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I. ĐOẠN VĂN (PARAGRAPH) …………………………………………………………….
1. Định nghĩa
2. Bố cục của đoạn văn
3. Các dạng đoạn văn
II. BÀI LUẬN (ESSAY) ……………………………………………………………………..
1. Định nghĩa………………………………………………………………………………
2. Phong cách viết…………………………………………………………………………
3. Cấu trúc 1 bài luận………………………………………………………………………
4. Ví dụ
5. Cách viết từng phần……………………………………………………………………..
5.1. Mở bài
5.2. Thân bài
5.3. Kết luận
6. Cách tính điểm………………………………………………………………………….
7. Các yếu tố khiến học sinh mất điểm……………………………………………………
7.1. Từ vựng
7.2. Ngữ pháp
7.3. Văn phong
8. Cách viết để đạt điểm cao……………………………………………………………….
III. VIẾT THƯ (LETTER)…………………………………………………………………..
1. Văn phong viết thư
1.1. Thư trang trọng (Formal)
1.2. Thư trang trọng một phần (Semi-formal)
1.3. Thư thân mật (Informal)
2. Mục đích viết thư thường gặp và các cách diễn đạt tốt…………………………………
2.1. Tìm hiểu thông tin
2.2. Cung cấp thông tin
2.3. Gửi lời phàn nàn
2.4. Gửi lời xin lỗi
2.5. Cảm ơn người nhận
I. ĐOẠN VĂN (PARAGRAPH): (30 bài) ………………………………………………….
1. HẢI DƯƠNG………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2021-2022: Some people say that the prevention of health problems and
illnesses is more important than treatments and medicine. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this statement? In about 150-170 words, write a paragraph to support
your opinion
2. THÁI BÌNH………………………………………………………………………….
2.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
In some countries, teenagers are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies.
What do you think are the causes of this? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to
express your ideas.
2.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph about 150 words about disadvantages of living in a big city.
3. PHÚ THỌ ……………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2020-2021: Extracurricular activities are becoming more and more important
to school students. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the benefits of
extracurricular activities. (10 points)
4. KIÊN GIANG…………………………………………………………………………
4.1. Năm học 2018-2019:
Write a passage of about 120 words to express your opinion on the topic:
According to 2017 statistics by the Ministry of Health, every year there are about 3,500
Vietnamese under 19 die because of drowning. Most of these drowning deaths happen in
rivers and streams. In your opinion, what should students and teachers do to prevent
drowning among children and teenagers?
4.2. Năm học 2019-2020:
Modern technology helps students to learn better and more easily. Do you agree or
disagree with the statement? Write a paragraph of 120 words to support your opinion?
4.3. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph of 120 words to answer the following questions
“What subjects at school are useful to help prepare yourself for the modern world? Why
do you think they are important?"
5. ĐỒNG NAI…………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2021-2022:
Many people believe that it is important for teenagers to make decisions about matters
that affect them (such as food, clothes, entertainment, learning, etc.) To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
6. THANH HÓA…………………………………………………………………………
6.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph of about 150-180 words concerning the following topic: Should
students be taught online at home instead of going to school?
6.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph of about 130-150 words concerning the following topic:
What can you do to protect the environment in your local community?
7. NAM ĐỊNH…………………………………………………………………………….
7.1. Năm học 2017-2018:
Nowadays, most students take extra classes. Do you think it is a good idea? Or would it
be better for students to invest all that time in self-study? Write a paragraph of about 150
words. Support your points with examples and relevant evidence.
7.2. Năm học 2019-2020:
The environment is being damaged by littering. How can we prevent littering?
8. BÌNH PHƯỚC…………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2018-2019:
Should students be encouraged to use electronic devices such as tablets, laptops,
smartphones, electronic dictionaries .... in the classroom?
9. PHÚ YÊN…………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
Children are currently having extra classes after normal lessons. What are the positive
and negative effects? What is your opinion? Write a paragraph of 120 words.
10. ĐỒNG THÁP………………………………………………………………………..
10.1. Đề chung năm học 2017-2018:
Write a paragraph about the benefits of TV.
10.2. Đề chuyên năm học 2017-2018:
Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook, Zalo, Twitter) have
a negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? Write an exposition of about 150-200 words to express your opinion. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
11. VĨNH PHÚC…………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2017-2018: Write a paragraph of 100-120 words about what can be done to
make your school a clean and green place.
12. TPHCM……………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2020-2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant changes to all sectors, including
education and training. In about 100 words, write a paragraph on three advantages of elearning methods amid Covid l9.
13. CÀ MAU…………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph about the topic: “Since you’ve become a teenager, what are the
challenges you’ve faced?”
14. NINH THUẬN……………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2021-2022:
What subjects at school are useful to help prepare yourself for the modern world? Why
do you think they are important?
15. BẮC GIANG………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
Many people think that it’s better for their children to study online rather than go to
school. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a paragraph from 160 to 180
words to express your opinions.
16. QUẢNG NINH………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 150 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of reading books.
17. LONG AN……………………………………………………………………………
17.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 120-150 words, write a paragraph answering the following question:
Do you agree with the following statement?
"Social networks have had negative effects on our lives?"
17.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph about the ways to have good health.
18. VŨNG TÀU………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 100 words, express the reasons why you think online learning has become so
popular nowadays.
19. HÀ NAM ……………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2020-2021:
More and more students choose to attend an online course rather than an offline one
recently. Write a paragraph to explain your choice.
20. LÀO CAI …………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people say that teenagers should do some voluntary work. Do you agree or
Write a paragraph to express your own opinion. Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
21. ĐIỆN BIÊN………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2019-2020:
Write a paragraph about the benefits of knowing how to swim.
22. QUẢNG NAM………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2018-2019:
There are a lot of festivals in your country every year. Write a paragraph about the
festival you like best.
23. BÌNH THUẬN………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2021-2022:
In about 140 words, write a paragraph to suggest ways to protect yourself and others
from COVID-19.
II. LETTER (6 bài) …………………………………………………………………………..
1. ĐỒNG NAI………………………………………………………………………….
1.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
Your local council is considering banning all private vehicles from the town centre
between the hours of 8.00 a.m and 6.00 p.m on working days. Outside these times and at
weekends there will be no restrictions. Write a letter in 150 - 200 words in an
appropriate style to the editor of your local newspaper expressing an opinion on this
issue. You may support or reject the idea. Give reasons for your position and state how
this ban might affect you, the local economy and the environment. You mustn’t include
postal addresses. Begin and end with: Dear ....
1.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
You have received an email from your English-speaking friend, Vivian “I've started a
blog about my life in lockdown and I’d like to include something about how people’s
lives have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in different countries. Can you tell
me about the situation in your country? I'd like to hear about how your daily routine has
changed and any advice you have for making the best of the situation.” Write your email
in reply to Vivian (about 150-180 words. End the email with the name “LAM”
2. NGHỆ AN……………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2021-2022:
You have received a letter from a friend who is planning on studying abroad. "I'm
nervous about studying abroad. How will I make new friends and cope with workload at
new school? Also, I'm worried that I will miss my friends and family. Write a letter of
100-120 words to your friend. Use your name and address as Tran Nguyen An Nhien 69 Nguyen Du Street, Vinh City, Nghe An Province
3. BÌNH DƯƠNG…..…………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2020-2021:
You are Minh. You intend to go on holiday with your friend. However, you must change
your plans. Write a letter of about 80-120 words to your friend.
In your letter:
- Tell them how much you are looking forward to the holiday.
- Explain why you must change your plans
- Suggest alternative arrangements
4. LONG AN …………………………………………………………………………….
Your Australian friend, Timmy, has sent you a photo of himself and his family.
In about 120 - 140 words, write a LETTER replying to Timmy. In your LETTER, you
- thank Timmy for the photo
- explain why you like the photo
- say what you are going to send to Timmy
You should begin your LETTER as follows.
Dear Timmy,
You do NOT need to write your own address. Do NOT sign and write your name, either.
5. HẢI DƯƠNG………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2021-2022:
Imagine that you have just received an interesting book as a birthday present from your
friend, Laura. In about 80-100 words, write a thank-you letter to her. You are required to
begin and end your letter as follows: “Dear Laura,...”
III. BÀI LUẬN (ESSAY): (24 bài) …………………………………………………………
1. NGHỆ AN……………………………………………………………………………..
1.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
School should be a safe environment for learning and developing, however, school
violence seems to be increasing. Where does this problem come from? What should we
do to change the situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant
examples from your own knowledge or experience.
1.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that children who spend a lot of time reading children’s story books
are wasting their time, which could be better used to do other more useful activities. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
1.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
Some people say that it is always better if students are given options to study online from
home during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic as traveling to school may be risky.
Do you agree or disagree?
2. ĐÀNẴNG………………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2021-2022:
"It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of everything. What are the
positive sides that you can see of the COVID-19 pandemic?’’
3. CẦN THƠ……………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people say that the young generation now spend too much time on personal
enjoyment - doing things they like to do - rather than doing things they should do. Do
you agree with this point of view?
4. QUẢNG NGÃI…………………………………………………………………………
4.1. Năm học 2018-2019:
Some people consider computer games a harmless relaxation or even a useful
educational tool for school students. Others, however, believe that these games are
having an adverse effect on the students who play them. Discuss both views, supporting
your opinion with specific reasons and examples. Write at least 200 words.
4.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write an essay of about 200-250 words on the following topic: “Life skills are very
important and useful for students nowadays”. Do you agree or disagree with the
statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your statement.
4.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
While attending online classes at home is nowadays a new trend, many students only
enjoy going to school. Which type of class do you prefer? Write an essay of 200-250
words to express your viewpoint.
5. NAM ĐỊNH…………………………………………………………………………….
5.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
More and more people now prefer reading books on smart devices to reading paper
books. Thus, some say that the latter will become unnecessary and disappear in the
future. What is your opinion?
5.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
In many countries today, the eating habits and lifestyle of children are different from
those of previous generations. Some people say this does more harm than good. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
5.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
Some people find it difficult to get a job nowadays. What is the reason for this? What do
the young prepare for the future?
6. TIỀN GIANG………………………………………………………………………….
Describe a peaceful life in your country village or hometown. What happens if a natural
disaster occurs? Give comments on bad effects of the disaster.
7. ĐĂK LĂK …………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2018-2019:
Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of learning online.
8. ĐỒNG THÁP………………………………………………………………………….
Năm học 2018-2019:
Đề riêng: Nowadays, parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. Is it a
negative or positive development? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least
250 words.
9. BÌNH DƯƠNG…………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2020-2021: Online education is becoming more and more popular. Do you
believe that e-learning has so many benefits that it will replace face-to-face education
soon? Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic.
10. ĐỒNG NAI……………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2017-2018:
Write a composition in 200-250 words, giving your personal opinions and explaining
why you agree or disagree with the statement.
“Smart phones can have a very powerful impact on teenagers’ behaviours.”
11. BẮC NINH……………………………………………………………………………
11.1. Năm học 2020-2021
Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day, while
others believe that they must get homework every day in order to be successful at school.
In about 250 words, write an essay to discuss both sides and give your opinion.
11.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Do you agree with the following statement: “Using the mobile phone at secondary
school should be banned?” Write an essay of 250 words to express your opinion, using
specific details and examples to support your answer
12. HUẾ…………………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that online learning has more disadvantages than advantages. Do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
13. BẾN TRE ……………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2020-2021:
Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is
happening? What can students do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
14. HÀ TĨNH……………………………………………………………………………
14.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that too much technology can have a negative impact on our lives. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? In about 250 words, write an essay to express your
opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to support your composition?
14.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
It is said that grade-9 students should do nothing but spend most of their time studying
for the entrance examination to their favorite high schools. To what extent do you agree?
Write an essay in about 250 words, use specific details and examples to explain your
15. TÂY NINH……………………………………………………………………………
Năm học 2020-2021:
“Children’s achievement is highly influenced by parents’ education and Income”
Do you agree with this statement? Write an essay of about 200 words to
express your opinion and support your answer with relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience?
16. ĐĂK LĂK……………………………………………………………………………..
Năm học 2020-2021:
According to the World Health Organization, all international travel should
end until the coronavirus has gone. Do you agree or disagree with this
REFERENCES (Tài liệu tham khảo) ……………………………………………………….
GLOSSARY (Từ vựng tham khảo) …………………………………………………………
I. Đoạn văn (Paragraph)
1. Định nghĩa
Là một tập hợp các câu (150 từ) thành một đoạn văn(không xuống dòng) nhằm diễn tả ý tưởng xuyên
suốt cả đoạn.
2. Bố cục đoạn văn (paragraph)
Gồm ba phần chính:
- Topic sentence(s): câu chủ đề: nêu ý chính sẽ nói trong đoạn (1-2 câu có viết lại câu chủ đề sao cho giữ
nguyên ý) (paraphrase topic).
- Supporting sentences: câu hỗ trợ ý: bổ sung, giải thích cho câu chủ đề lúc đầu (4-6 câu).
- Conclusion sentence(s): câu kết tóm tắt lại một lần nữa ý chính trong đoạn (1-2 câu) (viết lại ý chính
đoạn trên). Câu kết có thể không cần viết nhưng tốt nhất là nên có.
3. Các dạng đoạn văn (paragraph)
Gồm 4 dạng chính:
- Descriptive : đoạn văn mô tả người, sự vật, nơi chốn...
- Narrative: đoạn văn kể chuyện: kể một câu chuyện (trình tự thời gian) từ lúc bắt đầu → diễn biến →
kết thúc.
- Expository: đoạn văn hướng dẫn từng bước để làm một việc gì đó.
- Persuasive: đoạn văn thuyết phục: người viết đưa ra dẫn chứng để thuyết phục người đọc tin theo luận
điểm của mình.
Dù đoạn văn có thuộc dạng nào đi chăng nữa thì bố cục vẫn không đổi. Đề thi chuyên thường tập trung
vào dạng persuasive paragraph. Do đó, định hướng của sách sẽ là về hướng dẫn viết luận theo dạng
persuasive paragraph này.
Ví dụ:
SAMPLE TOPIC. What are the skills that a 21st century learner needs nowadays?
To adapt themselves to today’s ever-changing and demanding
(a) Topic sentence: nói lên chủ đề cả
world, 21 century learners need to have certain skills as follows đoạn là về “skills” cần thiết của 1
(a). Firstly, language skills prove to be indispensable (b). Having người học thế kỷ 21
a great command of a language, especially prevailing ones such
(b) Supporting sentence 1: giải thích
as English, Chinese, Spanish and so on., is a key to lift any
skill 1 là gì
barriers in free trade and cultural exchange (b1). Secondly,
(b1) Hỗ trợ ý cho supporting
computer skills also seem vital for any learners (c) . In the era of sentence: giải thích tại sao skill 1 lại
state-of-the-art technology, when artificial intelligence is
quan trọng
booming in all aspects of life, being conversant with computers
(c) Supporting sentence 2: giải thích
will help save a great deal of time to do laborious and tiring
skill 2 là gì
work (c1). For example, if an accountant is proficient in using
(c1 + c2) Hỗ trợ ý cho supporting
Microsoft Excel, he can avoid the possibility of errors that may
sentence 2: giải thích tại sao skill 2 lại
emerge from extremely complicated financial records of
quan trọng
transactions of an enterprise (c2). In conclusion, both language
(d) Câu kết: Tóm tắt nội dung toàn
and computer skills are believed to be pivotal to the learners of a bài là về 2 skills: language &
new millenium (d).
II. Bài luận (Essay)
1. Định nghĩa
Là 1 bài viết ngắn (250-300 từ) gồm nhiều đoạn văn (paragraph) ghép lại để nói về một chủ đề cụ thể.
2. Phong cách viết
Như hình minh họa ở trên, phong cách viết luận rất đa dạng. Người châu Á nói chung, người Việt Nam
nói riêng hay rào trước đón sau trước khi bắt đầu viết vào nội dung chính. Nhiều khi học sinh Việt Nam
cho rằng, cứ viết thật dài, kể lể dài dòng thì giám khảo sẽ cho thêm điểm. Chính lối suy nghĩ này khiến cho
bài viết của học sinh nhiều lúc rất lan man, không đủ chỗ viết vì số trang giấy thi chuyên Anh là giới hạn
trong một mặt giấy. Trong lối văn viết luận của người Anh, bài viết cần đi thẳng tới vấn đề, ngắn gọn, cô
đọng, nêu bật được chủ đề cần viết. Việc thay đổi tư duy là điều không hề đơn giản nhưng các tác giả hi
vọng rằng, sau khi đọc xong quyển sách này, học sinh sẽ thay đổi được ít nhiều tư duy để viết bài sao cho
chuẩn mực hơn.
Straight to the point:
conciseness valued
theme expressed
Detours are
expected to
maintain interest
and politeness
Going in circles to
avoid being
perceived as overly
assertive or
causing loss of
“But that’s another
4. Ví dụ
TOPIC: “The only way to improve safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments on driving
offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
1 đoạn
Câu 1: giới thiệu chủ điểm của bài: In discussion of road safety today, many
duy nhất phạt nặng vì an toàn giao thông
believe a crackdown on traffic violations is
(2-3 câu)
the key to achieving this end. Personally,
Câu 2: đưa ra trả lời cho câu hỏi đề
although I strongly support a zero-tolerance
approach, there are effective alternatives
that need considering.
Câu 1: topic sentence: đưa ra ý
On the one hand, immediate and
chính sẽ phân tích trong đoạn: xử
uncompromising sentences are deterrents to
phạt mạnh là cần thiết
potential law breakers.
Các câu sau: supporting sentences: In fact, the power of harsh punishments on
trả lời cho luận điểm ở đầu đoạn:
driving infractions lies in the punitive
Tại sao lại cần thiết phải xử phạt?
nature through which delinquents will be
Minh chứng cho sự hiệu quả của
wary of the consequences of their offenses.
biện pháp xử phạt là ở đâu? Kèm
Illustrations of this can be seen in big cities,
thêm minh chứng cụ thể thì bài sinh namely New York, Coventry or Melbourne
động hơn.
in the late twentieth century. The number of
alcohol-related accidents recorded in these
cities have fallen remarkably since the
enforcement of immediate arrest on drunk
drivers. From this perspective, stringent
penalties can irrefutably address road
However, I would argue that other effective
options to tackle traffic violations are
Câu 1: topic sentence: Đưa ra ý
chính được nhắc đến trong cả đoạn
này: có nhiều biện pháp hiệu quả
khác để xử lí vi phạm giao thông.
TOPIC: “The only way to improve safety of our roads is to give much stricter punishments on driving
offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”
Các câu sau: supporting sentences: One method would be to improve the
trả lời cho topic sentence: Các biện infrastructure in order to accommodate
pháp đó là gì? Vì sao chúng hiệu
appropriate traffic mobility. It is advisable
for the government to, for example,
introduce more parking lots in the inner
cities, which can clearly curb illegal
parking. Another compelling measure is the
integration of programs guiding young road
users towards desired behaviours in the
national curriculum. Through this,
commuters will presumably be more wellinformed of traffic laws and thereby refrain
themselves from committing moving
Khẳng định lại ý chính đã nói ở
In conclusion, I can clearly see reasons why
trên: Ngoài biện pháp xử phạt nặng harsh regulations should be embraced
ra thì còn biện pháp khác nữa.
alongside with other subsidiary schemes to
handle traffic offences and simultaneously
promote road safety. Practical combination
of all will undoubtedly yield phenomenal
5. Cách viết từng phần
5.1. Mở bài
Câu 1: đưa ra thông tin chung bằng 2 cách:
Cách 1: Viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý (paraphrase topic)
Ví dụ: đề ra có câu
“Some people think that increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution
thì ta có thể viết đoạn văn bằng các cấu trúc sau như sau:
a/Dùng cấu trúc chủ động - bị động:
→ “It is thought that the price of petrol should be increased to solve growing traffic and pollution
b/Đổi dạng từ:
Increasing (Gerund) → increase (N)/ Solve (V) → solution (N)
"Some people think that an increase in the price of petrol is the best solution to growing traffic and
pollution problems”.
c/ Sử dụng chủ ngữ giả “It"
→ "It is important to increase the price of petrol to solve growing traffic and pollution problem”.
d/ Dùng từ đồng nghĩa:
→ “Some people think that a rise in the petrol price is the answer to heavy traffic and pollution problems”.
Cách 2: gián tiếp đưa topic thành ý của người khác
Ví dụ:
“Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities,
others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures are
→ “People have differing views about the best way to improve public health.” hoặc
“Experts are sharply divided on the discussion of the best way to improve public health”
Câu 2-3: giới thiệu ý chính sẽ phát triển trong bài.
“This essay will discuss in details the advantages and disadvantages of home schooling in today’s world.”
Vậy là bài viết sẽ tập trung phát triển 2 ý chính: “advantages” và “disadvantages” trong thân bài đoạn
1 và đoạn 2. Người viết có thể thêm 1 số cụm từ thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân như: “In my opinion”, “In my
(point of) view”... Nếu đề bài có hỏi về “you”, ví dụ “to what extent do you agree with this statement?” thì
có thể dùng “I” trong bài viết, còn nếu không thì có thể giữ giọng văn trung lập, tránh dùng “I”.
Một số cách thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân cơ bản:
I (strongly/firmly) think/ believe that...
In my opinion,
As far as I am concerned,
In my (point of) view/ In my viewpoint,
Lưu ý: nếu đã dùng “think/ believe” rồi thì không có “in my opinion” nữa
5.2. Thân bài
Người viết nên dừng ở 2 đoạn văn để tập trung diễn đạt ý ngắn gọn, cô đọng. Nếu sang đoạn thứ 3 thì
ý có thể bị lan man lạc đề, thừa nhiều từ so với yêu cầu đề bài. Tất nhiên, vẫn có người viết nhiều ý nên họ
chọn kết cấu 3 đoạn trong thân bài. Phương án này vẫn sẽ hiệu quả nếu mỗi đoạn đều có ý chính rõ ràng, hỗ
trợ lẫn nhau bằng dẫn chứng mạch lạc, đầy đủ và các câu trong đoạn có sự gắn kết logic với nhau. Người
viết cũng cần cân nhắc số từ mà đề bài yêu cầu để tùy chỉnh số lượng đoạn và ý cho bài viết. Dù lựa chọn
bố cục là 2 hay 3 đoạn trong phần thân bài, theo sơ đồ ở trên đã chỉ rõ, mỗi đoạn văn trong thân bài (body
paragraphs) cần tuân theo cấu trúc:
Câu 1: (topic sentence): diễn tả ý sẽ nói trong cả đoạn.
Câu 2-hết: (supporting sentences): giải thích cho câu chủ đề qua các dẫn chứng, lập luận, ví dụ...
Topic sentence:
I believe there are three main points in support of
Người viết cho rằng có 3 điều là cần thiết để duy trì military obligation.
nghĩa vụ quân sự bắt buộc.
Supporting sentence 1:
Firstly, all countries need a military force defending
lợi ích 1: đóng góp cho đất nước
the citizens in times of war and hence all residents
should make some contribution.
Supporting sentences 2:
The second reason is more of a primary
lợi ích 2: có ích cho hệ thống phòng thủ của đất
determinant to many countries. If a country is
unable to attract sufficient volunteers to the military
service, it can hardly operate as superior defence.
Supporting sentences 3:
The third explanation often hailed by older
lợi ích 3: dạy người trẻ về tính kỉ luật, trách nhiệm. generation in a society is that military service is an
effective discipline for young people. Not only does
it teach them practical and; social skills but also
encourages them to take responsibility for
themselves and others. A society with compulsory
military service will therefore enjoy enhanced
Thay vì việc dùng “the second reason” hay “the third explanation” thì người viết có thể dùng
“Secondly”, “Thirdly” cũng là 1 cách hay để chỉ ra các ý liên tiếp nhau. Quan trọng là, các ý diễn đạt cần
có liên từ thích hợp để khiến câu văn mạch lạc nhuần nhuyễn hơn. Một số liên từ có thể dùng trong thân bài
như sau:
Bổ sung thêm ý
Ý đối nghịch
Thứ tự lần lượt
Nguyên nhân và
Minh họa
theo thời gian
hệ quả
For example
For instance
Such as
As revealed by
First of all
In the case of
As well as
(Even) though
To start/ begin with
Let alone
in spite of/ despite/ In the first place
In particular
First and foremost
For one thing
To be more
In stead of/ in
Last but not least
For that reason
In addition
lieu of
In turn
Finally/ Eventually
As a result
In other words
By the way
That is to say
On the other hand/
On the contrary
Contrary to...
Even so
5.3. Kết luận
Người viết chỉ cần dùng 1-2 câu nhắc lại câu trả lời cho câu hỏi của đề bài (viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý
lần nữa). Không đưa các thông tin mà đề bài không yêu cầu. Điều này lại trái với tư duy viết văn của học
sinh Việt Nam là đã viết thì cứ phải mở rộng ý ra hết sức có thể. Đoạn kết trong lối hành văn kiểu Anh cần
được dùng để chốt lại ý nhằm tổng kết những gì đã viết ở trên.
Ví dụ:
Đề bài “What are the causes and effects of noise pollution in metropolitan cities?”
Kết bài chỉ cần nêu những ý đã nói ở trên theo yêu cầu của đề bài rằng:
“In summary, several underlying reasons (such as....) and consequences of noise pollution (like...) in
metropolis have been mentioned in this essay” (“cause” đổi thành “reasons”, “effects” đổi thành
“consequences”) LÀ ĐỦ. Người viết có thể chỉ viết lại ngắn gọn lại câu 2 phần mở bài - thesis statement
hoặc bổ sung thêm các ý đã liệt kê trong đoạn thân bài cũng được. Không cần mở rộng thêm những câu
như “Solutions need to be implemented to handle noise pollution” vì đề bài chỉ yêu cầu nguyên nhân và hậu
quả của ô nhiễm âm thanh chứ không đòi hỏi giải pháp gì đưa ra từ người viết.
Một số cách viết mở đầu cho kết luận:
In summary
To summarize
In conclusion
To conclude
Một số cách khác như “In a nutshell” chưa đủ trang trọng nên hạn chế dùng.
6. Cách tính điểm
Nhìn chung, ở mỗi kì thi hàng năm, tiêu chí chấm, biểu điểm từng thành phần lại có những sự thay đổi
nhất định. Tuy nhiên, tựu chung lại, bốn tiêu chí lớn để đánh giá một bài viết là như sau:
Đáp ứng yêu cầu (Task response): Người chấm muốn xem liệu câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đề bài có trong
phần mở bài, có đủ ỷ tưởng phù hợp để minh họa, dẫn chứng, ví dụ cụ thể...hay không? Chiều dài của cả
bài có phù hợp hay không?
Ngôn ngữ sử dụng (Lexical resource): Chấm xem dùng từ vựng có linh hoạt, chính xác, đa dạng để
phát triển câu hay không → nên dùng từ mang tính học thuật chứ không phải văn nói, nên viết câu phức,
câu ghép khoảng hai dòng, tối đa là sang dòng thứ ba nhưng phải cẩn thận vì có thể gây lủng củng, không
xác định được vế chính, phụ....
Tính chặt chẽ và mạch lạc (Coherence & cohesion): Chấm xem bài viết có logic hay không? Có trả
lời đầy đủ câu hỏi đề đưa ra hay không? Có chặt chẽ hay bị lan man, đưa ra ý tưởng không phù hợp hay
Ngữ pháp (Grammatical Accuracy): Chấm xem liệu người viết có dùng đúng ngữ pháp, từ vựng ở
ngữ cảnh đưa ra trong bài hay không
7. Các yếu tố khiến học sinh mất điểm
7.1. Từ vựng
7.1.1. Từ vựng không mang tính học thuật
Người viết cần tránh sử dụng các từ “really”; “very”; “a lot”, “so”, “of course” vì đây là những từ
không mang tính học thuật, thường được sử dụng trong văn nói nhiều hơn. Vì thế, ta cần tìm những từ hoặc
cách diễn đạt tương đương.
Ví dụ:
Many students think that the university entrance exam very difficult, (có “very” → tránh)
Many students think that the university entrance exam is challenging (nên dùng)
- Với “really”; “very” chúng ta có thể sử dụng “definitely/extremely/absolutely” Ngoài ra ta có thể dùng
tính từ khác thay cho “very” như sau:
Tránh nói “very”
thì hãy nói
Tránh nói “very”
thì hãy nói
terrified/ fearful
superb/ terrific
ravenous/ starving
crucial/ essential/ vital
wealthy/ affluent
feeble/ frail
- Với “a lot” chúng ta có thể sử dụng: much/ a great amount of (trước danh từ không đếm được) hoặc
many/ a great number of/ numerous (trước danh từ đếm được).
Đây là những cách tương đối phổ thông, dễ dùng. Ngoài ra, một số cách khác để diễn tả số nhiều sẽ
được đề cập đến trong các bài luận mẫu trong chương sau.
- Với “so” (vì vậy, vì thế), chúng ta có thể sử dụng “hence / therefore/ thus” để thay thế.
- Với “of course” (rõ ràng là), để khẳng định sự chắc chắn về quan điểm, chúng ta có thể thay bằng:
it is true that...
it is undeniable that...
it is apparent that...
it cannot be denied that...
it is evident that...
it is irrefutable that...
it goes without saying that...
it is an undisputed/undoubted fact that...
it cannot be denied that...
7.1.2. Từ vựng quá khó nhưng dùng sai hoặc sắp xếp trật tự từ sai (collocation)
Nhiều khi, để gây ấn tượng với người chấm, thí sinh có nỗ lực học từ vựng có tính học thuật cao để áp
dụng trong bài viết. Đây là một con dao hai lưỡi vì: nếu dùng đúng dạng trong văn cảnh thích hợp thì sẽ
gây được hiệu ứng tích cực lên người chấm; nếu dùng sai thì người chấm sẽ trừ điểm nặng vì khiến câu văn
trở nên khó hiểu. Ngoài ra, từ vựng mang nặng tính học thuật cũng cần ăn khớp với nội dung toàn bài. Mục
đích chính vẫn là tạo ra một bài viết mạch lạc, ý tứ đầy đủ, thuyết phục chứ không chỉ là sự phô trương về
ngôn từ. Thêm vào đó, dùng sai collocation (trật tự từ) sẽ khiến bài viết trở nên khó hiểu với giám khảo là
người bản ngữ.
Ví dụ:
This essay will solve the issue of unemployment to maintain sustainable development of a country.
“Solve the problem” thì đúng còn “issue” thì phải là “resolve the issue”.
7.1.3. Dùng từ tuyệt đối (extreme words)
“Extreme words” là các từ mang tính tuyệt đối, chẳng hạn như “all/every...”. Nếu dùng các từ này, bài
viết sẽ bị coi là không khách quan, chẳng hạn khi viết về vai trò của việc đọc sách, có bạn viết rằng:
“Everyone knows that reading books is necessary”.
Từ “Everyone” trong câu trên bị coi là không khách quan vì không chắc tất cả mọi người, tính cả giám
khảo, đều nghĩ như người viết. Tóm lại, khi viết bài, người viết có thể thấy có một điều gì đó rất đúng mà
có lẽ ai cũng nghĩ như vậy, tuy nhiên, không nên tuyệt đối hóa cách nghĩ của mình bằng các “extreme
words” như trên. Người viết có thể vẫn nhấn mạnh được điều mình muốn nói bằng cách thêm vào trước các
“extreme words” kia một số từ mang tính giảm nhẹ, chẳng hạn như:
- It seems/is likely/ that everyone knows that reading books is necessary. (dường như)
- Seemingly everyone knows that reading books is necessary. (có vẻ như)
-Almost / nearly everyone knows that reading books is necessary. (Hầu hết/ gần như tất cả)
7.2. Ngữ pháp
7.2.1. Dùng phân từ không phù hợp (Dangling participles)
Trường hợp này thường xảy ra ở những câu rút gọn. Nếu 2 vế có chung chủ ngữ, người viết có thể rút
gọn thành V-ing (dạng chủ động) hoặc Past Participle (dạng bị động). Lỗi sai xảy ra khi vế trước và vế sau
lại chỉ 2 chủ ngữ khác nhau.
Sai: Going out of the room, his friends came in.
Câu gốc là “When he went out of the room, his friends came in” thì “he” và “his friends” chỉ hai chủ ngữ
khác nhau.
Sai: Deprived of their rights, the uprising occurred on an escalating level.
Câu gốc là “As the farmers were deprived of their rights, the uprising occurred on an escalating level.”
“Farmers” là chủ ngữ vế 1 khác với chủ ngữ vế 2 là “uprising” nên không thể dùng chung được.
7.2.2. Câu bị đứt đoạn (Sentence Fragment)
Câu bị đứt đoạn, không hoàn chỉnh là một lỗi thường gặp khi khả năng viết của người viết còn hạn
chế. Theo định nghĩa về câu trong tiếng Anh học thuật, chủ ngữ và động từ là không thể thiếu. Tuy nhiên,
nhiều người viết đã thiếu các yếu tố cơ bản cấu thành nên câu đôi khi chỉ có mệnh đề phụ thuộc mà không
có mệnh đề độc lập khiến câu mất đi nghĩa.
Ví dụ 1:
Sai: Working very hard on weekdays. (Thiếu động từ, “working very hard on weekdays” là cụm danh
từ đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ).
Đúng: Working on weekdays is hard. (“Working” đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ, “is” là động từ "to be”)
Ví dụ 2:
Sai: As some students are distracted by mobile games when studying at home (mệnh đề sau “As” “Bởi vì” là mệnh đề phụ thuộc vì chỉ lý do, do đó cần có 1 mệnh đề độc lập chỉ kết quả đằng sau thì mới
đúng trong văn viết)
Đúng: As some students are distracted by playing mobile games when studying at home, their
academic performance at school may be poor. (“Their academic performance....” là mệnh đề độc lập chỉ
kết quả của mệnh đề phụ thuộc “As”-“bởi vì”)
7.2.3. Câu quá dài (Run-on sentence)
Đây là lỗi khi người viết dùng một loạt mệnh đề độc lập nhưng lại thiếu liên từ hoặc dấu câu không
hợp lí. Dấu chấm phẩy có thể được dùng để ghép mệnh đề độc lập.
Ví dụ 1:
Sai: Playing football is a great way to stay in shape, it requires its players to consume a huge amount
of energy.
Đúng: Playing football is a great way to stay in shape because it requires its players to consume a
huge amount of energy.
Playing football is a great way to stay in shape; it requires its players to consume a huge amount of
Ví dụ 2:
Sai: He is good at listening skills, however, his speaking skills are relatively bad.
Đúng: He is good at listening skills; however, his speaking skills are relatively bad.
7.2.4. Câu cụt (A choppy sentence)
Câu không hẳn là sai sót về mặt ngữ pháp, thậm chí là đúng, vấn đề là, khi người chấm đọc một loạt
những câu đơn quá ngắn gọn, người viết sẽ bị trừ điểm do bị coi là nghèo nàn trong cách thể hiện. Thay
vào đó, ta nên dùng những câu ghép, câu phức gồm nhiều thành phần: mệnh đề quan hệ, cụm danh từ...để
câu theo chuẩn văn phong viết học thuật hơn.
Ví dụ: Không nên: In today’s world, there is a boom of entertainment. One of the most popular form of
it is online games. It is considered a kind of social malady. This needs proscribing forthwith.
Nên: In today’s world, there is a boom of entertainment, one of the most popular form of which is
online games, considered a kind of social malady that needs proscribing forthwith. (Người viết đã dùng 1
loạt mệnh đề quan hệ nối những câu có chung thành phần thành 1.)
7.2.5. Câu lộn xộn (sprawl sentence)
Trái ngược hoàn toàn với lỗi choppy sentence bên trên, đây là lỗi xảy ra khi người viết ôm đồm quá
nhiều mệnh đề độc lập ghép vào một câu, lạm dụng quá nhiều liên từ, từ nối khiến người đọc bị loạn,
không rõ đâu là mệnh đề chính / phụ nữa. Một nguyên nhân nữa khiến cho câu khó hiểu là vì kết cấu câu
rời rạc khi quá nhiều câu được dùng mà ngữ pháp không chặt chẽ. Do đó, người viết nên tách thành vài câu
ngắn hơn nhưng đừng quá ngắn kẻo dính lỗi “choppy sentence” ở trên.
Không nên:
In case we go on holiday during Tet, we ought to set up appropriate plans at least a month in advance,
so in order to do this, we should write down a to-do list as soon as possible, which is quite important in any
trip, so as not to miss anything.
In case we go on holiday during Tet, we ought to set up appropriate plans at least a month in advance.
In order to do this, we should write down a to-do list as soon as possible so as not to miss anything, which
is quite important in any trip.
7.2.6. Cấu trúc câu không ngang hàng (Non-parallel structures)
Đây là lỗi cũng rắt phổ biến khi viết tiếng Anh học thuật. Trong tư duy người Việt, sau những từ như “và”
“nhưng” “hoặc”...thì chỉ cần đủ ý là được. Trong tiếng Anh, từ trước và sau những từ trên “and” “but"
“or”phải cùng tuân theo một quy luật về ngữ pháp và cấu trúc. Giả sử, trước “and” là danh từ thì sau “and”
cũng phải là danh từ.
Sai: I suggest having a medical check-up at least twice a year and avoid smoking at all costs.
Đúng: I suggest having a medical check-up at least twice a year and avoiding smoking at all costs.
(trước “and” thì có “having” vì thế sau đó cũng cần có thêm động từ V-ing đóng vai trò tương đương như
vế trước)
7.2.7. Những lỗi sai ngữ pháp khác
Sai thì động từ, dùng sai giới từ, cấu trúc câu...là những lỗi người viết có thể mắc. Điều này cần người
viết phải ôn luyện thật chắc từng chuyên đề ngữ pháp trước khi viết bài.
Bên cạnh đó, dùng sai quy tắc hòa hợp chủ vị là lỗi tương đối hay gặp khi người viết quên hoặc không
xác định được lúc nào cần dùng số ít/nhiều hoặc chủ ngữ 1 hoặc chủ ngữ 2. Sau đây là một số quy tắc hòa
hợp chủ ngữ - vị ngữ cơ bản:
- Nếu các chủ ngữ nối với nhau bằng “and” chỉ 2 đối tượng riêng biệt thì động từ được chia ở số nhiều.
Ví dụ: Tim and Tom are good friends. (chỉ 2 người bạn riêng biệt)
Nếu các chủ ngữ nối nhau bằng “and” và diễn tả cùng một ý tưởng thì động từ được chia ở số ít.
Ví dụ: Bread and paste is my favorite breakfast. (chỉ 1 món là bánh mì pate)
- Nếu các chủ ngữ nối với nhau bằng “or”, “nor”, “neither.... nor”, “either ...or”, “not only ...but also” thì
động từ chia theo chủ ngữ gần nhất.
Ví dụ:
Neither Mary nor her friends are here.
Neither her friends nor Mary is here.
- “Every, each” đi kèm với danh từ số ít, thì động từ chia ở số ít. Các chủ ngữ có “every, each” nối với
nhau bằng “and” thì động từ cũng chia ở số ít.
Ví dụ: Each boy and each girl has different opinions.
+ Many + a + danh từ số ít được coi như “Every, each”
Ví dụ: Many a student loves playing football.
- Chủ ngữ, các danh từ được nối với nhau bởi “as well as”, “no less than”, “together with”, “along with” ,
“accompanied by” thì động từ chia theo chủ ngữ thứ nhất.
Ví dụ:
Mr. John, together with his students, is tired.
His students, together with Mr.John, are tired.
- None of, One of, Each of, Every of, Either of + danh từ số nhiều + thì động từ chia ở số ít.
Ví dụ:
One of my friends is coming here.
- Từ chỉ số lượng (Half, %...) + of danh từ số ít/không đếm được + động từ chia dạng số ít.
Từ chỉ số lượng (Half, %...) + of danh từ số nhiều + động từ chia dạng số nhiều
Ví dụ:
Half of the students are absent.
Half of the population is infected with this disease.
- The number + danh từ số nhiều + động từ chia số ít (Số lượng những….)
+ A number + danh từ số nhiều + động từ chia số nhiều (Một số những…)
Ví dụ:
The number of dogs is increasing.
A number of dogs are as big as lions.
- Một số từ dạng số nhiều (kết thúc = “s”/”es”) nhưng bản chất số ít thì luôn chia động từ dạng số ít.
+ Môn/ngành học: mathematics, physics, economics, linguistics...
+ Bệnh tật: measles, mumps, rabises, diabetes, rickets, ...
+ Thể thao: athletics, aerobics, ...
+ Một số từ khác: news, politics, electronics, ...
Ví dụ:
The news is spreading fast.
- Một số từ có dạng số ít (không kết thúc = “s”/”es”) nhưng bản chất số nhiều thì luôn chia động từ dạng số
nhiều, (people, police, cattle, the + quốc tịch, the + adj...)
Ví dụ:
The British are conservative in general.
The poor outnumber the rich.
- Chủ ngữ là những danh từ chỉ tập hợp, tập thể (family, class, school, group, team, government, ...) thì
động từ chia số ít nếu chỉ tổng thể, động từ chia số nhiều nếu nhấn mạnh vào từng cá nhân trong tổng thể
Ví dụ:
My family opens a restaurant. (Cả nhà tôi cùng mở một nhà hàng.)
My family open a restaurant. (Mỗi người trong gia đình đều mở một nhà hàng.)
- Các danh từ chỉ sự đo lường, tiền bạc, thời gian... thì động từ luôn chia số ít.
Ví dụ:
5,700 miles is the distance from Hanoi to London.
- Nếu sử dụng chủ ngữ giả “It” thì động từ sẽ chia theo chủ ngữ chính trong cấu trúc câu chẻ.
Ví dụ:
It is her students who/that often tease her.
7.3. Văn phong
7.3.1. Viết tắt
Nhiều người bình thường hay viết tắt thì cũng áp dụng nguyên si những gì hay viết vào bài luận khi thi.
Đây là điều chắc chắn khiến người viết bị mất điểm vì văn phong tiếng Anh học thuật không chấp nhận
điều này.
Viết tắt
Viết đúng
I’m -I ain’t
I am (not)
He - She - It’s/isn’t
He - She - It is (not)
You - We - They’re/aren’t
You - We - They are not
cannot (viết liền)
would/should/had (tùy ngữ cảnh)
will not/shall not
going to/want to
7.3.2. Đặt câu hỏi
Lỗi này rất hay gặp khi người viết chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm viết văn học thuật. Tư duy của người
viết vẫn mang nặng tư duy khi viết văn tiếng Việt, rằng nên đặt câu hỏi để cho câu nghe luyến láy tu từ
hơn. Trong văn viết tiếng Anh, người chấm cần câu trả lời từ phía người viết cho câu hỏi từ đề bài chứ
không cần trả lời câu hỏi cùa người viết. Người chấm cần chấm ý của người viết chữ không có trách nhiệm
trả lời câu đó.
Ví dụ:
There are many reasons why the Internet is important. Why? Firstly…..(“Why” là hoàn toàn thừa thãi,
nên bỏ luôn)
7.3.3. Chép y nguyên đề
Nhiều người viết bị ảnh hưởng của văn tiếng Việt là luôn phải chép lại đề bài cẩn thận vào phiếu trả
lời để khỏi bị mất điểm trình bày. Tuy nhiên, điều này sẽ khiến người viết bị trừ điểm vì người chấm cho
rằng: người viết vốn từ kém, không viết lại đề giữ nguyên ý (paraphrase) được. Do đó, khi viết lại đề,
người viết cần viết lại đề giữ nguyên ý chứ không chép lại đề.
Ví dụ: đề bài là:
“Nowadays, many teenagers no longer trust their parents but they turn to their friends for advice. What are
the reasons?”
Nếu chép lại y nguyên câu “Nowadays, many teenagers no longer trust their parents but they turn to
their friends for advice ...” thì chắc chắn sẽ không được đánh giá cao. Thay vào đó, có thể viết lại rằng:
“In this day and age, there exists several reasons related to the issue of teenagers’ confiding in peers in
lieu of their biological parents”.
7.3.4. Đoạn quá dài hoặc quá ngắn
Đây là lỗi thường thấy ở những đề có hai ý để hỏi, người viết đã quá chủ tâm vào một đoạn ở phần
thân bài, dẫn tới việc không đủ thời gian để viết đoạn còn lại trong phần thân bài. Giả sử đề có hỏi
“reasons” và “solutions” thì đây là hai ý có tầm quan trọng ngang nhau, do đó độ dài hai đoạn cũng cần
tương đương chứ không thể đoạn lại dài tận 10-15 dòng, đoạn còn lại chỉ lèo tèo 4-5 dòng được
7.3.5. Sai đề (nhầm lẫn giữa viết essay/paragraph)
Lỗi này nếu thi IELTS thì sẽ ít gặp vì người viết được định hướng thi, quen với cấu trúc thi từng phần
rồi. Với những người chưa thi bao giờ hoặc trong các bài thi chuyên, điều này vẫn có thể xảy ra. Viết đoạn
văn thi chỉ có một đoạn, không được xuống dòng trong khi viết bài văn gồm nhiều đoạn thì phải có xuống
dòng. Nếu sai đề, người viết sẽ bị trừ điểm rất nặng.
7.3.6. Dùng ngôi thứ 2 “you”
Nhiều học sinh quen dùng “you” trong bài văn của mình. Đây là điều không nên vì “you” là cách xưng
hô với người đối diện, khiến người chấm liên tưởng là đang nhắm tới chính người chấm, như đang dạy bảo
họ cần làm thế này thế nọ. Dùng “you” còn khiến câu văn trở nên thân mật quá, giống như bạn bè nói
chuyện thân mật với nhau chứ không còn khiến đoạn văn mang tính học thuật nữa. Để đảm bảo tính chính
luận, khách quan của bài viết, tác giả nên dùng ngôi “we” hoặc chủ ngữ giả như “it”. Tất nhiên, nếu đề có
hỏi “your opinion on sth” thì dùng “I” được.
7.3.7. Bắt đầu câu bằng liên từ “FANBOYS”
Đây là văn viết chứ không phải văn nói. Vì thế, nếu các liên từ “FANBOYS” (For / And/ Nor/ But/ Or/
Yet/ So) đứng đầu câu thì câu sẽ giảm đi tính học thuật trang trọng, sa đà sang lối văn nói. Chúng cần được
đặt giữa câu vì là từ nối hai mệnh đề với nhau.
7.3.8. Lạm dụng thành ngữ (idiom) hoặc cụm động từ (phrasal verb)
Nhiều học sinh thi chuyên đã dành nhiều thời gian ôn luyện cụm động từ (phrasal verb) và thành ngữ
(idiom) nên cũng quen áp dụng luôn vào bài viết. Đây là điều không nên vì 2 dạng trên phù hợp cho văn nói
hoặc lối viết hoa mĩ trong văn thơ hơn là những bài viết có tính trang trọng cao. Nếu thí sinh dùng 1-2 từ
thì không sao chứ nếu lạm dụng thì phản tác dụng.
7.3.9. Đưa ra những dẫn chứng không đủ sức thuyết phục
Các câu trong phần thân bài cần có những dẫn chứng thuyết phục người chấm tin vào luận điểm người
viết đã đưa ra. Tuy nhiên, không phải dẫn chứng nào cũng có sức thuyết phục. Dưới đây là hai dạng dẫn
chứng điển hình như vậy:
Dạng 1: dẫn chứng chủ quan lấy từ kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm riêng của người viết.
Ví dụ: Having hair dyed is a common trend in today’s world. For example, my friend, Quynh, dyed her
hair in pink last week.
Nhân vật “Quỳnh” là 1 nhân vật quá chung chung khiến người đọc không thể nắm bắt được đây là ai.
Dạng 2: lấy số liệu, dẫn chứng quá cụ thể.
Về sau, khi học đại học, trong quá trình làm nghiên cứu, người viết có thể tìm thông tin từ rất nhiều
nguồn: Internet, báo, đài, TV...để bổ sung dữ liệu vào bài viết của mình. Nhưng ở đây, xét trong trường hợp
khi đi thi, người viết không có đủ thời gian và không được phép tra cứu thông tin vì khi thời gian thi diễn
ra, thí sinh không được dùng bất kì tài liệu nào cả. Vậy thông tin về số liệu lấy ở đâu ra? Nếu số liệu quá cụ
thể, chi tiết, người chấm sẽ cho rằng thí sinh đang đưa ra số liệu không chính xác.
Ví dụ:
Cancer is a serious disease in today’s world. For example, a record number of 94,768 cases were
witnessed last year in Vietnam only.
Câu hỏi đặt ra là, con số 94,768 lấy ở đâu ra? Con số này có thể được lấy dễ dàng trên mạng Internet
nhưng nếu xét về hoàn cảnh như trên, việc nhớ được tường tận chi tiết như vậy là rất khó khăn. Do đó,
muốn dẫn chứng số liệu, người viết nên viết dạng ước chừng “approximately”, “roughly”, “about”; số liệu
thì nên viết “less/ fewer/ more than...” thì sẽ hợp lý hơn.
8. Vậy viết thế nào để được điểm cao
Như trong phần 6 đã nêu lên cách tính điểm của một bài luận, để giành được điểm cao thì điểm thành
phần tạo thành điểm tổng cũng phải cao. Do đó, 1 bài luận được điểm cao là khi:
- Đáp ứng yêu cầu (Task response): trả lời được rõ ràng, rành mạch câu hỏi trong đề bài bằng những
lập luận sắc sảo, thuyết phục.
- Ngôn từ sử dụng (Lexical Resources): dùng từ không bị lặp, không sai chính tả, đúng ngữ cảnh, dùng
được từ có độ khó cao. Từ ngữ được biến đổi dạng hợp lí.
- Tính chặt chẽ và mạch lạc (Coherence & Cohesion): viết liền mạch, logic, không rời rạc bằng các
liên từ thích hợp. Các câu có sự kết hợp khéo léo: câu đơn, câu phức, câu ghép.
- Tính chính xác về ngữ pháp (Grammar Accuracy): ngữ pháp dùng tốt, không sai sót dưới bất kì dạng
Phần viết thư lá thay đổi lớn nhất của sách so với lần xuất bản đầu năm 2018 và lần tái bản thứ nhất 2019.
Việc đưa phần này vào sách là nhằm thỏa mãn 3 mục đích:
Thứ nhất, nhóm tác giả chúng tôi muốn những học sinh có tham gia thi vào Trường Chuyên Ngoại ngữ
- Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội có những sự trải nghiệm, rèn luyện nhất định về dạng bài này để bớt bỡ ngỡ
trong lúc thi.
Thứ hai, phần này tương ứng bài Task 1 trong khi thi IELTS General Training nên luyện tập qua phần
này sẽ giúp người đọc có những kinh nghiêm tương đối (trong phần thi IELTS Academic Training, Task 1
là viết biểu đồ, quá trình...).
Thứ ba, hướng tới rèn luyện cho học sinh cách viết thư cho đúng văn phong chuẩn mực nhất.
Tựu chung lại, tôi muốn người đọc sẽ quen với việc viết thư, không chỉ dừng lại ở góc độ thi cử mà sẽ là
hành trang giúp ích sau này trong sự nghiệp công tác. Toàn bộ lý thuyết phần viết thư này tôi biên soạn từ
từ điển Oxford Advanced Learners và sách IELTS Writing step by step của tác già Mike Wattie kết hợp
cùng những bài viết mẫu cho đề thi do chúng tôi tự viết. Hi vọng phần này sẽ giúp ích cho người đọc.
1.Văn phong viết thư
Ba văn phong viết thư chính:
- Dạng 1: Formal (thư trang trọng): thường dành cho những người mà mới nhận thư lần đầu cùa người
gửi, người có địa vị cao hơn người viết (sếp, lãnh đạo...). Đây là dạng dành cho ĐI THI.
- Dạng 2: Semi-formal (thư trang trọng một phần/ bán trang trọng): dành cho người đã từng nhận thư
của người gửi ít nhất 1 lần, người nhận có thể có địa vị cao hơn nhưng mối quan hệ hai bên khá thân mật.
- Dạng 3: Informal (thư thân mật/ không trang trọng): dành cho những người bạn bè, họ hàng thân
thiết của người gửi
Format (bố cục)
1.1. Formal (thư trang trọng)
* Sender’s contact information (thông tin người gửi): NẰM BÊN PHẢI GÓC TRÊN CÙNG CỦA THƯ
+ Name:……(tên:....)
Address: (số)……,(ngõ)……,(ngách)……, (phố)...,
Ví dụ:
+ Thành phố/tỉnh:……,Mã vùng:....
+ Số điện thoại liên lạc
+ E-mail: không bắt buộc (nếu đã gửi email rồi thì thôi)
Mai Thanh Son
47, Alley 91, Nguyen Chi Thanh str.,
Lang Ha Ward, Dong Da District
Hanoi, 10000
Lưu ý: tên trên đầu góc phải có thể không cần dùng nếu tác giả kí tên ở cuối hoặc đã giới thiệu bản thân
trong đoạn mở đầu.
* Date (Ngày tháng): (BÊN TRÁI): 2 kiểu viết ngày tháng:
- Br.E (Anh - Anh): 20 April 2020
- A.E (Anh - Mỹ): April 20, 2020
(Không viết tắt theo kiểu 20/04/2020 hay Apr 20, 2020)
(Viết e-mail thì không cần ngày tháng)
* Recipient’s contact information (Thông tin người nhận): BÊN TRÁI
- Name:
+ Nếu không biết tên thì không cần viết
+ Nếu biết tên thì dùng Mr./Mrs./Ms. + họ/ tên (đã biết rõ người đó) hoặc nếu không dùng Mr./Mrs. Ms. +
tên đầy đủ (nếu không phân biệt được giới tính) (cũng có thể để sau Dear +…)
- Title (Chức vụ):
- Company name (Tên công ty)...
- Address (Địa chỉ)....
- City/ post code (Thành phố/ mã vùng)
(Nếu viết mail thì phải nêu cụ thể mục đích trong tiêu đề e-mail) (VD: Request for help. Meeting this
(Mr.) Nguyen Thanh Van
Principal/ Headmaster
Foreign Language Specialized School
1 Pham Van Dong Str., Mai Dich Ward, Cau Giay Dist.,
Hanoi, 10000
* Greeting: (Lời chào hỏi)
- Dear:
+ Nếu đã biết rõ tên: Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. ...
+ Nếu chưa rõ tên:
Dear + chức vụ,
hoặc Dear Sir/ Madam,
hoặc To whom it may concern: thường dùng trong thư giới thiệu
* Paragraph 1 (Đoạn 1: mở bài): thường có 1-2 câu.
- Câu 1: giới thiệu tên (nếu ở trên đã có rồi thì thôi)/ hoàn cảnh xảy ra sự việc gì đó (I am/My name...)
(Khi đi thi: không nêu tên ra tránh bị coi là đánh dấu bài)
- Câu 2: (giống như thesis statement trong essay): nêu rõ mục đích viết thư ra. Một số cấu trúc hay dùng để
mô tả:
+ I write/ am writing this letter (in order/so as) to V-inf/ with a view to V-ing…./with the aim of V-ing...
+ The purpose of this letter is to V-inf...
+ I am writing with regards to ....
+ I am writing to inquire about....
- Nguyên tắc chung khi viết thư formal (trang trọng): NO ABBREVIATION/ CONTRACTION (KHÔNG
* Paragraph 2-3-4: giải thích cụ thể mục đích của câu 2 phần mở bài
- Giống essay (bài luận): câu đầu mỗi đoạn là topic sentence, câu sau là supporting sentence rồi explanation
(có thể kèm yêu cầu người nhận làm gì đó).
+ Topic sentence (Câu mở đầu mỗi đoạn): có thể bắt đầu bằng
With regards to....,
As for...,
I would also like to mention that...
- Yêu cầu:
+ Dùng từ/ cấu trúc formal (trang trọng): nên dùng “purchase” thay “buy”, “require” thay “need”,
“We are.../I am delighted to...”
“Please do not hesitate to V-inf.../ Should you V-inf...”
(thay cho “If you...” vì “Should” dùng trong đảo ngữ thì trang trọng hơn), hoặc dùng:
Would/ Could + ...... please?
Would it be possible for you/me to V-inf...
I would be grateful if you could V-inf...
I was wondering if you ....
* Last paragraph: đoạn kết:
- Câu 1: (không bắt buộc); general comment (bình luận chung): nói lại lý do viết thư
- Câu 2: cảm ơn người đọc vì đã đọc.
+ Thank you for....
+ I would really appreciate your help
+ I am (particularly) grateful (to you) for...
- Câu 3: thể hiện mong muốn người đọc trả lời sớm
+ I look/am looking forward to your swift reply.
+ I look/am looking forward to hearing from you (at your earliest convenience/ without delay).
+ I very much hope to hear from you shortly.
+ I await your prompt reply.
* Complimentary Close (Lời chào kết thư): (BÊN TRÁI)
- Br.E (Anh - Anh): Best wishes,/ Best regards,/ Regards,
- A.E (Anh - Mỹ): Sincerely (yours), Yours truly, Yours faithfully
* Signature (Chữ ký) (TRÁI PHẢI ĐỀU ĐƯỢC)
* P.S (postscript) (tái bút): KHÔNG BẮT BUỘC
1.2. Semiformal (Thư trang trọng 1 phần)
Format (Bố cục):
* Your contact information (Thông tin liên lạc của người gửi):
* Date (Ngày gửi): có thể viết tắt (Apr 20, 2020) nhưng tốt nhất là nên để formal
* Recipient’s contact info (thông tin người nhận): giống ở trên
* Greeting: Dear.... / Dear All,
* Paragraph 1: giống ở trên
- Có thể viết tắt trong thư (miễn là kí hiệu viết tắt đó được toàn cầu chấp nhận) (I am = I’m)
* Paragraph 2-3-4: giống ở trên. Ngôn ngữ có thể bớt trang trọng đi
I’m/ We’re happy/pleased to V-inf...
Please feel free to....
If you...
Could you V-inf.. ./Could I V-inf...
* Last paragraph: giống ở trên
* Complimentary Close: dùng formal cũng được nhưng cũng có thể dùng một số cấu trúc bớt formal đi:
Sincerely,/ All the best,/ Best,/ Many thanks, + tên (ký tên)
1.3. Informal: (thư không trang trọng, thư thân mật)
Format (Bố cục):
* Your contact information (thông tin người gửi): không bắt buộc
* Date (Ngày gửi): không bắt buộc
* Recipient’s contact info (thông tin người nhận): không bắt buộc
* Greeting: Dear/ Hi/ Hello + tên
* Không nhất thiết phải chia làm các paragraph: không cần mở bài, trình bày xem là ai nhưng ít nhất trong
cả bài vẫn phải nói được mục đích của người viết.
- Có thể bắt đầu bằng các câu chào: Hi,/ Hello,.../ How are you? How do you do? How have you been
doing? How have you been lately?/ (I) hope you are well.
* Complimentary close:
Thanks/ Cheers/ Speak to you soon + tên
- Nếu là người cực kì thân (vợ chồng, người yêu, người trong gia đình) thì có thể dùng Affectionately,/
Fondly,/ Love,
2. Mục đích viết thư thường gặp và các cách diễn đạt tốt
2.1. Tìm hiểu thông tin
Bắt đầu thư:
I am writing to ask if you would be so generous as to...
I am writing to request your kind permission for...
I wonder if I might ask you for your valuable advice concerning...
Đặt vấn đề:
Could you please provide details of...
I would also like to know ...
In addition, could you tell me...
Kết thúc thư:
I hope that my request will not inconvenience you too much.
I appreciate your time and attention to this matter.
Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
2.2. Cung cấp thông tin
Bắt đầu thư:
I am writing in response to your enquiry about...
I am writing with regards to ...
I am writing to advise you that...
Kết thúc thư:
I hope that this information will be of some assistance.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you require further assistance.
Cách diễn đạt khác:
May I bring to your attention...
The following information may be of use to you ...
I would also like to draw to your attention...
2.3. Gửi lời phàn nàn
Bắt đầu thư:
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with....
I regret to inform you how disappointed I was with ...
I am writing to draw your attention to the problem of ....
Đưa ra lời than phiền một cách lịch sự:
I would like to draw to your attention...
I would like to respectfully point out that...
In order to rectify the situation, I will ....
Đề nghị giải quyết vấn đề một cách lịch sự:
Due to the discomfort and convenience by respectfully request compensatìor for...
I believe the best way to rectify the situation is ...
Could you please put this right by ...
Kết thúc thư:
I hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible
I hope this matter will receive your immediate attention
I would like to request full compensation for...
2.4 Gửi lời xin lỗi
Bắt đầu thư:
I am writing to sincerely apologize for...
Please accept my profuse apologies for...
I would like to apologize for...
Thể hiện sự tiếc nuối:
Please accept my apology for...
I am sorry that I am unable to...
Regrettably, I cannot...
Đề nghị bù đắp:
Please allow me to offer compensation for...
I insist on making up for your inconvenience by ...
Kết thúc thư:
Once again, my apologies for the inconvenience caused.
I hope that you will accept my apologies.
I hope that you can overlook this regrettable error.
2.5. Cảm ơn người nhận
Bắt đầu thư:
I am writing to thank you for...
I am writing to express my gratitude for...
I would like to tell how cheerful I felt when ...
Đưa ra lời cảm ơn:
I am indeed indebted to you for...
I very much appreciated your...
I am extremely grateful to you for...
Kết thúc thư:
Once again thank you for...
Once again I really appreciated the ...
I would like to once again express my gratitude for...
Một số cấu trúc dành cho viết thư
Đưa ra luận điểm mới
Sự bất mãn
With regard to
I am discontent with/about..
As far as………….is concerned,
am not satisfied with/about...
I would also like to mention ....
....is not what 1 expected
.... does not fulfill my needs
.... is too (adj)
Nhấn mạnh những gì đang nói
Sự tiếc nuối/ xin lỗi
I regret that I ...
Please accept my apology for...
I am sorry that I am unable to
Đưa ra lời đề nghị
Please forgive me for....
I would be grateful if...
Regrettably I cannot...
What I am looking for is ...
I am very keen to....
I would be indebted to you if you could....
Sự thỏa mãn
Đưa ra lời cảm ơn
I thoroughly enjoyed....
I am indeed indebted to you for...
I was thrilled about/by...
I very much appreciated your...
...was extraordinary.
I am extremely grateful to you for...
Năm học 2021-2022: Some people say that the prevention of health problems and illnesses is more
important than treatments and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? In about 150-170 words, write a paragraph to support your opinion
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and its crippling effects across the globe have given
urgency to two main themes: prevention versus cure. Although many put a premium on full-on remedies to
health problems, I am strongly convinced that prevention is of broader viability. Longitudinal studies
generally suggest that most health problems can indicate an unhealthy living which can be avoided before
they deteriorate into a real problem. This has been proven in a number of studies showing the effects of a
healthy way of life in delaying the onset of age-related diseases including cardiovascular diseases,
musculoskeletal disorders or dementia. Deeper impacts taking place at molecular level have also been
found when a sustained non-toxic lifestyle can even switch off genes that promote cancer. In the final
analysis, such is the fear of many progressive diseases which are likely irreversible whether the medical
treatment is intensive or not, that healthy ways of life need to be promoted, probably starting with keeping
an active mind and body.
1. outbreak
(noun) a time when something suddenly begins, (danh từ) sự bùng nổ
especially a disease or something else dangerous
or unpleasant
2. crippling effect
(noun phrase) a very serious, harmful effect
(cụm danh từ) tác động nghiêm
3. put a premium on (phrase) to believe that a particular quality or
(cụm từ) ưu tiên
activity is very important
4. full-on
(adjective) very great or to the greatest degree
(tính từ) cường độ cao
(cụm từ) khả thi hơn nhiều
be of broader
6. longitudinal studies (noun phrase) a type of correlational research
(cụm danh từ) nghiên cứu liên
7. deteriorate into sth (phrasal verb) to develop into a bad or worse
(cụm động từ) trở nên tồi tệ hơn
the onset of sth
(phrase) the beginning of something especially (cụm) sự bắt đầu của thứ gì,
something bad
thường là tiêu cực
9. age-related disease (noun phrase) a disease that is most often seen
(cụm danh từ) bệnh tuổi già
with increasing frequency with increasing
10. cardiovascular
(noun phrase) a class of diseases that involve the (cụm danh từ) bệnh tim mạch
heart or blood vessels
11. musculoskeletal
(noun phrase) injuries or disorders of the
(cụm danh từ) rối loạn xương khớp
muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and
spinal discs
(noun) a medical condition that affects especially (danh từ) sa sút trí tuệ
old people, causing the memory and other mental
abilities to gradually become worse, and leading
to confused behavior
13. molecular
(adjective) relating to molecules (= groups of
(tính từ) thuộc về nguyên tử
atoms thanon-t cannot be divided without a
change in the chemical nature of the substance
they are part of)
14. switch off
(cụm động từ) ngừng làm gì
(phrasal verb) to stop giving your attention to
someone or something:
15. progressive disease (noun phrase) a disease or health condition that (cụm danh từ) bệnh nặng dần lên
gets worse over time, resulting in a general
decline in health or function
(noun phrase) a disease that may be treated, but is (cụm danh từ) bệnh hiểm nghèo
irreversible disease
never cured or eliminated
17. intensive treatment (noun phrase) the continuous monitoring and
(cụm danh từ) điều trị chuyên sâu
treatment of critically ill or injured patients using
special medical facilities, equipment, and services
12. dementia
2.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
“In some countries, teenagers are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What do
you think are the causes of this? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your ideas.”
Across the world, teenage students are being pressurized into working tirelessly to achieve academic
success. There are two cogent reasons to explain this trend. Firstly, parents generally put a strong emphasis
on their children’s academic background. They believe that only by studying intensively can their offspring
acquire outstanding qualifications required to land well-paid jobs in the future. However, once there is a
decline in students' academic performance, they run the risk of suffering parental corporal punishment.
Their parents punish them severely with a view to helping their children focus on studying, which places
their offspring under more pressure instead. Secondly, schools’ rigorous curricula also wield considerable
pressure on students. An increasing number of schools routinely expel students who fail to meet certain
academic standards; hence, students are under intense pressure to avoid lagging behind their classmates
and being expelled. In conclusion, considerable pressure exerted by parents and schools are two factors that
force young people to focus more on their studies.
(động từ) gây sức ép bắt ai làm gì
1. pressurize
(verb) to persuade somebody to do
something, especially by making them
feel that they have to or should do it
2. cogent
3. academic
(adjective) strongly and clearly expressed (tính từ) vững chắc, có sức thuyết
in a way that influences what people
(phrase) previous formal training you
(cụm từ) nền tảng tri thức
have received in one or more areas of
(adverb) in a complete and extremely
detailed way; with a lot of care
(noun) a child of a particular person or
(verb) to succeed in getting a job, etc.,
especially one that a lot of other people
(adjective) earning or providing a lot of
(trạng từ) chuyên sâu
8. corporal
(phrase) the physical punishment of
people, especially by hitting them
(cụm từ) trừng phạt bằng cách hành
hạ thân thể
9. lag behind
(phrasal verb) To move or happen at a
slower pace than someone or something
else, fall behind.
(cụm động từ) tụt hậu
10. exert
(verb) to use power or influence to affect (động từ) gây (ảnh hưởng, áp lực)
4. intensively
5. offspring
6. land
7. well-paid
(danh từ) con cái
(động từ) thành công trong việc
giành được điều gì
(tính từ) được trả thù lao cao
2.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph about 150 words about disadvantages of living in a big city
For thousands of years, people have flocked to the cities, creating an explosive population growth there.
Despite economic progress such an extensive influx of migrants may bring, accompanying it are many
problems, the most prominent among which is a strain on the city’s infrastructure. This is starkly seen in
megacities across this planet Earth such as Beijing, Delhi, New York or Dhaka. The rapid growth in
population to enormous size has indeed stretched the demand for housing, transportation, clean water
facilities, and electricity provision in these urban areas to the limit. To make it even worse, an inadequate
water supply and poor sanitation inviting infections and illnesses has intensified the population issue. The
Covid-19 pandemic can serve as a clear exemplar for the community health hazard. Jam-packed with
inhabitants, many of whom reside in slums and shanty parts of the city, Delhi, India instantly became an
incubator for the highly fatal Coronavirus shortly before it spread worldwide in an appalling manner. In
short, as the size of a city grows, so do the pressure on urban infrastructure and the threats of contagious
1. flock
(verb) to go or gather together somewhere (động từ) tụ tập, tập trung thành
in large numbers
đám đông, lũ lượt kéo đến
2. an explosive
(phrase) a sudden and rapid increase in
(cụm từ) sự tăng trưởng dân số bùng
population growth population
3. economic progress (phrase) the process by which the overall (cụm từ) phát triển kinh tế
health, well-being, and academic level of
the general population improves
4. an influx of
(phrase) an arrival of a large number of (cụm từ) một dòng người
people or things
5. accompany
(verb) to go with someone or to happen or (động từ) đi cùng với
appear with something else
(tính từ) nổi bật
(adjective) important or well- known
(noun) pressure on a system or
(danh từ) gánh nặng
7. a strain on sth
relationship because great demands are
8. starkly
and clearly;
(trạng từ) một cách rõ ràng; hoàn
9. be stretched to the (phrase) to have hardly enough money, (cụm từ) bị gánh nặng cơm áo gạo
supplies, time etc for your needs
10. inadequate water (phrase) the dearth of the water provided (cụm từ) sự cung cấp nước không
for an area
đầy đủ
11. sanitation
(noun) the equipment and systems that
(danh từ) hệ thống vệ sinh
keep places clean
12. intensify
(verb) to increase or make something
(động từ) tăng cường, làm mạnh lên
increase in degree or strength
13. an exemplar for
(noun) a typical or good example of
(danh từ) ví dụ điển hình
14. jam-packed with
(adjective) full of people or things that are (tính từ) đông nghẹt, chất đày
pushed closely together
15. slums
(noun) a very poor and crowded area of a (danh từ) khu nhà ổ chuột
16 shanty
(noun) a small, crudely built shack
(danh từ) chòi; lán, nhà lụp xụp
17. an incubator for
(noun) a piece of equipment used to keep (danh từ) lồng ấp
eggs or bacteria at the correct temperature
for them to develop
18. in an appalling
(phrase) in a way that is very bad or that (cụm từ) một cách khủng khiếp
shocks people
19. contagious diseases (noun phrase) diseases that spread by
(cụm danh từ) bệnh truyền nhiễm
close contact between people
Năm học 2020-2021: Extracurricular activities are becoming more and more important to school
students. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the benefits of extracurricular activities.
(10 points)
To date, extracurricular activities which are pursued beyond the framework of the standard curriculum
are of paramount importance to students’ lives. There are several advantages associated with students’
active participation in these activities. First and foremost, extracurriculars help create impressive résumés,
enhancing students’ candidacy strategically. Besides academic credentials, certificates earned through
students’ involvement in non-scholastic activities are highly valued by college admission committees and
employers alike. In other words, overseas educational institutions wish to see their prospective students
excel in not only their intended area of study but also in a wide range of fields, which can only be
demonstrated in extra-classroom activities. Second, these endeavors help students develop social skills. For
example, team sports provide invaluable practice of interpersonal and teamwork skills, which could prove
essential in one’s future career. In summary, extracurriculars lend credence to students’ CVs in the short
run prior to the recruitment process and boosts life skills to thrive in the workplace in the long run.
1. framework
2. extracurriculars
3. candidacy
4. credentials
5. non-scholastic
(noun) the structure of a particular system (danh từ) khuôn khổ
(noun) extracurricular activities
(danh từ) hoạt động ngoại khóa
(noun) the fact of being a candidate in an (danh từ) sự ứng cử
(danh từ) bằng cấp
(noun) documents such as letters that
prove that you are who you claim to be,
and can therefore be trusted
(adjective) connected with schools and
(tính từ) không liên quan đến trường
học và giáo dục
6. prospective
(adjective) expected to happen soon
7. endeavor
(noun) an attempt to do something,
especially something new or difficult
(adjective) connected with relationships (tính từ) thuộc về đối nhân xử thể
between people
(phrase) to make an opinion or idea seem (cụm từ) làm tăng sức nặng cho
more correct
(phrase) in the near future.
(cụm từ) trước mắt
(phrase) over or after a long period of
(cụm từ) về lâu dài
time; eventually.
8. interpersonal
9. lend credence to
10. in the short run
11. in the long run
(tính từ) có triển vọng sắp tới
(danh từ) nỗ lực làm gì đó
2.1. Năm học 2018-2019:
Write a passage of about 120 words to express your opinion on the topic:
According to 2017 statistics by the Ministry of Health, every year there are about 3,500 Vietnamese
under 19 die because of drowning. Most of these drowning deaths happen in rivers and streams. In
your opinion, what should students and teachers do to prevent drowning among children and
It was statistically proven by the Ministry of Health in 2017 that death by drowning was alarmingly
common among young people in Vietnam. From my perspective, both teachers and students themselves
can take precautionary measures to reduce this high mortality rate. For their part, teenage students should
learn to swim. That way, one’s probability of drowning could be greatly reduced, for several accidental
drowning cases result from young victims’ inability to swim. At the same time, teachers are also
responsible for raising students’ awareness of the dangers posed by water. Specifically, they had better
draw their students’ attention to the fact that premature water-related deaths are increasing year by year.
Moreover, teachers ought to establish safety guidelines, such as prohibiting teenagers from diving into
water bodies without adult supervision. In short, both students and teachers need to join hands in
implementing the above-mentioned methods to prevent potential drownings from occurring.
1. precautionary
2. enact
3. mortality
4. premature
5. water bodies
6. supervision
7. join hands
8. premature
(adjective) done in order to prevent
(tính từ) mang tính phòng ngừa
problems or to avoid danger
(verb) to pass a law
(động từ) thông qua luật
(noun) the number of deaths in a
(danh từ) số người tử vong
particular situation or period of time
(adjective) happening before the normal (tính từ) đoản (mệnh)
or expected time
(phrase) any significant accumulation of (cụm từ) nơi chứa nước
water, generally on a planet’s surface.
(danh từ) sự quản thúc
(noun) the work or activity involved in
being in charge of somebody/ something
and making sure that everything is done
correctly, safely, etc.
(idiom) to work together to achieve some (thành ngữ) chung sức
(adjective) happening before the normal (tính từ) sớm, non, yểu
or expected time
4.2. Năm học 2019-2020:
Modern technology helps students to learn better and more easily. Do you agree or disagree with
the statement? Write a paragraph of 120 words to support your opinion.
Technological innovations have entrenched in the modern world for the ease they bring for workers in
almost every aspect of life, notably on the academic front. It could be argued this change is taking place on
both behavioral and neurological levels. Apparently, with the Internet, practically anything is within reach.
It is not surprising to see digitally native students from any corner of the globe accessing learning materials
of ivy league universities, which also offers them great flexibility to exercise a learning pace in line with
their needs. Besides this global accessibility, technology is also profoundly altering students’ brains.
Routinely exposure to such cutting-edge devices as smart phones, video games, or search engines
stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, ultimately enlarging new neural pathways in
the brain while weakening old ones. This unprecedented neural evolution is shifting modern students away
from fundamental skills such as handwriting, and even basic calculations to gear towards those that AI
cannot emulate such as leadership, staying positive, and managing crises. Although it is uncertain to say
this change is an easy process, there is one thing for sure: information acquisition will no longer be an
obstacle to learners.
1. technological
2. entrench (in sth)
(cụm danh từ) sự cải tiến công nghệ
(noun phrase) a new or improved product
or process whose technological
characteristics are significantly different
from before
(verb) to establish something very
(động từ) ăn sâu vào cái gì
strongly so that it is very difficult to
on the academic
behavioral level
5. neurological
6. apparently
7. within reach
8. digitally native
9. IVY league
(phrase) in an academic area
(cụm) về mặt học thuật
(noun phrase) the controlled aspects of
human action
(adjective) relating to nerves or to the
science of neurology
(adverb) as far as one knows or can see.
(cụm danh từ) hành vi
tính từ) thuộc về thần kinh
(trạng từ) rõ ràng là
(phrase) within the capacity of someone to (cụm từ) trong khả năng
attain or achieve something.
(phrase) those who are good at technology (cụm từ) học sinh thạo công nghệ từ
since they were young
(phrase) prestigious and highly selective (cụm từ) các trường đại học danh
tiếng ở Mỹ
(phrase) in alignment or accordance with. (cụm) phù hợp với
11. global accessibility (phrase) the ability to access on a global (cụm danh từ) truy cập toàn cầu
(phrase) the state of being exposed to
(cụm từ) sự tiếp xúc thường xuyên
12. routinely
exposure to sth
contact with something on a regular basis với cái gì
(cụm danh từ) thiết bị hiện đại
13. cutting-edge device (noun phrase) technological devices,
techniques or achievements that employ
the most current and high-level IT
(động từ) thúc đẩy, khuyến khích
(verb) encourage development of or
14. stimulate
increased activity in
10. in line with sth
15. alteration
(noun) a change, usually a slight change, (danh từ) sự biến đổi
in the appearance, character, or structure
of something
16. neurotransmitter
(noun) a chemical that carries messages
from nerve cells to other nerve cells or
(adjective) never done or known before.
17. unprecedented
18. evolution
(danh từ) chất dẫn truyền thần kinh
(tính từ) chưa từng thấy
(noun) Evolution is the process by which (danh từ) sự tiến hóa
the physical characteristics of types of
creatures change over time, new types of
creatures develop, and others disappear.
19. shift sb away from (phrase) to move or change from one
(cụm) chuyển từ cái gì sang cái gì
position or direction to another
20. gear to/ towards sb/ (phrasal verb) to design or organize
(cụm động từ) tổ chức, sắp xếp thứ
something so that it is suitable for a
particular purpose, situation, or group of
21. emulate
(verb) match or surpass (a person or
achievement), typically by imitation
(động từ) cạnh tranh hoặc vượt lên
4.3. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph of 120 words to answer the following questions
“What subjects at school are useful to help prepare yourself for the modern world? Why do you
think they are important?”
In the academic curriculum, there are a range of subjects which are geared towards assisting learners,
including myself, in their preparation for the world ahead, among which English and Computer Technology
prove particularly important. To begin with, since the majority of business is conducted in English, having
an excellent command of the language is increasingly important in the modern world. Specifically, English
proficiency increases one’s chances of finding employment. In other words, a graduate who has a mastery
of English is proven to have the edge on other competitors whose language skills are weak. In addition,
Computer Technology is essential as it forms the basis of every organization. Specifically, office work
mainly ranges from using basic software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point to advanced tasks
such as coding or programming; hence, mastering computer technology at high school is beneficial as it
helps learners to become accustomed to office jobs early on. In conclusion, English and Computer
Technology are helpful in preparing myself for the globalized world.
1. be geared towards
2. have a good
command of
3. (the) edge
4. proficiency
5. have a mastery of
(phrasal verb) to make, change or prepare (cụm động từ) nhằm hướng tới
something so that it is suitable for a
particular purpose
(idiom) to be knowledgeable about or
skilled in a particular area or thing.
(noun) a slight advantage over
(noun) the ability to do something well
because of training and practice
(phrase) great knowledge about or
understanding of a particular thing
(thành ngữ) có kiến thức, kỹ năng
(danh từ) lợi thể đôi chút so với
(danh từ) năng lực
(cụm từ) nắm chắc kiến thức về
Năm học 2021-2022:
Many people believe that it is important for teenagers to make decisions about matters that affect
them (such as food, clothes, entertainment, learning, etc.) To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience.
Many people believe that teenagers themselves should be solely responsible for making decisions about
their lives, such as their diet, appearance, and educational trajectory, to name but a few. From my point of
view, however, both youngsters and their parents should be collectively responsible for such decisions. On
the one hand, given their maturity and experience, parents can provide their offspring with constructive
advice and lead them to make informed decisions. For instance, parents may offer sensible suggestions on
how to make children look presentable by buying suitable clothes, which some students avoid donning for
fear of not being in style. At the same time, teenagers need to be given some role in the decision-making
process. Specifically, only teenagers themselves know what they truly enjoy doing and what fulfills them.
For example, parents generally demand their children to succeed academically; however, if a child excels in
sporting field and lacks academic abilities, he or she should be determined to follow professional sporting
career instead. To recapitulate, teenagers should cooperate with their parents in making certain decisions.
1. solely
2. educational
3. to name but a few
4. collectively
5. decision-making
6. informed
7. presentable
(adverb) only; not involving
somebody/something else
(phrase) a set of transitions between
educational levels and institutions.
(trạng từ) chỉ mỗi một mình, không
có ai khác
(cụm từ) sự định hướng học tập
(idiom) giving only these as examples,
even though more could be cited.
(thành ngữ) vân vân
(adverb) in a way that is done or shared by (trạng từ) chung
all members of a group of people; in a
way that involves a whole group or
(phrase) the process of making choices by (cụm từ) quá trình/ quy trình ra
quyết định
identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative
(adjective) based on an understanding of (tính từ) có cân nhắc, có hiểu biết
the facts of a situation
(tính từ) trông ưa nhìn
(adjective) looking clean and attractive
and suitable to be seen in public
8. don
(verb) to put clothes, etc. on
(động từ) mặc đồ
9. in style
(phrase) fashionable
(cụm từ) thời thượng
10. excel in
(verb) to be very good at doing something (động từ) rất giỏi lĩnh vực gì
(động từ) nhắc lại, tóm lại
(verb) repeat the main points of an
11. recapitulate
explanation or description
6.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph of about 150-180 words concerning the following topic:
Should students be taught online at home instead of going to school?
The issue of whether online learning should be given precedence over classroom learning is still a
source of great controversy. I opine that traditional classrooms should be given priority over online-based
learning for the following reasons. In the absence of teachers’ supervision, learners might be somewhat
distracted by various forms of entertainment, namely online games, music, and clips on YouTube and
Facebook. As a consequence, students’ academic performance may be adversely affected when the amount
of knowledge supposed to be instilled in students is neglected. In addition, virtual learning invariably
incorporates online- based testing, which raises an array of other problems. In particular, exam takers may
cheat by using Google to search for answers or they may ask for advice from academically excellent
students. As a result, exams would lose their purpose of checking students’ knowledge acquisition,
enabling test takers to pass any exams unfairly when scores are falsified. In conclusion, traditional placebased classroom methods should never be superseded by e-learning for the given reasons.
1. precedence
(noun) the condition of being more
important than somebody else and
therefore coming or being dealt with first
2. opine
(verb) to express a particular opinion
(verb) to include something so that it
forms a part of something
3. incorporate
4. falsify
5. supersede
(danh từ) sự ưu ái
(động từ) thể hiện ý kiến là
(động từ) bao gồm
(verb) to change a written record or
(động từ) làm sai lệch
information so that it is no longer true
(verb) to take the place of
(động từ) thay thế
something/somebody that is considered to
be old-fashioned or no longer the best
6.2. NĂM HỌC 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph of about 130-150 words concerning the following topic:
What can you do to protect the environment in your local community?
Pollution, disrupted ecological systems and the resulting threats to the residents are a festering reality in
my community. While it is true that these issues are a matter of concern for policy makers, that does not
absolve individuals from taking responsibility. Efforts from the residents’ part can be made in many ways,
not least by staying politically active and voting for a government that prioritises preserving the
environment. It is up to the policy makers to set the scene through rigorous laws compelling citizens to
reduce their level of carbon footprint as far as air pollution is concerned. Simultaneously, individuals can
do their bit to reverse environmental problems. Saving domestic electricity, reusing and recycling
household water, switching from personal vehicles to public ones are the very least that people should do.
To sum up, besides the role that the local government plays in combating environmental issues, individuals
are the ones who make the policies playing out at a practical level.
1. disrupt
2. festering
(verb) to prevent something, especially a (động từ) phá vỡ
system, process, or event, from continuing
as usual or as expected
(adjective) becoming worse or more
(tính từ) nhức nhối
intense, especially through long-term
neglect or indifference.
a matter of concern (phrase) something causing worry
(cụm từ) điều đáng lo
for sb
4. absolve sb from sth (phrasal verb) formal: to set (someone)
(cụm động từ) miễn trách
free from an obligation or the
consequences of guilt
(cụm từ) chịu trách nhiệm
5. take responsibility (phrase) blame for something that has
6. not least
(phrase) in particular; notably
(cụm từ) đặc biệt là
be up to sb/sth
(phrase) someone can decide about
(cụm từ) tùy thuộc vào ai/cái gì
(phrase) to make an event or situation
(cụm từ) tạo bối cảnh/ nền móng
8. set the scene
possible or likely to happen
cho việc gì
(phrase) a very thorough and strict system (cụm từ) luật khắt khe
9. rigorous law
of rules
(phrase) to force someone to do
(cụm từ) thúc ép ai làm gì
something; to make something necessary
(cụm danh từ) vết carbon (tổng khí
thải được tạo ra bởi một cá nhân,
một sự kiện hay tổ chức, hoặc trong
sản xuất
11. carbon footprint
(noun phrase) the amount of carbon
dioxide and other carbon compounds
emitted due to the consumption of fossil
fuels by a particular person, group, etc
12. simultaneously
(trạng từ) đồng thời
(adverb) in a way that is simultaneous
(= happening or being done at exactly the
same time)
(phrase) to do what you can to help, or to (cụm) làm tròn bổn phận
do your part of what has to be done
(động từ) đảo ngược
(verb) to cause something to go in the
opposite direction, order, or position
(adjective) belonging or relating to the
(tính từ) thuộc gia đình
home, house, or family
(noun phrase) used when you are saying (cụm danh từ) thứ I tối thiểu
13. do someone's bit
14. reverse
15. domestic
16. the very least
what someone should do in a situation,
and suggesting that they should really do
17. combat
18. play out
(động từ) chiến đấu
(verb) to try to stop something unpleasant
or harmful from happening or increasing
(phrasal verb) When a situation plays out, (cụm động từ) tiến hành
it happens and develops
7.1. Năm học 2017-2018:
Nowadays, most students take extra classes. Do you think it is a good idea? Or would it be better
for students to invest all that time in self-study? Write a paragraph of about 150 words. Support
your points with examples and relevant evidence.
These days, the issue of whether students should join cram classes or remain an autodidact is highly
debatable. In my opinion, both ways of learning provide unique advantages. On the one hand, extra classes
afford learners the benefits of having teachers’ individual guidance. Specifically, in Vietnam, what an
ordinary student learns at school is relatively basic compared to the requirements of rigorous entrance
exams. Joining extra classes where study skills are honed will increase their chances of being admitted to
prestigious educational institutions. Otherwise, self-taught students would struggle to meet the academic
requirements of entrance exams from their desired schools. However, autodidactic learning encourages
students to learn effectively as well. By exploring a topic on their own, self-learners actively engage with
the materials at their own pace. To exemplify, if a Vietnamese student is interested in writing essays in
English, he or she might become an avid reader of a wide variety of reliable materials, ranging from
authentic newspapers to academic writing reference books. This serves to upgrade their writing skills
instead of being taught merely how to ensure grammar accuracy heedless of other sub-skills such as lexical
resources, coherence and cohesion in most classes in Vietnam. In recapitulation, both prove effective ways
to gain knowledge.
1. cram class(es)
2. autodidact
3. debatable
4. hone
5. autodidactic
6. self-learner
(phrase) an intensive course of study
(cụm từ) lớp học thêm
designed to review or teach material
needed for a specific purpose
(noun) someone who does most of their (danh từ) người tự học
learning on their own
(adjective) not certain because people can (tính từ) gây tranh cãi
have different ideas and opinions about
the thing being discussed
(verb) to develop and improve something, (động từ) mài giũa
especially a skill, over a period of time
(adjective) relating to someone learning (tính từ) mang tính tự học
by themselves, rather than being taught by
a teacher
(noun) someone who knows new things (danh từ) người tự học
on his own
(động từ) là ví dụ tiêu biểu cho
7. exemplify
(verb) to be a typical example of
8. upgrade
(verb) to improve the condition of a
(động từ) cải thiện
building, etc. in order to provide a better
(cụm từ) không để tâm tới
(phrase) not paying careful attention to
9. heedless of
10. recapitulation
(noun) the act of repeating or giving a
summary of what has already been said,
decided, etc.
(danh từ) tóm lại
5.2. Năm học 2019-2020: đề chung
The environment is being damaged by littering. How can we prevent littering?
In today’s world, consumerism is taking precedence in almost every society, and unfortunately so is
littering. This packaging-related problem, if left unchecked, can become one of the gravest issues of the
modern world, so steps should be taken on both individual and contextual levels. At the forefront of the
agenda should be aggressive recycling programs. These rigorous initiatives require residents to classify
wastes into different categories before reprocessing them into the usables. In synchronicity with this can be
dispersing garbage cans around the community, especially where littering often occurs. To take a step
further, there should be an introduction of composting bins or swap shops to residential areas, which will,
without doubt, encourage reusing and recycling unwanted items. In essence, given the fact that social
norms are found to profoundly influence littering behaviour, only through tremendous strides made by
communities as a whole can a zero-waste target be soon achieved.
1. take precedence
2. packaging
3. uncheck
4. grave
5. take steps to V
6. contextual
(phrase) the condition of being dealt with (cụm) (có quyền/ được) ưu tiên
before other things or of being considered
more important than other things
(noun) the materials in which objects are (danh từ) bao bì
wrapped before being sold
(verb) not checked
(động từ) không kiểm tra
(adjective) significantly serious
(tính từ) nghiêm trọng
(phrase) to take action
(adjective) related to the context of
(cụm) hành động để đạt cái gì.
theo bổi cảnh, theo môi trường
at the forefront of
(cụm) ở vị trí dẫn đầu/quan trọng
(phrase) in a leading position
8. agenda
(noun) a list of items to be discussed at a (danh từ) chương trình nghị sự
(adjective) more severe, intensive, or
(tính từ) quyết liệt
9. aggressive
comprehensive than usual especially in
dosage or extent
10. initiative
(noun) an introductory step
(danh từ) bước khởi đầu
11. classify sth into sth (verb) to consider (someone or something) (động từ) phân loại
as belonging to a particular group
12. category
(noun) any of several fundamental and
distinct classes to which entities or
concepts belong
(danh từ) loại
13. reprocess (sth into
14. usable
15. in synchronicity
with sth
(verb) to process again so as to reuse
(động từ) tái chế (cái gì thành cái gì)
16. disperse
(tính từ) có thể dùng được
(adjective) capable of being used
(phrase) the happening by chance of two (cụm) đồng thời với cái gì
or more related or similar events at the
same time
(verb) to cause to become spread widely (động từ) phân tán
17. take a step
18. composting bin
(phrase) to take action
(noun phrase) a container into which you
place organic waste to turn into compost
over time
19. in essence
(phrase) basically and without regard for
peripheral details;
20. given the fact that = (phrase) used when saying that a
given that = because particular fact influences your judgment
about something or someone
21. social norms
(noun phrase) rules of behavior
22. profoundly
23. tremendous
24. stride
25. zero-waste
(cụm) hành động
(cụm danh từ) thùng ủ phân
(cụm) về bản chất
(cụm) "với việc...là" (dùng để giải
thích câu tiếp theo)
(danh từ) chuẩn mực xã hội
(adverb) deeply or extremely
(trạng từ) một cách sâu sắc
(adjective) very great in amount or level, (tính từ) to lớn
or extremely good
(noun) an improvement in the way
(danh từ) bước tiến
something is developing
(adjective) a situation in which no waste
material is produced
(tính từ) không rác thải
Năm học 2018-2019:
Should students be encouraged to use electronic devices such as tablets, laptops, smartphones,
electronic dictionaries .... in the classroom?
The use of electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones and other multimedia gizmos have perplexed,
if not distressed, educators and parents alike. In my opinion, the benefits they bring, including immediacy
and accessibility, fail to account for the untold social and medical problems they entail. Most disturbing
among them is the distraction from mobile phones causing poor attention to the lesson among students.
Countless complaints have been made about students’ spending an inordinate amount of classroom time
surfing the web, checking social media and even playing games. A less immediate, yet more detrimental
problem lies in the threat to users’ neurological health. The overuse of electronic devices can lead to
addiction insofar as they cause anxiety and depression among users in the absence of a hand-held device.
Furthermore, a multitude of studies have confirmed that radiation waves from Internet-connected devices
could pose critical hazards to the brain and in the worst cases, can be responsible for severe ramifications
including brain cancer or brain damage. In this light, the presence of electronic devices in the classroom is
in and of itself, the problem, and therefore, should be heavily discouraged.
1. multimedia gizmo (noun phrase) a general word for a small (cụm danh từ) thiết bị đa phương
piece of equipment, often one that does tiện
something in a new and clever way
2. perplex
(verb) to make unable to grasp something (động từ) làm bối rối
clearly or to think logically and decisively
about something
(tính từ) lo, hoảng
3. distressed
4. immediacy
(noun) the fact that something seems real (danh từ) sự tức thì
and important, so that you feel involved
with it
(noun) the fact of being able to be reached (danh từ) khả năng truy cập
5. accessibility
6. acccount for
7. entail
or obtained easily
(cụm động từ) giải thích
(phrasal verb) to explain the reason for
(verb) to make something necessary, or to (động từ) gây ra
involve something
10. overuse of sth
(adjective) making you feel worried or
(tính từ) nhiễu loạn
(noun) something that prevents someone (danh từ) sự phân tán
from giving their attention to something
(cụm) sự lạm dụng thứ gì
use (something) too much
11. insofar as
(conjuction) to the degree that
8. disturbing
9. distraction
(từ nối) tới một mức độ nào đó
13. pose a hazard
(noun) the fact of not being where you are (danh từ) sự thiếu vắng của cái gì
usually expected to be
(cụm từ) gây nguy hiểm
(phrase) to cause a danger
14. ramification
(noun) the possible results of an action
15. in this light
(phrase) a particular aspect or appearance (cụm) trong hoàn cảnh này
presented to view
12. absence of sth
(danh từ) hệ lụy
Năm học 2020-2021:
Children are currently having extra classes after normal lessons. What are the positive and negative
effects? What is your opinion? Write a paragraph of 120 words.
In this day and age, it is becoming increasingly common for students to undertake after-school classes,
both advantages and disadvantages of which will be illustrated below as well as my opinion. On the one
hand, extra classes can help students learn content typically absent from the general curriculum. For
instance, after-school lessons can prepare high school students for their specific college entrance exams and
provide invaluable test-taking tips. Thanks to the step-by-step instruction of experienced teachers from
such test-prep factories, learners’ study skills will be improved to secure entry to well-reputed educational
institutions. On the other hand, after-school study has certain drawbacks. The commitment associated with
taking extra classes may cause undue stress and consume a large portion of time that could otherwise be
dedicated to rest or extracurricular activities In turn, the absence of sufficient extracurricular involvement
could inhibit students’ social skills and personal development. To summarize, taking merits and demerits
into consideration, I believe that the advantages of cram classes outweigh the disadvantages. What really
matters is whether students can properly manage their timetable to become well-rounded students,
succeeding academically and developing life skills simultaneously.
1. undertake
2. after-school
3. test-prep factory
4. well-reputed
5. to secure entry
6. educational
institution (s)
7. undue
(verb) to do or begin to do something,
(động từ) trải qua
especially something that will take a long
time or be difficult
(phrase) after school ends
(cụm từ) học sau giờ
(phrase) cram school
(cụm từ) lò học thêm
(adjective) having a good reputation
(tính từ) có danh tiếng
(cụm từ) đảm bảo ai đó được nhận
(phrase) to assure one is admitted to
(phrase) a place where people of different (cụm từ) cơ sở giáo dục
ages gain an education
(adjective) to a level that is more than is (tính từ) quá đáng
necessary, acceptable, or reasonable
8. inhibit
(verb) to prevent something from
(động từ) làm cản bước
happening or make it happen more slowly
or less frequently than normal
9. well-rounded
(adjective) providing or showing a variety (tính từ) toàn diện
of experience, ability, etc.
10.1. Đề chung năm học2017-2018:
Write a paragraph about the benefits of TV.
Television, or TV for short, an inescapable part of modern culture, offers several considerable benefits
that will be discussed in this paragraph. The first obvious benefit lies in its educational value. Viewers can
choose from a plethora of quality programs aired to impart credible information on various topics such as
"Animal World", "Road to Mount Olympia", "Who is a billionaire?" on informative channels such as
Discovery, VTV2, and VTV3, to mention but a few. Information gained from these programs shoud partly
broaden viewers’ knowledge level in the vast majority of cases. Another clear benefit revolves around its
escapist entertainment. Tuning in to watch reality shows, for example, "Crack them up", "Thank God you
are here", and so on. after a tiring working day is truly a source of relaxation among viewers as these
programs are intended to provide viewers with sheer fun. All in all, television must be applauded for its
suggested educational and recreational value.
1. inescapable
2. to lie in
3. a plethora of
4. impart
5. credible
(tính từ) không thể tránh khỏi
(adjective) (of a fact or a situation) that
you cannot avoid or ignore
(cụm động từ) nằm ở
(phrasal verb) to exist or be found
(phrase) an amount that is greater than is
(cụm từ) vô vàn
needed or can be used
(verb) to pass information, knowledge,
(động từ) truyền lại
etc. to other people
(adjective) that can be believed or trusted (tính từ) đáng tin
6. to mention but a
7. revolve around
8. escapist
9. tune in
(idiom) used after mentioning a small
(thành ngữ) vân vân
number of people or things as examples of
verb) to have somebody/
(cụm động từ) xoay quanh
a larger group
something as the main interest or subject
(adjective) that helps you avoid or forget (tính từ) thoát ly thực tế
unpleasant or boring things
(phrasal verb) watch or listen to a
(cụm động từ) bật (TV)
television or radio broadcast.
(adjective) complete and not mixed with (tính từ) thuần túy
anything else
10.2. Đề chuyên năm học 2017-2018:
Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook, Zalo, Twitter) have a negative
impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write an exposition
of about 150-200 words to express your opinion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your
As social networks have permeated into people’s lives, some argue that its adverse influences are being
felt in the society. I partly agree with this perception for two reasons; one negative, one positive. On the
one hand, individuals’ communication skills are negatively affected. In particular, users have a tendency to
place too much reliance on these applications, which generally causes hesitations to interact directly. In
other words, he or she might feel confident behind the screen but reticent in person. In contrast, using such
applications is beneficial to some extent, especially in the context of Covid 19 running wild globally. As
governments have enforced strict policies to limit direct contact to minimize the spread of this airborne
virus, individuals can only resort to using applications for safety reasons. Hence, social media facilitates
users in communicating with others freely and easily with some simple screen touches on mobile devices.
In conclusion, I believe utilizing social networks has both pros and cons in the aspect of communication.
1. permeate
2. reticent
3. run wild
4. enforce
5. airborne
(verb) to affect every part of something (động từ) ảnh hưởng tỏa khắp
(adjective) unwilling to tell people about (tính từ) ngại ngùng
(verb) to grow or develop freely without (động từ) tràn lan
any control
(verb) to make something happen or force (động từ) bắt phải theo
somebody to do something
(adjective) carried through the air
(tính từ) lây lan qua không khí
Năm học2017-2018: Write a paragraph of 100-120 words about what can be done to make your
school a clean and green place.
One of the biggest environmental problems my school has been facing lately is littering, which needs to
be tackled following several steps. The onus is, first and foremost, on the school administration to introduce
more awareness programs into the curriculum. Through learning how to recycle and reuse items, students
will be more willing to reduce littering and to collect the disposables for reprocessing. A more drastic
solution has to do with the enforcement of strict hygiene regulations. Students with a repeated littering
behaviour, for example, need to have their bad habit fixed through learning the consequences of it. Another
possible step is to ensure adequate highly-customisable trash bins around the campus. This way, students
can be encouraged to throw trash more properly instead of tossing trash indiscriminately onto the ground.
All in all, implementing a comprehensive waste-management program is the only way a cleaner and
greener environment can be achieved.
1. onus
(danh từ) trách nhiệm
(noun) the responsibility or duty to do
2. school
(danh từ) quản lí giáo dục
(noun phrase) a broad field that
encompasses almost any topic related to
the operating of an academic institution
3. awareness program (noun phrase) a programme designed to (cụm danh từ) chương trình giáo dục
increase awareness of something
nhận thức
4. disposable
(adjective) designed to be used once or
(tính từ) sử dụng một lần
only a limited number of times and then
thrown away
(adjective) extreme in effect or action
5. drastic
(tính từ) quyết liệt
6. enforcement (of sth) (noun) the process of making people obey (danh từ) sự thi hành
a law or rule
7. hygiene
(noun) conditions or practices (as of
(danh từ) vệ sinh
cleanliness) conducive to health
8. regulation
(noun) a rule or order issued by an
(danh từ) điều quy định, điều lệ
executive authority or regulatory agency
of a government and having the force of
9. repeated
renewed or recurring again and (tính từ) lặp lại
10. behaviour
(danh từ) hành vi
(noun) the way in which someone
conducts oneself or behaves
11. customisable
(adjective) to build, fit, or alter according (tính từ) có thể tùy chỉnh được
to individual specifications
12 properly
(adverb) in an acceptable or suitable way (trạng từ) một cách đúng đắn
13. toss (trash)
14. indiscriminately
15. implement
(verb) to throw something carelessly
(adverb) in a way that does not show
careful choice or planning, usually with
harmful results
(verb) to start using a plan or system
(động từ) ném thứ gì đó (một cách
cẩu thả)
(trạng từ) một cách bừa bãi
(động từ) thi hành
Năm học 2020-2021:
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant changes to all sectors, including education and
training. In about 100 words, write a paragraph on three advantages of e-learning methods amid
Covid l9.
Online learning has been unprecedentedly popular after the hit of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
advantages of this marvel of science are obvious: cost efficiency, material accessibility and environmental
sustainability. With classrooms organized online, no more cost involved in traveling back and forth
between home and school. Moreover, libraries and other resources are available on the web, allowing users
to do online courses in any discipline regardless of their geographical location or personal circumstances.
In a broader light, virtual learning platforms have transformed the textbook industries, digitalizing materials
and heading towards a paperless education. On the whole, despite some-reservations concerning worldwide
connectivity, a push toward a more online-based learning method has made significant tangible inroads in
1. unprecedentedly
từ) chưa từng thấy
(adverb) in a way that has not happened or
existed before
2. cost efficiency
(phrase) the act of saving money by
(cụm từ) rẻ/hiệu quả chi phí
changing a product or process to work in a
better way
3. marvel
(noun) a thing or person that is very
(danh từ) kỳ tích
surprising or causes a lot of admiration
4. accessibility
(noun) the fact of being able to be reached (danh từ) sự tiếp cận
or obtained easily
5. environmental
(phrase) responsible interaction with the (cụm từ) an toàn/ bền vững với môi
environment to avoid depletion or
degradation of natural resources and allow
for long-term environmental quality
6. travel back and
(phrase) moving first in one direction and (cụm từ) đi lại
then in the opposite one
7. in any discipline
(phrase) in every field of study
(cụm từ) ở bất kì ngành nào
8. regardless of
(phrase) in spite of
(cụm từ) không kể tới, mặc dù
9. in a light
(phrase) a particular aspect or appearance (cụm từ) trong hoàn cảnh này
presented to view
10. virtual
(adjective) done using computer
(tính từ) ảo
technology over the internet, and not
involving people physically going
11. platform
(noun) a particular computer technology (danh từ) nền tảng
that can be used with some types of
software programs but not with others
12. digitalize
(verb) to change something such as a
(động từ) số hóa
document to a digital form
13. paperless
(tính từ) không có giấy
(adjective) recording or relaying
information by electronic media rather
than on paper
14. make an inroad into (phrase) to start to have a direct and
(cụm từ) có hiệu quả
noticeable effect
13. CÀ MAU
Năm học 2020-2021:
Write a paragraph about the topic: “Since you’ve become a teenager, what are the challenges
you’ve faced?”
Since becoming a teenager, I have been exposed to ceaseless struggles. The first challenge concerns my
academic route. As I aspire to be admitted to one of the most selective high schools in Vietnam, namely
Hanoi - Amsterdam, I feel the urge to dedicate all my energy to studying for its entrance exam. Even after
successful admission to this prestigious institution, I will still have to work even harder to meet its stringent
requirements. Secondly, another challenge I have had to cope with recently is the adverse effects of the
mass media. Due to the prevalence of violent scenes on almost every media platform such as TV, the
Internet, and so on, I am increasingly becoming desensitized to violence and indifferent to human suffering.
In addition, media addiction originating from the overuse of technology has caused me and other peers to
be devoid of interpersonal communication skills. In conclusion, the high school’s rigorous entrance exams
and media’s deleterious effects are two serious challenges that have arisen during my adolescence.
1. expose
2. ceaseless
3. aspire
4. selective
5. urge
6. descend
7. desensitize
8. indifferent
9. overuse
10. devoid
11. arise
(verb) to put somebody/ something in a (động từ) gánh chịu
place or situation where they are not
protected from something harmful or
(adjective) not stopping; seeming to have (tính từ) không ngừng
no end
(verb) to have a strong desire to achieve (động từ) quyết tâm làm gì
or to become something
(adjective) tending to be careful about
(tính từ) mang tính kén chọn
what or who you choose
(noun) a strong desire to do something
(danh từ) sự khát khao, mong mỏi
(verb) to come or go down from a higher (động từ) xếp từ trên xuống
to a lower level
(verb) to make somebody/ something less (động từ) quá quen với (điều xấu)
aware of something as a problem by
making them become used to it
(adjective) having or showing no interest (tính từ) thờ ơ, lãnh đạm
in somebody/something
(noun) the act of using something too
(danh từ) sự lạm dụng
much or too often
(adjective) completely without something (tính từ) thiếu hụt điều gì
(verb) (especially of a problem or a
(động từ) nảy sinh
difficult situation) to happen; to start to
Năm học 2021-2022:
What subjects at school are useful to help prepare yourself for the modern world? Why do you
think they are important?
In the school curriculum, it is compulsory for students to study a wide range of subjects, among which I
believe Maths and English are the most important for the following reasons. First of all, in Maths, two subskills which are essential in daily life, namely numeracy and logical reasoning, are frequently trained.
Numeracy skills help one calculate numbers, ranging from simple to complicated transactions such as
purchasing food for everyday meals and even buying a house. Logical reasoning proves to be of great help
in various aspects of life, the most notable of which is to aid one in thinking critically and providing viable
solutions to any problems logically. Secondly, English is worthy of notice because it is the most widely
spoken language in the world and used in almost every field in life, from science to business, to name but a
few. Hence, it is indeed proven that possessing a decent certificate to demonstrate language competence,
for instance, IELTS 7.0 or more, increasés the likelihood of one being admitted to educational instutions
overseas or recruited by international companies. In other words, the mastery of English serves as a
competitive advantage for a newly-graduated high school student in the dog-eat-dog world today. In
conclusion, I firmly believe excelling in Maths and English is recommended in the preparation for today’s
1. numeracy
(noun) the ability to understand and work
(danh từ) khả năng đếm sổ
with numbers
(danh từ) sự suy luận logic
(noun) the process of thinking about
2. reasoning
things in a logical way; opinions and ideas
that are based on logical thinking
(thành ngữ) vân vân
3. to name but a few (idiom) used after mentioning a small
number of people or things as examples of
a larger group
4. mastery
5. dog-eat-dog
(noun) great knowledge about or
(danh từ) sự nắm vững, kiến thức
understanding of a particular thing
(adjective) a situation in business, politics, (tính từ) khắc nghiệt
etc. where there is a lot of competition and
people are willing to harm each other in
order to succeed
Năm học 2020-2021:
Many people think that it's better for their children to study online rather than go to school. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a paragraph from 160 to 180 words to express your
Online learning, which has reached its height of trendiness especially during the Covid l9 lockdown
period, is believed by some to be more beneficial for students than conventional learning. However, I am
going to refute this point of view for a number of reasons. First and foremost, technical issues frequently
arise in the virtual environment. To be more specific, since virtual learning relies heavily on a stable
Internet connection, disruptions to the service may severely limit students’ ability to take part in their class
activities, which undoubtedly impairs the overall quality of the lesson. Moreover, Internet-based learning
enables only limited student-teacher interaction. At a brick-and-mortar school, a teacher is expected to
disseminate not only knowledge on academic subjects but also teach students communication skills and life
lessons. The dearth of such essential skills will make it hard for students to succeed in the workplace later
on. In short, technical problems and the lack of interaction prevent online learning from being a truly
rewarding experience.
height of trendiness (phrase) very fashionable
(cụm từ) rất thời thượng
(verb) to prove that something is (động từ) phản bác
(verb) to damage something or
(động từ) gây tổn hại
make something worse
(adjective) existing as a physical (tính từ) có thật
building, especially a shop, rather
than doing business only on the
(verb) to spread information,
(động từ) truyền bá
knowledge, etc. so that it reaches
many people
(tính từ) đáng làm
(adjective) (of an activity, etc.)
worth doing; that makes you happy
because you think it is useful or
Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 150 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of reading books.
Those who read books on a frequent basis are likely to reap considerable rewards. Firstly, being
engrossed in books invariably builds one’s vocabulary range. Specifically, bibliophiles may gain constant
exposure to extensive lexical resources, which are conducive to many areas of life, ranging from
satisfactory scores on standardized tests to ample job opportunities later on. In terms of academic
examinations, wide vocabularies aid in writing well-argued essays without writers’ being in dread of word
repetition. When it comes to job-related opportunities, a booklover who is well-spoken, articulating ideas
clearly on a wide range of topics thanks to rich vocabulary stands a better chance of being promoted than
those with a limited lexicon. Secondly, reading printed books might even prepare bookworms for a good
night’s sleep. While the screens of modern personal devices emit blue lights associated with insomnia and
other undesirable health conditions, books enable deep relaxation. As a result, readers can be well- rested
and productive in their workday. In conclusion, given its impact on one’s vocabulary and sleep patterns,
reading proves a truly beneficial activity
(động từ) gặt hái
(verb) to obtain something,
especially something good, as a
direct result of something that you
have done
(adjective) so interested or involved (tính từ) mê mẩn điều gì
be engrossed in
in something that you give it all
your attention
(noun) a person who loves or
(danh từ) người mê sách, sưu tầm nhiều
collects books
on a frequent basis (phrase) frequently
(cụm từ) thường xuyên
(danh từ) sự tiếp cận
(noun) the fact of experiencing
something new or different
(adjective) including or dealing with (tính từ) đa dạng
a wide range of information
(adjective) making it easy, possible (tính từ) thuận tiện, khiến trở nên dễ
or likely for something to happen dàng
aid in
(verb) to help somebody/ something (động từ) giúp làm gì
to do something, especially by
making it easier
1. reap
9. in dread of
10. repetition
11. articulate
12. lexicon
13. insomnia
14. undesirable
(phrase) being worried about
(cụm từ) lo lắng về
(danh từ) sự lặp lại
(noun) the fact of doing or saying
the same thing many times
(verb) (formal) to express or explain (động từ) nói rõ ràng
your thoughts or feelings clearly in
(danh từ) vốn từ vựng
(noun) all the words and phrases
used in a particular language or
subject; all the words and phrases
used and known by a particular
person or group of people
(noun) the condition of being unable (danh từ) sự mất ngủ
to sleep
(adjective) not wanted or approved (tính từ) không mong muốn
of; likely to cause trouble or
17.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 120-150 words, write a paragraph answering the following question:
Do you agree with the following statement?
“Social networks have had negative effects on our lives?”
Since the first social networking site was launched roughly two decades ago, this platform has had an
irrefutable impact across the globe. Despite having certain advantages, social networks have largely
detrimental impacts on users in their daily lives. Firstly, time deprivation should be taken into account. Due
to a wide variety of entertaining contents on such platforms, it is quite time-consuming for users to browse.
The time wasted on social media might be used for better purposes such as studying or joining
extracurricular activities. Secondly, the large amount of time many people spend on these sites adversely
affect their physical and mental wellbeing. Specifically, the sedentary lifestyle that social networks
engender may lead to obesity and various eyesight problems, short-sightedness for instance. At the same
time, the blue light spectrum emitted by devices used to access social media may disrupt one’s sleep cycle,
leading to anxiety and depression. In conclusion, social networks tend to exert adverse effects on people’s
lives, namely wasting time and causing health problems both physically and mentally.
(adjective) that cannot be proved
wrong and that must therefore be
(adjective) harmful
(tính từ) có hại
(noun) the fact of not having
(danh từ) sự tước đoạt mất
something that you need, like
enough food, money or a home; the
process that causes this
(adjective) (of people) spending a (tính từ) lười vận động
lot of time sitting down and not
(verb) to make it difficult for
(động từ) gây đứt quãng, làm gián đoạn
something to continue in the normal
(noun) a range of sound waves or (danh từ) chùm (sóng, ánh sáng...)
several other types of wave
4. sedentary
5. disrupt
6. spectrum
(tính từ) không thể phủ nhận
17.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Write a paragraph about the ways to have good health.
In today’s world, much misinformation persists as to what really constitutes healthy habits. Therefore, it
is important to highlight practical tips for people to embark on a healthy lifestyle. In the first place, a
healthy and balanced diet is a matter of immense significance. A combination of fruits, whole grains,
vegetables and meat, with everything in moderation, can provide wholesome nutrition and sufficient energy
for an active day ahead. Moreover, people should consume sugar and salt in moderation so as to reduce the
risk of tooth decay and obesity. Secondly, every individual should engage in regular exercise. Physical
activity serves to burn excess fat in one’s body, which helps one to stay in shape and avoid gaining excess
weight as well. In addition, it may protect against numerous diseases, gout for example, and improves
muscle strength. In conclusion, a sensible balanced diet and regular exercise are highly recommended if a
person is to remain health-conscious.
(tính từ) quan tâm tới sức khỏe
1. health-conscious
(adjective) concerned about how
healthy one's diet and lifestyle are
2. immense
(adjective) extremely large or great (tính từ) rất lớn
(tính từ) tốt cho sức khỏe
(adjective) good for your health
3. wholesome
4. moderation
(noun) the quality of being
reasonable and not being extreme
(danh từ) mức độ phù hợp, vừa phải
Năm học 2020-2021:
In about 100 words, express the reasons why you think online learning has become so popular
In today’s globalized world, online learning is gaining in popularity due to the following reasons. First
and foremost, since 2020, the unbridled outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made online learning the
safest way of acquiring knowledge on a global scale. By joining their classes from their own home,
students can continue to learn without fear of contracting the virus. Secondly, distance learning may cater
to a larger number of students. Not only does remote learning offer more affordably priced courses but it
also enables learners to set their own learning pace. In particular, online courses are generally more
modestly priced thanks to the lack of overhead costs such as operating buildings, staff and community wellbeing to support students. Moreover, there is no need for learners to strictly conform to the traditional work
hours as they can rewind videos of their lectures to watch later. In summary, the Covid l9 pandemic, as
well as the ability of distance learning to satisfy a wider variety of learners in terms of its lower tuition fees
and higher flexibility, is accountable for generating its escalated demand for online learning.
1. to gain/grow in
2. unbridled
(phrase) to become more popular
3. affordably/
modestly priced
4. unchecked
(phrase) affordable
(adjective) lacking control and
therefore extreme
(cụm từ) ngày càng phổ biến hơn
(tính từ) mất kiểm soát
(cụm từ) giá cả dễ chịu
(adjective) not stopped from getting (tính từ) không kiểm soát nổi
5. be accountable for (adjective) responsible for your
(tính từ) chịu trách nhiệm cho
decisions or actions and expected to
explain them when you are asked
19. HÀ NAM
Năm học 2020-2021:
More and more students choose to attend an online course rather than an offline one recently.
Write a paragraph to explain your choice.
Although online courses have surpassed offline ones in certain aspects, from the teacher’s perspective, I
prefer the latter. Above all, offline learning enables more effective classroom management. In the space of
a physical classroom, teachers can pay more attention to individual students and address their problems
more easily. In particular, by observing students’ facial expressions, teachers can determine which students
are finding the class material difficult to grasp and provide further assistance if necessasry. In addition,
students are more likely to concentrate in a classroom than in front of a screen. In the case of online
education, even when students are asked to turn on their cameras, it is virtually impossible for the teacher
to know what students are actually doing. The prevalence of various forms of entertainment such as games
and videos may distract many students from the lesson. In contrast, physical classes make it possible for the
teacher to check what the learners are doing, thus improving lesson quality. To recap, better class
management is the underlying reason why physical classes are superior to online ones.
1. surpass
2. facial expressions
3. optimal
4. virtually
5. prevalent
6. underlying
(verb) to do or be better than
(động từ) vượt trội, tốt hom ai/cái gì
(phrase) one or more motions or
(cụm từ) nét mặt
positions of the muscles beneath the
skin of the face
(adjective) the best possible;
(tính từ) tối ưu
producing the best possible results
(adverb) almost or very nearly, so (trạng từ) gãn như
that any slight difference is not
(noun) the fact of existing or being (danh từ) sự phổ biến
very common at a particular time or
in a particular place
(adjective) important in a situation (tính từ) ẩn sau
but not always easily noticed or
stated clearly
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people say that teenagers should do some voluntary work. Do you agree or disagree?
Write a paragraph to express your own opinion. Use specific reasons and examples to support your
It is often said that in today’s world, teenage students should undertake voluntary work. I lean towards
this idea for the following reasons. First, volunteering improves one’s mental health. By contributing to the
well-being of society, teenagers may feel a sense of accomplishment, pride and identity. In turn, such
feelings help lower the risk of stress and depression that may occur during adolescence. Second, voluntary
activities create favorable conditions for teenagers to refine their social skills. In particular, younger adults
working as volunteers may learn to cooperate with others to achieve the common goal of helping society,
which enhances their teamwork skills. At the same time, such unpaid work provides ample opportunities to
practice communication and time management skills. These skills then become greatly beneficial in one’s
professional career. All in all, given its effect oh mental health and development of social skills, voluntary
work should be encouraged among all teenagers.
1. undertake
2. favorable
3. lean towards
4. refine
(verb] make yourself responsible for (động từ] tiến hành triển khai
something and start doing it
(adjective) making people have a
(tính từ) mang tính thuận lợi
good opinion of somebody/
(phrasal verb) incline or be partial to (cụm động từ) ngả theo
a view or position.
(verb] to improve something by
making small changes to it
(động từ) cải tiến
Năm học 2019-2020:
Write a paragraph about the benefits of knowing how to swim.
In the scope of this paragraph, I will demonstrate a host of substantial benefits that a person may derive
from going for a dip. The first merit accruing from swimming is enhancing a swimmer’s physical health.
Since this physical activity involves a full body workout, training the muscles in the arms, legs, and back in
particular, swimming makes it possible to tone one’s body and burn off calories to help one stay in shape.
Another advantage lies in the improvement of swimmers’ mental health. Research has shown that regular
swimming may help to improve a person’s sleep patterns, which, in turn, helps a swimmer to de-stress and
consciously relax. Therefore, this recreational activity aids in lessening the risk of anxiety or even
contracting a serious mental illness such as depression that one may suffer in this hectic life. In summary,
the ability to swim is an important skill that benefits one's physical and mental health.
1. a host of
2. substantial
3. derive
4. go for a dip
5. accrue
6. workout
(phrase) a large number of people or (cụm từ) nhiều
(adjective) large in amount, value or (tính từ) lớn lao
(verb) to get something from
(idiom) go swimming
(động từ) lấy cái gì từ đâu
(thành ngữ) đi bơi
(verb) to increase over a period of (động từ) tích lũy dần
(noun) a period of physical exercise (danh từ) sự tập luyện thể chất
that you do to keep fit
7. tone
8. de-stress
9. lessen
(verb) to make your muscles, skin, (động từ) khiến rắn chắc, rắn rỏi hơn
etc. tighter and stronger
(verb) to relax after working hard or (động từ) giảm căng thẳng
experiencing stress; to reduce the
stress that
you experience (động từ) làm giảm đi
(verb) toofbecome
or make
something become smaller, weaker,
less important, etc.
Năm học 2018-2019:
There are a lot of festivals in your country every year. Write a paragraph about the festival you
like best.
Of the several major festivals held annually countrywide, Tet, the Lunar New Year Festival, is my
favorite. There are several reasons to explain my fondness for this most festive holiday. To begin with, it
helps people to completely relax. It is the longest holiday of the year, lasting more than a week and thus
offers the best chance to rest. This is especially true in view of hectic lifestyles in the city where almost
everyone strives to make ends meet on a daily basis. In that sense, Tet is a form of escapism as almost no
one is under workplace pressure nor obliged to work to a tight deadline for its entirety. Another reason that
can be cited is the scope for a family reunion. During Tet, people usually travel from far and wide to spend
time with their family to reunite and share moments of unadulterated joy. To sum up, the fact that Tet
provides an extended chance to unwind and get together with one’s family is the reason for my liking.
1. countrywide
2. fondness
3. festive
4. hectic
5. strive
6. make ends meet
7. escapism
8. reunion
9. cite
(adverb) over the whole of a country (trạng từ) cả nước
(noun) pleasure, especially relating (danh từ) sự ham thích điều gì
to something you have liked or
enjoyed for a long time
(adjective) typical of a special event (tính từ) tiêu biểu cho lễ hội
or celebration
(tính từ) rất bận rộn, đầy hoạt động
(adjective) very busy; full of activity
(verb) to try very hard to achieve
(động từ) nỗ lực
(idiom) earn enough money to live
(thành ngữ) kiếm đủ ăn
without getting into debt.
(noun) an activity, a form of
(danh từ) sự thoát ly thực tế
entertainment, etc. that helps you
avoid or forget unpleasant or boring
(noun) a social occasion or party
(danh từ) dịp sum vầy
attended by a group of people who
have not seen each other for a long
(verb) to mention something as a
(động từ) trích ra
reason or an example, or in order to
support what you are saying
10. unadulterated
(adjective) complete or total
(tính từ) hoàn toàn
11. unwind
(verb) to stop worrying or thinking (động từ) thư giãn, không lo âu
about problems and start to relax
12. get together
(phrasal verb) (of people) gather or (cụm động từ) tập trung lại, sum họp
assemble socially or to cooperate.
13. liking
(noun) the feeling that you like
(danh từ) cảm giác thích điều gì đó
somebody/something; the pleasure
in something
Năm học 2021-2022:
In about 140 words, write a paragraph to suggest ways to protect yourself and others from
Since its first outbreak almost three years ago, Covid l9 has been a highly infectious disease, causing
hundreds of millions of people to suffer and claiming a great number of lives globally; hence, it is advisable
that we institute preventative measures for this worrying trend. First and foremost, we need to use face
masks whenever we interact with others in person. Though affordably priced in general, well-fitted masks
can prevent humans from inhaling any virulent flu germ invisible to naked eyes, thereby lessening the
possibilty of contracting Covid l9. Secondly, we need to be fully immunized. Such flu jabs, for example
AstraZeneca and Pfizer from the U.K and the U.S, respectively, have been clinically proven to alleviate
fatal consequences and promote a swift recovery among Covid l9 infected patients. In conclusion, wearing
protective masks and having effective vaccinations are two plausible ways for us to protect ourselves from
this pandemic.
1. infectious (disease) (adjective) passed easily from one
2. claim
3. institute
4. well-fitted
5. virulent
6. naked eyes
7. immunize
8. jab
person to another, especially
through air or water
(verb) to cause somebody's death
(tính từ) dễ truyền từ người này qua
người khác
(động từ) khiến ai thiệt mạng
(verb) introduce a system, policy, (động từ) giới thiệu, bắt đầu
etc. or start a process
(tính từ) mặc/đeo vừa vặn, thoải mái
(adjective) fitting closely or
(adjective) extremely dangerous or (tính từ) mang tính virus truyền nhiễm
harmful and quick to have an effect cao
(idiom) the normal power of your (thành ngữ) mắt thường
eyes without the help of an
(verb) to protect a person or an
(động từ) gây miễn dịch, tiêm ngừa
animal from a disease, especially by
giving them an injection of a
(noun) an injection to help prevent (danh từ) mũi tiêm
you from catching a disease
1.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
Your local council is considering banning all private vehicles from the town centre between the
hours of 8.00 a.m and 6.00 p.m on working days. Outside these times and at weekends there will be
no restrictions. Write a letter in 150-200 words in an appropriate style to the editor of your local
newspaper expressing an opinion on this issue. You may support or reject the idea. Give reasons for
your position and state how this ban might affect you, the local economy and the environment. You
mustn't include postal addresses. Begin and end with: Dear ....
Dear Local Council of Hanoi,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the proposal to prohibit private vehicles in the heart of
downtown during the working hours on weekdays.
I would like to respectfully point out that such a decision will adversely affect those travelling to work in
their own vehicles and even the economy. Due to the low efficiency of the transport system in Hanoi,
evidenced by the infrequency of buses and the dearth of the metro system, anyone working downtown will
struggle to travel to their workplace there. Moreover, owners of private vehicles would find another way to
get to their desired destination, so the nearest place they can get to outside the restricted zone would be
potentially gridlocked. Confusion and frustration caused by arriving at work on a daily basis might lead to
decreased productivity, thus weakening the local economy in the long run.
When it comes to the environment, I am against those who plan to have this ban enacted. This idea
might be favoredby environmentally conscious people; however, the environment can only be prioritised
by balancing the needs of the people . There are huge lines of evergreen trees on almost every pavement
surrounding the centre which serve to filter carbon emissions, thereby significantly reducing pollution. In
other words, there is no point in limiting vehicles whose emissions hardly pose any threats to the urbanites.
I do hope this matter will be resolved as soon as possible. I am looking forward to receiving your reply,
Best wishes,
1. dissatisfaction
2. in the heart of
3. evidence
5. enact
6. evergreen
(danh từ) sự bất mãn
(noun) a feeling that you are not
pleased or satisfied
(phrase) in or towards the centre of a (cụm từ) ở trung tâm
city, especially its main business area
(verb) to prove or show something; to (động từ) cung cấp dẫn chứng
be evidence of something
(phrase) with so many cars in the
(tính từ) tắc nghẽn
streets of a town that the traffic cannot
move at all
(verb) to pass a law
(động từ)cho thông qua đạo luật
(adjective) (of a tree or bush) that has (tính từ) mãi xanh mướt
green leaves all through the year
1.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
You have received an email from your English-speaking friend, Vivian “I've started a blog about my
life in lockdown and I'd like to include something about how people’s lives have been affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic in different countries. Can you tell me about the situation in your country? I’d
like to hear about how your daily routine has changed and any advice you have for making the best
of the situation." Write your email in reply to Vivian (about 150-180 words. End the email with the
name “LAM”
“Dear Vivian,
I am writing to tell you about the critical situation of COVID-19 in Vietnam in early August, 2021.
Sadly, despite the previous success in containing the epidemic, the situation has escalated in recent
months. The Delta variant of Covidl9, which first came to light in India circa 10 months ago, has spread to
Vietnam and become uncontrollable. The number of coronavirus carriers is rising daily, which has led to
strict lockdown for the past two weeks.
Due to the ongoing lockdown, many aspects of my life have changed significantly. I no longer drive to
work as almost every organization is temporarily closed. No one is allowed to be in the street except in
urgent situations. Consequently, I have been teaching students online from home for several months. On
the plus side, I can now enjoy more quality time and focus more on physical exercise like working out to
burn off excess fat. As a result, I have felt stronger both mentally and physically recently.
Please take care and stay in touch.
Looking forward to your reply,
Sincerely yours,
1. critical
2. contain
3. variant
4. circa
(adjective) serious, uncertain and
possibly dangerous
(verb) to prevent something harmful
from spreading or getting worse
(noun) a thing that is a slightly
different form or type of something
(preposition) about (used with date)
(tính từ) nghiêm trọng
(động từ) kiềm tỏa
(danh từ) biến thể
(giới từ) khoảng
(tính từ) không thể kiểm soát nổi
5. uncontrollable
(adjective) in a way that you cannot
control or prevent
6. carrier
(noun) a person or animal that passes a (danh từ) người/ vật mang bệnh
disease to other people or animals but
does not suffer from it
7. escalate
(verb) to become greater, worse, more (động từ) leo thang
serious, etc.; to make something
greater, worse, more serious, etc.
8. burn off
(phrasal verb) to remove something by (cụm động từ) đốt cháy
burning it
Năm học 2021-2022:
You have received a letter from a friend who is planning on studying abroad. “I’m nervous about
studying abroad. How will I make new friends and cope with workload at new school? Also, I'm
worried that I will miss my friends and family. Write a letter of 100-120 words to your friend. Use
your name and address as Tran Nguyen An Nhien - 69 Nguyen Du Street, Vinh City, Nghe An
Dear my beloved friend,
I heard that you are getting cold feet before travelling overseas to study. That is normal as it will be your
first time in an exotic location. I was once an international student in the U.K so let me help you deal with
such anxiety.
When it comes to school, you may have difficulty juggling new friends and schoolwork, so I am going
to give you some tips. Well, if I were you, I would practice my language skills and delve into the culture of
that nation to avoid culture shock before making friends with anyone there. That way, you will avoid a
feeling of estrangement from others. Moreover, I’d suggest you set a proper timetable to balance between
academic and extracurricular activities. In that sense, you will enjoy your time there.
Almost everyone living far from home will miss their family. There’s no need to worry as you can use
video calls on apps like Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, etc. to interact with your immediate family and close
friends anytime. Flight tickets to return home don’t come cheap so please save some money for a rainy day.
If there’s anything else I can do to help you, don’t hesitate to write to me.
Tran Nguyen An Nhien,
69 Nguyen Du Street, Vinh City, Nghe An Province.
1. get cold feet
(thành ngữ) sợ hãi đến chùn bước
(idiom) feel too frightened to do
something that you had planned to do
2. exotic
3. juggle
4. delve into
5. estrangement
6. save money for a
rainy day
(tính từ) ngoại lai
(adjective) seeming exciting and
unusual because it seems to be
connected with foreign countries
(verb) to try to deal with two or more (động từ) cố gắng cân đối
important jobs or activities at the same
time so that you can fit all of them into
your life
(phrasal verb) to try hard to find out
(cụm động từ) đào sâu tìm hiểu
more information about something
(noun) the fact of no longer being
(danh từ) sự ra rìa
friendly or in contact with somebody
(idiom) reserve money for a time when (thành ngữ) tiết kiệm tiền về sau
it might be needed unexpectedly
Năm học 2020-2021:
You are Minh. You intend to go on holiday with your friend. However, you must change your plans.
Write a letter of about 80-120 words to your friend. In your letter:
- Tell them how much you are looking forward to the holiday.
- Explain why you must change your plans
- Suggest alternative arrangements
Dear Nhat Anh,
I must admit that I cannot wait to go on vacation with you to the U.K. I’ve been longing for this trip
since I was knee high to a grasshopper because my parents, who once studied there, have told me a lot
about this country. However, in the grip of Covid l9, we should think twice before applying for a visa to fly
there. We may have been vaccinated but we may still be infected with this deadly virus. If this happened,
we might have to be moved to the quarantine area for at least 2 weeks. To make up for this reschedule, how
about visiting Da Nang? We’ve never set foot there although this place is widely acclaimed for being the
most liveable city in Vietnam. Azure sky, sun-drenched beaches, majestic mountains and mouthwatering
specialities are what we can expect there. Sounds interesting, right?
Hope to hear from you soon,
1. long for
2. be knee high to a
3. in the grip of
4. vaccinate
5. reschedule
6. acclaim
7. liveable
8. azure
9. sun-drenched
10. majestic
11. mouthwatering
(verb) to want something very much (động từ) khát khao
especially if it does not seem likely to
happen soon
(idiom) very small; very young
(thành ngữ) rất nhỏ
(idiom) experiencing something
unpleasant that cannot be stopped
(thành ngữ) trong bối cảnh (khó khăn)
(verb) to give a person or an animal a (động từ) tiêm vắc- xin
vaccine, especially by injecting it, in
order to protect them against a disease
(verb) to change the time at which
(động từ) đổi lịch
something has been arranged to
happen, especially so that it takes place
(verb) to praise or welcome
(động từ) chào đón, ngợi ca
somebody/something publicly
(tính từ) đáng sống
(adjective) (of life) worth living
(adjective) bright blue in colour like
the sky
(adjective) having a lot of hot sun
(tính từ) xanh tươi, xanh thiên thanh
(tính từ) đầy nắng
(adjective) impressive because of size (tính từ) ấn tượng, hoành tráng
or beauty
(adjective) looks or smells so good that (tính từ) gây thèm muốn
you want to eat it immediately
Your Australian friend, Timmy, has sent you a photo of himself and his family. In about 120 -140
words, write a LETTER replying to Timmy. In your LETTER, you should
- thank Timmy for the photo
- explain why you like the photo
- say what you are going to send to Timmy
You should begin your LETTER as follows.
Dear Timmy,
You do NOT need to write your own address. Do NOT sign and write your name, either.
Dear Timmy,
I am writing to thank you for the photo of you and your family which you sent me a while ago.
This photo featuring your family at Old Trafford, the home stadium of Manchester United, my favorite
football club, is out of this world. As a matter of fact, I have been dying to visit the stadium at least once in
my life. To be honest, it gave me great joy to see your family in the stands among the countless enraptured
If it is not too much trouble, I would like to deposit some money, £100 more or less, into your debit
account so that you could purchase some official Manchester United merchandise for me. Could you buy
such items as the team’s official jersey? I would be extremely grateful for your help.
Once again, thank you for your photo. I look forward to hearing from you again soon,
Best wishes,
1. feature
(verb) to have an important part in
(động từ) có sự hiện diện của
2. out of this world
(idiom) amazing
(thành ngữ) tuyệt vời
(idiom) to want something or want to (thành ngữ) cực kỳ thèm muốn làm gì
be dying to v-inf
do something very much
4. crave for
(phrasal verb) to have a very strong
(cụm động từ) thèm khát
desire for something
5. enraptured
(past participle) to be given great
(phân từ 2) cực kỳ vui
pleasure or joy
(verb) to put money into a bank
(động từ) thêm tiền vào tài khoản
7. merchandise
(danh từ) vật phẩm lưu niệm
(noun) goods that are bought or sold;
goods that are for sale in a shop
Năm học 2021-2022:
Imagine that you have just received an interesting book as a birthday present from your friend,
Laura. In about 80-100 words, write a thank-you letter to her. You are required to begin and end
your letter as follows: “Dear Laura,...”
Dear Laura,
I am writing to express my gratitude for the comic book “Attack on Titan” you sent me for my birthday.
I am indeed indebted to you for this amazing gift. The plot in which the protagonists being the
weaklings set their sights on rising up against oppression attracted me from the very first page. As a great
fan of dystopian fiction, I found the book to be right up my alley. In fact, I was trembling with excitement
from the very first chapter. Never before have I read such a fantastic book.
Once again thank you for your kind present.
1. gratitude
2 be indebted to
somebody for
3. protagonist
(noun) the feeling of being grateful and (danh từ) lòng biết ơn
wanting to express your thanks
(tính từ) biết ơn ai
(adjective) grateful to somebody for
helping you
(danh từ) nhân vật chính
(noun) the main character in a play,
film or book
(noun) a person who is not physically (danh từ) kẻ yếu đuối
set one's sight on V- (idiom) to decide to achieve something (thành ngữ) quyết tâm làm gì
(phrasal verb) to rebel or revolt against (cụm động từ) vùng lên phản kháng
6. rise up against
someone or something; to begin
resisting or defying someone or
(noun) cruel and unfair treatment of
(danh từ) sự đàn áp
7. oppression
people, especially by not giving them
the same freedom, rights, etc. as other
(tính từ) đại diện 1 nơi u tối, chỉ có
(adjective) typical of or featuring an
trong tưởng tượng
imaginary place or state in which
everything is extremely bad or
9. right up sb’s alley/ (idiom) the kind of thing you like or (thành ngữ) thứ mình thích
know about
(phrasal verb) to shake in a way that (cụm động từ) rung lên cảm giác gì
10. tremble with
you cannot control, especially because
you are very nervous, excited,
frightened, etc.
1.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
School should be a safe environment for learning and developing, however, school violence seems
to be increasing. Where does this problem come from? What should we do to change the situation?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Despite being seen as safe and harmonious places, many educational institutions have recently witnessed
a dramatic upturn in school violence. This essay will suggest several reasons behind this worrying trend
and propose workable ways of addressing it.
There are numerous causes of the surge in school violence. Firstly, violence is likely to be fueled by
dysfunctional family dynamics. In such tumultuous homes, children who witness violence at home may
emulate the same behaviors when interacting with their peers. Secondly, the violence that permeates mass
media also contributes to the alarming trend. Being at an impressionable age, youngsters exposed to gory
scenes may experience increased desensitization to violence and act more aggressively.
Several practical solutions can be adopted to curb this violence. In the first place, a healthy domestic
environment is essential for children’s proper psychological development. To be more specific, parents
need to avoid conflicts and create a supportive environment for their children. At the same time, the
authorities should enforce censorship policies so as to minimize teenagers’ exposure to violent scenes. In
particular, fighting scenes featuring aggressive behaviors should be banned on the mass media. Also,
governments ought to levy hefty fines on those posting brutal contents among the youth community and
instead should promote content that would educate children on the problems associated with violence.
In conclusion, dysfunctional family dynamics and media consumption are accountable for growing
violence at school. Therefore, parents need to take responsibility for nurturing a supportive family
atmosphere and the authorities need to impose strict censorship policies on blood-curdling scenes.
1. upturn
2. workable
3. fuel
4. dysfunctional
5. tumultuous
6. action-packed
7. impressionable
(noun) a situation in which something (danh từ) sự gia tăng
improves or increases over a period of
(adjective) that can be used
(tính từ) có thể được dùng hiệu quả
successfully and effectively
(verb) to increase something; to make (động từ) đẩy mạnh
something stronger
(adjective) not working normally or
(tính từ) bất thường, rối ren
(adjective) involving many difficulties (tính từ) hỗn độn, rối bời
and a lot of change and often violence
(adjective) full of exciting events and (tính từ) đầy cảnh hành động
(adjective) easily influenced or affected (tính từ) dễ bị ảnh hưởng
by somebody/something
8. desensitization
(noun) the process or fact of becoming (danh từ) sự quen với điều gì xấu
less aware of something as a problem
by becoming used to it
9. gory
(adjective) involving a lot of blood or (tính từ) máu me
violence; showing or describing blood
and violence
(verb) to try to do something as well as (động từ) bắt chước vì ngưỡng mộ
somebody else because you admire
(verb) to affect every part of something (động từ) lan tỏa khắp
10. emulate
11. permeate
12. curb
(verb) to control or limit something,
especially something bad
(động từ) kìm hãm điều gì xấu
(danh từ) sự kiểm duyệt
13. censorship
(noun) the act or policy of censoring
14. hefty
15. levy
16. brutal
(adjective) big and heavy
(tính từ) lớn, nặng
(động từ) áp đặt
(verb) to use official authority to
demand and collect a payment, tax, etc.
(adjective) violent and cruel
(tính từ) bạo lực, tàn độc
17. be accountable for (adjective) responsible for your
decisions or actions and expected to
explain them when you are asked
(adjective) filling you with horror;
18. blood-curdling
extremely frightening
19. impose
(verb) to expect somebody to do
something for you or to spend time
with you, when it may not be
convenient for them
(tính từ) chịu trách nhiệm cho
(tính từ) đầy máu me
(động từ) áp đặt lên
1.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that children who spend a lot of time reading children’s story books are wasting
their time, which could be better used to do other more useful activities. To what extent do you agree
or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Story books have long been a popular pastime among children. However, some argue that the amount of
time devoted to this reading activity should be spent on other more helpful activities instead. In my opinion,
I partly agree with this standpoint.
On the one hand, reading story books has several upsides. Firstly, this leisure activity serves to foster
readers' creativity. In particular, people develop their imagination by visualizing how the plot unfolds based
on illustrations, captions and words. Imagination, if practiced frequently, may turn into ideas and
innovations to help advance the society as a whole. Secondly, stress is alleviated through this reading
activity. Numerous researches have confirmed that reading story books relieves tensions by letting readers
escape from the real bustling world into a fantasy world. Easing stress lowers the possibility of one’s
experiencing depression and enhances productivity at work as well.
On the other hand, an inordinate amount of time put into enjoying story books may do more harm than
good. First of all, such an amount of time might be used for other extracurricular activities such as doing
charity work or volunteering to help the disadvantaged, to name but a few. These activities will play an
important role in building an impressive cv for children, either to be admitted to universities or companies,
when they become adults. Moreover, children also need to take away a part of their reading time to
dedicate to academic activities as well. As entrance exams are increasingly challenging, students need to
spend more time on upgrading their study skills or else they would flunk.
In conclusion, the above discussion favors a conclusion that reading story books is both positive and
negative. It not only stimulates creativity but also lessens stress; however, children need to balance the time
allocated for reading with other academic and extracurricular activities to live their youth to the fullest.
1. pastime
2. unfold
3. inordinate
4. flunk
5. lessen
6. live to the fullest
(noun) something that you enjoy doing (danh từ) thú tiêu khiển
when you are not working
(verb) to be gradually made known; to (động từ) hé lộ dần
gradually make something known to
other people
(adjective) far more than is usual or
(tính từ) quá nhiều, thừa mứa
(verb) to fail an exam, a test or a course (động từ) trượt bài kiểm tra
(verb) to become or make something (động từ) làm giảm dần
become smaller, weaker, less
important, etc.
(idiom) to fully enjoy one’s life.
(thành ngữ) tận hưởng cuộc sống trọn
1.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
Some people say that it is always better if students are given options to study online from home
during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic as traveling to school may be risky. Do you agree or
E-learning is historically criticized as surreal and to a certain extent, less effective than on-site learning.
However, the perennial pandemic of Covid-19 has compelled people to spend more time online. In my
opinion, studying online is by no means fruitless, and in fact, there are excellent advantages to this
On the subject of comfot, virtual classrooms can be unrivaled. As a rule of thumb, the virtual classroomwithout-wall arrangement not only frees students of the hurdles of preparing for school and the need to
travel but also allows them the flexibility to follow the courses at their own pace. This means more time is
reserved for other activities be them academic or physical.
Another competitive edge of distance learning is its enhancement of content engagement. Memorising
information based on repetition has fallen out of favour, in replacement of which is hands-on experience.
This has been indeed made possible, even in the time of self-isolation, with modern technologies.
Immersing learners in live-action practice and context, for example trips to 3D ancient pyramid tombs in a
history lesson, augmented reality technology lets students explore remote sites, which will be otherwise
inaccessible to many on-site learners. This way, learners may feel like travelling to wherever they desire
and interact with whatever in front of their eyes instead of being constrained by four walls of their home.
Therefore, digital learning can even do away with the sense of isolation many students feel during
On balance, I believe that a digitalised learning environment has more to offer than the conventional
setting. Once students are accustomed to the transformation from traditional to digital learning, they will
find it hard to forgo the comforts of the home and rich learning environments provided by modern gadgets.
(adjective) strange; not seeming real; (tính từ) không thực tế
1. surreal
like a dream
(adjective) lasting a very long time, or (tính từ) kéo dài
2. perennial
happening repeatedly or all the time
(động từ) thúc ép ai làm gì
3. compel sb to do sth (verb) to force someone to do
something; to make something ;
4. by no means
5. fruitless
6. on the subject of
7. unrivalled
8. as a rule of thumb
9. hurdle
(phrase) not at all
(cụm) không hề
(adjective) If an action or attempt to do (tính từ) vô ích
something is fruitless, it is unsuccessful
or produces nothing of value
(phrase) to start talking about
(cụm) nói về mặt nào
(adjective) having no equal; better than (tính từ) tốt hơn cả
any other of the same type
(phrase) a broadly accurate guide or
(cụm) theo thực tế thỉ
principle, based on experience or
practice rather than theory.
(danh từ) rào cản, khó khăn
(noun) a problem that you have to deal
with before you can make progress
10. at sb’s own pace
(phrase) If you do something at your
own pace, you do it at a speed that is
comfortable for you
(cụm) làm việc tùy theo sức/ tốc độ của
mình, ý muốn của mình
11. edge
12. enhancement
(noun) an advantage over sth/sb
(noun) the process of improving the
quality, amount, or strength of
(noun) the fact of being involved with
(phrase) to no longer be supported,
preferred, or highly regarded
(danh từ) lợi thế
(danh từ) sự nâng cao
13. engagement
14. fall out of favour
(danh từ) sự liên kết
(cụm) hông còn được yêu mến, ủng hộ,
chấp thuận
(danh từ) sự tự cô lập bản thân
(noun) the practice of intentionally
keeping yourself separate from other
people, organizations
16. immerse oneself in (verb) to become completely involved (động từ) đắm chìm vào thứ gì
in something
(danh từ) thực tế tăng cường
augmented reality (noun) an enhanced version of reality
created by the use of technology
(adverb) in a way that causes change (trạng từ) một cách chủ động
18. proactively
by taking action
19. accessible to sth
(phrase) easy to understand
(cụm) dễ tiếp cận
(cụm) vượt khỏi
(phrase) to get rid of or destroy
20. do away with
be accustomed to
(phrase) familiar with something
(cụm) quen với cái gì
(động từ) bỏ qua
(verb) to not have or do something
22. forgo
15. self-isolation
Năm học 2021-2022:
“It is advised that everyone should look on the bright side of everything. What are the positive sides
that you can see of the CO VID-19 pandemic?”
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the catastrophic disease has adversely affected the lives of millions of
people worldwide. However, there are silver linings to this crisis, which will be discussed in this essay.
First and foremost, the pandemic has led to an environmental rejuvenation. Following the
implementation of restrictions on all but essential travel, most areas have benefitted from lower greenhouse
gas emissions, which has resulted in improved air quality and a lower incidence of respiratory diseases. In
addition, the various business closures forced by the pandemic have reduced the amount of noxious
industrial waste discharged into the water bodies such as streams, rivers and even oceans. Consequently,
these once polluted water bodies have become hospitable again to various forms of life.
Secondly, the crisis has helped increase the amount of quality family time. Until recently, the hustle and
bustle of urban life generally consumed the majority of people’s time which should have been dedicated to
family. In contrast, the Covid-19 lockdown and the resulting closure of most businesses have forced people
to stay at home for months. As a result, many can devote more time to their loved ones and, in particular,
parents can focus more on diligently raising their children, which is conducive to the latter's development in
the long run.
In summary, improved environmental health and increased family time are the two most beneficial
impacts of Covid-19. Although the pandemic has caused incalculable damage, it also may have brought
many families closer together and reduced mankind’s carbon footprint.
(noun) the sudden start of something (danh từ) sự bùng phát
1. outbreak
unpleasant, especially violence or a
(tính từ) gây thảm họa
(adjective) causing many people to
silver lining
(danh từ) sự đóng cửa
(noun) the situation when a factory,
school, hospital, etc. shuts permanently
(noun) an advantage that comes from a (danh từ) điểm tươi sáng
difficult or unpleasant situation
(danh từ) sự tươi mới, làm trẻ lại
(noun) the act or process of making
somebody/something look or feel
younger, more lively or more modern
(động từ) là dấu hiệu
(verb) to be a sign of something
(adjective) so closely connected with (tính từ) có liên quan mật thiết với
something that the two things appear to
be the same
(verb) to get an illness
(động từ) dính bệnh
(adjective) connected with breathing
(tính từ) thuộc về hô hấp
(adjective) poisonous or harmful
(adjective) that gives you pleasure or
makes you feel satisfied
(idiom) busy and frenetic activity or
(tính từ) độc hại
10. noxious
11. pleasing
12. the hustle and
bustle of
13. wreak havoc
14. diligently
15. conducive
carbon footprint
(tính từ) dễ chịu
(thành ngữ) sự tấp nập, hối hả
(cụm từ) gây loạn
(phrase) To cause a lot of problems.
(adverb) in a way that shows care and
(trạng từ) chăm chỉ
effort in your work or duties
(adjective) making it easy, possible or (tính từ) thuận tiện cho
likely for something to happen
(cụm từ) lượng khí thải CO2
(phrase) the total amount of
greenhouse gases (including carbon
dioxide and methane) that are
generated by our actions
(adjective) very large or very great; too (tính từ) quá lớn, không thể tính nổi
great to calculate
(danh từ) sự nuôi dạy con cái
(noun) the process of bringing up a
child or children.
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people say that the young generation now spend too much time on I personal enjoyment doing things they like to do - rather than doing things they should do. Do you agree with this point of
Today’s youngsters are said to spend an excessive amount of time on leisure activities in lieu of
fulfilling their responsibilities. I partly align myself with this view and I will illustrate my arguments in this
It is undeniable that the youth pursue their interests excessively. The plethora of choices for
entertainment is to blame for teenagers’ indulgence. Since the ubiquity and accessibility of the Internet
makes it easy to access various forms of entertainment, such as films and video games, the youth generally
find it difficult to resist the temptation of indulging in it. As a result, overindulgence in the entertainment
world may eat into the amount of time which should be allotted to useful activities such as studying or
joining extracurricular activities. Furthermore, addiction to entertaining content on screen may lead to
further health problems such as short-sightedness.
Although young people devote large amounts of time to their hobbies, they still find time to do the
things they need to do but this mainly depends on learners’ own self-discipline instead. A typical example
illustration of this is related to academically-minded students prior to the university’s admission process.
The majority of these students still devote time to studying to be eligible for schools renowned with
academic excellence such as US-based IVY league schools. Another example rests with extracurricular
activites. Many students still willingly join such activities without being asked to as they believe their
social skills will be enhanced via extracurriculars. In other words, it is youngsters’ autonomy which dictates
their action.
To recap, whether a young person’s time spent on doing things they ought to do is curtailed by time
spent on leisure activities is reliant on each person’s selfdiscipline. Youngsters need to prioritize what is the
most important for their career path and dedicate a reasonable amount of time to this.
1. in lieu of
(phrase) instead of
(cụm từ) thay vì
2. align oneself with
3. ubiquity
4. accessibility
5. at somebody’s
6. resist
(phrasal verb) to support, agree with, or (cụm động từ) tán đồng với
form an alliance with a particular
person or idea
(noun) the fact that something seems to (danh từ) sự hiện diện khắp nơi
be everywhere or in several places at
the same time; the fact that something
is very common
(noun) how easy something is to reach, (danh từ) tính dễ kết nổi
enter, use, see, etc.
(thành ngữ) tùy ý sử dụng
(idiom) available for use as you
prefer/somebody prefers
(verb) to stop yourself from having
(động từ) cưỡng lại
something you like or doing something
you very much want to do
7. temptation
(noun) the desire to do or have
something that you know is bad or
8. indulge (in)
(verb) to allow yourself to have or do (động từ) sa đà vào
something that you like, especially
something that is considered bad for
(phrasal verb) use up a quantity of
(cụm động từ) lẹm vào, dùng mất, tiêu
profits, resources, or time
9. eat into
(danh từ) sự cuốn hút
10. self-discipline
(noun) the ability to make yourself do (danh từ) sự tự kỷ luật, tự nghiêm khắc
something, especially something
với bản thân
difficult or unpleasant
11. be eligible for
(adjective) is able to have or do it
because they have the right
qualifications, are the right age, etc
12. autonomy
(danh từ) sự tự chủ, tự giác
(noun) the ability to act and make
decisions without being controlled by
anyone else
(động từ) hạn chế, làm gián đoạn
(verb) to limit something or make it
last for a shorter time
(tính từ) trông cậy vào ai/cái gì
(adjective) needing somebody/
something in order to survive, be
successful, etc.
13. curtail
14. be reliant on
(tính từ) đủ tiêu chuẩn làm gì
4.1. Năm học 2018-2019:
Some people consider computer games a harmless relaxation or even a usefill educational tool for
school students. Others, however, believe that these games are having an adverse effect on the
students who play them. Discuss both views, supporting your opinion with specific reasons and
examples. Write at least 200 words.
The issue of whether computer games exert positive or negative impacts on school- age players still
remains debatable. From my perspective, each aspect has its own justifications and this essay will analyze
both the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games.
On the one hand, games prove beneficial, providing both mental relaxation and learning. Firstly, video
games offer a chance for players to unwind and relieve unrelenting stresses to regain energy. This is
because electronic games are, to the core, playful and designed to be entertaining and amusing. Secondly,
video games also offer educational benefits. For example, strategy games such as “Civilization” and “Age
of Empires” may kindle one’s interest in geography and history. Moreover, certain role-playing games,
namely “Final Fantasy” and “The Sims”, provide players with opportunities to practice their
communication and teamwork skills.
On the other hand, computer games come with their share of problems. First and foremost, an inordinate
amount of time spent on gaming might distract students from their schoolwork. In fact, teenage gamers
routinely have lower test scores than their peers because when they binge-play games, the time that should
be allocated for studying will be limited. Another significant demerit equated with gaming is incurred
expenses. In addition to their original price, many games require their players to pay additional fees to
proceed to the next stages. Consequently, many teenage gamers who are not financially independent of
their parents may experience severe financial stress.
In conclusion, video games have both pros and cons. It is up to the players to make the most of the
advantages while steering clear of potential pitfalls.
1. school-age
(noun) the age or period when a child (danh từ) độ tuổi đi học
normally attends school
7. inordinate
(noun) a good reason why something (danh từ) lý do bào chữa
exists or is done
(adjective) (of an unpleasant situation) (tính từ) không ngừng nghỉ
not stopping or becoming less severe
(idiom) to an extreme degree
(thành ngữ) cực kì
(adjective) funny and not serious
(tính từ) mang tính vui chơi
(verb) to make something such as an (động từ) đẩy mạnh
interest, emotion, etc. start to grow in
somebody; to start to be felt by
(adjective) far more than is usual or
(tính từ) quá dư thừa
8. binge-play
(verb) play something too much
2. justification
3. unrelenting
4. to the core
5. playful
6. kindle
9. allocate
10. equate
11. incur
12. steer clear of
13. pitfall
(động từ) làm gì quá nhiều, cày
(động từ) dành cho
(verb) to give something officially to
somebody/something for a particular
(verb) to think that something is the
(động từ) đánh đồng với
same as something else or is as
(verb) to experience something, usually (động từ) trải nghiệm những gì phát
something unpleasant, as a result of
actions you have taken
(phrase) take care to avoid or keep
(cụm từ) tránh xa
away from.
(noun) a likely mistake or problem in a (danh từ) vấn đề có thể gặp phải
4.2. Năm học 2020-2021:
Write an essay of about 200-250 words on the following topic: “Life skills are very important and
useful for students nowadays”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your statement.
Many parents and educators debate the necessity of focusing on the development of young people’s life
skills in order to survive the stiff competition of today’s world. I concur with the opinion that life skills are
of overriding importance for the following reasons.
First and foremost adequate life skills enable students to lead a fulfilling life. Good time management
skills enable students to arrange time effectively to get more rest in addition to handling any given tasks
successfully. Proper time arrangement lowers the risk of anxiety and depression stemming from overwork
while it maintains one's productivity at the same time. Moreover, decent interpersonal skills allow people to
cultivate strong relationships. Particularly, a solicitous person generally knows how to behave as well as
develops genuine sympathy and appreciation for others. Hence, they may be treated the same and respected
among their peers.
Secondly, in addition to one’s outstanding qualifications, soft skills are becoming an increasingly
important yet subtle criterion during the recruitment process in the cut-throat business world. Job applicants
are often evaluated on their ability to communicate and work with others by the admissions committee. By
developing their teamwork skills, students improve their chances of securing future employment. Both
communication and teamwork skills will probably improve recruits’ employability as this is a much-needed
trait of productive workforce.
In recapitulation, life skills are increasingly important in ensuring students’ contentment and improving
their future prospects of employment. Students should make efforts to enhance their social skills to better
adapt to the everchanging world.
1. Stiff
2. concur
3. overriding
4. solicitous
5. subtle
6. gauge
7. employability
8. much-needed
9. recapitulation
(adjective) more difficult or severe than
(tính từ) căng thẳng, khốc liệt
(verb) to publicly support an
(động từ) ủng hộ ý kiến
organization, a set of opinions or a
person that you agree with
(adjective) more important than anything (tính từ) quan trọng hơn tất cả
else in a particular situation
(tính từ) biết quan tâm
(adjective) being very concerned for
somebody and wanting to make sure that
they are comfortable, well or happy
(adjective) (often approving) not very (tính từ) tinh tế
obvious or easy to notice
(verb) to make a judgement about
(động từ) đánh giá, đo lường
something, especially people's feelings
or attitudes
(danh từ) sự dễ kiếm được việc
(noun) the extent to which somebody
has the skills, knowledge, attitude, etc.
that make them suitable for paid work
(adjective) to a great extent
(tính từ) rất cần
(noun) the act of repeating or giving a
(danh từ) sự tóm lại
summary of what has already been said,
decided, etc.
4.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
While attending online classes at home is nowadays a new trend, many students only enjoy going
to school. Which type of class do you prefer? Write an essay of 200-250 words to express your
In the foreseeable future, it is evident that people will see technology entrenched profoundly in
education. Even though many believe that there is no rival to onsite learning far as students’ learning
outcome is concerned, I have many reasons to maintain that cyber platforms designed for studying is by no
means different from, if not to say more desirable than traditional learning arrangements.
One such explanation is that online classrooms are set to become more globally interactive. In fact,
instead of being constrained within the four walls of the classroom and reading about new territories,
students will conveniently have virtual trips to those far-off destinations, therefore will absorb the taught
subjects such as History and Geography better. The newly released Metaverse, formerly known as
Facebook, and its associated technological potentials is a strong testament to this. The cutting-edge
platform promises bountiful opportunities of social connection regardless of geographical condition, which
includes exploring historical sites, experiencing earthquakes and volcanoes, or even traveling to outer
Another explanation that should be taken into consideration lies in students’ improved skills. Without
teachers’ or parents’ supervision, students have to be self-motivated to acquire extensive knowledge taught
by teachers to attain desired results in any given exams. This way, students’ self-motivation and time
management skills are enhanced. Such skill improvement will do wonders for not only their coming exams
but also their employability prospects upon their graduation from their universities in the long run. This is
because these are two of the most important skills any employer seeks in his or her new hires.
Taking above arguments into consideration, I have a preference for web-based learning due to its
interaction nature and skill development. Students should familiarize themselves with studying online in
the world where distance learning is gradually becoming the norm.
1. foreseeable
2. entrench in
3. rival
4. outcome
5. cyber platform
6. if not to say
7. desirable
8. constrain
9. virtual
(tính từ) có thể thấy trước
(adjective) A foreseeable event or
situation is one that can be known about
or guessed before it happens
(verb) to establish something very
(động từ) in hằn vào
strongly so that it is very difficult to
(noun) a person, group, etc. competing (danh từ) đối thủ
with others for the same thing or in the
same area
(noun) a result or effect of an action,
(danh từ) đàu ra
situation, etc
(noun) a particular computer technology (danh từ) nền tảng số
that can be used with some types of
software programs but not with others
used to introduce a more forceful or
(cụm) nếu không muốn nói là
critical way of describing someone or
(tính từ) khao khát
(adjective) worth having and wanted by
most people
(động từ) hạn chế
(verb) to control and limit something
(adjective) done using computer
(tính từ) ảo
technology over the internet, and not
involving people physically going
10. far-off
11. territory
(adjective) a great distance away
(tính từ) xa xôi
(noun) (an area of) land, or sometimes (danh từ) lãnh thổ
sea, that is considered as belonging to or
connected with a particular country or
12. testament
(noun) proof
(adjective) the most current and highlevel IT developments
13. cutting-edge
(danh từ) chứng cứ cho
(tính từ) hiện đại
14. bountiful
15. self-motivated
16. self-motivation
(adjective) large in amount
(tính từ) nhiều
(tính từ) tự động viên
(adjective) capable of hard work and
effort without the need for pressure from
(noun) the quality of being capable of (danh từ) sự tự động viên bản thân
hard work and effort without the need
for pressure from others
17. do wonders for
(idiom) to cause improvements or have a (thành ngữ) phát triển, ảnh hưởng tốt
very good effect
18. hire
(noun) a person who has recently been
given a job by a company
19. preference
(noun) a greater interest in or desire for (danh từ) sự ưa thích hơn
somebody/ something jthan somebody/
something else
(danh từ) người được tuyển vào làm
5.1. Năm học 2019-2020:
More and more people now prefer reading books on smart devices to reading paper books. Thus,
some say that the latter will become unnecessary and disappear in the future. What is your opinion?
The speed with which electronic sources of information have emerged as an alternative to paper have led
many futurists to speculate that the former will sooner or later become the primary source of knowledge
and the latter will be superseded. Although I concede with what the rising dominance of the electronic
devices means, I firmly believe they serve as poor substitutes for books.
One compelling argument against the assumption of e-books marginalising traditional books is the fact
that they lure students who are prone to distraction into the misconception that they can multitask at no
academic cost. A growing number of studies have found that device usage for non-reading purposes on ereaders and smart devices is extremely popular, which many a time can wreak havoc on academic tasks
such as taking notes, retaining information, and even performing in tests.
Granted, we should not deny the perks of digital devices regarding their capacity to enhance users’
reading experience. For instance, smartphones with an installed reading app, can archive materials not only
in textual format but also in audio and visual ones. Providing more animated records than any other written
accounts, video clips integrated in the e-readers about a tourist site, for example, will always have more
impact to travel books promoting the same attraction regardless of how visually attractive they may be. On
this account, it is evident that electronic platforms hold an inherent advantage compared to books when it
comes to presenting data.
In summary, although digital reading devices have an undeniable competitive edge over conventional
ones, to draw the conclusion that they will supplant books may be premature. I affirm that books still enjoy
compelling advantages as to retaining the concentration of students, and therefore, books are here to stay, at
least for the time being.
(danh từ) nhà nghiên cứu tương lai
(noun) a person who makes statements
about what will happen in the future
based on their studies and knowledge
(verb) to form an opinion about
(động từ) phỏng đoán
something without knowing all the
details or facts
(verb) to take the place of
(động từ) thay thế cho những thứ lỗi
something/somebody that is considered thời
to be old-fashioned or no longer the best
(verb) to admit that something is true, (động từ) thừa nhận điều gì là đúng
logical, etc. after first denying it or
resisting it
(noun) the fact of being more important, (danh từ) sự lấn lướt
powerful or easy to notice than
somebody/something else
(verb) to make somebody feel as if they (động từ) cho ra rìa
are not important and cannot influence
decisions or events; to put somebody in
a position in which they have no power
10. archive
11. textual
12. integrate
13. conventional
14. supplant
15. affirm
(verb) to persuade or trick somebody to
go somewhere or to do something by
promising them a reward
(noun) a belief or an idea that is not
based on correct information, or that is
not understood by people
(verb) to do several things at the same
(verb) to put or store a document or
other material in an archive
(adjective) connected with or contained
in a text
(động từ) dụ dỗ ai
(danh từ) sự nhận thức sai
(động từ) đa nhiệm
(động từ) lưu cữu, lưu trữ
(tính từ) thuộc về văn bản
(động từ) tích hợp, kết hợp
(verb) to combine two or more things so
that they work together; to combine with
something else in this way
(adjective) tending to follow what is
(tính từ) theo truyền thống
done or considered acceptable by society
in general; normal and ordinary, and
perhaps not very interesting
(verb) to take the place of somebody/
(động từ) thay thế
something (especially somebody/
something older or less modern)
(verb) to state clearly or publicly that
(động từ) khẳng định rõ ràng
something is true or that you support
something strongly
16. here to stay
(idiom) To be permanent or firmly
(thành ngữ) vẫn cứ tồn tại
established; to be a normal part of
everyday life, especially after once being
considered abnormal or unusual.
17. for the time being (idiom) at the present moment; for now. (thành ngữ) ở thời điểm hiện tại
5.2.Năm học 2020-2021:
In many countries today, the eating habits and lifestyle of children are different from those of
previous generations. Some people say this does more harm than good. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.
In recent years, children’s dietary patterns and way of life have changed dramatically compared to those
of preceding generations, exerting detrimental impacts on their overall health. From my perspective, I
wholeheartedly agree with this opinion for the following reasons.
When it comes to youngsters’ eating behaviors, fast food which adversely affects children’s health is in
vogue. This can be illustrated by the number of fast-food restaurant chains mushrooming across the world
compared to the limited quantity of such outlets several decades ago. Given the fact it has hardly any
nutritional value and contains a considerable amount of fat, fast food triggers obesity among the youth.
Such excess of body fat may fuel a person’s metabolic disorders in the forms of cardiovascular disease or
diabetes for the foreseeable future.
In terms of lifestyles, among the kids, especially city-based ones, the trend of a sedentary lifestyle is
considered a la mode. Since many families now prioritize academics over other activities, children are left
with limited opportunities to enjoy physical exercise. Additionally, the massive popularity of modern
entertainment platforms such as social media and video games has kept children glued to the screen and
unwilling to engage in any physical activity. All two reasons have been accountable for children's physical
inactivity, exacerbating obesity whose future repercussions have been mentioned above.
All things considered, both fast food consumption and styles of living have contributed to the rise in
childhood obesity and other health-related issues. In order to prevent these problems, more consideration
needs to be given to the importance of a healthy diet and physical exercise.
dietary patterns
(phrase) the quantities, proportions,
(cụm từ) thói quen dinh dưỡng
variety, or combination of different
foods, drinks, and nutrients in diets, and
the frequency with which they are
habitually consumed.
(adverb) completely, in an enthusiastic
(verb) to rapidly grow or increase in
(trạng từ) hoàn toàn
(động từ) nở rộ
metabolic disorder (phrase) a disorder that negatively alters (cụm từ) sự rối loạn chuyển hóa chất
the body's processing and distribution of
macronutrients such as proteins, fats,
and carbohydrates
(adjective) relating to the heart and the
blood vessels (= the tubes that carry
blood around the body)
a la mode
(noun) a medical condition in which the (danh từ) bệnh tiểu đường
body cannot produce enough insulin to
control the amount of sugar in the blood
(tính từ) thịnh hành
(adjective) fashionable; in the latest
(verb) to make something worse,
especially a disease or problem
(adjective) thuộc về tim mạch
(động từ) làm trầm trọng thêm
5.3. Năm học 2021-2022:
Some people find it difficult to get a job nowadays. What is the reason for this ? What do the
young prepare for the future?
In this cut-throat world today, it has become increasingly challenging to secure employment. This essay
will illustrate various strong reasons accounting for this trend and several things youngsters need to do to
gird themselves for this daunting job market.
Several reasons can explain the grave difficulty of finding a job today. First of all, the recruitment
process is becoming increasingly competitive. More and more applicants possess outstanding CVs and
apply for the same position; therefore, businesses are forced to turn down large number of competent
candidates. In addition, a huge number of companies put an emphasis on candidates’ hands- on experience,
which is just not realistic in the case of new graduates. Second, some majors have lower progression rates
for securing a place in the professional setting. Accordingly, statistics from recent surveys reveals that
although an increasing number of students choose to major in Psychology and Anthropology, those in
possession of Bachelor or Master degree in these fields generally have lower employment opportunities.
To advance their candidacy, graduates need to make their CVs stand out from the other applicants. In
addition to having a high-grade point average and outstanding credentials, one needs to demonstrate welldeveloped soft skills. To that end, students may actively undertake extracurricular activities to earn
certificates for participation, for example in community service or varsity athletics, which are then included
in the CVs for the admissions committee to scrutinize, Moreover, job seekers may demonstrate their
expertise by acquiring more relevant qualifications. For instance, a prospective banker should obtain one of
the internationally recognized finance-related certificates such as CFA, Chartered Financial Analysis, or the
ACCA, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
In conclusion, the rigorous recruitment process and low employment rate of some majors are
accountable for the increasing difficulty in finding jobs. Therefore, applicants are under obligation to create
impressive CVs in order to be successfully recruited.
10. CFA
11. ACCA
(tính từ) khốc liệt
(adjective) (of an activity) in which
people compete with each other in
aggressive and unfair ways
(verb) (literary) to prepare for something (động từ) chuẩn bị cho
difficult, especially a fight, contest, etc.
(tính từ) làm thoái chí, nhụt chí
(adjective) making somebody feel
nervous and less confident about doing
something; likely to make somebody
feel this way
(adjective) very serious and important; (tính từ) cực kỳ đáng ngại
giving you a reason to feel worried
(danh từ) nhân chủng học
(noun) the study of the human race,
especially of its origins, development,
customs and beliefs
(verb) to help something to succeed
(động từ) giúp thành công
(verb) to make yourself responsible for (động từ) trải qua
something and start doing it
(noun) the main team that represents a (danh từ) đội thể thao đại diện cho
college or high school, especially in
sports competitions
(verb) to look at or examine
(động từ) soi xét kỹ
somebody/something carefully
(noun) Chartered Financial Analysis: a (danh từ) chúng nhận uy tín nhất về
năng lực trong lĩnh vực phân tích tài
globally-recognized professional
designation given by the CFA Institute chính
(danh từ) chứng chỉ uy tín nhất về
(noun) Association of Chartered
Certified Accountants: a global body of nang lực trong lĩnh vực kế toán
successful professionals in the finance
and accounting field
Describe a peaceful life in your country village or hometown. What happens if a natural disaster
occurs? Give comments on bad effects of the disaster.
As a born-and-raised city boy, having stayed in the country on some occasions, I still can imagine life
there to some extent. In my opinion, rural people generally lead an idyllic existence; however, in case of a
natural catastrophe, several consequences can be predicted
The bucolic life in my hometown, Ninh Binh, is an idyll. On a daily basis, farmers herd buffalos in vast
expanses of green fields. There is no skyline of towering skyscrapers; hence, rural dwellers can observe the
luminosity of evening stars at will and light pollution is non-existent. They can also inhale fresh air free of
toxic chemicals emitted from vehicles roaming in the streets. Rural people are, in general, hospitable,
fostering a great sense of community and making me feel welcome whenever I travel there.
Despite the peaceful nature of rural life, a natural calamity could disrupt it and produce devastating
consequences. In the case of floods or draughts, rural communities solely depending on growing crops for
their livelihood will be likely to have their source of income drastically reduced. If an earthquake strikes
the rural areas, its calamitous power could possibly claim thousands of lives. Any such disaster may result
not only in loss of life, but could also lead to disastrous economic losses. Since rural people often live from
day to day, they are more vulnerable to such natural tragedies and may struggle to regain their livelihood.
All in all, rural life is tranquil in the absence of high-rise buildings with unpolluted air and affable
residents. However, the rural population needs to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves, their
families and livelihoods once such tranquility is threatened by catastrophes such as floods, droughts and
1. born-and- raised
2. idyllic
3. catastrophe
4. bucolic
5. idyll
6. skyline
7. towering
8. luminosity
9. at will
10. calamity
(adjective) both born and raised in the (tính từ) vừa được sinh ra vừa lớn lên
same particular place; having lived in
one's birthplace through one’s
(tính từ) bình yên, tươi đẹp
(adjective) peaceful and beautiful;
perfect, without problems
(noun) a sudden event that causes many (danh từ) thảm kịch
people to suffer
(tính từ) thuộc về đồng quê
(adjective) connected with the
countryside or country life
(noun) a happy and peaceful place, event (danh từ) nơi yên bình
or experience, especially one connected
with the countryside
(noun) the outline of buildings, trees,
(danh từ) hàng dài
hills, etc. seen against the sky
(adjective) extremely tall or high and
(tính từ) cực kì cao, cao lừng lững
therefore impressive
(noun) the fact of shining in the dark; the (danh từ) sự tỏa sáng
ability to give out light
(phrase) At one’s own choosing; in
(cụm từ) tùy ý ai
compliance with one’s wishes or desires.
(noun) an event that causes great damage (danh từ) tai ương
11. calamitous
to people's lives, property, etc.
(adjective) causing great damage to
people's lives, property, etc
12. affable
(adjective) pleasant, friendly and easy to (tính từ) thân thiện, dễ gần
talk to
(tính từ) gây tai ương
Năm học 2018-2019:
Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of learning online.
Changes in recent years have led to the confinement of children in their homes and simultaneously the
rise of online learning. While many sing the praises of its safety, opinions are divided when it comes to its
impact on knowledge retention.
Most of the advocates, dazzled by its home-based nature, hold that online learning successfully distances
students, especially the young ones, from the less desirable elements of the traditional class setting: peer
pressure, bullying, and other forms of discrimination. With ever-increasing problems in schools nowadays,
a lot of parents are considering alternative ways of educating their offspring, and online learning is one
effective measure. It is better than off-site training in a way that it prevents their children from peer
dependence which may ultimately crushes self- esteem. Just this thought alone indeed sounds tempting
Skeptics, however, have often remarked on the pitfalls of digital learning, primarily on the ground of its
effectiveness in knowledge acquisition. Affected by the blue light coming from most digital devices, no one
can deny that reading anything lengthy on a screen, no matter how big it is, is such a miserable experience
that most would resist. Particularly in the case when students have to endure extended screen hours and the
resultant impacts of this practice, one cannot help but wonder about the learning outcome with digital
learning. It is not to mention that this learning arrangement would be more difficult to be assessed by the
state were it to become widespread.
In conclusion, online learning has been widely embraced as it eliminates the hassles that socializing may
involve. It is not as easy as it sounds, though, as parents have to be genuinely aware of all the risks attached
to it and accordingly take measures to deal with any shortcomings.
1. confinement
2. dazzle
(noun) the state of being forced to stay in (danh từ) trạng thái bị giam cầm
a closed space
(động từ) khiến ai choáng ngợp
(verb) impress somebody a lot
3. ever-increasing
(adjective) increasing, present etc all the (tính từ) tăng liên tục
4. pitfall
(noun) a likely mistake or problem in a (danh từ) vấn đề có thể xảy đến
(adjective) caused by the thing that has (tính từ) xảy ra như 1 kết quả, hệ quả
just been mentioned
5. resultant
6. hassle
(noun) a situation that is annoying
(danh từ) điều rắc rối, phiền muộn
because it involves doing something
difficult or complicated that needs a lot
of effort
Năm học 2018-2019:
Đề riêng: Nowadays, parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. Is it a negative or
positive development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
Parents today tend to put their offspring under enormous pressure to guarantee success. In my opinion,
this could be either a positive or a negative phenomenon, depending on the extent of pressure.
On the one hand, a reasonable amount of pressure can help unlock children’s potential. Specifically,
teenagers may be less likely to realize their full potential in the absence of parental pressure. If youngsters
were pampered with praises only without any pressure, they would easily lack motivation to improve
themselves later. To put it differently, positive pressure motivates ones to perform beyond the limits of
their capabilities to succeed. For example, parents’ gentle encouragement offered to their children having
bad marks can be considered beneficial, making them more determined to score higher next time.
On the other hand, if it becomes too extreme, the pressure to succeed may lead to undesirable
consequences. Relentless pressure may cause students’ confidence to plummet due to the fragile state of
youngsters’ mental well-being. To be more specific, children who cannot meet their parents’ high
expectations could suffer from low self-esteem and succumb to problems such as disruptive behavior
disorders, acute depression and even suicidal thoughts. For example, myriads of articles making the
headlines these days are written about the incidence of teenage suicide, with misbehavior and depression
rising at an alarming rate due to their inability to meet parents’ academic requirements.
In summary, while parental pressure may motivate students to improve themselves, it could also lead to
severe consequences. Therefore, parents need to be sensible to help their children to realize their full
1. realize
2. undesirable
3. relentless
4. plummet
5. succumb
6. disruptive
7. acute
8. suicidal
9. make the headline
(verb) to achieve something important (động từ) hiện thực hóa
that you very much want to do
(adjective) not wanted or approved of; (tính từ) không ai mong muốn
likely to cause trouble or problems
(adjective) not stopping; not getting less (tính từ) không ngừng
(verb) to fall suddenly and quickly from (động từ) tụt mạnh
a high level or position
(verb) to not be able to fight an attack, a (động từ) dễ dính
temptation, etc.
(adjective) causing problems, noise, etc. (tính từ) gây ra nhiều vấn đề
so that something cannot continue
(tính từ) rất nặng
(adjective) related to a feeling that they (tính từ) mang tính tự tử
want to kill themselves
(idiom) to be featured on the headlines (thành ngữ) xuất hiện trên báo
of news articles
(adjective) very serious or severe
Năm học2020-2021: Online education is becoming more and more popular. Do you believe that elearning has so many benefits that it will replace face-to-face education soon? Write an essay of at
least 200 words on the following topic.
Unremitting technological progressions has paved the way for an unprecedented rate of distance
learning, propelling futurists to propose that traditional schools can be done away with. In my opinion,
while online learning can serve as a compelling instructional method, face-to-face learning arrangements
are irreplaceable.
One competitive edge of conventional teaching taking place at a brick-and-mortar venue is, without
doubt, human interaction. As social creatures, people tend to build trust through direct interpersonal
communication that provides reliable cues such as eye contact, body posture, physical proximity and even
voice projection. The dearth of such contact will take a heavy toll on the rapport among students and
teachers, ultimately decimating social bonds.
Another reason why I believe on-site learning is necessary is the uneven accessibility to technology
worldwide. Despite the power of Internet connectivity, there remains a critical divide in access across
countries. In North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Bhutan, to name but a few, with the exception of the elite few
constantly connected to the Internet, the vast majority, for either economic or political reasons, are still off
the grid. Given this fact, only when connectivity is accessible and affordable can online schools supersede
traditional ones.
Granted that there are still misgivings about the dominance of virtual schools, the benefits to online
education should not be overlooked. The most prominent perk is a customised pace of learning. Unlike
traditional learning which is more teacher- reliant, online courses offer learners greater flexibility to
exercise a timetable in line with their needs and learning styles. Furthermore, the Internet can offer access
to learning material at the tips of students’ fingers, serving as a repository of knowledge unrestricted by any
geographical barriers.
In short, there is admittedly little doubt about the advantage that online schools may bring as far as
learning outcomes are concerned, but the scenario that technology can supplant physical classrooms is farfetched. I am inclined to believe that with their transformative values, innovative technologies will
inevitably exist in tandem with traditional learning arrangements instead of replacing them.
1. unremitting
(phrase) never-stopping advancements (cụm từ) tiến bộ công nghệ không
of technology
2. pave the way for
(cụm từ) mở đường cho
(phrase) create situation that allows
something to happen
3. propel
(verb) to force someone to do an activity (động từ) thúc đẩy ai làm gì
or be in a situation
(adj) forceful and persuasive
4. compelling
5. a competitive edge (phrase) a factor which give an
advantage over enemies, rivals, etc
6. brick-and- mortar (adjective) existing as a physical
building rather than operating on the
7. without doubt
(phrase) indisputably, certainly
8. cue
(tính từ) thuyết phục, hấp dẫn
(cụm từ) một lợi thế cạnh tranh
(tính từ) (công ty) có thực
(cụm từ) không còn nghi ngờ nữa
(noun) a movement or sound that gives (danh từ) tín hiệu, dấu hiệu
information or a message; sign
(noun) a lack of something; scarcity
(danh từ) sự thiếu hụt
9. dearth (of
(cụm từ) gây hại cho
10. take a heavy toll on (phrase) to have a bad effect on
(noun) a close and harmonious
11. rapport
(danh từ) mối quan hệ tốt
relationship in which people understand
each other very well
12. decimate
13. on-site learning
14. accessibility
15. divide
16. to name but a few
17. the elite few
18. off the grid
19. supersede
20. granted that
21. misgiving about
22. perk
23. teacher-reliant
24. exercise
25. in line with
(verb) kill, destroy, or remove a large
(động từ) tàn phá, làm mất đi phàn
proportion of
(phrase) learning on campus
(cụm từ) học tại trường
(noun) how easy something is to reach, (danh từ) khả năng tiếp cận
enter, use, see, etc.
(noun) a key difference or separation
(danh từ) sự khác biệt then chốt
(phrase) used after mentioning a small (cụm từ) lấy ví dụ
number of people or things as examples
of a larger group
(noun) the most powerful, rich, gifted, or (danh từ) nhóm người ưu tú số ít
educated members of a group
(adverb) not using the public supplies of (trạng từ) không sử dụng hệ thống
electricity, gas, water, etc.
điện, nước, ga...
(verb) to replace something/ somebody (động từ) thế chỗ
being old-fashioned or no longer the best
(conjunction) given that (used at the
(liên từ) cứ cho là như vậy
beginning of a clause to concede
something is true before making a
a feeling
on it) of doubt or worry about (danh từ) mỗi nghi ngại
a future event
(noun) an advantage
(danh từ) lợi ích
(adjective) having reliance on teacher
(tính từ) dựa vào giáo viên
(verb) to use something
(động từ) sử dụng
(cụm từ) phù hợp với
(phrase) in accordance with
26. at the tips of one’s (phrase) be reached easily or easily
(cụm từ) một cách dễ dàng
available to you; = at one's fingertips
(noun) a place where something is stored (danh từ) kho
28. geographical
in large quantities
(noun phrase) a naturally occurring
formation or body of water that
segregates and isolates an area
(cụm danh từ) rào cản địa lý
29. there is admittedly (phrase) there isn't much room for doubt, (cụm từ) phải thừa nhận rằng có ít
little doubt about it is very likely/ almost certain that
nghi ngờ về
30. learning outcomes (noun phrase) statements that describe (cụm danh từ) kết quả học tập
the knowledge or skills students should
acquire by the end of a given class,
course, or program
31. supplant
32. transformative
33. in tandem with
(verb) to replace
(động từ) thay thế
(adjective) causing a marked change in (tính từ) có tác dụng biến đổi, thay
someone or something
(cụm từ) cùng với
(phrase) together or at the same time
the scenario is far- (phrase) the prospect is unlikely to
(cụm từ) viễn cảnh đó còn xa
Năm học 2017‘2018\
Write a composition in 200-250 words, giving your personal opinions and explaining why you
agree or disagree with the statement.
“Smart phones can have a very powerful impact on teenagers’ behaviours.”
With the advent of technology, especially modern smart phones, human’s lives have significantly
changed. In the past, mobile phones could only be used to contact others via texting and calling, whereas
smart phones boast a variety of functions besides communication, for example surfing the Internet and
playing online games. However, I believe that smart phone usage might wield adverse influences on the
behavioral patterns of its owners, especially teenagers.
First and foremost, smartphones exert negative influences on users when it comes to their addictive
behavior. There is a plethora of entertainment contents on the Internet, ranging from online gaming and
social networking sites that enable learners to unwind. Hence, once connected to the worldwide web,
smartphones cause users to be engrossed in the entertainment world. In this way, the more students are
addicted to the entertainment platforms provided by their smart devices, the more time which should be
dedicated to their social lives is wasted. Moreover, addiction to smartphones discourages young students
from partaking in physical activity, causing teenage obesity as a result.
Secondly, smartphones even cause teenage students to display cheating behaviors. Being portable, these
small devices can be secretly brought to the testing rooms for their owners to browse the Internet for
accurate answers to any questions in the exams without the invigilators’ notice. Consequently, students will
gradually neither absorb knowledge from teachers nor revise learning materials in the preparation process
for exams, growing intellectually lazy.
To recapitulate, smartphones are likely to give rise to addictive behaviors and cheating. Such behavior
should be discouraged by both parents and teachers for the sake of their offspring.
1. boast
2. wield
3. behavioral
4. unwind
5. portable
6. invigilator
7. intellectually
(động từ) tự hào là có cái gì gây ấn
(verb) to have and use power, authority, (động từ) gây nên
(adjective) connected with behaviour
(tính từ) liên quan tới hành vi
(verb) to stop worrying or thinking about (động từ) thư giãn
problems and start to relax
(tính từ) dễ mang đi mang lại
(adjective) that is easy to carry or to
(noun) a person who watches people
(danh từ) giám thị
while they are taking an exam to make
sure that they have everything they need,
that they keep to the rules, etc.
(verb) to have something that is
(adverb) in a way that is connected with (trạng từ) liên quan tới trí tuệ
or using a person’s ability to think in a
logical way and understand things
11.1. Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day, while others believe
that they must get homework every day in order to be successful at school. In about 250 words, write
an essay to discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The homework conundrum is as old as the education system, and many assume that homework
complements more or less to students’ academic progress and personal growth. However, such agreement
about its necessity is underwhelming, for currently there is an outcry about the cruelty of it all. The
following essay will analyse this issue from these conflicting views before giving my personal opinion.
There is an assumption that regular homework instills in young children the core skills that will bode well
for them throughout their later life. Learning autonomy, time management and using resources are vital life
skills that will inarguably open the door to many career opportunities for those who are diligent. Slow
learners are believed to benefit from this supplementary system, too. A carefully constructed homework
plan with supplementary explanation of the lessons will assist the slow learners to reinforce the knowledge
and stay the course.
Outside academics, the consensus about giving students homework is, however, less secure. Its value
has been challenged with many believing that it is of virtually no benefit because it gives anxiety to
children, especially young and economically disadvantaged ones. Often almost unable to complete
assignments due to their disrupted home environment, the students are often unintentionally penalized, in
many cases, to the detriment of personal and familial well-being. Aside from the undue stress on the
students, parental involvement is also called into question. It is, in fact, common to see parents unprepared
and lacking in confidence as to exactly how much they should help their children with school work.
In brief, although schools claim the most successful students tend to be the ones with successful
homework policies, concerns have been voiced over added homework. Not only does it put uncalled-for
obligations and responsibilities onto the students, it also poses larger problems on their long-term wellbeing. I believe that it is imperative educators start new initiatives. Sometimes doing homework does not
necessarily mean sitting still at the desks to complete the exercises, yet rather putting theories into hands-on
projects after school.
1. conundrum
(noun) a confusing problem or question (danh từ) vấn đề khó giải quyết
that is very difficult to solve
2. complement
(verb) to add to something in a way that (động từ) bổ sung, cải tiến thêm
improves it or makes it more attractive
3. underwhelming
(tính từ) không ấn tượng
(adjective) not impressing or exciting
you at all
4. outcry
(noun] a reaction of anger or strong
(danh từ) phản ứng phẫn nộ
protest shown by people in public
5. instill
(verb) to gradually put an idea or attitude (động từ) làm cho thấm nhuần
into somebody's mind; to make
somebody feel, think or behave in a
particular way over a period of time
(idiom) to be a good sign for
(thành ngữ) là dấu hiệu tốt cho
6. bode well for
7. stay the course
8. unintentionally
9. penalize
10. familial
11. uncalled-for
(thành ngữ) tiếp tục nỗ lực, bẩt chấp
(idiom) to continue attempting or
pursuing something difficult to its end or khó khăn
(trạng từ) vô tình
(adverb) in a way that is not deliberate,
but happens by accident
(verb) to punish somebody for breaking (động từ) trừng phạt ai
a rule or law by making them suffer a
(adjective) related to or typical of a
(tính từ) thuộc về gia đình
(adjective) not fair or appropriate
(tính từ) không phù hợp
12. imperative
(adjective) very important and needing (tính từ) cực kỳ quan trọng
immediate attention or action
11.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
Do you agree with the following statement: “Using the mobile phone at secondary school should be
banned?” Write an essay of 250 words to express your opinion, using specific details and examples to
support your answer
Mobile use has spread to include practically everyone in the developed world, young and old alike.
Experts are, however, becoming more concerned that the use of mobile phones at undergraduate level could
relate to not only physical, psychological issues among young students but also social ramifications. I
strongly subscribe to this point of view.
The major rationale cited for banning cellphones at secondary school is the protection of students, in
particular from the harmful health hazards associated with this mobile device. Studies have proved that
long exposure to mobile phone radiations might be a significant risk variable for a number of health
conditions like diabetes, cancer and depression. While at-risk individuals are almost always those with preexisting said diseases, there is a likelihood that the use of mobile phones, especially for extended hours,
will do many students a disservice.
Additional reasons for mobile phone restrictions include the disturbance this device can cause in public
amenities. In fact, ringing or vibrating phones could disrupt other students’ concentration in such places as
classrooms or libraries where the quiet environment is taken seriously. Beside the noise problem, mobile
phones, instead of reinforcing social bonds, ironically disperse people physically present. It is indeed
common to see young students on campus during break time, each of whom is drawn to their phone screen
to the point that rarely do they bother to start a conversation with surrounding people.
In conclusion, the prohibition of mobile phones at junior high school should be enforced to guard
against potential health problems and public annoyance. Therefore, anyone possessing a mobile phone
should raise their awareness of using this technological gadget to make use of its advantages and avoid said
1. ramification
(noun) one of a number of complicated (danh từ) 1 nhánh
and unexpected results that follow an
action or a decision
3. do sb a disservice
4. disturbance
(noun) the principles or reasons which (danh từ) cơ sở hợp lý
explain a particular decision, course of
action, belief, etc.
(thành ngữ) báo hại ai
(idiom) to do something that harms
somebody and the opinion that other
people have of them
(noun) actions that make you stop what (danh từ) sự quấy rối
you are doing, or that upset the normal
state that something is in; the act of
disturbing somebody/something or the
fact of being disturbed
12. HUẾ
Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that online learning has more disadvantages than advantages. Do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?
In education, gaining a broad knowledge is essential to learners’ successful academic achievements. In
addition to traditional classroom-based learning, online learning has recently emerged to aid students in the
process of knowledge acquisition. However, the benefits of virtual learning are somehow claimed to be
outweighed by its drawbacks. From my perspective, I concur with this statement.
In the first place, online learning may give rise to several health-related problems. To engage in Internetbased learning, learners’ eyes are generally glued to the display screens for a long time. Blue lights
streaming into viewers’ eyes may cause diseases including myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism to
occur. Moreover, sitting too long in front of the screen can also trigger obesity. As online learning does not
require students to move their bodies, limited physical activity causes surplus energy to stay inside ones’
body without being burned off, thereby increasing weight gain as a result
Another problem that needs to be considered lies in the lack of teachers’ and parents’ supervision.
Students might easily get distracted due to the prevalence of entertainment platforms on the Internet such as
interactive online games and social networking sites. Such distraction is detrimental to the knowledge
retention process, lowering students’ GPAs in the course of studying. In case students who are not
academically minded are still desirous of acing all the tests, they may cheat during the online exam time
when no invigilator is there to supervise them. This act inevitably falsifies the final scores, making it harder
for teachers to assess students' true academic abilities and potential.
In summary, health issues in the forms of students’ blurred vision and increased weight as well as the
lack of supervision are common problems learners are dogged by. However, to succeed academically in the
event of school closures nationwide due to the Covid-19 pandemic, learners need to adapt to virtual-based
learning to make the most of this method for their own sakes.
1. concur
(verb) agree
từ) đồng ý
2. myopia
3. hypermetropia
(noun) the condition of being unable to (danh từ) sự cận thị
see things clearly when they are far
(noun) the condition of being long(danh từ) sự viễn thị
4. astigmatism
5. burn off
6. supervision
7. retention
8. desirous of
9. supervise
10. falsify
11. be dogged by
(noun) a fault in the shape of a person’s (danh từ) sự loạn thị
eye that prevents them from seeing
(phrasal verb) to use energy by doing
(cụm động từ) đốt cháy (mỡ) bằng
exercise, to remove something by
cách vận động
(noun) the work or activity involved in (danh từ) sự giám sát
being in charge of somebody/something
and making sure that everything is done
correctly, safely, etc.
(noun) the action of keeping something (danh từ) sự giữ lại
rather than losing it or stopping it
(adjective) having a wish for something; (tính từ) khát khao làm gì
wanting something
(verb) to be in charge of
(động từ) giám sát
somebody/something and make sure that
everything is done correctly, safely, etc.
(động từ) làm sai lệch
(verb) to change a written record or
information so that it is no longer true
(past participle) to cause you trouble for (phân từ 2) bị vướng phải
a long time
Năm học 2020-2021:
Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What
can students do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?
A myriad of countries across the globe have witnessed a massive increase in volumes of rubbish. Several
reasons are responsible for this disturbing trend, which may be counteracted by students’ concerted actions
as follows.
The surge in rubbish production can be attributed to two main reasons. Firstly, the continuous
population growth has led to a spike in consumption, generating an ever-increasing amount of waste as a
result. The more products people use, the more trash is disposed of to the surroundings for the sake of
consumers’ convenience. For example, when a person buys takeaway food, the leftovers and plastic
packaging are often released to the environment, either in landfill or the streets, increasing garbage as well.
Secondly, the booming industry also contributes to increasing the amount of rubbish. To be more specific,
the industrialization process seemingly forces industrial factories to discharge waste in huge volumes into
the environment; otherwise, they would not be able to continue the manufacturing process.
In order to combat this crisis, the youth may take several steps to raise their awareness in preventing
waste accumulation. First and foremost, they should opt for environmentally-friendly items instead of nonbiodegradable ones. For instance, in lieu of purchasing over-packaged and disposable plastic goods
wrapped with plastic bags, students should switch to recyclable and reusable things instead. Another simple
yet practical measure students might adopt is to order a reasonable amount of food to avoid disposing of
leftovers. This activity is not only economical for the consumers but also beneficial for the environment
when less trash is dumped to be decomposed in the open air later.
In conclusion, booming population and growing industry are responsible for the soaring trash levels, the
most plausible solution to which is increasing students’ awareness.
1. counteract
(động từ) chống lại
(verb) to do something to reduce or
prevent the bad or harmful effects of
2. concerted
(adjective) done together by more than
one person, government, country, etc.
3. underlying
(adjective) important in a situation but (tính từ) cơ bản, ẩn sau
not always easily noticed or stated
(noun) a sudden large increase in
(danh từ) sự tăng vọt đột ngột
(noun) [usually plural] food that has not (danh từ) phần ăn thừa
been eaten at the end of a meal
4. spike
5. leftovers
6. booming
7. accumulation
8. opt for
9. nonbiodegradable
10. disposable
11. recyclable
(adjective) growing rapidly
(tính từ) chung nhau
(tính từ) tăng nhanh
(danh từ) sự tích tụ, tích lũy
(noun) the process of gradually
increasing or getting more and more of
something over a period of time
(verb) to choose to take or not to take a
(động từ) chọn làm gì
particular course of action
(tính từ) không thể bị phân hủy
(adjective) cannot be changed by the
action of bacteria to a natural state that
does not harm the environment
(adjective) made to be thrown away after (tính từ) có thể vứt bỏ
(tính từ) có thể tái chế
(adjective) able to be recycled
14.1.Năm học 2020-2021:
Some people think that too much technology can have a negative impact on our lives. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the
issue. Use reasons and examples to support your composition?
In this 4.0G era, technology is evolving at a brisk pace with breakthrough innovations in almost every
aspect of life. However, some argue that overreliance on technology may wield adverse influences on
individuals’ lives. From my point of view, I am in favor of this argument for the following reasons.
First of all, heavy dependence on technology is detrimental to ones’ social life, especially
communication skills. The lack of elecfronic devices such as mobile phones find tablets in the past enabled
people to communicate face to face on a daily basis, which improved their communication skills.
Nevertheless, to convey their ideas, today’s people tend to rely heavily on said modern gadgets, failing to
put themselves across in person in real-life conversations as a result.
Moreover, addiction to cutting-edge advancements could strike a blow against ones’ career. The Internet
regales users with a plethora of appealing content, such as online games and social media on its platform.
Therefore, students, once engrossed in the online entertainment world, are deprived of time and distracted
from their study. This lowers their GPAs, diminishing their employability prospects upon graduation as a
result. On the grounds that officials who are immersed in the virtual world may experience reduced
productivity at the workplace, their promotional opportunities may be hampered in the long run.
In conclusion, an inordinate amount of time spent on technological devices weakens communication
skills and jeopardizes career prospects among users. It is recommended that users should learn how to
avoid aforesaid problems and take advantage of technology in a meaningful way.
1. at a brisk pace
(phrase) very quickly
từ) rất nhanh
2. breakthrough
(adjective) in which a performer or type (tính từ) vượt bậc, vượt trội
of product is successful for the first time,
when it is likely to be even more
successful in the future
3. overreliance
(noun) excessive dependence on or trust (danh từ) phụ thuộc nhiều
in someone or something.
4. strike a blow
(thành ngữ) là đòn giáng mạnh vào
(idiom) to do something that harms
something severely
(cụm động từ) khiến ai giải trí với
(phrasal verb) to entertain somebody
5. regale sb with
with stories, jokes, etc.
6. hamper
(verb) to prevent somebody from easily (động từ) ngăn ai làm gì
doing or achieving something
7. inordinate
(tính từ) nhiều hơn vượt trội
(adjective) far more than is usual or
14.2. Năm học 2021-2022:
It is said that grade-9 students should do nothing but spend most of their time studying for the
entrance examination to their favorite high schools. To what extent do you agree? Write an essay in
about 250 words, use specific details and examples to explain your view.
The entrance exam to high school is one of the most rigorous tests students have to undertake in their
academic life. To be well-prepared for this important stage, students are advised to fully focus on studying
for it at the expense of other activities. From my perspective, I partly agree with this viewpoint.
On the one hand the competition among students to secure entry to high schools is intense. To
exemplify, in Hanoi, only a few hundred students out of several
thousand applicants are eligible for high schools, especially top-notch ones. Those who fail to meet the
demands of high schools have to either turn to vocational schools or discontinue studying in the worst-case
scenario. Besides, children’s education is invariably the priority of almost every family, especially Asian
ones. Parents generally place a premium on their children being admitted to a prestigious school; hence, in
the case of failure, the latter would have to undergo considerable pressure from the former. That explains
why devoting most of the time to subjects involved in the testing process is reasonable.
On the other hand, it is advised that no matter how busy a student is, he or she needs to spend time doing
household chores on a daily basis. Housework, as numerous proven researches have suggested, is essential
for the development of a person. This activity equips children with skills which are required in their
adulthood such as preparing meals and cleaning houses. Moreover, it also helps students feel a sense of
achievement and responsiblity upon their completion of any tasks given by parents. In addition, as parents
need not worry about chores which have been finished earlier by their offspring, every member stands a
better chance of enjoying quality time, strengthening the bonds within the family as well.
In summary, students need to concentrate a great deal of time on developing their academic competence
prior to the entrance exam. However, they should balance between the amount of time spent on academic
activities and household chores to thrive academically and mentally.
1. undertake
(verb) to make yourself responsible for (động từ) trải qua
something and start doing it
2. exemplify
(verb) to be a typical example of
(động từ) lấy ví dụ
(tính từ) xuất sắc
(adjective) excellent; of the highest
(adjective) connected with the skills,
(tính từ) học nghề
knowledge, etc. that you need to have in
order to do a particular job
(cụm từ) điều tồi tệ nhất có thể xảy ra
the worst-case
(phrase) the worst possible thing that
could happen
place a premium on (idiom) to think that somebody/
(thành ngữ) đánh giá cao cái gì
something is particularly important or
quality time
(phrase) time spent giving your full
(cụm từ) thời gian dành chồ gia đình
attention to somebody, especially to
your children or partner after work
Năm học 2020-2021:
“Children’s achievement is highly influenced by parents’ education and income”
Do you agree with this statement? Write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and
support your answer with relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience?
Child-rearing has always been a painstaking process for parents. Hence, how to maximize children’s
potential to help them secure achievement is still under discussion. I firmly believe that parents’ education
and earnings are the preconditions of children’s success.
It is undeniable that parents’ education is essential for children’s development. In addition to teachers
imparting academic knowledge at school, parents equip their children with social skills such as teaching
them how to do the household chores and telling them moral lessons based on their past experiences. Light
housework helps children to cater for themselves when they grow up and valuable lessons gained from
moral stories assist the progeny in making informed decisions to avoid negative consequences in life. All of
these serve to boost their offspring’s soft skills, which are of tremendous importance in their children’s real
life later on.
Moreover, parents’ income level is another contributory factor to the children's overall success. This
remuneration enables the family to function properly in various aspects, ranging from feeding the children
to paying tuition fees. To be more specific, hunger pangs due to the insufficiency of food discourage
students from physical and academic development. Besides, inability to pay tuition fees may prevent
children from accessing proper education, and even causes them to drop out of school in the worst-case
scenario. In other words, without sufficient Income, the children's future would be jeopardized.
In summary, parents’ guidance and take-home pay guarantee the future success of their children.
Therefore, parents need to ensure proper methods and income to help their children develop into fullyfledged people in the future.
1. child-rearing
(noun) the work of taking care of
(danh từ) sự chăm sóc trẻ con
children until they are old enough to take
care of themselves
2. painstaking
(tính từ) tốn nhiều công sức, tâm
(adjective) extremely careful and
correct, and involving a lot of effort
3. precondition
(noun) something that must happen or be (danh từ) là tiền đề của
4. impart
5. contributory
6. remuneration
7. pang
8. take-home pay
true before it is possible for something
else to happen
(verb) to communicate information to
(adjective) used to refer to something
that you contribute to
(noun) payment for work or services
(động từ) truyền đạt
(tính từ) mang tính đóng góp
(danh từ) tiền thù lao
(noun) a sudden sharp feeling, especially (danh từ) cơn
of painful emotion
(phrase) the amount of earnings that you (cụm từ) tiền thu nhập (đã trừ thuế)
have left after tax, etc
Năm học 2020-2021:
According to the World Health Organization, all international travel should end until the
coronavirus has gone. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Coronavirus, dating back to 2019, has wreaked havoc around the world, causing millions of casualties
and billions of dollars in income losses. In an effort to put an end to this pandemic, the World Health
Organization [WHO] has recommended that governments worldwide impose international travel curbs.
From my point of view, I am not in favor of this idea for the following reasons.
The first reason lies in the efficacy of vaccines. Specifically, several types of vaccines from
manufacturers such as Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca have been clinically proven to strengthen
antibodies in human’s immune system against the pathogen. Upon receiving enough inoculations, an
ordinary person is likely to avoid complications despite still standing a high chance of being infected. In
this sense, Covid 19 appears to be fairly similar to the common flu that humans endure on a frequent basis.
Another noteworthy reason rests with the severe effects the tourism industry would have to undergo on a
global scale. In almost every country, tourism generates substantial revenues, improving the well-being of
the majority of the citizens. However, prolonged travel restrictions will threaten the livelihoods of millions
of people involved in this sector. Specifically, tour guides whose income is mainly generated from leading
tourists will struggle to get by without the arrival of guests. Moreover, restaurants and hotels may be
earmarked for closure due to the insufficiency of clientele. The deterioration of the affected tourism
industry might signal an economic crisis in the long run.
In conclusion, I disagree with the claim of banning international travel owing to the increased
effectiveness of vaccinations and extremely negative influences on the tourism industry. Humans need to
thrive in this difficult situation in the same way as forefathers combated similar epidemics, for instance, the
Black Death and Spanish Flu in the fourteenth and nineteenth century, respectively.
(phrasal verb) to have existed since a
1. date back to
(cụm động từ) có từ xưa
particular time in the past or for the
length of time mentioned
2. wreak havoc
3. casualty
4. impose
5. travel curb
6. efficacy
(cụm từ) gây hại lớn
(phrase) to cause great damage
(noun) a person who is killed or injured (danh từ) người chết
in war or in an accident
(verb) to introduce a new law, rule, tax, (động từ) áp đăt, bắt chọn
etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc.
be used
(cụm từ) sự hạn chế di chuyển
(phrase) something that controls and
puts limits on travelling
(danh từ) tính hiệu quả
(noun) the ability of something to
produce the results that are wanted
7. antibody
(noun) a substance that the body
(danh từ) kháng thể
produces in the blood to fight disease, or
as a reaction when certain substances are
put into the body
8. pathogen
(noun) a thing that causes disease
9. complication
(noun) a thing that makes a situation
more complicated or difficult
10. get by
(phrasal verb) manage with difficulty to (cụm động từ) xoay sở
live or accomplish something.
11. earmark
(verb) to decide that something will be
used for a particular purpose, or to state
that something will happen to
somebody/something in the future
(noun) all the customers or clients of a
shop, restaurant, organization, etc.
(noun) a person (especially a man) in
your family who lived a long time ago
12. clientele
13. forefather
(danh từ) thử gây bệnh, mầm bệnh
(danh từ) biến chứng
(động từ) quyết định xem được
dùng riêng như thế nào, để dành
(danh từ) tất cả khách hàng nói
(danh từ) tổ tiên
Nguyen, T. (2017). “The Complete Solutions to IELTS Writing”. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Wattie, M. (2018). “IELTS Writing step by step”. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Hong Duc Publishing
Turnbull, J. (2011). “Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, 8th edition”. Oxford, United Kingdom:
Oxford University Press.
L (phrase) a factor which give an (cụm từ) một lợi thế cạnh tranh
advantage over enemies, rivals,
/kәm'petәtɪv edʒ/
(phrase) a large number of people (cụm từ) nhiều
a host of /hәʊst/
Bl or things
(cụm) điều đáng lo
a matter of concern for sb B2 (phrase) something causing
a plethora of /'pleθәrә/
B2 (phrase) an amount that is greater (cụm từ) vô vàn
than is needed or can be used
a repository / rɪ'pa:zәtɔ:ri/ B2 (noun) a place where something (danh từ) kho
is stored in large quantities
a strain on sth /strem/
Cl (noun) pressure on a system or (danh từ) gánh nặng
relationship because great
demands are being placed on it
absence of sth /'æbsәns/
(danh từ) sự thiếu vắng của cái gì
Cl (noun) the fact of not being
where you are usually expected
to be
absolve sb from sth
B2 (phrasal verb) formal: to set
(cụm động từ) miễn trách
(someone) free from an
/әb'z ɒlv/
obligation or the consequences of
academic background
B2 (phrase) previous formal training (cụm từ) nền tảng tri thức
you have received in one or more
/,ækә'demɪk 'bækgraʊnd/
areas of knowledge.
B2 (noun) Association of Chartered (danh từ) chứng chỉ uy tín nhất về
Certified Accountants: a global năng lực trong lĩnh vực kế toán
body of successful professionals
in the finance and accounting
a competitive edge
accessibility /
accessibility /
accessible to sth
B2 (noun) how easy something is to
reach, enter, use, see, etc.
(danh từ) tính dễ kết nối
(danh từ) khả năng truy cập/sự tiếp
be reached or obtained easily
(phrase) easy to understand
(cụm) dễ tiếp cận
acclaim /ә'kleim/
C2 (verb) to praise or welcome
somebody/something publicly
(động từ) chào đón, ngợi ca
accompany /ә'kʌmpәni/
B2 (verb) to go with someone or to (động từ) đi cụng với
happen or appear with something
be accountable for
account for /ә'kaunt/
accrue /ә'kru:/
be accustomed to sth
(adjective) responsible for your (tính từ) chịu trách nhiệm cho
decisions or actions and expected
to explain them when you are
(cụm động từ) giải thích
B2 (phrasal verb) to explain the
reason for something
C2 (verb) to increase over a period (động từ) tích lũy dần
of time
Cl (noun) the process of gradually (danh từ) sự tích tụ, tích lũy
increasing or getting more and
more of something over a period
of time
B2 (phrase) familiar with something (cụm) quen với cái gì
achieve a target /'ta:git/
B2 (phrase) you succeed in doing it (cụm) đạt mục tiêu
or causing it to happen
B2 (adjective) full of exciting events (tính từ) đầy cảnh hành động
and activity
/ˈækʃәn /pækt/
acute /әˈkyut/
adequate /'ædikwәt/
advance /әd'vɑ:ns/
affable /´æfәbl/
affirm /ә'fә:m/
affordably priced
(adjective) very serious or severe (tính từ) rất nặng, nghiêm trọng
(adjective) enough for some need (tính từ) đủ
or requirement
(động từ) giúp thành công
B2 (verb) to help something to
C2 (adjective) pleasant, friendly and (tính từ) thân thiện, dễ gần
easy to talk to
B2 (verb) to state clearly or publicly (động từ) khẳng định rõ ràng
that something is true or that you
support something strongly
(cụm từ) giá cả dễ chịu
B2 (phrase) affordable
/ә'fɔ:idәbli praist/
after-school study
/'ɑ:ftә sku:l 'stʌdi/
agenda /agenda/
age-related disease
/eɪʤ- ri'leit di'zi:z/
aggressive /әˈgrɛsɪv/
(phrase) study after school ends (cụm từ) sự học sau giờ
B2 (noun) a list or outline of things (danh từ) việc phải làm
to be considered or done
(cụm danh từ) bệnh tuổi già
B2 (noun phrase) a disease that is
most often seen with increasing
frequency with increasing
(tính từ) quyết liệt
B2 (adjective) more severe,
intensive, or comprehensive than
usual especially in dosage or
(động từ) giúp làm gì
aid (in)
B2 (verb) to help somebody/
something to do something,
especially by making it easier
airborne /'eәb ɔ:n/
C2 (adjective) carried through the air (tính từ) lây lan qua không khí
align oneself with
all the rage /reiʤ/
(thành ngữ) rất phổ biến
C1 (idiom) very popular
(động từ) dành cho
C1 (verb) to give something
officially to somebody/
something for a particular
B2 (noun) a change, usually a slight (danh từ) sự biến đổi
change, in the appearance,
character, or structure of
(danh từ) sự thay thế
B1 (noun) something that is
different, esp. from what is usual;
a choice
B2 (verb) to get a large amount of (động từ) tích lũy
something, especially money or
information, by collecting it over
a long period
B2 (noun) a typical or good example (danh từ) ví dụ điển hình
of something
(cụm từ) sự tăng trưởng dân số bất
C1 (phrase) a sudden and rapid
increase in population
thình lình
C2 (noun) a piece of equipment used (danh từ) lồng ấp
to keep eggs or bacteria at the
correct temperature for them to
(cụm từ) một dòng người
B2 (phrase) an arrival of a large
number of people or things
(tính từ) ẩn danh
C1 (adjective) made or done by
someone whose name is not
known or not made public
(danh từ) nhân chủng học
C1 (noun) the study of the human
race, especially of its origins,
development, customs and
C2 (noun) a substance that the body (danh từ) kháng thể
produces in the blood to fight
disease, or as a reaction when
certain substances are put into the
allocate /'ælәkeit/
alteration /¸ɔ:ltә´reiʃәn/
alternative /ɔlˈtɜrnәtɪv/
amass /ә´mæs/
an exemplar for
an explosive population
an incubator for
an influx of /'inflʌks/
anonymous /ә'nɔnimәs/
antibody /´ænti¸bɔdi/
(phrasal verb) to support, agree
with, or form an alliance with a
particular person or idea
(cụm động từ) tán đồng với
apparently /ә'pærәntli/
archive /´a:kaiv/
arise /ә´raiz/
articulate /a:´tikjulit/
as a rule of thumb
ascertain /¸æsә´tein/
aspire /әˈspaɪәr/
assimilate /ә'simileit/
at a brisk pace /brisk peis/
at sb's own pace /peis/
at somebody’s disposal
at the forefront of sth
at the tips of one’s fingers
at will /at Wil/
attention to sth /ә´tenʃn/
augmented reality
/ɔːɡˈmentɪd ri:'æliti/
(adverb) as far as one knows or (trạng từ) rõ ràng là
B2 can see.
Cl (verb) to put or store a document (động từ) lưu cữu, lưu trữ
or other material in an archive
B2 (verb) (especially of a problem (động từ) nảy sinh
or a difficult situation) to happen;
to start to exist
(động từ) nói rõ ràng
Cl (verb) (formal) to express or
explain your thoughts or feelings
clearly in words
C2 (phrase) a broadly accurate guide (cụm) theo thực tế thì
or principle, based on experience
or practice rather than theory.
(động từ) chắc chắn
B2 (verb) to make certain of
Cl (verb) to have a strong desire to (động từ) quyết tâm làm gì
achieve or to become something
B2 (verb) to become part of a group, (động từ) tiếp thu
country, society, etc., or to make
someone or something become
part of a group, country, society,
Cl (noun) a fault in the shape of a (danh từ) sự loạn thị
person's eye that prevents them
from seeing clearly
(phrase) very quickly
(cụm từ) rất nhanh
B2 (phrase) If you do something at (cụm) làm việc tùy theo sức/ tốc độ
của mình
your own pace, you do it at a
speed that is comfortable for you
Cl (idiom) available for use as you (thành ngữ) tùy ý sử dụng
prefer/somebody prefers
B2 (phrase) in a leading position
(cụm) ở vị trí dẫn đầu/quan trọng nhất
(cụm từ) một cách dễ dàng
B2 (phrase) be reached easily or
easily available to you; = at one’s
B2 (phrase) At one’s own choosing; (cụm từ) tùy ý ai
in compliance with one’s wishes
or desires.
B2 (noun) notice, thought, or interest (danh từ) sự chú ý tới cái gì
B2 (noun) an enhanced version of
reality created by the use of
(danh từ) thực tế tăng cường
autonomy /ɔ:´tɔnәmi/
awareness program
B2 (noun) someone who does most (danh từ) người tự học
of their learning on their own
B2 (adjective) relating to someone (tính từ) mang tính tự học
learning by themselves, rather
than being taught by a teacher
Cl (noun) the ability to act and make (danh từ) sự tự chủ, tự giác
decisions without being
controlled by anyone else
B2 (noun phrase) a programme
designed to increase awareness
/ә´wɛәnis ´prougræm/
azure / ´eiʒә/
(cụm danh từ) chương trình giáo dục
nhận thửc
of something
C2 (adjective) bright blue in colour (tính từ) xanh tươi, xanh thiên thanh
like the sky
base sth on sth /beis/
behavioral /bi´heivjәrәl/
behavioral level
/bi´heivjәrәl 'levl/
bias /ˈbaɪәs/
L (phrase) If you base something
on facts or ideas, you use those
facts or ideas to develop it
B2 (adjective) connected with
B2 (noun phrase) the controlled
aspects of human action
(cụm) dựa trên
(tính từ) liên quan tới hành vi
(cụm danh từ) hành vi
(danh từ) thành kiến
binge-play /binds plei/
(noun) the action of supporting or
opposing a particular person or
thing in an unfair way, because
of allowing personal opinions to
influence your judgment
(danh từ) người mê sách, sưu tầm
B2 (noun) a person who loves or
collects books
nhiều sách
B2 (verb) play something too much (động từ) làm gì quá nhiều, cày
blood-curdling /blʌd kʒ:
boast /boust/
(adjective) filling you with
horror; extremely frightening
bode well for /boud/
(verb) to have something that is (động từ) tự hào là có cái gì gây ấn
(thành ngữ) là dấu hiệu tốt cho
(idiom) to be a good sign for
booming /´bu:miη/
bibliophile /´bibliә¸fail/
(tính từ) đầy máu me
(adjective) growing rapidly
(tính từ) tăng nhanh
(adjective) both born and raised (tính từ) vừa được sinh ra vừa lớn lên
in the same particular place;
having lived in one's birthplace
through one’s adolescence
bountiful /'baʊntɪfl/
(adjective) large in amount
breakthrough /ˈbreɪkˌθru/
(adjective) in which a performer (tính từ) vượt bậc, vượt trội
or type of product is successful
for the first time, when it is likely
to be even more successful in the
B2 (adjective) existing as a physical (tính từ) có thật
building, especially a shop, rather
than doing business only on the
/bɔ:n n reizd/
brick-and-mortar /brik n
(tính từ) nhiều
bring the ease for sb /i:z/
brutal /ˈbrutl/
(adjective) violent and cruel
bucolic /bju:´kɔlik/
(adjective) connected with the
countryside or country life
burn off /bә:n of/
(phrasal verb) to remove
something by burning it
(cụm) làm ai thoải mái
burn off / bә:n of/
(phrasal verb) to use energy by
doing exercise, to remove
something by burning
by no means /mi:nz/
(phrase) not at all
(tính từ) bạo lực, tàn độc
(tính từ) thuộc về đồng quê
(cụm động từ) đốt cháy
(cụm động từ) đốt cháy (mỡ) bằng
cách vận động
(cụm) không hề
calamitous /kә'læmitәs/
calamity /kә'læmiti/
candidacy /'kændidәsi/
capacity /kә'pæsiti/
L (adjective) causing great damage
(tính từ) gây tai ương
to people’s lives, property, etc
B2 (noun) an event that causes great (danh từ) tai ương
damage to people's lives,
property, etc.
(danh từ) sự ứng cử
C2 (noun) the fact of being a
candidate in an election
B2 (adjective) (of people) engaging (tính từ) liên quan tới ăn thịt người
in the practice of eating other
B2 (noun) the total amount that can (danh từ) sức chứa
be contained or produced
/´ka:bәn ´fut¸print/
B2 (phrase) the total amount of
(cụm từ) lượng khí thải CO2
greenhouse gases (including
carbon dioxide and methane) that
are generated by our actions
cardiovascular diseases
carbon footprint
carrier /'kæriә(r)/
casualty /´kæʒjuәlti/
catastrophe /kә´tæstrәfi/
ceaseless /´si:slis/
censorship /´sensәʃip/
child-rearing /
/tʃaild ‘riәriŋ/
circa /´sә:kә/
cite /sait/
claim /kleim/
classify sth into sth
clientele /¸kli:an´tel/
closure /'klouʤә/
(noun phrase) a class of diseases (cụm danh từ) bệnh tim mạch
that involve the heart or blood
(noun) a person or animal that
(danh từ) người/ vật mang bệnh
passes a disease to other people
or animals but does not suffer
from it
Cl (noun) a person who is killed or (danh từ) người chết
injured in war or in an accident
B2 (noun) a sudden event that causes
(danh từ) thảm kịch
many people to suffer
B2 (adjective) causing many people (tính từ) gây thảm họa
to suffer
(adjective) not stopping; seeming (tính từ) không ngừng
to have no end
(danh từ) sự kiểm duyệt
(noun) the act or policy of
(danh từ) chứng nhận uy tín nhất về
B2 (noun) Chartered Financial
Analysis: a globally- recognized năng lực trong lĩnh vực phân tích tài
professional designation given by chính
the CFA Institute
B2 (noun) the work of taking care of (danh từ) sự chăm sóc trẻ con
children until they are old enough
to take care of themselves
(preposition) about (used with
(giới từ) khoảng
B2 (verb) to mention something as a (động từ) trích ra
reason or an example, or in order
to support what you are saying
B2 (verb) to cause somebody's death (động từ) gây tử vong
B2 (verb) to consider (someone or (động từ) phân loại
something) as belonging to a
particular group
C2 (noun) all the customers or
clients of a shop, restaurant,
organization, etc.
Cl (noun) the situation when a
factory, school, hospital, etc.
(danh từ) tất cả khách hàng nói chung
(danh từ) sự đóng cửa
cogent /´koudʒәnt/
B2 (adjective) strongly and clearly
expressed in a way that
influences what people believe
collectively /kә'lektivli/
B2 (adverb) in a way that is done or (trạng từ) chung
shared by all members of a group
of people; in a way that involves
a whole group or society
Cl (verb) to try to stop something (động từ) chiến đấu
unpleasant or harmful from
happening or increasing
B2 (phrase) to examine or look, for (cụm) so với
the difference between two or
more things
Cl (phrase) to force someone to do (cụm) thúc ép ai làm gì
something; to make something
(adjective) forceful and
(tính từ) thuyết phục, hấp dẫn
Cl (adjective) demanding attention (tính từ) đáng chú ý
combat /'kɔmbәt/
compared to /kәm'peә(r)/
compel sb to do sth
compelling /kәm´peliη/
compelling /kәm´peliη/
/ kɒmplәmәnt/
composting bin
/kɔm´pɔstiη bin/
concerted /kәn'sʒ:tid/
concur /kәn´kә:/
(tính từ) vững chắc, có sức thuyết
(verb) to add to something in a (động từ) bổ sung, cải tiến thêm
way that improves it or makes it
more attractive
(danh từ) biến chứng
Cl (noun) a thing that makes a
situation more complicated or
(cụm danh từ) thùng ủ phân
C2 (noun phrase) a container into
which you place organic waste to
turn into compost over time
(verb) to admit that something is (động từ) thừa nhận điều gì là đúng
true, logical, etc. after first
denying it or resisting it
(tính từ) chung nhau
B2 (adjective) done together by
more than one person,
government, country, etc.
C2 (verb) to publicly support an
(động từ) ủng hộ ý kiến
organization, a set of opinions or
a person that you agree with
(tính từ) thuận tiện, khiến trở nên dễ
B2 (adjective) making it easy,
possible or likely for something dàng
to happen
constrain /kәn´strein/
contagious diseases
/kәn´teidʒәs di'zi:z/
contain /kәn'tein/
contextual /kәn'tekstʃuәl/
contract /'kɔntrækt/
conundrum /kә'nʌndrәm/
convey /kәn'vei/
cost efficiency
/kost ɪ'fɪʃәnsɪ/
counteract /¸kauntә´ækt/
cram class(es) /kraem
B2 (noun) the ability of a computer, (danh từ) sự kết nối
program, device, or system to
connect with one or more others
(động từ) hạn chế
B2 (verb) to control and limit
(cụm danh từ) bệnh truyền nhiễm
Cl (noun phrase) diseases that
spread by close contact between
B2 (verb) to prevent something
(động từ) kiềm tỏa
harmful from spreading or
getting worse
Cl (verb) to spend time considering (động từ)suy ngẫm
a possible future action, or to
consider one particular thing for
a long time in a serious and quiet
B2 (adjective) related to the context (tính từ) theo bối cảnh, theo môi
of something
(động từ) dính bệnh
B2 (verb) to get an illness
(tính từ) mang tính đóng góp
C2 (adjective) used to refer to
something that you contribute to
B2 (noun) a confusing problem or (danh từ) vấn đề khó giải quyết
question that is very difficult to
B2 (adjective) traditional and
(tính từ) cổ truyền, truyền thống
B2 (adjective) tending to follow
(tính từ) theo truyền thống
what is done or considered
acceptable by society in general;
normal and ordinary, and perhaps
not very interesting
(động từ) truyền đạt
B2 (verb) to express a thought,
feeling, or idea so that it is
understood by other people
Cl (phrase) the act of saving money (cụm) rẻ/hiệu quả chi phí
by changing a product or process
to work in a better way
B2 (verb) to do something to reduce (động từ) chống lại
or prevent the bad or harmful
effects of something
B2 (adverb) over the whole of a
(trạng từ) cả nước
B2 (phrase) an intensive course of (cụm từ) lớp học thêm
study designed to review or teach
material needed for a specific
crave for /kreiv/
credentials /kri´denʃәlz/
credible /´kredibl/
crippling effect
/´kripliη i'fekt/
critical /ˈkrɪtɪkәl/
/'kraʊds ɔ:siŋ/
cue /kju:/
curb /kә:b/
cure /kjuә/
curtail /kә:´teil/
customizable /'kʌtәmaiz
/'kʌt θrout/
cutting-edge /´kʌtiη edӡ/
cyber platform /saibә(r)
B2 (phrasal verb) to have a very
(cụm động từ) thèm khát
strong desire for something
B2 (noun) documents such as letters (danh từ) bằng cấp
that prove that you are who you
claim to be, and can therefore be
Cl (adjective) that can be believed (tính từ) đáng tin
or trusted
C2 (noun phrase) a very serious,
(cụm danh từ) tác động nghiêm trọng
harmful effect
B2 (adjective) serious, uncertain and (tính từ) nghiêm trọng
possibly dangerous
B2 (noun) the activity of giving tasks (danh từ) sự cầu viện đám đông giúp
to a large group of people or to đỡ
the general public, for example,
by asking for help on the internet
B2 (noun) a movement or sound that (danh từ) tín hiệu, dấu hiệu
gives information or a message;
(động từ) kìm hãm điều gì xấu
B2 (verb) to control or limit
something, especially something
(danh từ) thuốc chữa
B2 (noun) something that makes
someone who is sick healthy
B2 (verb) to limit something or make (động từ) hạn chế, làm gián đoạn
it last for a shorter time
B2 (adjective) to build, fit, or alter (tính từ) có thể tùy chỉnh được
according to individual
C2 (adjective) (of an activity) in
(tính từ) khốc liệt
which people compete with each
other in aggressive and unfair
B2 (adjective) the most current and (tính từ) hiện đại
high-level IT developments
B2 (noun) a particular computer
(danh từ) nền tảng số
technology that can be used with
some types of software programs
but not with others
date back to
dearth (of something)
B2 (phrasal verb) to have existed
(cụm động từ) có từ xưa
since a particular time in the past
or for the length of time
B2 (adjective) making somebody
(tính từ) làm thoái chí, nhụt chí
feel nervous and less confident
about doing something; likely to
make somebody feel this way
B2 (noun) a lack of something;
(danh từ) sự thiếu hụt
debatable /di´beitәbl/
decimate /´desi¸meit/
B2 (verb) kill, destroy, or remove a (động từ) tàn phá, làm mất đi phần
large proportion of
daunting /'dɔ:ntiη/
decision-making process /
/diˈsiʒn ´meikiη 'prouses/
definitive /di´finitiv/
delve into
dementia /di´menʃә/
demography /di´mɔgrәfi/
deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/
(adjective) not certain because
people can have different ideas
and opinions about the thing
being discussed
(tính từ) gây tranh cãi
(phrase) the process of making (cụm từ) quy trình ra quyết định
choices by identifying a decision,
gathering information, and
assessing alternative resolutions.
(adjective) considered to be the (tính từ) tốt nhất
best of its type
(phrasal verb) to try hard to find (cụm động từ) đào sâu tìm hiểu
out more information about
(noun) a medical condition that (danh từ) sa sút trí tuệ
affects especially old people,
causing the memory and other
mental abilities to gradually
become worse, and leading to
confused behavior
(danh từ) nhân khẩu học
(noun) the number and
characteristics of the people who
live in an area, in relation to their
age, sex, if they are married or
not, etc
(verb) to put money into a bank (động từ) thêm tiền vào tài khoản
(danh từ) sự tước đoạt mất
deprivation /¸depri´veiʃәn/ B2 (noun) the fact of not having
something that you need, like
enough food, money or a home;
the process that causes this
derive /di´raiv/
B2 (verb) to get something from
(động từ) lấy cái gì từ đâu
descend /di'send/
desensitize /di:´sensi¸taiz/
desirable /di'zaiәrәbl/
desirous of /di´zaiәrәs/
de-stress /di: 'stres/
deteriorate into sth
detrimental /,detri'mentl/
devoid /di'vɔid/
digitalize /'didʒitәlaiz/
diligently /di'lidʒәntli/
discourage /dis´kʌridʒ/
disperse /dis´pә:s/
disposable /dis´pouzәbl/
disposable /dis´pouzәbl/
(verb) to come or go down from (động từ) xếp từ trên xuống
a higher to a lower level
B2 (noun) the process or fact of
(danh từ) sự quen với điều gì xấu
becoming less aware of
something as a problem by
becoming used to it
B2 (verb) to make somebody/
(động từ) quá quen với (điều xấu)
something less aware of
something as a problem by
making them become used to it
(tính từ) khao khát
(adjective) worth having and
wanted by most people
B2 (adjective) having a wish for
(tính từ) khát khao làm gì
something; wanting something
B2 (verb) to relax after working hard (động từ) giảm căng thẳng
or experiencing stress; to reduce
the amount of stress that you
Cl (phrasal verb) to develop into a (cụm động từ) trở nên tồi tệ hơn
bad or worse situation
B2 (adjective) harmful
(tính từ) có hại
Cl (adjective) completely without (tính từ) thiếu hụt điều gì
B2 (verb) to change something such (động từ) số hóa
as a document to a digital form
C2 (adverb) in a way that shows care (trạng từ) chăm chỉ
and effort in your work or duties
B2 (verb) to prevent or try to prevent (động từ) không khuyến khích
something happening or someone
doing something, by making
things difficult or unpleasant, or
by showing disapproval
(verb) to cause to become spread (động từ) phân tán
(adjective) made to be thrown
(tính từ) có thể vứt bỏ
away after use
B2 (adjective) designed to be used (tính từ) sử dụng một lần
once or only a limited number of
times and then thrown away
(verb) to make it difficult for
(động từ) gây đứt quãng, làm gián
something to continue in the
đoạn, phá vỡ
normal way, to prevent
something, especially a system,
process, or event, from
continuing as usual or as
expected causing problems,
(tính từ) gây ra nhiều vấn đề
noise, etc. so that something
cannot continue normally
disrupt /dis´rʌpt/
disruptive /dis´rʌptiv/
B2 (noun) a feeling that you are not (danh từ) sự bất mãn
pleased or satisfied
distressed /di'strest/
B2 (verb) to spread information,
(động từ) truyền bá
knowledge, etc. so that it reaches
many people
B2 (noun) something that prevents (danh từ) sự phân tán
someone from
giving their attention to
(tính từ) lo, hoảng
Cl something
(adjective) else
disturbing /dis´tә:biη/
disseminate /di´semi¸neit/
distraction /dɪstræk.ʃәn/
divide /di'vaid/
do away with
do someone’s bit
/dog i:t dog/
be dogged by /´dɔgid/
domestic /dә'mestik/
dominance /´dɔminәns/
don /dɔn/
drastic /´dræstik/
(adjective) making you feel
worried or upset
B2 (noun) a key difference or
(phrase) to get rid of or destroy
B2 (phrase) to do what you can to
help, or to do your part of what
has to be done
C2 (adjective) a situation in
(tính từ) nhiễu loạn
(danh từ) sự khác biệt then chốt
(cụm) vượt khỏi
(cụm) làm tròn bổn phận
(tính từ) khắc nghiệt
business, politics, etc. where
there is a lot of competition and
people are willing to harm each
other in order to succeed
Cl (past participle) to cause you
(phân từ 2) bị vướng phải
trouble for a long time
B2 (adjective) belonging or relating (tính từ) thuộc gia đình
to the home, house, or family
Cl (noun) the quality of being more (danh từ) sự nổi trội, lấn lướt
important, strong, or successful
than anything else of the same
B2 type
(verb) to put clothes, etc. on
(động từ) mặc đồ
B2 (adjective) extreme in effect or
(tính từ) quyết liệt
due to sth /dju:/
be dying to V-inf /ˈdaɪɪŋ/
Bl (phrase) because of
(cụm) bởi/nhờ cái gì
B2 (idiom) to want something or
(thành ngữ) cực kỳ thèm muốn làm gì
want to do something very much
B2 (adjective) networking normally (tính từ) bất thường, rối ren
or properly
/dis'f ʌqkʃәnl/
(the) edge /edʒ/
earmark /'ɪәma:k/
ecological system
/,ekә'lɔʤikәl 'sistәm/
economic progress
/,i:kә'nɒmɪk 'prougres/
educational institution(s)
educator /´edju¸keitә/
efficacy /'efikәsi/
emerge /i´mә:dʒ/
(noun) a slight advantage over (danh từ) lợi thế đôi chút so với
B2 (noun) the ability of something to (danh từ) tính hiệu quả
produce the results that are
Cl (noun phrase) a geographic area (cụm danh từ) hệ sinh thái
where plants, animals, and other
organisms, as well as weather
and landscape, work together to
form a bubble of life
B2 (phrase) the process by which the (cụm từ) phát triển kinh tế
overall health, wellbeing, and
academic level of the general
population improves
B2 (phrase) a place where people of (cụm từ) cơ sở giáo dục
different ages gain an education
B2 (phrase) the path of an individual (cụm từ) lộ trình, định hướng giáo
learner through one or more
programs of study
(noun) an administrator in
(danh từ) người thầy
B2 (verb) to make something happen (động từ) bắt phải theo
or force somebody to do
Cl (noun) the feeling of being
(danh từ) sự ngượng ngùng, bối rối
embarrassed, or something that
makes you feel embarrassed
B2 (verb) to appear by coming out of (động từ) nổi lên
something or out from behind
B2 (noun) the extent to which
(danh từ) sự dễ kiếm được việc
somebody has the skills,
knowledge, attitude, etc. that
make them suitable for paid work
emulate /´emju¸leit/
B2 (verb) to try to do something as (động từ) bắt chước vì ngưỡng mộ
well as somebody else because
you admire them
B2 (verb) match or surpass (a person (động từ) cạnh tranh
or achievement), typically by
Cl (verb) to pass a law
(động từ) thông qua luật
B2 (noun) a work that contains
(danh từ) bách khoa toàn thư
information on all branches of
knowledge or treats
comprehensively a particular
branch of knowledge usually in
articles arranged alphabetically
often by subject
Cl (noun) an attempt to do
(danh từ) nỗ lực làm gì đó
something, especially something
new or difficult
emulate /´emju¸leit/
enact /i'nækt/
endeavor /ɛnˈdɛvәr/
enforce /in´fɔ:s/
enforcement (of sth)
enormous /i'nɔ:mәs/
ensure /in’ʃʊr/
entail /in´teil/
entrench (in sth)
(noun) the fact of no longer being (danh từ) sự ra rìa
friendly or in contact with
(danh từ) sự thi hành
(noun) the process of making
people obey a law or rule
(noun) the fact of being involved (danh từ) sự liên kết
with something
(noun) the process of improving (danh từ) sự nâng cao
the quality, amount, or strength
of something
(adjective) extremely large in
(tính từ) khổng lồ, to lớn
size or amount
(verb) to make sure, certain, or
(động từ) đảm bảo
(động từ) gây ra
(verb) to make something
necessary, or to involve
(verb) to establish something
(động từ) ăn sâu vào sth
very strongly so that it is very
difficult to change
sustainability /
equate /i´kweit/
B2 (phrase) responsible interaction (cụm) an toàn/ bền vững với môi
with the environment to avoid
depletion or degradation of
natural resources and allow for
longterm environmental quality
B2 (verb) to think that something is (động từ) đánh đồng với
the same as something else or is
as important
escalate /,eskәleit/
escapism /i´skeipizәm/
escapist /is´keipist/
evidenced /'evidans/
evolution /,i:vә'lu:ʃn/
excel in / ik´sel/
exemplify /ig´zemplifai/
exert /ɪgˈzɜrt/
exotic /ig'zɔtik/
expose /ɪkˈspoʊz/
(verb) to become greater, worse, (động từ) leo thang
more serious, etc.; to make
something greater, worse, more
serious, etc.
(noun) an activity, a form of
(danh từ) sự thoát ly thực tế
entertainment, etc. that helps you
avoid or forget unpleasant or
boring things
(adjective) that helps you avoid (tính từ) thoát ly thực tế
or forget unpleasant or boring
(verb) to prove or show
(động từ) cung cấp dẫn chứng
something; to be evidence of
(past participle) shown to be true (phân từ 2) được minh chứng là đúng
(noun) evolution is the process (danh từ) sự tiến hóa
by which the physical
characteristics of types of
creatures change over time, new
types of creatures develop, and
others disappear.
B2 (verb) to be very good at doing (động từ) rất giỏi lĩnh vực gì
B2 (verb) to be a typical example of (động từ) là ví dụ tiêu biểu cho
Cl (verb) to use power or influence (động từ) gây (ảnh hưởng, áp lực)
to affect somebody/ something
B2 (noun) the ability of something to (danh từ) tính hiệu quả
produce the results that are
B2 (verb) to put somebody/
(động từ) gánh chịu
something in a place or situation
where they are not protected
from something harmful or
exposure /ɪkˈspoʊʒәr/
B2 (noun) the fact of experiencing
something new or different
extensive /iks´tensiv/
B2 (adjective) including or dealing (tính từ) đa dạng
with a wide range of information
Cl (noun) extracurricular activities (danh từ) hoạt động ngoại khóa
(danh từ) sự tiếp cận
be eligible for /´elidʒәbl/
be engrossed in /in´grous/
(adjective) is able to have or do it (tính từ) đủ tiêu chuẩn làm gì
because they have the right
qualifications, are the right age,
C2 etc
(adjective) so interested or
(tính từ) mê mẩn điều gì
involved in something that you
be enraptured with
all your attention
B2 give
to be given great (phân từ 2) cực kỳ vui
pleasure or joy
facial expressions
/ 'feiʃәl iks'preʃn/
factual /'fæktjuәl/
fall out of favour
/'feivә (r)/
falsify /'fɔ:lsifai/
familial /fә'mijәl/
far-off / fɑ: ɔ:f/
favorable /'feivarabl/
feature /'fi:tʃә/
festive /´festiv/
flock /flɔk/
L (phrase) one or more motions or (cụm từ) nét mặt
positions of the muscles beneath
the skin of the face
B2 (adjective) using or consisting of (tính từ) thực tế
B2 (phrase) To no longer be
(cụm) không còn được yêu mến, ủng
supported, preferred, or highly hộ, chấp thuận
C2 (verb) to change a written record (động từ) làm sai lệch
or information so that it is no
longer true
(adjective) related to or typical of (tính từ) thuộc về gia đình
a family
(adjective) a great distance away
(tính từ) xa xôi
Cl (adjective) making people have a (tính từ) mang tính thuận lợi
good opinion of
B2 (verb) to have an important part (động từ) có sự hiện diện của
in something
B2 (adjective) typical of a special
(tính từ) tiêu biểu cho lễ hội
event or celebration
Cl (verb) to go or gather together
(động từ) tụ tập, tập trung thành đám
somewhere in large numbers
đông, lũ lượt kéo đến
fondness /´fɔndnis/
B2 (noun) pleasure, especially
(danh từ) sự ham thích điều gì
relating to something you have
liked or enjoyed for a long time
for the time being
forefather /'fɔ:fa:ðә(r)/
foreseeable /fɔ:´si:әbl/
forgo /fɔ:´gou/
(idiom) at the present moment; (thành ngữ) ở thời điểm hiện tại
for now.
C2 (noun) a person (especially a
(danh từ) tổ tiên
man) in your family who lived a
long time ago
B2 (adjective) A foreseeable event (tính từ) có thể thấy trước
or situation is one that can be
known about or guessed before it
B2 (verb) to not have or do
(động từ) bỏ qua
something enjoyable
former /´fɔ:mә/
B2 (adjective) in the past
(tính từ) trước đó
formerly /´fɔ:mәli/
B2 (adverb) in the past
(trạng từ) trước đây
framework /'freimwә:k/
B2 (noun) the structure of a
(danh từ) khuôn khổ
particular system
B2 (adjective) If an action or attempt (tính từ) vô ích
to do something is fruitless, it is
unsuccessful or produces nothing
of value
(verb) to increase something; to (động từ) đẩy mạnh
make something stronger
B2 (adjective) very great or to the (tính từ) cường độ cao
greatest degree
B2 (noun) a person who makes
(danh từ) nhà nghiên cứu tương lai
statements about what will
happen in the future based on
their studies and knowledge
fruitless /´fru:tlis/
fuel /ˈfjuәl/
full-on /,ful 'on/
futurist /'fju:tʃәrist/
gadget /'gæʤit/
gain/grow in popularity
gauge /geidʤ/
L (noun) a small device or machine (danh từ) thiết bị
with a particular purpose
B2 (phrase) to become more popular (cụm từ) ngày càng phổ biến hơn
B2 (verb) to make a judgement about (động từ) đánh giá, đo lường
something, especially people’s
feelings or attitudes
gear sth to/towards sb/ sth
be geared towards
geographical barriers
/dʒiәˈgræfɪkәl 'bæriә(r)/
geographical location
/dʒiәˈgræfɪkәl lәʊˈkeɪʃn /
(phrasal verb) to design or
(cụm động từ) tổ chức, sắp xếp thứ gì
organize something so that it is
suitable for a particular purpose,
situation, or group of people
(phrasal verb) to make, change or (cụm động từ) nhằm hướng tới
prepare something so that it is
suitable for a particular purpose
(noun phrase) a naturally
(cụm danh từ) rào cản địa lý
occurring formation or body of
water that segregates and isolates
an area
(phrase) A location is the place (cụm) vị trí địa lí
where something happens or is
(phrasal verb) (of people) gather (cụm động từ) tập trung lại, sum họp
or assemble socially or to
(động từ) chuẩn bị cho
(verb) (literary) to prepare for
something difficult, especially a
fight, contest, etc.
(phrase) used when saying that a (cụm) “với việc... là” (dùng để giải
thích câu tiếp theo)
particular fact influences your
judgment about something or
get together
/get tә'geðә/
gird /gә:d/
given the fact that = given
that = because
go a long way
B2 (idiom) to achieve much success. (thành ngữ) thành công
go for a dip /dip/
(thành ngữ) đi bơi
(idiom) go swimming
(tính từ) máu me
B2 (adjective) involving a lot of
blood or violence; showing or
describing blood and violence
C2 (conjunction) given that (used at (liên từ) cứ cho là như vậy
the beginning of a clause to
concede something is true before
making a comment on it)
Cl (noun) the feeling of being
(danh từ) lòng biết ơn
grateful and wanting to express
your thanks
gory /´gɔ:ri/
granted that /'grɑ:ntid]/
gratitude /'grætitju:d/
grave /greiv/
gravitate toward /
'græviteit ´touәd /
gridlocked /'gridlɒkt/
(tính từ) cực kỳ đáng ngại
(adjective) very serious and
important; giving you a reason to
feel worried
B2 (verb) to be attracted to or move (động từ) hướng tới
toward something
B2 (phrase) with so many cars in the (tính từ) tắc nghẽn
streets of a town that the traffic
cannot move at all
L (noun) to have an influence on (danh từ) có ảnh hưởng lên
something or a relationship to
hamper /´hæmpә/
B2 (verb) to prevent somebody from (động từ) ngăn ai làm gì
easily doing or achieving
have a good command of B2 (idiom) to be knowledgeable
(thành ngữ) có kiến thức, kỹ năng về
about or skilled in a particular
area or thing.
have a mastery of
B2 (phrase) great knowledge about (cụm từ) nắm chắc kiến thức về
or understanding of a particular
(cụm) liên quan đến
have to do with sth
B2 (phrase) to be related to
B2 (adjective) concerned about how (tính từ) quan tâm tới sức khỏe
healthy one's diet and lifestyle
/held ˈkɒnʃәs/
hectic /'hektik/
Cl (adjective) very busy; full of
(tính từ) rất bận rộn, đầy hoạt động
(cụm từ) không để tâm tái
heedless of
B2 (phrase) not paying careful
attention to somebody/
hefty /´hefti/
B2 (adjective) big and heavy
(tính từ) lán, nặng
height of trendiness
(cụm từ) rất thời thượng
B2 (phrase) very fashionable
/ hait ɔv ´trendinis /
helicopter parents /
B2 (phrase) parent who take an
(cụm từ) bố mẹ quá bao bọc con cái
overprotective or excessive
ˈhɛlɪˌkɒptәr 'peәrәnt/
Interest In the life of their child
or children.
here to stay
B2 (idiom) to be permanent or firmly (thành ngữ) vẫn cứ tồn tại
established; to be a normal part
of everyday life, especially after
once being considered abnormal
or unusual.
hone /houn/
B2 (verb) to develop and improve (động từ) mài giũa
something, especially a skill,
over a period of time
C2 (noun) a problem that you have (danh từ) rào cản, khó khăn
hurdle /hә:dl/
to deal with before you can make
(noun) conditions or practices (as (danh từ) vệ sinh
hygiene /'haidʒi:n/
of cleanliness) conducive to
(have a) bearing on
(noun) the condition of being
(danh từ) sự viễn thị
idyll /’idil/
idyllic /i´dilik/
if not to say
immediacy /i´mi:diәsi/
immense /i´mens/
immerse oneself in sth
immunize /´imju¸naiz/
impair /im´pɛә/
impart /im´pa:t/
imperative /im'perәtiv/
implement /ˈɪmplimәnt /
impose /im'pouz/
in a light /lait/
(danh từ) nơi yên bình
C2 (noun) a happy and peaceful
place, event or experience,
especially one connected with the
(tính từ) bình yên, tươi đẹp
C2 (adjective) peaceful and
beautiful; perfect, without
B2 used to introduce a more forceful (cụm) nếu không muốn nói là
or critical way of describing
someone or something
B2 (noun) the fact that something
(danh từ) sự tức thì
seems real and important, so that
you feel involved with it
Cl (adjective) extremely large or
(tính từ) rất lớn
B2 (verb) to become completely
(động từ) đắm chìm vào thứ gì
involved in something
Cl (verb) to protect a person or an (động từ) gây miễn dịch, tiêm ngừa
animal from a disease, especially
by giving them an injection of a
(verb) to damage something or (động từ) gây tổn hại
make something worse
B2 (verb) to pass information,
(động từ) truyền lại
knowledge, etc. to other people
B2 (adjective) very important and (tính từ) cực kỳ quan trọng
needing immediate attention or
B2 (verb) to start using a plan or
(động từ) thi hành
B2 (verb) to expect somebody to do (động từ) áp đặt lên
something for you or to spend
time with you, when it may not
be convenient for them
B2 (adjective) easily influenced or (tính từ) dễ bị ảnh hưởng
affected by somebody/ something
(cụm) trong hoàn cảnh này
B2 (phrase) a particular aspect or
appearance presented to view
in an appalling manner /
/ә´pɔ:liη mænә(r)/
in any discipline
B2 (phrase) in a way that is very bad (cụm từ) một cách khủng khiếp
or that shocks people
B2 (phrase) in every field of study ở bất kì ngành nào
in dread of /dred/
(phrase) being worried about
in essence /'esns/
in lieu of /lu:/
in line with sth /lain/
in style /stail/
in synchronicity with sth
(cụm) về bản chất
(phrase) basically and without
regard for peripheral details;
(phrase) instead of
(cụm từ) thay vì
(phrase) in alignment or in
(cụm từ) phù hợp với
accordance with
(phrase) fashionable
(cụm từ) thời thượng
(phrase) the happening by chance (cụm) đồng thời với cái gì
of two or more related or similar
events at the same time
(phrase) together or at the same (cụm từ) cùng với
in tandem with /'tændәm/
(cụm từ) lo lắng về
in the short run
Cl (idiom) experiencing something (thành ngữ) trong bối cảnh (khó
unpleasant that cannot be stopped khăn)
Cl (phrase) in or towards the centre (cụm từ) ở trung tâm
of a city, especially its main
business area
B2 (phrase) over or after a long
(cụm từ) về lâu dài
period of time; eventually.
B2 (phrase) in the near future.
(cụm từ) trước mắt
in this aspect /ˈæspekt/
B2 (phrase)
in this light
B2 (phrase) a particular aspect or
appearance presented to view
in this way
B2 (phrase) by doing that/this
Cl (phrase) the dearth of the water
provided for an area
in the grip of /grip/
in the heart of downtown
in the long run
inadequate water supply
/ in´ædikwit 'wɔ:tә sә'plai/
incorporate /in'kɔ:pәrit/
(cụm) về khía cạnh này
(cụm) trong hoàn cảnh này
(cụm) bằng cách này
(cụm từ) sự cung cấp nước không đầy
B2 (verb) to include something so (động từ) bao gồm
that it forms a part of something
(verb) to experience something, (động từ) trải nghiệm những gì phát
usually something unpleasant, as sinh
a result of actions you have taken
incur /in'kә:/
be indebted to somebody
for something
B2 (adjective) grateful to somebody (tính từ) biết ơn ai
for helping you
indicate /´indikeit/
(verb) to show or signal a
(động từ) ngụ ý, tỏ ra
direction or warning, or to make
something clear
indifferent /ɪn'dɪfrәnt/
B2 (adjective) having or showing no (tính từ) thờ ơ, lãnh đạm
interest in somebody/ something
indiscriminately /
B2 (adverb) in a way that does not (trạng từ) một cách bừa bãi
show careful choice or planning,
usually with harmful results
(tính từ) không thể tránh khỏi
inescapable /¸inis´keipәbl/ B2 (adjective) (of a fact or a
situation) that you cannot avoid
or ignore
infectious /in´fekʃәs/
influence /ˈɪnfluәns/
informed /in´fɔ:md/
ingrained /in´greind/
inherent /in´hiәrәnt/
initiative /ɪˈnɪʃiәtɪv/
inordinate /i´nɔ:dinit/
insofar as /,insәu'fɑ:/
insomnia /in´sɔmniә/
instill /in´stil/
institute /´institju:t/
integrate /'Intigreit/
(tính từ) dễ truyền từ người này qua
(adjective) passed easily from
one person to another, especially người khác
through air or water
(verb) to affect or change how (động từ) ảnh hưởng, tác động
someone or something develops,
behaves, or thinks
B2 (adjective) based on an
understanding of the facts of a
B2 (adjective) so firmly held that
they are not likely to change
(adjective) existing as a natural
or basic part of something
(tính từ) có cân nhắc, có hiểu biết
(danh từ) bước khởi đàu
(noun) an introductory step
(tính từ) thâm căn cố đế
(tính từ) gắn liền với
B2 (adjective) far more than is usual (tính từ) quá dư thừa
or expected
B2 (conjuction) to the degree that
(từ nối) tới một mức độ nào đó
B2 (noun) the condition of being
(danh từ) sự mất ngủ
unable to sleep
Cl (adverb) in a way that happens (trạng từ) tức thời
immediately, without any delay
B2 (verb) to gradually put an idea or (động từ) làm cho thấm nhuần
attitude into somebody’s mind; to
make somebody feel, think or
behave in a particular way over a
period of time
B2 (verb) introduce a system, policy, (động từ) giới thiệu, bắt đầu
etc. or start a process
(động từ) tích hợp
B2 (verb) to mix with and join
society or a group of people,
often changing to suit their way
of life, habits, and customs
integrate /'Intigreit/
intensify /in'tensifai/
intensive treatment
/ɪnˈtɛnsɪv 'tri:tmәnt/
intensively /in'tensivli/
B2 (verb) to combine two or more (động từ) tích hợp, kết hợp
things so that they work together;
to combine with something else
in this way
B2 (adverb) in a way that is
(trạng từ) liên quan tới trí tuệ
connected with or using a
person’s ability to think in a
logical way and understand
Cl things
(động từ) tăng cường, làm mạnh lên
(verb) to increase or make
something increase in degree or
(cụm danh từ) điều trị chuyên sâu
Cl (noun phrase) the continuous
monitoring and treatment of
critically ill or injured patients
using special medical facilities,
equipment, and services
Cl (adverb) in a complete and
(trạng từ) chuyên sâu
extremely detailed way; with a
lot of care
interactive /,intәr'æktiv/
Cl (adjective)
introduce (sth)
(tính từ) thuộc về đối nhân xử thế
B2 (adjective) connected with
relationships between people
Bl (verb) to bring into practice or (động từ) đưa cái gì vào thực tiễn
(danh từ) giám thị
C2 (noun) a person who watches
people while they are taking an
exam to make sure that they have
everything they need, that they
keep to the rules, etc.
B2 (adjective) that cannot be proved
wrong and that must therefore be (tính từ) không thể phủ nhận
B2 (noun phrase) a disease that may
be treated, but is never cured or (cụm danh từ) bệnh hiểm nghèo
Cl (phrase) it is obvious
(cụm) có thể thấy hiển nhiên là
irrefutable /¸iri´fju:tәbl/
irreversible disease
/¸iri´vә:sәbl /di'zi:z/
it is not surprising to see
IVY league universities
/'aivi li:g ¸ju:ni´vә:siti/
(tính từ)
B2 (phrase) prestigious and highly
selective universities
(cụm) các trường đại học danh tiếng
jab /dʒæb/
jam-packed with
/,dʒæb ' pækt/
join hands /ʤɔin, hænd/
juggle /'dʒʌgl/
(danh từ) mũi tiêm
C2 (noun) an injection to help
prevent you from catching a
B2 (adjective) full of people or
(tính từ) đông nghẹt, chất đầy
things that are pushed closely
B2 (idiom) to work together to
(thành ngữ) chung sức
achieve some goal.
Cl (noun) a good reason why
(danh từ) lý do bào chữa
something exists or is done
B2 (verb) to try to deal with two or (động từ) cố gắng cân đối
more important jobs or activities
at the same time so that you can
fit all of them into your life
kindle /'kindl/
be knee high to a
L (verb) to make something such as (động từ) đẩy mạnh
an interest, emotion, etc. start to
grow in somebody; to start to be
felt by somebody
C2 (idiom) very small; very young (thành ngữ) rất nhỏ
lag behind /læg bɪˈhaɪnd/
lambaste /læm´beist/
land /lænd/
languish /'læŋgwi∫/
L (phrasal verb) To move or
(cụm động từ) tụt hậu
happen at a slower pace than
someone or something else, fall
(động từ) khiển trách
(verb) to criticize someone or
something severely
B2 (verb) to succeed in getting a job, (động từ) thành công trong việc giành
etc., especially one that a lot of được điều gì
other people want
B2 (verb) to exist in an unpleasant or (động từ) lụi tàn
unwanted situation, often for a
long time
lean towards
/li:n tә´wɔ:dz/
C2 (phrasal verb) incline or be
partial tq,a view or position.
(cụm động từ) ngả theo
learning materials
(danh từ) học liệu
/ˈlɜrnɪŋ ma'tiarial/
learning outcomes
/ˈlɜrnɪŋ ´aut¸kʌm/
B2 (noun phrase) statements that
(cụm danh từ) kết quả học tập
describe the knowledge or skills
students should acquire by the
end of a given class, course, or
leave (+ sth + adjective)
Bl (verb) to make or allow someone (động từ) để mặc
or something to remain in a
particular condition, place, etc
leftovers /'leftәʊvә(r)/
B2 (noun) [usually plural] food that (danh từ) phần ăn thừa
has not been eaten at the end of a
lend credence to
C2 (phrase) to make an opinion or
idea seem more correct
(cụm từ) làm tăng sức nặng cho
B2 (verb) to become or make
something become smaller,
weaker, less important, etc.
(động từ) làm giảm đi
/lend 'kri:dәns/
lessen /'lesn/
levy /´levi/
lexicon /´leksikәn/
lie in
liking /´laikiη/
liveable /ìivabl/
living /'liviŋ/
long for /lɔɳ/
longitudinal studies /
¸lɔndʒi´tjudinәl 'stʌdi/
B2 (verb) to use official authority to (động từ) áp đặt
demand and collect a payment,
tax, etc.
B2 (noun) all the words and phrases (danh từ) vốn từ vựng
used in a particular language or
subject; all the words and phrases
used and known by a particular
person or group of people
(phrasal verb) to exist or be
(cụm động từ) nằm ở
(noun) the feeling that you like (danh từ) cảm giác thích điều gì đó
somebody/something; the
pleasure in something
B2 (adjective) (of life) worth living (tính từ) đáng sống
Bl (noun) the way in which you live (danh từ) lối sống
your life
(verb) to want something very
much especially if it does not
seem likely to happen soon
B2 (noun phrase) a type of
correlational research
(động từ) khát khao
(cụm danh từ) nghiên cứu liên quan
lure /ljuә/
C2 (noun) the fact of shining in the (danh từ) sự tỏa sáng
dark; the ability to give out light
Cl (verb) to persuade or trick
(động từ) dụ dỗ ai
somebody to go somewhere or to
do something by promising them
a reward
majestic /mә'ʤestik/
make an inroad into
make ends meet
/’endz mi:t/
make the headline
malicious /mәˈlɪʃәs/
manipulate /mә'nipjuleit/
marvel /´ma:vәl/
mastery /´ma:stәri/
merely /'miәli/
misgiving about
/ mis´giviη ә'baʊt /
L (adjective) impressive because of (tính từ) ấn tượng, hoành tráng
size or beauty
(phrase) to start to have a direct (cụm) có hiệu quả
and noticeable effect
B2 (idiom) earn enough money to (thành ngữ) kiếm đủ ăn
live without getting into debt.
B2 (idiom) to be featured on the
headlines of news articles
(thành ngữ) xuất hiện trên báo
(adjective) intended to harm or (tính từ) cố tình làm hại
upset other people
Cl (verb) to control something or
(động từ) thao túng
someone to your advantage, often
unfairly or dishonestly
(động từ) coi nhẹ, gạt sang bên lề,
C2 (verb) to treat someone or
something as if they are not
cho ra rìa
C2 (noun) a thing or person that is (danh từ) kỳ tích
very surprising or causes a lot of
B2 (noun) great knowledge about or (danh từ) sự nắm vững, kiến thức lớn
understanding of a particular
Cl (noun) goods that are bought or (danh từ) vật phẩm lưu niệm
sold; goods that are for sale in a
Cl (adverb) used to emphasize that (trạng từ) đơn thuần là
you mean exactly what you are
saying and nothing more
B2 (noun) a belief or an idea that is (danh từ) sự nhận thức sai
not based on correct information,
or that is not understood by
(danh từ) mối nghi ngại
B2 (noun) a feeling of doubt or
worry about a future event
moderately /'mɒdәrәtli/
molecular /mә’lekjәlәr/
mortality /mɔ:´tæliti/
/mauθ w ɔ:tәri ŋ/
/ mʌtʃ ni:d/
multitask /¸mʌlti´ta:skiη/
musculoskeletal disorders
/mʌs.kjә.lә ʊ'skel.l.i.tәl
myopia /mai´oupiә/
(trạng từ) mức độ phù hợp
(adverb) to an average extent;
fairly but not very
Cl (adjective) relating to molecules (tính từ) mức độ phân tử
(= groups of atoms that cannot be
divided without a change in the
chemical nature of the substance
they are part of)
C2 (noun) the number of deaths in a (danh từ) số người tử vong
particular situation or period of
(tính từ) gây thèm muốn
B2 (adjective) looks or smells so
good that you want to eat it
(tính từ) rất cần
B2 (adjective) to a great extent
Cl (verb) to do several things at the (động từ) đa nhiệm
same time
(noun phrase) injuries or
(cụm danh từ) rối loạn xương khớp
disorders of the muscles, nerves,
tendons, joints, cartilage, and
spinal discs
B2 (noun) the condition of being
(danh từ) sự cận thị
unable to see things clearly when
they are far away
naked eye
/'neikid ai/
/'njʊәrәʊtranzmitә( r)/
/.non .baiәʊdi'greidәbi/
/,non skә´læstik/
not least /not li:st/
L (idiom) the normal power of your (thành ngữ) mắt thường
eyes without the help of an
B2 (adjective) relating to nerves or (tính từ) thuộc về thần kinh
to the science of neurology
C2 (noun) a chemical that carries
(danh từ) chất dẫn truyền thân kinh
messages from nerve cells to
other nerve cells or muscles
C2 (adjective) cannot be changed by (tính từ) không thể bị phân hủy
the action of bacteria to a natural
state that does not harm the
(tính từ) không liên quan đến trường
C2 (adjective) connected with
học và giáo dục
schools and education
B2 (phrase) in particular; notably
(cụm từ) đặc biệt là
notable /´noutәbl/
noxious /’nokfas/
numeracy /´nju:mәrәsi/
(tính từ) đáng chú ý
(adjective) important and
deserving attention, because of
being very good or Interesting
B2 (adjective) poisonous or harmful (tính từ) độc hại
C2 (noun) the ability to understand (danh từ) khả năng đếm số
and work with numbers
obscure /әb'skjuә/
L (adjective) not known to many
(tính từ) mơ hồ, không rõ
on a frequent basis /
(trạng từ) không sử dụng hệ thống
(adverb) not using the public
supplies of electricity, gas, water, điện, nước, ga...
Cl (noun) a child of a particular
(danh từ) con cái
person or couple
B2 (phrase) frequently
(cụm từ) thường xuyên
/'fri:kwәnt ´beisis/
on the academic front
B2 (phrase) in an academic area
(cụm) về mặt học thuật
/ˌækәˈdɛmɪk frʌnt/
on the subject of
B2 (phrase) to start talking about
(cụm) nói về mặt nào
off the grid /grid/
offspring /´ɔf¸spriη/
on the whole /haul/
/,on lain beis/
on-site learning
/ɒn sait ˈlɜrnɪŋ/
onus /´ounәs/
opine /ou´pain/
oppression /ә´preʃәn/
opt (for) /opt/
optimal /'optimal/
B2 (phrase) generally
(cụm) nhìn chung là
(tính từ) nền tảng trực tuyến
B2 (adjective) used to describe
activities that are done using the
(cụm từ) học tại trường
B2 (phrase) learning on campus
B2 (noun) the responsibility or duty (danh từ) trách nhiệm, nghĩa vụ
to do something
C2 (verb) to express a particular
(động từ) thể hiện ý kiến là
C2 (noun) cruel and unfair treatment (danh từ) sự đàn áp
of people, especially by not
giving them the same freedom,
rights, etc. as other people
Cl (verb) to choose to take or not to (động từ) chọn làm gì
take a particular course of action
B2 (adjective) the best possible;
producing the best possible
(tính từ) tối ưu
out of this world /wɜ:ld/
outbreak /'autbreik/
outcome /´aut¸kʌm/
outcry /´aut¸krai/
/ әʊvәr ɪ'laɪәns/
overriding /¸ouvә´raidiη/
overuse of sth
B2 (idiom) amazing
(thành ngữ) tuyệt vời
(danh từ) sự bùng phát
(noun) the sudden start of
something unpleasant especially
violence or a disease
(noun) a result or effect of an
(danh từ) đầu ra
action, situation, etc
C2 (noun) a reaction of anger or
(danh từ) phản ứng phẫn nộ
strong protest shown by people in
B2 (noun) excessive dependence on (danh từ) phụ thuộc nhiều
or trust in someone or something.
C2 (adjective) more important than (tính từ) quan trọng hơn tất cả
anything else in a particular
B2 (noun) the act of using something (danh từ) sự lạm dụng
too much or too often
(danh từ) bao bì
L (noun) the materials in which
packaging /"pækidzŋ/
objects are wrapped before being
painstaking / 'peinz,teikiɳ/ C2 (adjective) extremely careful and (tính từ) tốn nhiều công sức, tâm
correct, and involving a lot of
pang /pæɳ/
B2 (noun) a sudden sharp feeling, (danh từ) cơn
especially of painful emotion
paperless /'peipalas/
B2 (adjective) recording or relaying (tính từ) không có giấy
information by electronic media
rather than
on paper
pastime /'pɑ:staim/
Cl (noun) something that you enjoy (danh từ) thú tiêu khiển
doing when you are not working
pathogen /´pæθә¸dʒen/
C2 (noun) a thing that causes disease (danh từ) thứ gây bệnh, mầm bệnh
pave the way for sb/sth
C2 (phrase) create situation that
(cụm từ) mở đường cho
allows something to happen
penalize /´pi:nә¸laiz/
Cl (verb) to punish somebody for (động từ) trừng phạt ai
breaking a rule or law by making
them suffer a disadvantage
(tính từ) kéo dài
C2 (adjective) lasting a very long
perennial /pә´renjәl/
time, or happening repeatedly or
all the time
(noun) an advantage or
perk /pә:k/
(danh từ) lợi ích
something extra
permeate /´pә:mi¸eit/
perplex /pә´pleks/
place a premium on
platform /'plætfɔ:m/
play out /plei aut/
pleasing /´pli:siη/
plummet /´plʌmit/
politically /pә'litikәli/
portable /'pɔ:tәbl/
pose a hazard
B2 (verb) to affect every part of
(động từ)ảnh hường tỏa khắp
B2 (verb) to make unable to grasp (động từ) làm bối rối
something clearly or to think
logically and decisively about
Cl (idiom) to think that
(thành ngữ) đánh giá cao cái gì
somebody/something is
particularly important or valuable
(danh từ) nền tảng
Bl (noun) a particular computer
technology that can be used with
some types of software programs
but not with others
B2 (phrasal verb) When a situation (cụm động từ) tiến hành
plays out, it happens and
(tính từ) dễ chịu
B2 (adjective) that gives you
pleasure or makes you feel
(động từ) tụt mạnh
B2 (verb) to fall suddenly and
quickly from a high level or
Bl (adverb) in a way that relates to (trạng từ] vẽ mặt chính trị
B2 (adjective) that is easy to carry or (tính từ) dễ mang đi mang lại
to move
(phrase) to cause a danger
/ pouz a ' hæzәrd/
practical level
/ præktɪkәl 'levl/
precedence /’presidans/
premature /´premә¸tjuә/
B2 (noun phrase) of, involving, or
concerned with experience or
actual use; not theoretical
C2 (adjective) done in order to
prevent problems or to avoid
Cl (noun) the condition of being
more important than somebody
else and therefore coming or
being dealt with first
(cụm danh từ) trên thực tiễn
C2 (noun) something that must
happen or be true before it is
possible for something else to
Cl (adverb) mostly or mainly
(danh từ) là tiền đề của
(tính từ) mang tính phòng ngừa
(danh từ) sự ưu ái
(trạng từ) chủ yếu là
(adjective) happening before the (tính từ) sớm, non, yểu
normal or expected time
presence of sth /'prezns/
presentable /pri´zentәbl/
preserve the environment
/ pri'zә:v ðә
in'vaiәrәnmәnt /
pressurize /´preʃә¸raiz/
prevalent /ˈprɛvәlәnt/
prevention /pri'ven∫n/
prime /praim/
(noun) the fact that someone or (danh từ) sự hiện diện của cái gì
something is in a place
(tính từ) trông ưa nhìn
B2 (adjective) looking clean and
attractive and suitable to be seen
in public
B2 (phrase) protects the environment (cụm) bảo tồn môi trường
from harmful human activities.
Cl (verb) to persuade somebody to (động từ) gây sức ép bắt ai làm gì
do something, especially by
making them feel that they have
to or should do it
B2 (adjective) that exists or is very (tính từ) phổ biến
common at a particular time or in
a particular place
(danh từ)sự ngăn chặn
(noun) the act of stopping
something from happening or of
stopping someone from doing
(adjective) main or most
(tính từ) chủ yếu
(verb) to decide which of a group (động từ) ưu tiên
of things are the most important
so that you can deal with them
(adverb) in a way that causes
(trạng từ) một cách chủ động
change by taking action
prioritise /prai'oratais/
proactively /,prәʊ'æktivli/
proficiency /prә´fiʃәnsi/
profoundly /pra'faundli/
B2 (noun) the ability to do
something well because of
training and practice
Cl (adverb) deeply or extremely
progressive disease /
prәˈgrɛsɪv di'zi:z/
prominent /´prɔminәnt/
promote (something)
propel /prәˈpɛl/
(danh từ) năng lực
(trạng từ) một cách sâu sắc
(noun phrase) a disease or health (cụm danh từ) bệnh nặng dần lên
condition that gets worse over
time, resulting in a general
decline in health or function
(adjective) important or well(tính từ) nổi bật
(động từ) thúc đẩy, khuyến khích
Bl (verb) to encourage people to
like, buy, use, do, or support
B2 (verb) to force someone to do an (động từ) thúc đẩy ai làm gì
activity or be in a situation
properly /´prɔpәli/
prospective /prә´spektiv/
put/ place a premium on
Bl (adverb) in an acceptable or
suitable way
Cl (adjective) expected to happen
C2 (noun) the main character in a
play, film or book
(trạng từ) một cách đúng đắn
Cl (phrase) to believe that a
particular quality or activity is
very important
(cụm từ) ưu tiên
(tính từ) có triển vọng sắp tới
(danh từ) nhân vật chính
quality time / 'kwɔliti taim
L (phrase) time spent giving your
full attention to somebody,
especially to your children or
partner after work
(cụm từ) thời gian dành cho gia đình
rapport /ræ´pɔ:/
(danh từ) hệ lụy
L (noun) the possible results of an
B2 (noun) a close and harmonious (danh từ) mối quan hệ tốt
relationship in which people
understand each other very well
read between the lines
realize /'riәlaiz/
reap /ri:p/
reasoning /´ri:zәniη/
(idiom) to try to understand (thành ngữ) hiểu được ẩn ý
someone's real feelings or
intentions from what they say
or write
(verb) to achieve something (động từ) hiện thực hóa
important that you very much
want to do
(verb) to obtain something, (động từ) gặt hái
especially something good, as a
direct result of something that
you have done
(noun) the process of thinking (danh từ) sự suy luận logic
about things in a logical way;
opinions and ideas that are
based on logical thinking
(verb) repeat the main points of
an explanation or description (động từ) nhắc lại
recyclable /ri:´saikl/
refine /ri'fain/
refute /ri´fju:t/
regale sb with /ri´geil/
regardless of /ri´ga:dlis/
regulation /¸regju´leiʃәn/
relentless /ri'lentlis/
be reliant on /ri´laiәnt/
repeated /ri´pi:tid/
repetition /,repi'tiʃn/
replacement of sth
reprocess (sth into sth)
reschedule /,ri:'ʃedju:l/
(noun) the act of repeating or (danh từ) tóm lại
giving a summary of what has
already been said, decided, etc.
(adjective) able to be recycled (tính từ) có thể tái chế
(verb) to improve something by (động từ) cải tiến
making small changes to it
(verb) to prove that something (động từ) phản bác
is wrong
(phrasal verb) to entertain (cụm động từ) khiến ai giải trí với
somebody with stories, jokes,
(phrase) without being
(cụm) không kể đến
influenced by any other events
or condition
(noun) a rule or order issued by (danh từ) điều quy định, điều lệ
an executive authority or
regulatory agency of a
government and having the
force of law
(noun) the act or process of (danh từ) sự tươi mới, làm trẻ lại
making somebody/ something
look or feel younger, more
lively or more modern
(adjective) not stopping; not
(tính từ) không ngừng
getting less strong
(adjective) needing
(tính từ) trông cậy vào ai/cái gì
somebody/something in order
to survive, be successful, etc.
(noun) payment for work or (danh từ) tiền thù lao
(adjective) renewed or recurring (tính từ) lặp lại
again and again
(noun) the fact of doing or (danh từ) sự lặp lại
saying the same thing many
Cl (noun) the process of replacing (danh từ) sự thay thế cái gì
something with something else
(verb) to process again so as to (động từ) tái chế (cái gì thành cái gì)
(verb) to change the time at (động từ) đổi lịch
which something has been
arranged to happen, especially
so that it takes place later
residential area
/.rezi'denʃl 'eәriә/
resist /ri'zist/
respiratory /'resparatri/
(noun phrase) a land used in (cụm danh từ) khu dân cư
which housing predominates, as
opposed to industrial and
commercial areas
(verb) to stop yourself from (động từ) cưỡng lại
having something you like or
doing something you very much
want to do
(adjective) connected with (tính từ) thuộc vè hô hấp
(noun) the action of keeping (danh từ) sự giữ lại
something rather than losing it
or stopping it
(adjective) unwilling to tell (tính từ) ngại ngùng
people about things
retention /n'tenfn/
reticent /´retisәnt/
reunion /ri:´ju:njәn/
(noun) a social occasion or (danh từ) dịp sum vầy
party attended by a group of
people who have not seen each
other for a long time
Cl (verb) to cause something to go (động từ) đảo ngược
in the opposite direction, order,
or position:
(cụm động từ) xoay quanh
(phrasal verb) to have
somebody/something as the
main interest or subject
(of an activity, etc.) (tính từ) đáng làm
worth doing; that makes you
happy because you think it is
useful or important
(idiom) the kind of thing you
(thành ngữ) thứ mình thích
like or know about
(adjective) very thorough and (tính từ) khắt khe
(cụm) luật khắt khe
Cl (phrase) a very thorough and
strict system of rules
reverse /ri'vә:s/
revolve around /ri'vɔlv
әˈraʊnd /
rewarding /ri'wɔ:diɳ/
right up sb's alley/ street
rigorous /´rigәrәs/
rigorous law
rise up against / raiz ʌp
rival /raivl/
routinely exposure to sth /
ru:'ti:nli ɪkˈspoʊʒәr (r)/
run wild /rʌn waɪld/
B2 (phrasal verb) to rebel or revolt (cụm động từ) vùng lên phản kháng
against someone or something;
to begin resisting or defying
someone or something
(danh từ) đối thủ
B2 (noun) a person, group, etc.
competing with others for the
same thing or in the same area
(cụm) sự tiếp xúc thường xuyên với cái
B2 (phrase) the state of being
exposed to contact with
something on a regular basis
B2 (verb) to grow or develop freely (động từ) tràn lan
without any control
sanitation /¸sæni´teiʃәn/
save money for a rainy
school administration
/sku:l әd.mimi'strei ʃn/
school-age /sku:l eɪʤ/
scrutinize /´skru:ti¸naiz/
secure entry
/sɪ'kjʊә(r) ' ɛntri/
sedentary /´sedәnteri/
(danh từ) hệ thống vệ sinh
B2 (noun) the equipment and
systems that keep places clean
(thành ngữ) tiết kiệm tiền về sau
B2 (idiom) reserve money for a
time when it might be needed
(noun phrase) a broad field that (danh từ) quản lí giáo dục
encompasses almost any topic
related to the operating of an
academic institution
B2 (noun) the age or period when a (danh từ) độ tuổi đi học
child normally attends school
(động từ) soi xét kỹ
B2 (verb) to look at or examine
somebody/something carefully
(cụm từ) đảm bảo ai đó được nhận vào
B2 (phrase) to assure one is
admitted to
B2 (adjective) (of people) spending (tính từ) lười vận động
a lot of time sitting down and
not moving
selective /si'lektiv/
/.self 'disәplin/
/.self ¸aisә´leiʃәn/
/.self ' lә:nә/
senseless /´senslis/
set one’s sight on V-ing
set the scene /si:n/
(adjective) tending to be careful (tính từ) mang tính kén chọn
about what or who you choose
(noun) the ability to make
yourself do something,
especially something difficult
or unpleasant
Cl (noun) the practice of
intentionally keeping yourself
separate from other people,
B2 (noun) someone who knows
new things on his own
(danh từ) sự tự kỷ luật, tự nghiêm khắc
với bản thân
(danh từ) sự tự cô lập bản thân
(danh từ) người tự học
B2 (adjective) not at all reasonable, (tính từ) vô lý, chả có ích gì
or with no good or useful
(thành ngữ) quyết tâm làm gì
B2 (idiom) to decide to achieve
B2 (phrase) to make an event or
situation possible or likely to
(cụm) tạo bối cảnh/ nền móng cho cái
severe /sәˈvɪәr/
shanty /´ʃænti/
sheer /ʃiә/
shift sb away from sth
signify /´signi¸fai/
sliver lining /´slivә(r)
B2 (ad)ective) causing very great (tính từ) nghiêm trọng
pain, difficulty, worry, damage,
etc.; very serious
(danh từ) chòi; lán, nhà lụp xụp tồi tàn
C2 (noun) a small, crudely built
(tính từ) thuần túy
(adjective) complete and not
Cl mixed with anything else
(cụm) chuyển từ cái gì sang cái gì
B2 (phrase) to move or change
B2 (noun) an advantage that comes (danh từ) điểm tươi sáng
from a difficult or unpleasant
skyline /'skailain/
from one position or direction
to be a sign of something (động từ) là dấu hiệu
to another
(adverb) in a way that is
(trạng từ) đồng thời
simultaneous (= happening or
being done at exactly the same
(noun) the outline of buildings, (danh từ) hàng dài
trees, hills, etc. seen against the
slums /slʌm/
snippet /´snipit/
social norms
B2 (noun) a very poor and crowded (danh từ) khu nhà ổ chuột
area of a city
(danh từ) mẩu thông tin
B2 (noun) a small and often
interesting piece of news,
information, or conversation
Cl (noun phrase) rules of behavior (danh từ) chuẩn mực xã hội
/ 'sәʊ∫l nɔrm/
solely /´soulli/
solicitous /sә´lisitәs/
some concerns about sth
spatial /´speiʃәl/
spectrum /´spektrәm/
speculate /'spekjuleit/
(adverb) only; not involving
(trạng từ) chỉ mỗi một mình, không có
somebody/something else
ai khác
(adjective) being very
(tính từ) biết quan tâm
concerned for somebody and
wanting to make sure that they
are comfortable, well or happy
(phrase) a worried or nervous (cụm) mối lo về thứ gì
feeling about something, or
something that makes you feel
(adjective) relating to the
(tính từ) hiện có
position, area, and size of things
(noun) a range of sound waves (danh từ) chùm (sóng, ánh sáng...)
or several other types of wave
(verb) to guess possible answers (động từ)suy đoán
to a question when you do not
have enough information to be
speculate /'spekjuleit/
spend time V-ing /spend
spike /spaik/
springboard /'sprɪŋbɔ:d/
starkly /'stɑ:kli/
stay the course /kɔ:s/
steer clear of
/ stiә klɪәr(r)/
stiff /stif/
stimulate /'stimjuleit/
B2 (verb) to form an opinion about (động từ) phỏng đoán
something without knowing all
the details or facts
(cụm) dành thời gian làm gì
Bl (verb) to use time doing
something or being somewhere
(noun) a sudden large increase (danh từ) sự tăng vọt đột ngột
B2 in something
C2 (noun) something that provides (danh từ) nền tảng
you either with the opportunity
to follow a particular plan of
action, or the encouragement
that is needed to make it
(trạng từ) một cách rõ ràng; hoàn toàn
B2 (adverb) very obviously and
______ _____
clearly; completely
B2 (idiom) to continue attempting (thành ngữ) tiếp tục nỗ lực, bất chấp
or pursuing something difficult khó khăn
to its end or conclusion.
(phrase) take care to avoid or
(cụm từ) tránh xa
keep away from.
(adjective) more difficult or
(tính từ) căng thẳng, khốc liệt
B2 severe than usual
B2 (verb) encourage development (động từ) thúc đấy, khuyến khích
of or increased activity in
(phrase) to have hardly enough (cụm từ) đặt áp lực lên sth
money, supplies, time etc for
your needs
Stretch something to the
stride /straid/
strike a blow against
B2 (noun)
Cl (idiom) to do something that
harms something severely
strive /straiv/
(verb) to try very hard to
achieve something
(động từ) nỗ lực
substantial /sәb´stænʃәl/
(tính từ) lớn lao
substantive /´sʌbstәntiv/
(adjective) large in amount,
value or importance
(adjective) important, serious,
(danh từ) bước tiến
(thành ngữ) là đòn giáng mạnh vào
(tính từ) quan trọng, đáng kể
or related to real facts
substitute /´sʌbsti¸tju:t/
(noun) to use something or
someone instead of another
thing or person
(danh từ) thay thế
subtle /sʌtl/
succumb /sә'kʌm/
suggest /sә'dʤest/
suicidal /¸su:i´saidәl/
/' sʌn drentʃ/
superior to sth
supersede /¸su:pә´si:d/
supervise /'su:pәvaiz/
supervision /,sju:pә'viʤn/
supplant /sә'plɑ:nt/
surpass /sә'pa:s/
(adjective) (often approving) (tính từ) tinh tế
not very obvious or easy to
B2 (verb) to not be able to fight an (động từ) dễ dính
attack, a temptation, etc.
B2 (verb) to communicate or show (động từ) ám chỉ, đưa ra giả thuyết là
an idea or feeling without
stating it directly or giving
B2 (adjective) related to a feeling (tính từ) mang tính tự tử
that they want to kill
Cl (adjective) having a lot of hot (tính từ) đầy nắng
(cụm) hơn thứ gì đó
Cl (phrase) better than average or
better than other people or
things of the same type
Cl (noun) the fact that one person (danh từ) sự vượt trội
or thing is better, stronger, etc.
than another
B2 (verb) to take the place of
(động từ) thay thế cho những thứ lỗi
something/somebody that is
considered to be old- fashioned
or no longer the best available
Cl (verb) to be in charge of
(động từ) giám sát
somebody/something and make
sure that everything is done
correctly, safely, etc.
(danh từ) sự giám sát
Cl (noun) the work or activity
involved in being in charge of
somebody/something and
making sure that everything is
done correctly, safely, etc.
B2 (verb) to take the place of
(động từ) thay thế
(especially somebody/
something older or less modern)
(động từ) vượt trội, tốt hơn ai/ cái gì
B2 (verb) to do or be better than
surreal /sә´riәl/
(adjective) strange; not seeming (tính từ) không thực tế
real; like a dream
B2 (verb) to give in trade
(động từ) trao đổi
swap /swɔp/
switch off
/ switʃ of/
synonymous /si´nɔnimәs/
(phrasal verb) to stop giving
your attention to someone or
(cụm động từ) ngừng làm gì
B2 (adjective) so closely connected (tính từ) có liên quan mật thiết với
with something that the two
things appear to be the same
L (phrase) to have a bad effect on (cụm từ) gây hại cho
take a heavy toll on / toul/ Cl
take a step /step/
take place /teik pleis/
Bl (phrase) to take action
B2 (phrasal verb) to happen
take precedence
/teik 'presidans/
(cụm) hành động
(cụm động từ) diễn ra
(phrase) the condition of being (cụm) (có quyền/ được) ưu tiên
dealt with before other things or
of being considered more
important than other things:
(phrase) blame for something (cụm) chịu trách nhiệm
that has happened
(phrase) to take action
(cụm) hành động để đạt cái gì.
take responsibility
/teik ri.sponsә'bilati/
take steps to V /teik step/
take-home pay
/'teik hoʊm pei/
B2 (phrase) the amount of earnings
(cụm từ) tiền thu nhập (đã trừ thuế)
that you have left after tax, etc
tangible /'tændʒәbl/
/ 'ti:t∫ә(r) ri´laiәnt/
technological innovation
/ ¸teknә´lɔdʒikәl
inә´veiʃәn /
temporal /'tempәrәl/
temptation /tɛmpˈteɪʃәn/
territory /'terәtri/
(adjective) real and able to be
B2 shown or touched
(tính từ) rõ ràng
B2 (adjective) having reliance on
(tính từ) dựa vào giáo viên
(cụm danh từ) sự cải tiến công nghệ
B2 (noun phrase) a new or
improved product or process
whose technological
characteristics are significantly
different from before
(adjective) of or relating to time (tính từ) đương thời
as opposed to eternity
B2 (noun) the desire to do or have (danh từ) sự cuốn hút
something that you know is bad
or wrong
(danh từ) lãnh thổ
B2 (noun) (an area of) land, or
sometimes sea, that is
considered as belonging to or
connected with a particular
country or person
testament /'testәmәnt/
B2 (noun)proof
B2 (phrase) cram school
(danh từ) chứng cứ cho cái gì
(cụm từ) lò học thêm
textual /'tekst∫uәl/
B2 (adjective) connected with or
contained in a text
(tính từ) thuộc về văn bản
the dearth of /dә:θ/
(cụm từ) sự thiếu gì
B2 (phrase) the lack of
Cl (noun) the most powerful, rich, (danh từ) nhóm người ưu tú số ít
gifted, or educated members of
a group
(thành ngữ) sự tấp nập, hối hả
B2 (idiom) busy and frenetic
activity or excitement.
test-prep factory /test prep
the elite few / i´li:t fju:/
the hustle and bustle of
/ˈhʌsәl/ /'bʌsl/
(cụm) sự bắt đầu của thứ gì, thường là
tiêu cực
the worst-case scenario
/ wә:st keis sɪˈnɛәri/
B2 (phrase) the beginning of
something, especially
something bad
B2 (noun phrase) used when you
are saying what someone
should do in a situation, and
suggesting that they should
really dothe
worst possible
B2 (phrase)
thing that could happen
theme /θi:m/
theoretical /,θiә'retikl/
there is a fat chance that
(thành ngữ) khó mà tin được
C2 (idiom) It is not likely that
C2 (phrase) there isn’t much room (cụm từ) phải thừa nhận rằng có ít nghi
for doubt, it is very likely/
ngờ về
almost certain that
B2 (noun) a suggestion that
(danh từ) mối đe dọa (tới ai/cái gì)
something unpleasant or violent
will happen, especially if a
particular action or order is not
(phrase) to give an instruction (cụm) cần làm gì
or command
(cụm) tới một mức độ nào đó
B2 (phrase) up to a point
the onset of sth /´ɔn¸set/
the very least /li:st/
there is admittedly little
doubt about
threat (to somebody/
be to V
to a certain extent / 'sә:tn
to name but a few
(noun) the main subject of a
talk, book, film, etc.
(adjective) based on the ideas
that relate to a subject, not the
practical uses of that subject
B2 (idiom) giving only these as
examples, even though more
could be cited.
(cụm từ) thứ tối thiểu
(cụm từ) điều tồi tệ nhất có thể xảy ra
(danh từ) Chủ đề
(tính từ) thuộc về lý thuyết
(thành ngữ) vân vân
to mention but a few
tone /toun/
top-notch /, tɒp nɒtʃ/
toss (trash) /tɔs/
towering /´tauәriη/
transform /træns'fɔ:m/
transformative /traens'fa:.
travel back and forth
travel curb / 'trævl kә:b/
travel to somewhere
tremble with
B2 (idiom) used after mentioning a (thành ngữ) vân vân
small number of people or
things as examples of a larger
B2 (verb) to make your muscles, (động từ) khiến rắn chắc, rắn rỏi hơn
skin, etc. tighter and stronger
B2 (adjective) excellent; of the
(tính từ) xuất sắc
highest quality
(động từ) ném thứ gì đó (một cách cẩu
Cl (verb) to throw something
(tính từ) cực kì cao, cao lừng lững
B2 (adjective) extremely tall or
high and therefore impressive
B2 (verb) to change completely the (động từ) thay đổi
appearance or character of
something or someone
(tính từ) có tác dụng biến đổi, thay đổi
B2 (adjective) causing a marked
change in someone or
(cụm) đi lại
B2 (phrase) moving first in one
direction and then in the
opposite one
B2 (phrase) something that controls (cụm từ) sự hạn chế di chuyển
and puts limits on travelling
(verb) to go from one place to (động từ) di chuyển tới đâu
B2 another on a trip, usually over a
long distance
Cl (phrasal verb] to shake in a way (cụm động từ) rung lên cảm giác gì
that you cannot control,
especially because you are very
nervous, excited, frightened,
tremendous /trɪˈmɛndәs/
tune in
/tun in/
Cl (adjective] very great in amount (tính từ) to lớn
or level, or extremely good
(tính từ) hỗn độn, rối bời
B2 (adjective] involving many
difficulties and a lot of change
and often violence
Cl (phrasal verb] watch or listen to (cụm động từ) bật (TV)
a television or radio broadcast.
ubiquity /ju:´bikwiti/
B2 (noun) the fact that something (danh từ) sự hiện diện khắp nơi
seems to be everywhere or in
several places at the same time;
the fact that something is very
B2 (adjective) complete or total
(tính từ) hoàn toàn
/ ʌη´kɔ:ld fo:(r)/
(adjective) lacking control and (tính từ) mất kiểm soát
therefore extreme
B2 (adjective) not fair or
(tính từ) không phù hợp
uncheck /ʌn´tʃekt/
B2 (verb) not checked
unchecked /ʌn´tʃekt/
B2 (adjective) not stopped from
(tính từ) không kiểm soát nổi
getting worse
(trạng từ) không thể kiểm soát nổi
B2 (adverb) in a way that you
cannot control or prevent
Cl (adjective) important in a
(tính từ) ẩn sau
situation but not always easily
noticed or stated clearly
(động từ) trải qua
B2 (verb) to do or begin to do
something, especially
something that will take a long
time or be difficult
(tính từ) không ấn tượng
B2 (adjective) not impressing or
exciting you at all
(tính từ) không mong muốn
Cl (adjective) not wanted or
approved of; likely to cause
trouble or problems
unbridled /ʌn´braidәld/
underlying /ˈʌndәrˌlaɪɪŋ/
undertake /¸ʌndә´teik/
(động từ) không kiểm tra
undue /ʌn´dju:/
B2 (adjective) to a level that is
more than is necessary,
acceptable, or reasonable
(tính từ) quá đáng
unfold /ʌn´fould/
B2 (verb) to be gradually made
known; to gradually make
something known to other
B2 (adverb) in a way that is not
deliberate, but happens by
B2 (adjective) not known or
(động từ) hé lộ dần
/,ʌnm'tenjanali /
unknown /'ʌn'noun/
(adjective) never done or
known before.
(adverb) in a way that has not
happened or existed before
(trạng từ) vô tình
(tính từ) chưa rõ
(tính từ) chưa từng thấy
(trạng từ) chưa từng thấy
unrelenting /¸ʌnri´lentiη/
unreliable /¸ʌnri´laiәbl/
unremitting technological
unrivalled /ʌn´raivld/
unwind /ʌn´waind/
upgrade /ˈʌpˌgreɪd/
upturn /'ʌpt3in/
urge /ә:dʒ/
usable /´ju:zәbl/
(tính từ) không ngừng nghỉ
B2 (adjective) (of an unpleasant
situation) not stopping or
not severe
able to be trusted (tính từ) không đáng tin
becoming less
or believed
(cụm từ) tiến bộ công nghệ không
C2 (phrase) never stopping
advancements of technology
(tính từ) tốt hơn cả
B2 (adjective) having no equal;
better than any other of the
same type
(động từ) thư giãn
B2 (verb) to stop worrying or
thinking about problems and
start to relax
Cl (verb) to improve the condition (động từ) cải thiện
of a building, etc. in order to
provide a better service
C2 (noun) a situation in which
(danh từ) sự gia tăng
something improves or
increases over a period of time
B2 (noun) a strong desire to do
(danh từ) sự khát khao, mong mỏi
B2 (adjective) capable of being
(tính từ) có thể dùng được
vaccinate /´væksi¸neit/
validity /vә'liditi/
variant /'veәriәnt/
vehemently /'vizamantli/
versus /ˈvɜrsәs/
L Cl (verb) to give a person or an
(động từ) tiêm vắc-xin
animal a vaccine, especially by
injecting it, in order to protect
them against a disease
(danh từ) tính xác thực
Cl (noun) the quality of being
based on truth or reason, or of
being able to be accepted
B2 (noun) a thing that is a slightly (danh từ) biễn thể
different form or type of
something else
(adverb) in a strong and
(trạng từ) cực lực
emotional way
(preposition) prused to compare (giới từ) với
two things or ideas
virulent /'virulәnt/
C2 (adjective) extremely dangerous (tính từ) mang tính virus truyền nhiễm
or harmful and quick to have an cao
virtual /'vә:t∫uәl/
B2 (adjective) done using computer (tính từ) ảo
technology over the internet,
and not involving people
physically going somewhere
B2 (adverb) almost or very nearly, (trạng từ) gẵn như không
so that any slight difference is
not important
Cl (adjective) connected with the (tính từ) học nghề
skills, knowledge, etc. that you
need to have in order to do a
particular job
virtually /'vә:tjuәli/
vocational /vau'keifanl/
water bodies / 'wɔ:tә(r) '
weakling /´wi:kliη/
well-fitted /wel 'fitid/
well-paid /,wel 'peid/
/,wel ri'pjuiti ri´pju:tid/
/,wel 'raundid/
when it comes to sth
wholesome /'houlsәm/
wield /wiild/
be willing to V /´wiliη/
within reach / wið´in ri:tʃ/
(cụm từ) nơi chứa nước
(phrase) any significant
accumulation of water,
generally on a planet’s surface.
B2 (noun) a person who is not
(danh từ) kẻ yếu đuối
physically strong
(tính từ) mặc/ đeo vừa vặn, thoải mái
B2 (adjective) fitting closely or
(adjective) earning or providing (tính từ) được trả thù lao cao
a lot of money
(tính từ) có danh tiếng
C2 (adjective) having a good
B2 (adjective) having a variety of (tính từ) toàn diện
experiences and abilities and a
fully developed personality
(cụm) khi nói về thứ gì
B2 (phrase) When considering
some particular person, thing,
or action
C2 (adjective) good for your health (tính từ) tốt cho sức khỏe
(verb) to have and use power, (động từ) gây nên, tác động
authority, etc
B2 (phrase) ready, eager, or
(cụm) sẵn lòng làm gì
prepared to do something.
B2 (phrase) within the capacity of (cụm) trong khả năng
someone to attain or achieve
without doubt
/ wɪ'ðaʊt daut/
Cl (phrase) indisputably, certainly (cụm từ) không còn nghi ngờ nữa
workable /´wә:kәbl/
Cl (adjective) that can be used
successfully and effectively
workout /´wә:k¸aut/
worldwide /´wә:ld´waid/
wreak havoc / ri:k
(tính từ) có thể được dùng hiệu quả
(danh từ) sự tập luyện thể chất
Cl (noun) a period of physical
exercise that you do to keep fit
Bl (adjective) existing or
(tính từ) rộng khắp thế giới
happening in all parts of the
(cụm từ) gây loạn
B2 (phrase) to cause a lot of
L (adjective) a situation in which (tính từ) không rác thải
pero-waste /'ziәrәʊ weɪst/ Bl
no waste material is produced