QC MANUAL COVER SHEET EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 1 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 Quality Control Manual of Berkes-BWE for Manufacture and assembly of power boilers and boiler external piping at field sites in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section I and ASME B31.1. Designator S and Manufacture of pressure vessels at field sites in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 1. Designator U Mailing and Administrative Office: Av. Rondeau 1950 Montevideo, 11800 Uruguay TEL: (598) 29291064 www.berkes.com.uy www.berkesenergy.com __________________ DATE: 09/02/2024 QC Manager __________________ DATE: ______ Authorized Inspector QC MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 2 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 NUMBER SECTION REV DATE (MM-DD-YYYY) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS MANUAL CONTROL ORGANIZATION CHART DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL MATERIAL CONTROL EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION PROGRAM CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES WELDING CONTROL NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION HEAT TREATMENT CALIBRATION RECORDS RETENTION AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX 0 0 0 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 0 0 0 0 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 09-02-2024 QC MANUAL STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 3 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 STATEMENT OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY The General Manager and all personnel described in this Manual are totally committed to comply with all requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section I, VIII Division 1 and ASME B31.1 for power boilers, pressure vessels, boiler external piping and parts thereof as a minimum. All field, manufacture and assembly of power boilers, pressure vessels, boiler external piping and parts thereof shall be done by this organization in accordance with the ASME Section I, ASME B31.1 and VIII Division 1 as applicable and this Manual. The Quality Control Manager possesses total authority and has the complete responsibility to establish and implement this system in the field sites. He shall also put into action the procedures which ensure the effective fulfillment of the system and maintain the records of all the specifications, procedures, test and every document, in such a way that they can be put easily at the disposition of the Authorized Inspector. The Quality Control Manager has the authority, responsibility and organizational freedom to identify Quality Control Problems and to initiate, recommend and provide solution also he is authorized to stop the production at any phase and for any reason, related to the quality control of the product. In the event of any dispute between the Quality Control Manager and any other Department Head, the final decision will be made by the General Manager. Compliance with the ASME Code and this Manual shall always be fulfilled. The Quality Control Manager is responsible for performing all examination and tests required by this QC program and the applicable Section of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The QC Manager shall have custody and control of the ASME Certification Mark and shall issue ASME Certification Mark to the QC Inspector at the field site as needed and who will return it to the QC Manager at the completion of the ASME Certification Mark. Department heads, including the QC Manager, are responsible for their assigned activities. They may delegate the performance of their assigned duties but they shall retain the responsibility for their assigned activities. ______________ General Manager 09-02-2024 DATE: ______ QC MANUAL GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 4 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS AI Authorized Inspector as defined by the ASME Code. AIA ASME Accredited Authorized Inspection Agency AIS Authorized Inspector Supervisor ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Certifying Engineer An engineer or other technical professional duly accredited and qualified to practice engineering activities as required by Section VIII-1. Code ASME Code. Section I, VIII Division 1, ASME B31.1, and referenced Sections and standards. Code Items Power boilers, boiler external piping, pressure vessels and parts. Company Berkes-BWE Designer An individual who is qualified to design pressure vessels in accordance with the rules of this Section VIII Division 1 by demonstrated knowledge in Code requirements and proficiency in selecting correct design formulas and appropriate values to be used when preparing the design of a pressure vessel. DI Design Engineer DMS Document Management System EM Engineering Manager Hold Point An inspection point that shall not be bypassed and require the notification to the AI by the QC Manager or QC Inspector. HT Heat Treatment. Inspection Point An inspection, test or examination that will be conducted by the QC Inspector and the A.I. ITP Inspection and Testing Plan Manual Quality Control Manual MDR Manufacturer’s Data Report MPDR Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report MT Magnetic Particle Examination. MTR Material Test Report. NCR Nonconformity Report NDE Nondestructive Examination PO Purchase Order PQR Procedure Qualification Record. PS Purchase Specification PT Liquid Penetrant Examination. PV Pressure Vessel Section VIII Division 1. Responsible Charge The individual responsible for the design of pressure vessel shall be actively engaged in performing the design work himself or have QC MANUAL GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 4 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 supervision and oversight responsibility other individuals performing design work. QC Quality Control QCC Quality Control Chief QCM Quality Control Manager RT Radiography Examination. UT Ultrasonic Examination. VT Visual Examination WOPQ Welding Operator Performance Qualification WPQ Welder Performance Qualification WPS Welding Procedure Specification. QC MANUAL MANUAL CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 5 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 5.1 GENERAL 5.1.1 The Manual and the implementation procedures shall be the full responsibility of the QC Manager. This includes the preparation, approval, issue, control, distribution, maintenance and revision and shall be current with the Code. 5.1.2 The only controlled copy of this Manual shall be available in the DMS to Company employees and the AI. QC Manager shall assure that the last revision of each section is available in the DMS. Printed copies shall be considered as non-controlled, except as described in 5.1.6. 5.1.3 All editions or revisions to the Manual and procedures shall be prepared in accordance with Section 17. 5.1.4 The Manual shall be revised on section-by-section basis and the Table of Contents shall be revised accordingly, except for the Exhibit Index Section, which will be revised by Exhibit. A summary of changes shall be shown at the beginning of each revised section. New editions of this Manual may be issued as required by the QC Manager. When a new edition is issued, the edition number shall be increased by one, all sections shall be reverted to zero and summary of changes shall be deleted. 5.1.5 Distribution shall be carried out by the DMS in accordance with Section 17. 5.1.6 Non-controlled copies shall be issued by the QC Manager as required for parties outside the Company. Non-controlled copies shall be current when issued but will not be revised. If a controlled printed copy is required, shall be registered in Exhibit 17.1. When a new revision is issued, all previous revisions shall be retrieved and destroyed and the status shall be updated in Exhibit 17.1. 5.1.7 The QC Manager shall be responsible for reviewing Code Edition to determine if any revision to this QC Manual and supporting procedures is required and shall implement it within 6 months of the Code Edition issue date. The review of changes shall be documented by signing a letter with a list of the Codes reviewed. 5.1.8 The QC Manager shall be responsible for obtaining a Spanish version of this Manual. In the case of conflict, the English version prevails. Distribution of the both versions of the Manual shall be made in accordance with Section 17. QC MANUAL ORGANIZATION CHART EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 6 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 GENERAL MANAGER ENGINEERING MANAGER DESIGN ENGINEER QC MANAGER QC CHIEF DESIGNATED WELDING SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS MANAGER FIELD MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL MANAGER WAREHOUSE CHIEF PURCHASING MANAGER NDE SUBCONTRACTOR DRAFTSMAN FIELD CHIEF WAREHOUSE ATTENDANT QC INSPECTOR WELDERS AND WELDING OPERATORS DRAWING, CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL 7.1 QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 7 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 3 SCOPE 7.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to describe the procedure to assure that the Code Items will be designed in accordance with the applicable construction Code, and that the latest applicable drawings, design calculations and specifications are used in the field, manufacturing and assembly of Code Items. 7.1.2 Each order for a Code Item to be completed by this organization shall be issued a Job Number plus the Work Order by the Engineering Manager. The Job Number plus the Work Order is used to identify the drawings and calculations as a part of the document number and fabrication, examination, inspection and test documents related to the Code Item. 7.1.3 Upon receipt of an order for a Code Item, the customer's specification is reviewed for adequacy and for compliance to Code requirements by the EM. Any deficiencies are reconciled with the customer prior to starting any design work. 7.1.4 The EM is responsible for selecting the units of measurement based on the Company capabilities and the Customer requirements, if another units of measurement system is required for reference, the values shall be converted with four significant figures by the EM and the results shall be expressed to three figures. 7.2 DESIGNS BY THE COMPANY 7.2.1 Upon acceptance of the customer's specification, the Design Engineer prepares the calculations, inspection requirements material specification, and dimensions. The mentioned documents shall be approved in the DMS by the EM. If the customer does not issue an specification and/or the requirements from U-2 (a) (2) are not complied, Appendix KK from ASME VIII-1 shall be issued. 7.2.2 Revisions to design documents (including Customer's Specifications) are handled in the same manner as the originals. 7.2.3 For VIII-1 the EM or QCM shall designate a designer, engineer or Certifying Engineer to be in responsible charge of the design of a pressure vessel. Responsible charge, PVs Designers and individuals engaged in design activities shall be qualified in compliance with Mandatory Appendix 47 of Section VIII Div.1. Responsible Charge and Design personnel shall be designated by EM or QCM using Exhibit 7.1. QCM and/or EM are responsible to keep records updated and meet annual frequency set in Table 5 of exhibit 7.1. 7.3 DESIGNS BY OTHERS 7.3.1 When design documents and drawings are provided to this organization by others, the EM reviews them for compliance to the Code. Any discrepancies are brought to the attention of the design concern for correction to meet Code requirements. DRAWING, CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 7 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 3 7.3.2 When the design meets Code requirements shall be approved in the DMS by the EM. Any disapproved document is returned to the design provider for correction and re-submittal. 7.3.3 Revisions to design document are handled in the same manner as the originals. 7.3.4 For ASME VIII-1, personnel engaged in design activities shall be qualified in compliance with Mandatory Appendix 47 of Section VIII Div.1. and this Manual. 7.4 RETENTION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS 7.4.1 7.5 Approved design documents are transmitted by the DMS. PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS 7.5.1 The Draftsman shall prepare the required drawings. The drawings shall at least list the following information (as applicable): Code Section, Division, Edition The design conditions: Max. allowable working pressure (MAWP), Min. design metal temperature (MDMT). Test Pressure and minimum temperature (metal, water) Charpy Impact Test or exceptions or other required tests Nondestructive Examination Dimensions and tolerances Heat treatment (if any) Welding joints and details, Stamping information, and any additional information Bill of material Table of connections Heating surface (Section I Code Items) Maximum designed steaming capacity (Section I Code Items) WPS’s numbers shall be indicated on the drawings or on the Welding List (Exhibit 11.1) prepared by the QC Chief. 7.5.2 Revisions to drawings are handled in the same manner as the originals. 7.5.3 The units to be used in fabrication/construction as determined by the EM shall be in accordance with calculations, stamping information and MDR. 7.6 DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS 7.6.1 All documents described in this Section shall be distributed throughout this organization by the EM using the DMS. 7.6.2 Original of all drawings are filed by the Design Engineer by DMS. The Design Engineer maintains copies of all approved design documents by DMS. 7.6.3 The QC Chief is responsible for providing the AI access to all design documents and drawings for his review prior to the start of work. DRAWING, CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL 7.7 QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 7 REVISION 0 PAGE 3 OF 3 DESIGN & DOCUMENT CONTROL 7.7.1 Documents are transmitted to the QC Manager and Field Manager by the DMS. 7.7.2 Superseded documents are retrieved and destroyed by the receptor according with Section 17. 7.8 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN 7.8.1 When computer programs for design are used for Code Items, The EM is responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the programs, for the application of these programs to their design and for the input of correct design data and the verification that the correct output has been obtained, and verify that the computer program has the capability of producing acceptable calculations. This verification shall ensure that prepared calculations or analysis is verified as follows: (1) The computer program calculations or analysis shall be verified to show that it produces correct solutions for the encoded mathematical model within defined limits for each parameter employed. (2) The encoded mathematical model shall be verified to show that it produces correct solutions to the physical problem associated with the particular application. NOTE: For (1) and (2), verification against examples found in ASME PTB-4, ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Example Problem Manual may be sufficient to show that verification is met. Verification results shall be available to the AI for review. 7.8.2 The EM shall review the Code Edition to determine if the computer programs are affected. The Code Section, Division, Edition used shall be included on the design documents. The review process shall be documented by the EM by signing a letter with a list of the Codes reviewed. When changes are required, these changes shall be implemented within 6 months of the Code Edition date of issuance or prior to use any new program or revision. QC MANUAL MATERIAL CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 8 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 4 8.1 PURPOSE 8.1.1 The purpose of this Section is describing the procedure to assure that all materials used in the construction of Code Items meet the requirements of the applicable construction Code. 8.1.2 All intended materials for Code Items shall be in compliance with the Code, only materials accepted by the applicable construction Code, shall be used in the fabrication of Code Items. 8.2 BILL OF MATERIALS AND PURCHASING SPECIFICATIONS 8.2.1 The Bill of Materials as given in fabrication drawings shall indicate the item, the SA, SB or other Code acceptable specification, dimensions and the Purchasing Specification (Exhibit 8.1) applicable for the item. 8.2.2 The Purchasing Specification shall include all the material requirements per Section II of the Code, any construction Code requirement, heat treatment, the requirements for MTR, the requirements for marking, any supplementary requirement, Charpy impact Test or further material testing. For purchase of certified parts as U-parts requirements set in U-2(j) will be considered and a PS shall be issued. 8.2.3 Design Engineer, QC Manager or Designated Welding Supervisor can elaborate the Purchasing Specification. The Purchasing Specification shall be approved by the EM using the DMS. 8.2.4 The Bill of Materials and the Purchasing Specifications are reviewed against the stock by the Warehouse Chief. If the material is not in the stock, the Warehouse Chief or Field Manager creates a purchase request in the Management Software indicating job number, item, Purchasing Specification and quantity. If the material is in stock, the QC Inspector shall examine the material against the requirements of the Code Edition of the applicable construction Code for the job, the job requirements, bill of material and Purchasing Specification. 8.3 PURCHASE ORDERS 8.3.1 The Purchasing Manager creates the Purchase Order (Exhibit 8.2) from the purchase request, which is sent to the selected vendor with the Purchasing Specification attached. Electronic Authorization of PO in the Management Software shall be by the Purchasing Manager. 8.3.2 Copies of the PO are filed by the QC Chief in the Job file. 8.3.3 The QC Chief forwards his copy to the QC Inspector at the field site. 8.3.4 Changes to PO's are handled in the same manner as the originals. 8.4 RECEIVING INSPECTION 8.4.1 All Code material received at the field site is placed into a "HOLD" area pending the QC Inspector receiving inspection. QC MANUAL MATERIAL CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 8 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 4 8.4.2 The Warehouse Chief verifies the material for type and quantity in accordance with the PO. The QC Inspector using the Quality Control copy of the PO and the Company Material Receiving Procedure JBPG-8.2 examines all Code material for dimensions, marking and condition. 8.4.3 For material which requires Material Test Reports, the QC Chief reviews the MTR against the requirements listed in Section II and the construction Code, and the QC Inspector verifies the original marking identification found on the item at the receiving inspection matches the one on the MTR. 8.4.4 The QC Inspector, if acceptable, marks the material with the Company coded marking, which shall be traceable to the original marking, and acceptable to the AI according to Material Traceability Procedure JBPG-8.3. Findings of material condition are recorded on the Material Receiving Report (Exhibit No. 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6), signs and dates the Receiving Inspection Report and forward it to the QCC for review and filing in the job file (welding gases are excepted). These files are available for the AI. When material is acceptable, the QC Chief signs and dates the MTR. The QC Chief is responsible for filing the MTR in the job file. 8.4.5 If the material is received as ASTM material, the QCC shall review and assure that the material has been certified as one of the acceptable editions of ASTM showed on ASME Code Section II Part A or B. If the material is certified to another ASTM/ASME edition, the QCC shall compare the specification shown on the MTR with the required specification and if the material meets the Code requirements, he stamps, sign and date the MTR or the Receiving Inspection Report, certifying with evidence acceptable to the AI that the corresponding ASME specification requirements have been met. 8.4.6 Material that does not meet all PO and Code requirements is marked HOLD on the item and retained in a segregated area and controlled as described in Section 10 of this Manual. 8.4.7 Small parts and items will be placed in bags, boxes, or bins marked with the Job number or PO number, and the required material identification. 8.5 RECEIVING INSPECTION OF CODE STAMPED PARTS OR MATERIALS 8.5.1 Code stamped parts are unloaded in the assigned lay-down area, and inspected by the QC Inspector for damage, Code stamping and identification marking to provide traceability to the Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports, Data Reports, Purchase Specifications and drawings. 8.5.2 The Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report must be received and verified against the part stamping to the requirements of paragraph 8.3 before the QC Inspector can release the item for further processing. Approval of the received part is recorded by the ITP. 8.5.3 Parts that do not meet all Code and customer requirements are considered to be nonconforming and are handled per Section 10 of this Manual. 8.5.4 The Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report shall be made available to the AI for review. QC MANUAL MATERIAL CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 8 REVISION 0 PAGE 3 OF 4 8.6 CUSTOMER SUPPLIED MATERIAL 8.6.1 All Code material supplied by the customer or his designee is received and inspected as described above. The drawing and the Purchasing Specification prepared per this Section is used during receiving inspection to assure Code compliance. 8.6.2 Nonconforming material is handled per Section 10 of this Manual. 8.7 STOCK 8.7.1 Material in stock shall be re-examined by the QC Inspector in accordance with paragraph 8.4; the Code Section Edition used for the job and the job requirements showed on the Purchasing Specification, shall be considered for the acceptance of the material 8.7.2 Nonconforming material is handled per Section 10 of this Manual. 8.8 MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS 8.8.1 8.9 MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION 8.9.1 The material identification shall be documented by the QC Inspector on the Materials Traceability Record (Exhibit 8.7). The marking system and method of marking must be acceptable to the AI. 8.9.2 Prior to cutting any Code material into two or more pieces, the Company coded marking shall be transferred to each piece by the operator. 8.9.3 Prior to cutting or splitting containers or bundles of Code material in storage, the required material identification is recorded by the QC Inspector on the Materials Traceability Record to maintain the traceability. The remaining material shall be identified in storage showing the Company traceability code. 8.10 8.11 Material substitutions are allowed after approval by the EM and QC Manager with the concurrence of the AI. The applicable documents shall be revised in accordance with the requirements of this Manual. FURTHER MATERIAL TESTING 8.10.1 If the material requires any further material testing, it will be done in accordance with the requirements of the Code. The QC Chief shall prepare NCR or an Inspection and Testing Plan (Exhibit 9.1) for this purpose. 8.10.2 Test results shall be reviewed and accepted by the QC Manager and shall be made available to the AI for review. STORAGE QC MANUAL MATERIAL CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 8 REVISION 0 PAGE 4 OF 4 8.11.1 The Warehouse Chief is responsible to store Code material in the proper zone with the proper identification. 8.11.2 The QC Chief shall verify proper storage of the material. 8.11.3 Material transfer between sites are not acceptable. 8.12 RECORDS 8.12.1 All records described in this Section are filed in the job file and are made available for review by the AI. 8.12.2 The QC Inspector shall prepare and maintain in the job file the Materials Traceability Record. QC MANUAL EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION PROGRAM EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 9 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 9.1 FIELD ASSEMBLY 9.1.1 Field, manufacturing and assembly of Code items is controlled by the use of drawings, the ITP and the Welding List. 9.1.2 The ITP is prepared by the Field QC Chief. 9.1.3 The QC Chief presents the ITP, welding list and drawings to the AI for review, acceptance and designation of Inspection Points prior to start the manufacturing or field assembly. The QC Chief / QC Manager and the AI will initial and date the ITP to document their review and acceptance. 9.1.4 All inspections during manufacturing or assembly shall be performed in accordance with the activities listed in the ITP and the Welding List. The ITP and the Welding List contains space for the initials and date of the QC Inspector and the AI for those operations they accept. Hold points designated by H on the ITP are inspection points that shall not be bypassed and require the notification to the AI by the QC Manager or QC Inspector. For Section I the visual examination in process shall be according to PG-75. 9.1.5 In case an ITP revision is issued, old revisions shall be maintained attached to the new revision. 9.2 FINAL INSPECTION 9.2.1 When the fabrication or assembly of a Code item is completed, the QC Chief and the AI will make their final inspection and initial and date the ITP when the item meets Code requirements. 9.2.2 When a pressure vessel is not provided with an inspection opening permitting access to inspect internal surfaces a Hold Point for the QC Chief or QC Inspector and the AI will be shown to permit internal inspection before making the final closure weld. 9.3 PRESSURE TEST 9.3.1 EM has defined that pressure test made in the field, shall be hydrostatic only. 9.3.2 The final pressure test in accordance with the Company Procedure will be witnessed by the QC Inspector and the AI and will be applied by the Field Chief after the completion all fabrication and assembly as specified on the ITP. 9.3.3 When the pressure test is completed satisfactorily the QC Inspector and the AI will initial and date the Pressure Test Report (Exhibit 9.2) and the ITP. 9.3.4 At least one directly connected pressure gage visible to the operator controlling the pressure test and having a range of about double the intended maximum test pressure but not less than one and one half (1-1/2) nor more than four (4) times the test pressure shall be used for the test. Hydrostatic head on the gage shall be considered depending on the location of the gage. QC MANUAL EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION PROGRAM EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 9 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 9.3.5 9.4 An additional pressure gage may be necessary to allow the test pressure to be visible to the operator at all times during the test to prevent excessive pressure being applied. MANUFACTURER’S DATA REPORTS AND STAMPING 9.4.1 Upon completion of manufactured or field assembled Code item the Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR) is completed from final records by the EM and certified by the QC Manager. 9.4.2 The completed Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR) and final records will be presented to the AI for his review. When he has satisfied himself that all Code requirements have been met he sign the Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR), authorize and witness the application of the ASME Certification Mark on the item or on a nameplate attached to the item in accordance with the construction Code requirements. 9.4.3 The ASME Certification Mark and required Boiler Stamping Information or Pressure Vessel Stamping Information shall be stamped on the Code Item or on a nameplate as applicable, attached to the Code Item as permitted by the Code. The QC Inspector shall verify the correct stamping on the nameplate in accordance with Code and attachment to the correct item. Alternative methods for applying the ASME Certification Mark are not allowed. 9.4.4 All records described in this Section are collected at the completion of the Job by the QC Chief for retention in the Job file. Copies of the Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR) shall be furnished by QC Manager to the user (and Jurisdiction and AI when request) of the Code Items or his designated agent. 9.5 NONCONFORMITIES 9.5.1 All non-conformities found during fabrication, installation, or assemblies are handled as described in Section 10 of this Manual. QC MANUAL CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 10 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 10.1 IDENTIFICATION OF NONCONFORMITIES 10.1.1 A nonconformity is any condition which does not comply with the applicable rules of the Code, this Manual or other specified requirements. Nonconformities must be corrected before the completed component can be considered to comply with the Code. 10.1.2 It is the duty of all Company employees to report non-conformities to their supervisor who shall notify the QC Inspector. The QC Inspector shall verify the nonconforming condition and mark the material or fabrication with “Hold”, complete a Nonconformity Report (Exhibit 10.1) and include the number of the Nonconformity Report on the Inspection and Testing Plan. If practicable the nonconforming item or material shall be moved to a segregated area. 10.1.3 The Nonconformity Report together with his suggested disposition signed by the QC Inspector is forwarded to the QC Manager, and the EM for review and approval. 10.2 CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES 10.2.1 USE-AS-IS: When the disposition is use-as-is the QC Manager will consult with and obtain the approval of the EM. Any required revisions to drawings, calculations, specifications, and procurement documents will be done as described in this Manual. All such dispositions must meet the Code requirements and have AI concurrence. 10.2.2 REPAIR AND REINSPECT: When the disposition requires repair, it shall be made using procedures and Inspection and Testing Plan approved by the QC Chief, and accepted by the AI. Repair proposed disposition shall be submitted to the AI for acceptance of the method and extent of repair, and designation of required inspection points on the NCR or Inspection and Testing Plan prepared prior to making the repair. 10.2.3 SCRAP OR RETURN TO VENDOR: When the disposition taken by QC Manager is to scrap or return to vendor the QC Inspector shall verify that the item or material has been removed from the work area and is clearly marked “Reject” to prevent its inadvertent use prior to disposal. 10.2.4 OTHER: When the disposition is “OTHER”, is applicable to changes on drawings, specifications, procedures, implementation of this Manual, etc. The QC Manager will consult with the document originator for changes required. All such dispositions must meet the Code requirements and have AI concurrence. 10.2.5 The QC Inspector shall re-inspect the item or material after the disposition as described above and when he has satisfied himself that they meet Code requirements and AI's inspection points have been accepted, QCI and AI will sign the Nonconformity Report, remove the "Hold" marking, and permit the item or material to return to its proper sequence of fabrication. QC MANUAL CORRECTION OF NONCONFORMITIES EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 10 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 10.2.6 Completed Nonconformity Reports are returned to the QCC for review and when he has satisfied himself that they have been completed as required he shall file them in the Job file. 10.2.7 All records of non-conformities are made available to the AI for review and acceptance. 10.3 REPAIR OF DEFECTS IN MATERIALS: Defects in materials may be repaired provided acceptance by the AI is first obtained for the method and extent of repairs. Defective material that cannot be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected. QC MANUAL WELDING CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 11 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 4 11.1 GENERAL 11.1.1 All welding on Code Items shall be performed using Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and welders or welding operators qualified in accordance with the applicable Code of Construction and Section IX of the Code. 11.1.2 For the supervision, control, evaluation, and acceptance of qualification testing (PQRs, WPQs, WOPQs), the personnel involved shall be designated as Designated Welding Supervisor/s by the QCM as required by QG-106 (exhibit 11.5 and 11.6 or 11.7). The QCM is responsible to keep updated records with objective evidence of the qualification, training or experience. Personnel shall be qualified based on experience (at least six months) in manufacture of pressure vessels, boilers or welding inspection and have formal training in the following areas: _ Section IX for the qualification of procedures and/or joining personnel and the scope, complexity, or special nature of the activities to which oversight is to be provided. _ Company՚s Quality Program 11.2 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) 11.2.1 WPSs are written by the Designated Welding Supervisor. The Designated Welding Supervisor shall monitor and record all actual essential and supplementary essential (if applicable) variables during the welding of test coupons. QC Inspector shall provide full supervision and control of Welders during production of these test coupons. The Designated Welding Supervisor reviews the test report submitted by the laboratory and if acceptable he prepares and certifies the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). 11.2.2 Originals of qualified WPS and PQR and laboratory test reports are maintained by the QC Manager. Copies of the WPS are provided to the Field Manager for use by the Welders and Welding Operators. Copies of the WPS and PQR shall be maintained in the job file by the QC Chief. 11.2.3 WPSs are revised when there is a change in a nonessential variable and a new WPS shall be qualified when there is a change in an essential or supplementary essential variable. 11.2.4 WPSs and PQRs are made available to the AI for review. The AI may witness welding of a WPS for cause. 11.3 QUALIFICATION OF WELDERS AND WELDING OPERATORS 11.3.1 All Welders and Welding Operators to be used for Code welding are qualified to Section IX and the Construction Code under the full supervision and control of the Designated Welding Supervisor who is responsible for monitoring and recording the actual variables. The Designated Welding Supervisor shall assure that the required specimen preparation and its testing by Company or a laboratory meets the Code requirements. The report of test is reviewed by the Designated Welding Supervisor. and if acceptable he prepares and certifies the QC MANUAL WELDING CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 11 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 4 Welder or Welding Operator Performance Qualification Test Report (WPQ / WOPQ). 11.3.2 The QC Chief issues each qualified Welder and Welding Operator an identifying letter, number or symbol with which they identify each weld, continuous weld or series of similar joints they make at intervals of no more than 1 m. 11.3.3 Copies of the WPQ / WOPQ are received and maintained by the Field QC Inspector. The original records and reports of test are maintained by the QC Manager. The QC Chief is responsible for maintaining copies of the WPQ/WOPQ in the Job file 11.3.4 WPQ / WOPQ are available for review by the AI who may request re-qualification and witnessing at any time of Welder or Welding Operator tests whenever there is a specific reason to do so. 11.4 REQUALIFICATION OF WELDERS AND WELDING OPERATORS 11.4.1 Welders and welding operators are re-qualified when: a) A change in one or more of the Essential Variable occurs for each welding process. b) They have not welded with a process and method for a period of six (6) months or more their qualifications for that process shall expire; unless, within the six month period, prior to his expiration of qualification, (1) a welder has welded under direct supervision of the QC Inspector with that process using manual or semiautomatic welding, that will extend his qualification for an additional 6 months; (2) a welding operator has welded under direct supervision of the QC Inspector with that process using machine or automatic welding, that will extend his qualification for an additional 6 months (machine process extends machine and automatic; automatic extends only automatic). c) Where there is reason to question their ability to make welds that meet the specification, the qualifications that support the welding they are doing shall be revoked. All other qualifications not questioned remain in effect. 11.4.2 Renewal of qualifications shall be in accordance with QW-322.3. 11.5 MAINTENANCE OF WELDER QUALIFICATIONS 11.5.1 Each welder and welding operator is listed on the Welder Log (Exhibit 11.2) maintained by the QC Chief from every six-month data provided by QC Inspectors using the welding list. The Welder Log indicates if the welder or welding operator has welded in each process and type this period. The QC Chief determines from the Welder Log, when a welder or welding operators qualifications are about to expire. The QC Chief notifies the Field Chief so they QC MANUAL WELDING CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 11 REVISION 0 PAGE 3 OF 4 can assure that the welder or welding operator welds in the required process or processes or is properly re-qualified in accordance with 11.4.1. 11.6 PRODUCTION WELDING 11.6.1 The Field Chief and the QC Chief are responsible for assigning all production welders by using the Qualified Welders List (Exhibit 11.3). The QC Inspector instructs them in the WPS they are to use as listed on the drawings for each weld. 11.6.2 Tack welds whether left in place or removed are made by qualified welders using qualified procedures. 11.6.3 Welders making tack welds shall be recorded by the QC Inspector for each weld that they make by entering their stamps on the Welding List. 11.6.4 Tack welds left in place shall be properly prepared for inclusion into the weld, visually examined by QC Inspector, and if found defective, shall be removed. This examination shall be documented on the Inspection and Testing Plan. 11.6.5 Tack welding performed by others, shall be made using a qualified company procedure, provided by the QC Chief and shall be removed before the welding. 11.6.6 Welder identification shall be recorded by QC Inspector for each weld that they made (including tack weld) by entering their identifications on the welding list (Exhibit 11.1). 11.6.7 Company does not subcontract welding activities. 11.6.8 Preheating, interpass temperatures and thermal cutting operations shall be accordance with PW-38. It shall be controlled by QC Inspector or welders using calibrated instruments. 11.7 WELDING MATERIAL 11.7.1 The welding material is requested by the Field Manager based on the information of the WPS. The Purchasing Specification shall be reviewed and approved by the QC Chief. Welding material is purchased and received as described in Section 8. 11.7.2 Welding materials are stored in a controlled storage area. Welding materials issued to welders and welding operators shall be authorized by the Field Chief by using the Welding Material Voucher (Exhibit 11.4). 11.7.3 Low hydrogen coated electrodes will be received and stored in sealed containers. When the containers are opened the electrodes are placed in heated ovens maintained at the temperature recommended by their manufacturer or ASME Code Section II Part C prior to issuance to welders. 11.7.4 Welding Material is issued by the Warehouse Attendant only in a quantity sufficient to complete the weld or for an eight hours period whichever is less. Low Hydrogen electrodes shall be stored in heated portable ovens. QC MANUAL WELDING CONTROL EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 11 REVISION 0 PAGE 4 OF 4 11.7.5 11.8 Unconsumed electrodes are returned to the Warehouse Attendant and are inspected for damage, and identification before returning to a storage oven. Any electrode-received cold and/or damaged shall not be used for Code work. Unacceptable electrodes are scrapped. Rebake of the electrode are not allowed. WELDING RECORDS 11.8.1 All records referenced in this section are available for review by the AI. 11.9 PREVIOUS WORKS FROM JULIO BERKES S.A. 11.9.1 Berkes-BWE assumed responsibility of documents issued by Julio Berkes S.A, in accordance with requirements from QW-107. QC MANUAL NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 12 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 12.1 SCOPE 12.1.1 12.2 All NDE required by the Code (as stipulated on design documents) will be performed by the Company’s personnel or subcontractors. In both cases written practice, personnel qualifications, records, procedures and equipment calibration shall be reviewed and approved by the QC Manager. The NDE procedures shall be in accordance with ASME Code Section V and the applicable construction Code. NDE PROCEDURES 12.2.1 PT, MT, RT is performed using written procedures approved by a Level III Examiner qualified in the specific method and certified as the Company Level III (or subcontracted Level III), and reviewed and approved by the QC Manager. 12.2.2 All procedures are detailed enough to provide the technique to meet the Code Section used for Construction requirements and they are reviewed and approved by the QC Manager in accordance with Table 17.1 of this Manual. 12.2.3 All NDE procedures / written practice will be submitted for review by the AI. The AI can require demonstration of and NDE procedure by NDE personnel for cause. 12.2.4 NDE procedures from sub-contracted companies shall be reviewed and approved by the QC Manager. 12.2.5 RT, PT and MT and procedures shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the AI and shall be certified by the QC Manager as meeting the requirements of Section V Paragraph T-150. 12.2.6 VT is performed using a written procedure prepared by Level III and reviewed and approved by the QC Manager. 12.2.7 12.3 QC Chief is responsible for ensuring that the procedures are available to NDE personnel, at the work area. NDE PERSONNEL 12.3.1 The Company’s NDE personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the Company’s written practice which shall be based on SNT-TC-1A as modified by Section V, Article 1. QC Manager shall review level III’s qualifications based on his written practice and upon satisfactory results, QC Manager shall appoint him by letter as Company’s level III. 12.3.2 Subcontracted NDE personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the Subcontractor’s written practice which shall be based on SNT-TC-1A as modified by Section V, Article. This written practice and their NDE personnel qualification records shall be reviewed and approved by the Company’s Level III and the QC Manager. These records shall be maintained on file by the QC Manager. QC MANUAL NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 12 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 12.3.3 NDE personnel qualification records are available to the AI for review and acceptance. The AI may request re-qualification if he has reason to question their ability to perform the examination. 12.3.4 VT Examiners shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the Company´s Written Practice, based in ASME B 31.1 requirements. 12.4 NDE REPORTS 12.4.1 All reports of NDE, including RT film, are reviewed and approved by the QC Chief prior to submittal to the AI for his review. For NDE performed at a field site the Field QC Inspector performs the review prior to submittal to the AI. 12.4.2 All NDE reports, including RT film, are filed by the QC Chief in accordance with the Section 15 of this Manual 12.5 CALIBRATION OF NDE EQUIPMENT 12.5.1 NDE subcontractors shall be responsible for calibration of NDE equipment. Verification shall be done by the QC Chief. 12.5.2 NDE equipment shall be calibrated. Densitometer shall be calibrated at least every three months and record of calibration shall be available for review. Calibration shall be carried in accordance with ASME Section V, Article 2, T-262. 12.5.3 The calibration records (including for subcontractor) shall be maintained on file by the QC Chief and made available to the AI for review. QC MANUAL HEAT TREATMENT EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 13 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 1 13.1 GENERAL 13.1.1 Heat treatment, required by the Code, (as stipulated on the drawings) is performed by the Company’s personnel or by a subcontractor using calibrated equipment in accordance with the HT procedure (JBPG-13.1 Heat Treatment and exhibit 13.1 Heat Treatment Record), which is prepared and approved by the Design Engineer. 13.1.2 The QC Inspector will review and approve the controls, equipment and calibration records prior to initiating any Heat Treatment required by the Code. 13.2 HEAT TREATMENT INSTRUCTION 13.2.1 All Code Heat Treatment is performed as specified in written instruction approved by the Design Engineer, which describes the placement and the method of attachment and removal of thermocouples, heating and cooling rates, time at temperature and the required records as a minimum. 13.3 RECEIVING INSPECTION 13.3.1 The QC Inspector is responsible for the item identification prior to HT and he shall examine all items for damage and identification during the receiving inspection. Nonconformities will be handled as described in Section 10 of this Manual. 13.4 HEAT TREATMENT RECORDS 13.4.1 Heat Treatment records shall be actual furnace charts which record the conditions; identification of thermocouples, items treated, and shall be signed and dated by the furnace or equipment operator including the instruction used. 13.4.2 Heat treatment records are reviewed and approved by the field QC Inspector. 13.4.3 Heat treatment records, including procedures and calibration records, are submitted to the AI for review and acceptance by the QC Chief. 13.4.4 After review and approval, the QC Inspector and the acceptance by the AI, heat treatment records are filed by the QC Inspector in the Job file. QC MANUAL CALIBRATION EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 14 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 14.1 GENERAL 14.1.1 14.2 All measurement, test, and examination equipment used in fulfillment of requirements of the Code shall be calibrated in accordance with this Section. CALIBRATION PROCEDURE 14.2.1 Each item of measurement, test and examination equipment which requires calibration is identified by a unique number on the item and which is recorded on the applicable Instrument List. 14.2.2 The QC Chief is responsible for maintaining all equipment in calibration, unless out of service and clearly marked "NOT USE". Out of calibration equipment shall also be marked in the same manner. 14.2.3 Calibration shall be performed by a testing laboratory or by the QC Inspector using national recognized standards and providing certified records of calibration. Calibration certificates supplied by the subcontractors and QC Inspector calibration results shall be reviewed and approved including accuracy by the QC Chief and recorded on the Calibration Control Record (Exhibit 14.1). 14.2.4 Pressure gauges used for final pressure tests are calibrated against a calibrated dead weight tester or compared to a calibrated master gauge every year. 14.2.5 The frequency of calibration for other equipment is as indicated by recognized standards, the Code or recommended by the equipment manufacturer, or from experience with the equipment. The frequencies of calibration are indicated in the calibration control system of instruments see Procedure JBPG-14.1 (Instruments Calibration). 14.3 RECORDS 14.3.1 Calibrated equipment shall be identified through the an unique number and the use of a Calibration Sticker (Exhibit 14.2) attached to the equipment or the equipment container if too small for the sticker to be attached. The Calibration Sticker shall list the date calibrated, expiration date and the person who made or approved the calibration. 14.3.2 Calibration records including those of subcontractors that perform NDE, HT and mechanical testing are kept in QC file by the QCC and shall be available to the AI for review. 14.4 DISCREPANT EQUIPMENT 14.4.1 When equipment requiring calibration is found to be out of calibration it shall be tagged "NOT USE" by the QCI, removed from the work area, repaired, recalibrated, or replaced. 14.4.2 Damaged equipment or the equipment that generates doubt (when the error is suspected) shall not be used until be re-calibrated. It shall be tagged “Not Use”. QC MANUAL CALIBRATION EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 14 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 14.4.3 If any inspection were performed using equipment without calibration in manufacturing or assembly of Code items, a NCR shall be issued in accordance with Section 10. QC MANUAL RECORDS RETENTION EDITION Nº 10 SECTION 15 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 15.1 GENERAL 15.1.1 The QC Manager collects all records described in this manual at completion of the job, and reviews them for completeness, correctness and Code compliance before he prepares the Manufacturer’s Data Report. He is responsible to maintain all records in a manner that prevents damage, deterioration and loss. 15.1.2 Manufacturer’s Data Reports, after certification by the QC Manager, are presented to the AI with the job file for his signature. The QC Manager shall distribute the MDR to the user, the AIA, and the Jurisdiction, if applicable. 15.1.3 Manufacturer’s Data Reports shall be kept for a minimum of 3 years for Section VIII Division , and 5 year for Section I. 15.1.4 For Section VIII, Division 1 vessels the following records shall be kept for three years: Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports Manufacturing drawings Design Calculations including any applicable Proof Test Reports Material Test Reports and/or material certifications Pressure Parts documentation and certifications WPSs and PQRs Welder / Welding Operator Performance Qualification Records for each welder who welded on the vessel and continuity records for each one of them. NDE interpretation reports Repair procedures and records Process Control Sheets (ITP, Welding List) Heat treatment records and Test Results Records Post Weld Heat Treatment records Non-conformances and dispositions Hydrostatic test records Transfer Forms 15.1.5 For Section I items, the following records shall be kept for five years. Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports A complete set of RT reports. UT reports. Welder / Welding Operator Performance Qualification and continuity records for each Welder employed in the item construction / assembly. Welding procedures and qualifications 15.1.6 For Section VIII Division 1 and Section I a complete set of Radiography films, for each Code Item shall be retained, until the Manufacturer´s Data Report has been signed by the AI. QC MANUAL AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR EDITION Nº 9 SECTION 16 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 16.1 GENERAL 16.1.1 Company shall have a Contract for Inspection Services with an ASME accredited AIA who employs AI's. The AI is the third party inspector required by the ASME Code, and holds a current NB “AI” Commission. 16.1.2 Work shall not proceed beyond the AI's Hold Points until he has witnessed or verified the operation and initialed and dated the Inspection and Testing Plan per Section 9 of this Manual. 16.1.3 The QC Manager is the company's liaison with the Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) and the AI. At field sites the QC Chief is the company's liaison. They are responsible for keeping the AI advised of the progress of the work so that he may be present to make his designated Hold Points, including any scheduled pressure tests. 16.1.4 The AI shall have access to all drawings, calculations, specifications, procedures, process sheets, repair procedures, proof test reports, records, tests results, and any other documents as necessary for the inspector perform his duties. 16.1.5 All Nonconformity Reports are submitted by the QC Manager to the AI (per Section 10) for his acceptance. 16.1.6 A controlled copy of the Manual is available by the QC Manager for use by the AI in the field sites. 16.1.7 The AI and Authorized Inspector Supervisor (AIS) shall be provided with free access to the field sites where Code work is performed and to such parts of all plants and facilities that are concerned with the manufacture and supply of Code material as requested. 16.1.8 The QC Manager will provide any assistance requested by the AI during his monitoring of the Quality Control System and to the AIS during the Audits. 16.1.9 The Authorized Inspector shall review and accept all changes to the Manual, prior to implementation. 16.1.10 When requested by the Purchaser, or whenever the AIA of record cannot provide coverage for inspection at a specific field site, the ASME required inspections of the Code items may be conducted by an secondary AIA selected by the purchaser provided the following details are met. 1) The Company liaison with the AIA of Record shall inform the AI of the AIA of Record of this request and provide objective evidence indicating this request by the purchaser or objective evidence of the lack of coverage at the specific field site. 2) The QC Manager shall make a copy of the company’s QC Manual available for use by the secondary AIA performing the inspections. QC MANUAL AUTHORIZED INSPECTOR EDITION Nº 9 SECTION 16 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 3) The Company shall enter into a written agreement with the secondary AIA performing the Code inspections. 4) If the secondary AIA request modifications to this Manual or associated procedures, these modifications shall be presented to the AI of the AIA of record. 5) The item will be supplied to a second party, who is a valid ASME Certificate Holder, and the contract requires the use of the second party’s AIA of Record. 16.1.11 QC Manager is responsible to inform ASME if the AIA is changed or cancelled. 16.1.12 The AIA identified on the ASME application for a new issuance, renewal of Certificate of Authorization, current inspection contract, or agreement with an AIA is known as, and hereafter referred to as, the Authorized Inspection Agency of Record. The AIA of Records is responsible for all inspection services under the scope of the Certificate of Authorization. QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 1 OF 6 17.1 QUALITY DOCUMENTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND CERTIFICATION METHOD 17.1 Provisions for approvals, acceptance, issuance, distribution and revisions are listed in Table 17.1 17.2 In case of documents managed by the DMS, authorization to access the system is managed by password and levels of authorization are provided in the DMS system. 17.3 Revisions are uploaded to the DMS and approvals are done by DMS software. In some cases (as listed in Table 17.1) acceptance or approval can be done by signature for some authorized individuals and final approval is done by DMS by the QC Manager. 17.4 When a revision is approved, the DMS will send an email to the distribution list with the required information. DMS systems includes a log to check that authorized individuals have accessed to the new revision. The person who approved the revision is responsible to check that all the authorized individuals in the distribution list have accessed to the document. 17.5 Approvals and acceptance are identified by the DMS system log. 17.6 The AI will have access to the DMS system for revisions and acceptance. 17.7 Paper copies in field shall be controlled by the Field Manager and shall be registered in Exhibit 17.1. When a new revision is issued, all previous revisions shall be retrieved and destroyed and the status shall be updated in Exhibit 17.1. 17.8 All documents sent to persons outside the Organization Chart shall be considered Non-Controlled. 17.9 Printed copies except for those registered in Exhibit 17.1 are considered Non-Controlled. 17.10 Superseded documents in DMS are retrieved by the software. 17.11 When electronic signature is used, approbation of the document by Quality Manager in DMS is required. Quality Manager shall ensure the integrity of the certification, authorization or approval. QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 2 OF 6 Table 17.1 Type Owner / Preparation Authorization / Approval / Certification Acceptance Certification method Responsible for distribution and noncontrolled copies management Quality Manual pdf QC Manager General manager (signature) / QC Manager AI (signature) Signature / DMS At field: QC Chief. Otherwise: QC Manager. Procedures (not mentioned in this table) pdf QC Manager QC Manager AI (signature) Signature / DMS At field: QC Chief. Otherwise: QC Manager. Exhibits (not mentioned in this table) - FORMAT pdf QC Manager QC Manager Authorised Inspector if requiered by the procedure Signature / DMS At field: QC Chief. Otherwise: QC Manager. Exhibits (not mentioned in this table) - ACTUAL LOG paper QC Inspector QC Chief Authorised Inspector if requiered by the procedure Signature QC Chief Engineering Record pdf Engineering Manager QC Manager - Signature / DMS Design Engineer / QC Manager / QC Senior Assistant User design specification pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Calculations pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Drawings pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Customer specifications pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Bill of materials (if not included in drawings) pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Purchase specification pdf Design Engineer / QC Manager / QC Senior Assistant Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer / QC Manager / QC Senior Assistant Purchase orders pdf Purchasing Manager - - Nodum QC Chief Material receiving reports paper Quality Inspector QC Chief - Signature QC Chief Document General Chapter 7 Chapter 8 QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 3 OF 6 Materials traceability records paper Quality Inspector Quality Inspector AI Signature QC Chief Chapter 9 ITP (Instruction) excel QC Chief QC Manager - DMS QC Manager / QC Chief ITP (Actual Log) paper QC Chief According to ITP AI (signature) Signature QC Chief Pressure test report paper Quality Inspector Quality Inspector AI Signature QC Chief MDR paper Design Engineer QC Manager AI Signature QC Manager Boiler stamping information pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer Pressure vessel stamping information pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager - DMS Design Engineer paper QC Inspector QC Manager / Engineering Manager AI Signature QC Inspector Welding list paper QC Chief QC Manager Authorised Inspector Signature QC Chief Welder log paper QC Chief QC Chief - Signature QC Chief Qualified welders list pdf QC Chief - - - QC Chief Welding material voucher paper Field Chief Field Chief - Signature NA Designation for Welding Inspectors pdf QC Manager QC Manager - DMS QC Manager Certification to supervise welding for WPS and PQR pdf QC Manager QC Manager - DMS QC Manager Certification to supervise welding for WPQ pdf QC Manager QC Manager - DMS QC Manager PQR pdf QC Chief QC Manager (if necessary Designated Welding Supervisor signature) - DMS QC Chief Chapter 10 Non conformity report Chapter 11 QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 4 OF 6 WPS pdf QC Chief QC Manager (if necessary Designated Welding Supervisor signature) - DMS QC Chief WPQ paper QC Chief Designated Welding Supervisor - Signature QC Chief NDE personnel written practice pdf Subcontractor NDE level III Company’s Level III (signature) and QC Manager Authorised Inspector (Signature) Signature / DMS QC Chief NDE personnel qualifications pdf QC Manager Company’s Level III (signature) and QC Manager - Signature / DMS QC Manager NDE procedures pdf Subcontractor NDE level III QC Manager Authorised Inspector (Signature) Signature / DMS QC Chief Heat Treatment Records (Instruction) pdf Design Engineer Engineering Manager Authorised Inspector DMS Design Engineer Heat Treatment Records (Actual log) paper Heat treatment operator QC Inspector Authorised Inspector Signature QC Chief Calibration control record pdf QC Chief /QC Inspector QC Chief /QC Inspector - DMS QC Chief /QC Inspector Calibration stickers paper QC Chief /QC Inspector QC Chief /QC Inspector - Signature QC Chief /QC Inspector paper Field Manager / QC Chief / QC Manager / QC Inspector - - Signature Field Manager / QC Chief / QC Manager / QC Inspector Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 17 Non-controlled copies management QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 5 OF 6 17.2 EXHIBITS INDEX EXHIBIT No. 7.1 TITLE Engineering Record 8.1 Purchasing Specification 8.2 Purchase Order 8.3 Receiving Inspection Report (Plates) 8.4 Receiving Inspection Report (Pipe And Tubes) 8.5 Receiving Inspection Report (Heads) 8.6 Receiving Inspection Report (Miscellaneous) 8.7 Materials Traceability Record 9.1 Inspection and Testing Plan 9.2 Pressure Test Report 10.1 Nonconformity Report 11.1 Welding List 11.2 Welder Log 11.3 Qualified Welders List 11.4 Welding Material Voucher 11.5 Company Letter Designation for welding inspectors 11.6 Form for Certification to Supervise Welding for Procedure and Performance Qualification Test Coupons 11.7 Form for Certification to Supervise Welding for Performance Qualification Test Coupons 13.1 Heat Treatment Record QC MANUAL EDITION Nº 10 CERTIFICATIONS AND EXHIBITS INDEX SECTION 17 REVISION 0 PAGE 6 OF 6 14.1 Calibration Control Record 14.2 Calibration Sticker 17.1 Printed copies and non-controlled copies management