Tone (in music) What is tone? +Expressing emotion or mood +What tools do musicians use? +There are special music words that come together to show us the tone in a song Timbre QUALITY WHAT INSTRUMENTS DID THEY USE Duration How long notes are played Short vs. Long Pitch +How high or low the notes are +Scales Intensity/Loudness HOW THE NOTES ARE PLAYED LOUD VS. SOFT Effect THESE ALL CHANGE THE WAY WE FEEL ABOUT CERTAIN SONGS AND HOW THEY MAKE US FEEL! Let’s look at Some Examples… March of the Bumblebee In the hall of the mountain king Ellie’s Theme Skin and Bones Time for you to create your own! +As we saw in our last example lyrics can affect the tone too! +Adding “Ooooooooh” can change the way we think of simple words