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Stolen Hearts

Stolen Hearts
Type: Isabelle's Personal Storyline (Love #1)
Prerequisites: Tour de School
Quest Isabelle in the Entrance Hall.
In the first scene, this quest instantly branches into three different directions depending on your
Part 1
Route 1: Warn Kate
1. Pick the option "Was anything stolen?" (requires siding with Kate in Tour de School)
2. After finishing the dialogue with Isabelle, go and quest Kate. Kate trolls you a bit, and
you can end up in detention if you're not careful.
— Proceed to Part 3 —
Route 2: Investigate with Isabelle
1. Pick the option "Do you think this is retaliation?" (requires siding with Isabelle in Tour
de School) and then the option "Someone once told me you need nip bad behaviors
in the bud and confront your enemies."
2. Go and eavesdrop on Kate by interacting with the bathroom door in the sports wing.
3. Then go and tell Isabelle what you've found out.
— Proceed to Part 2 —
Route 3: Ask Maxine
1. Pick the option "Maybe we can ask Maxine. She's got this school under a
microscope." or "No one ever notices me. I'm the perfect spy."
— Proceed to Part 2 —
Part 2
1. Isabelle gives you a Pen but you have to find something to compose a message to
Maxine on.
2. You can ask around people at school for a piece of paper, but no one seems to have
any. In the end, you have to go to your bedroom closet where there's an old photo that
you use as A Piece of Paper.
a. Optional: Quest Jacklyn to unlock the achievement Goose Goes, Hank!
(requires that the player has named themselves "Hank" in the opening scene).
3. Combine A Piece of Paper and the Pen to create the Letter to Maxine.
4. Go to the admin wing and use the Letter to Maxine on the plant there.
5. Then go up the stairs and interact with the water fountain to acquire a Letter From
a. Optional: Maxine tells you to burn her letter. Do this by going to the kitchen at
home. In one of the drawers there's a lighter. Use the Letter From Maxine on
that drawer to unlock the achievement Burned Notice.
6. Now, go to your personal locker and interact with your lunch box. Maxine has left a
Doughnut as a clue.
— Proceed to Part 3 —
Part 3
1. Then, go and interact with the Guard Booth. The guard tells you to fuck off, but there's
always one thing that gets him talking — doughnuts. You need to get him out of his
booth so you can steal the surveillance tapes.
2. Go and interact with the pastries in the cafeteria. Your plan is to starve the guard. You
can buy all the Doughnuts for $20, or you can steal them (STR: 7). If you steal them
and Jacklyn is in the room, you get caught by her, if you have enough INT and Lust with
Jacklyn you can start a secret mini quest with her called Culinary Art. If you steal and Jo
is in the cafeteria you'll get detention, but after she leaves the Nurse shows up and tries
to buy a couple of doughnuts from you. If you have the Compromising Photo, you can
acquire the Strike Book, which is an item located in the nurse's office. The Strike Book
can be used to make the nurse do different sexual things. Nurse's First Strike.
3. Interact with the Guard Booth again. The guard leaves to grab fresh doughnuts from the
cafeteria. Follow him into the cafeteria.
4. Upon realizing that the doughnuts are out, the guard storms out of the school in his
quest for pastries. This leaves the Guard Booth unguarded. Interact with the Guard
Booth again.
5. Use the Flash Drive (found in your bedroom), to download the surveillance footage.
6. Go to your bedroom and use the Flash Drive on your computer. After watching the
surveillance footage and learning that Lindsey is the culprit, choose to continue watching
to unlock Mrs. L's Pole Dance in the Gallery.
a. Optional: Mrs. L has left a secret message on the glass window of the Guard
Booth. Interact with the coffee maker in the cafeteria to acquire a Cup of Coffee.
Use it on the Guard Booth to see Mrs. L's message and acquire her Phone
7. Quest Isabelle to tell her what you've found out. If you tell her the truth, she storms off
and slaps Lindsey.
8. Quest either Lindsey or Isabelle to complete the quest.
You can lie and say that Kate stole the chocolate hearts, or you can tell her the truth. If you tell
her the truth, she storms off and slaps Lindsey. If you lie, the mc calms down Isabelle. These
are two different endings, which may have consequences later in Isabelle's storyline.
Unlockable Quests:
Buried Truths
Culinary Art
Special Scenes:
Mrs. L's Pole Dance
Nurse's First Strike
Burned Notice
Goose Goes, Hank!
Mrs. L's Phone Number