equity for 20.18 Acquisition of subsidiary Total comprehensive income for the year: Profit for the year Preference dividend paid Ordinary dividend paid Balance at 31 December 20.18 Retained earnings Noncontrolling Interest 810 000 – – 142 000 262 624 (8 000) (50 000) 10 741 – (2 500) R1 014 624 R150 241 P LTD GROUP NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.18 2. Acquisition of subsidiary On 1 October 20.18 P Ltd acquired 75% of the outstanding ordinary shares of S Ltd and obtained control of S Ltd. S Ltd is operational in the telecommunications sector and as a result of the acquisition the P Ltd Group will be a leading provider of these services in the market. 501 Chapter 8 The goodwill of R49 065 arising from the acquisition results mainly from the synergies expected from combining the operations of P Ltd and S Ltd. The following table summarises the consideration paid for S Ltd and the amounts of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date, as well as the fair value of the non-controlling interests in S Ltd. Total consideration transferred – Cash R430 000 Acquisition-related costs Recognised amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed Property, plant and equipment (240 000 + 247 500) Trade receivables (balancing figure) Deferred tax 8 750 487 500 56 715 (21 280) Total identifiable net assets Non-controlling interests in S Ltd Goodwill 522 935 (142 000) 49 065 R430 000 The fair value of the non-controlling interests in S Ltd, an unlisted company, was estimated by applying a market approach and an income approach . . . (detail of measurement basis of the non-controlling interests as per requirements of IFRS 3.B64(o)). The revenue included in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income since 1 October 20.18 contributed by S Ltd was R205 000(C1). S Ltd also contributed profit of R48 250(C1) over the same period. Had S Ltd been consolidated from 1 January 20.18, the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income would have included revenue of R820 000(C1) and profit of R300 250(C1). Calculations C1 Allocation of S Ltd’s profit Total 1/1–30/9 9 months 1/10–31/12 3 months Revenue Cost of sales 820 000 (400 000) 615 000 (300 000) 205 000 (100 000) Gross profit Other expenses Interest paid P Ltd Other Management fee (arose only after acquisition) 420 000 (72 000) 315 000 (54 000) 105 000 (18 000) (750) (12 000) (35 000) – (9 000) – (750) (3 000) (35 000) Profit before tax Income tax expense Income tax expense (35 000 × 28%) 300 250 (93 870) 9 800 252 000 (78 785) – 48 250 (15 085) 9 800 R216 180 R173 215 R42 965 Profit for the year # & 252 000/300 250 × 93 870 = 78 785 48 250/300 250 × 93 870 = 15 085 502 Interim acquisition of an interest in a subsidiary C2 Analysis of owners’ interest of S Ltd Total i At acquisition (1/10/20.18) Share capital Retained earnings (1) Equity at acquisition (J1) (2) At Since NCI 150 000 299 215 73 720 112 500 224 411 55 290 37 500 74 804 18 430 522 935 392 201 130 734 49 065 37 799 11 266 572 000 R430 000 142 000 Equity represented by goodwill – Parent and NCI Consideration and NCI ii Since acquisition • Current year: Profit after tax (C1) Dividend P Ltd 75% 42 965 (10 000) 32 224 (7 500) 10 741 (2 500) R604 965 R24 724 R150 241 (1) 126 000 + 173 215(C1) = 299 215 (2) 150 241 + 24 724 + 430 000 = 604 965 C3 Proof of calculation of goodwill of S Ltd in terms of IFRS 3.32 Consideration transferred at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(a)(i) Amount of non-controlling interests: IFRS 3.32(a)(ii) 430 000 142 000 572 000 Net of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed at acquisition date: IFRS 3.32(b) (522 935) Goodwill R49 065 C4 Pro forma consolidation journal entries Dr R J1 Property, plant and equipment (S)(SFP) Cr R 95 000 (247 500 – 152 500) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Deferred tax (S)(SFP) (95 000 × 80% × 28%) Remeasurement of land at acquisition date 73 720 21 280 continued 503 Chapter 8 Dr R J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 504 Cr R Share capital (S)(SFP) Retained earnings (S)(SCE) Equity at acquisition (S)(SCE) Goodwill (SFP) Revenue (S)(P/L) Cost of sales (S)(P/L) Other expenses (S)(P/L) Finance charges (S)(P/L) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Investment in S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of investment at acquisition date 150 000 126 000 73 720 49 065 615 000 Management fees (S)(P/L) Tax receivable (S)(SFP) (35 000 × 28%) Trade payables (S)(SFP) Income tax expense (S)(P/L) Provision for the management fee for S Ltd 35 000 9 800 Interest received (P)(P/L) Interest paid (S)(P/L) Elimination of intragroup interest 300 000 54 000 9 000 78 785 142 000 430 000 35 000 9 800 750 750 Long-term loans (S)(SFP) Loan to S Ltd (P)(SFP) Elimination of intragroup loan 30 000 Non-controlling interests (P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Recognition of non-controlling interests in profit since acquisition 10 741 Dividend received (P)(P/L) Non-controlling interests (SFP) Dividend paid (S)(SCE) Elimination of intragroup dividend 7 500 2 500 30 000 10 741 10 000