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Adaptive Teaching Guide: Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication

MET # 1 Elements of Communication
Lesson # Verbal and Non – Verbal Communication
Prerequisite Content-knowledge: a. Models of Communication
b. Model of Communication Features
Prerequisite Skill: a. Solving communication barriers.
b. Improving the ability to work effectively with others.
c. Illustrating how to avoid communication barriers that will lead to effective communication.
Prerequisites Assessment:
The teacher will facilitate a gamified review quiz of a TRUE or FALSE designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of the different models and features of
communication. Statements:
1. The Linear Model of Communication accounts for feedback from the receiver. TRUE or FALSE
2. In the Shannon – Weaver Model, “noise’’ only refers to literal sound interference. TRUE or FALSE
3. The Transactional Model of Communication is often considered more dynamic than the Linear Model. TRUE or FALSE
4. Communication cannot take place at least there are two persons involved. TRUE or FALSE
5. Communication deals with the exchange and transmission of facts and feelings. TRUE or FALSE
Assess the level of understanding of the teacher-trainees based on the following criteria:
● Sufficient: 4 or more correct answers out of 5 (approximately 80% or higher).
● Fairly Sufficient: 2-3 correct answers out of 5 (approximately 40% to 60%).
● Insufficient: 0-1 correct answers out of 5 (approximately 20% or lower).
Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:
1. For Students with Insufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s): The teacher will discuss concepts of the various models of communications and its features
that required clarifications.
2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s): The teacher will facilitate an extra activity that demonstrate understanding on the
communication concepts of models and features.
The students will watch a short video clip that shows the applications of the models and its features.
The students will answer the following questions:
1. Which communication model is depicted in the video clip?
2. Can you identify the key components of the communication model in the clip?
3. What role do perception and interpretation play in the communication process?
It is known that we communicate with much more than words. Whenever we engage in any form of interaction; it is not just our oral facilities at work, even our body has a language of
its own. All of us are receptive to these forms of communication. More often than not, both modes of communication are used hand in hand to promote better understanding. And in
most cases, one does not exist without the other— they go side by side. A combination of verbal and nonverbal communication will make communication more effective.
Understanding verbal and non-verbal communication can help you distinguish between the two and use them effectively at school, home, or work. Verbal communication is the
exchange of information between two or more people using words (either spoken or written, formal and informal). In contrast, nonverbal communication involves using physical cues or
gestures to relay information to another person without using speech or words. It is natural to use verbal and nonverbal communication skills at school or at work to interact with
schoolmates and colleagues. Physical cues, such as body language, tone, and eye contact, aid in giving context to verbal messages.
In this lesson, the teacher will guide the students to:
1. Finish the learning lesson in one session – 2 hours (Time Frame). The teacher contacts the students through a specific LMS, email address, messenger account, mobile number,
and/or in-person when concerns arise.
2. Gain the following thinking skills from learning the lesson (RUA):
a. Remembering – The student defines verbal and non–verbal communication
b. Understanding – The student examines sample communication scenarios featuring the different types of verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
c. Applying – The student presents a mini–talk show that employs verbal and non–verbal cues.
3. Apply his/her learning about verbal and non-verbal communication through 1) formal and informal scenarios where verbal and non–verbal cues are used; 2) communication
scenarios such as but not limited to: 5-minute mini–talk show of open-ended interviews through influencing and persuading others in certain situations, and 3) Maintaining
relationships and engaging in healthy daily interactions.
4. Overview of the Lesson
This lesson acquaints students to learn and understand the concepts of the significance of verbal and non-verbal communication, the types of verbal and non - verbal, how the
students communicate verbally and non-verbally, the factors that need to be considered in engaging verbal communication, and the different scenarios of verbal and non-verbal
communication for effective and meaningful interactions. At the end of the lesson, students are expected to present a mini-talk show. Their learning experiences from this task will
help them in the completion of their PAA.
Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching
Strategy) Chunk 1: Quote Quest (Drawing Attention to Meaning) and Introduction to Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Formative question:
1. Why is it significant to learn about the two ways of communication; Verbal and Non - Verbal?
2. What is verbal and non-verbal communication?
Quote Quest: The teacher will present to the students a famous saying: “Actions speak louder than words.” By this statement, the students will gain insight into the importance
of learning and understanding verbal and non-verbal cues as a mode for effective communication. After the activity, they should be able to answer the following questions
below: ● Do you agree or disagree with the famous saying: “Actions speak louder than words.”? Why?
● Why is it important in a conversation to have both verbal and non-verbal cues?
● How can this mode of communication help you interact with other people or organizations effectively?
The teacher relates the students' responses to the concepts for the session’s discussion.
Introduction to Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
What is Communication?
Communication is the process by which we share information, ideas, and feelings through the use of spoken or written words, symbols, or gestures.
What is Verbal and Non-verbal Communication?
Verbal communication simply refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message. The message is mostly relayed through speech or with the use of voice.
Verbal communication or spoken communication can be a simple conversation between friends, a meeting with your colleagues, or a speech delivered by the president. It
can be formal and informal. It is a powerful tool that allows input from every element of the social communication model and makes an immediate impact.
Nonverbal communication refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings. It is also described as the transfer of meaningful information
from one person to another by means other than written or spoken language. (Vaughan and Hogg, 1998)
The verbal message is an essential part of communication, but the way we communicate nonverbally is equally, and sometimes more, important. It is not what we say, but how
we say it that often matters most, especially when we communicate feelings and attitudes. If someone’s words do not match their nonverbal behaviors, it’s not very convincing.
We often mistrust the words and tend to believe nonverbal cues instead. For example, when we usually tend to say we’re “okay” but then we avoid contact or interaction with
other people.
The teacher and the students will watch short video clips about verbal and non-verbal communication:
Mastering Verbal and Non-verbal Communications https://ai.invideo.io/watch/piVVzR04lUu https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vaFqh0VPYfI
The Power of Non-verbal Communication by Joe Navarro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLaslONQAKM
Chunk 2: Message Relay with a Twist & Meme Pair Interpretation (Prompting Connections to Prior Knowledge) and Types of Verbal and Non-verbal
Communications Formative questions:
1. What instances of verbal and nonverbal communication have students experienced so far?
2. What are the different verbal and non-verbal communication types evident in their past or present experiences?
3. What are the different types of verbal and non-verbal communication?
A. Message Relay with a Twist: The teacher will facilitate an activity called “Message Relay with a Twist’’. The teacher will group the students into three (3) and will provide a set
of tongue twisters to be relayed from one member to another. The group that will get the most correct answers wins.
The tongue twister would be the following:
1. You know New York,
You need New York,
You know you need a unique New York.
2. Send toast to ten tense stout saints’ ten tall tents.
3. Which wrist watches are Swiss wrist watches?
After the activity, the teacher will ask the students with following questions:
1. Were there any gestures, eye contact, or hand signals that helped in coordinating with your teammates?
2. Can you identify any moments when those gestures, eye contact, or hand signals compensated for the difficulties when you communicated verbally?
3. What is your overall impression of the activity?
B. Meme Pair Interpretation: The teacher will provide pictures of Memes that express different emotions. The students will be paired into two and share their thoughts about the
emotions or message being conveyed. After the activity, the students will answer the following questions:
1. What emotion or message do you think is being conveyed in each meme? What specific facial expressions, body language, etc., led you to this
interpretation? 2. Can you think of a time when you successfully communicated without being verbal to convey a message? What was the context
how did it go?
3. Can you relate these cues to any past experiences where you had to rely on facial expressions or body language to understand someone’s emotion?
Types of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
The teacher will now present the identified types of verbal and non-verbal communication that might be evident in their experiences.
Four Types of Verbal Communication
1) INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. This form of communication is extremely private and restricted to ourselves. It includes the silent conversations we have with
ourselves, wherein we juggle roles between the sender and receiver who are processing our thoughts and actions. This process of communication when analyzed can
either be conveyed verbally to someone or stay confined to thoughts. e.g., soliloquy
2) INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation. Here, the two
individuals involved will swap their roles of sender and receiver to communicate more clearly. e.g., Talking to a friend, asking a stranger for a direction, etc.
This type of communication can take place only when there are more than two people involved. Here the number of people will be small enough to allow each participant
to interact and converse with the rest. e.g. Press conferences, Board meetings, Team meetings, and the like.
4) PUBLIC COMMUNICATION. This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering of people. Election campaigns and public
speeches like Ted Talk are examples of this type of communication. In such cases, there is usually a single sender of information and several/many receivers who are
being addressed.
Types of Non-verbal Communication
1) Kinesics - Refers to the study of hand, arm, body, and face movements as a form of communication; the most well-known type of nonverbal communication. Ex. An
employee straightens up his back whenever his supervisor passes by his workstation. (The eye contact you make and your facial expressions while talking to
2) Haptics - Refers to the study of communication through touch. Ex. Giving your friend a tap on the back when he/she is feeling lonely. (Holding hands, hugging,
kissing, etc. ) 3) Proxemics - Refers to the study of how space and distance influence communication. Ex. Giving up personal space in crowded public transportation
just to get to school on time. 4) Chronemics - Refers to the study of how time affects communication. Ex. The CEO of the company can be late for a meeting but not
the employees.
5) Vocalics - Refers to the vocalized but not verbal aspects of nonverbal communication (paralanguage). Ex. Girls tend to use a higher-than-normal pitch when speaking
with their crushes
General Types of Non-verbal Communication
1) FACIAL EXPRESSIONS are the results when we express specific emotional states such as happiness, sadness, contempt, anger, fear,
surprise, and disgust. 2) GESTURES are movements with some parts of the body such as the head, shoulders, and arms to convey meaning and
3) POSTURE is the way one holds up himself when standing or sitting. e.g., A speaker’s way of conducting himself on a platform is an important part of his presentation.
4) EYE CONTACT is an important type of nonverbal communication because the way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection,
hostility, or attraction.
5) Use of physical SPACE to communicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and affection, aggression, or dominance.
6) PARALINGUISTICS refers to the tone of the voice, the intonation, the pitch, the loudness and softness of the voice, and even the inflection used are the factors that
are to be considered in this nonverbal signal and that give dimensions and meanings to the words uttered.
a. PITCH: A high pitch may convey excitement, while a low pitch might indicate sadness or seriousness.
b. VOLUME: Speaking loudly can suggest anger or enthusiasm, whereas a soft voice may be read as shy or uncertain.
c. TEMPO: A fast speech rate could indicate excitement or nervousness, while slow speech might suggest thoughtfulness or sadness.
d. TONE: A warm tone can convey friendliness, while a cold tone might be interpreted as distant or unfriendly.
e. PAUSES: Strategic pauses can add emphasis to important points or indicate hesitation.
Chunk 3: Speech Analysis (Prompting for Effortful Thinking)
Formative question:
1. How does learning and understanding the types of verbal and non-verbal cues help you examine effective communication?
Speech Analysis: The teacher will let the students watch videos of speeches of three different men. The first task is to let the students compare the verbal skills of the two men who
changed the course of technology - Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The second task is to let the students observe how Millan uses nonverbal communication to complement his verbal
skills. Lastly, after watching the video the students will answer the questions that follow.
A. Compare the verbal skills of two men who changed the course of technology— Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Watch the videos of their speeches at the
following links: • Bill Gate’s Harvard Commencement Speech (2007) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPx5N6Lh3sw
• Steve Job’s Stanford Commencement Speech (2005) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc
Follow-up questions:
1. Which of these men had a better overall delivery?
2. Which of them connected better with their audience?
3. How would you rate these men in terms of their use of volume, enunciation, pronunciation, pitch, stress, phrasing, and speed?
B. Watch Cesar Millan, star of the hit show “Dog Whisperer,” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ihXq_WwiWM ). Observe how Millan uses nonverbal communication to complement
his verbal skills.
Follow-up question: Which nonverbal strategies did Millan use to get his message across?
The teacher will ask the students to make a commitment statement outlining one specific action they will take to enhance their understanding of the mode of communication. They
can share these commitments with the class if they feel comfortable. The teacher will also provide a sample for them to follow.
Student Pledge for Advancing Studies in Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
I, __________________, a student of _______________, solemnly pledge to deepen my understanding and enhance my skills in both Verbal and Nonverbal
Communication. Recognizing the vital role these forms of communication play in effective interaction, personal development, and professional success, I commit to
the following: Active Engagement, Continuous Learning, Practice and Application, Self-Reflection, and Respect and Empathy.
By signing this pledge, I acknowledge my commitment to becoming a more effective communicator and a more thoughtful, engaged member of
my community. ________________________
Date: ________________
Synthesis: For the students to remember the definition of verbal and non–verbal communication, understand its significance, and examine sample communication scenarios
featuring the different types of verbal and nonverbal communication skills, the teacher will provide a pair-share activity wherein they're going to write their insights or generalizations
using a graphic organizer. This will be beneficial to the students as they communicate in their everyday lives. ( Drawing Attention to Meaning + Prompting for Effortful Thinking)
RUA of a Student’s Learning: The teacher will group the students into five (5). Each group is tasked to demonstrate their understanding of verbal and nonverbal communication by
performing a mini talk show. This exercise will help them apply their knowledge practically, showcasing their ability to effectively use and interpret verbal and nonverbal cues. (Using
Examples and Non-examples)
Post-lesson Remediation Activity: The students will be given additional activities; the students apply the different types of verbal and non-verbal communication by writing a persuasive
essay to effective communication.