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Environmental Relationships & Conflicts: Open Book Attempt

Open Book Attempt
Q1 Describe custodianship in relation to a specific indigenous community and outdoor environment.
Custodianship refers to how the gunaikurnai people have cared for east Gippsland, and lived there
sustainably by practising things such as sustainable fishing, for over 10 thousand years.
Q2 Explain how you chosen indigenous groups involvement in land and/or water council does, or
could assist in the land management of this outdoor environment.
The Gunaikurnai land and water council assists in the land management of east Gippsland as they
are currently working on achieving sustainable energy so less fossil fuels have to be burnt for less
carbon emissions, they are also building walking tracks through the east Gippsland area so that more
people can experience the natural beauty of the environment without trampling the flora and fauna
and potentially causing habitat destruction.
Q3 Compare the relationship of your chosen indigenous community and economic relationships with
your chosen environment.
The gunaikurnai people perceived the east Gippsland area as home and a place that they must take
care of and protect however people with a economic relationship with east Gippsland perceive it as
a place to exploit in the hopes of achieving monetary gain. The interactions of the gunaikurnai
people with east Gippsland is the creation of bark canoes that were used to sustainably fish on the
Mitchel river, and participating in secret womens business at the den of nargen, However people
with a economic relationship interact with east Gippsland by land clearing creating lindel flats and
creating large scale farming operations. The impacts of the gunaikurnai people on east Gippsland
was positive as it was sustainable and it allowed both humans and the environment to thrive and
complement each other, this is in stark contrast to the impacts of people with a economic
relationship on east Gippsland as it has caused habitat loss, loss of biodiversity and also of
introduced species which is not native to Australia such as cows and crops.
Q4 Describe the relationship conservational uses might have with outdoor environments
A conservational user perceives the environment as a place of beauty and a place to protect and
look after as they see the value of outdoor environments as they are a limited resource.
Conservational users interact with outdoor environments by removing pests such as willow trees as
well as creating land management strategies such as signs and fences through outdoor
environments to stop people from trampling protected areas. The impacts of a conservational user is
positive as the removal of invasive species such as willow trees reduces bank erosion and reduce
competition for native species, furthermore the land management strategies keep people off of
habitats aswell as raising awareness and education about the importance of our outdoor
Q5 Describe the relationship recreational uses might have with outdoor environments
A recreational user perceives outdoor environments as a playground and a venue that they can use
to have fun and relax. Interactions of recreational users in outdoor environments is things such as
camping on the banks of the Mitchell river national park and; rafting and hiking in the Mitchell river.
The impact of recreation users on outdoor environments is negative as camping leads to ground
compaction, the spread of weeds, pollution, litter and the disruption of native wildlife, moreover the
rafting and hiking interferes with the natural water flow and causes both erosion and ground
Q6 Describe the relationship economic uses might have with outdoor environments
Economic users perceive outdoor environments as a gold mine, as a place that they can exploit in
order to make a monetary gain. The interactions of economic users in outdoor environments is
farming and agriculture crops aswell as being guides to take people on expeditions in the outdoor
environments. The impacts of these interactions on outdoor environments is negative as the farming
causes mass land clearing leading to habitat loss and it also leads to harmful chemicals polluting the
natural waterways. The impacts of the guides can however be positive as it brings people to the
environment and allows them to create a understanding of the importance as to why we must
protect our outdoor environments.
Q7 Explain how conservational users and recreational users relationships are different
Conservational users perceive the environment as a place to protect and look after however
recreational users perceive the environment as a playground and a venue to be used for fun and
relaxation. Recreational users interact with the environment by participating in activities such as
camping, hiking, walking and rafting, where as conservational users interact with the environment
by removing pest species such as willow trees and helping create and implement land management
strategies such as signs, fences and paths. The interactions of conservational users are positive as
removing invasive species reduces the competition for resources with native species and the land
management strategies keep people from spreading weeds and trampling native habitats which
disturb the native species. This is different to the recreation users interactions as the recreational
users impact is negative as camping and hiking cause ground compaction, the spread of invasive
species such as weeds and pollution and rafting interferes the natural water flow.
Q8 Explain how conservational users and economic users relationships are different
Conservational users perceive the environment as a place to protect and look after as they know it is
a limited resource, however economic users perceive the environment as a place to exploit in the
hopes of achieving a monetary gain. The interactions of economic users are farming crops and
agriculture, in contrast the interactions of conservational users is removing invasive species and
implementing land management strategies. The impacts of the conservational user is positive as the
removal of invasive species reduces the completion allowing the native flora and fauna to thrive; and
the land management strategies help keep people from disturbing protected areas and the native
wildlife, where as the impacts of economic users is negative as it leads to large scale land clearing
and habitat destruction, pollution and harmful chemicals in the waterways, loss of biodiversity and a
increase in invasive species.
Q9 Explain how economic users and recreational users relationships are different
Economic users perceive the environment as a place to be used and exploit in the hopes of achieving
a monetary gain, where as recreational users perceive the environment as a playground and a venue
to be used for both fun and relaxation. The interactions of recreational users is camping, hiking and
rafting, which differ from the interactions of economic users as they interact by farming crops and
agriculture. The impacts of the economic user is negative as the farming leads to large scale land
clearing and habitat destruction as well as pollution of the surrounding water ways, a loss of
biodiversity and the introduction of invasive species, in contrast the recreational users impact is also
negative but not to the same scale, as recreational users camping and hiking causes ground
compaction and the spread of weeds as well as litter and pollution and the rafting interferes with
the natural flow of water as well as causing bank erosion.
Q10 Explain your selected environmental conflict, in your response identify the main opposing
The feral species in alpine national parks conflict is a conflict over the brumbies in the alpine national
park as they are rapidly growing in numbers and impacting threatened flora and fauna and the
process of controlling the animals humanly is creating a strong conflict. The side that is for the
brumbies and wanting them to live is both the Australian brumby alliance and the Victorian brumby
association, they want to move the horses to a different place and rehome them to a different
location so that they are not damaging the environment but the horses don’t have to die.
Q11 Explain how one of the main opposing groups in your selected environmental conflict has
implemented a specific method to influence decision makers.
The Victorian brumby alliance has implemented the method of multi media marketing campaign by
posting pictures of wild brumbies being injured and hurt when being removed on social media
platforms and on their website to try and get people emotionally investing in the issue, they put the
confronting images in the hopes that it will play on peoples minds forcing them to join in on the
issue and help the Victorian Brumby alliance gain more support to further enforce their point.
Q 12 Evaluate the effectiveness of the process that was used to resolve the selected environmental
conflict or that could be used if this environmental conflict has not yet been resolved.
A process that has been used in the invasive species in the alpine national park is the round table
discussion, it is where people from both Victorian national parks association and Australian brumby
association and Victorian brumby alliance meet up and debate their issue in the hopes of coming to
a agreement, a positive of the round table discussion is it allows everyone to have a say in how the
horses will be removed and everyone has the chance to make a clear and understood argument,
another positive is that it allows the chance for both sides to come to a compromise to keep
everyone happy. However some negatives of round table discussion is that it can be very hard to
organise as a time is needed where everyone can be available and a location accessible to everyone,
as well as the cost can be very high, it can take a long time, and there is a chance that no one can
agree on anything and no decision will be made. This is why overall the round table discussion is
negative as it is very expensive, takes a long time and it has the chance that no conclusion or
agreement is made which would waste a lot of time and money.
Q13 Outline two current environmental policies of major Australian political parties regarding an
environmental issue.
The greens party’s policy regarding climate change is net zero or net negative emissions by 2030 and
the liberal party’s policy regarding climate change is zero emissions by 2050.
Q14 Analyse the debate about climate change and determine the impact of this issue on the
relationships that people have with outdoor environments.
The debate on climate change has a big impact on peoples relationships with outdoor environments
as it causes them to perceive the environment as something important that we are going to need to
take care of and look after. This causes people to begin to interact sustainably by investing in
renewable energy and electric cars as well as beginning to shop sustainably and use paper bags and
straws instead of plastic ones, these interactions have a positive impact on outdoor environments as
they reduce carbon emissions which will slow the effects of global warming, aswell as reduce the
waste going into land fill.
Q15Describe the difference between custodianship and kinship.
Custodianship is the connection and care for the environment that aboriginals have developed over
tens of thousands of years to care, nurture, and maintain it. Whereas kinship is the indigenous
peoples relationship and responsibility that they give themselves to other people, the land, and all
its natural resources. The difference is that custodianship is only to the land kinship is also to people
and custodianships has also been developed over tens of thousands of years.
Q16 Describe the 5 requirements for indigenous peoples’ group to be considered for formal
The 5 requirements for indigenous peoples’ group to be considered for formal recognition is right
people, meaning they must show they are inclusive and represent all the traditional owners with
rights and interest in the country. They must be on the right country, meaning they must show that
they are connected to a specific area and agree on the boundaries of their country with any
neighbour countries/ areas. They need to have a agreed decision making process and structure. They
must have the capability to sustainably manage all of their legal responsibilities and lastly they need
incorporation where they must appoint someone to act under the cooperation’s act of 2006.
Q17 Explain how the formation of land and water councils and registered aboriginal parties benefit
outdoor environments and people, including a specific example and group from your chosen
The formation of land and water councils and registered aboriginal parties benefit outdoor
environments and people as they help control the environment and make sure it is not being mis
used, a example is the Gunaikurnai land and water council as they are developing a aboriginal
business network, walking tracks and creating sustainable energy sources, this helps bring people
into the east Gippsland and experience the beauty of it without destroying any habitats or disturbing
the native flora and fauna.
Q18 Describe the relationship of your chosen land and water councils/ registered aboriginal parties
has with your specific environment.
The gunaikurnai land and water council has a positive relationship with the east Gippsland area, they
perceive the area as a place of beauty and a place that is natural and shouldn’t be interrupted
however they also see it as a place to share with others and generate a connection to. They interact
with east Gippsland by creating business networks for aboriginals, running a café, building walking
tracks and working on building sustainable energy sources. The impacts of these interactions are
positive, bringing people into the east Gippsland community and help its economy to fun the
renewable energy sources, the walking tracks allow people to experience the beauty of east
Gippsland without disturbing the flora and fauna allowing them to create a connection with the
Q26 Explain both of the selected environmental conflicts. In your response, identify the main
opposing groups.
The feral species in the alpine national park has been going on since the mid 19th century when the
horses were introduced to the land and they began to grow in numbers rapidly, in June 2017 the
conflict began when the horses began negatively impacting the native flora and fauna and the
process of controlling the horses in a humane way has created a large conflict, on one side is Victoria
National Parks Association who believe the horses are threatening the native species and they must
be removed as quickly and efficiently as possible, on the other side is the Victorian brumby alliance
and the Australian brumby association who both acknowledge the negative impacts the horses make
however they do not want the horses to be killed, they want to capture and relocate and rehome
the horses to a new area.
The commercial logging in Victoria conflict started in 2014 and is still currently active in the present
day, the conflict began when the Great forest national park announced their plans to ad a extra
355000 hectares of protected forest to the already existing 170000 hectares of protected forest in
Victoria, in response to this the forestry industry and recreational interest groups have disputed this
arguing that the forest should remain as it is to allow for people to hunt deer in the forest and the
forests are good to use for the public. On the other side Victorian national parks association took the
side of the great forest national park and they both push for the extra 355000 hectares of protected
forests to protect the waterways and native species and the forest would also help suck up a lot of
carbon emissions.
Q27 Explain how both of the opposing groups identifies in the question above have implemented
two specific methods to influence decision makers.
(The Feral species in the alpine national park conflict.) The Victorian national parks association used
the method of non-violent intervention by having round table discussions where they argue their
point with the Victorian brumby alliance and the Australian brumby association and conducting
scientific research to prove that the brumbies are harmful to the native flora and fauna. The
Australian brumby association and the Victorian brumby alliance used the method of non-violent
protest and persuasion by creating a multimedia campaign where they posted confronting photos
and videos of brumbies being shot to help gain attention from the public, they also created a
website where people can support them.
Q28 Analyse two of the methods that was used/ could be used to resolve the conflict.
The method of Non-violent protest and persuasion is where a multimedia campaign and website is
created, it also includes protests and gatherings to raise awareness. The effect of this is it creates a
lot of awareness and gets a lot of people involved in on the issue where everyone can share their
opinions, it also can be used to get the issue in court where a decision can be made final.
Another method is Non-violent intervention which is where people lobby the government by
participating in round table discussions and conduct scientific research they can use to persuade
people and provide clear evidence to back up their argument. The effect of this is that it allows each
side to argue their point and everyone’s voice can be heard, it also encourages each side to come to
some sort of compromise so everyone can be happy.
Q29 Evaluate the process that was used in each of the conflicts.
The process of community consultation is where everyone comes together and discusses a particular
issue to come to a clear result, some advantages of it are everyone can be heard and accurate
information is provided and it also promotes compromise, some disadvantages of community
consultation is that it is very time consuming and expensive, a mediator is needed and there is a
possibility that no agreement or compromise is found. Overall community consultation is positive as
everyone can be heard and a compromise can be made.
Litigation is when the court clarifies the existing laws regarding the issue, the positives of this are it
gives a clear result and the court is independent so its not biased to one side. Some disadvantages of
litigation is that it results in a win loss situation and no compromise can be found, it also takes a very
long time and sometimes the government can chose to overrule it and ignore it completely. Overall
litigation is negative as the government has the chance to completely ignore it and it gives no chance
for a compromise to be found.
Legislation is when laws are created to allow or prohibit certain activities regarding the conflict.
Some strengths of legislation is that a clear definitive decision is made, however it has many
weaknesses such as not everyone wins as it creates a win loose situation, a compromise is not
considered, and the government can overrule it, overall legislation is a negative as the government
can ignore it and it doesn’t allow for a compromise.
Management plans is when a document is made that contains all the guidelines regarding the
conflict. The advantage of management plans are it allows everyone to be on the same page with
the rules. A disadvantage of management plans are they can create conflict. Overall management
plans are negative as they can just create more conflict regarding the rules and they don’t help
people come to a conclusion.
Q30 Compare the methods used by two opposing groups involved in this conflict.
The Victorian national parks association used the method of non-violent intervention in the feral
species in the alpine national park conflict by conducting scientific experiments to gather accurate
data and the Victorian brumby alliance and Australian brumby association used the method of nonviolent protest and persuasion where they created a multimedia campaign to raise awareness on
social media, as well as creating a website where people can provide further help on the conflict.
The difference is that nonviolent intervention is more conducting research experiments to get
evidence whereas non violent protest and intervention is more about raising awareness and getting
the general public involved in the conflict and getting opinions and building a following.
Q31 Taking into account of the outcomes of the conflicts, evaluate the success of the methods used.
The outcome of the conflict is that the Victorian national parks association won and were granted
permission to remove all the brumbies. They used the method of non-violent intervention by
conducting experiments on the impact of the brumbies on the native species in the alpine national
park, lobbying the government where they would participate in round table discussions where they
would go back and forth with the Australian brumby association and the Victorian brumby alliance
to understand their argument and try and convince them they are wrong. the strengths of non
violent intervention us that they are able to conduct the case themselves and they don’t need to
involve the government, and they can ensure that both sides fully understand each others
arguments, the disadvantages of non-violent intervention is that the government can always dismiss
and ignore the issue and it is very hard to organise. Overall non violent intervention is a positive
method used by the Victorian national parks association as it allowed them to clearly argue their
point and dispute the point of the Victorian brumby alliance and Australian brumby association, and
in these debates the Victorian national parks association had irrefutable evidence that they had
been collecting on the negative impact of the brumbies that was very hard for the Victorian brumby
alliance and the Australian brumby association to argue.
The outcome of the feril species in the alpine national park was that the Victorian national parks
association won and were granted permission to remove all the brumbies. A method used in this
conflict was non violent protest and persuasion, it was used by both sides with the Victorian national
parks association creating a website and a multi media campaign where they could raise awareness
on the harmful brumbies destroying the alpine national park, and the Victorian brumby alliance and
Australian brumby association created a multimedia campaign to show graphic images of injured
brumbies in the hopes people would become involved in the issue. The strengths of the non violent
protest and persuasion is that it sends a clear message to both the public and the government, the
information on the argument reaches a lot of people and it is very low cost essentially being free.
The weaknesses of the non violent protest and persuasion is that it can be very expensive depending
on how its run, and it is only able to target certain groups that use the media. Overall non violent
protest and persuasion is a very effective method as it can reach a very large number of people very
quickly and it clearly communicates the side people are on and it is very low cost if done well.
Q32 Describe a conflict which has occurred over the use of on outdoor environment.
A conflict that occurred over the use of the outdoor environments is the conflict over the feral
species in the alpine national park, in the mid 19nth century brumbies were introduced to the alpine
national park and have grown in numbers ever since and they have been harming native endangered
flora and fauna, in 2017 the Victorian national parks association announced their plan to remove all
of the brumbies to restore the natural alpine national park, in response to this the Victorian brumby
alliance and the Australian brumby association argued that they understand the impacts of the
brumbies and that they must go except they argued that all of the brumbies should be captured and
re homed or relocated, the matter was taken to court except the Australian brumby association and
Victorian brumby alliance were both told that it’s the Victorian national parks associations land and
they can choose what happens to the brumbies so the brumbies have been being removed since
then, except the Australian brumby alliance and Victorian brumby association are still trying to take
them to court under animal cruelty except it isn’t gaining any traction.
Q33 Identify an interest group involved in one of the conflicts.
Q34 Analyse the two methods that this interest group has used to influence decisions made about
this conflict.
Q35 Evaluate the effectiveness of the decision-making process related to a conflict.
The decision-making process used in the feral species in the alpine national park conflict was
community consultation and litigation. Community consultation is where everyone involved in the
issue comes together and discusses the issue coming to a end result, in this case the Victorian
national parks association and Victorian brumby alliance and the Australian brumby association did
not come to a conclusion together so it was not effective for them however; the advantages of using
community consultation is that everyone’s voice and opinion can be heard and it promotes
compromise between the two groups. The disadvantages of community consultation is that it can
take a long time, be expensive, a mediator is needed and there is a chance no solution is found.
Overall community consultation is effective as it allows for both sides to fully understand each other
and it gives everyone the chance to compromise a little bit to come to a solution everyone is happy
with. Litigation is when both sides go to court and the existing law surrounding the issues are
clarified in order to resolve the conflict, the Victorian national parks association, Victorian brumby
alliance and the Australian brumby association went to court where the court clarified that it was on
the Victorian national parks associations land and its clear the brumbies are threating the health of
the alpine national park so the Victorian national parks association is free to do what they want with
the horses. The advantages of litigation is that it puts a end to the argument and the results are very
clear, also the court is in depended and non-biased to either side, some disadvantages of litigation is
that it creates a win loss situation and there is no chance for compromise, it is very expensive and
taken a long time and the government can overrule it and ignore the issue. Overall litigation was
effective in the conflict of feral species in the alpine national park as it ended the debate and
provided a clear outcome and path moving forwards.
Q36 Identify two key groups involved in a conflict and outline their point of view.
Q37 Name and describe a method that each group has used to influence decision made about the
use of the outdoor environment.
Q38 Evaluate the effectiveness of one of the methods outlined above.
Q39 Describe the process that has been used, or could be used, to resolve the above conflict.
Q40 Outline and describe one environmental policy for two of the major political parties. Outline
which environment issue the policy relates to.
The greens political party’s policy for climate change is to get to net zero or net negative carbon
emissions by 2030, this means that Australia will have to produce zero carbon and green house gass
emissions and rely solely on renewable energy by 2030. The liberal policy on climate change, which
is the long term change is average weather patterns resulting in rising temperatures. The liberal
policy is zero carbon emissions by the year 2050, this gives Australia time to adjust to the changes
and implement them slower rather then all at once in a rush, Australia will need to rely fully on
renewable energy to not produce any carbon emissions meaning Australia will no longer use coal
and fossil fuels.
Q41 Analyse the influence one major political partys environmental policy answered in the question
above has on outdoor environments.
The greens political party’s policy of net zero or net negative emissions by 2030 causes a big effect
on Australian outdoor environments, overall it will be positive as the global warming will slow down
meaning Australia will go back to a normal climate and it will be good for all of the flora and fauna as
the air will be cleaner as there is no pollution and the oceans will stop rising, however in order to
achieve this goal of net zero or net negative carbon emissions a lot of renewable energy sources are
going to need to be made, and to power a whole country a lot of energy sources are going to be
needed such as solar panels and wind turbines, and to set up the amount of solar or wind turbines
needed it is going to need to cover a huge area meaning that a lot of land will have to be leared
resulting in habitat destruction before we can install the energy scouces.
Q42 Discuss why each political party has differing targets for reducing greenhouse emissions on the
way to net zero by 2050.
Each political party has different targets for reducing greenhouse emissions on the way to net zero
by 2050 because each party has different goals regarding different areas, the greens party focuses
on the health of the environment and puts it as a priority so they aim to have zero carbon emissions
as soon as possible no matter how it impacts everyday Australians, the liberal party however
understands that something must be done on climate change however it is not their priority as they
put the people first so they don’t want to dramatically change all Australians life at once, they want
to give us time to adjust to the changes where they can also focus on other areas. Each political
party aims to target different people as if every party had the same goals then nothing makes any of
them stand out to people so they vote for them, by the parties having different focuses and goals
they appeal to different people hoping to appeal to the group with the most people so that they can
be voted in.
Q43 Describe what a social debate is.
A social debate is where people influence the relations other people have with the environment
through many different forms of communication from general conversation to blogs and tweets.
Q44 Describe the debate surrounding your chosen environmental issue including the participants of
both sides and their argument.
Climate change is the change un the statistical distribution of weather patterns over long periods of
time. One side believes that climate change is being caused by humans due to our high emissions,
they believe the emissions cause the sun’s rays to be trapped around the earth resulting in the
planet warming up, people on this side include 98% of scientists. On the other side is people that
believe that climate change is not caused by humans, they believe that climate change is a natural
thing and the current sea temperatures are inline with what earth has seen before, they also believe
that if humans were to produce a lot of something negative for the earth, that the earth has systems
which it can use in order to re balance in the event humans do something to put it off, people on this
side include 2% of scientests.
Q45 Analyse how the debate surrounding climate change influences contemporary relationships
with outdoor environments.
The debate surrounding climate change heavily influences contemporary relationships with outdoor
environments, it effects the way people perceive the environment as the debate makes people
aware of the issue of climate change and the effects of it, causing people to perceive the
environment as something that hasn’t been looked after properly and endanger unless we do
something about it, this caused people to begin the interact sustainably by finding out what they can
do to help, they then start doing things like using paper straws and bags and installing solar panels.
The impact of these interactions is positive as it reduces the needs for many plastics reducing the
emissions from the production as well as reducing the amount of landfill that was building up due to
the plastics being non-biodegradable, the solar panels are also positive as they reduce our reliance
on coal and fossil fuels, when we reduce our need for fossil fuels emissions will go down as the large
scale mining operations can also stop reducing land clearing and destruction.
Q49 Analyse the relationship of one land water council in your chosen environment.
The Guna Kurnai land and water council covers the east Gippsland area, they perceive the
environment as something beautiful that they need to share with others, they see it is a place of
great wisdom not being used to its full potential and these perceptions cause the Gunai Kurnai land
and water council to interact with the environment by creating business networks and running a
café to get people into the area as well as building walking tracks so people and implementing
minimal impact strategies such as signs and fences in east Gippsland. The impacts of the walking
track is it allows people to experience the natural beauty and importance first hand allowing them to
form a appreciation and a connection to the east gippsland area, as well as it keeps them of off the
land reducing the risk of the walkers disrupting the flora and fauna and reducing the risk of habitat
destruction. The minimal impact strategies help to maintain the land by keeping people of certain
areas at certain times throughout the year to give the area and ground to heal before more people
come through and walk on it.
Q50 Describe one conflict over the use of and environment, including the two sides and their
The conflict of feral species in the alpine national park is a conflict over how to deal with invasive
and destructive brumbies that have been introduced to the alpine national park in a humane way,
on one side is Victorian national parks association who believe the brumbies are threatening
endangered species and must be removed as soon as possible as they don’t want any further
damage to happen. On the other side is the Victorian brumby alliance and the Australian brumby
association who acknowledge the fast that the brumbies are very harmful to the environment
however they believe that killing the brumbies is inhumane and that they should be captured to
then be relocated and rehomed to save the alpine national park.
Q51 Evaluate a method each group used for decision making in this conflict.
A method that Victorian national parks association used to influence the decision making in the
conflict was nonviolent intervention where they would conduct scientific research, a strength of
doing this was it gathered irrefutable evidence that the brumbies were being extremely detrimental
to the alpine national park that they could use in court. Some weaknesses of this method was that
the Victorian national parks association didn’t build a following and put their opinion on social media
resulting in them not being the publics front of mind choice on who is right. Overall the method on
nonviolent intervention is very positive as it helped the Victorian national parks association win the
battle in court as they has evidence to back their claims compared to the Australian brumby
association and Victorian brumby alliance who didn’t.
A method that the Australian brumby association and the Victorian brumby alliance was non violent
protest and persuasion, they did this by creating a multimedia campaign of posting injured brumbies
on social media and creating a website where people could show their support for the brumbies.
Advantages of non violent protest and persuasion is that it can be very cheep and easy to run, it
doesn’t take up a lot of time and it creates a large amount of awareness, however some negatives of
this is it doesn’t give any factual evidence that can be used in court, it can be very expensive and
hard to plan and organise and it can fail and gain no traction at all, that is why overall it is a negative
method as there is a possibility it fails to gain any attention from people leaving them without a
following and without any evidence.
Q52 Outline a political party and their policy over climate change.
The greens political parties policy over climate change is to get to net zero or net negative emissions
by 2030
Q53 Analyse how this policy may influence the relationships contempory users have with outdoor
This policy of net zero or net negative carbon emissions by the year 2030 has a big impact of
contemporary users relationships, it causes them to perceive the environment as something
important that we need to look after and take care of, this causes them to begin to interact in
sustainable ways by investing in solar panels, purchasing a electric car. The impact of these
interactions are positive as they reduce our dependence on coal and fossil fuels meaning there is
less emissions but also the big mining companies don’t need to continue mining as it creates mass
land clearance and habitat destruction.
Q54 Describe the climate change debate, evaluate the two sides and their argument.
Im not sure how I evaluate a argument?
the climate change debate is a debate over weather or not humans are the cause of climate change.
On one side there is people who believe that humans are the cause of climate change, this side
includes 98% of scientists, they believe that due to the rising sea levels and rising global
temperatures humans are at fault as these temperatures have never been seen before, a positive of
this side is that it pushes people to live more sustainably and try to reduce their emmisions, however
a negative of this side is that in order to achieve the goal of stopping climate change by getting to
zero emmisions it is going to cost large amounts of money and effort, it will also have a very big
impact on outdoor environments as a lot of land clearing will need to be done to make way for the
big sustainable energy farms.
Practice SAC
Adapted from https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/water-traditional-owners-south-west-victoria
Part 1
Question 1
Compare the concepts of kinship and custodianship in relation to indigenous peoples in Australia
Custodianship is the deep connection that indigenous peoples have formed with the land after caring for it
over tens of thousands of years, whereas kinship is the indigenous peoples responsibility to care for both the
land and the people and its how they identify with the land. The difference is that kinship is the responsibility
to care for the people and the land and it’s a identity, and custodianship is the connection that’s been formed
by doing so.
With reference to the media release from the Victorian government above, describe the
relationship Indigenous people have with the outdoor environments through custodianship of
water. What does this mean and how do you do it?(4 marks) I m not going to reference as there is
no media release.
Indigenous people’s custodianship of water is how they have lived by and cared for waterways for their whole
life causing it to become a special place to them, aboriginal people perceive Australian outdoor environments
as a place of beauty, a place of deep knowledge and wisdom, a home and a place to protect and look after.
Indigenous people interact with the environment by creating bark canoes which they then use to practise
sustainable fishing in waterways to get food, they also conducted secret women’s business in important
spiritual places. The impact of these interactions is positive as the fishing was sustainable and it allowed the
indigenous peoples to thrive and the secret women’s business helped build up the connection that the
indigenous had with the land, overall it was positive as their was no negative impacts and it allowed both the
outdoor environments and indigenous peoples to thrive.
There are requirements for formal recognition of custodianship in Australia.
Complete the table below by filling in the missing steps: (3marks)
Right People
Right land
Decision making
Group needs to
prove that they
represent everyone
in all different
groups who care
about or have a
connection to the
Groups needs to
demonstrate a
connection to a
defined area of
Country. Agreeing
on boundaries with
neighbours is
The group needs to
prove they have a
decision making
process in place
they can use when
making decisions
and faced with
The group needs to
prove that they are
capable of caring
for and having
responsibility over
the land they have
wanted and doing
the right thing.
Groups need to
appoint a
corporation to act
for them under the
(Aboriginal and
Torres Strait
Islander) Act 2006
Part 2
Tick one of the conflicts below and answer the questions in relation to this conflict.
(20 marks)
 Commercial Logging in Victoria (Great Forest National Park)
 Feral Horses in the Alpine National Park
a) Identify and describe the conflict from both sides (4marks)
The feral horses in the alpine national park conflict is a conflict over how to deal with invasive horses that are
eradicating endangered species as they are harmful to the environment in a humane way. On one side is the
Victorian national parks association who see the negative impacts of the horses and they want to get rid of
them as fast and efficiently as possible. On the other side of the conflict is the Victorian brumby alliance and
the Australian brumby association who both acknowledge the negative impacts of the horses however they
believe that the horses should be captured and relocated to be rehomed so that they aren’t harmed.
b) Identify and explain two methods used by each side (8marks)
A method used by Victorian national parks association was non violent intervention, this is where
they conducted scientific experiments to gather factual evidence which they used to persuade
people the horses are bad and to also use in court. Another method used by the Victorian national
parks association was non violent protest and persuasion, they did this by creating a website where
people could find out more about the issue as well as show their support. The Australian brumby
association and Victorian brumby alliance used non violent protest and persuasion by both
organising protests and running a multi media campaign where they would post confronting images
of injured brumbies to influence peoples opinion on the issue. The Victorian brumby alliance and
Australian brumby association also used non violent intervention and they did this by having round
table discussions and lobbing the government.
c) Evaluate the decision-making process used in resolving the conflict (5marks)
Legislation was the decision-making process that was used to resolve the conflict of the feral species in the
alpine national park it is where the government creates a new law related to the conflict that finalises it, in this
case the government made a law that all world heritage protected areas are under the control of the federal
government. Advantages of legislation is that it ends the conflict and provides a clear winner and outcome.
Disadvantages of legislation is that it takes a long time for the government to make the law, the government
could ignore the conflict and not make a law, and it creates a win loss situation and doesn’t allow the chance
for a compromise, overall this is a positive decision making process as it puts a finalized end to the conflict.
d) Suggest another decision-making process that may could have been used and discuss why it would
be beneficial (3marks)
Community consultation is another decision making process that could have been used, it is where both sides
meet up and argue their point back and forth, this allowed everyone to clearly understand each other’s points
and reasons which they can then use to come up with a compromise that everyone is happy with it also would
have taken up less time then the legislation and allowed for compromise.
Part 3
We have “likely crossed a tipping point for Australia’s temperate; when a critical level of heat or drought
triggers a massive, devastating event. … Climate change is driving a new era of natural disasters‟ – and as a
country we are not prepared to cope.” –
Source: Australian Climate Council, 2021.
Describe one environmental Policy relating to the above source, from two Political Parties. Be sure to
identify the policy you are describing. (4 marks)
How do I describe a policy that states exactly what it is without just repeating the policy?
Political Party: The greens
Policy: Net zero or net negative carbon emissions by the year 2030.
this policy aims to get Australia to having zero carbon emissions by 2030, it is a very short timespan compared
to the other political parties policy’s however the greens believe it is possible and that by achieving the goal
we will begin to reduce our impacts causing climate change and even reverse some of the damage that we
have caused.
Political Party: Liberal
Policy: zero carbon emissions by 2050.
this policy means that Australia will create no emissions by 2050, this will mean we no longer are having a
negative impact on climate change by creating more of it and it will mean that Australia is fully sustainable in
everything we do.
b) Compare and contrast the two policies and make a judgement as to which would be better for the
Australian environment and the subsequent perceptions people have of the outdoor environment. (3
The liberals policy of zero carbon emissions by 2050 and the greens policy of net zero or net
negative carbon emissions by 2030 both aim to have zero carbon emissions but that is where the
similarities end, the greens policy wants to get into negative carbon emission by removing carbon
like trees do where as the liberal policy doesn’t, the liberal policy is also by 2050 which is when
Australia are support to have zero carbon emissions by as it was decided in the global meeting,
where as the greens policy goes above and beyond for the environment. The liberal policy effects
Australians perceptions as they will perceive climate change and becoming sustainable as
something for their future self and not take much notice of it as everyday Australians have more
things to worry about then something in over twenty years. The greens policy impacts Australians
perceptions far greater, due to the shorter timespan it is current, this causes Australians to perceive
the environment as something that is endangered and we must take care of it, overall the greens
policy of net zero or net negative carbon emissions will be better for the environment as it will
cause people to take action, and due to exponential growth if we get to net zero emissions in 2030
by 2050 we would be in net negative and have helped remove a lot of emissions from the
atmosphere instead of creating more.
Describe one social debate that relates to the source material above. (2 marks)
The social debate of weather or not climate change is caused by humans, one side believed that
climate change is caused by humans as the temperatures are rising at rates that have not been seen
for a long time, this side includes 98% of scientists, on the other side is people who believe that
climate change is not caused by humans, they believe that the rising sea levels and temperatures are
in line with past temperatures the earth has seen and that if humans were to cause a impact the
earth has many systems that balance it out so it remains habitable and they believe that the earth
would counteract any impact made by humans, on this side is 2% of scientists.
d) Explain how one side of this debate may influence relationships with an outdoor environment that
you have studied. (5 marks)
The side of humans cause climate change may have great influence over people’s relationships with the east
Gippsland area, it causes people to perceive east Gippsland as a area under threat of climate change and very
susceptible to drought and floods, they see it as a place to be looked after and to protect. This causes people
to interact sustainably, by installing renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind and solar power and they
may also implement sustainable farming techniques. The impact this causes on east Gippsland is positive as it
will mean there is less emissions polluting the air from fossil fuels, and sustainable farming will make lindenal
flats sustainable and not a drain on the area.