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ChatGPT For KDP A manual from an experienced self-publisher to nonfiction authors for writing the book you were born to write... (Covey, Steve) (Z-Library)

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Please note that this book is for informational and educational purposes only.
The information contained in this book is based on research and personal experience, but it is not
intended as a substitute for professional advice.
Additionally, the author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the
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this book.
Title Page
0. First of all, introduction
1. Crafting a title with ChatGPT
2. Writing a book with ChatGPT
3. ChatGPT for low-content
4. ChatGPT for proofreading
5. ChatGPT for blurb
6. Sidenotes
Table of Contents
1. Crafting A Title With ChatGPT
2. Writing a Book With ChatGPT
3. ChatGPT For Low-Content
4. ChatGPT For Proofreading
5. ChatGPT For Blurb
6. Side Notes
hat would you suggest if you were the author of this book?
Will you let the AI write the whole manual for you or will you
sit with the AI, study it like it’s the secret to immortality and
then meticulously write out a manual for nonfiction authors?
I picked the latter, and that is why this is the best book you will ever read on
this subject matter.
Understand this – the world is evolving at a breakneck pace, and as a result,
the tools that authors will wield to craft their tales is changing. ChatGPT
and other AI, has begun to reshape the landscape of writing, offering a new
frontier for those brave enough to explore it.
But I am no ordinary writer, I didn’t let the same AI do the heavy lifting of
writing an AI manual while I idly sip my Coca-Cola. This book (manual) is
the result of a deep-dive into the world of ChatGPT, an intensive threeweek exploration during which I spent six hours each day, save for
Saturdays, delving into every aspect of this powerful tool.
At the cusp of any new era, it is always the early birds who reap the most.
Those who bet their life earnings on the internet when it first became a
thing are now billionaires. Those who jumped into the crypto ship when
bitcoin was first launched are now millionaires. AI is the next big thing, and
its ship its yet to set sail. You will be foolish now to come on board early.
In this era of artificial intelligence, it is those who master the technology
first that will be the next generation millionaires.
I am not a prophet, but this I have seen - you'll soon be able to use AI to
build your own game without any prior knowledge of programming, write
songs without songwriters, transcribe and translate without paying on fiverr,
and write books without slamming your head for a whole month.
AI is catching up with human’s level of expertise, and when it finally does,
it will be the ability and creativity to use them to create what the masses
truly desire that will send your bank account to the moon. And when I
speak of creativity, I don't mean your garden-variety creativity. I'm referring
to AI creativity, the kind that I will be teaching you to harness in this book.
Nearly two millennia ago, Jesus Christ famously said "Blessed are the
meek, for they shall inherit the earth." But in this day and age, I must say,
"Blessed are the AI directors, for they shall be rolling in riches."
I will show you how to creatively direct ChatGPT to write non-fiction
books that are nothing short of extraordinary. When you flip the last page,
you will have gained the knowledge and skills necessary to become a
productivity god. You'll be able to use ChatGPT to write in such a way that
it will be impossible to tell that a machine was involved.
Imagine the possibilities, 30 high-quality books a month, all at your
fingertips. That's the kind of skill you'll possess by the time you've finished
this book.
This is my manual for those who wish to push the boundaries of writing, a
call to arms for a new generation of authors, a manifesto for a literary
revolution. If you won’t read it, buy it and give someone you love. That
person will soon have enough money to feed your family after he applies
the knowledge within.
If you love yourself, take heed, and join me in charting a new course for the
written word.
Q: What happens when you input “2 + 3 = “ in a calculator?
A: It prints out an output, a number “5”.
It doesn’t matter if you are using a scientific calculator or an Indian market
calculator, the output will always be the same if there’s nothing wrong with
your calculator’s head.
Does a calculator output the number “5” because 5 is a good number? No!
The output is a function of the input. If you change the numbers you plug
in, the output will change.
Know that this is the same with ChatGPT too. The output depends entirely
on the input. If you give it lazy inputs, ChatGPT will give you a lazy
There are softwares that can detect a piece of writing that is crafted by an
AI. However, you can literally input a specific command in ChatGPT, and
no AI detector in the world will be able to detect your writing was from
You might ask – “Why doesn’t ChatGPT just write something that won’t be
detected by AI plagiarism checker?”
Well, the answer comes in two folds.
First is, ChatGPT is a lazy boy, he doesn’t like working at all. In fact, if
ChatGPT were a McDonalds’ attendant, if you don’t specify what you want
in your burger, ChatGPT will deliver just the top and bottom bread for you
with small cheese, very small cheese in-between.
The other reason is, ChatGPT has default internal settings just like a
smartphone. So, you intentionally have to tell it to change to so so so, if you
want something that is not its default.
So, my mission is simplified into just two tasks:
1. I want to illuminate you on the possibilities. What can ChatGPT possibly
do for you as a nonfiction author?
2. Knowing what’s possible with the AI, how do you use it like a
calculator? How do you input the right prompt so that it can produce
something very close to the bull’s eye?
1. Crafting A Title With ChatGPT
f you think coming up with title for a book is easy, especially as a selfpublisher that publishes book on amazon, I will bet my daughter’s
tuition fee that you are most likely a newbie that’s yet to hit the
$1,000/month mark in self-publishing.
Coming up with a book title is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but
instead of needles, it's a catchy and relevant title, and instead of haystacks,
it's your brain. But with ChatGPT, finding the perfect title for your book is a
On your part, you simply give it a general idea of what your book is about,
and it will generate a list of potential titles for you to choose from. It's like
having your very own personal brainstorming buddy, but without the whole
"snacking on all your office snacks" thing.
For example, if your book is about the history of the American Civil War,
you simply tell ChatGPT to generate book titles for “a book on American
Civil war” and it can generate titles such as "Battlefields and Brothers: A
History of the American Civil War" or "The Guns of Gettysburg: The Story
of the American Civil War."
In practice, it will look like this:
Command: Give me 10 Catchy titles for a book on America Civil War
While this is beautiful, if you make a living with selling books on Amazon,
then you already know that you don’t just ask some AI to come up with any
title for you.
If you are advertising your book, then it’s perfectly fine. When you give
Amazon your money, they will stick your book in the faces of your
potential customer.
However, if you are the average author just starting, or a seasoned author
that knows the ropes already, then you know, just as I know, that the title
and subtitle you choose to name your book can make it sell and travel round
the world like Covid did in the year 2020, when he was just 19 years of age.
No wonder we nicknamed him Covid-19.
On the flip, if you titled your book in the wrong manner, then, you will
make just one sale and your book will sink into the abyss of the millions of
failed books published on amazon.
In case you don’t know before, then this is a bonus tip, Amazon writers
don’t pick a random title, they pick a title that will help a book rank
organically and be very visible to potential customers.
The official process you go through in getting the words to use in your title
and subtitle is termed “keyword Research”.
Okay, enough of the newbie tips.
Let’s say you’ve done your keyword research and you now have a list of
words and phrases that needs to be slot into the tight title and subtitle space.
One dilemma usually rears its ugly head at this stage – Do I just stuff all the
keywords into the title and subtitle space without caring if it sounds
comprehensive or do I chop off some valuable phrases so that my book title
can still sound catchy?
Even if you choose to be civil and chop some phrases off, it’s sometimes
usually hard to weld all the phrases you have together.
Well, this is another angle where ChatGPT can come in and save the day.
You can give ChatGPT a list of keywords and like a skilled technician, it
will solder all the words and phrases together while still making your book
title and subtitle catchy and clean.
To do that, go to ChatGPT and input this command.
Command: Use the following keywords to come up with a [use a word or
phrase that describe the book] book title for me:
1. [input the first phrase]
2. [input the second phrase]
3. [Input the third phrase]
In practice, it will look like this:
Here is another example:
As you can see with the example above, ChatGPT can conveniently use the
same pool of phrases (or words) and creatively combine them to come up
with more than one title.
You can ask it to generate 10 and then pick the one that tickles your armpit.
If the results ChatGPT gives you are not satisfactory,
you can always tell ChatGPT to give your more options
to choose from. Just enter the command “Give me
more” after it has already given you a set of result and
it will come up with more.
Sometimes, the title you have might be too long and you will usually have
to cut the words without cutting out the meaning.
For some people, using their 21 st century human brain to carry out is the
way to go, for others who like to be efficient with their time, just let
ChatGPT do the job for you and pick a satisfactory one.
Enter the command:
Command: Shorten this title: [write the title here]
In practice, it looks like this:
Another one;
2. Writing a Book With ChatGPT
onestly, you can literally give ChatGPT a book title and tell it to
write a complete book for you. If what it writes is not long
enough, you can simply tell ChatGPT to write more and more and
more until it gets to your desired word count.
After writing, you can fire up your laptop, watch some video about how to
create a simple book cover and then use your eager hands to come up with
some wack cover design.
You and I know the design is pretty horrible, but since you don’t want to
spend a dollar, you just run through everything with DIY and then publish
the book.
After the 2-3 days it takes Amazon to run through your book for print
issues, plagiarism and all, you get a congratulation message that your book
has been published.
By the way, I will bet my left testicle that before the end of 2023, Amazon
will update their quality check to include penalizing books written by AI.
Your account will be banned and your broke ass will be up in the wind.
Yes, that is what happens if you think you can just “Hey ChatGPT, write me
a whole damn book” your way into a life of financial freedom where you
can breathe air, drink sparkling water and drive a Bugatti.
There is also one silly method that has been making the rounds on YouTube
and Tiktok. You are asked to instruct ChatGPT to come up with a list of
possible chapters for a whole book.
Then after ChatGPT generates a list of chapters, you then instruct
ChaTGPT to generate content for each chapter one after the other.
After it does that, you prepare yourself a hot cup of coffee, open a word
document or launch a Canva template and then compile all the chapters
My friend, if you think this is the future of nonfiction book writing, you
must be joking.
The reason why medium and high content nonfiction book writing is not
saturated despite how exposed amazon KDP is because of the level of
technicality involved and the expertise required just to write one book that
may or may not sell well.
With ChatGPT now, you think the average Jane and Mike can just instruct it
like a magic wand and they will start hitting the banks? I mean – there will
be no reason to sell to anyone if this path was towed, your customers
themselves ain’t dumb, they will go to ChatGPT themselves and join you in
selling crappy books.
Now, don’t come for my throat yet. I’m not saying any of these two
methods above will not work. Hell no! In fact, for some certain kind of
nonfiction books like low content and cookbooks, you can use the
mainstream method to write a full book with ChatGPT and you will be fine.
However, I will show you in real time, what happens when you use both
Then, I will show you “The way”, the right method to use ChatGPT to write
a book for you.
Let’s try using ChatGPT like a book writing magic wand.
Okay, here’s my first trial in asking ChatGPT to write a complete book.
Please, read, or at least consciously skim through the screenshots I’m
showing you. I do not want to pollute or in any way desecrate my wellwritten masterpiece of a book by adding AI’s random generated text. It will
make the book inconveniently long and boring.
So, here’s my first trial in asking ChatGPT to write me a complete book.
Command: Hey ChatGPT, write me a full dog training book.
Like I said, ChatGPT is a lazy boy, left on his own, he does not want to do
anything. Look at him telling me it will require a significant amount of time
and research. Does he know how much time and research it takes humans
Okay, it seems I was a bit rude. Let me try again and this time, I will ask
nicely with this new command.
Command: Can you write a book for me?
As you can see, although, I asked nicely, yet ChatGPT is stylishly saying it
cannot write a full book in just one fell swoop.
Did you notice that in both cases, it is first trying to come up with a table of
Exactly! Now, we will try the other method of letting ChatGPT come up
with a table of content, then, we let it come up with all the contents listed
on the table.
Now, let’s try the second method of letting ChatGPT first generate a table
of content for you, then using the table of content ChatGPT generated to
instruct it to write a book for you.
This time, ChatGPT will write chapter by chapter instead of the “one fell
swoop” method we tried the last time.
You remember I told you in the previous chapter that you can always ask
ChatGPT to give you more options. Well, see the command in that
screenshot and see how well ChatGPT performed.
I can also ask it to rephrase a title for me.
Command: Rephrase this title for me “insert title”
Now, it’s time to build a table of content for this book we just got a title for.
Command: Generate chapters for the title “The Dog Training
A round of applause for ChatGPT! The table of content it created, given my
lust for quality was actually good and human-like.
Now, let’s write a damn book with ChatGPT chapter by chapter.
Command: Write a full chapter on “Chapter 1: Introduction to Dog
Just as it generated chapter 1, I can ask it to generate chapter 2, and then
chapter 3 and then chapter 4 and so on till we get to the end of the table of
If the content for a chapter is not enough, I will simply tell it to write more
and ChatGPT will continue writing. If it’s not enough, I will tell it to write
more and ChatGPT will continue writing.
“If it’s sooooo easy like this, then why are you bothering me with
introducing another method?” – You asked.
Well, this is what is wrong.
Here is what happens when I use another account to instruct ChatGPT to
write a similar book.
Now, read the previous chapter ChatGPT generated first and come back
again to read this one.
Do you see a similarity in pattern and sentence structure?
Yea, it’s almost like it is pulling the knowledge from one single source and
spinning the write up each and every single time.
They may (actually, they will) both pass a normal plagiarism checker but
they won’t pass an advanced AI check.
If you tow and a thousand other authors tow this path, there will be no
A customer can buy 10 books and 8 out of the 10 books will read almost the
You can get away with it in this premature stage of AI, but Amazon will
sure catch up one day and may penalize your account.
Now, there are two ways to evade this pit hole.
The first and better way is using my method of content writing to write a
book chapter by chapter.
The other way is writing your book yourself.
[I will let AI write some section of this portion of the book and I’m betting
that you will never be able to detect when the AI took over from me and
when I continued writing back.]
You see, every nonfiction book (I mean, real books, not your low-content
junk) are written in the same style a Lego structure is built.
A well-written book is a compilation of well written chapters. A well
written chapter is a compilation of well written sections of a chapter. A well
written chapter sections is the compilation of well penned ideas conveyed in
the beauty of fine words and encapsulated in multiple paragraphs.
When you told ChatGPT to write a full book for you, it said “mmm
mmm… I ain’t doing that”. When you told ChatGPT to write a chapter of a
book for you, it wrote something sweet but unoriginal.
The problem is – you aren’t supposed to tell ChatGPT to write a full chapter
for you. You are supposed to instruct it, direct it to write in sections.
You are the one that will drive the AI, feed it the idea or message you want
it to convey in the next three paragraph and let it come up with the content.
After you’ve conveyed the first message, you feed it the second idea or
message and let ChatGPT come up with the content.
Then you keep doing this until a whole chapter has been written.
You are supposed to let it write from the root by feeding it ideas for the
sections of a chapter and not just tell it to go into the wide wild world of its
database and magically write an award winning chapter of a book for you.
Just chill, I will demonstrate this in practice for you.
Every self-published writer can relate to what I’m about to say now. If
you’ve been cutting corners you might not quickly grab, but stay with me,
the idea is actually very simple.
When we have a concept, a theme or a topic we want to write about, the
first thing that comes to a writer’s mind is – the aim of the book.
When my reader finishes reading this book, what would he be able to do?
What will he know? What skill will he learn?
When we figure out the aim, we then break the pathway to the aim into
chapters, building the next chapter on the back of the preceding chapters.
We break each chapter into smaller concepts that needs to be understood,
then at the end of the chapter, we usually weave the smaller concepts into
one big message.
For example:
Let’s say I want to teach you how to command ChatGPT to write you a
chapter using the Covey way (which is actually what I’m doing), the
chapter will be broken into sections like this:
- Section 1: I will use the first set of paragraphs to explain to them that it’s
possible to make ChatGPT write a book in one go. Then, I will tell them the
limitations and the cons.
- Section 2: I will then explain the general style people are using to instruct
ChatGPT to write a book. I will use that medium to show them how to make
ChatGPT write a simple outline or chapters or table of content for their
books. Again, I will tell them the limitations and the consequences of using
this approach.
- Section 3: I will then introduce the “Covey way” by explaining the
concept and how the method runs behind the scene.
[Go through this chapter of the book again and you will realize that is how
I’ve chronologically arranged this chapter.
We just completed section 3. We are going to section 4]
- Section 4: I will educate them on all the necessary information that needs
to be input into ChatGPT, so what comes out can be very close to the
intended mark
- Section 5: I will elaborate more on and show real time example on how
changing the tone and writing style can spice up the result.
- Section 6: Now, that they know what information they need to provide
ChatGPT, I will then show them how to provide that information and use it
to craft the right command. By showing them pictures and examples, I think
they will get it.
- Section 7: I will then summarize everything into set of steps they can
easily take note of and follow every time.
All these “sections” of a chapter I am revealing, is the skeleton of a
nonfiction book you don’t see. Every great writer has a section map for a
chapter they want to write – what to talk about first, the next thing to add,
and what concept to then bring in.
When you have broken a whole chapter into sections just as I’ve done
above, then, and only then can you begin to instruct ChatGPT to write
something you actually want it to write.
So, the command you will be giving ChatGPT won’t be on a “write me a
chapter” basis, it will be on a “write me a section of a chapter” basis.
I’ve already written section 1 to section 3 of this chapter with ChatGPT and
you didn’t even notice. Now, let me show you in practice, how I will use
ChatGPT to write section 4, 5, 6 and 7, thereby completing this chapter.
Watch this:
[I don’t want to copy out what’s already in the screenshot again, as the
message I want to convey is clearly written there. Don’t skim through the
following screenshot, read it word by word and read it word for word]
Here is me giving ChatGPT the right instruction so it can write the section 4
of this book. Go back and read what I said the section 4 was to be about and
compare that with the command I gave ChatGPT.
If the text were too tiny for you to read, you might miss out on this, so I will
summarize everything you need to provide ChatGPT so it can write each
section of a book’s chapter for you perfectly.
The topic of the chapter:
You will want ChatGPT to stay on course and not delve into other fields
while crafting content for you, so you really want chatGPT to know what
the whole chapter is all about.
The tone and style:
If there is anything that wowed me most about the ability of this AI, it is the
ability for ChatGPT to write in different tone and style.
You can tell ChatGPT to write a piece for you in J.K Rowling’s writing
style or Robert Greene’s writing style. If you don’t want to use names of
renowned authors, you can just describe the style you want and chatGPT
will amaze you.
Always instruct chatGPT to write something for you in
a particular tone or writing style. Also, use a consistent
writing style for one book. Don’t write one chapter in a
conversational tone and write another in a professional
The reason why AI detectors can detect a piece written by ChatGPT is
because, by default, ChatGPT uses an AI’s writing style to write stuffs for
you. If you just need to gulp the information and move on, then no problem,
leave it the way it is.
However, if you are going to be feeding humans that information, always
instruct chatGPT to write in a particular manner.
The section information:
This is where you describe what the aim of the section of a chapter is and
then let ChatGPT perform its magic. Stay with me, I will demonstrate all
these in practice.
The intended audience:
Well, usually, if you’ve already specified a writing style, this is not
necessary in many cases. However, sometimes, it usually helps to indicate
so that chatGPT can use the right lingo your audience are used to.
Yea, this is a secret tip I’m not charging you extra for. You can embed
spices in your command and ChatGPT will use that to cook something good
for you.
Spices can be – telling chatGPT to use examples to explain, telling chatGPT
to add humor, telling chatGPT to use analogies in its explanation, telling
chatGPT to write by comparing and contrasting and more.
There are other little stuffs you can also add into the command like
instructing ChatGPT to use a specified character voice or instructing it to
only use a research material of your own choosing to craft content for you,
but let’s leave all that for now, it’s just too technical and we might waste
precious time rather than cover more grounds quickly.
Now, we are done with section 4. Let me show you how I command
chatGPT to write section 5:
By the way, you should know that ChatGPT has a lil’ bit of memory. That
was why I didn’t need to rewrite a whole load of instruction since the next
command was after the one we just went through.
It still has the writing style I instructed it saved, that’s why I wrote
“Continue with the writing in the same writing style”.
Take a close look at how I gave it the section information
“Give an example of how, with the same topic given, ChatGPT can use
different writing styles. Come up with a topic and show how you can write
the same topic in different writing styles.”
My intention was for it to use different writing styles to write content for
the same topic, but it didn’t understand my unclear instruction. So, it just
went on exposing the possibilities instead of demonstrating different styles
in action.
So, I gave it a clearer instruction. Now, see for yourself, how different tone
reads like so you can have an idea of what tone you want to use for what
In the next section, I will tell you exactly how to command chatGPT to
write in any style of your liking.
1. Do your job of breaking each chapters into sections and do your best to
be clear and concise about what each section will cover.
2. Decide the tone or writing style you want chatGPT to use and use any of
the command formulas:
Command: Explain how the value of money rise and fall in a tone that is
not typical to AI
Command: Can you rewrite this in a more informal tone and add some
[You can use this command after it has written something for you but you
don’t like the writing style and you think the piece can do with a bit of
Command: Write me an omelet’s recipe in the style of a video game
Command: Write in the style of a Pulitzer prize winner
Command: Write me the novel in the J.K Rowling’s writing style
Command: Explain bitcoin to me like I’m 5
Command: Narrate the history of America’s civil war in William
Shakespeare’s tone.
Command: Write extensively on the cause of the first big bang using Covey
Peterson’s tone.
Command: Expose the history of computers in a casual, conversation tone.
(You can run all these command on ChatGPT and see how the result
So, to instruct ChatGPT on what writing style or tone to use, imitate any of
the example above and specify the writing style you want.
In case you are not sure the wide range of styles or tones chatGPT can
imitate, you can simply ask ChatGPT itself.
Guess what?
ChatGPT can imitate your writing style!
Yes, but erm, this ability is still in its early stage and it might not be able to
fully mimic your writing style. Also, how well it performs depends on how
much sample of your writing style you feed it.
If you want to try it out, follow this command.
Command: Analyze the following text in quote for writing style and tone of
voice [“Paste in a good piece of your text”].
After it successfully analyzes your writing style and tone, then send in this
Command: Apply that style and tone of voice you just analyzed to all your
future responses.
Then, you can give it the instruction you want to give it and remind it to use
the writing style it analyzed.
You don’t have to memorize or write this instruction verbatim, use your
creativity and maybe you can make it to better understand how to imitate
your writing style far more than I did through this command.
3. In the command, you will write, in one single line, who your intended
audience are. (This is optional and subjective)
4. In the command, you will descriptively narrate the content you want
ChatGPT to generate for you by referring to the information you already
wrote down in the step 1.
5. Add all the necessary spices you think the write up might need.
If you think using examples is better, then instruct chatGPT to use examples
for so so so, or just use examples where necessary.
The portion of the command where you add this instruction may look
something like this.
Command: …cite examples of cases where the 15 th law of power is
[This is a cut from command where I am instructing chatGPT to write a
section of a book chapter that explains Robert Greene’s 15 th law of power.
This cut is the instruction I gave it so it can come up with any historical
situation where the 15 th law of power came to play]
If you think using analogy is better, then instruct chatGPT to use an analogy
to explain a certain concept.
The portion of the command where you add this instruction may look
something like this:
Command: …use an analogy to explain the concept of demand and
See, adding spices is very very important. It just gives life to the write up.
Also, there are more than 25+ different spices you can add but I don’t have
the time to start listing everything and showing you how you use them.
When you constantly play with ChatGPT, you will naturally discover many
different spices yourself.
I’ve been dishing out information at supersonic speed and I might have
even had you lose track. So, to compile all the nuggets into a simple stepby-step process, I will do a live demonstration of how to apply the “Covey
way” of ChatGPT.
What Book do I want to write?
Let’s say I want to write a book summary on the book “The 48 laws of
After the introduction, my chapter one, of course, will be:
Chapter 1: Law 1 – Never Outshine the Master
Now, that I know what I want to write in the first chapter, step 1 is to?
Yes, right, break the chapter into sections.
So, this is what I came up with:
Chapter 1 – Never Outshine the master
First Section: I will just give a general overview of what the law states, the
meaning and what it generally is about, and then explain the importance of
the first law in power dynamics
Second Section: I will cite historical examples of where the first law came
into play and show how breaking the law was consequential to historical
figures who broke it.
Third Section: I will then explain how the first law of power can be applied.
I will mention different techniques one can use so as not to outshine the
master and maybe add in, how one can explain the balance of power in a
Fourth Section: I will make mention of historical figures who actually broke
the first law yet still went forged ahead in and never faced any
consequences of breaking the law.
Now, that I know what the content of the chapter is about, the next step is
Yes! Deciding what writing style or tone to use.
Well, just for convenience, I will go with using a scholarly writing style to
write the overview and then use a casual conversation tone to write the rest
of the chapter.
Now, that I know what tone I’m using, the next step is?
Choosing who my audience are.
Well, I think I will like to assume my audience are the everyday social
media people much interested in knowing about the 48 laws of power but
not really ready to invest hours reading the book.
(Since I’m using a casual, conversation tone, I really don’t have any need to
specify who my targeted audience are in the command.)
The last step is?
Writing my command.
Yes, bookworm, I know I’m supposed to add some spice. Well, I will be
adding different spices for different section so, it’s much more convenient
to just write the spice on the go rather than decide before hand what spice
you want to add for what section.
Okay, here’s the first command for the first section of the chapter 1 of my
summary book.
Let us analyze that command.
Here is the command;
Using the writing style of a Pulitzer prize winner, write an overview of the
first law of Power according to Robert Greene.
I used the first part of the command “Using the writing style of a Pulitzer
prize winner…” to instruct ChatGPT on the writing style I want it to use to
write that section for me.
Then, with the second piece “…write an overview of the first law of
power…”, I gave it the section information, the exact information it needed
to know what to write for me.
Lastly, with the third piece “…according to Robert Greene” , I am giving it
a research material to use to come up with my content. I don’t want it to
pick random “laws of power” on its database, I wanted the one by Robert
Greene so I specified what material it should use.
Like a magic wand, ChatGPT came up with something close to what I
So, I will just copy and paste that into an editable word document.
To continue the section, I will give ChatGPT another command.
Let us analyze this command too.
In a portion of the command, I wrote “The intended audience are
philosophy scholars” so as to let ChatGPT know how to blend the content
in a way that’s relatable to anyone who’s a philosophy scholar.
You can always specify who your target audience are in the same sentence.
You don’t have to write it on a new line as I did here.
In another portion of the command, I wrote “Spice the writing with some
humor” so chatGPT can add a lil’ bit of humor elements and avoid making
the write up too serious and uptight.
If you read through the content in the screenshot, you will realize that there
is some overlapping information.
This is the exact reason why you don’t just “Copy, paste and publish” with
chatGPT. You want to edit out and smoothen the edges in each write up.
Add something, subtract something and sew the whole piece into one
beautiful garment.
Going on to section 2.
In a portion of the command for section 2, I wrote “...cite 5 historical
examples of the cases where the first law of power came into play” to fill in
chatGPT on the section content and let it give me different examples of
historical cases I can use for the write up.
In other words, I’m saying – I had no prior knowledge of who or how the
first law of power had played out historically, so I first had to instruct
ChatGPT to inform me on historical figures that were punished for not
obeying the first law of power.
Now, that I know some, I can then instruct ChatGPT to describe exactly
how the first law of power played out, which is actually what will be in my
summary book.
Here is the command;
Let us analyze this command.
In one part of the command, I wrote “Using a casual conversation tone…”
so as to change the style from Pulitzer writing to a casual tone which is
usually easier to digest for average book readers.
Look at that part of the command where I wrote “…exhaustively explain…”
, that was me telling ChatGPT not to hold anything back concerning any
detail that is related to the subject matter. If I didn’t write it like that, it
might have written a very brief and dismissive summary for me.
The Julius Caesar example isn’t enough, so I requested for another one.
Take a note of how I meticulously fed chatGPT on the information to write
about using the information it gave me previously.
We are done with section 2. So, we move straight to section 3;
Let us analyze this command too.
Look at how much detail for writing the section I fed ChatGPT when I
wrote “…[1] Explain how you can apply the first law of power. [2] Make
mention of the techniques one can apply and give examples [3] Use an
analogy to explain the ways one can maintain balance in a relationship” in
the command.
I added numerous information at once and arranged them in the way I
wanted ChatGPT to write. I also instructed it to “...use an analogy…” to
add spice to the write up.
Just in the manner I’ve written the sections of this chapter, I can write the
section of the other chapters and copy-paste all the text from ChatGPT into
an editing word document like Microsoft word.
It will still take many years before AI catches up with human’s dexterity in
writing nonfiction and even fiction book, so it’s always necessary to edit the
whole text ChatGPT generated for you, add some human feel and sprinkle
some originality, then remove all the unnecessary rough edges usually
found in AI write ups.
Afterwards, you can sit back like a boss and actually publish a well-written
ChatGPT book.
1. I don’t have to rhyme it for you before you know it’s a rap. You just saw
me use ChatGPT to create a summary book.
I don’t have to tell you anymore that one of the niches chatGPT does well is
book summary niches.
2. If you can’t cook up what the sections of a book chapter should be, there
is something you can do.
Pick up a book similar to what you want to write and make sure it has
quality content. Don’t pick up any randomly published book. If the book is
well-versed on the subject matter it is about, break each of the chapters of
that similar book into sections and use that as a guide to writing down your
own chapter sections.
3. ChatGPT For Low-Content
tart hen it’s not dishing out politically correct answers when you ask
ChatGPT questions like “Who is a woman?”, ChatGPT can be that
low content wingman you’ve always been looking for.
I don’t want to bore you by making this book unnecessarily long and I also
don’t want to stress myself showing you an actual screenshot of me using
ChatGPT as a wingman for creating different low content book.
In lieu of that, this is what we will do – I will use the following chapter to
show you the possibilities and how ChatGPT can actually help in creating
wide range of low content books. Then, I will show you the prompts I use
to make ChatGPT help with creating a handful of these low content books.
With the little examples, anyone who’s been into low content book should
be able to easily get the drift.
ChatGPT is a pretty powerful tool when it comes to generating text. And
when it comes to low content books, sometimes all you need is a little bit of
text to get the ball rolling.
Let's start with a gratitude journal. Sure, you could sit there and come up
with your own prompts to reflect on, but that’s the time consuming part in
creating a gratitude Journal.
ChatGPT can spit out gratitude quotes faster than a motivational speaker on
speed. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough" BOOM!
And why waste hours trying to come up with clever clues and answers for a
crossword puzzle book when you've got ChatGPT?
The only thing you need to feed it is the niche or who you intend creating
the crossword puzzle for. It is a crossword-puzzle-making machine that not
just creates the puzzle but also gives you the answer.
What about an adult coloring book?
Well, it can’t really create the line art for you but if you want some clever
and witty quotes to go along with your mandalas, no problem, it got you
Daily planner?
Will you rather spend hours trying to come up with creative ways to write
the schedule prompts or just let ChatGPT generate daily prompts and to-do
lists that will keep your customer on track and organized like a pro? The
choice is yours.
Don’t jog your memory for a memory journal, let ChatGPT handle the
prompt while you go look for a template. It does a pretty good job not
spitting stale prompts like "Write about a childhood memory". Promise me,
it does.
Now, there are 2 approaches to using ChatGPT to create low content book.
The method you use depends entirely on you.
There are some times you might want to create a low-content book and the
only idea you have is what type of low content book you want to create.
Asides that, the canvas is blank – you don’t know what you want the cover
of your book to look like, you don’t know what low content will be in each
pages of the book.
Well, if you are approaching from this angle, then you can simply tell
ChatGPT to design the low content book for you and while it won’t send
you a pdf of the low content book already written and formatted, you will
get a very descriptive idea of what you can feature in each page of your low
content book.
With a certain AI that I intentionally won’t mention on this book, you can
actually just send the AI chatGPT’s idea and it will come up with the
content – be it a word search, a puzzle or a line art meant to be colored.
Here is me asking ChatGPT to create a generic low content book for me.
Since I was being generic, ChatGPT just randomly picked a niche and here
is what it came up with.
Command: Please design me a low content book, thank you.
As you can see in the screenshot above, because I didn’t specify what type
of low content book I wanted, it just picked a random niche in low content
and a random title for me.
Even at that, it was being lazy and didn’t give me ideas of what each pages
can feature.
So I gave it this command.
Command: Give me ideas of what each page of the book should feature.
Let’s assume I’m creating a 50-page mindfulness journal
With that command, I now have something I can input into an art
generating AI to get those images chatGPT suggest. After generating the
art, I will fit everything in a journal template and the book is ready to be
Now, I want to be a little bit specific with the type of low content book I
So, I wrote this in the prompt.
Command: Please design me a low content word puzzle book
Again, the AI was lazy and didn’t give me a concrete idea on what type of
puzzle I should feature in each page.
So, I pressed on with this prompt.
Command: Give me suggestions for each page, let’s assume I’m creating a
50 page word puzzle book
Now, aside from just giving you ideas for what each page of a low content
book can feature, ChatGPT can also generate the text aspect of the content
for you.
Then you just find free software or other AI to help convert the text into the
puzzle or whatever.
I didn’t want to stress myself for the content. So I asked chatGPT to create
page 1 (a crossword puzzle of common phrases and idioms) for me.
Command: Help me with the crosswords for page 1
With what ChatGPT came up with, I just have to throw that into any of the
online crossword puzzle maker and just like that, we’re done with page one
of our low content book.
Next, I will also ask for help for page 2.
Command: help me with the word search puzzle for page 2
Sadly, from the screenshot, you can see that the AI did a terrible job in
creating the puzzle itself. It couldn’t arrange letters in grid well and the
scrambling was poor.
However, the word list it generated for me is still a time saver. I can just
copy and paste those words into a word search generator and page two will
be done.
Now, keep in mind that instead of telling it to just create a word puzzle
book for me, I could have instructed it to create a “valentine word puzzle
book”. That would have been a more niched down and more specific puzzle
book and that’s the type of low content you really want to be making if you
know what you are doing.
If you already know what content you want to feature in your low content
book, then it’s best to just use the AI like a calculator and content generator
for your low content.
For Word Search:
Command: Create a list of 10 single words for a word search book related
to [cats]
Instead of cats, you can insert whatever you want the word search to be
related to.
For crossword puzzles:
Command: Create 10 crossword puzzle clues and answers related to
Again, you know you can always substitute the “dogs” for whatever niche
of crossword puzzle you want to create.
For Prompt Journals:
Command: Create 10 prompts for [insert niche keyword] prompt journals
If it’s a gratitude prompt journal, your command will be “create 50 prompts
for gratitude prompt journals”
For Word Scramble Books:
Command: Create 65 word [insert niche keyword] scrambles with answers
For Anagrams:
Command: Create 5 [insert niche keyword] anagrams
For Quizzes:
Command: Create 5 [football Trivia] Questions
For multiple choice questions
Command: Create 20 quiz questions related to [dogs] with 4 multiple
choice options for each
For Quotes:
Command: Create the top 10 quotes from [Adolf Hitler]
For word scramble
Command: Give ten words about [sport] and then scramble the letter in
each word to create a puzzle
For quote games
Command: Give me 20 famous quotes and miss one word out, give the
missing word at the end as an answer
For music games
Command: Give me five title of songs by [the beatles] and miss one word
out, give the missing word at the end as an answer.
Always remember that the AI is not dumb. You don’t have to throw in the
command verbatim. You can add your spice, edit the numbers of what you
want and make whatever adjustments you see fit.
4. ChatGPT For Proofreading
I’ve seen people copy what ChatGPT outputs for them and then throw it
into a paid article spinner.
What the f***?
Hey, right now, there’s no better article spinner than ChatGPT itself!
Now, here is something for my Indian and Nigerian brothers (Sorry, if I
didn’t mention your country) that have had some of their well selling book
sink due to bad review by American readers who are native English
You might think your 5 years of learn English for 2 hours a week at school
is enough, but erm…, you might be able to speak fluently in English, but
your grammatical structure might not be good enough.
So, here is the first message – Newsflash! ChatGPT can help you rewrite
that your book with a lot of poor sentence structure.
“What do I have to do?” – You asked.
Well, it can be a painstaking process due to the limitations of how much
text you can input in its prompt bar, but if you can sit still with your coffee
(or whatever it is you drink), you will be done in no time.
“So, how do I go about it?” – You asked (with a tone of impatience).
Calm down, calm down and take a deep breath, okay? Good!
This is what you will do.
Copy about a page or two of your book, go to ChatGPT and…
Command: Rephrase this text “[paste what you copied here]”
What ChatGPT will do is – it will rewrite the whole stuff for you while
keeping the meaning and the underlying message intact.
However, that prompt/command is something I will recommend but not
something I will use.
That AI can do more.
These are other commands I want you to play with and see which one
tickles your fancy:
Command: I am going to send you a manuscript now. I want you to
proofread, correct every spelling and grammatical error.
When you send this, ChatGPT will ask you to send the text you want to
Copy about a page or two (depends on the length) from your book or your
article or whatever
Command : [Paste what you copied]
ChatGPT will go over your whole book and clean up all your grammatical
mess for you.
Now, that you’re done proofreading, you can actually spice your writing.
Input this command:
Command: Rewrite the manuscript you just proofread using advanced
English and figures of speech
With this command, you will behold with your eyes, the metamorphosis of
your book from a piece written by some indie author looking for passive
income to a best seller worthy book.
Heeeeeyyyyyy!!! This command shouldn’t be cast in stones. You have to
tweak it depending on the circumstance and your audience.
Instead of telling it to use advanced English, you can use a command like
Command: Rewrite the whole manuscript using a conversation tone and
For some book, no one will want to be interrupted by your advanced
English, and they will actually enjoy it if you wrote it in a casual
conversation tone and added humor and sarcasm here and there.
I can’t calibrate for you. The key is to know what style of writing your
reader will prefer, then after letting ChatGPT proofread and grammatically
restructure your manuscript, you can tell it to rewrite the whole thing in that
writing style you think your audience will prefer and also instruct it to add
whatever spice (spice like humor, puns, sarcasm) that can help the book
even pop more.
For those who are waiting for screenshots, here is a live demonstration.
Here is when I was about providing the manuscript and the AI wanted to
tease me.
I provided the manuscript (it was longer than this, I just didn’t screenshot
everything) and here was the AI correcting all the errors (there wasn’t much
I wanted it to correct some spelling errors if there were any so I sent this
Now that all grammatical errors, punctuations and spelling errors have been
corrected, I decided to see how my manuscript will come out if I asked it to
use advanced English.
Just look at it again, compare and contrast, isn’t that just beautiful? If you
noticed, the text in that screenshot is actually the chapter 1 of this book (I
just omitted some words).
Although, I love what came out, I decided to ask it to rewrite again. One
thing I like to do is ask the AI to use different writing styles (compatible
writing styles) and I then graft different paragraphs of those writing styles
It kinda adds more life to the write-up.
So, to do that, I sent in this command.
After it did that, I decided to continue with the continuation of my
manuscript, so I sent this:
As you can see, I didn’t follow the command I gave you previously word
for word, so you shouldn’t too. When you grab the idea, you can use your
creativity and you will your work perfectly proofread and edited by
Take note, it’s not every time you might want ChatGPT to rewrite your
work for you – punctuating, correcting the spelling and grammatical errors
is usually more than enough.
5. ChatGPT For Blurb
I’ve got a boxing training by 4.am tomorrow and I really have to catch
some sleep, so I will be taking the shortest possible distance in this chapter.
If you don’t want some “This shit is dope, buy it!” kind of book description
for your non-fiction book, then keep quiet and take a note of all the
information you will need to feed ChatGPT to get a very sweet book
Remember, this is for a nonfiction book, the information required for a
fiction book is slightly different.
Without further ado, here’s a list of all the information you will be
providing ChatGPT.
Book Title
The topic of the book or the main theme
The main argument (if any) of the book
Your target audience
The tone or style you want the book description to be written
The selling point of the book i.e. any notable or unique feature (if it has
One or two key takeaways your reader will gain after reading the book.
If you have some copywriting skills just as I do, ignore all that whole list
and just describe in detail, the kind of copy you want ChatGPT to write for
ChatGPT will write you a great copy if you are clear and concise about
what you want.
For those with no copywriting skill, you’ll have to follow that list
religiously to craft the command that will make ChatGPT write the perfect
book description for you.
As of now, I won’t touch a book blurb ChatGPT writes for me with a long
pole. It’s just not up to standard for me. Sometimes it amazes you, and other
times, it writes something that makes you want to strangle it.
One man’s pizza is another man’s poison. Try using it to write a book blurb
using the guide I gave you in this chapter. If it’s better than what you would
naturally write, then by all means, use it.
See what it does when I ask it to write me a blurb for this book.
Command: Using a persuasive writing style, act as a professional
copywriter and write a book description on the book about how nonfiction
authors can use ChatGPT. Ask questions to transition between paragraphs.
Back up main points with evidences and examples.
6. Side Notes
If you want chatGPT to use a particular writing style or tone to create
something for you always begin your prompt with the command for the
writing style.
So, you should be typing in something like this:
“Using Jordan Peterson’s writing style, explain how the big bang was
Instead of:
“Explain like I’m 5, how was the big bang created. Use Jordan Peterson’s
writing style.”
The other command may work too. However, I’ve found out from
experience that when the instruction for the writing style or tone does not
start the command, the AI sometimes does not listen and just goes ahead to
write it in the usual style.
When you give the ChatGPT a persona and rail it with more specific
instructions, it will usually yield a better result.
Put this prompt into ChatGPT and read the result.
Command: Write a sales letter for a SAAS Product That Edits Video Using
Now, input this one and compare that will the first one.
Topic: SAAS Product That Edits Video Using AI
You are a professional copywriter, create a one page sales letter about the
topic above using these strategies:
- Use strong persuasive language
- Use short sentences and simple terms, make it easy to read
- Ask questions to transition between paragraphs
- Back up main points with figures, evidences and examples
- Speak directly to the reader, make it personal
The goal and call to action for this content is to: Sign up for the newsletter
You can make cool edits to chatGPT output by giving it a specialized
command after it gives you the initial output.
Often you won’t get a perfect response first time so you can then throw
comebacks at it to refine the output. Here are some examples:
� � Come up with more novel and uncommon results
� � Format this as a table
�� Port this to Solidity
� � Make this more informal/formal
�� ♀ ️Write this from the perspective of
�� Explain this like I’m 5 years old
� � Add some sarcastic humour to this
� � Expand this out to a blog post
� � Summarise this into a tweet
� � ️Create a mind map for this
� � Put this into a list
� � Add relevant emojis as bullet points
One-third of the battle with ChatGPT is knowing what you can use it for.
I've compiled a list of some killer prompts that I've come up with and found
from various sources, including ChatGPT itself. So go ahead, give it a try!
Command: Brainstorm 10 ideas about how to
Command: Edit and improve the grammar in this transcript
Command: Explain the term
Command: Write a code function in C for
Command: Explain what this code is doing
Command: Create a (marketing/exercise/content) plan
Command: Create a template for
Command: Write a list of possible chapters for a book on
Command: List some recipes for these ingredients
Command: Write an introductory outreach email for
Command: Write an outline for a pitch
Command: Write a book summary for Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Command: Create a list of topics about
Command: Create a lesson plan for
Command: Can you write 5 headlines for
Command: Summarise this into a tweet
Command: Write a reply to this email/dm
Command: Translate this to French
Command: Refactor this NodeJS script to Rust
Command: Classify these cryptocurrencies 1. BTC, 2. ETH, 3. BNB, 4.
UNI, 5. LINK (“layer 1”, “token”, “oracle”, “exchange coin”)
Command: Write unit tests for this code
Command: Can you suggest some metaphors/analogies/synonyms for
Command: Can you convert this to American English
Command: Write a witty rebuttal to this tweet
Command: Can you convert this title into a compelling, intriguing hook
Command: Respond to this email and decline politely
Command: Create an opening scene for a video about…
I am a nonfiction author just as you are. We both know how this works – if
you don’t leave me my well-deserved 5-star review, some poorly written
book with ads run on it by its lazy author will take the first spot.
Pleaaasse, go on amazon and leave me a good review.
If you have any questions, my email is on the first page of this book, shoot
me a mail.
Don’t do it later, it will definitely skip your mind. Go leave me a review!
Thank you.
I am the author of many books you might not want to read. Search for
“Steve Covey red pill” on amazon, and what comes off the search result
may help you know more about me.
You’ve read the best book that can possibly be written on this subject.
Watch YouTube and try to key in any ChatGPT community or discussion
around your online environment. You might get to learn something that will
change your financial life, who knows?
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