DIgSILENT PowerFactory Application Example Battery Energy Storing Systems BESS DIgSILENT GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9 72810 - Gomaringen Germany T: +49 7072 9168 00 F: +49 7072 9168 88 http://www.digsilent.de info@digsilent.de Copyright ©2010, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT GmbH. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH. Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 1 Contents Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 BESS Simulation Model 3 2.1 Battery Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.1 Short Circuit Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 The BESS Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4 Testing the BESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3 Network Model 15 4 Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation 18 4.1 Replacement of Primary Control Energy (Load Change) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2 Replacement of Primary Control Energy (Generator Outage) . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Application Case 2: FRT Simulation 25 References 28 Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 2 2 BESS Simulation Model 1 Introduction Large Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are being increasingly used in Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) applications as a way to improve the voltage, frequency, oscillatory and/or transient stability of the system and hence enhance the reliability of power supply. These applications include different FACT controllers, where the storage devices are interfaced with the power system through either shunt- or series-connected voltage sourced converters (VSC). This document describes the assessment of a BESS to replace the spinning reserve/primary reserve in a test network. The document gives the reader guidance on how to perform the analysis in the simulation tool PowerFactory (PDF). This BESS application becomes significantly important in small or island power system, with rather low spinning reserve, where load perturbations have a considerable effect on the network frequency. In the first part of this application guide describes the relevant characteristics of the test network and discusses all modelling and project organisational issues that must be taken into account when setting up the model in PDF. Secondly, all required dynamic models, including the battery and the shunt VSC controller models, are presented and verified. Finally, different cases are simulated and results discussed. For a better usability are the names of the study cases of the project as well as the important steps in PowerFactory given. This parts are marked in italic. So the reader could use the document in parallel with the PowerFactory project of the BESS. 2 BESS Simulation Model A battery energy storing system (BESS) consists of two parts. Firstly a storing part that could store/restore energy in an electrochemical process. Secondly a rectifier/inverter that could transform the DC-voltage from the storing part to the AC-voltage needed for the grid and vice versa. The rectifier/inverter is normally based on a voltage sourced converter (VSC) with a pulse width modulation (PWM). This element is well known and available in PowerFactory . The storing part in this case a rechargeable battery is an element that depends on the actual application. The problem with batteries is the huge diversity of the technologies and also the variety inside one technology. So there is no easy, accurate model, valid for all batteries [4][3][2][5]. 2.1 Battery Model There are two main challenges with battery models. The first problem is to get a model that is not too complex but accurate enough. The second problem is to get the parameters from manufacturers or own measurements needed for the model. Only a model with appropriate parameters could deliver good results. Common batteries in the industry are often lead-acid batteries. But there are also a lot of other types like nickelcadmium (NiCd), nickel-metal hybrid (NiMH) and several lithium-ion types. Each type has its own assets and drawbacks. To design a good model for a battery is a science on itself. Different approaches could be found in [3], [2] and [5]. A battery model should depict the terminal voltage and the internal resistance which are a function of several intern-related variables such as the Battery State of Charge (SOC), the age and temperature of the battery [5]. The State of Charge corresponds to the current loading state of the battery. The battery is fully loaded if the SOC is one and it is zero if Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 3 2 BESS Simulation Model the battery is empty. A simple electric equivalent for a battery together with a more complex equivalent with parasitic path is shown in Figure 2.1. It depends on the application case which model will be used. There is an important equation for the capacity of all lead-acid batteries, called ”Peukert’s law” (1). It expresses the capacity of a battery in terms of the rate at which it is discharged. As the rate increases, the battery’s available capacity decreases. Cp = I k t (1) Cp is the capacity according to Peukert, at a one-ampere discharge rate, expressed in Ah. I is the discharge current, expressed in A. k is the Peukert constant, dimensionless. t is the time of discharge, expressed in h. Table of Contents For a lead-acid battery, the value of k is typically between 1.1 and 1.3. The problem with Peukert.s law is, that at a discharge current of zero, the available capacity becomes infinity. Figure 2.1: Battery Electric Equivalent, (a) (a) simple, (b)(b) with parasitic reaction [5] Figure 1: Battery Electric Equivalent, simple, with parasitic reaction [4] The discharge voltage of a battery is also dependent on the SOC as exemplarily shown in the picture below. The discharge voltage of a battery is also dependent on the SOC as exemplarily shown in that the voltage is nonlinearly dependent on the dependent SOC, especially 0 < SOC < 0.2. the obvious, picture below. It isbattery obvious, that the battery voltage is nonlinearly on theforSOC, especially for 0 < SOC < 0.2. 3 2,5 Internal Resistance Discharge Voltage 2 1,5 2 Voltage [V] Resistance [ W ] 2,5 1,5 4 1 0,5 Battery Energy 0 Storing Systems (BESS) 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 State of Charge (SOC) 0,8 1 Figure 1: Battery Electric Equivalent, (a) simple, (b) with parasitic reaction [4] 2 The BESS Simulation Model discharge voltage of a battery is also dependent on the SOC as exemplarily shown in the picture below. It is obvious, that the battery voltage is nonlinearly dependent on the SOC, especially for 0 < SOC < 0.2. 3 2,5 Internal Resistance Discharge Voltage 2 1,5 2 Voltage [V] Resistance [ W ] 2,5 1 0,5 0 1,5 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 State of Charge (SOC) Figure 2: Typical Discharge Profile of a Lead-Acid Battery [7] Figure 2.2: Typical Discharge Profile of a Lead-Acid Battery [1] Also the internal resistance is dependent on the SOC (Figure 2). Again the nonlinearity is obvious, especially for Also internal is dependent on the SOC (Figure 2.2). Again the nonlinearity is low the values of theresistance SOC. obvious, especially for low values of the SOC. Thereare arenonogeneral generalempirical empiricalequations equationsavailable availabletotodescribe describethe thebehaviour behaviourofofarbitrary arbitrarybatterbatteries. But if there is There ies. But if there is a detailed datasheet for one specific battery it is possible to use that data in a a detailed datasheet for one specific battery it is possible to use that data in a PowerFactory DSL model. The data PowerFactory DSL model. The data could be stored in a oneor two dimensional array and then could be stored in a one- or two dimensional array and then used in a DSL model. Such a battery model would be used in a DSL model. Such a battery model would be more accurate for one specific battery. more accurate for one specific battery. But it is not easy to obtain the needed manufacturer data. But it is not easy to obtain the needed manufacturer data. InInthe Someassumptions assumpthefollowing followinga asimplified simplifiedbattery batterymodel modelforfora ashowcase showcaseBESS BESS is is presented. presented. Some are made to get tions are made to get a simple, but functional model. At first, it is assumed, that the battery is a simple, but functional model. At first, it is assumed, that the battery is only discharged down to 20%. In that only discharged down to 20%. In that case the voltage could be assumed as linearly dependent voltage could bethe assumed linearly dependent on as theconstant SOC. Additionally internal oncase the the SOC. Additionally internalasresistance is assumed because itthe has to be resistance is assumed as constant because it has to be anyway very small due to the high current application. The battery anyway very small due to the high current application. The battery capacity is assumed as conA p p l i c a t i o n M a n u a l : S i m u l a t i o n o f a B E S S w i t h P o w e r F a c t o r y 3 stant, this is valid if the discharge current is known in advance. So the expected capacity could be calculated and inserted in the data of the model. If the battery is discharged at other rates than assumed before the capacity has to be recalculated and changed in the battery model parameters. With the assumptions above the battery model will be similar to the equivalent simple model in Figure 2.1 with a constant inner resistance Z(s,SOC)=Z and a voltage source with a voltage dependent on the SOC. This is detailed enough for an application case but for a detailed study is also a detailed battery model needed. The equation for the model is given in 2. The SOC is calculated with an integrator, counting the current of the battery. UDC = Umax · SOC + Umin · (1 − SOC) − I · Zi Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) (2) 5 2 BESS Simulation Model The implementation of the battery model is done in DSL (Figure 2.3). Only the DC-current is needed as input signal to the model. The model gives out the outer DC-voltage, the SOC and also the DC-cell-voltage which is may be needed for a charge controller. Unit V V Ah Int Int Ohm kV Int Description Cell voltage of discharged cell. Cell voltage of fully loaded cell. Capacity of one cell for the used discharge current (see Peukert’s law) Amount of parallel connected cells (increases the total capacity). Amount of serial connected cells (increases the output voltage). Internal resistance per cell (average value). Voltage rating of the connected DC-busbar. State of Charge at the beginning of the Simulation. Table of Contents DIgSILENT Variable u min u max CellCapacity CellsParallel CellsInRow RiCell Unom SOC0 SimpleBattery: kA to A K RiCell K 1000 u_Ri Lim >min - Ucell 0 u_intern 0 Normalize CellsInRow ,Unom I 1/K CellsParallel 1/sT -3.6 1/K CellCapacity Vterm 1 internVoltage u_min,u_max kA kA to A -> Ah SOC - State of Charge 2 ICell 3 Figure 3: Simplified Battery Model in DSL (*.BlkDef) Figure 2.3: Simplified Battery Model in DSL (∗ .BlkDef) The integrator (1/sT) that counts the current in- and output of the battery needs an initial condition (SOC0). This value is part of the model parameters. During the initialisation process it is assumed, that the battery is not being The integrator (1/sT)Sothat the current andBESS output of for thethe battery needs an initial condicharged or discharged. the counts active power exchangeinof the is zero load flow. tion (SOC0). This value is part of the model parameters. During the initialisation process it is assumed, the inbattery is notinbeing charged or discharged. So the active power of The batterythat appears PowerFactory the single line diagram as a DC-voltage source. To apply the exchange voltage the BESS is zero for the load flow. output of the battery model (Figure 3) to the DC-voltage source is a DSL-frame needed (Figure 4). The battery appears in PowerFactory in the single line diagram as a DC-voltage source. To apply the voltage output of the battery model (Figure 2.3) to the DC-voltage source is a DSL-frame Vterm DC-Voltage Source needed (Figure 2.4). ElmDcu 0 DC-Current Measurement StaImea* I Battery_Model ElmDSL Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 1 2 3 Ucell SOC ICell 0 1 2 6 Figure 3: Simplified Battery Model in DSL (*.BlkDef) The integrator (1/sT) that counts the current in- and output of the battery needs an initial condition (SOC0). This value is part of the model parameters. During the initialisation process it is assumed, that the battery is not being charged or discharged. So the active power exchange of the BESS is zero for the load flow. 2 BESS Simulation Model The battery appears in PowerFactory in the single line diagram as a DC-voltage source. To apply the voltage output of the battery model (Figure 3) to the DC-voltage source is a DSL-frame needed (Figure 4). 0 DC-Current Measurement StaImea* I Battery_Model ElmDSL Vterm DC-Voltage Source ElmDcu Ucell 1 SOC 2 ICell 3 0 1 2 Figure 4: Frame for the Battery Model in DSL (*.BlkDef) Table of Content Figure 2.4: Frame for the Battery Model in DSL (∗ .BlkDef) 2.2 Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) 1.2 Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory 5 The VSC converts the DC-voltage from the battery to an AC-voltage through fast switching of IGBT-valves. The VSC converts the DC-voltage from the battery to an AC-voltage through fast switching of IGBT-valve Figure Equivalent Circuit a PWM Converter Figure 5:2.5: Equivalent Circuit of aofPWM Converter The switching signal, also called amplification factor (Pm), comes from the control system of the VSC. Th The switching signal, also called amplification factor (Pm), comes from the control system of the also be expressed for a fundamental frequency model as: VSC. This could also be expressed for a fundamental frequency model as: U UACr = K0 P mr UDC ACr U UACi = K0 P mi UDC ACi = K0 PmrU DC = K0 PmiU DC (3) (4) UACrreal, and U respectively imaginary of the AC-voltage. Pmalready is the already mentioned ampl UACr and UACi is the respectively part of the part AC-voltage. Pm is the ACi is the real,imaginary factorfactor and UDC is the DC-voltage of the battery. constantK0 factor, mentioned amplification and UDC is the DC-voltage of Kthe battery. is adepending constant on the used PWM-met 0 is a factor, depending onsinusoidal the usedmodulation: PWM-method. For sinusoidal modulation: √ 3 K0 = √ 2 3 K0 = 3 2 2 (5) For |Pm|≤1 the equations above are valid. If Pm becomes bigger than one there are problems with harm For |P m| ≤ 1 the equations above are valid. If Pm becomes bigger than one there are problems it has to be secured,that thatthe theDC-voltage DC-voltage is certain level: with harmonics. So itSohas to be secured, isalways alwaysover overa a certain level: 2 2 √ U DC ³ U AC 2 2 UDC ≥ √ | UAC | 3 3 (6) This could also be showed in Figure 6. Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 7 2 BESS Simulation Model Table of Contents This could also be showed in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.6: Saturation of a VSC PWM with Sinusoidal PWM Figure 6: Saturation of a VSC with Sinusoidal ThePowerFactory PowerFactoryPWM-converter PWM-converter model model has that case the “id_ref” and The has different different possible possibleinput inputcombinations. combinations.For For that “iq_ref” input is and used.”iqThis the current in a dq-reference frame. The case the ”id ref” ref”isinput is used.phasor This of is the PWM-converter current phasor transformed of the PWM-converter transformed in the a dq-reference frame. advantage transformation is that ”id ref” advantage of transformation is that The “id_ref” equates of to the active power output of the converter and “iq_ref” equates to the active power output of the converter and ”iq ref” equates to the reactive power eauates to the reactive power of the PWM-converter. So it is easy to implement a controller for the BESS. The of the PWM-converter. So it is easy to implement a controller for the BESS. The PWM-model PWM-model uses an internal current controller to generate the actual signal for the modulation factor. uses an internal current controller to generate the actual signal for the modulation factor. 1.2.1Short Short Circuit Calculation 2.2.1 Circuit Calculation Short circuit calculation according to IEC60909 / VDE0102 is not possible with a BESS because devices with Short circuit calculation according to IEC60909 VDE0102 is not with a BESS becauseoffers also the power electronics like the PWM-converter are /not considered bypossible the norm. But PowerFactory devices with power electronics like the PWM-converter are not considered by the norm. But possibility to calculate a short circuit according to the so called complete method. The complete method takes PowerFactory offers also the possibility to calculate a short circuit according to the so called also the method. load flow The into complete account. Furthermore is possible to flow configure the PWM-converter model for the complete complete method takesit also the load into account. Furthermore it circuit options are constant current or constant voltage. an IGBT-based converter isshort possible to method. configureThe thetwo PWM-converter model for the complete short circuit For method. The two options are constant current or constant voltage. For an IGBT-based converter would be would be ‘constant I’ the right choice because the valves of the converter are only designed for a certain ”constant I”.current. the rightTo choice because the valves of the converter are only designed a certain maximum obtain the maximum current with the complete short circuit for method the PWM-converter maximum current. To obtain the maximum current with the complete short circuit method the has to be configured to full active power on the load flow page. Better results could be achieved with a RMS PWM-converter has to be configured to full active power on the load flow page. Better results simulation this is with described chapter 4 this (only symmetrical cases). 5 (only symmetrical cases). could be achieved a RMSinsimulation is described in chapter BESS Controller 1.3TheThe BESS Controller 2.3 Before Beforea acontroller controllercould couldbe beimplemented implementeditithas hastotobe beclear clearwhat whatthe thetask taskofofthe thecontroller controlleris.is.InIn the case of the the case of the BESS with an IGBT-based converter there are two current parameters to control, BESS with an IGBT-based converter there are two current parameters to control, one in the d-axis and one in the q-axis. This equates to the real and reactive power. With the real power output it is possible to control the Battery Energy Systems (BESS) 8 be controlled. frequency of aStoring grid with synchronous generators. With the reactive power could the AC-voltage The reactive power output of the BESS is not bound to the battery capacity, so the AC-voltage could be controlled continuously. But the apparent power of the PWM-converter is limited and so the reactive power (1.7). 2 BESS Simulation Model one in the d-axis and one in the q-axis. This equates to the real and reactive power. With the real power output it is possible to control the frequency of a grid with synchronous generators. With the reactive power could the AC-voltage be controlled. The reactive power output of the BESS is not bound to the battery capacity, so the AC-voltage could be controlled continuously. But the apparent power of the PWM-converter is limited and so the reactive power (7). S= p P 2 + Q2 (7) There are more boundary conditions that have to be considered: • The BESS could only consume active power if the battery is not fully loaded (SOC < 1). • The BESS could only supply active power if the battery is not discharged (SOC > 0). • The battery should be recharged if the SOC is below a certain level. So that the BESS has always the ability to control the active power in both ways. • The total output of active and reactive power should together not be bigger than the apparent rated power, according to (7). Hence a priority for the active or reactive power is needed. All the conditions could be fulfilled from a charge controller. For the showcase it was assumed, that the SOC is available as a signal. In a real application the SOC has to be calculated from the battery current and voltage. When all tasks and conditions for the controller are known the design in DSL could be started. For a better overview it is recommended to divide the whole controller in smaller parts: • Frequency controller (Frequency Control) • Active/reactive power controller (PQ-Control) • Charging controller (Charge Control) Together with the needed measurement devices we get the structure showed in Figure 2.8. This structure is called a frame in PowerFactory . A frame and also a DSL model (like the battery model showed in Figure 2.3) are only the definition (∗ .BlkDef), like a type of a line or a transformer. The entity of a frame is a composite model (∗ .ElmComp). The entity of a DSL model is a common model (∗ .ElmDsl). Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 9 Ta 2 BESS Simulation Model fgrid Pref Frequ. Controller Pmeas PQ Controller Umeas Table of Contents idref fgrid iqref Pref Frequ. Controller SOC Charge Controller Pmeas Umeas PQ Controller Id-limref idref Iq-limref Bat-Model UDC iqref IDC SOC Charge Controller Id-limref Iq-limref Bat-Model UDC IDC Figure Figure 7: Structure of 2.7: theStructure BESS of the BESS Figure 7: Structure of the BESS AC-Voltage StaVmea PQ-Measurement * PQ-Measurement * u p AC-Voltage StaVmea u p Frquency Measurement ElmPhi* fmeas 0 fmeas Frquency Measurement 1 ElmPhi* Frequency Control ElmDsl* dpref dv ref id_ref1;iqref1 PQ-Control ElmDsl* 0 id_ref;iq_ref 0 0 2 1 3 id_ref1;iqref1 4 Frequency Control 0 ElmDsl* Battery Model 1 ElmComp,ElmDSL 2 dpref Ucell dv ref SOC Icell PWM-Converter ElmVsc* Charge Control PQ-Control ElmDSL* ElmDsl* 0 0 21 3 2 4 1 3 Charge Control ElmDSL* deltai 0 Ucell 1 ∗ Figure 2.8: Frame for the BESS-Controller SOC Battery Model( .BlkDef) 1 2 ElmComp,ElmDSL Icell The frequency controller is a simple proportional controller with a small dead band. In a real power system3 it is The frequency controller is a simple proportional controller with a 2small dead band. In a real Figure 8: Frame for the BESS-Controller (*.BlkDef) important, that there is only one integrator that controls the frequency. Otherwise there could be problems with oscillations. The model of the frequency controller is showed below. The droop defines how much active power is deltai Battery Systems (BESS) 10 activatedEnergy in a caseStoring of a frequency deviation. Granted that K = 0.04 then the full active power of the BESS is activated if the frequency deviation is equal or greater than 2 Hz (in a 50 Hz system). All values are per unit values. The droop should be coordinated to fulfil grid code requirements in a certain application case. Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory 9 1 id_r 2 BESS Simulation Model power system it is important, that there is only one integrator that controls the frequency. Otherwise there could be problems with oscillations. The model of the frequency controller is showed below. The droop defines how much active power is activated in a case of a frequency deviation. Granted that K = 0.04 then the full active power of the BESS is activated if the frequency deviation is equal or greater than 2 Hz (in a 50 Hz system). All valuesT are The a b l eper o f unit C o n tvalues. ents droop should be coordinated to fulfil grid code requirements in a certain application case. The command variable is f0, during the initialisation process this value will be fixed to frq (norble of C n t sused to mally 1) with the command inc(f0) = frq. The block ”offset” with theT aoutput ”po n0”t e is The command variable is f0, during the initialisation process this value will be fixed to frq (normally 1) with the compensate ”dpref” if that value is not equal to zero after the load flow (because ”p order frequ” = frq. The block “offset” with the output “p_0” is used to compensate “dpref” if that value is not iscommand always inc(f0) zero after the initialisation). equal to zero after the load flow (because “p_order_frequ” is always zero after the initialisation). p_0 The command variable is f0, during the initialisation process this value will be fixed to frq (normally 1) with the command inc(f0) = frq. The block “offset” with the output “p_0” is used to compensate offset “dpref” if that value is not f0 0 equal to zero after the load flow (because “p_order_frequ” is always zero after the initialisation). 1 frq 1 df - fdead Dband(K) db p_order_frequ 1/K droop dpref offset -1 frq 1 df - fdead Dband(K) db p_0 f0 0 1 p_order_frequ 1/K droop Figure 9: Model of the Frequency Controller (*.BlkDef) dpref Figure 2.9: Model of the Frequency-1Controller (∗ .BlkDef) The controller for the active and reactive power is a little bit more complex. It is showed in Figure 10. The control deviation is filtered with a PT1 element. After that the signals are used as a input to a PI-controller. In the active Figure 9: Model ofthe theactive Frequency Controller (*.BlkDef) The and reactive power is a that little“delta_i” bit more complex. It charge is showed in Figure pathcontroller is the signalfor “delta_i” added. In Figure 8 could be seen, comes from the controller. The 2.10. control deviation isslow filtered with aforPT1 element. After that with the asignals areforused as voltageThe (or Q) controller has a very I-controller set point tracing and a slope dead band controller for thesupport. active andInreactive power path is a little complex. It isi” showed 10. The aThe input to avoltage PI-controller. the active is bit themore signal ”delta added.in Figure In Figure 2.8control could proportional deviation filtered with i” a PT1 element. After the signals are used as a input to a PI-controller. In the active be seen, isthat ”delta comes from thethat charge controller. The voltage (or Q) controller has a deltai path is the I-controller signal “delta_i” In Figure 8 could be a seen, thatwith “delta_i” comes fromfor the proportional charge controller. The 0 id_max very slow foradded. set point tracing and slope a dead band voltage voltage (or Q) controller has a very slow I-controller for set point tracing and a slope with a dead band for support. pin dp (1/(1+sT)) yi1 yi2 id_ref {K+1/sT)} - voltage 1 0 proportional support. Tr Kp,Tip 2 0 1 2 dpref pin deltai - dp (1/(1+sT)) Tr id_min yi1 yi2 dpref id_max id_ref {K+1/sT)} Kp,Tip 0 id_min iq_max 3 4 vin - dv (1/(1+sT)) Trq yi (1/(1+sT)) Trq yi o11 Deadband_Offset_Lim AC_deadband,Kq iq_max iq_ref 1 vref vin - dv o1 4 vref iq_min iq_max Deadband_Offset_Lim AC_deadband,Kq {1/sT} Tiq iq_min Figure 10: Model of the PQ-Controller (*.BlkDef) iq_min o11 iq_ref 1 o1 3 iq_max {1/sT} Tiq iq_min The charge controller consists of two parts (Figure 11). One charging logic to achieve the already described boundary conditions. And one block that limits the absolute value of the current order according to (1.7). The Figure 2.10: Model of the PQ-Controller (∗ .BlkDef) Figure 10: Model of the PQ-Controller (*.BlkDef) active current (d-axis) has always the higher priority than the reactive current (q-axis). The charge controller consists ofneeded. two parts 11).current One charging logic to the achieve the already described There are only four parameters The(Figure charging (ChargingCur), minimal SOC (minSOC), the The charge consists of limits two parts (Figure 2.11). One logic achieve boundary conditions. And one block that the absolute value of the current order “deltai” according toto(1.7). The ofthe maximum SOCcontroller (maxSOC) and the maximal absolute current (maxAbsCur). The charging signal is the difference active current (d-axis) has always the higher priority than the reactive current (q-axis). Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 10 11 There are only four parameters needed. The charging current (ChargingCur), the minimal SOC (minSOC), the maximum SOC (maxSOC) and the maximal absolute current (maxAbsCur). The signal “deltai” is the difference of Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory 10 2 BESS Simulation Model already described boundary conditions and one block that limits the absolute value of the current order according to (7). The active current (d-axis) has always the higher priority than the reactive current (q-axis). Table of Contents There are only four parameters needed. The charging current (ChargingCur), the minimal SOC (minSOC), the maximum SOC (maxSOC) and the maximal absolute current (maxAbsCur). The signal ”deltai” is the difference of the reference d-current from the PQ-controller and the modified the reference d-current from the PQ-controller the modified d-current from logic. Theprevents feedback a d-current from the charging logic. The and feedback of that signal to the thecharging PQ-controller of that signal to the PQ-controller prevents a windup of the PI-controller. windup of the PI-controller. deltai - 0 maxAbsCur id_ref_in 0 0 ChargeCtrl ChargeCur,minSOC,maxSOC SOC 1 idin 0 0 id_ref_out 1 1 Current Limiter iq_ref_in 2 1 1 iq_ref_out 2 Figure 11: Model of the Charge Controller (*.BlkDef) Figure 2.11: Model of the Charge Controller (∗ .BlkDef) To get a working model of the controller in PowerFactory it is important to use the right names for the signals in the frame definition. Only signals with the same names in the frame and in the model, inserted in the frame are To get a working model the controller in PowerFactory it is important to use thestep right connected. Furthermore it is of important to understand how the initialisation process works. The first of names a for the signals in the frame definition. Only signals with the same names in the frame and in the simulation is the initialisation. PowerFactory uses for that a load flow. If the load flow converges the results are model, inserted in the frame are connected. Furthermore it is important to understand how the used inside the DSL models to set all integrator outputs. A starting point of a simulation should always be a initialisation process works. The first step of a simulation is the initialisation. PowerFactory uses balanced state. So all derivatives have to be zero, i.e. all inputs of integrators have to be zero too. The inputs, for that from a load If the loadareflow converges the results are used(Figure inside known the flow. load flow results in the composite model of the controller 8):the DSL models to set all integrator outputs. A starting point of a simulation should always be a balanced state. So all derivatives have to be zero, i.e. all inputs of integrators have bePWM-converter zero too. The inputs, known - id_ref/iq_ref – (the currents in the dq-frame in p.u.) known fromtothe from the load flow results are in the composite model of the controller (Figure 2.8): - fmeas – (the frequency in p.u.) known from a PLL measurement device • id ref/iq ref - (the currents in the dq-frame in p.u.) known from the PWM-converter - u – (the absolute AC-voltage in p.u.) known from a voltage measurement device • fmeas - (the frequency in p.u.) known from a PLL measurement device - p – (the active power in p.u.) known from a power measurement device • u - (the absolute AC-voltage in p.u.) known from a voltage measurement device The• slot Model”power is filledinwith the known composite model of the battery (Figure 4). device From there is after the p -“Battery (the active p.u.) from a power measurement initialisation load flow also the current known. The ”Battery Model” filled with model and of the battery (Figure 2.4). From Afterslot designing the frames andisthe models (i.e.the the composite types) the composite common models could be created. there is after the initialisation load flow also the current known. There are two composite models, one for the battery (Figure 12) and one for the BESS controller (Figure 13). The slots are filled with the appropriate entities of the DSL models. The measurement devices have to be created and After designing the frames and the models (i.e. the types) the composite and common models connected properly. A voltage measurement device has to be connected only to the proper bus. But for a current could be created. There are two composite models, one for the battery (Figure 2.12) and one or a power measurement device it is also important to select the proper cubicle on the bus. Otherwise the prefix for the BESS controller The slots are strategy. filled with the appropriate entities of the of the measured signal could(Figure be wrong2.13). and so the whole control DSL models. The measurement devices have to be created A p p l i c a t i o n M a n u a l : S i m u l a t i o n o f a B E S S w i t h P o w e r F a c t o r yand connected properly. A voltage 11 Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 12 2 BESS Simulation Model measurement device has to be connected only to the proper bus. But for a current or a power measurement device it is also important to select the proper cubicle on the bus. Otherwise the prefix of the measured signal could be wrong and so the whole control strategy. Figure 2.12: Composite Model of the Battery (∗ .ElmComp) Figure 2.13: Composite Model of the BESS Controller (∗ .ElmComp) Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 13 Tabl 2 BESS Simulation Model Bus 4 PWM Converter DC-Terminal V Battery Figure 14: 2.14:The TheBESS BESSin in the the Single Line Diagram Figure Single Line Diagram The model the BESSonly is now complete; only the configuration of th The model for the BESS is nowfor complete; the parameters and the the parameters configurationand of the elements in the single line diagram are missing. All elements in the single line diagram have line diagram are missing. All elements in the single line diagram have different tabs for th different tabs for theflow basicetc. data, flow etc.source For theonly DC-voltage onlytothe Forthe theload DC-voltage the Basicsource Data has beBasic configured. Only the va Data has to be configured. Only the value of the nominal voltage (Unom) is of interest. In the voltage of the interest. the showcase the value 0.8equation kV. The data for the batter showcase is the value 0.8 kV.(Unom) The dataisfor batteryInmodel should be is chosen so that chosen so that Otherwise equation (1.6) is fulfilled for all charging Otherwise the PWM conve (6) is fulfilled for all charging states. the PWM converter saturates andstates. the control of the whole BESS will control not workofproperly. the whole BESS will not work properly. The PWM-converter has also to be configured. On the basic data tab the AC- and DC-voltage The has also On data the basic (Unom/Undomdc) and thePWM-converter rated power (Snom) havetotobebeconfigured. inserted. The on thedata loadtab flowthe AC- and DC-volta page is important for and the initialisation load flow. One have control should bedata P = 0on asthe already the rated power (Snom) tocondition be inserted. The load flow page is impor mentioned (this is the condition for the d-axis). The other condition could be a certain value for load flow. One control condition should be P = 0 as already mentioned (this is the conditio the reactive power or an AC-voltage on a selected node (q-axis). In case of the PWM-converter other condition be a certain the reactive power or an AC-voltage on a sele the data on the RMS-Simulation tabcould is important too. value There for should be the ”Use Integrated Current Controller” activated. ThePWM-converter gain is 1 for both axis; theonintegrator time constants case of the the data the RMS-Simulation tabare is both important too. There sh 1 ms, a very fast inner control loop for the current. Integrated Current Controller” activated. The gain is 1 for both axis; the integrator time co a very fast inner loop for the current. The parameters of the frequency, PQcontrol and charge controller depends of the requirements of the application case. The battery parameters depend on the selected battery and on the used model for that battery. The parameters of the frequency-, PQ- and charge controller depends of the requirement case.the The battery parameters the selected during batteryoperation. and on the used model for t It is important to consider limitations of the batterydepend and theon PWM-converter For that the single controllers are equipped with limiters. For realistic simulation results these limits should be set right. Some batteries could be discharged with a higher current than they It is important to consider the limitations of the battery and the PWM-converter during op could be charged. For that case the PQ-controller needs other limits for the positive d-current controllers are equipped with limiters. For realistic simulation results these limits sh than for the negativesingle d-current. batteries could be discharged with a higher current than they could be charged. For that c In some cases it may be also high active negative control power needed. In that case a copper needs other limits for the positive d-current than for the negative d-current. inside the DC circuit could consume that power. But normally a BESS is needed to prevent a frequency under-run. Then a copper is not needed. 2.4 In some cases it may be also high active negative control power needed. In that case a co circuit could consume that power. But normally a BESS is needed to prevent a frequency u Testing the BESS copper is not needed. Study Case: Testing Case Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 14 1.4 Testing the BESS 3 Network Model Study Case: Testing Case Before used in in a bigger simulation grid it should be be tested in ainsmall testing Beforethe themodel modelcould couldbebe used a bigger simulation grid it should tested a small testing environment. environment. That testing grid should be simple so that the right functionality of the BESS could That testing grid should be simple so that the right functionality of the BESS could be verified. The grid consists be verified. The grid consists of three loads, one synchronous machine and one BESS. ”Load three loads,active one synchronous and one BESS. “Load 1” with 110MW and 10MVar reactive powe 1”ofwith 110MW and 10MVar machine reactive power and ”Load 2” with 30MW active active and 10MVar and “Load 2” are withconnected 30MW active and 10MVarAfter reactive power are to the (root terminal. reactive power to the terminal. initialisation of aconnected RMS simulation meanAfter initialisation of a square based values) synchronous machine supplies 140MW active powersupplies to the grid. The active power to the RMS simulation (rootthe mean square based values) the synchronous machine 140MW BESS supplies no active power. After 120 s the load ”Load Step” is connected to the grid. grid. The BESS supplies no active power. After 120 s the load “Load Step” is connected to the grid. This is equal This is equal to a power plant outage with 25MW active power. Hence the turbine governor to a power plant outage with 25MW active power. Hence the turbine governor is configures as very slow the is configured as very slow the BESS supplies the missing power. After 540 s the ”Load 2” is BESS supplies the missing After 540could s thebe“Load 2” ispower reduced zero a slope within 60 s, this could reduced to zero with a slope power. within 60 s, this another planttothat is with activated. The be another power plant BESS starts loading after that that. is activated. The BESS starts loading after that. The first step of a dynamical simulation is the initialisation in PowerFactory . For that the ”CalcuTheInitial first Conditions” step of a dynamical initialisation PowerFactory. For in that ‘Calculate Initial ) is used.isIfthe all elements areininitialized (no errors thethe output late button ( simulation window) thenbutton the simulation started with are the ”Start Simulation” button ( output ). The window) simu- then the used. be If all elements initialized (no errors in the Conditions’ ( ) is could lation results could then be found in the virtual instrument panel named ”Testresults” in the lower simulation could be started with the ‘Start Simulation’ button ( ). The simulation results could then be found in left area of the PowerFactory window. Bus 3 Load 1 the ‘virtual instrument panel’ named “Testresults” in the lower left area of the PowerFactory window. G ~ Load 2 G3 .. Coal-Fired Power Plant T3 Load Step T4 DC-Terminal Terminal Bus 4 PWM Converter V Battery Figure 2.15: Small Testing Grid for the BESS Figure 15: Small Testing Grid for the BESS 3 Network Model The investigated network consists of three power plants; one coal-fired power plant, one fast gas turbine and one medium fast hydropower plant (Figure 3.1). The three plants are connected on the 230 kV level via a closed ring with overhead lines. The loads are aggregated to three loads A p p lA i cto a tC), i o nalso M a on n u athe l : 230 S i m kV u l alevel. tion of a BESS with PowerFactory (Load Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 15 1 2 Network Model investigated network consists of three power plants; one coal-fired power plant, one fast gas turbine and one 3The Network Model medium fast hydropower plant (Figure 16). The three plants are connected on the 230 kV level via a closed ring with overhead lines. The loads are aggregated to three loads (Load A to C), also on the 230 kV level. With PowerFactory it is easy to get a full report of all installed active/reactive power, the inWith PowerFactory it is easy to get areserve full report allmodel installed active/reactive power, the installed-¿ capacity stalled capacity and the spinning in of the (Output Calculation Analysis Grid and Summary). -> Grid Summary). the spinning reserve in the model (Output Calculation Analysis The maximum load is assumed to 345 MW, for that all three power plants are needed. The The maximum load is assumed to 345 MW, for that all three power plants are needed. The minimum load case is minimum load case is 2/3 of the maximum load. During the low load period the power of the gas 2/3 of the maximum load. During the low load period the power of the gas turbine is reduced, because the gas turbine is reduced, because the gas turbine is normally the most expensive plant. For different turbine is normally the most expensive plant. For different load scenarios Operation Scenarios are used in load scenarios Operation Scenarios are used in PowerFactory . Load C PowerFactory. Coal-Fired Pow er Plant Line 4 Bus 3 G ~ T3 Line 2 Bus 8 ~ G T2 Line 5 Bus 7 Bus 2 Gas Turbine Line 6 Bus 6 Line 1 Bus 5 Bus 9 G2 (gas) G3 (coal) Line 3 Load A Load B Big Industry T1 Bus 10 Bus 1 Hydropow er Plant G ~ G 1 (hydro) Figure 3.1: Single Line Diagram Figure 16: Single Line Diagram For a steady state load flow analysis ( ) are no further dynamic models of the power plants For a steady state load flow analysis ( ) are no further dynamic models of the power plants needed. Only the needed. Only the generator types of the power plants and the information on the load flow page generator types of the power plants and the information on the load flow page has to be configured. In that has to be configured. In that information is also the capability limit curve for reactive power informationIt isisalso the capability limitone curve for reactive power included. It is important to have from one reference included. important to have reference machine in the grid. The generator the machine in the grid. The generator from the hydropower plant is the reference in the sample grid. Theas other hydropower plant is the reference in the sample grid. The other generators are configured generators are configured as PV-nodes, they control their active power output and the local voltage. PV-nodes, they control their active power output and the local voltage. If the load flow is calculated with the option ”Active Power Control according Secondary ConA p pthen l i c a titi ois n possible M a n u a l : to S i configure m u l a t i o n the o f aparticipation B E S S w i t h of P othe w e r plant F a c t oon r y the compensation of a load trol” change with the variable ”Primary Frequency Bias” (Kpf). An outage of a generator is for example a very big load change in the network. With the configuration of Kpf is it possible to define a maximum frequency deviation. If an outage of the gas turbine (60 MW) should be compensated from the coal power plant and hydropower plant within a frequency deviation of 1,5 Hz, then the Kpf-factor has to be 20 MW/Hz (=60 MW / 2 / 1,5 Hz). The transformers have automatic tap changers to control the voltage on the high voltage side. To make sure, that the tap changers work automatically and that the generators are inside their reactive power limits the options ”Automatic Tap Adjust of Transformers” and ”Consider Reactive Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 16 15 3 Network Model Power Limits” have to be activated in the load flow calculation dialogue. It is important, that the original grid is configured right. Otherwise it is later together with the BESS more complicate to find errors or problems. So the first step should be a Data Verification ( ). If there are no errors or warnings, then as a next step a load flow with the original setup is recommended. If the option ”Show Verification Report” on the ”Output” tab of the load flow command is checked, then there are only overloaded (more than 80% loading) elements printed in the output window. It is also important, that there are no warnings in the output window after the load flow. For a planned expansion of the grid, like in this case with a BESS it is recommended to use the variations in PowerFactory . So the original grid could be easily restored and fast switching between different expansion stages is possible. To simulate different cases (generator outage, short circuits etc.) in the time domain, different study cases are used. So each case could be treated separately with a different set of simulation events, result plots, active operation scenarios and variations. It is generally recommended to work with study cases, operation scenarios and variations. Operation scenarios are used to simulate different operating points with the same grid setup. So the original setup is not changed since all parameters are stored in the appropriate scenario. To manage changes in the grid setup are variations used. With variations could be different expansion stages of the original grid managed without a change on the original grid. In PowerFactory the variations are connected to a certain (user defined) date and time. Each study case has its own time also set by the user. With the study case time could be different expansion stages of one variation handled. Up to that point only a static load flow was considered. For a RMS-simulation in the time domain are however further detailed models of the power plants needed. The models are implemented in DSL (DIgSILENT Simulation Language). For the different power plants are pre defined and standardized models used. The average voltage controller (vcolIEEET1), the turbine governor (pcuIEEG1) and the synchronous machine (G3) are connected in a composite model (Figure 3.2). A power system stabilizer (PSS) is not used in this case; therefore the pss-slot is empty. Figure 3.2: Composite Model - Power Plant Control (∗ .ElmComp) Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 17 4 Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation The turbine governor controls the speed of the turbine and so, via the synchronous machine the electric frequency. In case of a fast load change, for example the outage of a power plant, the frequency rapidly drops due to the lack of active power in the grid. To prevent a slowdown of the whole system the turbine governor has to activate more power. This is called primary frequency control or also spinning reserve, activation has to be instantaneous. This means in reality that a coal-fired power plant has all the time a loss of energy due to the permanent choking on the turbine valve. So it would be more economic if another device could deliver the primary control energy until the coal power plant has increased the active power. This is called secondary frequency control; activation has to occur within 15 minutes after the frequency deviation. To fill that gap a battery energy storing system (BESS) could be a solution. 4 Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation Application case 1 consists of two parts. The first part is a simulated load change for that are two study cases used in the PowerFactory project; one with and one without a BESS. The second part is a simulated generator outage of the fast gas turbine. For that are also two study cases used. 4.1 Replacement of Primary Control Energy (Load Change) Study Case: Industry Load without BESS; Industry Load with BESS Primary control energy is needed in a grid to control the frequency within a very small gap between an upper and a lower frequency limit. In the UCTE-grid this margin is only 200 mHz in the positive and negative direction. The worst expected case in the UCTE is the double outage of a nuclear power plant. This would lead to an active power gap of 3 GW. The 3 GW have to be activated within 30 seconds and the power has to be continued for at least 15 minutes. But there are a lot of power plants who do that primary control, so the control power of each plant is not so big. The demand from the UCTE is that each grid operator has to deliver 2% of his actual produced active power as primary control power. This primary control power could also come from a BESS. If a BESS is used for primary control, then it should be known how much active power is needed. With the known active power for the worst case and the time (as mentioned 15 min in the UCTE) is it possible to calculate the needed capacity of the battery. Normally one single battery cell has a DC-voltage between 1.2 and 3.4 V dependent on the battery technology. The capacity per cell varies from a few mAh up to several 100 Ah. So a battery of a BESS is always a combination of parallel and serial connected single cells. The more batteries are connected in parallel, the higher is the total capacity, the total inner resistance will be lower. The current per cell will also be lower. But there are also serial connected cells needed to get a higher total DC-voltage. With the DC-voltage is also the internal resistance increased. As described in (6) the DC-voltage shouldn’t under-run a certain level. So there should be enough cells in series to ensure this. The AC-voltage level depends on the case and so does the DC-voltage level. If the BESS is used for primary control, then the battery technology should support constant loading/unloading cycles without a (fast) degeneration in terms of a so called memory effect. The control power is activated if the frequency deviation is more than 10 mHz or 0.0002 pu in a 50 Hz system. So the dead band showed in Figure 2.9 has to be very small. The variable ”droop” has to be 0.004, i.e. activation of the full active power (of the PWM converter) within 200 mHz frequency deviation. Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 18 4 Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation For the following investigation is the already described grid used. The PWM-converter has a rated power of 30 MVA. This corresponds with the already mentioned frequency control bias to a frequency bias of 30 MW/0.2 Hz =150 MW/Hz. To test the BESS a sudden load change of 30 MW active power is simulated (simple connection of a additional load). During the simulation without the BESS (study case: ”Industry load without BESS”) all governor controllers are tuned with standard values. It is obvious, that a load change of nearly 10% of the total grid load causes a big frequency under-run (red curves in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3). The gas turbine is important for the grid because it could increase the active power output much faster than the hydropower plant or the coal power plant. A under frequency of nearly 49 Hz would lead in the UCTE grid to severe action. In the second simulation (study case: ”Industry load with BESS”) the BESS replaces the primary control power of the coal-fired power plant. The turbine governor control of the coal-fired power plant is modified for that. The controller gain is reduced from the standard value (K = 25) to K = 1. The participation of G3 on the primary control is now reduced to nearly zero. With the fast BESS the frequency under-run is stopped and stabilized within a range of 200 mHz. 7 Minutes after the load step the active power of the coal-fired power plant is increased due to a dispatch command. The power is ramped up from 148 MW to 170 MW in five minutes. This equates to a gradient of only 2.6%/min. With the BESS all power plants are unburdened from fast load changes. The dispatch command is set via a parameter event in PowerFactory . To obtain a slope with a certain gradient and no step the model of the governor was expanded with a gradient limiter block (Figure 4.1). With PowerFactory is it possible to display results from different simulations within one plot. For that are different result files used. In Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 the results are from two different study cases. But it is also possible to use several result files within one study T a b lcase. e o f CThe ontents advantage of one study case/variation per result file is that the results and the used parameters for the simulation match together. 0.0005 dispatc.. Gradient Limi.. 1 o113 0 -0.0005 ptHP pturbhp 0.0005 cosnhp 0 Pmin 1/(1+sT) T4 1/(1+sT) T5 x1 x2 x3 K K7 K K5 1/(1+sT) -0.0005 T6 x5 x4 psetphp 1 1/(1+sT) T7 o113 Uc Pmax {1/s} K K8 Limit.. o112 x0 - 1/K T3 K K6 wref - K K2 3 (1+sTb)/(1+sTa) T1,T2 o18 - K K K K4 dw Gradient Limiter 1 o14 o114 w K K3 K K1 dispatch 0 Uo 2 pt 1 psetphp 1 0 Pt/Pturb pturblp 4 5 0 ptlp 1 Pt/Pturb x L1 cosnlp 1 cosn cosnlp Figure 18: Edited Governor Controller for Dispatch Command (via event) Figure 4.1: Edited Governor Controller for Dispatch Command (via event) Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 19 Table of Contents Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation DIgSILENT 4 130,00 125,00 120,00 115,00 110,00 105,00 100,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 G2 (gas): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G2 (gas): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 81,02 77,24 73,45 69,67 65,88 62,09 170,00 165,00 160,00 155,00 150,00 145,00 1,001 0,998 0,995 0,992 0,989 0,987 80,00 Figure 4.2: Simulation Results of a 30 MW Load Step (detail) Figure 19: Simulation Results of a 30 MW Load Step (detail) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 20 20 Table of Contents Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation DIgSILENT 4 130,00 125,00 120,00 115,00 110,00 105,00 100,00 0,000 3,000 6,000 G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 9,000 12,00 [min] 15,00 3,000 6,000 G2 (gas): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G2 (gas): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 9,000 12,00 [min] 15,00 3,000 6,000 G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 9,000 12,00 [min] 15,00 3,000 6,000 G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ith BESS 9,000 12,00 [min] 15,00 81,02 77,24 73,45 69,67 65,88 62,09 0,000 180,00 170,00 160,00 150,00 140,00 0,000 1,001 0,998 0,995 0,992 0,989 0,987 0,000 Figure 4.3: Simulation Results of a 30 MW Load Step (full) Figure 20: Simulation Results of a 30 MW Load Step (full) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 21 21 4 Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation 4.2 Replacement of Primary Control Energy (Generator Outage) Study Case: Gas Outage without BESS; Gas Outage with BESS The worst case for a generator outage in the small showcase grid is the outage of the gas turbine. The gas turbine is the fastest power plant in the grid. Without that fast controllable plant would it be much harder to control the frequency after a disturbance. To study the outage with more realistic results a low load scenario is assumed with only 80% of the original loads. For that is an operation scenario used in PowerFactory . With an operation scenario is it possible to change and store operational data for different cases, like a low load and a high load case without the need for an additional variation. The outage of the power plant with the gas turbine is simply simulated by opening the switch on the HV-side of the main transformer. The following frequency under-run is without the BESS more distinct than in the load change chase. This comes from the lack of a fast controllable power plant (Picture x red curves). Again the BESS is used to improve the behaviour of the grid performance and to replace the primary control power of the coal-fired power plant. The BESS could control the active power output much faster than a power plant because there are no mechanical inertia and delays. Therefore the frequency deviation is smaller. Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 22 Table of Contents Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation DIgSILENT 4 124,6 116,6 108,6 100,7 92,68 84,71 60,00 70,00 80,00 G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ith BESS 80,00 90,00 [s] 100,00 60,00 70,00 SimpleBattery: Ucell in p.u. (Basis: 10,00 ) SimpleBattery: SOC 80,00 90,00 [s] 100,00 170,00 160,00 150,00 140,00 130,00 120,00 1,005 0,994 0,983 0,973 0,962 0,951 1,378 1,247 1,115 0,984 0,853 0,721 Figure 4.4: Simulation Results of Gas Turbine Outage (detail) Figure 21: Simulation Results of Gas Turbine Outage (detail) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 23 23 Table of Contents Application Case 1: Frequency Regulation DIgSILENT 4 124,6 116,6 108,6 100,7 92,68 84,71 1,00 6,00 11,00 G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 16,00 21,00 [min] 26,00 1,00 6,00 11,00 G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ithout BESS G3 (coal): Active Pow er in MW - w ith BESS 16,00 21,00 [min] 26,00 1,00 6,00 11,00 G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ithout BESS G1 (hydro): Speed in p.u. - w ith BESS 16,00 21,00 [min] 26,00 1,00 6,00 11,00 SimpleBattery: Ucell in p.u. (Basis: 10,00 ) SimpleBattery: SOC 16,00 21,00 [min] 26,00 180,00 170,00 160,00 150,00 140,00 130,00 120,00 1,005 0,994 0,983 0,973 0,962 0,951 1,415 1,121 0,827 0,533 0,239 -0,055 Figure 4.5: Simulation Results of Gas Figure 22: Simulation Results of Gas Turbine Outage (all)Turbine Outage (full) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 24 24 Table of Contents 5 Application Case 2: FRT Simulation Application Case 2: FRT Simulation 5 4Application Case 2: FRT Simulation Study Case: FRTFRT without BESS; Study Cases: without BESSFRT with BESS FRT with BESS Together with the different renewable energy sources, such as wind turbines and photovoltaic, the ride through of voltage dips becomes more and more an important topic. So it is also Together different renewable energy as wind turbines (FTR) and photovoltaic, the ride through important towith havethe a BESS model that could besources, used insuch a fault ride through study. Since of voltage dips becomes more and more an important topic. So it is also important to have a BESS the FRT is a very fast but also short action the model could be simplified in some parts. It is model that could be used a fault through (FTR) study. significantly Since the FRTwithin is a very but also short action very unlikely thatinthe SOCride of the battery changes onefast or two seconds. Also the model thecould battery assumed asunlikely constant during thatof time. The important of be DC-voltage simplified in could some be parts. It is very that the SOC the battery changesbranch significantly within one theor BESS model isAlso thenthe thebattery PV/PQand the current To constant obtain that the whole batterytwo seconds. DC-voltage could becontroller. assumed as during that time. The important system frame is BESS out ofmodel service in the study So the SOC in To theobtain charge controller is battery-system branch of the is then theused PV/PQandcases. the current controller. that the whole fixed to a constant value (0.8 pu). The DC-voltage is also constant fixed to 1 pu. To improve the frame is out of service in the used study cases. So the SOC in the charge controller is fixed to a constant value behaviour of the BESS the charge controller is expanded with a fault modus. If the AC-voltage (0.8 pu). The DC-voltage is also constant fixed to 1 pu. To improve the behaviour of the BESS the charge deviates more than 0.1 pu from its nominal value the charge controller is switched to reactive controller is expanded with a fault modus. If the AC-voltage deviates more than 0.1 pu from its nominal value the power preference. charge controller is switched to reactive power preference. The example grid is supplemented by a 8 MW asynchronous motor. The BESS is to the motor busThe connected that simulation as by shown in Figure 5.2. During a voltage dipisantoasynchronous examplefor grid is supplemented a 8 MW asynchronous motor. The BESS the motor bus connected for motor delivers reactive power to the grid. But after the voltage dip an asynchronous motor needs that simulation as shown in Figure 24. The rated power of the PWM converter is reduced to 20MVA. During a a lot of reactive power to re-magnetize the rotor, then during the re-magnetization the voltage voltage dip an asynchronous motor delivers reactive power to the grid. But after the voltage dip an asynchronous on the motor bus is low. Using the BESS connected to the Motor Bus the voltage recovers faster lotthe of reactive power topower re-magnetize duemotor to theneeds effecta of BESS reactive control. the rotor. During the re-magnetization the voltage on the motor bus is low. But with the fast reactive power control of the BESS the voltage recovers very quickly. deltai - 0 maxAbsCur id_ref_in 0 0 ChargeCtrl ChargeCur,minSOC,maxSOC 1 SOC idin 0 0 id_ref_out 1 1 Current Limiter deltaU 2 3 iq_ref_in uac 1 2 1 iq_ref_out 2 Figure 5.1:Controller Charge Controller with switchable Current Limiter (ElmDsl) Figure 23: Charge with switchable Current Limiter (ElmDsl) Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 25 25 Table of Contents Application Case 2: FRT Simulation Bus 8 5 Bus 9 Line 5 Battery Energy Storage System PWM Converter Bus 4 DC-Terminal Battery T4 Load B V 2-Winding Transformer Line 6 Bus 6 T1 Motor Bus M ~ Asynchronous Machine Bus 1 Asynchonous Machine Figure 24: Changed Grid Structure for FRT-Study Figure 5.2: Changed Grid Structure for FRT-Study In the results (Figure 5.3) is it obvious, that the recovery of the system with the BESS is faster In the the recovery results (Figure is it obvious, recovery of the system with the BESS is faster than the recovery than of the25) system withoutthat thethe BESS. of the system without the BESS. Application Manual: Simulation of a BESS with PowerFactory Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 26 26 5 Application Case 2: FRT Simulation Figure 5.3: Simulation Results of a Short Circuit on Bus 6 Battery Energy Storing Systems (BESS) 27 References References [1] Rechargable Batteries Applications Handbook. Technical report, Technical Marketing Staff of Gates Energy Products Inc. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992. [2] S. Barsali and M. Ceraolo. Dynamical Models of Lead-Acid Batteries: Implementation Issues. IEEE Transactions on on Energy Conversion, 17(1), March 2002. [3] M. Ceraolo. New Dynamical Models of Lead-Acid Batteries. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,, 15(4), November 2000. [4] D. Kottick, M. Blau, and D. Edelstein. Battery Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation in an Island Power System. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,, 8(3), September 1993. [5] N. K. Medora and A. Kusko. Dynamic Battery Modeling of Lead-Acid Batteries using Manufacturer’s Data. 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