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IoT Home Automation Project Report

Ahmedabad Affiliated
Dr. S & S. S. Ghandhy College of Engineering &
Project Report
IoT Based Home Automation
Under subject of
B. E. III, Semester – VI
(Electronics & Communication
Submitted by :
Group :
Name of student
Sheladiya Vishal Vijaybhai
Thummar Parth Deepeshkumar
Bhuva Nital Jayantibhai
Padmani Jenish Prafulbhai
Prof. Parul Pithadiya
(Faculty Guide)
Tushar P. Dave
Head of the Department
year (20232024)
Enrollment No.
Sr. No.
Page No.
1.1 Problem Summary
1.2 Existing Problem
1.3 Proposed Solution
Review Of Project
2.1 Research Paper Review
Block Diagram & Working
3.1 Hardware Requirements
3.2 Block Diagram
3.3 Prototype
3.4 Working
Advantages & Disadvantages
4.1 Advantages
4.2 Disadvantages
An efficient, low power consumption and low-cost embedded access control system
for Smart home security and remote monitoring based on motion detection is very
important for wide range of commercial and security application. Many countries are
gradually adopting smart home security control system. Today most of the home and
office appliances that we interact with contain microprocessors. All of these
appliances have some user interface, but many users become frustrated with the
difficulty of using the complex functions of their appliances. We are developing a
framework that allows users to interact with appliances through a separate user
interface device that they are already carrying. Smart phones are good candidates for
providing interfaces because they are common, have communication capabilities to
allow connection to appliances, and are already being used for a wide range of
different applications. Our framework includes an abstract specification language for
describing appliances, a two-way communication protocol, and automatic interface
generation software that allows user interfaces to be customized to users and the
devices they are using. The most important part of any home security system is
accurately detecting visitor who enter and leave through the door. An entrance guard
can be managed remotely, detecting visitors at Door and alerting to user via mobile
phone is the most natural way to perform security. The proposed system has added
features like view video stream through mobile phone Additionally, voice alert or siren
activated to alert neighbors when intruder detected. The system identifies the visitor’s
presence, capture and transfers the image through email automatically to home owner
to recognize the visitors. The system also generates voice output whenever a person
tries to enter into the house. The user can directly login and interact with the embedded
device in real time without the need to maintain an additional server. It has a variety
of features such as energy efficient, intelligence, low cost, portability and high
Automation is increasing day by day like a competition between players on a field. To
cope up with this race people have to advance their thinking. Rather than writing their
thoughts on paper, people should have to implement it. The author presents a method
to develop the smart low-cost home automation system which is designed using IoT.
With the help of this system, all the home appliances and electronic machines can be
controlled and observed through a website very easily.
The home automation system which can be effectively used to control and monitor
home appliances using the internet. Due to its various advantages, home automation
is gaining more and more popularity day by day because of its ability to ensure security
and make life much easier. In the system, Arduino will be interfaced with multiple
sensors that can measure temperature & humidity, light, motion, and so on.
The data collected by the various sensors are stored and pattern analysis is done on
the stored data which tells the user at which time the appliances are usually on or off
so that they can be automatically controlled without any human intervention by
observing the regular usage pattern. The user can also turn on/off any appliance
remotely using the internet.
Everyone is then introduced to ZIGBEE, People introduced a system in which a web
or an android application is used by the users to give instructions to the systems/
appliances from remote locations. This system can make use of a number of
communication methods like Wi-Fi, GSM, Bluetooth, and ZigBee. Different
controlling devices and configurations are often found in existing systems. Such
systems have been found already in many places for a wide variety of applications and
also demonstrates the control of home appliances wirelessly using a computer and
Zigbee wireless communication protocol.
They proposed a system through which one can control the home appliance like a
refrigerator, fan, and air conditioner, etc. by sending a command through the
computer. Inputs are going to be given from the PC through serial communication. By
this technique, can also control all electrical appliances within a room in a building. It
also proposes an efficient implementation for IoT (Internet of Things) used for
monitoring and controlling the home appliances via the World Wide Web. They can
communicate with home automation networks through an Internet gateway, utilizing
low power communication protocols like Zigbee, Wi-Fi, etc. This project aims at
controlling home appliances via smartphones using Wi-Fi as a communication
protocol and raspberry pi as a server system. The user will move directly with the
system through a web-based interface using the web or internet, whereas home
appliances like lights, fan, and door lock are remotely controlled through the easy
website. By this, the paper provides a climbable and price-effective Home Automation
“Smart Energy Efficient Home Automation System using IOT”, by Satyendra K.
Vishwakarma, Prashant Upadhyaya, Babita Kumari, Arun Kumar Mishra.
This paper presents a step-by-step procedure of a smart home automation controller.
It uses IOT to convert home appliances to smart and intelligent devices, with the help
of design control. An energy efficient system is designed that accesses the smart home
remotely using IOT connectivity. The proposed system mainly requires, Node MCU
as the microcontroller unit, IFTTT to interpret voice commands, Adafruit a library that
supports MQTT acts as an MQTT broker and Arduino IDE to code the
microcontroller. This multimodal system uses Google Assistant along with a web
based application to control the smart home. The smart home is implemented with
main controller unit that is connected with the 24-hour available Wi-Fi network. To
ensure, that the Wi-Fi connection do not turn off, the main controller is programmed
to establish automatic connection with the available network and connected to the auto
power backup.
“IOT Based Smart Security and Home Automation”, by Shardha Somani,
Parikshit Solunke, Shaunak Oke, Parth Medhi, Prof. P. P. Laturkar.
This paper focuses on a system that provides features of Home Automation relying on
IOT to operate easily, in addition to that it includes a camera module and provides
home security. The android application basically converts Smartphone into a remote
for all home appliances. Security is achieved with motion sensors if movement is
sensed at the entrance of the house; a notification is sent that contains a photo of house
entrance in real time. This notification will be received by the owner of the house via
internet such that app can trigger a notification. So owner can raise an alarm in case
of any intrusion or he/she can toggle the appliances like opening the door if the person
is a guest. The system uses Raspberry Pi, a small sized computer which acts as server
for the system. The smart home consist two modules. Home automation that consists;
fan light and door controller, and security module that consists; smoke sensor motion
sensor and camera module.
“A Dynamic Distributed Energy Management Algorithm of Home Sensor Network
for Home Automation System”, by Tui-Yi Yang, Chu-Sing Yang, Tien-Wen Sung.
This paper proposes an optimization of home power consumption based on PLC
(Power Line Communication) for an easy to access home energy consumption. This
also proposes a Zigbee and PLC based renewable energy gateway to monitor the
energy generation of renewable energies. ACS and DDEM algorithm are proposed for the
design of an intelligent distribution of power management system to make sure
ongoing power supply of home networks. To provide efficient power management the
power supply models of home sensor network are classified groups viz. main supply
only, main supply and backup battery, rechargeable battery power and nonrechargeable battery power. Devices with particular features are assigned to these
groups. It targets to establish real time processing scheme to address variable sensor
network topologies.
ESP32 cam
4 channel relays
Motion sensor
Power supply
Solenoid lock
Arduino Ide
Blynk app
Sinric Pro
Google assistant
The ESP32-CAM is a full-featured microcontroller that also has an integrated video
camera and microSD card socket. It’s inexpensive and easy to use, and is perfect for
IoT devices requiring a camera with advanced functions like image tracking and
ESP32-CAM is a low cost ESP32- based development board with onboard camera,
small in size. It is an ideal solution for iot application, prototypes construction and
DIY projects. The board integrates WIFI, traditional Bluetooth and low power BLE,
with 2 high-high performance 32-bit LX6 CPUs.
802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi
Bluetooth 4.2 with BLE
UART, SPI, I2C and PWM interfaces
Clock speed up to 160 MHz
Computing power up to 600 DMIPS
520 KB SRAM plus 4 MB PSRAM
Supports WIFI Image Upload
Multiple Sleep modes
Firmware Over the Air (FOTA) upgrades possible
9 GPIO ports
Built-in Flash LED
The ESP8266 NodeMCU is powered by the ESP8266EX chipset, which integrates a 32bit Tensilica microcontroller, providing ample processing power for IoT applications. It
also includes built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, making it a perfect choice for projects that
require internet connectivity. Smart devices have revolutionized the way we interact with
our surroundings. From smart thermostats and security cameras to wearable fitness
trackers, IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. They offer
convenience, efficiency, and the ability to gather and analyze data for informed decisionmaking.
NodeMCU ESP8266 Specifications & Features :
Wireless Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2.4 GHz - 2.5 GHz (2400M-2483.5M)
Wi-Fi mode: Station / SoftAP / SoftAP+station
Stack: Integrated TCP/IP
Output power: 19.5dBm in 802.11b mode
Data interface: UART / HSPI / I2C / I2S / Ir
Remote Control GPIO / PWM
Supports protection mode: WPA / WPA2
Encryption: WEP / TKIP / AES
Power supply: from 4.5 VDC to 9 VDC (VIN) or via micro USB connector
Consumption: with continuous Wi-Fi transmission about 70 mA (200 mA MAX)
- in standby < 200µA
Operating temperature: from -40°C to +125°C
Dimensions (mm): 58×31.20×13
RELAY MODULE: The 4 channel Relay Module is a convenient board which can be used to control high
voltage, high current load such as motor, solenoid valves, lamps and AC load. It is
designed to interface with microcontroller such as Arduinos and ESPS etc.
Four-Channel Relay Module Specifications
Supply voltage – 3.75V to 6V
Trigger current – 5mA
Current when the relay is active - ~70mA (single), ~300mA (all four)
Relay maximum contact voltage – 250VAC, 30VDC
Relay maximum current – 10A
Solenoid lock: -
The Solenoid lock denotes a latch for electrical locking and unlocking.It is
available in unlocking in the keeping in the power-on mode type,which
can be used selectively for situations.
1. ESP32-CAM
2. Electronic door lock 12v
3. TIP122 NPN Transistor
4. 7805 voltage Regulator (5v)
5. 10k Resistors (2no)
6. Capacitor 220uF
7. Push-button
8. 12V DC adaptor
9. FTDI232 USB to Serial interface board (for programming esp32cam)
1. Image Capture and Facial Recognition:
• The ESP32-CAM captures images of individuals in front of the door.
• These images are processed using a facial recognition algorithm to identify
known faces.
2. Door Lock Mechanism:
• Upon recognizing a known face, the system sends a command to unlock the
electronic door lock via MQTT.
• If the face is not recognized or unknown, the door remains locked.
3. Appliance Control:
• The NodeMCU receives MQTT commands from the ESP32.
• Based on these commands, the NodeMCU activates relays to control
various appliances such as lights or fans.
4. Integration and Communication:
• MQTT facilitates communication between the ESP32 and NodeMCU,
enabling seamless integration of facial recognition and appliance control
5. Security Measures:
• Encryption and authentication mechanisms are implemented to secure
MQTT communication and prevent unauthorized access.
• The facial recognition system is designed to be robust against spoofing
attempts using images or videos.
6. Testing and Deployment:
• The entire system is thoroughly tested to ensure proper functionality of
facial recognition, door locking mechanism, and appliance control.
• Once testing is complete, the system is deployed in the home environment,
with attention to securely installing and connecting all components.
7. User Interface (Optional):
• A user interface, such as a mobile app or web interface, may be developed
for remote control and monitoring of the system, including viewing logs or
receiving notifications.
4.1 Advantages of IOT
4.1.1 Communication
IOT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. Because of this, the physical devices
are able to stay connected and hence the total transparency is available with lesser
inefficiencies and greater quality.
4.1.2 Automation and Control
Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally with
wireless infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in the
workings. Without human intervention, the machines are able to communicate with
each other leading to faster and timely output.
4.1.3 Information
It is obvious that having more information helps making better decisions. Whether it
is mundane decisions as needing to know what to buy at the grocery store or if your
company has enough widgets and supplies, knowledge is power and more knowledge
is better. 15 | P a g e
4.1.4 Monitor
The second most obvious advantage of IOT is monitoring. Knowing the exact quantity of
supplies or the air quality in your home, can further provide more information that
could not have previously been collected easily. For instance, knowing that you are
low on milk or printer ink could save you another trip to the store in the near future.
Furthermore, monitoring the expiration of products can and will improve safety.
4.1.5 Time
As hinted in the previous examples, the amount of time saved because of IOT could
be quite large. And in today’s modern life, we all could use more time.
4.1.6 Money
The biggest advantage of IOT is saving money. If the price of the tagging and
monitoring equipment is less than the amount of money saved, then the Internet of
Things will be very widely adopted. IOT fundamentally proves to be very helpful to
people in their daily routines by making the appliances communicate to each other in
an effective manner thereby saving and conserving energy and cost. Allowing the data
to be communicated and shared between devices and then translating it into our
required way, it makes our systems efficient.
4.1.7 Automation of daily tasks leads to better monitoring of devices
The IOT allows you to automate and control the tasks that are done on a daily basis,
avoiding human intervention. Machine-to-machine communication helps to maintain
transparency in the processes. It also leads to uniformity in the tasks. It can also
maintain the quality of service. We can also take necessary action in case of
4.1.8 Efficient and Saves Time
The machine-to-machine interaction provides better efficiency, hence; accurate results can
be obtained fast. This results in saving valuable time. Instead of repeating the same tasks
every day, it enables people to do other creative jobs.
4.1.9 Saves Money
Optimum utilization of energy and resources can be achieved by adopting this
technology and keeping the devices under surveillance. We can be alerted in case of
possible bottlenecks, breakdowns, and damages to the system. Hence, we can save
money by using this technology.
4.1.10 Better Quality of Life
All the applications of this technology culminate in increased comfort, convenience,
and better management, thereby improving the quality of life. 16 | P a g e
4.2 Disadvantages of IOT
4.2.1 Compatibility
Currently, there is no international standard of compatibility for the tagging and
monitoring equipment. I believe this disadvantage is the most easy to overcome. The
manufacturing companies of these equipment just need to agree to a standard, such as
Bluetooth, USB, etc. This is nothing new or innovative needed.
4.2.2 Complexity
As with all complex systems, there are more opportunities of failure. With the Internet
of Things, failures could sky rocket. For instance, let’s say that both you and your
spouse each get a message saying that your milk has expired, and both of you stop at
a store on your way home, and you both purchase milk. As a result, you and your
spouse have purchased twice the amount that you both need. Or maybe a bug in the
software ends up automatically ordering a new ink cartridge for your printer each and
every hour for a few days, or at least after each power failure, when you only need a
single replacement.
4.2.3 Privacy/Security
With all of this IOT data being transmitted, the risk of losing privacy increases. For
instance, how well encrypted will the data be kept and transmitted with? Do you want
your neighbours or employers to know what medications that you are taking or your
financial situation?
4.2.4 Safety
Imagine if a notorious hacker changes your prescription. Or if a store automatically
ships you an equivalent product that you are allergic to, or a flavour that you do not
like, or a product that is already expired. As a result, safety is ultimately in the hands
of the consumer to verify any and all automation.
As all the household appliances, industrial machinery, public sector services like water
supply and transport, and many other devices all are connected to the Internet, a lot of
information is available on it. This information is prone to attack by hackers. It would
be very disastrous if private and confidential information is accessed by unauthorized
4.2.5 Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The unskilled workers and helpers may end up losing their jobs in the effect of
automation of daily activities. This can lead to unemployment issues in the society.
This is a problem with the advent of any technology and can be overcome with
education. With daily activities getting automated, naturally, there will be fewer
requirements of human resources, primarily, workers and less educated staff. This may
create Unemployment issue in the society.
4.2.6 Technology Takes Control of Life
Our lives will be increasingly controlled by technology, and will be dependent on it.
The younger generation is already addicted to technology for every little thing. We
have to decide how much of our daily lives are we willing to mechanize and be
controlled by technology.
For the project creation we have to find difficulties which occur in human life.
According to domain (Smart Home) we found the problem that so many people have
problem in doing multitasking in an efficient manner, Our main aim of the project is
to provide the useful services to the needed person by providing the features like
remote control, on demand service, smart appliances, security. We can conclude our
report with the list of activities performed in our objects. The information collected
by us lead to the following conclusion: we need a wireless or internet connection for
the connectivity. The feature and function of our project lead us to accomplish our
project successfully reducing the burdens of the people.
[1]. Anmol Uppal, Shweta Tyagi, Rishi Kumar, Seema Sharma,
“Emotion Recognition and Drowsiness Detection Using Python”.
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[2]. Ritvik Iyer, Antara Sharma, “IoT Based Home Automation System
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[3]. Dr. Riham Nady, “Dynamic Facades Environmental Control
Systems for Sustainable
[4]. “Smart Energy Efficient Home Automation System using IOT”, by
Satyendra K. Vishwakarma, Prashant Upadhyaya, Babita Kumari,
Arun Kumar Mishra.
[5]. “IOT Based Smart Security and Home Automation”, by Shardha
Somani, Parikshit Solunke, Shaunak Oke, Parth Medhi, Prof. P. P.
[6]. “A Dynamic Distributed Energy Management Algorithm of Home
Sensor Network for Home Automation System”, by Tui-Yi Yang, ChuSing Yang, Tien-Wen Sung.