OBSTRERICS & GYNAECOLOGY BY Dr ANGAD RAI PART 1 OBSTRERICS & GYNAECOLOGY BY Dr ANGAD RAI • MCC of post menopausal bleeding • Duration of secondary post partumhemorrhage • Cardiac output comes to normal after how many days after delivery - • Size of Karmans cannula at 8 weeks to use for suction evacuation • Which hormone is the reason of abdominal pain to the mother when she is breast feeding her baby • Meig syndrome • Organ in the pelvis which is most radiosensitive • Ultrasound image of uterus shows snowstorm appearance • Lady passes urine while coughing or laughing • If division in zygote occur between 9-12 days after fertilisation, outcome of twins is • Order of Lochia • Just after delivery, uterus is at the level of • LH surge is due to • Primigravida giving birth to a male child without any issues for the mother or the infant. After how many hours should breastfeeding starts • Copper T 380 a half life • Women with history of previous cs presented with prolonged labour. Patient is hypotensive. FHR is not audible, fetal parts are easily palpable on pa examination, what is the diagnosis - Planura Preva Vasa preve Abrupt unor Ruphn - > - t PA Ulerne - > X Hr = H + >P POL > - > - Fetal Schn lost # Respiratory changes in Leg i > - V> - 2 4 6 - > & - e . What produce estrogen and progesterone in the first two months of pregnancy? [Jwk > [I WK= > Dan Planar - Y /rog = HPLJ HCh 8WK = - CL = Ewk e hors > - V Relya Estrogen - Pit "Zeld > - > - > - > - - > - > ↑ C > - - Hormones By produce Plaunta H(n + Y Pregnamy - 2 > - B - Dioherogenic > Stifle . ↳ Eninyroid ↳ Thrombonis State [Excur 11913) : Order of divison of uterine artery once it reaches uteus surface-ARBS > - A 3 Surface R myomeblim B BRIAL Endomum Funwind S Endometim Couple presented with infertility semen analysis is normal, female has menorrhagia on hsg there is distal dilation with fimbria. What is the likely cause - - Primal Cornol Block # . Which vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy ? What are the cardinal movements of labor Rent-kimor - ⑫ DOP ⑳ Rop y jus RUT Run # Breen face premse ↓ r S1a ⑪ 00 Union & Yolk = Estimation of gestational age by USG Th Ta T3 RPL 2 > - which RPL usu/hps MCC ? * of dont came RM ? RPL + P > - > - Karowin law - Estimation of fetal growth by ? - pus - What should be included > - - What should not be included L > - Ella Chunde O - ECTOPIC PREGNANCY Abdominal pain Bleeding Amenorrhea Most imp risk factor Ruptured ectopic P/AP/V - > - Uhum > PIDy > EP - Soft Enlarged MANAGEMENT 41[Mediu < a Ruptured acr - - Cousing Sign - ⑦ ⑦ ↓ ↓ / - UPT Buh A primigravida in her first trimester came for a routine ANC. US findings revealed an empty uterine cavity. Serum beta CG was measured and was found to be 1700 IU/mL. All of the following drugs can be used in managing this patient f > - - - > - MGH MEDICAL - Medial M - > Criteria - - Ve - of acrop G 3 HCU u family . & - > - > . 5 > - X personal G I Evaluatin of Shock Indus Oded S 1 T Gorill CArdic actiy = Dosing 385 Shock . mattresse of Single dose > - Multi dose . = Ros MOA of memotrecle ? Most common fetal malpresentation ? Types of breech 22 > - Types of Breach . E PV - - Early pregnancy signs Goodell's sign > Chadwick/ Jacquemier sign. Osiander sion Palmer's sign PisKacek sign Hegar sign - i > - of Breech CP Max Risk Of > - OBSTRERICS & GYNAECOLOGY BY Dr ANGAD RAI PART 1 Types of Abortion - - Complete Encomplete Inevitable Abschen Aborhan Ab O ① > - Threatened Missed Abori Abortion . PQ) the (POC = Product Complete # Gnumplele Abschen ↓ of conception) Aborhan Cre os ↓ POC-ve Inevitable Al ↓ Threatened Missed Aborton Abortion . Cervicel US = I gretable ↓ 17 our reged Missed - 15 Bleeding S Spoty B -