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Defining goals and setting objectives is part of the organizing function of
The correct answer is: False
Organizing is important because it All of the given choices
Neoclassical approach focuses on workers. True
Authority is the process by which a manager assigns a portion of his total work
load to others. False
One of the basic types of departmentalization presented included: Functional
A corporation is a separate legal entity distinct from its owners.
The correct answer is: True
TRUE OR FALSE: Planning guarantees organizational success. TRUE
A programmed decision is: A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine
Which of the following is not considered as an internal strength of firms that
succeed in cost leadership
The correct answer is: Access to leading scientific research
It is NOT easy to enter an industry if there is:
The correct answer is: All of the given option
Which of the following is considered as a Social Factor?
The correct answer is: Career attitudes
Non programmed decisions are most likely to be made by:
Middle management
It is the core of planning. Decision making
Benchmarking is one source of alternative solutions that is coming into wider
use. True
Mintzberg classified the activities for monitoring, disseminating and being a
spokesperson as part of a manager's ____ role.
The correct answer is: Informational
The first step in decision making is generating and assessing alternatives. False
The final phase of the decision-making process is: Evaluating decision
This refers to quantitative planning to decide how to allocate money to
accomplish company goals.
The correct answer is: Budgets
It is choosing a goal and developing a method of strategy to achieve that goal.
The correct answer is: Planning
The corporation is the only legal form of business ownership.
The correct answer is: True
A comprehensive managerial system that integrates many key managerial
activities in a systematic manner and consciously directed toward the effective
and efficient achievement of organizational and individual objectives.
The correct answer is: Management by objectives
Distinguishes a managerial position from a non-managerial one.
The correct answer is: Coordinating and integrating others' work
Mintzberg identifies twelve managerial roles grouped into three classes:
Interpersonal, inter-organizational, and decisional.
The correct answer is: The statement contains two errors.
Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:
The correct answer is: Directing and controlling
Strategic planning is done by:
The correct answer is: Top managers
Which of the following is not included in our definition of management?
The correct answer is: Balancing efficiency against effectiveness
The five needs expressed in Maslow's hierarchy are:
Physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization
Behavioral Science Approach is an extension of the ______.
Human Relations Approach
When call center managers spend much of their time monitoring customer calls
and giving employees feedback about how to improve their dialogue with
customers in the future, these managers are using __________ skills.
The correct answer is: Technical
Modern managers are:
The correct answer is: All of the given options.
A successful person in which of the following positions may be promoted to a
management position?
The correct answer is: All of the options may lead to successful management
Which statement is wrong?
The correct answer is: Disseminator role is under Interpersonal managerial roles
They manage the activities of other managers.
The correct answer is: Middle managers
In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:
The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees
Which is Characteristic for Organization?
The correct answer is: All of the given options
Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others.
The correct answer is: Managers
_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts
of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently
and effectively:
The correct answer is: Management
Which of the following best describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
The correct answer is: It is a highly flawed model, although it does recognize that
people are motivated differently.
____ bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go.
The correct answer is: Planning
It is a system that operates in continual interaction with its environment.
The correct answer is: Open System
It combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their
jobs better/faster/smarter.
The correct answer is: Management Information System
The application of scientific principles to management is called:
The correct answer is: Scientific management
It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs.
The correct answer is: Operations management
The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow's needs?
The correct answer is: Safety
What characteristics is not a key feature of the 'Open System' model of
The correct answer is: Morale
Systems theory holds that:
The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic functioning in
The correct answer is: Advertising and marketing brochures
Fayol's functions of management include:
The correct answer is: Planning, commanding, organizing, coordinating,
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organization?
The correct answer is: Change
Which of the following is not a feature of a bureaucracy?
The correct answer is: Generalism
The main schools of management thought are:
The correct answer is: Classical, human relations, systems, contingency.
The study of management theory is important for which of the following reasons:
The correct answer is: Management theories are interpretive and evolve with
organizational changes.
Humanistic realities were originally advocated by:
The correct answer is: Maslow
Which of the following is most closely associated with Henry Fayol?
The correct answer is: Classical Management School
A small business owned by one person can only be set up as a sole
The correct answer is 'False'.
Used to describe a framework for the analysis of macro environmental factors:
The correct answer is: PEST Analysis
Which of the following is not considered as an internal strength of firms that
succeed in cost leadership
The correct answer is: Access to leading scientific research
These factors include demographic and cultural aspects of the external macro
environment and affect customer needs and the size of potential markets.
The correct answer is: Social factors
PEST stands for: The correct answer is: Political, Economic, Social,
Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization? The correct answer
is: Rapid market growth
The simplest form of business ownership is a: The correct answer is:
A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business organization. The correct
answer is 'True'.
The form of business organization that has the largest sales volume is the: The
correct answer is: Corporation
Which of the following is a Threat for an organization? The correct answer is:
Economic downturn
Which of the following does not form part of a firm's macro-environment? The
correct answer is: internal environment
The agreement to form a partnership may be oral, written, or implied from the
conduct of the parties.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Which of the following is an advantage of a sole proprietorship? The correct
answer is: All of the given options
The main disadvantage of a general partnership is The correct answer is: the
unlimited liability of the partners
A _______ is a business with two or more owners: The correct answer is:
Mintzberg classified the activities of monitoring, disseminating and being a
spokesperson as part of a manager’s ____ role. The correct answer is:
_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts
of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently
and effectively.
The correct answer is: Management
The application of scientific principles to management is called: The correct
answer is: Scientific management
This is something that at some time in the future may destabilize and/or reduce
the potential performance of the organization. The correct answer is: Threat
A company picnic addresses which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: The correct
answer is: Social
PEST stands for: The correct answer is: Political, Economic, Social,
Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others. The correct
answer is: Managers
In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:
The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees
The first step in management by objectives is: The correct answer is: managers
set goals for their departments
The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow's needs?
The correct answer is: safety
Humanistic realities were originally advocated by: The correct answer is: Maslow
Manage the activities of other managers. The correct answer is: Middle
Planning is ______ and ______ function of management.
The correct answer is: First and foremost
Which of the following does not form part of a firm’s macro-environment? The
correct answer is: internal environment
Technical skills are most important for which of the following: The correct answer
is: First line managers
Which of the following does not form part of an organization’s microenvironment?
The correct answer is: Statute legislation
Strategic planning is done by:
The correct answer is: Top managers
A _____ is a business with two or more owners The correct answer is:
Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization? The correct answer
is: Rapid market growth
Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne experiments? The correct
answer is: All of the given options
Which of the following hygiene factors are in Herzberg's theories? The correct
answer is: company policy and administration
The three main types of managers include: The correct answer is: general,
functional, and front-line managers
Which is a characteristic for organization? The correct answer is: All of the given
Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y? The correct answer is:
primary motivators are fear and money
The most effective form of business organization for raising capital is the: The
correct answer is: Corporation
SWOT is an acronym for: The correct answer is: strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats
Contingency plans anticipate changing conditions. The correct answer is 'True'.
Programmed decisions are decisions that are made for situations that have
occurred often in the past and allow decision rules to be developed to guide
future decisions. The correct answer is 'True'.
A major advantage of the Delphi technique over other group decision-making
techniques is that bias effects of group interactions are eliminated. The correct
answer is 'True'.
The main difference between risk and uncertainty is that with risk you know the
probabilities of the outcomes. The correct answer is 'True'.
Programmed and structured are the two classifications of management
decisions. The correct answer is 'False'
Assumptions about the environment in which the plan is to be carried out. The
correct answer is: Premises
They are a complex set of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments,
steps to be taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to
carry out a given course of action. The correct answer is: Programs
They are general statements or understandings that guide or channel thinking in
decision making. The correct answer is: Policies
These permit managers to delegate authority and maintain control over what
their subordinates do. The correct answer is: Policies
It means at the end of the period it should be possible to determine whether or
not objective has been achieved. The correct answer is: Verifiable objectives
It is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. The correct
answer is: Budget
They are the ends toward which activity is aimed The correct answer is:
It is the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the
adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve
these goals.
The correct answer is: Strategies
_____develop and carry out tactical plans The correct answer is: Management
by objectives
In Setting goals the "S.M.A.R.T" stands for: The correct answer is: Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
Planning helps management pull the individual to achieve common goals by
The correct answer is: Provision of well-defined objectives
To be effective, an organization must have clearly defined sets of goals and
The correct answer is: False
First-line supervisors are responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of
operative employees. The correct answer is: True
Short term goals are a means to achieve long term goals. The correct answer is:
Planning is choosing a goal and developing a method of strategy to achieve that
The correct answer is: True
The first step in decision making is to: The correct answer is: Recognize need for
a decision
Decisions fall into two categories: The correct answer is: Programmed and nonprogrammed
What are factors managers should consider in evaluating alternatives? The
correct answer is: All of the given options
A manager who is helping a customer return some shoes they purchased last
week is dealing with what type of decision? The correct answer is: Programmed
Problems are usually of the following type(s): The correct answer is: All of the
given options.
It is the ability of the decision maker to discover novel ideas leading to a feasible
course of action. The correct answer is: Creativity
A solution to a problem that is arrived at through an unstructured process of
decision making is called a: The correct answer is: Non-programmed decision
A decision for repetitive or routine problems for which the responses have been
already been decided and been known to the person who will make the decision
is called:
The correct answer is: Programmed
Planning guarantees organizational success. The correct answer is: False
They are general statements or understandings that guide or channel thinking in
decision making. The correct answer is: Policies
Strategic planning is usually carried out by top management. The correct answer
is: True
It means at the end of the period it should be possible to determine whether or
not objective has been achieved The correct answer is: Verifiable objectives
Decision making is (simplistically) typically described as which of the following?
The correct answer is: choosing among alternatives
They spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion.
The correct answer is: Rules
They are a complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps
to be taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry
out a given course of action. The correct answer is: Programs
The function of management that determines the objectives of business and how
best to achieve them is called: The correct answer is: Planning
Which of the following is incorrect? The correct answer is: Planning is a one-time
The last two steps in the planning process are implementation and control.
The correct answer is: True
where we are to where we want to go. The correct answer is: Planning
Strategic objectives are set by: The correct answer is: Top management.
The basic purpose or function or tasks of an enterprise or agency or any part of
The correct answer is: Mission
Comprehensive, long range planning, focusing on broad enduring issues is
The correct answer is: Strategic planning.
In Setting goals the “S.M.A.R.T” standing for:
The correct answer is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
It is the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the
adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve
these goals.
The correct answer is: Strategies
Goals must be specific. The correct answer is: True
They permit managers to delegate authority and maintain control over what their
subordinates do. The correct answer is: Policies
It means that the whole is greater than its parts. The correct answer is: Synergy
Planning is a primary function of: The correct answer is: management
Programmed decisions are more likely to occur at the top management level.
The correct answer is: False
The first step in the decision-making process is which of the following?
The correct answer is: recognize need for a decision
A company decision to diversify into new products and markets is an example of
non-programmed decisions. The correct answer is: False
Which one is benefit of planning? The correct answer is: All of the given options
They are usually the simplest type of plan. The correct answer is: Rules
The strategic planning process begins with:
The correct answer is: defining the mission, vision, and values of the organization
_____develop and carry out tactical plans. The correct answer is: Management
by objectives
_____ is the process of using the resources and personnel of an organization in
an orderly way to achieve the objectives and long-term goals of the organization.
The correct answer is: Organizing
Which of the following applies to the matrix structure?
The correct answer is: It attempts to merge the benefits of decentralization with
co-ordination across all areas of the business
The framework of interrelationships among individuals and departments that
describe relationships of reporting and accountability is called: The correct
answer is: Organizational structure
What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by
a manager? The correct answer is: Span of management
The divisional structure may contain which type of division(s)?
The correct answer is: Both product and geographic divisions
Which of the following can affect the span of management? The correct answer
is: All of the given options.
____is a diagrammatic representation of organization structure show names
designation functions of personnel in the organization. The correct answer is:
Organizational chart
______ is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.
The correct answer is: Organizational structure
The span of control refers to:
The correct answer is: the number of subordinates reporting directly to a given
manager or supervisor
_______ is the form of departmentalization that groups similar jobs and activities
into departments. The correct answer is: A functional structure
Organizing in management refers to the relationship between _____used to
achieve the common objectives. The correct answer is: All of the given options
The term organizational hierarchy implies The correct answer is: All of the given
Specialization of labor refers to focusing an individual's efforts on a particular
product or a single task. The correct answer is: True
It is a design of organization movement or blueprintThe correct answer is:
Organization structure
Functional structure is created based on the various ____ of an organization.
The correct answer is: Functions
Formal organizations are designed to make work more efficient.
The correct answer is: True
What is the duty to act according to the authority that has been given?
The correct answer is: Responsibility
Authority moves _______, while accountability move________ within the
The correct answer is: downward, upward
Formal organization is objective oriented. The correct answer is: True
Organizing, as a management function, is accomplished by doing all of the
following except:
The correct answer is: monitoring performance to measure what is taking place
The systems approach ______.
The correct answer is: Encourages managers to view the organization both as a
whole and as part of a larger environment
Which statement is wrong about Formal organization? The correct answer is: It is
temporary and unstable
The study of management theory is important for which of the following reason.
The correct answer is: Management theories are interpretive and evolve with
organizational changes
Scientific management is based on the assumption that:
The correct answer is: The scientific observation of people at work would reveal
the one best way to do the task.
Which of the following are sub-groupings of the classical approach?
The correct answer is: Scientific management and bureaucracy
Systems theory holds that: The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the
sum of the parts.
It is a network of interpersonal relationships that arise when people associate
with each other. The correct answer is: Informal organization
In order to accomplish the process of organizing, management must:
The correct answer is: All of the given options
It is the intentional structure of roles, in a formally organized enterprise.
The correct answer is: Formal organization.
OAM Third Quarter Exam
Maslow suggests that human needs are arranged in a series of levels, a
hierarchy of importance. Which of the following statements are relevant to
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?
The correct answer is: All of the given options.
The most effective leader is one who:
The correct answer is: has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation
and the employee involved.
When call center managers spend much of their time monitoring customer calls
and giving employees feedback about how to improve their dialogue with
customers in the future, these managers are using __________ skills.
The correct answer is: Technical
Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is
the process of:
The correct answer is: Leadership
Scientific management is based on the assumption that:
The correct answer is: The scientific observation of people at work would reveal
the one best way to do the task.
Which of the following best describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
The correct answer is: It is a highly flawed model, although it does recognize that
people are motivated differently.
This is something that at some time in the future may destabilize and/or reduce
the potential performance of the organization. The correct answer is: Threat
It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs.
The correct answer is: Operations management
Who is father of scientific management?
The correct answer is: Frederick Winslow Taylor
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organization?
The correct answer is: Change
Which of the following is not a commonly used term to describe an element of
the business environment? The correct answer is: Extrinsic environment
Checking progress against plans.
The correct answer is: Controlling
_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts
of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently
and effectively.
The correct answer is: Management
Which of the following is most closely associated with Henry Fayol?
The correct answer is: Classical Management School
Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:
The correct answer is: Directing and controlling
Strategic planning is done by:
The correct answer is: Top managers
Which of the following would be included in the "controlling function”?
The correct answer is: Measuring results against corporate objectives.
One of the earliest and most enduring descriptions of managerial roles comes
The correct answer is: Henry Mintzberg
The application of scientific principles to management is called:
The correct answer is: Scientific management
Which of the following is not a measure of a manager’s effectiveness?
The correct answer is: Speed of promotion through the organization
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is the highest level of need?
The correct answer is: None of the given options
Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others.
The correct answer is: Managers
Humanistic realities were originally advocated by:
The correct answer is: Maslow
Which of the following does not form part of a firm’s macro-environment?
The correct answer is: internal environment
Mintzberg classified the activities of monitoring, disseminating and being a
spokesperson as part of a manager’s ____ role. The correct answer is:
Effectiveness is synonymous with ____.
The correct answer is: Goal attainment
Which one is not interpersonal managerial role?
The correct answer is: Spokesperson
In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:
The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees
What are the major functions Henry Fayol delineated for managers?
The correct answer is: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating &
Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization?
The correct answer is: Establishing Internet sales
Fayol's functions of management include:
The correct answer is: Planning, commanding, organizing, coordinating,
The systems approach _____?
The correct answer is: Encourages managers to view the organization both as a
whole and as part of a larger environment
Distinguishes a managerial position from a non-managerial one.
The correct answer is: Coordinating and integrating others’ work
It is directing the work activities of others.
The correct answer is: Leading
Modern managers are: The correct answer is: All of the given options.
Systems theory holds that:
The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Manage the activities of other managers.
The correct answer is: Middle managers
Which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic functioning in
The correct answer is: Advertising and marketing brochures
Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y?
The correct answer is: Primary motivators are fear and money
Internal Consists of the trends and events within an organization that
The correct answer is: All of the given options
It combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their
jobs better/faster/smarter. The correct answer is: Management Information
Which of the following is a Threat for an organization? The correct answer is:
Economic downturn
external recruiting means ...
- false
selection is the process of discovering ....
- false
training attempts to improve the ability ....
- true
it is the process of acquiring deploying ...
- staffing
it is the positive process of searching ....
- recruitment
compensation can be ...
- both answers are correct
any compensation plan must be ...
- understandable , workable , acceptable
transfer is the reassignment ..
- true
promotions involve the ...
- true
the remuneration system needs ...
- all of the given options
a prerequisite for a successful ...
- HR policy
the staffing system components model ...
- recruitment , selection , employment
the process of developing an applicants' ....
- recruitment
staffing systems exist , ...
- contribute to the attainment ...
advertisements through newspapers ....
- indirect
the process of acquiring, deploying ....
- staffing
are the resources that provide utility ...
- men
recruitment policy usually highlights ...
- job specification
teaching of current or employees ...
- training
which of the following is the most serious problem ...
- internal resistance
wages represent
- hourly
actions that employees does not do ....
- performance
basic compensations given to employees ...
- base pay
an aim of performance appraisal is to ...
- motivate employee
payments made to employees without taking ...
- salaries
factors affecting compensation levels are :
- all of the given options
performance appraisal feedback always include : ...
- all of the given options
company's HR team is responsible for ...
- all of the given options
which of the following is not advantage of promotion from within? ...
- creates political infighting
compensation given with base pay linked ...
- wages
effective managers "do the right things" to achieve ...
- true
with personal power a leader can exercise power ...
- false
transformational leadership works ...
- false
core competencies are the skills and abilities ...
- true
leadership is both an individual ....
- true
any condition to be taken into account ...
- contingency factor
McGregor assumed that people who are lazy ...
- Theory X
the willingness to exert high levels of effort ...
- motivation
the drive to find food, drink, and sexual ...
- physiological
Theory Y assumes that people inherently ...
- want to work and exercise self-direction
according to Herzberg, which of the following may be regarded....
- all of the given options
needs and expectations at work are sometimes ...
- extrinsic/intrinsic
influencing people towards the achievement ...
- leadership
Maslow suggests that human needs are arranged ...
- all of the given options
transactional leadership has which of the following ...
- takes the view that rewards ...
communication that takes place within prescribed ...
- formal communication
participation will be easier when individual ...
- true
effective communication is responsibility ...
- false
emergent change refers to initiatives ....
- false
first step in change management process is to prepare for change ...
- true
when the accounting manager communicates to the ...
- horizontal communication
which of the following is not a form of non-verbal communication ? ...
- posters
downward communication is used for all ...
- progress reports
to convert a message into groups of words ....
- encoding
is the individual or group that develops the message ...
- source
is the process by which the receiver interprets ...
- decoding
it is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver ...
- communication
the communication process involves all of the following except:...
- performing
manuals and policy statements ...
- upward communication
suggestions for improvements from an employee ...
- upward communication
planning sets the goals for the organization ...
- true
management benchmarking compares various ...
- false
the outcome of controlling function is the accurate ...
- true
ROI Control measures both the absolute ...
- true
tests of operating leverage present ...
- false
control ensures that the ....
- plan
Don MacKinnon, the person in charge of ...
- controlling
it is an example of an effective standard ...
- planning to increase sales of product ...
control function of management cannot ...
- planning
it is information about what is happening ...
- real-time information and control
the last function in the sequence, which culminates ...
- controlling
it is the first step in management control ...
- determine desired performance
buying and assembling ...
- false
promotional activities and advertising are best ways to...
- true
orientation is the process of captivating ...
- false
capital budgeting is primarily a bottom-level ...
- false
HRM is all about acquiring services of people ...
- true
the planning function in managerial function ...
- all of the given options
the functions of HRM is pertained to ...
- whole organization
states the way about what are the activities ...
- planning
allowance and bonus of the employees ...
- compensation
managing people is not the primary responsibility ...
- true
which is discussed in compensation policy? ...
- %of bonus
human resource management policies ...
- HR Department
human resource planning is a part of ...
- operational
the internet is not important to the foundation ...
- false
functions are the HR functions that are required ...
- operational
payments made to employees without ...
- salaries
any condition to be taken into account ...
- contingency factor
Maslow suggests that human needs are arranged ..
- all of the given options
when an employee has a need for ...
- self-actualization needs
assumes that employees have little ambition ...
- Theory X
the process of developing an applicants' pool for ...
- recruitment
wages represents ...
- hourly
needs and expectations at work ...
- extrinsic/intrinsic
recruitment policy usually highlights ...
- job specification
McGregor assumed that people ...
- Theory X
according to Herzberg, which of the following ...
- all of the given options
performance appraisal feedback ...
- all of the given options
advertisements through newspapers, ...
- indirect
an individual who wants to buy a home ...
- safety
which of the following is the most serious ...
- internal resistance
negative feelings resulting from ...
- frustration
according to herzberg, which is not ...
- work conditions
the willingness to exert high levels ...
- motivation
the process of acquiring, deploying ...
- staffing
suggestions for improvements ...
- upward communication
influencing people towards ...
- leadership
it is personal power that ...
- charisma
basic compensations given to employees ...
- base pay
downward communication is used ...
- progress reports
the drive to find food, ...
- physiological
compensation given with base ...
- wages
it is the transfer of information ...
- communication
factors affecting compensation levels ..
- all of the given options
when the accounting manager communicates ...
- horizontal communication
within maslow's hierarchy of needs, ...
- social needs
a person who recognize, manages ...
- entrepreneur
is a document that thoroughly explains ...
- business plan
writing a business plan can ensure ...
- figures out how to make ...
which of the following qualities will increase ...
- all of the above
the business plan should be ...
- crisp and concise
is best described by stating it is any business ...
- small business
is defined as the blueprint describing the business strategy ...
- business plan
which one is not considered a key ...
- method for dissolution of the organization
common reasons for entrepreneurial failure ...
- adequate financial support
which statement is not true about entrepreneurs? ..
- they generally stick ...
the entrepreneur who is committed to the ...
- opportunist
all but which of the following is considered to be a myth ...
- first ventures ...
all of the following are characteristics of small ...
- small business emphasize new ...
which of the following is not recognized as a misconception ...
- entrepreneurial ventures ..
four small business owners, one ...
- profitability
the last function in the sequence ...
- controlling
an example of an effective standard ...
- planning to increase sales ...
functions are the HR functions ...
- operational
orientation is the process of captivating ...
- false
states the way about what ...
- planning
the functions of HRM is pertained to ...
- whole organization
which of the following management functions are closely related? ...
- planning and control
promotional activities and advertising ...
- true
investment decisions determine ...
- true
is based on norms
- clan control
human resource management policies ...
- HR department
tests of liquidity
- true
planning sets the goals
- true
strategic benchmarking compares ...
- false
designing marketing strategies ...
- false
it is the first step in management control
- determine desired performance
it compares various strategies and identifies ...
- strategic benchmarking
control ensures that the ...
- plan
Participative leadership involves staff and others in the decision making process.
- true
A laissez faire leadership style occurs when all power is passed onto the staff.
- true
It refers to the effective communication between people/ workers/ clients of
different cultural background.
- b. Intercultural communication
Which one is not leadership styles based on use of authority?
d. Transformational leaders
The following is not a concept of wage
b. daily wages
Promotion involves the reassignment of an employee to a higher level job.
b. true
Transformational leadership recognises that success results from their belief in
both themselves and their staff.
b. True
Participative leadership has which of the following characteristics?
d. Seeks to involve staff in the decision making process
An autocratic leadership style occurs when power is split between the leader and
his or her staff.
a. False
Management is the ability to direct staff towards achieving goals.
b. False
Layoff is when employees voluntarily decide to end their employment with an
a. false
Planned change refers to a situation in which change can originate from any level
in the organization.
b. False
Filling and keeping filled, positions in the organization structure.
c. Staffing
Termination is the practice of putting an end to the employer-employee relations
initiated by the employer with prejudice to the worker.
b. true
Benefits is pay provided by an employer to an employee for services rendered.
b. false
The output of job analysis is the job description and the job specifications.
a. True
External recruiting is the process of attracting individuals outside the organization
to apply for positions with the firm.
b. True
Which of the following factor influence(s) employee compensation?
a. All of the given options
Theory Y assumes people regard work as a normal activity and are selfmotivated.
a. True
The process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change to
achieve the required business outcome(s)
b. Change management
Budget is a quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time.
The ____ analysis addresses the roles of the community, region, nation, and
world in a business.
b. Environmental
All of the following are popular demographic factors about entrepreneurs, except:
c. Self confidence
Selling includes transfer of ownership of products to the buyer.
OAM4th Q
problems are usually ...
- all of the given opyions
is the form of departmentalization that groups ...
- a functional structure
which of the following is a strength for an organization ? ...
- low labor turnover
it is directing the work activities ...
- leading
they are a complex of goals, policies ...
- programs
recruitment policy usually highlights ...
- job specification
humanistic realities ...
- maslow
which of the following are sub-groupings ...
- scientific management and bureaucracy
which of the following does not form part ...
- internal environment
it means that the whole is greater ...
- synergy
which of the following is the most serious problem ...
- internal resistance
which of the following would be included ...
- measuring results ....
the framework of interrelationships ....
- organizational structure
the systems approach ....
- encourages managers to ....
the process of acquiring ....
- staffing
the main disadvantage of general partnership is ...
- the unlimited liability of the partners
it means at the end of the period ...
- verifiable objectives
it is concerned with managing the process ....
- operations management
which statement is wrong?
- disseminator role ...
which of the following are sub-groupings ....
- scientific management and bureaucracy
advertisements through newspapers ...
- indirect
the most effective form of business
- corporation
basic compensation
- base pay
supervisory management spends
- directing and controlling
which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic
- advertising and marketing ...
provides for the greatest degree of continuity
- corporation
it combines ...
- management information system
which one is benefit of planning
- all of the given options
a manger who is helping a customer return ...
- programmed decision
the application of scientific principles to management is called ...
- scientific management
strategic planning is done by:
- top managers
planning, organizing, directing ....
- functions of management
the staffing system components model says that the phases ...
- recruitment, selection, employment
which one is not interpersonal managerial role?
- spokesperson
which of the following is not an advantage of group decision-making?
- group think
who is the father of scientific management ?
- frederick winslow
what are factors managers should consider ...
- all of the given options
checking progress againts plans.
- controlling
non programmed decisions are most likely to be made by
- top management
modern managers are:
- all of the given options
scientific management is based on the assumptions that:
- the scientific observation of people ...
the process of developing an applicants' pool for job openings ...
- recruitment
the study of management theory is important ...
- management theories are interpretive ...
the simplest form of business ownership is a
- proprietorship
is the process of using the resources and personnel ....
- organizing
The five needs expressed in Maslow's hierarchy are:
b. Physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization
Decisions fall into two categories:
d. Programmed and non-programmed
What are the major functions Henry Fayol delineated for managers?
b. Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating & Controlling
In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:
a. planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees
In Setting goals the “S.M.A.R.T” standing for:
a. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by
a manager?
b. Span of management
In order to carry out a SWOT analysis, a company must _________.
b. All of the given options.
Internal consists of the trends and events within an organization that affect_____.
b. None of the given options
Top of Form
A decision for repetitive or routine problems for which the responses have been
already been decided and been known to the person who will make the decision
is called:
Select one:
b. Programmed.
Behavioral Science Approach is an extension of the ______.
Select one:
b. Human Relations Approach
They permitting managers to delegate authority and maintain control over what
their subordinates do.
Select one:
b. Policies
The systems approach _____?
Select one:
d. All of the choices
Which approach to the study of organizational behavior emphasizes the formal
structure, hierarchy of management, the technical requirements and the
assumption of rational behavior?
Select one:
b. The classical approach
A manager who is helping a customer return some shoes they purchased last
week is dealing with what type of decision?
Select one:
a. Programmed decision
Recruitment policy usually highlights the need for establishing:
Select one:
a. Job specification
Factors affecting compensation levels are:
Select one:
b. All of the given options
The span of control refers to:
Select one:
a. the number of subordinates reporting directly to a given manager or supervisor
Which statement is wrong?
Select one:
b. Disseminator role is under Interpersonal managerial roles
One of the earliest and most enduring descriptions of managerial roles comes
Select one:
a. Henry Mintzberg
It combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their
jobs better/faster/smarter.
Select one:
a. Management Information System
Payments made to employees without taking hours for which they worked into
consideration are called
Select one:
a. Salaries
Teaching of current or employees with skills needed to perform effectively on job
Select one:
b. Training
A solution to a problem that is arrived at through an unstructured process of
decision making is called a:
Select one:
b. Non-programmed decision
It is a network of interpersonal relationships that arise when people associate
with each other.
Select one:
c. Informal organization
The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow's needs?
Select one:
a. Safety
Which of the following is a Threat for an organization?
Select one:
d. Economic downturn
Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization?
Select one:
b. Rapid market growth
The form of business organization that has the largest sales volume is the:
Select one:
c. Corporation
Problems are usually of the following type(s):
Select one:
b. All of the given options.
Checking progress against plans.
Select one:
c. Controlling
Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is
the process of:
Select one:
a. Leadership
Systems theory holds that:
Select one:
a. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization?
Select one:
d. Establishing Internet sales
The application of scientific principles to management is called:
Select one:
a. Scientific management
Which one is known as early systematize of management?
Select one:
b. Henry R. Towne
Fayol's functions of management include:
Select one:
a. Planning, commanding, organizing, coordinating, controlling.
Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y?
Select one:
a. Primary motivators are fear and money
Actions that employees does not do or must do in a job is classified as
Select one:
a. Productivity
______ is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.
Select one:
b. Organizational structure
The most effective form of business organization for raising capital is the:
Select one:
c. Corporation
The selection of a course of action from among alternatives.
Select one:
b. Decision making
_____develop and carry out tactical plans.
Select one:
Management by objectives
Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory X?
Select one:
Employees are creative
Which of the following is not an advantage of group decision-making?
Select one:
group think
Scientific management is based on the assumption that:
Select one:
a. The scientific observation of people at work would reveal the one best way to
do the task.
It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs.
Select one:
b. Operations management
Which of the following is the most serious problem that might arise due to
excessive reliance on internal recruitment?
Select one:
c. internal resistance
Which of the following are sub-groupings of the classical approach?
Select one:
Scientific management and bureaucracy
Which of the following is a strength for an organization?
Select one:
New market opportunities in Germany
Compensation given with base pay linked to individual team or organizational
performance is classified as
Select one:
c. Salaries
Which of the following is not advantage of promotion from within?
Select one:
c. Creates political infighting
The most effective leader is one who:
Select one:
d. all of the given options
Which of the following is most closely associated with Henry Fayol?
Select one:
a. Classical Management School
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Ms. Hellen has a fixed bi-monthly salary of Php30,456.25. How much is her
annual salary rate?
Instructions: Write S if the statement describes salaries and W if wages.
A worker earns Php200 per article written.
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Mr. Quan has a fixed annual salary of Php189,003. How much is his semi-annual
salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Mr. Quan has a fixed annual salary of Php189,003. How much is his quarterly
salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Mr. Troy has a fixed semi-monthly salary of Php15,755.25. How much is his
annual salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Mr. Quan has a fixed annual salary of Php189,003. How much is his semimonthly salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest centavo.
Mr. Quan has a fixed annual salary of Php189,003. How much is his monthly
salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Ms. Pack has a fixed monthly salary of Php25,805.75. How much is her annual
salary rate?
Instructions: Before taking this exam, please be familiar with the following terms
(Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, bi-monthy, semi-monthly). In order to
have uniform answers, please follow the answer formats given. For currency
answers, use the format "PhpX,XXX.XX", Use comma to separate thousands,
always give two decimal places and round off to the nearest the centavo.
Mr. Brock has a fixed semi-annual salary of Php50,555.75. How much is his bimonthly salary rate?
Instructions: Write S if the statement describes salaries and W if wages.
A regularly employed person receives an annual compensation worth