Uploaded by Arun Chhabra

Business in Digi Age

Victoria Lawson, a 56-year-old career woman residing in the vibrant urban city of Vaughan, serves as a Tech
Sales Manager in a technology firm, a position requiring both creativity and strategic acumen. Renowned for
her adventurous nature and passion for food, Victoria delights in sampling novel cuisines, exploring far-flung
locales, and uncovering urban treasures. Despite the demands of her profession, Victoria places great
importance on self-nurturing and cherishes opportunities for leisure and pampering.
Social Media Preferences
Age: 55 Years
Occupation: Tech Sales Manager
Salary: CAD $90,000
Location: Vaughan, Ontario
• One of the main obstacles she encounters involves handling the stress inherent in her fast-paced occupation. The continual expectations and need to
excel can have adverse effects on both her mental and physical health.
• Additionally, she confronts the dilemma of juggling her work commitments with her wish to uphold an active social life and pursue her individual
• She is attracted to products that provide a distinctive and lasting impression, catering to her inquisitive and adventurous nature.
• Whether experimenting with new dishes, immersing herself in diverse cultures, or uncovering unique coffee flavors, she seeks experiences that
stimulate her curiosity.
• She considers herself as a coffee aficionado, and likes to start her day by savoring a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee.
Hobbies and Interests
• During her spare moments, she delves into the arts, frequenting gallery premieres, theater productions, and live music shows.
• With a deep affection for literature, she savors peaceful evenings nestled with a captivating book and a comforting mug of coffee.
• She also draws energy from nature, relishing weekends exploring nearby trails and wandering through community parks.
• She aims to achieve balance between her professional and personal spheres, excelling in her career while nurturing relationships, pursuing passions,
and prioritizing self-care.
• Eager for growth, she seeks novel experiences wherever she goes and loves maintaining a curiosity-driven exploration of life's detours.