PHONETIC DICTIONARY Author: Rebeca Junieth Acosta Morales. New words for your vocabulary. 1. Yearn: /jəːn/ verb/: to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have. 2. Churn: /tʃəːn/ Noun/: a large container for transporting milk or for making milk into butter. 3. Pit: /pɪt/ Noun/ a large hole in the ground, or a slightly low area in any surface. 4. Oar: /ɔːr/ Noun/:a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat. 5. Cot: /kɒt/ Noun [ countable ]/: a narrow folding bed. 6. Stray: /streɪ/ adjective [ before noun ]/: Stray things have moved apart from similar things and are not in their expected or intended place. 7. Choke: /tʃoʊk/verb: to have something in the throat that prevents breathing. 8. Tile: /taɪl/: a thin, usually square or rectangular piece of baked clay, plastic, etc. used for covering roofs, floors, walls, etc. 9. Fling: /flɪŋ/: to throw something or someone suddenly and with a lot of force. 10. Yacht: /jɑːt/: a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or travelling on for pleasure. 11. Stirring: /ˈstɝː.ɪŋ/ the beginning of something, such as an emotion or thought. 12. Delusion: /dɪˈlu·ʒən/ Noun/: Something a person believes and wants to be true, when it is actually not true. 13. Deluge: /ˈdel·judʒ, -juʒ/ verb/: to send a very large volume of something to someone. 14. Anomalous:/əˈnɑː.mə.ləs/ adjective/: different from what is usual, or not in agreement with something else and therefore not satisfactory. 15. Reach: /riːtʃ/ noun/: Your reach is the distance within which you can stretch out your arm and touch something. 16. Bubble:/ˈbʌbəl/ noun/ air in a liquid. 17. Juggle: /ˈdʒʌɡəl/verb/:to throw and catch several balls or other objects so that some of them are always in the air. 18. Occasion: /əˈkeɪʒn/: a particular time, especially when something happens or has happened. 19. Strut: /strʌt/verb/: to walk in a proud way trying to look important. 20. Suddenly: /ˈsʌdənli/ adverb: in a sudden way.