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Cytotoxic Substances Handling Presentation

Handling Cytotoxic Substances
Safety Guidelines and Best Practices
Presenter: Kiritokun
Date: January
• • Definition of cytotoxic substances
• • Importance of proper handling
• • Objectives of the presentation
Understanding Cytotoxic
• • Common types and examples
• • Mechanisms of action
• • Potential health hazards
Regulations and Standards
• • Overview of relevant regulations (OSHA,
NIOSH, etc.)
• • International guidelines
• • Institutional policies
Risk Assessment
• • Identifying hazards
• • Evaluating risks
• • Determining appropriate controls
Personal Protective Equipment
• • Types of PPE required
• • Proper usage and maintenance
• • Limitations of PPE
Safe Handling Procedures
• • Preparation and administration
• • Transport and storage
• • Spill response and cleanup
Engineering Controls
• • Use of biological safety cabinets
• • Ventilation systems
• • Containment devices
Training and Education
• • Importance of regular training
• • Topics to cover in training sessions
• • Resources for continuous learning
Waste Management
• • Disposal procedures
• • Regulatory requirements for hazardous
• • Minimizing waste generation
Emergency Procedures
• • Responding to exposure incidents
• • First aid measures
• • Reporting and documentation
• • Summary of key points
• • Importance of adherence to guidelines
• • Encouragement to stay informed and
• • Open floor for questions
• • Provide answers and additional resources