Rotating Blade Analysis with ANSYS

Semester 2, 2023/2024
Group No.
: Group 11
: 29 JUNE 2024
Name student
Matric No.
RESULT..................................................................................................................................... 7
DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................... 10
CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................ 10
REFERENCE........................................................................................................................... 11
The analysis of rotating blades using ANSYS involves an advanced progressive procedure in
order to obtain precise and dependable findings. This procedure includes continuous
calculation solutions, fine-tuning and modifying the conditions of the boundaries of
computational mesh. By using the method, the accuracy and precision of the simulation will
be guaranteed and offers an in-depth understanding of the fluid dynamics involved. This
process requires iterations for stabilising the solution and ensuring that the outcomes
precisely match the situation in this real world.
Based on the provided figures below, the aspect of this analysis can be analyzed. The
repeated modifications performed throughout the simulation are exemplified by the graphs
that display the fluctuation of parameters over time, such as the coefficient of moment (Cm)
and the coefficient of lift (Cl). The graphs shown at the results are very crucial to make sure
we keep an eye on the simulation’s stability and convergence. This is because it will
guarantee the accuracy and consistency of the aerodynamic ratio that is computed. Extra
caution of iteration and adjustment is very required because of the complex relationship
between the revolving blade and also the surrounding fluid which is indicated by the
oscillations recorded in these parameters.
Moreover, when areas of high and low velocity, recirculation, streamlines flow, visualizations
of the velocity contours and 3D streamlines surrounding the blade are shown, the insights on
flow characteristics and patterns will be provided. Then, by the help of visualizations of
pressure distribution in plotting high and low pressure sections will be very important to
comprehend the blade’s aerodynamic effectiveness. The result of repetition during
simulations by examining and enhancing the performance of blades that spin with ANSYS is
illustrated by these graphical tools. This makes it becoming more essential for identifying any
kind of problems and modifying the blade design.
1) Design
The fan design was initially created in SolidWorks and later imported into Ansys as a
STEP file. In Ansys Design Modeler, additional modifications were made, including the
incorporation of two enclosures, setting up a rotating region, defining the fluid domain, and
integrating two Boolean operations for subtraction."
a) Enclosure
i) Box enclosure as the fluid flow domain
Cylindrical enclosure for the rotating region
b) Subtraction Boolean
i) First Boolean.
1) Set the target body as the solid (solid enclosure)
2) Set the tool body as the rotating region (cylindrical enclosure
3) Click generate
Second Boolean
1) Set the target body as the rotating region (cylindrical enclosure)
2) Set the tool body as the fan.
3) Click generate
Final fan design with the adjustment;
2) Meshing
ANSYS Meshing application is utilised to generate meshes within the fluid
domain, employing two distinct types: Automatic meshing for the rotating region and
face meshing for the fluid region. By default, the mesh settings remain unaltered and
are specified as follows:
1. Automatic Mesh (Rotating Region):
○ This type of meshing is employed for the rotating region within the fluid
○ The default parameters of the automatic meshing algorithm are maintained
without modification.
2. Face Mesh (Fluid Region):
○ Specifically designed for the fluid region of the domain.
○ Utilises default settings as prescribed by the ANSYS Meshing application.
These default settings ensure that the mesh generation process adheres to
standard configurations provided by ANSYS, optimising computational efficiency
and accuracy for fluid dynamics simulations.
The default value of mesh sizing
Automatic Mesh
Face Mesh
The total mesh is generated to produce:
The Final Mesh
3) Set-up
a) Solver Option
i) Make sure Double Precision is turned on.
Set solver type to Pressure based
iii) Set solver time to transient
b) Turbulence Model Option
i) Set the model to realizable k-epsilon model
The other value is kept default
c) Cell zone conditions
i) Edit the rotating body and turn on the mesh motion.
Set the value of rpm to 9000
iii) In rotation axis direction change the value to 1 depending on the axis
of rotation of the which in this case is y-axis. Keep other values as
d) Boundary Condition
i) Select inlet and set the inlet velocity to 20m/s
Select outlet and set the outlet pressure to 0 gauge pressure.
iii) Select the wall and make sure the no slip wall option is selected.
e) Solution Method
i) Set Scheme to simple
f) Report Definitions
i) Create new force report for drag, lift and moment
For each force report, select the wall-rotating as the zone.
For drag, set y-axis to 1, lift x-axis to 1 and z-axis to one for the
moment. Keep the other axis to 0.
g) Initialize
i) Select the hybrid initialization method and click initialise.
h) Run Calculation
i) Set the Time step size to 0.01, number of time steps of 10 and
maximum iteration of 1.
Run the calculation
● Configuration Summary
Transient, pressure based
Turbulence Model
Realizable k-epsilon
Rotational Speed
9000 rpm
Time Step Size
Boundary Conditions
Figure 1 shows the Scaled Residuals graphs.
● Inlet velocity of 20m/s
● Outlet pressure of 0 gauge
● No Slip wall
Hybrid Initialization
Figure 1: The Scaled Residuals.
Figure 2 shows the coefficient drag graphs.
Figure 2: The coefficient drags.
Figure 3 shows the coefficient lift graphs.
Figure 3: The Coefficient Lift.
Figure 4 shows the coefficient of moment graphs.
Figure 4: The coefficient of Moment.
Figure 5 shows the result of velocity.
Figure 5: The result of velocity.
Figure 6 shows the result of pressure.
Figure 6: The result of pressure.
Figure 7 shows the streamline.
Figure 7: The streamline.
From this project, The aerodynamic performance of a spinning blade may be better
understood by using the ANSYS simulation. Early in the blade rotation process, the
coefficient of drag (Cd) exhibits a sharp drop in drag force, which may be the result of early
flow stabilisation. At 0.1 seconds, the Cd achieves its lowest value, indicating ideal working
conditions for a brief period of time. But beyond this limit, greater turbulence or boundary
layer separation cause the Cd to rise. In the given simulation, the behavior of scaled residuals
is a key indicator of the simulation’s reliability. From the graph, it shows a constant
decreasing line. If the residuals show a steady decline, we can conclude the iteration is
effectively around the blade.
The variation of Cl over time provides insights into how effectively the blade
generates lift. The Cl graph shows a sharp rise to approximately 0.28, followed by rapid
oscillations Typically, an ideal aerodynamic blade design will exhibit a high Cl, indicating
strong lift generation. However, from the result, the Cl graph shows instability, a sudden
drop, and a sudden rise. Thus, this could point to issues like flow separation or unstable
aerodynamic effects. The Cm graph shows significant variability, with values ranging from
-0.04 to 0.04. If Cm fluctuates just little, it means that the blade is sustaining a steady
aerodynamic moment, which helps the system operate steadily. From the graph, it shows that
large fluctuations in Cm could signify that the blade is experiencing uneven aerodynamic
According to the velocity result, the area surrounding the blade exhibits significant
velocities close to its edges, which are essential for both lift and drag. The flow is separated
in the green and blue areas, indicating low velocity and potential flow recirculation. It is
evident from the velocity distribution that the blade is symmetric about its axis that the blade
is balanced and correctly aligned. The streamline visualisation, which displays flow patterns
around a blade based on the streamline result, indicates strong aerodynamic performance with
smooth flow and little separation. Vortices and turbulent flow downstream, however, point to
greater drag and unstable performance. These areas' existence indicates possible optimisation.
In conclusion, the ANSYS simulation of a rotating fan blade provides a detailed
analysis of its aerodynamic performance. The coefficient of drag (Cd) shows a dramatic
reduction at 0.1 seconds, indicating the initial stabilisation of the flow. However, a rise in Cd
indicates a loss in efficiency due to increasing turbulence and boundary layer separation.
Effective iteration around the blade is confirmed by the simulation's convergence and
dependability. Uneven aerodynamic forces are suggested by instabilities in the coefficient of
lift and moment, requiring design modifications. Significant velocities are observed close to
the blade edges, as indicated by the velocity distribution data, flow separation is indicated by
low velocity and possible flow recirculation. Strong aerodynamic performance is
demonstrated by streamline visualisations, but higher drag and instability are suggested by
vortices and turbulent flow downstream. These results offer insightful information for
enhancing the blade's design.
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