Uploaded by Ani Dyah Astuty

Teacher Eye Contact & Student Motivation: An Abstract

This paper was to reveal eye contact as one of verbal communications as well as
to determine the effect of teachers’ eye contact on students’ learning motivation in
the classroom learning process. Considering the research method, literature review
approach was employed by searching all articles in this field using key words such
as nonverbal communication, eye contact, and learning motivation. The result
showed that (1) eye contact is one of nonverbal communication that functions to
manage and monitor interaction, to present information, and to establish
interpersonal connection, (2) teacher’s sufficient use of eye contact during
teaching in the classroom brings three positive impacts toward students’ learning
process in the classroom: the first benefit is to build and strengthen relationship
between students and teacher, the second positive result is that it creates friendly
environmental classroom, and the third advantage is to help teachers establishing
goal as an instructor and role model in the classroom. Based on the findings of the
studies reviewed, it was concluded that teacher’s eye contact and students learning
motivation have positive correlation. The more frequent the teacher uses eye
contact toward his students during his teaching, the more motivation that the
students attain in their learning.
Key Words: verbal communication, eye contact, learning motivation