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AP WORLD HRG Unit 9 Noteguide Answers (Heimler's History)

UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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What is a globalization?
Globalization describes the increasing economic, political, and social interconnectedness of the world.
What are some other examples of
• Trade routes in Unit 2 (Silk Road, Indian Ocean Routes, Sahara Routes)
increasing globalization that have
• The age of imperialism
been in the AP Curriculum?
• The world wars
Others include The Age of
Exploration and the founding of
Manila by the Spanish in 1571.
• By the 1930s in the U.S., radios were found in about 12 million homes and
had news programs and entertainment.
• By the 1960s televisions replaced the radio for the developed world.
• News broadcasts of the war in Vietnam or the Cuban Missile Crisis let people
What are FOUR examples of how
communications technology
increased globalization?
see and feel connected to places across the world.
• Telephones were invented in the 19th century. Cellular technology (cell
phones) were invented in the 1980s, allowing people to speak to each other
New forms of communication
reduced the problem of geographic
distance and changed the world.
across the globe.
• The internet became widely available in the 1990s with the rise of personal
computers and the World Wide Web. This further connected people through
access to email and YouTube Videos.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Increasing use of air travel after War II for work and pleasure gave people access
to the world.
What are TWO examples of how
The adoption of shipping containers, made the most significant contribution
shipping technology increased
to a globalized economy. They are standardized metal boxes that can be stacked
for shipping cargo without having to be unpacked while being transferred from
trains or trucks or boats. Almost all consumer goods are transported across the
New forms/modes of
transportation reduced the
problem of geographic distance
and changed the world.
world in shipping containers.
What are TWO examples of
energy technologies that increased
productivity and manufacturing of
goods, as well as globalization?
• Fossil fuels, like petroleum are more energy efficient and became the main
power source of industrial manufacturing, increasing production in order to
meet the demand for consumer goods across the world.
• Nuclear power was harnessed for civilian use. It is a clear energy source, but
New energy technologies raised
productivity and increased the
production of material goods,
changing the world.
due to several disasters at nuclear plants, it is less widely embraced.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Medical birth control methods like the birth control pill gave women more
What has been the impact of
reliable control over their fertility. This mostly affected women in wealthier
medical technology developed after
countries and led to declining fertility rates. In places like Japan and several
1900 that gave women more control
European countries, it caused a demographic crisis.
over their lives? Has the effect been
In the developing world like in Sub-Saharan Africa, populations are growing
More effective forms of birth control
gave women greater control over
fertility, transformed reproductive
practices, and contributed to declining
rates of fertility in much of the world.
rapidly due lack of access to birth control.
What 20th century medical
technologies have helped to prolong
How has agricultural technology
increased globalization?
Vaccines and antibiotics that fight off illnesses have increased lifespans for
those who have access.
Commercial agriculture has become the dominant model for growing food
in a way that increases production and maximizes profits. This has led to a
significant increase in the world’s food supply.
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Medical innovations increased the
ability of humans to survive and live
The Green Revolution and commercial
agriculture increased productivity and
sustained the earth’s growing
population as it spread chemically
and genetically modified forms of
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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The Green Revolution started in the 1950s and 60s. During it, scientists used genetic modification to created new
What was the Green Revolution?
strains of high-yielding grain crops that produced 3-4 times the normal yield. They helped places in the developing
world like Mexico, India, and Indonesia with high populations and not enough food.
What is an example of how
increased globalization led to the
spread of disease?
What is an example of a disease
associated with poverty that
persisted in the 20th century?
What are examples of diseases
associated with aging populations in
the 20th century?
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 was global. Near the end of World War I this
disease began to spread along travel and trade routes ultimately killing around
50 million people in two years. It mostly affected working age people. More
died from the pandemic than on the battlefields of WWI.
Malaria is a disease spread by infected mosquitos in warmer, tropical regions.
Due to lack of access to effective medical interventions and practical measures
like mosquito nets, there are hundreds of thousands of deaths per year, mostly
in the poor regions of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Heart disease and Alzheimer’s mainly affect wealthier older people who have
increased lifespans due to the new medical technologies they have access to.
This has also led to new medical advances to treat these diseases like bypass
surgery on the heart.
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Environmental factors affected human
populations over time, like emergent
epidemic diseases.
Environmental factors affected human
populations over time, like diseases
associated with poverty, as did
medical and scientific developments.
Environmental factors affected human
populations over time, like diseases
that have a higher incidence merely
because they are associated with
increased longevity. New diseases
spurred technological and medical
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Deforestation, the large-scale clearing of trees in a geographical
area is due to increasing urbanization and the creation of suburbs.
How has increased urbanization
Additionally, forests are being cleared to create more farmland to keep
negatively affected the
everyone fed. This has led to an increasing number of animal species
going extinct and more pollution due to erosion and contaminated water
This explains some of the causes and
effects of environmental changes c. 1900 to
runoff. Also, air quality is declining due to increased dependence on
fossil fuels, especially in cities.
Desertification which occurs when farmland becomes infertile due to
over cultivation encouraged by commercial farming practices becoming
How has increased agricultural
useless. Also, only about 3% of Earth’s water is drinkable. With growing
production negatively affected the
populations comes competition, and commercial farming outfits use
a large percentage of that freshwater to water their crops. The World
This explains some of the causes and
effects of environmental changes c. 1900 to
Health Organization estimates that by 2025, half the world’s population
will lack clean drinking water.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Climate change, the warming of the planet due to the release of
greenhouse gasses has led to fierce debates about what has caused it
and who is responsible for fixing the problem. Most scientists blame
Why does climate change cause so
much debate?
the amount of greenhouse gasses humans have released into the
environment starting with the Industrial Revolution. Therefore, those
nations that industrialized bear most of the responsibility and are the
The release of greenhouse gases and
pollutants into the atmosphere contributed
to debates about the nature and causes of
climate change.
wealthiest nations in the world. Many agree that greenhouse gasses
should be limited, but developing nations can only become economically
competitive if they industrialize, so it seems unfair to limit them.
By the 1980s free market economics and economic liberalization
What economic policies became
popular in the late 1900s?
became popular. States began to emphasize free market policies like the
lowering of trade barriers such as tariffs, deregulation of industry, and
the transfer of public sector industries to private parties. This trend is all
This helps to explain the continuities and
changes in the global economy from 1900
to present.
about the government getting its hands off the economy.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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The governments of Ronald Reagan in the United States and Margaret
These are good examples of governments
that encouraged free-market policies.
What are some examples of
Thatcher in the United Kingdom. Both reduced taxes on the wealthy,
governments that increased
deregulated business, and decreased spending on social welfare
encouragement of free-market
programs. The economic health and power of both nations grew, but the
power of labor unions was undermined and the gap between the wealthy
and the poor increased significantly.
Work in wealthier countries became characterized by knowledge
How did the work done by
advanced nations change in the late
20th century and what is a specific
historical example?
workers whose work was not done by their bodies, but their minds.
Example: Finland was an agrarian economy prior to World War II, but
toward the end of the 20th century the government invested heavily in
their technology sector. This led to tremendous economic growth as they
beame important in cell phone technology and software development,
which is knowledge work.
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Another good example is Deng Xiaoping
of China, who opened China to some
free market trade after the death of Mao
Zedong. It was this change that led to
China’s prosperity in the present.
This helps to explain changes in the global
economy from 1900 to present.
In the late 20th century, revolutions
in information and communications
technology led to the growth of knowledge
economies in some regions.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Manufacturing became located in developing countries where workers
This helps to explain changes in the global
economy from 1900 to present.
How did the location of industrial
earned lower wages than was legal in the manufacturer’s own countries.
production and manufacturing
Industrial production is now located mostly in Asia, in places like
change in late 20th century?
Vietnam and Bangladesh, and Latin America, in places like Mexico and
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international economic
What is an example of a global
economic institution?
organization that helps facilitate economic interactions. It was created
to regulate trade on a global scale. It assists in negotiating trade deals,
acts as a moderator for trade disputes, and creates initiatives to assist
developing countries.
In the late 20th century industrial
production and manufacturing were
increasingly situated in Asia and Latin
This helps to explain changes in the global
economy from 1900 to present.
Changing economic institutions,
multinational corporations, and regional
trade agreements reflected the spread of
principles and practices associated with
free-market economics throughout the
What is an example of a 20th
The European Union: European states who have merged to become a single economic unit by reducing trade
century regional trade agreement?
barriers between them. 27 countries are members (as of 2024).
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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What is a multinational
Multinational corporations are businesses that are incorporated in one country but manufacture and sell goods in
corporation in the 20th century, and
other countries globally.
what is a specific historical example
Example: Nestle is headquartered in Switzerland, purchases and manufactures their chocolate with low-wage
of one?
workers in West Africa, and then sells their chocolate on the world market.
How did globailization change
culture over time?
What are specific musical examples
of globalized culture?
New communication and transportation technologies made it so that
people from all over the world were exposed to other cultures. This has
created globalized culture.
• Reggae originated in Jamaica, but the popularity of Bob Marley led
the music to spread globally.
• K-Pop originated in South Korea, and is now everywhere.
Political and social changes of the 20th
century led to changes in the arts, and in
the second half of the century, popular and
consumer culture became more global.
Arts, entertainment, and popular culture
increasingly reflected the influence of a
globalized society.
Hollywood is based in the United States, and Bollywood (or the Hindi film industry) is based in India. Both
What are specific examples of
make films that reflect their local culture and values, but both also produce films that make a lot of money on the
globalized culture in film?
international market. For example, Lagaan is a Hindi film that became such a global phenomenon that it was
nominated for an Oscar in 2002, and is enjoyed by AP World History students across the globe.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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What are specific examples of
globalized culture in sports?
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The Olympics and the World Cup. Billions of people across the world watch these events every four years. They are
platforms for the expression of nationalism as athletes from various countries compete for the ultimate prize.
Global consumer culture means that people are defined by what they
buy, not what they make. The United States had an oversized influence on
What are specific examples of
globalized consumer culture?
the global culture and the economy after World War II which led many
countries to be consumers of American brands like Coca-Cola, which
can be found all over the world. Toyota, a Japanese car manufacturer, is
Consumer culture became globalized and
transcended national borders.
a multinational corporation which sells cars in 170 countries throughout
the world.
How have communications and
shipping technology aided global
Giant online retailers like Alibaba in China, or Amazon and eBay in the United States have hundreds of millions of
users from around the globe. Shipping containers move the goods.
In 2009, China created their own social media site called Weibo so that
they could control what their citizens read online, like criticisms of the
How has China resisted globalized
treatment of the minority Uighur popluation in China. They thought
social media caused an uprising in the Uighur community. They banned
This was one of many responses to
increasing globalization from 1900 to
western media sites like Facebook and Twitter for creating unrest among
their people.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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What is the United Nations and
what does it do?
The United Nations (successor to the League of Nations) was created
after World War II. It was created to accomplish two purposes: to prevent
war and facilitate cooperation among the world’s nations.
Extra Info:
Globalization changed international
interactions among states.
The General Assembly of the UN includes representatives from all member nations and is responsible for
discussing and making policies for all member nations.
Example: The General Assembly created UNICEF (the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)
How does the United Nations
operate to promote its goals? What
is a specific example of this?
in 1946 to provide social welfare services to children throughout the world. It has created global initiatives for child
immunizations, education, and emergency relief for children and mothers in the aftermath of disasters.
Example: The Security Council of the UN is responsible for global peace keeping. It has five permanent members—
the U.S., China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom—and ten seats that rotate to representatives of member
nations. The permanent members have veto power, which they often use to protect their own interests. The Security
Council works toward their goal by sending military peacekeepers to stabilize violent situations, and they can
impose economic sanctions on states creating violence and war or violating human rights.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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The UN created global economic institutions like the World Bank which was created to provide financial assistance
How does the United Nations help
the world economically?
to Europe after World War II. Late in the 20th century it started providing loans and technical assistance to
developing countries to help them reduce poverty, promote economic development, and achieve sustainable growth.
The International Monetary Fund was created to help member states. Both want to promote free trade and keep
global currency values stable and flowing.
It created movements for rights-based discourse that challenged old
assumptions about race, class, gender, and religion.
How has globalization helped to
Example: In 1948 the United Nations created the Universal Declaration
promote human rights? What is a
of Human Rights which included basic human rights, condemned
specific historical example of this?
racism, imperialism, and championed social and economic equality for
Social categories, roles, and practices have
changed over time.
all the world’s citizens. Member nations are expected to uphold those
rights, but some are more aspirational than real world realities.
What is a specific example of how
globalization has led to reforms in
terms of gender?
The global feminist movement worked to secure women’s right to vote
across the world ( the United Nations promoted this too).
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In much of the world, access to education
as well as participation in new political
and professional roles is more inclusive in
terms of race, class, gender and religion.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Black liberation campaigns like the Negritude Movement worked to eliminate racial discrimination. It was mostly a
literary and ideological movement that promoted blackness and black culture as worthy of celebration and dignity.
What are some specific examples
of how globalization has led to
The Civil Rights Movement in the United States led the Supreme Court to abolish racial segregation in schools, and
reforms in terms of race, class and
Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 ending legal discrimination and segregation based on race.
In India, the caste reservation system holds a percentage of seats in educational institutions, government jobs, and
elected positions for members of historically marginalized caste groups.
What is a rights based movement
Liberation theology in Latin America emphasized Christ’s concern for
that protested inequality and
the poor and marginalized and called for change in oppressive power
economic consequences of global
structures. Globally, it led the Catholic Church to work for social justice
and emphasize solidarity with the poor.
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In much of the world, access to education
as well as participation in new political
and professional roles became more
inclusive in terms of race, class, gender
and religion. Movements protested the
inequality and economic consequences of
global integration as well.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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How is environmentalism
Environmentalism is a response to the negative environmental effects of
resistance to globalization?
globalization. This became a global concern due to worries over climate
Extra Info:
This is an example of how social
categories, roles and practices have been
challenged over time as groups protested
the environmental consequences of global
What is an example of a global
Greenpeace is a global environmental protection organization that uses various nonviolent tactics to raise
environmental movement?
awareness and advocate for the protection of the environment.
What is an example of an
The World Fair Trade Organization represents one movement that
organization that formed to protest
seeks to reform exploitative practices like low wages, long hours, unsafe
the economic consequences of
working conditions, and lack of job security in less developed nations
globalization like inequality?
that are used for industrial production.
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This is an example of how social categories,
roles and practices have been challenged
over time.
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UNIT 9: Globalization: c. 1900 - Present
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Wealthier nations benefitted more from economic liberalization than
poor ones. The economic policies created by the WTO, the World Bank,
and the IMF made it easy for multinational corporations to exploit
laborers in developing countries.
What is an example of an economic
protest movement against the
effects of globalization?
The Battle for Seattle in 1999 happened when the World Trade
Organization (WTO) met in Seattle in and a massive protest formed
outside with over 40,000 people from a large diversity of backgrounds.
This is an example of how social categories,
roles, and practices have been challenged
over time and groups have come to protest
against the inequality that resulted from
global integration.
The protest was met with violence as police used tear gas and rubber
bullets to try to disperse the crowd. This started a much larger antiglobalization movement that represents the interests of those who have
been marginalized by globalized economic policies.
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