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Communication Lecture Notes: Memos, Meetings, Speaking

8. Arjornment- exact time
- written document either thru email or hard copy
Ex. The meeting was adorned by Dean at 11:46 AM
- sent to 1 person (personal memo) or more
- interoffice- within or inside the organization ex. SUC Pres9. Signature
will release a memo about synch and asynch sched
Prepared by
-outteroffice- wider. ex. DepEd memos since marami Name
nakakabasa kahit not part of DepEd.
-Formal- follows dos and don'ts
-Informal- if the info is just an announcement
Do's and Don'ts
- do not use informal or emotional language
- Knowing your audience
- Purpose and content of the memo
Use of For
-Memo number
-Series (year)
-For - the writer has a lower position than the receiver
Use of To
-pres to employee
Minutes of the Meeting
-written form of documentation (standard)
- documentation with the purpose of
- like a record for future references
Essential Parts
1. Heading- complete info of company
2. Title of the meeting- date, day, starting time, venue.
Approved by
Highest ranking
-use our mouth to convey our thoughts or message
- not a talent but rather a skill
- act of making vocal sounds.
- verbal skills involves the words and sounds
Dell Hymes
- a philosopher that introduced the theory of speaking
(speaking model) in 1974
-Mnemonics- to remember
Setting and Scene
- place where the communication is happening
- who are involved
-Outcomes and purpose
Acts of Sequence
- flow of conversation
a. Formal- follows a particular format/flow
b. Informal- casual conversation with no particular topic or
3. Attendance- complete list of names
two ways
a. (nasa ss)
b. Please see attached attendance sheet (provide a new
- themes or basis of what you are going to discuss
Present- physically present
Regrets- people who are not able to attend but informed Instrumentalities
ahead of time
-the way you are conversing with
Absent- physically absent
- Formal, Style, Medium
4. Call to Order-exact time and person who called theNorms
- dictated by society
Ex. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by Deanex. Memes
Luisito B. REYES Dean College of Business Studies.
5. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting- all - types of conversation
attendees should see the minutes of the meeting and give
-two or more people talk to each other or having a
6. Business Arising from the previous minutes of the meeting conversation
7. New Business/ New Agenda
Types of Speaking
According to situation
1. Interactive
2. Partially Interactive- no chance for the audience to give
feedback verbally.
3. Non Interactive- audience cant interact immediately
Ex. Radiobroadcasting
2. Arrangement- Arrangement is the process of
structuring your content.
3. Style- Style is the process of choosing language and
constructing your presentation so as to create an
emotional response. This is the Pathos part of the
rhetorical triangle.
4. Memory- Memory relates to remembering enough
so that you can present fully and fluently, without
5. Delivery- Delivery is the last of the five canons of
rhetoric. It Involves using all the tools available to
you to effectively communicate.
According to Style
1. Intimate- private
2. Casual- common discussion with friends or peers
3. Consultative- standard conversation which cant be too
formal or casual
4. Formal- one way
5. Frozen- frozen in time. Fixed speech
Different Methods of delivery
Ex. Preamble, Lord's Prayer
1. Impromptu- An impromptu speech is one for which
there is little to no preparation. There is often not a
warning even that the person may be asked to
1. Exploratory- informative speech. Providing information
speak. For example, your speech teacher may ask
2. Persuasive- to change a person's mind
you to deliver a speech on your worst pet peeve.
3. Motivational- not too pushy.
You may or may not be given a few minutes to
4. Debate- one of the hardest since facts and evidences are
organize your thoughts. What should you do? DO
NOT PANIC. Even under pressure, you can create a
5. Entertainment speech
basic speech that follows the formula of an
6. Demonstrative- demonstrating yhe process. Informative
introduction, body, and conclusion.
answers the what demonstrative answers how
2. Manuscript- A manuscript speech is when the
7. Impromptu-hardest. Time constricted so you don't have
speaker writes down every word they will speak
the chance to arrange your thoughts
during the speech. When they deliver the speech,
8. Oratorical- long and formal
they have each word planned and in front of them
Ex. Grad speech
on the page, much like a newscaster who reads
9. Special Occasion speech- used in different ceremonies.
from a teleprompter.
3. Extemporaneous
Ceremonial speech
extemporaneously, speakers prepare some notes in
-observe formality and etiquette
advance that help trigger their memory of what they
a. Speech of Introduction- introducing somebody
planned to say.These notes are not full sentences,
b. Speech of presentation- accompanied by a prize
but help the speakers, who turn them into a full
c. Acceptance
sentence when spoken aloud.
d. Dedication- house blessings, newly openend businesses
4. Speaking from the memory- memorized speech is
e. Toast- for congratulatory
also fully prepared in advance and one in which the
f. Roast- praise and insult at the same time
speaker does not use any notes.
g. Eulogy- speech for dead people
elegy- poem or song
3 P's of Successful Public Speaking
h. Farewell- saying goodbye
1. Preparation- be prepared before giving a speech
2. Practice- improvement of the delivery
Public Speaking
3. Performance- The actual speech.
- an act and art of making speech
- Introduced by Aristotle
The 3 P's of public speaking are:
- art of persuasion
- Ethos: credibility
- Pathos: audience
- Logos: Method
Marcus Tulis Cicero
1. Preparation: This involves thoroughly planning and
organizing your speech, including researching your topic,
structuring your content, and practicing your delivery.
2. Practice: Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your speech
multiple times to become familiar with your material and
improve your delivery, timing, and confidence.
Five Canons of Rhetoric
3. Performance: When it's time to speak, focus on delivering
1. Invention- Invention is the process of coming up withyour message effectively, engaging your audience, and
what you want to say to persuade your audience ofmaintaining confidence and composure throughout your
your view.