IT D E P A R T M E N T Assignment Task Sheet Semester / Year 1 / 2024 Name Date Given Week 5 Lesson 1 Monitoring Date 1 Week 6 Lesson 1 Monitoring requirements: Part 1, and Part 2 - Intro + Design Notes Monitoring Date 2 Week 7 Lesson 2 Monitoring requirements: Game Design and Algorithms Subject Teacher Head of Department Ms Taplin Unit/s Game development Assessment type Extended response and Project Task You are to : Complete the Extended Response Questions, and Produce a High Fidelity prototype of a game based on given stimulus. Task conditions CCE’s Tested Details Notes Individual work In class and own time (duration 3 weeks) Prescribed program: 1. Microsoft Word (written component) 2. GODOT game engine Evaluating Creating/composing/devising Assessment submitted on time Assessment NOT submitted on time Absence Extension Special Provisions (Guidance Officer) Evidence attached (e.g. Doctors certificate) Action Monitoring Date 3 Week 7 Lesson 3 Monitoring requirements: Part 1 complete Part 2 – Game complete and evaluation started Assessment Policy Students must follow the conditions outlined in the school assessment policy. Details of the Assessment Policy can be located in the student planner and on the school website. Plagiarism is a serious matter and students will be penalised if false declaration is made. Notes I certify that:_________________________ This submission is my own work and/or work I have developed cooperatively with my partner/s. Any help received by other people has been acknowledged. Due Date Week 8 Lesson 2 Results Knowledge & Understanding Student Signature Skills Teacher Signature Comments Years 9–10 Digital Technologies: Unit 2 Game Development Portfolio Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding Digital Systems Representations of data Explains simple data compression and why content data are separated from presentation. Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills Collecting, managing and analysing data Takes account of privacy and security requirements when selecting and validating data. Investigating and defining; Evaluating Generating and designing; Producing and implementing Collaborating and managing Defines and decomposes a complex problem in terms of functional and non-functional requirements. Designs user experiences. Integrates modules to implement a digital solution using data structures that reflect realworld data. Tests design and solution. Plans and manages digital projects using an iterative approach. Shares and collaborates online. Evaluates their solutions in terms of risk, sustainability and potential for innovation and enterprise. comprehensive explanation of: Simple data compression why content data are separated from presentation Name: Discerningly validates and evaluates data and applies trusted techniques for security and privacy. Combines stakeholder information and research to clearly describe a range of functional and non-functional requirements. Critically evaluates the solution. Designs and implements a functional solution with few errors that addresses requirements, is easy to navigate, provides a quality user experience, and addresses identified needs and feedback. Manages a project plan including reprioritising tasks and addressing issues. Contributes discerning advice and responses to others. A Validates and evaluates data using a range of considerations. Considers functional and nonfunctional requirements for a range of stakeholders. Evaluates the solution with reference to functional and non-functional requirements. Justifies design choices. Implements modular functions that visualise data effectively. Modifies designs as a result of testing and user feedback. Uses an online tool to create a project plan and track progress. Collaborates constructively considering social and ethical issues. B Selects and validates data accounting for privacy and security requirements. Defines and decomposes the task in terms of functional and nonfunctional requirements. Evaluates the solution using risk, sustainability, innovation and enterprise as criteria. Designs user experience of a game. Integrates Godot modules to implement a digital prototype that are needed for a game. Tests design and solution. Creates a timeline, describing tasks, resources, time allocation, and iterative development considerations. Shares and collaborates online. C Comments on aspects of data validation. States the effectiveness of the solution. Comments on a sustainable data source. Designs aspects of the user experience. Implements a digital prototype. Partially tests solution. Creates a simple plan for managing projects. Outlines tasks required to complete the project. D Acquires and stores data. Identifies a requirement, need or solution. Comments on the solution. Designs or implements aspects of a digital prototype. Identifies tasks involved in the project. E detailed explanation of: Simple data compression why content data are separated from presentation explanation of: Simple data compression why content data are separated from presentation . descriptions of: Simple data compression why content data are separated from presentation Statements about : Simple data compression why content data are separated from presentation Feedback: This assessment is in TWO parts: PART 1 – Extended Response Section A: Data Content and Representation 1. Explain the difference between data content and data representation using examples. 2. Why is it important to understand both data content and data representation when analyzing data? Provide reasons. 3. Describe a real-life scenario where understanding data content and data representation would be beneficial. How would you approach analyzing and presenting the data in this scenario? Section B: Practical Application 1. Create a simple dataset of your choice (e.g., favorite colours of classmates, types of pets owned by friends). List the data content. Yes 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Blue Purple Yellow Pink Yes 2. Choose one of the datasets from question 1 and create a visual representation of the data using an appropriate chart or graph. 2. Puprle is the most liked due to there being more girls. Section C: Simple Data Compression 1. In your own words, give a short explanation of data compression and what it is sued for 1. A technique known as data compression is used to reduce the volume of digital data, maximize storage capacity, and speed up data transmission. 2. Give two examples of data compression and provide positives and negatives of each 2. There are two principal kinds of information pressure: lossless and lossy. A technique known as data compression is used to reduce the volume of digital data, maximize storage capacity, and speed up data transmission. This is made possible by a variety of algorithms that are made to find and get rid of data elements that are redundant or insignificant without sacrificing the important information they contain. PART 2 - Project Context The global gaming industry is worth an estimated $250 billion annually. People of all ages play games on all sorts of platforms. High-fidelity prototyping is a way for designers to create detailed and interactive mock-ups of apps that look and feel like real apps. High-fidelity prototypes are important for testing and refining the user experience, as well as for showing the app's features to stakeholders. Your High Fidelity prototype will show examples of how your proposed game will look and feel as well as aspects of the game play, Task Students produce a high-fidelity native app prototype in response to a client brief and technical information. Specifications This task requires students to: produce a high-fidelity native app prototype by - demonstrating app development skills and processes - implementing industry practices and app development processes to perform the required skills - adapting app development processes in response to testing and feedback to meet the requirements in the client brief and technical information document the development of a high-fidelity native app prototype by - interpreting the client brief and technical information to develop ideas with sketches, notes and calculations as necessary - deciding on the industry practices and app development processes required to produce a high-fidelity native app prototype - determining the sequence in which app development processes will be implemented - annotating images and sketches to capture decision-making - reflecting on the quality of the completed high-fidelity native app prototype, industry practices and development processes used. Stimulus Client brief and technical information Client Profile The client is an gaming company who is looking for a high-fidelity prototype of a training game. The app should provide a unique and engaging gaming experience, without the users feeling that the app is a training or health app. The game should be simple to play, and visually appealing and addictive in order to maintain user interest and participation. Purpose of the Product The purpose of the game is mainly to stimulate the mental/thinking process as well as to train users in hand-eye coordination. The target audience for the app is primarily young children and senior citizens who are interested keeping mentally active and improving coordination. The app should also provide users with a multitude of levels that they can progress through. Goals and Objectives The app prototype should have the following features: Provide user with choices of levels of ability Allow users to record their score and progress in the game Provide users with a seamless gaming experience with minimal distractions Include interactive elements such as animations and sound effects Allow users to share their progress and choices with friends and family via social media. Technical information The game prototype should: Be programmed in GODOT Show at least two levels of Game Play Game Play should be recorded in OBS studio or similar and be in MP4 format Evaluation Criteria The app prototype will be evaluated based on the following criteria: User interface and ease of use Functionality and features Design and visual appeal Ability to provide dynamic navigation and user choices Integration of interactive elements such as animations and sound effects Seamless gaming experience with minimal distractions Ability to save and revisit progress in the game Ability to share progress and choices via social media. Checkpoints Term 2, Week 6: submit Checkpoint Part 1 and start of Part 2 Term 2, Week 7: submit draft for feedback Term 2, Week 8: final submission Authentication strategies The teacher will provide class time for task completion. Students will produce sections of the final response under supervised conditions. Students will each produce a unique response with the teacher monitoring progress in class. The teacher will collect copies of the student response and monitor at key junctures. The teacher will collect and annotate drafts. Students will use plagiarism-detection software at submission of the response. Students must acknowledge all sources in APA format including in-text references. Students must submit a declaration of authenticity. Scaffolding You will use MS Word or similar to create a portfolio for draft and final submission. This must include: - documentation of selected practices, skills and processes used - evaluation of processes and the app prototype against criteria - list of notable adaptations made to processes and the prototype throughout the development cycle You will also submit - a screen recording or video of your low-fidelity app prototype in action NOTE: Your draft submission must include all of the above to whatever standard you have at the time of the draft due date.