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Design Project Brief Structures revised

CIVN4015A: Civil Engineering Design
Final Year Design Project: Structures
Internal supervisor: Dr. Ryan Bradley
External industry supervisor: Mr. Daniel Surat, PrEng
1 Introduction
This document outlines the project brief for the above course.
The design of a new warehouse is required that meets the following criteria:
The warehouse dimensions are as follows:
o 60m long
o 20m wide
o Eaves height of 8m
o Roof slope = 10 degrees (duo-pitch)
The end span of the structure needs to be 15m wide on both sides to allow for circulation of vehicles
(see section 5 for loading information). All other bays will be 7.5m wide.
The structure will be fully sheeted with two 4m wide by 4m high roller shutter doors on each side of the
end bays spaced 4m apart.
Incorporate an overhead crawl beam which needs to run along the length of the structure in order to
remove equipment for maintenance. See section 5 for equipment and crawl beam loading information.
The steel superstructure will be supported by concrete plinths (columns) which extend 300mm above a
concrete ground slab.
No gutters are required for the roof and rainwater will discharge to the surrounds.
Divide the workload among the group members and submit one report. Any member should be able to
explain/elaborate an any part of the report at the final oral examination.
2 Design codes
The project must be designed to the following South African codes (latest editions):
SANS 10160‐1:2018 Ed1.2
Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and
industrial structures
Part 1: Basis of Structural Design
Part 2: Self‐weight and imposed loads
Part 3: Wind actions
Part 5: Basis for geotechnical design and actions
The structural use of steel Part 1: Limit‐states design of
hot‐rolled steelwork
The structural use of concrete Part 1: Design
SANS 10160‐2:2011 Ed1.1
SANS 10160‐3:2018 Ed2.0
SANS 10160‐5:2011 Ed1.1
SANS 10162‐1:2011 Ed2.1
SABS 0100‐1:2000 Ed2.2
All structural members must conform to the code requirements regarding geometry, detailing and load resistance.
Software may be used to achieve this. The Red Book and Green Book of the Southern African Institution of Steel
Construction will be of great assistance to design the structure according to the above codes. Note: Make sure
software used for any part of this project correctly implements the code requirements.
3 Scope of work
3.1 Design
The following items must be designed and included in the final report:
Section optimization: All structural steel members must be optimized for weight only (i.e., choose the
lightest section that will be able to resist the worst applied loading for any member in a specific group). The
influence of fabrication costs and site erection cost on optimization are not part of this design exercise.
To note: The maximum length of steel members that can be supplied is 12m.
2. Portal frame structural member sizes: All columns must be the same section size. For the 7.5m bays, all rafters
are to have the same section size.
3. Choose one steel section for all bracing members.
4. Develop a design solution for the 15m bay. Take support of the crawl beam over this span into consideration.
To note: plate girder may not be used in the design solution.
5. Gable columns and tie beams: Choose one section size for all gable columns and one section size for all tie
6. Purlins and girts: Purlin sizes are to be the same section sizes. Girts are to be the same section size and
can be different to the purlin size. Specify suitable sag rods.
7. Door frames: Design the framing for the roller shutter doors.
8. Design the crawl beams: Choose one section for all beams. Assume that the crane runway beams are not
continuous over the supports (i.e., simply supported at the column grid lines). Design and end stop
at both ends of the crawl beam. Assume a buffer force both ends of 25% of the hoist capacity.
Assume a horizontal skewing force of 25% of the hoist capacity.
9. Steel connections: Design the geometry, plate thicknesses, welds and bolt sizes. Design the connection
between the columns and rafters, the roof apex and baseplates for the 7,5m bays. Consider all the
members that join into these connections. Also provide typical details of splice connections for the
15m bay. Standardise your connections wherever possible. All other connections need not be
10. Concrete spread foundations for the portal frame columns: Choose a rectangular base with a concrete plinth
on top. Design one size for all portal frame columns (the gable columns could be another size). The plinths
must be large enough in plan to accommodate the holding down bolts. The holding down bolts must have
at least 100mm cover on all sides.
11. Ground slab: Determine the slab thickness and reinforcement requirements to accommodate the loads
provided in section 5.
Software must be used for the structural analysis. All software native files must be issued with your report. Any other
calculations for detailed items may be done by software and/or hand calculations. Include all calculations in the report
(see section 9).
3.2 CAD Drawings
The following drawings must be prepared and presented in an annexure (printed on A3):
1. Plan view on foundations indicating sizes. Add grid lines and provide dimensions to it.
2. Show rebar details for one of the concrete foundations.
3. Plan view on ground slab and an indication of typical reinforcement.
4. Cross sections through a typical 7.5m and 15m portal to show all steel section sizes. Also indicate
foundation dimensions on the sections.
5. Elevation on side of structure indicating member sizes and bracing. Also indicate a typical sag rod
6. Plan on roof to show bracing (section sizes).
7. Complete connection details of connections listed in section 3.1. Show enough views to detail all
members connecting to those nodes. The details (pinned or fixed) should reflect the assumptions made in
the analysis model.
CAD software must be used to prepare drawings for the above design items. Use the same title block (border file) for
all drawings.
4 Material properties
Assume the following material properties for the project:
Structural steel:
Bearing bolts:
Grade S355JR
Grade 8.8 (use only M20 in connections)
Grade E70XX
Concrete grade:
30 MPa cube strength at 28 days (all concrete)
All Rebar:
Grade Y
Concrete cover to all rebar: 50mm for all foundations
40mm for ground slab
Ground soil properties:
Angle of shearing resistance:
30 degree (unfactored)
Dry density:
18 kN/m3
Saturated density:
20 kN/m3
Depth of water table: Assume below founding level
5 Load values
Use the information in this section to calculate the loads required for this design project.
Wind Load Parameters
Wind loads must be calculated for two directions
Wind load parameters:
Fundamental value of basic wind speed (vb,0):
Mean return period=
Upstream terrain category=
obstacle heights.)
Topography factor c0(z)=
Site height Above Mean Sea Level=
Assume that the roller shutter doors will be open during operation
36 m/s (3s gust)
50 years
B (Low vegetation or separations of at least 20
1.00 (no hills or cliffs nearby)
1600 m
Imposed Loads
Variable roof imposed loads (inaccessible roof)
0.25 kPa
Equipment loading on ground slab
5 kPa
All vehicles have a gross loaded mass less than 25kN (refer to SANS 10160)
Crawl Beam Loads
Weight of crab
3 kN
Hoist Capacity
2 tons
Other Loading
Thermal and seismic loads as well as actions during execution need not be considered for this design
6 Geotechnical considerations
Assume an allowable bearing pressure of 150 kPa. Assume the founding horizon is 1m below the ground
7 Load cases and combinations
Use Part 1 of the loading code to determine a list of possible combinations. Consider all combinations. Present the
combinations in table format for easy reading. Use load cases as column headings and rows for the combinations.
8 Structural Analysis
8.1 Model
Analyze all structural steel in one 3D model. Design the foundations and slab in separate calculations (software
or by hand).
8.2 Results
8.2.1 Serviceability Limit State Displacements
Verify that the maximum vertical and horizontal displacements are within code limits. Note that the crane beams
could have different limits that the rest of the structure. List only the maximum values in the report.
8.2.2 Ultimate Limit State Reaction forces
Use the reactions forces to design the concrete foundations according to Part 5 of the loading code. Group the
output values to determine envelope of worse case values for each foundation type.
8.2.3 Ultimate Limit State Code Checking
Use the analysis software to verify that all members conform to the minimum ratio required by the code. Only
list the worst code ratios in the report for each section size. Any computer printouts must be in the annexures.
9 Report format
Please note the requirements for the report in the Course Outline document. Any computer‐generated
printouts, CAD drawings or hand calculations must be in an annexure and not part of the main report. The main
report may have simple sketches to explain the design and references to these annexures.
The following items must be included in the main report:
• Executive summary: Project description and short summary
• Table of contents: Report items with corresponding page numbers.
• Introduction: Scope of the project, background and methods use to achieve the outcomes.
o State for each member in the group the roles and items designed.
• Reference documents: List of codes and other documents used.
• Structure geometry: Simple sketches with main dimensions.
• Analysis assumptions
• Load cases
• Load values calculated (e.g., where area load provided were modelled as line loads).
• Load combinations in table format.
• Analysis results (only summary of extreme values). Any detail must be in the annexures.
o Displacement
o Reactions for foundation design
o Code checking of member sizes
• Foundation design (only summary). Detailed calculations must be in an annexure.
• Ground Slab Design
• Conclusions:
o List of items that were learned on the project.
The following items must be included in Annexes:
• CAD drawings
• Hand calculations (where applicable)
• Computer printouts (where applicable)