Lea n ”ng Object”ves r The learners shouId be aŁIe to: 1.explain coupled reaction processes and describe the role of ATP in energy coupling and transfer (STEP BIO11/12- IIa•j•1). 2.desc ribe the major features and chemicai events in photosynthesis (STEP BIO11/1 2-Ila-J2). 3.explain the importance of chlorophyll and other pigments (STEP BIO11/1 2•IIa-J-3). 4. describe the patterns of electron flow hŁOLtğhlìghc reac tion events STEM B 011 12-Ila-j -4). 5. describe the significant events of the Calvin Cycle (STEM_B 011 12- la-j -5). Actìvity: ROìe of chlorophyll in photos ynthesis FxI rac tï on of chIorophyl I • variega ted lea f was cofleeted • p aced n test tube w rh 70 erhy alcohol • box ed TÚ d Wire barh un t • • the teaf was nsed w th wa Łer t s ready for the test of p esence of sra ch using a rhe eat became pale d op(s ) of iod ne sotution. • a h ue black co or ndïcares the presence of srarch. 1.Why do we have to use alcohol in the removal of chlorophyll? 2.Which portion of the leaves turn blue- black* What does it indicates? 3.Why ïs it that some portion of the leaves are not green? 4.What is the maïn function of the chlorophyll in photosynthesis? ATP-ADP Cycle Organisms are classìfìed accordìng to their energy source These are the: AUTOTROPHS HETEROTROPHS Heterotrophs organi sms not capable of mak ng they r ow n food they are consumers of the biosph ere they must eaI plan ts, or other ant mals who eat plan ts to acquire ndirec tly the energy from the sun Consumers 9CODd6Ç COI4SMITI9ŁS Prmag t0ûSufßPf 100 kcal oa»<ers What is the energy currency of the cells of autotrophs and heterotrophs? Adenosine Triphosphate AOENINE The common energy currency of cells. With one bie molecu Ie thai is made of 5 smaller molecules bonded together. 3PHDGPHAïS GROUPS G -—H H— e—o-e-e—e-o n " I Aden as ne n' ’ H 0 T •phowphate Key concepts of ATP/ADP Cycle 1. ATP contains › ORE energy than ADP because it has mo e bonds. 2. When a phosphate is REMOVED energy is RELEASED. 3. When a phosphate is ADDED energy is NEEDED. ATP-ADPCycle: Carbohydrates Energy. up to 36 ATP molecules (1 glucose) Details: • Cost commonly broken down to make ATP • Not stored in large amounts ATP-ADP Cycle: Fats/Lipids ATP-ADP Cycle: Proteins Carbohydrates 4 calories per mg Lipid 9 calories per mg Protein 4 calories per mg Learning Check 1. Where does plants get energy to produce its own food? 2. Consumers are also termed as . 3. When does ATP release its stored energy? 4. What molecule wiII be formed if 1 molecule of phosphate wi II be released? 5. Which of the biomolecules possessed greater amount of energy? Answer 1. Sun 2.Heterotrophs 3.When 1 of the phosphorus is broken and released 4. ADP 5. Lipids/Fats PHOTOSYNTHESIS r°‹ What are the requirements for photosynthesis to take place? 1.inorganic molecules (carbon dioxide and water) 2.Light energy 3.Chlorophyll inside the chloroplast envíronmen t. CAloroplast 1s composed of: 1.0 uter membran e 2. inner memb ane 3. Stroma that contains small ci reular DNA and ri bosomes; its tfie area for dark reaction. d.Thylakoids are pJled into granum • The membrane of thylakoi d consist of reacts on centers, electron acceptors and enzymes needed for IIght reaction łs the ma in photos ynthetic pigment Is a n a cce s so ry pipm e nt When a pigment absorbs light It goes from a ground state to an excited state, which is unstable ChIoroplast: Photosyn thusis overview " How ìs ATP foi red? EIec tr on and proton tran sport form a proton mot ve force PMF Ts used to make AMP Where are protons p oduced î 1. SpI ttJng of water 2. PQ air dat on Light-dependent RîP synthesis; PHOTOPHOSPHORYUS ION Peter Y\t he I, 19¢o, photophosphorylat\on works via che miosmot c mec ha n sm Light and Carbon reactions of Photosynthesis i AppI ca tìon of Photo synŁhesÌs. using flo escent bulb •Farmin Thank you. Have a green day. Rcc ccc • Ecms yst cm ük0 ç in m g • (1 yIaš o ćr cmd ra oe. 1 IIps: ipload .w k med a o g w k1pcb a en a ch‹ve d de 20070d0 52 43 2!Thylako fi d sc pt g • P\ i am d of Ene gy ht ip: 3.bp bIogspot com j 4WQ1d8qOM Ult DGgplQT/AAAAAAAAC fl ¢hi LV-j Y\ KGB sJ600 Ence y Py mm d •if • Food cha \ ht ip- www buzzTe com i -the- food-r I m jpg wages d ag airs / coi suwe s • Oaœpie and Reece. 2009. 8 ology 7 ed.