Impact of Financial Ratios on Stock Prices in Banking Sub-Sector Firms Childan Berliana Arifin1, Rita Zulbetti2, Perwito3 1Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Muhammadiyah Bandung; 2Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Muhammadiyah Bandung; 3Faculty of Economics and Bussiness, University of Muhammadiyah Bandung. Abstarct This research analyzed the impact of financial ratios such as Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratiosm abd Market Value Ratios on stock prices in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2020 to 2023. Using a sample of 19 companies selected through purposive sampling from a population of 47 issuers, the study analyzes the influence of profitability (ROA, ROE), solvency (DER), and market value (PBV) ratios. The findings reveal a positive and significant relationship between ROE and PBV with stock prices, indicating that investors value companies with high return on equity and a strong book value. Interestingly, ROA and DER exhibit a negative and insignificant impact, suggesting that asset utilization and debt levels may not be primary drivers of stock prices in this subsector. These findings offer valuable insights for investors, highlighting the importance of considering a combination of financial ratios for informed investment decisions in the banking industry. Keywords: Financial Ratios, Stock Prices, Banking, Panel Data, Stock Market. Correspondence: Childan Berliana Arifin 1. INTRODUCTION The state of a nation's economy can be reflected in the condition of its Capital Market (Sholikah, 2022). In the past three years, the global economy, represented by countries like Singapore, the United States, China, Japan, and South Korea, has not shown rapid growth, unlike the post-pandemic recovery period. Currently, the global economy is moving slowly but remains in a positive trend (Bapepnas, 2023). One indicator often used to assess a country's economic condition is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is a national income concept that shows the total amount of goods and services produced by production units within a country's borders in one year. Compared to other developing countries in ASEAN such as Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand, Indonesia has experienced very significant GDP growth. This is influenced by government policies and measures to mitigate post-pandemic economic growth, as well as the role of Indonesian business actors and commodity sources. The Capital Market is generally defined as a place where transactions of buying and selling securities or securities take place. The Capital Market is also often used as a parameter to assess the economic condition of a country. This can be seen in 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic began to be announced in Indonesia. There was a significant correction in the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG or IDX Composite), caused by economic instability and investor pessimism about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesian economy. However, data from the Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI, 2023) shows that participation in each Capital Market product has experienced growth post-pandemic. Indonesian Capital Market investors increased by 95%, stock and other securities investors increased by 103%, mutual fund investors increased by 115%, and the number of Government Securities (SBN) investors increased by 32%. This certainly has a positive impact on the Indonesian economy as a whole, with the increasing number of investors indicating an increase in the turnover of productive funds domestically. The Capital Market, especially the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), is an important platform for companies in the banking sub-sector to raise funds through Initial Public Offering (IPO) schemes and other securities issuances. The funds raised can be used to strengthen bank capital, expand business, and improve the quality of financial services. The increase in investor participation in the Capital Market post-pandemic, as shown by data from the Indonesia Central Securities Depository (KSEI, 2023), provides an opportunity for the banking sub-sector to obtain broader funding and diversification. This is in line with the government's focus on promoting financial inclusion and increasing public literacy on investment products in the Capital Market. This study focuses on analyzing the effect of financial ratios on stock prices in banking sub-sector companies on the IDX in the period of 2020-2023. The financial ratios analyzed are Profitability Ratios (Return On Asset - ROA and Return On Equity - ROE), Solvency Ratio (Debt to Equity Ratio - DER), and Market Value Ratio (Price to Book Value - PBV). 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Signaling Theory Signaling Theory is a framework that explains the phenomenon of asymmetric information distribution, where a select group holds information that is not readily available to others. In the context of Signaling Theory, companies employ signals in the form of financial ratios and public disclosures regarding their performance and prospects to communicate with external stakeholders, particularly investors, to achieve specific objectives. 2.2 Financial Ratios In this research, Signaling Theory serves as the foundation for investor decision-making. Stock prices are utilized as the dependent variable (Y), while financial ratios represent the independent variables (X). The financial ratios considered in this study include: a. Return on Assets (ROA) Return on Assets (ROA) measures the relationship between a company's profit and the assets it has invested in (Kashmir in Sembiring & Wulandari, 2023). This ratio also reflects the profit utilized for company operations. According to Hanafi and Halim in Nafisah (2018), a lower ROA indicates poorer company performance. Previous research by Nafisah & Halim (2018) suggests that Return on Assets (ROA) has a positive impact on firm value, proxied by stock prices. This indicates that as a company's ability to generate profits from its total assets improves, its stock price tends to rise. Formula: Return on Assets (ROA) = (Net Income) / (Total Assets) b. Return on Equity (ROE) Return on Equity (ROE), also known as the Equity Return Ratio, measures the profitability of a company's operations by comparing its net income after taxes (EAIT) to its equity. This ratio evaluates the effectiveness of a company's management of its own capital. A higher ROE indicates better performance and strengthens the position of the company's owners. Formula: Return on Equity (ROE) = (Net Income) / (Total Equity) c. Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) The Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) measures the proportion of a company's total debt to its equity (Sulaeman, 2018). This ratio indicates the extent to which a company's assets are financed by debt. An ideal DER is not necessarily high; it should align with ROE and risk. A higher DER may lead to a higher ROE, but it also increases risk. Previous research by Arviana and Lapoliwa (2013) suggests that Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a significant impact on stock prices in property companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This indicates that as DER increases, leading to higher ROE, the company's stock price tends to follow an upward trend. Formula: Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) = (Total Debt) / (Total Equity) d. Price to Book Value (PBV) Price to Book Value (PBV) is a ratio that estimates a company's stock price relative to its book value. According to Hayat in Sania (2022), this ratio reflects the company's value in relation to what has been or is being invested by the company's owners. A higher ratio indicates a greater assumption of wealth held by the company. If the market price is below the book value (undervalued), investors perceive the company as undervalued by the market. Conversely, if the market price is above the book value (overvalued), investors perceive the company as overvalued by the market. Previous research by Arviana (2013) suggests that PBV has an impact on stock prices in the property sector. However, other studies, such as Hayati (2013), indicate that PBV does not have a significant impact on stock prices in food and beverage subsector companies. Astuti (2024) found that PBV has a significant impact on stock prices in LQ 45 companies. Formula: Price to Book Value (PBV) = (Market Price per Share) / (Book Value per Share) 2.3 Stock Price The market price is the stock price determined by market forces (supply and demand). In this study, the closing price is used as the market price 3. RESEARCH METHOD This research employs a quantitative analysis approach using a panel data linear regression model within the EViews software environment. Panel data is a unique type of data that combines time series and cross-sectional data, offering a comprehensive perspective for analysis. The data utilized in this study is secondary data, gathered from reliable third-party sources such as company financial reports, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Yahoo Finance, and other financial data providers. The population of this study encompasses all banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the specified research period. The total population consists of 47 issuers. To select a representative sample, purposive sampling is employed. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique that involves selecting samples based on predetermined criteria or considerations. The criteria established for sample selection include: Issuers listed on the IDX FINANCE sector Issuers that have been listed continuously without delisting during the period of 2020-2023 Issuers that have consistently published financial reports from Q1 2020 to Q4 2023 Applying these criteria, a sample of 19 companies was identified: PT. Bank Raya Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.; PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Banten Tbk.; PT Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.; PT Bank Bumi Arta Tbk.; PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.; PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Permata Tbk.; PT Bank Of India Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Victoria Internasional Tbk.; PT Bank China Construction Bank Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Mega Tbk.; PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk.; PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk.; PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1 Tbk. The secondary data required for this study was gathered from various reliable sources, including Company Financial Reports, Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), Yahoo Finance, Other Financial Data Providers. The prepared data was subjected to statistical analysis using the EViews software. The primary analytical tool employed was the panel data linear regression model. This model allowed for the examination of the relationship between the dependent variable (stock price) and the independent variables (financial ratios) while controlling for the effects of time and individual companies. 4. RESULT & DISCUSSION 4.1 RESULT The result of the estimate using Ficed Effect Model (FEM) on Eviews 12 are; Picture 4.1 : Fixed Effect Model (FEM) result Dependent Variable: YY Method: Panel Least Squares Date: 05/23/24 Time: 02:36 Sample: 2020Q1 2023Q4 Periods included: 16 Cross-sections included: 19 Total panel (balanced) observations: 304 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C XX1 XX2 XX3 XX4 1580.515 -19.09480 26.90220 -71.28609 304.9272 150.7394 31.13675 6.294644 29.53660 31.68922 10.48508 -0.613256 4.273824 -2.413483 9.622428 0.0000 0.5402 0.0000 0.0164 0.0000 Effects Specification Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 0.940888 0.936260 526.2010 77805398 -2324.167 203.3039 0.000000 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Durbin-Watson stat 1866.553 2084.230 15.44189 15.72311 15.55438 0.500163 Regression: YY = C(1) + C(2)*XX1 + C(3)*XX2 + C(4)*XX3 + C(5)*XX4 + [CX=F] YY = 1580.51526858 - 304.927247941*XX4 + [CX=F] 19.0947979406*XX1 + 26.9022010733*XX2 - 71.2860903499*XX3 + The result can be define as; The coefficient of determination (R-squared) of 0.940888 indicates a strong explanatory power of the regression model. ROA (X1): The negative and insignificant t-statistic (-0.613256) and Prob. value (0.5402 > 0.05) suggest that ROA does not have a statistically significant impact on stock prices. ROE (X2): The positive and significant t-statistic (4.273824) and Prob. value (0.0000 < 0.05) indicate that ROE has a statistically significant positive impact on stock prices. DER (X3): The negative and insignificant t-statistic (-2.413483) and Prob. value (0.0164 < 0.05) suggest that DER does not have a statistically significant impact on stock prices. PBV (X4): The positive and significant t-statistic (9.622428) and Prob. value (0.0000 < 0.05) indicate that PBV has a statistically significant positive impact on stock prices 4.2 DISCUSSION The findings of this study reveal diverse influences from the examined variables. This highlights that investment decisions are often based on a multitude of factors, including the signals conveyed by companies through their financial statements. In the context of the banking subsector, the results demonstrate that ROA has a negative and insignificant effect on stock prices, while ROE and PBV exhibit positive and significant effects. DER, on the other hand, displays a positive but insignificant impact on stock prices. These findings can serve as valuable insights for investors in making informed investment decisions. They underscore the role of financial ratios in reflecting company performance and influencing stock prices. A limitation of this study lies in the restricted scope of the variables examined. Financial performance encompasses a broader range of parameters that could be further investigated to assess their impact and significance on stock prices, leading to more comprehensive and relevant results. Additionally, future research could explore a broader range of research subjects, expanding beyond the current focus on issuers within the IDXFINANCE index during the 2020-2023 period. 5. CONCLUTION & SUGGESTION 5.1 CONCLUTION This research sought to investigate the impact of Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and Price to Book Value (PBV) on stock prices in the banking subsector of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The key findings are summarized as follows: 1. ROA and Stock Prices: ROA exhibits a negative and insignificant relationship with stock prices in the banking subsector. This implies that even if companies possess a high ability to generate profits from their assets (high ROA), this does not always translate into an increase in their stock prices. 2. ROE and Stock Prices: ROE demonstrates a positive and significant influence on stock prices within the banking subsector. This indicates that the higher a company's capacity to generate profits from its equity (high ROE), the higher its stock price tends to be. This suggests that investors place greater value on companies that can yield higher returns on the capital they invest. 3. DER and Stock Prices: DER displays a negative and significant impact on stock prices in the banking subsector. This implies that the higher a company's debt level relative to its equity (high DER), the lower its stock price tends to be. This is understandable as investors perceive higher risk associated with companies carrying substantial debt. 4. PBV and Stock Prices: PBV exhibits a positive and significant relationship with stock prices in the banking subsector. This indicates that the higher a company's book value compared to its market stock price (high PBV), the higher its stock price tends to be. This suggests that investors are willing to pay a premium for shares of companies with high book values. These findings can provide valuable insights for investors making investment decisions in the banking sector. 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