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Early Stuarts: James I to James II

The early Stuarts
James I
King of Scotland, after Elizabeth, protestant, wrote treatises (trattati) in ing e lat, believed in witchcraft.
Ignored the parliament and believed in divine right of kings-> he represented god on earth. Joned England,
Scotland and Wales as 1 kingdom with 2 separate parliaments=> GREAT BRITAIN + flag
Held a conference at Somerset House to sign a peace treaty with Spain. New translation of bible. Agreed
with extreme protestants about baptism and civil role of church. A group of catholics organized the
GUNPOWDER PLOT because they were excluded from Hampton court-> got executed
Charles I
James’ son, fond of art, avoided parliament, PETITION RIGHT OF 1628=> king can’t trial without consent of
Commons (protestants). 1640-> new parliament elected: “long parliament”. Rising middle class of
landowners. Parliament worked to minimize king’s rights. -> CIVIL WAR
CIVIL WAR: 1642/1649 between royalists and parliamentarians. Parliament army= New Model Army->
stronger because made of professional soldiers: Ironsides + had cavalry, commanded by Oliver Cromwell
Charles I was captured and brought to London where a commission was set up to try him for treason->
Parliament abolished monarchy and declared republic: Commonwealth. Cromwell divided the country into
11 military regions, banned Christmas and Easter-> days of fasting. Died in 1658
Restoration of monarchy
Charles II
Spent his exile in France, came back to England when monarchy was restored (fan of Sun King). Hanged
Cromwell. Passed Corporation Act (excluded the dissenters from public offices), Act of Uniformity (imposed
use of the book of common prayer) and the Test Act (required all the public employees to conform to the
Church of England).
1665-> burbonic plague. 1666-> great fire of London=> required new construction of the city (S. Paul’s
Cathedral, Wren)
1670: signed treatu of Dover-> war against Holland.
Died in 1685
James II
Catholic, widower, two heirs (girls, Mary & Anne, protestant, married to rulers of Holland and Denmark)
Married Mary of Modena-> had a son (catholic)