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300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions

with Solutions
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s sin a.
------ . --
with Solutions
Laszlo Holies
Anthem Press
An imprint of Wimbledon Publishing Company
This edition first published in UK and USA 20 I 0
75-76 B lackfriars Road , London SE I 8HA, UK
or PO Box 9779 , London SWI9 7ZG, UK
244 Madison Ave. #116, New York, NY 10016, USA
Copyright © Laszl6 Holics 20 I 0
English translation © A. Gr6f, A. Salamon, A. Tasnadi , T. Tasnadi , Cs. T6th
Sponsored by Graphisoft Foundation
The moral right of the authors has been asserted.
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above,
no part of thi s publication may be reproduced, stored or introduced into
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
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ISBN-13 : 978 I 84331 869 9 (H bk)
ISBN-IO: 1843318695 (Hbk)
How to Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical Constants alld Other Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part I. PROBLEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I . Mechanics Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. I
Kinematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Statics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fluids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. T hermodynam ics Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. I
Thermal expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ideal gas processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fi rst law of thermodynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. E lectrodynamics Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. I
Electrostatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Direct current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Magnetism Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. I
Magnetic field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Induction (motional eml) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Induction (transformer emt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A lternating current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Optics Proble ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part II. SOLUT IONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Mechanics So luti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kinem ati cs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dynami cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stat ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fluid s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Thermodynamics So luti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. 1
Th ermal expa nsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ideal gas processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fi rst law of therm odynami cs .. ..... . ......... .. ....... . ... . .
8. Electrodynami cs So luti ons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. 1
Elec trostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Direct cu rrent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
45 1
9. Mag neti sm So lut ion s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9. 1
Magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In duc ti on (moti onal em l) ... . .. . .... .... ........ .. . ........ .
Inducti on (transformer emf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alte rn ating current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Opti cs Sol uti ons.. . . . . . . ... .... . .... . . ... ..... ... . .. . . .. ... . . . .. .
How to Use This Book
The bes t way of understandin g the laws of phys ics and learnin g how to so lve ph ys ics
problem s is th ro ugh prac ti ce. Thi s book features almost three hundred probl ems and
soluti ons worked out in detail. In Pa rt I, Problell1 s are arranged themati call y, starling
in Charter I with probl e ms about mechanics, the branch of phys ics co ncerned with
the behav iour of phys ica l bodies when subj ec ted to forces or disp lacements, and the
subseque nt e nec t of the bodies on their enviro nme nt. Chapter 2 offers problems in
thermodynamics, the study o f e nergy conversion between heat and mec hanical work ,
while the electrodynamics prob lems in Chapter :1 deal with the phenomena assoc iated
with mov in g electrica l charges and their interac ti on with el ectric and mag neti c fields.
Chapter 4 ' s rroble ms on magnetism seek to understand how materi als respond on the
mi croscopi c le vel to an appli ed magneti c field . Lastl y, the optics probl ems in Chapt er 5
address the branch of ph ys ics th at studies the behav iour and phys ica l pro perti es of li ght.
While the pro bl ems are arranged by topi c, the pro bl e ms within a sin gle topi c are ofte n
arran ged by in creas in g le ve l of diOicull y. Indeed, many of these phys ics problem s are
diOicult - ye t we e nco urage stude nts to try and solve the prob lems on their ow n, and
to onl y co nsult the SO IUliO/ ls sec ti on in order to compare their ow n alle mpts with the
correct results. We e ncourage creativ ity in problem- so lvin g, and these phys ics probl ems
are intended as a means of deve lopin g the stude nt' s knowl edge of phys ics by appl yin g
them to co nc rete prohlems.
Physical Constants and Other Data
Gravitational constant
Speed of light (in vacuum)
Elementary charge
Electron mass
Proton mass
Neutron mass
Charge-to-mass ratio of electron
Unified atomic mass constant
Boltzmann constant
Plank constant
A vogadro constant
Gas constant
Permittivity of free space
Permeability of free space
Coulomb constant
Compton wavelength of electron
6.673 X 10 - 11 Nm 2 kg- 2
2. 998 x 10 8 ms- 1
1.602 x 10 - 19 C
9. 109 X 10 - 3 1 kg (5 11 .0 keV)
1.673 x 10 - 27 kg (938 .3 MeV)
1.675 x 10 - 27 kg (939.6 MeV)
1.759 x 1011 Ckg - 1
1.661 X 10- 27 kg
1.381 X 10- 23 JK - 1
6.626 X 10 - 34 Js
6.022 X 10 23 mo] - l
8.315 Jmol- 1 K- 1
8.854 x 10- 12 CV-1m- 1
411 x 10 - 7 Vs C - 1 m - 1
8.987 x 10 9 VmC - 1
2.426 x 10 - 12 m
Mean radius of the Earth
Sun-Earth distance (Astronomical Unit, AU)
Mean density of the Earth
Acceleration due to gravity
Mass of the Earth
Mass of the Sun
I light year
6371 km
1.49 x 10 8 km
5520 kgm - 3
9.807 ms- 2
5.978 x 10 2 4 kg
1.989 X 10 30 kg
9.461 X 10 15 m
Surface tension of water
Heat of vaporisation of water
Tensile strength of steel
0.073 Nm - 1
2256 kJkg - 1 = 40.6 kJmol - 1
500-2000 MPa
Part I
Chapter 1
Mechanics Problems
1.1 Kinematics
Problem 1. A tra in is mo vin g at a speed o f v to ward s the railway man nex t to the
rails. The tra in whi stles for a time o f T . H o w lo ng d oes the railwayman hear the
whi stl e? The speed o f sound is c = 330 m /s; v = 108 km / hour = 30 m is, T = 3 s; the
train does not reach the ra ilway ma n until the end o f the whi stl e.
Problem 2. The speed o f a moto rboat in still wate r is fo ur times the speed o f a ri ver.
Normally , the motorboat takes o ne minute to c ross the ri ver to the port straig ht ac ross
on the other bank. One time, du e to a moto r probl e m, it was not able to run at full
power, and it took four minutes to cross the ri ver al o ng the same path. By wh at fac tor
was the speed of the boat in stili water reduced ? (Assume that the speed of the water is
uniform throughout the wh o le width o f the river.)
Problem 3. Consider a trough o f a se micircular cross
secti on, and an inclined pl ane in it that lead s fro m a po int
A to point B ly ing lo we r th an A . Prove that wherever
point C is chosen o n the arc AB , an object will always
get from A to B faster a lo ng the slopes AC B than alo ng
the origin al s lope A B . The c ha nge o f direc ti o n at C does
not involve a ch ange in speed . The e ffects of fricti o n are
negli g ibl e.
Problem 4. The acce le rati o n of a n objec t is unifo rml y Inc reas ing, and it is ao =
== 2 m /s at to = 0 sa nd al = 3 m /s 2 at t l = 1 s . The speed o f the obj ect at to = 0 s
is Vo = 1 m /s .
a) De termine the speed of the o bject at t2 = 10 s.
b) De termin e the v -t fun cti o n o f the mo ti o n, a nd the n plot it in the v - t coordin ate
syste m.
c) Estimate the di stance covered by the object in the first and last seco nd o f the time
interval 0 < t < 10 s .
JOO C ,'ca t il'(' P l,ys ics PJ'O b lcJlJ.5 lI' i t l, So l ut io ns
Problem S. A n objec t moves on a circul ar path such th at it s distance covered is given
hy the run cti on: 8 = 0 .5 / 2 III + 21m. The rat io o r the mag nitud\.:s o r it s accd erati ons at
ti m\.:s I I = 2 s a nd 12 = 5 s is l : 2. Find the radi us or the circle.
Prohlem 6. T he rad iu s or the tire o r a car is I?, The va lvt.: ca[l is at di stance /' rrom
the ax is o r the wht.:e l. Tht.: car start s rrom rt.:st with out skiddin g, at constan t acce lerati on .
Is it [loss il1k. in so me way . th at tht.: valve cap has no acce lerati on
turn roll ow in g th t.: hott om [lositi ol1 ,
a) in the
b) in th t.: - turn precedin g the bott om [lositi on'?
Problem 7. A di sc or di amder 20 cII1 is rollin g at a speed
or cl 111 /5 on the groun d, wi thout sli ppi ng. How long does
it take until the speed o r point A first beco mes equ al to the
present valu e o r the speeu o r po int J3 '!
Prohlem X, A di sc o r radiu s R = 1 III roll s unirorml y,
without skiduin g on horiw ntal ground , The speed of it s centre
is u = 0. 5 m /s . Ld A stand ror the topm os t point at t = 0
a nd [3 ror the mid-point or the correspo ndin g radiu s.
a) At what time will the speed o r point A f-i rst eq ua l the
spt.:ed or po int [3 ')
b) Fo ll ow in g on rro m part a) above, wht.: n the speed o r point
A first equ als the speeu of point J] , what is thi s speed?
c) Fo ll ow in g o n rrom part a) above , find the di stance
travell ed by the centre o r the di sk up to the tim e when the
speed o r point A first elJu als the speed o r point B.
Prohlem 9. A cart moves on a mudd y road . The radius or its whee ls is R = 0.6 Ill .
A small bit o r mud ddac hes rro m the rim at a he ight " = ~ R rrom the ground.
a) Find the speed o r the cart ir the bit o r mud rall s back o n the whee l at the same
b) Finu the kn gth or the arc on the rim th at co nn ec ts the points or detac hin g anu
railin g back,
c) Find tht.: ui sta nce covt.:red by tht.: car in th t.: mea ntime.
Prohlem 10. A ball oon is ri sing vt.: rti ca ll y rrom the groun d in suc h a way th at with
hi gh acc uracy it s acce krati on is a lin earl y dec rt.:as in g runctio n o r it s altitude above the
ground k vd . At the mo mt.:nt o r re lease th t.: ve loc it y o r the ball oo n is wro, and its
accelerati on is ([" .
1.2 Dy na.m ics
1. lU ce/JCl ll ies P ro b lem s
a) Determi ne the speed of the ba ll oo n at the height H , where its accelerati on becomes
b) What is the speed of the ba ll oo n at half of the altitude H ?
c) How long cloes it take the ba ll oo n to reac h the altitu de H ?
Prohlem 11. A massive ba ll is fall in g dow n from an initi al height of h = 20 m . With
a gun held horizo nt all y, cl = 50 m far from the tra jec tory of the fa llin g ball , at the height
of h' = 10 Ill , we are go in g to shoot at the fall ing ball . The bullet leaves the gun at a
speed of l' = 100 111 / 5. At what time aft er the start of the fall should the gun be fired in
order to hit the fall ing ba ll with th e bu ll et'? (The air res istance is neg li gibl e.)
Prohlem 12. Two objects, one sli din g dow n
from rest on a smooth (fricti onless) slope, the
other be in g th row n fro m the po int 0, start their
moti on at the same instant. Both get to the
point P at the same ti me ancl at the same speed.
Determine the initi al angle of the th row .
Prohlem 13. A projectil e is projec ted on the leve l ground at an angle of 30° with an
initi al speed o f 400 Ill / S . At one point durin g its tra jec tory the project il e exp lodes into
two pi eces. The two pieces reac h th e grou nd at the sa me moment ; one of them hit s the
ground at exact ly where it was projec ted with a speed of 250 m /s . At what height did
the ex pl os ion occur'? (Air drag and the mass of the ex pl osive materi al is negli gibl e, the
accel erati on due to grav ity can be considered as 10 Ill / 5 . )
Problem 14. T he bull et of a poac her fl yin g at a speed of v = 680 m/ s passes the
gamekeeper at a d istance cl = 1 111. What was the di stance of the bull et fro m the
ga mekeeper when he bega n to sense its shri eki ng sound ? The speed of propagati on of
sound is c =34 0 Ill /s .
1.2 Dynamics
Problem IS. A fr icti onless track co nsists of a
hori zo nt al pa rt of un know n length, wh ich connec ts
to a verti ca l semi circle of rad ius I' as shown. An
objec t, whi ch is given an initia l ve locity v , is
to move along the track in such a way that after
leav in g th e sem icircle at the top it is to fa ll back to
its initi al pos it ion. What shoul d the minimum length
of the hor izo nta l part be '?
- - - - - - - - - --........-
300 Cr eative Physics Problems with Solution s
Problem 16. A pointlike object of mass m
starts from point J( in the figure . It slides along
the full length of the smooth track of radius R,
then moves freely and travels to point C.
a) Determine the vertical initial velocity of the
pointlike object.
b) What is the minimum possible distance
O C = d, necessary for the object to slide along
the entire length of the trac k?
c) Find the normal forces exerted by the track
at points A and B.
(Let R=lm , h=2m, d=3m, m =0.5kg , use g= 10m/s )
A t----'--'R_~_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.()
Problem 17. A small object starts with a speed of Va = 20 m/s at the lowest point
of a circular track of radius R = 8. 16 m. The small object moves along the track. Ho w
big a part of the circular track can be removed, if you want to carry out the same trick ?
(Neglect friction, 9 = 9 .8 m /s2 .)
Problem 18. A small o bject of mass m = 0 .5 kg that hangs on a string of length
L = 5.6 m is given a horizontal velocity of Va = 14 m /s . The string can withstand a
maximum tension of 40 N without breaking . Where is the stone when the string breaks?
Useg=10m/ s .
Problem 19. An object slips down the frictionless surface of a cylinder of radius R.
a) Find the position in which the acceleration of the object is two thirds of the
gravitational acceleration G.
b) Find the direction of the obj ect's acceleration in that position.
Problem 20. Two horizontal tracks are connected through two circular slopes the
radii of which are equal and R = 5 m. The tracks and the slopes are in a vertical
plane and they join without a break or sharp corner. The height difference between the
horizontal tracks is h = 2 m. An object moves from the track at the top onto the bottom
one without friction. What is the maximum initial speed of the object when it starts, in
order for it to touch the path at all times during its motion ?
1"" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Problem 21. A small object is moving on a
special slope consisting of a concave and a convex
circular arc, both of which have a right angle at
the centre and radius R = 0.5 m, and they join
smoothly , with horizontal common tangent, as it
is shown in the figure. Determine the distance
covered by the object o n the slope, provided that it
started from rest and it detaches from the slope at
the altitude ~R . (The friction is negligibly small.)
1. lVl ech anics Problem s
1. 2 Dy na mics
Problem 22. A pe nd ulum , whose cord ma kes a n an g le 45 ° w ith th e vertical is
released. Where w ill th e bob reac h its minimum ac ce le rati o n?
Problem 23. T wo bl oc ks, eac h o f mass 3 kg, are co nn ected by a s pri ng , w hose
sprin g co nstant is 200 N/ m. T hey are pl aced o nto a n inc lin ed plan e o f an g le 15° .
The coe ffici e nt of fri c ti o n be tw ee n th e upper bl ock and the inc lin ed pl ane is 0 .3 , w hil e
betwee n th e lower bl oc k and th e inc lined pl a ne it is 0.1.
After a whil e, th e two bl ocks move together w ith th e
same acce lerati o n. Use g = 10 m /s .
a) Find th e va lue o f th e ir acce lerati o n.
b) Find th e ex te nsio n o f th e sprin g .
3 kg
Problem 24. A so lid cy linde r o f mass ]'\11 and radiu s R , ro llin g w itho ut slidin g o n
a ro ugh hori zo ntal pl a ne, is pull ed at its ax is w ith
a horizontal ve loc ity of Va. B y mea ns of a string
of length 2R attac hed to its axis, th e cylinde r is
dragging a thin pl ate o f mass m = 2M ly in g o n th e
plane . If th e sy stem is re leased , how lo ng doe s it take
to stop, and what is th e stoppin g di stance?
(J.L = 0 .4 ; Va = 2 m /s; R = 0 .5 m , use g = 10 m /s 2 )
Problem 25. A ri g id sur fac e co nsi sts of a rou g h
horizontal plan e and a n inclined pl a ne co nnectin g to it
without an ed ge . A thin hoop o f radiu s T" = O.lm is
roll ing toward s th e sl o pe witho ut s lippin g, at a ve locity
0 ______/
of Va = 3 .5 - , perpe ndicul ar to th e base of th e slo pe .
a) In which case will the hoo p get hi g he r up th e s lo pe: if th ere is fri c ti o n o n th e slope
or if the re is not?
b) A ssume th at th e slope is ideall y smooth. A t a time t = 2.4 s a ft e r arri vin g at the
slope, what w ill be th e s peed o f th e hoo p re turnin g from th e slope?
(The coeffic ie nts o f bo th stati c and kin e tic fr ic ti o n betwee n th e ho ri zo ntal pl ane and
the hoop are {L = 0 .2. T he s lope co nnects to th e horizo nt al p la ne with a s mooth c ur ve
of rad ius R> T, w hi c h is con s ide red part o f th e slo pe . T he hoop does no t fall o n its
side durin g th e m oti o n.)
Problem 26. A bl oc k of mass M = 5 kg is m ov in g
o n a hori zo ntal pl ane . A n objec t o f m ass m = 1 k g is
dropped o nto th e b loc k, hittin g it with a ve rt ical ve locity
of VI = 10 m /s. The speed o f the block at th e same time
instant is V2 = 2 m/s . The object st icks to th e bl ock.
The co lli sio n is mo me ntary . Wha t w ill be th e s peed of
the bl ock a ft er th e co lli sion if th e coeffic ie nt o f fricti o n
betwee n th e b loc k an d th e horizo nta l p la ne is Ji = 0.4?
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solutions
Problem 27. A pointlike ball of mass m is tied to
the e nd of a string , which is attached to the top of a
thin vertical rod . The rod is fixed to the middle of a
block of mass M lying at rest on a hori zo ntal plane.
The pendulum is displ aced to a horizontal position
and released from rest.
If the coefficient of static friction between the
block and the ground is JL., what angle will the string
create with the vertical rod at the time instant when
the block starts to slide? (M = 2 kg , m = 1 kg,
{i s = 0 .2.)
Problem 28. Two small cylinders of equal radius are rotating quickly in opposite
direc tions. Their spindles are parallel and lie on the same horizontal plane. The distance
between the spindles is 2L. Place a batten of uniform den s ity onto the top of the two
cylinders so that the batten is perpendicular to the spindles , a nd its centre of mass is at a
di stance of x from the perpendicular bi sector of the segment between the two spindles,
which is perpendicular to the spindles. What type of motion does the batten undergo?
Problem 29. An object is pulled up uniformly along an inclined plane which makes
an angle of a with the horizontal. The angle between the force with which it is pulled
up and the plane of the incline is {3 . The coefficient of friction between the plane and
the o bject is JL . In what interval can the angle {3 vary to allow the force to pull up the
Problem 30. A coin is placed onto a phonograph turntable at a distance of r = 10 cm
from the centre. The coefficient of static friction between the coin and the turntable is
{i = 0.05. The turntabl e, which is initially at rest, starts to rotate with a constant angular
acceleration of {3 = 28 - 2 . Ho w much time elapses before the coin slips on the turntable?
Problem 31. A ri gid rod of length L = 3 m and mass M = 3 kg , whose mass
is distributed uniformly, is placed on two identical thin-walled cylinders resting on a
hori zo ntal table . The axes o f the two cylinders are d = 2 m from each other. As for the
rod , one of its endpoints is directly above the axis of one cylinder, while its trisector
point (cl oser to its other end) is directly above the axis of the other cylinder. The mass
of the cylinders is m = 1 kg each . A constant horizontal pulling force F = 12 N acts
on the rod. Both cylinders roll without friction .
1.2 Dy na mics
1. NIechanics Pro blem s
a) Find the final speed of the rod , whe n it s leftmost end is exactl y above the axis of
the left cy linder.
b) Find the fri cti on force and the minimum coe ffici ent of fri cti o n required between
the cylinders and the rod for pure rollin g.
c) Find the minimum coefficient of fri cti on between the table and the cylinders.
Problem 32. A cart of mass 3 kg is pulled by
a 5 kg object as shown. The cart , whose le ngth
is 40 cm moves al ong the tabl e without fri cti o n.
There is a bri ck of mass 2 kg on the cart, whi ch
falls from it 0. 8 s after the start of the moti on. Find
the coe ffi cie nt of kinetic fricti on betwee n the cart
and the bri ck. Use 9 = 10 m /s .
5 kg
Problem 33. A small solid sphere of mass m = 8 kg is pl aced in side a ri gid hollow
sphere of mass M = 8 kg . The holl ow sphere is then dropped from a great height. Air
drag is in direct proporti on to the squ are ve loc ity : F = kv 2 . If speed and forc e are
measured in m /s and Newton res pec ti vely , the n k = 0 .1. Draw a graph th at represents
the force exerted by the small sphere on the holl ow sphere in terms of velocity. Use
9 = 10 m /s2.
Problem 34. A small body th at is fixed to the end of a strin g of length 1= 20 cm is
forced to move al ong a circl e on a slope whose angle of inclin ati on is 0' = 30° . The
body starts from the lowest pos ition in such a way that its speed at the topmost position
is v = 3 m / s.
a) Find the initi al velocity, if at the to pm ost point, the tension in the strin g is half of
what it is at the moment of startin g.
b) Find the coe fficient of fri cti on.
c) Find the di stance trave lled by the body until stopping, if after 5/4 turn s the strin g
is released and the body re main s on the slope throughout its moti on.
Problem 35. The inner radiu s o f a fri ctionl ess spherical shell is OA = 0. 8 m. One
end of a sprin g of relaxed le ngth L = 0.32 III
and spring constant D = 75 N / m is fixed to
point B, whi ch is 0.48 m be low the centre
of the sphere. A ball of mass m = 3.2 kg
is attached to the other end of the sprin g,
while the sprin g is ex tended in a hori zontal
pOsiti o n to reach point C. The n the ball is
released. (g = 10 m /s2 )
a) Find the speed of the ball when it has trave led furth est dow n the cy linder.
b) Find the force exerted by the ball on the spheri cal she ll at th at point.
300 C reati ve PhJ's ics Prohle11l s w ith S ollItioll s
Problem 36. A tangentially attached slope
lead s to a circular match-box track with radiu s
n = 32 cm set in a vertical plane. The toy car
starts from rest at the top of the slope , run s
down the slope and detaches from the track at
h o=?.
height h = - Ii. measured from the boltom.
a) Find the height the car starts from.
b) Find the maximum height reached by it
after it reaches the boltom of the track.
(Assume that the toy car is point-like , neglect drag and friction. )
Problem 37. A small wheel , initiall y at rest,
rolls down a ramp in the shape of a quarter
circle without slipping. The radiu s of the circle
= 1 111 and (1 = GO° , {3 = 30° . Find the
height .1: reached by the wIKel after leaving the
Problem 38. Two bank s of a river whose
width is d = 100 III are connected by a bridge whose longitudinal section is a parabol a
arc. The highest point of the path is h = 5 111 above the level of the banks (see the figure ).
A car with mass In = 1000 kg traverses the bridgL: at a constant speed of 'V = 20 m /s .
Find the magnitude of the force that the car exerts on the bridge
a) at the highest point of the bridge ,
b) at 3/4 of the distance betwL:L:n the two bank s.
(Drag can be neglected . Calculate with 9 = 10 lll /s 2 .)
Prohlem 39. An iron ball ( A ) 01
mass In = 2 kg can slide without friction
on a fixL:d horizontal rod , which is kd
A :4
.. B
thro ugh a diametric hole across the ball .
There is another ball (13) of the same
mass In attached to the first ball by a thin thread of length L = 1. G 111. Initially the ball s
are at rest, the thread is horizontall y stretched to its total length and coincides with the
rod . as is shown in the figure. Then the ball B is released with zero initial velocity.
a) DL:tL:rmine th e VL:locity and accL:lL:ration of the ball s ( A ) anel ( 13) at the timL: when
thL: thrL:ad is vL:rtical.
1.2 Dynamics
1. Nrccil all ics Proble m s
b) Determine the foree exerted by the rod on the ball (A) and the tension in the thread
at thi s in stant. (I n the ca lcul ati ons take the grav it ati o nal accelerati on to be 9 = 10 m/s- .)
Prohlem 40. A plane incl ined at an angle of 30°
ends in a circul ar loop of rad iu s n = 2 Ill. The pl ane
and the loop join smoot hl y. A marble of radius I' =
::::: 1 Clll and of mass In = 20 g is re leased from th e
slope at a height of h = 3R . What is the lowes t va lu e
of the coeOicient of fri cti on if the marbl e roll s along
the path with out slidin g')
Prohlem 41. T he vert ical and hori zo nt al parts of a
track are co nn ec ted by a quarter o f a ci rcul ar arc whose
= 0. 2 111. A ball slides on the track with
radiu s is
negli gibl e fri cti on: it is pulled through a s lit along the
track by a stretched sprin g as is show n in the figure.
The len gth o f the un stretc hed sp rin g is 0.2 111 , the
spring co nstant is 100 N/ 111 . The slidin g ball start s
from a point that is hi gher than C\' = 45° above the
hori zo ntal pan of the trac k when viewed fro m the
centre of the arc and reaches the ma ximum ve loc ity at
angle (3 = 3Llo below the horizontal part of the track.
a) Find the Ill ass of the ball .
b) Find the max illlum speed of the ball.
Problem 42. A horizo ntal di sk o f rad iu s T = 0.2 III
is fi xed ont o a hori zo ntal frictionless table. One e nd of
a massless strin g o f le ngth L = 0. 8 III is fixed to the
perimeter of the disk , whi Ie the other end is attached
to an object of mass In = 0.6 kg, which stand s on the
table as show n. T he object is then given a ve loc ity of
magnitude (' = 0. 4 Ill /s in a direction perpcndicul ar to
the strin g.
a) At what time will the obj ec t hit the disk ?
b) Find th e te nsio n in the strin g as a fun ct ion o f time.
Prohlem 43. A sem i-cy linder of radius '/' = 0. 5 llI etres
is fi xed in horizo nt al position. A strin g of length L is
attached to it s edge. The object ti ed to the e nd of the
strin g is rel eased from a horizo ntal positi o n. When the
objcct at th e end of the strin g is ri sin g. at a certain point
the stri ng becomes slack. When the stri ng beco mes slack, the len gth of the free part of
the strin g is :; = 0.961' = 0,48 llIetres . What is the total len gth of the strin g?
300 Creative P hysics P roblems wit h Solutions
Problem 44. O n a horizo ntal table w ith the he ig ht h = 1 m the re is a bl oc k o f mass
= 4 kg a t rest. T he bl ock is con nected by a lo ng mass less stri ng to a second bl ock of
mass 7n2 = 1 kg w hi ch hangs fro m the ed ge of the table . T he bloc ks are the n re leased.
F ind the d istance between the po ints where the two bl ocks hit the gro und. Neglect
fric ti o n.
Problem 45. T wo carts of masses 7nl = 8 kg and
7n2 \' 17 kg
are conn ected by a cord that passes over
a pulley as show n. Cart 7n2 stand s o n an incline with
an angle ~ = 36° 52'. If the syste m is re leased, what
wo uld be the pos iti o ns of the pe nd ulu ms ins ide the two
carts? Neg lec t fric ti o n.
Problem 46. A solid cube of mass 7n = 8 kg a nd edge l = 20 em is lyi ng at res t on
a smooth hori zo nta l pl ane. A strin g of le ngth l is attac hed to the midpo int of o ne of its
base ed ges.
With the othe r e nd o f the strin g ke pt o n the pl a ne, the c ube is pulled with the string
at a n acceleratio n of a = 3g. T he string stays perpe ndi c ul ar to the ed ge of the c ube that
it pull s o n. Find the co nstant force e xe rted by the c ube o n the gro und a nd the force
exerted by the strin g on the c ube.
Problem 47. A uniform solid di sc o f rad iu s R and mass 7n is pull ed by a cart on
a hori zo ntal pla ne with a stri ng o f le ngth 2R attac hed to its perimeter. T he other e nd
of the strin g is attached to the cart at a he ig ht R a bove the ground. In the case o f
equ ilibrium , what ang le does the strin g c reate w ith
the ho ri zo ntal plane if
-.--..---_..., 2R
a) there is no fr ic tion,
b) there is fri ct ion?
. The ax is of the di sc is perpendi cul ar to both the
string and the ve loci ty .
Problem 48. The syste m shown in the fig ure undergoes uniforml y accelerated
moti on. D ata: 7nl = 10 kg, Fl = 20 N, 7n2 = 2 kg , F2 = 10 N . Find the read ing
on the spring scale:
a) in thi s arrangeme nt,
b) if the fo rces Fl a nd r"2 are swapped,
c) if 7nl = 7n2 = 6 kg. How does the res ult
c hange in cases a) and b) if 7n2 is neg li gibly
s ma ll in co mparison to 7n l , fo r exampl e 7n2 = 10 g? Fri c tion is neg li g ible and the
mass of the spring is neg li g ible as well.
1.2 Dyna mics
1. Nl ech an ics Problem s
Problem 49. A bl ock o f mass m = 3 kg is co nnec ted to
a sprin g and he ld o n to p o f an inc lined pl a ne o f ang le Cl' =
::::: 30° as show n. T he spring, w hose sprin g constant is D =
::::: 80 N/m is in its re laxed state whe n the bl oc k is re leased .
The coe ffic ie nt of fri c ti o n is very s mall . Use 9 = 10 Ill / 5 .
a) Wh at is the g reatest de pth reac hed by the bloc k']
b) Whe re w ill the ve ry small fri c ti o n make the bl oc k stop?
Problem 50. A body o f mass m is pl aced on a wed ge w hose ang le o f inc lin ati o n is
a and whose mass is M . Find the ho ri zo nta l fo rce F th at shoul d be appli ed o n the
wedge in orde r for the bod y of mass to s lide from the to p to the bo tto m o f the wedge in
twice as much time as it wo uld if the wedge were stati o nary. The fri c ti o n be tween the
wedge and the horizo nt al gro und can be neg lec ted, the coe ffi c ie nt o f fri c ti o n betwee n
the wed ge a nd the body is ~.. Initi all y both bodi es are at rest. ( 111 = 1 kg, III. = 1 kg .
a = 30o, J.L=0.2, g=9 .81 111 /5 )
Problem 51. A bl ock o f mass Tnl = 7 kg is
placed o n top o f a h = 1 m hi g h in c lined pl a ne
with an a ng le Cl' = 36.87° and mass !VI = 2 kg
which is co nnec ted by a cord o f le ng th hover
a mass less, fri c ti o nl ess pulley to a second bl oc k
of mass m2 = 1 kg hang in g verti ca ll y as sho wn.
The inclined pl ane c an move witho ut fri c ti o n in the
horizontal directi o n. The bl ocks are the n re leased .
After ho w lo ng will the two bl oc ks be nea rest to
each o ther? Neg lect fricti o n and use 9 = 10 Ill /5 .
Problem 52. A sphere o f mass m is pl aced between a ve rti ca l wa ll a nd a wedgc o f
mass M and ang le a, in such a way that the sphe re to uc hes the wed ge tan genti a ll y
at the to pm ost po int o f the wed ge, as is sho wn in the
figure . The wedge is standing o n a ho ri zo nta l pl ane, and
both the sphe re and the wed ge move witho ut fri c ti o n.
a) How sho uld the mass rati o Af / m a nd the a ng le 0.
be chosen so that the wed ge does not tilt a ft er rel eas in g
the sphe re ')
b) Determine the speed reac hed by the sphe re by the
time it s lides alo ng a seg me nt o f le ngth 1= 20 Clll o f the
wedge, prov ided th at Cl' = 60° a nd !VI/m = 12.
Problem 53. A large, c losed box s lides dow n o n a ve ry lo ng, in c lined pl ane. A n
observer in s ide the box wa nts to de termin e the ang le of the incl ined pl a ne (0.) and
the coe fli c ie nt of kin e ti c fri cti o n. Wh at experime nts sho uld he d o a nd w hat sho uld he
measure in o rde r to be ab le to calcul ate the above qu antiti es ?
300 C reative P hysics Prob lems w it h Solu t io ns
Problem 54. A thin , ri gid woode n rod o f hei ght h is fi xed to the ground and is
standin g verti call y. A s impl e pe ndulum of le ngth 1< h a nd mass m is attac hed to its
upper e nd . The pe nd ulum is moved to a hori zo ntal pos iti o n and released. Dete rmine the
torque that the fi xed lower e nd mu st bear to keep the rod in pos iti on. (Let h = 1. 2111 ,
m = 0.5 kg , use 09 = 10 m / 5
Problem 55. As show n in the fi g ure, a smooth
he m is phere of radi us R is fi xed to the top of a cart
th at can roll s moothl y o n a hori zo ntal gro und. The
to tal mass o f the cart is M, and it is initi ally at
rest. A pointlike ball of mass m is dropped into
the he mi sphere tangentiall y, fro m a po int h = R
above its edge. T he ball slides all the way alo ng the
he mi sphere with neg li g ible fri cti o n.
a) Whe re will the ball be whe n it reac hes the maximum height durin g its moti o n?
b) With what fo rce w ill the ball press o n the he mi sphere at its lo wermost point?
(Let R=0.5m , M=2 kg, m=0 .5kg, use o9 =10 m /8 )
Problem 56. Two rods, each of length L = 0 .5 m
a nd mass m l = 1 kg , are j oined together by hinges as
sho wn . The bottom end o f the le ft rod is connected to
the ground , while the boltom e nd of the right o ne is
connected to a block of mass m2 = 2 kg. The block is
the n released to a pos iti o n where the rods fo rm a 60°
angle with the hori zo ntal pl a ne. Friction is negligible.
a) Find the veloc ity of point A as it hits the ground.
b) F ind the accele rati o n of mass m2 at that mome nt.
Problem 57. A ri g ht triangle o f s ide le ngths
a, band c is fo rmed usin g three thin rods
o f the same mate ri al, which are firmly fix ed
to each othe r. The triang le, which is initi ally
pl aced vertically o nto a hori zo ntal pl ane on
its edge b, tumbl es dow n fro m thi s un stable
pos iti o n. a = 30 cm , c = 50 cm .
a) De te rmine the veloc ity o f the ve rtex B whe n it hits the ho rizontal plane, prov ided
that the tri a ngle does not s lide alo ng gro und.
b) De te rmine the pos ition and veloc ity o f the vertex B whe n it hits the ho ri zo ntal
pl a ne, prov ided that the fri c ti o n is neg li gible!
1.2 Dyna.mics
1. IVleci1 a.nics Problem s
Problem 58. Two thin rods o f identi cal material
and cross-sec ti on with lengths h = 0.6 m and
12 = 1 m are co nnected by a fricti onless joi nt.
The structure slides from its un stable eq uilibrium
pos ition in such a way th at the rods remain on
a vertical plane and the ang le e nclosed by them
decreases. Find the place where the joint reaches the ground and find its speed upon
Problem 59. As shown in the figure , a thin and
solid rod of length L = 2R is leanin g again st a
smooth se mi -cyl inder of radius R = 1 m th at is
fixed to a hori zo ntal pl ane. The lower end of the
rod A is held on the ground and then released
from rest. The rod fa ll s, sli ding along the side
of the cy linder. What will be the speed of its
upper end B at the time instant when it reaches
the surface of th e cy linder? (Neglect all fricti on.)
Problem 60. A rod with length L stand s on the
edge of a table in such a way that its bottom is
propped against a smooth (fricti onl ess) peg. Then
the rod tilts and fall s. Find the hei ght of the table
if the rod reaches the f~oor in a vertica l pos iti on ,
with its top end hitting the floor first.
Problem 61. The follow in g forces act on a body, which is initi all y at rest: Fl = 10 N
for tl = 4 s, then F2 = 4 N acting in the same direction for t2 = 14 s, then F3 = 15 N
acting in the oppos ite directi on for t3 = 2 s .
Find the magnitude of the constant force th at causes the same flnal velocity of the
body :
a) at the same time,
b) at the same distance .
Problem 62. A bl ock of mass m with a spring
fastened to it rests on a hori zo ntal fri cti onl ess
Surface. The sprin g constant is Do, the relaxed
len gth of the sprin g is L and the sprin g's mass
is negligible. A seco nd block of mass m moves
along the line of axis of the sprin g with consta nt velocity Vo and co llides with the spring
as show n.
a) What is the shortest length of the sprin g during the collision ?
b) The seco nd block the n sti cks to the left e nd of the spring. What is the freq uency
of osci ll ati on of the sys tem?
Values: m= lkg, L=0.2m, D o =250N / m , vo= 0.8 m /s .
~ oooooool7%J
300 C rcat il'c P II.I".';ics Pro /)k'llS I\'ith So lut io ns
Problem 63. O ur mode l rocket is a trolley on which seve ral sprin g launc hers arc
in stall ed. Eac h sp rin g is co mpressed and therci"ore stores E = 100 .J of cl asti c energy .
T he sys tem. whose total mass is 1\1 = 100 kg is initi all y at res t. Fin d the vel oc ity o r the
tro ll ey if th e struct ure shoots out three ba ll s with Ill ass /1/ = [) kg in success ion and in
the sa me d irec tio n alo ng the longit ud in al ax is.
Problem 64. A ball o f mass III and of speed u co llid es with a stati o nary ball of
mass 1\ 1 . The co lli sio n was head-o n but not totall y e lasti c. Determine the kineti c energy
whi ch is lost durin g the co lli s io n as a fun cti on of the speeds as we ll as the given masses
be rore and a rter the co ll is ion. Based o n the result , defin e a qu antit y whi ch charac teri zes
the elastic ity o r the co lli sion.
Prohlc ll1 65. An objec t o r mass 1/1 1 and another o r mass
arc drop ped rro m a he ight " , the seco nd one immed iatel y
roll ow in g the lirst o ne. All co lli sio ns are perfectl y elasti c and
occ llr alo ng a verti ca l line.
a) For what rati o o r the masses wi ll the ohject of mass IlL I
re main at rest arter the eo lli sions?
b) Accordin g to a) , how hi gh will the obj ec t o r mass 1H 2 ri se?
Prohlem 66. Two bl ocks o r masses /III = 5 kg and 1I ~2 = 3 kg are at rest on a tabl e
at a di stance o r 8 J = 0.5 III rro m eac h other. Block 171 2 is at a di stance o r 82 = 0. 5 III
rro m the edge o r the table as show n. The coe nicient o r rricti o n is !~ = 0 .1 02 = 1/ 9.8.
Find the ve loc it y that should be give n to block
m-'------I..~I ......f--=O-'-.5::..:m
. 1 /Ill ir arter th e elasti c co lli sion or the two bl ocks
a) bl ock 1111,
b) bl ock 171 2 is to reac h the edge
- o r the table
a nd stop th ere.
Prohlcm 67. At the rim o r a holl ow he mi sphere o r di ameter 4 metres two ohj ec ts
or masses 111 1 = 3 kg and 1112 = 2 kg are rel eased at
the sallle Illo ment. Initi all y the two obj ec ts arc at th e
two e ndpoints o r a diameter of the hemi sphere. They
co lli de totall y e las ti ca ll y. A rter the lirst co lli sion
what arc the greatest heights the bl ocks ca n reac h?
The rric tio n is neg li gible.
Prohlc ll1 68. A bl ock of mass 1\1 = 1 .6 kg is lyin g
on a plan e inclin ed at an angle o r 0. = 16.25 ° to th e
horizo nta l. The coe nicie nt o r rri cti o n is {I = 0.2. At
the same time that the bl ock o n the incl ined plane is
re leased, a shell of Ill ass m = 0. £1 kg is fired into it
ho ri zo nt all y wit h a speed or /' = 12 111 / 5. How muc h will th e block o r mass and the
shdl or mass sli de up th e in cl ine ? (.11= 10 111 /5 -)
M ~a
1. j\ IccllC1l1ics Problem s
1.2 Dynam ics
Problem 69. A block of mass 1\1, supported by a
buAe r, stays at res t on a plan e in clined at an angle 0 '
to the hor izo nt al. From be low, parall e l to the in clined
plane, a bull et of mass m is shot into the block at a
speed of v . How long does it take for the block to reac h
the bufle r aga in '! The coe fli cie nt of fri cti on betwce n the bl ock and the pl ane is {l. The
bul le, pe net rates int o the bl ock. Durin g the penetra ti on the di sp lacement of the bl ock is
neg ligible. The coe flicient s of static and kineti c fri cti on ca n be co nsidered equ al.
Problem 70. A ba ll made of a totall y ine lastic ma teri al is hun g be twee n two heavy
iron rods , whi ch are also hun g as pe nd ul ums. The mass of the ball is neg li gibl e with
respect to th at of the rods. The masses of the rods are: m l and m 2, ( 7nl > m 2) . One
of the rods is pul led out , so that its ce ntre of mass ri ses to a he ight of h , and then it is
released . The plas tica ll y de form ab le ball beco mes fl at d ue to the co lli sio n. Whi ch rod
shou ld be ra ised in orde r to cause the greate r compress ion of the ball if h is the sa me
in both cases. Based on the res ult , draw a conclu sion abo ut the effic ie ncy of deformin g
an object by hammeri ng it.
Prohlem 71. A projecti le throw n upwards exp lodes at the top of it s path in to two
parts of masses 1111 = 3 kg and 1712 = 6 kg. The two parts reac hed the gro und at
eq ual di stances fro m the pos itio n of the projec ti on, and with a time diffe rence of T = 4
seconds. At what he ight did the projectil e exp lode'! (Neg lect air res istance.)
Prohlem 72. From a horizo ntal gro un d a projec tile is shot at an initi al speed of
Vo = 150 m /s and at an angle of Q = 60 0 fro m the hori zo ntal ground . After a time
of t 1 = 10 s th e projec til e exp lodes and brea ks up in to two pi eces of masses m and
2m . At the mome nt t:,t = 10 s after the explos ion the pi ece of mass In hits the ground
at a distance of d = 500 111 behind the place of shootin g, in the pl ane of the trajectory
of the un ex pl oded pro jec tile . At thi s in stant how far is the other pi ece of mass 2m fro m
the canno n')
Problem 73. A tro ll ey of mass J\i = 20 kg is travell ing at a speed of V = 10 m / s.
A sprin g, init ia ll y compressed, laun ches an obj ec t of mass m = 2 kg oft' the tro lley in a
fo rward direc ti on in such a way th at after the launch the speed of the objec t is v = 2 m / s
re lative to th e trolley . De termin c the ki neti c energy of th e object re lat ive to the gro und.
Prohl em 74. Two clast ic ball s are suspe nded at the same
hei ght ; one has mas s 1n 1 = 0.2 kg , the other has mass m2 . If the
system is le ft alone in the posit io n show n in the fig ure, we find
that - aft er an e lasti c and ce ntral co lli sion - both ba lls ri se to the
same he ight.
a) Fin d the mas s of the other ba ll.
b) At wha t fract ion is he ight h reac hed by the ba ll s after the
Coll ision of fl ')
300 Creative Physics Problem s w ith Solu t ions
Problem 75. There are two thin , ho mogeneo us disks of the sa me radius and mass lying
o n a horizo ntal a ir cus hi o n tabl e. O ne o f the
disks is at rest, while the other is moving at a
speed of Vo = 1 m / s . The line go in g through
the centre of the mov ing di sk, which follow s the directi o n of its veloc ity, to uc hes the
other disk tangentially. The two disks co llide e las tica ll y. Determine the ve loc iti es
of the disks after the collision. T he directi o ns o f the velocities can be desc ribed by
In the process in ves ti gated fri c ti o n is neg li gib le
angles relative to the initial velocity
everw here.
vo .
Problem 76. There are three thin disks of ide ntical mass (mA = mn = m e = m) and
radius lying at rest o n a smoo th hori zo ntal pl a ne. The di sks Band C are connec ted by a
thin thread of le ngth 1= 1 m. Initially the thread is straight, but not
stretched, and it makes an a ngle of 45° with the line go in g throu gh
the midpoints of the di sks A and B. Now we push the disk A at
a speed v = 2 m/s in such a way that it centrall y collides with the
disk B. The co lli sions are e las tic a nd in stanta neous. At what time
after the collision of the disks A a nd B will the line co nn ec ting
the centres o f the disks Band C be para ll e l to the trajectory of
the disk A? At this instance, de termine the di stance of the disk A
from Band C. (The di sks can be con s idered pointlike.)
Problem 77. There are two identica l ba lls o f mass m =
= 0.2 kg suspended o n two threads of lengths 1= 1 m and
1/2. The threads are made of the sa me materi a l, and in their
vertical pos ition the two balls touch each other. If the ball
hanging on the longe r thread is re leased from an initi al angl e
of ipo = 60° with res pec t to the vertical , then the thread breaks
just before the co lli sio n.
What is the ma ximum initi a l angle fr o m which thi s ball can
be re leased, so that no ne o f the threads break a fter the totall y
e lastic colli s io n?
Problem 78. A mathematica l pe ndulum
of le ngth 1 and mass m is suspended on a
s moothly runnin g trolley of mass JVI. A nothe r pe ndulum , also of le ngth 1 a nd mass
m is suspe nded from the ce ilin g, displaced
through angle a and then released without
initi a l velocity. The two pendulum s collide
centrall y and perfectly elasticall y. Find the
a ng le ip through which the pendulum suspended from the tro ll ey sw in gs o ut.
( M = 3 kg , m = 2 kg, a = 60° . )
1. IVlechanics Problems
1.2 Dynami cs
Problem 79. A small cart of mass m is at rest on a
horizontal track. A vertical column of length L = 2 m and the
same mass m is fixed to the cart. A rod of the same mass m
and length L = 2 m is attached to its upper end with a hinge,
and released from a horizontal position. At what speed will the
end of the rod hit the base of the column? (g = 10 lll / s .)
\ m
m L
Problem 80. A cylinder of mass N! and radiu s R can rotate freely about it s
horizontal axis. A thread is wound around its lateral
surface, and a weight of mass m is attached to the
free end of the thread . Initially the thread below
the cylinder is vertical , and unstrained. Then the
weight is I ifled to a height h , and released from that
position at zero initial speed. At what time after its
release does the weight cover the distance 2h?
(The thread is unstretchabl e, and the interaction is
instantaneous and totally inelastic .
________ '!!
Data: M=2 kg, R=0.2 m, m=3 kg, h= l. 2 111 .)
Problem 81. An inclined plane of angle C~ and mass M can move on the ground
without friction . A small object of mass m and vertical velocity v collides with the
stationary inclined plane. Assuming that the collision is elastic, find the velocity of the
object (u) after the collision, the angle ( ip ) formed by this velocity and the horizontal
ground. Find the speed (c) of the inclined plane after the co lli sion. Data: It = 36 .87° ,
m=6kob ' NI= 18k<Yb ' v =14m/s .
Problem 82. A big chest of
mass M = 50 kg is sliding
on the horizontal ground , and
a sand bag of the same mass
is falling into it. The bag was
projected from the initial height
of h = 3 III at certain a hori,
zontal speed, and when it hits
the chest, the speed of the chest
is VI = 5 m/s. The velocity of
the chest is in the plane of the
trajectory of the bag, and the
bag hits the chest in such a way ,
that its velocity makes an angle of 60° with the velocity of the chest. The coeflicient of
kinetic friction between the chest and the ground is {l = 0.4. The collision of the bag
is instantaneo us. Determine the distance covered by the chest from the collision until it
stops. What would the distance be if the bag was not thrown into the chest?
----_------ JI
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Problem 83. A quarter-round slope of radius
R = 0.5 m is attached tangentially to a freely
rolling trolley of mass M = 3 kg, originally at
rest. A small -sized body of mass m = 2 kg slides
onto the trolley at velocity v = 15 m / s.
a) Find the veloc ity of the trolley when the small
body leaves it.
b) Find the distance travelled by the trolley from parting to reunion with the body.
c) Find the velocities of the trolley and the body when they part from each other again.
(Friction and drag can be neglected. Calculate with 9 = 10 m/s2 .)
Problem 84. A small object of mass m = 1 kg is released from rest at the top of an
incl ined plane that connects to a horizontal plane without an edge. It slides onto a cart
of mass M that has a semi -cylindrical surface of radius R = 0.36 m fixed to the m iddle
of it , as shown in the figure.
The small object reaches the topmost point of the semi -cylinder and stops there.
In continues to move vertically w ith
free fall and hits the cart exactly at the
edge . All friction can be neglected.
a) What is the m inimum possible
length of the cart?
b) What is the mass of the cart?
c) At what height h was the small
object released?
Problem 85. An 80 kg man stands on the rim of a 300 kg rotating disk with rad ius
5111 . The disk initially rotates at 0.1 S - l around a vertical axis. Then the man walks
from the rim to the centre of the disk. Find the change in the energy of the system.
Problem 86. An object of mass m = 1 kg
attached to a string is moving in a circle of radius
R = 40 cm on a horizontal surface. The other
end of the string is threaded through a hole at the
centre of the circle and a mass of !VI = 2 kg is
hung from it.
If the mass !VI is released, the closest approach
of the mass m to the centre will be T = 10 cm.
a) Find the smallest and largest speeds of the mass m .
b) What is the speed of each object when the mass m is at a distance of R/2 from
the centre?
c) Find the accelerations of the mass M at the highest and lowest points. (Neglect
all friction, use 9 = 10 m /s2 .)
1. Mechanics Prob lems
1.2 Dynam ics
Problem 87. A so lid cy linder of rad iu s R == 0.2 metres is
supported at the endpoints of its ax is by fri cti onl ess pin bearin gs .
An object slides down a fri cti onl ess he lica l track threaded around
the cy lindrica l surface. The mass of the objec t is one fi fth of the
mass of the cy lin der. The pitch of the track is h == 0.2 metres .
9 == 10 m /s2 .
a) Wh at wi ll be the specd of the obj ec t whe n it has descended
through a height of h == 0.2 metres below the startin g po int ')
b) How long will it take to attain th at speed?
Problem 88. A di sc of mass 2 kg and radiu s
R == 0. 5 m can rotate freely around a verti ca l ax is
supported by bearin gs at a height h == 1m from
the ground . A co nstrainin g verti ca l surface o f
negli gibl e mass, whose shape is a se mic ircul ar
arc of radiu s T == R / 2 , is fi xed on the di sc as
shown in the fi gure. A small ball of mass m ==
== 1 kg is placed on the stati onary di sc and is bow led at a speed v == 3 m /s in such a
way that it reaches the intern al side of the constraining surface tange nti all y.
a) Find the di stance fro m the rim of the di sc where the ball reac hes the ground.
b) How far is the ba ll at the moment of reachin g the ground from the point of leav in g
on the di sc? (Every type of fr iction ca n be neg lec ted .)
Problem 89. A pointmass moves on the fri cti onl ess inner surface of a spherica l shell ,
whose inner radiu s is R == 1.4 m. Its ve loc ity reac hes its max imum and minimum at
hei ghts h i == 0.1 m and h2 == 0.3 m respec ti vely. Find the max imum and minimum
values of the veloc ity.
Problem 90. A 2 m long rod of negli gibl e mass is free to
rotate about its centre. An obj ec t of mass 3 kg is threaded into I'"
the rod at a di stance of 0.5 m fro m its end in such a way th at the
objec t ca n move o n the rod with out fri cti on. The rod is then released from its hori zo ntal
pos itio n. Find the speed of the rod's end in the rod's vertica l pos iti on. Use 9 == 10 m /s2 .
Problem 91. A board of length L == 3.06 m and mass
!vI = 12 kg hangs verti call y on a hin ge that is co nnected to
one of its e nd s. A bull et of mass m == 0.25 kg is fi red into
the bottom end of the board , mak in g the board sw in g up .
What should the ve loc ity of the bull et be if the board is to
Swin g up to the hori zo ntal pos itio n?
~ :: ::::: : : :~:::: :::::: :
........ ~.
JOO C ,.cati,'e Pln 'si('s Problelll s " 'itl) So lutio JJ S
Prohlem 92. A rod of mass J\I and lengt h I? is
fi xed to a hori zo ntal axis of rotation above a track
with a semicircular cross sec tion and a radiu s R . as
is shown in the figure ,
a) Find the mass of the rod relati ve to the mass of
a point-like body that starts on the track at a heigh t
of 11. if it stops after an dastic co lli sion with the rod ,
b) Fin d the angular displacement of the rod afte r
the collision . (Friction is negligible everywhere.)
Prohlem 93. A thin , homogeneous stick has a
length L = 1 Ill . An axis perpendicular to this sti ck is
fixed at one end (A) of the stick ; the stick is hung on
the axis by a hook. The stick is se nt in to a horizont al
position and then released wi th out an initi al ve locit y.
The hook forms a (s mall ) arc which allows the sti ck
to leave it when it enc loses an ang le of C\' = 30° with
the vertical plane.
Find the ang le enclosed by the stick and the
horizontal at the moment whe n its cen tre of mass
(8) is at the highest point after detachment from the
Prohlem 94. A thin rod of length L is fallin g
freely in horizontal position from a height II above
the surface of the table , in such a way that the end
of the rod just hits the edge of the table. Thi s
co lli sion is instantaneous and totally dastic, At what
time after the co lli sion docs the rod perform a whole
revolution '? Where is its centre at that moment ?
( II = 80 CIll. L = 40 Clll , ca lculate wi th free fall
acceleration 9 = to 1I1 /S .)
Problem 95. One end of a thin and heavy rod of
length L = 1 III is attached to a horizontal axis at a
height of 2 L above the ground, and the rod is held
in a horizontal position. One of two pointlike objects
of negligible mass is placed on the free end of the rod and another is held agai nst it
from be low. as shown in the fi gure. The coeflicient of friction between the small objects
and the rod is {L = 0.1:),\1 . The sys tem is released from rest. At what di stance from each
other will the small objects hit the ground '?
1.2 DY ll am ics
1. j\![ cciJallics ProiJ/ems
Problem 96. A thin , homogeneous rod of length La nd
mass 'm is suspended on a hinge at one end and then
di splaced int o a horizontal position as is shown in the figure.
The rod is released with out an initial ve loci ty. Find the
magnitude and the di rection of th e fo rce exert ed by one half
of length L / 2 of th e rod on the other hal f of L /2 when the
angu lar displacement is ip = 60 •
L, m
Prohlem 97. A disk rotates at constant ang ul ar velocity
around it s vertica l axis of sy mmetry. A rod of length L =
= 1111 is placed on to the di sk in a way th at its one end
touches th e di sk at a distance of ,. = 0. 8 III fro m the cen tre,
wh il e its other end is above the ce ntre as show n. The rod
is then rel eased and rotates together wi th the disk in th is
positi on. Find the angular ve loc ity of the disk. Use 9 =
= 10 ll1 /s 2 .
Problem 98. There is a rod of length l , mass
lying on a hori zo ntal table. A cord is led
through a pulley , and its horizontal part is attached
perpendicularl y to one end of the rod , while its
vertical part is att ached to a weight o f mass tnl . The
lllass of the pulley and the friction are neg li gible.
a) Which point of the rod has zero accelerati on at the moment of re leas ing the weigh t?
b) At what mass rati o is the acceleration of the ce ntre of the rod maximal at the
moment o f releasing th e we ight ') De termine thi s acceleration.
Problem 99. A thin rod of len gth I, mass 'In and uniform mass distribution is lying
on a smooth tabletop. O ne e nd is give n a sudden horizontal impul se in a direction
pe rpendi c ul ar to the len gt h of the rod. How lo ng will the rod slide al ong the table as it
makes two complete revolutions '?
Problem 100. Two di scs of rad iu s R = 4 cm rotatin g in the same direction at
angular ve loc ity w = 2 S-l move in oppos ite directions at velocity v = 10 cm/s on an
air-cu shi oned table as show n in the figure . The
di scs co llid e along the spikes that are located
on their circumi'cren ces and whose dimensions
are negli gible. Determine the ve loc iti es after
the collision if the di scs
a) sti ck together fi rml y after a perfectly inelasti c coil ision.
b) part after a perfec tl y elast ic, instantaneo us
co ll ision.
300 Creat ive Physics Problems with Solutions
Problem 101. There are two homogeneous, so lid disks of rad iu s R = 10 cm and
mass m = 4 kg mounted by two parallel, horizontal axes at the ends of a hori zo ntal rod
of negligible mass . The distance between these axes is d = 25 cm and the disks can
freely rotate around them. The rod itself, with the disks mounted on it, can also freely
rotate aro und a horizontal ax is in its midpoint. (See the fig ures . All the three axes are
perpendicular to the rod.) On the rim of eac h di sk there is a small pin , and between
them there is a spring of spring constant D = 1800 N/ m , which is initiall y co mpressed
by t::.l = 5 cm. Determine the angular velocity of the disks after we burn the thread th at
holds the spring in its compressed position , provided th at its initial position corresponds
to figure a) or figure b). (The spring is in contact with the pin s until it exte nd s to its
un stretched position, and then falls down.)
-- ~:
Problem 102. A thin ring of radius T = 10 cm, rotating in a hori zo ntal plane, is
dropped onto a tabletop from a height of h = 20 cm. At the instant when it starts to fall ,
the angular speed of the ring is Wo = 2 8- 1 around
its vertical axis. The collision is inelastic and takes
a very short time. The coefficient of friction betwee n
the ring and the tabl etop is J.1 = 0.3. 9 = 10111 8 - 2 .
How many revo luti ons will the ring make fro m the
start of its fall until it finally stops?
I '
Problem 103. A so lid and rigid sphere of mass
m = 80 kg and radius R = 0.2 111 is spun about a
horizontal ax is at an angular speed of w, and then
dropped without an initial speed onto a stationary
cart of mass M = 200 kg from a height of h =
= 1.25 m. It hits the cart exactly at the centre. (The
longitudinal axis of the cart lies in the plane of the
ro tati on.) The cart can roll smoothly, its deformation
in the co lli sion is perfectly elastic, and the collision
is momentary. The sphere keeps sliding throughout
the ent ire duration of the coli ision. The coeffic ient
of kin etic friction betwee n the sphere and the cart is
~i = 0.1. The sphere rebounds from the cart and falls
back onto it again.
1. M ech anics Problems
1.2 D y n a mics
a) What is the minimum possible le ngth of the cart?
b) What is the minimum poss ibl e initial angul ar speed of the sphere ?
c) Provided that the sphere is started at the minimum angu lar speed as in question b),
how much mechanical energy is dissipated in each of the first and second collisions'?
d) Find the total work done by the frict ion force and th e works done by the sphere on
the cart and by the cart on the sphere.
e) How much translational kinetic energy does each object gain ') What is the change
of the rotational kinetic energy'?
Problem 104. A sma ll ball of mass !VI = 4 kg is attached to
a solid cylinder of radius T = 3 elm and mass m = 40 kg by a
massless rod as shown. The ball is at a distance of R = 5 elm
above the centre of the cylinder. The system is then tipped from
its un stab le eq uilibrium position. Find the speed of the ball when
it hits the ground . The cylinder ro ll s wit hout slippin g. Use g =
= 10 m / s2 .
Problem 105. A weight of mass m = 5 kg is tixed to the
perimeter of a hoop of the same mass m = 5 kg and radius T = 1m .
The hoop is placed on a horizo ntal plane. Friction is negligihle.
g = 10 m/s2. Initially, the weight is at the top. Then the hoop is
a) Find the accelerati on of the cen tre of the hoop when the weight
is level with the centre.
b) With what force does the hoop press 011 the ground at that tim e in stant ')
Problem 106. A horizontal rod is fastened to a
vertic al axis as shown. There are two identica l
particles beaded onto the rod , each of mass 1 kg.
The particl es are connected to each other and to the
axis by two springs, each of whi ch have a length of
L = O.lm in their re laxed states. The particles can
move on the rod without friction. What should the
angular velocity of the system be if the distance of
the outer particle from the axis is to be 3L" The
spring constant is D = 10 - .
1-. -.~
Problem 107. A ring of mass IH() ro ll s along a
slope with angle of inclination 0. without slidi ng.
When it begins , a beetle of mass m lands at po int P.
Find the force with which the beetle should hang on
to the ring after 5/4 turns in order to remain on the
ring. (0.= 20 ° , m= l g , m o » m .)
300 C reative P hysics Problem s with S olutions
Problem 108. A hoop of rad iu s l' and of mass m is th row n above the gro und in
such a way that the pl ane o f the hoop is vertica l. The hoop is ro tating bac kwards, about
its centre with an angul ar speed of Wo a nd the veloc ity of its centre is Vo in the fo rward
direc ti o n. W hat must the a ngul ar speed of the hoop be if a fter reac hing the ground
durin g the course of its moti o n the hoop turn s bac k (mo ves bac kw ard )? A t what angul ar
speed of Wo will the speed o f the hoop mov in g bac kw ard be vo?
Problem 109. A pin g-po ng ball of mass m = 3 g is hit bac k in such a way that it
ga ins a ho ri zo nta l veloc ity at a he ig ht o f h = 20 cm above the tabl e. There is a sp in
put o n the ball causin g it to ro tate abo ut a hori zo ntal ax is that is pe rpe ndicul ar to its
veloc ity . A fter hitti ng the tabl e the ball bounces back in the vertical d irecti o n wi thout
ro tati o n. T he colli sio n is e last ic, and d ue to the unevenness o f the surfaces the coeffic ien t
of kin eti c fri cti o n betwee n the ba ll a nd the table is not zero, but J.L = 0.25 . Therefore,
what is the max imum heat prod uced d uring the co lli s io n o f the ball w ith the table? (Use
9 = 10 m /5 .)
Problem 110. A ho ll o w rim of radiu s 1'} = 1 m and mass
ml = 670 g ro ll s do wn a n inclined pl a ne o f angle 'P = 53°08' .
In side the rim there is a solid cylinder of radiu s 1' 2 = 0.3 m and
mass m 2 . The centre o f mass of the cy linder re main s at rest
re lative to the centre of mass o f the rim so th at the line connectin g
the two centres (poi nts 0 a nd C ) forms a n ang le 'Ij; = 36°52'
with the vertical thro ug ho ut the mo ti o n. F ind the mass of the
cy linder if bo th o bjects ro ll witho ut slipping.
Problem 111. For a freely rotatin g
wheel o f fortune o f mass m , the base
a nd the nappe o f the cylinder, whose
radius is R a nd he ight is R / 2, are made
of a plate o f unifo rm w idth and mate rial.
Within the ori ginally stati o nary wheel
the re is a so lid ball o f radiu s l' = R /6
and the same mass m , whic h is in touc h
w ith the surface of the cy linde r at a
he ight R /4 and is initi all y at rest.
a) Find the to rqu e th at sho uld be
applied o n the wheel of fortune in o rder
to have the centre of mass of the ba ll in it stay at rest.
b) Find the wo rk do ne thi s way in 2 5.
c) Find the a ng ul ar acce le rati on of the ba ll a nd the wheel of fo rtune.
(The ball ro ll s witho ut sk idding . Let R = 0.54 m a nd m = 2 kg . The mass o f the
d ri vin g rod is neg li gibl e .)
nl .
1. JIIl ecil anics Problems
1.2 Dyn a.m ics
Problem 112. A cy linder of mass m l = 30 kg
and rad ius T = 8 cm lies on a board of mass 111,2 =
60 kg. The ground is fri ct ionl ess and the coeffic ient
of fri cti on (both stat ic and kineti c) between the board
and the cy linde r is ~i = 0.1. The ce ntre of mass of the
cylinder is pull ed with a force of F = 44.1 5 N fo r two seconds. Find the work do ne by
force F .
Problem 113. A so lid sphere is rollin g dow n, without slidin g, on an incline of an gle
30° . The angle of the in cl ine is vari ab le.
a) The experiment is repeated with a holl ow sphere, containin g a concentric, spheri ca l
hole of half radiu s in side . Determine the s lope of the inclin e so th at the time of the
motion is the sa me as in the prev ious experiment, prov ided th at the two spheres are
started fro m the sa me point on the incline.
b) In whi ch case is larger the minim al static fri cti on coefficient necessary for the slide
free rollin g?
Problem 114. One hal f of a se mi -cylinde r of
radius R = 1 m has a rough inn er surface, whil e the
R q>
other half of the surface is fri cti onl ess. A so li d sphere
of radiu s l ' = 0.2 m is rel eased from the pos iti on
described by the initi al an gle r.p = 60° on the rough
part of the se mi-cy linder. Determine how hi gh the
centre of the sphere gets on the other, fri cti onl ess part
of the semi-cy linder, in res pect to the lowes t point of
the circ ul ar ramp. (O n the ro ugh part of the surface the stati c fri cti on is stro ng enough
for rollin g without slipping, and the ro lling fri cti on is neg li gible.)
Problem 115. A di sk of mass m = 10 kg and rad iu s T = 0.2 III is placed on top of a
cart of mass NI = 5 kg that stand s on a fri cti onl ess surface. A mass less strin g is wrap ped
around the di sk.
a) Find the accelerati ons of the disk and the carl ,
if the free e nd of the strin g is pulled with a constant
hori zont al fo rce of mag nitude F = 100 T. The
coefficie nt o f fri cti on between the cart and the disk
is ~i = 0.1 .
b) Find the kinetic energ ies of the two objec ts at
the in stant when the length of the un wo und string is
L :::::2 m .
c) Find the work done by force F until th at
JOO CreatiH' Ph.I·sics Pl'Ob /e m s "'ith SO /llti o ll S
Problem 116. Thl:rl: is a hall of mass III at thl: middk of thl: top of a bl ock o r mass
j\I and or kn gth 21. A co nstant forcl: or P is l:xl:rtl:d on thl: block from thl: initi al tillll:
o till time I. Thl:n the l:xerted forcl: is cl:ased. Frict ion bl:twel:n the horizo ntal surrace
and the hl ol: k is nl:gligible. Thl: stati c fri cti o n bl:twl:l:n thl: ball and thl: bl ock ensures
that the ball roll s with out slidin g. Find thl: time T whi ch dapses until thl: ball rall s
00' the block. (Whl: n will thl: ball rl:ach thl: l:nd o r thl: block ?) The rollin g rl:sistancl:
l:xl: rted o n thl: ha ll is nl:g li gib k .
Problem 117. A cy linder o f mass j\{ and rad iu s If lil:s in a corner so th at it
touc hes both the wa ll and the ground as shown. A
mass less chord passes around the cy linder, over a
pulley , and is attached to a small object of mass
IlL . The coenic ient of kinetic fri cti o n is p ror
all surraces. Fi nd the accele rati on o r the object
attached to the strin g. Data: p = 0. 5, 17 1 = 11 kg.
}\1 = 8 kg, I? = 0.,1111 , g = 10 llI /s-.
Prohlem 118. A cube and a cy linder are placl:d
on a hori zo nt al surracl: such that a generator
or thl: cy lindl:r to uchl:s the side of thl: cuhl: as
show n. The radi us o f the cy linder is equal to the
side kngth o r the c ubl: and thl: masses or the two objects are also equal. For all surfaces
thl: coeftlcil:nts o r stati c and kinetic fricti on are { LII and t i respec ti ve ly (po > Ii). With
what force should the cube bl: pushl:d if thl: two objects arl: to mo ve togethe r in such a
way that the cylinder's moti on rl: main s purel y tran slational? Data: rn= 12kg , ti=0. 2 ,
{i O = 0.6 , g = 10 Ill /5 .
Problem 119. Dl:scribe the moti o n of the syste m show n in the fi gure. The codlicient o r rri cti o n between the board o r mass n I l and the tabk is /'1 , whil e the cOl: Oici ent o f rri cti on bet wel: n the board and the brick of mass 111 '2 is
/i 2 . (The coe nicient s or static and kineti c rricti on
are the same. ) Data: Inl = 2 kg, 111 2 = 2 kg.
1I1 ;; = lk g, tIJ = O.l , /1 2= 0.35 .
Problem 120. A hOlllogeneou s rull he mi sphere is suspended by
a strin g at a poi nt on its edge is such a way th at it touches but does
not push the ragged surface beneath it. Find the minimum va lu l:
or thl: coeOicient or rriction at which th e he mi sphere will not sli p
arter burning the strin g. T hl: ce ntre o r mass or a hl:mi sphere is at
3/8 th o r its radiu s.
1.2 Dyna.mics
1. 1\JeciJalJics Problem s
Problem 121. A massless cord that has one of its e nds
attached to a peg on the ground passes below a cy linder, over
a pullcy, and is attached to a sma ll object of mass Tn = 8 kg as
shown . The rotating part of the pulley is identical to the cy linder
all the ground , both having a radius of ,. = 2.5 cm and a mass
of m = 8 kg . The cord between the pulley and the cy linder
(that are at a great distance from each other) forms 60 0 with
ihe hori zontal. Find thl: acceleration of the hanging object at
the moment whe n it is released. (The cord does not slip on the
pul ley.)
Problem 122. Two coaxial pulley s of the same thickness and
of the same material have radii 10 cm and 20 cm respectively .
The total mass of the pulley-system is .5 kg. The blocks hanging
from the pulleys have a mass of 9 kg each . Find the times the
hanging blocks need to travel down to a depth of 4 .9111 from
their original positions.
Problem 123. Two disks with radii T[ = 0.3 III and 1'2 = 0.2 11l are fixed together
so that the ir ce ntrl:S are above each other. The rotational inertia of the disk-system
is 8 = 0.2.5 kg1tl 2 . The greater disk stands
on a frictionle ss table . Massless chords that are
wrapped around the greater and the sma ller disks
pass over pulleys and are attached to sma ll objects
of masses ITII = ·5 kg and 17L2 respectively as
shown . Fi nd the va lue of in 2 at which the axis of
symmetry o f the di sk-system remains statio nary.
Use 9 = 10 111 / s .
Problem 124. A cylinder of radiu s R has two disks , both of radius T = R / 3 fixed
onto its two base surfaces. The sys tem is suspended on two massless chords that are
wrapped around the disks. There are inked letters placed all around the cylindrical
surface. With what acce lerati on shou ld the end of the cords be moved if our task IS
to print the letters clearl y onto a vertical wa ll ? Neglect the mass of the disks.
Problem 125. A loosely hanging thread of length l is attached to a freely rolling
trolley of mass III ; the other end of it is attached to a cylindrical spring with spring
constant I.. whose other end is attached to a trolley or mass 2m. as shown in the figure.
The spring can also bl: compressed and its axis always rema1l1S straight. The carl of
Inass 2111. is pu shed at velocity Vo.
(!)~ ~ _
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
a) Find the time elapsed from the stretching of the thread to the rear trolley reachin g
the spring.
b) Find the time after which the thread stretches again.
(m=8kg , k=23.3N / m, l=lm , vo=2m/ s.)
Problem 126. A spring balances a disc of radius R and of moment of inertia Q,
which is able to rotate about a horizontal axle, so that the torque exerted by the spri ng
is proportional to the angle turned. A thread which is attached to the spring is wou nd
around the disc and a small body of mass m is hung from its other end . What type of
motion will this system undergo if it is moved a little bit out of its equilibrium positi on ?
Neglect friction and air resistance.
Problem 127. An axle is attached to a disk at its centre perpendicularly to the plane of
the disc. Then two pieces of thread are wound round the two ends of the axle. The e nds
of the threads are kept vertically and attached to the ceiling,
while the disc is held at rest. Symmetrically to the disc two
frictionless rings are placed on the axle, and two springs are
attached to the rings . The other ends of the springs are fi xed
to the ceiling so that they hang vertically. The springs are not
extended at this position.
Then the system is released. How much time elapses unt il
the disc reaches its lowest position?
(Numerical data: the mass of the disc is m = 2 kg ,
= 0.01 kgm , radius of the axl e
its moment of inertia
T = 2 cm, spring constant of one spring (the springs are alike)
D=1..5 N/m, g=10m/s .)
Problem 128. Two slabs of mass m = 0.1 kg are connected by a spring of spring constant k = 20 N /m , whose
unstretched length is lo = 0.3 m as shown in the figure. The
upper slab is pushed down by 0.15 m and then released. Find
the maximum distance between the two s labs.
(The mass of the spring is negligible . Calculate with g =
= 10 m/s2.)
Problem 129. An object hangs from a spring in the cockpit of a truck and causes an
elongation of I:!.l = 0.1 m of the spring. The truck arrives at a highway that was buil t
from concrete plates of length x = 20 m fitted next to each other, but the fittings are
not perfect. When the truck runs at speed v , the hanging body oscillates with very high
amplitude . What is the speed of the truck?
1. 2 Dy namics
1. Mechanics Problem s
Problem 130. An object of mass m = 1 kg moving
on a hori zontal ground is given an initial speed of Va =
:::: 2 mjs . Initially, the distance of the object from the
wall is s = 1 metre . A spring of length L = 8 em and
spring constant D = 100 N j m is attached to the object.
The coefficient of friction is {i = 0.2. 9 = 10 m js2 .
a) Where will the block stop?
b) When will the block stop?
Problem 131. The unstretched length of a spring
is Lo = 0.6 metres and the spring constant is D =
:::: 80 N jm. The lower end of the spring is attached to
an object of mass m = 2 kg lying on the ground , and the
upper end is held at a height of 0 .6 metres vertically
above the object. Initially , the spring is unstretched.
Then the upper end is lifted at a uniform speed of Va =
::::0.5m js . g=lOm js2.
a) How high will the object be lifted in 1.75 seconds')
b) What is the work done by the lifting force')
c) Describe the variation of power as a function of time.
2 kg
Problem 132. A body of mass m = 1.25 kg is suspended vertically by a spring of
spring constant D = 250 N j m and unstretched length 1= 1 1l1. It is released at zero
initial speed from the unstretched position of the sprin g. Determine the time when the
speed of the body reaches the value V = 0.5 m js first.
Problem 133. A body of mass m = 1 kg is at rest on a horizontal, frictionles s ground .
A thin rubber thread is attached to the side of the body at the point A. The unstretched
length of the thread is Lo = 50 em. Initially the other end of the thread (point B) is at
a distance Lo from A in horizontal direction. When the rubber thread is stretched, it
behaves as if it had a spring constant D = 100 N j m , but it is impossible to "compress"
the thread , since then it loosens and exerts no force.
At a given moment we start to pull the end B of the rubber thread horizontally , at a
Constant speed Va = 1 m js to the right (see the figure), anu continuously maintain thi s
uniform pull.
a) Determine the longest distance between the points A and B.
b) How long does it take for the body to catch up with point B')
300 Crea tive Physics Problems with Solutions
Problem 134. A pi pe produces a tone of frequency 440 Hz. (This is the frequency
of the normal a' above middle e' .) We sound the pipe twice, first normally, by blowing
air into it, then by breathing pure helium , and blowing it into the pipe. In both cases the
gas flows in the same way in the pipe.
a) Determine the frequency ratio of the two sounds . What is the musical interval?
b) How long is this pipe when it is open and when it is closed?
Problem 135. For a wave travelling along a straight line, the difference between two
points in the same phase is 5 m , while the distance between two points that are in the
opposite phase is 1.5 m. Find the possible values of the wavelength .
Problem 136. During an earthquake the ground is observed to move horizontally.
First it moves suddenly 5 e m to the right, then after 1 second it moves sudden ly to
the left by 5 cm. A chandelier hangs on a 4m long cord . Find the amplitude of the
chandelier after the earthquake.
Problem 137. A pipe produces sound whose frequency is 440 Hz. (This is the
so-called normal sound.) The pipe is sounded twice in such a way that first the gas
originating from a container of air, then the gas from a container of helium is ' blown '
into it. (The gas flows out of both containers under the same conditions.)
Determine the ratio of the frequencies of the sounds produced by the pipe and the
frequency of the sound produced by the pipe "blown" with helium.
Problem 138. Somebody intends to determine the moment of inertia of the first wheel
of a bicycle so that a) he totally balances the wheel at its axle (so the wheel stays at rest
at any position when its is held at its axle) , b) he fixes a point-like lead weight of mass
m to the spoke of the wheel at a distance of l from the centre of the rotation, c) he
makes the wheel swing, and measures the period of swinging T. Using this data can he
find the moment of inertia of the wheel? What is this moment of inertia if m = 0.5 kg ,
l=0.2m and T=1.2s?
Problem 139. A ship swims at constant
velocity 11 on a windless ocean. A short
sound pulse is emitted from a sound source
located at point A of the open deck of the
ship. The sound is reflected from wall B that
is at distance l from point A and is parallel
to the direction of travel. The sound is also
reflected from wall C that is also at distance
l but is perpendicular to the direction of
travel. The reflected sounds arrive back at the
sound source with time difference f..t . (This time difference is measured by a timepiece
that is connected to a microphone placed next to the sound source .)
1. Mecha.ni cs Problems
1.2 Dyna.mics
Find the speed of the ship if distance L, the speed of propagation of sound (c) and
the measured time diflerence (6.t) are given.
(L:::::15m , c =320- , 6.t = 40~lS .)
Problem 140. Underneath the topmost, homogeneous covering rock layer which
covers the ground and has a horizontal surface, there is another inclined rock plate of
different density and composition. The seismic waves generated by an explosion on the
surface of the ground are detected at three different places with the help of geophones.
The first geophone is at the place of the explosion , and it detected the reflected seismic
waves 0.2 s after the explosion. The second geophone is at 50 m east, the third is at
50 m west from the place of the explosion. The second geophone detected the reAected
waves with a time delay of 0. 26 s, while the third seismic detector measured a delay of
0.34 s.
a) Determine the propagation speed of seismic waves in the topmost, covering rock
b) Determine the distance of the inclined rock plate from the place of the explosion.
c) Determine the angle of inclination of the rock plate in east-west direction.
Problem 141. With what speed can a vehicle move on a planet of uniform density,
which is equal to the average density of the Earth , and of radius 500 times greater than
that of the Earth. The planet does not rotate. (The radius of the Earth is 6370 km.)
Problem 142. A spaceship moves in a circular orbit of radius 1'1 around the Earth
with period T 1 . Then , with the help of two separate course corrections, the spaceship
is put into a new circular orbit of radius 2 1'1. In the first correction only the magnitude
of the spaceship's velocity is changed keeping its direction unchanged. Tn the second
correction , which is carried out in the first appropriate momen t, only the direction of the
spaceship ' s velocity is changed while its magnitude remains unchanged .
a) By what percentage is the kinetic energy increased during the first course
b) By what angle is the direction of velocity changed during the second correction?
c) Find the time that elapses between the two course corrections. (Assume that the
course corrections are carried out instantaneously.)
Problem 143. At what height, measured from the surface of the Earth, does the
satellite complete its ninety minute orbit? The Earth is considered to be a sphere with
a radius of 3670 km. Assume that the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the
Earth is known (g = 9. 81 tn/s ). The orbit of the satellite is circular.
Problem 144. A spy sate llite, travellin g above the equato r of the Earth , is taking
pictures. Assuming that in six hours the satellite is ready with pictures around the whole
equator, determine the altitude of the orbit.
Problem 145. An astronaut rev o lves around the Earth along a circular path while
facin g the same point o f the Earth a ll the time. For which po ints on the Earth c an this
condition hold tru e ? What is the speed of the revolving spaceship?
300 C reative Ph.l·sies Pl'Ob /ellls lI'itl, Solu t io ns
Problem 146. How can the mass of an obj ec t be determined in a spaceship orbit ing
the Earth '? The en gin es of the spaceship are shut 0 0' and air resistan ce is neg ligibl e.
Fin d as many diO'cn.: nt ways as yo u ca n and desc ribe the methods and equipme nt used.
Whi ch of these eq uipme nt s need to be ca librated in ad vance ')
Problem 147. A satellite foll ows a ci rcul ar orbit aro un d a pl anet. whose peri od of
revo luti on is T J = 8 h . As it wishes to c hange over to another circul ar orbit whose
peri od of revo luti on is T2 = 27 II, it makes a course correc ti on. First it changes the
mag nitude of it s vel ocit y by sw it chin g on the roc kets for a short peri od of time and
orbitin g on a transiti o nal e lli ptical orbit. Whe n it reac hes the des ired altitude, it sw itches
on the propul sio n aga in and c han ges over the circ ul ar orbit with pcri od of revo lut ion T2
so lely by chan gin g the mag nitude of it s ve loc it y.
a) Find the time required fo r th e course co rrec ti on.
b) Find the perce ntage change in the mag nitude of the vel oc it y of the satellite caused
by the sw it chin g on of the rocket s in the first and second steps within the co ntex t of the
no n-rotatin g rel'cre nce frame fi xed to the plan et.
Prohlem 14R. A 100% -re fl ex ive squ are mirror is
allac hed to a hori zo ntal mass less rod that is att ac hed
to an axis of rotati on support ed in the verti cal pos it ion
by bearin gs as show n in the fi gure. The mass of the
mirro r is J\ I = 20 g , the side of the squ are is a = 10 Cl11 .
The centre of the square is /' = 20 cm from the ax is of
..... rotati on. Inten se sunli ght shines o n th e mirror at ri2 gh t
an gles, whi ch deli vers 0. 125 .J energy o n each Cll1 of
the surface of the mirro r in I s .
The apparatu s starts rotatin g due to the li ght press ure. Fin d the an gular di spl acemen t
whi eh takes place in 1 minute , if the syste m ca n move freel y. and if it is e nsured
th at li ght propaga tes at a ri ght angle to the mirror in each ph ase of the rotati on. (The
rel ati onship betwee n the energy and the momentum of the ph oto n is E = jJ ' c , where ('
is the speed of li ght. )
Problem 149. A do uble-armed le ver has equ al arm s o n both sides. One end of the
leve r has a pull ey of neg li gibl e mass li xed on it by a hin ge, whil e the other end has a
bl ock of mass 1110 suspe nded from it. Two bl ocks of masses rnll and III are all ached
to eac h end of a strin g th at run s aro un d the pulley. Find th e va lue of m at whi ch the
lever re main s in it s horizo nta l pos iti on.
Pro hlem ISO. A h = 6 Cill deep hole of diameter
A thin rod of
neg li gible mass is th en placed into the hole as shown.
The coe flic ie nt of fri cti on is fl = 0.2. Wh at is the
short est possi ble length of the rod if it is to be used
as a coat-hanger'?
cI = 2 C l11 is drilled into a wall.
1.3 Statics
UVIec!Ji1lJicS Problem s
1.3 Statics
Problem 151. One end of a rod of mass 1 kg and
of length 1 111 can freely rotate about a fixed horizontal
ax is. Initially the rod makes an angle of 30° to the
hori zo nt al. A thread of length l.3 III is attached to the
tWO ends of the rod. A small pulley can run without
friction along the thread, and a weight of mass 0 .2 kg IS
suspended o n the axis of the pulley .
Determin e the work needed to lift the rod to a
hori zo ntal position. (U se the va lue 9 = 10 Ill /S for the
acce leration due to gravity .)
Problem 152. Two beads of masses 171 and 2m can
move o n a circular vertical loop of radius T = 0. 5 Ill.
The beads are connected by a massles s string , and if the
string is taut , it keeps the beads on the ends of a quartercircl e as shown. The coefficient of friction is 0.1 5 . Find
the positi ons in which the beads are in equi librium with
the strin g being taut.
Problem 153. An analyt ica l ba lance is used with brass weig hts. Find the mass of a
body made of Ple xiglas , whose two measurements result in a din"erence of at least one
mark if one measurement is performed in dry weather and the other in wet weather') In
both cases the room temperature is 23 ° C and the atmospheric pressure is lO G Pa . In
wet weather the pressure of the water vapour in the air is 2 ·10:3 P a . The sensit ivity of
the balan ce is 0.1 mg/scalcl1Iark. ([.Jc." = 8.5.10:3 kg/ Ill :3; QP le xi g las = 1.1 8·10:3 kg / m: )
Problem 154. The two e nds of a homogeneous
chain of mass 2 kg are fixed to columns of height
1 m as shown in the figure. The chain is clutched
in th e middle and is pulled down until it becomes
ti ght. In the meantime 0.5.J of work is done. The
lowest point of the chain is then 0. 5 III from the
ground then. Where was the centre of mass of the
chain initially ?
0.5 m
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solu tions
Problem 155. A thick layer of o il wi th density 0. 8 g /cm 3
is placed at the top of the wa ter in a ta nk . The area of the
base of the tank is very big . A cube made of magnesium is
pl aced in the tank in s uch a way that it s top face is 0.5 d m
below the boundary. The edge of the c ube is 2 dm and its
density is 1.7 g /c m 3 . The c ube is then pulled up so th at
its bottom face is 0.5 dm above the boundary. How muc h
work was perfo rmed?
Problem 156. A c ubo id shaped piece of wood of base
area 1 dm 2 and he ight 4 m is fl oati ng vertically in a pond,
because its centre of mass is not in its geome tric centre. To
make the wood submerge a nd fl oat in a horizontal positi on
as shown , we need to exert a dow nward force of F = 80 N
at its e nd. Where is the centre of mass of the wood? Fin d
the work do ne to the wood by mov in g it from its first to its
second position.
Problem 157. A container is filled with water, and a plank of width 10 cm and of
de nsi ty (Jo = 0.5 g/ cm 3 floats o n the surface of the water. Through the tube air at
a pressure of 100 atmosphere is compressed into the container. What is the hei gh t
of that part of the plank whic h is submerged into the water. (Ass ume that water IS
incompress ible.) The density of air at a press ure of 1 atmosphere is 0.0013 g / cm 3 .
1.4 Fluids
Problem 158. a) A solid sphere of rad ius R = 0.2 m and o f neg li g ibl e mass is
swimming on the surface of a lake o f depth h = 1 m. The sphere is s lowly pushed
under the water, down to the bottom of the lake . Determine the work d o ne by the
external pu shin g force in the process.
b) Now the sphere investigated in question a) is sw immin g in a water tank of base
surface area A = 0.5 m 2 . The depth of the water in the tank is h = 1 m . Determine the
work needed to push the sphere down to the bo tto m of the tank. (Ass ume th at no wa ter
flows out of the tank . The density of wa te r is (J = 1000 kg/ m 3, and 9 = 9. 8 1 m /5 .)
Problem 159. A sq uare based cuboid shaped metal container, whose mass is 13 kg , has a height of 6 dm , a base
edge of 2 elm , a nd is half full of wa te r. The co ntainer is
laid o n its side at the bottom of a c uboid shaped tank , whose
base area is 20 elm 2 and in which the level of water is at a
he ight of 4 elm. Find the to ta l work th at is req uircd to stan d
the metal conta iner upright o n its square base.
1. -1 Fluids
.LJvIechanics Proble m s
Problem 160. One end of a th in rod of le ngth L = 1 III and
density (] co nn ec ts to a hinge at a depth of h = 0.8 m below water
level. Find the equilibrium pos iti ons of the rod and state whether
the equili brium is stabl e or un stab le if
a) (] = 500 kg / m ,
b) (] = 853 kg / m .
Problem 161. A cuboid shaped container has two whee ls attac hed to it s bottom and
a massless strin g co nn ec ted to its side so that it passes over a pull ey and att ac hes to a
small obj ec t of mass l.2 kg as shown. The length , he ight and width o f th e co ntainer
are 20 cm , I Dem and lOcm respec ti ve ly, and the height of the water in the co ntainer
is 9 em . The mass of the cart and water is 2 kg. Desc ribe the moti on of the syste m.
Neglect fri cti on.
Problem 162. A closed cy lindri ca l co nt ain er with a verti ca l ax is is co mpl etely filled
with water. A pl as ti c bead of density (] = 0 .5 kg/ci m and radiu s /. = 1 Clll is pl aced
at distance R = 20 cm from the axi s and is anchored to the bo tt om of th e co ntainer
by a thin thread of length I = 16 em . If as a
result of the co ntainers revo luti ons, the beads sin k
by h = 4 cm , how many revo luti ons around its
axis of sy mmetry does the container have to make?
(In the final state the total conte nt of the co ntainer
rotates at the same angul ar speed. Ca lcul ate with
g= 10 m/s
Problem 163. A cy lindric al contain er wh ose base area is A = 10 Cll1 2 co ntain s a
h = 60 cm hi gh water co lumn .
a) Find th e in crease in the hydros tatic pressure at a height o f h i = 20 (' Il l above
the bottom of the co ntainer if the temperature o f the water co lumn is increased by
llt= 80 °e.
b) Give the va lue of press ure in crease as fun cti on of di stance .J; meas ured from the
bottom of the co nt ainer.
(For water the mea n coe fficie nt of ex pansion is {3 = 0.00013 Ir e, the de ns ity of co ld
water is (] = 10 3 ---% ' the expansion o f the contain er is neg li gible.)
Chapter 2
Thermodynamics Problems
2.1 Thermal expansion
Problem 164. The upthrust exerted on a steel ball which is immersed in paraffin of
temperature 20 ° C is 0.2145 N , and 0.200 N when the temperature of the paraffin is
100 ° C. Based on this measurement, find the volumetric thermal expansion coefficien t
of paraffin if the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of steel is 1.2.10 - 5 Ir e.
Problem 165. A solid brass sphere rotates freely around an axis which goes through
its centre. By how much may its temperature change provided that its frequency does
not change by more than 1% ? (All frictional effects are negligible.)
Problem 166. A rectangular glass tank
of large base area contains water to a height
of ho = 0.6 m. The closed lower end of an
aluminium tube of length Lo = 1 m, exteh
rior cross-sectional area A e = 1.2 cm 2 and
interior cross-sectional area A i = 1 cm 2 is
fixed to the bottom of the tank by a hinge.
The initial temperature of the whole system
ist=4 ° e.
How much will the angle enclosed by the tube and the horizontal change if the
temperature of the whole system is raised to 94 ° e ? (Further data : the coefficient of
linear expansion of aluminium and its density are CtAI = 2.4 .10 - 5 ° e - and gOAl =
= 2.7.10 3 kg / m , the coefficient of linear expansion of glass is Ctg lass = 8.10- 6 °e-I .
The mean coefficient of volume expansion of water in this temperature interval is (3w =
= 4.4 .10- 4 ° e - . The buoyancy of air is negligible.)
Problem 167. Air at a pressllre of 1 atmosphere is confined within a syringe of
volume 20 cm 3 . Formerly a sample of porOLIS material was placed into the syringe.
Find the volume of the porous material if the pressure inside the syringe increases to
2. 2 atmospheres when the piston of the syringe is pushed till the mark of 10 cm 3 .
2. Thermodynamics Problems
2.2 Id eal gas processes
2.2 Ideal gas processes
Problem 168. For an experime nt a mi xture of gases containing 50 volume percents hydrogen and 50 volume pert;ents nitrogen should be continuously provided at a speed of
0.5 kg/min . The cross sectio n of the gas tubes is 10 cm 2 .
Determine the speed of gas fl ow in the tubes, provided that the
pressure is 10 5 P a and the temperature is 27 °C in the tubes.
Problem 169. A cylinder with base area
42 cm
1 dm 2 lies on its side on a horizontal surface
. and is divided into two parts of vo lumes
11 _ _ _ _ _11 dm
0.8 litre and 4.2 litre by a frictionle ss
vertical piston as shown . The pressure in
each part is 0.02 N/cm 2 . The masses of the
cylinder and piston are 0.8 kg and 0.2 kg respectively . The cy linder is then pushed by
a constant hori zontal force of magnitude 2.5 N to the left. What will the new position
of the piston be? (Assume constant temperature .)
Problem 170. A cylinder of base area 10 cm 2 in which a 47 cm high air column is
enclosed by a piston is floating upside down in a container. The piston is connected by
a cord to the bottom of the container, which is filled with mercury and has a base area
of 20 cm 2 . The closed end of the cylinder is 10 cm below mercury level.
a) Find the new position of the cylinder if the cord is shortened by 6 cm.
b) Find the volume of mercury that should be poured into the container to set the
mercury level back into its ori ginal hei ght.
Problem 171. The cylindrical vessel shown in the figure has two pistons in it. The
piston on the left touches a spri ng attached to the wall of the vesse l. The wall has a
hole in it. The volume of the air between the pistons is 2000 cm 3 and its pressure is
initi ally eq ual to the external atmospheric pressure of 105 N / m2 . The pi ston on the ri ght
is slowly pressed inwards, maintaining co nstant temperature, until its inn er surface is at
the position where the inner surface of the piston on the
left was initially. What will be the final vo lume of the
air between the pistons?
The cross-sectional area o f the cy linder is 100 cm 2 ,
and a force of IO N compresses the spri ng by 1 cm.
300 C l'catil 'c P h.l·sics Pl'ObiclIls with So ill tio ll s
Po )
Prohlem ] 72. A n iJeal gas unul.:rgm:s thl.: proCI.:SS
sho w n in thl.: li gurl.:. TI = 500 I", T4 = 200 I" , II I ===
= 10" Pa and Jl"2 = ,1· 10" Pa. In stall.: 3, 3VJ = VI .
What is th l.: prl.:ss ure of th e ickal gas in statc 3')
1X.. . ..
1L ......
i i T(K)
Prohlem 173. Usi ng iueal gas WI.: perform thl.: th l.:rmal cyclic process ABCA, shown
In the li g url.:. Founu o n the vo lum l.:- temperat url.: plane o f the graph ( II:T ) is a ri ght
trian g le w ith kg s parallel to th e II anu T axeS. In the state
II th l.: tl.:l11pl.:ralUrl.: of thl.: gas is 37:1 I" anu it s vo lull1 l.: is
.j c11ll : . whik in thl.: statl.: C the gas has a tl.:ll1perat ulT 27:J I"
and a vo lullll.: 12 dill :; .
A t w hi ch vo luml.: o n the subprocl.:ss C ---; II dol.:s thl.: gas
haw thl.: sa ml.: prl.:ssure as in thl.: statl.: !3?
Prohlem 174. O nl.: arm o f a cOlll l11uni ca tin g vessel contai ning Illl.:rcury is closl.:d by a pi ston 20 C'lil above the Illl.:rcury.
Thl.: o tl1l.:r arm is opl.:n. The Il1l.:1'cury kV1.:1 is th e sallll.: in bot h
arm s, w hosl.: cross-sec tional arl.:as arl.: 2 CIll :! . In all isotherm al
proCI.:SS thl.: pi ston is pu shl.:d down by 10 CIIl .
a) Find thl.: dinerl.:ncl.: of thl.: ml.:rc ury Ievd s in the nl.: w
position of thl.: pi ston.
b) F i nd thl.: chan ge in the elll.:rgy of th l.: Il1l.:rcury .
Prohlem 175. Initi all y, the hcight o f thl.: ll1erc ury co lumn is
the sa llle in I.:ach branch o f thl.: narrow glass tuhl.:. Atmospheri c
press url.: balan ces 76 em o f Illl.:rcury . Then air prl.:ssure is
in c rl.:asl.:d oVl.:r thl.: ri ght I.:nd until it I.:qual s the pressure of
232.8 Cill-hl.: igh t of merc ury. What is th c hci ght of the mercu ry
now ill I.:ach bra nch')
16 em
Prohlem 176. A glass tuhl.: is closl.:d at one end and has a
cross-sl.:c ti o nal arl.:a o f 0 .2 C1ll 2 . T hl.: tubl.: is held in a verti cal
positi on w ith it s opl.:n I.:nd fac in g upward s. It co ntain s a 0 .25 -cl11 co lumn o f liquid I.:lhl.:r
that is closed o n' by a 19-c l11 co lullln o f I11l.:rc ury. Thl.: tl.:mpl.:raturl.: is 35 DC (th e hoilin g
point o f I.:thl.:r). What w ill bl.: th l.: pos iti o n o f thl.: Illl.:rcury co luilln if thl.: tuhl.: is ill Vl.:rlcd '?
Thl.: dl.:!lsity o f liquid I.:thl.:r is 0.7 g/e ll! :s and its rl.:iati vl.: Ill o lar Ill ass is 74.
2. Th e rmad.\'lIamics Prablerll s
2.2 Id ea.l ga.s processes
Prohlem 177. The cross-sec ti o nal areas of all three branches of a
dev ice for the electroly sis of water are A = 4 cm 2 . Initially , the height
of the watL:r co lumn is th e same in every branch , and there is no air above
the water in the branL:hes on the sides. How long does it take for the water
leve l to ri se by 6h = 1111 in the middle tube if the dev ice extracts 0.6 mg
of hydrogen per minute') What is the (average) speed of the ri sing water
level? The te mperature is 27 aC. (g = 9.8 Ill /5 , ex ternal air press ure is
]Jo=lWPa. g= lO kg/ m .)
prohlem 178. A glass balloon of volume V = 1 clm 3 is attached to a
thin- wa ll ed tube of length 1= 40 cm and cross-sectional area A = 1 C111 2 .
The glass lUbe is immersed into mercury to half of its length as shown in
the figu re. The co ntainer co ntaining the me rcury is a square prism with
base edges of a = 3 cm. At the initi al temperature tl = 10 aC the level
of mercury in the tube is the same as the level of the external mercury.
Find the temperature at which the enclosed air should be heated in order
to push out the mercury from the tube '? (The external atmospheric pressure
is Po = 10 ~ Pa , the thermal expansion of the mercury and th e glass can
be neg lected. )
Problem 179. In a container with heat insulator walls a heat insulator piston encloses
a diatomic gas at pressure PI = 139.2 kPa. . We turn on an electric heater inside the
container, and slowl y let the piston extend in such a way that the pressure inside the
container remain s co nstant. After so me time the temperature of the gas is increased by
6.T1 = 29.3 aC. whi le its vo lume is increased by 6 Vj = 5 cl111 3 . Then we turn off the
heater and let 6171 = 5 g gas strea m o ut of th e container. Thus , the pressure decreases
to P2 = 130.5 kPa, but the temperature of the gas remain s unchanged .
Now we turn on the heater, and again maintainin g constant pressure by the piston we let
the vo lume grow by 6 V2 = 8 clm 3 , while the
temperature increases by 6T2 = 46 .88 aC .
a) DetermillL: thL: initial mass of the gas in the
Co nt ainer.
b) What kind of gas is in the container'?
c) How much e nergy did the heater tran s fer to the gas during the first extension
300 Creative P hy sics P roblem s wit h S olu t ions
Problem 180. A long glass pipe of cross sec ti on A = 3 cm 2 , whic h is cl osed at one
end , is partiall y submerged into the water of a lake in such a way th at the open end or
the pi pe po ints vertically dow nward s. When the length or the air co lumn in the pipe is
10 = 60 em , the levels of the water in the pipe and in the lake co incide. Then the pi pe
is slow ly pulled out of the water until the water leve l inside it rises by h = 50 em. At
that time the length of the air column is 11 = 63 em.
a) Determine the external air press ure.
b) Now the pipe is held fixed at its last pos iti on, and the initi al temperature of the air
in it is 5°C . By how many degrees °C should thi s te mperature be increased in order
for the water level in the pipe to dec rease by 16 em ?
Problem 181. In a cy lindri cal co ntain er of height 40 em
two pi stons encl ose certain amounts of gas , as is show n in the
fi gure. The upper pi ston is at a height of 20 cm from the
bottom of the cy linder. If the upper pi ston is slow ly lifted by
10 cm , then the lower pi ston ri ses by 4 em. Determine the
pos iti on of the lower pi ston if the upper one is removed from
the cylinder. The extern al air press ure is lOG P a, the cross
secti on of the cy linder is 10 em 2 and each pi ston has a mass
of 1 kg. (Assume that the temperature is constant durin g the
process .)
Problem 182. Determine the spec ifi c heat of air at constant volume, given the
inform ati on that 75.5 % of air is nitrogen, 23.2% is oxyge n and 1.3% is argon, and
the atomic masses of nitroge n, oxygen and argo n are 14 u, 16 u and 40 u res pecti ve ly.
Problem 183. There was a bl ock of ice in an isolated container at temperature 0 °c .
We wanted to determine its mass, therefore we let so me steam with a temperature of
100 °c in to the container, but we could not determine the exac t amount or the steam.
After re-clos ing the container all the ice melted, and the new equilibrium temperatu re
became 10 °c. Then, once more we let so me steam of temperatu re 100 °c into the
container, but again , we could not determine its ex act amount. The temperature in the
container beca me 15 °c . Fin all y, we let aga in so me stea m into the cont ainer, and th is
time we could determine its mass, which was 0.3 kg. The new equilibrium temperature
in the container became 23 °c. Determine the mass of the ice bl ock.
Problem 184. In an iso lated con tain er, whi ch has coolin g tu bes built in the wall s, an
amount of m = 18 kg of clean water is very care full y coo led dow n to the temperature
o f t1 = - 9 °c . After thi s a small ice crystal of neg li gible mass is throw n into the water,
which starts to freeze the super coo led water. Determin e the amount of ice produced.
(The necessary materi al co nstants should be looked up in a table.)
2. Th ermody n a.mics Problems
2.2 Idea.l ga.s processes
Problem 185. A vertical cylinder with cross-sectional area A = 1 dm co ntain s
hI = 25 cm of water at the bottom. The space above it is filled with the saturated
vapour of the water, which is separated from the external space by a
piston. The bottom of the piston is h2 = 75 cm above the water leve l.
1,- t3:======1
The density of water at this temperature is n = 2 times the density of
saturated vapour.
a) If temperature is held constant, by how much should the piston
be pushed down in order to decrease the volume of vapour to V =
= 4.5 dm 3 ?
b) If temperature is held constant, by how much shou ld the piston
be pushed down in order to have the vapour condense completely ?
(The sum of the masses of water and vapour is constant throughout
the process .)
Problem 186. Helium gas whose volume is VI = 3 litrcs, pressure is PI = 4· ] OS Pit
and temperature is Tl = 1092 K is separated from helium gas whose volum e is V2 =
= 2 Iitres , pressure is P2 = 2.5 . lOs Pit and temperature
is T2 = 1365 K by a highly insulated wall of mass m =
= 2 kg in an insulated cylinder. The partition wall is
released, it can move without friction. Find the maximum
speed acquired by the partition wall.
I L~
Problem 187. 4 grams of helium and 16 grams of oxygen are enclosed by a piston
in a cylinder. The a temperature of the gas is 0 °C an d its pressure is lOs Pa. The
cylinder walls and the piston are good thermal in su lators. The press ure is increased to
2·lO G Pa . What will be the final temperature and volume of the gas? The molar specific
heats of helium are C uh = 12.3 J /( moci ·l<) , Cpli = 20 .5 J /( mo[ · K); and those of
oxygen are C vu = 20. 5 J /( mo[· K) , Cpu = 28.7 J /( m oci· K) .
Problem 188. A smoothly moving, fixed piston made of good in sulating material
separates two gases in an insulated cy linder whose cross-sectional area is A = 1 dm 2 .
One part contains helium, the other part contains hydrogen. The initial data of helium is:
its pressure is PI = 2· lO G P a, its volume is VI = 4 dm 3 , its temperature is TI = 350 K ,
the corresponding data of hydrogen are : ])2 = 3 . lOG Pa , V2 = 5 cim3 and T2 = 280 K.
Find the displacement of the piston when it is released and it reaches an equil ibrium
a) if the piston does not allow the gases to mix,
b) if the piston is permeabl e and particles can difluse through it slowly,
c) if the piston allows only th e helium to diA'use through it.
Problem 189. Three identical containers, each containing 32 g of oxygen gas at a
temperature of 200 DC and pressure of 10 N/cm 2 are connected by thin tubes. The
Container on the left is then coo led down to 100 DC , the one on the right is heated to
300 DC, while the temperature of thc middle one rem ains 200 °C .
a) Find the new pressure of the system.
300 Creative P hysics Problems wi th Solutions
b) Find the change in the total intern al energy of the oxygen gas. The specific heat of
oxygen is cv =670 J/ (kg · K ).
Po -_
--- - --~
, ......
Problem 190. The figure shows the p(V) diagram of a process carri ed out with a certain qu antity of oxyge n gas. The values of the volume Vo
and pressure Po in the figure are Vo = 12 dm 3 ,
Po = 1.2.10 5 P a . In the initi al state (A), the vol 2
ume of the gas is VA = 3" Va and its temperature
is T A = 300 K. In the fi nal state (B) , Vn = 12 Va .
Determine the heat absorbed and , separately, the heat give n off by the gas during the
Problem 191. 2 g o f hyd roge n gas of volume 22.4 litre at 0 ° C and 10 5 Pa is taken
through a cyclic process. F irst, it is slow ly heated at constant volume until its pressure
reaches 2.10 5 P a . Then, it is heated to 546 °C at constant pressure. Finally, it is taken
back to its origina l state along a path whose graph is a straight line segment on the p-V
diagram . The spec ifi c heat o f hydrogen is 10 .1 kJ/(kg·K) at constant volume, wh ile
at constant pressure it is 14.28 kJ / (kg·K).
a) Find the effic iency of this cycle.
b) How does the temperature change in terms of the volume and 111 term s of the
pressure th rough o ne complete cycle?
Problem 192. The cyclic process
show n in the figure is carried out with
1 mole of di ato mi c gas. Find the percentage of the heat absorbed by the gas
that is co nverted into useful work.
Problem 193. A closed container
------------ --- i~ :
conta ins diatom ic gas at temperature
T(K )
TI and pressure Pl. The gas is then
heated to temperature T 2 , during which 20% of the molec ul es are broken into ato ms.
a) F ind the final pressure of the gas.
b) Find the ratio of the final and initial internal e nergies of the gas. (Neglect the
osc ill ati on of the molec ules .)
Problem 194. I mo l of He is enclosed by a piston in a heatable and coo lable container
at an initi al volume of 30 clm 3 and an initi al temperature of 5 °C . From thi s initi al
state the gas is compressed in such a way that ratio tlp / tl V remains constant during
the process. Find thi s ratio if during the compress ion process the maxi mum temperature
of the gas is 71 ° C .
2.2 Ideal gas processes
2. Th ermody namics Problems
Problem 195. Let us model the atmosphere of the Earth , which has a radius R E =
::;:;: 6370 km , in the following way: the temperature of the atmosphere is the same
everywhere. The air molecules have 5 thermodynamical degrees of freedom, and their
average molar mass is l\i[ = 29 g/mol. The air pressure at the surface of the Earth
is Po = 100 kPa. Furthermore, the acceleration due to gravity is 9 = 10 m /s in the
region of the atmosphere. Now let us assume that for some reason the temperature of
the atmosphere increases everywhere, uni formly by 6.T = 1°C, but the total mass and
the composition of the atmosphere remains unaltered. Determine the increase of the
(grav itational) potential energy of the atmosphere due to the temperature change.
Problem 196. A piston of cross section A = 100 cm 2 and of mass
m = 0.5 kg moves freely (without friction) in vertical direction in an
isolated cylinder with negligible heat capacity. The specific heat of the
material of the piston is c = 210 J / (kg ° C). Initially the temperature
of the piston is to = 100°C, and there is an amount of n l = 0.05 mol
noble gas at temperature h = -90 °C above the piston, and an amount
of n2 = 0.03 mol air at temperature t2 = 46°C under the piston. The
initial volumes of the gases are just equal.
a) Determine the final temperature of the piston .
b) Determine the displacement of the piston .
Problem 197. The closed cabin of a space station orbiting around the Earth is
filled with artificial atmosphere that contains oxygen gas at pressure P = 50 kPa and
temperature T = 295 K . The internal volume of the cabin is V = 80 m 3 . A tiny hole
of area A = 0.1 mm 2 appears on the wall of the cabin and the oxygen starts to escape.
Estimate the time required for the pressure to decrease by 1 % in the cabin.
(The heating system maintains a constant temperature inside the cabin .)
Problem 198. A cylinder of mass 25 k g contains helium gas, which
is enclosed by a well-fitted piston of mass 25 kg. The cross-sectional
area of the cylinder is 0.4 dm 2 and the piston is at a height of 8.96 elm
from the base of the cylinder. The piston is attached to a mass less
string that is wrapped around a pulley of radius 0.2 m and rotational
inertia 3· kg · m 2 . The container and piston move downwards with
the same constant acceleration . The atmospheric pressure is Po =
::::: 10 N/cm 2 , the temperature is 0°
and 9 = 10 m/s2. Find the
mass of the helium gas. (Neglect friction)
JOO Gl"ea t il'c P hys ics Pro ble m , \\·it h So /utio ll s
Problem 199. A cert ain amount of air is enclosed in to a
vert ica l cy linde r o f hase surface A = I cilll 2 by a fr ictionless
pis ton of neg li gi bl e mass. The heigh t of the air co lu mn in
the cy linde r is h = 5 dill . We carefull y put a weight of
mass III = I -I kg ont o the pis ton. and release it. The pi ston
and th e we ight on it start an osc ill atin g moti on wi th small
amp litu de, whi c h can he rega rded as harm onic. Determ inc
th e ampl itude and the frequ ency of the oscill ati on. as wc ll
as th e maxim al speed of the pi ston.
(T he wall o f the cyli nder can be co nsi dered a heat in sul ator.
T he ex tern al air pressure is jJlJ = JOO k Pa. If necessary. the approx im ati on (1 ± .r)" ~
1 ± lI.r ca n be uscd, wh ich is valid if .r is close to zero, i.e., if I-rl« l. )
Prohlem 20(). A gas , e ncloscd in a cy lindc r by a piston. is givcn a heat e ncrgy of
Q = 3988 kJ , and as a co nseque nce of th is. the gas expa nds at constant press ure. ThL:
ra ti o o f th e spec ifi c hcats mcasured at co nstant prcss ure and co nstant vo lumc is ') = 1.,1
for the gas. Detcnninc how much of the absorbed heat increases the intcrn al encrgy or
thc gas, and how mu ch is give n on' in th e form of work durin g the ex pansion.
2. 3 First law of thermodynamics
Prohlem 20t. In a cylindc r, whose cross-sec ti ona l
area is 20 (" 111 2 • a fri cti onless pi ston o f mass 7. 2 kg
e ncloses a 33 (" Ill hi gh air co lumn at 0 °C so th at there
is a 7 Clll hi gh e mpty part above the pi ston as shown.
The atm os phcri c press ure is ]0 N/CIlI 2 , the den siti es or
33 cm
mercu ry and air in its initi al state are 13.6 g/C 1lI 3 and
1.8 g/d m J rcspec ti ve ly, the spcc ifi c heat of the air at
co nstant vo lume is 0. 7,J /(g I< ). Usc g= 101ll /S
a) Mc rc ury is po ured int o the empt y part above thL:
piston unti l the cyli nder is ful l. Find thc mass of the
mcrcury co lumn . (Ass ume co nstant tempcra ture .)
b) The air is th en heated very slowly un ti l all the mcrcury run s out fro m the cy linder.
Fi nd thc minim um heat tran srerred to the air in th is prm:css .
7 cmJ
2. Th cr/ll odY lIilllJ ics Pro blem s
2.3 Fi rst la.w of th ermody na.mics
Prohlem 202. A cylinder of mass 8 kg and cross-sec ti onal
area 20 cm 2 is hang in g, su spended on its pi ston . The cy linder
contains helium of temperature 27 DC. The temperature is
slowl y decreasin g. How much heat is necessary to extract from
the helium so that the initial le ngth 11. 2 e111l of the gas co lumn
decreases to 8.96 elm ? The externa l air press ure is lO S P a,
g = 10 m/s2. The molar specific heat of helium at constant
~o luJl1 e is C'I = 12300 J / (kmol · K).
11 .2 dm
Problem 203. A cy lindrical container of base area 0. 5 111
contains hclium gas at 21 8.4 K. The gas is enclosed by
a fri cti onless piston of mass 600 kg that is connec ted to
the base of the container by a spring , whose sprin g con stant
is 2.67 . 10° N / Ill. Initially the piston is at a height of
0.32 Ill , whi ch is the relaxed length of the spring . Atmospheric
pressure is lOS Pa, the molar specific heat of he lium is C li =
== 12.3 jou le/( lll ol K), 9 = 10 II1 /S . The wal l oI' the con tainer
is a good therm al co nductor cau sing the temperature of the gas
to change until it reaches the external temperature. The work
done by the gas is found to be 1800 joules.
a) Find the externa l temperature .
b) Find the heat given to the helium gas.
0.32 m
Problem 2()4. [n an 11 .2 elm high cy lin drical conta iner, whose base area is 1 dm 2 , a
fricti onl ess pi ston of mass 8 kg is held at a height of 5.6 elm. The piston enc loses 1 mol
of helium at 273 DC . The wa ll of the contai ner is insulated. Find the ma ximum height
reached by the piston after being re leased . The mo lar spcc ifi c heat of helium at constan t
vo lume is C li = 12. 6 J /( moIK ), while at consta nt press ure it is C)J = 21 J /( moIK ).
The atmospheric press ure is 10.12 N / cm 2 .
Problem 205. A piston enc loses some
air in the cylindri cal vessel with hori zo ntal
longitudinal axis as shown in the draw in g.
The initi al pressure of the air is equ al to the
external atmospheric press ure of lOS P a .
The cross-sectiona l are a of the pi ston is
0.03 m 2 . An origina ll y unstretched spring with sp rin g constant 2000 N/ m is attached
to the piston. The wall s of the vessel and the pi ston are perfectly in sulated. The initial
volume of the enc losed air is 0.02LJ m 3 , its initial temperature is 300 K. The air is
heated to 360 I\, with a heatin g filament built into the vessel.
a) Fi nd thl: di splacement of the pi ston cau sed by the heating .
b) Fin d the enl:rgy deli vered by the heating filament.
300 Creative P hysics Pro blems wit h Solutio ns
Problem 206. Idea l gas at pressure lOG Pa and volume 1 m 3 is enclosed by a pi ston
in a cy linder. We start to move the pi ston outwards at a co nstant ve loc ity of 1 cm js.
The cross-secti onal area of the pi ston is 0.1 m 2 . Whil e the pisto n is mov in g, we can
deli ver heat to the gas thro ugh a heatin g fi lament.
How should the hea tin g power chan ge
as a fun cti on of time if we kee p the
temperature of the gas co nstant? (Apart
fro m the heat transfer between the gas
and the heatin g fil ament all other heat
exc hange can be neglec tcd.)
Problem 207. Ideal gas which has degrees of freedom f, is part of a process that
starts at To and ends at 2To V = aT 2 ( a = constant ). Give the molar heat capaci ty as
functi on of temperature.
Problem 208. A cylindrical container of volume 44.S li tres is
di vided into two equ al parts by a hori zo ntal fricti onl ess piston. Each
half of the cylinder contain s 4 g of helium at 0 °C . The wa ll s of the
co ntainer and the pi ston are perfect in sul ators. There is a 220 V heater
of resistance 242 n in the lower part. For how long should the heater
be switched on to make the temperature of the helium in the upper part
rise to 136.5 °C? The spec ific heats of helium are cp = 5230 J j(kg · K )
and c v =3140 J /( kg ·K) .
Problem 209. For a gi ven amount of nitroge n gas the initi al, minimum temperature is
To, whil e the max imum temperatu re is 4To . The gas is fi rst heated at constant volu me,
then it is all owed to expand at co nstant pressure. Then it is coo led at constant vo lu me
and fin ally it is compressed at constant press ure. Thi s way the gas return s to its init ial
state. Find the maximum poss ibl e effici ency of the cycli c process .
Problem 210. The wa ll s of the two co nnec ti ng
cy linders show n in the fig ure are ad iabati c (therm all y
in sul atin g) . The cross-secti onal areas of the parts are
Al = 10 elm
and A 2 = 40 elm 2 . There is a well fi llin g but freely mov in g, thermall y in sulat in g piston
in each cy linder, at a distance l1 = l2 = l = 1. 5 el m
fro m the point where the cross-secti onal area changes.
The pi stons are fi xed to eac h other by a thin and rigid rod. The enclosed vo lume contains
air. The temperature and air press ure are To = 300 K and Po = lOG Pa both in side
and outside. The heater fil ament in side is operated for t = 2 minutes at a power of
P= 36W.
a) How much, and in what directio n, will the pistons move until the new eq uili brium
position is reached ?
b) What will the tem perature of the enclosed air be?
2.3 Firs t la.w of t herm ody na.mics
2. Th erm ody namics Problem s
Problem 211. Consider the system of two pistons in two cy linders shown in the
Figure. The cylinder walls and the pistons are good thermal in sulators. initially,
the pressure of the air in all three compartments is 20 N/emn 2 , and the temperature
is O °C . The filament in the leftmost
20 em
compartment is heated for a short time.
As a result, the pistons move 5 em to
20 em
the right.
'" E
'" E
a) What are the resulting pressures?
b) How much heat is given off by the
The density of air at 0 °C and normal
atmospheric pressure is 1.3 g/ dm , and
10 em
its specific heat is 0.7 J /( g. K) at
constant volume and 0.98 J /( g. K) at
constant pressure.
Problem 212. In a closed container, there is a mi xture of helium and oxygen gases
of a total mass of 2.2 kg at a temperature of 0 DC . 143500 joules of heat is added to
the gas mi xture. As a result, its temperature ri ses by 50 ° C and its pressure in creases
by 13 740 pascals.
a) Find the mass of each gas.
b) Find the in itial pressure of the mixture.
c) Find the volume of the container.
At constant volume, the molar specific heat of helium is 12 300 J / (kmol· K ) and the
molar specific heat of oxygen is 20 500 J /( kmol· K).
Problem 213. Hydrogen gas of mass Tn = 20 g undergoes the processs 1- 2 -3- 4 - 5
shown in the figure. The following data are given : PI = P2 = 5 . lOG Pa , P3 = jJ 4 =
:::: 7 . lOGP a, Tl = T5 = 200 K , T2 = T4 = 500 K. (In the stages 2 -3 and 4-5 of the
process, pressure is directly proportional to temperature.)
a) Find the values of the volume in the states
(105 P )
1, 2,3 ,4, and 5, and the values of pressure and
_ _ _ _ _---,R'--_-:;ii3
temperature not given.
b) Represent the process in both p- V and TV diagrams .
c) Determine the net heat absorbed by the gas
and the net work done on the gas during the whole
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Problem 214. The upper end of a 76-cm-long glass tube is closed
and the open lower end is submerged in mercury. The tube is partly
filled with mercury , with 0.001 moles of air enclosed in the upper end.
External atmospheric pressure can balance a mercury column of 76 cm.
The molar specific heat of air is C v = 20.5 J/(mol·K) at constant
volume. How much heat is given off by the enclosed air while its
temperature decreases by 10 °C?
Problem 215. A glass tube with thin walls is placed in a chamber of rarefied air.
One end of the tube is closed and the other is covered by a stretched liquid film. The
pressure of the air is Po and its temperature is To both inside and outside the tube. The
length of the tube is h , its radius is R. The surface tension of the liquid is a. The
temperature in the tube starts to rise slowly.
a) At what temperature will the enclosed air
have a maximum pressure?
b) How much heat is absorbed by the e nclosed air until the state of maximum pressure is
tl~_------,,~ ;
R=5mm, h=25mm, To=250K, po=1000Pa, a =5·10 - 2 J/m 2 .
Assume that, in the pressure and temperature ranges investigated, the liquid is far away
from its boiling point.
Problem 216. A piston of mass Tn encloses air with a pressure greater than the
external atmospheric pressure in a horizontal cylinder whose walls are thermall y
insulated. If the piston is released, it can move in the cylinder without friction. In the
adiabatic change that takes place, the maximum volume of the enclosed gas is twice as
much as the original. Determine
a) the ratio of the minimum and maximum pressures of the gas,
b) the magnitude of the initial pressure.
(The pressure of the external air is Pext = 10 5 Pa . The air can be considered as a
gas with 5 degrees of freedom, therefore the ratio of its two specific heat capacities is
"Y = cp/c v = 1.4.)
80 kg
contains 4 g of helium gas at a temperature of 0 °C and pressure of
10 N / cm 2 . An 80 kg piston is then dropped into the cylinder. Find the
maximum speed of the piston if it moves without friction . There is no
heat transfer between the gas, the cylinder and the piston because of the
rapidity of the process. Use 9 = 10 m/8 . The specific heats of helium are:
cv =3150 J/(kg·K), cp =5250 J/(kg·K).
1 dm
Problem 217. A 2.24 m high cylinder, whose base area is 1 dm 2
Z. Thermody namics Problem s
2.3 First law of t h ermody n amics
Problem 218. Initially n = 10 molal' an ideal gas has the pressure PI = 10 5 Pa ,
volume VI = 249 .42 dm 3 and temperature TI = 300 K. Then the gas is heated , and in
an isobaric process it reaches the temperature T 2 . Du rin g this process the work done by
the gas is 68 % of the increase of its internal energy. If, however, from the same initial
state an ad iabatic compression is used to increase the temperature of the gas to T 2 , then
W::::: 36.85 kJ has to be done on the gas.
a) What type of gas is the experiment performed with ?
b) Determ ine the final temperature T 2 .
Problem 219. There is 5 g of a certain diatomic gas in a container closed with a
frictionless piston. The gas is heated for 25 seconds by an e lectric resistor of 50 r1 built
in the conta iner, apply in g a voltage of 220 V. While
the gas expands at constant pressure, its temperature
increases by 250 ° C. The effic iency of the e lectric
heater is 75 % . What kind of gas can be found in the
Problem 220. A co ntainer, c losed by a freely moving piston , contains a mixture of
hydroge ne and helium gas of total mass Tn = 180 g. A heat of Q = 156 kJ is transferred
to the gas at constant pressure. Due to this the gas performs 56 kJ work. Determ in e the
mass of hydrogene in the mixture . Determine the temperature change of the system .
Problem 221. The state of hel ium gas is changed in such a way that its graph is a
straight lin e segment on the pressure- volume plane. During thi s process the total heat
transferred to the gas is eq ual to the hea t necessary to double the absolute temperature
of the gas at constant volume. By what ratio may the volume of the gas most increase?
(The ex pression "total heat" refers to the signed sum of heat absorbed and heat released
during the process.)
Problem 222. A small ball of mass Tn = 1 g and
charge Q is attached to the end of a string of length
R === 10 cm . Level with the suspension point of the
pendulum , at a distance of R = 10 em there is a small
fixed object of the same charge Q. If the pendulum is
released from a positi on a = 60 ° be low the horizontal ,
the strin g wil l become slack when the pendulum bob has
COvered a sem ici rcl e exactly. Find the magnitude of the
charge Q.
Chapter 3
Electrodynamics Problems
3.1 Electrostatics
Prohlem 223. T wo small metal ball s of mas s m = 0.] g are
suspended at the same point by insulating threads of length I ==
= 30 cm. One of the ball s is loaded with twice as much electric
charge as the other. Pu shing the ball s towards each other by
insulating materials , we move them to a position where bot h
threads make an angle of (\ = 20° with the vertical , and the threads
remain in a common vertical plane. After releasing the two balls
from thi s position at the same time, the angle between the two
threads reaches the largest value of fJ = 84 ° .
Determine the charge of the balls .
Prohlem 224. In free space, far from all celestial objects, two particles, one of mass
= 6 . 10- 12 kg and of charge (21 = 2.4:3 .1O- Ll C and the other of mass in2 =
= l.2 .10 - 11 kg and of charge Q 2 = - 2.4:3 .10 - 13 C move at a con stant speed in suc h
a way th at the distance d = 1. 5 cm between them is also constant. How is this [lossib le')
Determine the speed of the particles.
Problem 225. In free s[lace two s[lecks of dust , one of mass 'ln l = 1.7 .10 - 11 kg and
of electric charge Q1 = lO - u C and the other of mass /712 = 1.3.10- 11 kg and charge
Q 2 = - 5 ·1O - lJ C are released at a distance cil = 6 cm from each other with zero init ial
a) Where will the two s[leck s of dust meet')
b) Determine the s[leed at which the spec ks approach each other, when they are at the
di stance d2 = 1 cm.
Problem 226. A capacit or has plates of large area se[larat ed by cl = 3 cm .
The [lotential clin'erence hetween the plates is V ==
______+_~ = 60000 V. What should be the speed of a small object
of c harge Q = LI . 1O-J C and mass 'm = 5.10- 6 kg sh ot
horizontall y int o the uniform lield at the height of half the
plate separation cl, so that it reaches one of the plates at
a di stan ce of II = 12 em .)
- I""I,--""T""----T
3 .1 E lectrostatics
3. ElectrodY l1C1 mic.> Problell/ s
Problem 227. A potential diA'erence \I is ap":)E
plied betwee n two finely woven para ll e l wire
meshes D1 - D2 with the pol arity show n in the
'l11 0oure. Electrons origi nating from
elec tron source
E arrive at mesh DJ at vc loclty v .
/' -------- ---- - ------------- --a) Show that for thc angle of in ciden ce Q and
the angle of refracti o n (3 Snell ' s law is va lid
(rati o sin n/ sin i3 is indcpendent of t~le angle
of incidence and has the same va lue lor every
electron ).
h) Determine the va lue of the refrac ti ve index .
(You can assume th at the electric tield between th e mes hes is homoge nous and
everywhere e lse th e electric fie ld is zcro. v = 3 · lOG m /s, \I = 25 V. )
-,, _____________ , ______________ f!1
Prohlem 228. [n a vac uum tube electrons accelerated through a potential di flcrenc e \~J leave the anode with bea m angle o . A metal lattice pair
is then placed in the way of the beam. What potential diAerence should be
applied to the lattices if we want the electron beam to form an angle of 2n
after leaving the lattice-pair? Va lues: \If) = 60000 V , Q = 30 0 .
Problem 229. A parti cle of charge Q = +10-;; C is fixed. A seco nd particle of
mass 'In = 0.01 g and charge Cj = + 10 - 7 C standing at infinity is given a velocity of
Va = 200 111/S in a direction whose line passes at a di stan ce of d = 0.1111 from the fi xed
a) Find the small es t separation between the two charges.
b) Wh at should the va lue of d be if the fin al velocity of the mov in g charge is now
perpend icu lar to its initial ve locit y uo?
Problem 230. If the ca thode of a photoce ll is illumin ated with a light of in creas in g
frequen cy, the anode current wi ll start at a frequency of 3 . 10 14 ~. A capac itor with
capacitance 1 pF is con nected between the anode and th e cathode of thi s photocell ,
and the cath ode is illuminated with li ght of wave length 425 nm. Assuming that the
illuminati on is lon g enough , lind th e number of electrons arriving o n the anode.
Prohlem 231. Two metal spheres of equal mass and radius are suspe nded fro m a
COl11mon point , with two in sulatin g thread s of equ al len gth . If the sp heres are loaded
with equa l e lec tri c charges , and sub merged into paraflin , the angl e between the two
threads is 2n I ' = 60 0 . If the paraflin bath is removed , i.e., the charged spheres are in
the air, then the angle bet ween the thread s is 20 rl = 70 0 . Determine the dens ity of
the sphnes. (Parafl in is an e lectric insulator, its re lative permittivity is c.,. = 2 , and its
density is (2 j! = 800 kg/ m 3 . The diarm:ter of the sp heres is mu ch less than the length of
the thread s.)
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solutions
Problem 232. A para llel plate capacitor consists of a pair of square plates with
sides c that are at distance d apart. The
capacitor is connected to a generator o f
constant vo ltage U . The space bet wee n
the plates is originally filled with air. A
plate with rel ative dielectric constant c ,.
is inserted between the plates at a constant acceleration ao as shown in the figu re.
The insulator starts from the edge of the plate, from stationary position. Determine the
charge-time function of the capacitor and the charging current-time function. Sketch the
shape of the functions. Calculate the maximum value of the charge on the capacitor and
of the charging current.
(c=20cm, d=2mm, U=100V , ao =2m/s , c ,.=101.)
Problem 233. A big insulating square plate of size
L and neg ligible width is uniformly charged with a
charge of 100 Q. Let the plane of the plate be the
y - z coordinate plane . There is a hollow insul ating
sphere of radius T with centre at the po int (d,O,O) in
front of the plate. The sphere has a thin wall, and
is uniformly charged with charge Q. Determine the
electric fie ld at the interior points of the sphere, and
at the point (d/2,d/2, 0 ), provided that L = 100d and
T = d15. Express these results in terms of Q, d and
the dielectric constant co .
Problem 234. Two identical air capacitors with capacitance C are connected in series
to a battery with constant voltage V. Find the change in the energy of the capacitors,
of the battery and of the surroundings
a) if the distance between the plates of one of the capac itors is increased to twice the
original distance using an insulating handle,
b) an insulator with dielectric constant E = 2Eo is inserted between the plates of one
of the capacitors.
Problem 235. A parallel -plate capacitor is connected to a battery which builds up an
electric field of 600 V
between the plates .
3. 1 Elec tms tat ics
3. Electrody n a.mics P ro ble m s
---- In
the first part , two plates are placed into the capacitor as show n. Th e pl ates, that
are initially neutral , are co nnected by a wire and are pos iti oned such th at the four plates
are at equal di stance from eac h other. Find the electri c field strength s between the pl ates .
b) In the seco nd part, the two initi ally neutral plates that are co nnected arc positi oned
as shown in fi gure b). The pl ates are at equa l di stances from each othe r in thi s case as
well. Find the elec tri c fi eld strength s between the rl ates .
Problem 236. One pl ate of a 2 - {i F capacit or
charged to 150 vo lts is connected to the oppositely charged plate of a 3 - {i F capacitor charged to
120 volts. The other pl ate of each capacit or e nd s in
a free wire . An un charged capac itor of l. 5 - {i F is
dropped onto the free ends.
a) What wi ll be the potential difference across
each capac itor?
b) How much charge will pass throu gh point A
and in what directi on?
1.5 /IF
~3"F J
Problem 237. In ancie nt times, people believed that the Earth was a big, flat disc .
Let us im agine that the Earth is not ac tually sphere with radius R but a tlat di sc with
a very large radiu s and a thickness o f H . What thickn ess H is needed to experience
the same grav itational acceleration on the surface of the di sc (far from its rim ) as on the
surface of the spheri cal Earth? (R = 63 70 km. Let us consider the den sit ies in the two
'Earth ' models to be con stant and equal to each oth er.)
Problem 238. A long insulatin g cy li nder of radiu s R has a
cylindri cal bore of radius T in it. The axes of the cy linder and
the bore are parall el, separated by a di stance d. The in sulator
carries a posit ive ch arge of uniform di stribution with a charge
density of 12. The relative diel ectri c constant of the materi al
is 1. Find the elec tri c field in side the bore.
Problem 239. If the values of the res istance of
the res istors sho wn in the fig ure are equ al the n the
current in the main bran ch is I. By what fac tor
does th is curre nt change if the res istance o f the two
res istors , whi ch are di ago nall y oppos ite eac h other,
is doubled ?
300 Creat ive Phys ics Problems wit h So lu t ions
3.2 Direct current
Problem 240. We have two rechargeable batteries availabl e, their electromotive
forces and their internal resi stances are the following: U01 = 12 .6 v, Rl = 0.05 ohm
U02 = 12.2 V , R2 = 5 ohm . What will happen if the two rechargeab le batteries ar~
conn ected in parallel and the circuit is closed thro ugh a resi stor of res istance Rk :::::
= 2 ohm ?
- +
Problem 241. The figure shows an electric
circuit which contains a double sw itch labelled
by S . When the sw itch is in the pos ition II ' the
ammeter reads 1I = 6 A , and when the switch is
in pos iti on 22' the readin g is hI = 3 A. What is
the read ing on the ammeter when the sw itch is in
position 33'? The electromotive forces E of the
two batteries are eq ual , their intern al resi stances
and the internal resistance of the ammeter are
negli gibl e.
Ao----.-- -----,
Problem 242. In the circuit shown the th ree
ammeters are identical , each have a resi stance
Ro = 2 n. Between points A and B there is a
constant potential difference of 19 V. The first
and second ammeter read h = 2.5 A -t and 12 =
= 1.5 A respecti vely.
a) What does the third ammeter read?
b) Investi gate what happens to current h if
the value of R x is changed.
Problem 243. Three resistors are connec ted in
series with a battery of internal voltage Vo = 62 V
and internal resistance Rb ~ a as shown in the
fi gure, then meas urements are carried out wi th
a sing le voltmeter. The res ults of the first three
measurements are: VAn = Vnc = VC D = 20 V. What does the in strument show when
it is connected betwee n point pairs AC and AD?
3. Electrody namics Problem s
3.2 Direct c urrent
Problem 244. In the circuit shown in the figure switch
J( is kept closed for a long time and then it is opened.
The constant voltage across the terminals of the battery is
V; ;:;:;: 9 V , the capacitance of the capacitor is C = 50 { LF ,
thOe values of resistances RI and R 2 are equal , RI =
:;;; R2 = 100 D.
a) Find the charge that Rows through resi stor R 3 after
the sw itch is opened if the value of resistance R 3 is
400 D.
b) Find the maximum charge that can Row through resistor R3 after the switch IS
opened, if the value of resistance R 3 is chosen suitably.
Problem 245. We have N identical cells whose no-load voltage is Vo and internal
resistance is R. We create a battery from these in the following way : first we connect
a given number of cells with the same polarity in series into a chain , and then connect
these chains containing the same number of cells in parallel with the same polarity. Then
we connect a consumer whose resistance is optimal for maximum power output to the
acquired battery.
a) Find the number of batteries that should be connected into a chain, that is , find the
arrangement of the cells in order to acquire the maximum power output on the consumer.
b) Find this power if N=64, Vo =12 V, R=2 D.
Problem 246. A 100 - D, 2 - W resistor is to be operated from a variable voltage
supply. A variable resistor of resistance 1000 D , which has three termina ls, and which
can be loaded by 15 W, and a voltage supp ly of 48 V , whose internal resistance is
negligible, are given . In what interval can the voltage across the resistor be varied?
Problem 247. The range of voltage of a meter used as a voltmeter can be changed
to n times its original value with the help of a 27 D multiplier. Using the same meter
as an ammeter, its range of current can be changed to n times its original value using a
30 shunt.
a) Find the internal resistance of the meter.
b) The power dissipated by the moving-coil of the meter when glVll1g a full-scale
reading is 9· 10~ 4 W . Find the voltage and current across the moving-coil.
Problem 248. The circuit diagram shows an emf source with an electromotive force
Vo and an internal resistance Ro between points A and B. The total resistance of
the variable res istor is R, which is greater than 4/3
tImes the internal resistance of the emf source. The
resistance of the ammeter and the other wires can
be negl ected. [I' the sliding contact is moved along
the variable resistor, the ammeter shows a changing
Show that the minimum current that can be measUred is smaller then 3/4 times the maximum current.
J OO C ,.cati, ·c Ph.l·s ics P ro /,ie /li S I\ 'itl/ So/utio lls
Prohlem 249. Thl: stator and thl: rotor o f our dirl:ct-cUITl:nt dectromot or arc
co nnl:ctl:d in snil:s and ha vl: a total rl:s istan cl: of 02 n. Thl: mot or is co nn ec ted to a dc
vo ltage of :220 V. Ca n this Ill otor produce a Illechanica l power of :200 \V ')
Prnhlem 250. Al l ball cries in the infinitl: cha in
shown in the fi gu rl: ha ve emf E and int ernal
res istan ce,.. Find the resultant emf and internal
resistance across A and IJ.
Prohlem 251. The resistor chai n shown in figure 2 co ntain s 1/ "ljuadrupoles" shown
in figure I. I?, = I na nd I?2 = (j n. The resistor chain is tenninated by a resistor n., .
a) Find the resistance of res istor H.I in order to en sure that the resistance measured
bet ween po int s A and B is independent of number 11 of the in c luded quadrupo les.
b) The res istor chain is terminated by the resistor
determined in part a) an d a
battery of tl:rminal vo ltage U A /J = J V is connected between po ints A and n . The
cha in contains /I = 2 1 quadrupo les no w. Find the potential diO'ere nce across resi stor
H., in thi s case.
A 0
fi gure I .
figure 2.
Prohlem 252. Between the two ends of a broken conductor the charges are carried
by a metal sphere mounted o n an in sulatin g handle. The radiu s of the metal sphere is
1 C lll , and it touches one end and then thc othcr end of th e co ndu ctor 54 times in one
minute. Find the resistance o f the break , wh ich is " bridgcd" in thc way desc ribed above.
(The capac itan ce of thl: ll1l:tal sphere can be calculated as the capacitance of a sin gle
sphere standing in space .)
Prohlem 253. In a cable, which is under the ground , there arc two wires. and
so mewhere between the point s rI and 13 a co nducting path has been developed bet ween
the wires. The ca ble ca n be reach ed at pos itions A and IJ. In order to find the positi on
of the co nducting path is, first the two wires arc co nnected at 13 and the resistance
(ii i ) is meas ured at A. Then th e meas urement is repeated so that at A the points at
1-1 ' arc co nnected and the resistance (11. 2 ) at /3 bct wee n the po ints 2-2' is mcasured.
The distance between A and IJ is known (L). The res istance of the wire of un it
length is ,. OIIl11 / llI ct rc . Fi nd th e position of the conduc tin g path. Numerical data:
R l = J. 75 ol1m . R2 = 2. 5 0 11111 , I, = 200 Ill cLrc . r = 0.01 ol1m / m cLr e .
Chapter 4
Magnetism Problems
4.1 Magnetic field
ProhlCJ11 254. In a mass spectrolm:ter the
CI- ions, a ft er passi ng th ro ugh the di®
aphragm A 1 at dinc re nt sr eeds, first travel
in perpendi c ul ar (homoge neo us) electri c and
magnetic fi e lds . The n. arter rass in g di aphragm A 2 , they move rurther in a magnetic field o nl y. The :;:>(' 1 and :37('1 isotores
hit the ph oto rl ate at point s 1::::. .1' = LI ern
apart rrom eac h other . The mag neti c indu cti on is B = 0.02 T (in both reg ions).
a) Determine the speed o r the C I isotopes
when they rass throu gh the diaphrag m A 2 .
b) Determine the mag nitude and the directi o n o r the e lectri c fi eld between the two
diaphragms A 1 and A 2 .
Prohlcm 255. T wo point s lyin g on the same fi e ld
line are serarated by a di stance X Y = L = 10 CIIl
in vac uull1 . in a unirorm mag neti c fi e ld where the
magnitude o r th e mag neti c inducti on vec tor is B =
== 0.02 tes la . A n electron acce lerat ed by a potenti al
dincrence o r 800 vo lLs passes through the point X.
Its vel oc ity encloses an ang le (1 with the fie ld lines.
What should be th e meas ure o r the angle (1 so th at the
electron al so passes throu gh the point Y? The charge
or an electro n is 1. 6·IQ - I!J cou loill bs . and it s mass is 9 · 10 - :; 1 kg.
0>-- - - _
ProhlcJ11 256. A sph ere o r radiu s 1 l'1ll is c harged to a vo ltage of 900 V. The sphere
is illounted to a :lO C ill Ion!.! in sulatin !.! handle and is rotated , the number of re voluti ons is
18000 j lllililit C. Determin: the mag n~ ti c inducti on whi ch can be observed at the pos iti o n
or th e axis o r the rotati o n. (Co nsider the rotatin g small sphere as a pointlike charge.)
_!... (A
The mag neti c fi eld at the centre o r a curre nt carryin g sin gle loop is: fI -
300 Creative Physics P rob lems w it h Solutions
Problem 257. The de nsity o f turns o f a very lo ng so le no id o f di ame te r 1 c m is
2000 m - 1 . The co il is wo und in o ne laye r. The stre ng th of the mag neti c fi e ld , produced
by the co il , at a di stance o f 5 cm fro m the ax is o f the so le no id is 4 . 10- 4 T. De termine
the stre ng th o f the mag netic fi e ld ins ide the so le no id . Wh at wo ul d be the mag ne tic fi eld
stre ng th at a di sta nce of 5 cm fro m the ax is, if the so le no id was wo un d in two layers?
Problem 258. The density o f turn s in a very lo ng sol e no id o f d ia me ter 1 cm is
2000 m - 1 . The mag ne tic fi e ld produ ced by the so le no id , in s ide the co il is 0.2 51 T .
The re is a strai ght wire , carry ing a c urre nt o f 40 A, para ll e l to the ax is o f the so lenoid ,
at a di stance o f 5 cm fro m it. De termine the mag neti c Lore ntz force ac tin g o n 1 m o f
the sole no id , prov ided th at the so le no id is wo und in two laye rs .
Problem 259. A sma ll ba ll o f mass m = 0. 003 g carry ing a charge of Q ::::
= + 0. 5. 10- 5 C is dropped in a uniform hori zo ntal mag neti c fi e ld B = 0.4 T.
a) Find the depth of the deepest po int o f its path .
b) Find its speed at that po int.
4.2 Induction (motional emf)
!·! l-
Problem 260. Two paralle l metal ra il s, lyin g at a di stance L fro m e ach othe r, are
connected by a capac itor o f capac itance C at
ooe eod. The e,poo'lO' 's 'o'I"lIy o"""ged.
The arrange me nt is in a ve rti cal , ho mogeC
neous mag netic fi e ld B , w hi c h is constan t in
_ _. L
time. A conducting rod o f res istance R and
mass m is laid perpe ndi c ul arly o nto the rails,
and it is g ive n an initi a l speed Va.
D etermine the final speed o f the rod , pro vided that the rail s are lo ng e nough, and the
ho mogeneous mag netic fi e ld ex te nds far e no ugh. (The e lectric res ista nce o f the rail s,
the fri cti o n and the effects o f se lf induc ti o n are neg li g ible .)
Problem 261. A rectangul ar co nductin g fra me is
in a uniform mag netic fie ld w hi c h is pe rpe ndic ular
to the pl a ne o f the fr a me. A stra ight wire o f len gth
• I
l is pl aced o nto tw o para ll e l s ides o f the fram e an d
is mo ved bac k and forth with a uniform speed o f
V so th at it re main s parall e l to the s ide labe lled by
I. The direc ti o n o f the mo ti o n is para ll e l to h . An
amme ter of resista nce R is in serted into the mov in g w ire . T he res ista nces of the other
w ires are neg li g ible w ith respect to th at o f the a mmeter. Wh at is the readin g o n thc
amme te r? Expl a in the phe no me no n.
4. Mag netism Problem s
4. 2 In d uc t io ll ( m o t io na l emf)
Problem 262. A cl osed rectangul ar conductin g
frame with homogeneous mass di stributi on and negligibl e resistance can rotate around one of its axes of
symmetry. The frame rests in a homogeneous magnetic fi eld wh ose inducti on B is perpendi cul ar to its
plane, is constant in time and has no current f~ ow in g
though it. On e side of the frame is pu shed and the
frame starts to rotate. The area of the frame is A , it s
inductance is L. The fri cti on of the axi s is neg ligibl e.
a) How does the current in the frame change as a
function of an gul ar di spl acement?
b) Find the pos iti on of the frame where the
magnetic fi eld of the frame is the greates t.
Problem 263. A di sc of radiu s T is made of a
material of neg li gible resistance and ca n rotate about
a horizontal shaft. A small er di sc of radius {! is fi xed
onto the sam e shaft and has a mass less cord wrapped
around it, whi ch is attached to a small object of mass
m as shown . Two end s of a res istor of res istance R
are connected to the perimeter o f the di sc and to the
shaft by wipin g contacts. The system is the n placed
into a uniform horizontal magnetic fi eld B and mass
m is released. Find the co nstant angul ar ve loc ity with
whieh the di sc will ro tate after a certain time. Dat a:
T= lO cm , (! = 2 cm , R = 0.01 st , 13 = 0. 2 T , f7) = 50 g .
, ,,
, ,
, ,
, ,,
. ,,
Problem 264. A straight horizo ntal conductor of length l can ro tatc fri cti onlcss about
a vertic al ax lc, which goes throu gh its centrc . The two e nds of the co ndu ctor are
immersed to mercury, in which the total drag foree exerted on the e nd s of th e win.:
is kl v 2 , so the drag force is proporti onal to the squ are of the speed ( I . The syste m is
in a uniform verti cal mag netic fi eld . Current fl ows throu gh the merc ury tank and the
axle. The c urrent is kept at a co nstant valu e of I with the help of a vari abl e res istor.
All ohmic res istances and air drag are neg li gibl e. Wh at is the angul ar speed of the
Wire? Wh at is the vo lt age between the ax le and the mercury tank ? Dat a: / = 20 CllI .
kl = 6. 25 . 10 - 3 kg/ m, J = 4 A , the mag neti c inducti on is 13 =.5 .10 - 2 VS / lI l '2 .
Problem 265. A metal cy linder is ro tatin g at an angul ar vel oc it y w aro un d it s ax is
of symmetry. The cy lind er is in a uniform magnetic fi eld with the inducti on vec tor JJ
parallel to its ax is.
a) Determine the charge density in the int eri or of the cy linder.
b) At what angul ar speed will the charge density be zero?
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
t co
Problem 266. A circular metal ring whose radius is 0.1 ll1
rotates in the magnetic field of the Earth at uniform ang ular
velocity around a vertical axis that passes through the centre of
the ring .
A small magnetic needle is located in the centre of the metal
ring, which can rotate freely around a vertical axis . If the metal
r in g does not rotate, the magnetic needle points in the direction
of the horizontal component of the magnetic fie ld of the E arth.
If the ring completes 10 revolutions per second, the magnetic
needle diverts by 2° from this direction in average. Find the
electric resistance of the ring.
Problem 267. A th in ring of negligible resistance (R= O) is
held over a cy lindri cal bar magnet that is in vertical posi tion.
The axis of the ring coincides with the axis of the magnet. T he
magnetic field surrounding the ring has a cy lindrical symmetry,
and the coordinates of the magnetic induction vector are gi ve n
by the following equations:
B z = Bo(1 - ex z )
B r· = Bo{3T,
where Bo, ex, (3 are constants, and z and l' denote the verti cal
and radial coordinates of position .
Initially, the ring carries no current. The ring is released, and it starts to move
downwards , preserving its vertical axis.
a) Investigate whether the magnetic flux inside the ring is constant during its motio n.
b) Describe the motion of the ring. Express the vertical coordinate of the ring as a
function of time .
c) Express the current flowing in the ring as a function of time. Find the maxim um
value of the current.
Let the initial coordinates of the centre of the ring be z = 0 and l' = O. In describing
the motion , neglect air resistance. Data: Bo = 0.01 T, ex = 2{3 = 32 m - 1, the mass of
the ring is m = 50 mg , the inductance of the ring is L = 1.3.10- 8 H , the radius of the
ring IS T O = 0 .5 cm, the acceleration of gravity is g = 9.8 mjs2 .
4. 3 Indu ction ( transform er em f )
4. Magnet ism Problem s
4.3 Induction (transformer emf)
Problem 268. A so lid copper ring of square cross sect ion has an internal radius
K ~ 5 cm and an external radius R e = 7 cm . The ring is in a uniform magnetic field
pdrall el to its axi.s. The magnetic induction B = 0.2 T t~f the fie ld changes uniform ly to
its reverse in a tJIne lIlterval 6 t = 2 s . Express the drItt speed v and angular speed w
of the conduction electrons in the ring in terms of the distance T from the ax is if
a) the uniform field on ly fills the interi or of rad iu s Ri of the ring,
b) the entire rin g is in the magneti c field.
I I'
I, R.
Problem 269. A copper ring of radius R = 8 cm and ci rcular cross-sec ti onal area
A = 2 mm 2 is in a homoge neous magnetic field whose induction is perpendicul ar to
its plane and changes uniforml y. At t = 0 the indu ctio n is Bo = 0 and in t = 0.2 s it
increases to B = 2 T. Find the angu lar velocity w at which the ring should be rotated
uniformly in order not to ha ve tensile stress in it at time in stant tl = 0.1 s . Can th is
problem be so lved if mag neti c indu ction chan ges from 2 T to O? (Self induction can
be neglected.)
Problem 270. The res istan ce of one third of a circu lar
conducting loop is 5 ohm s , and the resistance of the
remain ing two thirds is 2 ohms . The area of the circle is
0.3 m 2 . The points where the two parts join are con nected
with radi al wires to an ammeter of small si ze placed at
the centre of the circ le. The res ista nce of the ammeter
is 0. 5 ohms . The loop is in a uniform magnetic field
perpendicu lar to its plane. The magnitude of the magnetic
Induction vector changes uniformly with time:
- =0.4
a) Wh at current does the ammeter read ?
b) The ammeter is replaced by an ideal voltmeter. What volt age does it read ?
300 G r cati,'c Physics PlUblcl1JS \\'itl! Solutioll s
Prohlem 271. In side a long cylinder of radiu s R= 10 eli]
there is a smaller cylinder of radiu s i? /2 . These are arranged
in such a way that the two cylinders touch each other alono
a common generatrix. There is no magnetic field in side th~
sma ll cylinder, and in the remaining part of the hig cylindl!r
there is hom oge neou s magnetic lield which is changing
uniforml y in time. The speed of change of the magneti c fkid
is 6 [J 161 = 80 V I III 2 , and the magnetic field is parall el to
the axis of the cy linder. Determine the induced electric field in side the small cylinder.
Prohlem 272. A small head of masS III and charge CJ is threaded on a thin hori zontal
ring of radiu s R made of in sulating material. The bead can move o n the circular
track without friction and is initiall y at rest. A magnetic lield that is cylindri cal ly
symmetric (about axis t) is created , in which the co mponent of magnetic inducti on tha t
is perpendicular to the plane of the track depends on ly
on the di stan ce r measured from the centre and time I:
13 (1"./ )= -
·1 ,
where Ell is a given constant. (In a negligihl y sma ll
neighbourhood of I" = 0 the induction has some linite
va lue. )
a) Determine the velocity- time function of the bead.
b) How does the radial component of the normal force between the bead and the track
change as function of time'?
Prohlem 273. In the interior of a long straight co il
of radiu s I? = 2 e lll , the magnitude of the magn etic
induction decreases uniforml y from B = 0. 8 VS/1ll2
to zero in a time interva l of 61 = 10 - 1 s .
a) Find the initial acceleration of an electron at res t
at a di stance of I'A = ~) C ill from the axis of the coi l.
b) Calculate the speed gained by the electron as it
gets to point 13 while covering an angular di sp lacement of y = 120 0 as see n from the common poin t or
its plane of orbit and the axis of the coil.
Prohlem 274. O n an iro n wire of cross-sectional area A = 10 111m 2 and with relati ve
permeability I' = 200 j\, = 2000 co il s of in sulated copper wire are wound up closely
and thi s one-layer coil is bent into a circle wi th a radiu s of H = 10 Cill . In the acquired
round coil a current of 11 = 10 A is started , which is changed uniformly to h = - lO A
in tim e 61 = 1 S . Find the magnitud e and the direction of the acceleration of the electron
that is in the ce ntre of the c ircle at the ve ry moment and is moving in the plane of the
c ircle at ve locity u = 100 lll / s whe n
a) the current in thl: co il is exactly zero,
b) II = O.G s has elapsl:d sin ce thl: beginnin g of thl: decreasing of the current.
4.4 A ltern a.t ing clirrent
,J. j\ Jagn E' tis lIl Proble ll1 s
4.4 Alternating current
Problem 275 . Two metal spheres of radiu s R are placed at a very large distance
frolll eac h other, and they arc co nnected by a co il of inductance L , as it is show n in
the fi gure. O ne or the sphcres is loaded with electric charge . At what time , after closing
the sw itch S, docs the cha rge on thi s sphere decrease to the half? At what time wi ll the
charge reach the origi nal va lue again ')
Problem 276. A capac itor that has a capacitance of
C 1 = 10 ~ t F and a breakdown voltage of 1:30 V is filled
wi th a dielectric whose ohmic resistance is 109 It . A
seco nd capac it or with a capac itance of C 2 = 12.5 ~ tF and
a breakdown vo ltage or 170 V is filled with a dielectric
whose ohmi c resist;nce is 4. 10 9 It .
a) What happens ir a 220 V direct potential is app li ed across AB?
b) What happens ir a 220 V alternatin g potential is app li ed across AD '?
Problem 277. A se ries R - L- C c ircu it is co nnected to a vo ltage described by
runcti on V = 200 V . si n (628- . L) . The cu rre nt changes according to fun ction J =
= 7.07 A· sill
(G28 ~ . t - ~ ) . The inductance is L = 143 mH.
a) Find the va lues or Rand C .
b) Determin e the potentia l difference-time runction s across the co il and the capac itor.
Prohlem 278. In the electric circuit shown in the
fi gure th e in ductance of the co il is L = 10 mIl and
the capacita nce o r the capacitor is C = 0 .2 mF.
The circu it is powered by an alternating curren!.
Determine the rreq uency or the alternat in g current ,
pro vided that the c urrent va lue measured by the
ideal aml1leter in the main branch docs not depend
on the resistance or the resistor'
Problem 279. A coi l of inductance L = 2 I-I and a capacitor o r capacitance C = 5 111F
are connected in a series to the terminal s A B or a power supp ly. Ohmi c resistance is
negligible. At a certain point in time instant, the current flowing in the circu it is 1 = 1 A
and th e potential diflerence across the capac itor is Vc = 1 V, with the direction and
polarity sho wn in the fi gure.
300 Crea tive Physics Problem s with Solution s
How long does it take the potential difference
between terminals A and B to become zero if the
a) varies sinusoidally with a frequency of 50 H z ?
b) decreases uniformly at a rate of 0.8 A /s ?
c) varies sinusoidally as in a), and decreases
uniformly as in b) , but moves in the opposite
Vc = 1V
A~o--- ~
C=5.u F
____-2~_ _~/~=~1~A~____~
Problem 280. Alternating voltages of various angular frequencies are connected
between the two terminals of a closed box. The impedances are measured and tabul ated
[S - l]
Z [ ~]
34 .0
34 .9
145 .5
What does the box contain ?
- 0--------,
, ." ,I
Problem 281. The circuit shown in the
figure is connected to an AC generator
that supplies 5 V. R = 5 k~ and the
two capacitors are identical. The alTImeter reads 1 rnA whi Ie the voltmcter
reads 13 V . What will the meters read
if the angular frequency of the generator is changed from w to w / h ? Assume the meters to be ideal. (The voltmeter's impedance is infinitely large, the
impedance of the ammeter is negligibl e.)
Problem 282. In the circuit shown C = 2{lF , R =
= 1 k~ and R x is a resistor of unknown resistance .
An alternating potential is applied across AB. Under
what conditions will we not hear any sign of a potential
difference in a sensitive headphone connected ac ross
points PQ?
220 V -
Problem 283. Two coils of equal ind uctance and two gavlanic cells of emfs [1 =
= 50 V and [ 2 = 100 V are connected 10 a
220 V AC outlet as shown. The internal resistances of the cells are not negligible . In the
circuit the current lags the potential di fferen ce
by 45° . A DC voltmeter connected across
points A and B reads zero. What will an AC
voltmeter read when connected across poi nts
A and B ?
Chapter 5
Optics Problems
Problem 284. Two power supp li es wi th the same output voltage U are connected in
a series. We then gain a power supp ly whose output vo ltage is also U. Can it harpen?
Problem 285. Four layers of glass plates are placed
on top of each ot her in such a way that the bottom
one has thickn ess al and refractive index n 1 = 2.7,
the next one has thickness a2 and refractive index
n2 = 2.43 , and the third one and the top one have
thicknesses a3 and Ci 4 and refractive indices 113
and n4 respectively. Three rays of light starting
simultaneously from points At, A 2 , A3 reach points
B2 , B 3 , B 4 at the same time, with their angles of
incidence being the critical angles as shown. A2B2 =
= A3B3 = A 4B 4 = b = 10 mm. Find thicknesses Cil,
Ci2, Ci3 and refractive indices n:3, 714.
Problem 286. A glass spherical shell with an outer radius of
R= 7.5 cm and an inner radius of T = 6.5 cm has a refractive
index n2 = 1.5. The in side of the shell is filled with carbon
disulphide, whose refractive index is n l = 1.6. A so urce of
light is placed at a distance of Ci = 6 cm from the cen tre. What
percent of the energy of the light source leaves the system')
Problem 287. The optica l model of an endoscope is an optical fibre of refractive
index 'Ill, which is covered by a cladding of refractive index n2. The end of the fibre
is flat and it is in contact with the surrounding material of refractive index '/L:J. (The
refractive indices are with respect to air.) How should the value of n1 be chosen if
through the fibre the whole half-space below the end of the fibre is to be visiblL:
a) n2 = n3 = 1 ,
b) n2 = 1 and n3 = 4/3?
Problem 288. We have three equa l lenses of focal length f. By placing these lL:nses
at distances du and ch from each other we build an optica l system. With thi s optica l
system the image of an ob ject is detected on a screen , whic h is at distance A from the
~bject. We observe that wl~en moving the optical system along the opt ica l axis back and
forth the image on the screen remains sharp. By what va lues of the geometr ic data is
thiS possibl e?
300 C rea.tive P hy s ics Problem s wit h Solu tions
Problem 289. If we accommodate our eye to in fi nity and look into a telescope the
image of the Sun woul d be clear. If a sharp image of the sun is to be created on a screen
whi ch is 16 cm from the telescope, how far a distance must the image of the telescope
be moved? The absolute valu e of the foca l length of the eyepiece is 2 cm.
Problem 290. You have three co nvergin g lenses . Their foca l lengths are 90 cm,
10 cm and 8 cm. How ca n you buil d a telescope fro m them, with the with the greatest
mag ni fica ti on, if the max imum length of the telescope is 150 cm? (The lenses are all
th in lenses and lens aberrati ons can be neg lected.)
Problem 291. At one end of a 50 cm long tu be there is a convergin g lens of optical
power 2 dioptres and at the other end there is a di verging lens of opti cal power
- 2 di optres. A pl ane mirror is placed behind the di vergin g lens at a di stance of x ,
perpendicul arl y to the axi s of the tube. For whi ch di stance of x can the rea l image of
obj ec t, whi ch is pl aced in front of the convergin g lens at a di stance of 100 cm , be in
the pl ane of the obj ec t? Wh at is the mag ni ficati on, and is the im age in verted or erect?
Problem 292. There is a hole in the middle of small th in circul ar converging lens
of focal length f = 4 cm. The diameter of the hole is half of the di ameter of the lens.
There is a pointlike li ght-source A = 9 cm away from a wall. Where should the lens be
pl aced in order to get a sin gle, circul ar illumin ated spot on the wall , whi ch also has a
sharp edge?
Problem 293. A 20 cm long li ght tube li es on the principal axis of a convergin g lens
with diameter 2R = 4 cm and focal length 40 cm . The ends of the tube are at distances
60 cm and 80 cm from the lens. Where should a screen (which is perpendicul ar to the
principal ax is) be put on the other side of the lens, if the di ameter of the li ght spot on it
is to take its minimum va lue? Find the minimum diameter of the li ght spot.
Problem 294. The foll ow in g objects are pl aced after eac h other onto a central ax is
with a separati on of 4 d m eac h, a point source of li ght (0), a diverging lens of foc al
length - 4 dm, a converging lens of focal length + 4 dm and a concave mirror of focal
length 8 dm. The di ameter of the lenses and mirror is d = 2 dm . The point source
of li ght is then moved perpendicul ar to the central ax is. Wh at should its perpendi cular
displacement ( x ) be if the image is to be captu red on a screen?
Part II
Chapter 6
Mechanics Solutions
6.1 Kinematics
Solution of Problem l. The railwayman hears the signal during the tim e wh ich
elapses bdwee n the moments when the beginning and the end of the signal reach him.
The time is measured J"rom the initial moment whe n the sound is emitted. The beginning
of the whi stl e reaches the rai lwayman after a time of tl = d/e . Time T elapses between
the moment s whe n the beginning and the end of the wh istle are em itted , and the e nd of
the whistle covers a dista nce oj" d - uT , thu s (rl -vT )/e time elapses. So, the total time
which e lapses until the railway man hears the end of the wh istl e is t 2 = T + (d -vT )/e.
The rail way man hears the signa l for a time oj" !:::,L = L2 - / 1 , wh ich is
u" -L = -/ '2 -
t I = T + cl - vT _ ~ = e - v T = 330- 30 · 3 8=2 .727 8.
- -,-_-_-,-1J
Solution of Prohlem 2. Let d and e denote the
width and speed oj" the ri ver. Let L' I and V 2 be
the speed s of the boat relative to the ground in th e
two cases, and let Li e = V I ,. 1 and U2,,'1 denote its
Speeds re lative to the water. The task is to find the
rati o v·)- r e i /V1r e l .
In bot h cases, the component para llel to the
ri ve rbank s is equal to e . The speeds oj" th e boat
relati ve to the ground in the two cases arc
Vl =
II '
a ncl
L, __,===:,_ ,J
'1' 1
Ll/ l
~ _ _ _~d
~ _ _ _~
= - = -- = - .
As shown in the figure , the speed s arc re lated as follow s:
v ·2, pl
= C + v ;;- = C + -vi
16 .
300 C reative Phy sics Problem s w ith Solutions
S ince vi" , = c +vi = (4c)2 = 16c , it fo ll o ws that v i = 15c 2 . T hu s, fro m ( I ), the speed
re lative to the wa te r, of the boat w ith its motor broken down is
2 ,.• ,
31 ?
16 '
= C2 + _ C2 = _ c-
and the ra ti o in qu es ti o n is
31c2 / 16
= -161 vr;;:;
31 = 0.348.
Solution of Problem 3. T o prove the state me nt , we w ill use a subsid iary theorem:
po intlike objects re leased s imult a neo us ly fro m rest o n fric ti o nl ess pla nes o f vari o us
angles o f inc linati o n startin g at the upperm ost point of a ve rti ca l c irc le wi ll a ll reach the
c ircle s imultaneous ly. (In othe r wo rds : parti c les startin g simultaneo u ly fro m a po in t of
a hori zo nta l line o n fricti o n less pl anes all conta inin g the line w ill a lways be o n a circle
o f inc reas in g radiu s.)
Proo f of the subs idi ary theore m :
Draw a c ircle of arbi trary radiu s pass in g throug h
the commo n horizonta l line o f the incl ined planes,
a nd draw so me o f the planes inc lined at arbitrary
a ng les a to the hori zo nta l. Se lec t o ne o f the pl anes
a nd co ns ider the po int that started fro m rest and is
just reac hin g the c irc le a lo ng the selec ted pl a ne. T he
s liding time o f the po int is
t = J 2s/a,
a=g sin a .
The slidin g time is the re fo re
t= V ~ '
T o express the le ngt h of the s lope fro m the startin g po int to the c irc le (i.e. the di stance
covered by the slidin g po int) in te rms o f the rad iu s o f the c irc le , co nn ec t the lower end o f
the verti cal di a me te r to the intersecti o n po in t o f the slope a nd the c irde. T he co nn ec ting
line segme nt is perpendicul ar to the s lo pe (T hales' theore m ). T he le ng th o f the s lo pe is
ex pressed fro m the ri ght-a ng led tri ang le obta ined :
s = 21's in a,
w here , because of ang les with pa irwise perpe ndi c ul ar arm s, a eq uals the angle of
inclin ati o n o f the s lope . B y substitutin g thi s ex press io n in the fo rmul a for s lidin g time,
the fo ll o win g va lu e o f t is obta ined :
2·2Tsin a =2 .
gs in a
whi c h is inde pe nde nt o f a, as stated by the subsidi ary theore m to be proved .
6. 1 I\" i /l em a t ics
6. Mechan ics Solu tions
The res ult can be used to prove the original state ment.
Draw the circle th at passes through th e point s
A and C in a plane perpendi cul ar to the in clin ed
planes so th at the po int A lies o n its verti cal
di amete r. The c ircle intersects the ori gin al slope
at D. Sin ce it foll ows from the suhsidiary
theorem pro ved hefore that the sli din g times
are equal al ong the slopes AD and A C, there
re main s to co mpare the tim es needed to cover the
slopes DB and C B . Draw the c ircle pass in g
throu gh the point s D C B. Th e chord DB of th e
circle subtends a greater ce ntral angle than chord C B , so the path DB is lo nger th an
the path C B. Furtherm ore, since every point of th e path C B lies lower than an y point
of the path DB , it foll ows from the co nservation o f energy th at th e speed is greater
at every point of the path C B than anywhere on the path DB. There fore , the slidin g
time along the path CB is shorte r than the s lidin g time al ong DB , whi ch proves th e
original state ment.
Solution of Problem 4. The accel erati ontime graph can he see n in the fi gure.
Proportionall y, the accelerati on ch ange in
time t 2 is:
: ~O
~~~_ ~ ~ 1__~Q _ ____ __ _________ _ _ _ _ __ J
0 0 =2
The speed ch ange is equal to the area under
the graph. (E.g., the sum of the area of a
rectangle and a ri ght tri angle.)
~ v = aot2
+ - (a l - ao) --=-t2 = aot2 + - (a l - ClO ) --=. .
Since the obj ect had an initi al speed vo at to = 0 , the speed acquired by 12
lS :
v = vo + aOL2 + - (a l - Cln ) -.1. .
a) Suhstituting into equati on (3) the known nUlll eri cal data, the speed of the object
after l O s is:
Ill) · 10 52
- = 71 - .
v = l -+2 - · 10 5+- 3 - - 2 S2
b) Usin g the equati on (3) and the kn own data , the v - t fun cti on of the Ill oti o n is:
' ~'
v = l - + 2 -t+-(3 -2 )
300 C rea.tive Physics Problem s with Solutions
and in dimensionless form :
v= 1+2t+ 0. 5t2 .
In order to plot the v-t dia-
gram, let us complete the square in
the function (5).
v= 2'(t2+ 4t )+1,
v = 2'[(t+2)2 -4] + 1,
V=2'(t+2) - l.
The function (6) is obtained by
transforming the simple parabola
and its graph is plotted in
the figure .
c) The distances covered in the
time intervals 0 < t < 1 sand
9 s < t < 10 s are equal to the
appropriate areas under v-t diagram. Since the time intervals are short, the diag rams
can be approximated by linear segments , and the problem can then be simplified to the
calculation of the areas of two trapeziums.
The distance covered in the first second is:
VO+V l
1 ~+3.5 ~
81 = --2-t1 =
· 1 s = 2.25 m ,
where, according to the formula (6), VI is:
Vl= [~(1+2)2-1] 7=3.5 7·
Similarly, the speeds at the 9 and 10 second marks are :
2 ]
Vg= [ -1 (9 + 2) - 1 -=59.52
= [~(10 + 2)2 _ 1] m = 71 m.
Using these values, the approximate value of the distance in question is:
82 =
+ VI O
f':.. t =
59.5 ~ + 71 rn
·1 s = 65.25 m .
6.1 Kin ematics
Mech anics Solutions
Remark: The leg itimacy of the approximations can be checked by comparing the
revious resu lts with the exact ones obtained by integration. The exact values of the
o distances are, by integration:
= [~2 . t3 +2 . e2 + t]l =2.17 m,
Sl = /l
S2 =
-t + 2t + 1 dt =
_ . - + 2· - + t
2 3
] 10
= 65.17 m.
The relative errors in the two cases are:
Il Sl
2.25 - 2.17
65.25 - 65.17
= 0.00123 = 0.12 3%.
~ =
= 0.0369 = 3 .69%,
- =
(The second error is smaller, since the curvature of the parabola is less .)
Solution of Problem 5. Since the distance covered is a quadratic function of time,
velocity must be a linear function of time. In general, if the distance covered can be
written in the form of
where Vo is the initial velocity, at is the tangential acceleration and t is the time
elapsed. Comparing the parametric equation with the one given in this case:
S = 0.5t 2 + 2t
. .
It fO ll ows that at/2 = 0.5 m/s so at = 1 m /s and Vo = 2111/s.
The accelerations at times t1 = 2 sa nd t2 = 5 s can be calculated as the resultant
vector of the tangential and normal (centripetal) accelerations, whose magnitude is:
JOO C reative PII,rsics PmiJlelJls lI'i eil Solutiolls
Substitutin g thi s int o thl: l:xprl:ss ion for accel era_
ti o n, we ohtain:
T hl: ratio or thl: accl:\e rati ons is give n:
J? 20} + (vn + CLtLI) <1
R 2 uf + (Un + Cli L2) <1'
Squaring the equation and iso latin g the radiu s give:
(VIl +(l112) -I _ ~1 (uo + UI II )"
R= -
Suhstilliting known values, we find :
R =---,)
(2 m /s + 1111 /S ,5 S) ·I - 4(2 Ill /S + 11ll /s
240 1111"
, 2 S)4
1m /s ·
Is" - 1024 Ill " /S"
- - Ill :.! =
So the radiu s o r the circle is R = 21.42 111
V459 III 2 = 3 m, J5T = 2 1.42111
First solution of Problem 6. [n order to achieve the required acce lerati on-rree state .
the acceicration or the ca r' s tire axlc (a). the normal acce lerati on o r the va lve cap (all )'
and the tangential accelcrati on or the val ve ca r (al) should rroduce a resultant of zero
at the given moment.
a) Fro m the li gure it is clear that thi s co ndition cannot be rullill ed at point A (the
other two acce lera ti on co mponent s point int o the sa ill e hair-pl ane determined by the li ne
th at fit s on vector a ),
b) At point B the co nditi ons for the hori zo ntal and Vl:rli ca l co mpone nts of the
accelerati ons are
(LII , sin o +Ut '('0 5 (\ =(1
·sino =0,
6. 1 Kin e matics
6. J\!eclu'l1lics SO /ll t io ll s
Becausc of th c rcquired '118 turn
J2 W It' h It" In detail:.
sin o cos o = 2'
/' · (~'f·; + /',~,; =a
(l ')
/"(~'lf;=T ' *'; '
(2' )
If thc first tcrm of (1' ) is replaccd by the right side of
(2') :
(/ -J2 + /" _a . -J2 =a
/' . -.
H 2
R 2
nner combi nin g th e li ke terms and simplifyin g by a:
R = '/'·J2 .
50 thc va lvc cap can be onl y at a CC rlai n di stance ( /' = RI J2 ~ 0,7lR) from the axle,
5ubstilUtin g thc rcsuit for time 1 = JHla from (2') into the relati onshi p for angul ar
I 2
a .2
displacc mcnt cp = '2 13 1 = 2H . t glvcs
= -2 = 28 .65 °
for <P , so wc shou ld start from a givc n positi on precedi ng point B (at the moment of
starlin g, the radiu s d rawn to the va lve cap should e ncl ose an ang le of 0. + r.p = 3,65°
wi th thc vcrti ca l).
Second solution of Prohlem 6. In casc b) thc probl em requests an acce lerati on-free
state in a pos iti on whcre the normal accelerat io n and the tangenti al accelera ti on cnc loses
the same (45° ) angle with the verti ca l. Thc ir rcs ultant should be the oppos ite of the
(hori zo ntal ) acceleration o f the car, wh ich is o nl y poss ibl e if the tangential and the
norm al acccle rati ons have the sa me mag nitude and the vec tor parallel og ram formed by
them is a squarc whosc diagonal has thc sa nK magni tude as the accclerati on of the car:
that is,
- = /'. -
from whi ch
As the normal accclerati on IS
," nt = /" H'a
300 Cr eative Physics Problem s with Solu tions
from here
a nd with thi s the angul ar di spl aceme nt req uired after starlin g is
1 a
cp = "2 . Ii'
= "2 rad = 28.65 .
First solution of Problem 7. With superposition of velocities (coo rdinate tran sformation).
The "absolute" velocity Va o f the point with respect to the g round is the sum of'
its re lati ve velocity Vr el with respect to the coordinate frame travellin g alo ng with the
centre of the disc and the translati o nal velocity Vtr of the coordin ate fr ame:
At point B, thi s is a lso true for the magnitu des of
the velocities (s ince in iti a lly the velocity vectors arc
Vn =va + 2 w ,
where Rw = Va since the di sc rolls without slip ping.
Thus the speed of po int B is
Vn = "2 va .
Let us app ly (I) to point A. As seen from the figure, the mag nitudes of the absolu te
ve locity and the translational velocity are eq ua l, VA,e] = Rw = Va = Vt r , and they encl ose
an ang le cp , equal to the angu lar di splacement of the radiu s. From the isosce les tri an g le,
= 2vacos '2cp = 2vacos ( 2R'
t) .
At the time in stant in question ,
2vacos ( 2R' L = "2 va.
He nce
cos ( ; ; . L) =
a nd the time in quest io n is
0.2 III
4m s
.a rccos - = --/_ .a rccos 0 .75 = 0. 36 s.
6.1 J\in ematics
6 M ech anics Solu tion s
Second solution of Problem 7. With an illstalltaneous ax is of rotatioll.
The fi gure shows th at the insta ntaneo us ax is of
rotation is the point P where the di sc touches the
ground. The speed of point A is thu s
= 2 R cos ( ~ )
W =- .
The express ion (2) is obtai ned again by substitut ing ((! = wi = 7'f t :
Va. t ) . -Vo = 2vacos ( VO. {)
= 2R cos ( -
and hence the requirement of the probl em leads to the sa me res ult as above .
Solution of Prohlem 8. a) Accordin g to the co nditi on V A = V D . Sin ce th e mag nitude
of the veloc ity for a point on the circum ference 0 ::; VA ::; 2v , there wi II he momen tary
instants when it is equ al to VjJ, whi ch is always greater than zero and al ways le ss
than 2v (its direc ti on will obvi ously be di ffere nt). Thi s requirement is fulfill ed whe n
r A w = rjJw , where TA and I"jJ are the momentary radii of ro tati on draw n to A and
B respectively, which are the di stances of A res p. B meas ured from the point th at
is stationary at the mome nt (the point th at is exact ly touchin g the ground ). Since the
angular speed is the same for eac h point of a ri gid di sc, in order to fulfil the co nd iti on
= TjJ = T
should be true.
From the fig ure it can be see n where the po ints sho ul d be to fulfil thi s conditi on.
(From the fi gure it is clear that thi s state is reached in the seco nd qu arter of the angul ar
displacement firs t. ) Trian gles OAP and PAB are simil ar because they an: isosce les
and their angles on the base are co mm on.
Let ((! stand for the angul ar di spl acement of the rad iu s
belongin g to point A and C\' for its suppl eme ntary
angle . The moment ary rad iu s of rotatio n fro m the big
triangle is
,. = 2Rsin - .
and from th e slll all tri angle
T= - - - .
4s in ~
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Therefore the right sides are eq ual:
. a
2R sm-= - - .
4 s in %
From he re - independe ntl y of the rad ius - the following value is acq uired for the si ne
of the ha lf of the angular position:
2 a
from whi ch
. a
SIl1- =
From this
a =2 . arcsin
4 =41.41 .
So the first ang ul ar displacement th at fulfils the requirements o f the probl em is
<P I = 7r - a = 180 0 - 41.41 0 = 138.59 = 2.42 rad.
The time elapsed in the meantime is
tI = -
= - - =4.84s.
b) The req uested speed is
. - = 2sin - · V = - ·0.5 - = 0.354 - .
2 R
V A = V D =rw =2Rsin -
c) T he di stance travell ed by the centre is
81 = R <PI = 1 m . 2.42 rad = 2.42 m.
Solution of Problem 9. a) Let us examine the phenomenon from a refere nce fra me
fixed to the uniforml y mov ing cart. At thi s frame the bit of mud leaves the rim in
the direc ti on of the tangent, that is, in this system the initial velocity of the projection
e ncl oses an angle of a = 60 0 with the hori zo ntal. As the bit of mud fall s back at the
same he ight as it starts from , the distance between these po ints is the distance of the
proj ection :
X m ax = 2Rsin a .
So in the reference frame of the cart :
2 .
2Va sll1 a cosa 2R '
----'''--------- =
sin a ,
where Va is the peripheral veloc ity of the rilll and the travelling velocity of the cart as
we ll. From here
_f!g -
Va -
- - - )0.6 111.9. 8.1 m /s -_
cos a
~ 3.43 -m .
v/ 11772
m 2/ s 2 ~
6.1 K in ematics
Mechanics S olutions
_.A ------- - --
.. ..
~ R ·s in a
R ·sin a
b) The time of the oblique proj ection of the bit of mud is
2vo sin a
2 · 3.43 m/ s · 0.866
= 0.61 s.
9.81 111/S 2
!Ii this time the point of the rim where the bit of mud detaches from tra vels through an
arc of
i=vol=3.43 m/s ·0.61 s=2 .09 m;::::;;2.1 m
due to the skid-free rollin g moti o n, from thi s arc i' th at the bit of mud fl ew along, th at
i = R-:3 = 1. 257 met res,
should be subtracted, so the length of the requested arc is
6.i = i - i' = 2.09 m - 1. 257 111 = 0.833 m;::::;; 0. 8 m.
c) The moti on of the cart is skid-free ro llin g, the axles of its wheels move exactl y at
velocity Vo = 3.43 m is, so the in the time between the detachment and the fallin g back
of the bit of mud the cart trave ls a di stance of
s = voi=3.43 m /s ·0.61 s = 2.09 m;::::;; 2.1 m ,
which is obvi ously equal to i .
(The speci al angle of projecti on enabl es us
to reach the conclu sio n faster. Namely, in the
cOordin ate sys tem fixed to the gro und the bit of
mud travels exactl y at veloc ity v," = vocos 60 0 +
.+ Va = 3va/2 in the horizo ntal direc ti on, whi ch
IS 3/2 times the veloc ity of the carl. Therefore
the hori zo ntal displ ace ment of the bit of mud is
3/2 times that of the cart , th at is,
2R'sina + s
2 R Slna+s=-s.
From thi s, the distance trave ll ed by the cart is:
5 = 4Rsina = 4·0.6 m· 0.866 = 2.1 111 .)
300 C rea ti ve P hysics Problem s \\'i t h Soillt ions
Solution of Problem HI, a) W ith a good appro xima ti on the ball oo n in th e prob l ell
per forms a harill oni c osc ill atory moti on, si nce it s accelerat ion is pro porti onal to it s he igh;
Illeasured from the altitu de H , and has opposite di recti on. T hrough this anal ogy the
kin eill ati c equ ati ons o f th e ball oo n arc sim il ar to th ose o f a harm oni c motio n.
The k inemati cs o f th e harm on ic moti on is uniqu ely determin ed by its amp l itude A
and i ts max im al acce lera ti on (L ''' il X' T hi s exact data is gi ven in th e prob lem:
A= lJ
[n th e li rst q ues ti on th e speed at the altitude H i s ju st th e max im al speed of the
osc ill ati on. T he max ima l ve loc it y and m ax im al acce lerati on o f th e harm onic moti on can
be ex pressed usin g the angul ar freq uency :
From here, th e an gul ar frequ ency ca n be expressed usin g th e know n data:
"t< IX
---A '
So , usin g th e previous notati ons, the unkn ow n speed at altitude /I is:
b) T he speed at altitude
rr /2 can be determin ed by the k now n formula:
u=wJ A 2 _y2,
/ '=
/I 2 _
2 =
J O.7S(LII H .
c) T he tim e in qu esti on is one quarter o f th e peri od o f th e harm oni c oscill at ion , so :
-Iw - 2
a ll .
Anoth er solution ( for the ques ti ons co nce rn ing th e speed) is based on th e workenergy theore m.
Sin ce th e net fo rce ac tin g on th e ba ll oon is linearly dec reasin g to zero w ith th e alt itud e,
th e force averaged over th e altitu de is ju st ha l f of th e m ax im al force .
6.1 Kin e ma.tics
Mechan ics SO ilitioll S
The change of the kinetic energy is eq ual
to the work done hy th is force:
[J = -IILV2
thLlS , the speed at height Hi s:
moo __ __ __ ____ _
u ( ff ) = Ja nH .
From ground level to H / 2 the average force
O+T = 0. 75mao,
----=--'I7I CL
so the speed at height II /2 is
V= J O.7 5a o H .
The simp les t, most elemen tary way to determine the time needed for the balloon to rise
is to apply the analogy to the harmo ni c osci ll atio n.
Solution of Prohlem 11. First we have to determine the time it takes the bullet ,
moving at a co nstan t horizontal velocity compone nt, to arri ve at the trajectory of the
fa lling ball. During this time, in a ve rti cal direction , the bullet performs a free fall and
loses its height of Ii, . However, because the bullet hits the ball, the ball covers the
distance (It - hi ) + hi. The time in question is therefore simply the diA'ere nce between
the time of th e free fall of the ball and the time of the flight of the bullet.
It takes the bullet
11 =
50 111
- = - - = 0.5 5
100 !.!..'s
to reach the tra jectory of the fa llin g ba ll. During this time it loses a height of
It 1 = -;;.g·[i = -;;. · 9.8 1 52 · 0. 25 S - ;:::j 1.23111 .
The time of the free fall of the ball , until be in g hit by the bu ll et , is:
2( h-h'+ llj )
2 ·1 1. 23 m
9.81 ;S = 1. 51 s .
300 Creative Phy sics Problems with Solutions
So the time difference in question is:
f::lt = t - h = l. 51 s - 0. 5 s = l.01 s ~ 1 s .
The parametric solution of the problem can be significantly simplified by considerino
the fact that h - hi = h / 2. With this in mind , the time of the fall of the ball is:
and the time difference between the start of the fall and the gun fire is:
-+-- ~
V ·
Solution of Problem 12. Let us write down all the requirements for the two mot ions .
The projectile and the object sliding on the slope arrive at point P at the same instant.
Thus , the vertical velocity component of the projectile is equal to the vertical compone nt
of the average velocity of the other object. Since the object on the slope performs
uniformly accelerated motion , its average velocity is half of its final velocity, so
Va cos 'p =
"2 cos O! ,
where 'P is the angle of the throw (above the horizontal), and O! is the angle of the
slope. The two objects arrive at P at the same speed, i.e. , Va = V, so we can simpli fy
using the initial speed of the throw and the final speed of the sliding:
cos O!
cOS 'P = ~2-'
The two angles should certainly obey this relation, but it does not mean that an y O!
could solve the problem.
A further requirement should al so be
satisfied: the total time of the th row
should be equal to the time of the
sliding . (Indeed , if only equation ( I)
was satisfied then the x coordinates o f
the two objects would be equal at the
instant when the object on the sl ope
gets to P , but the y coordinate of the
I a \ \,
projectile would not be 0.) From this
requirement we get that t t lirow = t s li de ,
2va s in 'P
g sin O! '
6. 1 I\in em at ics
6 Mech a.nics Solu tions
which mean s th at the ang le s o bey another rel ation as well . Only o ne pair o f ang les ca n
satisfy all the requireme nts o f the pro ble m. After s implifi cation:
2sin (j! = - .- .
sm 0'
Now we solve the system o f equ ati o ns ( 1-2) . Takin g the square of equati o n (2), and
using a trigon ome tri c equation to c ha nge the s ine functi o ns to cos in es, w hi c h appear in
(I), we get th at:
4 . (1 - cos - (j!) =
1 - cos 0'
Using (I ) to substitute cosO'=2 , cos(j! :
4 . (1 - cos - (j!) =
1 - 4cos (j!
After multipl y in g w ith the de nomin ator:
4 . ( 1 - cos 2 (j! )( 1 - 4 cos 2 (j!) = l.
Then performing the multiplic ati o ns:
4 - 4 cos 2 (j! -1 6cos 2 (j! + 16cos 4 (j! = 1
After arrang ing the term s:
16 cos 4 (j! - 20 cos 2 (j! + 3 = O.
The solution of thi s equ ati o n for cos 2 (j! is:
cos (j!=
20 ± V400 - 4 · 16 · 3
{1.0 75.69
2. 16
= 0.1 743 1
Only the seco nd root is meanin g ful , and s ince (j! is an ac ute angle in thi s problem ,
we obtain that:
cos (j! = + J O.17 431 = 0 .4 1750
= arccos O. 41750 = 65 .32 0.
From equati o n ( I ) the an g le o f the slope can al so be de termined :
cosO' = 2cos(j! = 2 ·0.4 175 = 0.835 ,
so the an g le o f the s lope is
= a rccos O. 835 = 33 .38° .
The pheno me non desc ribed in th e probl e m occurs o nl y at thi s va lue.
First solution of Problem 13. We c an sta rt by us in g the tw o co nditi o ns w hi c h state
that the the two pi eces reac h the g round at the same mome nt, and that o ne o f them fall s
back to the pl ace at w hi c h it was pro jec ted. From the first co nditi o n it can be co nc luded
that only the ho ri zo ntal co mpo ne nts o f the ir ve lociti s chan ge , thu s th e he ights o f th e
trajectories o f bo th pieces are the same as the he ight o f the path o f th e proj ec tile if it
300 Creative P hysics Prob lems with Solu tion s
does not ex pl ode, from the second we can draw the concl usion that the two pieces alwayS
move in the same ' plane, whi ch is the pl ane of the trajectory of the origin al projecti le
The ce ntre of mass of the sys tem of splinters - according to the theorem of the
mot ion of the centre of mass - moves along the trajectory of the ori gin al imaginary
projectil e whi ch does not ex pl ode, and reac hes the ground at the range of the original
projec til e, at the moment when the splin ters reach the ground. Let us descri be the motion
of the projectile which does not explode. The verti cal component of the initi al vel oci ty
is Vy = vasi n a = 200 m is, and its horizontal component is Vx = Vacosa = 346.4 m i s,
The time whil e the projectil e ascends is tase = Vy I 9 = 20 s, thus the time of the projectile
moti on is tpro = 2tase = 40 s, The total range of the projectil e moti on is Xmax = Vx tpro :::::
= 13856 m , and the height to whi ch the projectil e ascends is v~/2g = 2000 m.
The vertical component 1.1y of the new veloc ity 1.1 of the splinter which goes back
to the place of the projection after the ex pl os ion does not change, and its hori zontal
co mponent Ul x can be calcul ated fro m the fi nal speeds given in the probl em. Because
the vertical moti on is not influenced by the ex pl os ion the magnitude of the vertical
component of the fin al veloc ity of the splinter which hits the ground at the original
pos iti on is the same as the mag nitude of the vertical co mponent of the initi al velocity
of the projec tile, which is: Va si n a = 200 - .
10 km
15 km
The speed of the impact is given: Vi mp = 250 m is, from these data using
the Pythagorea n theorem the constant hori zontal component of the veloc ity can be
Let us denote the time elapsed between the moment of the projec ti on and the
exp los ion by t l . The time elapsed between the expl osion and the impac t is t = tpro - t 1 ·
During thi s time the splinter which goes back to the pl ace of projec tion covers a distance
of Xl = Ul x (tpro - t 1) along the hori zontal , while the common centre of mass covers
a hori zo ntal di stance of X2 = Va:" (tpro - t1) ' The sum of these distances is exactl y the
total range of the projec tile moti on, thu s:
XIlJaX = Xl +X2 = Ux(t pro - t1) +Vax(t pro -tJ) =
= 150 - (40 s-tJ) +34 6.4 -(40 s- t 1 ) = 346.4 - ·40 5 (= 13856m).
~Ja ni cs Solu t ions
6.1 Kin ema.tics
The soluti o n o f the equati o n g ives the time be tween the proj ecti o n and the expl os io n:
t :::: 12. 087 s .
J Thus the he ight of the ex pl os io n is:
h I = vovtl - -gt 1 = 200 - · 12.087 s - - . 10 2' · 12.087 s
= 1686 .9 m.
Second solution of Problem 13. The pro ble m can be eas il y solved if we use the fac t
that phenome na in mec hanics are revers ibl e. If the ve loc ity of the impact was re fl ected ,
that is , if the splinte r was proj ected with the veloc ity oppos it e to the the veloc ity at w hich
the splinter hits the gro un d the n the splinte r, w hi c h fa ll s back to the initi al pos iti o n,
would mo ve fro m the pl ace of the proj ec ti o n to the place o f the ex po los io n alo ng the
same trajectory up on w hi c h it moves whe n it fall s back to the pl ace o f the proj ecti o n
from the positi o n o f the ex pl os io n. Thu s the paths o f the proj ectile, which d oes no t
explode, and the splinter w hi ch fall s back , intersect eac h othe r at the place whe re the
. projectil e e xpl odes. There fo re, we o nl y have to write the equa tio ns o f both path s a nd to
solve the equati o n system to y.
The equati o n o f the path (o f the centre o f mass) o f the orig in al projectile is
Y = tan a l . x -
2 .X ,
2v o cosa l
The equation o f the path o f the splinte r whi ch fa ll s bac k to the pl ace of the proj ec ti o n,
and which is " projected bac k", is
Y = tan a2 . x -
2 .X ,
2v'i '/np cos a 2
where al = 30° , tan a2 = 200/ 150, cosa2 = 150/250.
The trivial soluti o n o f the equ ati o n sys te m is x = 0, whic h is the initial po int o f both
paths, and the soluti o n whi ch we wo uld like to find whe n x =1= 0 ca n be calc ul ated fro m
the linear equati o n, whic h we ga in if x is cancelled .
tan a l -
2V6 cos 2 a l
x= tan a 2 -
2v i n> p COS- a2
Substitutin g the num eri ca l d ata:
tan 30 -
x= x.
2.400 2 cos 2 30°
2 . 2502 (1 50) 2
The soluti o n fo r x :
x= 4187111,
and substitutin g thi s res ult into the first equati o n the he ight at which the ex pl os io n
occurred is:
11 =Y1 =tan30
° · 4187111 - 2 . 400 10
cos 30
·4 187 111= 1686.9111 .
(The ve loc ity of the splinte r w hi c h moves fo rward and the rati o o f the masses o f the
SPlinters c ann ot be calc ul ated fro m the g ive n d ata.)
300 C reMi\'(' Ph,\'s ics P ro b/el/l s \\'ith So /utioll s
Solution of Problem 14. Let lin e (J be the path of the bullet , point A is the lai r oj'
the ga mekeeper, (The descent of the bullet ca n be neglec ted in thi s phase o f th e moti on,)
AU=d = 1111 ,
During it s fli ght. the bullet produees sphe r_
ll y propagating sound waves at each po int
of th e path ,
The enveloping surface to
th ese at a gi ve n moment is a conica l sur face
w hose genera tri ces mark th e max imu ill di stan ce reached at th e moment in co ncern , A fter
time t , when the sp heri ca l wave of th e bUllct
is at di stance cI from poi nt C, then the bUllet
itself is at a distance of vi from th is place
(point D show n in the li gure), Point f) is the ape x of the enveloping co ni cal surface
(beca use the spherical wave start s from thi s poi nt exactl y now),
The sound ca n he sensed when th e en vel oping
co ni ca l surface reaches A, Then for the se miape x angle of the co ne on one hand:
SI11 0 =
C f)
- - = - =- ,
on the other hand
S lll O =
- - =- ,
where x is the unknown di stance , From these
,(' =
- ,d
= G80 Ill / s ' I III = 2 Ill.
:~4 0 Ill /s
6.2 Dynamics
Solution of Problem 15. Let us aSSLlme that the object is pointlike, T he object should
reac h the top of the semicircle, after w hich it s motion will be a hori zo ntal proj ecti on, If
th e objec t is to reach the top of th e sem icircle. the norm al foree
should not beco me zero anywhere oth er th an at th e top,
According to Newton ' s second law :
P: exe rt ed hy th e track
III l] + i-; = lil a,
w hi ch at th e top of th e semi circle takes the form o f :
(' -
III {)
+ [\-= 111 - .
( Il
6 .2 Dy nam ics
6. Mechallics Soilitio lls
where v 2 / I' is the ce ntripetal accd eration of the object. (As the vectors are all ve rti cal,
their magnitudes ca n be used in the equ at io n. ) The object will reac h the top of the
elllicircle if the normal force remains pos iti ve or becomes zero there. Since the ex treme
~asc shou ld be in vesti gated (because that is when the vel oc ity Vo and therefore the
distance of horizontal projection is minimum ) let us substitute I\' = 0 into equ ati on ( I):
mg = 111 .J2.
,. .
from whi ch
VIl =vrg.
Thi s hori zo ntal ve loci ty is maintained throughout the horizontal project ion until the
object hits the track in it s origina l pos iti on. The time of fall equals the time of a freefall
from a he ight of h = 2,.:
(2h = f4i .
The hori zo ntal co mpone nt of the obj ec t's disp lacement d urin g the fall is:
= vo t =
.;rg ff =
It is interesti ng to see that the hori zontal disp lace ment equal s the height from wh ich the
object fall s. This di stan ce is the shortest poss ible distance of the horizontal track that
we wanted to fi nd. The ve locity given to the object in its initial pos iti o n in the ex treme
case can be ca lc ulat ed usin g the conservati on of energy:
"2 1lLV - = mg2,. + "2mvo,
V= J ,.g+ v'6 = ) 4I'g + ,.g= j5;:g
(= Vsvo).
Solution of Problem 16. a) Co nsiderin g the requirement s of the problem, let us start
the reaso nin g at the end. The object leavi ng
the track at !3 becomes a projec til e with a
g··· .. •. .... .
hori zo nt al initial ve loc it y of (1/3. Since it
IS to trave l throu gh C, it necd s to cover
.. ··· Fa !R
......................... .
a hori zo nt al dista nce of d wh ile fallin g A ~~--"'--.....__ __ ___________ _________ ~c.o
through a vert ica l di stance of n be low the
FA 0
Point B. T he eq uati ons for the displacement
of the prujec til e arc
('/J I =cI
300 Creative P hysics Problem s wit h Solution s
Hence, with the elimin ati on of t,
Va =d ·
Given the speed at B, the law of energy conservation ca n be used to determin e the
speed at J{ :
2mv I< = mg( h + R ) + 2 mvn·
With the substituti on of the above ex pression for Va, the speed at X is
V I<
2g (h + R )+
9 m 2 ·10 !.4
2 ' 10 -(2 m + 1m)+
s- =10 .25-.
2 ·1 Jl1
b) Since the obj ect mu st slide all the way along the track to get to point B , the normal
force cannot decrease to zero anywhere along the track . Th at im poses a lower lim it on
the initi al speed of the projectil e motion. Thus the horizontal di stance d has to be lo ng
enough to be reac hed durin g the time of the fall. The norma l force Fa exerted by the
trac k at point B is obtained from the eq uati on fo r the centri petal fo rce:
d - 1) > O.
Fa = m -V - 1n g = 1n g ( --R
2R 2
The value of zero corresponds to the minimum value of d , thus d ll1i ll = Rh = l. 41 111.
c) At the po int A , the normal force of the track changes suddenl y fro m the value of
zero along the line segment J{ A to the value FA required by circul ar moti on. At po int
A of the circ ul ar arc,
FA = m ~ .
The value of V A is obtained fro m the law of energy conservat ion aga in, appli ed between
the po ints A and B separated by a verti cal di stance of R:
mv 2
'm v 2
mgR +--a = _ _A .
d2 g
Hence the square of the speed and the normal fo rce at A are V A = 2R g + 2R )
FA= m g ( dR22+2 ) = 0.5 kg .10m2 ( 9m 2 + 2) = 32 .5 N.
2· 1 m
From ( I) and (2),
Fa = FA -3mg= 32.5 1- 0. 5 kg · 10 ? = 27.5 1
6. Mech anic' So /ll tions
6.2 D Y II<J IIlics
Solution of Problem 17. Let us describe the in stantaneous positi on of the objL:ct with
the angle a between the vertical and the radiu s drawn to the sill all objL:ct. WhL:rL: thL:
wall e nd s, the object undergoes projectile Illotion with an initi al angle of Ci as WL:II.
The om iss ion of' so me part of the wa ll does not lead to the failure of the trick if thL:
downward part of the parabola smoothl y fit s to the circle agai n.
From thi s, it is derived that the mi ss in g part of the
circul ar track mu st be sy mmetri cal along the verti ca l
diameter of the circle. Thi s condition can be considered
as the horizon tal compo nent of the di splaccment of the
object durin g the time of the asce nt of the object (half
of the range of' the projectile moti on) and is the same as
the half of the chord whi ch belo ngs to thL: arc cut off the
circle. Let us determ in e the ce ntral angle subte nded by
the arc cut ofl Let the magnitude of thi s angle be 20. .
The time of the ascent of the projecti Ie moti on is:
vsin a
ta= - - - .
The di stance covered during thi s time is:
vcosa · La =
v cos 0 . v s i11 0.
=R sin o
From thi s cosa = - ? .
vThe initial speed of the project ile moti on ca n be ca lculated using the work-energy
-mgR ( 1 +COSo. ) = -mv 2 - - m vij,
from which: v2=v6- 2gR(1 +cosa) , and cosa= 2
Vo - 2Rg 1 +co c.~)
This is a qu adrati c eq uat ion for the cos ine of half of th e asked angle :
COS o. +
In our case
2R g
(1 - ;~g coso. + ~ = O.
2.8 .1 6.9. 8 = 2.5, whi ch can be substituted into our L:l)u ati on, such
cos - 0. - l. 5 cos 0' + 2' = 0 ,
from whi ch 2 so luti ons are gai ned for coso' :
casa l = 1,
caso.2 = 0. 5.
300 Crea.tive P hysics Prob lem s wit h Solu t ion s
The soluti o ns fo r the central a ng le of the arc which is to cut off are: epl = 20:1 = 0° and
ep2 = 20:2 = 120 , so the le ngth o f the c Ircul ar path IS: ~ = R ep = - R = 17.1S m .
Solution of Problem 18. T he object mo ves o n a verti cal c irc ular path , d uring whic h
the te ns io n in the strin g decreases. The max imum te ns io n occ urs at the bottom of the
c irc le, i.e. at the start o f the mo tio n. If the string does not break at the start, the re are
two possibiliti es: I . If the initi al veloc ity is e no ugh to make the o bject to move arou nd
the circle w itho ut the string beco ming s lac k, the strin g w ill never break. 2. If, ho wever
the o bj ec t leaves the c irc ul ar path at a g ive n po int (w here the strin g becomes slack), i;
w ill unde rgo projectil e motio n until it reaches the c irc ul ar path again , where the string
w ill become te nse. In thi s case, ass uming th at the strin g is not stretchabl e, the tens ion
in the strin g w ill be extre me ly hi g h (well above the max imum 40N) and because it is
pulled sudde nl y, the string will break . In thi s case, the soluti o n becomes the point of
intersecti o n o f the parabolic path a nd the circle.
I . The te ns io n ac tin g at the start can be dete rmined
us in g Newto n' s second law:
J( -mg= 1n L'
whi ch y ie lds
J( = m
V2 )
(196m2 /s2 m)
( ~L + g = O.S kg S.6m + 10 2"s =
=22.SN < 40N ,
so the string does not break at the start of the mo ti o n.
2. T he point in whic h the proj ectile moti o n of the
• Vo
o bjec t starts is the point where the strin g becomes s lac k,
i.e. te ns io n J( becomes zero .
Let ep be the angle fo rmed by the string and the vertical in the above point. Ap pl ying
New to n' s second law to the o bj ect in that po int, we o btain :
mg cos ep + J( = mT '
where /\- = O. T he veloc ity ( v ) of the obj ec t in that point can be de te rmined us in g the
wo rk-kinetic energy theorem :
- mgL(l +cosep) = - m v - - m vo
(the wo rk of the te ns io n is zero) , he nce
v = v5 - 2gL(1 +cosep) .
S ubstitutin g equ ati o n (2) and J( = 0 into equ ati o n ( 1) a nd di vidin g by m g ive:
gcosep= l - 2g( 1 +cosep),
i c_s_S_o_h_lt_io_'_1S_________________________________________
6 _.2__
which yi e lds
3 coscp = ~ - 2 ,
hence th e cos ine o f th e ang le th at g ives the posi ti o n in w hi ch th e o bj ec t leaves th e c irc le
coscp = -
- -=
142 111 2 /S2
- -
3·lO m /s ·5 .6m
= 0. 5 .
(3 )
SO the ang le fo rm ed by th e strin g a nd the ve rtical turn s out to be:
cp = 60° .
The launch s peed of th e proj ectil e mo ti o n can be calcul ated by s ubstitutin g the value o f
COS ip into equ ati o n (2):
v == VV6 - 2gL (1 + 0. 5) = V1 4 2 m 2 /s 2 - 2 · 10 m /s . 5. 6 m .1. 5 = 58 m = 5 .29 m.
Accordin g to th e fig ure , th e coord in ates o f th e po int w here th e obj ec t le aves th e circle
Xo = - L sin cp,
Yo = L coscp ,
because the an g le above the hori zo nta l at w hic h the obj ect is laun c hed equal s th e ang le
formed by the strin g and th e verti cal.
The equ ati o n o f th e c ircle in th e coordin ate-syste m de fin ed in the fi g ure is:
X2+y2 =L2.
The coordinates o f th e o bject du rin g its proj ec til e mo ti o n as a fun c ti o n o f time are:
x = Xo +vcoscp · t = - L sin cp+ vcoscp ' t,
1 2 L
1 2
Y=Yo +vslll cp· t - gt = coscp+vs lll cp . t - gt.
(6 )
Inserting these coordi nates into th e equati o n o f th e c irc le , we get:
L 2sin 2 cp - 2Lvsin cp cos cpt + v 2 cos 2 cpe + L 2 cos 2 cp + v 2s in 2 cpt 2 + ~g2t4+
+ 2Lvcoscpsin cp · t - 2L coscp · ~ gl2 - 2vsi n cp ~gt3 = L 2.
Usin g th at L 2 sin 2 cp+ L 2 coS2 cp = L 2, v 2es in 2 cp+v 2e cos 2 cp = v 2 t 2 a nd th at th e
sUm o f th e second a nd seventh te rm eq uals zero , o ur equati o n s impli fie s to:
v 2t 2 + ~g2 t4 - L coscpge - vsin cpgt 3 = O.
DiViding by t 2 =1= 0, we obta in :
~g2t2 _ vsin cpgt + (v 2 - L coscpg) = O.
300 C rciH il 'c Ph,I's ics Prob/clIls wit/l So /llti o n s
This is a quadrati c eq uati o n for I. w hose so luti on is:
1,:2 si 11 2 yy '2 + .(;2 ( Leos y[) - t,2)
l ' sill yY ±
, = --------~------71--,)----------------
after silllrlifying the rraction by 9 . rart o r the exrression under the squ are root can he
written as:
thu s
1= 2. I' sill y ± J( L9 - t,:2 cos Y) l'OSY .
Substituting known va l ues anu using equations (3) anu (4), WL: get:
1=2 .
5.29 ~ · 0.866 ±
/ (5.6 1l1'1O ;;':f - 28 ,~~2 ·0.5) ·0. 5
10 .!4
a ile!
Substituting till: va lue or II into the .1' and y coordinates o f the object as givL:n in
equation s (5) and (6) givL:s the position or the object at thL: Illoment when thL: string
:1: = (- 5.6 III ·0. 866 + 5.292 . 1. 8:.l3· 0.5) III = - ( 1. 8L I96 + 4 .85 0) III ~ 0,
Y = (5 .6 · 0. 5 + 5.292·0.866·1 .833 - ;) , 1.833 2 ) III = - 5.6 \11 = - L,
which means that thL: object comes back illlo its initial ro sition (a t distance L bL:low
thL: point of suspL:n sion) whL:n thL: string bn:ak.
Solution of Problem 19. The positi o n o f thL: object can hL: dL:scribed hy angle (\.
w hi ch is the angle L:nclosed by th e verti ca l and the radiu s co nnecting the centre of
thL: sL: lllicircle and the objL:ct as shown on the figure . The acceleration of thL: objL:ct
can bL: reso l vL:d into tangential and normal co mronL:nt s. which arc a, = gS ill Cl and
(J /I
u2 / I? , whL:re u is the in stantaneou s vdocit y o f the object in thL: g ivL:n position . As
th e two co mpo nents are pL:rpL:ndicular, th L: nl,;t
acceleration or the object can be ca lculat L:d as:
Usi ng the conservation of energy , we call
L:x pn:ss thL: velocit y o f the object In tL:nn s of
angle ct:
1119 Rei - (,OSCl') = - lI lU-.
6. ]\lecha llics So /uti olls
6.2 DY llamics
which yie lds
v 2 = 2gR ( 1 - cos O') .
suhstitutin g thi s into the formul a for acce lerati on anu ass umlll g that the acceleration
should be two th ird s of g . we get:
a = gVSin 2n + 4(1 - ('OSO) 2 = ~. g.
after some alge bra, we get a quadrati c equation for (,OSCI :
27 cos 2 (\ - 72 coso + ·11 = 0,
the only so luti on to the equatio n that has a phy sica l meaning is:
coso =
12 - J21
= 0. 8242.
The net acceleration and the tan gent line form an angle 'P , for wh ich we get:
9 sm C\
cos <p = -
-/ .- = 1. 5s ill C\ =0 .8LI!.l6 ,
2g 3
'P= 31. 8° .
The angle enc losed hy the acceleration and the hori zo ntal is E: = 'P + Q = 66.3° .
Solution of Prohlcm 20. The object leaves the
slope when the normal reacti on becomes zero. In
our case thi s may happen along the part of the path
wh ich is co ncave downward , with the chan ce of it
happenin g heing greatest at the lowest points. Let
us assume th at the object is a point -lik e one. The
crit ica l positi o n is the inflexion point of the path ,
so if the normal reac ti on hecomes zero there for
a moment , then it will increase abruptly to a high
value becau se of the opposite curvature. Let us
cons ider thi s case as the critical case, because if the
, mg
object reac hes thi s po int at a greater speed than the
Speeu whi ch bel o ngs to the crit ical case the n it will
Surel y leave a finite segment of the path .
.The qu esti on ca n be stated in the fol low in g way as well: What sho uld the initi al speed
01 an object whi ch sliues down on a smooth circ ul ar path of radiu s R be, so th at it it
leaves th e path just as it desce nds from a hei ght o f "/ 2 '?
Let th e speed of the object at the top of the path be V I, and U2 after descendin g a
h~lght of 11 / 2 . During th e moti o n of the objec t the resultant force is the vec tor sum
01 the normal reacti o n and the grav itati o nal force. At the mome nt when the normal
reacti on ceases the resultant force is equ al too the gravitational force . At thi s moment
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
the object moves along the circular path of radius R making the centripetal forc e equ al
to the radial component of the gravitational force. Thus for this position:
m g cos a = m R '
After calculating the speed the law of con serva_
tion of energy is applied :
m g6h = 2mV2 - 2mvI '
where 6h = h/ 2. From this
v2 =Vgh+ vi , and
vI=Vv~ - gh.
Expressing V2 from the first equation and substituting it into the last one:
= VRg cosa- gh.
Reading from the figure
cos a =
R - h/2
= 1--.
using the value of cosa and substituting the data of the problem , the asked speed
becomes :
( 3h) = 4.43 -ms .
Rg 1 - 2R
Remark. The fact that the circular paths join 'without break ' does not mean that
the object passes ' smoothly ', because at the connection the normal reaction abru ptly
increases from zero to a very high value, allowing an elast ic ball to be 'ejected ' at the
inflection point. Here the path cannot be considered as straight, unlike, for example,
a sinus curve at its inflection. Let the mass of the sliding object be 1 kg: the normal
reaction exerted on it at the inflection point of the curve increases from zero to a certain
value of N for which N - mg cosa = mv 2 / R , from which
N=m(gcos a + v / R)=lkg·
( 9.81m/s 2' S+-54 4.43 m/s 2) =ll.77 N.
Solution of Problem 21. At the moment
when the object detaches from the slope, the
reaction force of the slope becomes zero , so
Newton ' s second law in radial direction is:
.. -.... - . --.~~~~...--
fR "'\\\
m g cosa=m R'
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. Mech a.nics Solu tion s
According to the work-energy theorem:
mg[R( l - cosO') + h] = 2'17W ,
frorn w hi ch th e square o f th e speed is
= 2g[R(1 - cosO') + h],
and, according to th e give n data , th e cosine of 0' is
cos 0' = -" R
Plugging in all these formu las into New ton 's second la w (ye t in parame tri c form ), we
gCOSO' =
2gR( 1 -cosO') +2hg
. From this the altitud e h measured from the co mmo n ho ri zo ntal tangent of the arcs is:
( ~cos
0' -
and substituting the value of coso', we get that
( ~ . ~ - 1) . R = ( ~ - ~ ) . R = ~ R.
The who le distance covered by th e small objec t o n th e s lo pe is th e s LI m o f th e distan ce s
covered on the concave and convex parts:
The first part of the d istance can be determined from ha nd R.:
81 = R<p = R · arccos R
~ h = R . arccos ( 1 - ~) = R· arccos ( 1 - ~) =
= R· arccos - = 0.5 In' 0 .505;:::0 0.253 Ill.
The second di stance, acco rding to th e data given in th e problem , is:
82 = R O' = R · a r ccos - = 0. 5 Ill' 0.72 27 = 0.361 111.
ThLis the smal l object covered a tot al distance of
8=81+ 82= 0.2 53 m +0.361m=0.6141l1 =6 1A Clll ,
on the slope, which has the parametric form
7) .
8 = R<p + R O' = R · ( <p + 0') = R . a r ccos '4 + a r ccos 8
300 C reative Phy sics Problem s with Solutions
Solution of Problem 22. Let us solve this problem in general for an arbitrary initial
angle 0 < a o < 90 ° .
Figure a) shows the forces acting on the bob. The resultant force of gravitational force
mg and tension j{ points towards the inside of the circle, its tangential compone nt
being equal to that of the gravitational force. Figure b) shows the accelerations of the
bob, which can be derived from figure a) by dividing each force by the mass m of the
bob. The magnitude of the net acceleration can be written into the form of:
a=va;1 +a~ = (Vr2)2 + (gsina)2 .
The velocity of the bob can be calculated using the conservation of energy formul a.
While the angle which the cord makes with the vertical
decreases from a o to a , the bob ' s height decreases by :
I ~h l
= r(coSQo - cosa).
Applying the conservation of energy formu la and inputting the initial velocity as zero, we obtain:
mg l ~h l = mgr(coSQo -cos a ) = 2mv ,
v 2 = 2gr (cosao - cos a ).
Insertin g this into equation (I), we get:
a = 9V[2(cosa - cosao)]2 +s in 2 a = gVSin 2 a + 4[cos 2 a - 2 cosacosao +cos 2 a o]
(2 )
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mech an ics Solutions
:..---,[he bob will reac h its minimum accelerati o n whe n the ex press io n under the squ are roo t
takes its mini m um value . T hi s express ion is the second degree fun c ti on of cosa:
3cos 2 00- 8cos a ocosa + (1 + 4cos 2 (00) .
,[he genera l fo rm of a qu adratic functio n of x is:
ax 2 + bx+c.
By calculating the zeros of thi s fun ctio n, yo u will fin d the x -inte rcepts of a parabo la,
with an ax is para ll e l to the y -a xis. T hese intercepts are sy mme trical to the ax is (a nd
vertex) of the parabo la, therefore the x -coord in ate of the minimum poi nt of the
parabola is the ari thmeti c mean o f the two zeros:
[0 the
Xll!i ll = (X l +X2)/2,
Calculatin g the ir arithmetic mean g ives :
xn 1in == - - .
Let us apply thi s to the sec ond de gree e xpress io n o f cosa . T he angl e at whi c h the bob
reaches its minimum acce lerati on is g i ve n by:
8coso~ o
cosall!i ll = --6-- = "3cosao .
Using this calc ul ati o n in o ur case the initi a l a ng le IS
acceleration is reac hed wh e n:
= 45 ° a nd the mIJ1imum
4 12
cosalHi ll = "3 . 2 = - 3- = 0.9428
from whi ch the ang le formed by the cord and the ve rti cal is:
The questio n set in the probl e m is therefore answered .
. Let us calc ulate so me add iti o nal d ata regard in g the minimum accelerati o n. Su bsti tutIng equation (5) fo r eq uati o n (2), we arri ve at a minimum accelerati o n of:
16cos 2 ao
4cos 2 ao
a m ill =g · y l +3 .
-8 ·
+4cos 000=
= ~.
(48 - 96 + 36) cos6 +9 = ~ . )9 - 12cos 2 a .
300 C r ea til"(' Pi/.I'sit·s Probielll s witli So illti o lls
In our caSL:
011 =
I j O,
(,0';011 =
In sL:rling
this into eq uation (6) . ror 11lL: Illinillluill -valuL: or thL:
accL:ie rat ion WL: gL:l:
(lllI i ll
9 - 12·
= - ·CJ=0 . j77CJ~5 . 8--:- .
:3 .
( '1
Angle <,? rOf'llll':U by the IlllnllllUIll accL:leration and
the tangent o r tilL: path is:
cos' = - - =
Sill 19. 17°
1}/ :3
= 0. 577:3.
thu s y = 5.1.7:3° , whi lL: thL: angle forlllL:u hy thL: minimum acceleration and Ihe
horizontal is:
Solution of Problem 23. a) WhL:n thL: hlocks mOVL: with the samL: acceleration , their
acceleration equa ls thL: accL:leration of thL:ir centre or mass. which can hL: dL:tL:rJn illed
casi ly. ThL: sum or the cxterna l rorce s acting on the sys tL:m eq ual s th e mass or the
systL:1ll tilllL:s the accL:leratio n or thL: cent rL: or mass:
Aply in g this to thL: systL:m or blocks , WL: obta in :
Us in g 1111
= /112 = III si mplilies our equation to:
211lg s illo -
( /11
+ /1 2)lIIgCOS(\ = '11110 ""1111'<"
rrom wh ich WL: Ii nel:
/11 + /' 2
- 0
0 .,1
a = ,I'} (s IIl Ct ------- cosn)= 10 ~( S I1l 1 o - - cos Jo ) =0.()56 ~ .
Note that thL: upper hlock ( ir il was not cO llilectL:d to thL: lowL:r block) wou ld not star!
to Illove on the inclin L:d plane by itselr or wou ld stop alkr bL:ing pus heu down wards
because the rriction acting on it is greater than l1I,C} sill o. But as the rriction actin g oil
the lower block is sma ll. the 10wL:r block moves down pullin g thL: upper b lock with it.
b) ThL: L:xtL:nsio n or the sprin g could bL: dL:terlllinL:d by app lying Newton 's SL:CO l1d
law to either block and substitulin g th e va lue or acceleration calcu lated above . L ei LIS
now , however. calculatL: thL: extL:nsion uirect ly , using on ly the givcn uata and not tllC
accL:lL:rat ion.
6.2 DYlla mics
6. j\/cc/Iil Jlics Sol utio Jl s
Newton' s seco nd l aw app lied to th e lower block gives:
IIIgsil1 Cl - 1'-2I11gC05Cl - Dt:!./
= liLa ,
,vhile apply ing Newton's seco nd la w to the upper bl ock. we obtain :
+ f)t:!./ - III I IIgC050 = ma o
IlIgsi l1 0
subtractin g th e lirst equati on rrom th e seco nd , th e accelerati on and mgs in O' cance l out:
2Dt:!.I-11 I Il1g cos Cl + Jlzlllg cos Cl = O.
fro J11 whi ch we get :
/l[ - 1' 2
t:!.l = - (I f) "
-- .
co. Cl
inserting the gi ve n data. we fi nd :
t:!./ =
:3 ko'
111 O?
/ · 10 --:;- . .-:.:.. cos 15° = 0.0 1448 ~ 1.45 cm.
200 :\ III
Solution of Prohl em 24. Co nsider th e moti on or th e sys tem . According to Newton 's
second law . wi th th e notati ons or th e fi gure,
where FI i s th e rorce or stati c rriction , F2 is the rorce or kinetic friction, and a., is th e
acceleration or sys tem.
Note th at there are tw o rriction rorces o r oppos in g direc tion s, ac ting on the sys tem at
the same time . The first is oppos in g th e mot ion, whi le the second , acting in the direc tion
of th e moti on, advances translati on and retard s ro tation .
The rri cti on rorce Fl is obtained by co nsidering the torque s ac tin g on th e cy linder:
.,(( "
I IR =C:W=-1\ /R- - .
IS = /' (lIIg - 1\' sin o).
With th e fri ction forces substituted in ( I ):
The ten sion force 1\' ac tin g on the string ca n be determined lI sin g Newton's second law
applied to the cy linder:
/\' cos n - FI = 1\ 1(/ ., .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
With the expression for F1 substituted , J( can be expressed:
J(= 3Ma s .
2 cosa
If this result is written in (2) , the only unknown that remains is the acceleration:
3M a,
p,mg - {l - - " sin a = - M a s + m+NI)a s .
Hence the acceleration of the centre of mass of the cylinder (and the acceleration of the
plate) is
a, =
3M( 1 + {l t a n a)+ 2m
According to the given information , m = 2NI and t an a = 13/3, thus:
as =
3(1 + {lta n a) +4
3+0 .4 .j3 + 4
·10 - = 2.08 - .
Hence the distance covered and the time taken are
4m 2 /s2
8= _ 0.g=
2 =0.98 m
2a s
2 · 2.08 m /s
t= - =
2·0.98 111
2m s
Solution of Problem 25. a) The hoop will get higher if there is frict ion , since in that
case a part of its rotational energy (or poss ibly all of it) is also converted to gravitational
potential energy. This statement can also be proved true by considering the forces acting
on the hoop: as the hoop ascends, the speed of its centre of mass decreases. To decrease
its angular velocity, there is an uphill friction force acting on the hoop, which represen ts
a lifting force on the hoop.
It is instructive to compare the heights quantitatively : if the hoop rolls up the slope
1mv6 + 18w 2
E t r a n s ] 2 m v O vo
without friction its rise will only be 6h 2 = - - - = - - = - .
wIthout shpplllg, It wIll rIse to a heIght of 6h 1 = - - - =
whi le
The ratios of the two heights for a hoop and for a sphere are , respectively ,
- 1 .4 .
- 5 6h- 2
If there is only a weak friction on the slope and the hoop rolls with or without slipp ing,
it will rise to a height 6h , such that
6h 2 < 6h < 6h 1 ,
and part of the energy is dissipated .
b) If r < R , the hoop reaching the slope will roll on up
the slope without a collision . On arrival , the speed of its
centre of mass is vo and its angular speed is wo = voir.
6. Nlechani cs Solutions
6.2 DY Ila.mics
In the absence of friction (since there is no external torque act in g on the hoop) , the
angular momentum of the hoop, and thus the angula r speed too, wi ll rl:main co nstant all
the way . The hoop wil l slide up to a height of
h = v6/ 29 ,
where its speed is reduced to zero , and where it wi ll then slide back to the base of the
slope. It aITives at the base of the slope at a ve locity of Vn again , but in the opposite
direction. Its sense of rotation does not change. Therefore, the hoop arri ving back to the
horizontal plane keeps sliding, and wil l con tinue to slide until the torque of the friction
forces adjust the angular velocity to a va lue of w = V/ 1' ' in tune ' with the instantaneous
velocity and in the appropriate direction. In princip le, this may occur in threc dinerent
ways. Fricti on may reverse the sense of ro tati on , it may reverse the direction or velocity ,
or, in a special case it may reducc both to zero at the same time. The result will depend
on the magni tude of rotational inertia. To solve the problem , this question need s to be
The diagrams below represent the three cases graph ica ll y. (t = 0 at the in sta nt when
the hoop arri ves back down to the base of the slope.)
The acceleration of the centre of mass of the hoop after it has sl id back down on the
horizontal plane:
a = {lg = const.
The angular acceleration of the hoop:
(3 = - {lmg/' = _ {lg = con st.
ln T2
The speed and angu lar speed of the centre of the hoop expressed in terms of time:
v = -Vo + at = -Vo + {l gt ,
= W o + (3t = Wo - -
Sliding stops in a time l 1' such that
-V O + ~l gt1 =wo/' -
{lgl1 ,
3. 5 m/s
t [ =- =
2 = 1. 755 .
0.2 ·10 lll /s
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
The speed of the centre of the hoop at the same time instant is
V = -vo + /-ig =0 ,
that is, we are dealing with the special case in which the hoop stops exactly whe n its
angular speed also decreases to zero. Therefore it will not reverse either its veloci ty Or
angular velocity after its return.
Thus the hoop will stop in 1.75 s , which means that at 2.4 s, the time instant in
question, it will be in the same position at the point of the horizontal plane where its
coordinate is
8 = X = -vOtl + -{tgt l = - 3.5- ·1.75 s+ - ·0.2 · 10 -2 ·1.75 s =~ - 3.06 m,
with the origin at the base of the slope and the positive values of x under the inclined
Remark. The case of a solid sphere is more complicated because the sphere will , after
a while , continue to roll without slipping while its angular velocity is reversed . In th is
case, the given time interval is then made up of a decelerating part and a part of uni for m
motion . w = 0 at
2 Vo
t] = - - = 0.7s ,
5 {tg
when the velocity is v = Vo - /-igt l = 2.1 m/s. The sphere rolls while slipping for
this much time and then continues on unifomly. The distance rolled while slipping is
8 1 = vot l - /-igt l = 1.96 m , and then it rolls without slipping until the interval of 2.4 s
is over, covering a distance of 8 2 = v(t - t l ) = 3.57 m. The total distance covered fro m
the base of the slope during the 2.4 s is therefore 8 = 5.53 m. (The x axis now poin ts
the other way.)
A case of an object with cylindrical symmetry rolling back towards the slope may
only occur if its rotational inertia is even greater than that of the hoop. (For example, a
reel rolling with its narrow part on a track) .
Solution of Problem 26. The motion of the block is retarded by the kinetic fri ction
force and the force that is exerted by the dropped object parallel to their surface of
contact. The force of kinetic friction is
S = {t[(,
where [( is the normal force exerted by the ground on the block . This force has a
small value before the collision and will therefore not change the speed of the bl oc k
significantly during the ' infinitesimally short' duration of the collision. When the small
mass falls onto the object, however, the normal force increases considerably, and
thus friction can reduce the speed of the block by a finite value even 'in an instant' .
The vertical component of the change in momentum of the small object equals the total
impulse of the vertical forces acting on it:
LFy .!:"t = !:,. mv l v ·
6. Mechanics Solu tions
6 .2 Dy nam ics
In detail , since the small object loses its vertica l veloci ty,
(mg - N)6t = - mVl,
where N is the mean magnitude of the normal component of the force exerted by the
block on the small obj ect (equal to the magnitude of the normal force acting on the
block). Hence
N=mg + - - ' .
The resultant vertical force acting on the block is therefore M 9 + N - ]( = 0, since the
block does not accelerate vert icall y.
Thus the magnitude of the fr iction force
acting on the block is
r~; ;gW
S = jJJ( = ~i(N + M g).
IConsider the system comprisin g the block
' and the object dropped onto it. The
change in momentum in the x direction
is made up of the change in momentum IvI 6 u of the block and m 6 v h = mu of the
small object, where u is the veloc ity of the block after the co lli sion . From the law of
impulse and momentum applied to the x componen ts, with the coordinate axis pointing
in the directi on of the velocity V2 of the block:
-M(N + M g)6 t = M 6 u+mli.
With the value of N substituted :
- ~i
7TW1) 6 t=M 6 u + mu.
Multiplied by 6t:
-~i(mg 6 t+Mg6t + mV l ) = M 6u+mu.
Since the collision is momentary , 6 t ---> 0, the only term of the expression in brackets
not vanishing is mVl . (Considerin g that u = V2 + 6 u) , the change in velocity of the
block is
6U= _ m(~iVl + V2) = _lkg . (0.4.1 0m /s+2m/s) = - lm/s.
1 kg+5kg
Thus the velocity of the block after the collis ion is
u = V2 + LJ.1i =
IvI V2 - ~imVl
= 1 -.
Solution of Problem 27. According to Newton's second law app li ed to the radial
COll1ponents of the forces actin g on th e ball,
300 C /'cat i,'c P h,l's ics Prob lcllls \\'itJ l Solut io ll s
w hen.: [ \' is th e te nsion rorce act in g o n th e strin g.
Accord ing to th e work-energy
Fro m th e two equ ati ons, th e te nsion rorcc is
Ks ina
Kcosa CJ. K
A t th e ang le o r th e strin g to th e verti ca l ror w hi ch th e stati c
fri cti on roree is a max imum ,
New to n's seco nd l aw appli ed to ' he block at the time in stant
w hen the bl ock start s to sl ide (th at is, w hen it has not yet
acce lerated hut w hen th e stati c fri cti on force has reac hed
it s max imum ) is
/1 ,( I\ [g+ [\' coso) - [\'si n o = O.
W ith the ex press ion ( I ) o f /\' w ritt en in (2), and rea rran ged :
11 ,1\ / g
+ 3/1, IlIgC05'2 0 = 3171gcoso sin o.
Div ided hy 9 and w ith cos in es expressed in term s o f sines :
/1,, 111 + 31L , 1II - 3lL,llLsin 2 0 = 3m sin (1
J ] - sin 2 o.
Rearrange ment lead s to an equ ati on th at is quadrati c in sin 2 (1. With the nota tio n
.1' = sin 0 int rodu ced :
1\/ .) +9 ] .1:+/1,2( -')
1\/ 2 + 61\/ + 9 ) =0 .
9 ( ,1 + 1' 2)
, .C.2 - [.6/1,2 ( -+3
W ith th e substituti o n o f th e g i ve n num eri ca l data , the equati o n beco mes simpler :
9,36.(2 - 10.2.1 + 1 = 0 ,
to.2 ± J I02 2 - ,I· 9.36
th at is,
a nd
= S Ill- 02 = 0. 1089.
T he va lu es ob tain ed fo r th e sine o f th e angle arc
sin o 1 = JO.9808 = 0990:)6,
a n ci
S ill el2
= J O.I089 = 0 .3:3004.
T he bl ock wi ll start to sli de w hen th e str in g enc loses an angle o f
(,) J = arcsin 0.990:36 = 82 .038° ~ 82°
w ith th e vert ica l.
6.2 Dy na.m ics
6. Mechanics So llI t io lI s
( An y an gle (\ in the interva l
= a rcs in 0.:3:300<J = J 9.27° < 0 < 82.0:38° = OJ ,
wo ul d sati s fy the co nditi o n of slidin g. prov ided th at the block is held fi xed until the
strin g reaches th at angle . However, under th e IlI'ese nt co nditi ons the bl oc k will start to
slide at 82.038° . so any oth er angle is irre levant for answerin g the quest io n. )
Remark . The lin e of acti on of the ten sion force in the strin g docs not pass throu gh
the centre of mass of the bl ock , thu s it also re prese nts a torque about the centre of
masS . As a res ult . the ' front' o f th e bl oc k is pressed harder ag ain st the groun d than
its rear end . an d the valu e of the stati c fri cti on force may beco me uncert ain. Howe ver,
since the so luti o n is ind er e nde nt of the len gth of the pendulum and the onl y variabl e
that the torqu e dere nds on in ad diti o n to the angle and the magnitude of the force is
the hei ght Ii of th e rod, it ca n be made neg li gibly small. If the bl ock is lo ng eno ugh
relative to the rod. th e e n'ec t of the torque becomes ve ry small. (Note th at the size of the
ba ll imposes a limitati o n on short enin g the strin g: the di ameter of the ball mu st remain
neg lig ible relative to the len gth of the string, otherwise rotati onal kineti c e nergy should
be con sidered in the work-e nergy theorem , too.)
Solu tion of Prohlem 28. The batten docs
not acce lerat e in the verti ca l directi on, so Newton' s seco nd law for thi s direc ti on is:
where G is the grav it ati onal force exe rted on
the ballen , J\' I and J\'2 are the abso lute va lues of the normal reacti ons exerted by the
cy linders.
The ballen does not rotate, thu s th e equ ati on for the torques cal cul ated for an axis
thro ugh the ce ntre of mass is:
Based o n the above equ ati ons. the mag nitudes of the normal reacti ons are:
/\' = G (L -.c) .
a ll el
Because. accordin g to the pro blem , th e cy linde rs ro tate quickl y, the re lati ve speed of
the ballen and the surface of the cy linders is not zero, causin g dy nami c fri cti on to be
exerted betwee n the m and givin g the m each mag nitudes of:
a nd
and altho ugh the y arc oppos ite, both arc exerted to ward s the centre of the batten.
Newton's seco nd law fo r the hor izo ntal forces is:
300 Creative Phy sics Problem s with Solutions
Substituting the values of the normal reactions:
/-L(1\2 - Kd = - {LG
L = ma .
The force is proportional to the displacement and oppositely directed so the batte n will
undergo simple harmonic motion. Therefore, the net force exerted on the batten of mass
m is:
'""' F = - {L m g . x
and considering the force law of SHM which is :
F = -mw 2 x we can fin d the
angular frequency and the period of the motion , which are:
w = )/-Lg/ L ,
Our result holds true unless the maximum speed of the batten does not reach the speed
of any point on the surface of the rotating cylinder.
Solution of Problem 29. It is known that if the direction of the force exerted on an
object placed onto a surface is such that its line of action is inside the so called ' fric tion al
cone ' , then the object is not able to move regardless of the magnitude of the forc e. Th is
is because the static frictional force , which is exerted in the plane of the surfaces in
contact, is always greater than that component of the external force which is parallel to
the surfaces in contact. (Of course the gravitational force is also meant to be part o f th is
external force .)
tge·K I
The figure on the left shows the forces exerted on a small object of negligible weight
placed onto a horizontal plane. Let us apply Newton ' s second law to the boundary case
when the object is in equilibrium. The equations for the components of the forces whic h
are parallel and perpendicular to the surfaces are the following:
F sin c: - /-LJ( = 0,
F cosc: - J( = O.
6. Mechanics So lu tions
G.2 D Yll Cllll ics
Fsin e: = ~!Fcos e:,
= tan e:,
where e: is the so called frictional angle, and the abo ve menti oned fri ct ional cone is the
cone which is drawn around the normal to the plane, with the fricti onal angle being hall'
of the vertex angle of the co ne.
From the first eq uati on it can be see n that if thc line of act ion of the force is olltside th e
cone (F1 ) , th e obj ect must move because the parallel co mponent of FI is greater th an
the frictional force (a i= 0). If the lin e of actio n is in side the cone (is ), the fri ctional
force is always equal in magnitude and oppos itel y directed as the parallel comro ne nt of
the force , thu s the obj ec t remain s at rest. Ir th e lin e of ac ti on is along th e generator of
the cone than the boundary case of the eq uilibrium is ga ined.
The figure in the left shows the forces exerted on the objec t and the fri cti onal co ne.
The object can be pulled up along the plane if the line of ac tion of the r esulwlI{ of
the gravitation al force mg and the pul lin g force, which makes an angle of (J with the
plane, is outside the frictional co ne . From the figure it can be see n that th at if the
object is pulled ur uniformly the lin e of ac ti on of the resultant force must co incide with
the generator of the co ne . Because the angle between the normal of the rlane and the
generator of the co ne is e:, the angle between the pul lin g force and the plane in the
positive direction can on ly be
OS!3« 90 - 0' )
(if !3 = 90 0 - 0' , the n th e needed pulli ng force is mg)
and in the negative directi o n it can only be
OS !3 « 90 0 -e: )
t hus
OS!3« 90 0 - arctan/l )
These angles are independe nt of the mass of the obj ec t. Naturally if {J ~ 90 0 - e:. then
F ~ 00. If the absolute value of the angle is greater than thi s there is no force with
which the object can be pulled (or pu shed ) up along the plane. The e ndpoi nts of the
applicable pulling forces , F, are along th e line which makes an angle of 90 0 + E with
the inclined plane.
Solution of Problem 30. Newton ' s seco nd law applied to the coin states th at S =
:::: ma , where S is the force of stati c friction. The co in start s to slip on the turntable
when its acceleration reac hes a value at whi c h the force of static fri ct io n reaches it s
rnaximum: S,tlax = ~img and can not increase any more.
After time t the acceleration of the coin has two compo ne nts: the co nstant tangentia l
acceleration and thc increas ing centripetal acceleration . Knowing th at these compo nents
are perpe ndicul ar, we can use Pythagoras ' theorem to find the magnitude of the net
accelerati on, which is:
300 Creat ive Phy sics Problems with So lu tions
where w is the ang ul ar velocity of the turntable a fter time t. Writing the angular velocity
as w = {3t , we find th at the acce lerati o n of the coin is:
In sertin g thi s into the law of mo ti o n of the co in , we get:
~img = m1'{3 j {3 2t 4 + I ,
from which the time e lapsed ca n be calculated as:
Solution of Problem 31. Le t us consider the thin-walled cylinders first. The frict ion
force Fh due to the rod obvi o usly points in the directi o n of the motion of the rod.
Let us take the fricti o n force Fh acting at the ground in the same direction. (After the
so luti o n of the equati o n system the s ig n of Fh wi ll te ll us the real direction .)
The law of the moti o n of the centre of mass for the cylinder with the components of
the forces (as they happen to be collin ear vectors) is:
where a C Ill is the acceleration of the centre o f mass of the cylinder. The law for the
mome nts of forces is
(Fh - Fh )1' = 8 c rn {3 .
The kinematic constraint for no skiddin g is
substituting the ex press ion for a C lIl from (3) into (I) the followin g re lationshi p is
Fh + Fh =m1'{3
then by multipl y ing (4) by 8 C1l,/ m the follow in g rel ationship is acquired:
8 cm
( Fh + Fh ) - - = 8 C Ill 1'{3
(5) ,
finally by multipl yin g (2) by l' the following equatio n is acquired:
(Fi' - Fh )1'2 = 8 crn 1'{3
The ri ght sides of (5) and (6) are equal , so the le ft sides are also equal:
(Fh + Fh )8~" =(Fj, - Fh)1'2.
From here the magnitude of the friction force exerted by the gro und is
m1' 2 - 8 cmF
Fh = 8 C III + 1n 1'2 j,.
(6) .
6 .2 Dyna.mics
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
Let us make use of the fact that the rotat ional inertia of a thin-walled cyl inder for its
axis is B ell! = 7nT :
meanin g there is no fr icti on force between the tab le and the cy linders, and the minimum
coefficient of friction required is ~i = O. So in our case the cylinders rol l with out sk idd in g
even on a comp lete ly smooth surface.
Let us turn to the relationship between the cy lin ders and the rod now. The rod also
moves on the cylinders without skidding , meaning the velocity and the acce leration of
the topm ost points of the cy linders are the same as those of the rod. But if there is no
friction on the ground, the friction forces acting on the points that are touching the rod
should be the same for both cy linders, considering this is the on ly way their accelerations
can be the same. This is true despite the fact that as a result of the motion of the rod the
normal forces Nl and N2 acting between the rod and the cy linders change continuous ly.
The magn itude of Nl starts from /1I1g/4 and its maximum va lue is 31\1[g/4 at the end
of the process while for N2 the oppos ite holds : it decreases from 3Mg/4 to Mg/4,
while Nl +N2 = Mg is alw ays true. Obvious ly , this can on ly be true if the coeffic ient
of static fricti on between the cy linders and the rod is big enough to provide the relevant
friction force Fh even in the case of the minimum normal force .
The eq uati on of the motion of the rod is
F -2Fh =Ma.
The law of the motion of the centre of mass for either cyl in der is
a C lIl ==-.
The rolling on both surfaces without skidding requires that a C rll = a/2 holds . So
that is, 2Ftl = ma. Subst itutin g th is into
(7) gives
F-ma= Nla,
that is,
(=3~) ,
s= 2(mm+ M) F .
With the given numerical values
. I
12 N·1 ko
2(1 kg +3 kg)
:JOO C'/'C'ati l'C' P h.l·sics Proll le' lIl :; II-ith Soluti o ll s
So for till': minimum codlic ient of fri cti o n hetween th e roo ano the cy linoers
!- ~r,
r r,
I r r,
I' ",j" = - . - = --- = - - = - - - . -- = - = 0.2 ,
l\1 g / I
if .r;~ 10 -::;
1\1 .r;
+ 1\1
J\I .r;
is useo.
Basco on rel at ionship l' = ~. the final speed of the roo is
2- - - · ' 2 - =
;3 111
2·:3 - ·2 · = 3. 16 - .
Solution of Prohl~m 32. Since th e bri ck slips on the cart. the net force actin g on it is
the kineti c friction: S = 1(/1I.r;. Thercf'ore the brick has an acceleration of (1 1 = 11g whost:
oirecti on is the saille as that o f the acce leration of the carl. The nex t step is to oet ermint:
the acceleration of the carl. Let us apply New ton's
seco no la w to the object that pulls the cart and tll
the cart it se lf. Let the masses of the object and cart
be 111 2 and 111:3 respecti vely.
111 2.r; - /\. = 1112(/,
/\" - 1'III)g = 111 :; 11.
If we add th e two equations. /\" (w hich is th e tension in the cord ) cancels out. thu s th e acceleration
of the cart (and of the object) turn s out to be :
111 2 -
+ 171:3
Quite interestingly , the bri c k is asslIllled to be pointlike in the problem . thcrefore tht:
din'erence in the distances covered by the ca rt and bri ck is the length o f th e cart (I::::
= 0.'1 Ill ):
- (I I
- (III
thu s
1112 - 1" 11 I
+ Ill :;
. gl- - -2 /'.ql - = I.
H ence the coe nicient o f th e kinetic friction between the brick and cart is:
1' =
11 2
111 2.r;( 2 - 21(11/ 2 + Il l:;)
( 1111 + 1112 + l1L:l)g I 2
5 · 10·0.6·1- 2· 0.1· (5 + 3)
= 0.11.
(2 + 5 + 3)· 10·0.6,1
6. j\{cc/I;l lJics SO /lJtio lJ S
6.2 DY ll a mics
Solution of Prohlem 33. Newton 's seco nd law app li ed to the small sphere gi ves :
( I)
where 1\- is th e magnitude or the normal rorces exe rt ed
by th e spheres on each oth er. U sin g th e noti on th at the
accelerati ons o r th e spheres arc th e sa me, and apply ing
New ton's second law to the hollo w sphere , we obt ain :
j\l .cJ + /\- - h,2= j\/ u.
Let us add eq uati o ns ( I ) and (2) to determ in e the
accelerat io n or the objec ts:
(1/1 + j\f) rJ - /..- ('"2 = (Ill + j\ / )11 .
/..- (12
u=9 - - - - ·
111 +1\/
Inserting thi s int o equ ati o n ( I ) and so l vin g ror the required normal force. we get:
(/,"('2) = - /II- - /..-c .-) =
1\ = /ll er; - u) = III rJ - rJ + - - 177
+ .\ /
+ j\l
= -III- /..-1 '-') = -]k-t'= -1 ·0. 1 -~- 'V-')
III + 117
m "2::;2
O ~~~~--~---+-
T he run cti o n o f force versus veloc it y is therefore a parabola.
At th e moment w hen the spheres are dropped, th e ve loc ity
and air-d rag are zero. meani ng that the spheres arc in freefa ll (w hi ch is a state o r we ightl ess ness), and th at the normal
force /\- is also zero. Duri ng th eir fall th e sph ere s accelerate
cau sin g th eir ve loc it y and air-drag (w hi ch is opposi te rrom
thei r veloci ty) to acce lerate as we ll . Th is, in turn . ca uses
their acceleration to decrease. A rter a w hile th ey reach the
termin al ve loc ity (asslimin g constant air den sity and co nstant
gravitati o nal rorce) at w hi ch the result ant force is zero . Sin ce
th e grav it ati ona l force ac tin g o n th e sys tem is eq ual to the
( III + _\1 )9 = /..- V~'''X'
thu s
+ j\ /
- h-'-9=
8 kg + 8 kg
0. 1 1,,2~ - 2
-=---,-,--=- . 10 -
= 40 - .
At th at veloc it y th e magnitude of th e normal force is:
11 3
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu tions
Solution of Problem 34. a) The equa_
ti o n o f the mOli o n o f th e small body in the
bo tt o m and top pos iti o ns, co nside rin g the
re lati o nship between the te ns ions and the
resultant of the normal force N exerted by
the surface a nd the gravitational force mg
(and re placin g 1 by R), is :
2!\' -111,g ' s in o. = m. ~ )
mg,s Il1 O' + !\ = In R )
from which , by eliminatin g the te nsions in
the bottom and top pos iti o ns, the fo ll owing
equation is acquired:
mg's in O'+ -
( 1Tw2
· sin o.
R-o =2 · ---mg
Reorganizin g:
111,v 2
3mg.sin O' - 2 - - = _ __0
R )
from which
vO=V2v2- 3gR- sin O'=
111 2
2.9- 3 ·9. 81 2'· 0.2111·0 .5=3.88- .
b) The work- kinetic energy theorem for the original and final states is
-mg 2R'sin O'- ~tmgR7r ' cosO' = -m.v - -m vo'
that is,
From thi s the coefficient o f friction is
~t =
V6 _v 2
2g11.· 7r cos 0'
- - t a n 0'
with numerical va lues
3.88 2 - 3 2
- - tan30 =0 .1 995::::::0.2.
2·0.2·7r · 9 .81· cos30° 7r
c) After releas ing the string, the body moves upwards on the slope along a straigh t
line and covers di stance x . Applying the work- kin eti c e nergy theore m aga in for the
initial and final states:
-mg(R +x)sin O'- ~t mg· ( ~R7r + X) cosO'= O- ~mv6'
11 4
6. Mechanics Solutions
6.2 DY/l am ics
From thi s
V6 - (571' JL cosn + 2 sin 0 )Rg
., -
2(s iIl O + II C050)g
3.88 2 - (5 71' ·0 .2· COS 30° + 2· sin 30° ) ·0 .2·9.81
2 (s in30° + 0.2 cos300) . 9.8 1
m ~ 0. 59 Ill .
(Those who calcu lated with 9 = 10 m/s2, acquired Vn = 3.87 111 /s for the initi al vd oc ity,
J.L:;::; 0.1 8 for the coe ffi cient of fri ction and x = 0.62 metres ror the distan ce covt.:red.)
Solution of Problem 35. Ass ume the ball is a pointm ass as suggested by th e fi gure.
Accordin g to the work-e nergy theore m, the kineti c e nergy or the ball in po int A t.:(ju als
the sum of the work done by the grav itati onal force and the sprin g:
/l/,g8 + -/]( /::" / ) =-mu ,
where /::,.1 =..c- L , x and L are the t.: xtend ed and relaxt.:d Icn gth s or th t.: sprin g. Wt.: ust.:d
the notion th at in its vert ical pos ition the sprin g will reach its I'd axed len gth . Lt.: ngth .1'
is prov ided by the Pyt hagorea n theorem:
jO.8 m2 - 0.48 m 2 = VO.4096 m 2 = 0.611Ill.
The verti cal d isplace ment of the ball is 8 = 0 A - 0 B = 0.8 Ill - 0 .48 III = 0.32 Ill . Us i ng
this, the speed turn s out to be:
2g8 + D (:r- L )2,
substi tuting known values, we find :
. m
75N/ Ill
2·10? · 0.32 III +
(0.64 111 - 0. 32 Ill ) = 2.97 -.
s3.2 kg
Let us now determine the force t.:xerted on the shell by the ball . At po in t A thc onl y
forces ac ting on the ball are the grav itati onal and normal forces, sin ct.: th t.: sprin g is in
its relax ed state at th at moment. Appl yin g New ton' s second law to the ball at th at point ,
We obta in:
J:: + 6 = rnii,
With the pos iti ve direc tion pointin g up wa rds , we have:
u!\' - IIIg = 111 - ,
from wh ich the normal rorce ( !\') is:
v 'J-
!\' = mg + /1L- = 3.2 kg · l 0 -2 + 3.2 kg ·
2.9 _(-oJ nr' ) /s= 67 .3 i\ .
0.8 m
li S
300 C rea.t ive P hy sics Problem s wit h S olution s
T hi s is the same as the mag nitude of the fo rce exerted by the ball o n the shell , s ince it
a nd the normal force are bo th ac ti o n-reacti o n fo rces .
Solution of Problem 36.
T he equ ati o n of mo ti o n of the toy car in the directio n of the relevant radius is
mgcostp+ N = m R '
At the mome nt of detaching N = 0 , and
accord ing to the data give n in the problem,
for the cosine of angle tp
ho = ?.
cos 't' = -R- = 0 .,
that is, tp = 60° .
At the mo me nt whe n the norm al fo rce N ceases , the equ at io n of moti o n of the toy
car in the radi al direc ti o n is
m g costp = m R '
(1 )
Fro m thi s, the remainin g speed of th e toy car at the mo me nt of de tac hin g is:
v 2 = Rg cos tp .
From thi s posi ti o n a n o blique proj ecti o n w ith thi s initi al vel oc ity and an initi al angle of
a = tp = 60° sta rts.
a) T he he ig ht of the pl ace the car starts fro m ca n be acquired fro m the work-kinetic
e nergy theore m :
mg(h o - h) = 2mv2.
S ubstituting (2) into (3) gives m g(h o - h) = 2mgR cos tp .
From this
ho = h + 2Rcostp = 2 R + 2R costp = '2 (3 + costp) = 1.75R = 56 cm .
b) T he max imum heig ht is acquired if the max imum height Yrn ax of the obli que
projectio n is added to he ight h whe re the car detac hes from the trac k:
h 1llax = h + Y l1Iax = h +
v 2 sin 2 tp 3
Rgcostp· sin 2 tp
= - R + --"-----'----'2g
=!!: ( 3 + Sill tp , sin2 tp ) = 32
11 6
(3+ ~ . v'3. v'3 ) cm = 54 cm.
6. Mechani cs Solutions
6.2 Dynamics
In short: the toy car starts from height ho = 56 cm , detaches from the track at height
h:=; 48 cm and reaches a maximum height h lllax = 54 cm. (The total height of the track
is 64 cm.)
Solution of Problem 37. The centre
of mass of the wheel undergoes pro.~ ~
jectile motion after leaving the ramp.
Although it isn ' t stated clearly in the
probl em, x is the maximum height
reached by the wheel measured from
the right end of the ramp .
The direction of the wheel ' s velocity at the right end of the ramp forms an ang le
(3 with the horizontal. The maximum height reached by a projectile is given by the
sin 2 ,8
.. ,?"
._ v5
where Vo is the speed of the wheel' s centre of mass at the right end of the ram p. Let us
determine this speed. Accord in g to the work-kinetic energy theorem:
mg[(R - 1')(1 - cos a) - (R - 1')( 1 - cos ,8 )] = - m v6 + _mT 2 w 2 = mV6,
where l' is the radius of the wheel, w is the angular velocity of the wheel when leav in g
the ramp , which is w = VOlT. Thus
I:::,h = (R - 1')[( l - cos a) - (1- cos ,8) ] = ~,
Va = (R - 1') [1 - cos a -I + cos,8] = (R - 1') ( cos,8 - coSet ).
Substitutin g this into the formula for x , we have:
x = 2 sin- ,8( cos,8 - cosa)( R - 1').
It can be see n that the answer depends on the radius of the wheel, which is not given.
Let us therefore assume that the radius of the small wheel is small eno ugh relative to R
to be neglected , i.e. 1'« R . In that case our formu la for x simplifies to:
x = -sin 2 ,8(cos,8 - cosa )R ,
Insertin g given data, we obtain
x = ~ . sin 2 300(cos 30° - cos 600)· 1 m =
= 0.5·0.25 · (0. 866 - 0. 5) ·lm = 0.04575 m;::::; 4.58 cm .
JOU C rcatil'c Ph,I's ics PI'O/) /C' IIlS lI·it/, S o/utiollS
Solution of Prohlem 38. a) ThL: L:quation o f thL: motion o f thL: car is
(' -
.\' = /1/ -
whL:re j\' is the normal forcL: ( it s magnitude is L:qual to the unknown forcL: eXL:rted Oil
the hridge ) and (} is thL: radiu s of curva turL: helonging to the g i ve n point of the pa th.
The essence of the problem is determining thi s value.
The relati o nship hetween the radiu s of cu rva ture and the co rrespondin g normal
accL: lerat ion is:
In ou r case neither normal acceleration nor the radiu s o f curvaWre is known. Luckily.
in a simple caSL: we can determine thL: sL: va lu es through elemen tary co nsiderati ons. T he
parabola of ob lique projectile motion comes in handy. it ca n be used to model the arc of
th e hridge and therel'ore its c urva ture as wel l. All we need to do. is lind thL: angle and
thL: initial VL: locit y w ith w hi c h a thrown stone foll ows the lon g itudin al sec tional line
the bridge . In thL: case o f a thro w n slOne normal acceleration can be detL:rmined easi ly.
and thL:refore if th e stone is launched sui tab ly. the radiu s of the curva ture of our bridge
w ill be in our grip. Let us determine the radiu s this way:
the range of the projectile motion is the same as the span of the hridge (d):
2L'0 sill Cl coso
and the height of the projectile motion is the sa ille as the hei ght of the hi ghest poin t of
the bridge relative to the level of the hanks:
('os in n
ThL: ratio o f the two is
frolll w hi ch
[a ll n = -
I cusn
Sill n
(\ = a rc t 1\ 11 0.2 = 1 I .3 I 0 .
The ve rtical cOlllponent o f the initial velocit y o f the stone is
and the hori zo ntal cOlllponen t of the ve locit y I S
(10. , =
11 8
I'll "
I () III
- - = - - =00
0.2 s
= /2rJ/,
20" = 10
6. MeclJ<lllics So lutions
6.2 Dyna. mics
Becau st.: at th e hi g hes t po int o f th t.: pat h the vt.:l oc ity o f the sto ne is ho ri zontal , its
norm al acce krati o n is th e sam e as acct.: lerati o n it self ( w hi ch is 09 thro ug ho ut th e m oti o n),
u=09= ~
(1 "
'11 -
- 01ll .
With thi s th e unkn ow n norm al force is
N = 1I1
III =8 400N .
= 1000 k ( .10 - - ) ~
( g - ~'U?ar)
250 S2
' 0
b) Th e r adi us of curv ature at the pa raho la po int
that hel o ngs to :\/4 o f th e hori zo nta l d istance can he
determin t.:d fro m tht.: fac t th at th e hori zo ntal veloc it y
comp o nent o f th e th row n sto ne is co nstant, th erefore
3/ 4 of th e tim e of th e proj t.:c til e fli g ht helo ngs to 3/ LI
of th e ho ri zo nta l di stance:
3 Vn sill Q
The normal acce lerati o n o f th e sto nc at thi s po int of th e path is
a" = gcosip = - ,
and acc ordin g to th e fi g ure, the radiu s o f c urv ature belon g in g to thi s po int is
01 =
- -- =
Y COS ' '1
uf =VI-
g . !CL
gv .t. '
where U I is th c in stant aneo us ve loc ity o f the sto ne at th e po int in co ncern at tim e
instant /1, Th c tim e in co nce rn is
.1: 1
LI = -
3 rI
= - - =
L1 1'.('
300 111
,1· 50 111 /S
= - S.
With thi s, th t.: slJuart.: o f th e ve loc it y of th e
stone at th t.: po int in co ncern is
.) 111 -
= [50- +( l O- J5) - l?"" =2525
and it s in sta nt aneo us vel oc ity is
1' 1 = V 2525 lll /S;:::O 50.25 111 /5 .
Therefore , th t.: un k no w n r ad iu s o f c ur vaturt.: is
01 = -
d =50. 25°
- - III = 25 3.77 III
10· 50
254 Ill.
11 9
300 Creati ve Physics Problem s with Solutions
------------~-- ----------------------------------------------------
With these, the equation of the motion 01' the car can already be determined. Let li S
take into consideration that the car moves at uniform velocity throughout its motion
therefore it has only normal acceleration. The relat ionship between gravitati onal forc~
mg, the so-called supporting force T, the norm al force N and the sta tic fricti onal force
Ff is shown in the figure . From this , force T (which is the reaction to the forc e exerted
on the bridge by the car) can be determined immediately using the cosine rul e:
V2 ) - 2mg· m---.l
v cos'p = m
(mg)2 + ( m---.l
= 1000 kg
100 + - - 2 · - · 10·0.995 = 8434 .47 N.
If only the norm al force exerted by the car is to be found , then the absolute value of
N should be determined. This is acquired from the equat ion of the motion of the car in
the normal direction :
mgcos'P- N = m~,
(! l
where cos'p = V,c/VI = 50/50.25 = 0.9950 . From thi s
N=7n(gCOS'P- V~ar) =1000( 10 .0.995- 400) N=8375.2N.
The resultant force of the static frictional forces th at act on the lyres is acquired fro m
the equation of the motion in the tangential direct ion. Tak ing into consideration that the
car moves uniformly : S - mgsin 'P = 0, so
S = mgsin 'P = mgy'l- cos 2 'P .
Therefore the magnitude of the friction al force is
F f = 1000 kg·lO ~ . \.11 - 0. 995 2 = 998 .75 N,
and obviously
T = y'8375.2 2 + 998.75 2 = 8434.5 N.
First solution of Problem 39. a) Let J( be the force exerted by the rod and let F
be the tension in the thread. At the vertical position of the thread the ve locity of the ball
A is maximal , thus its acceleration is zero, maA = 0, so the equat ion of motion at that
instant is:
J( - mg - F = O.
At the same time the equation of moti on of the ba ll B IS:
F-7ng = man,
and the energy conservation law gives the equation:
7ngL = 2· -mvn = mVn ·
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. Mechan ics Solu tion s
(Here we have used the fact th.at VA = -V [J s ince the ce ntre o r mass moves along a
vertical lIn e, and the velocIty of ball B is hOri zontal at the mome nt In vesli gatL:d.)
From thi s equ at ion the ve loci ti es of the ball s ca n be determi ncd. From equ atio n (3)
the vel oc ities of the ba ll s are:
Since m aA = 0 the x co mponen t of the aCL:e leration of the ball [3 is zero, whil e its total acce leratio n
is the centripetal acce lerati on
h-~where (! IS the rad iu s of curvature of the ball ' s
trajectory at the lowest poi nt. But thi s acce leration
can be determined in a diA'ere nt way as well.
171 ·0 + ma/3
a [J
= -2
::+- // / //////
--> a[J = 2ac ·
ands instant,
the masses
the ball
s are
al. TAhu s,
At thi
the of
of the
the accelerati on of thc ce ntre of mass is the average
of the acce lerati on of the ball s:
ac =
". ~i
'{ mg
On the other hand , at thi s in stant , the ve loc ity of the ce ntre of mass is Us = 0 since th L:
two balls of equ al masses move at oppos ite ve loc it ies. Thi s means that the cent re of
mass C is the in stantan eous ce ntre o r rotat io n and that the angul ar speed of the thread
- -~- - -L- .
Since the ce ntre of mass 5 accelerates up wards, the acce lerati on of the ball B is the
sum of its acce leration relati ve to 5 and the acce lerati on of S. Us in g (5) , we get:
a[J = ac + a rel = ac +
'2w = 2 + '2w .
Thus the acce leration of the ball B , ca lculated in the seco nd way , is:
CL [J = L w = - .
The accelerat ions (4) and (7) , de termin ed in the two diAe rent ways, are eq ual:
4v 2
L '
Which gives the va lue of the rad iu s of curvat ure :
4 0.4 111 .
12 1
300 Creative P hysics Problem s with Solu tions
Summarizing, the accelerations of the two balls
A :
- 1- (:'.",,-, - - --'\. ~~~,,~-~, I
····i .... m
" .. 2
s2 '
an=....lI =-y-=4g. )
0.4 m
(o r in parametric form :
v1 = 16 m s- 2 =40m
an = -
a nd
"'41--'-'~lblr ~...­
b) From equation (2) the te ns io n in the thread
F= m(g + an)=2 kg (10 :l~ +40 ~ ) =100 N,
and from equation ( I) the forc e exerted by the rod is:
J(=mg +F=20 N+ 100 N= 120 N.
Second solution of Problem 39. One may know that the trajectory of the ball B is an
, where
e lliptic are, and the radiu s o f curvature at the endpoint of its major axis is 12 = -
a is the semimajor axis, and b is the semi minor axis, which are in our present case
a = Land b = L/2. Using these equations the radius of curvature can be determined
immed iate ly:
12- 4
- L - 4'
With thi s knowledge, the accele rati o n can be calculated directly from equation (4),
while the o ther results can be obtained using the same way as before.
Third solution of Problem 39. Pa rt a) o f the probl e m can be solved in a shorter way
as well . Whe n the thread is vertical , the ball A has zero acceleration, thus the reference
fram e fixed to the ball is an inerti a l o ne. The acceleration of ball B is the same in all
inerti a l re fere nce frames, so we immedi ate ly kn ow that:
4 2
4 42 11, 2
an= Vre l =~= Vn = '
52 =40 m
1. 6 m
s2 '
where Vre l is the speed of ba ll B re lative to ba ll A . In the first so luti o n we saw that
at the vertical position of the thread of the ve lociti es of the ba ll s have equal mag ni tude
and oppos ite direct io ns, due to the equal masses of the ball s. It means that Vrel is just
two times as much as the speed o f a ny o f the balls w ith respect to the gro und.
6. Mechanics Solu tions
6.2 D y na mics
Althou gh it was not required in the probl em, we deduced the equati on of the orbit of
the ball B . Because of the simil arity of the two ri ght triangles in the fi gure :
JL2 _y2
from which:
4x 2 +y2 = L 2,
folloWS , whi ch ca n also be written in the form
L2 + L2 = 1, or (L /2)2 + L2 = 1.
This means th at the orb it is an ellipse with semi maj or ax is a = L / 2 and semi min or ax is
b:= L:
+ - = 1 or
(0.8 111 )2 (1.6 m)2
Solution of Problem 40. First, let us exa min e whether or not the marble ca n roll
along the path at all (ass umin g th at it rolls without slidin g) . In order for it to do thi s, it
is necessary that the speed of its ce ntre of mass at the top of the circul ar path exceeds
the critical speed Vnit for which:
mg + J(=ma " =m-- ,
R -1'
where the norm al reac ti on J( becomes zero, makin g the va lue of the criti cal speed:
Vc ri t
= J (R - 1' )g
In order to answer thi s, we have to appl y the work-ene rgy theorem :
1 2
2 2
2 5
from this we ca n ex press the speed , usin g the work-energy theore m, because the marbl e
rolls without slidin g 1'W = v, thu s:
mg [3R -(2R -r)] =- mv + - · - mr W ,
710 g(R + 1' ) > ( R -7'. )g= V cr2 it"
which is definitely greater th an the criti cal speed, meanin g th at even at the topm os t point
the norm al reacti on is not zero.
JOO C r ea t i " e P III'sics Proble1l1.s lI' i tl! Soillt ioll s
Fro m now on, kt us neg lec t ,. w ith respec t to R sin ce th ei r rati o is 1,/ R = 0.005
There are three forces exe rt ed on th e marhle: th e grav it ati onal force , the fri cti onal ro rc~
and th e normal reac ti o n. The (irs t o ne is co nsta nt. T he seco nd one is opposite to the
d irecti o n o f th e moti o n un til the marb le reaches th e bott om o f the pa th . The thi rd one is
co nstan t o n the slope and alo ng the circ ul ar pa rt it decreases , until it reac hes zero at the
lowest po in t. T hen, whe n the Ill arbk movcs up. it increases for a whi k and i ts direct ion
becomes the sa me as the d i rec ti on of the mot io n, however, it then decreases again un ti l il
beco mes zero at th e top of the path . The n, once aga in , it s di rec ti o n changes . The norm al
reac ti o n is al ways perpe ndi cul ar to th e path , alo ng th e slope it is co nstant , its ma xim unl
is at th e bott o m o f th e c irc ul ar pat h and th en it mo noton ic decreases until the top of
th e path . T he fri ctio nal coeO icie nt i n ques ti on ensures th at the ro llin g m arble does not
sl ide , and de pends on the latt er two forces . In depe nds on th ese two forces becau se the
fri ctio nal force. w hi ch causes th e appro pri ate angul ar acce lerat ion p and w hi ch depend s
on th e pos iti o n o f th e m arble, ca n be calc ul ated as the produc t of th e norma l reaetion
and th e minimum o f the fri cti onal coe Oicie nt. As a res ult, we have to determin e the
norm al react ion A' as a fun cti o n o f the pos iti on o f th e marble, th e fr icti onal force S
and th e max imum o f th eir rati o.
beca use the coe Oic ient of fr icti on ca n be greater th an thi s, but not slll al ler. Thi s mea ll s
that the m ax imu m o f th e rati o S I /\' is th e lowe r l imit o f th e fr icti onal coe nicient.
It is wort h exa minin g th e moti on w hi ch occ urs until the top o f th e path since it is
there th at the translational moti on is th e reverse o f th e upward tra nslati o nal moti on 01'
th c marble (altho ugh th e rotati onal moti on is not). As a re sult, th e asked fri ctio na l
coeOic ients are th e sa me at th e same heig ht.
Le t us desc ribe th e moti on o f th e marb le in term s o f th e angle y enc losed by the
vertica l and th e radiu s co nnec tin g the ce ntre o f th e c ircle and th e marble . By app lyi ng
New to n' s second law , th e fri cti o nal force ca n be calc ul ated from the rad i al compon en ts ,
w hi le th e norm al reac ti on ca n be ca lcul ated from th e tange nti al com ponents. Thi s can
also he do ne hy usi ng th e eq uati on wr itten for th e ro tati onal moti o n and th e work -energy
th eo rem .
For th e ta nge nti al co m po nc nts:
IIIgs ill -;: - S = IIl et "
(:2 )
S,.=8 ,d= 8--.
w here 8 is th e mo ment o f in erti a of th e m arble abo ut i ts ce ntre, and al is th e tange nt ia l
com ponent o f th e accele ratio n o f th e ce ntre o f Ill ass o f th e marhl e.
For th e radial compo nent s:
/\ -
I1 Ir;COS y
III f)!':,."
= lila" = III R '
= -2 Ill u' + -2 8,-,)' .
( I)
6, MecllAllics Soi llt io n s
6,2 Dyna mics
Here 6. h is the height dine rence whi ch equa ls h - H + n. cos'P, and w
U2 / r2 , Us in g these
211~g(h-n.+n.cos 'P )=
7nr2 + 8
i s equal to
(4/ )
FroIll equati on (2)
= 8 '
whi ch can be w ritten int o equ ati on ( I ) and we ga in mgsill 'P - 5 = m--
the fri ct ional force is:
fro m w hich
5 = mgsi n <p ' - - - -
8 + 1111'2 '
From equ ati on (.J')
u- = 2g(h - R + R cos<p) '
8 + 117 '} '-
whi ch ean Ix; w ritt en into equ ati on (:l) and th e normal reac ti on is:
[ ( h)
8 + 317l7,2
rn}, 2
!\' = IlIIj 2 - - 1 '
8 + m},2
8 + mr2
' cos 'P ]
the necessary fri cti onal coenicient is:
mgslll 'P~
!( = !\' = 'I1~y [2 (i!. - 1) ~ + 8 +31111~2 COS ((')]
8+ 1111' -
8 + 111 1' -
S ill <p
- 2(i!.
- 1) .'.'H.!..'.2+ (1 + 31111,2)
COS ,1l ,
The max imum o f the above fun c ti on has to be determin ed , The appro xim ate va lue o f
th e ma ximulll ca n be gain ed by pl ottin g the graph , or from the deri va ti ve o f th e fun cti on
a more pun ctu al valu e ca n be ca lcul ated quite eas ily, De notin g the co nstant s by A and
B th e fu ncti on ca n be w ritt en in thi s form:
si n 'P
A + B cos'P
Let the num erat or of th e fun cti on be 'It and th e den om in ator be v and appl y th e q uoti ent
rUl e, Thu s th e deri v ati ve is:
(!'. )'=
II' V -:- [(,V i
cos 'P( A + lJ cos <p) - sill 'P( - B sin 'P)
(A +BCOS'P)2
T he fun cti on may have a max imum (or minimum ) w here the der iva ti ve is ze ro, thu s
th e fo llow in g equ ati on mu st be so l ved :
A cos <p + B (OS 2 'P + B si n 2 'P = 0
300 C reati ve Physics Problems wit h Solu tions
i 11 <p + cos <p = 1 ,
o ur eq uatio n can be s impli fied to the foll ow ing form:
Acos <p+ B = 0
Its soluti o n is:
cos <p = - - = -
3 +~
2 * - 1
(The seco nd deriv ati ve shows that thi s is a ma ximum . The second derivative here is
negative, which means that the first derivati ve changes from a pos itive to a negat ive,
meaning the function first increases, and then decreases.)
The value of the asked fri ctio na l coefficient, with parameters and substitutin g costp,
can be expressed as:
Using that Ii = 3, and
{i =
e = Smr
'J. 1n7, 2
V4(mr2)2(2)2 - (t mr2 +3mr2 )2
= - - = 0.1 898 ~ 0.19.
2/11,,. 2/ 5
Or, determining the value of cos tp : cos <p = -
3 +~
) = - 0. 85 , from whic h
2 3-1
<p = 148.2° .
the frictional coefficient from the expression which contains the angle is:
10 +8 .5 cos<p
0. 527
10 +8.5·(- 0 .85)
=0 .1 8 99 ~ 0.19.
It was ex pected to gain quite a large angle <p, greater th an 90 degrees , at which poi nt
the frictional force has to take its ma ximum value. The grav itati ona l force is away fro m
the path and the norm al reac tion points towards the ce ntre of the c irc ul ar path cau si ng
the normal force to decrease quickly. O n the other hand , because of the tangen tial
accelerati on (decelerati o n) of the marble, the a ngul ar accelerati on demands quite a large
frictional force whi ch can be created on ly if there is a hi g h fricti onal coefficient and
if the normal reac ti o n is s mall. T he gained fr ic tiona l coeffic ie nt is large e nough to
keep the marble rolling without s lippin g on the straight part of the path , sin ce there
the minimum fr icti onal coeffic ie nt is {irnin = 2tan ct = 0.1 65 wh ich is smaller th an the
minimum frictional coeffic ient that we gained for the ci rcular part of the path.
Solution of Problem 41. a) The speed of the ball is c ha nged by the force compone ntS
of the forces ac ting on it that are parallel with the track, so the speed ca n be ma ximu n1
13.2 DYllalll ics
6. Meclwnics Sol ution s
only where thei r sum is zero . On ly gravitational force and spring force may have
components para llel with the track (as the ball slides witho ut fri cti on, the force exe rted
by the track is perpendicular to the track) , so at the place where speed has a maxi mum ,
the absolute va lues of the parallel components of grav itational force and sprin g force
are equal :
l~ prill g cos5 = rng cos(3 .
From thi s eq uat ion the mass of the ball can be determined if spri ng force and angle 5
are known. The former can be determined from the elongation of the sp ring . the laller
from the geometrical data of the arrangement. At the place where ve locit y is maximum ,
the length of the spring can be determined usi ng the Pythagorean theore m:
l2 = j (R - R sin (3)2 + (2R - R cos (3 )2 = Rj(1 - sill /3 )2 + (2 - cos 8 )2 =
= R j6 - 2 sin (3 - 4 cos /3
= 0.2 III V6 - 2 sin 3 L] 0 - 4 cos 34 ° = 2.5.02 C ill .
The elongati on of the spring is
b.l 2 = l2 - lo = 25.02 cm - 20 cm = 5.02 cm ,
with it, the mag nitude of spri ng force is
f ,prillg
= Rb.l = 100~ · 5.02 cm = 5.02 N.
Angle 5 can be determined from angle 'Y
shown in the figure:
cos 'y =
R (l - sin /3 ) 0.2m·(1 -sin 34 ° )
0.25 m
.' F.PriOg
R' - - - ---.I
= 0.3523 .
From thi s, 'Y = 69.4° , so
n = 76.6° .
5 = 180 0 - (/3 + 'Y ) = 180° - (34° + 69. L
With these the mass of the ball is
F , prill u cos5
gcos /3
5 N . cos76.6°
9.81 ~~ ·cos34 °
=143 g .
b) The maximum speed of the ba ll ca n be determined from the work-k ineti c energy
theorem. The work done by the force exe rted by the track is zero (beca use it is
perpendi cu lar to the track and therefore to ve loc it y at any time ), the kinet ic elll.:rgy of
the ball is given by the work of the gravitati ona l force and of the spring force:
300 C reative Physics Problems w ith Solution s
The still unknown data can be determined by using the geometrical data of the
hI =2R=40cm.
h 2 = R (l - sin !3) = 8.82 cm.
I] = J R2 + (2RF = RV5 = 0.2 m · 2.236 = 44 .7 cm.
From here
61 1 = h - 10 = 44.7 cm - 20 cm = 24.7 cm.
61 2 = 12 - 10 = 25.02 cm - 20 cm = 5.02 cm .
With these
2·9.81-· (0.4 m - 0 .0882 m) +
k [(0.247 m)2 - (0.0502 mF ] = 6.86- .
0.143 g
First solution of Problem 42. (Using basic mathematics.) Let us assume that the
object is very small to make sure that its rotational inertia is zero. Let us al so assume
that the action of hitting the disk is determined only by the length of the string and not
by the shape of the object. However, the size of the object cannot be zero because that
would make the tension in the string increase to infinity , and would subsequently cause
the string to break well before the moment of impact.
While the disk is fixed and the string is not stretchable, the velocity of the object
remains perpendicular to the stri ng throughout the motion. This means that the te nsion
in the string does not do work and that the speed of the object is constant: Ivl = 0 .4 m/s .
Al l we have to do is simply calculate the distance covered by the object until it hi ts the
disk and then use the formula t = s/v to find the time elapsed until the impact.
a) Let us consider a small time interval in which the
string moves so that the angle enclosed by its in itial
and final positions is 6<.p . The radii drawn to the
points where the string touches the disk in its initial
and final positions also from angle 6 <.p as show n. In
the considered time interval part of the string, whose
length is l' 6 <.p, gets wrapped around the disk, therefore
the length of the unwrapped string decreases by
1611= 1" 6 <.p.
In this time interval the length of the path of the
object is :
6 s = l · 6 <.p.
Isolating 6 <.p from the first equation and inserting it
into the second , we obtain:
6 s = - · 6l .
6.2 Dynam ics
6. Mechan ics S olutions
The LOtal di stance cove red by the obj ec t is the sum of the length of these path elements:
." 1
1 "
= """"'
6. s = """"'
- 6.1 = -r """"'
1 . 6.1 = - L .
~ r
i= ]
i= 1
This res ult can be found usin g that 6.l i = L in and 1 = i · Lin . Thu s, the ex press ion
inside the sum equ als:
" . L L
z . ;: . ;: = n 2
L2 l +n
n 2 . - 2- . n = L -
( 1+ "21) .
2n 2
If n tend s to infinity, the express ion in the brac ket tend s to 1/2 , therefore the total length
of the path tends to:
L2 0.8 2 m 2
s= - =
= 1.6111.
2 · 0.2m
Therefore, the time elapsed until the objec t hits the di sk is:
T= =4 s.
2 T'U
b) The tension in the strin g prov ides the centripetal accelerati on of the obj ec t, thu s
F= m~- , where 1 is the in stantaneo us va lue of the radius o f curv ature of the object' s
path. Therefore, we need to find the length o f the unwrapped string as a fun cti on of
time. To do thi s, let us calcul ate the sum written in the prev ious part not for the whole
path , but for an arbitrary 1 < L. In th at case the di stance covered by the objec t until th at
point is:
L I· 6. l = ~ L i . ;: . ;: =
i= k
i= ' ·
Tn 2 .
=~. [ (n + k )(n - k + 1) ] =
k n _ C [
-_ -L 22 [n +nk -nk - f. ; 2+ + ] - 1--+-+2
If n -> 00 and k -> 00, then the last two term s in the brac ket tend to zero. N ote th at
the seco nd term multipli ed by L 2 gi ves
where -
is the un wrapped length o f the strin g, so for the length of the path , we have:
1 n
8 :::: _
(L2_ l2) .
300 C l'eati\ 'c Pln's ics Pl'Oble llls \vitl , Solutio ns
As the end of th e string ll10 ves at co nstant s[Jeed . we obtain:
s = - ( L- - I- )=t'I
from w hich the length of th e unwrappcd strin g (or th e in stantan eo us radiu s of
c ur va ture) is:
1= J U - 2,.1'I.
Therefore the ten sion in th e strin g as a fun cti on o f time ca n be exp re ssed as:
III 1' -
F = - 1-
O.G kg · ()..I '2 '~'1"
= ---;==.===
L'2 - '2,.('/
CUl2 Ill :? - 2 ,0 .2 Ill ' (l. LI ~, ./
Second solution of Prohlem 42. (Us in g hi gher mathematics. )
Let the inlinites im al angle rotated be el y . While rota tin g thro ugh this angle. th e leng th
o f th e strin g decreases hy ,. · dy- . so the c hange in the len gth o f the unwrapped string is
negati ve: ell = - ,. . el y . The len gth o r th e inlinitesirnal part o r the path is d ., = I ·el y .
Ex terrninatin g d tp g i ves:
el 8= - - · eli .
The total len gth o r the path is:
8= -
- dl = - = l. G Ill.
Therefore for the tirne elapsed until the impact , we obtai n:
= <15.
The in stantaneou s rad iu s o f curvature is I, thererore the tension that provides Ihe
ce nt ripeta l accelerat ion has magnitude li l t )
Le t us ex press 1 as a fun ction of tilllc.
To do thi s, let the upper limit o r integrali o n be I in stead of 0 and let the di stan ce co ve rcd
be .'; = v i:
8= -
- dl =-:- ( L- - I- )=vt.
./ ,.
From which:
1= V L'2 - 2,. ul.
The rorce as a fun ct io n o f tirne is th erefore:
F' = ro;=;;:lI=
' v=-==
L2 - 2 1'1'1
Solution of Prohlem 43. The siring remain s perpendicular to th e in stant aneoUS
ve loc it y o f th e obj eci attached 10 it s end , thai is, 10 Ih e tangent o f its traj ec tory : it is
6.2 Dy na mics
6. Nl echallics So illtions
always in the line of the normal to the trajectory. The normal force is provided by the
combined act ion of the string and the force of gra vi ty. At the position of the object where
the normal component of the grav it ationa l force alone is able to supply the centripetal
force required, the string wi ll become slack. While the free part of the string winding
011 the se mi -cy linder is taut, it remain s tangential to the cy lindri cal surface. Notice that
when the string bec oilles slack , the part that has already wound up on the cylinder is
longer th an a quarter circle, that is, th e object attached to the e nd has risen higher than
the lowe rmost point of the semi-cyl inder. It is only during the ri sing part of the motion
that the force of gravity has a compone nt that can pull the object along the direction of
the string (that is , toward s the point of suspens ion).
The position of the small
object at th e en.d of the string
ca;1 be described in terms
of the angle (1 enc losed by
rcos a
the free (s traight ) part of the
s sin a
string and the horizontal. The
same angle is enclosed between the ve rtical and the ramg
dius drawn to the point where
the line of the string touches
the cylindrical surface. If the
;c axis of the coord inate frame is attached to the flat horizontal face of the semi-cy linder
(in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder) and the y axis is set vertical ,
then the U coord inate of the point at the end of the string is
u= r , cOS(1 - 8 · S111 (1 .
The work-energy theorem ca n be used to express the instantaneous speed of the object
in term s of u:
mgy = - Inv- .
Division by III and the substitution of y from ( I ) gives the following expression for the
square of the speed:
v - = 2g(,. . COSet - s· S lI1 0') .
At the time in stant when the string becomes slack , the tension force in the string is
zero, and the centr ipetal force required for moving in an orbit of instantaneous radiu s of
Curvature .'j is provided by the component of the gra vitati ona l force in the direction of
the strin c·
IIlg·511l0'=171 -
?j g ,
and with the use of (2):
.s . s ill (1 = 2( r cosO' - .ss ill (1).
300 Creat ive Physics Problems w ith Solu tion s
Division by cosn g ives
s tan n = 21' - 2stann.
The tangent of the angle correspond in g to the position III question IS obta in ed with
s = 0.961':
tann = -
= 0.694,
a nd the ang le is
n = arc tan 0.694 = 34 .8° = 0.607 radians.
The total length of the string is therefore
L =s+
( n +
~) l' = 0.48 m + (0.607 + ~) ·0.5 m = 3.141' = 1.57 m ,
that is, the total le ngth of the string in this case is equal to the le ngth o f the semicircle.
Solution of Problem 44. The fact th at the string connecting the two blocks is long
means that it is longer tha n the he ight of the table (h) , therefore the block of mass m2
moves vertically all the way down and will not be pulled in the horizonta l d irection by
block 7nl before hitting the gro und.
In the first phase o f the motion the objects
move with consta nt accelerati o n, whi c h can be
. .----------~f·,·
determined by using the laws of moti on of the
:m 2 \
two objec ts:
7n2g - J( = 7n2a,
= 7n I a ,
where J( is the tension in the strin g, a is the
mag nitude of the acce lerati on of both objects.
(They move with the same accelerati o n because the strin g is not stretch ab le.) Addi ng
the above equations , we get that the magnitude of the acceleration of the two objec ts is:
The time taken by block 7n2 to hit the gro und is:
The velocity gai ned by the first block in that time is: v = V2a h =
2gh .
7nl +m2
In the second phase of the moti o n the second block is at rest on the gro un d , while the
first block moves towards the edge of the table at constant velocity . After leavin g the
table, the first block undergoes hori zo ntal projection. Knowing th at the di sta nce covered
in the vertical direction is h , we can calcu late the time of fall as: tl = )2h/ g.
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
6.2 D Y llCl.m ics
----The distance covered in the horizontal direction in that time is:
x = vt1 =
2gh ·
m1 + 'rn2
1771 +m2
Note that our result is independent of g . Substituting given data, we find .r =
: :;: 2V5/5 m;::::; 0.896111.
Investigating the parametric formu la gained for distance .r, we can see that as the
ratio of masses (mdm2) increases from 0 to CXJ, distance .r decreases from 2h to O.
Solution of Problem 45. Let us assume that the masses of the pendulums are
negligible (or are included in the masses of the carts) . The pendulums should be held
in their previously calculated positions and shou ld be released together with the carts,
otherwise they would swing, which would have an unwanted eA'ect on the movement s
of the carts. The positions in question cou ld also be defined as th e positions about which
the pendulum s wou ld oscillate. (After these oscillations were damped , the pendulum s
would remain in these positions, but that would require a cord and track far too long .)
The first task is to determine the acceleration of the carts. Applying Newton' s seco nd
law to each of the two carts (let 1\' be the tension in the cord), we obtain:
'/TI2gsin o: - !\' = m2 Cl .
Addin g the two equations, we get th at the acceleration is:
ml +m2
gs in o: .
A pendulum remains stationary relative to a cart if the acceleration of its bob equals the acce leration of the cart. The acceleration of the bob is caused by the net force of the gravitation
and tension .
According to the figure , the angle enc losed by the vertical
and the pendulum in cart m 1 that moves horizontally can be
written as:
tan cpl = - =
5111 0:.
'/TIl +m2
In case of cart m2 that moves down th e inclined plane, let
Us apply Newton 's second law to the bob of the pendulum in
direction s that are parallel and perpendicular to the inclined
plane. If the mass of the bob is m, we obtain:
mgs in o:- X sin .::= 'rng
1Thsin o:
771 1
+'rn 2
rngcoso: - !\, cos.:: = 0,
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
------------~--- ---------------------------------------------------
where E is the angle formed by the pendulum and the normal to the inclined pl ane.
Isol atin g the tension fro m the second equation, we have:
I ( =mg-- ,
substituting this into the first equation, we find:
mgsm a - mgtanEcosa = mg------ml+m2
Dividing the equation by mgcosa, we get:
tanE = tana -
ml +m2
tana =
ml +m2
The tangent of the angle enclosed by the vertical and the pendulum in cart m2 ( t.p 2 ==
= a - E) can be determined using the compound-angle formula:
tan t.p2 = tan (a - E) =
tana - tanE
. .
1 + tan a . tan E
Substituting the expression for tanE, we find:
m l +m2cos 2 a
Substituting known values, we get that the acceleration of the carts is:
a = 125 9 = 4 s2 '
the angle enclosed by the vertical and the pendulum in the cart moving horizontall y is:
tant.pl = = 0.408 ,
the angle enclosed by the vertical and the pendulum in the cart moving down the plane
IS :
= 0.4322 ,
ll 8
t.p2 = 23.37°
tan t.p2 = -
the angle formed by this pendulum and the normal to the inclined plane is:
tanE = -- = 0. 24
E =
First solution of Problem 46. If the string is pulled with constant acceleratio n, it
exerts a torque on the cube that te nds to tilt the cube. Thus the base edge of the cube on
the front is lifted off the plane, and the cube slides on its rear base edge. The torq ues of
the string , the normal force of the ground and the force of gravity are in equilibriu m.
6.2 Dyna.mics
6. Mecha.nics Solution s
:--------Let F denote th e force of th e string, its vertical component being P y , and let J( be
he normal force of the tabl e . Based o n the figure , Newton's second law can be used to
t et up equations for forces in the horizontal and vertical direct io ns and for torques about
~he centre of th e c ube. With the notations of the figure ,
J( -
Fy - G = 0,
Fy cot a. =3G ,
]( xcosa. + P y(l- x) cosO' = 3Gxcosa..
(2 )
(3 )
- - x =-tan a. .
From (2) and (4),
From (I) and (3),
(F7J +G) x +f.y(l- x ) - 3Gx =0.
Then the mag nitude of the vertical component of the string force can be obtai ned from
(5) and (6):
F,!. =-G.
The force press in g on the gro und is equal in magnitude to K:
Thus the force exerted by the strin g is
/ F2 + (3G)2 =
V y
+ 9G2 = ~v'I7G = ~. v'I7. 80 N = 247 .4 N.
The base of the cube is li fted through an angle of
p '!
a. = arct a n ' = a rctan- = 14°
JOO C rcMil"(' P h.l·sics Problclll s lI' itl l Soil it io lis
Second solution of Prohlcm 46. Fro lll th e fi gure:
= :.IC .
I'~I = :~(.' t ;111 II.
F = -·-= - - .
T he torques ahout th e ce ntre o f Illass :
~ 1ll' ( 1-0 - ?_ C\ ) - I \ 'l~'
I.'l TS
TS1ll (.1-. - n = 0 .
With th e substituti on of the above ex press ions for rand 1\' . and tran sforillati ons to
silllpi i fy,
JSill (.I.j O- :20) = (COS(l + :~Si ll O)s ill ( 15° - 0 ).
With the app lic atio n o f th e add iti on forillula :
2cos 2 (1. = 8s in ocosn .
Lall O = 4'
a lld
Thu s
F = - - = 2 · 1 1.:~:\.
Solution of Prohlem 47. a) In equilibriulll (uniform moti on in a strai ght line), the
net torque o f all forces Illu st be O. Thi s occ urs w hen there is no fri ction , w hi ch is only
poss ihle if the string is strai gh t and if its ex tension passes through th e centre of masS
o f the di sc. (i .e. th e strin g mu st be hori zo nt al until the disc reaches it s uniform speed).
From that point onwa rd s. th e cart may eve n reduce it s speed. and th e slacke ned stri ng
may take an y shape. w hile the di sc w ill co ntinu e to tra vel uniforml y. (S uch an ideal
case. howeve r. w ill neve r occ ur in rea lit y. th e onl y rea li sti c case is b).)
b) I f there is fr iction , its torque need s to be
co unteracted by th e turque o f the strin g. (The fo rce
of grav it y and the normal force have no torques
about the centre o f mass.) Co nsider th e torques 01
th e forces arou nd the po int where th e di sc tou ches
th e ground. a point Ill ov in g along w ith unifor lll
velocit y in the inertial frame. Si nce neithe r the
fri cti on force S nor the norilla l force o f the ground ha ve torques arou nd th at point. the
6.2 D y /J a mics
6. j\ {cciJ a llics So /l/tio l/ s
to rqut: of the strin g mu st also bt: zero . This is only poss ible if the ex tension of the string
passt:s through th t: point wht:rt: the di sc touches tht: gro und.
Tht: li gurt: shows that tht: angle of in clinati o n in ques ti on sati sfi es the eq uati o n
Sill 0.
21? + 2 17 sill o
A quadrati c equa ti on is obtained for sin n:
2s iIl L O+2"; iIl O - 1 =0,
and ht:n ct: ,
- 2 ±v'4 +8
sill o.' = -----'---4
and tht: <ln g lt: is (\ = 2 1.-17° , ind ept: nd t: ntl y of the coeflic ie nt of friction . (This is
su rpri sin g sin ct: it mca ns that if a di sc is pulled in thi s way on a plan e with sudden
changt:s of rough ness, th e strin g should not 's tir ' at all , it should maintain it s angle of
21.47° to th e hori zo ntal. However, if such an ex perime nt is actually carried out , the
disc will start to vibrate due to the linite spt:ed of the e nec t tran smitted in the string ,
. and through non-equilibrium states it will am plify it s non-harmonic oscillati ons.)
Solution of Prohlem 48. a) According to the problem , the system undergoes
uniforml y acceicratt:d moti o n. S in ce the ex ternal forces are con stant , thi s ca n only occur
if the acct: icrati ons of the two bod ies arc t:qual and the same as the acceleration of the
centre of mass. Accordin g to Newton ' s second law the magnitude of thi s is:
FI +F2
m 1 + 171 2
The force exerted by the sp rin g sca le ca n be ca lcul ated by appl ying Newton 's second
law for any of tht: two object s. For exa mple , if !\' is the forc e exerted on the object on
the left handside. which has a mass of 1711 , then:
From whi ch
- l O N · l 0k g-20~·2 k g
N = - 11. 67 N .
LO kg+ 2 kg
Thi s is the forct: exerted by the spring on tht: obj ec t of mass In ] . The obj ec t of mass
Tnl t:xt:rt s a forct: of 11 .67 N on the sprin g.
b) T ht: fact that F I and 1-2 arc swappt:d mean s that now PI is exerted on 7712 and F2
is ext:rtt:d o n /1/ I (in their orig inal directi on). So now the strin g bt:twee n the objects and
thc sprin g mu st ht: substitutt:d by a rod , otherwi se we ca n onl y pull the sprin g balance.
The system mows into the sa me directi on with the same accelerati o n. In thi s case th e
forct: t: xt:rted by th t: sprin g scak o n th t: ohjt:ct of mass 1//1 is:
-----=------=- = - -
20;\· I Ok bo· -( - IO N · ? k o-)
+ 111 2
_ _ _----"_-'--_ _ _-----'b::..:..
= 18.33 N .
10kg+2 kg
300 Creative P hysics Problems with Solutions
Thu s,. the fo.rce ~x erted on the sprin g by th~ obj ect of mass mI. is : - l S.33 J . (The
negatI ve spnn g force means th at the sprIng IS compressed .) c) If the mass of the tw
obj ects are equal, namely 6 kg, then the results in case of a) and b) are:
F2 m - F 1m
m +m
F2 - F 1
- 10 N- 20
= - 15
F - Po
2 = + 15N
respectively . So the force exerted on the sprin g by the obj ect of mass m 1 in case a) is
+ 15N, in case b) it is - 15N.
If the mass of any of the obj ects is zero th an the sprin g balance reads the force exerted
on that side whi ch is 10 ,or 20
Solution of Problem 49. a) Appl yin g the work-kinetic energy theorem to the bloc k' s
initial and fin al states, we get:
he nce
2mgsin a
.6.1max =
2 · 30 N · 0 .5
SON / m =8 111 =0 .375111 .
The vertical di spl ace ment is there fore:
2mgsin 2 a
0 .3 75
.6.y = .6.1· sin a =
= - 2- = 0. l S75 m ~ 0 .19 m = 19 cm.
b) If fri ctio n can be neglec ted , the equilibrium pos ition is
de fin ed by the equati on:
D.6.1 1 = mg sin a ,
.6.1 1 = X =
mgsin a
.6. I III ax
= - - = 0 .l S70 m ~ 19 cm .
However, if fri ction is very small but can not be neg lec ted , the eq uili brium position of
the bl ock is not a po int, but a s mall interval. In thi s casc Newton' s second law applied
to the bl oc k being in equilibrium takes the form o f:
mg sin a - D.6.1 ± ~£ mg co sa = O.
Let .6.1 = x be the distance betwee n the bloc k' s orig in al and equili brium positi ons. The
interval for x is defin ed by the inequ aliti es :
mgsin a - Mmgcosa:::; D x:::; mgsin a + ~£mg cosa .
fro m whi ch we have:
D( si n a- ~£ cosa :::;x:::; D (si n a+ ~£ cosa) ,
6.2 Dynamics
Mechani cs Solutions
stitutin g known values , we find:
SU b
O.19 - 0 .323{t:S x:S O.19 + 0 .323 p.
f the block is not simply placed onto the inclined plane in an equilihrium position ,
I t reaches its final position from a state of motion as it does in our case, the exact
~~ace where it stops inside the above interval can also be determined , but that is a more
difficult task to do .
Solution of Problem 50. The vert ical displacement of the body that slides down the
slope is the same in both cases, but in the case of a moving slope it requires twice as
much time.
According to the quadratic distance relationship, the vert ical acceleration component of the body is four times as Illuch
in the case of the stat ionary slope as in
the case of the moving slope because for
the distances travelled vert ical ly in the two
= 2CLllitl = 2 CL211( 2td )
from which
a ty
= 4a2.<J"
Let us state the equation of the motion of the bodies, the constraining condition and the
equation that expresses the special condition of the problem. Let us handle the horizontal
and vertical components of the motion of the slidin g body separately. As from here on
the acceleration of the small body is used in the case of the moving slope , we will omit
the indices 2. Using the notations of the figure, for the x component of the motion of
the small body
(1) ,
N sin 0: - (tN cos 0: = ma."
for the y component of the motion
m g - N coso: - {tN sin o: = may
F - N sin 0: + {LN cos 0' = j\/ A
ay = (a.,. - A ) t an 0:
4CL II = g(sin 0: - ( LCOS 0:) S illO'
for the wedge:
the constraint condition:
the condition of the problem:
Constraint condition (4) and condition (5) can be understood from the following figure s:
300 C reative Physics Pro blem s with Solutions
The vertical and horizontal distances trave lled by the small body are Sy and s"' ,
respectively , the horizontal distance travelled by the wedge in the meantime is S. The
height of the wedge is Sy and its base is S x - S. With these the tangent of the an gle of
inclination of the wedge is
t a n a = ----S- '
SX -
and the magnitude of vertical displacement is
Sy = ( s ," -
S) t a n a.
From these , in the case of the moving slope the use of the quadratic distance law gives
the following for the vertical acceleration of the body:
after simplifying by t 2 /2 (4) is acquired.
The right side of equation (5) is the vertical component of the acceleration g (sin a - f.Lcosa) of the body sliding down on a stationary slope: a · sin a .
We have 5 independent equations for the 5 unknowns . From (5) a y is expressed and
substituted into (2) and (4) , in (2) N is factored out:
mg - N(cosa+ f.L sin a) = m 2.( sin a - f.L cosa ) sin a ,
~ (sin a - f.Lcosa ) sin a = (a," - A) tan a ,
from (2 ') the value of N is expressed , (4') is divided by tan a :
1 - ~ (sin a - f.L cosa ) sin a
N= 1ng ---2~--------~----
cosa+ f.L sin a
2.(sin a - ~. cosa) cosa = a x - A,
from which the acce lerati o n of the wedge is A = a x -
~ (s in a - f.L cosa ) cosa .
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mech anics Solu t ions
substitutin g the va lue of N into ( I) and simplifyin g by m gives the foll owing for ax :
sin ex-f,lcosex (
s i n ex - ~Lcosex.
) _
1Sll1 ex -ax,
cos ex + ~L SIl1 ex
From (I ) ax is substitu ted into (3):
F = !VI A +ma x ,
(which could h?ve been acquired fro m the th eo ~e m for .the m o ti o~ of the centre of
masS directly ) fin ally by substltutlll g the va lue of A as fun ctI on 01 ax first and then
by substitutin g the value of ax from the parameters of the probl em the requested force
is acquired :
F:::: M [ax - ~(sin ex - ~LCOSex ) cos ex ] +ma,,; = (M +m) a," - M~(sin ex-~LCOSex) COS ex =
:::: (M+m)g
s in ex-~Lcosex (
cos ex + ~L S Il1 ex
·sin ex
-M-(s in ex-~Lcosex)cosex,
reorgani zin g:
F =g(sin ex-f,lcosex) [ (AI +m )
4-(sin ex-f,lcosex)sin ex M
- -cosex .
4 cos ex + ~LS ll1 ex
With numerical values:
F = 9. 81 ~ (0.5 - 0.2· 0.866) 2 kg
4 - (0.5 - 0.2· 0.866) 0.5 1 kg
4( 0.866 + 0. 2.0 .5)
- 4 0.866 = 5.67
First solution of Problem 51. First we will solve thi s proble m usin g Newton's
second law . Let us apply it to the three obj ec ts in two perpendi cular directi ons. Since
the inclined pl ane al so moves, these directi ons should be the horizontal (x) and vertical
(y) direction s. Let N be the normal force exerted by the inclin ed pl ane on bl ock m l ,
[( be the te nsion in the cord , A be the acce lerati on of the inclined pl ane, aL" and al y
be the hori zontal and vertic al components of the accelerati on of bl ock ml respectively ,
a2 x and a2y be the horizontal and verti ca l components of the accelerati on of bl oc k m2
respectively. Obviously a2x and A are equ al, therefore we have six unkn ow ns. The
seventh unknown, th at we are to determine, is time t but thi s can be ca lcul ated usin g
kinemati cal equ ati ons.
To solve the pro blem, we need to un de rsta nd th at the two blocks will be nearest to
each other when the length of the cord on eac h side of the pull ey is h/2. The di stance
between the two blocks - th at takes its max imum ( h ) at the beg innin g of the moti on
and at the moment when the seco nd bl oc k reac hes the pull ey - decreases in the first part
of the moti on and the n increases. The di stance will take its minimum value when the
POsitions of the bl ocks are sy mmetrica l about the bi sector of the top angle of the inclined
plane. In th at pos iti on the two parts of the cord form an isosceles tri angle, therefore to
14 1
300 C l'cilti,'c Physics Pl'Oblel1l s " 'i/ il So illtion s
so lve the prob km , wt: sim ply nt:t:d to dt:tt: rmin e th e till1t: take n by the han gin g hlock to
movt: a di stanct: of 82y = II / 1 with accderati o n (fly' whi ch is:
Tht: rt:i"ore, wt: havt: to lin d lI'2y alk r sL:lti ng up th t: fo ll owing sy stt:m of eq uation s,
Equ ati on (2) is Nnv to n's st:Cll nd law applied
to tht: in clin t:d pl ant: and bl oc k /lL2 in th t: horizo nt al direc ti on (ass umin g th at th t:i r hor izo nt al
accekrati ons art: equ al), eq uatio ns (3) and (4)
arc New to n's st:co nd law appli ed to bl oc k 11 1 1 in
the hor izo ntal and vt:rti ca l dirt:ct io n rt:s pec ti vt:l y,
equ ati o n (5) is Newto n' s st:co nd law app li t:d to
bl ock /11 2 in th t: verti ca l di rt:c ti o n, t:q uati on (6)
is th t: kin t:mati ca l rt:strainin g co nditi on betwt:e n
bl oc k III I and th e in c lin t:d plane, whik equ ati o n (7) co mt:s from the fac t th at th t: kn gth of tht: cord is co nstant :
j\' sill o -
11119 -
/\' coso = (J\! + 1l72)A
A sill o - /\' cas u = /Ill (/1.1'
/\' siIl 0 = 111 1(/ I!I
( I)
j\' cos n -
/ \' - 11/ 29
= 1I12 Ul!l
= (((1.1' + A) la ll o
== -,-
Equa tion s (2)- (5) ca n bt: dt:ri vt:d direc tl y fro m th t: li gurt: abow, but t:quati o ns (6) anu
(7) nt:t:d to bt: ex plained,
Tht: re is a kinematical restrainin g co nditi on bt: tween bloc k 1111 and the in clin ed pla ne
because the bl ock has to rt: main o n th t: in clin t:d plan e, The li gure bd ow shows the
initi al and fin al (al'tt:r timt: /) pos it ions o f th t: systt:m , Whil e bl ock 1111 mows 8 11/
dow n vt:rti call y, it cowrs a distanct: o f 81 ,1' in th t: horizo nt al direc ti o n, In thi s ti me the
in clint:d plan e mows a di stan ce of S, It ca n bt: st:t: n fro m the ligurt: that the tangt:nt of
th t: angk of i ncl inati on is tht: rati o of k ngth s S ly and 5 + s 1,1' , so:
S i ll
l a ll (! = - - ' - ,
5 + 81,1'
Ass umin g th at th t: initi al ve loc it it:s of
eac h obj t:c t are zt:ro and th at th e accek r·
at io ns art: constants, we find th at th t: ra tio
of di stances are equ al to the rati o of the
correspondi ng accd erati o ns:
La l1 o =
(fl !l
1 .1 ')
'2 I't 1- + '2 (1 1.1' /-
A + o l ,1'
6.2 Dynamics
6. M eciJ a llics So ill t io ll s
{[ I y = (([ I.,. + A ) t a n (1 ,
as was statl:d in equation (6).
As thl: kngth of the cord remains constanl, the displacement s of the two hlocks
rclativl.: 10 Ihl: in c lined plane mu SI hI.: equal : Slr,,1 = S2 rel. Using that Slrpl = s l y/ sin o,
we ha vl.:
.'; 2 y = sin o '
AssLiming again Ihat the inilial ve locilil.:s
afe Zl.:ro and Ihl.: acce leration s arl: constant ,
we find th at:
(/I !f
(/~ y = Sill O
as was slatl.:d in l:quati o n (7 ).
Let us now solve the system of equalion s. Multipl ying I.:quation (3) hy coso
and equati on (4) by sin o , we obtain :
Ns ill o coso - /\. cos 2 (\ = 77~lCLLrCOSO' ,
1I11.9 sin Ct - N cosCtsin 0' - /\' sin 2 0 = m lCLl y sin 0 ' .
After adding Ih esl.: Iwo l:quati ons , WI.: lind thaI N sill Ctcos o cancels out , and by factoring
out }\', its l:odlil:il:nt wi ll he sin 2 Cl. + C05 2 0 = I :
IiIl.9 sill O - /\. = 1711(/1.,.(;050 + i7l1CLl ys in o .
Let us solvl: equation (5) for }\' and suhstitute it into the ahove equat ion:
1111.9 si n (\ - 1n2C/2y - 1112.9 = IiI lal.,. coso + In ] CLly sin a .
The ri gh t hand s ides of equatio ns (2 ) and (3) are eq ual:
(J\I + m)A = IIIICLl.r ,
1\/ + 1112
insertin g this int o I.:quation (6) , Wl: have:
(/I y = ( (/1,. +
1\/ + 1712
a l ,.
ta ll o=
+ in2 tall O · Cl I,.·
1\/ + m2
Which yil:lds
/\I + lJh
a l ii
1\} + '1I12
. _- =
- - 'CL II '
1\} + 11/1 +1712 tallCl.
/\} + IIII +m2 siIl O.
LeI us now insl:rt ((1.1' as expre ssed ahovl: and CL I!! = CL2ys in o from equation (7) into
equation (H) . Thl: only unkno wn in thi s l:quation wi ll be CL2y :
1\/ + 1112
cos 2 0
. 2
ml .9S III Cl. - 1I12(}211 - m2.9= 11I 1(l21/ 5In o · \
· - .- - + m' ICi2!! slll O.
1 / + ml + 11l2 SII1 0
300 Creati ve Physics Proble ms with Solu t ions
After so me algebra, we find :
. a- 1n2 ) g= [ ml (
. 2 a ) + 1n2] ' a2v'
M + m2
cos 2 a+sm
NI +m l +m2
After writing the coeffic ient of a2y as one fraction , we have:
(mlsin a- m 2)g=
m l (M +m2)cos a+ml(M +m l +m2 )sin 2 a+m2( M +m l +m2)
M +m l +m2
·a2y .
Let us write the second term of the numerator as :
ml(M +m l +m2)sin 2 a = ml( NI +m2)sin a+mls in a.
Factoring out ml(M + m2) from the first term of the numerator and the first term of
the ex pression above, we obtain
ml(M +m2)(s in 2 a+cos 2 a) =ml (M + m 2),
which simplifies our equation to:
m l (M +m2) +misin a+m2( M +m j +m2)
(1nl sln a - m2 9 =
. a2y '
l Vl + ml + 1n2
Solving for a2!1 gives:
Substituting this into equation ( I ), the time in question takes the form of:
h [ml(M +m2) + m isin 2 a+ m2(M +m j + m 2)]
(mlsin a -m2)(M + ml +m2) ' 9
Substituting the given data, we fi nd :
1 m [7 kg(2 kg + 1 kg) +49 kg · 0.36 + 1 kg (2 kg+ 7 kg+ 1 kg)]
(7kg ·0 .6 - 1 kg)(2 kg + 7kg+ 1 kg) · 10 ~
= 0.389 S;::,j 0. 39 s.
Second solution of Problem 51. Let us solve the problem usin g conservation laws.
The mechanical energy of the system is conserved :
mlgh=mlg(h - - sin a +m2 g-2 +-2m1(VX1 +v1,.)+-m2V2,,+ -(M +m2) V ,
• 2
6.2 DYJlam ics
6. M echan ics S olu tions
which y ields:
1 2
m ]Q -h25 .1110. - 'm 2g. -h2 = -(V
I ' +v-I ) + - 7T1 ?V,)" + - j\! + 111 ·,) 11-.
2 ..
2 - - .' 2
where V is th e hori zo ntal ve loc ity o f th e inc lined plan e (and of block /11 2 )' T he lin ear
momentum o f th e system i s conserved :
= ('1772 + J\f ) \I.
1171 V I.I
Since th e length of the cord is co nstant (sec first so luti on):
V?, - - - .
- .1
sin o.
As bl oc k 1n ] remains on the inclin ed plane (sec first so luti on):
vl y = (v l.l + V) Lan o..
70 J . 0.6 - 10 J = 7 kg( V ?, + v L) + 1 kg · V~'I + 3 kg· V 2 ,
(1' )
Let us now in sert gi ve n data:
V I !J
= 3V,
Vl y = 0.6V2.'1 '
(3' )
= (V J. I + V)0 .75 .
(il ' )
7 v I.I
From equ at io n (2' ), we have
V 1.1
= ~ V,
which is then substituted
tion (4') to get :
Vly = ( "7 + "7
into equ a-
3 10 3
v· 4
= 7 . 4" V, (il " )
inserting thi s into eq uation (3' ) gives:
10 3
- · - V=0.6 V2
7 4
4 7
V = - . - ·0 .6V2
3 10
substitutin g thi s into equati on (2" ), we find:
3 4
Vl .
= -7 . -3 . -10 ·0 .6v?- !J = -10 ·a .6v·)-!J .
Substitutin g eq uati o ns (6), (3' ) and (5) int o equat io n (1' ), we ob tain an eq uat io n for
1J2y :
. 16
. .'J
32 = 7· . 0.36v 211 + 7· 0.36v 21J + V211+ 3· - . 100 ·0.36 1'2.11'
300 C rea.ti ve Physics Problem s with S olution s
After some algebra, we find:
3200 m 2
48 6.4~ '
therefore the verti cal ve locity of block m2 is:
V 2y =
V2v =
3200 = 2.5649 m
486 .4
Using this , the time in question turns out to be:
t = _ 21_.v = - =
. =0.3 8978s::::::; 0.39 s.
2.5649 'if
-~-- - - - - -
,,Kcosa 2
Solution of Problem 52. a) First let us write down
the equations of motion for the sphere as well as for
the wedge, and the relation between their accelerations
The data referring to the sphere is denoted by lowercase
letters , while the data ones corresponding to the wedge
is denoted by uppercase letters. According to the fig ures
a) and b), we get:
mg - K coscx = m a
Ksincx = MA
1 h
a=Ata ncx
Fig. a)
The last equation comes from the restriction th at the
sphere touches the top surface of the wedge durin g the ir
motion. The distances covered by the sphere and by the
wedge in time tare:
6. s = -at 2
6.S=~Ae ,
since all the forces , and consequently the accelerations
are constant. According to figure b),
6. s = 6.S· tancx ,
Fig. b)
-at = - At ·tan cx
from which , by dividing with ~t2 , equation (3) is obtained.
The mass ratio M 1m is obtained by eliminating the quantities A and K from the
system of equations. From equation (3) :
A= - - .
tan cx
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. Mecha n ics S olutions
Plugg in g thi s into equati on (2), A- ca n be expressed :
A-= M - - - t a n a · sin a
Insertin g thi s into the equ ati on ( I), we get:
m g - Iv!
' cos a = m a o
t a n a · sm a
Rearran ging thi s, and usin g the identity cosa/sin a = l / t a n a, we ob tain :
'mg= ( -M
2 - +171- ) ·a ,
ta n a
from which the accelerati o n of the sphere is:
gtan 2 a
t a n 2 0:
'/I I,
+ tan 2 a '
Accordin g to the fi gure a), the co nd iti on ass urin g that the wedge does not tilt , ex pressed
in terms o f torques relative to the ce ntre o f mass , reads as foll ows:
2 / .
1 /
- !\ h sm ct+ - !\ cosa-- < (NJg+ I\ cosa) - - - .
tan a 3 tan a
Here, we have used the fact th at in the margin al case the line o f ac ti on o f the force
exerted by the ground on the wedge is shifted to the ri ght edge o f the wedge .
After simplify in g this equ ati o n by h / 3 and multiplyin g by t a n a, we get:
2[( sin a · t a n a+ [( cosa:S M 9 + [( cosa .
Omitting the same terms on both sides, and insertin g the ex press ion of [( from
equation (4), we get:
sm a· tan a:S1I.1g,
t a n a · sm a
so the maximal accelerati on of the sphere is:
a < fl .
- 2
Putting thi s into (5) we obtain the desired mass rati o M/ m:
gta n 2 a
<M + tan2a - ? '
from whi ch
2tan 2 a:S - + t a n 2 a,
and fin ally the relati on
- > tan 2 a
'm -
IS obtain ed . T hu s the rati o
11.1/m and the angle a should sati s fy the inequality above.
JUG C reatin' P in'sics Pro i)icllI.5 II'itll Solut io ll S
h) II' (\ = GO . the n -
:::: (<1 11 - GO
° = J is the co nditi o n. T hu s in the case o r -1\1 =
the wedge does not till. Accordin g to the co nservat io n o r mec hani ca l energy:
II l!j / S 11 J() =
- 1/ I I ' - + -
1\1 II .,- .
T he re latio n o r th e sreeds is silllil ar to that of the accele ratio ns:
(, =
11= - - .
(a 11 0
al1d usin g th is in the rrev ious equ ati on we get :
1' -
2/111)/ si 11 (1 = III ('" + 1\1 --.-)- =
La 11 - (1
)- . .)
( + --.
l a wn
V- .
Fro m thi s the sreed o f the srhere after cove rin g a di stance / along the wedge is:
+ -'-"-.,IIllill l -()
2 ·9 .8 1 lll s - 2 ·D.2 lll · s in60 °
------~----- ;::::: D. S2
I + -V--t.illl- (j O O
Solution of Prohlem 53. O ne r oss ibl e meth od wo uld be to suspend a small ball o
a long cord th at hangs rro lll the top o f th e box. Let us wait until the osc ill ation of
r e ndulum stor s and meas ure angle .r , whi ch is the an gle e ncl osed by the cord and
line th at is r erpe ndi cul ar to the top o f th e box. Th e bob of the renduluIll is at n:st w
respect to th e hox. if it s accelerati on equal s the acce lerati on o r the box re lati ve to
ground. T he acce lerati o n o r the hox is give n by the ex rress io n:
u = g (s il1 C1 - 11(' OS (1 )
The acce leratio n o r the bo b is ca used by the net force o f the gra vit ati o nal force ac
ve rti ca ll y and the ten s io n exert ed hy th e cord .
Let us use th e fi gure ahove to arrl y Newto n's seco nd law to the hob in the d irecti
th at are r arall e l and perpe nd ic ul ar to the in c lined pl ane.
6. ]\Jedl a lli es So luti o ll s
6. 2 Dynamics
In th e [lcrpcndicu l ar direction we ha ve:
m g sin o - P ('OS.I;= O,
while in th c parallcl direction we obtai n:
mgs in o - F sin .l' = /Ilg(s in o hence
III g(,05C1 -
I L(,0 5 0. ) ,
F eos .!' = O.
From which wc lind:
P sill .l' = I"ng ('os Cl
F ('oS .1' = IIlg ('os (1 .
Di vidin g th c lirst cq uati on by th e second , we get: Lan.r = II. Th is way the coeflic ient
of kineti c fri ction is determined. There are sc veral methods th at could be used to
determil1l: the angle or th e in cl ined pl ane. Since we have three un know ns (It , 0., F)
in the above equat ions. one more measurement is needs to be taken. The first possible
meth od wo ul d be to meas ure the period o r the pendulum th at sw in gs th rough a small
angle. The [le ndu lulll in side the box acce leratin g down the inc li ned plane behaves as if
it was placed int o a uniform grav itati onal field in which the gravitati onal acce lera tion
=.r; -
was gt
(I, where
is th e acceleration or the box. The connection between this
apparent grav it ati onal acce lerati on and the tension is gi ve n by th e eq uati on:
['-'J = (my cos o )-'J + (/(/ 1I9 ('OS Cl )-.)= ?
lIl-g ,
where gl is th e Illagnit ude o f th e a[lparent gra vi tat ional acceleration , ror wh ich we get:
gl=gcoso~ ,
and th ererorc the [leri od of th e pendu lu lll is:
T = 27i
g cos(\' ~ '
from whi ch the angle or the inclin ed plane ca n be calc ul ated as :
47i 2
0.=arc('os gJl + IL2 · T 2 '
For exalll[lle, ir the mass or the bob is III = 1 kg , angle .1' is measured to be 11.3 0 •
the len gth or th c cord is 1= 1 III and th e [leriod is round to be T = 2.5 s, th e coefl-ic ient
of kineti c fri ct ion wo uld be:
Ii = La ll 11. :)° = 0.2 ,
whil e th e angle or the in clined plane wou ld be:
= a rccos
9.8 1v'IJf,I
. - - = 50.85 .
300 Creative Phy sics Problem s with Solu tions
the acceleration of the box would be:
m ( sm50.
a=9 .81 2'
85 ° -0.2cos50. 85 0) =6 .372"
and finally the tensi o n in the cord (in th e pendulum 's stati onary state) wo uld be:
F = (mgcosa)J1 + f.i2 = 9.81 N cos50. 85°V1 + 0.04 = 6.32 N.
A seco nd possible method is to measure the ten sion. In thi s case the mass of the bo
of the pendulum should be meas ured be fore gettin g into the box. Usi ng the figure ahove
we obtain:
AB = A C - B C = mgsin a - mg(sina - j.icosa) = I-icosa.
Thu s
F = (mgcosa) + (j.imgcosa) = (mg) - cos - a · (1 + j.i ),
which yields
cos a = (mg )2 ( 1 + f.i 2) ,
cos a =
mgJ1+l-i 2
Fcos x
mgV1 + t a n x
= -----;===7i=
a = a r ccos - -- .
Substituting the values give n in the example, we find :
a = ar ccos
6.32· cosll. 3°
= 50.52 ,
which equals approxim ately the previou s result.
Note that these methods can only be used if the value o f 9 is kn ow n and we are su
about the fact that the bottom and top o f the box are parall el to the inclined pl ane. I
any other case the quantiti es in questi o n can not be determined .
Solution of Problem 54. New ton 's seco nd law ap
plied to the force components parall e l to the string is
J\ - rngcosa = 1TLT'
where J{ is the tensio n ac ting in the string. Accordi n
to the work-energy theorem (applied to a ge neral cas
of an initial angular di splacement o f aD),
mgl(cosa - cosao) = -mv 2 .
6. M ech a llics Sol ut ioll S
G.2 D .),118111 ics
Fr olll (I ) and (2) :
/\' - mgcoso. = 2/ng( coso. - cosO:o) ,
and hence the tens ion !\' is
!\' = 711g(3 C05 0. - 2coso.o).
The torque of the strin g is the onl y torque th at the grip at the
lower end needs to counteract: it mu st be able to exe rt an
equal torqu e in the oppos ite direc ti on. The fi gure shows that
the torque of the te nsion force with respec t to the lower end is
= J( h sill o. = mg( (3coso. - 2coso:o) . h · sin ct.
Since the pendulum started from an initi al pos iti on of 0.0 = 90° , COSClO = 0 and the
torque in questi on is
sin 20
This torque is a max imum if sin 20: is a max imum , that is, at 2n = 90° , whi ch means
a=4So . Thu s
o 3
= 3mghsin 4S o cos ,IS = 2 mgh = 9 N Ill .
= 3mgh · sill o.cosCI. = 3m g l l --
It is worth notin g that the ten sion force and the torque are both independe nt o f th e len gth
of the string.
Solution of Problem 55. a) Sin ce the external forces ac tin g on the syste m are all ve rtical , the ce ntre of mass of the sys tem will
not move hori zontall y. When the ball has Ic rt
the hemisphere, it must move verti call y upwards: since the ball slides all the way along
the hemi sphere, it ca nn ot ha ve a hori zo nt al
velocity component at separati on. Otherwise,
its horizontal veloc ity would be equ al to that
of the cart , whi ch would mean a di spl acement of the centre of mass of the syste m to
the left or to the ri ght. A fter separati on, th e
motion of the ball is verti ca l projec ti on, and
the cart is bro ught to rest again . Thu s, all the
energy is conce ntrated on the ball aga in , and
the ball will rise bac k to its initial height.
Let X denote the di spl ace me nt of th e cart
and let x de note the hori zo ntal co mponent of
the displ acement of the ball. As show n in the
figure , the di stance o f the ce ntre o f mass o f
I- ':
212 '
:------1 x
: X
15 1
300 C reati ve Physics Problem s with S olutions
the cart from the common centre of mass is X / 2 , and the di stance of the ball from there
is R - X / 2 metres. By definition of the centre of mass ,
N!X =m (R- X)
and hence the displaxement of the cart is
X =~R
to the right, whil e the horizontal displacement of the ball is
2M R
to the left. With nume rical data:
2·2 kg
·0.5 m = 0.8 m.
2kg + 0.5 kg
b) The normal force acting at the lowermost point of the path of the ball is obtained
by applying Newton ' s second law:
N -mg= m~
R '
where N is the normal force and V i e I is the speed of the ball relative to the c art. At
that time instant the cart represents an inertial reference frame, therefore Newton 's law
is valid in it as well.
From the work-energy theorem ,
where v and V are the speeds of the ball and the cart, respectively, relative to the
S in ce horizontal momentum is conserved ,
m v = M V.
Finally , the re lation ship of the speeds measured in the two reference fram es is
v i eI
= v+ V.
The solution of the simultaneo us equations for the magnitudes of the qua nti ties
involved is
2m 2g( h + R ) and v =M V = 2Mg(h + R )
/ ,,{2 + mN!
M +m
Mm+m2 h +R
N lIl ax = ( 2
'~+ ln g=
= ( 2 · 2 kg· 0.5 kg + 0 .25 kg2 . 0. 5 m + 0. 5 m + 0. 5 k)
g ·10 - 2 = 30 .
2 kg
0.5 m
6.2 Dy na.mics
6. Mecha.nics Solu tion s
Solution of Problem 56. a) When point
A hits the ground, the rods form a strai ght
line. As rods have constant length , the two
ends of the system mu st have zero ve locity at th at moment, so the block of mass
mz stops. Since onl y co nservat ive forces
act in thi s situ ati on, the initial grav itat ional
potenti al energy of the rods will be transformed into the rotat ional kinet ic energy of
co A co
the rods, which is independent of the mass
of the bl ock .
At the moment when point A hits the
ground , the rotational kinetic energies of
the two rods are equa l. Assumin g that the
rotati onal inertia of a rod about its end is e = m 1L 2 / 3 , the rotational kinetic e nergy of
one rod is:
The law of conservation of e nergy will take the form of:
L .
1 1
2 2
2mlg- sm a = 2 · - . - 1n 1 L w
2 3
where L /2'sin a is the distance of the centre o f mass of each rod from the ground in
their initi al pos iti on. As a = 60 0 , we know that sin a = V3/ 2 . Substitutin g thi s into the
equation and isolating the angu lar ve locity, we find:
W =j3~V;.
We then use this to express the veloc ity of point A when hittin g the ground :
= Lw =
j39~'/3 - - - -- - -- =
3·9 .81 I11 S - 2 ·0.5111·)3
3.57 s
Note that the result does not depend on the masses of either the rods or the block.
JOO C I'Cilt i l"(' PI I.n;ics Pl'UiJlc lll s lI ' i tiJ SOllltioll s
b) T he accelerati o n o r mass 11/2 at th e mo ment w hen po int A hits th e ground is
m ade up o r two dinc rent co mpo nent s: th e first o ne is th e hori zo ntal co m ponent or
th e accelerati on o r po int .4 ((I .r )' the seco nd one is th e hor izo nt al co mpo nent of the
accelerati o n of poi nt /3 re lati ve to poi nt A .
Let th e refere nce frame be att ac hed to po int B , w hose vel oc it y beco mes zero , whe n
po int A hi ts th e gro und . In this rrame rod A!3 (a nd th ererore poi nt rI) ro t a t l~S in an
acc elerat ed moti on around point f] . T he hori zo ntal co mpo nent o f the accele ration or
point A mu st be th e centripetal accelerati o n, so
(I .r
= (/" = PA2 l L
If th e reference frame is now all ac hed to po int A. the horizo nt al acce lerati o n of po int
[J (a nd th erefore that o f mass 11 / '2) wi ll have th e sa llle mag nitu de as th e one calculated
above but w ill be in oppos it e di rec ti o ns. As th e hori zo ntal accelerati on of point rI in
thi s situati o n has magnitude u ,. = (I " = I '~\ I L an d po int s towa rd s po int 0, th erefore the
total acce lerati on o f po int /J and mass 1112 at th e moment w hen l 'U
0 i s:
0 /3
= LO .r = 21'- I L
Subs titutin g k now n va lu es gi ves :
{f/3=2o r = 2·
;ly.J;iL _ ' J r.)
co ('7 ~
-0V " 'y-U.<1
Note th at thi s res ult is independent o f the masses and o f the len gth s of th e rods . (T he
force ac tin g in hin ge U is r = 1112(1 n = '2 kg· 50 .97 ?
= LO l. U4 ~.)
Solution of Prohlem 57 . a) Du r in g the 1lI1llbiing o f the tri angle. th e initi al positional
energy tra nsfers int o ro tati onal ki neti c en ergy. The sid e h li es on th e gro und. so only
th e ed ges na nd c have non zero pos iti onal energy. Thi s energy (relati ve to th e ground.
as zero le ve l) can be ex pressed w ith th e help o f th e height o f th e ce ntre o f Ill ass of the
rod s. N oti ce that thi s hei ght is Il c = n l '2 for both rod s. So , appl y in g th e co nservatio n
o f energy for th e initial state and th e fin al slat e o f th e tri angle (j ust before th e tr iangle
hit s gro und ). we ge t:
(III" + lII cl .q!t c = 2 (8" + 8 ,. ),..<;-.
w here 8 " and 8 e are th e moment s of inerti a o f the rods (( and c w ith respec t to the
edge h, as ro tati on ax is.
It is we ll know n th at th e mo ment o f inert ia o f a thin rod abo ut an ax is perpe ndicular
to th e rod at o ne o f its endpo int s is (-) = J"II . In our case thi s app li es for th e side (I :
8" = :3 "1,,((-.
T he mOl11 ent o f inert ia of th e rod c is still to be det ermin ed. It ca n be obt ain ed in a
tri cky way. Firs t le t us place th e rod o f le ngth c and of Ill ass III,. perpe ndi c ul arl y to
th e ax is. T hen let us 'co mpress' the rod. keepin g it s mass un changed. to a size w hi ch is
equ al to th e d istance of th e endpoi nt /3 o f the ohl iqu e rod fro m th e axis:
6. j\[cc!I<llIics Solu t iol/.s
6.2 D y na mics
________ _____ Jr= o
_______ :~s;;g
The mo ment o f in erti a o f th e co mpressed rod is G,. =
~1I1,./,2, w here /' = C' SillQ = a
is the di stance o f po int 13 from th e ax is. Fin all y, let us shear th e rod in such a way that
its len gth beco mes aga in the orig in al len gth , and every po int o f th c rod moves parali el
to the ax is. T hi s tra nsformati on does not cha nge th e mo mcnt o f in erti a, thu s:
G ,.
= }1Il ,.C- SII1- O = "3111,.([-.
Thi s re sult could have bee n ob tained also by the definiti on o f th e moment o f inerti a:
G,. = L
i (Ii S ll1 (1)- = S 111 - (I L
iii = S111- 0 . "311/,.e = "3 771 (.0-.
PUllin g th ese res ult s int o th e equati o n o f energy co nserva ti on, and ex press in g th e mass
of each rod by th e mass o f rod c, we get th at:
') 'J
-::1I1 (·fJ(I = - 111,.o-",r ---> ~1g=a,-,.r
We ha ve used th e fac t th at (I = '5(" thu s III " =
'5 111,. . Co nc ludin g. th e va luc o f th e final
velocit y /' = II..J o f th e vcrt ex /J is:
['=uw= )3yaJ3· 10 111 S- 1 . O.3 111 =3 111
and it is di rected ver ti ca ll y dow nwards.
b) In thi s case thc ce nt re o f mass o f the tri ang le m ay move onl y in verti ca l d irec ti o n,
since ali the extern al fo rces are vcrti ca l. T he verti ca l forces ca nn ot g i ve ri se to rotati on
in hori zo ntal pl ane ( i. e. about verti ca l ax is) ei th er. thu s th e rod b ly in g on th c gro und
just transl ates para ll c ll y. A t th e mome nt w hcn th c tri ang le hit s the ground none o f its
point s have horizonta l veloci ty d ue to th e co nse rva ti o n o f horizo nt al momentum. Thu s,
accordin g to the law o f energy co nserva ti on. th e angul ar ve loc ity .iu st before hitt ing th e
ground . as we ll as th e veloc ity o f po int F3 at thi s instant co in c ide w ith th e res ult obt ain ed
1n case a).
The pl ace w here /J hit s th e gro und is now by 1L/3 =
."" 0.] 111 c lose r to th e initi al pos it io n of sidc b th en
111 case a). To ob tain thi s th e pos iti on o f th e ce ntre o f
111ass has to he determ ined .
Accord in g to Py th agoras' th core m. side b o r th e
trian gle has a len gt h O. I 111. Le t us usc a coordin ate
300 Creati ve Physics Prob lems wit h Solu tions
syste m whose x ax is passes thro ugh the ve rtex B and parall e l to the edge b, as it i
show n in the fi g ure. The n the y coordi nate of the ce ntre of mass of the tri ang le is si1np l s
the weig hted average of the y coord in ates o f the centres of the three rods, so :
4·0.3 + 3·0.1 5 + 5·0.15
m=0 .2m.
Here the numbe rs 3, 4 and 5 are the ' we ights' propo rti o na l to the masses of the rods
a nd 0.3 m, 0.1 5 m are the y coord inates of the ce ntres o f the rods.
W hile in case a) the vertex B hits the gro un d d 1 = a = 0.3 m far from the initial
ve rtical plane of the tri angle, now the centre of mass re mains in thi s pl a ne, so the vertex
B hits the gro und o nl y d 2 = 0.2 m fa r from the plane. (The d istance betwee n the places
where B hits the ground in the two cases is d' = 0. 1 m.)
Solution of Problem 58. Since no hori zo nta l extern al force ac ts and the parts of the
syste m are originall y at rest, the centre o f m ass o f the struc ture ca n move on ly verti ca ll y.
Let 51, 52 and 5 stand for the ce ntres o f mass of the two rods a nd the whole system,
respecti vely . The n based o n the Pythagorea n theore m
5 15 2 =
(t ) (t )
2 = ) 0. 25 m 2 - 0.09 1112 = VO. 16 m 2 = 0.4 m.
From the rati o of the masses of the rods (as 1nl : 1n2 = II : l2):
-- -l2
5 1 5=515 ? · - - = 0.4 m·-- =0.25 m .
- it + l2
l. 6 111
In the ho ri zo ntal pos itio n o f the rods, based on
the fi gure:
5 1' 5'2 = -l2 - -it = 0 .5 111 - O.3 m = 0 .2 m ,
accordin g to the coord in ate of the centre of mass
(w ith 51 in the o ri gin ):
- 0. 125 111 ,
5 1' 5' -- 0 + l2 . 5~ 5~ -_ 0.2 m II + l2
l. 6
the di stance betwee n the j o int a nd the centre of
mass o f the syste m is
Q' 5' = Q5~ + 5~ 5' = 0.3111 + 0.125 III = 0.425 III
S' S~
Based o n the fi gure, the req uested d isplacement of
the j o int is
6. x= Q'5' - 5 1 5= 0 .425 111 - 0.25111 = 0.175 111,
6. M ech a.n ics Solu tio ll S
6.2 D.' · Il <1m ics
that is, the hori zo ntal di spl ace me nt of the commo n point of the rods is 17 .5 c m in the
directi on of the tumblin g, so point Q reaches the ground 17. 5 c m to the left o f th e foot
of rod 11 '
Determinin g the speed:
If in the hori zo ntal pos iti on o f th e rods the speed of the co mm o n point (joint ) is u,
then the rod s ca n o nl y ro tate around their free end s beca use u is perpendi cul ar to the
rods and in the hori zo ntal directi o n the speed of the free endpoint s of th e rod s is zero .
The angular speeds of the two rods are therefore
W j = /; '
and W2 = G'
The law of co nserva ti on of mec hani cal e nergy :
1n192 + m292 = '281 Wi + '2 8 2W2 '
where the rotati onal inerti as of the rods are calcul ated for the ir endpoint s. If Q stand s
for the linear dcnsity o f the rods (' the Ill ass of a unit len gth ') , then
With these, our equ ati o n can bc written in thc foll ow in g form:
1 1
1 1
2 u
I j oo · -+ I?no · -=-·-lj o·1 --:-+_ . _[.){) . l.--:- .
_ t:.1
2 3 ~ 1 If
2 3 -~ 2 I~ ,
by dividing by Q , mUltipl yin g by 2, aftcr co mbinin g the like term s the follo win g
equation is acquired:
after fact orin g out
31dl l + 12 ) ' 9 = (I I + 12 ) , v 2 ,
and from thi s the reques ted speed of impact is
v = j31 1 9 =
3· 0.6 m ·9.81 Ill /S = 4.2 111
Solution of Problem 59 . The fi gure shows that the vert ica l pl ane co ntainin g the rod
is perpendi cul ar to the ax is of the cy linder, so the rod will move in that pl ane.
The change in grav itati onal potenti al energy ca n be de tcrmined by co mparin g the
initial and fin al states. Since the sys tem is co nserv ati ve , the oppos ite of th at change
equal s the total kin eti c e nergy gained .
When point B reaches the cy linder, the rod and th e radiu s dra wn to it are
perpendicular to each other. As seen in the fig ure, they e nclose a trian gle with sides
o B = R, 13 A = 2 R,
OA = VR2 + 4R2 = RVs.
300 Creative Physics Prob lem s with Solu tions
/') l
:// / l
rA=2J.5 R
The distances of the centre of mass S of the rod from the horizontal pl a ne in the
initial and final pos iti o ns are
hI = R.j2 and h = R V5
5 '
s ince h2 : R = R: R V5 .
E ne rgy is co nserved:
mg (h 1 - h 2 ) = 2mv s + 28 s w .
The in stantaneous speed Vs of the centre of mass (S) is determined by the
in stanta neous angu lar speed a nd the distance TJ] = CB of the in stantan eous axi s of
rotation C of the rod from the po int S. Since the ve locity of point A is horizo nta l and
that of point B -- at tha t time instant -- is tange nti a l to the cylinder, the instantaneous
ax is of rotation is the intersectio n of the perpendicul ars drawn to these veloc iti es .
From geometry, the in stantaneous radius T A = CA drawn to point A satisfies
T A :RV5 = 2R:R,
thu s
15 8
6.2 Dy na.mics
6. Mecha.nics S olu tions
fh e instantaneous rad iu s of rotation of po int B is obta ined from the Pyth agorean
Fin all y, the in stantaneous radiu s 1'S = CS at the centre of mass is
Since th e speed to be fo un d is VD = 1'DW, the angul ar speed remain s to be determined.
fhe energy eq uati on in term s of the unkn ow n angular speed and the rad iu s TS ob tained
above IS
m gR
v'2- (2
. 2 W2 +1 · -1 m4R 2 W2 = -mR
2 2
= -m17R
W .
2 12
The soluti on o f the eq uati on for w is
Thus the speed of the point B of the rod at the time instant in qu esti on is
Va = 4R w = 2.19 - .
Solution of Problem 60. Let us ass ume th at the rod is thin and homogeneous and
moves in a verti cal pl ane perpendic ul ar to the edge of the table. The peg makes the
rod rotate about its bottom end without translati o n until it leaves the tabl e. Durin g this
time, the centre of mass of the rod ga ins a hori zo ntal ve loc ity because of the force
exerted by the peg, and maintains thi s ve loci ty aft er
leavin g the tabl e, sin ce during that time there is no
force actin g hori zontally. The rod loses co ntac t with
the peg (a nd due to its being slim al so with the edge
of the tab le) when the direction of the acce lerati on
of its centre of mass becomes verti cal. From that
moment the hori zo ntal componen t of the veloc ity of
the centre of mass remain s constant. The rod itse lf
undergoes both tran slati on and rotat ion. Its ce ntre of
mass moves on the path of a hori zontal projection , x
While the rod itse lf ro tates abo ut its ce ntre of mass
x-~ +~ cos<p
2 2
With a constant angu lar veloc ity.
Let us find the angle rotated until the rod reac hes
the positi on of leav in g the tabl e and the ve loc ity of
the centre of mass at that pos ition.
JOO C l'eati ,'c Pln's ics PI'Ob lplll S lI'itll S oilltio ll s
Ll.:t '-P bl.: thl.: angk ro tatl.:d until ka v in g th l.: table and al and CL II be th e tan gelltial
and normal co m[1o nl.: nts of th c accl.: lcrati on o f th l.: Cl.: lltrl.: o f mass re spl.:c ti vl.:l y . III til .
. .
. , . . .
pos lllOn 01 kav lll g th l.: tabk (s how ll In the ligure ) th e l o ll ow ln g l.:qu atl o ns can be Sl.: t lip:
La ll y
=- .
0 /1
w herl.:
= rJ= - , j
w hl.:re L is th l.: kngth o f th e rod , r = L / 2 is till.: radiu s o f ro tati on o f till.: Cl.:n trl.: of
mass w hile bl.:ing on thl.: tabk , .d is th l.: angular accl.: kra tion o f th l.: rod in th e [1 os it ioll
of leaving th l.: table and 1'., is thl.: w loc it y o r till.: ce ntrl.: or mass at thl.: sa ml.: In sta ll1.
Substitutin g thl.: se int o th e exp rl.:ssio n ror tile tan ge nt o f th e angk , we obtain:
La ll y
r" J
[/ d
= -(' '-)- = --.)
( I)
Let us determine the velocit y or the ce ntre or mass and the angular accelerati () n. The
lirst ca n bl.: found usin g th e work-k in eti c energy theorem :
1 1
11I(li':J.iJ . = 111(1- ( 1 - COS ,.0 ) = -8-"",- = -, -III L
.1 2
2 4 u~
. .
w here 6.11., i s the ve rtical co mpo nent o f the di s[1lacement o f the ce ntre or mass, U sin g
thi s to exp ress th e ve loc it y , we lind:
u~ =
=I g L (1 - cos y) .
The an gula r accelerat ion can be l.:x pressed w ith th e help or the torqu es abou t the
stati onary bottom end o f the rod (using Newton' s seco nd la w in angular form ):
i\ I
IIlq ~s ill y
3q .
d= - =
= - - SlIl tp .
Let us now substitute equation s (2) and (l) into equati o n ( I ):
si Il tp
2(1 - c05":;) ,
fro m whic h:
= :3'
So th e rod leaves th l.: tah le arter rota ting th rough an angk y , w hose cos ine is cos ":; ""
= 2/ :l , w hi ch gi ves '-P = ,18 .1 9° = (J. S:11] l'il~1. Let L~S ca lc ul ate o th er tri go nometr ic
J5 = 0 .745LJ. Lall ' o = -J5 = 1.11 8.
fun ct ions o f thi s an ~gle sill Y
' " =;-)
6.2 D y n a mics
6. j\JeciJalli cs SO /II t- io Il S
To in vcsti ga te the move ment o f the rod alkr lea vin g the table, we need to find the
rod ' s vel oc ity along w ith it s horizo ntal and ve rtica l components. Us in g equ ati on (2),
theSe are:
3 ( 2) 1 I£c,
1\,. = v, cos-,J =
1 -3
2 1
= 2 V Loy ,
3u, =:3 ' -;;. JC9 =:3 /£9,
/5 1 r;-::: /5 r;-:::
= I),S111 <p = 31's = 3 ' 2 V /,g = G V L g .
The constant angul ar ve loc it y of the rotati on alkr k av in g th e tabl e is:
J~;2 = 2~, = 2j~ =
After makin g th ese ca lcul ati ons, we ca n beg in to an swer the ori g in al questi on. T he
an!!le through whi ch th e rod shoul d rotate whil e fall ing (il' it s bott o m end is to initi ally
re;ch the gro un d in the rod 's verti ca l positi o n) is C\ = IT-<p= l S00- 4S .10° = 131. S1° =
::: 2.3005 rae!. T he time needed for thi s is:
IT -
IT -
arccos ~
t = - - = -----== ,...--"- = 2.3005 ·
yig/ L
The centre of mass moves on the path of a hori zo ntal pro jec ti o n. It is to cover a verti ca l
distance o r:
f, 2
.r - - + - cosr.p = .r - - + -. - = .J; - 2
2 3
where J; is the he ight of the ta bk. Usin g the equati o n for the di stan ce co vered In a
verti cal pro jec ti on, we find:
1 )
J5g L
.r --=v . 1+ - 0/- = -- · 2.300 5
2 '~
2 '-'
- + ~o · 2.300 5 -· - .
Hence th e he ight of the table is:
. _ [~
.f -
2.3005 ]
_ .
L - 3.67L .
We still need to check that the normal force exerted by the tab le onto th e bottom end
or the rod still ap pli es until the rod ro tates th ro ugh ang k r.p = LIS.10° because if not , the
rod ' s bott o m e nd will 'jum p up' fro m the table, caus in g our ca kula tio n for the angul ar
accel erat ion to be incorrec t.
The bott om e nd o f the rod wo uld li ft o n', if the force ]\"!} th at is keep in g th e rod's
end on the tabk was a negati ve normal force. S ince th e tabl e ca nn ot pull , there is no
poss ibility fo r a Ill:gati ve normal force - mea nin g th at the rod 's e nd wo ul d lift before
lea vin g th e tabk. Let us ca lcul ate the ang le at whi ch the normal force gets to zero. It
16 1
300 C reative Physics Problem s with Solu t ions
happen s when the vertical co mponent of the acceleration of the centre of mass
--------------the free-fall acceleration g . Let 'P I be the angle the rod fo rm s w ith the vertical il;U~ls
position .
t at
The vertical component of the acceleration can be writte n as the sum
of the vertical compo nents of the tange ntial and normal acceleration s:
atSin 'P I +ancos'PI =g .
2v 2
Writing at = "2 (3 and an = L
and subst itutin g the values of angu lar
acceleration a nd velocity of the centre as give n in equati o ns (2) and
(3), we find:
. 2
3 (
-gslI1 'P l +-g l -COS'P l )COS'P I =g.
Let us divide by g, multiply by 4 , and substitute s in 2 'Pl = 1 - cos 2 'Pl :
3( 1 - cos 'P I ) + 6 cos 'PI - 6cos 'Pl = 4 .
Rearranging the equ ation , we get:
9 cos 2 'PI - 6COS'PI + 1 = O.
The solution is:
6± V'36=36
0.1 s
So the normal force K y would get to zero at
an angle 'P = 70 .53°, but as the rod leaves the
ta bl e we ll before that, o ur previ o us calc ula tions
prove to be correct.
It is interestin g to exam ine how the quant it ies
desc ribing the motion of the rod chan ge as a
function of time from the mo ment the rod leaves
the table. Let us make calculations fo r a rod of
le ng th 1 Ill. Tn that case:
=3 .1 628- ,
1 f"T:.
= - V Lg = l.052 - ,
, = - 6 V Lg = l.178 -s ,
Vs '"
The hori zo ntal and verti cal displace ments of the
centre of mass as a function of time are:
0.7275 s
= - V Lg· t = l. 054 -
III . 2
Lg·t+-gt2=l.178-·t + 5- · t
6.2 Dy nam ics
oJe the rod forms with the vert ical as a fun cti o n of time is:
<P = <Po + 6 <p = <Po +wl = 48 .19° + 3.162· - - . t ,
......e all '"
where "t'
= 48. 19° is the ang le at whi ch the rod leaves the tab le.
Let uS set up a tab le of va lues for the above quantities (wh ich are meas ured in metre ,
nd and degree.)
seC O
0. 3
0 .7275
x, 0.1052 0.2104 0.31 56 0 .4208 0.526 0.6312 O.73G ~1 O.7G6785
1. 839
2.5068 3.2746
y, 0.1 678 0.4 356 0. 8034 1.1712
f:, <p 18. 1°
126. 8°
66 .29° 84 .39° 102.54° 120.65° 138.77° 156 .89° 17'1. 99 °
Solution of Problem 61. a) Accord in g to Newton 's second la w with imrJUl se and
F(tl+ t 2+ i :;)=mv.
From these, the average force is the arithmetic mean of the mag nitude s of the forces
acting in the diffe rent phases weigh ted by their durat io ns:
F= F]t] + 1~ 12+F3t:;
t1 +L2+l3
Its numeric al value is
10 N·4s+4N· 14s - 15N · 2s
=3 .3 N.
4s+ 14s+ 2 s
b) Accordin g to the work-kinet ic energy theore m:
F 1 s , + 1' 2 8 2 + 1<:3 8 :3 = 2" W ,
From these
p = FI 81 + 1~82 + F38:3
81 + 82 + 8 :;
The durati ons of the motion are given , but the dista nces be long in g to the forces need to
be determin ed . Ca lculating the distances:
300 Creative P hysics Problems with Solutions
_ V2 t 3 + -a3t3
2 = (VI +a2t2) ·t + -a3t3
2 = ( -Fl tl + -t2
F2) · t3 + -t3
F3 2 =
2 2 m
= (10 N·4 s + 4 N·1 4 s ) .2 _ 15 N·2 s2
162 kg·m
After substituting these, the average force is
83 -
_ 10N· 80+4N · 952_ 15N·162
"'so 952"" 162
+ -;-;:;:- + -:;:;;
The same with parametric solution:
F, t2 + F (Fl t t + F2 t 2 ) +F [(Fl t +.f1. t )·t + £Le]
F_ = F I 2m
12 m I 2
2m 2
m 232m 3
{,~, ti + (~: tlt2 + t;, t~) + (~tl + ~~ t 2) . t3 + ~t~
Simplifying by the mass of the body:
~Fiti + FIF2tlt2 + ~Fit~ + FIF3h t 3 + F2 F3t 2t 3 + ~Fit~
~ Flti + Fltlt2 + ~ F2t~ + Fltl t 3 + F2t2t3 + ~ F3t~
(Fltl + F2t2)2 + [2(Fltl + F2t2) + F3t3] F3t3
Fitl (t 1 + 2t2 + 2t3) + F2t2(t2 + 2t3) + F3 t~ ,
with numerical values
(10 N·4 s+4 N · 14 s)2+[2.(10 N·4 s+4 N· 14 s)-15 N ·2 s]·(-15 N·2 s)
10 N · 4 s · (4 s+2· 14 s+2 ·2 s)+4 N·14 s·( 14 s+2·2 s)- 15 N·4 S2
= l.824 N
Solution of Problem 62. a) The collision is
elastic. The spring connecting the two bloc ks will
reach its maximum compression (shortest length)
when the velocities of the two blocks become
equal. At that moment, the blocks move with the
velocity of the centre of mass of the system:
ml VI + 7n2V2
= - Vo= - .
m l +m2
As there are only conservative forces present,
the mechanical e nergy of the system is constant, so the initial kinetic energy of the
seco nd block is equal to the sum of the elastic potential energy of the spring and the
kinetic energies of the two blocks at the moment when they move together:
-ml vO=-(ml +m2)-+-Dox .
From this, as ml = m2 = m, the compression of the spring is:
X= jm2Dvoo2 = VO V2 D =0. 8 m
=3.58 cm.
2·250 N/ m
Therefore, the shortest length of the spring is: Lrnin = L - x = 20 cm - 3.58 cm =:;;:
= 16.42 cm. (The spring is assumed to remain straight during its compression.)
6.2 Dy nam ics
Mech an ics Solu tions
b) If the second block st i ~ks to the sprin g, the motio n of the bl~cks will . be a simpl e
monic oscillatIon In a reference fram e attached to the ce ntre ot mass ot the system.
ha~his reference fram e the centre of the spring is stationary , so the situati on is the sa me
In if an object of mass m wou ld be connected to a sprin g of length L/2, whose other
as d is fasten ed to a wa ll. The spring constant doubles if the length of a sprin g is halved ,
D:::= 2D o, therefore the period of osc illati on for eac h block is:
,0 .
T = 27f
2Do = 27f .
2 ·250 N m
= 0.282 s.
Solution of Problem 63. Let us alway s choose the reference frame moving at the
velocity of the trolley before lau nchi ng a bal l (centre-of-mass reference frame) as a
reference frame. The ve locity changes which occur after the first launchin g are the same
as the velocities themselves in the frame fi xed to the ground (the process starts from
rest) . Let the number of launching be in the lower index of the velocity, V stand for
the velocity of trolley , v sta nd for the ve loc ity of the ball.
Due to the conservation of mec hanica l energy
E= -(M - m)V1- + -mvj'.
Due to the conservation of momentum
(M - m)VI - mvI = 0.
From (2) , the velocity of the ball is VI = M - m VI, which is substituted into ( I )
(M - m)2
VI2 =2E.
After rearran gement, the ve locity of the trolley after the first launching is
(M-m)VI2 + m
VI = L'l VI = .
M(M - m) '
After the second launching , the change in the ve loc ity of the troll ey can be calcul ated
USing the same formula (3), the only difference being that NI is now replaced by
MI ::::: NI -m:
(M - m)(M - m - m)
(M - m)(M - 2m) '
after the third launchin g M is replaced by NI" = NI - 2m :
(M - 2m)(M - 2m - m)
(M - 2m)(M - 3m)'
300 C reM i" e P l!.rs ics Pm /)Iems wi t /, So lu t io ns
T he total change in th e vel oc ity of the tro lley is equal to it s velocity re lati ve to the
2 /1/ B
1\ 1 (i\l - /1/ )
2111 E
-----,--------,- +
(J\! - III )( J\! - 2/1 1)
( 1\ f - '211 1)( Jl f - 311l )= 1 03s ·
Solution of Prohlem 64. T he parti all y c las ti c co lli sion mea ns th at the two bo di ~s
will not sti ck togeth er aft er th e co lli sio n hut Ill ove with din'e re nt ve loc iti es. and the total
kinet ic energy ca lcul atcd with til e speeds aft er th e co lli sion is less th an the total ki ne ti c
e nergy be fore the co lli sio n. T hu s. sOllle r art o f the kineti c energy in creases the inte rnal
en ergy o f the obj ec ts. while th e co nservati o n o f lin ea r mOlll entum ho ld s tru e under ally
c ircuillst ance and the ce ntre o f mass o f the two obj ec ts undergoes uniform strai ght lill ~
Illot io n. As a general case, let LI S ass ume th at the two objects Illove alon g th e sa llll:
strai ght line into the sallle direc ti o n. and th e seco nd one catches up to the lirst one. T h ~
lirst part o f the co lli sion la sts fro lll the mOllle nt the y touch each oth er and un til they
Ill ove, for an in stant , at th e sa llle speed. T hu s. th e fa ster one slows dow n, the slower
one s peed s up to th e speed at whi ch the centre o f Ill ass o f the bodies moves, whi ch is:
1111 + 111 2
Durin g thi s process , the ahso lute valu es o f the change in the linear Ill oille ntu m of thl:
hall s are the sa ille. but their direc ti on is opposite :
In the seco nd part o f the co lli sion (until th e ball s are se parated ) more chan ge un thl:
lin ear 1ll0llle nta uf th e ball s occ ur (the direc ti o n o f the lin ear mOllle ntulll Illi ght changl:
as well ), the linear Ill o mentunl o f the hall o f Illass 117 2 furth er decreases and the linl:ar
mome ntulll o f th e ball o f mass 1111 furth e r in creascs :
If the co lli sio n is totall y clas ti c. the n for an y object the change in it s linear IllOll1 ent ull l
in th e lirst part is th e sallle as th e change in its lin ear mOllle ntulll in th e second r art (both
the directi o n and th e magnitude ). The I ',."I [ = ( ' I -c , and (';',.1, = II I -c are the ve loci til:s
o f the ball o f mass 1111 and the 1',."1 0 = ('2 - (' . and " ;"'1 ., = // 1 - C arc the vel oc iti es or
the hall o f Ill ass 111 2 with respec t to th e ce ntre o f mass (~ f the ball s be fore and a fter the
co lli sion respec ti ve ly.
With respec t tuthe ce ntre o f ma ss, it ca n he conside red as if the two bodies (coll1i ng
fro m two sides and arri vin g at th e salll e tim e) co llide with a wa ll o f inlinite mass (inl in ite
bec au se the ce ntre o f Ill as s stays at rest). In case Df a totall y elasti c colli sion the ki netic
e nergy docs not change , thu s (in both cases ) the speed s before and aft er the co ll isi uil
are equ al. T hu s,
6.2 DYll a mics
6. Mecha llics Solut ioll s
If the colli sio n is not totall y cl astic , then the speeds after
he co lli sIOn are smalkr than be lof'(; the co lli sio n, th e ratio
~f these speed s is 0 ::; h; ::; 1 thu s for exa mpl e for the ball
of masS 117 l :
I;= c-n l .
v ] -c
c- /I,)
is the sa me for th e two
(Of course the rati o h; = --v·) - c
balls , becau se if the change in th e linear momentum of o ne
body deereases by a factor of I; , the n th at of the other mu st
decrease by th e sam e fac tor accordin g to the conservation
of linear momentum. ) Thu s, th e speed s of the ball s after
co lli sion are:
ILL =(k+ 1)c-k-v ],
u2=(k+ 1)c- J,; V2'
Therefore, the number k (the so call ed colli sion number or coeflici e nt) is suitabl e to
characteri ze th e co lli sio n from the aspec t of e lasti c it y. If we would like to describe
how inel astic th e co li sion is, we may use the number C1 = 1 - k:. In case of the totally
elastic colli sion s J,; = I, and C1 = 0; in case of the totall y inelastic colli sions I,: =
= 0, Clnd C1 = 1.
The change in the kin eti c e nergy of the system is:
6 L = -Ill I II]2 + - 1I 1-)U..)2 - - t n l V 2I - -m,·)v.)2 ,
2 - "2
2 --
Which , after substitutin g the vel oc ities after the colli sion , can be written as:
6 J~= ,(
IIL l m 2
2 1111 + 1112
)(U I -V2) - (k:--1) .
(Of course th e lost energy is equal to - 6 £ .) [n our ease the ball of mass !HI = 1\[ was
stati onary thu s usin g the notation s m2 = III and U2 = v The result is:
6£ =
m i\[
2(m + I\ f)
u- k: - - 2).
Solution of Prohlem 65 . Eac h obj ect has a speed of ('II = J2gh whe n arri vin g at
the rigid , hori zo nt al ground. T he lower ball of mass 111 1 , arri vin g first, rebounds with an
UPward ve loc ity o f the sa me magnitude ('11 sin ee the co lli sion is clasti c. It then co llides
With the ball of mass 11(2 still tra vellin g dow nward s at a speed of Vn . The ve loc ities of
the objects al'tcr they co llid e with eac h other are give n by th e equ ati on
lIi=(k+ l )c- k vi'
where th e value of the coeflicient of res tituti on J,; is I,; = 1 for a totall y el as ti c co lli sio n,
m l U I + 'II L2V2
'V I and (' 2 are th e ve loc iti es o f the obj ec ts befo re the co lli sio n, and c = - - -- - 117.1 + m2
300 Creative Physics P roblems wit h Solutions
is the veloc ity of the commo n centre o f mass o f the two obj ects. He nce the veloc iti,
of the two objects afte r the co lli s io n are (w ith upward speed s take n as pos itive)
ml - 3m'2
-Va =Va' - - - ml +1n2
m1 +m2
ml Va -1112Va
3ml - 1n2
U2 = 2 .
+ Va = Va . --=---=ml +m2
ml +m2
U I =2 ·
1nI Va -
a) To make the mass ml stay at rest a fter the second co lli sion (the co lli sion wit h the
upper o bj ect), we need Ul = O. T herefore it fo ll ows fro m ( I) th at
ml - 31n2 =0 ,
that is, the rati o of the masses in questi o n is
b) T he n the speed of the re bo undin g ball obta ined fro m (2) is
u2 = va
9m2 -m2
= 2va,
3m2 +m2
and the ma ximum he ight reac hed can be c alc ul ated from the law h = v /2g :
4v 2
hI = _0 = 4 . ~ = 4h.
Solution of Problem 66. Due to fri c ti o n, the bl ocks will dece le rate w ith a = M =
= 1 m/s before a nd a fte r the colli s io n. Le t VI a nd V2 be the veloc iti es of the blocks
just before, Ul a nd U2 be the vel oc ities o f the bloc ks rig ht aft er the co lli s io n. Since the
colli sio n is el astic , we kn ow tha t:
(ml - m2) v l + 2m2v2
ml +m2
, U2=
2m1 Vl + (m2 - md v 2
ml +m2
In o ur case the ve loc ity o f block m2 is V2 = 0 be fore the co lli s io n, there fore
an d
a) S ince m2 stops at the edge o f the tab le, its veloc ity a fte r the co lli sion must be
U2 = V2as2 = J2J.igs2, wh ich means th at the ve loc ity of ml be fore the co lli sio n should
be VI = 4U2/5 = 4 J2~ig S2/5 . The re fore, ml sho uld be g iven a n initi al veloc ity of
VIa =
Jvi + 2~igSI
S ince in o ur case SI = S2, we find :
6.2 D.\"lwlIlics
Mechanics Solutions
b) If now /TI1 is to stop at the edge of the tabl e, it must have a ve loci ty of
1L[ = j2{LgS2
after the colli sion. Thi s means that its veloc ity shoul d be
VI = 41Ll = 4 j2{Lgs2
before the collision. T herefore it shou ld be given an initial vel ocity of
= V/V i + 2{LgSl= j 16·2{LgS2+ 2{Lg SI = j( 16 + 1)2JL9s l =m=tJ.12!2.:.
Solution of Problem 67. In order to be ab le to so lve the problem uniquel y. the two
objects must be cons idered as point-like ones. Both wil l reach the bottom of the sp here
of radius R at a speed of v = j2g J"? at the same moment. Here they col li de totally
elasticall y, and both the energy and the linear momentum are conserved. For the elastic
collision the foll ow in g holds true:
(where the velocities of the objec ts before colli sion are V1 = j2g R and U2 = - j2g H)
the velocities of the objects of masses 177 1 and In2 aft er the co lli sion are:
calcu lating similarly
(177 1- /TI'J).j2g R
+ 7n2
+ V2gR =
3nt l 1/71
Il l-)
+ /TI. 2
With this speed the object of mass /Hl rises to a height of Ii 1 = H7 /29 = O.:3GH =
the object of mass IH2 asce nds to a height of " 2 = 'uU2g = I. 96R =
::=: 3.92 m So it goes 1.92 m above the rim of the hemisphere.
::=: 0.72 m , and
Solution of Prohlem 68. If the colli sion is ass umed to be momentary , it is enough
to consider the fo rces acting between the co llidin g bodies, gravi tati onal forces can
be neglected. [t is practical to app ly the equa lit y
of impul se to the change in momentum to the
directions x parallel to 7he inclined plane and y
perpendi cu lar to it:
300 Crea.tive Physics Problem s with Solution s
In detail , if axes are directed as shown in the figure:
{if(!:::.t = (m + M) v x - m v cos 0' ,
J{!:::.t = - m v sinO' - 0,
where f( is the mean value of the normal force exerted by the inclined plane on the
block . (Before the collision , only the object of mass m has a velocity in the y direc tion
and neither object has any after the collision .)
More precisely ,
f( (t )dt= (m +M) v x -mv cosO' ,
f( (t )dt = - m v sin O'.
The term containing time is eliminated by substituting J{ from (2) into (I):
- ~mvs inO'= (m +M)v x - mvcosO' .
Hence the common speed of the objects moving together up the incline after the collision
[v x =
m v (cosO' - ~isinO')
0.4 kg ·12 m/ s· (0.9600 - 0.2·0.2798)
=2.17m s
0.4 kg + 1.6 kg
The acceleration of the object moving up the incline is
a=g(sin O' +~co s O'),
directed oppos ite to the velocity, and thus the stopping distance is
s= - .
Hence with the use of the expressions (3) and (4):
(1n~'M )2 v 2(cosO' - {i sin O' )2
= --'-------"-,-------------,-----2g (sinO' + {iCOSO' )
Numerically ,
( ~ ) 2 . 1 44~. (0.9600 - 0. 2 .0 .2798) 2
S =
2 .10 ~ . (0.2798 + 0.2 . 0.9600)
= 0.499 m ~ 0.5 m.
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solu tions
Solution of Problem 69. With respect to the mot ion of the block, it does not matter
hether the coefficie nts of stat ic and kinetic friction are equal or not. In order for the
~ock to slides back, it is necessary for the coeffic ient o f stat ic friction to be smaller then
the tangent of the, angle of inclination (so the ang le of inclination must be gl.·eater then
the 'critical angle at whI ch the block IS Ju st about to move). The turnll1g at the block
t the top of its path is momentary , thus thi s does not effect the time of the motion of
~he block. According to the problem , the interaction betwee n the block and the bullet
is momentary ('durin g the penetration the displacement of the block is negligible '), so
during the interaction the system can be co nsidered c losed . (With respect to the internal
forces the external ones are negligible.) T hu s the total lin ear moment um of the system
is conserved during the totally ine lastic colli sio n. The co mm o n ini tial speed is:
C= - -- .
The bl ock and the bullet e mbedded in it undergo uni fo rml y decelerated motion, the
acceleration of which has a magnitude of:
a l =g(sina + p.cosa)
The time of the upward motion until the block stops is
tl = - =
2(m + M)g(sina+p.cosa)
The distance covered by the block during the upward motion is:
s- -
m 2v2
- 2al - 2(m + M)2g(sin a + p.cosa) .
After reachin g the top, the block undergoes uniform ly accelerated downward motion ,
covering the same distance as it covered when it moved up. The accelerati o n of thi s
downward motion is:
a2 = g(sina - {lCosa).
The time while it moves down is :
(m + M)2g(sin a + p.cos a )g(sin a - {lCosa)
(m + lVI)g ' vsin2a-{lcos2a '
The total time e lapsed until the block reaches the buffer again is:
JOO C l'Cilt i " e PI lI'sics Proble ms w i t l! SO l l l ti o llS
Solution of Prohlem 7(). Tht: bifil ar hanoin() I'
rods t: nsurt:s th at th t: rods lIndt:r!w o nl y transl,' e
II' I .
~ .
. <ltl onal
moti o n, tle lr t:t: ntrt:s 0 1 mass are ralst:d by a he iol .
h . alkr rt:kasi ng tht:111 , bdort: tht: co lli s io n their ~ It 01
sj1 eed
will be '/J = V 2,qh, The linear mo me ntum of the s
,IS co nservelI uUl'ln
I Inc
' I as tl'c (mo me nt ary) Co,il ' , n1
g tle
but so me pa rt 0 1 the kin eti C e nergy IS diStribu .'
bet wee n the lots o r deg rees of freedo m of the pani ,\e.
of the objec t whi c h is ddormed in elasti ca ll y, whic~ es
the so ca ll ed int ern al energy of the o bj ec t. The dec rca~s
in th e kineti c en ergy is equal tll th e work do ne in order to dcl'or m th e obj ect, th us th~
greater the chan ge in the kin eti c e nergy . the more e Oicient th e hammerin g.
Beca use the mass o f the ball , made of inel asti c materia l, is negli gibl e, the co lli sion
can be co nsid ered as the co lli sill n of two bodi cs. In casc ll r an inelas ti c head- on co lli sion
of two obj ec ts th e co mm on speed of th e obj ec ts ca n he cal culated, and is cqu al to the
speed of the ce ntre o r mass:
11 11 + 171 2
Us in g the abo ve speed the change in the kin eti c energy IS:
6 /':""""11
= -;-.2 (11/ J + 1112) .
+ 111'2 1''2)'2
- -2"11 Vj - -2,n2 /)2 =
1111 + 1112 -
(111 1 1'1
III l'll '2
--- ' (1'2-111)~ '
111 1 + 11 (2
Co nsiderin g the speed s o r th e co llidin g objects, the express ion is sy mm etri ca l. so, rrom
th e point of view o r th e inel as ti c deformati o n, it is all the same whether or not the sm aller
or the greater obj ec t co llides with the o ther, standin g o ne of the sa me speed. From the
point of view o r the e Oiciency of the dcl'orm ati o n, it is definite ly be tter to move the
small er object, hecause k ss work is done whik the small er obj ect is acce k rated, This is
why anvil s arc heavy , and in most o r th e cases they arc li xed to the ground to increase
the ir 'en'ccti ve' mass. (Durin g the hammerin g waves arc gen erated in the Earth. thus
so me energy is Ills t, thi s is why it is no t correc t to add th e mass o f the Earth and the
mass o r the an vil ),
T he e Oiciency or the hammerin g is th e qu oti e nt o r the e nergy used to dcl'orm the ball
and the total work do ne. thu s if 1112 is the mass of th e nlllvi ng rod and con sidering thai
1'1 = 0 :
+ 11 12
I + ~
Fro m the res ult. it ca n be see n th at th e e Oiciency is greater ir th e muss o r the hammer 1}/1
is small er with respec t to th e mass of the anvil. o r co urse, if th e mass of the ham l11 er
is too small. we have to the an vil a lot o r tim es in order to achie ve the sa me res ul t,
Thi s mean s th at whe n the mass ll r the hamme r is decreased , anoth er ractor decreaseS
6.2 Dynamics
[eci18 /l ics Solll t iOll s
h' eniciency , namely that whenever the hammer is raised , we have to raise the mass of
I L; hano as well.
solution of Prohlem 71. At the instant of the explosion the projectile was at rest.
'aus e the explosion is mo mentary , the external (gra vitational ) force can be neglected
se\pareo 10 the internal force s. Thus the total lin ear momentum of the projectile during
. not c hange. Terelme
. d'
I explosion 010
tIle two parts move .
III opposite Irectlons alter
I~~ explosion. Let us denote these ve locities with VI and V2, and the angle which is
~ctwccn the horizonta l and the line which coincides with the velocit~ vectors with C\'
no the time which elapses between the explOSIOn and the moment 01 landing With t l
:nd t2' According to the conservation of lin ear momentum:
m 1.
1) 1
From the datum which states that the covered horizontal distances are equal:
IJ I cos
n . t I = V 2 cos C\' . 12 '
From these:
Since 7n2 > 1111. it is true for the elapsed times as well that t2 > t 1, so t 2 = t1 + T can
only be true if the smaller part o f th e projectile is above the other, larger part, because
the part th at starts to move upward lands later.
Express in g Ihe height of the ex plosion from the kinematic equations written for both
h =u lsino'/l+-gl2 I'
300 Creat ive Physics Problem s with Sol utions
Let us express V2 and t 2 in terms of V I and tl and substitute the m in to the seco nd
eq uation:
(2' )
m2t - T , can b e wntten
tl = t2 - T = mto
tl :
Thus the height of the explosion is:
(m2- m l)2
m 21
(m2- m
from which
h = -g
mi + m~
(m2 -
m l )2
m 9 + 36
- ·9.8 - . - - ·16 s = 194 m.
It worth to it introduce k for the ratio m2 because it makes the calculation simpler:
k = 7n2 = VI = t2 .
Because t2 - tl = T
from which
t ---
k- 1 '
and sim ilarly
The height of the explos ion is:
h = k V2sin O' ·t l + f£t2
2 l'
These two equations are an eq uatio n system with var iabl es hand V2 sin O' . Usin g [he
values expressed in (a) and (b) the soluti ons are:
_g k 2 +1
)? T
h - -. (k
-1 174
V 2 S 1l1 0'
g(k+ 1)
6.2 Dyna.m ics
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
From the data o f the pro bl e m V I and V2 ca nno t be ca lc ul ated, just V I s in a and
T he e ndpo ints of the poss ible VI a nd V 2 ve loc ity vec tors are o n parall e l
horizo nta l lines .
Us ing the da ta of our pro bl e m : k = 2, t, = 4 S, t2 = 8 s, h = 196 Ill , VI sin a =
:=::29.4 m /s, v2 sina =14 .7m /s.
Interestin g results are ga ined if we calc ul ate the speeds whi c h be lo ng to the d iOe re nt
velocity-direc ti o ns. For example the re is no fi nite so luti o n for VI if the a ng le is 0°.
V2 sin a.
58 .8
60 °
33 .95
3 l. 28
29 .85
90 °
( Ill /S)
Remark : If we wo uld like to so lve the proble m for the spec ia l case whe n the ve loc ities
after the ex pl os io n are verti cal, the res ult wo ul d no t be unique. In this case the da tum th at
the tra vell ed ho ri zo nt a l di stances are eq ual does not give any co nd iti o n for the times of
fall since the equati o n v l cosa· t 1 = v2cosa ·t2 is an ide ntit y beca use cosa = cos90o =
== O. Thu s the cond iti o ns of the prob le m ca n be sati sfi ed for any he igh t.
First solution of Problem 72. The s im ples t way to solve the prob le m is to appl y th e
centre of mass theore m: the ce ntre o f mass o f a syste m moves as if the to ta l mass o f
the syste m was co nce ntrated at the centre of the mass, a nd a ll the ex te rn al forces ac ted
upon it. In o ur case the centre o f mass o f the two pi eces moves as if the pro jec til e d id
not expl ode : it co ntinues mov in g a lo ng the ini tia l parabo li c orb it o f the projec til e . (The
explosio n was caused by inte rn a l forces, and we neg lec t air res istance, as it is usual in
these types o f pro ble ms.) Le t LI S fo ll ow the mot io n o f both pi eces a nd the centre of mass.
The pos iti o n of the ce ntre o f mass is desc ri bed by its coordin ates. A t the insta nt when
the piece o f mass ml = m hits the gro und , i.e. at ti me L2 = t1 + 6l the coordin ates of
the centre of mass are:
.t e lll = vocosa· t2 = 150 - . cos 60 · 20 s = 1500 Ill ,
Ye lll = vosll1 a ' t2 -
. °
10 III
, s1l1 60 ·20 s - - - 2 ·400 S = 598 Ill.
2 s
- gt 2 = 150 -
The ce ntre o f mass div ides the sec ti o n betwee n the two pi eces into two parts w ith le ngth s
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
inversely proportional to the masses m and 2m at the ends. This means that fro m the
centre of mass the distance of the piece m hitting the ground is twice as much as that
of the other piece of mass 2m . So, using the notations of the figure , the x coordinate
of the piece of mass 2m satisfies the equation:
ch +X2
d 1 +X C I1l
X2 =
500 m+ x2
500 m + 1500 m
6000 m
~ 500 m = 2500 m ,
and for the y coordinate
Y2 = 2YcI1l = 2.598 m = 897 m.
Finally , the distance in question can be obtained with the help of Pythagoras ' theorem :
d2 =
Jx~ + y~ = )2500 m + 897 m = 2656 m .
Second solution of Problem 72. A more complicated way of finding the solution is
the following.
The horizontal component of the velocity of the projectile just before the explosi on is:
vx=vocosa =150 - ·0. 5 =75 - .
The vertical component of the velocity of the projectile at the moment of the explosion is:
Vy=vo s Jn a~ g t =1 5 0 -·0. 8 66~10 2· 10s=30-.
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mechanics Solutions
The hari zontal and vert ical campanent 0.1' the mamentum 0.1' the projectile at the mament
of the explaslan are:
Ix = 37n· Vx = 37n' 75 - = 225 - . 7n
Iy = 3m · Vy = 3771·30 - = 90 _. m .
The altitude and the hari zon tal displacement af the projectile at the mament af the
explasian are:
1 2
hl= Va 8lnO' . tI - 29tI=150 ~ .0. 86 6.108 -5 82. 100 8 = 800m ,
Xl = Va ca80" tl = 150 -·0.5 ·10 8 = 750 m.
Calculated fram the data given in the problem , the horizontal velac ity campanent af the
piece af mass 7711 = 771 after the explasian is:
Xl + d I
750 m + 500 m
= - 125 - .
10 8
Since this piece falls from the altitude hI = 800 m to. the gra und in !:::.t = 10 8,
V . . =- - - = -
h I +V Il1.,,!:::.t - -12 g ( !:::.t)-=O
so the vertical velac ity campanent af thi s piece just after the exp lasian is:
vly =
29 !:::.t - !:::.t = 50 ~ - 80 ~ = - 30 ~ .
Applyin g the law af canservatian af mamentum in the horizontal directian ,
3?nv x = 7nv~ x + 2'lnv;x,
from which the harizontal velacity campanent af the piece af mass 2m IS:
V2," =
3 vx-v~ ," =3.75 - ( - 125) m=175 m .
The mamentum canservatian law in the vertical directian is:
37nVy = m,v ~ y + 27nV; y,
Which mean s that the initi al vertica l velac ity af the piece af mass 2m just after the
explosian is:
3vy - V ~ y
3·30 - (-30 ) m
v 2V =
- = 60 - ,
After the explosian, this piece perfarms a projectile mati an far a time !:::.t. The initial
horizontal pasition (meas ured from the cannan) is X l , the initial altitude is hI, while the
hori~ontal and vertical campanents of the initial velocity are v;'" and V;y , respectively .
Dunng the time !:::. t, the altitude change o r this piece af the proj ec tile is
1 (
h2 = V2,, !:::.t - -g !:::. t) = 60 - ·10 8 - 5 -2 ·100 8 = 100 m
300 C reative P hysics Prob lems wit h Sol u tion s
which mea ns th at the piece gets
17 2 = !J2 = "I + h~ = 800 III + 100m = 900m
high ahove the ground.
O n the other hand , in a horizo ntal direction the frag ment gets
= (,.) .f:..l = 175 -S ·1 0 s = 1750 III
far from the place of exp losio n, so at a hori zo ntal di stan ce
.(;2 = ) ' 1 + ./'; = 750 III + 1750 III = 2500 111
from th e ca nnon .
It mean s that at the momcnt when the piece of mass m 1 = m hit s the grou nd, the
distance of the other fragm ent of mass 7n2 = 2m from the ca nn on is:
d2 = J.)'~ + !J~ = J2500 2 111 2 + 900 2 111 2 = 2657 111.
Solution of Prohlem 73. The initial mome ntum o f the system consi sting of the tro ll ey
and the object is (i\! + 11/ ) ' II. At the mo ment of the launch , an impul se is exertecl on
the trolley in a haekward directi o n. Ld U denote the new speed of the tro ll ey. Arter
the launch the speed of the ohject relati ve to the ground is U + v .
By the momentulll con servation la w,
1\J U + III (U + u) = (1\1 + m) \I.
The final speed U of the trolley can he expressed ,
(i\! +m)lI-mu
= 11 - - - v
)\1 +171,
i\! +m
so the speed of the object relati ve to the ground is:
V",."lIl1c1 = U +'0 = 11- -,-r-- v + v = II + -\-J-- 'O =
) + II I
+ 111
J\I (V+v)+mll
' + In
'U u I" () 11 [J(!
20 ko. (10 ~ +2 ~ ) +2 ko·10 ~
20 kg+2 kg
s:::::::: 11. 82
The kinetic energy o r the objec t relati vc to thc ground is:
111) 2= 139 .71J .
F;= -1 lI lV g2,.,,"l1c1 =-1 · 2kg ·11.822
Solution of Prohlem 74. a) Thc specd of thc hody of mass II I] at the momc nt of tlW
co lli sion is
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. lV/echa nics Solll tions
rhe speed of the ce ntre of mass of the two ball s at thi s moment is
'V e lll
1n l 1l 1
m'l + m 2
rhe speed of the body with mass 1n2 after the co lli sion is
= 2VClIi - 1i2 =
2m } J 2g H
21T1 11L l
In l
+ 'I n 2
In } +ln2
because 1L2 = 0 , and for the body with mass In 1
2 1r1[ lL I
U[= 2VC ll l - 'tL l =
+ 1T12
- 'tLl=
In l In l
+ 1n2
v2gH .
The hei ghts to whi ch the bod ies ri se
2 (
hi = - =
rill -
m 2
V 2g H
)2. -1 = (
IlL I + 111 2
In } - 1n2
/TI l +ln2
)2 . H
h·) = -U~ = (2 171 1J2 9H ) 2
- 2g
m [ + m2
Making use of the co nditi on hi = 11 2 , fro m the prev ious two equati ons the
(ml - 1n2 )2 = 4 111.~ qu ad rati c equ ati on is acquired. After rearran gem ent
m~ - 2m l rn 2 - 3m i = 0,
whose so luti on is:
and the phys ica ll y rea li sti c valu e of the unkn ow n mass is 117.2 = 3m l = 0.6 kg,
b) If the re lati onship IH 2 = 3 m 1 is substituted int o any of the equ ati ons for the height
to which the bodi es ri se, for the give n rati o
4mf . H = -H
hI = h·) = - --
(4m d 2
IS acquired .
. Solu tion of Problem 75. Since the fri cti on is negli gibl e, th e fo rces betwee n the two
dl.sks are rad ial, the ir tan ge nti al co mpone nts are zero, so the di sks do not start rotatin g
after the co lli sio n.
. From geometri c considerati o ns the angle a o f the force ac tin g on the di sk, whi ch is
Initi all y at rest, sati sfi es th e foll ow in g equ ati o n:
si n n= -
R = (]. 5 -+ cx=ar csIIl
. 0. 5=30 0 .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Since this disk is initially at rest,
both its acceleration and its velocity
ill makes this angle a = 30° with
the initial velocity Vo of the other
The velocity of the other disk and
the speed of the first disk after the
/ Vo
collision can be determined from
' ......
the conservation law of energy and
momentum .
According to the conservation of momentum:
- .:;;:':~-------------
vo = 171 + il2 .
According to the law of mechanical energy conservation:
- mvo = -m1i l + -7n1i 2 ,
Vo2 = 1i 2l
+ 1i22 '
( )
By equation (I) the initial velocity and the final velocities form a triangle, and by (2)
the sides of this triangle satisfy Pythagoras ' theorem , so it is a ri ght triangle, where Uj
and 1i2 are the two legs of the triangle, and Vo is the hypotenuse. With the notations of
the figure: f3 = 90° , , = 60° , so 172 makes an angle of 60° with
From the triangle formed by the three vectors ill , ih
and Vo we get that:
vo .
1il = vocos30 ° = 1 ) 0 - ~ 0.866 -m ,
1i2=vosm30 =v 0 =0 .5 s
Solution of Problem 76. It is important to analyse the process in deta il.
I . There are two elastic collisions in the process. The first one is between the dis ks
A and B. Since their masses are equal, mA = mD, the two disks exchange velocities :
A stops, and B starts moving at the speed v in the direction of the original velocity of'
A. (It seems as if the disk B had been given a veloc ity v instantaneo usly.)
2. After the instantaneous velocity-exchange, the second elastic collision takes place
at the moment when the thread is suddenly stretched. It gives a pull to the two dis ks
at its ends , by exerting an impulse of opposite direction and equal mag nitude on the
disks Band C. So the changes of momentum of the disks Band C have the sa (11e
magnitude in opposite direction. (We could attribute the first collision as ' pushin g ', the
second one as a ' pulling' collision.)
Mechanics S olu tions
6.2 D y na mics
3. Although the centre of mass of the system consisting of the three disks moves at
speed v / 3 in the direction of v, after the first co lli sion the mass mA can be omitted ,
a d the whole process can be investigated as if the mass m [] had been sudde nl y given
an initial velOCity v .
4. Since initi ally the disk C is at rest, and there are no externa l force s, the centre of
aSS of the system consisting of the two remaining masses m[] and mc performs a
~niform motion at the speed v /2 in the direction of the initial trajectory of di sk A .
5. The second collision can be the best understood by sp littin g the velocities in
directions parallel and perpendicular to the thread. The impulse exe rted by the thread
has no perpendicul ar component, so in this direction the velocity components are
unaltered. In the direction parallel to the thread , however, an elastic co lli sion takes place
between the two disks of equal masses, so in this direction the velocity components are
exchanged. Using the fact that the angle Cl' = 45°, a simple geomet ri c consideration
states that in the direction pal'allel to the initial ve locity of A the velocity components
of both Band C become v / 2 after the co lli sion. (Thi s is , at the same time, the velocity
of the centre of mass of the two disks, in accordance with the previous point).
6. Let the axis y be parallel to the trajectory of the disk A. The impulse exerted by
the thread on the disk C has the same direction as the thread , thus C starts moving at
a speed Uc in a direction making an angle 45° with the axis y .
7. Since the y component of this velocity is U Cy = v / 2 , and because of the 45 °
angle, the x component of the velocity is also u c." = v / 2.
8. Since in the x direction the centre of mass does not move, the x component of
the velocity of B after the seco nd collisio n has the same magnitude 'Lt [] ." = u/ 2 as 'ltc .,
(but opposite direction). Thus the velocity un also makes also an angle of 45° with the
y axis.
9. So after the second collision both disks have the speed
(It is the len gth of the diagonal of a square of side v / 2).
10. The disk B moves perpendicularly to the initial direction of the thread, while disk
C moves parall el to the thread. It means that the thread becomes loose immediately after
the collision , and both disks perform a uniform motion .
II. The line passing through the midpoints of the disks becomes parallel to the initial
velocity (trajectory) of disk A, when both disks cover the distance
~. J2 in the }'
Irection at the speed Un", = v/2. The time needed for it, after the coll isions, is:
l . J2
l J2
1m J2
t = 2 '!!.2 2 = :; . 2 = 2 !.!.! . 2 = 4 ;=::; 0.35( 4) s,
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solution s
12. At this moment the distance of A from both of the other two disks is l /2, and
the distance between Band C is :
~ 0.71 \Tl .
The detai ls of the success ive collisions are illustrated in a series of figures. The fi rst
and second figure show the velocities just after the first and seco nd collision respectively.
The third figure indicates the moment when the line of Band C is parallel to the
trajectory of A.
To complete the sol ution of the problem, we check the validity of the basic
conservation laws for the process .
I. The momentum is conserved.
II. The angu lar momentum is conserved.
III. The mechanical e nergy is conserved.
I. We write separately the components of the momentum . In the y direction:
7nv = TnUD"
+ m1iC"· = m-2
+ 7n
- = 'mv.
In the x direction:
0= mUD x +mucx = m~ + ( - m~) = O.
II. We calculate the angular momentum with respect to the initial position of the
midpoint of the thread.
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
6.2 D y na.m ics
Initially the disks Band C are at rest, and the total angu lar momentum is carried by
he (orb ital) angular mo mentum of A. In the first collis ion this angular momentum is
:ransferred .to the disk B. In the second collision the impulse exerted .by the thread is
ollinear with the thread, so It has no torque with respect to the ITIldp01l1t of the thread
~nd does not change the angular momenta of the disks . Formally:
=1n1L[]- = In-/2- = mv-·- .
7TW-' -
III. The total mechanical energy of the system is the sum of translational kinetic
energies of its parts. The values of this sum before the first collision, and after the
second collision are equal :
2) 1
2 mAvA= 2 m [] 1L[] + 2 mC1Lc = 2 m [] 1L[]x+ 1L I3y +2 7T/,C 1LCx+1LCy =
=2 m
(V2 v2 )
+ 2m
(V2 v2)
2 1
=2 m v =2 mA vA ,
since 1nA = m[] = 1nc = 1n .
Solution of Problem 77. In vertical direction the equation of motion of the released
ball at the lowest point is:
J( -mg=mT'
The speed v of the ball at this point is obtained from the energy conservation law:
mg6.h = -mv 2,
where 6.h is the altitude loss of the ball , i.e ., l - l cos'Po = l(1 - cos'Po) . So the speed
of the ball at its lowest position is:
v = V2g1( 1- COs 'Po) .
The threshold force in the thread is:
l(l=mg +m
2g1(1- cos 'Po)
=mg(3 - 2,cos 'Po)=mg(3-2· cos 60 )=2mg.
Since the masses are equal , the two balls exchange their velocities in the totally elastic
Collision . The formula of the force in the second (shorter) thread is similar to that of the
longer thread. The speed of the seco nd ball is equal to the speed of the first ball , but in
the centripetal acceleration l/2 has to be used for the radius . So
J(2= mg+m
49l(1 -COS'P) )
=mg 1+
=mg(5-4cos'P) ,
where 'P is the maximal initial angle of the longer pendulum , at which the threads do
nOt break. This ang le should be less than 60 0 , since otherwise the first thread wou ld
JOO C /'ca t i l'c P h.l·s ics Proh/em s witll So illti o ll s
hrl:ak hdorl: thl: co lli sion. Wl: have to investigate the threshold co nditi on ror the seCo nd
t hrl:ad as wd I.
Since the two thrl:ad s arl: madl: o r thl: saml: matl:rial. thl: thres hold rorce ror the second
thread is also 2,119. From the equ atio n 1\-'2 = 21119 we get the roll ow in g co nditi on for
the angle -; :
2171 9 = (.'j - <I cos y ) //I D.
rrom whi ch thl: cos inl: or thl: ma ximal angk is
I cosy = J.
It ml:ans th at the threads do not hreak. ir
-; < a rccos - = </1 .,1 .
Solution of Prohlem 7X. DUl: to thl: dastic collision , the pendulum that was displ aced
initiall y stops and thl: second starts its osc illating motion at speed
From thi s moment o nward s. the system is closed (in
the horizontal dirl:cti on). In the extrl:ml: position or the
pendulum v = V , where V stands ror the in stantaneous
veloc ity o r the trolley. The momentum hal ance is:
/( 1- cos 'l') I
~ . ... .
= ) 29/ (1 - COS (1 ) .
f)) Uo
= 1/ W + J\ [ V = (1/1 + I\!) V,
rrom thi s, thl: ve loc ity or the trolley at the in stant of
ma ximuill displacl:ment is
V = ---I'O.
+ i\I
The energy halance is:
2l1lt 'ii = 2( 1/1 + 1\1 )\1 + IlIgl (1 - cos y) .
WI;~I:S~t:l~il~:e ~~;.I:~:~~):ll~e (max:;:lUlll)~i~:;~~e~n:~~(:))r tl~:)~' t~~.:a:nd 2g/ (1 _ coso) ror
III + 1
UI~' al'ter simpliryin g and transrorm ation s the foll ow in g npressions are acquired 1'01' the
cosine or till: unkno wn angle and the angk or the ma ximulll di splacement :
y = a rc-cos
+ I\lc os Cl
1// + J\ I
+ 1\1 C-OS (1
= LI5 .6° .
/11 + 1\[
6.2 Dy namics
6. \j Jecilallics Solutiolls
Solution of Prohlem 79. Assume that th e rod is thin , and cons ider th e time instant
right hefore the co lli sion. L et Uo denote th e speed of the centre of mass (the middle) of
the rod relati ve to th e ground, and let Vc denote th e speed of th e cart . Let ve,el be th e
ilnpact spccd of th e end of the rod that is wanted.
Since the extcrnal force s ac ting on the system have no horizontal co mponents,
horizon ta l mOllll:ntum is conserved (th e ce ntre of mass of the sys tem w ill not move in
the hori zonta l directi on):
7nvu + 2mu c = 0,
and hence the speed of the carl ri ght before the co lli si on is
vC =-2 '
The speed of the m idd le of the rod relative to the carl is th en
va, el = Vu - v,. =
Vo- (- V; ) = ~ va ,
and the speed of th e end of the rod relative to the carl is
To determin e the speed of th e ce ntre of the rod hefore the
col lision , the work-energy th eo rem ca n he used:
mg· "2 = 2" mv ii+2"G ow-+2"(2m)v c ,
Gu = -mL12
is the moment of inert ia of th e rod aho ut it s ce ntre of mass.
With th e use of (2), the angular veloc it y of the rod and the
re lative speed of it s endpoin t arc related as follo ws:
3 uu
W= -V",--=.
Suhsti tuti on int o the eq uation (3) multiplied hy tw o gives
-2 9v(~
_ va
mgL = II/UO + -m L . - ? + 2111 -
4 .
Whi ch si mpl ifies to
9 2
gL=vo + -VII + - = -vo ·
Hence th e speed of the cen tre of th e rod relative to th e ground right before the co lli sion
Vo = ~JiL,
300 C reative P hysics Problems wit h Solu tion s
and thus the speed of the e nd of the rod re lative to the cart is o bta ined fro m (2) and (4) :
ve,et = 3v o = 2V gL = 8.94 - .
Solution of Problem 80. The speed of the we ig ht at the 'co lli sio n' is:
v = V2gh.
Since the colli s io n is in stanta neous (very sho rt), the effect o f the grav itati on al force
durin g the collisi o n is neg li gibl e, thus the angular mo me ntum o f the syste m w ith respect
to the axi s o f rotati o n is conserved :
m VR=mtlR +
M R w.
Since the thread is ine lastic, it gives the co nstra int :
u = Rw,
whic h can be put in the prev io us equation to o bta in:
m v =mu +
Jvlu ,
from whi ch we get that
Substitutin g the nume rical data :
2 · 3 kg
y2g h= ----,-----,---2m+M
2 · 3 kg + 2 kg
2.9.81 2 .1. 2 111 =3 .64 -.
From thi s point o n, the we ight performs uniform ly accelerated mOli o n with initial
speed u . The accelerati on has to be determined .
The equ ati o n o f mo tio n of the we ight is:
7ng - f( =ma,
and the equ ation o f moti o n describin g the rotati o n of the cy linder is:
where {3 = a/ R.
So the te ns io n in the thread is:
f(= 2 M a.
In sertin g it into the equ ati o n of moti o n, we get
m g - 2 lv1a=ma,
6. Mecha.n ics Solut ions
6.2 Dynalll ics
which mea ns th at the accelerati on of the WL!ight is:
a= 2m + M g ·
With numeri ca l valu es:
2 . 3 kg
·9 .81 -=7.36
-2 .
2·3 kg + 2 kg
The time needed for the first stage of the moti on (un til the co lli sion) is:
t1 -
2.4 m
- -'-II
9.81 S2
= 0.495 s.
The time of the second stage of the moti on can be determined fro m the fo ll ow in g
kinem ati c eq uati on:
1 ?
h = ul + 2" at- ,
which has the more convenie nt form : at 2 + 2uL - 2h = O.
The so luti on of thi s equ ati on is:
t2 =
- n =j=
-/v 2 + 2ah
The numeri ca l valu e of the physicall y reaso nabl e roo t is:
t2 =
- 3.64!.!!. + / 13.25 1I~,2 + 2·7.36 .I.'J. ·1. 2 m
s - III
= 0.261 s.
7.36 51
Thu s the weight covers the distance 2h in
l=t1 +t2 = 0.495 s+ 0.261 s= 0.756 s.
Solution of Problem 81. As the inclined
plane is fr icti onl ess, the force exerted on
the object that co lli des elasticall y with it
can onl y be perpendicul ar to the pl ane. Le t
us ass ume th at the object is a small ba ll ,
becau se thi s way the colli sion can onl y
be ce ntral. (Otherwise the norm al fo rce
exerted by the pl ane might not go through
the centre of mass of the object, whi ch will
result in the ro tati on of the object. In th at
case the co nservati on of kinetic e nergy for
the translati onal moti ons will not holo .)
Let us also ass ume th at the co lli sion takes pl ace in an in stant , since thL! n the
gravitati onal force is neg li gible compa red to the norm al force, whi ch makes our
300 C rea.t ive Physics Problems wi t h Solu tions
equati ons much simpl er. The angle of the inclined plane simplifies our calcul ations
since: s in a=s in36.7S o ~0.6=3 / 5; cos36.7S o ~0.8=4/5; tan36.7S o ~0.75= 3/4:
cot36. 7S o ~ 1. 3333 ~ 4/3 .
Let F be the ave rage force exerted by the inclined plane and 6.t be the duration of
collision. Let us apply Newton ' s second law (ex pressed in terms of momentum) to the
verti ca l and horizontal components and then use the conservati o n of linear momentu ln
and energy for thi s situ ation :
F 6.t cosa = mu y - (- mv) = m1iy + mv
F 6.t sin a = m1i",
m1Lx = Nl c
"2mv = "2m(1i,c+uY)+"2Mc ,
since 1i 2 = u~+ 1i;'.
We can eliminate the average force and the time interval by div idinob
equation ( I ) by equati on (2):
cota= --+--,
y = cot a . u'" - v.
Let us solve eq uati o n (3) for the speed of the inclined plane:
c = MU""
After substituting the ex pressions for u y and c into equation (4) and mUltipl ying the
equati on by 2 , we get an equation for 1ix :
mv =m(1i x +cot a·1i,c- 2 · cota·1L x V+V )+!V[ M 21ix '
Let us di vide by m and rearran ge the equati on, to get:
0= (1 + cot a+ : ) 1L~-2.cota ' 1LxV.
As U x -# 0, the equation can be divided by it. Solving for U x leads us to:
2 'cota
1Lx = 1 +cot2a+ "111. ·v .
Let uS multiply the numerator and the denominator by M· tan a :
1i.c =
' V,
. (m+M)ta na+ Mcota
Substituting known values , we obtain:
Ux =
2 · 1S kg
(6kg + 1 S k gH+ 1 S kg. ~
·14 - = 12-.
6.2 Dy na.m ics
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
:---Insertin g this result into equation (6), the speed of the inclined plane turn s out to be:
c=-u .=-·12-= 4- .
hI x
The general formula for the speed of the plane is :
c = - u," =
(m+M)tanO'+McotO' '
multiplyin g the numerator and the denomin ator by tanO' g ives:
2m . tan 0'
(m+M)tan 2 0'+M
2 . 6 kg . ~
(6kg+18kg)rt;+ 18 kg
The angle formed by the final velocity (u) of the ball and the horizontal can eas il y
be determined by dividing equation (7) by equation (5):
tan rp = -
= cot 0' - -
= cot 0' - V .
Multiplying the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by tanO', we have:
tan rp = cot 0' -
(m+M)tan 0'+M
' if
= cot 0' - 211 tan 0'
(m+ M
- - - t a n 0' + cotO'
Substituting known values, we fi nd:
tan rp =~ ( ~_ 6kg + 1 8 kg.~) =~
18 kg
from which the ang le is rp = arctan - = 9.46 ° . The ve locity of the ball after the colli sion
can now be calculated as:
12 m /s
u = - '- =
= 12.172 - .
First solution of Problem 82. The d istance covered by the chest after the collis ion
(independently of the mass) is s = ~, where V2 is the speed of the chest just after
the colli sion . So this new speed has to be determined. The initial speed (j ust before the
cOllision) changes ab rup tly because of two reaso ns:
I) durin g the co lli sion the force pushing the gro und , and consequently the fr iction
force are both increased.
2) the momentum of the chest is in creased by the hori zo ntal momentu m of the bag.
300 C reat i\'e PIJFs ies Proble m s w it h Solutio ))s
------------~-- -------------------------------------------------------
In thi s so luti on, let us assume th at the inner surrace or the chest is slippery , i,e, the
rricti on between th e bag and th e ches t is neg li gi bl e. T he slid e or the bag is stopped by
th e side o f th e chest.
First, let us de termine th e ve rt ica l force betwee n th e bag and th e chest during the
co lli sion .
The cha nge of momentum o f th e fal lin g bag is:
w here 171 is th e mass of th e bag. Accord in g to th e impu lse-mome ntum theorem . the
average force acti ng on the bag during the co lli sion is:
1710 - / \ =
/:' (IIlI'Y)
/:, I
= -
m J2g h
/:, I
--> [\ = Ilw +
During thc colli sion. th e norma l force between th e ground and th e chest in creases by
thi s value, too.
The chan ge of the momen tum o f the ches t and thu s it s new speed after the coll is ion
ca n be determin ed by the impul se- momentum th eore m , usin g the impul se o f the frictio n
II (Mg + /\') /:'I = /:' (JlIv ).
where /:'u is the change of sreed o f the chest. In sertin g here the va lu e o f !\' above. wc
ge t:
It ( fI / g + mg+
J29h )
·/:' / = /:' ( 1\/,, ).
Since th e colli sion is in stantaneou s (w hi ch means th at /:'1 --> 0) , after perform ing thc
multirlication w ith /:'t , th e first two terms in the bracke t become neg li gible, th e th ird
term /:,/ ca nce ls out, and we obtain th at:
lUll /2gh = /:, (M u) = 1\/ /:, ,,.
From here, the cha nge o f th e speed o f th e ches t is
and it is orpos it e to the orig inal velocity o f the chest.
Now let us co nsider the hori zo ntal int eract ion between the ches t and the bag.
Accord in g to the fi gure , the hori zo nt al co mponent of th e ve loc ity of the fallin g bag is
v, = ~ = coLC\ J2gh.
Lall (\
In a hori zo ntal direction an in elast ic co lli sion occ urs between th e chest and the bag. in
w hi ch process the horizontal momentum is conser ved:
co t c\
/29 h + (('
I -
/:' " ) i\J
= (i\1 + /11 ) C'2 .
w here V2 is the common speed o f th e ches t and the bag. Sin ce the interacti oll is
in stantaneous , the di splacement or th e che st is neg li gibk during th e co lli sion , and
6.2 Dy namics
6. M ech a llics Soillt ions
after the co lli sion the chest co ntinues it s decelerating moti on from the place where the
colli sion occurred. Writing into the pre vious eq uat ion the express ion for £:nL, we get:
Express in g the speed after the co lli sion:
mcotaJ29T/ + M V I - limJ2iFi
m + j\f
Since in the proh lem m = il f , the masses ca ncel out:
(col a - Ii ) J29Ti + u1
The stoppin g distance does not depend on the mass , and its express ion is:
v f + 21-' 1(co ta - Ii ) J29Ti+ (CO t C.l- /i )2 2gh
0---. - 2/ig Slig
NUlllericall y:
25 + 2 · 5 · (cot GO° - 0. 4) . V2· 9.S1 ·3 + (cot GO° - 0.4 )2 2· 9.S 1 · 3
S ·O A ·9.S1
= l. 29 111.
If the sa nd hag had not fallen int o the chest, then from the plaee of the in stantaneous
speed 5 m/s the stopp ing distance wou ld have been
s- - - =
. -2j1g
:=::::3. 1S ll1 ,
2 · 0.LI·9.S1
so in thi s case the path covered hy the ches t wo uld have hee n by 8 ' - 1. 29 111 = 1. 89 III more.
= 3. 1S m -
Second solution of Problem 82. In the previous so luti on we divided the whole
colli sion in to two success ive processes, in a somew hat arbitrary way. First, o nl y
the vertical interac ti on was cons idered , the intermediate speed of the chest was
determined , an d then the horizonta l interaction was regarded as a separate co lli sion,
Which determined the final , common speed of the chest and the bag. Now, with the
help of the ce nt re-of-mass theorem, we descrihe the who le co lli sion process as a si ngle
eve nt. Let us apply the centre-of-mass theorem in horizon tal direction. The horizontal
component of th e net externa l force ac tin g on the system, consisting of the chest and the
bag , is the fricti on force. Let VI denote the speed of the centre o f mass of the system
before the co lli sion , and let \12 he the speed afte r col li sio n .
. We use the result ohtained In the previous so luti on for the ' in crease ' of the normal
force of the ground:
2g h
/\ = mg + 6.1 .
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solution s
----------~~-- --------------------------------------------------
The change of horizontal momentum of the system is equal to the impulse of the friction
force, thus:
S b.t = b. (( M + m)V,,;) .
Inserting here the friction force S, we get that:
Writing here the expression above for the normal forc e of the ground:
f..l ( M g +mg+ m J2gh)
b.t =( M +m) b. Vx .
Performing the multiplication by b.t , and taking the limit b. t ---> 0 :
From here, the change of the speed of the centre of mass is:
b. Vx = ~L ----- V 2gh .
M +m
Initially, (before the collision) the horizontal speed of the centre of mass of the sys tem is
Vx l =
MVI +m cotO'J2gh
I II[ + m
so the final, common speed of the chest and the bag is:
_ Nl vi +mcot O' v2gh
Vx2 - Vx 1 - b. Vx - f..l ----- V 2g11.
M +m
M +m
After the addition of the fractions,
Vx2 =
M VI + m cot O'V2gh - f..lmV2gh
M+ m
and using that M = m, we get that:
Vx2 = VI + cot O' J2gh - f..lJ2gh = VI + (cot 0' - {i )v'2iih .
After the short time of the interaction , the chest and the bag will move with this common
speed, so their stopping distance can be calculated from this speed:
V: vi
s = ---2f..lg
+ 2VI (cot O' - {L)v2gh + (cot O' - f..l )2 2gh
= 1.29 lTI.
6. Mecha nics Solu tion s
6.2 Dyna m ics
Solution of Problem 83. The body slides up on the slope while the tro ll ey accelerates
until the body reac hes the top of the slope. At thi s moment, the horizo nt al veloc ity
component of the tro ll ey and the body are the same and when the body leaves the slope,
the constraining force ceases. The tro ll ey moves uni for ml y at ve loc ity \I , the body
completes verti cal projec ti on re lati ve to the car and fall s back tangenti all y on the up per
end of the slope. (Relati ve to the ground the moti on of the body is an obli que projectil e
motion with a hori zontal veloc ity component v~. = \I and an initial verti ca l ve loc ity
component Vy th at should be determ ined later. )
As the small body sli des back on the slope, it accelerates the tro ll ey furth er and
then slides off it in the oppos ite direc ti on. The in terac ti on corres pond s 10 an elongated
perfectly elas tic co lli sion (in the case of equ al masses the small body woul d stop on the
horizontal ground) .
Calculati ons: The hori zontal co mponent o f mome ntum is co nserved. Fo r the w loc it ics
attained at the to p of the slope:
mv = 17W,c + 1vI\I,
mechani cal e nergy is co nserved :
2 mv = 2 mv~ + 2 'rnvy + 2 M \I - +mgR..
From the constraint co ndition it fo ll ows th at v" = \I.
a) From the first equati on
\I = - - - v
m+ j\!I '
from whi ch
\I = Vx = 6 m/s .
b) The fli ght time shoul d be determined. For
this, the ini tial vertica l velocity compo nent o f the
projectil e moti on is requ ired , whi ch can be determined fro m the seco nd equ ati on, the
energy equ at ion. Su bstitutin g \I in pl ace of Vx :
Vy -
V2 -
-- \I 2 -
substitutin g the value of \I ex pressed with the initi al ve loc ity v of the body and
combinin g the like terms gi ves fo r Vy :
- -- v 2 - 2g R= 11.1 8- .
m+ M
(The height of the projection from the upper end of the slope is
h = -'-- = 6.25 111)
300 Crea.tive P hysics Prob lems with S olu tion s
The time e lapsed until return is
t=2 -'.!.
=2.24s ,
in thi s time the trolley moves throug h a distance of
s = Vt= 13.4 m
(Thi s corresponds to the ' horizo ntal range' of the obliquely projected body).
s - -2m
- - v- m +M g
M-- 2gR
c) The velocities o f the two bod ies at the mo ment of parting aga in can be determined
either from the formulas of pe rfectl y e lastic collision or from the balance equatio ns fo r
e ne rgy a nd mo mentum .
The e ne rgy balance is
12 1 1
- m v = - m v 2 + - NIV 2
l '
the mome ntum bal ance is
mv =mvl + MV1·
The soluti o n o f the equation system is
VI =
m - NI
---v = - 3m+M
VI = - - - V = 12-.
Solution of Problem 84. a) Let A be the topmost po int of the semi-cy linder. T he
le ngth of the cart is a minimum if it accelerates to the minimum poss ibl e speed V du ri ng
its co ntac t w ith the sma ll object, and thus covers the sho rtest possible di sta nce du ri ng
the time of the fall.
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solutions
Whil e the two objects are in contact, the cart keeps on acce lerat ing, with the single
exception of the ti me instant when the small object reaches the height o f 2R on the
. '. . .
The force exerted by the small object on the cart IS the sma ll es t iI' It slides onto the
art at the minimum possible speed. Since the condition for reaching the top is that the
orm al force N exerted by the track shou ld remall1 N :::: 0 all the way , the cart wil l
:ain the small est possible fina l speed if the normal force N dec reases to 0 exactly at
~he topmost point. Let us go through the conditions required.
conditi on I :
N A =O.
When the objec t has reached point A , the cart moves on with uniform motion In a
straight lin e, thus it becomes an inertial reference frame. In the reference frame of the
cart, the small object moves alo ng a circul ar path of radius R until it reaches A- ig,
. and then continues on a parabolic path as a projectile with a horizontal initial ve locity.
(In the reference frame attached to the ground , it reaches the cart with free fall along a
vertical line, with zero initi al veloc ity.) The next condition is provided by the circu lar
motion in the reference frame of the cart :
Conditi on 2:
1ng+N =m~
R '
and thus with ( I ),
V ~e l
Since there is no fr iction , all forces are conservative, the total mechanical energy of the
system is conserved. Let Vo denote the speed of the small objec t when it hits the cart
(same as its initial speed of sli ding onto the cart).
Conditi on 3:
2m v(j = 2m v l + 2MV + m gh,
Where V is the speed of the cart and V l is the speed of the sma ll object acquired by the
time the sma ll object rises to a height h above the surface of the cart. The small object
needs to reach the point A at a height of h = 2R, and it needs to lose its speed there
(vI::::O is needed) . Mu lti plied by two, the equation takes the form
mV6 = MV 2 + 4mgR.
Since the small object is to stop at the topmost point of its path, its velocity relative to
the cart at that point is the opposite of the velocity of the cart. In abso lute value,
InCe the external forces are a\1 vertical, the sum of horizontal momenta is constant,
that is,
3UO C'reat i"e Ph" s ics ProlJlC' l/l s " 'ith Soilltio ns
Condition 4:
= IU V.
v = .J9i?,
From (2) and (4) :
(6) is IH.:eded for answering questi on a) since th e di stan ce cove red hy th e cart can bl!
determined w ith (6) from the tillle o f th e fall from a height o f 2R , The di stance co verl!d
i n free faII is
I ,)
2 17 = - ~J t- ,
and hence the time of fa ll is
_ _ __ _ h . _ _ _ _ _ h
_ _ h h u __
··-cr '·u ... _u............
In th at time inter va l. th e ca rt covers a distance of
s= VI = Jiii'
Therefore th e l11inil11ul11 ca rt length required is L lilill = 2", th at is,
h) The equations for IllOl11entulll (5) and energy (:l) both ha ve to be sa ti sfied, The
mass ratio of the small Illass to the ca rt is not arhitrary, Frolll (5) and (6) ,
.\ /
Suhstituted int o (3):
1\ ( 2
111 - ) g f(
= III gR + 4lngR.
With hoth si des divided hy Ill :
1\/ 2
- 2 g l?
= - g R + LIg l?,
I il
and hence, the qu ad rati c equ ati on
!II 2 1\/
- - - - LI =O
171 2
is ohtained for the l11ass rati o, With the notation II / j ill
= /,-: /,- 2 - /.; - 'I = () , Hence
J ± .j J + 16
=2 ,:iG( 15),
th at is, 1\1 = 2,56 ' III. and sin ce III = ] kg, th e Illass of th e ca rt is
1\ / = 2,56 kg.
independenll y or R,
6. jv!ec!J allics Soill t iol/s
6.2 DYllam ics
c) Since there is no friction , the small object was released at the height of
h= ~,
which can be calc ulated with the use of (7):
R =- · 2.56 2 ·0. 36 111 = 1.18(1) rn .
The Slllall object slides onto the cart with a speed of
9.8 ? ·0. 36 = 4.85(7 ) - ,
Un = -JiR=2.56·
and the linal speed of the cart is
v= JiR=
9. 8? ·0.36 Il1 = l. 89(6) - .
Solution of Prohlem NS. Although the setting of the problem doesn ' t state it exactly,
let us ass ume that the disk is homogeneous and rotates around a vertical axis that goes
through its centre. It is also important to state that the disk is much greater than the
man , therefore the latter can be handled as a pointmass, which means that the man 's
rotational inertia when standing in the cen tre will be taken as zero.
Since there is no external torque acting on the system (friction and air resistance
are neglected) , the total angular momentum of the system remains unchanged. The
total angular momentum of th e system is the sum of the angular momentum of the
disk (8di ., k·W) and thc moment of momentum of the man (mlllallvR). Applying the
conservation of angular momentum:
8 di sk W J.
+ 7nlll<wR2Wl = 8di sk W2 + 0,
since (as it was stated above) the man ' s rotational inertia is zero at the centre. Isolating
the final angular velocity , we find:
8 di sk
+ iH Illall R 2
· W l·
8 di sk
The change in the total energy of the sys tem is:
E2 -
El =
~8diSkW~ - (~8diSkWi + ~mlllallR2wi) .
After substitutin g the expression for W2 and rearranging the equation , we have :
AE~ = E-)disk + Inll lallR2
2 2
-"-'-"---::--------'-"-"'-'---mllli LllR w I
28d is k
7nlllallR2 .
2 2
7n llLCLll R 471" n .
2 - disk
300 Creative Physics Prob lem s with Solution s
Us in g that the rotati o nal ine rti a o f a ho mogeneous d isk abo ut its ax is of rotatio n I
sym metry is 8dis k = "2mdiSkR2, the change in the e nergy can he wri tte n as :
A E __ 1ndis k
+ 2m
' 7n tll ::L1I
R 2 4-II 2 n 2 ,
2mdi s k
S ubstituting valu es gives: 6.E=
300 + 160
· 80kg·25m-·4 7r ·0 .01 s- -=605.3J.
The change in the kinetic e nergy of the system is 605.3 J , whi ch mea ns that thc to tal
e nergy of the syste m does not remain constant. Th is of course doesn ' t mean that the law
of co nservation of e nergy is violated, because the inc rease in the energy of the systcm
is caused by the work do ne by the man's muscles, so bio log ica l (chemica l) energy is
tra nsferred to kinetic e ne rgy in thi s case.
Solution of Problem 86. a) Conserva ti o n o f angul ar mo me ntum can be applied to the
mass m, and the co nservati o n o f mec ha ni ca l e nergy can be appli ed to the whole system:
where Vo is the smallest speed a nd v is the largest speed. Wi th Vo = v Ii ' expressed
fro m ( I) and substituted into (2) :
(1') 2= "21 mv -.
Mg(R-T)+2 m v B.
Rearranged :
( 1-
1.2 )
R2 =mv
2(R+T.) (R-T)
2 R2 _ T2
R2 =mv
The speeds are o btained by di vis io n th ro ugh the whole equ ati o n by (R - r) and
rearrangeme nt:
M ---9 =0.4 m
v =R 2--·
m R +T
2 kg
10 m/s2
=3.58- ,
1 kg 0.4 m + 0.1m
0.1 m
Vo = v - =3.58 - . - - =0.895- ~0 . 9- .
s 0.4 m
6.2 D 'yIl <l III ics
6. Mechani cs Solutions
b) The conservation laws of angu lar momentum and
mechani cal energy can be used again , but this time the
mass m has a velocity component V j normal to the string
and a component V2 parallel to the string. With these
notati ons,
..... --
"" .
R 1
1 (2
Mg- + - mvo = -m VI +V2 ) + -!lIv 2.
The soluti on of the si multaneous equations is
MgR - 3mv 6
2kg .l0m /s · 0 .4 m- 3 ·1kg. 0. 892 m 2 /s 2
- - - - - - - - = - - - - - - ' - - = 1.368- ,
1 kg+ 2 kg
and from (3),
VI = 2vo = 1.78 m/s .
Therefore the mass m is moving at a speed of
VlJ- = Jvi+v~= 2.24611l/s:::::; 2.25 m /s,
and the speed of the mass M is
VAl = V2 = 1.369111/S:::::; 1.37m /s .
c) The acce lerations can be determined by either of the two method s be low: one using
an inerti al reference frame and the other using a rotating frame.
I. The acce leration of the mass 171 eq uals that of the end of the string. It has
a centripetal compo nent an = TW 2 = V 2 / T owi ng to the rotation of the horizontal
segment of the string, and another component (a) owing to the decreasing length or the
horizontal strin g segmenl. (At the time instants investigated, the instant aneo us speed of
the point of the string at the hol e is 0.) Since the rotation of the strin g does not influence
the moti on of the mass !V! hanging from the string, the acce leration of the hanging object
equals the acce lerat ion component resu ltin g from the change in length . Thus Newto n's
second law applied to the objects at the lowermost point gives the eq uation s
Mg - F=Ma ,
the sum of (5) and (6) is Mg = J\Ia +m (a + ~2 ) ,
and hence the acce leration a is
!V[g-m ~
m+ M
300 C reat ive Physics Problems wi th Solu tions
------------~. ------------------------------------------------------
At the upperm os t point:
Mg - m "il
a -
Il . In a rotatin g reference frame, the angul ar acceleration is zero in the two extreme
pos iti o ns, and the mass m is mome ntaril y at rest (thus there is no Cori olis-force either)
the only inerti al force ac tin g on it is the centrifugal force:
Fc! = 1n1-w2 = m - .
The equati o ns are now
Mg - F=Ma,
F-Fc! =ma.
The sum of the two equations, with the expression of
Fc! substituted from (7): Mg - m - = (m + M)a.
The expressions obtained for the accelerations are the same as those obtained in the
inerti al reference frame . In the two extreme positions ,
ao =
2 ko' .10 !:'..'.2 - 1 ko" 0. 89 III / 8
0.4 1Il
1 kg + 2 kg
6 2'
Mg _ m ~,2
a=--- ---'--m+M
2 kO" · 10 !:'..'. - 1 kO" . 3.58 rn / s
- ----'"----
0.1 In
- -- ='--'-'-'--
= - 36 2'
1 kg + 2 kg
Re mark. It is instructive to determine the radii of curvature of the path of the mass
m in the two extreme positions. They can be obtained from the equations
V2 ) ,
F=1n -v =1n ( a+(}
and the expressions of the speeds:
2(m + M )RT
2( lkg + 2kg) ·0 .4- 0.1m
= mR(R + T)+2Nh-2 .T = lkg·0.4m(0.4m+0.lm)+2·2kg·0.01m 2 · 0.1 m
=O.lm ,
2(m + M)RT
2(lkg + 2kg) ·0 .4-0 .1m
.0 4m
mT(R + T) + 2MR2
lkg·0. lm (0.4m + 0.lm)+2·2kg·0.16m 2 ·
=0 .1 4m ,
that is, Qo = 0.25R = l' and Q= 0.35R = 1.41' . Thus initi ally , the radius of curvatu re is
s mall e r than the radiu s R , and finally it is g reater than the radiu s T.
~1ecl. 1 C_al_
solution of Problem 87. Let v" and v v , respectively , denote the magnitudes of the
rizontal and vertical veloc ity compo nents of the sliding object. Let m stand for the
hO Ss of the object, Jvl for the mass of the cy linder, and let wand 8 denote the angu lar
nl~ocity and moment of inertia of the cy linder about its axis.
. I energy .IS conserve d :
a) Mechalllca
mgh=2m(vv +v~)+2 8 w .
Anaular momentum is conse rved . With res pect to the axis of the cy linder, the sum of
the"'angul ar momenta of the moving object and the cy linder is zero :
mv"R - 8 w = O.
In order to determine the three unknow ns ( V" , vv, w ), a third equation IS needed.
II will be provided by the condition th at the object remain s on the track . Note that
while the object desce nds through a height of h, the endpo int of the horizontal radius
drawn to its positi on turns throu gh a distance of R 'P I in a horizontal direction , while
the circumferen ce of the cy linder rotates through R 'P2 in the opposite directi on. The
slope of the track (tan a = h /2 R-Tr) can be ex pressed in term s of these qu antities:
tan a=
= ~-=---~R ('P l +'P2)
~Rwlt + ~Rwt
vh + R w
2R7r '
since the initi al speed was zero and acce lerat ion is constant.
The system of eq uations ( I )-(2)-0) becomes simpler with the use of the relationship
!vI = 5m of the masses and the formula 8 = - NI R 2 for the rotat iona l inertia of the
cy linder:
2mgh = m(v~ + v~) + 2.5mR 2w 2
mVhR = 2.5m R 2w
Vv = (Vh + R w)-- .
(I' )
(2 ')
With (I') and (2') divided through by m, and (2' ) also divided by R,
2 2
2gh = v~ + v~ + 2.5R w
Vh = 2.5Rw
Vv = (VII + R w)-- .
Rw can be expressed from (2/1 ) and subst ituted into (1/1) and (3' ) :
3.5v 2 + 2.5v 2
2oh=V2 +v2+2 .5 . -"-=
2.5 2
that is,
5gh = 3 . 5v~ + 2 . 5 v~)
JOO C r eativ(, P ll.l·s ics 1''l'Obl(, 111 05 wit h Solutio ll s
1" " =
(III, + _.5
. ?
,)('1, )
= 3.5ul"
5R 7I
is substitut ed from (5) into (4):
, _,) _(3,.:; )
5gh = 3. Jl'h + 2.0 '
;, :1
/7- 71 -
. - ' ) -') ( '~ =
(. _
_ hl ) 'J
I' ~ .
n- 71 -
3. 0 + 1. '2 2 o~
and hence th e hori zo ntal co mp0 lH.:nt o f the velocity of th e small object is
5g /z
_ )
It 71
- - - " - - - - 0 , '-
:l.5 + 1. '2'25 · 1I/~~"
The angular speed o f the re volution of the small objec t about the axis is
= R = 71
3.5/(271 2 + 1. 22 5h 2 ·
The vertical component o f the ve loc ity o f the small object is obtained from (5) and (6):
= - - ' L'I = 0.711
If 71
3.5 1t2 7i:1+ 1. 225/i 2 ·
The speed o f the small object aner completin g one re vo lutioll is
, .
( H2 7i 2 + 0.49/i 2 ).
3.G/F7i :1 + 1. 225h l
Considering the special case rep re se nted by the gi ven numeri ca l data, nam ely that 11==
= 1t =L=0.2 11l :
c· =
(71 - + 0.49 )
= 1. 7 ?s3.571 ~ + 1. 225
b) The time taken is ca lculated from the radius of the cylinder and th e relative ang ular
speed of the sma ll object w ith respect to the cy l inder:
Since the aCCl.: iL:rati on is uniform. th e mean an gular ve l ocit y is
w ,...[
== -
that is,
/- -
- --
::;:; ,.. ,[ -
"v I
+"v '
It follows from (2) that the angu lar ve loc iti es are related by the equation
II/ W I/72
= 2 .0 1l1 H 2 w ,
6. j\IecJ liwics So illti o ))s
6.2 Dy nam ics
and thu s
=2 .5w.
1= - - - WJ
l .4w l '
+ OAWl
whi ch can be cO lllbined with (7):
(3.5T!2 + 1. 225)L
-'---- -----'-- = 1 .08 s.
1= '1· 1.1
Rem ark. The time taken by the object to cover a certain segment of its descent can
also be determined by using the vertica l ve locity component: Note that h =v t/ 2, and
hence with the usc of (8):
1- -
(3.5ii 2 + 1225) · f J
=1.08s .
- ---,======
Solution of Prohlem 88. In the interaction between the ball and the disc angu lar
momentulll and mechanical energy arc conserved. These resu lt in two equat ions for the
speed of the bal l upon leaving and the angu lar speed of the disc.
The angular mOlllentum of the ba ll after bowling is zero for the ax is and the angular
momentulll of the original ly stationary disc is also zero. Therefore , at the moment
of detaching, the sum of the orbi tal angu lar momentum of the ba ll and the angular
momentum of the disc are both zero:
becau se the ba ll leaves the rim in the direction of the tangent. The total energy at this
moment is:
.) 1
.) 11
- l7w-=- l7I v - +- · - !l /R 2 W - .
2 2
from ( I) the angular speed of the disc is
2/7/ v l l?
w=---=2- · -
If thi s is substituted into (2) :
1 1
'Ir/ 2
(n~ 1n )
1/)(' = - I7 W
+- · -J\fR ·4 · - = -+- ·v· .
2 2
300 C reative Ph'ysics Prob lems wit h Solutions
From (3) the speed of the ball upon leav in g the the disc is
~ =3 --;-
2 ko'
_ _--=-0_ _ = 2.12 - .
2 kg+2 ·1 kg
The time of fa llin g is
9.81 52
= 0.452 5.
In the meantime the hori zontal projection of the
di spl acement of the ba ll is
sx=v 16 t=Vl
-=2 .1 2-·0,452 s=0 .957 m.
Let x stand for the di stance betwee n th e projection of
the rim of the di sc on the ground and the place where the ball reac hes the ground . Based
on the fi gure
R +V
. -- R.
M+2m 9
With numerical values:
(0 .5111)2 + (3m/s)2 .
2 ko'
2· 1 m
2 kg + 2·1kg 9.81m/5
2 - 0. 5m=0.58111.
a) The distance of the point where the ball reac hes the ground from the rim of the
di sc is
2 +x 2 =
m 2 + (0.58m)2 = 1.1 56m::::;; 1. 16m .
b) Based on (2), durin g the time of fallin g the disc is rotating at an angul ar velocity
w = 2-- · -
l kg 3 ~
-,:-::---=2·_ · - " !VI + 2m
2 kg 0.5 m
2 ko'
2 kg+2·1 kg
= 4. 2 4 s - 1
The total angul ar di splace ment until the ball reac hes the ground is
'P = w . t = 2 !VI . Ii
1 kg 3 r~
=2· ·-2 kg 0.5 m
!VI + 2m
2 kg
- - - - = - - - = 1.92 r ad::::;; 110 .
9.81 m /s 2kg +2 · 1 kg
6. lVlechanics Sollltions
6.2 DynallJics
By analys in g the figure the following statements ca n be made : Based on (4), the
distance of the pl ace where the ball reaches the ground from thc [Jlace of the di sc is
R -+v
do = )R2+S~=
1 i\J
(0. 5 111)2 +(3 m/s)2·
+ 2m
2 kg
2·1 111
,) =1.08 111.
2 kg+2 'lkg 9,81m /s-
Let PI stand for the po int of leaving on the projecti on of the rim of the disc on the
ground and P2 for the pos ition of thi s projecti on when the ball reaches the ground. Let
o stand for the foot of the ax is and A stand for the point of impact on the gro und. Let
0: stand for angle AO PI and E for ang le AO P 2 . From the fi gure it ca n be seen th at
0' = arccos -
= arccos --- = 1.09 rad = 62.4 ,
E = 271' -
cp - 0' = 6,28 rac\ - 1.92 rac\ - 1.09 rae! = 3.27 m el = 187,5° .
Accordin g to the cosine rule, the d istance between the [Joi nt of impact and the project ion
of the rim , (d A P2 = AP2 ) is:
d A Po =
J + R2 - 2doRcoS E =
= )(1.08 m )2 + (0.5 Ill F - 2 ·1.08 111 ' 0.5m· cos 187,5° = 1. 58 Ill.
Finall y, according to the Pythagorean theorem, the distance between the point of impact
and the point of leav ing on the di sc is
db = Jh 2 + d~ Po = Jh 2 + d§ + R 2 - 2doRcoSE = )(1111 )2 + (1. 58 Ill F = 1.87 Ill.
Solution of Problem 89. The pointmass is in a three-dimen sion al sp herical moti on ,
Which is similar to the motion of a mass hanging on a strin g of length I? The d irection
of the max imum and minimum ve loc ities (VI and V2) must be horizon tal sin ce they
300 C rea.tive Physics Problem s with Solutions
occur at the deepest and hi ghes t point of the pointmass' s path where the tan gent to the
path is horizontal.
We need to set lip two equations to find the maximum and minimum velocities : one
is the co nservation of energy , the other is the conservati on of angular momentum .
The conservati on of energy can be writte n as:
mgh 1 + "2 mVl = mg h2 + "2mV2'
2g(hl - h2) = V~-vi ·
The conservation of angular momentum applies to the hori zo ntal components, since the normal forc e always
points towards the centre of the sphere,
its horizontal component points towards the vertical axi s of the sphere,
while the horizontal component of the
gravitational force is zero. Thi s means
that the line draw n from the vertical
axis to the pointmass sweeps out equal
areas in eq ual times. Let us apply
thi s to the two ex treme positi ons assuming that the velocities are equal to
their hori zontal components at those
1' 1 and 1'2 can be ex pressed using
the radius of the sphere R and heights
h i and h 2 :
1'1 =
R cosO',
1'2 = Rcos {3,
so the co nservati on of angular momentum will take the form of:
vlR cosO' = v2 R cos{3,
where 0' and {3 are the angles, which are formed by the radiu s that connects the
pointmass to the centre of the sphere and the horizontal. Let us use the fi gure above
to determine the cosines of these an gles:
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mechani cs Solu t ions
Writing these into equati o n (2) , we have:
VI /2Rh 1 -
hi = V2 /2Rh2 - h~ .
Equati ons ( I ) and (3) form a set of equation s with two unknowns. Let us take the
Square of equation (3), isolate
and substitute it into equation ( I ) to find:
2 2Rhi -
2 -
1 2Rh2 - h~
v - v
2g ( h2 - hI ) -
2 2Rhi - hi _
VI - VI 2RI _ 1 2 12
2Rh2 - 2Rhi - h~ + hi 2
?RI _I 2
VI '
from which
2g(h2 - hl )( 2Rh2 - h~)
2Rh2 - h~ - 2Rhl +
Simplifying the fraction under the square root by (h2 - hd , we obta in :
similarly (using the symmetry of the situ ati on to exchange indi ces), we get:
Solution of Problem 90. Assume the 3 kg object to be a
point so that its rotational inerti a can be neglected. Since
friction and the rod ' s mass are negligible, the on ly force
acting on the object is gravitational force , therefore the object
undergoes free-fall. Its path being vert ical, the object moves
a distance of:
'4 2=0.866m
('2L) 2- (L)
Until it drops oft' from the rod . Its velocity at that moment is
11 ::::; )2gh = 4.1 6 m/s . The object ' s velocity can be reso lved
Into components that are paralle l and pe rpe ndicular to the rod.
The latter equals the ve loc ity of the rod ' s end at the moment
IVhen the object leaves th e rod . After thi s mom ent the rod's end maintains its ve loc ity,
So its speed in the rod ' s vertical posit ion is still :
= vcosa,
JOO C reati,'c p /I.,rsics Pl'Ob /C1I/.5 w it h So/tl tiolls
L/ l
WhL:IT C05 (\ = - - = 0 .5 . T hu s
/,/ 2
(' /J
= ·1.1 6 - ·0 .5 = 2.08 - .
Solution of Prohlem 91. T he col li sio n o f the bulkt and board is in elas tic , therero r
. .
th e co nser va ti on 0 1 energy ca n not be used In thi s situati on. SIIKe th e board is init iall
ve rti cal , the torqu es o f th L: L:x ter nal forces ac tin g o n th e hoa rd- bull et system arc al ll.cr~
at th e po int o f suspension (hin ge ). th erd 'ore th e conse rva ti o n o f mo ment o f mOIl1 Cntllll
can be ap pli ed to th e co lli sio n o f th e bull et and boa rd . Thu s we ha vL::
/l1l'L =
IIIL-w + - 1\1 /, - ..<1 .
w here 1711' / , i s th e momentu m o f th e bulkt at th e po int o f suspension before col li sion
w is the an gul ar ve loc it y o f th e boa rd and bulkt mov in g toge th er after th e co l li sio n and
J\f }} /3 is the rotati onal in erti a o f th e board abo ut th e ax is th at is pL:rpend icul ar to the
boa rd and goes th ro ugh it s end . Iso latin g the angul ar VL: loc ity o f th e system after the
co lli sion, we ge t:
w=- '
l + I\[ / 3117
A fter th L: co lli sio n, there are onl y co nservati ve forcL:s ac tin g o n the sys tem (negkctin g
air drag) , w hose works ca n be ca lc ulated easil y. Before appl y in g th e w ork-kinetic energy
thL:orL: m, kt us determine th L: change in th e k in eti c energy of th e sys tem , w hi ch is:
1 1
E k iJl = - 1/1 (w L )- + - . -1\1 L -w- = - ( 111 + i\! / 3)w- L - .
2 3
I II u
Substitutin g thL: an!!ul ar veloc ity fro m equ ati on ( I ), WL: find: E kiJl = - ' . 11./ / "
2 1+
T hL: o nl y force th at does work o n th e sy stem is th e gra v itati onal forcL:, th erefore the
work -kin eti c L: nergy tl1\.:orel11 takes th e forl11 o f:
- /l ((} L -
j\[ 9 -
= 0 - - .---2 1 + j\f / 3111
So l vin g thi s for th e initi al veloc it y o f th e bull et, we find :
II =
.j2U q I + J\l / 2/11)( 1+ }\I/3 171 ) = 160 - ,
First solution of Problem 92 . ( Us in g th e co nser va ti on o f an!! ul ar mo mentu lll). a
T he speL:d o f th e body is /I = .j2g R. at tilL: bott o m (o nl y conserv,~ ivL: forces act ). Fro lJ
th e law o f co nserva ti on o f mL:c hani ca l enL:rgy
/) I(1- J\I /?-.) ) ') 1 .)
/11(11. = -
..<1- + - 1/1 (1 -
. .
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. [vfeclJiwics So lu t ions
fr oi11 th l.: law o r co nservat ion or angul ar 1ll01lll.:ntuill
mnR = -}\/ R- w + IIl v R.
Ill 'll If
and !IIuR arl.: th e angul ar 1ll0 1lll.:ntuills of the hody and
R w is the
1ll01lll.:ntum or th e rod ror its ax is o r rotation. According to the condition v = 0 ,
(I) and (2) Illay bl.: w ritt en In the l o ll ow ln g 10rIn :
mg R.
..- w-" ,
m7lR= -1\/ R- w.
(I' )
Simpliry in g by R:
I7Ig = G/\J Rw - ,
I1W= -j\f Rw .
Dividin g I.:quati o n (1/1) by eq uati o n (2/1) :
fro lll which th l.: ang ul ar speed is
If thi s is suhstituted int o (2/1) :
- II IR - ,
frolll whi eh th l.: rl.:que sted rat io is
3u 2
:3. 2g R
- - - - -.- -3
1/1 - 2g J? 2g ll - .
b) Takin g int o co nsiderati o n th at the initi al angul ar speed or the rod is
w = -; = J2g H =
VR '
based On thl.: work-I.: nergy theorem
1 1
111 0- (1 - coso) = -. - }\]l?-w - = - !II Rg .
Simplirying by j\/gR:
1 - coso = - .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
and from here
cosO! = 3'
O! = arccos - = 70.53 .
a nd
Second solution of Problem 92. (Using impulse.) Let overline
(F) stand for the average force during the collision. Fl stands for
the interaction between the rod a nd the small body (the two forces
are equal but opposite, Fl stands for the ir abso lute value) and F2
stands for the action of the axis of rotation on the rod (see the figure
on the next page). With these the momentum theorem for the small
body becomes
Fl~t = ~ (mv) = m.j2gR ,
for the rod
Fl~t+F2~t= 2MRw,
the equation of motion for rotation becomes
Fl~t - - F2~t -
= -1MR
Due to the absolutely elas tic co lli sion and the condition g iven in the
mgR= ~. ~MR2w2
2 3
From this the initial angular speed of the rod is
Dividing (2) by (3) gives
Fl +F2 6MRw
Fl - F2 - 2M Rw -
=--== - ----- - 3
From this we get
F2 = -Fl.
(We can see that Fl and F2 acting on the rod point in the sa me direction .)
Substituting this and (I) and (4') into (2) gives
Combinin g the like terms g ives
3~ 1
m - V2gR= -M R 6--- .
6 .2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solu tion s
After squann g:
n '- · 9·2qR= iii!
R · 6· -1\1 -Ii '
from which the req uested rati o is
-=3 ,
just as we acquired it from the first so luti on.
Solution of Problem 93. Wh en the stick detaches from the hoo k, its ce ntre or mass
undergoes oblique projecti on. In the meantime, the sti ck rotates uniforml y at the already
acquired angul ar speed (the homoge neous grav itati onal force has no mome nt on the
centre of mass). We determine the magnitude and the di rec ti on of th e in stantaneous
velocity of the centre or mass ( 5) upon detachm ent and the angular speed or the stick ,
the rising tim e of the projecti on and from it the an gular di spl ace ment of the sti ck and
finally the an gle encl osed by it and the hori zo ntal.
From the work-energy theore m:
In detail :
1 1
) .)
m.g-cosCl = -. - m L- w. 2
2 3
from which the angular speed is
Lcos a .
From this the magnitude of the velocity of the centre or mass is
= "2w .
The angl e of projecti on is al so 0 : . With it th e vertic al co mpone nt or the vel ocity or the
projecti on is
2 11
300 C reative Phys ics Problems with Solutions
The rising time (the moment of reachin g the maximum height from the beginning of the
projecti o n) is
~wsin a = -1
t _ V'v
{dfL .
. sm a
(=0 .1287s).
g cosa
The angular displacement of the stick in the meantime is
6 <p = w · t:d, = J3gLcos a · "2
9 cosa · sina = "23 cos as m. a = 4sin2a
(= 37.21 °) .
The angle enclosed by the stick and the horizontal in the beginning of the oblique
projection is
- - a (= - - - = - = 60 )
and in the requested moment
E = EO -
6 <p = - - - sin2a = - - - sin60 = 0 .39 78 rae = 22.78 .
First solution of Problem 94. (Using angular mo mentum
and energy conservation.) At the beginning of the interactio n
with the table the forces are vertical, and since the collision
is instantaneous, by the time the rod falls down the forces
already cease, thus there are no horizontal force components.
Let our reference point (A) be the end of the rod coll idi ng
with the table. Since the collision is instantaneous , the force
F exerted by the table during the collision is much greater
than the weight of the rod (F » mg), thus the latter can be disregarded durin g the
collision . This means that the angular momentum with respect to point A is conserved.
Indeed , the torque of the only external force F is zero with respect to A. Two
conservation laws are applicable for the collision .
The law of angular momentum conservation is:
where the left hand side is the angular momentum of the rod (not yet in rotation ) before
the collision , and the two terms on the right hand side are the orbital and spin angular
momenta after the collision . (The rod pe rforms planar motion , so the orbital and sp in
angular momenta are parallel vectors perpendicular to the plane of the motion , thu s their
magnitudes simply adds up). In the equation the speeds and the momentum of inertia
re fer to the centre of mass of the rod.
The law of energy conservation is:
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solution s
:----In order to answer the problem ' s questions, the angular speed and the speed of the
centre have to be determined after the collis ion . For these two unknowns we have two
After slInpllfYll1g (I) and (2) we get:
Taking the speeds to the left hand side of the equations:
28 e
Ve-li c
= m L w,
( I' )
Ve -lie
= -8Inc w 2 .
Factorisin g the left hand side of (2' ) :
We divide (2' ) by (1' ) :
V c +li e
=2 ·
By adding (I') and (3) the speed lie can be eliminated:
28 e
Lw 48 e + mL 2
2ve = --w + - =
2m L
and the unkn own angular speed is:
4m L
. Ve .
48 c + mL 2
Puttin g in the moment of inertia of the rod , around the axis through the centre ,
perpendicular to the rod , we get:
4m L
12 m £2 +m £2
· v c =1 - - · - =3 - .
-3 + 1
(4 )
From equation (I' ) the speed of the centre of mass after the collision is:
li c = -
-Vc= -
The time needed for a whole revolution is:
·3- - V e L
- .
T = - = -L =
·0. 4 m = 0. 21 s .
3v c
3 J 2gH
3 J2 ·10 ~ 0. 8 III
300 C l'cat il 'c P llys i ~'s PJ'O I)lc lll s witli Soll/tioll s
During the revo luti o n th e ce ntre o r mass lowers by a distance of:
;;=Il .T + -gT = ,
L) .
g LI Ii
L +- · - - - = - /- 1+ - 3v,.
2 9·2y ll
3 J/
2 Ii
Numeri ca ll y:
;;= - 0. -1111'
( I i 0. -1 III )
1 + - - - · = 0 .(j·111I.
:3 0. 8 III
Second solution of Prohlem 94. (Us in g energy co nservatio n. impul se-momen tunl
th eorem and ang ular impul se- angul ar momentum theorem .) Let us direct the vertical
ax i s o r th e coordin ate rrame downward s. A ll the ve loc iti es and rorces arc vert ical.
thu s, co nsiderin g on ly th eir vertica l co m po nent s, th ey ca n be treated as sign ed scalar
quantities. Let th e rei'cren ce point be th e ce ntre o r mass or th e rod . The ang ular
mo mentum or the rod is not co nserved , becau se o r th e non- zero torque or the external
rorce F. In th e rollowing equation s the lett ers rei'cr to th e magnitude o r th e vectors.
T he impui se- Ill olllentum th eorelll 1'01' th e co ll is io n is:
- F61 = 6 (IIIV,) = IIz(n, - v,) .
T he angular illlpui se-angular Ill o mentum th eorem is:
r,/,·6/=6 N .
H ere /' = L/ 2 . In the centre-or-mass rde re nce rrallle th e orbi tal angular mOlllen tulll is
zero, and the initial angular speed is zero as we ll. so:
F - 6/ = 8 ,. 6 w = 8 ,.w' .
The energy co nse rvation law is:
2/I1U,~ = 2"IV; + 2 8 ,w -.
Multiplying ( I ) by
(- 1), we get:
/" 6/ = III ( U, - /I , ).
A rt er w ritin g the mOlllent or in ertia int o (2) and simplil'y in g by
2 1
.) III I,
J. 61 = - . -IIIL- = --w' .
L 12
B y comparin g ( I') and
L/2, we ob tain:
0( . - U(O
== ->..JJ .
and the rorm o f (3) becoilles si mplcr as we ll:
t' ,.
2 14
= U,.2 + -'[ f,-.) w' .)-.
6. Mechani cs SO /llti oll s
6.2 Dy na.mics
Rearran gin g thi s eq uat io n we gel:
U- -
, = -L-u";12
After I'acl ori sin g. and di vidin g th e eq uati on by (4), from here the so luti on is th e same
as so luti on I.
Third solution of Problem 94. (Us in g angular impul sl.!-a ngular momentum theorem,
with rcference point at th e edge of the tab ll.! .) Since th e line o f action o f the forc e F
passes through thl.! end o f .th e rod at thc edgl.! o f th e tab le, its torque is zero with respec t
to this pOint. The wl.! lgh t force ca n be disregarded becau se th e collision IS In stantaneous.
Thus. the total change of th e angul ar momentum of th e rod (w ith respec t to point A) is
F·," 61 = 6N = 0.
0= 11I1L"2 - ", u"2 + G,.w .
Due to thl.! co nservation of cnngy:
.) 1
-/lW,~ = - rnu~ + - G,.w-.
These I.!quation s are identi ca l to th l.! onl.!s wr ittl.!n dow n in so lution 1, and th e rest o f thl.!
soluti on is th e saml.! as th ere .
Fourth solution of Prohlem 94. (Us in g ge nl.! ral co lli sion thl.! ory .) At th e moment of
coll is ion, the rod ca n bl.! co nsidl.!lTd as a weig htless ly fl oatin g objec t since during th e
instantan eo us interacti on the ro le o f th e grav itational force is neg ligible. The collision
process can be re garded eq ui valentl y as if the rod , fl oatin g at rest in th e space, was
hit by an up ward mo ving ' tab le of infinite mass' at one o f its end s. T hi s interacti on
determin es the angular speed o f the rod after th e co lli sion, and thu s the period of its
rotati onal moti on.
Thi s process is equ iva lent to the co lli sion of a rod , initiall y lyi ng at rest on a very
Sil100th (e .g. air cushi on) table , and a pointlike particle o f ' infinite mass', sliding toward s
the rod . Firs!. let us so l ve thi s problem in a ge neral. para metri c way. Let m be the m ass
of the rod , and let i\I denote th e mass of th e pointlike particle slidin g tow ards the rod
at a spel.!d V .
Furthnl110re let IL(. be the speed of the cen tre of mass of
thc rod , and l e~ U be the speed of th e masspoint Ai after
COlli sion .
Wi th th ese notat ions the momcntum co nservation law is:
J\JV = J\fU + I7II1 C·
( I)
Let the rderence point o f th e anou lar momentum be the
cOlnetr ic point (at rest), where the co lli sion takes place .
2 15
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solu tion s
With respec t to thi s point, both co llidin g objects have zero initial (spin and orbi tal)
angul ar momentum , thu s the conservati o n law of angul ar momentum has the foll ow ino
fu rm:
Q= mu C.-2 - -12 m L w )
where the first term is the orbital angul ar momentum and the seco nd term is the spin
angul ar momentum of the rod after colli sion. (The minu s sign is due to the oPpos ite
direc ti on of these angul ar momenta . See the fi gure.)
The energy conservati on law is:
-MV =-MU + -mu.+ - · - m L w .
2 12
From equati on (2) the angul ar speed of the rod is:
6u e
w=I: '
In sertin g it into (3), we get:
MV =MU +mu c + 12 m L
2 361t
£2 C=MU + 4mu(;'
Equations ( I) and (3' ) , written in a different form are :
M(V - U) = mlt e )
M(V2 - U 2) = 4mlt~ .
M (V - U)(V + U ) = 411W~)
Factori sing (3"), we get:
and dividin g it by equation (1'), we obtain :
(V + U) = 4u c -> U e =
(V + U)
In serting it into ( I):
MV = MU + m
(V +U)
4MV = 4MU +mV + mu.
From here the speed of the mass point IvI after colli sion can be expressed:
4M - m
4M +m
Writing it into (4) , we obtain the speed of the centre of Ill ass of the rod just after the
co lli sion is:
V + U V +~ V
u C = -4- =
2 16
4MV + mV + 4MV -mV
16M +4m
16M + 4m - 4Iv! + 171
6.2 DYllalll ics
6. Mecha.n ics Solutions
NoW if Nf - 7 00, then ll c - 7
after the co lli sio n is:
v , and fro m equ ati on (4) the (co nstant) an gular speed
3J2g H
= - - =3 - = - --::--L
From here on the res t o f the so luti o n is the sa me as in so lut io n I. T he fin al res ult s are
the same as we ll .
611 c
W= -
First solution of Problem 95. Thi s so luti on is based on the in formati on th at the mass
of the small obj ects is neg li gibl e nex t to th at of the rod, and meanin g they will not
influence the moti on of the rod. (The ir mass is cert ainl y not neg li gible when the ir ow n
motion is investi gated. ) Consider the moti on of the rod first.
Accordin g to the work-energy theore m appli ed to the rod ,
L .
1 1
2 2
,\I[g-s111 0=- ·- 1\I L w .
2 2
Hence the angular speed e xpressed in te rm s of the an gular di spl ace me nt is
3gsin G
The law of torques appli cd about the axis of rotati o n states
/\If 9 2, cos 0: = 31\ 1£ - f3 ,
and hence the angul ar accelerati o n f3 in term s o f the angul ar di spl acement is
f3 = - 9 cos 0. . - .
This result immediately shows th at in the initial pos iti on (coso: = 1) the c ndpoint of the
rod has an initial acce lerati on of ao = 39/2 > [} , thu s the upper small obj ec t imllledi atel y
lifts off the rod and fall s freely along a vertica l
line. At the same time, the lowcr one is presscd
downwards and made to accelerate. The force
of static fri cti o n makes it move alon o a circ ul ar
P~th for a whil e. At thc angle 0 C where the
,, ,,
ffIction force is not able to prov ide the norm al
acceleration o f the small obj ect any Illore, it
/ 1
will also separate from thc rod and co ntinue to
mg :
1l10ve along a paraboli c projectil e path . (S ince
K I" :
the pointlike objec t is initi all y at the end of
the rod , it will leave the rod immediately as it
~~arts to, ~ Iide, meaning there is 11l~ moti o n with
, L(1-cos a )
netic In ctlon al ong the bott om 01' the rod to be
2 17
300 Creative P hysics Problems wit h Solu t ions
New to n's second law appli ed to the normal and tange nti a l co mpo ne nts o f the motion
o f the small obj ect at the time instant just before separati o n states:
+ mg cosa = mL{3 ,
where J( is the no rm al fo rce e xerted by the rod a nd S is the max imum value of the
static fric ti o n fo rce:
With the value o f J( s ubstituted from (4 ) into (5), and the n the value of S substituted
in (3):
J-Lm L {3 - J-Lmg cos a - mgsin a =mL w2,
whic h is inde pe nde nt o f m (note that Ivl » m ).
Fro m ( I ) and (2) ,
3 coSa- {l COSa-sm
. a = 3 sm
. a.
He nce
2{l COSa = 4 sm a,
and the ta nge nt o f the a ngle where the separati o n occ urs is
sm a
- - =tan a = 8'
a = arctan ~ = arc tan 0.1 05 = 6° .
The small obj ect has descended
6 h= L sin a = 1 m ·sin6° = 0.1 m
so far, mo vin g togethe r with the rod . Its hori zo ntal di splace me nt al so equals th at of the
e nd of the rod :
6 Sx l = L ( l - cosa) = 1 m (l - 0 .9945) = 5.48. 10 3 m = 5.48 111111.
The mag nitudes of the veloc ity compo ne nts of the projectile moti o n startin g at the ti me
in sta nt of se parati o n are obta ined fro m ( I ):
vox =Lwsin a =V3g L Sin3a =V3 . 9.81 5 . 1 111 ·sin 6° = 0.1 83 : '
VOy = Lwcosa =
J3gL sin acos 2 a =
V13 . 1 111 ·9 .81 S1~ . sin6 cos 60 = 1.744 111S .
Projec til e mo tio n starts at a he ight o f
Sy = 2L -
2 18
6 h = 2L - L sin a = L (2 - sin al = 1 111 (2 - sin6° ) = 1. 9111 ,
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mech anics Solu tions
and the time of fall obtained fro m the relati onship t = 6. v y/ 9 IS
-/v'6.<j + 2g8y- VOy
=0.4685s~0.47s .
The total hori zo ntal displace ment of the lower one of the two sm all obj ects is
6. x = 6. s:d + 6. 8",2 = L( I - coso:) + vOl"i =
= 5.48 ·10-
m + 0.1 83 - · 0.47 s = 9. 15 ·10 - m = 9.1 5 cm.
This is equal to the di stance betwee n the impac t points of the two obj ec ts.
Second solution of Problem 95. Thi s is a ge neral soluti on for the case when the
masses of the small obj ects are not neg li gibl e. The equati ons are set up for the small
object and for the rod separately , and fin all y fo r the whol e system:
S - mgsin o:= mLw 2
+ m.g cos 0: = m L (3
(= man for the norm al direc ti on)
(= mat for the tan gential direction) (2)
(for the time in stant of se paration ) (3)
M 9 - cos 0: - J\ L = - M L - (3
1 1
Mg -sin o:+mgL sin o:= - . - ML 2 w 2 + - m( Lw )2
2 3
The solution is
3g(M +2m)sin o:
L (M +3m)
L(3 =
(for the rod)
(for the system)
. gcos o:
and hence the tan gent of the an gle at which separation occurs is
M(M + 3m)
tan 0: = 8M2 + 42Mm + 54m2 . J.L = 8M + 18m . ~L
If m ::::: 0 , then tan 0: = I!. and 0: = 6° . The so luti on can be fini shed in the sa me way as
solution I.
Solution of Problem 96. The co nstrain ing force exerted by the half- rod (that reall y
a~ts at the point of contact of the two halves) can be determined by usin g Newto n's law
01. motion for the centre of mass of the lower half-rod . It is worth settin g up the equation
01 motion for two compone nts, the tangenti al one and the radial one.
R.ern arks on the fi gure:
h I. Force J( ac tu all y ac ts on the lower half-rod at the point of contac t o f the two
o~lf-rOds. However, accordin g to the law of moti on of the centre of mass, the ce ntre
n1ass llloves as if the total mass of the body we re concentrated there and all ex ternal
21 9
.:JOO C rear in' Ph,I's ics Proh /eJll s "'ith Solutio ns
I'orct.:s acted in th e ct.:ntrt.: 01' mass, This is th t.: re aso n w hy tht.: drawin g shows the I'orce
in th t.: middle 01' the lowt.:r hall'-rod,
2. T ht.: direction 01' I'orct.: /\' may also be a
prohlelll , It can be seen that I'orce /\' should point
'I'orwa rd' , ht.:ca use th e tan gential acct.:iera ti on 01'
the ce ntre 01' mass 01' the hall'-rod is greater
than th c acccicration that wo uld ari sc I'rom th c
tangcntial co mponcnt 01' gra vi tatio nal I'orce. Let
us usc New ton's seco nd law 1'0 1' angular moti on
( 1\1
E-) 3 ) I'or the whoic rod:
." 2
111(1- (,os-::
= -1/1
'- - .J.
Fro m here, th e angular accc icrati on IS
:3 9
J= 2£ ('os<; ,
With thi s, the tan genti al acc cleration 01' thc lower hal l'-rod, w hi ch moves on radius
'JL / 1. is
'J 9
2 l,
(// = - L, - - e05 <;= -geos ,>"
The tan ge ntial I'orce required 1'0 1' thi s is
9 /11
F = _ . -q('oS I O > - (/("oS I.O.
8 2'
The missing rorce ca n be provided onl y by the oth er hair-rod through the tan gential
co mponent /\'/ or rorce J\' ,
:I. Some may ask w hy the angular acceleration or the lower hair-rod is the samc as
the an gular acccicration 01' thc w hole rod ir gravitational rorce has no momen t on the
centre or mass ; in addition , the mome nt or rorce 1\' exerted by the upper hall'- rod on
thc hall'-rod acts in the op pos ite directi on to th e aClUal angular momentum, The t01a1
moment comes rrom th e moment or thi s rorce and the moment or the clastic sheari ng
stress due to th e bendin g or th e rod , thi s lall er overcom pen sa tes the ' backward ' momcnl
or rorce /\', (II' th e rod was not ' r igid ', its outt.:r hall' wo uld lag bt.: hind the inner hall' in
angular displact.:menl, th at is, the rod would ro ld during th e ro tati on. This is prcve ll tcd
by the momen t ari sin g rrom th e small hendin g).
The cquation or th e moti on or th c rod in tan gt.:nt ia l di rec ti on I S
in th e radia l direct ion
+ - 2'q("05 ',0r = -2 , (II
( I)
/\ ,, - 2 gsill '>' = 2 'iI".
In order to dete rmin e th e co nslrainin !.! I'orce /\' =
/\} + /\''2 th e normal and tan !.!cIl 1i 'll
acce lcrat ions should be dt.:t ermin ed ~I'rom th e dy namics 01:' :he proct.:ss , For this, Ih~
6. Mechallics So lu tions
6.2 Dynam ics
instantaneo us angu l ar veloc i ty and angul ar acce lerati on are required. T he fi rst can be
found from the work- energy th eorem . th e seco nd fro m New ton's seco nd l aw for angul ar
moti on. As the angul ar data o f th e ha l f-rod arc th e sa me as the data o f th e w hole rod,
the foll ow in g equatio ns are tru e:
the work - energy theore m:
8= -m L3
h = - SIl1 <p .
With thi s
Il/ .(J-S
J1l '''
= --IlI
L- ur .
from here
Lui = 3g sin <p .
Newton's seco nd law for an gul ar moti on:
.J .
9 2. cos <p = '3 m L - P.
from whi ch
Lp = -gcos y .
3 .
at = -4 L(3 and by substitutin ~g u" = -~ Lw2 and usin ~g ( I ), (2), (3) and (4):
J\ I
2 4
2 42
+ - gcos y = - - L(3 = - - - gcos!.p= - mgcos!.p
In 3
/\ " - -gslI1 !.p = - - Lw- = --3gs lIl !.p = -mgslI1 !.p.
2 LI
From here, the mag nitudes of th e two (perpendi cul ar) co mponents of th e requested force
. -9llIgCOS!.p- 1
/\ 1
- mycOSy= mg cos<p
(9 8) -1mg cos !.p,
- - =
16 1G
a .
( 9 4)
1\ " = '8 "1g SlI1 !.p+ 2,ng SlI1 y = IlLgS IIl <p '8 + '8 = 16 mgs ill !.p.
With the se th e mag nitude o f th e requ ested force is
. IT/g).
.. . .) mY /I . 3
cos 2 ,,,+ 26 2s l1l- ' " = - - +262_~
J\ = '
~ 1A076· mg .
22 1
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu t ions
For the directi on of force J( re lative to the rod:
mgcos <p
tan c: = - =
. - - 1G
--K /t
2G'mg sin <p
2G·ta n <p
2G · J3 '
from which c: = arctan 7s = 1.272°, and the ang le enclosed with the horizontal is
= <p - c: = GO° - 1.272° = 58.73° .
First solution of Problem 97. Let us so lve the proble m by first usin g a reference
frame which rotates with the di sk. Let the centre of the disk be the origin , and one of
the three axes o f the frame be the axis of rotation. In thi s frame the rod is in static
equil ibrium .
Of course Newton 's laws cannot be app li ed in non-inerti al reference fram es, but they
can sti ll be used if we introduce a fic titi ous, so-called inerti al forc e. The law of mot ion
in a non-inertial frame wi ll take the same form as Newton 's second law if a fictit ious
force is added to the real forces actin g on the object. This in ertial forc e can be ca lcu lated
as the product of the opposite of the object's acce leration and its mass. The in ertial force
acting on a stationary object in a frame that rotates at constant angular velocity is the
so-called centri fugal force.
Centrifugal force depends on the positi on of the
object, because the acce leration in a rotati ng frame
changes with the di stance from the ce ntre. At the same
time, centrifugal force is a volume forc e since it is
proportional to the mass and in case of a homogeneo us
object (for which 6. m = a6. V) to the vo lu me as
well. (In thi s respect, it is simil ar to the gravitational
force with the di stincti o n th at while gra vit ational fo rce
decreases, centrifugal force increases as we move away
from the cen tre). In our case - as one end of the rod
is on the rotation axis - the magnitude and poi nt of
action of the centrifugal force actin g on the rod can be
ca lculated in the foll ow ing way.
Let us divide the rod into n equal parts. The mag nitudes of ce ntrifuga l forces act ing
on these parts can be written as:
6. F = 6.mT ;w 2
so the forces change from zero to 6. mTw 2 as we move away from the centre. These
forces are all perpendicular to the ax is o f rotation (therefore para ll el to eac h other) and
the ir mag nitudes are in direc t proportion to the di stance from the centre, so the ir average
is the arithmetic mean of the two ex treme values 6. F o = 0 and 6. F II = 6.mTlllaxw2:
6.F= 0 + 6.1nTll laxw 2
6.2 DYllam ics
6. Mech a.nics Solut ion s
hence the mag nitude of centrifuga l force actin g on the who le rod ca n be ca lculated as:
'\"' ~
rll laxw2 ,\",
1 .
Fcf = LD.i<i = - -2-- LD. 1n i = 2 rn rllJaxw .
More precisely the centrifu ga l force is the sum of an arithmet ic seq uence:
'\"' m . T ll1 ax
F=LD.F;=L-;;·~·----;:;-· w
;= 1
2 _
2 ,\", . _
- n 21 111 axW
'; = 1
L~ -
In 1' IIIH X W -
. ~.n
;= 1
If n -> (Xl the n 1/ (2n) -> 0 and the mag nitude of centrifu ga l force IS : 1-::'.r
== -mTlll axW
The second step is to determine the point of ac ti on of the cent rifu ga l force, wh ich is
the resultant of parallel forces F;. To do thi s, let us set up a model.
A verti cal triangle in a uniform gravitation al
field provides the same distribution of forc es
if set as show n. Side AB is divided into n
equal seg ments and vert ical lines drawn from
each point of divis ion cut the tri angle into n
parts, whose we ight s ( D. G ;) show the same
pattern as the centrifu gal forces actin g on the
parts of the rod . We know that the point of
action of the gravitational force actin g on thi s
trian gle is at its ce ntroid , wh ich is at the 213
of its med ian. Therefore the line of ac ti on of
the gravitational force divides side AB in the
ratio 1: 2. Si mil arl y the point of act ion of the
centrifugal force divides the rod in the rati o
1 : 2 , so it is at a di stance of 2L / 3 from the
end that is above the axis or L / 3 from the end
that touches the di sk.
Equati ons that ex press the conditi ons for
translati onal and rotational equilibrium can
now be set up. The condition for translati onal
equilibrium in the vertical direc ti on is:
mg - J( = O,
While in the hori zo ntal directi on we have :
Where J( and 5 are the normal and fri ct ional forces exerted by the di sk respective ly,
and P e f is the centri fu gal force calcul ated above. As !\' = mg from equati on ( I ) and
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu tions
Fe! = S from equ ati on (2) , we have two fo rce couples, whose torques are M1 = mgr / 2
and NJ2 = Fe! L sil1 a/3. respec ti ve ly. (We use 1' rnax = l' from now.) The condition for
rotati onal eq uili brium is: Nh - M2 = 0, so
mg2=Fc! 3·s1l1a=2m1'w ·3'
where h = AB =
veloc ity is:
VL2 - 1'2 = VI m
2 -
0.64 m 2 = 0.6 m. Thu s the required angular
_30_11_1,--/ S_2 = )50 S-2 = 7.07 S- l.
Second solution of Problem 97. Solvin g the probl em in an inerti al reference fra me
is much more co mpli cated. In thi s case the rod is not in equilibrium , since every poi nt
of it (except for the top one) moves in a circle at constant angular veloc ity. Accordi ng
to Newton's second law, the vector sum of vertical forc es mg and f{ shoul d be zero
(s ince the vertical accel erati on of the centre of mass is zero), so they have to be equal
in magnitude. In the hori zo ntal direc ti on the only force
ac tin g, which is the stati c fri cti on S, should keep the
centre of mass in a circul ar path , therefore:
S=m- w2
as the radius of the circular path of the centre of mass
is 1'/2.
Let us now write Newton' s second law in angular
form :
where the left-h and side is the resultant torque while
the ri ght-hand side is the time rate of chan ge of the
angul ar momentum . Note that both qu antiti es should
be defi ned with respect to the same point.
Let thi s point be the top of the rod (0), which
remain s stati onary. Let us calcul ate the total angu lar
momentum of the rod and then fi nd its rate of change.
The total angul ar momentum is the sum of the
angul ar momenta of its mass elements. The angu lar
momentum of one mass element is defin ed as:
N = gx p= gx mv= m[(Qx (w x n]'
where g is the vector po intin g from point 0 to the mass element, p= mv is the li near
momentum of the mass element , 17 is the vec tor pointin g to the mass element fro m
the centre of its circul ar path and w is the vec tor of angul ar ve loc ity (given by the
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solu tions
-----right-hand rul e). In our case the vectors in the vector products are perpendicular to each
other, therefore the sine of their enclosed angle is I.
The velocity of the mass elements increases in proportion to their di stance from the
rotation axis, therefore their angu lar momenta are all different in magnitude and same
in directi on. The total angular momentum of the rod is the sum of the angu lar momenta
of its mass eleme nts. Let us divide the rod into n eq ual parts. As the mass of the rod is
,n, the mass of eac h mass element wi ll be 6 m; = m in . The magnitude of the vector
pointing from 0 to each mass element is {h = i · Lin, and the rad iu s of the circul ar path
of each mass elemen t is given by T.; = i· Ti n. Since the angular momentum vectors of
the mass elements are all parallel to each other (each bei ng perpend icu lar to the plane
defined by vectors [2-; and vi ), their vector su m can be calcul ated simp ly as the sum of
their magnitudes:
N= L[2·; ·6m.;vi = L[2i ·6mi ,w ' T.; = L i- . _. w .i -.
; =1
-; = 1
i= l n n
Removing the constants from th e sum , we get:
thus we have to calculate the sum of squares of the first n integers, which can be written
in the form of:
N= mLTw _n (n+l)(2n + l) = mLTw (2+~ + ~).
n n2
If n -+ 00, then the last two terms in the bracket tend to zero, so the total ang ul ar
momentum of the rod tends to:
N= - - .
This is the magnitude of the total ang ul ar momentum
of the rod , while its direction is perpendicular to the
rod in the plane defined by the rod and the rotatio n
axis as shown.
As the rod rotates , so does its
angular momentum , whose direction therefore changes
throughout the motion.
(This situati on is simil ar
to the uniform circu lar motion, in which the speed
of the obj ec t is consta nt, but the direction of its
veloc ity changes, therefore the object has a centripetal
acceleration). Let us now determine the cha nge in the
~ng.Ul ar momentum of the rod in time interval 6t , then
IVlde the resu lt by 6 t to get the time rate of change
of the an gular momentum .
th Let .us first calculate the change in an arbitrary vector a, wh ich is pe rpendicular to
e aXIS of rotation and has constant magn itu de, whil e it is rotated throug h angle 6 tp .
300 C l'eat il'e Pi l.I 'sics P ro i) iell1s lI'iti l SOill t i o ll S
As show n in the fi gure, if the angle ro tated is small , the len gth of the cord and the
length of the arc arc approximate ly eq ual , thu s:
where a = la l, However, if () is no longer perpe ndi c ul ar to the ro tati on axi s, hut
form s an angle ° with it , the change in it will be give n by the dine rence bet ween Its
perpendicul ar compon ent s, hence
l6. a l =a 6. y ' sin o ,
Appl ying thi s result to the ang ul ar
mome ntum of the rod, we obtain:
6. 1\ ' = N 6. .p . sin G,
usin g th at for a uniform rotati on 6. y ::=:
= uJ ·6.1 , we get:
6. N = AuJ 6. / ' sin o ,
therefore the tim e rate of chan ge of the
an gu lar momentum is:
6. N
- - =Nw ' sill O'.
6. /
Newton ' s seco nd law in angular form can now be writt e n as :
6. N
1\f = -;;{ =Nws in cl.
As the forces acting on the rod arc all in one plane, their torqu es are all parall el , so the
res ult ant torqu e ca n be cal cul ated as the sca lar sum of th e mag nitu des of these torques.
The torqu e of force 5 has the sa me direc ti on as the angul ar momentum vector, while
its mag nitude with respec t to point 0 is:
" .)
1\1 1 = S L slI1 G = ·1I1.'2W - L 'S III Cl ,
the torque exert ed by force co upl e [my , !\'] is opposite in direc ti on and has magni tude:
= IIlg -2 = 1l 10-COSO.
.~ 2
Substitutin g equ ati o ns (5) and (6) int o equati o n (4), we have:
5 Lsin 0 -
IIIg ~ COSet = N uJs in 0,
Dividin g by coso a nd usin g elJu at ions ( I) and 0 ). we ge t:
m L,.w
L· L;UH1 - nlO - = - - - ' uJ ' t etli n.
6. Mechanics Sol u tio ns
6.2 Dy nam ics
-----After rearrange ment, we have:
?(T2 -"3T) ·tan a= 2'
Fro lll whi ch th e req uired angul ar ve loc ity of the di sk is:
3g~ =
)' . tan 0.
The norm al force exerted by the disk on the rod is X = mg , whil e fo r the hori zo ntal
static fr iction that po in ts toward s the ax is of rotati on, we get:
3 0.8
S = ml'w- / 2 = 111'1'- = --1ng = -. - m.g = 2mg
2h .
2 0 .6
The an gle formed by the net force exerted by the disk and th e hori zont al ca n be
calcul ated as:
2· tana
tan E = - - -2 = - -2 = --~- - - - - - - - - - 0 5
- 3T - 3·0.8 - . ,
1I~ -2" w
1" _3~(J_
( ,.. t>1I " , )
E = arc tan 0 .5 = 26 .57° ,
while the mag nitu de of the net force exe rted by the disk is:
T = - - = - - - = 2.236 mg.
sin o.· 0.4472
JS2 + 1\"2 = J4m g +
2 g2 =
j5 · mg= 2.236 mg,
The angle forill ed by the rod and th e hori zo nt al is:
= a rc tan - = arc tan - = 36 .87
Note that the lin e of act io n of the res ult ant fo rce exert ed by the di sk does not pass
through the ce ntre of mass of the rod (a lthoug h in case of an equi librium or simpl e
translation it woul d) , there fore the res ult ant torqu e with res pect to the ce ntre of mass
is not zero, whi c h cau ses the angul ar mo mentum of the rod to chan ge throughout the
Solu tion of Prohlem 98. a) First we lind the relati on between the acce lerati on and
the angul ar acce lerati on. Let a be the acce leration of the ce ntre of the rod , Ul the
accelerat io n of its endpoint to whi ch the cord is allac hed, and let f3 denote the angular
aCcelerati on of the rod. Since the geometri c ce ntre of the rod co inc ides with it s ce ntre
of l11 ass, al = a + Lf3/ 2.
The equati on of moti on o f the weight is:
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solu tions
(He re we ha ve used the fact th at the cord is ine las ti c). Newton ' s seco nd law for the
centre of mass of the rod is:
J{ = 7na ,
and the equation of motio n for the rotation is:
~ = ~ ml2(3.
The kinematic re lati o n between the accelera_
tion s and the angular acceleration is:
From equati o n (4) the angul ar accelerati on is :
= 2(a l -a)
and in sertin g thi s and equati o n (2) into (3), we
obtain that:
ma ~ = ~ml2 . 2(al - a) .
2 12
After cancellation the foll owing connection is obtained betwee n the accelerati ons :
al = 4a.
Writin g equation (5) and (2) into ( I), we get that
mlg - ma +m 1 4a,
so the acceleration of the ce ntre of mass of the rod is :
Using equations (5) and (6), the angular acce leration of the rod is:
(3 = 2(al -a ) = 2(4a-a) = Ga .
N ow we can answer the questions of the proble m.
The po int of the rod , which has zero in iti al accel e ration, is furth er fro m the end 01
the rod which is pulled by the cord , and cl oser to the other e nd . Let x den ote the
distance of thi s po int from the centre of the rod . The acceleration of this po int is zero If
the magnitude of its relative acceleration arel with respect to the cen tre is equal to the
acceleration of the centre, and points in the o ppos ite direction:
x · (3 = a.
6.2 DYll amics
6. Mechan ics Solu tions
Inserting here the angul ar accelerati o n fro m equ ation (8) , we get:
.J;' -
= a,
SO the distance of the in stantaneous rotat ion centre
from the geo metric cen tre of the rod is:
X =
- .
b) The mass ratio in question can be determined from the ex press ion of the
acceleration of the centre of the rod:
.!.!.i..+ 4
" "1
It is clear that as m l -> 00, the rati o -
0 , and thi s minimi ses the denomi nator .
Thus to ac hi eve the maxim al acce lerati on, the mass of the weight sho uld be large,
The possible maximal acce leration of the centre of the rod is:
a= - .
Solution of Problem 99. After the impul se, the rod slides free ly , it s ce ntre of mass
moving uniform ly in a strai ght line . At the same time, it rotates about its ce ntre of mass
because of the to rque of the impulse . If the impu lse lasts for a time t::.1 , the ce ntre of
mass will ga in a velocity of 'UCO flll and the ang ular velocity will be w . Impul se equal s
change in momentum , and angu lar impul se equals chan ge in angular mom entum . With
our notati ons :
F t::. t = t::.p = 1n 'U c o flll
F-t::.t = t::.L = 8 w .
Speed and angular speed can be expressed from these equations:
w= - -
VCO fIll
== - - .
Let t denote the time of two revo luti o ns of the rod.
displacement is
wt = 47T ,
and hence
The corresponding angul ar
t=- .
300 Crea. tive Physics Problem s with So lu t ions
With the use of ( I) and (2) , the displacement of the centre of mass (as well as of eVer
point of the rod) is
/::"1' = Vco fll!t = F/::" t. 471 = F/::,.t . ~: '2<3 = 871e.
Since the ro tational inerti a about the cen tre of the rod is <3 = ml 2 / 12, the magnitude of
the di sp laceme nt is
/::"1' = 871m1
= ~7II.
Solution of Problem 100. a) The discs will undergo ri gid rotation with angular
velocity WI around the point of contact that is statio nary in the inertial reference fra me.
Accord in g to the law of conservati on of angular momentum (applyin g Steiner' s parallel_
ax is theorem as well ):
2 ( mVR -
~mR2w ) = 2 (~mR2 +mR2) WI.
From thi s, the unkn ow n angul ar veloc ity is W I = 1 -. The rotation is in the di rectio n
opposite to the origi nal.
b) According to the law of conservation of linear momentum , the di scs can only
move at velocities VI eq ual in magnitude but poin ti ng in the opposite direction after
the collision. From the sy mmetry it can be derived that the discs will assume ang ular
velocities W I eq ual in magnitude and in the same di rection. The law of conservation of
angul ar momentum hold s:
2 (mVR -
~mR2w ) = 2 ( mvIR + ~mR2wI) .
The law of conservation also holds for mechanical e nergies:
(~mv2 + ~mR2w2 ) = 2 (~mvi + ~mR2wi) .
After substituti on:
6 =VI + 2 WI
132 =
vi +8wi
The on ly physically realistic sol uti o n of the system of equati ons is
= - 2 em/ s,
a nd
Both ve loc ity and angu lar veloc ity change to the oppos ite of the original direction.
Solution of Problem 101. Case a). The mechan ical energy of the co mpressed spring
is tran sferred to the rotational kinetic e nergy of the two disks. Since the sum of the
6.2 Dynam ics
Mechanics S olution s
ternal torques is zero, the angul ar momentum is conserved. In thi s case, the two di sks
~:tate in oppos ite directi on at the sa me angul ar speed whil e the rod stays at res t.
In detail s:
~2 D (c...l )2 = 2 . ~2 . Gw a2 '
and insertin g the moment of inerti a G = "2 m R2 of the di sks, and simp lifyin g by 2 we
get that:
D(c...l )2 = mR. 2w;'.
Finally, the angul ar speed of the disks is:
1800 N/ m
= 10.607 l /s .
Case b). In thi s case, the two di sks rotate in the same directi on, but because the sum
of the extern al torq ues is zero, as in the prev ious case, the total angul ar momentum
of the syste m mu st remain zero. Thi s is poss ible onl y if the rod (of negli gibl e mass),
along with the two di sks, begin s rotating in the opposite directi on. Thus, the sum of the
two (equ al) spin angul ar momenta of the di sks and the orbital angul ar momentum of
the whole syste m have the same size bu t oppos ite directi on. (We re mark that if the rod
were fixed, then thi s co nstra in woul d exert an ex tern al torque and the Earth would take
over the angul ar momentum .)
The mechani ca l energy is co nserved:
~2 D( c... l) 2 = 2· ~2 . Gw?u + 2 · ~2 mv2c'
and the an gul ar momentum is co nserved as well :
2· G Wb - 2 . mVc"2 = 0,
where Vc is the speed of the centre of the di sks :
Vc ="2 ·D,
and n is the angul ar speed of the ro tatin g rod . In serting (3) into eq uation (2):
2· - mR w' = 2· m- . D· 2
from whi ch the ang ul ar speed of the rod is :
th us
= - . S1 = -
23 1
JOO Crca ti, ·c Ph.l".'; ics Proble llls lI'it l, 'olutiolls
Putt ing thi s into eq uati on ( I ) and Ill ulti ply in g by 2, we get:
T he angul ar speed of the disks is:
N um eri ca ll y:
= R' J d2 + 2/{J-
JO. OG2.5 + 2·0.0 1
] SOD C\ / 111
----'--= 9.23• -1
4 kg
and in term s of the angul ar speed obtai ned in th e firs t case:
= O.S7w(/ = 9.23 -s .
S olution of Prohlem 1112. T he mot ion ca n be di vided int o three stages: I. from th
start o f th e fall to reac hin g the tabl e. 2. th e co lli sion w ith th e ta ble (w hi ch occurs in
neg li gibk time interva l, but is very impo rt ant fo r findin g th e change o f angular speed
l. th e slow in g dow n of th e rotati on of th e rin g th at has alread y stopped falli ng. Angul a
di spl acement s can be considered to occ ur in the first and third stages onl y: .p I and ";;2
Sin ce the co lli sion itse l f is mome nt ary, th e angul ar di sp lacement durin g th e collisio n
neg li gible.
I . T he time u f fall o f th e rin g is
I" = )2 17 /g,
w hik the angul ar di spl acement is
.p I =wo lo =wo)2h /g .
2. D urin g the co lli sion. th ere is a sudde n and very large fri cti on force slow in g dow n th
ro tati on. T hat force needs to be de termin ed so th at the time interva l o f th e third stag
ca n be determin ed from th e angul ar speed aft er th e co lli sion. Since th e total impuls
equ als th e change in mOllle nlllm .
(iV - mg)b.L = b.m v.
w here /\' is the mea n norillal force exerted by th e tub k . Hence
b.m u
N = b.1
- - + lIw.
6.2 Dy namics
6. M eclwllics Soill tions
Thu s the mean va lu e of the fri cti on force durin g the short time of the co lli sion with
the tabl e is
F = P'N =I.l C;:'~;V + mg ).
Durin g thi s short time int erva l, the angul ar impul se (the product of torque and time)
equals th e change in angul ar mo menlUm :
T6t = 6L ,
where 6 L = 86w is the change in angul ar mo me nlUm of the rin g. Now
Fr6t = 6L ,
since the fri cti on force rem ain s tange nti al to the rin g and the rin g is thin . Thu s the
moment arm of the fricti on fo rce is the sa me everywhere, and the total torque of the
friction force is obtain ed as a sca lar sum of torques ac ting o n small elementary arcs
around the ring. By substituting ( I) in (2) , the equ ati on
Il (
6~;V + m g) r 6 t = 6L
is obtained . With the multi pli cati o n by /l'r6t carried out :
/l 6 mur + /l7ng r 6 t = 6L .
Since the co lli sio n is moment ary, 6 / ---+ 0 , so j.l7ng6 t also tends to zero , th at is, the
second term is neg li gibl e. Th at leaves th e foll ow in g equ ati on for the change in angular
speed :
Il 6/11 U7' = 6 L = 8 6 w.
Since the rin g is dropped from res t, 6 v = v, as used in all the equ ations be low . Note
that the torqu e acts aga in st th e angul ar veloc ity, so the change in an gul ar ve loc ity is
negative .
o W =
- -- = - - = - 8
In1' 2
l' .
The cal cul ati on of the c hange in angu lar veloc ity durin g the co lli sion with the tabl etop
IS thus compl eted.
3. From th at po in t onwards , the ro tati on co ntinu es with a uniform angul ar dece lerati on
until it finall y stops. The initi al an gul ar ve loc it y of the third stage is
W j
=wo + 6 w,
and the an gul ar accelerati on of the thi rd stage equal s
f31= ~ = /l m gT = Ilg.
Th .
e time taken to stop is
wlI + 6 w
. T' .
300 Creative Phy sics Problems with Solutions
(4) and (5) are used to determine the angular displacement during the third stage :
'P2 =~ /31ti=~.j.lg.( WO + !::.W ) 2 = (wO+ !::.w)2 ' '1' .
2 'I'
j.lg /r
With the expression (3) of !::.w substituted:
(wc -~r
' '1' .
The total angular displacement is
'P = 'P I + 'P2 = Wo
-- +
"y2r;h )
(wo - - 2W
~ (21~
= 27f
1 (
= 27f = 27f
(2h (Wo - I' ~ T) =
V9 +
( 211s -
.T ,
and the number of revolutions made is
0. 3 \.12.10 Ill /S ·0.2
2 . 0.1 m)
+ ~--------~-'----
2·0 .3·10 m/s2
10 m/s
= -
(4.2 + 3.75) = l.265.
(The angular displacements are 'P I = 4.2 rad = 240.64° in the first stage, 0 in the
second stage and 'P2 = 3.75 rad = 214.86 ° in the third stage, which add up to a total of
'P = 455 .5° .)
Solution of Problem 103. a) The sphere reaches the cart with a speed of VI =::
= J2gh = 5 m/s. The magnitude of the y component of the change in its momentum
owing to the collision is
!::.Py = 2mvy = 2mj2gh = 800 Ns,
and the magnitude of the horizontal com ponent is
!::.Px = S !::. t ,
where 5 IS the mean friction force . The
mean normal force acting during the co llision is
C.2 Dynam ics
6. Mechanics Solu tions
rhuS the sphere ga in s a horizontal momentum of
Px = !::,PL = S!::,t = p.J\!::'t = ~l
!::,L = 2~lmV 2gh = SO Ns .
!::' t
rhe external forces are all vert ica l, so the total change in horizon tal momentum of the
system is 0, that is,
lIfV = m V 2n
after the colli sion , where the horizontal speed of the sphere is
and the speed of the cart is
V = - V 2 :c = 2-IWI = 2/-l- V 2gh = 0.4-.
Since the deformation is perfectly elastic , the sphere rebound s and ri ses to the initial
height again . Thus the verti ca l component of the ve locity of rebound is equal in
magnitude to the speed VIOl' the sphere reaching the cart. After the co lli sion , the sphere
follow s a parabolic projectile path and the
time interval between the two co lli sions, i.e.
the time of the projectile motion is
t= g
=Vg=l S.
During this time, the sp here travels a horizontal di stance of
!::' x = V2:L·t = 2W/16h 2 = S/-lgh = 1m
", I
to the right relative to the ground , wh il e the cart travels
!::' x = ~ . 1 TIl = 0. 4 III
to the left. The distance between the two impact point s is
!::,X = V t = -
d=!::,X + !::' ::r: = 1.4 m .
Therefore the length of the cart needs to be at least
L = 2d = 16/-lh ~ = 2. S Ill.
b) In the case when the rotation dece lerates until the touching point on the cart stops
relative to the cart (that is the point where ro llin g wou ld start), the tangen ti al speed of
the great circ le of the sphere slidin g on the cart is
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solution s
Thus the minimum possible value of the angular speed after rebounding is
W2 = -
V +V2x
m+M ~
= 2p,--- V 2gh=0.2
2 · 10 - 2 ·1. 25m = 7s - 1
where Vrel is the speed of the lowermost point of the circumference of the ball re lative
to the cart.
The mean value of the decelerating torque of the kinetic friction force is iii = S R,
and hence
lit cancels out, therefore
2mV2gh _ 5p,V2gh _ 0 .5)2 ·10 m/8 2 ·1.25111 _
2 RR
-12. 58 ,
I li w 1-W1 - W 2-P, 2
and thus the minimum possible value of the initial angular speed is
Wl"' i" = W2 + lliwl = 78 - 1 + 12.5 5- 1 = 19.58- 1 .
c) In the case of the angular speed calculated in b), the sphere is not sliding duri ng the
second collision , and thus mechanical energy is only dissipated during the first coll isio n.
Since the deformation of the cart is perfectly elastic, the kinetic energy of the motio n
in the y direction is not changed by the collision. As a result of the the friction force,
the translational kinetic energies of the motion (of both the ball and the cart) in the x
direction increase, while rotational kinetic e nergy decreases. The amount of mechanical
energy dissipated is equal to the total work done by friction .
According to the work-energy theorem ,
2 1
2 1
liE kin = ~ W = Wm-->M + WM-->m = 2 MV + 2 mvx + 28(W2 - WI) '
where the first and second terms are the translational kinetic energies gained by the cart
and the ball , respectively , and the third term is the loss of rotational kinetic energy of
the ball.
With the calculated numerical data:
1 2 m2 1
1112 1 2
2 2 2
2 1 _
li E k · · = -·200ko·0.4 - 2 +- · SOkg.1 - 2 +- · - · SOkg ·0.2 m (7 - 19.5 )-2III
2 5
[With the results substituted parametrically and the operations carried out:
-' mech -
m(4m + 14M ) 2 I 1
{L 9 1.
6.2 Dy na.mics
6. Mech a.nics Solu tions
d) The total work of the friction force was calculated in c). The work done by the
sphere on the cart is
VV"'~M = - NIV
m2 2
80-? k'g 2
= 4- ~L gh = 4 · - - - ·0.01·10? · l.2.5 m = +16 J ,
200 kg
and the work done by the cart on the sphere is
WM ->m=
W-W''' ~ M=-2
~L gh=-167J-16J=-172J.
(Since the translational kinetic energy of the sphere increases , it is its rotational kinetic
energy that must decrease.)
e) The cart gains a kinetic energy of
6 E M = 1,y'n~M = + 16J ,
and the translational kinetic energy of the sphere increases by
b.Em"ans = 2mV2x = 2m(2~Lv'2gh) = 4~ m gh = 4·0.01·80 kg·10 s2 ·1.25 m = +40 J
during the first collision . Finally , the change in the rotational energy of the sphere is
6£"',ot = 6E"lec" - 2114 V - 2mvx = -1 56 J -16 J - 40 J = -2 12 J.
6E"',ot = 2 8 (w 2 -Wi") = - 2mgh
4m+9M 2
Since the change is negative, it decreases , as expected.
A summary of the energy changes:
The total mechanical energy is initially
EmeclI l
= mgh + 28w1 = 1000 J + 243.36 J = 1243.36 J.
The mechanical energy after the collision is
+ 2 m (v 2 + Vl ) + 28w2 = 16 J + 1040 J + +3l.36 J = 1087.36 J.
m ee " 2 = 2 MV
The difference of the two values (the mechanical energy dissipated) is 6E mec"
:::: - 156J .
The decrease in the rotational kinetic energy is 6Erot = ~8(wi - wi) = -212J.
The total work done by friction , that is the change in the total mechanical energy of the
sYStem is
300 C reati,'e Pln's ics Problem s wit h Soillt ions
which is madc up of two componcnts:
-156 .J
L 1/Vrr = i3.E + i3.Etrall s , that is,
- 212.J (c han ge in rot ati onal energy)
+ 5G. J (c hange in translational energy)
Solution of Prohlcm I04. The problem becomes so lvable onl y if the ball of mass 1\1
is assumed to be pointlike as it is sugges ted by the fi gure.
Let us app ly the wor k-kineti c energy theorem . The normal force and stati c fric tio n do
not do any work , therefore the work of the gra vitational force equal s the change in till:
kin etic e nerg y of th e sys tem :
II 'gr,,\' = i3. E kill .
The height of the ce ntre of the mass of the cy linder docs not change, therefore thl!
gravitational force docs wor k onl y on the ball of mass 1\1. This work is given by the
formula l\'gr;1\ = 1\1 g( I? + I' ) , thus the work-kinetic energy takes the form of:
') 1
1\1 g( I? + 1') = - II!C(-) + :-C-)ur + - J\J 11-.
Let us find the connection bet wee n the velocities and the angular velocity, Since the
cy linder roll s without slipping. the ve locit y of it s centre of mass mu st be:
Vo =
Th e ve loc ity (II) of the ball Illu st be perpendicular to the ground because point P is the
instantaneous axis of rotation , thus the in stantaneo us
radiu s of rotation of the ball lies on the groun d.
Velocity II is the resultant of the tran slational
y of point 0 (which is the centre of mass of
and the velocity with which the ball
rotates about point 0 , Using that 'U o and II arc
perpendicular, we get:
112 = (Rw )2 - 'U~ =w 2(R2 _ 1'2).
Substituting equations ( I) and (2) into the workkinetic e nergy theorem , we obtain:
J\l g(R+I')='2 I11 (WI)-+'2''2" l1 - W + '2 J\/ (R - I'- )w,
where 8 = ~m1'2 is the rotational inertia of the cylinder. Solving the equation for w,
we find:
- 1
n.-.) + ,.'2( 3111 / 21\1 - 1) =3 .25 s ,
6. NJeciJalJics So lu t io lJS
6.2 DY ll a mics
thUS the ball hits the ground with a velocity of:
2g(Il - 7' )
\I = v.)\j 11. 2 - r 2 = (R + r )
r?2 +r 2 (3m/2 !1!-1 )
. 111
= 1. 3 - .
First solution of Problem 105. Assuming that the hoop stays vertical , we are dealing
with moti o n in a plane. Since the sys tem starts from rest, in the absence of horizontal
forces the common centre of mass S of hoop and weight will desce nd (w ith a nonuni form acceleration) along a vert ica l line. During the fall , if the centre of the hoop is
displaced to the left of the verti ca l line drawn through the centre of mass, the weight will
be disp laced to the right. Since the hoop and the weight have equal masses, the centre of
mass S is at th e midpoint of the radius co nnecting the centre of the hoop to the weight,
that is, at a distance of 1' / 2 from each. Thus their horizont al motions (d isplace ment ,
insta nt aneous ve locity, the .r component of acceleration) are symmetrical. The centre
of the hoop does not acce lerate vertically. Its hori zontal acceleration vec tor first point s
to the left and then to the right.
a) [n the position in vestigated by the problem ,
the centre of the hoor is at rest, its acceleration
ao is equal and oprosite to the component iLL"
of the acceleration of the we ight. Therefore it is
enough to determine the hori zo ntal co mponent
(}.h , =2 .
of the acceleration of the weight.
Since the centre of the hoop is at rest (instantaa,,,
neolls ax is of rotation) , the speed of the centre
of Illass S is
Us = "2w ,
':~S IZ)
and the speed of the weight is
= rw = 2vs,
both in the vertica l directi on. w denote s the in stantaneou s angular velocity of the hoop.
At the same time in stant , the horizontal component of the acceleration of the weight is
equ al to the centriretal acceleration of it s rotation about the centre of mass (since the
hori zonta l acceleration of point S stays 0 throughout) , that is,
== --z- == -1'- ,
Where, as obtained from ( I ), the speed of the weight relative to
the centre of mass I S
The speed U I of the weight needs to be determined. The work·
energy theorem ca n be used:
lrLo.~ 6h = -mu
1- + -Bow
300 Creative Physics Problem s with S olu tions
where 2l h =. T is the fall of the weight, and 80 = ln7· 2 is the moment of inerti a of th e
hoop abo ut Its own centre of mass (0). Since the motion of the hoop at thi s time in stant
is pure rotation , its translational kinetic energy is 0, and for the same reason the speed
of the weight is VI = TW. With these results, the work-energy theore m takes the fornl
2 2
mgT = "2mvI + "2mT W = mv I .
Hence the speed of the weight after a fall of l' is
From (2), (3) and (4), therefore, the x compo nent of the acceleration of the weight and
also the acceleration of the centre of the hoop has a magnitude of
1 m . 10 ;J
-----''- = 5 -
and a horizontal direction , both pointing towards the centre of mass S.
b) The force press ing on the ground is equal and opposite to the norm al force 11"
exerted by the ground. Consider the net torque about the centre of mass S . It equa ls
moment of inertia times angular acceleration. The torque of the gravitational force 2mg
acting on the system being 0, the equation will only contain the normal forc e ]{:
where {3 stands for angular acceleration, and 8 s is the moment of inertia of the system
about the common centre of mass. It is the sum of the mome nts of inertia of the weight
(8d and of the hoop (8,,).
The moment of inertia of the weight is
8 1 =m(~f =ml~2 ,
and that of the hoop, with the parallel-axis theorem:
(T) 2 =mT 2 +m 1'2·
8 h =8 0 +md =mT- +m"2
The sum of them is
m1· 2
1nT 2
8 s =mT + - - + - - = - 7nr-.
Substituted in (5):
that is,
]{ = 3mT{3 .
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. M echan ics Solu tions
rhe angul ar accelerati on f3 and the accelerati on as of the ce ntre of mass S are related
by the equ ati on
since the ce ntre of mass onl y accelerates verti call y and the centre of the hoop onl y
accelerates horizontall y. The acce lerati on of the ce ntre of' mass is obtained by appl yin g
Newton ' s second law to th e sys tem:
2mg - [\1\0,5= - - =
= g--.
"L m
rhus the angul ar accelerati on is
- 2as _ 2g
f3 - - - - - l'
Substituted in (6):
1\ =3m1'
(29- - -
J( )
=6mg - 3I\ _,
and he nce
Thus the mag nitude of the normal forc e actin g between th e hoop and the ground is
}\' = -3 m g = -3 · 50 N = 75 N.
Second solution of Problem lOS. We will give a ge neral so luti on to the prob le m in
terms of the angle a e ncl osed by the vertical and the radiu s draw n to the we ight.
With the notati ons of the prev ious so luti on, the speeds of
the centre of mass and the centre of the hoop are ex pressed in
terms of a as foll ows:
= 2" . W · sin a,
vU=2" · w·cosa.
(I ' )
(2' )
It follow s from the work-energy theorem th at
2mg ·-( I -casa) = - (2 m )vs+ -8 sw,
(3' )
where 8 5 = l. 5mT2 . An gul ar speed is ex pressed fro m (1') :
W= -.- ,
l' S In 0 '
and substituted in (3' ) :
2mv1 1 3
2mg · -( I - casa) = - - + - . -mr . -------"'02
2 2
r 2 sin 2 0 '
24 1
300 Creat ive Physics Prob le ms w it h Solu tion s
The equ ati o n can be di vided th ro ugh by m, a fac tors o f 2 cancelled in the first term
a nd 4 and 1' 2 cancell ed in the second term :
3v 2
sin 2 0'+ 3
. 2
l'g ( l - cosO') = v~ + ~ = v~·
S1l1 0'
sm 0'
With the substituti o n o f sin 2 0' = 1 - cos 2 0' in the nume rator:
2 4 - cos 2 0'
1'g( I -cos O' ) = vs '
. 2
s m 0'
He nce the speed o f the centre of mass in terms o f 0' is
g1' (1 - cos 0')
4 - cos 2 0' .
Vs = S1l1 0'
The speed of the centre o f the hoop can be e xpressed in a s imil ar way from (2'):
g1'( 1 - coSO' )
4 - cos 2 0' .
Va = cosO'
The angul ar ve loc ity e xpressed fro m (I') is w = 2vs/1'sin O':
4g ( I - cosO' )
1'(4 - cos 2 0') .
(6' )
The angul ar acce lerati o n is obta ined from the net to rqu e: J( . 2" sin O' = {38 , hence
{3 = J\ . - . sIn 0' =
J(~sin O'
:J. m1' 2
J( s in O'
= - --
The equ ati o n obta ined by applyin g Ne wton ' s second law to the syste m descri bes the
moti o n of the centre o f mass:
2m a s = 2mg - J(.
The acceleratio n of the centre o f mass will be de term ined
w ith the he lp of the accele rati o n o f the ce ntre o f the hoo p
re lati ve to a re ference frame attac hed to the centre o f mass and
mov in g w ith a translati o nal moti o n: The vertical component of
thi s acce lerati on is the negati ve of the acce lerati o n of the centre
of mass .
The normal and ta nge nti a l accele rations of the centre of the
hoop are an = w 2 . 1'/2 a nd at = {3 . 1'/2. The sum of their
ve rti ca l compo ne nts is the negative of the accelerati o n of poi nt
5 , thus the mag nitude of the acce le ration , as sho wn in the
fi g ure, is
as =- · w ·coso' + _ ·{3 · sll1 o' .
6.2 Dynamics
6. Mechanics Solutions
The solution of the simu ltaneous equat ions prov ides the acce leration aD and the force
J( in question . The acceleration in (9') is substituted in (8') :
]{ = 2mg - 2m· - . w . cos a - 2m· - (3 . sm a .
The angu lar velocity w is taken from (6') and the angu lar accel eration (3 is taken from
(7') :
T 4g( 1 -cosa)
T ]{sina .
]( = 2mg - 2m· -.
' cosa - 2m· - . - - - . sm a.
2 T(4-cos 2 a)
2 3mT
T is cancelled in the second term , and 2mT is cancelled in the last term of the
ri ght-h and side. The terms contain ing ]( are transferred to the left- hand side and the
common factors are pu ll ed out on each side:
sin2a )
(1- cosa) . cosa )
- = 2mg (1 2
J«(1 + 3
4 - cos a
sin 2 a is rep laced with 1 - cos 2 a, and common denom inators are applied:
J( .
4 - cos 2 a
= 2'rng'
4 - cos 2 a - 2(1- cosa) cosa
4-cos 2 a
Hence the normal force in question is
3 ( 4 + cos 2 a - 2 cos a)
]{ _
The acceleration of the centre of the hoop is given by the horizonta l component of its
acceleration re lative to the centre of mass , si nce the centre is not accelerating vertica ll y:
aD =
2 .
]( sin a T
4g (1 -cosa) T .
- ·(3·sma- -· w 'Slna= - - - . - · cosa. - · sm a.
T(4-cos 2 a) 2
With the substitution of the value of ]{ from (10' ), rearrangement and the use of a
common denominator:
[( 4 + cos 2 a - 2cosa) cosa - 2(1- cosa)( 4 - cos 2 all sin a
'g .
(4 - cos 2 aF
The answers to the problem 's quest ions are obtained by substituting 90 0 for a :
[( = -mg = -mg = 1.5 · 50N = 75 N .
Third solution of Problem 105. The first question of the prob lem can be answered in
an unu sua l way. The acceleration of the centre of the hoop at the time instant when the
angul ar disp lacement of the we ight is 90 0 is obta ined directly as the normal acceleration
calcul ated at the point where the tangent to its trajectory is vertical: al x =
Q . The
Illag ni tude of the acce leration is determined as in So lution I, and the centre of curvature
(! of the trajectory is easily obta ined by not icing that the mot ion of the common centre
vi /
30U C reatil'e Physics Prob le llls lI'i t l, So lu tions
o f mass (S) is ve rti cal and the moti on o f th e cen tre or
th e hoo p is hor izo nt al. Therefore th e we ight is Illov ino
along an arc o f an ellipse w ith a se mim ajur axi s 01'
A = I' and se mimin or axis 13 = 1' / 2. (The semi-axes
arc now de noted by ca pit al lellers to di stin guish th e
semim ajor ax is fro m th e sy mbol o f acce lerati on. ) T he
radiu s o f curva ture o f th e ellipse at th e endpo int or it s
. .
min or aX Is IS
whi ch now mea ns
Since th e speed o f th e we ight (as obtained in the li rst
so luti on) i s
th e accelerati on o f the we ight (and thu s o f th e centre o f th e hoop as well ) has a
magnitu de o f
_ _ Vi _ I'g _ g _ ~ III
(( I ... -
(J Ii
2 I'
;] --:- .
Proo f o f the ellipti ca l shape o f th e trajec tory:
If two gi ven po int s o f a straight line arc
m ov in g al ong a pair o f lines intersecting at
ri ght ang les , then th e path o f all other po ints
on th e mov in g line w ill form an ell ipse. As
show n in the li gure, let th e po int P di vide the
lin e seg ment cut out o f th e line by th e axes into
segment s o f CI and b . T he coordin ates of P are
.r = UCOSCl.
V=iJs i ll o.
The squ are o f th e seco nd equ ati on is
.) ..)
Y-=/!-SlIl - Cl= b (l -cos- o),
w here coso IS .r/II fro m th e lirst equ at ion. T hu s Cl can be elimin ated:
U =1>
D i vision by (/
( .r-'J)
1 - --;;11-
and rea rrange ment gi ves
+ u.- = 1.
w hi ch is k now n as th e cen tra l eq uati on of an elli pse .
6.2 Dyna.mics
6. Mechanics Solutions
(It ca n be shown in a simi lar way th at the tra jectories of points on the line that li e
outside the lin e seg ment between the axes are also ellipses .)
Proof of the formula for the radiu s of curvature at th e e ndpoint of the minor axis:
Consider the motion of a point mo vin g in an ell ipti cal path as a compos iti on of two
perpendi cu! ar simple harmonic motiol~s of the same angula~' fr~qu e~lcy. The res ultin g
Li ssajous iIgure becomes an elli pse II there IS a phase sh it! 01 90 between the two
oscillations. Then the point on ly has a normal acceleration at the e nd points of the axes,
which is eq ual to the maximum acceleration of the osc ill ation along the relevant axis.
Thu s the accelerat ion at the endpoints of the major axis is
=AW2 ,
where A is the amplitude of that osci ll at ion. The speed of the po int at the same time
instant is the maxi mum speed of the osc ill ation along the minor axis:
where B is the amp litu de of th is acce lerati o n. Therefore
The norma l accelerations , the speed and the radius of
curvature arc related by
v 'J0=-.
v 'J0=-
u '
[n thi s problem ,
1J 2 w 2
f2 .-\ = Aw2 =
as stated above. Note that the radius of curvature at the
endpoint s of the minor axis , obtai ned in a similar way , is
Q/] = - .
Solution of Problem f()6. The particles wi ll be handled as pointmasses. Let I] and
12 be the ex tended lengths of the sp rings. The ou ter sp ring provides the necessary
Centripetal force for the outer particle, so:
D (12 - L ) = Irl:JL · w 2
The inn er partic le IS kept on a circular path by the net force of tensions III the two
Sprin gs :
D (I I - L )- D (1 2 - L)= ml l W2
Let LI S exterminate 12 by adding the two eq uations:
D (I I - L )=3m Lw +mlIW ,
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
from which the extended le ngth of the inner spring is:
II =L. D+3mw .
D -mw 2
Since the sum of the extended lengths of the springs should be 11 +12 = 3L, the extended
length of the outer spring can be written as:
D + 3mw2
2D-6mw 2
12 = 3L - I 1 = 3L - L · D _ mw 2 = L · - D
= -_-m-w-;02:- '
Let us substitute the expression for 12 into the first equation. After some algebra , we get:
3m 2w 4 - 8Dmw 2 + D 2 = O.
The solution of this equation can be written into the form of:
J~(4 ± Vi3) ,
hence WI = 5.04 S-I, W2 = 1.15 S-I .
Note that the resu lts are independent of the relaxed lengths of the springs (L ). Roo
WI has no physical meaning, because in that case D < mw , which mean s that the res ul
for II would be negative. Therefore the solution of the problem is: W2 = 1.1 5 S- l . Thus
the extended lengths of the springs are:
II = (-2 + Vi3)L = 1.61L,
12 = (5 - Vi3)L = 1.39L.
Solution of Problem 107. The role of the beetle is negligible in the motion of the
ring . The equations for the acceleration a and angular acceleration (3 of the ring are
mogs in a - Fj = moa
FrR= moR2(3
a = R (3,
where a is the acceleration of the centre of the ring . From the equation system it comes
- -2- .
After 5/4 turns, that is , after travelling a distance of s ::::
= 5R7r /2, the square of the speed of the centre of mass is
v 2 = 2as = -R7rg sma.
At the moment in question, the radial component of the
acceleration of the beetle is collinear with the accelerat ion
of the centre of the disc and the centripetal accelerat ion o
the point of the ring occupied by the beetle (measured in
6 .2 Dy namics
6. Mechanics Solu tions
a coordinate system that moves with the ring but does no t rotate ). The direction of the
latter is opposite to the acceleration of the centre in the direc ti o n or the slope, so at thi s
(llOment the acceleration of the beetl e in the direc tion o r the centre (that is, al o ng the
slope) is
a,. = - ~a,
and the acceleration in the direc ti o n o f the tan ge nt of the ring (that is , perpendicular to
the slope) is a in the ine rtial refere nce fram e. Let us take o ur coordin ate sys tem fixed
to the slope w ith axis x bein g parallel with it a nd axis y be ing pe rpendicular to it. The
acceleration of the beetle is caused by the gravitational forc e and the c linging force C,
whose components have magnitudes C," and C y .
The equations of the motion of the bee tle in the :r: and y
direction s are:
C,"~mgs in O'=m
R - a) ,
1ngcOSO' - G'l = mao
Substitutin g ( I) and (2) into (3) gives
gsin O'
ex = mg s in O'+m- 11'gsinO' -m- - = - mg( 1 +511' )sin O',
with numeri cal values
and (4) g ives
Sin O' )
C y = mg ( coso' ~ - - = 10- 3 kg · 9.81 ? . (cos 20° - 0 .5 · s in 20°) = 0.00754 N .
The magnitude of the resultant clinging force is
=)C; + C~ =)(28.10- 3)2 N2 + ( 7. 54 .10 - 3)2 N2 =
= 28.997.10 - 3 N;::;o 29 .10- 3 N.
(It can be see n that at thi s s peed the radial acceleration is already domina nt. )
The direction of the resultant force relative to the surface of the s lope is
e 'l 7.54
tan , = - = - - = 0 .2693
, = arc tan 0.2693 = 15°,
and rel ative to the ground, in a directi o n upwards a lon g the s lope it is , '= 20° + 15° =
:::: 35°.
300 C rea tive Physics Prob lem s with S olu tion s
Solution of Problem 108. Let us direct the hori zon ta l
ax is of the coordinate syste m from left to ri ght. The
i... . -co
v , ""..~ dynamic frictional force exerted o n the backward ro\',,':
tatin g wheel is indepe nde nt of the speed of the hoop,
thu s the acceleration of the centre of mass of the hoop
is a = - ~Lg, and its angul ar velocity dec reases with an
a ng ul ar acceleration of fJ = M 18 = ~LfVh- 1 M7,2 = ~g I T . In orde r for the hoo p to move
backward , it mu st start at a grea ter a ngul ar speed than the angul ar speed at which it is to
be throw n - in the case where the angular speed and the speed of the wheel decreases
to zero at the same time. The first graph shows the veloc ity o f the centre of mass v as
a fun c tion o f time and the speed o f a parti c ul ar po int of the hoo p T W with respect to
the centre of mass (so in a moving coord in ate syste m) as a function of time . T o answer
the first part of the question , let us examin e the bo undary case w here the rotation of the
w heel stops at the same time as the speed of the centre o f mass decreases to zero. The
initial a ngul ar speed can be ca lc ul ated fro m the kin e matic equatio ns:
Translational motion of ce ntre o f mass :
v = Va - ~gt )
rotation abo ut the centre o f mass:
W = - wa + fJt = -Wo + - t o
T he time of deceleration from the first eq uatio n:
t1 = - ·
If thi s is written into the equ ati o n for the a ngul ar speed, and sati sfy ing the condition that
we gain :
~g Vo
0= -wo+ - i 1 = - wo+ - - = -wo+ -·
W = 0
F ro m thi s the co nditi o n for the initi al ang ul ar speed is
Iwol > IVOT I.
6.2 Dy na.mics
6. Mecha.nics Solu tions
For the seco nd part of the question we ca n answer simil arl y, usin g the seco nd graph :
-Vo = Vo - ~Lgt 2
t2 =
because the hoop must reach its initi al speed as it moves backwards, and after this it
is to roll without sk idding thu s the foll ow in g re lationship mu st be sati sfied: v = 1'W =
::;;: constant. Thu s the eq uation for the rotati on in the second case is:
w = - wo+-t 2 ,
in which w = - - , thu s:
{Lg 2vo
--=-wo+ - - ,
{ Lg
from which the asked angul ar speed is:
Wo = l'
which is ind ependent of the coeffic ient of dynami c friction.
Solution of Problem 109. The ball gain ed a horizontal veloc ity of Vx and an angular
velocity of w after bein g hit bac k, but when it bounces back from the tabl e, it loses both ,
therefore the loss in its kinetic energy is:
- t::.E= - mv., +- 8 w.
Note th at thi s is also the total loss in the ball 's mechanical energy sin ce the co lli sion is
elastic, which mean s that the ball bounces back to its initial height, so the energy stored
in the elasti c deform ation of the ball will all be transformed into kinetic energy in the
vertical directi on.
To be able to so lve the problem, we need to know the rotati onal in ertia of the pingpong ball. We know that the rotational inertia o f a spheri ca l shell about an ax is goi ng
through its centre is give n by the formul a:
2 R" - .,."
8= "5 m g 3 _ .,.3 '
Where m is the mass of the shell , whil e Ra nd r are the outer and inner radii of the
shell respectively. As the wall of a ping-pon g ba ll is very thin , we have 10 find out where
the above formula te nds to if T tend s to R. Since both the numerator and denominator
of the fracti on tend s to zero, we need to use a lilli e algebra to find its exact va lue.
Let us use the ge neral formula :
a·"· - b"' = (a - b)(a" - 1 + ((,, -2 b + ··· + ab", -2 + b", - l).
APPlYin g thi s to both the numerator and denominator of the frac ti on, we find:
R 5 - 1'5
R 3 - 1'3
(R - r)( R4 + R 31' + R 21'2 + R 1' 3 + 1'4)
(1( - 1')(R2 + R1' +r2)
300 Creat ive P h.l·sics P l'O ble lll s with So lutions
Divid in g by (!? - I' ) and usin g that ,. eq uals fl. , we get:
nG_ ,.G
+ R" + R ei + 1r l + n l
rp - ,.:3
fl. 2
+ /[2 + f(2
= ;;, R-
Substit utin g thi s int o the form ul a for the ro tati onal ine rt ia. we get th at the rotationa
in ert ia of the ping-po ng ba ll is:
', K
\ ,,--
5 ?
G = -III . - R- = - I l l R-.
Le t lJ iI be the ve rti ca l compo ne nt of the veloc it
o f the ba ll at the mo ment of hi tti ng the tabl e. Thi
ve loc ity ca n be ca lcul ated from the initial heig h
of the ball usin g the formul a:
" -,
Although we need the initi al hor izonta l veloc it
( v ,) and angul ar ve loc ity (w) of the ball to cal
eu late the los t mec hani cal e nergy , these qua nti
ties are not give n. Let us ass ume th at both of th
above quantit es shoul d turn to ze ro in the same time int erval. Let thi s time interva l b
6T . If 61 is the tim e of the ve rti ca l co mpressio n of the ball , then the average vert ica
force ac tin g on the ball , whi ch is give n by the rate of change of it s lin ear moment ulll
must be :
211l IJ ,
L F = J\ - Ing = [;j =
Tt '
where 1\' is th e normal force exert ed by the tab le on the ball and my is th e gravitationa
force . Iso latin g the norm al force , we ge t:
1\ = lTIo + _ _.I .
T here fore fr icti on ac tin g on the surface of the spi nnin g ba ll IS :
If the dece lerati o n of the horizo nta l tra nslat ion (and ruta ti o n) of the ba ll takes time 6T
the n the change in the hori zo nt al lin ear mo me ntum of th e ba ll can be writt e n as:
llI 'I) ,
= S 6 l = It ( Illy + 211W, ) ·6 T.
If the time of dece lerat ion equa ls the time o f deformati o n, I. e. 61 = 6T , th en ou
eq uati on is sim plif-ied to:
= I t ( IlIg + --;s:t
6.2 Dy n a.mics
6. M ech allics S olutions
----Multiplying the expression in the bracket by 6 t , we obtain:
m V. 1
= ~t ( mg 6 t + 2mvy).
Si nce the colli sion occurs in a very short time ( 6 1 ---+ 0) , the Ilrst term in the bracket
can be neglected. Thu s the horizontal ve locity ( v.,.) or the ball is found to be:
The tim e needed to decelerate the rotatiun of the ball equa ls the time of the deceleration
of the hmi zontal tran slation, therefore the average angu lar deceleration is:
/3 = ~ .
This mea ns that the net torque act in g on the ball should be:
= e /3,
substitutin g the average quantities, we obtain :
which yields:
W= -e · 67 .
Substituting the friction from equation (2), we get:
It (17Ig + 2'~;' "
If !1t = 6T and !1t ---+ 0, the initial ang ular velocity of the ball is:
2{t'ln v yR
' .
Using equation s (3) and (4), we can now calculate the loss in the mechanical energy of
the ball:
In V ;
') 'J
- 6 E=-' + --=2'ITl-p.-v;+
2 2R2
_ 7n j.t V ,}
e .
Substituting th e eXJ1rcssions ror the vertical component or velocity (J 2gh) and the
rotati onal im:rti a (2111 11. 2 / 3), we get that the ma ximum heat produced by the collision is :
Q = - 6 E = 4j./ 2·m g h + Gl t 2 mgh = 10j.t 2 mgh.
In se rtin g give n data, the quantities used in the so luti on are: Vy = 2 m is, V.,; = 1 m is,
W::::: 150 s- J, while the loss of mechanical energy or the maximum heat produced is:
Q"1<lx = 10·0. 25 · 0.003 kg ·10 ? ·0.2m =3 .75· 10
- 3
Note that our result gives th e uJ1per limit of the heat produced in the co lli sion . It is
POssib le that the time or decelerati on of the hori zontal translation and rotation is less
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solu tions
th an the time of deformati on, i.e. tn < 6. t. In that case th e valu es o r V.r and W will
be less than the ones given in equ ations (3) and (4), thu s the loss o r mechanical cnero
will al so be less than the one given in our fi nal result. The max imu m heat is produc~~
when 6.7 = 6. £.
Solution of Problem 110. According to the co nditi on given in the problem , the
centres of mass of the two objects move wi th the sa me accelerati on (a).
Since both obj ects roll without slipping , angu lar velocities of the rim and cy linder are:
respectively, where v is the co mpone nt of the ve loc ity of the centres o f mass para llel
to the inclined plane.
The angul ar acce lerat ions of the rim and cy linder are:
/32 = - .
The rotat ional inertia of the rim and cy linder are:
a nd
The net torque acting o n the cy linder mu st be:
m27"~ a
M2 = 8 2 fh = - - - . - = - -- . a.
The acceleration of the centres of mass can be determin ed usin g the work-kineti c
e nergy theorem. While the objects move th ro ugh a di stance s, their di spl acement in the
vertical direction is ssin cp, so the work of the grav itat io nal force on them is:
Wgrav = (ml +m2) g· s · sin cp.
(S ince the forces move in oppos ite directi on and do their work th rough the same
di stances and since the obj ects do not slip, the work do ne on the objects by the external
forces add up to zero.)
The change in the ki neti c e nergy of the system is:
6. E
8- 2W 22 _
_ ml v 2 m2 v 2 8- lWj2
-2- + -2- + -2- + -2- -
kill -
v [ ml+m2+--~-+-mjT?
m2T~ ] =v- · (2ml+ 1.5m2).
Using that in case of a con stant accelerati o n and zero initi al ve lo..:ity v 2 = 2a s, the
change in the kin etic e nergy can be writte n as :
6. E kill = as(2mj + 1.5m2),
6 .2 Dynamics
6. Mecha.nics Solutions
------According to the work-kinetic energy theorem
L \/1i = 6E
kill , hence
we obtain:
(m l +m2) g · s · sin cp =as( 2ml + 1. 5m 2)'
Isolatin g the accelerati on of the centres of mass , we obtain :
(m l + m2)s in cp
2m ] + 1.5m2
In this equati on we have two unknowns ( m2 and CL) . A new equation can be ohtained
by determinin g the torque acting on the cy linder and suhstituting it into equation ( I ).
There are two forces acting on the cylinder: the gravitational force ('IrI 2.9) and the
resultant of the static friction and normal force exerted hy th e rim , which is ca ll ed the
force of support (T) that acts in point Q, where the rim and cy linder touch . The net
force and net torque o f these two forces cause the acceleration (a) and the angular
acceleration ( (3 ) of the cy linder respectively .
To determine the torque of force T, let us resolve it into radial (T,.) and tangential
components (Tt ). Since the torques of hoth 7712g and T,. are zero ahout the centre of
mass of the cylinder, the net torque equa ls the torqu e of forc e T/ , whose moment arm
is 7'2·
The magnitude of force T t accord in g to the figure is:
ITt 1= m2 g' sin?!' - m2CL ' cos(cp - .~, ) ,
300 C r ea t ive Physics P roblems with Solu tions
insert ing thi s into equ ati o n ( I), we get:
Iso latin g the accelerati o n, we fi nd:
2gsin 1jJ
1 + 2 cos ( ip -1jJ )
Ass umin g th at the ri g ht ha nd s ides o f equ ati o ns (2) and (3) are eq ual, we get that the
rati o o f masses (7n2 / ml) of the two objects is:
sin 1jJ
---------------------:----...,.. - 1.
s in ip - 3sin 1jJ + 2 sin ipcos( ip - 1jJ)
S ubstituting the g ive n data, we find : ip = 53° OS' , 1jJ = 36°52', sin ip = cos1jJ = 0.8,
cosip = sin 1jJ =0.6. m2/m l =S/67, he nce m2=S·670 g / 67=SOg, and the magnitude
o f the accelerati o n is a, = 30g / 73 = 0.4 11 9 ~ 4.03 m /s2 .
Solution of Problem 111. a) In ord er to ha ve the centre o f mass o f the ball stay at
rest, the sum of a ll fo rces ac ting o n it sho uld be zero. The forces ac tin g o n the ball are
grav itati o nal force, norm al fo rce and static fri c ti o n fo rce.
For these R + G+ F = O.
F or ta nge nti al directi o n:
mgsin a - Ff = O.
T he static fri c ti o n force should be F f = mgsina,
w he re acco rdin g to the conditi o n s in a = d/ Rand
~ -- -------
= 1!:..17
VIR2 - ~R2
that is
sm a = T'
From thi s, a = 4 1.4 1 0 •
With thi s, the static fri ctio n force is
Ff = m gsm a = 20- = 13.23
T he ta nge nti al accelerati o n of the po int of the ball in contac t is equ al to the
acce le rati on of the cy linde r:
whe re
- Ffl' _ 5gsin a
(3 ba l l - 2 2 - -2- -'
5 1nr
W ith thi s, we have de te rm ined the tange ntial acce le rati o n of the ba ll and the nappe of
the w heel of for tune:
6.2 Dynam ics
6. Mechanics Solu t ions
The angular acce leration of the whee l of fortune is
5g .
f3 wf = 2R S ill 0' .
Thi s is ca used by the signed sum of the torques acting on it:
NI -NIsf = 8 wf f3w[,
where J\tfsf = F J R. For the torque prod uced
59 .
+ 8 W f· O' .
R= 111gSInO'·R+8 IV [· --SIn
Finall y, the ro tati onal inertia of the whee l of fortu ne should be determin ed.
Let us determ ine the mass of a unit surface area. The total surface area of the wheel of
fortun e is the sum of the area of the nappe, wh ich is - . 2R7f, and the area of the two
. bases , wh ich is 2 · R 2 7f . With thi s the mass of a unit surface area is
0- -
~ -
A -
+ ~2 R7f
3R27f '
The rotati onal inert ia is additive:
811 ap p e = 111" R
8 b "se=-111,R
R2 ,
22 m 2
=-20·A,R =.nR 7f·R = - - · R 7fR =-R.
2 ~
3R27f . 2R7f
2 'R = 3
(The two are accide ntall y equal.)
With these the rotat ional inerti a of the whee l of fortune is
8 wf = - 'm R-.
The torque that should be produ ced by us is
M = mgs ill O'R
+~mR2 . ~2..sin
mgR sin O' (1
+~3 ) = ~mgRsin
O' =
/7 N m ;::::; 19.1 N m.
= - 20·0. 54· 3
b) The work done by us is
' + 6 EI;all -_ ~2 8_w [w"k
. 2 + ~2 8_ ball W haii
_ ~ . ~
2 2
~ . ~ .,2 2
- 2 3 m R Ww[ + 2 5 m1 W b all '
6 E wf
Because of the co nstrainin g condition R2w~' f = T 2 WGall' th at is,
2 2
IV = -111R 2 w w2 [ + -1nR 2 Ww
f = 1nR w w [
(1 + -1) = 8
-111R 2 · w w2 [ .
300 C reati, 'c Phl'.'; ic.'j Proble lll s lI'it/l S olu tions
HL:rL: lhL: angular spL:L:d or lh L: w hL:L:1 or rortune arl L:r 1 = 2 S I S
5 g .
= J"'I.f = -2 -J? S ill (\ ·1 .
Wilh lhi s lhL: work done by us in 2 sL:conds is
\ \ . = _ . 1I1 !?'2 _ 0 ~ s ill " (1 . ,2 = _ . ilW 2 s ill 2 C1 .( 2 =
cl f? 2
= I] GG .G7 .J.
- ·2 ko .100 ~. ,I s". ~_
1G -
c) The rL:quL:slL:d lwo angu lar acce IL:rali o ns arL:
For lhL: w heL:1 o r rorlune:
_ (I, _ 5 g "
_. c 10 ;J ,j7 _.
. 1
Uw f - - - - - S II1 I1 - 2. 0 ' ----- - - - 30.G2
2 !?
O. ;:)LI 111 LI
s2 .
For lh L: ball :
s 'J- '
Solution of Prohlcm 112. L L:l (/1 and (/ 2 bL: the acceIL:ralion s o r lhL: CenlrL:s or mass
o r the cy linder and lh e boa rd respec li vely . bOlh relalive 10 th e gro und . Fricli on 5 aCIS
o n the cy lind L:r and poinl s backwards, whiIL: rriClion 5' (or th e sall1L: magnilude) makes
lhe board move rorward. Fi rsl , we should dec idL: whe lher th e cy lind er slips O il lhe board
or ro ll s wi lh oUI slippin g. LL:l us lhL:rL:rorL: delL:rminL: th e minimum va lu e or coeflicie fll
o r rri Clion lhal is needed ror lhL: cy lind er 10 ro ll wi lhoUI slippin g. II' th e cOL: fli cieill givL:fl
in th e problL:m is grealer lh an lhi s minimum , lhL: cy linder wi ll nOl slip o n the board ,
olherw ise il will , in w hich caSL: we would neL:d 10 allL:r some or our L:quati ons . (The
equal ion expressing the relalion belwL:L:n the aCL:eIL:ralion s and th e angular accL:IL:ral iofl
o r th e cy linder w ould be losl. bUI a nL: W one. lhal givL:s lhL: value or lhL: kin el ic rri cl io fl .
wo uld bL: ga inL:d. )
Lei LIS appl y Newlon 's second la w 10 lhL: cy linclL:r and lhL: board and th en NeWlO n's
seco nd law in angular rorm 10 lhL: cy linder. Usi ng lhat 5' = 5 . o Lir equ ations lakL: lhe
rorm o r:
[' - 8 = /111([1.
,----=.S-"'~'""""::::::..-_F____, a ,
5 = ilI 2{/2 .
5,. = (0;] .
II' we ass ume lhal lhL: cy lindL:r roll s wi lh out slippi ng.
we oblain:
(I I -
(t .)
ri=,. --,
and beca use lhL: cy lin ckr is so li d. WL: gL:l G = - 1111 ' -.
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mechalli cs So ill t iolls
Let uS rewrite our equati ons as :
aJ =--
F-S=m l a l
.) (I L - 112
S/'= - 171 1/'- - - - .
Substitutin g the acceleration as gi ven in eq uati ons ( I) and (2) into equation (3) , we get:
F= l2. 6 N.
11 12
31112 +
and thu s the minimum coeffic ie nt of friction needed for the cy lin der to roll without
slipping is:
l 2.6
~L = - - = - - = 0.042 < 0.1 ,
l il l Y
30 ·9.8
which means that the cy linder does not slip on the board . Therefore we can use our
origin al equations to so lve the prob lem. Substitutin g the expression for fr ict ion into
equations ( I) and (2), we obtain:
21712 + 117]
In ,
= 1.05? ,
= 0. 21 ?
3m2 + 1l7 ,
a ] =- ·
Force F cau ses the cy linder to move a distance of 8 = a l t 2 / 2 = 1.05 111 /8 2 . 45 2 /2 =
= 2.1 111 , therefore the work done by it is:
1 [' 2 2 in2 + m 1 'J
II = [' 05= - - '
1-=92 .82 J.
2 In] 3/7/2 + II!)
Solution of Prohlem 113. Let m be the mass
of the spheres. R is the ir radiu s, and let )' den ote
the radiu s or th e hole . (As we shall see later, the
final res ul ts do not depend o n I7l and J? so for
simpli city we can ass ume that these data are the
sanle for both spheres.) Accordi ng to Newton 's
Second law , written ror the linear moti on of the
C~ntre o r mass. and for the angu lar motion , we get
(lor both spheres) that:
mgsin (\ - 5 = ma
SR =e~
300 Creative Phy sics Prob lem s with Solu t ions
Where a is the accele rat ion of the centre of mass of the spheres , S is the static fr icti o
force, and 8 is the moment of inertia with respect 10 the centre of mass. Since Ih
spheres roll without slidin g, the ang ul ar accelerat io n (3 of the spheres are
~ = (3 .
From the seco nd equati o n, the static fr iction force is:
S=8 R 2'
and inserting it into the first eq uatio n, we get that:
1ng slIl 0' - 8 R 2 = 1na ,
so the accelerati o n of the centre of mass is:
mg sin O'
(I. )
e .
m + R2
Puttin g it back into the first eq uati o n,
S = 8 mgsin O'
R2 m + Jf2 '
which can be written in a simpler form , if both the numerato r and the denomin ator are
divided by Q/ R2:
S _ mg sinO'
(II. )
- ." , R2 + 1·
No sliding occurs , if the stati c fr icti on force sati sfies the ineq ua lity
S :s; {Lomg cosO' ,
so if the coeffic ient of static friction is large e no ug h:
/.Lo ? - --
mg cosO'
Writing here S from (II.), we get that:
mg sin O'
{ LO >
- me - + 1 1ng cos O'
t an 0'
{LO ?
m R2
Si nce 8 ex mR2, both the acceleration (I.) and the threshold for the coef1lc ie nl of
static friction are independent of m and R , we can assume that thesc data are the saine
for the spheres .
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. Mechani cs Solutions
a) The ro llin g times are eq ual, if the acce lerati ons are the sa me. From equati on (I.)
we can see that the acce lerati ons de pend onl y on the mome nts of inerti a, so these lalter
uantilies have to be calcul ated.
q The moment of in erti a of the solid sphere is:
8 s =~mR
while that of the holl ow sphere (or spheri ca l she ll ) is (fro m data tab le):
R.s - r S
8 [-[ = 5' In R3 _ .,.3 '
where R is the outer, 7' is the inn er rad iu s. In our case,. = R/2, whi ch means th at:
rt'_ (Q) 5
23~2 1
2 31 . 8
23 1
R3 _ ( Q)3
1l~ l
8 H =- m
. =-711R --=-mR --=-mR -= - 8 5 ,
Expressin g 8 /-1 with the mass and the rad iu s,
31 2
8[-[ = - 8 T = - . - 771R = - mR .
28 5
Now substitutin g the va lues 8 s and 8 II into equ ati o n (l. ), a relati onshi p ca n be de ri ved
between the slopes IY.T and IY. [-[ o f the incline in the two cases:
mg sin lY.
as= - ---=-
mg sin lY. J-J
m+ ~
Inserting here the moment s of in erti a:
mgsi ll lY. J-j
~ '"1 R2
/7 2
.rn + 70"17 Jr"
After cancell ati on, we get th at:
sin Ct /-l
1+% ---.
5s i l1 IY.s
70 si n lY. I-I
Which mea ns that the slope of the inclin e in the seco nd ex perime nt is:
505 .
sm lY. lI = - S IlH1 S = - s11130 =0. 5153,
1Y. 1I = arcs in 0. 5153 = 31.8
b) The thres hold va lues for the coe Oic ie nts of static fricti o n are obta in ed by writin g
th~ moment s of in ert ia into the equ ati on (II!. ). We obtain th at the so lid sp he re is rollin g
Without slidin eo if'.
tan lY.s
{ LSO ~ -~-­
+1 -
tanlY. s
;11 /7 .,
'5ffl R -
2 tan o.s
- -- = 0.165.
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solutions
Simil arl y, the conditi on for the slidefree rolling of the holl ow sphere is:
{ t H O ~ IItR2
+1 -
31tan31 °
% 'III R 2
= 0.184.
It ca n be see n that for sli de free ro llin g, the threshold va lue of the coe ffi cient of static
fri cti on is greater in the second case, sin ce the holl ow sphere has a greater moment of
inerti a, so a greater torque is needed for its angul ar acce lerati on.
Solution of Problem 114. In the fi rst part of the moti on the work done by the weight
force is converted to translati onal and ro tati onal kinetic energy of the sphere, while
the static fricti on fo rce and the normal force of the semi-cy linder do no work. But on
the other side of the semi-cy linder onl y the translati onal kinetic energy is transformed
bac k to potenti al energy, because of the lac k of fri cti on there is no torque acti ng on the
sphere causin g its angular ve loc ity to remain constant. Thu s on the other side, the sphere
reac hes a height small er than it had initi all y. We have to determine the rotati onal kinetic
energy at the bottom of the semi -cy linder. According to the work-energy theorem:
2 122272
7ng 6 h 1 = -2 m v c + -2 . -5 7nT W = -mv
where we have used that T W = V c . (Thi s last relation holds also for curved surfaces; if
not, the circul ar ramp would continue horizontall y at the bottom and a sudden jump in
the an gul ar veloc ity would occ ur, something that is impossible.)
From equati on ( I ),
m vc = 7mg 6 hl ,
where 6hl is the verti cal displacement
of the centre of the sphere, un ti l it
reaches the bottom of the se mi -cyl inder.
As the fi gure shows, it is:
In deed, the rad ius to the initi al pos iti on makes an angle of 60° with the vertical rad ius
to the fi nal pos iti on, and thu s they form an eq uil ateral tri angle, whose horizo ntal altitude
intersec ts the oppos ite side at the mid point.
As it is well known , the rotati onal kinetic energy is:
E rot = -8w = -. -mT W = -7nvc '
The max imal height reached by the sphere on the other side is determined by the energy
conservati on law:
6 .2 Dy na mics
6. Mechanics Solutions
----Insertin g here the ex press ions (2) and (3), we have:
R -T
R -T
ng-- = mg f':l h2 + - -mgf':lhI = mg f':l h2 + - mg ---- = m gf':l h2 + -mg(R - r).
Dividin g the equ ati on by mg, and then ex press in g f':lh 2 , we get that:
R- T
- 2 - = f':lh2 + 7(R - r),
R -r
7(R - r)-2(R - T)
f':l h2 = - 2- - -7- =
= 14 (R-r) =
= - . (1- 0.2) m = - ·0.8 m = 0.286 m.
So at the hi ghest pos iti on the verti cal di stance between the centre of the sphere and the
bottom of the se mi-cy linder is:
h2 = T + f':l h2 = 0.2 m + 0.286 m = 0.486 m = 48 .6 cm.
We remark th at at the initi al pos iti on thi s height was
hI =r+f':lhl =0.2 m + O.4 m=0.6 m.
Solution of Problem 115. Our first tas k is to in vesti gate whether or not the di sk
slips on the cart, because thi s will affect the set-up of our equations. Let us therefore
determine the minimum coe fficie nt of fri cti on needed for the disk to roll without
slipping. If the coeffi cie nt give n in the pro bl em is greater than or equal to th at, the di sk
rolls without slippin g, otherwi se it will slip on th e sur face of the cart. Before determining
the minimum coefficient , let us answer one more questi on: does the fri cti on acting on the
disk point in the directi on of its accelerati on (i.e. for ward) or in the oppos ite direction?
In order to fi nd the an swer, let us im ag20
ine what would happe n ir the surface of the
cart was fri cti onless. In th at case, due to
the hori zo ntal force F exerted at the top
of the di sk, its centre of mass would move
with an accelerati on of:
a = F 1m"
While the points on its perim eter woul d
have an accelerati on of
at:::::T!3 =T - = - - - = - =2a
---a;- P
w' respect to the centre of mass.
hus point P, where the disk to uches the cart , woul d move to the left with an
accelerati on of ap = a+ at = - a with respec t to the gro un d, mean ing it wou ld sli p
26 1
300 Creatil'e P h.l·s ics Prob lclll s with Soilition s
bac kwaru. Therefore if the sur face of the ca rt is not fri cti onl ess , the fri cti on actin g on
th e disk point s forw ard. whil e the o ne ac tin g o n the cart points backwa rd.
Now we ca n start de termin ing the minimum coe Oic ient of fri cti on needed for the disk
to roll wit ho ut sli ppin g. Let the accelerati on o f the ce ntre of mass of the disk be a
while that of the ca rt be A. In the present situ ati on. all importa nt vectors are hori zon tal'
we can set up our eq uati o ns usin g o nl y the ir mag ni tudes. Q ur eq uatio ns will be th~
foll ow in g: New to n' s seco nd law appli ed to th e ce nt re of mass uf the disk ( I); Newto n's
seco nd law in angul ar form app lied to the di sk (2); the res tra inin g co nditi o n that preVe nts
the disk from sli ppi ng (3); New ton' s seco nd law appli ed to the cart (4) .
F + 5=lIw.
F,. - 5,. = 8 fj .
t3 =(( + A.
5 = 111 A.
Let us so lve thi s sys te m of equ ati ons for fri cti o n 5 . Subs titutin g 8 =
equ ati on (3) int o equ ati o n (2) and then di vid ing it by ,. , we obtain :
F + 5=l1w.
,. 2
( l)
.) a + A ]
. -=-m(o + A)
F - 5=-lIu--
-11/1 '-
(2 )
5= 111 A.
Le t us now subs titut e the acce lerati on of the cart fro m equati on (4) int o eq uation (2' )
and then simplify by ,. 2 and 11lultipl y by 2 to get:
21-' - 25 = IIl1i + - / I I .
In sertin g 17I([ from equ ati o n (2) gives:
2F - 25 = F + 5 + :25
he nce
F = :J5 + J\f 5 =
fro m whic h th e minimum fri cti on requ ired is:
31\ / + IlL
Us in g th at the max imum of fr ict io n ca n be writte n as 5 = /1IIIg ,
/11119 =
3J\1 + III
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mechallics Soilltiolls
from wh ich we ge t th at the minimum coenic ient of fricti on needed for th e disk to roll
without slippin g is:
5 kg 100 N 1
· _ = - _ · - - = -= 0.2 > 0. 1.
3 !II + 111 mg
25 kg 100 N
Thi s mean s that in our easc the di sk slips on the cart . After hav in g ascertained th i s, let
uS investi gate th e motion of the system.
a) As th e di sk slips. one eq uati on (th e restrallllng conditi on) is 'I os t' , but at the
same time a new one is gai ned , si nce the k in etic fri cti on ca n be written in the form
of 5 {WIg . Therefore, our equati ons wi ll be :
F + {ung = rna
IL1719 = Jl l A
FI' - {Lrng l'= - ml' {3 .
Our three un k now ns ((L , A and j3 ) ean easi ly he calculated from the above equati ons
one by one:
100 N
- + li9 = - - + 0.1. 10 '2 = 11 '2 to t he ri ght
10 kg
A = 1"-9 = 0.1· - - · 10 - = 2 --:- to t he left
!II '
5 kg
Cl =
200 N
20 Ill /5
d = - - 1"- =
- 0.1 .
= 90 - .
lOkg · O.2m
O. 2 m
b) The kinetic energy o f the sys tem is th e sum of th e kine ti c energ ies of the two
object s. T he energy of the di sk is the sum o f it s translation al and rotati onal energy:
(11 )
while th e energy o f the cart is:
Ecart = ?1 J\J\I 2 .
12 )
Let us the refore calc ul ate the speed of th e ~art and the angul ar ve loc ity of the di sk at
the mOment w hen th e length of the un wound string becomes L = 2 11l .
. Let t be the timc needed for the string to re ac h an un wound length of L. During this
tl111e th e di sk rotates through an an gle of:
Where <p= L / I' , w hi ch y ield s
~= fU.
V7i V7i3
300 Creat ive Physics Problem s with Solution s
Substitutin g f3 from equation (10), we find:
F - ~tmg '
2F-2J.Lln!J -
Substitutin g known values gives :
2 = . -s2 =vO.2222 s= 0.471s.
100N - 0.1 . lOkg. 10m/s
In that time the disk gain s an angu lar veloc ity of:
w = f3 t = 90 S-2 . 0.471 s = 42.4 S-l
while its centre of mass gains a speed of
v=at= 11 2 ·0.471s=5 .18- .
In serting these into equati on ( II ) and ass umin g th at the ro tatio nal in erti a of the disk is
8 = mr2 /2, we obtain :
1 1
Ed' k = -ma 2t 2 + - . -mr2 . f3 2
2 2
Substituting the acceleration from equati o n (8), the angular accelerati on from eq uation ( 10) and the time taken from equ ation ( 13), we find th at the total kinetic energy
of the disk is:
E'd is k = -m [( F + ~tmg) 2
1 2 4 (F - ~mg) 2
+ -T'
F - ~tmg
After some algebra, thi s can be written in to the form of:
Edi s k
= ~ L (F + ~tmg) 2 + 2(F - ~tmg?
F - ~tmg
F2 + 2~mgF + ~t2m2 g2+ 2F2 -4 F~tmg + 2~t2m2g 2
F - {tmg
E di s k = - .
F - ~tmg
Inserting the given data, we find:
E disk =
3·(10000N 2 +100N 2 )-2·100N ·10 N 2m
· 2=314 .44 J.
One part of this energy is caused by the translati onal motion of the disk:
ELlallsl =
'2mv = '2 . 10 kg· 5.18- ~ = 134.44 J ,
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mechanics Solutions
the other part is caused by the rotat ion o f the disk:
22 1
Erot=-·-mT w =- · 10kg· 0.04 11l · 42.4 s- =1 80J
2 2
The ki netic energy of the cart (neg lecting the rotational energies of its whee ls) can be
determined according to equation (12) using equations (9) and ( \3):
Substitu ting known data, we find:
ECill't = ~ · 5 kg· 4 ( I~ ) 2 .0 .22222 = 2.22 J.
(The ve loc ity of the cart is V = At = 2 l11 /s · 0 .471 s = 0.942 m /s.)
Therefore , the total kinetic energy of the system is:
Ekill = Etrall sl + E rot + E cart = 134.2 J + 180 J + 2.22.J = 316.66 J .
[In ge nera l, the total kinetic e nergy of the system ca n be w ritten as:
L 3F 2 + (3 + ~/;) (J.I,mg)2 - 2F{img
F _ wng
c) In order to determine the work done by force F, we need to fi nd the displacemen t
s of the end of the string, because in case of a co nstant force , the work done can be
calcul ated as IV = F S .
S = So
1 .2
+ rip = So + L = 2at + L.
substitu ting the expressions for a and t, we get:
1 F+j.lmg
+ L=~.F + j.lmgL+L= 3F-/Llng .L.
F - j.lmg
2 F - {img
2(F - {img)
Thus the work done by force F can be written as:
W=Fs= 3F -Wn g F . L
2(F - {img)
Insertin g given data, we find :
3 ·10000 N 2 - 100 N . 10 N
2.(100N - lO N)
· 2m=322.22.J.
This is the end of the so lution .
Re marks: The kinetic energy of the system is less than the work done by force F.
This is due to the fact that the disk slips o n the cart, there fore part of the energy of the
300 C reative P hysics Problems w it h Solu t ions
syste m is di ss ipated through the work of fricti o nal fo rce . Let us c hec k this state ment via
ca lc ul ati o ns.
The total ene rgy g ive n to the sys tem equa ls the work d o ne by fo rce F: W = 322.22 J
The to ta l kineti c e ne rgy o f the sys te m is: E kin = 316.66 J , so the di ssipated energy (or i ~
o ther wo rds the lost mec hanical e nergy) mu st be: - 6. E m ech = -(316.66 J -322 .22 J)::::
= 5.56 J . There fore, k= 6. E j l;J! = 1. 73 % .
Altho ug h it can be see n that the co nservati o n o f mechani cal e nergy does not hold
fo r thi s case, the work-en ergy theore m is still true : The sum o f the works don e by
the ex tern al a nd inte rnal forces ac ting o n the system equ als the change in the system's
kine tic e nergy.
Le t us calcul ate these works o ne by o ne. The wo rk of force F (whic h is the external
fo rce) is already kn own , the re fore the o nl y forces, whose works should be determined,
are the fricti o n exerted by the cart o n the di sk and the friction exerted by the dis k on
the c art. Le t us calc ulate the latte r first.
The work o f the fri cti o n acting o n the cart can be calculated accordin g to equati on (1 2)
using equati o ns (9) a nd ( 13):
1 2
1 J.Lmg
(J.Lmg)2 L
Wdl Sk-->c<u t=S.8catt = S·-2At ={im g ·- -.:r · F
= 2M(F
2 11'1
- {img
- J.L1ng
In sertin g g iven data, we find :
100 N 2 · 2 m
W dlsk~cal
.t = 2 . 0.5(100 N- 10 N) = -9 J = 2 .2222 J .
Calculatin g the work done by the fricti o n ac ting o n the disk proves more difficul t as
the di stance cove red by the pe rime te r of the di sk sho uld be de termined with res pect
to the cart. The wo rk done by thi s force will be negative since the displace ment is
o ppos ite the directi o n of the fo rce. W car t-->d is k = -S · 8'. Whe re 8 ' = rt.p - 8, and 8 is
the di spl ace me nt o f the centre of the di sk.
The calculati o n of the distance covered
by the perimeter o f the disk can be expl a ined the foll o win g way . If a di sk rotates
around a fi xed axi s, the di stan ce covered
by a po int o n its perimeter is Tl.p, while if
the di sk slips witho ut rotati o n, its perimeter moves throu gh a di stance o f 8. In
our case, however, since both mo vements
S •
are present a nd are d o ne in o ppos ite directi o ns, the dis tance covered will be the
di !te re nce of the di stances above: Tl.p - 8.
T he wo rk do ne by the fri cti o n ac ting o n the di sk can also be calc ul ated by ass umi ng
th at the in stantaneous power is the product of the fo rce and the in stantaneous velocity:
P = F· v. The botto m of the d isk has a vel oc ity
V =Vo -TW
6.2 Dyna.mics
6. Mecha.ni cs Solu t ions
relative to the cart , where Va is the ve locity of the centre of the di sk and TW i~the
angu lar...,:'eloc ity of the di sk. We can write the work in terms of power as: W = p . t,
where P is the average power and t is the elapsed time. In case of a constant force and
zero initi al veloc ity:
So the work done by the friction on the disk is:
V lI1ax
Wcart ~ di s k = p . t = ~.7ng-2- · i = ~Lmg '
(va - TW)
. t = ~Lmg' (s - np) =
= ~.mg· (~ae - 7'CP ) = ~Lmg' (~ at2
L) .
Substituting the acce leration from equati on (8) and the time from equation ( 13), we
obtai n:
VI car t ..--, dl s k = ~.mg (
(1 +
- F
~.mg .
- L ) -_
F + ~7ng
) L
3~Lmg - F L
= ~Lmg 2(F
. .
2(F - ~mg - 1)
- ~.mg)
Inserting given data, we find:
W car t ..--,cl is k
- 70
= 10 N· 2(100 N - 10 N) ·2 m = - 9-
J = - 7.778 J.
So the total work done by the intern al forces is:
L W = 2.222 J - 7.778 J = -5 .56 J ,
fri c
which eq uals the dissipated energy. Therefore, the work-kinetic e nergy theorem can be
wri tten as:
W ex t + IVillt = 322.22 J - 5.56 J = 316.66 J = ~Ekill)
whic h proves our statement.
Solution of Problem 116. Let us write Newton ' s second law for both objec ts and
the constraint of the probl em in order to ga in the accelerations of the objects. Using the
notati ons shown in the figure, Newton 's seco nd law for the bl oc k is (w here 5 is the
static fri cti onal force and A is the acce lerati on of the bl oc k):
F - S=MA,
Newton 'S seco nd law for the translati o nal motion of
the ce ntre of mass of the ball is (a is the acce leration
of the centre of mass of the ball )
S=ma ,
300 C reati\'e P hy s ics Prob lem s w it h Solut ions
New ton's seco nd law for the rotati onal moti o n of the ball (R is the rad iu s of the ba ll ,
/3 is the angul ar accelerati on of the ball ):
SH= -:-mR- p .
The constraint s for rollin g without slidin g arc:
A = 0 + fl O,
A- a
P=n- '
substitutin g (4) int o (3), cance llin g It , and then addin g ( I) and (2) and expressing S
from (2) and substitutin g it int o (3), the acce lerati o n of the ball and th e bl ock will be:
u= - - - -
2m + 7 J\J
A= - o= - - - 2
2m+7 J\/
The di splace me nt s of the ball and the bloc k are show n in th e fi gure, The area of the
shaded regio n of the veloc ity-time graph is pro porti o nal to the di stance covered by the
ball on the bl oc k, whi ch is half of the len gth o f the bl ock I .
S blOCk
s ball
. : ,,
.. ..J .. '
The speeds of th e bl oc k and the ball with respec t to the ground at the en d of the
acceleratin g peri od are:
If = AI ,
U = 01,
the di stances covered by the bl ock and the ball durin g the time Tare:
8hl",k =
2'A I + AI(T - I),
= 2'al+ al (T - I).
where' is the time durin g whi ch the force is exerted o n the bloc k, T - , is the time
of uniform moti on until the ball fall s o n', The ball fall s o n' if / = sulud. - Suull' so tIlt:
equati on for the as ked time T is:
l=2'(A - u)t-+(A - o)I(T - t) ,
6.2 Dynam ics
6. J\lf ech a llics So lu t ion s
from which
+- .
. (A-a)t 2
the maximum of time t can be ga ined if the di stance along which the ball is accelerated
is equa l to half of the len gth of the bl oc k:
from which th e longes t time wh il e the force is exerted and the ball is on the bl ock is:
A -a'
Note: In the so luti o n we ass umed that the ball has uniform density . Otherwise even
the accelerati ons of the objec ts would not be constant. If the ce ntre of mass of the ball
is the geometri c ce ntre of the ball , but the ball is not so l id , its moment of inertia e ,
calculated for the ce ntre of mass , mu st be given. Ass uming thi s, the relative accelerati on
of the two objec ts wo uld be:
F . IIIJ?2
In 1
+ ;;; 8+'11817'- )'
Let us illu strate the above statements with an example:
= 0.1 kg, R = 2 cm ,
M = OA kg , F = 0.03 N , 1= OA III and the time whi le the force is exerted is t = 2 s .
Using these data th e accelerati ons of the two objects are:
7·0.03 N
2 · 0.] kg + 7·0. 4 kg
=0 07.
52 '
a= -7 A = 0.02 2'
The rel at ive acce lerati on is :
A -a =0.05? 1
sthe ma xilTlulTl time of the accelerati on is
0. 8 III
- - - =4s
0.05 ~
thus durin g the 2 seco nd s whil e the force is exerted the ball does not reach the end of
the bl ock . ~Thu s the total time until the ball fall s 00' in this case is
+ - =5s.
0.05 ~ . 2s
Solution of Prohlem 117. Let a be the acceleration of mass
Newton 's second law, the tension in the strin g is:
According to
[\' = m(g - a).
300 Creat ive P hysics Prob lem s with Solu tions
Forces ac tin g o n the cyl inder are the te ns io n in the strin g, the grav itati o nal fo rce, kinetic
fri c ti o ns S1 a nd S 2 a nd fin all y the norm al fo rces N l and N2 exerted by the wall and
the gro und res pecti vely. Le t us appl y N ew ton' s second law and its a ngul ar fo rm to the
cy linder (the fo rm er is w ritte n separate ly for the hori zo ntal and verti cal di rec ti o ns):
K + S 2 -Nl = 0 ,
M g - N2 - S I = 0,
KR - SIR - S 2R=8{3 .
Since the strin g does no t slip o n the cy linder and cann ot be stre tc hed , the re lati onsh ip
between the accelerati o n of the o bj ec t and the angul ar acce le rati o n of the cy li nder is
g ive n by :
Kin e ti c fri c ti o ns can be writte n as:
SI={i N l ,
S2 = ~i N2 '
Iso latin g no rm a l forces fro m equ ati o n ( I ) and (2)
a nd in sertin g the m into eq uati o n (5 ) and (6) give :
SI = {i(I( + S 2),
S2 = {i( M g - SI ).
S ubstituting S 2 from equ atio n (6') into equati o n (5' ), we have th at:
S1 =M[K + {i(Mg - Sd l = MK + {i Mg - {i2S 1 '
Solvin g fo r SI and writin g the te ns io n in te rms of the acce le rati o n leads us to:
S 1=
{i(J( + {iM g )
1 + M2
- ma+ ~i M g)
= M(m g____
1+ M
Le t us now substitute S1 fro m equ ati o n (5' ) into equ at io n (6' ) to de te rmine the kine tic
fri c tion exerted by the gro und :
S'J = i ( M _ M(I(+ MMg ) ) = {i(Mg - ~d\)
1 + {i 2
1 + M2
writin g K in te rms of the accelerati on g ives:
S 2 = ~i ( Mg - {img + Mm a) .
1 + ~i2
B y substituting the ex press ions for the fo rces into equ ation (3) , we will have a linear
equ ati on for the accelerati o n. Le t us d iv ide equ ati o n (3) by the rad ius first:
]( - 5 1 - 5 2 = 8 - .
6.2 DY /l am ics
6. Nlecha.n ics Solut ions
s ubstituting the expressions for 1\' , 5 1 and 52 , we find:
1ng - 11'W -
~img - ~i11la + ~i2f1 fg
1 + ~i 2
~i fl fg - ~i2mg + ~L2mo
= 0
1 + ~i2
R2 .
Let us so lve the above equ at ion for a:
+ 2~i 2 m - ~i/Jl - ~i 2 !If - ~il\1/
R2 + Ii
2 e
IF + 7n + 2~i 11l- ~im
. g.
Di viding the numerator and the de nomin ator of the fractio n by fl f , we obtain:
:{~ (1 - ~i + 21(2) - ~L( 1 + ~i )
a = M\
"" 1 - ~i + 2I i 2) + JIleR2 (1 + ,i 2) · g·
Usin g that the rotati onal in erti a of a solid cy li nder about its ax is of sy mmetry is e =
== -!vfR
, we Ilnd .
Substitutin g know n va lues, we get:
0. 5 + 2.0 .5 2) - 0. 5( 1 + 0.5)
'1 0 -=3 .125 -.
~\k: (1 - 0 . 5 + 2 . 0. 52) + ~(1 + 0. 52)
18 kku~ (1 -
Note that th is res ult is independe nt of the rad ius of the cy linder. If the accelerati on is
now taken to be zero, the conditi on for the cy linder to start ro tatin g is :
m > ~L ( I + ~L )
!If - 1 - ~i + 2~i 2 .
If mj M is less th an that, the cy linder and the obj ect attached to the st rin g re main s at
Solution of Problem 118. The cy linder ca n move without rotat ion if the torque of 5 1
- which is the kinetic fri cti on acting on the po int where the cy linder touches the ground
- is compensated by the torque of 5~, which is the static fri cti on ac tin g on the po int
Where the cy linder touches the cube. Therefore , 5~ shoul d be equ al to 51 and shoul d
point do wnwa rds, increas in g the weight of the
Let us ap pl y Newto n's seco nd law to the
Vertical directi on:
mg - X 1 + 5 1 =0 ,
from wh ich the normal force exerted by the
ground is:
1(1 =mg + 5 1
27 1
300 C r ea tive Physics Problem s with Solutions
and so the kinetic friction acting on the ground can be written as:
5 1 = - - mg .
1 - j-i
Newton ' s second law applied to the horizontal components takes the form of:
£(2 - 51 =ma ,
where £(2 is the no rmal force exerted by the cube. Isolating 1(2, we find:
£(2 =ma+5 1 ·
In the extreme case that marks off pure translation from rolling, the magnitude of static
friction acting at the point where the cylinder touches the cube can be written as:
Using that 51 = 5~ and substituting 51 from equation ( I) into eq uation (2), we obtai n:
- - mg = J-ioma + J-io - - mg.
1 - J-i
1 - J-i
Isolating the acceleration of cylinder, we get:
J-i 1 - j-io
{iO 1- J-i
Let us now examine the motion of the cube. The kinetic friction acting at its bottom
can be determined by using the formula 52 = {i£(3, where £(3 is the normal force
exerted by the ground on the cube. To find J(3 let us apply Newton's second law to the
vertical direction :
he nce
so the magnitude of kinetic friction 52 is:
Newton's second law applied to the cube in the horizontal direction takes the form of:
F - 52 - £(~ = ma,
where £(~ and £(2 are action-reaction forces, therefore they are eq ual in magnitude and
opposite in direction. Using that £(2 = ma + 51 , the minimum value of the pushi ng
force turns out to be:
6.2 Dyna.mics
6. M echa.nics Solutions
Substituting equations ( I ), (3) and (4) into the above equation , we find:
F = 2m -
1 ~ ~o
1 ~ ~L
1 ~ 2~L
1 ~ ~L
. - - g + - - mg + ~L -- mg .
1 ~ ~L
After rearranging the expression , we get:
2~ ( 1 ~ ~O ~L)
~LO(1 ~ ~L)
mg =
2 · 0. 2( 1 ~ 0.6 · 0. 2)
· 12 'g· 10 - 2 = 88 .
0.6( 1 ~ 0.2)
So the motion of the cy linder will be purely translational if the pushing force is greater
than 88 N . Note that the system requ ires a minimum of Fa = 2 m g ~ a = 144 N to start
movin g, therefore if the cube and cyl inder begin moving , the pushing force can be
decreased to 88 N to keep the cyli nder's motion purely rotational. If the magnitude
of the pushing force is decreased further , the cy linder wi ll start rolling, rubbing the
side of the cube. If the force becomes less than F = 21Tl-g~L = 48 N, the system stops.
The magn itudes of other quantities when the force is F = 88 N are: a = ~g = 1.67 n21 ,
Sl=30 N, S 2 =18N, f(1 =1 50N , f( 2 = 50 N, f(3 =90N, LF= m a= 20N .
Solution of Problem 119. Let us find out what happens . Each of the three objects
will remain at rest if both m3 g < ~L2m2 g and m3g < ~l ( ml + m 2)g are true . Since in
our case none of the above ineq ualities hold , this is not the solution of the problem. The
board will start to move if
~L2m 2g > ~Ll (m l + m 2)g.
Since the data given satisfies this inequality , we can state that the board starts to move .
The next step is to decide whether the brick slips on the board or moves together with it.
Let us ass ume that the brick slips on the board. In th is case both fr ictions take their
maximum values , thus app lying Newton's second law to each of the three objects and
eliminatin g the tension , we get that the accelerations of the board and brick are :
a l=
p'2m2 g ~ ~L l (m l +m2) g
=0.15g ,
m3 g ~ ~L2m2 g
= O.lg.
m2+ m 3
This mean s that the acceleration of the board would be greater than that of the brick,
Which is impossibl e. Therefore, the only solution of the problem is that the board and
brick move together with the same acceleration . In this case the magnitude of friction
between the board and brick can be anyth ing between zero and its maximum val ue.
From the laws of motion of the two objects, we get that their accelerat ion is:
a2 =
m3 ~~Ll (ml+m2)
m l +m2 +m3
· g=0.1 2g=1.1 8 2"
The magnitude of static fricti o n between the board and brick is:
mlm3 + ~ l (ml +m2)(m2 + m 3)
= 6.28N,
m l +m2+ m 3
300 C'reatil'c Ph.l·sics Proble llls I\'ith
o /lltio lls
while for th e te nsio n. we get:
/\. = (1I11 + 1II 2)( 1 + ll d 111 :1 g = 8.63 N .
1111 + IIL 2 + II/:j
and fin all y th e magnillide of kinetic fric ti o n between th e board and tabl e is:
Sk = II I (11/ 1+ 171 2)g = 3 .92 N .
Solution of Prohlem 120. The be!ll isphere start s to push the surface after
burnin g the strin g and as it s centre of
gravi ty is not above it s point of sUPpOrt ,
it will undergo an acce lera ting rollin !! !llOti o n. The hori zont al component of the accelerati o n of the cc ntre of mass is caused
by th e stati c fri cti on S, whi le the verti ca l compo ne nt is due to the grav it ati o nal force IIIg and the norm al force j\ ' .
The angul ar acce lerati o n of rotati on {3 is
ca used by the torques ac tin g around the
ro tati o nal ax is.
Let us appl y New to n's seco nd law separate ly to the horizont al and vcrtical CO Ill po ne nts and the angul ar form for the rota ti on. Note th at
fl f = 8 {3 holds only if the
torques are taken about a point th at has no accelerati o n or about the centre of mass.
Therefore in thi s case torques will be take n about point Q , whi ch is the centre of Illass
of th e hem isphere,
Let n be the an gle th at the pl ane of thc grea t c ircle boundin g the hemi sp here for ms
with the verti ca l, and y bc the angle th at the initi al accelerati on of thc centre of
mass form s with the horizo nta l. Newton's seco nd law for the horizo nta l and vertical
co mpone nt s are:
S = lito 'COS y ,
l1Iy - j\' = l7la· sin 'P,
New ton's second law in angul ar form is:
where k, = '8 H coso, 1\2 = H( 1- '8 s ill 0) , 8 ., is the rotati onal in erti a of the he misphere
about the axis that goes through the centrc of mass parallel to the boundin g great circ le
and (3 is the in iti al angul ar accelerati on o f the hemi sphere,
The min imulll va lue of lhe coe fli cie nl of static fricti o n lh al should be ca lcul ated is:
11 = N'
6.2 Dy namics
6. Mecha.nics So lu tion s
To be able to so lve th e syste m o r equation s above, we need to ca lculate the rotational
inertia 8 " or the hemi sphere fi rst and then to determine the relati o nship between the
acceleration o r th e centre or mass and the angular acceleration.
Let us start rrom th e fac t th at the rotati o nal inertia of a sp here about its centre is:
e=== -MR.
As\ he rotati o nal inerti a is add itive, the rotational inerti a of a sphere can be taken as
the sum of th e rotational inerti as of two sy mmetrical hemi spheres :
8 spil el'e
= 2 . 8lt elili sp lt el'e '
If the mass of the hemi sphere is IT!, th e eq uati o n will take the form of:
-( 2m ) R-=2·-mR,
which sho ws that the rotational inertia of a hemi sphere with mass m and radius R about
any diameter of it s bounding great circle is:
We can al so arrive to the above result by imaginin g th at with the he lp of a half-plane
whose boundin g line is a diameter of the sphere and which is rotated 180 0 from its
ori ginal pos iti o n, the mass of the sphere is 's wept ' into the volume of a hemisphere.
Although the density of the hemi sphere will be twice that of the sphere, because all
poin tmasses o f the sphere move along a half-circle and thus their distances from the
8 0 = -'/7'/, R
cen tre remain uncha nged , there will be no change in the sum : 8 =
L m .;r}, which
;= 1
allows us to draw the conclusion that the rotational in erti as of a sphere and hemisphere
of the same mass and about the sa me diameter are equal. The nex t step is to determine
the rotation al inerti a of a hemi sp here about its ce ntre of mass. Applying Steiner's law:
8 0 = 8 ,+md2 ,
where d is the di stance between the tw o axes, 8, in our case is therefore:
- m - R)
( 8
The trioonometric fun ct ions of the angle describing the initial positi on of the
heill i s pher~ arc:
cosO' = BQ = v'73 = 0.9363 ,
since BQ =
J ]?2+ (3 R /8F = R- -J73
= 1.068R .
Sill 0'
= ----=="'- = - - = 0.3 511
300 Creative P hysics Problem s with Solut ions
tan a = S = 0.375
a = 20 .5560° .
The tri gonometri c fun cti ons of the angle of the accelerati on vec tor are:
tan cp = =
= 0.4044
CP R -3R sin a/S S-3sin a
SV73 - 9
hence cp = 22.017° .
sin cp = 0.3749,
a nd
coscp = 0 .927l.
And fin all y the relati onship between the accelerati on of the ce ntre of mass and the
angul ar accelerati on is:
a={}· {3,
where {} is the in stantaneous radiu s of rotati on, i.e. the di stance of the centre of mass
fro m the in stantaneous centre of rotati on (P). (Note that it is im portant that when the
hemi sphere starts to move, point P is not onl y at rest but also has an in creasing but
initi all y zero accelerati on. This is due to the fac t that point P is the point of a cycloid,
where the rollin g circl e touches the ground . In general, thi s point is at rest, but has all
accelerati on v 2 / R toward s the ce ntre of the circle. In thi s case, however, the initial
veloc ity of the centre of the circle is zero, therefore the initi al acce lerati on of point P
reduces to zero as well , whi ch makes it poss ible to write the acce lerati on of the centre
of mass in a reference frame fix ed to point P as a = {} . (3 .)
The in stantaneous radiu s of rotation can be determined using tri angle PQC :
{} = CQ = 3Rcosa = 0.936SR.
sin cp
Ssin cp
Let us now return to equati ons ( I ), (2) and (3). Usin g equ ati on ( I ) to iso late a,
substituting it into equati on (3) then dividing it by R and using equ ati on (5) lead us to:
Scosa.N -
( 3. )
l -Ss ll1 a
·5= R{}·mcoscp·
di viding by N and using th at f.L=5 /N, we obtain :
( 3)
l- -sin a
{t= {t
8. .
R {}mcos cp
isolatin g the coefficient of stat ic fri cti on fro m the eq uati on, we get :
~ cosa
f.L= (l -'::!sina)+
Multiplyin g both the numerator and the denomin ator of the frac ti on by coscp and
mUltipl ying both the numerator and the denomin ator of the second term of the
denomin ator by R , we have:
3 cos a cos cp
Scas cp - 3sin aeas cp + S "'~R 2 .
6.2 D'yIl a.mics
6. Nf eciJ a.nics So i lltion s
s ubstitutin g know n values gives:
= 03009
8 ·0.9271 - 3 · 0.3 511· 0.9271 + 8 · 3 20 . 0.9368
(If the he mi sphere does not sli p at the start of its moti o n, it will not sli p aft erwards
either. Since the line of ac ti o n of N will get closer to the cent re of mass, it s torqu e will
decrease and so will the angul ar acce lerati on. T hi s makes th e horizo ntal co mponent of
the accelerati on dec rease as well , wh ich mea ns that less stati c fri cti on wiII be needed. )
Let us carry out so me extra calcul ati o ns for additi onal inform ati on.
Use equ ation ( I ) and (2) to determine the initi al mag nitude of the stati c fri cti on and
normal force:
Substitu ting into equ ati on ( I ) and di vidin g eq uati on (2) by equ ati o n ( I ), we get:
mg - N
I)' N
= Lan cp,
fro m whi ch the mag nitudes of the forces are:
1 + {i tan cp
·mg=0 .89 15mg ,
5 = lilV = 0.262 8mg,
whi le the mag nitudes of the acceleration vec tor and its components are :
a= - - - =0.2894g=2.84 2 '
m cos cp
a'G= acos cp = 0 .268g = 2.632 2 , eLy = asill cp = 0. 1085g = 1.064 ?
First solution of Problem 121. Let us solv e the pro blem in vestiga tin g the energies
of the syste m. The work do ne by the grav it atio nal force on the obj ec t mov in g dow n
equ als the change in the kinetic energy of the sys te m. (The sum of the wo rk s of the
internal forces is zero in thi s si tu atio n.) Us ing thi s, we can de termine the in stantaneo us
veloc ity of the obj ec t after an infinites ima l di splacement (6.h). S in ce the cy linders
are far fro m eac h other, the change in the angle of the cord betwee n the m can be
neg lected du rin g an in fi nites imal d ispl acement, therefore all forces and accelerati ons
may be considered to be co nstant. T hu s, ass umin g that the initi al vel oci ty of the obj ect is
zero and there fore v = ~, we ca n de termine the acce lerati on of the objec t by sim ply
Substituting the express ion prev iously gained fo r the velocity. Applyin g the wo rk -k in et ic
energy theore m, we obtain :
2 2
where on the ri ght-hand side the firs t te rm is the translati onal energy of the object
mov ing dow n, the second is the rotat ional energy of the pulley, whi le the third and
fO urt h are the translati onal and ro tati o nal energ ies of the cy linder o n the gro und .
mg6.h = - 77~V- + - I7LT W I + - 'mvo + - lnI ' - w2'
300 Creative P hysics Problems with Solu t ions
F ro m now o n le t Vc de no te the in sta nta neous veloc ity o f the obj ect, since this eq I
the veloc ity of the segme nt of the cord comin g down fr o m the pulley . T he velocit Ua s
the centre of the mass o f the cy linde r is de noted by Vo. Di vidin g the above equatio~ ~f
?n, we fi nd:
121 2
1 2
g6.h='2 vc+4'vc+ '2 vo+4'Vo .
Le t us determine the co nnec ti o n betwee n the
two veloc ities in orde r to be abl e to ex press the
veloc ity of the object in te rms of the d ispl ace me nt
fro m the above equ ati o n.
Po int C (s how n in the fig ure) is the instantaneous centre of rotati o n of the cy linder (s ince its
in sta ntaneous velocity is 0). Let po int A be the
po in t o f tange ncy o n the line o f the cord . The
in stantaneous radiu s o f po int A is C A = g. The
veloc ity o f the centre o f mass o f the cy linde r is Vo = rW2.
Us in g these notati o ns, the in stant aneous ve locity o f po int A o f the cylinder is :
VA = gW2 = 2TCOS 2W2 = vo2cos 2'
Thi s is a lso the veloc ity o f the po int o f the cord that is in po int A. The component of
thi s veloc ity th at is pe rpendi cul ar to the cord does not pl ay a ny part in mov ing the cord.
The paralle l compo ne nt, ho wever, gives the velocity, whose mag nitude equal s the speed
0 [" the object mov ing dow n. The re fore the ve loc ity o f the obj ect is:
Vc = VA cos 2 = vo 2cos 2
S ince a = 6.v / 6. t, the same re latio n e xi sts between the acce le rati o ns o f the o bj ect and
o f the centre o f mass o f the cylinde r:
2 a
a c = ao2cos 2 '
whic h ca n also be writte n in the fo rm o f:
a c = ao (1 + cos a) .
Isolatin g Vo fro m equ ati o n (2) and substitutin g it into equ ati o n ( I), we get an eq uation
fo r the veloc ity of the o bject:
g6. h = '2 vc + 4' v c + '2 . 4 cos4 £ + 4' . 4cos4 £ '
whic h y ie lds:
Vc =
8cos 4 £g
12 cos 4
2 . 6.h
¥+ 3
6.2 Dy namics
Mecha.n ics Salll tians
the acceleration of the object moving dow n is:
ac =
8cos 4 2:2
12 cos 4 ~ + 3 )
after some algebra, this ca n be written into the form of:
(1 + COSo:)2
'g ,
3 (1 + cosa)2 + 1
ac = - .
substituting known values, we find :
(1 + 0.5j2
. m
a c =-· (
· g=0.46 1g= 4.53- .
3 1 + 0.5 + 1
Second solution of Problem 121. The problem can also be so lved using the laws
of Illotion. Let ](1 , ](2 and ](3 be the tensions acting in the vert ica l, inclined and
hori zo ntal parts of the cord respectively.
Applying Newton ' s seco nd law to the objec t, we
Applying Newton' s seco nd law in angular form to the
pulley , we get:
The law of moti on of the centre of mass of the cy linder
IS :
Applying Newton's seco nd law in angu lar form to the rolling cylinder, we have:
}\' 27' - }'\ 31' = e- ' -ao.
Dividing equati on (2) by l' and addi ng it to equati on ( I ), we get:
mg - 1(2=(m +~ )ac.
(1. )
Let us divide eq uati on (4) by 7' and then add it to equati on (3) . Us in g eq uation (3) of
the first so lution , that gives the relat ion betwee n a c and ao, we find:
( e)
717,+ - 2
1 + coso:
isolati ng 1(2, we have:
(II. )
JOO C reatil'e Ph.l·s ics Prob /e Jll s with Solutio n s
Substitutin g the above exp ression ror /\-2 into eq uati on (I) and iso latin g 0 ,. , we get:
(1 + eosn)2
rt ,.= (1II +~ ) [l +( l + COs(\F ] ·g,
dividing by II) yie lds :
!\I = /l L(g - ll r )=
1+ ,,;-:' [1 + ( I + cosof]
. · m g,
(1+ 8 / 1111. 2)[ 1+ (1 + cOS (\ )2]
the le nsion in the inc lin ed cord can be calc ul ated rro lll equati on (I I):
/\.-) =
(III + 8 / '2,.2)a,
( I + cos 0 ) 2
1 + (1 + cos (1 )2 .
the ten sion in the hori zo ntal cord ca n be determined using equati o n (4):
J\ ;',
, un
!\ ') -
1 - 8 eos n / III1' -
= (J + 8 / 1I11'-)[I
.) + (I + cos o H) IIlg,
wh ile the accelera ti o n or tllL: ce ntre or mass or the cy linder is:
(/ 0=
(/ ,
(1 + cos C\ )
1 + ('oso
(1 + 8 / 1111. 2 ) [ 1+ (1 + ('o:; oy ]
Substituting g ive n data and lI sin g that ror a so lid cy linder 8 / 171/,2 = 0. 5, we find :
CL, = ---:- . 9 = 0.LiG2.g = -1..528 ?
([II = ---:- . 9 = 0 .308g = 3.0'2 ? '
J\- I
= 1:3 . IIIg = 0. 538I1lg= 42.2G N,
J\-2 =
13 . /l ig = 0. 308 m g = 14 .15 l\ ,
J\-., = -U . /1£0:; = 0.] 5Ll m g = 12.08 N .
Solution of Prohlem 122. The pulley-system ro tates with a constant angula r
acceleration. Lel nand 2/l be th e radii o r the smaller and greater pulleys respect ive ly.
The ratio o r thc masses or the pu lleys arc givc n by the ratio o r the ir vo lum es wh ich IS
the same as the ral io o r lheir radii sq uared , thu s 1111: 111 '2 = 1: 4. Asssllming th at the ir
6. 2 Dyna.mics
6. I"[ec/ Jallies Soilltioll s
tota l mass is 5 kg _ we get In ] = 1 kg and 7n2 = 4 kg. The rotational inertia of the
pull ey-system aro und the rotati onal ax is is:
8 = - mJ{- + - 4m l (2R)- = - I n 1R- .
Substituting kn ow n va lues , we find:
8 = - -lkg-0.1- 1ll- =0.085kg· m .
Applying Newton ' s second law to the two hanging bl oc ks
(using the notati on show n in the figure ) gives:
From Newton-s second law in angular form ap plied to the pulleysys tem , we obt ain :
Ass umi ng that th e pulleys rotate together and that the strings are un stretchable , we gain:
eL l
= H(3,
Us ing the above sys tem of equations to isolate /\-2, we find:
1711 L I IIl -
12m 2
- - -- - - . 9 = - 0.83 N .
17m j + 10m
Hav in g a neg ati ve va lue for ten sion mean s that the left string pushes the hanging block
instead of pulling it , which is imposs ible. [n reality the left strings remain s slack ,
/ (2 = 0 , thu s (/ 2 = g, which mea ns that the bl oc k hanging from th e greater pulley
undergoes freda II and the len string doesn' t play any part in rotating the pUlley-sys tem.
Let us use thi s information to set up a new sys tem of equations:
/\- 1 '
n = 8 (3.
a l = H(3 .
The soluti ons of the system of equati ons are:
p= 50. LI s - ;
OJ = 0. 51g=5 .042";
CL 2 =g
= 9.82" '
The ti mes needed for the hanging blocks to move down into a depth of 4.9 mare:
11 = } 2S/CL 1= 1:39 s,
t2=J2 s/g= l s.
SOlution of Prohlem 123. As the ax is of sy mmetry remains stati onary , so does the
Centre of mass of the di sk-system , therefore the resultant of the forces acting on it shou ld
be Zero. Sin ce there is no fri cti on, the onl y horizontal forces acting o n the di sks are
300 Creative Phy sics Problems with Soitltions
the ones exerted by the cords. The sum of these two forces can only be zero if the
magnitudes are equal and the pulleys are positioned in such a way that the cords ru
parallel to each other.
Since the cords that exert forces of the same magnitude are wrapped around di sk s 0
different radii , the net torque will not be zero, and so the disk-system will rotate arou n
its stationary axis of symmetry with constant angu lar acceleration . At the same time
7nl and 7n2 accelerate downwards and upwards respectively . Let us calculate the v a l u
of 7n2 by determining the tensions in the cords.
Let /3 be the angular acceleration of the disk-system .
The acceleration of 7nl can be written as:
= 1' 1/3 ,
so Newton ' s second law takes the form of:
7nlg -
F = 7n l 1' l /3,
isolating F, which is the tension in the cord , we get:
F = 7nlg - 7nl 1'1 /3.
Let us apply Newton ' s second law to 7n2:
F - 7n2g = 7n2 1'2 /3,
isolating F , we find:
F = 7n2g + 7n21'2 /3.
The rotation of the disk-system is caused by the tensions in the two cords.
According to Newton's second law in angular form:
Substituting the expression for the force given in equation (I) , we obtain:
(7nlg - 7nl T I /3 )(1' I - 1'2) = 8 /3,
from which the angular acceleration can be isolated as:
/3 =
7nlg ( 1'l - 1'2)
8 + 7n l 1' l (1' 1 - 1' 2 )
Assuming that the right-hand sides of equations (I) and (2) are equal and substi tu ti n
the expression for the angular acceleration , we get an equation for 7n2 :
7n2 g
+ 7n2 1'2
7n lg(1'l - 1'2 )
= 7n 1 g -
8 + 7nl1'l ( 1'1 - 1'2 )
7nlg ( 1'l -1'2)
7n 1 1'1 -,-----'----;------'------,8+7nl 1' l(1'l - 1'2)
Let us write both sides as one fracti o n and divide them by g:
8 + 7nl1' I (T I - T 2 ) + 7nlT 2(TI-T 2)
8 +7n l 1' l(1' 1 - 1'2 )
8 +7n l1' l( 1'1 - 1'2) - 7n l 1' l (T I - T 2)
8 + 7n l T l (T l - T2)
1n l
6. Mechall ics Solu tion s
G.2 D Y lI <I III ics
---After multi plyin g by the de nomin ator and expa ndin g the numerator on the ri ght -hand
side, we obtain :
= 111 1
( = 'In I
8 +m l (TJ - I"2)T J + T"2)
2 ')
8 + 1?l 1(I" 1- I"2)
Subst ituting know n values, we fi nd :
0.2 5
m ? = 5 ko
= 2. 5 kg .
b O.25+5( 0.09 - 0.04 )
(Accordin g to equ ati on (4) , the angul ar acce lerati on of the di sks is: G = 12.5 s - l
The tension in the cords ca n be calcul ated fro m equ ati on ( I): F = 31.25 i\ . )
Solution of Problem 124. The printed letters will be clear if the cy linder roll s on
the wall without slippin g. (I n rea lity printi ng obviously also requi res the cy linder to
be pushed onto the wall , but in our case thi s is imposs ible as the cords are ve rti cal. [f
there was a norm al force ac tin g to pu sh the cy linder onto the wall , the pro blem would
become inex plic it because of the prese nce o f stati c fri cti on, therefort! the soluti on for
the accelerati on would be an interva l in stead of a single valu e.)
If the cords were wrapped aro und the cy lindri cal surface,
the cy linder co uld be made to ro ll with out slipping by simpl y
keepi ng the ends of the cords in our stati onary hands. In
this case, however, the cords run dow n from di sks of small er
radius than R , and therefore the tange nti al accelerati on of
an arbitrary point on the cy lindri ca l surface in a reference
fra me attac hed to the ax is of the cy linder is greate r than the
accelerati on of the ax is of the cy linde r in a reference fram e
attached to the wall. There fore if the e nds of the cords were
held stati onary, the letters on the cy lindri ca l surface wo uld
move up ward s relative to the wa ll , whi ch would make the
text printed ont o the wa ll smudgy. Thi s mea ns that the e nds
of the cords shoul d be acce lerated dow nwards to ac hi ew clear
pri nti ng (ro llin g with out slipping).
Let a be the acce lerati on of the ax is (or centre of mass) of
the cy linder, a.r be the accelerati on of tht! e nds of the cord s
and J( be the te nsion in the cords. Ap pl ying Newton' s seco nd
law to the cy lin der, we have:
The cy linder rotates with a co nstant angul ar acce lerati on. Writin g New ton' s seco nd
law in an gul ar form (torques are take n about the centre of mass ), we obt ain :
Where (3 is the angular acce lerati on of the cy linder. If the cy lindt! r ro ll s on the wa ll
Without sli pp in g, the co nnec ti on between its accelerati on and ang ul ar acce lerati on is
giVen by:
a= R (3 .
300 Creative Physics Prob lems wit h Solu tions
As the cords are unstretchable:
a = ax + 1'(3 .
Let us solve eq uati o n (3) for the ang ul ar acceleratio n and substitute it into equation (4) :
a= a,c+ 1'R '
so the co nn ectio n betwee n the two linear accelerations is determin ed by the geometry
of the system :
(R - 1')
ax =a - - - ·
The accelerati o n of the centre of mass can be calcul ated from equ atio ns (I) and (2) .
Iso latin g the te nsio n in equati o n (2) and usi ng equ ation (3), we get:
8 a
J(=-; ' R '
Let us now substitute this into equation ( I ):
8 a
1ng - - . - = 1na
after rea rran g ing thi s, we obtain:
mg =
C~+m ) a,
so the acceleration of the centre o f mass can be ex pressed as:
a= e
8 + m1'R'
Substituting this into equati o n (5), we can calcul ate the required acceleration of the ends
of the cords:
ax -
mg1' R . R - l' _
mg1' ( _ ,)
R 1 .
8 + m1'R
Kn owi ng that the rotational inertia of a homoge neou s solid cylinder around its axis
o f sym metry is 8 = mR 2 / 2, we have:
ax =
(R - r-) = 21'(R - r) g.
R 2 + 21'R
Le t us now use the con nection between the two rad ii: R = 31' , which will s impli fy our
form ula . We obtain that the acceleratio n of the e nds of the cords should be:
21' (31'-1' )
ax =g 2 2 3 g= -g 6g=1 5 g~0.267g=2.616 -2·
+ r' l'
Add iti onal data: the acce leratio n of the centre o f mass is
a = - - - = -g. - - =O.4g ,
( R - 1')
31' - l'
6. 2 Dy namics
6. Mechan ics Solu t ions
the tension in the cord s is f( = m(g - a) = m ( l - O.4) g = 0 .6m g and fi nall y the angular
accelerati on of the cy lin de r is (3 = O.4g / R.
Remark: The prob lem ca n also be so lved if cords run dow n from the di sk s in such a
way that they lie on the outer sides of the di sks. In that case the ends of the cords should
be accelerated with a y pointin g upwards . The sys tem of equ ati ons and the method of
soluti on are simil ar to the one shown above. The results in thi s seco nd case are:
a !I -- 3g''
a=2g ', J(= 3mg',
(3 _ 2g
- R'
Solution of Problem 125. a) Between the time the thread stretches for the fi rst time
and the time it becomes loose, an 'elasti c colli sion' prac ti ca ll y happe ns (not in the nature
of a usual elasti c ' push' but in the nature of an elasti c ' pull ' ). As no ex tern al forces ac t,
the law of co nservation of mome ntum holds , and as no di ss ipati ve forces act either, the
law of conserv ati on of mechanical energy holds as well.
Thi s colli sion con sists of half o r a harmonic osc ill ation . Let us change to a centreof-mass coordin ate sys tem. From the moment of the stretchin g of the thread, the
distance travelled in time t by the tro ll eys with mass m t and m2 are .0.X1 and .0. X2
respectively . Based on the theore m about the moti on of the ce ntre of mass, fo r the
magnitudes of these di splacements
holds. On the other hand , the mag nitude of the force (exerted on both bodies) by the
spring is
F = k (.0. X1 + .0. X2 )'
Express ing .0.x 2 from ( I) and subs titutin g it into (2) gives
1TI 1
F = k ( .0. X1 + -
.0.'<:: 1
= k 1TI1+m2 .0. X1 = kl* .0. X1 ·
(3 )
The moti on o f any troll ey - until the thread is stretched - ca n be regarded as the moti on
of a point mass attac hed to a sp ring with sprin g constant k* , whic h, as we know , is a
harmonic osc ill ati on. Accordin g to thi s, the half peri od of the osc ill ati on o f the tro ll ey
With mass m1 (and simil arl y, sy mmetri call y of the trolley with mass m 2 ) is:
16 kg
3 ·23.3 N/ m
- -- :....,...- = 1. 5 s.
(Remark: The same numerica l valu e is acquired for the tro ll ey with mas s m2, for
whieh k; =3k, wh il e the valu e o r k7 was ~k . )
300 C reMin' PIJ,I".'; ics Prol)/C'lIIs lI'itll Solutio n s
T he (re lati ve) ve loc ity or th e two trolli es relati ve to each other until the start of the
hall' osc ill ation was
= t'o = 2 Ill / S.
so at the end it is - I time s thi s va lue due to sy mmetry reasons , so the additi onal tinle
el apsed until th e co lli sio n or th e rear trolley an d th e spring is
I ,) = -
f 'IJ
= - - = 0,,) 5,
Thus th e total tim e elapsed rrom th e stretchin g or the thre ad to th e co lli sion with the
SprIn g IS
1 = 11 + 1:2= L. .) s + O..) s= :2s.
b) As the process IS sy mmetr ical (the ot her hall' or the peri od elapses hetwee n the
compress ion and the stretchin g or the sprin g) and the relati ve ve loci ty is - I times the
ori gina l va lue, th e time elapsed rrom th e colli sion or the tro ll ey and the spring to the
seco nd stretchi ng or th e thread is
and rrom the lirst stretchin g o f the string it is
1;, =2 1" = ,15.
Solution of Prohlcm 126. L et us ap pl y New ton's second law for the moti on of the
small body and for the rotati onal moti on o f th e di sc . Let {\'2 be the ten sion exert ed in the
thread on th e le ft -hand side. and 1\' 1 be the ten sion in the thread in th e ri ght-hand side.
61 1 is th e total extension of the spring w hen th e sillall body is di sp laced by 6/t, T his
consists of th e in iti al elongation o f th c sprin g which belongs to th e equil ibrium positio il ,
for w hi ch 610 = - 611 0 , and th e excess elongat ion ca usL:d by th e di splacell1ent of the
sm all body. w hi ch is 6{ = - 6/t , and thu s: 6{1 = 61 11 + 61. T he di sc does not enect
thL: initial elongation 610 wh ich be longs to th e equilibrium pos iti on, It s mag nitude cail
6. 1\!l'c/lilllics SO /Ilti o ll s
6.2 D y namics
be calcu lated from the eq uat io n: 111g - f)~Lo = 0, thu s: ~Io = mg / D. CD de notes the
sprin g co nstant. ) Therefore our equatio ns are:
mg = rna
(/\-1- /\-2) R = 8· f3
[\-I - D6.1 1 =0
6. 10 _ /lID = o.
/\-2 -
The thread does not slide o n the disc thu s jJ = (1 / R , so eq uat io n (2) can be written in
the form :
1\ -1 - [\ -2 = -a.
Addin g equat ion ( I) and (2) and substitutin g 1\-1 from equati on (3) we gain:
a = ( m + R2
D~ll - mg= trw + 8 J?2
Expressin g ~II in term s of the ex ten sio n wit h respect to the initia l elongati on equation
(5) will be th e foll owi ng:
Con siderin g equati o n (4) :
I1lg+ D6.l - mg =
D~l = a ( 111+
In thi s eq uati on (/ is the accelerati on of the small body. Thi s ca n be expressed with th e
displaceme nt o f the small body 6.h = - 6.1 and finding the co mmo n denominator the
followin g is ga ined:
from thi s th e acce leration o f the sma ll body is:
1lll?2 + 8
· ~h _
So the acce lerati on of the small body is proport io nal to the di sp lace ment and oppos itely
directed , whi ch means that the sys tem undergoes simpl e harmoni c moti on, applyin g
Newton's second law:
'\'""' F = 11111 = . ~h.
m R 2+ 8
The spring cons tant whi ch may charac teri ze thi s moti o n is:
f] *
= InDl?
1Ilr?2 + 8
300 C reative P hysics Problem s with Solutions
thu s the peri od of the linear osc ill ati on of the smal l body and the rotat ional oscillatio n
of the di sc is:
J m R 2+ 8 = 27r J m+ 8 / R 2
T = 27r - = 27r
The absolute value of the accelerati on of the resulted osc ill atory moti on ca nn ot exceed
the accelerati on due to grav ity g, otherwi se the thread will sometimes get loose and
the small body at its end will start 'j umpin g'. The maximum va lue of the amplitude
according to the in equ ality a:::; g , is:
m R 2+ 8
DR2 ' g.
Solution of Problem 127. The moti on of the di sc is a pl anar mot ion sin ce the springs
and the threads are on both sides of the disc sy mmetri ca lly , meanin g there is no net
torque exerted on the disc which would turn the di sc out of its plane.
The motion of the di sc until it reaches the lowest point ca n be split into two main
characteristic parts: while the threads are tight, and after the threads ge t loose. The fi rst
part lasts until the di sc reaches its greatest speed, as well as its greatest angul ar speed.
After thi s the speed of the centre of mass dec reases, whilst the angul ar speed of the
rotation remain s constant, thu s the threads winds down from the ax le at an increasi ng
rate -supposing that they are long enough. (If the threads are co mpl etely flexibl e they
are not able to exert a 'pushing force' on the disc.)
Let us examine the first part of the moti on. Applying Newton's seco nd law for the
translational motion of the centre of mass (because the two sprin gs pull)
mg - J( - 2Dt:,.l = ma ,
where J( is the tension exerted by the threads, t:,.l is the extension of th e spring, as
well as the displacement of the centre of mass of the disc, and a is the accelerati on of
the centre of mass of the di sc.
According to Newton ' s second law for the rotational moti on of the disc:
A-T = 8 . {3 = 8 . ~ .
( {3 is the angul ar acceleration of the di sc.) Substituting !\- from thi s eq uati on into the
first one, the acce lerati on becomes:
m g - 2Dt:,.l
m + 8 / T2
The threads get loose when the speed is the greatest. This happens when the spring
force and the gravitati onal force are equal.
2Dt:,.lo = m g ,
from thi s the displacement of the disc in the first part of the motion is: t:,.lo = mg/(2D) ·
(;.2 D.)'llamics
6. Nleclwnics Solu t io ns
Let us write the va lue of the acce lerati on as a fun cti on or the disp lacement measured
from the equ ili brium position. T he instantaneous extension of the spring is 6.1 = 6.1 0 + .1),
where Y is the displacement. Usin g thi s the force is:
my - 2D(6.lo + y)
my - 2D ~;'{/ - 2Dy
2 f) 111
----,--.,. . .1)
171 + 8 / ,.2
m+ 8 / ,.2
= - 1] * ,1).
It can be seen that this part of the motion is the firs t quarter of a simple harm on ic
moti on the equ i va lent sprin g co nstant of whi ch is: l) * = 2Dm/ [m + 8 / ,.2] . The time
of thi s moti on is:
Substitutin g the va lue of D* the time is:
m+8 / ,.2
The next part or the motion is agai n a simpl e harm oni c motion , in w hi ch the springs ,
and not the threads, exert forces . From the eq uilibrium position to th e lowes t position
again one-quarter o f the period elapses , and now the equivalent sp rin g co nstant ca n be
calculated from the sprin g co nsta nt of the spri ngs, wh ich is 2D. At thL: IOWL:st position
the centre of the mass of the di sc is in equ ilibrium , as well as rotating at thL: ma x imum
angular speed. The time at thi s part of the motion is:
Lz =
~ ;~.
Thus, the total time until the disc reaches the lowest position is:
Using the data of the prob lem: t = 4.71 s + 1.28 s = 5.99 ~ 6 s.
The depth of the eq uilibrium position is 6.10 = my/2D = 6.67111 , and thL: length of
the second part of the motion can be calcul ated from the max imum spL:ed for w hi ch
V II1ilX = A 1 -
= A2 T2 '
Where Al = 6.1 0 , and A z is the asked further descent. From thi s
A _ A T2 _ lny T2 _ my
2 1 Tl - 2D Tl - 2D
+ 8 = 1. 81111.
Thus the greatest descent of the centre of mass of the disc is 6.67 III + 1.81111 = 8A8 Ill.
Solution of Problem 128. When the body of mass m is placed on thL: unstretched
Spring (Figure I ), it assumes a new equilibrium position (Figun; 2). T he initi al
cOl'llpress ion 6.1(1 ca n be found by usin g Newton ' s second law :
k6.l o - my = 0,
300 Creative P hysics Problems with Solutions
fro m whi ch the initi al co mpressio n is
/::"l o = k
0.1 kg· 10 ~
20 Ii S = 0 .05 m.
{ ,-------,
Whe n the spring is compressed by an additi o nal /::,.l1 (Figure 3) and the n re leased,
the upper body starts to ri se with a certa in accelerati o n, passes throu g h the equ ilibriu m
pos iti o n and stre tc hes the sprin g more. Whe n the e lo ngatio n o f the sprin g reaches the
abso lute va lue o f the initi al co mpress io n /::" lo (Figure 4), it e xerts the same fo rce as the
weig ht of the bod y pl aced o n it at both e nds, so the res ultant fo rce ac ting o n the lower
body is exac tl y zero (the vector sum o f spring force and gravitatio nal force). The body
ly in g o n the gro und starts to ri se at thi s mo me nt. (The lower body certa inl y leaves the
gro und because the max imum co mpress io n o f the spring is greater than the co mpression
unt il the equil ibrium pos iti o n.) At thi s mo me nt, the leng th o f the sprin g is lo + /::"lo.
Fro m thi s mo me nt o n, the sy ste m mo ves freely . The centre of mass undergoes vertical
projectio n, the bodi es attached to the e nd s o f the spring undergo simple harmo ni c motion
re lati ve to the centre of mass . These two osc ill ati o ns th at are o ppos ite to each other
correspo nd to the osc ill atin g motio n of a body o f mass m connected to a spring of
le ng th lo /2 and sprin g constant 2k. (In the freely falling coordin ate syste m the centre
o f mass of the syste m o f bod ies moves uni fo rml y or re mai ns at rest, that is, it can be
's ubstituted by a wall of in fi nite mass ' to whic h the two ha lf- sprin gs are fi xed. The
sprin g co nstant of the hal f-sprin g is tw ice as muc h as the spring co nstant of the original
sprin g.)
In o rde r [ 0 dete rmin e the amplitude of the osc ill ati o n produced (whi ch de termines
the max imum dista nce be twee n the two bod ies), we requ ire the re lati ve ve loc ity of the
osc ill atin g bod ies re lati ve to the cent re of mass. For thi s reaso n, fi rst we determ ine the
'abso lute veloc ity ' o f the upper bod y, that is, its veloc ity re lati ve to the gro und at the
mo me nt when the lower body leaves the gro und .
In phase 4 show n in the fig ure, fo r the uppe r body the law o f conservati o n of energy
ho lds bccause o nl y conserva ti ve forces ac t. (T he grav itat io nal pote nti a l e nergy cancels
6. NJecil a nics Solutions
6.2 Dy na mics
out in the ca lcul ati on because the grav it ati onal force only shifts the equilibrium pos iti on
of the osc ill ati on. So as long as the lower body is on the ground , the motion can be
described as if an osci ll ati on of amp litude ,6.L I = 0.15 m would hap pen on a hori zo ntal
sprin g of length Lo - ,6.10 = 0. 25 m and spring constant k = 20 N / m.)
The in stantaneous displacement of the osci ll ati on at the mome nt in concern is y =
::;; 2,6.1 0 , th at IS, y = k
' The energy of the osc ill ation (the total energy of the
oscillatin g sys tem) is equ al to the max imum clasti c energy at every moment:
_ ky 2 + - m v
that is,
= - kA2
k - -2 - + m v 2 = kA2
After simplifyin g and reorgan ising, the foll ow in g va lu e is acquired for veloc ity:
kA2 4mg 2
v= ' - - - - m
20 Ii
. 0.1 52 111 2
0.1 kg
4 ·0 .1 kg ·I OO 1~~2
- - - - - - ,N
20 -!rl
~ m
= v 2.5 - = 1.58 -.
If we make use of the already calcul ated partial data and set up the co nservati on of
energy without dime nsions, we acq uire the foll ow in g simple equ ation :
v = 1.58 -.
When the upper body reaches thi s velocity , the lower body leaves the ground at initi al
velocity Vo = O. The veloc ity of the centre of mass is half of the ve loc ity of the upper
body then: Velll =v/ 2=0 .79 111/ 5. The length of the sprin g is 10 + ,6.1 0 =0.35 m then.
The bodi es co ntinue to move away from eac h other. From thi s time onward , the moti on
of the two bod ies is determined by the vertical proj ection desc ribin g the motion of the
centre of mass and the sy mmetric osc illati on abo ut the centre of mass. Amp litude A ' of
the new, free osc ill ati on is determ in ed from the law of co nservation of energy again.
The displacement of the osc illatin g bodies in phase 4 is
0.1 kg·IO ~
y = 2 = 2k =
2.20 Ii S = 0.025 m.
The mag nitude of their ori gi nal velocity relative to the centre of mass is
v v 1.58 111
Vl'el= V-Vc lIl= V- - = - = - - -=0 .79-.
The conservation of ene rgy for one of the bodi es is
+ E el = Eto t a l = ~kA12
in our case
29 1
JOG Cl'eatiw' P ln's ics Pro b le lll S ' Fitll So lution s
Substitutin g thl: relati ve ve loc it y:
111 (
m.11 ) 2
2 2 + 2f..: ( 2i:
= 2kA -.
L' )
Paraml: tri call y, a J't er di vidin g by 2]):
.) ]
I,; (
- /::,.1 1 - '-1-- + - -2= A
8 /,' [ II/
Ll k
Rearrangi ng:
(/::,,11 J2
111 2.11 2
0.0 1 kg 2 , 100 ~
O. 1-0-') 111 2
=4 .67 CIll.
4·'-100 ----0
[With the alread y ca lc ulated parti al data our equ ati on is
2 .0. 1 . (0.79 )- 111 - +
0025) - =2 'JOA- ,
J'ro m whi ch
A' = )0 ,002 185 = 0.OL167 III = L1. 67 el ll. ]
With thi s, the requl:stl:d max imum di stan cl: is
ill l<lx = III + 2A' = 30 c m + 2·4,67 em = 39 .35 em.
Wl: should chl:ck whl:thn or not the lowl:r body reaches the ground be J'ore the di stance
bet ween the two hodi l:s reaches the ma ximulll,
Wh en the di stan cl: betwee n the two hudi es is lllaxilllum , the ir in stantaneo us ve loc ities
re lati ve to the gruund are the sam e as the in stantan eo us ve luc ity o J' the centre oJ' mass,
So iJ' the tim e e lapsed fro lll lea vin g the ground to the llla ximum e longati on o J' the spring
is less th an the ri sin g tinK o f th e ce ntrl: o J' mass , (that is, the ce ntre o f lllass is still rising
when the d istance betwee n the twu budies is max imum ) the lower body does not rl:ac h
the ground 't oo soo n' .
Th e ri sin g tim e o J' th e ce ntre o J' mass is
/ (' 111
L". 11 I 0.79
= - - = - - s= 0.07~ s.
The osc ill atin g bodi es muve for less th an one qu arter o f the pe ri od be twee n phases 4
and 5. T he qu arte r o J' the pe ri ud is
0.1 kg
= 0.0780 s.
so the ce ntre o J' mass u l' the sys te m is still mov in g upw ard when the di stance bet wee n
the bodi cs reac hes the max illlulll .
Re lll ark: Those whu wa nted to deterl11in e the vl: loc it y of the upper body, hy taking
the grav it ati onal potenti al enl:rgy into co nsiderati on, reac hed the correct so lu tio n in the
6.2 D y na mics
6. j\fCc/lil llics Soilltions
fo ll owing way: by se ll ing up the work-k ineti c energy theore m between th e lowest ( that
is, stati ona ry) position and pos iti on 4:
Z= ,, ·= I:,E kili .
The left side o f the equati on co nt ain s the sum o f th e work s done by th e spring and by
th e gravitational force. The work done by the sprin g is pos iti ve until it becomes loose
and th en it is negati ve, the work done by th e grav it ati onal force is negativ e throughout
the process.
- 1.- (1:,/ 0 + 1:,/1 ) - -I.- (I:,lo ) - lIlg(l:,lt+2 1:,/o )=- IIIU - 0.
2 2 2
After squaring and multiplying by 2:
I.- (1:,/0) + 2/"' 1:,1 0 I:,l t + 1.; (1:, / 1)- - I.- (I:,lo )- - 2mg l:,lt - 4 rng I:, lo = rnu-.
A fter co mbinin g the like term s and substitutin g I:, lo = mg/k::
. trig
m g .J
2/;T I:,l 1 + 1.;(1:,11 )- - 2mgl:,ll - LI m gT = I7l.V - .
The sum o f the lirst and third term s is 0, dividing by rn and takin g the sq uare root , the
requested vd oc it y is
mg 2
- (l:,l d 2 - 4 - =
-=-. (0.1 5 - 4 . 0.05
111 _
2 ) --;;- -
~ 111 _
v2 .5 - - 1. 58 - ,
th e sam e as th e pre vious re sult.
Solution of Problem 129. As the hun g body causes an elongation o f I:, l o f th e spring
in equi l ibrium :
III · g=D· l:,l.
While mo v in g, the body undergoes forced osc illati on. The frequ ency o f the ex tern al
shock s is eq ual to the natural frequency of the el asti c sys tem becau se of the ' high
ampli tud e' (reso nance) . Th e shoc ks fo ll ow eac h other w ith a tim e interva l
due to th e small shocks received at the littin gs, w hen the first w heel s of the tru ck arrive
at the lillin gs.
I n th e case o f re so nance the natur al period of the system is equal to the peri od of the
ex tern al shock s:
300 Creative P hy sics Problem s with Solution s
Substi tuting the expression m/ D = 6.L/ 9 acquired from ( I)
27rfj =;,
fro m which the speed of the truck can be ex pressed:
27r V!5:i =
20 m
9.81 m /s 2
_ m
= 31. ;:,3 - = 113. 5 - 1- '
0. 1 111
Solution of Problem 130. The bl ock needs to cover a di stance of Xl = s- L = 0.92 m
for the sprin g attached to it to reach the wall. In doin g so, its speed is reduced fro m
V a to
Vl =
I - J-L9 (S- L)= .j4 11122 - 0.2. 10 n~ .0 .92111=0. 566 111,
V V6
since the distance is covered with a uniform accelerati on of a = ~ig directed against its
velocity. The time taken to cover thi s di stance is
s- L
2(s- L )
tl = - _- =
+ Vl
=0 .717 s,
and the average speed durin g thi s time interval IS V = (va+vd/ 2 = (2 m/s+
+ 0. 566 111/ s) / 2 = 1. 283 m / s.
The next task is to determine the further di stance X2 covered by the bl ock fro m the
time instant of the sprin g touchin g the wall to the time in stant of its stoppin g the fi rst
time (i.e. the maximum compress ion of the spring). The work-e nergy theorem can be
applied: (ow ing to fri cti on, mechanical e nergy is not conserved.)
- ~lim gx2 - -2 D x-2 = 0 - -mv
l '
which leads to a quadratic equati on for X 2:
Dx~ + 2Mmgx2 - mvi = O.
The solution of the equ ati on is
Numeri call y:
100 · 0. 566 2
- 1 = 0.04 m .
1 + 1 00
. . 4 ·100
This distance was needed in order to calc ul ate the time taken to cover it. The total
time taken is made up of three parts: tl is the time until the spring reaches the wall, 12
is the time taken by the bl oc k to stop the fi rst time, and t 3 is the time interval fro m the
6.2 Dy na m ics
6. Mecha n ics S olu tions
start of the rebound to the second (fin al) stop o f the bl oc k. -t 2 and t:j are a little more
complicated to determine.
Consider eac h of these stages of the moti on as part of an appro priate s im ple harm oni c
motion, a type of moti on th at is easy to di sc uss. That ca n be done - in eac h of the two
stages separatel y - since the kineti c fri cti on force represe nts a constant force ac tin g
on the bl oc k in additi on to the harmonic force (in a direc ti on co llinear with it), and the
resultant of two such forces is al so a harmonic force.
The stage of the moti on corres pondin g to the tim e interva l 12 could ari se if th e
sprin g were attac hed to the wa ll and stretched to the positi on where th e forces exerted
by the sprin g and fri cti on on the bl ock are in equilibrium . Then the objec t wo uld be
(suddenl y) given a speed, such that whe n approachin g the wall to a di stance of s - L
(that is, the di stance where the sprin g reac hes the wa ll durin g the aC lU al Ill oti on), it s
speed should be exac tl y V j . Fro m that point onward s, the moti on is identic al to th e
one investi gated by the probl em. Thi s stage of the moti on is thu s desc ribed as a part of
simp le harmonic oscill ati on. Thus the di splace ment .1:2 bel ongs to a sim ple harm onic
osc ill ation of angul ar freque ncy
100 N/ m
- 1
1 k bo' = l Os .'
w= (D =
and amplitude
A = :co +x [,
where Xo is the extension of the sprin g stretched to the posi ti on where fricti on an d
tension forces are in equilibrium . Therefore
Xo = - - =
0.2· 1kg· lOm s- 2
= 0.02 m.
100 N/ m
If the bl oc k was started from thi s equilibrium pos ition , a qu arter of the osc illati on peri od would el apse
until it stops, th at is,
1 ko'
_---::-.:.::D':- =
100 N/ 111
_ = 0.1 57 s.
Therefore the tas k is to determine the time t it takes to
attain the displ ace ment :Co, and subtrac t it from T I 4 to
get the time t2' The time L is obt ain ed fro m the simple
relation ship
= A sin w L.
. Xo
t = - a rCS111 - =
. .lI1 - - - =
.ClI +· {; 1
1 kg
. 0.02
l OON Ill - I a r cs II1 0 OG = 0.034 5.
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
and thus the time taken to stop first is
t2 ="4 - t=0.157s-0.034s=0.123s
The distance covered by the object after rebounding can be determined from the
work-energy theorem again. From the first stopping to the second (final) stopping,
2" D X3 - {"mgx3 = O.
2·0 .2·10 N
X3 = - - =
=0.04m ,
100N/ m
that is , the speed of the object decreases to zero at the very same position where it started
the second stage of its motion. At that point the spring was unstretched, thus it must be
unstretched again . Therefore, the object will stop at a distance of L = 0.08 m = 8 cm
from the wall , that is, at a distance equal to the relaxed length of the spring.
The time of this last stage of the motion is easily obtained by considering that at the
beginning of this time interval the force acting on the block was a maximum, and it is
also a maximum just before the final stop, but directed oppositely. (The maximum fo rce
was exerted by kinetic friction acting in addition to the spring force decreasing to zero .)
Thus the object covered exactly half an oscillation period. The time of half a period is
Remark: There is another way to see that the third stage of the motion is half an
oscillation period. Note that the equilibrium position of the oscillation is now shifted to
the left by Xa, that is, the amplitude of the new stage of the oscillation is Ai = Xl -Xa :=:
= 0.02 m. Since X3 is exactly the double of this, that is , X3 = 0.04 m = 2·0.02 m = 2A l ,
the third stage of the motion is , indeed , a simple harmonic motion covering a distance
of 2A l , that is half an oscillat ion.
a) the block stops at a distance of d = 0.08 m = 8 em from the wall , and
b) the total time of its motion is tt =tl +t2+t3 =0.717s+0 .123s+0.314s= 1.1 54s.
Solution of Problem 131. The object will start to lift off the gro und when the
increasing tension force in the spring becomes equal to the constant gravitational force
acting on the object: mg = D6L l = D vah , where Va = 0.5 m/s is the speed of the
upper end of the sprin g and tl is the time elapsed until the object starts to rise. Hence,
h = D v = 80 li .0 .5!:!:'. = 0. 5s .
6.2 Dyna.mics
6. Mechan ics Solu tions
---The ex tension of the sprin g at that time in stant is
6L 1 = D = SOli = 0.25 m .
The di stance of the upper end of the sprin g above ground as a fun cti on of time is
h = Lo +Vot = 0.6 m + 0.5 - ·t .
To be able to see what happens nex t, let us temporaril y attach the refere nce frame to
the uni fo rml y mov ing upper e nd of the sprin g. Fro m that po int of view, the obj ect
is seen to recede at a uniform speed of - Vo until eq uilibrium is reac hed and then to
perform a simpl e harmoni c osci ll ati on with a max imum speed of -Vo. Therefore, the
situati on is analogous to that of an objec t hangin g in equili brium on a sprin g stretched
by 6 L 1 = mg / D and sudde nl y given a dow nward speed of Vo to make it osc ill ate
harm onica ll y.
Since the max imum speed and angul ar freque ncy of the osc ill ati on are determined by
the given in fo rm ati on, the amplitude can be ca lcul ated. The angul ar frequency is
w = /D
/Tn = /SO N 111 - 1 /2 kg = V40 S - l ::.::;; 6.32 S- l.
Given the max imum speed and the angul ar fequency , the amplitude is obtained from the
equati on
Vo = VIlJa X = Aw = AjD / m
as foll ows:
D" = 0.5 '--Sll
k!'; l lI - 7.
91' 10- 2 m .
The length of the spring at the tim e in stant when the object starts to ri se is
L o + 6 L 1 = Lo+ D =0.6 m + SO 111 =0.S5 111.
The peri od is
T = 27r
J7J = ::' = Ao s::.::;; 1 s.
After the time instant t1 when the osc i ll ati on starts, the in stantaneous height y of the
object, the length L of the spring, the ex tension 6 L of the sprin g and the speed v of
the obj ec t are given by the fun cti ons ( I ), (2), (3) and (4) , respec ti vely:
y = vo(t -t ,) - vo ~· sin [~(t
- td] .
With the facto r Vo take n out:
y=vo { t - h - ~,si n[~(t-td]}.
L = h - y = Lo +vot - vo(t - t 1 ) +vo/7§ ·sin [~(t
( I)
-td] .
With the factor Vo take n out:
300 C reat ive PIJ.,·sics Proble m s witiJ 'o llltioll s
r, = I' ll + ('II {II + v1r .si n [ ~ (I - II )] } .
6 L = L - I'll = / '11' - L'O (i - II ) + I'll
With the I"act or ( '1) taken out:
6 I., = ('0 {II +
J'ti .5ill [ f!!; (, - I il] .
v1r .sill [ f!!; (t - II )]} .
(. = 1'1) - .rI..J·cos [u:(I - II )] = /'0 - I"O ' COS [f!f;(1 -11 )].
= UI) { l - cos [ V -!f; (I - II )] } .
.If = 0.625 III - 0.079 III . s ill [G . :~2 :; - 1(t - 0.5 s)],
( I' )
L = 0.85 111 + 0.079 1ll . sill [6.32 :; - 1 (t - 0. 5 5)] ,
61., = 0.25 III + D.0791ll· sill [6 .:rZ 5 - 1(t - 0.5 5)],
(2' )
With the I"actor ( 'II taken out:
111 - 0. 5 -III · cos [G.325
- I (1- 0. 05)
_ ].
u= 0.0- S
( I')
a) The answer is obtained I"rolll the I"unction .If by substitut in g t = 1. 75 s in (I) or
(1' ) . 1.75 s aner the upper cnd 01" the spr ing starts to mo ve . th e height of the objec t
will be
.If = 0.6 25 111 - 0.070 Ill' s i 11 ( 6. :~2 S- I . 1. 25 s) = O. 5LIG Ill .
= -!?II'
] (
11 ' = "2 /II U- + 1II9·.If + ;;. D 6L )- .
2 1(5)
0 1 0.5
II - 1119 ' iJ - -D (6J,)
0.5 1
b) Thl: work do ne by the liftin g force is expresst:d
I"rolll thl: work-e nergy th eore lll appl ied to the objt:c t
I I ' + I I '",r"v + I I',prill", = 6 E kill ,
that is.
where tht: spt:ed 01" the object is ca1cu latt:d I"rolll (L]' ) :
= D.5 -III - 0.5 -:,c05(6 .32 5- 1 1.255) = 0.53111 / S.
and thl.: t:xtel1sion 01" thl.: spring is obtailKd from (3'):
6 L = 0.25 III + 0.079 I1I· si11 (6.325 - 1 1.25 s) = O. :~29 Iii·
With these data. the work donl.: is
. 111 2
\ I' = ;;..2 kg· 0.53 2 S2 + 20 N · 0.5·16 III + 2 . 80 ~ . (J.329 2 111 2 = l SS) J.
6..\fec/,allies SOiliti o ll s
6.2 DYll a m ics
c) The in stant aneo us power at th e tim e in stan t in ves ti gated is P = l =;' prill gVQ, where
is the rorce exe rted by th e hand on the upper end of th e sprin g (th e equa l and
opposite reacti o n force to th e in stant aneous rorce exerted by th e sprin g on the hand ).
The mag nitude or that rorce is I~ prill f\ = D/::;.L. w here /::;.L 1 =vol [ at th e time instant
in questi o n. Thu s
F , prill )!,
111 2
P=D u(~ 11 =80 - ·0.25 -? ·0 .5s= 10W .
sThe power versus time function can be in vesti gated on two separat e inter va l s. During
the interva l II w hi Ie the object is at rest, P = I~ pr ill)!, UII = D /::;. Lvo , where /::;.L = uot .
p = D l'~ ' 1 = 20 \V 5- 1 . t
in the tim e int erva l 0 :::; t:::; I[ = 0.5 5 .
After th e time in stant I I , the po wer is P = D/::;.L · '('0,
where /::;.L is obtained rrom (3) . Parametrically:
2 1(5)
and numer ica ll y :
N ·0,25III. { 0,55 +
P = 80III
2kg · sin [6.32s- 1 (t- 0. 55)] } =
80 N/ 111
= 10 \V + JlO \V. s ill [6 ,32 S- I (t - 0. 5 s)] .
Solution of Prohlem 132. Arter n.:leasing, th e body o n the sp rin g performs simple
harm on ic Ill oti on , the amplitude o r wh ich is th e diAerence between it s initial and
equilibrium position. In the equilibrium position th e sum o f th e forces ac ting on the
bOdy is zero, so:
111,9 = D/::;'l.
It mean s th at the amplitude o f th e osc i ll ation is:
300 Creati ve Physics P ro blem s wit h Solu tions
A= 6.I = mg
D ·
The peri od and the angul ar frequency of the harmonic moti on are:
T=27r y 15'
w= (D.
Let us direct the y axi s verticall y down ward s. The
vel oc ity, as a fun cti on of time e lapsed from the release
of the body, is a sine fun cti on:
v=Aw.sin wt= mg. (D . sin (D.t=g
(D.t .
Y15 sin V;;;
SO the time needed to achi eve the speed v =O.S m/s is:
1 arcsin Aw
v =
t =:;
v Dyrm)
v y;;;
(D ) .
15 a rcsin ( mg
15 = Yrm
15 arcsin ( 9
Thu s, from its release, the body reaches the speed v = 0 ,5 111/S after
tin ( v~) = J
- arcsin
1. 25 kg 1 . a rcsin ( 0.5 111S- ?
250 Tm 9.81 111s- -
250 Nm 1. 25 kg
= 0.05692 s ~ 57 111S
for the first time.
Solution of Problem 133. a) Let us investi gate the moti on of the body in the
reference frame attac hed to point B, in whi ch the end B of the rubber thread is at
rest, and the body starts mov in g at the speed Vo = 1 m /s to the le ft (accordin g to the
conventi on of the fi gure). (It is simil ar to pu shin g the body attac hed to an init iall y
un stretched spring.) Our re ference fram e is inerti al, and the net force ac tin g on the
body (exerted by the rubber thread) is harmoni c, therefore the body perform s harm onic
oscill ati on until it gets back to its initi al pos iti on. (At that mo ment , the rubber th read
becomes un stretched. ) Thi s process is a half peri od of the oscill ati on. When the body
returns to its initi al pos iti o n, its speed is Vo to the ri ght. After thi s, the rubber th read
becomes loose and does not exert any force, so the body approaches the poin t B with
a linear, uniform moti on.
a) At the ex treme positio n of the osc ill ati on the initi al kin eti c energy is whollY
co nverted to el astic energy of the rubber th read:
-7nv 2 = - DA2
C. 2 DY ll il mics
6. lVIech an ics Solu tions
so the amplitude of the oscill ation is
A= jm;} = 100 '",2 = 0. 1
1 k o" 1
---=O'------;;-N'' ''''--
Il l.
It mean s th at the longest di stance between the point s A and B is
Lo +A=0.5m + 0.l m = 0.6 1ll =60
Clll .
b) Until the body catc hes up to point B, it performs a half peri od o f th e osc ill ati on,
and the n- when the rubber thread gets loose- it covers the di stance Lo to the poi nt B
at a constant speed v o , so the un know n time is :
1 kg
0.5 111
100 -III
1 -"::-;
--N' + --,-, = 0. 8 14 s.
Solution of Problem 134. a) The length of the pipe determin es the wave len gth of the
standing wave in it. T hu s the wavelen gth s are the same in the two cases . Fro m this point
of view it is not important wheth er the pipe is ope n or cl osed at the e nd. The frequencies
of the sound s diRe r beca use the speed of so und is not the sam e in air and in helium.
The speed of sound can be obtained from data tables. For cx amp le at O°C it is:
Cai r = 331. 8 m /s
C /./ ~ = 970 m /s .
The re lati on betwee n the sound speed and wave le ngth is C = /).., whi ch mea ns th at
the ratio of the two freque ncies is:
C H e = // /·I e ).. = V I'l e =
970 = 2.923 .
33 l. 8
This rati o is approx imately 3: 1 , so the so und in helium is by a tritave, i.e. , by an
octave and a fi fth hi gher than the normal a' tone. It is cl ose to the e"' tone. do- do- so l.
(More prec ise ly, by half of a half tone, i.e. , by 212 lower than thi s: 212 ·2 .823;:::: 3.00.
Only a few people would notice thi s difTe re nce.)
The frequency of the sound in helium is V il e = 1286 Hz .
b) In the case of the open pipe half of the wave length of the fund ame nt al mode is
equal to the Icngth of the pipe, whil e in the case of the closed pipe the qu arter of the
Wavel ength gives the pipe le ngth . So the length of th e pipe depe nd s onl y on whether or
not it is ope n or closed, and not on the gas we bl ow into it.
Performin g the ca lc ulati ons with air, th e le ngth s of the diOe rent pipes arc:
2Vai r
l"jJPII = - = - - =
33l.8 m /s
. _
/ = 0 .377 III = 37. ( cm .
2 · 440 1 s
/ " 1' 0 11
. 8 8
= - - = - ? - = 1 . 5 CIII .
4Va ir
l closed = -
30 1
300 C reative Physics Prob lem s with Solu tion s
Solution of Problem 135. The distance between points that are in the same phase is
an integral multiple of the wavelen gth:
kA= 5 m
The di stance between the points that are in the opposite phase is an odd mUltiple of the
ha lf-wavele ngth:
(21 + 1)2=1.5m ,
where the va lues of k and I are
k=l , 2, 3,
1=0 , 1, 2, .. .
a nd
Producing the rati o of the correspond in g s ides of ( I) and (2):
( 21 + 1 )~
from which
1.5 '
k=-(21 + 1).
As k is an integer, 21 + 1 should be divisible by 3. The values of I that sati sfy this
conditi on are
h=l , 12=4, 13=7 ,
And the correspo ndin g values of k are
kl = 5,
k2 = 15, k3 = 25 ,
respectively. With these the possible va lues of the wavelength (e.g. according to ( 1)) are
A3=- m=- m,
Al = - m= 1 m
so infinite ly many wave lengths sati sfy thi s condition .
Re mark: The corresponding values of k ca n be produced in the following way:
In (3) (21 + 1) is di vis ible by 3 o nly if I is of lhe form (3q + l), where q= O, 1, 2,
... , because the n
21 + 1 = 2 (3q + 1) + 1 = (6q + 2) + 1 = 6q + 3 = 3(2q + 1) ,
so based o n (3)
k = :3 (2l + 1) = :3 · 3· (2q + 1) = 5· (2q + 1),
and with thi s the possible wavelengths are
A= -
= -- m.
2q + 1
6.2 Dy namics
6. NIechanics Solutions
. ..
.. .
(It can be observed that according to (4), the denominator of A gives the sequence of
odd numbers.)
The snapshot of the waves of the first three wavelengths are
~ ~, ________________~5~m
. m
\Affi Af\f\f\AAIi\f\f\f\Af\f\Affif\f\
Vl}~V V \V V Vv-V-V V V VVV-~Vl} \
Solution of Problem 136. Let us handle the chandelier as a bob of simple pendulum
on a 4 m long cord. The period of such a pendulum is given by:
-g =271 .
2 =3.9738::::o4s .
10 m/s
Therefore the pendulum makes a quarter oscillation in 1 s, so at the time of the second
earthquake shock the cord is vertic al and the chandelier moves with a speed of:
JOO C r Cd til'c Phl'sics Pro/)le l/J s \\'itIJ So lu t io ns
w here A I is th e amr litud e o f th e fi rst osc ill ati on, whi ch eq uals the di srl ace ment of the
ground in th e first shock (.1' =,) CIll). T he angu lar freq ucncy o f th e first osc ill ati on IS:
,5 em ,
:.-- .
I' :
As in th e second shock th e po int o f suspe nsion moves suddenl y to
th e left by ,5 C I Il , th e fin al osc ill ati on o f th e chande li er is defined by
th e situati on in w hi ch the disrl aceme nt of th e pend ulum is .1: 5 e l ll
and th c chandeli er has a speed of u . Us in g th e formul a between the
di srl ace ment and sr eed o f a sim r le pendulum , th e fi nal amrl itu ue
of th e chande li er ca n be determin ed:
v =w
Thu s
J A 2 - ,(, 2 ,
+ .1'2
Suhstit ut in g 1,1 from equ ati on ( I ) int o equ ati on (2) , we get:
-,) - + .l'~) =
u) -
J ,)
A i + .[2 .
hen cc:
A = J2i> C Ill 2 + 25('111 2 = Joo(, l 1l 2 = 7,07 1 C lll .
Soluti()n of Prohlem 137. T he length of th e pire det ermin es th e wav el ength of the
standin g wave produced in it. so th e wave len gth o f thc rr oduced soun d is th e same ill
both cas es ( in thi s rcs pec t it is unimport ant w hether an or en or closed pipe is under
di sc uss ion), H oweve r, th e freq uen cies o f the produced so und s w ill be din'crent , because
th e sr eed o f pro paga ti on o f soun d is di n'crent in helium and in air.
Accordin g to th e data o f th e fo rmul a and data book let, it is 330 lll/S in air (at 0 a C)
and 970111 / s i n he liu m,
(The sa me data arc acq uired from rela ti onsh ir
~ .£T.
I\ !
aft er substitutin g th e va lues taken from the for mul a and da ta booklet. w here eli and (', '
are spec ifi c hea ts o f th e gas at co nstant rressu re and consta nt volum e. while )\/ is the
m olar mass of th e gas,)
Accordin g to relati onsh ip 1/ = c/ A. th e ri pe prod uce s hi gher frequ ency sou nd when
the sreed o f pro pagati on is hi gher in it. T hi s takes r lace in th e case o f helium ( i. e. tllC
freq uency is hi gher by the same fac tor as the sreed of rropaga ti on in heliu m rel ative
6.2 D Y IlClm ics
6. Mech a nics So/ ll t ioIJ s
to air). Therefore the requested rati o and the freque ncy of the so und made by the pipe
filled with helium are
Vl, eliulIl
Cli eli ulIl
- - - - - -- //air
Vli eliulI l =
970 III
Cl ,e l iulIl
970 III I S
Cai r
330 m/s
- - - . //a.ir =
Is - ? 9'1
330 Ill/s - _.
· 440 H z = 1290 H z.
Solution of Prohlem 138. Attach in g the lead we ight to the spoke of the whee l a
phy sical pendulum is created, the peri od of whi ch , for small displacements, ca n be
calculat ed with the formula
where G is th e rotati onal inertia ca lcul ated for the ax is of rotation , m is the total mass ,
9 is the acceleration due to grav ity and s is the distance between the centre of mass
and the axi s of ro tation .
Because of the add itive, the mome nt of inerti a of the wheel with the lead weight on
it is
G=G o +ml 2 ,
where Gli is the moment of inerti a of the wheel without the lead we igh t. In our case
the total mass of the syste m is j\I + Ill. Using thi s, the measured period is :
Gu + 111/ 2
(i\I + m)gs '
Now we havc to calc ul ate the distance.'; , balancing the whee l, it s centre of mass is at
(the middle of) it s ax le, the ce ntre of mass divides the di stance bet ween the lead we igh t
and th e ce ntre of the whee l in the ratio of the masses , but it is closer to the heav ier mass,
.., : (! - ..,) = III : j\I,
From thi s:
8 = - - - ·1.
j\I + III
Substituting thi s into the formula of the period:
T = 271
Go +m[2
(M + lII )g !I j",l"
= 271
G n + ml 2
The mass of th e whee l could be cance lled. thu s it s mome nt of inerti a ca n be ca lculated.
Its value is:
81) = mgl
T) 2'J
- 1711- = 0 .01 577 kg · m-.
( -271
300 Creati ve Physics Problems w ith Sol u tions
Solution of Problem 139. Sound propagates at speed c re lative to the air in ever
directio n, but not relative to the ship. Le t v stand for the speed of the ship relati ve
the air and c for the speed of sound relative to the a ir. Then
c = v + Ctoship ,
where Ctoship is the speed o f the propagati o n of so und re lati ve to the ship. From he
Moving from A to C vectors v and C point in the same direction, so the spee
of sound rel ati ve to the ship is Ct os hip = Ic- vi = c - '[;, mov in g from C to A th
velocity of the ship and the velocity o f sound point in oppos ite directions. Therefo
Ctos hip = Ic+vl = c+v. According to these, the sound travels along the course A- Cin time
Ctos hip = C -
f:lt l = - - + - - = - .-
- = - .
c 1 - v.:
--0 •
c 2 -v 2
Moving from A to B and from B to A v is perpe ndi cu lar to C , so in both cases
= Ic- vi =
vc2 -v
According to thi s, sound travels along the course A - B in time
f:lt2 = -.
Csound to grwnd
Introducing the notation k =
VshlP 10 orOlXld
)1 - v~
)1 -
and subtrac ti ng th
two equati o ns from each othe r a quadratic equati o n is a
quired for k .
The roots of thi s equation are: kl = 1.0004265 and k2 = - 0.0004265 , but o nly kl ca
be a solution, because in the case of Ikl < 1 the expression for the speed o f the sh
would contain a negative numbe r under the root, so it would not be valid o n the set
real numbers .
Once k is kn ow n, the speed of the ship can be ca lcul ated:
1 --=
=9 .34-=
Solution of Problem 140. The soluti o n o f the problem is essenti a lly based o
geometric opti cs, since the propaga ti o n prope rties of seis mic waves are a na logous
that o f light waves.
G.2 DYllamics
6. Nlechanics Solutions
d= 50 m
The place of explosion pl ays the role of light source, the topm ost layer is opticall y
less dense, and the inclined rock plate acts as a refl ec ting mirror, as it is show n in the
figure .
Data: d = 50 m is the di stance of the geophones at A and B from the place of
explosion den oted by a
to = 0. 2 S
LA = 0.26 s
tn = 0.34 s
Our task is to determine the propagation speed 'U of seismic waves in the topmost
layer, the distance h of the inclined rock plate from the place of ex pl os ion and the
angle of inclination a of the rock plate in east-west direction .
a) With the above introduced notations, using the law of reflect ion and the cos ine
formula for the side AO' of the tri angle AO' 0 , we get that:
Here we have assumed that the le ngt h of OX r\ A equals the shortest di stance between
A and 0' , i.e., OX r\ + X A A = 0' A , where 0' is the mirror image of the the place
of explosion . Furthermore , the angle 0' OA L eq uals (90° - a), since the two angles
denoted by a in the figure have pairwise orthogo nal rays . Thus the product of the speed
of wave propagati on and the time gives just the di stance 0' A .
By simil ar reasoning applied for the trian gle 00' B we get that:
(2h)2 +d 2 - 2(2h)dcos(90° +a) = ('Uta)2.
Finally for the distance 00' we obtain:
2h = 'Uto
The unknown quantiti es can be determined from these three equation s. The propagation
~Peed of se ismi c waves is obtain ed from the first two equation s, usin g tri go nometri c
Identiti es.
300 Crea.tive Physics Problem s with S olutions
Applying the ide ntities cos(90° - a) = sin O' and cos (90° + a) = -sin O' in the firs t
two eq uati o ns, we get that:
(2h )2 + d 2 - 2· (2h )dsinO' = (vt A)2,
(2h )2 + d2 + 2· (2h )dsinO' = (vtn)2
S umm ari zi ng these two equ ati o ns, the te rms containing the s ine fun cti o ns cancel out:
8h 2 + 2d 2 = v2 (t~ + t~ ) .
From equ ati o n (3) the di stance h a nd its sq uare are:
h= vto
Puttin g it into (4) we obtain th at:
2v2 t6 + 2d 2 = v 2(t~ + t~) ,
whi c h mea ns that the propaga ti o n speed o f se ismic wa ves is:
b) The (perpe ndicul ar) di sta nce h o f the place of expl os io n from the inclined rock
pl ate is obtained from equati o n (5) a nd the propagati o n speed:
220 !!! ·0.2 s
h= - =
= 22 m.
c) The inclin ati o n angle o f the roc k plate can be o btained for example fro m
equati o n ( I ' ):
0' =
(2h) 2+ d2 - (vtA) 2
2 ·( 2h)d
(2 . 22m)2 + (50m )2_ (220 !!! . 0 .26s)2
2· (2·22 m ) ·50 m
= 0 .2646 ,
which yie lds
a = a r csin 0.2646 = 15 .34 0 .
Solution of Problem 141. T he greatest possible speed (at whi ch the vehic le does not
fl yaway) is determined by the gravitatio nal fi eld of the planet which gives an upper
bo und for the centripetal accele ra ti o n o f the vehicle movi ng o n the surface of the planet
- supposed to have a spherical shape - and thu s it gives an uppe r bo und for the speed
o f the vehicle. (Naturall y, if the pl ane t is hilly , the concave parts o f the speed of the
vehic le can be arbitrary a nd it w ill still to uch the surface .) Thus in case o f the greatest
poss ible speed the centripetal acceleration of the vehicle is equ al to the gravitational
accele rati o n due to the pl a net, whic h is -
= g . T hus the greatest speed is v = vfTg
6.2 Dynamics
6. IvfeciJ an ics Solu tions
3 7f
If the density of the Earth is (} , then the gravitational force is: F = G · (}. - 3- . 1'2 '
therefore the acceleration of free fall is g = G· :3 (}. 1' , where G is the gravitati onal
constant. Substituting this into the expression of the greatest speed:
· G(} ,
if the data of the Earth are substituted into thi s formula ( 1' = 6370 km, (}ave l'age =
== 5500 kg/m ) it gives the orbital veloc ity of V Eal' th = 7.89 km /s . In case of a radiu s
500 times smaller the criti cal speed will also be 500 times smaller, so v = 15.8 m/ s =
== 56.88 km/h.
Note: it is quite difficult to reach this maxim um speed, with a land vehicle in case of
a spherical planet, because the closer the speed of the vehicle to this maxim um speed
the smaller the normal force between the wheels and the ground , thus the increase of
the tangenti al speed can be produced by small er and smaller tangential acceleration.
Solution of Problem 142. a) The mass of the spaceship is negli gible relative to the
mass of the Earth, therefore the Earth can be assumed to be stationary , thus the law of
motion of the spaceship in its origin al orbit is:
G ' - -=ln1' 1 '
isolating the velocity of the spaceship (which is measured in a translating reference
frame movin g together with the Earth, which therefore can be assu med to be an inertial
reference fram e) , we find:
hence the initial kinetic energy of the spaceship is:
EkillJ =- 'm v
=G·_- .
. The total mechanic al energy of an orbitIng spaceship is the sum of its kinetic and
Potential energies . If the spaceship moves
I~ a circul ar orbit of radi us AF = 1'1, its
kinetic energy is GMm / 21'1, while its potential energy (assu min g that the potential
energy is defined to be zero at infinity) is:
Epo t l
= - G· - - .
A < ) - - - - - { } - - - - < ) - - - -/----
JOO C rcati,'c Pllysics ProblclIlS \I'it" S o lutions
Acco rdin g lO eq uati on ( I ). the k ineli c energy o f th e spaceship in a circul ar orb it of radius
w hile its potcntial energy is:
ill III
E p <> [" = - G--.
( I)
The tOlal energ y in th e circul ar orbi l o f radiu s 1'2
21'1 is i:: lul {/ l2
Bl olal l + 6. E kill ,
since in point A , w here the mag nitude of veloc it y chan ges insl ant ancousiy, thc pOlenlial
energy docs not change yet. lh erefore:
Substitulin g cquations ( I ), (2). (3) and (4). wc ohtain:
, 1\ / 111
G-- 41'[
G j\ f ill
T --
1\ / III
= G- - G-+ 6. Bkill ·
1' 1
Hence th e in crease in the kinetic energy of the spaces hip in point A i s:
6. Ekill
1\/11 /
= -<I G -1'1- = -2 . G -211- = -2 Ekilll'
w hi ch means that during th e firsl co urse correction in poinl A the kinetic energy of lhe
spaces hip sho uld be increased by 50 CX .
b) A ft er the firsl course corrcclion the spaceship moves in an ellipti ca l orbit in wh ich
ils total mechani ca l energy remain s co nSlant. The seco nd lask is lo change the elli ptic al
orbit into a circul ar orhit. Since during the second correc ti on only th e direction or th e
ve loci ty is chan ged. th e tota l mechanical energy or the spaces hip is the same in it s new
ci rcular orhit as it was in th e tran sl'cr ellipse.
Accordi ng to K ep ler 's la ws , th e tOlal mcchanical energy of a spaceship orbiting the
Ea rth dcpends on onl y th e sem i major ax is of it s orbit. Si nce th e mec hani cal energ ies
o f th e spaces hip in the transfer ell ipse (he tween points A and C) and in the outer
circle (of rad iu s 1'2 ) arc th c sa me, the semi maj or axes o f the l WO orbits sho ul d al so be
equal. In th e case of th e out er circle the sem'im ajor axis is a, ilc = 21' l . lh erefore the
semimajor axis o r th e tran sl'cr elli psc is also If,'l l = 2/1. By measurin g distance 21'1
starting from point A onto th e lin c going through po int F. we get th e ce nt re or tht:
lran si'c r ellipse, w hi ch is point 0 on th e inner ci rcle. Point C , w hi ch is th e point where
the ellipti ca l orb it intcrsec l s thc I in c perpendi cular to A F and goi ng through point O. is
thc end of the se miminOl' ax i s o f th e transl'cr clli psc. T hi s is the poi nt where the seco nd
co urse co rrcct ion should bc carried oul. (The first appropriate moment menti oncd in th e
problem is thcrcfore th c momenl w hen the spaccship reaches point C.) Sin cc F e:=:: 21'1
and FO = I I . th e angle enc loscd by th em is '-? = 30°. T hi s is th e angle by whi ch the
direclion o f the velocit y should be chan ged. D urin g th e seco nd course corrcctioll tl,e
totalmcchani ca l encrgy of lh c spaccship remain s co nstant in a transl alin g (approximalely
3 10
6. i\ti ecil a ll ics So /li t i o ll s
6.2 DYll a mics
inertial ) reference frame, therefore the work do ne by the engin e in creases the kin eti c
energy of the ex haust prod ucts.
c) The time taken by the spaceship to move from point A to C can be determined usin g
Kepler' s seco nd law. 11' th e peri od in the transfe r ellipse is T 2 , then the area l ve loc ity
can be writte n as:
. ~ A 7rau
.I = ~ t = T 2 '
where a and u are the se mi axes of the e llipse and 7rau = A eJJ is the area of the ellipse.
Kepler ' s seco nd law states th at the area l vel oc ity (i. e. the ratio of the area swept out by
the lin e j oinin g the spaces hi p to the focal poi nt to time) is f == constant. In our case the
area swept out by the lin e in time ~ t is the area of the qu arter of the ellipse minu s the
area of trian gle 0 FC :
~ A = 7rau _ au = au(7r - 1) .
The tim e taken is give n by th e rati o of the area to th e areal ve loc ity, whi ch is:
~A _ aU(7r - l ) . 7rau _ 7r - 1
u.L - - . .- - - · T2 ~ O . 1 7T) .
Appl yin g Ke pler' s third law, the period in the outer c irc ul ar orbit (and in the tran sfer
ellipse) ca n be expressed in term s of the peri od in the inn er circul ar orbit :
-----c;- = - -3-
= 8,
T 2 = T] .
VB = 2 h .TJ ,
thus the time spent on th e trans fer e llipse is:
Solution of Prohl cm 143. The re mark of the probl em that the ' acce lerati on due to
gravity at th e surface of the Earth is know n' implies th at it is ex pected to use th is datum
Instead of any oth er data, which mi ght be found in a data boo kl et (i.e. gravitati onal
constant, mass o f the Earth etc .).
Appl yin rr New ton' s seco nd law to the moti on of the sate llite, the radiu s of the orbit
of the satellite ca n be ca lcul ated:
j\! m
G-.,- = 1I1TW - ,
Where jl J is the mass o f th e Ea rt h, m is the mass of the satellite G is the gravitati onal
Con stant , ,. is the rad iu s of the orbi t and W is the angul ar speed of the circul ar moti on.
3 11
300 Creative Phy sics Problems with Solution s
Th e I atest one IS W = T in terms of the period which is given. From the equ ation the
radius of the orbit is:
w2 .
Assuming that the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the Earth is
go = R2 '
where RF is the radius of the Earth, substituting G M = goR} , the radius of the orbit
9.81 m / s2 .6370000 2 m 2 . (90· 60 )2s2
= 6649544 m ~ 6650 'm.
Thus the height at which the satellite orbits above the
surface of the Earth is:
T -
RF = 6650km- 6370km= 280 km
(Note: in the solution we used the approximation that the
Earth was considered to be an inertial frame of reference when
we assumed that the acceleration of a freely falling obj ec t a
the surface of the Earth is the same as the accelerati on due
to the gravitational pull between the Earth and the satellite
at the same place. In reality , the value of go contai ns the
rotation of the Earth , thus the acceleration of a free ly falling
object , measured here, slightly differs from the accelerati on o
an object, which is also released here, with respect to an inertial frame of reference: go <
< G ~ . According to the figure , the appropriate relationship between the acce lerat ion
of a freely falling object and the acceleration due to the gravitational pull at the latitud
of 45 degrees is :
go =
(G -R} + R F sin 45° ·T22
4 K2 ) 2
IvI RF sin 45° · -
- 2G -
4K 2
cos45° .
The sum of the second and the third terms of the radicand is approxim atel
0.33 m 2 /s 4 , which is negligibly small with respect to the first term because the sum
is approximately three-thousandths of the first term.)
Solution of Problem 144. Two cases should be distinguished, de pendin g on whethe
or not the satellite moves in the direction of the rotation of the Earth or oppos ite to it.
6.2 Dynam ics
6 Mechan ics Solu tions
a) Let Tu be the orbital peri od of the sate!lite mov in g in. the directi on of the ro tati on
f the Earth , and let T E de note the perI od a t the ro tati on 01 the Earth . In the glvcn lime
0_ 6 hours, the angul ar displacement of the satellite is equ al to one wholc turn plu s the
t ~ular di spl ace ment of the Earth , since the satellite returns to the same point above the
a uator where it was initi all y. The angul ar displ acements can be ca lcul ated by usin g the
~~rrnula <p = wi, and the relati on between the angul ar speed and peri od is w = 27i /T.
The exact va lue of the peri od o f the rotation of the Earth with respec t to the inerti al
reference frame determin ed by the distant fi xed stars is I siderea l day = 86 163.4 s.
However, we would not make a big error, if in stead, we used the sola r day as an
approxim ati on: 1 solarclay = 24 hours = 86400 s . The di ffe re nce between the two days
is due to the revo luti on of the Earth aro und the Sun . In deed , in one so lar day the Earth
accompli shes one rotati on wit h respec t to the Sun , i.e., it shows the sallle po int of the
equator towards the Sun. Bu t durin g thi s time, the Earth makes an angul ar di splacc mcnt
2rr / 365 al ong its orbit, so its total angul ar di sp laceme nt with respec t to the dis tant stars
is by thi s angle larger th an a whole tu rn. The time needed for th is ex tra turn is one
365th of the 24 hours, so 86400/365.2422 = 236.555 . The siderea l day is obt ain ed by
substituting thi s tim e fro m the so lar day : (864 00 - 236 .555) s = 86 163.4 s .
Accordin g to the fac ts above, the equ ati on is:
L = 2rr + -
From thi s equ ati on the orbital period o f the satellite can be determ ined. Dividin g by 2rr,
we get:
-= 1+-.
So the orbital peri od of the satellite is:
T = _t_ = t·TE = 6 h · 24 h _ 144 h= 4.8 b
t + TE
6 h + 2LI h
b) Denotin g by To the orbital period of the satellite, if it orbits oppos it e to the rotati on
of the Earth , we get:
Dividing by 2rr , we get:
=1 - -
So the orbit al period of the satellite is :
t· TE
6 h ·24 h
To = - - - = - - =
= 1441 8 h = 8 h.
1TE - t 2LI h - 6 h
3 13
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu t ions
Now th at we know in both cases the orbital period of the satellite, the altitude of th
orbit ca n be obtained by usin g Newton's law of gravitation:
G--2 - =1nT" - 2'
from where the radius of the satellite orbit is:
a -
Instead of the universal gravitational constant G we can use the acceleration due to
gravity g:
_G M sm
mgR 2'
In serting it into the previous equation, we get:
T,, =
47T 2
(6370.10 3 )2 m 2 . 9.81 .!4. (4 .8·3600)2 S2
s= 14439712 m ~ 14440 km .
47T 2
Similarly, if the satellite orbits opposite to the rotation of the Earth, then the radius
of the orbit is:
(6370. 10 3 )2 m 2 . 9.81 ~ . (8·3600)2 S2
47T 2
= 20298208 m ~ 20300 km.
Thus the altitudes of the orbits (above the surface of the Earth) are:
In case a): h" = Ta - R s = 14440 km - 6370 km = 8070 km.
In case b): hb = Tb - R E = 20300 km - 6370 km = 13930 km .
Solution of Problem 145. Because the spaceship is kept in a circular orbit by the
gravitational force , which is a radial force, the plane of the circular orbit must contain the
centre of the Earth. The spaceship can be considered pointlike and its mass is negli gible
with respect to the mass of the Earth, so it does not effect the motion of the Earth. The
intersec ti on of the plane of the orbit and the surface of the Earth, which is considered
a sphere, is one of its great circles. If the spaceship must remain above the same point
of the Earth, this point can only be on one of the great spheres of the Earth. Durin g the
rotation of the Earth, only those points of the surface move along a great circle wh ich
is along the equator of the Earth, meaning that the condition is satisfied for any point
on the equator of the Earth.
The speed of the spaceship with respect to a reference frame which is moving with
the Earth (but does not rotate with respec t to the stars) is determined by the angular
6.2 Dy nam ics
Mechanics Solu tions
ed of the Earth and the radiu s of the orbit of the spaceship accord ing to Newton 's
second law :
G· - - =1nTW
where G=6. 672· 10
- 11
is the grav itational constant, M=5.974·10 kg is the
mass of the Earth , m is the mass of the spacehip, and l' is the asked di stance between
the spaceship and the centre of the Ea rth. Usi ng the above eq uation the value of this
radius is:
and thus the speed of the spaceship with respect to the reference frame which is mov ing
with the Earth (but not rotating) is v = TW.
W is eq ual to the angul ar speed of the Earth. Because W = 27i I T, where T is the
period of the rotation of the Earth. If thi s is known, the speed of the spaceship ca n be
calcu lated:
= VGMw=
T .
What is the va lue of T? It can be calc ul ated eas il y if it is not found in a tab le. The
time between two consecut ive so lar noo ns is known: it is 24 hours, which is 86400
seconds. Thi s is ca ll ed a so lar day. Th is is longer than the amount of time it takes the
Earth to comp lete one revoluti on about its axis, because while it revolves 360 0 with
respect to the inerti al frame of reference, its centre moves forward along its orb it about
the Sun, thus the Earth has to rotate more th an 360 0 in order that the Sun should be
above the same point again. Let us determine the peri od of the rotation in the inertial
frame of reference (s idereal day) in so lar seconds.
Let a be the angle subtended by the
arc along which the Earth moves during
one solar day to the Sun. During thi s
time, the Earth turns an angle of
cp =27i +a =wTso ,
where w is the angular speed of the
rotati on of the Earth in an inerti al fram e
of reference, and Tso is a solar day .
The angle turned during one day a,
cOu ntin g 365.26 so lar days in one year is
a=--365.26 '
(21t +a )
( 2n )
JOO C reati ve P hys ics Proh lelll s H'ith Solu t ioll s
where 365 .26 is the le ngth of o ne year in so lar da ys. Beca use o ne so lar day IS T. ,,::::
2i1' + o
= - - - , and o ne side rea l day is T Si = long. their rati o is:
T su
2i1' + - - 365 .26
T hus one sid erea l day ex pressed in so lar days is:
T . _ 365.26
8, -
365 .26
366.26 . Tso = :366.26 . 86LIOO s = 80 16·1.102 s.
Now we can answe r the questi o n as ked in thc problem :
6.672·]0 - 11 Nm 2 / kg 2 · 5.973· 10 2 •l kg ·2i1'
86164. 1 s
Note that the di stance between th e spaces hip and the centre of the Earth IS /':::
= 42161. 252 kill , and the di stance bet wee n the spaceship and the surface of the Earth
is 35790 .2;1 kill.
Solution of Prohlcl11 146. The poss ibl e meth ods are based o n either Newton's seco nd
law ( L F = Ilw) or the co nservati o n o f linear mo mentum ( L [ = co nst a nt ). The
spaceship in free fall ca n be ass umed to be an inerti al system and its mass can be
co nsidered to be inlinitcl y greater th an th e mass to be measured.
In the first method, we ca n use a ca librated dynamo meter to meas ure the force acti ng
o n th e object and meas ure it s accelerati o n (usin g a stop wat ch and a meter bar) at the
same time. The mass o f the obj ec t is the rati o of the force and acce leration .
In the seco nd meth od, the objec t is attac hed to a dynamometer and is put into
circul ar orbit mov in g at co nstant speed. The dynamometer measures the ce ntripeta
force, mea nwhile the radiu s of the c ircle and the number of revo luti ons arc also
measured . The mass of the obj ec t is give n by the formul a:
1<IY Ii .
= 1?4i1' 2 1J, 2
If the dynamo meter is not ca li brated, we need to kn ow it s sprin g constant (k) and
meas ure its ex te nsion.
In the third meth od. the objec t is fas te ned in betwee n two sprin gs of kn ow n sprin
constant and the peri od of osc ill ati on of the system is meas ured. If the masses of th
spr in gs are neg li gib le, the mass of the objec t is give n by the formul a:
"' -.
II i1'2
The co nserva ti on of linear mome ntum is used in th e fou rth meth od. Let us co llide th
objec t to a seco nd objec t of kn ow n mass initi all y at rest. If the co lli sion is co mp lete l
3 16
6.2 Dy nam ics
6. Mechanics So lu tions
::.---. clastic, thc mass o f the objcct can be determined by measuring its initi al velocity ( v )
~ld the final vciocity of the sys tcm (ll) us in g the formula:
111= 11711-- ,
where 1710 is thc known mass of the sccond objcct.
The fifth method is al so based on the conservation o f linear momenlllm . Let us allach
the object to be measured and a second object of known mass to two ends of a strong
spring of unkn ow n spring con stant. Thc sprin g is the n compressed and released. After
a short pcri od of accelerating motion , th e objec ts leave the spring and move at constant
speed . II' the di stances covered by the two objects in equal times are measured , the
unknown mass can be determined using the formula:
m = 1710 - '
In thc sixth method , the co nservation of energy formu la is used. Let us fasten one end
of a spri ng of known spring constant to the wa ll of the spacesh ip. The objec t is attached
to the other end of the spring , which is then compressed and rel eased. After leavi ng the
sprin g, th e object moves at con stant speed. Measuring the speed of the object and the
compression of the spring , we get the mass of the object using the formu la:
(t.l )2
Solu tion of Problem 147. a) Let /(1 and /(2 stand for the radii of the circu lar orbits,
and V2 for the orbita l speeds, ti l and 1£2 for the speeds of the satellite on the
tra nsitiona l ell ipse at di stances RI and R.2 from the planet.
Accordin g to the fundamental law of dynamic s:
m il!
m -= G · - R
,I JT2
m il!
J? - - = G-T2
4 JT2
T I = GfI / ?1
v2 = - 17.2
T2 = - - /(2
The sClllimajor axi s of the tran siti onal elliptica l orbit is
Applying Kcplcr's third law to thc satellitc orbiting on the
circul ar orbit with radius H.I and to thc transitional elliptical
orbit :
.L--. .L -----. e ---- -. . - -- - ~
r; '.
T1 """
or by ma kin g usc of (1)
300 Creative P hysics Problems wit h Solu tions
Introducing the periods instead of the radii based on (2):
(T;/3 + T; /3)3
from which
(T; /3 + T; /3)3/2
23 / 2
(8 2 / 3 + 27 2 / 3 )3/2
(v'4 + 9) 3
23 / 2
hours =
23 / 2
hours =
hours = 16.572 hours.
As the su itable moment for changing over to the circular orbit with radiu s R 2 is when
the satellite reac hes the endpoint of the major axis of the transitional el li pse (then
velocity is perpendicular to the line connectin g the satellite and the planet), the Course
correction requires
T co rrec ti on =
"2 = 8.286 hours.
b) Let us apply the law of conservation of energy and of angul ar momentum to the
satellite moving on the transitional ellipse.
~ ml.2 _ G mNI = ~mu2 _ G mlvl
R2 '
u1R 1 =U2 R 2·
From the equation system U l and U2 can be expressed: by substituting U2 = Ul Rl
dividing by m/2
-2G -
=u - -2G1 R~
from which
and similarly
U2 = R2 . R 1 + R 2 '
by using ( I ):
and by using (2) :
3 18
6.2 DJ'lI a m ics
6. Mechanics Solu tions
,[,he relati ve changes in veloci ty are:
T ; /3 + Ti/3
?- · 27 2 / 3 = {f!g
- .9
- = /H8
- = 1.1 767
8 2 / 3 + 27 2 / 3
this is a 17.67 % increase,
2 3
2 J
8 / + 27 /
= ) 4+9 =
2 . 82 / 3
2 ·4
jl3 = 1.2747
this is a 27.47 % increase.
Solution of Problem 148. T he number of photons arri vin g on the mirror is co nstant
and the flu ctu ati on can be neglected, mea nin g that the change in the momentum o f the
photon s is uniform and th at the force ac ting on the mirror is co nstant in time. Beca use
of the 100% refl ex ivity of the mirror the change in the momentum o f the photons is
exactly twice as much as the momentum delivered by them, namel y, as the mirror moves
extremely slo wly , there is practi ca ll y no chan ge in the colour o f the refl ec ted photons
(their wavelength does not increase) .
The force acting on the mirror is the reac ti o n to the force exerted on the ph otons by
the mirror, so their mag nitudes are equ al:
F = ~]J .
~t '
where ~ p is the total change in momentum in time ~ t. Its mag nitu de is ~jJ = A ~ 7)l =
2E1 · ~ i
. Here PI is the momentum intensity and ~ El is the energy flu x intensity ,
that is, the energy arrivin g on a unit area in one seco nd . With thi s, the requested force is:
F = ~ P = A ~ PI = A 2El ~ t = 2AEl
with numeri ca l valu es :
2· 100 · 1O- <l m 2 · 1250 --+,
I n-' S = 8.33 · 10-:; N.
3.10 8 -'-'1s
The moment of thi s fo rce sets the system into ro tati on. T he mag nitude o f thi s moment
= F'1',
because due to the co nstant force di stributi o n ( force intensity indepe nde nt o f the
POsition ) the changin g ' intensity o f the moment of force', whi ch depends on positi on and
chan ges lin early w ith radiu s can be ca lcul ated as the arithm eti c mean o f the min imum
and max imum intensity of the moment of force, th at is, the arm l ' th at belo ngs to the
Centre o f the mirror. T herefore :
!II = 8.33 . 10 - 8 N · 0. 2 tl1 = l.67 · 10 -1) N 111 .
3 19
300 Creative P hy sics P roblems with Solutions
T he angul ar acce le rati o n of the structu re can be de termined from the fun damental
equati on of dyna mi cs for rotating mo tio n ( (3 = !VI / 8) . So in o rder to de termi ne the
a ngul ar accelerati o n, the ro tational inerti a o f the mirror should be calcul ated for the axis
supported by the bearin gs. For the c alc ulati o n Ste ine r' s para ll el-ax is theore m is applied'
8 = 8 crn + md 2 ,
w here 8 crn is the rotati o nal inerti a of the body for the ax is th at passes through the centre
of mass of the body, m is the tota l mass of the body, d (he re r) is the di stance between
the axis th at passes thro ugh the ce ntre of mass and another ax is that is parallel with it
The ro tational inertia of a thin square pl ate fo r an axis th at passes through its centr~
of mass and is parall e l w ith o ne of the sides of the squ are is 8 c ITI = ( 1/ 12)m ·a 2 , where
m is the mass o f the square, a is the le ng th of its side. (Thi s result can also be o btai ned
by ass uming that the square consists of thin rods that are paralle l with the side and ha ve
a rotati o nal ine rtia (1/ 12) fl.7n· a 2 each a nd the n summing up eac h of these.)
So the rotati o nal ine rtia of the mirror structure for the axi s o f ro tati on c an be calculated
from Ste iner' s paralle l- ax is theore m and the n angular acce leratio n c an be calcul ated with
the rotatio nal ine rti a:
8=8 clTI + ml' =-ma + mr = - · 0.02kg· 0.l m + 0.02 kg· 0. 2 m =
= 8.17. 10- 4 kg m 2 .
2AE) '1'
(3 - - - -.."-----,c,,,,·- --::-
8.33. 10 - 8 · 0.2 m
- - - -,.----_;:_ = 2. 04 .10- 5 s- 2.
8. 17·10 - 4 kg m 2
8 - ~ma2 + m1' 2
Fin a ll y, the angular d is pl aceme nt in I minute is:
cp =
2. 04. 10- S-2
· 3600 s =0.0367 rad ~2. 1 o .
It is questi o nable whether a bearin g support that a llo ws thi s o perati o n can be produced.
Solution of Problem 149. If the ax is of the
pull ey re ma ins at rest, Ne wto n' s second law
applied to the two bl oc ks hangin g fro m the
pulley will take the fo rm of:
m og - J(=moa
J( - mg=ma
(W e used th at m is less th an mo. T hi s can be de rived fro m the fac t th at the su m of
te ns io ns in the string should be equ al to mog , but if m was greater than or equal to
mo , the sum of te ns io ns would be greater than mog. W e also used that the mag nitudes
of the acceleratio ns of eac h bl oc k are the same . For each bl ock the positi ve direction
was c hosen to be in the directi o n of its acceleration.)
W e add the two eq uati o ns to get:
(mo - m )g = (mo + m )a,
6.2 Dynam ics
6. Mechanics Solutions
fr om whi ch the acceleration of the blocks is: a = 1no +1n . g.
Either of the first two eq uations can be used to determine the tensions in the string:
J(=mg +ma= mg ( 1+
mo -m )
= 2mom g.
Taking the double of thi s, we get the res ultant of the two tens ions, wh ich is equ al to the
oravitati onal fo rce mog actin g on the other e nd of the lever, so:
Thu s m=3·
The accelerati on of the two bloc ks is:
mo -mo/3
mo +17"1,0/3
Solution of Problem 150. The shape of the hole can be described by angle a, fo r
tana =- ,
where d is the di ameter and h is the depth of the hole. Let c and L be the le ngths
of the parts of the rod th at are inside and outside the hole respectively, and G be the
weight of the coat hanged onto the end of the rod. In the extreme case the max imum
fric tional forces act at both contact points. (Coeffic ient s of kineti c and static fri cti on are
assumed to be the same.)
The forces exerted by the wall (as show n in the
figure) are: F 1 , ~iFl' F2 , ~iF2. The rod is in equi IlF1
librium if the res ultant fo rce and resultant torque on
... ~-"!!""'~~t4
it are zero. Let us write the conditio n fo r translat ional
d ...._~;:;...~r=::=:qequil ibrium separately for the horizo ntal and verti cal
components of forces:
G+FI -F2cosa-~iF2sin a=O,
F2 sina - ~iF2 cosa - ~Fl = O.
The sum of torques about poi nt 0 is:
GLcosa-F1c cosa-~Flc sin a= O.
rh us we have a system of eq uatio ns with three un knowns th at ca n eas il y be determin ed .
et Us isolate F2 fro m equ at ion (2) :
F2 = - . - - - - Sill a - {i COSa
32 1
300 C reat ivc Phvs i('s Prob lcm s lI ·itl, So ill t iolls
Substitute it into equati on ( I ):
G + F) -
SIIlC1 - /f cosn
(coso + /f sin o)=O .
P, ca n be J'actored out J'rom th e seco nd and third term s:
G + sin (\ - II cos (1 + II ( cos (\ + {l s i11 0) P = O.
S Ill 0 - ILCOSO
Iso lating P"
we find :
si1l Cl - /f cosn
) G.
21 I cos (1 - sin 0 (1 - II ~ )
Dividing both the num erat or and the denominator by coso, we obta in :
1' 1 =
Lan o - I I
= 2" - (1 _ 1/ 2) tan 0' G.
Substi llltin g La1l 0 = dl h and multip ly ing both the numerat or and denominator hy h
lead us to:
ri - pll
2 - 0.2 ·6
G = 1. 667G .
2·0.2·6 - (1 - 0.0LI) ·2
Force l~ can be calculated hy suhstilllting th e va lu e o j' FI int o equation (4):
1' ] =
2ph - ( 1 - I L2) d
F2 =
cos o =
21L('050 -
Vh2 +
el 2
. G.
(I _ p 2)S111 Cl
S ill 0
= ~===2
VII 2 + eL
SubstilUt e th ese trigonollletri c J'unction s into the expressio n obtained J'o r I~ :
F 2 --
IIVh2 + d
2IL h - ( l - W )d
2 ·0.2·6 -( 1 - 0.04) ·2
G63 G
2. 5 .
Length L can be determined using equati on (3):
PI coso + {l sin O'
FI (
L=- c
= - c 1 + I LLa n (\
+ 11 '2 =
+ 6 2 C111 = v'4 0 C Ill.
Substituting th e va lu e o j' PI as gi ven in eq uati on (5), we find that the length oj' th e part
o j' th e rod that should be outside the hole is indepe ndent ()J' G:
Using th at Lall (\ =
(La1l (t - I L) (l
+ I I La n o)
2/ /.- (1 - I ( 2 )L ano
eli It and c = Jel 2 + h 2 , we gel:
(rl - IIII )( h + ll d) v,i2 + h2
(2 - 0.2 · 6)(6+0 .2 ·2) JtT5
- - = lJ .24c lll .
211 h - (1 -1,2)d
2 ·0.2· G- (1 - 0.04)2 6
Therefore th e len gth oj' the rod whi ch is to be used as a coa t-han ger should be at least:
1= L + c = 11. 2,1e lll + v'4O C Ill = l1. 24 C IlI + 6.33 C I11 = 17 ..56 cm.
6.3 Statics
Mecha 1l ics So /uti o1ls
6.3 Static s
Solu tion of Probl em 15 1. Nota ti ons: L = 1 m, ln ro" = 1 kg, Ct = 30 , 1= l. 3 m,
/TI::;: 0.2 kg.
In the process on one hand, the ce ntre o f mass of the rod is I ifled (by a qu arter of a
netre due to the simple numeri ca l va lues) , and on the other hand, th e we ight is raised
~y b. II . Esse nti all y thi s lall er qu antity has to be de termin ed .
The work done on the rod is:
\\ ·,.""=m ,."" gf..h n "\=I71,.,,,,g-4 = 1 kg ·IO ~ ·0.2 5 1l1 =2 . 5 J.
The rise of the we ight ca n be determined accordin g to the fi gures. Since the pull ey
is movin g along the thread with out fri ctio n, it is al ways in the lowest poss ibl e pos iti on.
The tension in the thread balances the we ight force, and the tension in the two sides of
the th read are equ al. Oth erwise, they would have a net torque on the pull ey . The we ight
force is verti ca l, so the S UIll of the forces exerted hy the two sides of the thread has to be
vert ica l, too. But sin ce the forces in the two sides of the thread are of equ al magnitude,
and their sum is verti ca l, th ey make the saille angle to the verti ca l (as well as to the
horizont al ). [f one side of the thread is refl ec ted in the vertical or hori zont al lin e ac ross
the pulley, then the lin e of the im age co in cides with the other side of the thread. We
use these geometri c fac ts to determin e the height of the we ight.
Accordi ng to Py th agoras ' theore m, the pos iti on of the pulley below the hori zo ntal rod
2 - £2 = ~ . 11 .3 2 1Il 2 _ 12 111 2 = 0.415 111 .
It ·) = ~
- 2
. .
---:00------T-_-T___ ~f~~~_·_·_·_·
_ _·t·_·_
-i·h·2---..,. B
- - ~-------- -- - - - .
In itially, at the inclin ed pos iti on of the rod the pull ey was at a di stance hl = C F
be low the hor izo nt al lin e pass in g th ro ugh the to p end of the rod. The le ngth of C F
has to be determin ed. First, we calc ul ate the angle of the thread with respect to the
horizont al. Accordin g to the fig ure,
L . cos :.W o
cos (ip + :'.WO) = -A-D = - - - -
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
so the length of ED is:
ED = I · sin( tp + 30° ) = 1.3 m· sin 48.228° = 0.97 m.
Since EB = 0.5 m , the length of BD is : BD = ED-EB = 0.97 m-0.5 m = 0.47 In
The BF D triangle is an isosceles triangle, BF = F D. The hori zontal line pass in~
through F crosses halfway to the opposite side, so
h 1 =CF=EB + - = 0 .5 m + m=0.735 m.
The vertical distance, by which the pulley and the weight rise, is
I:!.h = Ih2 - h1 1= 0.735 m-0 .415 m = 0.320 m.
The work needed to lift the weight is:
Wwe ig ht = mg l:!.h = 0.2 kg · 10 2" ·0 .320 m = 0.640 J.
Thus the total work needed to lift the rod is :
Wro d + Wweight = 2.5 J +0.640 J = 3.14 J.
First solution of Problem 152. The solution of this problem is an ' interval' of
positions, which can be determined by e xamining the two extreme cases in whic h the
beads just start to slip. In the first solution we will use
Newton 's second law .
Let us describe the position of the system with the
help of angle a, which is the angle formed by the
horizontal and the radius drawn to the greater bead as
shown. Since the beads are on the ends of a qu artercircle, the string form s an angle of 45° with the radii
drawn to the beads. Let F be the tension in the stri ng,
1(1 and 1(2 be the normal forces acting on the beads
and let us use notation m = ?TIl and 2m = 1n2 in order
to simplify our equ ations. The unknowns are therefore
a , F, 1(1 and 1(2.
Let us start by investigating the situation in whic h
the greater bead is in its most right position. (If the greater bead was moved furt her to
the right, it would slip down on the loop pulling the smaller bead with it.)
Let us apply Newton 's second law to the two beads in tange ntial and norma
directions :
2 - 1(2 = 0 ,
/-L1(2 +F2 -m2g cosa =0,
?TI 2gsll1 a+F
mlg cosa + F - - 1(1 = 0 ,
/L1(1 + m 1g sll1a -
2 =0.
6.3 Stat ics
Mech a.nics Solutions
Eliminatin g the norma l forces by mu lti plyi ng equatio ns ( I ) and (3) by {I and adding
them to equati ons (2) and (4) respec tively , we find that the on ly unknowns remaining
are 0: and F. After factoring o ut F
V; ,
ou r equation s take the form of:
{tm lg COSO! + m l gs m o: + F - ( {t - 1) = O.
Solving (6) tor F:2 gives:
F J2 = {tm lg cosO!+mlgs in O!
1 - {t
which is then s ubstituted in to equat io n (5) to give:
~+ 1
{tm 2g sm O! + ({Onlgcoso: + mlgSll1 O!) -1- - m2gcosO! = O.
- jt
Let us divide by 9 and factor o ut s in O! and cos C1':
sin C1'( {tm2 - {t m2 + {tml +md + cos C1'({t 2 m 1 + (t7nl - TIl.2 + (UJJ2) = 0 ,
which yields
sin O![{tm2( 1 - It) + m l (1 + (t)] = COSC1'[( I - {t)m2 - {t'ln 1(1 + (t) ],
from which the tangent of the required ang le is:
tan C1' =
(1 - {t)m2 - It'm l (1 + (t)
{uH2( 1 - (t ) + tnl (1 + (t)
Substitut ing known values , we find:
l - lt= I - 0.15=0 .85,
1 + It = 1 + 0.15 = 1.1 5,
tanO! =
0 .85(2m)-0. 15·m ·l.l 5
0 .15(2m) 0. 85+m· l.l .5
l.7 -0. 172
0 .285+ l.l 5
l. 5275
= - - = 1 0872
= a r c ta n l.0872 = 47.39° .
Let us now investigate the other ex tre me pos iti o n of the system. The equation s w ill
be the same as in the previous case, but w ith op pos ite indices. Therefore the so luti on
can be obtained by ex changing the indices in the prev io us res ult.
300 C r eative Physics Problems with Solutions
This is because the two extreme cases
are symmetrical in their topology , i.e. the
second case can be gained from the first
one using a transformation , in which the
corresponding vectors differ in direction
and magnitude , but their role in the situation and the directions of their Components remain the same relative to each
Note that if the indices are exchanged, the solution will now give angle {3, wh ich is
the angle formed by the horizontal and the radius drawn to the smaller bead.
Since we want to find the angle formed by the
horizontal and the radius drawn to the greater bead (let
this be c/), we will use ex' = 90° - {3 (as shown in
the figure) to determine the required angle. Techn ically
this means that after exchanging the indices in the
formula for the tangent of angle, we also need to take
its reciprocal.
The original solution was:
(1 - p, )m2 - p,ml(l + p,)
p,m 2(1-p,) +ml(1 + p,)
After exchanging the indices , we get:
tan {3 = (1- p,)ml - ~lm2(1 + p,) .
p,ml(l - p,) +m2(1 +p,)
Taking its reciprocal gives:
tanex = - - ( . I
tan iJ
~lml (1 - p,) + m2 (1 + ~l)
(1 - p,) ml - p,m2( 1 + p,)'
Substituting known values , we obtain :
, 0.1 5·m· 0. 85+(2m)·1.15
tan ex =
= 4.8069 ,
0.85· m - 0.1 5 · (2m) ·1.15
from which we find that the angle describing the other extreme position is:
ex' = a rc tan 4.8069 = 78 .25 °.
Second solution of Problem 152. Let c be the angle for which tan c = ~l. W e wil
prove that if the resultant
F of all forces , except for the normal force J( and fr ictio n
S, actin g on a body , has a line of action whose angle formed with the normal is greate
than c the the body will slip no matter how small the magnitude of the resultant is
6.3 Statics
6 Mechan ics Solu tion s
I-Iowever, if the line of ac ti on of the abo ve force e ncl oses an angle less th an E with the
norma l, the body will not slip, no matter how great the magnitude of the res ultant is.
In other words, if the line of ac ti on
of the above force is in side a cone,
whose ax is is the normal and whose
cone angle is 2c (see figure), the body
will not sli p. If it isn' t the case, it will.
So, the body will not slip if:
{ LJ(
2 S,
is the res ultant of all forces
except for the norm al force and friction , then the above in equality takes
the form of:
in the extre me case, using that a rn ax = E, we find:
= sin E,
thus: tan E = {L , as it was stated.
Let us now investi gate the extreme cases of the beads finding tri angles in which the
angle form ed by the hori zontal and the radiu s drawn to the greater bead can be ex pressed
with the help of angle E .
In the situ ation when the greater bead is in its ri ght extreme position , let us appl y the
law of sines to the tri angles formed by the forces shown:
sin (45 D +c)
F -
cos(a+E) ,
a nd
sin (45 D -E)
sin (a+E)'
JOG C r cat i l'[' Pil.l·sics ProiJ ic lIIS lI' i t ll Soiutio llS
where G = IIl,rJ is the weight or the smaller bead, Dividing the lirst equation
seco nd gives:
sill (.I,j ° +e)
2 = lall (O+e). (
Sill ·[5° - e
Lall ( (\ + E) =:2.
sin (.15°-e )
Sill (/15° +E)
= 2.
s ill'l5 ° cOSE - (,Os ,15° ::; in E
sin LI5° ('oS E+ Cos45 ° siIl E
Dividing the numerato r and denominator by COS E and using that tan E = II , we obtai n:
. s ill <15° - ('0:,) LI5° ·lan e
s ill ,15° - IL C08 ,15°
tall ( (\ +E') =:2 .
=2 · - - - - ' - - - Sill /I·S o + cos Llj O, t a il e
' ill'l 5° + licos ,15°
Let us use that s in '15° = ('0545° to s imrliry o ur equation:
[ - II
0, 85
Lan (0 + E) = 2 . - - = 2 . = 1.-1783 ,
1+ 11
l.1 5
hence (1 +c =iU'c LaIl1. 4783=55.92 ° , and s ince ta Il E =p=0 .1 5, we find th at
= a rc ta n 0 .15 = 8 .53°, so the angle in ques tion is:
C' _
II' the tangent or the angie in question is to be exrressed parametrically , the solu tion
co ntinu es as:
Lall ( O+E ) =
tano + t a n E
I - t.all ct ·ta Il E
lanC\ +IL
I - tall (1 'li
I - Ii
=2· - - .
1+ li
Thu s
, 1 - /1
I - II
(a ll n + 11 = 2 · - - -2 - - ' 1ltall o ,
I + li
1 + 11
Factori ng out tan C\ gives:
1 - II
1 - I L)
ta ll (1 ( 1 + 21' - - =2 · -. - II.
l + IL
1 + 11
Arter some al gebra , we obtain:
1 + 11 + 21'(1 - 11 )
1 + 11
2( 1 - 11 ) - ( J + I L) IL
1 + 11
Mu ltirl yin g by the denominator and di viding by the Ilumerator or the left hand side, wt:
obtai n:
tal lO =
2( 1 - I i) -
(I + l i) I L
[ + 11 + 2p (1 - 1' )
which y ield s:
2 - :31 1 - 11"
ta ll (\ = -----'---'--------,::1 + 11 + 211 -
2 I L2
thu s (\ = arc tan J .08 72 = LJ 7 .;~V o .
:2 - (:l+ li )11
1 + (3 - 21i) 11
2 - 3, 15 ·0.1 5 = 1.0872.
1 + 2.7·0. 15
6 .3 S tat ics
6. M echallics So /lltiolls
The other extreme case ca n
be investi ga ted simil arly. In that
case the law of sines app li ed to
the twO tri angles give:
2G _ s in (LI5° -c )
pi - COS(Ol -c ) ,
sin (45 ° +c )
sin (o' - c)
After di vidin g the first eq uati on
by the seco nd and substitutin g
the va lue of c, we find that:
t a n(o' - c) = 2.7057
from which we get that the angle
of the seco nd extremc case is
0:' = 78.25° .
Solution of Prohlem 153. The weight of the mass stand ard differs due to the
difference in the density of the air, and thu s the buoyant force is di ffe re nt on them . Let
J\Js stand for the mass of the mass stand ard , g for the de nsi ty of air, gPlex i , in short g"
for the de nsity of Plexiglas , ge u for the density of copper, nL for the un known mass of
Plex iglas. For the equilibrium of the balance , which is assumed to be equal-armed :
!2 cu
{! p
J\!sg - -gg = 'Iny - -gg.
From th is
j 11 .<
= 111gc--u ' -gl'-- .
{je ll - g
App lyin g thi s to the measureme nts in we t and in dry air, the follo wing exp ress ion IS
acq ui red for the appare nt diA'erence of the two masses:
t:,. j\l,= jIJ~_ jI1'=lIlgcu . [ gl'-g2 _ gp - gl ] .
I2c u - g2
gc u - gl
After transformati on and simplifying :
(12(' 11 - 121')(12 1 - 122)
{} p Qc u
Where g l and g2 arc the den sities o f wet and dry air respectively. Here, g l - 122 is the
dlOerence of th e den sities of dry and wet ai r, whi ch can be derived from the theorem of
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
partial pressures, and is thus equal to the difference of the densities of dry air and Wate
vapour at pressure p = 2.10 3 Pa and temperature T = 296 K. As
v= m RT
(!1 - (!2
RT '
p [Mail - M
- 3
= RT
kg / m.
H 20 = 8.94·10
(We made use of the molar mass of air,
unknown mass of Plexiglas is
- D.
"Ms .
= 29 '1O- 3 kg/mo l.) With th is, th
(!p(!c u
((!Cu -
15 . 3 g ,
(!p) ((!1 - (!2)
where l:.M, = 10 - 4 g.
Solution of Problem 154. When the middl e of th
chain is pulled down, the centre of mass ri ses. If th
chain is released, the centre of mass should fall du
to the gravitational force. This is the only way tha
the system reaches its minimum potential e nergy onl
this way. When the middle link of the chain is pu lle
downwards, more mass elements move downwards than upwards . Let l:.h stand for th
rise of the centre of mass. Let us apply the work-energy theorem for the process :
.... ······T· ........ .
W - mgl:.h = O.
From here, the change in the height of the centre of mass is
l:.h = - =
= 2.55 cm .
mg 2kg·9.81N/kg
In the final state, the stretched chain segments are (approximately) straight, their centre
of mass are in the mid-points of the segments, that is, they are at height h1 = 75 em
from the ground, so their common centre of mass is also at this height. Originally,
was lower by l:.h than this, that is ,
ho = h1 -l:.h = 75 cm - 2.55 cm = 72.45 cm
from the ground.
Solution of Problem 155. The e asiest way to calculate the work is if we split it int
three parts . Let W 1 be the work done until the top of the cube reaches the boundary
W 2 be the work done until the bottom of the cube reaches the boundary and W3 be th
work done while the cube is moved in the oil.
In the first part, the tension (thus the force exerted by us) 1(1 is constant, in th
second part the force decreases linearly until the bottom of the cube reaches the oil a
well , then it is constant 1(2. The total work done is the sum of these works:
W=W 1 +W2 +W3 =1(l d +
+ [(2
1+ 1(2 d,
6. 3 Stat ics
Mechanics Solutions
here d is the distance between the bound ary and the bases o f the c ube and L is the
dge of the cube. In the mi dd le parl the average force ca n be ca lcul ated as the arithmeti c
~ean of thc initi al and fi nal va lu es of th e force.
The cube mu st be pulled very s low ly in order
not to cause any whirl s whe n the wa ter dis pl aces
the cube, and the water-oil bou nda ry remain s
hori zo nt a l. Newto n' s seco nd law for the three part
W~ ................. .
....... ~.............
J\'1 + Fl u)"" - G = 0 ,
W' l
Substitut ing the appropri ate da ta:
= ((2 - (2,,,) 13 g .
Similarl y J\'2 + F 2up ,,, - G = 0 , fro m whi ch J\'2 = ((2 - (2u){3g, and
+ J\'2 _ 2(2 - (2", - (2u . {3
where (2 is the de nsity of the cube , (21(1 is the density o f water, and (20 is the de nsity of
The work performed:
20 -
1\1= ((2- (2u) [ gd + ~
Ow -
g[+((2 -(2u) '[ gel,
so the work do ne is:
Substituting the dat a:
w= (3.4 - 1 - O.S)2 . 10- kg/ Ill ;) · O.OOS Ill ·"3 · 9.S m /s 2 (0.1 + 0 .2) = 18 .82 ,J .
Our soluti on is correc t onl y if the tank is very bi g, otherwi se the pos iti o n of the bound ary
between the two li quids would change .
Solution of Problem 156. Inves ti gatin g the second pos iti on o f the wood , we ca n
determine the exac t pl ace of its ce ntre of mass and its weight. The conditi ons for
translati onal and rotati onal equilibrium take the form of:
G + F - Fu = 0,
G.;;- F- = 0,
Where x is the di sta nce of the ce ntre of mass fro m the geometri c ce ntre. Multi plyin g
the first equ ati on by x and subtrac tin g it fro m the second equ ati on, we get:
X =
--- . - =
Fh - F 2
.- =
(2wA [g- F 2
.= 0.5 111.
400-S0 2
33 1
300 Creative P hysics Prob lems with Solution s
The weight of the wood can be calcul ated using the
firs t
'--_--+_-+-F_b_ _ _
Therefore the mass of the wood is m = 32 kg, while its
density is Q = 32 kg/ 40 dm 3 = O.S kg / dm 3 .
The work done by us will be ca lcul ated in three steps. First we push down the wood
in its verti ca l pos ition until it submerges in water. Whil e doi ng so, the fo rce exerted by
us in creases fro m 0 to F = SON, there fore the work done in thi s step can be calcu lated
usin g the average force "2 = 40 N .
x ..
eqU~i :1~wAl9 _ F = 400 N _ SO N = 320 N.
2 n c-O
o "2
0 -
-0 1
Let y be the height of the wood above
water level in its fi rst pos ition. This
height can be determined assumin g that
the gravitati onal and buoyant forces are
equal in magnitude:
l AQ= (l -y)AQw,
whi ch yields:
Qw- Q
1 -0.S
y = l - - = 4 m· - = O.S m.
Thus the work done in the fi rst step is:
WI = -y=40 ·0.Sm=32 J.
In the seco nd step, the wood is slowly rotated about its centre of mass into a horizontal
pos iti on. The work done by the grav itati onal force durin g the rotati on is zero. The work
done by the buoyant force acting on the geo metric centre of the wood is:
Wb= - Fb · x,
since the centre of mass of the di spl aced water is in the geometri c centre of the wood.
Accordin g to the work-kinetic energy theorem, the sum of the works done on the wood
is eq ual to the change in its kinetic energy , which is zero. Therefore the work done by
us, can be calcul ated using that:
W 2- Wb=0 , hence
W2 =Fb· X= 400 N·0.5m = 200J .
In the third step, we let the wood move up to water leve l exerting a down ward force
of F = SO N . The di stance moved by the wood is:
b.h= - + x - -
Thu s the work done by us, in the thi rd step is:
W3 = - F
v'A ) = -SON(2 .5 - 0.05) m = -SO· 2.45 J = - 196 J.
2"l +x - - 2-
6.3 Statics
6 Mech anics Solu t ions
Therefore the tota l work do ne by us while movin g the wood fro m its initia l position to
itS fina l pos iti on is:
W = Wl + W 2 + W3 = 32 J + 200 J - 196 J = 36 J.
Solution of Problem 157. The hi gh- press ure air which was pum ped in to the ri gid
container does not push the ori gin all y half- submerged pl ank into the water any deeper.
Thi s is because the press ure exerted on the plank from above increases, since accordin g
to Pascal's law the air pu shes the water as well. Thi s pressure is conveyed in the fluid
and the same excess press ure is exerted on the plank fro m below. Whil st fro m the point
of view of the fl otati on the effect of air at atmos pheri c press ure is neg li gible, the hi gh
pressure air in the closed container has co nsidera bl e density, and in thi s case the upth rust
due to the air is comparabl e to the upthru st due to the water. So now the pl ank fl oats at
the boundary of two media. We have to fi nd the total upthrust exerted by the two medi a.
The width of the pl ank is d, and the width of th at
. part which is submerged in water is x , the dens ity
of water is [}, the density of air at a pressure of 100
atmosphere is [} l . Thi s lattest one ca n be calcu lated
from the gas laws. For the standa rd co nditi ons:
Po = Vo M
PoVo= -RT
and fo r the hi gh pressure state:
p= V M '
pV= - RT
where m/Vo = [}o and m/V = [}l . After di vidin g the two equ ati ons the density of the
high- pressure air can be expressed:
[} l =
~[}O = 100· 0.0013 ~3 = 0.13 ~3
Using thi s, we can app ly Newton' s seco nd law:
Ad[}g - A x [}g - A(d - X) [}lg = 0,
where A is the area of the base of the plank. Fro m th is, the height of the part of the
plank whi ch is submerged is:
[}o - [}l
x =d· - - - = 10 cm·
[} -
0.5 - 0. 13
=4.25cm .
1 - l.1 3
JOO C rca til-c Ph'-sics Probl(, llls II-itll Solu t ions
6.4 Fluids
Solution of Prohlem ISS. Si nct.: tht.: mass or tht.: sphere is nt.:gligibk. initially
nt.:gli gibl y slllall part o r it s whok vo lumt.: submt.:rgt.:s into the wa tt.:r. (If we assullle th
tht.: spht.:rt.: is a hal loon , and it is lilkd with air, tht.:n the lllass o r tht.: air can also
nt.:gk ctt.:d , that is why tht.: den s it y of air is not givt.: n.) Whik th t.: spht.:rt.: is slowl y push
int o tht.: watt.:r. tht.: kineti c t.:IH.:rgy o r the sys tt.:m con sistin g of tht.: wa tt.: r and tht.: sp he
dot.:s not c hangt.:. so according to th t.: work- t.: nt.:rgy theort.: nl. th t.: sum o r tht.: works do
by all forct.:s act ing on tht.: sys tt.:m is l.el'O. There are two force s doing work. the t.:xtern
pushing forct.: and the wt.:i ght of tht.: wa tt.:r. The air prt.:ss llre docs not do work becau
the vo lumt.: of tht.: sys tem is constant. Si nct.: the mass of tht.: spht.:re is negli gible, t
work done by tht.: externa l pu shin g forct.: is the oppos ite of the work do nt.: by the weig
force on tht.: water. (Indeed , their sum is w ro.)
a) If the sphere is pu shed do wn in a lake. then the rearran gt.:ment o f the water du rin
tht.: process ca n be ohservt.:d as tht.: water di splact.:u by the sphert.: at th e bott om of t
lake Illo ves to tht.: top of tht.: lake in a very thin layt.:r, whi le the rest of tht.: water rema i
at its origi nal pos iti on.
Tht.: centrt.: of mass o r tht.: di splact.:d watt.:r gt.: ts hi ght.:r by (h - It ), therefore tht.: wo
done by the wt.: ight forct.: o n th t.: wa ter is II ',wif\101 = - lI/ wil l,. ,. g(h - I? ) . Thi s means ti
the work of the t.:xtemal pu shing forct.: is:
I I = 1II \\'''I ,.,..r; (h - I?) = u\l.' pl",,,.g( h - /? ) = "3 H 7i{!g(h - R),
and numeri ca ll y:
. ,I
) :l
I I = - ·0.008 III . 7i ' I O:l ~. D.S l --:-J ·O .S 111 = 2G3 .J.
Ill :.!
b) If th t.: sp ht.:rt.: is pll sht.:u do wn int o th t.: tank of base art.:a A. tht.:n it ca n bt.: observ
as tht.: displact.:d water gt.:ts to the top o f the tank and form s tht.:rt.: a layer with a th ic kne
\/' 1' 11(''''
.Jj{ J 7i
.1' = - - - = - - .
h -R+ ~
whil e tht.: pos iti o n of tht.: re st of th e wa
dot.:s not chan gt.:. Tht.: ct.: ntre of mass
the displaced wa tt.:r rist.:s by
6 .4 Pillids
Mechanics Soil it ioll s
Numeri call y:
J I" "
m (
4 · 0 .2J 1lI;) . rr )
W =-·0.2· III · rr· 10 2.0.8 1 -; .0. 8 111 +
=274 J .
Ill :;
s6 ·0 .5 111
Solution of Prohlem 159. First of all , let LI S exa mine whether th e co ntainer is fl oatin g
or submerged . The mass o f the co nt ainer is 13 kg and the volum e of the water in it
is 6 elm · 2 el lll' 1 el lll = 12 d lll :J , whi ch mea ns th ere is an additi onal mass of 12 kg.
Therefore the total mass, whi ch is 25 kg, di vided by the vo lume o f the co nt ainer, which
is II = 4 el 1ll 2 ·6 dill = 2-1 el 1ll 2 . gives an average de nsity of Qave ral',e = 25/24 kg/ el m :3 >
> 1 kg / el m J, whi ch is greater than the de nsity of water, meanin g th at the co ntainer is
at the bott om o f the tank.
. ..
- +rt--I--o
1.5 :
0>-- -1-.-
: 3.5
The total work done ca n be determined by cal culating the change in the potenti al
energy of the system. Assllmin g th at movin g the container is done slowly , the energy
dissipation can be neglected.
Let LI S set th e r otential e nergy at the bottom of the tank to zero .
First , the initi al potenti al energy o f the sys tem mu st be determined. Calcul atin g the
potential en ergy of the water out side the co ntainer is done in two stcps. Let us handle
the masses of water above the container and on the sides of it separately. At the initial
state the water above the contain er has it s ce ntre of mass at a height of 3 el m and has
a volume of 20 el lll 2 . 2 elm = 40 d m:;, whi ch is equi valent to a mass of 40 kg . The
voluille of the water on the sides of the co ntainer can be cal culated as the total vo lume
of the water in the tank , whi ch is 20 cl l1l 2 · '1d ill - 24 d ill ;) = .56 clm 3 , minu s the vo lume
of the water above the co ntain er: 56 dl ll J - LIO d lll J = 16 el m 3 . Thi s gives 16 kg for the
nlass of water whose ce ntre of mass is at a he ight of 1 dill. Th e mass o f water in side
the contain er is 12 kg, and it s cc ntre of mass is at 0.5 d ill from the bottom. Fin all y, the
Containcr it se lf has a mass of 13 kg and it s ce ntre of mass is at a height of 1 el lll .
Thu s the initi al r otential energy of the sys tem (that con sists of the water in side and
OUtside the co nt ain er and the co nt ain n itself) is:
E,l l
= 100 ~ ·0. 3 1ll + 160:'-J ·0 .1 I II + 120 N ·0.05 111 + l30 N ·0 .1 111 = 155 .1 .
:n s
300 Crea tive Physics Problems with Solution s
Let us now calcu late the potential energy of the system after selling the container i
its upri ght position:
The part of the base of the tank that is not covered by the container is 20 d1l1 2 _
- 4 dm = 16 dm , wh ich means that the 56 dm 3 water outside the container fill
the tank to a level of 56 elm 3 / 16 elm = 3.5 elm, therefore the centre of mass o~
the water in the tank is at a height of 1.75 elm. The centre of mass of the water
in side the container and that of the container itself are at a distance of 1. 5 elm and
3 dm from the bottom. So the potential energy of the system in its final state is:
E P2 = 560 N· 0.175 m + 120 N· 0.15 m + 130 N· 0.3 m = 155 J. Our results show that the
potenti al energy of the system is the same in the initi al and the final positions, there fore
the total work done on the system is zero. This means that the work th at is given to the
system at a given stage will be given back to us at another stage .
Note that in spite of the fact th at our work input is gained back at a given stage of
the moti on, thi s work cannot be used for anything.
Solution of Problem 160. The rod is in equilibrium
if the sum of the torques of gravi tati onal force and
buoyant force is zero. Since the density of the rod is
less than the density of water both in case a) , and b),
part of the rod mu st be above water leve l - except
for the two trivial equilibrium positions in whi ch the
rod stand s vertically up or down. The reason for this
is the fallowing: if the rod is comp letely immersed in
water, the point of ac ti on of both the gravitati onal and
the buoyant force is at the geometrica l centre of the rod ,
so the moment arms of the two forces are the same, but
as the gravit ati onal force Qwate.·Alg is alway s greater
than the buoyant force f2Alg , the sum of their torques
will never be zero.
The upper end of the rod will ri se until it reaches a position in which the torq ue of
the buoyant force (due to the change in the moment arm and in the amount of displaced
water) that is actin g on the part under water, will reach the same mag nitude as the torque
of the gravitati onal force th at is act ing at the centre of the rod.
Let the eq uilibrium position be given by angle a , which is the ang le formed by the
rod and the vertical. The sum of the torques of the gravitational and buoyant force can
be written as:
f2ALg -sin a - f2wA - - g - - sm a = 0,
cosa 2cos a
Where A is the cross-sectional area of the rod and Qw is the density of water. ThiS
leads us to
~ch a.ni cs Solu t ion s
6.4 Fluids
substituting va lues in case a) gives:
cos 0: = -0.8 {- £ = 1.1 3' l 3' > 1.
which is imposs ibl e, so in case a) there are onl y the two tri vial equ ili brium pos iti ons:
at 0:1 == 0° the equilibrium is stabl e and at 02 = 180° the equili brium is un stable . For
every other an gle 0 < 0: < 180° th e torque of th e buoy ant force is greater than th at of
the gravitati onal force.
In case b), we get three equilibrium pos iti ons:
coso: = -0 . 8~
- = 0.866 '
0. 853
so the two torqu es will ca ncel once they reac h the angle 0: = 30° . The equilibrium
positions are therefore: 0: 1 = 0° and 0:2 = 180° both bein g un stable and O J = 30° .
which is stabl e.
Solution of Problem 161. If the cart is released and left on it s ow n, it s motion will
be rather complic ated. When the cart sudde nl y starts to move, some water usuall y spill s
out, and the water th at remain s in the cart start s to osc ill ate. Thi s mea ns th at in stead o f
the cart and the hangin g obj ec t hav in g a co nsta nt acce lerati on, they will undergo a very
complicated moti on th at cann ot be described using basic mathemati cs. Let us therefore
assume th at the strin g is very long, the tabl e is very hi gh and the cart is not released
suddenly , but keepin g one hand on it , we increase its acce lcrati on slow ly to the final
constant value. Our calculati ons below will all co ncern thi s fin al state of the system .
The volume of water in the cart is V = ahl = 1 d m · 0.9 cl m · 2 el lll = 1.8 c11ll :J initi all y,
therefore the initi al mass of water is m1 = l. 8 kg . Thu s the mass of the ca rt it self is
m 3 = !VI -1n l = 0.2 kg .
When the cart moves with constant acce lerati on,
the surface of the water is not hori zo ntal, but forms an
angle 0: with the hori zo ntal. An gle 0: is dctermin ed
by the equ ati on:
tan o: = - .
Since the Icve l of water was qu ite hi gh initi all y, it is
almost guaranteed th at some water will sp ill out. In
order to chec k thi s, let us ass ume that no water spill s
OUt and see what foll ows fro m that. In thi s case, the
accelerati on of the cart and water can be determined by applyin g Nl: wton' s second law
to the cart (add in g the total mass o f water to the cart 's ow n mass) and the han gin g
Object, from whi ch we obta in :
+ in 2
'g ,
:r n
300 Creat ive Physics Problems with Solu tions
------------~-- ----------------------------------------------------
which yields:
tana = - =
= - - - - = 0.375
M +m2
a = 20.55°.
If a line that encloses this angle with the horizontal was drawn through the centre of
the horizontal surface of water, it would pass well above the top of the back wall of the
cart, which means that some water does indeed spill out. Let us now solve the problem
usin g this statement.
Since part of the water -- whose mass is still unknown -- spills out, the total mass of
the carl gets changed as well. The first task is to find out the mass of water that remai ns
in the cart in case the water surface forms an angle a with the horizontal. The volume
of water insi de the cart can be determined by calculating the volume of a tri angular
pri sm, which (using the notations of the figure) can be written as:
1 1 dm
- . - - ·a ·b = -. - - ·ldm·1dm= - - litre
2 tana
2 tana
thus the mass of water in question is
The laws of motion of this system are:
m29 - J( = m2a,
J( = (m3 + m/1)a.
From which the acceleration of the cart and object is:
m3+ml +m2
The tangent of the angle of inclination of the water surface therefore can be written as:
tana = - =
l '
0.2+ 2 tana+1.2
Solving this equation for tana, we find tana = 0.5, (a = 26.57° ). The magni tude of
the acceleration is therefore:
a = g . tana = 0.5g;:::: 4.9 2 ,
This is the final constant acceleration of the cart. The water remaining in the cart has
volume Vi = 1 litre and mass m~ = 1 kg, which means that 0.8 litre of water was
spilled out. The water level at the back of the cart is at the top of the wall. (If we go
a value for tana that was less than 0.5 , the cross section of the water inside the car
would be a trapezoid and not a tri ang le, therefore the volume of a trapezoid based prisIl
should be determined to find the volume of the water remaining in the cart.)
Solution of Problem 162. The material in the container moves with a constan
normal acce leration whose value is different for each point of the container. Th is is
~cha.ni cs Solutions
6.4 Fluids
nsured by the co nstraining force of the indi vidu a l concentric layers . T hi s is simil ar to
ehe hydrostat ic pressure in liquid supported by the gravi tati onal fie ld arising from the
t onstra inin g force exerted by the individual layers o n eac h other: due to the rotation
Cadial pressure is created along the cy lindri cal surfaces coaxial , while the axis of rotation
r nd press ure difference is created between the layers. Therefore, the body placed in the
~iquid experiences not o nl y an Archimedean bouyan t force but also a force that acts
towards the aX Is.
The force is the same as the force exerted by
the surroundings on a liquid e lemen t that is placed
into the same position and has the same size . This
liquid e lement is forced to accelerate radia ll y by
its surroundings , whic h ' takes no interest ' in the
material filling the boundary of the liquid e lement,
be that a liquid o f the same den s ity or some other
Similarly to Arc him edes' principl e, we cou ld
state the following: O n every body immersed into
a rotatin g liquid (a nd rotat in g with it), bes ides the
Archimedean bouyant force - caused by g rav ity
- the liqui d a lso exerts a ce ntripeta l force whose mag nitude is the same as the force that
would act o n a liquid element displaced by the body at the same position. (Thi s force
depends o n its position; it is directly proportional to the distance between the centre of
mass of the body - in the case of a homogeneous body the geometrical centre - and
the axis of rotation.)
Because of the above, bodies whose density is sma ller than the density of water
accelerate not o nl y up wards but also ' inwards ' . Water, whose density is higher, is forced
to move further from the axis. The magnitude of the vertical and horizontal (radi a l)
forces can be acq uired from the suitable equations of motion. The line of action of these
two forc es is in the vertical plane th at con ta ins the axis of rotation. When the bead
has taken its stationary position , grav ity, the two Arch imedean bouya nt forces and the
tension in the thread ensure the circu lar motion.
The equ ations of motion in the y and x directions in the inertial re ferenc e frame are
f2w V 9 - f2body V 9 - T y = 0
f2w VT W
Tx = f2body V TW 2 .
From these, the magnitude of the two compone nts of tension force is:
Tv = (f2w - f2body) . V 9
Tx = (f2w - f2body ) . V TW 2 .
The ratio of the two is (independent of the dens iti es)
tancp= -
= --.
300 C rcat i\'c P/n'sics Problclll s \\'itil SOllltioll s
From geo metry
I? - r
I- h
lall y = - - ,
From the equ ality o f the two
I' W'2
I? - I'
I - /'
, The di stance l' of the bead rrom tl:e ax is of rotati on (the radiu s o f it s circular orOit)
IS unkn ow n, Thi s ca n be dete nll lned 11'0 111 th e len gth 0 1 the thread and the given sink ill o
o r th e bead , Since the density o r the bead is smalle r th an the de nsit y or water, it \V iII
Ill ove inwards, Us in g th e Pyth agorea n theore m
r= /7-
12 -(l- hF= R- J( 2/ - 1I ) 'II,
S ubst itut ing thi s into the prev iuus equati o n and rear ra ngin g ror ..,; gives
..,; =
9 J( 21 - 1I ) 'h
-:--~/---;:'====\ = 9,68 s - I ,
(I - II ) ,
) (2/ - 11 ) ,11)
(I? -
and the requ es ted nUlllber o f revo luti ons is
= ~ = 1.5LI 5- 1,
Solution of Prohlem 163. a) The press ure at th e bo tt om is obviously the same
beca use the total mass of the water is the saille. so the force on the bOll OIll Illu st also
be the sa lll e, On the other hanel. at he ight II I meas ured rro m the bO ll OIll the pressure
in creases, T hi s is beca use of therill al ex pan sion, whi ch ca uses so me material to move
above the hori zo nt al surface take n at hI ' The
in crease in press ure is proportion al to the amo ull t
o f materi al that Ill oves above the leve l:
Here the new de nsit y o r water is
',1 ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~T : ::: : ~;",
= -----:c--
1 +,8 , 61
--------- ,
_ 6111 _ 1I1 {J 61 _ h i ,A, ,86 1 _ / ~ J\t,
-- - --- il fJ iJ
611 1 -
With thi s th e requested increase in press ure is
6/)1 = ~u(l611
1 = o'o ,h l ,
~ ,1
. ko
0.000 13 ° (, - 1 . 80 °(,
m :;
1+ 0.000 13 ° C- · 80 ° (:
= 1oj ~ ·9 .8 1 - ·0.2 III . - - - -- -----:,----= 20 .2 Pa.
~ rec/J <l lli('s Solu tiolls
6.4 Flu ids
b) The pressure in crease-he ight fu ncti on consists o f three part s. The first interva l is
a~ x ~ Ii (w here .r stand s for the dista nce measured from th e bOllom of th e co nt ainer) ,
the seco nd IS ,, ::; ,r ::; h'" i1 X, the third IS h lllilX ::; ' I' ::; 00 . For thi S last Illlerva l t,.PIII IS
obviously O.
We have already cl etermin ed th e press ure in crease fun cti on in the first interva l. Its
maximum is at .1' = " , its va lu e is
. t,.]J I = Jt,.lil = 60.6 Pa.
We have to cl eterm in e th e domain o f th e middl e interva l. Thi s is
. t iJ ati s
h ::; .r ::; h(1 + 6 t,. l) .
the numeri cal va lue o f h lllilX is
h, "nx = 60 C IlI' (1 + 0.000 I J °c- I · 80 0c) = 60 .62 C 111.
The reque sted fun cti ons in the three interva ls are
t,.P j = Qg.I'·
t,.P II = 1
Qgh -
fj t,.1
= 100.97-· x ,
l + ,G't,. L
+ (3Q u l g (h '" i1x- . ')= ] +1-'; u t'g [h · (l +,G't,. t ) - .r ]=
1 + I-' t,.t
g · .r=Qg
{3 t,. l
=5886Pa - 9709 -Pa · x .
respecti vel y.
The acquinx l fun c ti ons are show n by the foll o wing figures:
t..p (Pa)
p'ghmax=p gh
t..t=80 °C
34 1
Chapter 7
Thermodynamics Solutions
7.1 Thermal expansion
Solution of Problem 164. Steel is also heated with the paraffin. The problem does
not state whether the coeffici ents of thermal expansion are calculated at a temperatu re
of 0 DC or 18 DC or 20 DC. Let us ass ume that all of these data are calcul ated
at a temperature of 0 DC, thou gh the difference between the coeffic ients at difTcrent
temperatures is quite small.
The coefficient of volumetric ex pansion of stee l is {3s = 3· Ct s = 3.6 .1O- GI re . If the
volume of the steel ball at a temperature of 0 DC is VB' then at 20 DC its volume is
V s (1+3.6·1 0- 5 .20 ), and at 100 DC its volume is V,(1 + 3.6·10- G ·100).
If the density of the paraffin at 0 DC is (20, its volumetric thermal ex pansion coefficient
is {3p , then the density of the paraffin at a temperature of tl = 20 DC -on, or at 100 DC
(20 Vo
1220 =
, or 12100 =
Vo(l +{3ph)
V0(1+{3pt 1 )
1 + {3ptl
1 + {3pt2
The upthrust is the product of the volume of the immersed ball , the density of the liquid ,
and the acceleration due to gravity , so at temperatures 20 DC and 100 DC the values of
the upthrust are:
Vs (1 + 3.6 . 10- 5 . 20)1209
F 20 =
= 0.2145 N,
1 + p' 20 D
V s (1 + 3.6 .10- 5 ·1 00)1209
/ e
1 + p .100 . 1 D
If the first equation is divided by the second , the volume of the stee l ball and the dens ity
of the paraffin at a tempeature of 0 DC can be cancelled.
(1 + 3.6 .10- 5 .20)(1 + {3p ·100 ·l r e)
(1 + 3.6 . 10- 5 ·100)(1 + {3p ' 20 · l r e)
0 .2145
From thi s equation which is a linear equ ati on for {3p the vo lumetric therma l expansion
coe ffici ent of paraffi n at a temperature of 0 DC can be calc ul ated:
{3p = 0.963 .10- 3 I re .
Solution of Problem 165. As the temperature of the brass sphere increases, itS
volume increases as well . The homogeneous, solid sphere expands uniform ly in all
7. 1 T ll e rm a l expa ns io n
7. Th erm odynam ics Solutions
directi ons. Its total mass remain s co nstant , but every el ement ary part of the sphere
gets a bit fa rthcr fro m the ax is o f ro tati on, thu s the moment of inerti a of the sphere
increases. The sca lin g of the vo lume, due to the temperature increase, does not change
the express ion desc ribin g the mome nt of inerti a of the sphere:
8= - mR- .
Let R' de note the increased radiu s of the sphere, and let a he the linear thermal
expa nsion coe fli cient of brass . Arter the te mperature in crease 6 1 th e new mo ment of
inertia is
, 2
8 = -m R = - mR-( 1 +a 6 t )-.
With a lack of torque the an gul ar momentum of the freel y ro tatin g sphere remain s
constant, so the foll ow in g equ ati on hold s:
8 ·w =8' ·w'.
From here, the rati o of frequ encies (w hi ch is the same as the rati o of angular
velocities) is:
Taking the squ are root of the equati o n:
1 +a6l =
so the maxim al temperature increase in questi o n is:
{f --l
6 t= --'---
J1.01---S-1,1- = 271 °C .
- --
1. 84 · 10
Solution of Problem 166. Fro m the equilibrium of torqu es , the foll ow in g equati on
is Obtained for the an gle of inclinati o n of the rod to the hori zontal at 4 °C:
OO\ JLo ( Ae - A i) g -
8 111 <Pu
2 8 J11 <Po
C0 8<po - On" -.-- A ~ g -.--
= O.
81n <po = -
and the initi al angle is <Po = arcsin 0 .89LILI = 63 .43° .
300 Creat ive P hysics P roblem s wi th Solu t ion s
----------~~-- ------~~~~~~-------------------------------
The tube, the water and the tan k all
ex pand whe n heated . The interior of the
tank expands as if it were solid glass. The
geometric dime ns io ns and the dens ities all
c hange:
(= 961.9 kg/m\
(= 2682.6 kg/m 3 ) .
T he new le ng th of the tube is
L = Lo(1 + cxAI 6. t ) (= 1.00216 m ),
a nd the new water height is
, __ V _ A oh o(I +,Bw 6.t ) -- 1'0 1+,Bw6.t
Ao(1 +2cxglass 6. t )
1 + 2cxglass 6.t
(= 0. 6229m ),
whe re AD is the ori ginal base area of the ta nk . The s ine o f the ne w ang le of incli nation
h o(1 + ,Bw 6. t)
Sll1 tp = L
(S ince the rati o of the cross-sec ti o nal areas of the tube does not change). With the
substituti o n o f numerical data:
sin tp = 0.9 11 62 ,
and hence
tp = arcsin 0.91162 = 65. 73°.
Thus the cha nge in the an gle o f inclination is
6. tp = 65.73° - 63.43° = 2.3°,
the tube will ri se.
Solution of Problem 167. S ince the tempe rature is not me ntio ned in the probl em, we
may assume th at the process takes place very s lowly, and that the te mperature remains
constant. In thi s case, Boy le ' s law holds true fo r the process.
Let us den ote the volume o f the porous materi al (mate rial with a lot of ho les in it) by x
(which is the differe nce betwee n the vo lume e ncl osed
by the e nve lope-surface o f the material and the total
20volume of the holes , whic h contain air). Accord ing to
Boy le ' s law:
P i Vi =P2 V2,
so the eq uati o n for the a ir confined in the syringe,
10whose initi al vo lume is Vi = V{ - x a nd whose fina l
volume is V2 = V; - x, is :
1 atm· (20 cm 3 - x) = 2.2 a tm · (10 cm 3 - x) .
T hus the vo lume of the porous materia l is:
x = l. 67 cm 3 .
7.2 Ideal gas processes
Thermody nam ics Solutions
7.2 Ideal gas processes
Solution of Problem 168. Let us start from the properties of gases at standard
eference conditions. The molar volume of both gases at standard reference cond itions
~ VOM = 22.41 dm 3 . Thus in this state, 30 g mixture of gases, which contains 2 g
IS hydrogen and 28 g of nitrogen , is a 50 percent volume mixture. However, the
~emperature of the gases in the problem is 27 cc, so, applying Charles 's law, the molar
volume of the gases is:
3 300 K
VM = VOM - = 22.41 elm . - - - = 24.63 elm .
273 K
Since an amount of ?TIrnixtu r e = 500 g mixture is needed in every minute, from both
171 m ixtlll'e
500 g
gases a volume
= - - = 16.67 times greater than the molar volume should
N l n,ixtu re
30 g
be provided for the mixture. So the volume of the gases flowed in the tubes per minute
1TImixt ure
bo V = M.
. VOM -;:r = 16.67 ·24.63 dm = 410.58 elm .
II1lxtu r e
.1. 0
The volume of the gases passed through the tubes per second is:
boV 410. 58 elm 3
dm 3
----=6.84 - .
60 s
This quantity is the volumetric flow rate J , which , according to the conti nuity equation,
can be expressed as
J =Av ,
where A is the cross section of the tubes, and v is the (average) speed of the flow. Thus
the speed of both gases in the tubes is:
bo V
6.84 elm 3 /s
v = A = Abot = 0.1 dm2 = 68.4 - s- = 6.84 -;-.
Solution of Problem 169. Applying Newton's second law to the piston in its final position , we get:
42 em
Where P'I' and PI are the pressures in the right
and left part respectively , A is the base area
of the cylinder, and a is the acceleration of
the piston of mass ?TIp, In the pi ston' s final
POSition , its acceleration will be the sa me as the accelerat ion of the cy linder. Initially the
VOlume of the gas in the left part is Vi = 0.8 elm 3 , so the piston is initially at a distance
300 C r eM i" e Ph.I'sics Pro/JlelJls \\'ith Solutioll s
o f I, = \I, IA = O.8 dll1 = 8c II1 from the left base of the cy lind er. Similarl y the risto "
di stan ce from the ri ght hase of the cy linder is: I,. = \1,.1A = ,1. 2 dm = ,12 CIIl .
The tin al positi on of th e piston is determined hy it s distan ce from ~he cy lin der's left
basl\ which IS U = I, + .r. where .r IS the di stan ce be twee n the pIs ton s. lnIti al and fin al
posItion s. When th e piston comcs to rcst (rel ati ve to the cy llll(.ier) In It s hn al positio n II
point s in th e system have the same acce leration , so accordi ng to Newto n's second 1:1::
F =u, .,,,
L "I.
from whi ch the acce lerati on of the ce ntre o f mass (a, .",) is:
(1 (0 "/
2.5 i\
(0 .2 + 0. 8) kg
== - - - 11/"
------ = 2.5 ~ .
+ ", ,.
Appl yin g Newton' s seco nd law to the piston again , we get:
(p,. - ptlA = 171"
+ 171, .
= O.2kg· 2.5 ~ = 0.5 N,
::; -
where p, and I)' are th e tinal press ures of the gases in the right and left part respectively.
Ap pl yin g Boyle 's law to the gases in th e two parts, we obta in :
11, 1) = (I, + .r)A/)I.
\I,)) = (I, - .c )A p,.
where jJ is the initial press ure in both parts. Thi s lead s us to
\I, .Jl
(I,. - .r )A·
II, p
J!' = ---'--'(I, + .r )rI'
/) 1,,(/
I), - I)'=A '
Substitutin g the express iolls for the tin al press ures into the equ ati oll above , we lind:
- - 1) - --J!= 111 1,11 = III"
I, - .r
1, + .1'
lIil, + IIJ,.
Rearranging the eq uati o n leads to a quadrati c equ ation for .r:
I;; + Vi II/,, + III" ) I) + I, - I, ] ·.c + \1,1, - Ift~ l,. (r/l ,,+lli c )p-I,I,=O .
r + [--~-(
lIi,) /'
Since so lvin g the equation parametrically is far too co mpli cated, let us subs tit ute
known values:
r .) + (5000 Cl, II:_ . ·l kg ·0 .02-.2 +8 CIll - '12c ll1 .r -
O.2 kg · 2. :)i\
·1200 <.:1 11 ') · 8 CIIl - 800 Clil l . LJ2 Clll
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - · 1 ko. 0 .02 - - - 8 clll· ,12 CIll = 0
0.2 kg · :2 .;) N
CII1 '2
7.2 Ideal gas processes
T/Jef/ll odyna11l ics Soill t ions
:c 2 + 166 C lll ' .1.: - 336 cm
f he so lution is:
.r =
- 166 ± J IG6 2 + 4 · 336
cm = 2 C II1 ,
So the linal pos iti on of th e pi ston w i II he at a di stance of !J = II +X = 8 cll1 + 2 CIll = 10 cm
frofll the left base of the cy linder.
Remark: The so luti on hecomes a bit shorter if known va lu es are substitut ed right into
(!q uatio n (2) w ith out unit s, whi ch gives:
- - ·0.02 - - - ·0.02 =02·2.5
12 - .1'
8 + .1'
- - - - - = ll. 5.
LI2 - .r
8 + .t:
rearra nging th e eq uati on lead s us to:
.( 2
+ 166.1' - 336 = 0
which is the same as the one obtai ned from the parametri c equation in th e soluti on.
For add iti onal information , th e lin al press ures on th e two sides o f th e piston are :
P" =
800 C lll ;) · 0.02 N / cm 2
10 (, 1lI·1 00cll1~
lI200c m:l ·0 .02i\ /cIl1 2
40 CII1 . 100 Clll
= 0.016 -')'
CII1 /
= 0.021 N cm .
Solu tion of Prohlem 17(). No le th at
in th is problem the cha nge in th e hei ght
10 em
of the mercury level can not be nety
glected , si nce th e hase area o f the co nE
tai ner is small. When the vo luill e of
the air in th e cy lind er decreases, so does
the Illercury level, and assuill in g that th e
base areas of th e co ntainer and cy lin der
i c::::r:='
are in the ratio 2 :1 , wc get that the decrease in the height o f the mercury le vel
IS one ha l f of th e decrea se in the hei oht
the air-coluilln in the cy linder.
. The cy linder w ill he ill equ ili bri ulll if the mass o f the cy linder and the thickness of
I(s wall s ca n be neglected, and if the ex terna l prcss ure acti ng on ilS lOp end eq uals it s
Internal press ure (d ue to the en closed air).
- !L ~
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
a) Let centimetres of Mercury (cmHg) be the unit of pressure. The atmosPhe .
pressure can be assumed to be the normal 76 cmHg. Let x be the distance mo ved do nc
by the top of the cylinder when the cord is shortened by ill. In this case the merc;n
level decreases by
x - ill
ilh= - 2
Applying Boyle' s law to the air inside the cylinder, we obtain:
- ill)
(Po+ho)·L= ( po+ x+ h o -X·(L+ il l-x) ,
where Po is the atmospheric press ure, ho is the height of mercury above the cyl inder
in the initial position and L is the in itial height of the air column in side the cylinder
Substituting known values, we get:
(75 cm+ 10 cm ) · 47 cm =
= ( 76cm+x+10em-
X -6cm)
·(47em+ 6em- x) .
Rearranging this , we get a quadratic equation for x :
x 2 + 125 em· x -1350 em 2 = O.
The solution of this equation is:
x= 10 em,
which is the distance moved down by the cylinder. Thus the mercury level in th
10em - 6 em
container decreases by ilh =
= 2 em .
b) If the container is now filled with mercury up to the original level , the cylinde
moves further down because of the increasing external press ure. Let this add itiona
distance moved down be y. Apply ing Boyle 's law again to the initial and final (thi rd
state, we obtain:
(Po + h o ) . L = (Po + ho + x + y) . (L + ill - x - y) .
Substituting given values, we get:
(76 em + 10 em ) · 47 em = (76 em +20 em+y)(47 em + 6 em- 10 em -y),
rearranging this, we get a quadratic equation for y:
y2 +53em. y-86em 2 =0 ,
whose solution is y = l.58 em.
Therefore the volume of the mercury that should be poured into the conta iner is:
il V
= A co ntai n e rilh + Acylinde r . y .
Substituting known values, we find:
il V
= 20 em 2 . 2 em+ 10 em 2 ·l. 58 em 2 = 55 .8 em 3 .
Th erm odynamics Solu tions
7.2 Id ea.l g a.s pl'Ocesses
Solution of Problem 171. The initial separati on between the pi stons is
_ VI _ 2000 cm -- 20 cm .
d- - _
100 cl11 2
After the compress ion, the air fo rm s a cy linder or length x cm, and accordin gly, the
rin o is al so co mpressed by x em. The pi ston on the left is held in equilibrium by the
sp rnbined effect of the ex tern al air pressure, the press ure of the enclosed gas and the
~~rce of the sprin g, therefore the press ure of the encl osed gas needs to gro w to a va lu e
1000N / m
- 2 ? · x,
10 m where D is the sprin g constant. Then the volume of the encl osed gas is
P2 =P1 + --A = 10 Pa +
V2 = A· x = 10- 2 111 2 . x .
Since temperature is constant , Boyle ' s law ca n be appli ed:
PI V1 = P2 V2 =
(PI+ 0;: )A.x:.
Rearranged by the powers of .x :
+ PlA x - P1 V1 = 0,
and the soluti on of the eq uati on is
- 7)1 A ± jpi A2 + 4Dp1 V1
Numerically , the equ ation ( I ) is
3 N
10 ~ ' :r + 10 N· x -2·10 N m =O ,
which simplifi es to 5x
+ 5x - 1 = 0 , and the so luti o n is
-5± /25 + 20
=0 . 170 8 111 ~ 0 . 171m .
Hence the volume of the ai r in the fi nal pos iti on is
V2 = A' :r = 10 - 2 m 2 . 0.171m = l. 71 . 10 -:3 m 3 = 1.71 cl m J .
Solution of Problem 172. The equ ati on of the line pass in g th ro ugh the points 2 and
4 is
P2 - P1
p= - - · T - Pl ,
T 1 -T4
where T and P de note the abc issa and ord in ate of any point of the lin e. Si nee the point
3 also lies on thi s line, its coord in ates T:3 and ])3 sati s fy the equ ati on:
300 Creat ive Phy sics Prob lems with Solutions
T3 needs to be determined to calc ul ate P3. It can be obtained fro m the un iversal ga
equati o n appli ed to the states 1 and 3, also considerin g th at 3V3 = VI:
T3 = Tl . P3V3 = T l P3VI = Tl ~ .
W ith (3) substituted in (2):
P2 - PI
P3 = - - - . TI -lh·
TI - T4
W ith algebraic transformati o ns and the substitu tio n o f numerical data:
3Pi(TI -T4)
P3 = (P2 - PI)TI - 3Pl (TI - T 4 )
3·10 10Pa (500K - 200K)
_. 5 p
- l. 5 10 a .
3. 10 Pa · 500 K - 3.10 Pa(500 K - 200 K )
Solution of Problem 173. Le t us d raw in the graph the line corresponding to the
isobaric process pass in g th ro ug h point B. In thi s coordin ate syste m it is a straight li ne
go in g th ro ugh the ori gin a nd po int B, according to Charl es's law. T he points of th is
line represent sta tes o f the same pressure. Thus the following ratios are equal :
The soluti o n of the probl e m is determined by the
inte rsec ti o n o f the isobaric line and the straight
seg ment AC. From the pre vious equation, the
te mperature T can be expressed as a fu nction of the
volume V:
O n the othe r hand , the equ ati o n of the straight line AC is:
Substi tutin g T fro m equ atio n (I) into eq uati o n (2), we obtain a n equ ati on for the vol ume
V correspo nd ing to the state of the subprocess C --> A, w hich has the same pressure as
state B has:
V - Vc = VA - VIi. ( TIi.V _ Tc ) .
TIi - Tc
Ex press in g V fro m thi s equ atio n we get the vo lume in questio n:
V = Vc .
5·273 - 12·373
d 3
= 12 dm .
~ 9. S rn ·
VATA - 2VCT A + Vc Tc
5 · 373-2·12 · 373 + 12·273
7.2 Id eal gas processes
7. Thermodynamics Solutions
rhUs during the subprocess C - 7 A , at the volume V = 9.8 c1m
pressure as in state B.
the gas has the same
Solution of Problem 174. a) If the mercury level sinks by x cm , then the ri se in the
other ann is also x cm. If we calculate in the Hgcm unit of pressure, then we get a very
siJTlple equation for the requested rise in the leve l.
The initi al pressure of the e nclosed air is Po = 76 Hgcm , the final pressure is P1 =
:;:; (76 + 2x) Hgcm.
According to Boyle 's law
PohoA = (Po + 2x )(ho + !:::'h + x )A.
[n our case !:::'h = - 10 cm = -h o /2 . Substituting this and simplifying by
Po ho = (Po + 2x) (
A gives
~o + x ) ,
76 Hgcm·20 cm=(76+2x) Hgcm · (10+x) cm .
From here, (omitting the dimensions) equation
x 2 + 48x - 380 = 0
is acquired, whose positive solution is
-48 + J48 2 +4 ·380
cm=6.9 cm .
If the competitor calculates in the SI system, his or her equations gain the following
PohoA = (Po + 2Qg x)
('~o + x ) A ,
rearranged according to the decreas ing powers of x:
2Qg x
+ (Po + Qgho)x - - = O.
From here on, it is worth calculating only numerically:
2 ·1 3.6·10
m 2
- 3 ·9.8 -2· x +
10 5 1':!. ·0.2 m
+ ( 10 5 - 2 + 13.6.10 3 - · 9.8 - 2 ·0.2 m . x III
= O.
that is,
4 1
. x + 126683.2 - 2 . x - 10 - =0,
diVidin g by the coefficient o f x 2 gives
266832 -
111 3
x 2 + 0.474768 m· x- 0.0374768 m 2 =0 .
300 C r eatil"E' Ph,\'sics Problem s lI 'itll SoJu tiolls
The pos iti ve so luti on or the l:qu ati on is
= O.OG89 111 ;::j 6.9 C'tll.
h) T he elll:rgy or the gas does not cha nge becau se it s temperature is constant. The
work do ne w hil e pushing down the piston partl y increases th e potenti al energy of the
mercury. partl y cove rs the energy released during thl: cooling o f the wall s. The cha nge
in th e energy o f mercury ap pears onl y in the chan ge in potential energy.
By co mparin g the initi al and final states, it is c lea r th at - although the mercury
le ve l si nk s in the Icrt arm hy the sa me va lue as it ri ses by in the right one - its
potential energy increases, T hi s ca n be ca lc ulated as ir th e amount or Illercury that fits
int o the vo lullle correspondi ng to a sink or ,)'
in a tube o r cross-sect ional area r\ is lifted
above th e original co mm on lewl and put into
the other arm, The ce ntre o r mass or thi s part
f mercury ri ses exactly by ,f'. There fore the
110 em
..I ..
change in the energy of mercury is
._. x -_ ... ---.. -- __ __ _t .
6E = 6111.9:1: .
w hl:re 611 L = gA.r , that is.
=0. 1209 ,j ;::jO ,13 J.
Solution of Prohlem 175. In describing thi s phenomenon , it is practi ca l to meas ure
pressure by till: hl:i ght of th e Illercury column , i.e, in ce ntimetres or merc ury. ( 1.0 l:l,
'10" Pa;::j 76 end fg.) Let ,.1:, U, :: and u denote the he ights of
th e merc ury co lumns after th e press ure in crl:ase. Let J) denote
th e pressure or th e air entrapped bet wee n th e two mercu ry
co lumn s, let 1)0 he the ex tern al atmospheric press ure, and let
1)1 he the increased air pressure. Let h stand ror th e lengths or
the verti ca l segments or th e glass tubl:, and let d stand for the
hori zo ntal seg ment s. There are 5 unkn ow ns: ,r , U, :: . t' and
1).5 equati ons are need ed,
T hl: firstl:quati on wi ll he Boyle 's la w applied to th e l:n clo sed
1)11 \~ )
= jJ V.
Accordin g to th e data not in cluded in th e word in g or the problem , and onl y ind ic ated
in th e fi gure. th e verti ca l sl:gment s of th e glass tube are initiall y filled w ith ml:rcury to
exac tl y hall' th eir height. Thu s th e total length or the enc losed gas co lumn l:quais tlw
co mbined length or ll nl: verti ca l tube seg lll l: nt and onl: hori zo ntal co nnl:cti o n. The ini tIal
vo lume is thercrure
\~ ) = (Ii
+ rI )A.
7. Therm odynam ics So ilitioll s
7.2 Ideal gas processes
The croSS sec ti onal area A cancels out o f the Boyle ' s law eq uatio n. Accord in g to the
figure ,
(d + II ) . Po = (d + 2h - Y - ;;) . p ,
provided that temperature stays co nstant th roughout.
The seco nd and third equati ons express the elJui librium of the bralH.: hes in eac h o f the
tWO U-shaped part s o f the tube . On the left , the co ndition for equilibrium in the final
state is
PI) + (v - z) = p,
Pl - (y - .r) = p.
and on the r ight it is
The remainin g two eq uations arc prov ided by the vo lumes (leng th s) of the mercury
columns bein g co nstant :
t'+z = h ,
y + .r = h.
The equ ation s may be so l ved as follow s. The dinerence of (3) and (5) gi ves
p + 2Y = PI + h.
[p + 2y=38LI. 8 clllLIg]
And from the di ncrence o f (2) and (4) ,
Po - 2z = p - h.
[76 - 2;; = p - 152 clllH.g]
The diA'erence o f (6) and (7) di v ided by 2 and rearranged:
Po + pj
Y + z = --2- + II, - p,
[y +:: = 306. 4 clll ll g - p]
Substitutin g (8) int o ( I ) we have
p] 7J + P2.
IIII (d+ II )IIII= [ d + 2h - ( + hI-)
11] p=dp + hp - 2Thi s is an equation in a sin g le unknown for th e press ure o f the entrapped air. Rearrang ed,
It will ha ve th e foll ow ing form:
jill + III)
P2 + ( d + h - ~
11 - (d + h )plI = O.
[p2 + 13.6 cllIll g · ji - 12768 cIlIH g2 = 0]
Now it would bt: too comp licated to co ntinut: th t: so luti on parametricall y, The quadratic
eq uati on is so l ved by usin g the numerica l coeAicien ts:
II =
- LUi cllIlI g + j 13.62 CI1I 1lg2 + LI . 12768 cmHg2
= 106.4 cllIH g .
300 Creative Physics Problem s with S olutions
If the result is substitu ted into (6) , the foll ow ing va lue is obtained fo r the height f
the merc ury column in the third tube :
PI + h - p
232. 8 + 15 2 - 106 .4
. cm H g = 139.2 cmHg ,
th at is, the hei ght of the mercury column in the third tu be is 139 .2 cm . The values of
a nd yare now substituted into (3):
x = P + y - PI = 106 .4 cmHg + 139 .2 cmHg - 232 .8 c mHg = 12.8 cmHg,
th at is, the height of the me rc ury column in the fo urth tu be is x = 12. 8 cm.
The value o f z is o btained fro m (7) by substitutin g the numeric al va lue of p :
Po + h - p
76 + 152 - 106 .4
. cmHg = 60. 8 cmHg .
Fin ally , the value o f z is substituted in (4) to give v :
v = h - z = 152 H gcm - 60 .8 cm H g = 91.2 cm H g .
The results are the refore as fo ll ows: p = 106.4 cm Hg = 1.4. 10 5 P a , x=1 2.8cm ,
y =1 39.2em , z =60. 8em , v =91. 2 cm .
Solution of Problem 176. The boilin g point of e the r bein g 35 DC means that ether
boil s at that temperature at normal atmosphe ri c pressure. Sin ce the re is a mercury
column lying over the ether in the tube, the press ure at the surface o f the e ther is greater
than normal atmospheri c pressure, meanin g that the e ther is initi all y in the li qui d state.
(The pressure of 19 cm of mercury is equal to 1/4 o f the atmosphe ri c pressure, thus
the to tal press ure on the ether is 5/ 4 of the atmospheric pressure, ::::::: 1. 25 .1 0 5 Pa.) If
the tube is in verted, the pressure Pe of the e ther and the press ure of the mercury will
balance the atmospheric pressure, that is,
Pe + 19 emHg = 76 cmHg ,
and he nce
Pe = 57 e mHg = -Po
At 3/ 4 of the atmos phe ric press ure the ether at the bo iling- poi nt te mpera tu re will
evaporate to fo rm an un saturated vapour.
In the liquid state, the vo lume of the e nclosed ether is
Ve = Ale = 0 .2 em 2 · 0.2 5 cm = 0.05 cm ,
where A is the c ross-sectio nal area of the tu be and le is the le ngth o f the li q uid ether
co lumn . The mass of the ether is
Tn = Q' Ve = 0.7 --3 ·0 .05 e m = 0 .0035 g .
7.2 Idea l gas processes
7. Th ermody nam ics Solutions
The molar mass of ether is 1\11 = (relat ive molecular m ass)· g/ mol , there fore the
quantity of ether e nclosed is
0.035 g
n =- .=
= 0.000473 mo.
74 g mol
The volume of thi s qu antity of ether at atmosph eri c press ure and a temperatu re of
oDC is
J cm'
lIeo = V" . n = 22.41 ·10 - - · 4.73 ·10
mol = 10.6 C Ill ' .
The universal gas equ atio n ca n be used to determi ne the vo lume of thi s qu antit y o f ether
under the co nditi ons present in th e in verted tu be:
Po lIeo
T '
t hat is,
1 · 10.6cm 3
273 1\ + 3.5 I{
and hence the vo lume of the ether vapour in the in verted tube is
II = 15.95 cm 3 .
The length of the co lumn of the ether va pour is
=- =
15.95 crn 3
= 79.75 C Ill ,
0.2 cm 2
that is , the upper end o f the mercury co lumn is 79.75 cm bel ow the closed e nd and its
lower end is at 98.75 cm . Thu s the ex perime nt ca n onl y be carri ed out if the len gth of
the glass tube is at least 99 cm .
Solution of Problem 177. As seen in the fi gure, the
balance of press ures for the hydroge n means
Po + {!gh = P1I 2 ,
Po + {!gh = P0 2 + (!g(:r - y).
and for the oxyge n:
Accordin g to the uni versa l gas equ ati on,
p0 2 Ay=N0 2 kT.
!he hei ght of the water column press ing o n the hydrogen
h= x+ 6h.
Since water is inco mpress ible,
x+ y = 6h.
300 C reative Physics Problems with Solu tions
It follows from the compos iti o n of the water molecule that
NH2 =2No2 ·
This syste m of simultaneous eq uatio ns leads to a quadratic eq uati o n In x : With (7)
written in (3):
(3' ) divided by (4) :
PH 2 X = 2
Po 2 Y
substituted from ( I ) and (2):
x = 2 Po + gg h - gg (x - Y) Y.
Po + ggh
With h from (5) a nd y = flh - x fro m (6) :
x = 2 PO + gg (x+ fl h) - gg( x - flh +x ) ( flh -x ).
Po + gg( x + flh)
The quadratic equati o n obtained by rearran geme nt is
ggx 2 - (3po + 7 gg flh )x + 2 [poflh + 2gg ( flh )2] = O.
With the numerical data (with all qu antities in SI units):
9.8 x 2 - 368 .6x + 239.2 = O.
He nce the he ight o f the hydrogen co lumn is x = 0.660( 43) m = 660 mm , and the height
of the oxyge n column is y = flh - x = 0.339(54) m = 339 mm. (The height of the
hydrogen column is a littl e small e r than the double of the height of the oxygen col umn
since the ex tern al pressure o n the hydroge n is larger than on the oxygen: 660 mm <
< 2 ·339mm=678 mm .)
The mass of the hydroge n produced is obtained from the gas equation:
PH 2 VH2 = NI RT,
whic h now means
[Po + (x+ flh )gg ]A x = :RT.
He nce the mass of the hyd rogen is
m = RT [Po + (x + fl h)gg]Ax = 24.712 mg.
Since the dev ice extrac ts fl m = 0. 6 mg of hydrogen per minute, this qu antity takes
t = - - = 247l. 2 s = 4l.1 87 minut es
S_o_h _lt_io_ll_s_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
l g:: c-a_s_p
roduce. Thus the average speed of the ri sing water level in the middle tube is
(0 P
v = 6.h = 1000111111 = 0.4 111111 .
2471.2 s
The moti on is not strictl y uniform , si nce as time passes , the growing water co lumn
~1(11 poses a grow ing pressure retarding the increase of the vo lu mes of the gases
Solution of Problem 178. The ini tial volume of the enclosed air is VI = V + A ~ (=
1020 CI11 3 ). After heat in g, the vo lume becomes V2 = V + Al (= 1040 CI11 3 ). Accord in g
to the gas law
from which the unkn own temperature is
P2 V2
T2 = - - ·T1 .
In this expression only pressure P 2 is un known . This pressure comes from the external
atmospheric pressure PI = Po and the hydrostatic pressure. Since the container is
narrow, the ex tern al mercury leve l rises considerably, thus lead in g to an increase in
pressure at the bottom of the tube . Our task is to determine thi s increase.
The increase in the volume of the expand in g air is 6. V =
= A"2 (= 20 CI11 3 ) . This air displaces the same vo lume of
mercury , therefore the rise in the mercury level is
6.h= - = _2 _2 _ (=2. 5 cm),
a 2 -A
a - A
__ ____ §~J-
where a - A (= 8 cm ) is the cross-sectio nal area of the
mercury column. (The cross-sectio nal area of the wall of the tube
can be neglected accord ing to the wording of the problem). With
this, the hyd rostat ic pressure of the mercury at the bottom of the
tube is
PH g = {2g
= 13600
~ . 9. 81 "2 . 22. 5 .10 - 2 m =
= 3001 8.6 P a,
and the total pressure is
p2 = Po + PH g = 130018.6 Pa.
With thi s, the unknown temperature is
'" 130018.6 Pa · 1040 Cl11 3
10 5 Pa .1020 Cl11 3
= 375.1 h = 102.1 C .
T2 = 283 h.·
300 Creat ive Phys ics Problcllls \I·itl) So lutions
Solvin g parametri call y:
after simplifyin g
Solution of Prohlem 179. a) Since the Cllntai ner and the pi ston are heat in sulato rs,
the energy released hy the heater is equal to the heat absorbed by the gas. During the
isobaric process , a pan of thi s energy increases the internal energy of the gas. the othcr
part of it covers the work done by the gas .
The idea l gas la w pro vides us a relati onship bet wee n the mass o f the gas and the othcr
thermodynami c quantiti es:
1\ I
pV = - HT.
For the iso baric process we ha ve
p6 V =
-1\ r R6T.
Us ing thi s formula. we have two equations for the two isobaric processes. In the first
case the mass of the gas is III , in the second case In - 6 m:
In these two equations the two unkn ow ns are III and 1\1 . Ex press ing the mol ar mass
from the lirst equation , and in serting it into the second one. we get that:
/i26 V2m 6 T j
P l 6 V1 6T2
The mass of tile gas ca n be determil1l:d from the last equation:
Us in g thi s result , th e l11 0lar mass is:
1\1 = - - -
611l· /i 1 6 VJ 6T2 fl6T
(/i J6 VJ 6T2 - /i 2 6 V2 6 T I ) PJ 6 VJ
(/i 16 VI 6 T2 - P26 V26T
uT 6T) .
J )
7.2 Ideal gas processes
7. TherJllodYllCllllics Soilltions
Numericall y, we get that :
/I I
PIt. \f16T
139.2· 5·46.
= 5 g
. _
. = 80 g .
P I 6 \'16T2 - P2 6 li2 6 T I
] 39.2. o · 16.88 - 130. 0 · 8·29.3
LJ. III . ---:-:-:-'-:-=:---'-----=~-~
(The units in th e rracti on ai'ler 6 171 ca ncel out, so they are omitted .)
b) The molar mass is:
11/ =
jJ j 6lii
80 g .8.3 1---:=L. ·29 .3 1<
=28 - - .
139.2 kPa·5·10 - J m;)
Since th e gas in the conta iner is diatomic. we can conc lude th at originally there was
80 g nitroge n gas in the co nt ainer.
c) Kn ow in g the type or the gas. its speci fi c heat at co nstant press ure ean be obtained
from data tables. Usi ng thi s. the energy relea sed hy the heater in the first process is:
Q,I = c"m6TI = 1038 - - , ·0.08 kg · 29.3 ° C=2433. 1 J.
kg· h.
Solution of Prohlem ISO. a) Initiall y the pressure or the air in th e pipe is th e same
as th e external air pressure jJlI · After the pipe is pulled higher, the pressure PI or th e
air in it bec omes
PI = flo - Ii (2wat e r,9 = lit) - 0.5 Ill' 10 J ~ . 9.81 -2 = Po - 4905 Pa.
According to Boy le 's law :
loPo = lIP] ,
0.6 m ·po=0.63 Ill ' (Po -4905 Pa).
From thi s
0.03/1n = 0.63·4905 Pa = 3090. 15 Pa,
and the external pressure is:
IJo =
3090. 15 Pa
= 103005 Pa.
(For the sake o r completeness, we note that the pressure of the air in the pipe has the
I II = Po - 4905 Pa= 103005 Pel - '1905 Pa=98100 Pa,
by the first equation.)
. b) II' the water le ve l in the pipe is decrea sed by 16 cm, th en the length or the enclosed
al~ t:Olullln is incn.:ased by thi s value . In order to maintain the equi librium , the press ure
Of. the enclosed air has to increa se as wel l by th e pressure or the mi ss in g water co lumn
of height 16 t:m. So the new air pressure in side the pipe is:
= Iii + {2g 6h ,
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu t ions
where t:,h = 16 c m is the increase of the length of the air co lumn . The new volume f
the air is:
V2 = (h + t:, h)·A.
Compari ng the initi al and the final state by the ideal gas law, we get:
(Pl + {2g t:, h ) . (h + t:,h )· A
which means that the new temperature is:
T2 =
( 98100 Pa + 10
1 ·9 .81 1% ·0.16 m) . (0.63 m + 0.16 m)
98100 Pa· 0.63 m
= 354.2 K = 81.2 aC .
· 278 K=
Solution of Problem 181. The pressure and the volume o f the gas below the lower
piston are:
Pl = P2 + A = Po + A + A = Po + A =
= 105 Pa+
2 ·1 k<T· 10 -'-'2-'b
10- 3 m 2
= 120000 Pa.
After the pistons are lifted, the new pressure and volume
here become:
p~ = (y +
) = y+ 10000 Pa,
V; = (x+ 0.04 m) · A
where y =
is the final press ure between the two pistons.
In the initial state the pressure and the volume of the gas betwee n the pisto ns are:
1 kg·l0 ~
P2 = Po + A = 10 Pa + 10- 3 m
= 110000 Pa.
V2 =(0.2 m -x )·A,
and in the final state:
V;=[(0.2 m + O.l m) -(x+ 0.04 m) ]· A=(0.26 -x) · A.
At constant temperature Boyle's law is valid for the two gases:
a nd
7.2 Idea l gas pmcesses
7. Th erm odynam ics Solu tions
Inserting the volumes and press ures , the cross sec ti on ca ncels out and we get:
120000 P a · .r;=(y + l OOOO P a)(.l'+ O.Ocl m)
110000 P a · (0.2 III - x ) = y( 0 .26 m - .1:)
Expressin g the press ure of the upper gas from the second eq uati on, we get:
11 0000 Pa · (0. 2 IlI - .r)
(0 .26 111 - .J')
Writing it into the (-irst equati on, we obt ain :
120000Pa ' x= [
11 0000 P a· (0 .2m - x)
+ 10000Pa . (.t.:+ O.Ocl Ill )
0. 2G 111 -.1:
and after di viding both sides by 10000, and multipl yin g by the de nom in ator,
12 Pa ·x ·(0.26 m - .c) = (11 Pa ·0.2 m - 11 P a ·.c + 1 Pa ·0 .26 111 - 1 P a .[' )(.1'+ 0.04 Ill ).
Now we carry out the operati ons in the eq uati on:
3.12 P a· Ill ' X - 12 Pa·.r;2 = 2. 46 P a · x + 0.0984 P a ·m 2 - 12 P a · x 2 - 0.48 Pa· m · ./'
and write the equ ati on in a simpler form:
1.1 4 P a · m· .r; = 0.0984 P a · m- .
Dividing thi s equ ati on by 1.14 Pa· m, for the di stan ce of the lower pi ston fro m the
bottom of the cy linder in the final state, we get that:
0.0984 Pa' 1l1 2
= 0.0863 III = 8.63 Clll .
1.14 P a 'l1l
With the help of thi s result, the pro bl em' s ques ti on ca n be eas il y answered . A rter
removing the upper pi ston from the cy linder, the press ure of the gas bel ow the other
piston becomes the sum of the ex tern al pressure and the pressure du e to the we ight o r
the piston : 110000 Pa. The new vo lume is determined by Boy le ' s law :
Pl' A- x = ]J~ . A- z .
The cross sec ti on ca ncels out. With the num erical data the equ ati on reads:
120000 P a· 0.0 63 III = 110000 Pa · z,
and the ne w height of the pi ston is:
12 P a ·0.0863 III
= 0 .0941 m =9 .41 Clll .
11 Pa
(Rem ark: the ca lcul ations would have bee n simpl er if we had omitted the unit s in
the equ ati ons. Furtherm ore, if we had not in sisted on usin g SI units, but had in stead
illeasured the length s in ce ntimetres, the n the numbers would have bcen more conveni ent
as Well. )
36 1
300 Creative P h'ysics Problems wit h Solutions
Solution of Problem 182. T he mean spec ific heat of a gas mixture at constant vol urn
can be dete rmined fro m the formul a U = cvmT and the additive pro perty of eneroe
(U=U l +U2 + U3 ):
cV" ,;x 1nT = cv1 1n 1T + cV2 1n2T + cV3 1n3T = CV1 CY. l1nT + cV2CY.21nT + CV3 CY.31nT,
whe re CY.i is the percentage o f the i th compo ne nt. Divi s ion by mT g ives
(N o te th at the res ult is the arithmetic mean we ighted with the percentages:
CY.lC V1 +CY.2 Cvo +CY.3CV3
'U ",; x
where CY.l + CY.2 + CY.3 = 1. )
+ CY.2 + CY.3
With the mo lecul ar ex press io ns of the individual specifi c heats:
h R
cv",;x =CY.l 2 Nh +CY.2 2 M 2 +CY.3 2 M 3 =
= ( 0.755. ~. ~ + 0.323. ~. ~ + 0. 01 3. ~.~ ) . 8.31 _ J_
2 28
2 32
2 40
10- 3 kg· K
= 714.85-_
kg· K·
(The air investi gated he re contained no carbon-di ox ide, that is why the result di ffers
somew hat fro m the value 71 2 J j( kg· K) fo und in tables .)
Solution of Problem 183. Le t M be the unknown mass of the ice bl oc k, and let ml,
m2 and m = 0.3 kg den ote the masses o f the steams le t into the syste m . The notation
for the equilibrium te mperatures at the di ffere nt stages are t l = 10 0 C, t2 = 15 °C and
t3 = 23 ° C. The heat ba lance equ ati o n afte r the first stage, in parame tric form , is:
Lcml +cw m lt:.t l w+ L rnM +CwMt:.t1M = 0.
Here Lc is the condensati on heat of steam (the inverse of the bo iling heat), Lm is
the me ltin g heat o f ice, and the Cd 's, w ith differe nt subsc ripts, de note the appropriate
te mperature changes.
It is more adva ntageo us to treat thi s equ ati o n, as we ll as the fo llo wing three ones,
nume ricall y, plugg in g in the numerical values of the different thermal co nstants from a
materi a l table:
6 J
- 2.256 ·10 - ·ml +4200 - - ·ml· (-90 C) +334960 - . M+
kg °C
+ 4200 _J_. M . 10 °C=O
kg °C
whi ch g ives us the fo ll ow ing re lati o n betwee n the mass of the ice and the steam :
m l =0. 143113 · M.
The eq uati on of hea t balance of the second stage, in parame tri c form is:
Lcm 2 + cwm 26. t 2w + cw(ml + M) 6. t2/vI = O.
7.2 Ideal gas processes
Th ermodynamics Solutions
an d
in numerical fo rm:
2256 · 10 6 -J ' 7n 2 + 4200 -J- · 7n2·( -85 ° C) + 4200 -k J C · ( JVI + 7n l ) ·5 ° C= O,
- .
kg °C
which leads to the mass of the steam in the second stage:
7n2 = 0.009 1869 · M.
Finally, the heat balance equ ation of the third stage, in parametri c form, is:
L c7n3+Cw7n3 b. t 3w+Cw (7nl + 7n2 +JVI) b.t3M =0 ,
and in numerical form :
-2.256 . 10 6
.0 .3 kg + 4200 _kgJ°_C · 0.3 kg · (-77 °C) +
+ 4200 ko 0C . (0 .1 523M + M)· 8 °c = 0,
and solving the equati on, we obtain th at the mass o f the ice bl oc k initially in the
container is:
AI = 19.986 kg ~ 20 kg.
First solution of Problem 184. In so lid or liquid phases matter is in a bound state,
which means that the sum of the kineti c e nergy of the parti cles (due to thermal moti on)
and the interaction energy is negative. In the solid phase the particles are more stron gly
bound than in the liquid phase, thu s the absolute value of the (negative) energy of the
solid phase is larger than that of the liquid phase. During the solidifi cati on (freezin g)
process matter gets into a state of lower energy and transmits the energy difference into
its environment.
If water is coo led dow n in a very careful way, in the liquid ph ase, it can be coo led
well beyond its freezin g point without crystalli zati on. Thi s phenomenon is call ed
supercooling. To initi ate the freezin g, small crystal seeds should be present, aro und
Which the crystalli zatio n process starts. (The supercoo led state is un stabl e.)
When crystallizati on starts, the (negati ve) energy of the system dec reases further, in
SUch a way that the system transmits a part of its energy to the environment. The energy
released durin g the freez ing of the supercooled water heats up the system to freez ing
POint, so while a part of the supercoo led water beco mes ice, the other part of it remain s
Water at 0 degrees. If all thi s occurs in an in sulated contain er, the tota l e nergy of the
Ice-water mi xture remain s constant.
Let mi denote the mass of the solidi fied water (ice), let 7n be the mass of the total
~rnount of (s upercoo led) water, and let Lo be the so lidi fica ti on heat of water (meltin g
eat of ice).
A part of the heat released durin g the crystalli zati on of ice of mass 7ni heats up the
Unfrozen water of mass 7n - 7n i , the other part of it heats lip the ice from te mperature
JOO C l"cat i,'c Physics ProblcIlls lI'it/l SO / l l tioll S
- 9 aC to 0 aC . Thu s a new equilibrium state of ice and water is reac hed at 0 aC
Sin ce energy does not leak fro m the iso lated co nt ain er, the heat ba lance equation is:
('illl i 61
+ ('" , (III - III i )61 - IIli 1_0 = O.
After rea rrangin g the eq uat ion and express in g the mass of the ice. we ge t:
11/ ;[ 1_0 + (c" . - Ci )6/ ] = c",1Il 6!.
418 7 k,;J 1< ·18kg·9 1<
C,, ' III 61
llii =
L o +(c", - c;) 6!
33LI 960k~ + ( 4 1 8 7 - 2093.4)k~I<.91\:
= 1.9172 ko' ~ 21'0'
'0 '
In the so lut io n we neg lected the fac ts that the hea t of freez in g (Lo) is given at the
freez in g point and th at th e spec iti c heat may vary wi th the temperature.
Scrond solution of Prohlcm 184. In thi s so luti o n we neg lect o nl y the temperatu re
dependence of the spec iti c heal. The so luti on is based on the fac t that iI' the system
gets 1'1'0 111 an initi al state in two dine re nt ways to the same final stat e, the n the energy
chan ges corres pondin g to the two ways are th e sa me.
First let us carefull y transfer en ough heat fro m outside int o the iso lated co ntai ne r so
th at it will heat up the total a mount of supercoo led wat er to the freez in g po in t, i.e. , to
o a C. In thi s way we get 18 kg water at te mperature 0 a C. Then let us withdraw the
same amount of heat from the sys te m, so th at the intern al e nergy of the system wi ll
become the sa me as at th e beg innin g. Thi s will make a part of the water freeze so that
the sys te m reac hes the same tin al state as we had obtained via anoth er way, i.e., init iatin g
the freez in g by sli ghtl y shak in g the co ntainer, or by throw in g a small ice crystal into
the supercoo led water . Le t us deter mine the amount of ice produced by the distrac tion
o f the hea t tra nsmitted in the lirst ste p.
The heat needed to in crease the te mperature of the supercoo led water fro m - 9 a C to
o a Cis:
Ch,=c" ,11I61 = LI1 87 - - . · 18 kg ·9 1<=678294 J .
kg· h.
So now we have 18 kg water at 0 a C. Nex t we take o ut the sa me amount of heat as wc
put in in th e tirst step , d ue to whi ch a part of the wa ter freezes: Q"Llt = miLo. It means
th at the Ill ass of th e froze n ice is:
1I1i = ~- =
67829'1 .J
= ..
= 2.025 k g~2 kg.
334%0 .l j kg
The small (a pprox im atel y s r/r) dine re nce betwee n th e two soluti ons is due to tlW
exc lu sio ns me nti ollL:d above. The va lue of 1_0 is dine re nt in the two so luti ons.
Solution of Prohlcm ISS. a) Whe n the piston is pushed dow nward s, the den si ty of
the saturated water va pour does not cha nge . A part of it eo nden ses , and as a resu lt thC
water le vel ri ses gradu all y while the va pour space is co mpressed both fro m bel ow and
frolll above. Le t .1" stand for the heig ht of the water co lumn in the (in al state. UfoI' tl1C
7. Tlicrmoc/nliclfllics SOIl1 tio n s
7.2 Ideal gas processes
desce nt o f the piston. Let the or igi nal masses o f the water and vapo ur phase be Inw and
/I'Lv, and the fI nal masses be 'I7"<v and m,~, respect ive ly.
In lhe initi al state:
I1lw = Ahli?w = Ail Ln!?v
m v = Ah 2 !?".
The total mass of the materia l in the cy linder is
III\\, +mv
= Ah III!? v + Ah 2!?v = A!?v(nh t + 122) '
In the fi nal state:
= A(h - y - J.·)!?v.
The total mass in thi s state is
Ill:" + Ill:, = An!?v.r + A(h - y - x)!?, = A!?v(ru; + h - y - x) .
The lotal masses writte n in the two
difJ'erent ways arc equa l:
h2 =75c m
that is,
nil L + " 2 = lI .e + h - Y - .r .
Makin g use of the fac t th at the given
fi nal vo lu me of the vapour is \I =
=A (h-y-.t:):
h = 25cm - watur
L~----- ...t
nh 1 + " ·)- = lI.r+-.
frOlll whi ch
.1; =
"I + "2
- +-
75 elll
4500 em 3
=25 Clll + --- ? =40 em =4 dm.
2 ·100 e 11l ~
Substitutin g this into expression Ii - y - .r = - for the vol ume gives
1500 cm J
y = " - .r - - = 100 C ill - 40 CIll ? = 15 C11I = l. 5 dm .
1O0 c m ~
So the pisto n shou ld be pushed do wn by l. 5 dill.
b) In the final state, there is only wa ter un der the piston, whose mass is equa l to the
tOtal initi al mas s of the water and the vapour, that is, to va lue
lI~w + ITlv
= A!?v(llhl + h 2 )
detennined in part a). In the final state, the mass of the water is
300 Creative P hy s ics Problem s with S olu tions
where z is the fi nal height o f the water co lumn . With it
A zne v = A ev(nhl + h 2 ),
fro m which n z = n h l + h2 , and with thi s
75 cm
z =h l + - = 25 cm + - - =62.5 cm=6. 25 dm.
So the pi ston should be pushed dow n by hI + h2 - z = 25 cm + 75 cm - 62.5 cm =::
= 37.5 cm in order to have all saturated va pour condense.
Solution of Problem 186. The process is adi abatic. The mass ive wa ll accelerates
until the pressure on both sides becomes the same. As the piston is thermall y in sulated
it does not gain energy from the gas through tra nsfer of heat. The change in the kineti~
e nergy of the pi sto n is equ al to the sum o f the wo rks done on it (work-k ineti c energy
- mv = WI + \;V2 .
In an adi abatic change the wo rk s done by the two gases are equal to minu s o ne ti mes
the change in the ir internal energies , so
- mv = - t::.. El - t::.. E 2 .
As it is known (e .g. from the data and formula bookl et):
_ P I V I - P2 V2
gas -
"1- 1
"1 = - ,
the rati o of specific heats.
Usin g thi s in our case, the values be longin g to the second state are indi cated with
commas c') and the equ ati on is reorganised:
P~ V{ + P~V;
"I- I
As the wall does not acce lerate upon reaching the maxi mu m speed, the pressures of
the two gases are equal, that is, P~ = P~ have the comm on valu e Pc for a momen t, and
the total vo lume does not change by mov ing the pi ston (wa ll ) (V{ + V; = VI + V2 ) , OLif
equ ati on gain s the foll ow in g form :
7.2 Id eal gas pl'Ocesses
7. Th erm odynamics Solution s
All we have to do now is determin e the comm on pressure pr" In ord er to determin e
iI, we can use th e state equation for adiabatic change o f state (Poisso n' s equ ation ):
PI VII' = 7h VIi,
V"t = jJh' VI;,
7) 2 2
from which
v{= ( PI ) :Y .V[.
By adding th ese and takin g into considerati on th at th e total vo lume is co nstant:
VI + V2 = ( -PI) :y . VI + ( -P2 ) :y .1/2 .
From this , the common press ure after rai sin g the frac ti ons to th e gi ve n power and
reorgaJ1l sll1g IS
from which th e comm on press ure is
(P?Vl +PJV2) "t
(IIl +V)1'
If it is substituted into th e formul a for the kin eti c energy o f the wa ll , the ITquested speed
can be expressed :
=5 .017 - :=:::5 - ,
In detail , with numerical valu cs
{ 4 ·10" Pa · 3 ,10 (~
:3 .2 kg
+ 2.5 . 10 5 Pa · 2 . 10 - 3 111 :..1_
-10 , 10" P a )06 . 3 .10 -
3 111 3 + (2. 5 . 10,, )° 6 .2. 10- 3 m 3 ] § }) - 1/2_
--'----- -- - - - - ' - - - -----'-------;;., -----=--(3.10 - 3 111 3 + 2.10 - 3 111 3 ) 3
0.01 7 -
5 -.
Where "{ =5/ 3 , "{- 1 = 2/ 3 , 1h = 0.6.
First solution of Problem 187. T he pressure o f th e gas mi xture can onl y be in cre ased
by decreasin g th e vo lume since, owin g to th e therm al insulati on o f th e vess d , th e process
300 Crea tive Phy sics Problems with Solu tions
must be adiabatic. Concerning the temperature, volume and pressure of the gas mixt ure
it does not make a diffe re nce whether or not you assume that the two gases, ini ti all y:
of different molar heats and degrees of freedom, are separated by a thin insul ating and
freely moving wall. Then - s ince the given data refer to 0 ° C and atmospheric presSu re
- the two gases fill volumes determined by their quantities. There is exactly I mole
of helium , so VaN e = 22.41 elm 3 , and half a mole of oxygen, so VOo = 11.205 elm 3 .
When the piston is pressed to increase the pressure from
= 10 Pa t~ PI = 2.10 5 Pa
both gas compartments are compressed, while their temperatures increase to differen;
extents. At this stage, the volumes of the individual gases can be expressed from the
equation of adiabatic change. The ratios of the molar specific heats are 5/ 3 = 1'1 fo r
helium and 7/ 5 = 1'2 for oxygen. Thus
V e'
Pa \f'
ONl e =P lIN
Hence the volumes of helium and oxygen after the compression are
V1N = Va"
Po) :;J = 22.41 elm 3 3""
= 14.785 elm .
( Pl
Po) 'Y2 = 11.205 elm 3 s1
= 6.829 elm .
V1 0 = VO o
( Pl
The volume of the gas mixture at PI = 2.10 Pa is now
V = VIN e + Vi 0 2 = 14.785 elm
+ 6.829 elm 3 = 2l.615 elm 3 .
This is not the final volume yet, since the temperatures of the two gases are different. The
balancing of temperatures will involve a change in volumes (now at constant pressure).
The different temperatures of the two gases are given by the universal gas equatio n:
TIN = T / 1V1H e =273K· 2·10 Pa·14.785elm = 360.22K.
Ti o =T/IVI 02 =273K. 2·10 Pa·6.829elm
]JoV0 02
1.105 Pa.1l.205elm3
Now the two gases have the same pressure but different temperatures. The div ider
of the two compartments is then removed ' in two steps'. First it is imagined to turn
into a light and thermally conducting piston, and finally the piston is rem oved. In the
first stage, the temperatures of the two gases are balanced, while the external pi ston is
continually adjusted to maintain the constant pressure of PI = 2.10 5 Pa. (Thi s in volves
the displacement of the external piston, and thus the final total volume will change. ) At
the end of this process, temperature and pressure are both equal in the two compartments,
that is , they are in complete equilibrium. If the (imaginary) piston is now removed,
the two gases will mix until chemical concentrations are also balanced , and the whole
process will stop .
The common temperature can be determined by using the equal absolute values of the
energies absorbed and given off (since there is no energy entering or leaving the vessel
7.2 Ideal gas p rocesses
7. Thermodynam ics Solutions
any more). Now , with the thermally co nducting piston sti ll in , the gases transfer energy
to eac h other until the mean ki netic energy per degree of freedom is balanced between
the twO compartments. Meanwh ile they do work on each other s ince their vo lumes
change. The work can be ex pressed in terms of the molar specific heats at consta nt
and he nce,
T = nH eCphTINe + no2CpoTl o2
nJ-f eCph +no 2C pO
1 mol · 20.5 ----'-----I
1/ ·360.22 K + 0.5 mol· 28 . 7 ~I
J/ ·332.785 K
111 0 '
' J
= 348 .92 K .
1 mol · 20.5 "wI. I( + 0.5 mo l · 28.7 rnol.1(
The combined volume of the two com partments is obtained by adding the individual
final volumes of the two gases, which can be calcu lated from the gas equations for
constant pressure:
348 .92K
VI-l e = VIN e - - = 14.785 elm .
= 14 .321 elm ,
Vo =V1 0 -T
1 02
332.785 K
If the thermally conducting wall is now removed altogether, the two gases will mix , but
neither the te mperature nor the pressure w ill cha nge anymore. Thus the fina l temperature
of the gas mixture is
T= 348.92K ,
and its volume is
V = Vir e + VeS 2 = 14.321 elm 3 + 7.160 dm 3 = 21.481 dm 3 .
Second solution of Problem 187. The result is obtained faster by using the mean
molar heat ratio of the gas mixture, which is obtained as fol lows: The internal energy of
the gas mixture is an additive quantity, so at a temperature T, the total internal energy
of a mixture of n1 moles of one gas of molar specific heat CUI and n2 mo les of another
gas of molar specific heat C u2 is
n1CVl T + n2Cv2T = (nl +n2)Cv T,
Where the mean molar he at at constant volume is
C _ n 1Cv1 +n2 C v2
n1 +n2
vthat is, the arithmetic mean weighted with the numbers of moles. The molar heat at
COnstant pressure is
300 C r ea ti, 'c P}'.I"::;ics Pro blCIll S lI ' it}, So /u tiolls
H ence the mL:an mo lar hL:at at co nstalll prL:ss lIre is
' _ 1/, C" , + 1/ 2 C ,,2
+ 1/2
The rati o of th e mean mol ar specilic hL:ats is
, == -("" == -;== 1/, C" , + 11 2C,,2
I/,C" , + 1I2C,'2
With the g i vL: n inform ati on substit ut ed, thL: valuL: of th L: ratio for thL: gas mi xtllre
in ves ti gatL:d is
~{ =
[ 111 01· 20 .0 III"r " + 0 .5 m o l · 28 .7 I1IO"!. "
= 1.5,1;:)5.
[11 101 ·1 2.3 -lllil ',-'. -,\. + 0. 5 111 0 1·20 .·5 -IiIC I'-,). -I\ '
T hi s lllak L:s all ca lcul atio ns Illuch simpler.
un i versa l gas L:q uat io n:
\~ , =
ThL: initial VO llllllL: is ob tain ed from the
(N , + N 2 )kT
' .
( 6 · 10 2 :1 + 3· 1 O::n) . 1.38 , 10- 2 :1 J, · :273 1-":
---------::-------"-,,'---- = 3:l .9 1 ' 10- ') Ill :) = 33.9 1
10'-' Pa
ThL: equation o f adiabatic chan ge statL:S jJo \~; = PI V , . HL:n ce
V = \!()
-: - = 33 .91 dlll ~
= 21.65 I dlll
2 1"
TilL: din'L:ren ce from th L: va lllL: abovL: is ca used by th e fac t that the g i ve n mo lar
hL:at s arc ro undL:d va luL:s. (In calculating thL: mean Ill o lar hea t rati o 'Y , thL: sL: roundings
influenced th e re sult in a din'L:rL:nt way.)
ThL: final tL: lllpL:rature is silllpl y ob tain L:d frolll th e uni versa l gas L:quation agai n:
_. ' 2·lO'-' Pa·21.60,lclllI:)
jJO \~ '
, .lO s Pa·33,9 1 dlll '
T=To- - =2r3 h.·
, ..
=3<18 ,661",.
in good agreL:melll w ith thL: first so luti on abovL:.
Solution of Prohlem ISS. a) In equ ili briull1. both prL:ss lIre and tL:ll1peralll rL: arc ,he
sa ll1e on both sides. ThL: statL: L:qu ati o n for the two gases after thL: L:qllilibriull1 is re ac hed:
II, (V, -
{:, V) = N,/..;T",
11, ,(\12 + {:, V) = A2/'-T, ..
V, - {:, V
Dividin g ( I ) by (2) givL:s
= - . mu1tipl y in~ hy th e dL:nolll in ators:
V2 + {:, \.
V , 1\ '2 - {:, V A2
= 1f2 A I + {:, V A I .
( I)
7.2 Ideal gas pro cesses
7. T henll o ciYlla llJics Solu t ions
from whi ch the vo lumc swept by the piston is:
No V] - N l V?
.6V =
- .
NI + N2
The relati onsh ip bctween the numbers of particles and thc initial data of the gases IS
oiven by the state eq uat ion:
7Jr VI = N I k:T I ,
jJ2 V2 = N 2 kT2 ·
From thesc, th e numbers of particles can be substituted into (3):
1'0 \ '2 \1
.6V =
h'T 2
_ L:0..i \1
After simplifyi ng and factoring ou t:
"V = (P2TI -P jT2)VIV2 = (3 · lO · 350 - 2.1O° .280) · 4 · 5
-'--- - = - - - - - - . . . . . , , - - - - - ' - - d m = l. 31 elm .
VII ) I T 2 + jJ 2 V2TJ
2 . 10 0 . " ·280 + 3 . 10 J · 5 . 350
The di splacemen t of the piston is
1.31 111 3
.6 V
6 8 = -- =
=1.31 elm.
l C I1l
(Those who start with the gas law written for the cha nges In the state of the gases
enclosed in the two parts , e nd up with the foll ow in g:
Pe(V] - 6V )
]]1 VI
(1' )
- -
P2 V2
Pc(V2 + 6V )
(2' )
(1') divided by (2' ) gives
PI V j T 2
V] - 6V
1'2 V2T 1
V2 + 6V
After rearrangement the change in vol ulllc is acq ui red illlmediately.)
Those who start with the co nservat ion of the total energy of the gases enclosed in the
CY lin der can wri te up the following:
_;} 3 5
- 3
E= - lh Vl + - lhV? = - · 2 ·10" - · 4 . 10
III + - · 3·]0" · 5 · 10
2 - -
= 1200 .1 + 3750.1 = 4950.1.
The energy in the new equilibrium expressed with the com mon temperature is
1J? Vo )
5 kT = ( 3 1h
-.V- + -52 ----=----=T .
-3 N lh:T ·+-JV.
( 2 2
2 T]
300 Creati ve P hysics Problem s wit h Solu tions
With numeri cal values, after simpli fy ing by the powers of 10 and the suitab le uni ts:
Tc = 3
3·2·4 + 5 · 3· 5
I' ·350 K · 280 K=294 .3 K .
. 2 . 4 . 280 + 5 . 3 . 5 . 350\.
The common pressure reached in equilibrium is
:!. + P2T2 2) T C.
( E.!...!'
2 .10 5 Pa·4
VI + V2
+ 3. 10 Pa·G
4+ 5
280·294 .3 = 2. 5 . lOG Pa.
The change in volume is acquired from the gas law written e.g. for helium:
Pc(V2 - !:::. V)
from which
2.10 5 .l'!.- .4 .10- 3 m 3
!:::.V=V2 - Tc . ~=4.10 -3 m 3 -2943K ·
111 2
=l.31 elm 3 .
2.5 ·10 Pa· 350 K
So the displacement of the pi ston is !:::. S =!:::. V/ A = l.31 elm.
b) If the piston is permeable, the pressure, the temperature and the density of both
gas mixtures will be the same on both sides. The piston can be in equilibrium in any
state. Its pl ace is determined by the rate of the equali sati on of the temperature and the
diffusion speed of the different materi als.
c) If the pi sto n allows only helium to diffuse into the other part, the piston will mo ve
to the end pos iti on on the side that orig inally co ntain ed only hel ium , the sum of partial
pressures will always be greater in the mixture. The helium concentrati on stri ves to
equali se in the process. (Conce ntrati on is an intensive state vari ab le like pressure and
First solution of Problem 189. The fact that the co ntainers are connec ted does not
make it imposs ibl e to maintain a temperature difference between them , but ensures that
the pressure is the same in each of the three containers. Therefore the masses of gases in
the containers must change, gas should fl ow to the coolest container from the other two
The quantities describing the initial and final state are show n. The initi al temperatu re
pressure, the initi al mass of gas (w hi ch is the eq ui valen t of I mole per container) and
the final temperatures in each co ntainer are know n. The vol umes of the co ntainers and
the total mass of gas remain s unchanged throughout the process . The final pressure and
change in energy can be determined eas ily by usin g the co nservati on of matter principle
and applyin g the eq uation of state to the different containers.
7.2 Ideal gas processes
7. Therm odynamics Solutions
The total number of mo les is constant (there is no
leak in the system), so:
where no = 1 mo le. Applying the equ ati on of sta te
to any of th e containers in its initial state, we ha ve:
Po V = no RTo ,
APplying the equation of state to each co ntain er in
their final states, we get:
pV = n ]RT1 ,
pV =n2RT2,
pV =n3RTJ,
where T2 = To· Iso lating the number o r mol es usin g equations (3), (4) and (5) and
insertin g them into equation ( I ), we obtain:
(1' )
RTI + RT2 + RT3 = 3110.
Let us isol ate R / V from equation (2) :
noTo '
and multipl y equation ( I ' ) by R / V:
+ -1 + -1 ) = 3'110 -R = 3n[)
- - = 3- .
T2 T3
p (-
From whieh the final pressure is:
. Po
T [T 2 T3
1() T[ T2 + Tl T3 + T2 T3
simplify thi s ex press ion using T2 = To:
substitutin g kn ow n values , we find :
373 · 573
p=3· 10 - ·
cm 2 373· 473+373·573+473 · 573
c m2
The total intern al energy of the gas in its final state is:
U = U l + U2 + U3 = c"ITI [Tl +C,, 1TI2T2 +c." m 3T J '
300 Creative P hy sics Problems wit h S olutions
ass umin g that the mass of a gas can be written as the product of its molar mass al d
number of moles, we obtain :
U = cvM(n JTl + n 2T2 + n3T3) .
Substitutin g the number of moles isolated from equ ati ons (3), (4) and (5) , we get:
To P
To P
To P )
U = cv NI ( n O- Tl + nO - - T2 + nO - -T3 .
Po T 1
Po T2
Po T3
Note th at the fin al temperatures of gases cancel out, which mea ns that the energ ies of
gases in the three di fferent co ntainers are the same in spite of the fact th at their masses
and temperalllres are diflerenl. There fore the total intern al energy of oxygen gas in its
fin al state is:
Tl ToT3
U = 3cvllIno- p = 3cvllI no ' 3 T 1', T T
1', T
1 0+ 1 3+ 0 3
Substilllt ing know n values, we fi nd:
-3 kg
473 K
4 N
U=3·6 70 - - ·32· 10 ·1 mol · - - , · 9.7 · 10 - 2 =29510 .6J .
kg K
10 5 ~
1II 2
The initi al internal energy is:
Uo = 3cv MnoTo = 3 ·670 - - , · 32 · 10
kg h.
·1 mol ·473 K = 30423 J .
So the total energy of oxygen decreased - energy fl ew out of the sys tem throughout
the process. The change in the total intern al energy of oxygen gas is:
!::.. U = U - Uo = 295 10. 6 J - 30423 J = -912.4 J .
Second solution of Problem 189. The pro blem can also be so lved by using the
number of molecules and the degree of freedom. The total number of molecules is
Nl + N 2 + N 3 =3No ·
Us in g the equ ati on of state, we get:
Po V = N okTo ,
pV = N l kT1 ,
pV = N 2 kT2 ,
pV = N3 kT3.
Iso latin g the number of molecules and substituting them into equati on ( I '), we obtai n:
pV + pV + pV _ 3PO V
kT2 kT3 - kTo '
Let us divide by V/ k -val and then iso late the fin al pressure:
p = 3PoTl To + TlT3+ ToT3 =9.7 cm 2 '
as T2 = To .
7 Th ermodynam ics Solutions
7.2 Ideal gas processes
If the change in the energy is now cal cul ated using the deg ree of freedom, there will
a sli ght diffe rence in our answer co mpared to the prev ious soluti on. Thi s is caused by
b;e fact that although the spec ifi e heat of oxygen is give n as 670 J / ( kg K), in real ity
:t is less than th at [653 J /(kg K) ] . Let us ex press the fin al total e nergy using the degree
of freedom:
substitute the express ions for the number of mo les and V iso lated fro m eq uati on (2') :
V = Lk (PV + pV + PV) = L 3pV = L 3p NokTo.
substituting know n va lues, we fin d:
N 6.10 23 .1.38.10 - 23 J / K ·427 K
V='2 . 3 . 9 .7 ern2'
10N/ cm 2
= 25721.2J,
. The initi al total energy is:
. 23
Vo = '2' 3NokT o = '2. 3 . 6 ·10
·1.38 · 10
- 23
· 427 K = 26612.8 J,
so the change in the energy is:
!:::. V = V - Va = 2572 1. 2 J - 266 12.8 J = - 891.6 J.
The difference betwee n the two res ults fo r the c hange in e nergy means a relati ve error
f' 91 2.4 - 891.6
891. 6
= 0.0234 = 2.34 o.
First solution of Problem 190. Let us determine the mi ss ing data in states A and B
first. Accordin g to the fig ure, the unknow n press ure in state A is related to the given
data as foll ows: PA/(VO - VA) = po/Vo , and so
Va - VA
Po= - Po
(=0.4-10 Pal·
Similarl y, the pressure in state B sati sfies pa / (Vo - Va) =Po / Vo , and so
Va - Va
(=0.7· 10 Pal·
The unknow n temperatu re in state B is determined by usin g the uni versa l gas equ at ion:
The product Nk will be needed below. It can be obtained fro m the relati onship PA VA =
::::: N kTA . Wi th the use of equ at ion ( I ) and the gi ven inform ati on VA = 2Vo/ 3 :
Nk =
~po· ~ Vo 2poVo
= 9' TA
= 1. 067[(
JOO C rcati, 'c Ph" s ics Problelll s \I'itl) Solution s
T he fun ct ion p( V ) desc r ib in g th e process is provided by th e equati on of the I'
I llc
pass ,ll1 g th ro ugh th e poi nt s (
0:/1(1) (
and V() :O) :
II ( V ) =
V + PII = III) (1 - ~)'
T he funct ion T ( V ) is obtained from (4) and (5):
Le t Q ( II ) de note th e hea t absorbed by th e gas fro m th e surro un din gs while it s vo luillc
changes fro m VA to V, L et us determine th e fun cti on Q ( II ),
Accord in g to th e lirst law of therm ody nami cs.
T herefore. th e tas k is to find th e cha nge in intern al energy and th e work done on the gas
durin g a decrease o f vo lume from V,\ to any V, T he energy change is obtained from
th e formul a 6 U =
L2 Nk6T w ith th e usc of (4) and (6):
2 Jill licJ { -T.9 \ [ -V - ( -V ) '.!. ] - T..\ } =
6 U = -5 1\ , k( T - T"J) = -:J , --:2
2 9 Tri
0(V) 5(V) - 95 '
= 1111 1'1 1 [ 2 v;) - "2 v;)
Th e work done on th e gas is represe nted by ' th e area under th e graph ' over th e interva
VA --+ V:
I \ ' = - I) rI 2+ II (If - I ~.\ ).
W ith th e usc o f ( I ). (5) and 11,\
\ \. = -
= :2 licJ/ J:
~ [~/IO + (l - I;J] ,(V - ~ IIc J) = - ~ [~/ill - III) I~J (V - ~ IIc ') ,
W ith th e indi ca ted operat ions and rea rrange ment carri ed out, th e ex press ion obt ained fo
th e wor k is
7.2 Id eal gas processes
'f/J enn oclvlla mics Soilltio ll s
!:.---rhu s, with the substitut io n of (8) and (9) in (7), th e fun cti on Q (II) is
Q (\I) =jJlJ \r()
{[~2 ( ~\!(, ) - ~2 (~110 ) 2 - ~l9 + [ ( ~110 ) - ~2 ( ~\r(l ) 2 - ~l9 } .
Si,]lplified and rea rra nged:
Q( II) = / ill \Il) -7 ( -11 ) - 3 ( -11 ) 2 - 1 .
[ 2 \r()
The analysis of the functi on Q ( II) provides the fo ll owi ng infor mati on. The net heat
absorbed increases until th e gas is grad uall y co mpressed from th e in iti al vo lume of IIA
to 7\1{J / 12 . The net hea t absorbed so far is
As the gas is co mpressed further fro m the
volume 7110 / ] 2, it gives o n' heal. That heat is
obtained as the din'e rencc o f the total heat tra ns fer
during the whole process and the heat trans fer
during the co mpress io n to 7\!(,/ 12, s ince
Q (\',, - \ 'o )
= Q( \ , _ .i.. \ ' ) + Q(.i.. \' _ I ' )'
jJ() \!(l
Q(v." _.i..
\' ) = Q il l,,"rh ed = -48- = 30J,
11 11
With the substit uti on of Ill] = 5110 / 12 in the
functi on Q( II) ( 10), the total heat tra nsfer during
the Whole process is
3Pu o
7 5
3po 110
Q ( \ . _ \ ' ) == J!II \1{,
+ - · - - 1 ==-/JII\Il ,-==- - - .
( - 3·4
H4 2 12
Thu s the heat absorbed by the gas is
3po \Il,
/ iO \Il,
Po \Il)
Q( f; \ l l - \ 'u) == Q(\'4 - \ '0 ) - Q( \' ,-f; \ ~ J) == - 48 - ---=t8 == -~ '
With nume ri ca l da ta:
Q( GC \ 'Il - \ ..n )== - -12 .J. 2 .10'-' Pa .1 2 ,l0 -
Ill '
= - 120J
therefure the heat give n o A' d uring the process is QIl f!' == 120 J,
300 Creati ve Physics Problems w ith Solution s
Second solution of Problem 190. There is another way to determine the ----------volu
Vx dow n to wh ic h heat is absorbed. The gas absorbs heat while its vol ume decrea'lle
to 11;", but gives off heat when it is co mpressed further. T hi s implies that in a srnsel
ne ighbourhood of Vx there is no heat absorbed or given off. More accu rately, the p( ~ I
di agra m of the process touches the c urve of the ad iaba ti c process passing th roug h tI )
po int [V"" p(Vx )] . Consider the ad iaba tic curve passing throug h a n arbitrary po in t [V pjC
The slope of the c urve is expressed as fo ll ows :
P= c , V --y
(c =constant),
Po ""
'-:'. ".
- = -1 - ·
Along the curve p(V) of the process investigated, the slo pe of the adiabatic c urve at
volume V can be expressed with (8):
( :~
) a diabat
C~I~ )
= _1 :
(1 - ~)
The s lope of the p(V) diagram of the gas is - Po for all volumes. The slopcs can be
set equal. Thu s (g iven that 1 = 7/ 5 for oxygen gas ),
_ ~ Po
(1 _11;" ) _ _ PoVa '
a ndso
Vx = - Vo·
The n the solution continues as above.
Solution of Problem 191. a) We work with exactly 1 mol o f hydrogen gas in this
cyclic process . Let us draw the isothermal c urves of the hyd rogen gas for temperat ure
Tl = 273 K, T2 = 2 · Tl = 546 K and T3 = 819 K on the p- V diagram. The cycl e sta rt
at po int 1 . When the hydroge n reac hes po int 2 , its pressure doubles and so does it
temperat ure, which is therefore 546 K. The heat absorbed by the gas in thi s process is
Q1 = cvmf:':..T1 = 10100 k: K .2.10- 3 kg · 273 K = 5514.6 J.
When the gas is heated to T3 = 819 K , its temperature is increased to T3/T2 = 1. 5 ti mes
its previous value, therefore its new volume becomes 1.5V1 = 1. 5 ·22.4 .10 - 3 111 ::
= 33.6 litre. The heat absorbed by the gas in this second process is:
Q 2 = cp mf:':..T2 = 14280 ~. 2 .10 - 3 kg · 273 K = 7797 J.
The total heat absorbed by the gas is Q a bso r b ed = Q1 + Q2 = 1331l.6 J so far. In th
third process heat is rejected from the gas.
7.2 Tdeal gas processes
Th ermodynamics Solutions
The efficiency of the cycle is the rati o of the work done by the gas to the heat absorbed
bY the gas. (The rejec ted heat in the third process does not have any e ncc t on the
jficiency .)
e The work done by the gas is give n by the enclosed area, whi ch is :
\ V =2" Ll pD. II=2".10
S (::>
a· l1. 2 ·10 -
=560 ,].
Hence the effi ciency in questi on is:
77= - - -
Q1 + Q 2
560 _
13311 .6 - 4.2 o.
b) The equ ati on of the line th at passes th ro ugh points 1 and 3 is:
P3 - PI
113 - III
Rearranging thi s, we get:
Using the equati on of state, we can ex press
the pressure in terms of te mperature, whi ch
can then be substituted into the equ ati on
of the line. Thi s way we ca n ex press
the temperature in term s of volume durin g
process 3- 1. Since we have I mol a l'
hydrogen gas, p = RT / V.
Thus the temperature can be ex pressed in
terms of volume as:
T == ~ . ])3 - P l . V2 + ~ . P I V3 - 7)3 VI . V.
R V3 - V I
V3 - V1
Substituting the given data, we find :
T == 1074437 - I< . 11-.J - 12033.69 - K. . V.
111 3
The temperature there fore changes as a
44 .8
V(dm )
second degree fun cti on of vo lume durin g process 3- 1. Now, by iso lating now the
volume in stead of the press ure fro m the equ ati on o f state, we obtain a similar co nnecti on
between the temperature and press ure :
1 V3- VI 2 1 P 3 VI - PI V3
T = - . - - - . /) + - .
))3 - P I
R.])3 - P 1
o the oive
n data
' we find .'
1<111 4 . )
T = 1. 35 . 10 - 8 - _ . p- + 1.30 · 10
- J
. Ji.
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Obviously, during processes 1-2 and 2-3 the temperature changes as a linear fUncr"
of pressure and volume respectively:
T= TI .V =121 87. 5 K. V , a nd
T= TI . p=2.73.10- 3 K m
Solution of Problem 192. For process 1 -7 2 it is true that
2 . 10- 3 m G
V 2 = - - - -- .T.
From this
T = 3· lOG ~. V 2
If this is substituted into the universal gas law pV = n RT:
5 Pa
P = 1 mo I · 8.31 - - ·3 · 10 -G. ::::; 25 ·10 -3. V
Similarly , for process 3 -7 4
2.10 - 3 m 6
V 2 = _ __ --·T
from which
T = 1.5· 10 5 ~.
If this is substituted into the universal gas law pV = n RT:
p = 1 mol · 8.31 mol. K ·1. 5 ·10
5 Pa
m 6 ' V::::; 12 .5 ·10 m 3 ' V
From the equations the state variables can be calculated:
For state
From the figure:
VI =VlO - 3 m 6 = 3.16 .10 - 2 m 3 ,
TI = 300 K ,
and from (I )
PI = 25 · 10
similarly, for state
-3. VI = 25 ·10 - 3 . 3.16 ·10
m = 0.79 ·10
P a,
CV from the figure
V2 =V2· 10- 3 m 6 = 4.4 7.10 - 2 m 3 ,
T 2 = 600 K,
and from ( I)
P2=25 ·10 - ·3 V2 =25·10
- 3 · 4.47 · 10
m =1.11 8· 10 Pa .
7.2 Ideal gas processes
f hermodY ll a,m ics Solutions
f or state
CD from the figure
V3 = V2 = 4.47 ·10
- 2
m ,
T3 = Tl = 300 K,
and from (2)
5 Pa
5 Pa
P3 = 12. 5 ·10 3 ' V3 = 12.5 ·10 3 . 4.47 · 10
m = 0.56 ·10 Pa.
f or state @) from the figure
V4 =V3 =3.16.10 - 2 m 3 ,
= 150 h.
T4 = and fro m (2)
P 4 = 12.5 ·10
5 Pa
3 ' V4 = 12.5 · 10 3 .3 .16 · 10
m = 0.4 ·10 Pa.
Based on these data, the P- V diagram can be created:
p ( 10 5Pa )
1. 11 --- -. --- - --- - --------- ----. --- -- ---- ----. -------
0.79 ------------------ -- - -
0. 56 -- ------ -- --- --------0.4 ------- - -. -------
- --
The useful work is
W = PI ;P2 (V2 _ Vd _ P3 ;P4 (V2 _ Vd = P1 + P2 - 2(P3 + P4) (V2 - Vd ,
with numerical values :
w= 0.79 + 1.11 ; 0.56-0.4 .10 1~2 .(4.47 - 3.16) . 10- m =6 15 .7 J.
The heat absorbed is
Qin = Q41 +Q 12 = 6E4 1 + 6E 12 - VV12 =
f (T1 -T4 ) + -nR
f (T2 - T1 ) + ---(V2
P1 + P2
= -nR
- Vd ,
JOO C rcati,·c P hys ics Problems witiJ So/ut ioll s
in short:
. 1)1 + P2
(j ill = 2" R (T 2 - T . l + ~(\l2 - \I]) =
= - ·1111 01· 8.31 11101. [-;: · (CiOO - 1-:50) 1"': +
0.79 + 1.11
· 10 Pa (LI.LI7 - 3.1Ci ) ·1O - 2 Ill :; "
= 1059;3 .2 J.
The e Oiciency is
_ \ \" _
'1- - -
Gl 5. 7 J _
_ . ,
- 0.05 81 -5 .81 /{.
10093.2 J
Solution of Prohlem 193. a) Appl ying the equ ati on of state to th e init ial and fin a
situ ati on and ass umin g that \II = \12 = \I , we get:
= NI "-:T I ·
1)2 \I = N 2 i,T2 •
1)1 \I
where IV2 is the sum of th e 80% of NI and the double of the 20 % of IV] . Therefor
in th e final state:
\I jJ 2 = (0. 8N I + 2· O.2 J\'tlkT2 = 1. 2N j kT2 .
Di vidin g equati o n (2) by equati o n ( I ) gives:
·- T j '
/ = 1 ')---=---=-
whi ch yie ld s:
b) The initi al internal e nergy of the gas is givcn by:
Vj = JiNI/'-T I ,
while the en ergy at temperature T2 is:
V 2 = j~1 . O. 8N I /,-T2 + .~2 2 . O.2NI /,-T2 ..
where It =·5 a nd h = 3 arc the degrees o f freedom o f a diat omi c ane! monatom ic ga
respec ti ve ly. Us in g thi s. we obt ain :
U ) = ( -5 · 0. 8 + :
- ·\
OA) 1\'1 /,;T) = 2 .CiNI /'-T).
7.2 Id eal gas processes
" Th eJ'lIl Ocl.l'Il<llllics So lu tions
fhererore the rati o o f energies is:
It ·0.8N kT2 + I.f · 0 .4NlkT2
l,j-.NlkT I
0. 8I 1 0.4/2 T2
-"--'--.".--.......-:.-=.. -
+ 1.2 T 2
2.6 T 2
2.5 Tl
= - - - = - . - = 1.0LI 5
First solution of Problem 194. 6p / 6 V is pos iti ve, oeca use if it was negati ve, then
the maxiJ1lu11l teJ1lpe rature o r the gas wo uld be 5 °C durin g the process. Let To and Vrl
stand for the initi al da ta and let I
~{~ I oe .~.
Our task can be rephrased as foll ows : we arc loo kin g
for the gradient of all strai ght lin es pass in g th ro ugh point
p ,
(Vo , jJo) of the state pl ane th at are bet wee n the ve rt ica l
direction and the gradi ent of the tangent of the isoth ermal
curve belon gi ng to temperature T" ",x and oe long to the
compression of the gas. These fall into an interval closed
from the left and open frolll th e ri ght. From the ri ght the
limiting valu e of the gradient -(X) . Kn ow in g thi s, we
only ha ve to find the left oo un da ry of the interval , that
P_0t -_ _ _;'-;-_ _ _..,......._
is, the gradient o f the line with the highest gradi ent (it s
absolute va lue is the small es t) th at has a co mm on point
with the isoth ermal curve bel o ngin g to temperature T",ax , Fro m the properl y of the
hyperbola it ca n be seen that e ve ry strai ght line pass ing th ro ugh point (Vo, PO ) has
two point s of int ersec ti o n with it except for th e 'verti cal' line, the ' hori zontal ' lin e and
the lines belongin g to the points of tangen cy (in the case of the laller we ca n speak about
two coin cidin g point s o f intersec ti on). See the gra ph o f Soluti o n 2 as well.
Let us use th L: uni versal gas law.
For the initial data of an id~al gas
Pu \III = N kTo,
the relati onship oetwee n the rele va nt data is
llV = j\' ~'T
Accordin g to til L: co nditi o n for co mpress ion
11 - 110
V - \~J
---=:- r
. .
FrOlll hL:re, th L: press ure at any tilll L: is
II = - .cV + .rI~1 + Po.
SUbstitutin g thi s into the gas law rearranged for T gives
T= - I pV = 1- [ -.rV 2 + ( Ilo + .~\II) ) V 1= - -:rV -' + Po + .1: \II) v.
A I.Nk
300 Creative Physics Prob lems with Solu tions
Thi s fun cti o n is qu adratic in V (its g ra ph is an in ve rted parabo la that passes th rouoh
the ori g in), so the volume be lo ngin g to the ma ximum te mperature is ha lfway betwe~n
the two zeros o f the function , that is, the volume be lo ng in g to the max imum temperature
is the ar ithmeti c mean o f the two so luti o ns o f equ ati o n
_ ~V2 po +x Vo VNk
+ Nk
-0 ,
that is, o f equ ati o n
V ( -xV + Po + yo) = O.
Po +xV
V; nax
= :""::"'-2 -"::'o
If this is substituted into the gas law, then the max imum tempe rature is acq ui red :
Trnax =
(po + XVO)2
This give s the qu adratic equ ati o n
V02x 2 - 2Nk(2Tmax - To )x + p6 = 0
for x . Its so luti o ns are
X1.2 =
2Nk(2Trnax - To) ± V4N2k 2 (2~n ax - TO)2 - 4 p~V02
T akin g into consideration that Po Vo = N kTo , substitutin g th is a nd fac to rin g out Nk/ V~
g ives
x = ~o~ ( 2Trnax - To ± 2 V~"ax (T"r ax - T) ) .
With nume rical values
6 . 10 23 _1_ · 1 mol· 1. 38-1.
m ol
3 . 10- 2 m 3
1( .
2 . 344 K - 278K ± 2V344 K (344K - 288K ) ::::
6 Pa
6.54 · 10 - 3
5 Pa
9.995· 10 m 3
Onl y the sleeper graph o f the first result correspo nds 10 a compress io n. So the sol uti on
o f the proble m is
/:::" P
6 Pa
< -/:::,. V <
- 6. 54· 10 - 3 .
Second solution of Problem 194. (Us ing coordinate geo metry) . The ge neral equation
o f straig ht lines pass in g th ro ugh po int (Po , V o ) is
P- Po =a(V - Yo) ·
7, Th erm odynamics Solutions
7.2 Ideal gas processes
The equation of the hyperbo la (isothermal curve) is
Let us find the value of gradient a. where the common points (po ints or intersec tion ) or
the straight lin e and the hyperbola co in cide , that is, the gradient of the tangent of th e
hyperbola that passes through point (Po , \!(J) . By substituting (2) into ( I) the coordinates
of the points of intersection are acquired:
n RTllmx
- Po = a(V - Vo),
From here, a mixed quadratic equation is acquired
for V:
aV2 + (Po - aVo)V - nRT",ax = 0,
In the case of tange ncy the D disc rimin ant is zero ,
D = (po - a VO )2 + 4anRTIllax = 0,
which gives another quadratic eq uation for the
gradient a:
Va2 a 2 + (4n RTlll ax - 2Vopo )a + Po2 = 0,
Taking Po \!() = n RTo into consideration , the following express ion is acq uired for the
_ , 2T,lIax - To ± 2jT,~,ax - T, lIax To
a1.2-- n R
\/, 2
This is the same as in the first so luti on.
Third solution of Problem 194. (Using derivative). The pressure-volume runction
with maximum temperature is:
The gradi ent belongi ng to volume V is equal to the diA'erential
- n RTIlJa x
'fhe equation of the straight line passing through points (Po, Vo ) and (p , V) is
f'.. p
f'.. V
P - Po
- - - =0.
(2) .
Where a is the grad ient of the equati on,
Makin g the two gradients [(2) and (3)] equal and making use of ( I):
/I l?Tlll iJ X
V - Vo
n RTll lax
300 Creat ive P hysics Problem s with Solutions
T hi s gives a mi xed q uadrati c equati o n fo r V:
Po V 2 - 2nR~nax V + n RTllIax Vo = 0,
whose soluti o ns are
V1. 2 -- n R~lIax ± J~m\ATlIlax - To) .
If the res ult is subs ti tuted into (2) , the n the requested gradie nt is acquired:
nR (Tmax ±JTlllax (Tm ax - TO)
By substituting the numeri cal va lues we acquire the prev io us so lutions. (By remo
the roo t fro m the de no min ato r the above e xpress io ns are also acquired parametric
First solution of Problem 195. If t he te mpe rature of the atmosphere rises, a p
the absorbed heat inc reases its intern al e ne rgy, whil e the rest of the heat is con vert
mec hani ca l work due to the ex pans io n o f the gas. In our probl e m thi s work incr
the g rav itat io na l po te nti a l e ne rgy of the atmosphere. (Indeed , the centre of mass
a ir co lumn in the atmosphe re gets hi gher. )
Q = 6. E g r av + 6. u.
From here, the inc rease of the gravitati o na l pote nti al e nergy is:
6. E g rav = Q - 6. U.
The c ha nge of the in te rn al e ne rgy 6. U can be writte n as:
6.U =
L2 Nk 6.T.
How can the absorbed heat Q be de termined ?
Let us imag ine that the atmosphe re was di vided
s ma ll 'ai r parcels' , and each parcel was wrapped
a weig htl ess ' bag ' whi ch is infinitely stretc hable.
pressure Po in the lowest bags ari ses fro m the w
of the air column above the m, whi c h is uncha
in the process, therefore the pressure in the lo
parcels re mains the same during the te mperature inc
Acco rdin g to the same logic , the press ure also re
constant in the air parce ls at hi gher levels. T hu s in
parce l the e ncl osed ai r undergoes an isobaric process
ow n pressure, while the bags expand in vertica l di re
(I n late ra l directi o n the ne ighbo urin g parcels preve
expans io n.)
• Thermodynam ics Solu tions
7.2 Ideal gas processes
During the iso baric expansion the air in the it}, bag absorbs the heat
Qi =
2 Nik D.T.
""l11arizing these express ions for al l the bags, we get:
( + 2 (L' \ "N';) kD.T=-2J + 2 Nk D.T.
Q=LQ·; = -· -2-
So the change of the gravitationa l potcntial energy is:
D.Eg r w = Q - D. U = -' -Nk D.T - ~Nk D. T= Nk D.T = - RD.T.
The total mass m of the atmosphere can be determined from the air press ure at the
surface of the Earth. (Indeed, the force pu shing the area A of the surface of the Earth
coITles from the weight of the air above this area .)
PoA = 4R? 7f gA ,
4R E7f
is the mass of the air column above a unit area of the Earth , R E is the radius of the
Earth , and m A A is the mass of the air above the area A .
The height of the atm osphere is neg li gibl y small with respect to the radiu s of the Earth.
Consequently , the air column above the area A can be regarded as a straight prism , and
the dependence of the gravitational acceleration g on the altitude is also negligible. The
weight of the air in a straight pri sm of base A gives the force pushing the surface A :
F = mAAg = PoA .
From equation (2) the total mass of the atm os phere is:
4· (6370 . 10 3 m )27f ·10" P a
=5. 1·10 kO'.
10 S~2
Writing thi s into equati on ( I ), we obtain th at the increase of the gravitational potential
energy of the atmospherc is:
t:.Egrav = 4R~7fPO RD.T = m RD.T = 5.1.10 kg .8.31 _J_' l K = 1.46 .10 21 J.
l\!I g
29. 10 - 3 k
mol · K
solution of Problem 195. Let us start with the barometric formula.
cCording to it, the de nsity of the air at the altitude his:
A. Second
() = ()o e - ~
e eo is the den sity of the air at sea leve l and mo is the mass of an air molecul c.
300 C rea t ive P hys ics ProbleIll s ""ith Soltltion s
At the alti tude It the mass of an air laye r of area A and heig ht 6h is:
6/1l = 6V O=A 6hO =A 6h Ol) e
- ~
and it s grav itati onal potc nti al cnergy is:
''' {lU "
6 /';);1'f1\'4 = 6 mgh = A6ItOo e-~ · gll.
These energics have to be su mm arizcd along the whole he igh t ( h ---; CXJ ) of the ai r
co lumn of base area A. As 6h ---; 0 , in do in g so we get the foll ow in g integral :
We ca n fin d in the integral table , in the chapter of expo ne nti al fun ction s, that the
primiti ve fun cti on for thi s indefi nite integ ral is:
xe' d.!;=~
.) (a.c- l ).
T ak in g int o co nside rati on th at in ou r case a is negati ve and de notin g it by - 0' , we get
/ .ce - 'l'CLC = e:(~' (- Co.: - 1).
Ap pl yin g the fund ament al th eore m of ca lculu s, the definite int eg ral is:
; .ce - il·'d:c=
[ e- o .,
)(-0'.1' - 1)
=0-~(()- 1 ) = ?
- 0' u
0' 0-
Co mparin g th e abs tract integral with the integ ral appearin g in th e formul a fo r the
grav itati o nal pote nti al energy , we ca n sec th at CI takes the va lue
so the integ ral de finin g the gravita tiona l pote nti al energy is :
EI', '"'' _ = gAQIl '
~ = gAOu ( //log
kT )
0 -
2 .
From the uni versa l gas law, the re lati onshi p betwee n th e de nsit y and th e pressure of the
gas is:
- T "T
_ NokT _ NukT _ QII/,T _ OukT
lin I/,11- }\II'
---; Po - ~~- - - - - - - - - .
Th is mea ns th at the de nsit y at sea leve l IS :
7.2 Idea l g as pl'Ocesses
7 Therm od.1"I 1Cl lllics Solution s
In th e problem , th e pressure at sea level is given. Writin g the den sity at sea level into
formul a or thc gravitational potent ial energy :
P I?L (kT)
- =PoA kT
E",.Cl v =o9A~
- -.
Instead or using the molar mass or one air molecule. the molar mas s or the air has
to be used. The relati onship between th e two masscs is obtain ed by comparing th e two
form s or th e uni versal gas l aw :
pV = N kT.
pV = -RT.
f\ I
From here, kT equals
kT= - - = /HIl- .
and usin g it , the gravitational potential energy or an air co lumn ca n be expressed w ith
the data given in th e problem:
Eg,.;\ v , = PIIA - - = IJoA - - .
Summin g up thi s 1'01' the whole surracc or the Earth, we obta in th al:
Thus th e changc or the gravi tat ional potential energy of the atmosphere is:
j~" ,. w
= PII4I t"[.;7r-J\Ig !::::.T.
This re sult is eq ual to the res ult obtai ned in th e lirst (e lementary) so luti on.
Solution of Problem 196. a) The initi al vo lume and pressures can be determined
USing the idcal gas law and the relatio nship bctween th e pressures:
PI \1;, = ILl RTJ
jJ'l \!(J
= " 2 RT2
171 09
P2 =PI + - .
From thc sc cquatio ns th e pressures abovc and un der the pi ston can be determined.
DIVidin g th e lirst cq uati on by th e second one:
Jil + !.!.r\!. l.L
Arter rearrang ing:
300 Crea.tive Physics Problems with Solutions
So the pressure above the piston is:
PI = ---,--------"'-~-=---
( 1 - :~2~~ ) An2T2
0.5 kg· 9.81 m /5 2
0.05·1 83
. 0.03.319 _ 0.05.183 =
0.01 m 2
10685 .9 Pa.
And the pressure under the piston is:
0.5 kg· 9.81 m /5 2
P2 = PI + A = 10685 .9 Pa +
0.01 m 2
= 11176.4 Pa.
From the first equation the common volume of the two gases is:
Vo = - - = - . R (n2 T2 - n ITd·
Numerically :
Vo =
0.05 mol· 8.31 _ J- ·183 K
= 0.00712 m J = 7.12 c1m a
To determine the final temperature T of the system and the displacement ,6, x o f the
piston, we use the combined gas law and the law of energy conservation .
The combined gas law, written for the two gases separately between their initi al and
final states, gives the following two equations:
(P +Sf)' (Vo -xA )
The law of energy conservation for the whole process in the isolated cylinder has the
Detailing the terms , we get:
The three unknowns are T, p and x . The above three equations unam bigu ous ly
determine their values. The solution of the problem can be considerably simplified by
noticing that the pressure arising from the weight of the piston is much less tha n the
pressure of the gases, and thus it is neg ligible. (The pressure in the upper part of the
cylinder is 10685 .9 Pa, in the lower part it is 11176.4 Pa, while the pressure due to the
weight of the piston is
mg 0.5 kg· 9.81 m /5 2
pp = -A =
which is less than 4.6% .)
0.01 m 2
= 490. 5 Pa,
7.2 Idea l ga s processes
7. Th ermodynamics Solution s
With thi s, excl usions ( I ) and (2) have the form:
p jVa
P2 Va
p · (\Ia + ·r:A)
P . ( Vo - .r: A )
(1' )
(2' )
Dividing (I' ) by (2') the unknown s p and T cance l out. (Thi s does not mean , however,
that the res ult is independent of the temperature and press ure chan ge, since in the exact
equation there is the term mg / A as we ll. )
Vu +:r: A
Vo - ·r:A '
Rearrangi ng the eq uation :
P1 T2 Vo - PI T2A.r: = P2Tl \l(J + jJ 2 T J A.r:
(P 1T2 - P2T])· Vo = (P2Tj + p j T 2 ) · A x,
from which the di splacement of the piston is:
P1T2 - )J-JT1 \II)
10685.9·319 - 11176.4·1 83 0.00712111 3
-. - =
= 0.178 III :::::: 18 e lll.
P1T2 + P2Tl A
11176.4-183+10685 .9·319
0.01111 2
From the energy balance equation (3) , we get that the fi nal temperature is:
T = (h n 1T l + h n 2T 2)Il + ( 2cT u + 2gtlo<c)m
(lin1 + hn2)R + 2cm
2cTu = 2 ·2 10·373 J / kg = 156660 J / kg
2g6. x = 2·9. 81· 0.1 8 m 2/s 2 = 3.5316 m 2/s2,
which is only 0.0022 543% of the former quantity , the term 2g6..[ ca n be neglected
again. So the final temperature, in a simpler way, is :
T= (hn1T1 + h n 2T 2) R + 2cmTo
( fI n 1 + h n 2) R + 2cm
(3·0.05 lll ol· 183 1{+5 . 0.03 m ol · 3191\) . 8.31 ---..:L
,· + 2·210 -k .J 1.0 .5 kg · 3731{
JII O I I '\
g ll lU
(3 ·0.05 mol + 5·0 .03 11101) · 8.3 1 11l~1 1( + 2 · 210 k~l( · 0. 5 kg
= 371.571\
If we start from the energy balance eq uati on (where we made a rel ati ve ly sma ller
exclu sion ) and put the temperature va lue obtained into the combined gas law, then in
a Sli ghtl y more complicated way a beller result is obtained for the di splacement of
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solutions
t,he piston. Expressing the pressure P from equation (I) and plugging it into (2), the
following second order equation is obtained for x :
P2 a = ( P1VO .
+ m g ) . (Va - x A ).
Tl Vo +x A
After performing the multiplication on the right hand side:
P2 Vo
Pl Vo2T
Pl VoT
----r;-' Vo+ x A - ----y;-' Vo+ x A + AVo - A x A=O.
Multiplying the equation by Vo + x A we get:
P2 Vo T P2 VoT
Pl Vo T Pl VaT
mg 2
-- + --Ax = - - - - - A x + -yo
+ mgVox - mgVo x - mgAx2 :::: 0
Collecting the terms wi th the same power of x we get a quadratic equation:
mgAx2 + (P2 + Pl ) . VaT A x + (P2 _ Pl ) . Vo2T _ mg Va2 = O.
T2 Tl
T2 Tl
Putting in here the numerical data, first we calc ulate each coefficient separatel y, and then
apply the quadratic formula:
0.04905 · x 2 + 2.47168, x - 0 .46482438 = O.
-2.47168 ± \1'2.47168 2 + 4·0.04905·0.46482438
= 0.187 m = 18.7 cm.
2 · 0.04905
Both ways of finding the so lution are acceptable.
reasonably rounded values also gives the right result:
Of course, a calcul ation with
- 2.47 ± \1'2.47 2 + 4·0.05 · 0.46
m:::::; 0.185537968 m = 0.186 m = 18.6 cm .
2 · 0.05
Solution of Problem 197. If 6.p stands for the magnitude of the change in pressure
and 6.N stands for the number of escaped particles , then based on the state equ atio n:
0 .01 ·5 ·10 4 P a ·80m 3
6.N = - - =
= 9.826 · 10 .
1.38. 10 - .295 K
Let us determine the number of particles that escape through the hole in a un it ti me,
that is, the magnitude of the particle flow. Based on secondary school knowledge, we
can only answer it in the nature of an estim ate. We shall show two such trains of thought.
1. Let v stand for the average speed of the translating motion of the particles. Then
in time t
~ of the particles present in a cylindrical space of volume V1 = vtA leave
through the hole.
(Factor "6 takes the directional distribution of the speed of the
molecules into consideration .) This number is
Nl=QV1 ="6' V A vt ,
7.2 Ideal gas processes
7 Thermodynamics Solutions
where (2 is the particle density , so the intensity of particle flow is
I= - = - A v · - .
The mean velocity v can be calculated from the temperature:
~mov2 = ~kT
where mo is the mass of one molecule and from here
v =J3kT =J3RT =
3· 8.31 ~.295 K = 479 m
32· 10 - 3 ~
In o ]
The number of particles N can be acquired from the state equation:
N = pV = 100L'lN = 9.826 .10 26 .
The initial value of the particle flow can be calculated by substituting N and v into (I):
- 7
m 9.826.10
19 1
1= - ·10
m · 479 - .
= 9.8 ·10 6
80 m 3
As in the process under investigation the number of particles hardly changes, we do
not have to deal with its decrease. The requested time is
9.826.10 24
t = -- =
= 100265 s = 27.8 hours.
9.8.10 19 S - l
(So there is enough time to fix the fhw.)
II. Let vx stand for the mean of the velocity components of the particles perpendicular
to the hole . In time t half of the particles present in a space with vo lume A vxt escape
through the hol e. So the intens ity of the particle flow is
I = -Av 2
(I' )
The value of vx can be acquired from the temperature:
-mov = - kT
2 '
from which the (root mean square) speed is:
vx = / kT = J RT = 277 m.
300 C rcat i" e P hys ics Prohlelll s witll Solutio ns
After determinin g the number of parti cles, the inte nsity of particle fl ow can be
__ 1119.82 6 · 10
[ ' = -1 10 - 7 111 'J-·2((
_ .
80 Il1 :J
The est imat ed time wi th thi s train of th ought is
I' = - -
0.01 . N
9.82G · 10 21
1.7.10 211
= 1. 7· 10-
= 57800 s = 'IG hOllrs .
(The calculati o n that takes speed di stributi on int o co nsiderati on gives a va lu e of
/ 1/= _1_ . . 1 _J\'
J2ii \I
- = f£
--[ '= 0. 8 [ '= 1. 3G .10.20 -1
for the inten sit y of particle Il ow, with whi ch the requested time is
t::. A
1= - [ 1/
9.826 . [ 02 •1
. .
.)() _ I =72250 s=20 .1 h Olll's .
1.J(j· 10-
The elementary so luti o ns give n throu gh both train s of thought are around the c orn~c t
va lue, their order of magnitud e is the same.)
Solution of Problem 198. Since the vo lume and temperature of the heliu m gas arc
give n, we need to cal ulate its pressure to lind it s mass. According [0 the equ atio n of
p \I
= HI I-I e RT
lIlli e
so lvin g for the mass of the he liulll , we ge t:
11/1"' =
l N lIlli e
In order to determine th e pressure of the helium gas , let us apply Newton ' s second law
to the cy lind er-pi sto n system and the n to the pi sto n it se lf. Let the masses of piston and
cy linder be 112 and III respecti vel y, and let [\' be the ten sio n in the strin g. (The Illass o
helium gas ca n be neglected.) If the sys tem is co nside red , th e internal forces cancel out
(III + 1\1 ),9 - /\' = (III + 1\1 )0.
Forces actin g on the cy linder are gravitati o nal force (111,9) and the force (PoA) due to
the atlll osp heri c press ure both pointin g do wnward s and the ten sio n and pA exerted by
the helium both pointing up ward s.
As we have three unkn ow ns ( 1\', 1/ .11) (J ne more equation is needed. Thi s will be
Newton 's sl:co ncl law in angul ar form applil:d to the pulley. Us in g that /J = a/", we
obtai n:
7.2 Id eal gas pro cesses
Th enn odY ll a Jllics Soi ll t iolls
Isolatin g the tension gives :
f{ = - .
Insertin g th is into equ ati o ns (2) and (3) , we ge t:
(m + 1\1)g- ~ = (m+M)a
I7Ig + fJuA - ~ - pA = mao
NoW we ha ve two equati o ns with two unkn ow ns (u and p) . In equ ati on (6) the
accelerat ion ca n be iso lated as :
m+/I /
a= A
-;;+171 +1\[ '
Let us solve equati on (7) for the press ure and substitute equat ion (8) :
pA=mg+jJIJA - ( ?+lrL .
m +J\[
after so me alge bra , we gel:
Substitu ting thi s into equati o n ( I ), we ob tain the ex press io n for the mass of the helium
(lIIg , _(8 + mr2)(m + J\J ) . ) . AIM,
{ He
m I le
A [8+(m + /If)j'2 ] 9
+ ].10
= ( mg+PlI A -
(8+mr2,)(m + i\f ) ) IMHe
.g - - .
8 + (m + ld )T2
Usin g that 1/1+1\/ = 50 kg and 1/1/,2 = 1 kg · 111 2 and substitutin g known values, we find :
m ll p
(3kg m + 1 kg m )(50k g)
= [ 250N + I 0 - -N0
.04 1l1 - 10 - .
3 kg m +50kg ·0 .04 1l1
O. 896 111 " 4 10
11101 1<
_ _ _ _ _ _--'.!..C~
8.3111";~ I< . 273l\:
= 0.000395 kg,
so the Ill ass of th e heliulll gas in side the co ntainer is m Hp:::::: 0.4 g .
Solution of Prohlcm 199. If the pi sto n with the we ight on it moves dow n by x with
respec t to th e initial pos iti o n. then the net force actin g on it is:
FII = mg - (p - Pu) A ,
300 Creative Phy sics P roblem s w ith Solutions
where p is the increased press ure of the gas. Since the gas in the cyli nder undergoes
ad iabatic process, and its volu me is proporti onal to the height of the piston, the eqUati ~~
Poh"l =p( h -x)'Y,
is satisfied, so
p= PO ( _ h_) "1 =PO (l -~ ) -"Y .
h -x
Since the amplitude of the osc ill ati on is small , x« h , the approx im ati on (1 ±Q)" ~
l ±nQ can be appli ed:
Writing the press ure from equ ati on (2) in to eq uati on ( I), the fo ll ow in g is obtained for
the net force acting on the pi ston:
Fn =mg-(p - po )A= mg- (po +po'Y /;,X- Po ) A=mg - -I'Ph- A x.
It can be seen th at the net force is the sum of a co nstant force and a harmonic fo rce
(which is proportional to x and has oppos ite directi on). We know - by the an alogy of
a mass suspended on a spring- th at thi s kind of force results in a harmonic motion.
The equilibrium positi on is determined by the equati on F" (xo) = 0:
14 kg · 9.81 ~. 0. 5 111
Xo = - - =
=0.04 905 m ~5c l11.
I' A po
1.4 ·0.01 m · 10" P a
Since the osc ill ati on started fro m its ex treme pos iti on, the amplitude has the same
value: A = 5 cm .
Using again the an alogy with the sprin g, the freq uency of the osc ill ati on can be
calcul ated. The spring co nstant is the multipli er of x in the formul a of the net force:
'YPo A
l A- l OG P a ·0.01 111 2
=2800 - .
0.5 III
From here the freq uency of the oscill ati on is:
D = -- =
1 ~
v- 271' m - 271"
2800 ~
III = 2.25 )-Iz.
14 kg
The max imal speed of the piston (the veloc ity amplitude) is:
'U", ,,x =
A w = A 271'1/ = A
~ = 0.05
2800 ~
_ _""","-Il ~
14 kg
0. 71
Solution of Problem 200. Accord in g to the fi rst law of thermodynami cs, b.E::;:::
= Q + W, from whi ch the heat absorbed by the gas is Q = t::. E - W = b. E + W ga s '
7.3 First law of therm ody na.m ics
7. Th erm ody nam ics Solutions
First, let us determine in percents what rati o of the absorbed heat in crcases the intern al
energy and wh at rati o is given oft' in the form o f work.
6. E = cv 1n6. T = C v = ~ = _]_. = 0.7 143 = 7l.L13 %.
cp m 6.T
and consequentl y
!t = 1 - 0.7143 = 28 .57%.
It means that the increase of the intern al energy of the gas, and the work done by the
gas are
6.£=0.7143Q=0.7143·3988 kJ =2848 .6 kJ,
VIi = 3988 kJ - 2848.6 kJ = 11 39.4 kJ.
7.3 First law of thermodynamics
Solution of Problem 201. a) Let A be the cross-secti onal area of the cy linder, III
be the mass of the pi ston, h be the initi al height of the air co lumn ,
be th e hei ght
of the empty part above the pi ston, Po be the atm os pheric press ure, QII ;; and Ql be the
densities of mcrcury and air (in its initi al state) and nnall y let c /. be the spec i!'ic heat of
air at constant vo lume.
Note that Ql need not have been given as it can be determin ed from the other data.
(Assumin g that the molar mass of air is known. )
The initi al press ure of the encl osed air is P I = Po + mg / A, while its fin al (max imum )
pressure is
P2 = [Po + (m + m JI )!;)g/A ] =po+mg/A+Q II )!;g.r.
Accordin g to Boy le' s law:
I/.2-- -P I V1
substitutin g the ex press ions for PI, 712 , Vl and V2 , we get:
(h + hJ -x )A=
Po + ";['
Po + II + QHgg·L
·Ah .
Let us divide the equ ati on by A and multipl y by the de nomin ator of the frac ti on:
In9 )
(PO+A + QHg,gx)(h + h l - x)= pu+;t h.
After rearra ngin g thi s accordin g to the powers of ..c, we get:
QII g,gX
[QHgg(h l + h) - (Po + mg / A) ]x - (Po + I7Ig / A)hl = O.
This is a seco nd degree equ ati on of x. By cal cul atin g x, we ca n also determine the
mass of the mcrcury, ass umin g that In Hg = Q il g ' :l' A .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Let us substitute known data :
20 cm
- 3
- -2 =3.6 - -;
-3 ·10 -2 =0.136-.
cm 3
Inserting these into the equation, we obtain:
N ·x 2 - ( 0.136--·
N 40 cm- 13.6 - N) ·x- 13.6-·7
Dividing the equation by unit N/cm 2 , we find:
0.136 - · x +8. 16· x-95 .2 cm=0.
The solution is :
-8.16 + V8.16 2 +4·95.2·0.136
2 · 0.136
So the volume of the mercury column is:
VHg = xA = 10 cm· 20cm 2 = 200cm3 ,
from which the required mass is:
mHg = QHg · VHg = 13.6 - - 3 ·200 cm = 2720 g.
b) The heat transferred to the air can be determined USlI1g the first law of
~U=Q + W,
from which
Q = ~U - W = ~U + W gas ,
where W is the work done on the gas and Wgas is the work done by the gas.
The change in the internal energy of the air can be written as :
while the work done by the gas can be calculated using the arithmetic mean of pressures
P2 and P3 (since the mass of mercury that has run out is in direct proporti on to the
change in volume):
w - ]]2 + P3 . ~ V
gas -
The pressure of air in its most compressed state is:
P2 = Po + -A + QHggh = 10 - -2 + 3.6 - -2 + l.36--2 = 14.96--2 ,
7.3 First law of th ermodyn amics
Th ermodynam ics Solutions
while in its fina l state it is:
P3 = Po + -- = PI = 13 .6 - -2 .
The mass o f air can be determined usin g the initia l values of its density and vo lu me:
m a ir =gIAh=1.8
g3 ·20cm ·33cm= 1.1l8g .
Assumin g that the pressure of the air is the same (PI = P3 = Po + mgj A) in its first
nd third (fi nal) state, the change in its te mperature can eas il y be determined (the same
:ay as in the case o f an isobaric process):
T3 '
Isolating for T3 gives:
T3 =TI - ·
Let us substitute the ex pression s for the vol umes:
T3 = T I
. r 40cm
(h + hI)A T h + hI
= 1 - - =273K · - - =330 .91 K ,
33 c m
so the change in the temperature is:
Using equ ations ( I), (2) and (3) and substitutin g know n va lues, we get that the heat
transmitted to the air is:
13.6 + 14.96 N
-2 m
Q=O.7-·1.188g· 58 K +
- ·2200 cm ·10 - =
=48.23J + 28.65J =76.79J.
In this process the interna l energy of the gas is increased by 48 .23 J , whi le 28.65 J is
the work do ne by the gas. The former e nergy remains in the syste m, while the latter
Increases the e nergy o f the environment.
Solution of Problem 202. The cy linder is rislllg s lowly, that is, it remain s in
eqUi libriu m. Therefore, the pressure of the gas in the cy lin der is co nstant, which mea ns
that We are dealin g with a n isobaric process.
The heat absorbed at constant pressure is
Q = C 1)n6T,
~here C p is the mo lar heat at constant pressure, n is the number of mo les, and 6T is
t e change in temperature.
The relati o nship between the two molar heats is
Cp-C'U= R ,
300 C rcati" e Ph.,·sics ProblelJl s \\'ith S oll/tioll s
and hen ce
C" = I? + c" .
The pressure of the enclosed helium is obtained from th e eq uilibriulll of the forces
acting on the cyl inder:
Illy + /IA - Jill A
= O.
= I1I1 - --::\.
Assume that the cylimkr has wa ll s o f negligible thi ck ness. th at is A i IiIW I' ~ rl "" IPI" The
number of moles ca n be ex pressed hy subst itutin g (3 ) int o the uni versa l gas equa ti on
applied to the initial state:
(/loA - II I.CJ ) /,
( I)
Since the process is iso bari c. the linal temperature of the enclosed gas is
T ) = T J ---=- = T, -=- .
Hence the change in temperature is
12 - I,
I:::.T = T'2 - T , =TJ-'-l-'
(5) .
The extracted heat in question is obtained by substitutin g the expressions (2 ). (4) and
(5) in ( I):
which is independent of the initial temperature . NUllleriea ll y:
Q= (10'- Ji\-. . 2.10 - ."1 \11 2 - 801\ )( 0.896111 - 1.1 2 111 )
[l2.3 -
III D1i ".
8.:11 111,,'1. \,
+ 1 = - 66.7 .J.
Thus the heat extracted frolll the heliulll is 66.7.1.
Remark : the problem can also he so lved by usin g the lirst la w of therm odyna mi cs:
I:::. U = Q + II ' =Q - 11 'f',; l s '
hen ce
Q = I:::. U
I I ')\; os = C',. /lI:::.T + 1)1:::. II.
Substitution o f the above data gives the sa me result.
7.3 F irst la w of t h erm odynamics
7. T her mody lJ illllics SOI l/ tions
Solution of Prohlem 203. a) Since the wo rk done by the gas is positive, the gas
expand s. Thi s mea ns th at heat mu st have bee n give n to t ~ e gas, th ere fore the ex tern al
temperature Illu st be hi gher than the IllitJaI te mperature 01 the gas. Appl Yin g the workenergy th eorem to the piston (th at is mov in g up), we get:
\ jig", -
mg:r. - 2" D x- - PoA x = 0,
rea rran gin g thi s, we get :
D.r 2 + 2(/)u + II/g ).1' - 2Wg a , = O.
The di splace me nt o r the pi ston (or the ex tension o f the sprin g) is give n by the q uadrati c
fo rmul a:
- 2(pu A + I71g) + J4(poA +mgF + 8 Dll\fgas
7JoA + m g )
2 \ \'ga, _ fJoA + mg =
= ~ [j (poA+mgF + 2Wg", D - (poA + mg) ].
Insert ing g iven elata, we lind :
(l OS Pa · 0 .5 111 2 + 6000 NF + 2 ·1 800 J . 2.67. 10 5 - m
Ill) 1= 0 .03m = 3 em .
Pa ·.
0 .5)
lll - + 600 kg · 10 52
To find the ex tern al temperature, let us apply the eq uati on of state to the helium gas
in its initi al and fi nal states :
T? = TI . /)2 \12 = T
fJlV I
(Pu + ~ + if) A(h o + .r) = T . (PoA + 111.g+ D x)( h o +x)
(fJlJ +".~())Aho
po+mg)h o
where ho is the height of th e in iti al pos ition of the pi sto n.
Substit utin g kn ow n data gives:
( 10 Pa· 0.5 III + 6000 N + 2.67.10
·0 .03 Ill) (0 .32 + 0.03) m
T? = 21 8 I\: ----'--------,--::-;:-=--~--,-~---,--,---,---,--::-:------'-------(10 5 Pa· 0. 5 111 2 + GOOO N) · 0 .32 m
= 273.041( ,
So th,e ex tern a I te mperatu re .IS 27')0 \f .' .
40 1
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
b) To be able to determine the heat added to the gas, we need to calculate the mas
of the helium first. Using the equation of state, we get:
Pl V1M
(po + 7~'1 ) AhaM
7n= - - - =
which is exactly 10 mol. The change in the temperature of the helium gas is:
t:J.T = T2 - Tl = 273 K - 218.4 K = 54 .6K ,
therefore the change in its internal energy is :
t:J.U = Cvnt:J.T = 12.3 (
mol· K
) ·10 mol · 54 .6 K = 6716 J.
According to the fist law of thermodynamics :
t:J.U =Q+ W =Q - Wgas ,
hence the heat given to the gas is :
Q=t:J.U+Wg as =6716J + 1800J=8516J.
The change in the internal energy of the gas can also be calculated using the degree
of freedom:
Rearranging equation (2) gives:
Nk= Pl V 1
Tl '
which can be substituted into equation (I) to get:
t:J.U = L.Pl V1 . t:J.T = ~ (Po A +mg)h o . t:J.T
2 Tl
inserting given data, we find:
3 (10 5 Pa· 0.5 m 2 + 6000 N) ·0.32 m
- .
·54.6 K = 6720 J.
218.4 K
The small difference in the results is due to the slight inaccuracy of the molar specific
heat of the helium .
7.3 First law of t herlll odY llamics
7. ThermodY Il a.mics Solutions
Solution of Problem 204. While the helium is kept inside the container by the piston ,
it expands adiabatica ll y, which means that:
TV 'l'- l = co nstant.
The rat io of molar specific heats for helium is:
"( =
where f is the degree of freedom. Thi s yields "(- 1 = 2/ 3. At
the moment when the piston reaches the top of the cy linder, the
temperature of helium is given by the equ ation :
546 K· 5.6 2 / 3 = T .11. 22 / 3 ,
thus the temperature is
T= \122 =344 K.
Let us apply the work-kinetic energy theorem to the piston . The sum of the works done
by the forces acting on the piston equals the change in the piston 's kinetic energy. As
the initial and final speeds of the pi ston are both zero, the chan ge in its kinetic energy
is also zero. Thus the work-kinetic energy theore m can be written as:
vVgas + \II/ g r av + (Vat lll = 0,
where the first term is the work done by the helium undergoing adiabatic expansion , the
second is the work done by the gravitational force, and the third is the work done by
the atmosphere. These works can be expressed as:
I,Vga, = - flU gas ,
because in case of an adiabatic ex pan sion, the loss of internal energy of the gas is
converted int o the work done by the gas. As the internal energy of a gas depends on it s
temperature only , the work don e by the helium gas can be determined :
I/Vgas = - fl Ugas = -cvmflT = -T/,C v (T 2 -
T ,) =
1 mol·1 2.6 .] /( moIK )·(546 - 344)K:=:::2536.].
The work done by the gravitational force is negative:
I Vgrav = - mg :r; = -8 kg· 9.8 ? . .r; = - 78,4 N ' .r;,
sThe atmosphere does work while the pi ston is in side the conta iner, since thi s is when
the air in side the container is lifted up . Once the pi ston leaves the cylinder, it will
Continuously exchange positions with the air, but will not lift it. (A ir drag ac tin g on the
piston is neg lec ted. ) The work done by the atmosphere is also negati ve, because the
force is op posi te the displacement:
- Pofl V = - PoAflh = - 10.12 - - 2 ·100 cm 2 . 0.56 111 = -567,].
300 Creati ve Physics P roblem s with Solu tions
Therefore the distance moved by the pi ston can be written as:
Wgas + W grav
= ----'
' ' ' '-------'' -:..::::-
substituting given data, we find :
2536 J -567 J
= 25m.
We assumed that the temperature changes at the same rate everywhere in the heli um
gas during its adiabatic expansion .
Solution of Problem 205. a) Let index I stand for the initial variables of the gas,
k for the spring constant, A for the cross-sectional area of the cylinder and x for the
disp lacement of the piston . At the end of the heating , the pressure of the gas is
V2 = VI +Ax .
P2=Pl +
its volume is
By using (I) and (2), the universal gas law gives
(PI +
(VI + Ax)
From these a quadratic equation is acquired for x:
kx 2 + (PI A + k~l) x+ (PI VI _ PI ~~T2) = O.
It is advisable to substitute the numerical values into the variables now and work on
with the numerical equation . The coefficient of the quadratic term is a = 2000 - , the
coefficient of the linear term is
2000 .!'i. . 0.024 m 3
b=10 5 - .0.03 m 2+
=4600 N,
0.03 m 2
and the constant term is
5 N
10 5 ~ . 0.024 m 3 . 360 K
c= 10 - ·0.024 m rn
= - 480 Nm.
300 K
Substituting these numerical values into (3) gives
2000x 2 + 4600x - 480 = 0,
dividin g by 40 gives 50x 2 + 115 x - 12 = O.
Its solution is
This is the displacement of the pi ston.
- 115 ± 125
7.3 First law of th erm odynam ics
7. Th erm odynam ics Solu tions
b) The heat absorbed by the gas can be determined from the first law of thermodynamics:
f::,. U =Q+ W =Q - W gas ,
where W is the work done on the gas, W ga s is the work done by the gas. From this
the heat absorbed by the gas is
Q = f::,. U + Wgas .
According to the work-energy theore m
W = f::,.E kin ) for the piston (as in our case
the change in the kinetic energy of the pi ston is 0):
+ VVat lllosph ere + IVsp r ing = 0 ,
in detail
Wgas - PeAx - '2kx = 0 ,
. if the work done by the gas is substituted into (4), for the heat deli vered by the heating
filament this equation gives
Q = f::,. U +PeAx + '2kx2.
Here the magnitude of the second term is
PeAx = lOG P a· 0.03 m 2 · 0.1 m = 300 J ,
and the magnitude of the third term is
1 2
-k x = - · 2000 -·0 .01 m =10 J.
Our further task is to determine the internal e nergy of the gas. Thi s can be done in
several ways .
\. By determining the mass of the gas from the state equation, and the specific heat
of the gas from the data and formula bookl et:
Where Cv = 71 2 J j(kg · K) and
10 5 Pa.0.024 m 3 ·29 · 1Q -3 S
m - --- Illol = 0.02792 kg = 27.92 g .
RTI 8.31 lll~ l< · 300 K
SUbstituting these into (6) gives the following for the change in internal energy:
f::,. E = 712 _ J _ . 0.02792 kg · 60 K = 1192.7 J.
2. By determinin g the mass of the gas from density at 273 K and atm ospheri c pressure:
m RTo
Po = V' M = flo' M = fl ' M '
300 C rea t ive P l!ysics P rob lem s witl! Solu tions
as th e initi al pressure P1 o f th e gas is eq ual to the atm ospheri c pn.:ssure Po · Frolll th is
12 = 120 . TI .
T hi s is substituted into th e ex press ion 111= [! . \II :
In = 120 . -
. \II
kg 273]-\
= ] .29 - 3. . - -, ·0.02/1 111 = 0.02 81 ko·.
300 h.
With the se th e change in int ern al energy is
/':,. U= 712 - - ·0.0281 kg·GO ]-\= 1200 .4 J.
kg· I\:
3. By determinin g th e change in th e energy direc tl y usin g th e deg rees of freed om :
where .f = 5, the produ ct of th e number o f the parti cles and Bo lt zmann 's co nstant from
the state equ ati on
i s:
lYk = Jh \11
w hi ch is substituted into (7) :
AU = LJh \11 . uAT = ~ 10"-Pa·0.024
- - . GO I\: = 1200 .0 .J.
2 TI
300 1\
4. By appl y in g th e ge neral formul a th at gi ves th e chan ge in th e intern al energy :
II) - /) 1 \II
Jh-----'--/':,. U = '---
(PI + ~f) \12 - PI \II
y- 1
y- l
w ith num eri ca l values it gi ves
/':,.U =
:\ / 111·0.1
. 2 · 0 . 1 I II ) - l OGI.:>·r L
. 0. 002'1Ill :J
111 2 III) (0 . O?L
- I 111 J + 0 . O·)
(lO G IJ·d + 20111111.03
1.4 - }
= 1200.J.
(O n one hand , formula (8) gi ves th e work done on the gas in an adi abati c change of
stat e, but it also gi ves th e change in th e int ernal energy in an y change o f state , wh ich
can al ways be w rill en as
7.3 First law of th ermody namics
1. Thel'llloc/y namics Solu t ions
If express ion
P2 \/2
))1 \/)
T ) - Tl = - - - - -
is 5ubstilUted in place of /::;.T and
C jJ
- =1 +f
-= CII
is also considered, these gi ve
c jJ -
,- I
If this and the change in temperature acquired from ( 10) are substituted into (9) , (8) is
With thi s, equation (5) gives the heat delivered by the heating filament:
Q=1200 J + 300 J+10 J = 1510J.
(Those who determined mass with Method I received 1192 J +310 J = 1502 J for the
energy de li vered .)
Solution of Prohlem 206. Our data are ])0 = lO S Pa; \/0 = 1 m 3 ; A = 0.1 m 2 ;
v = 1 Clll /S .
If the temperature of the gas is con stant, then its energy does not change either.
According to the first law of thermodynamics
Q= - W .
Let us apply thi s to a short time of the process:
P/::;'/'=pA v /::;.t ,
where P is the heating power. From here
P=pA v.
According to the problem, the heating power should be determined as a function of time.
Let us apply the gas law
p \/ = Po \I() ,
Where in our case
\/ = \I() + Aut ,
and so the pressure expressed with the variables of the process is
Po Vo
\I( ) + A v t '
and with it the power as a function of time is
)JoViJA v
P = -'-----=---
\I(] + Avl
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
1+10 - 3 1.t
t (5)
Solution of Problem 207. The first law of thermodynamics (~U = Q + W) for small
changes (where for pressure p = constant can be assumed):
Cvn~T = Cn~T - p~ V.
We express the molar heat capacity belonging to temperature T:
C(T) = C v + ~p(T) . ~ V(T).
We can make use of the fact that the rate of change of ~t2 is gt , so the rate of change
of function aT2 is 2aT , so
C(T) = C v + -p(T) ·2aT.
Expressing the pressure from the state equation of the ideal gas and making use of
V = aT2 gives
1 nRT
C (T) = C v + -. - - 2 ·2aT= C v + 2R.
n aT
So the molar heat capacity is constant throughout the process and its value is C = Cv +
+ 2R.
Solution of Problem 208. Let us assume that the piston is weightless (its mass is
negligible). Note that the data given is quite special: on the first hand the volume o f
7.3 Firs t la"" of t herm odYll am ics
7. Th ermody nam ics So lutions
the tWO parts, whic h is half of th at of the cy linder III = 44.8 / 2 li t re = 22. <1 dm:;, is
the molar volume of a gas at standard press ure and te mperature, on the second hand
each part co ntain s 4 g of helium , which is I mole, and finall y the gas is at stand ard
temperature 0 ° C = 273 K . Therefore the pressure of the gas in the two part s mu st be
the standard press ure: Po = 1. 013· 10" Pa ;:.::; 10 5 Pa.
As the upper part is surrounded by perfec t in sul ators, the temperature (e nergy) of the
gas in that part ca n only b~ ra i se~ by doin g work on it. The first la w of therm odynamic s
in this case will take the form 01: Q = 0 , f::, U = W.
This work is done by the pi ston, whi ch is lifted up by the ex pandin g gas in the lower
The equ ati on th at holds for an adia12.19/
batic compression is:
409 .5 K
TII I'- l = constant ,
273 K
2.76 ·10' Pa
10' Pa
where '"Y = cp/c v or '"Y = (J + 2)/ I ,
32.61 /
. where I is the deg ree of freedom.
22.41 /
1096.6 K
Using either of the above equati ons '"Y =
273 K
== 5/3 so '"Y - 1 = 2/3.
Let us determin e the fin al volume 112
of the gas in the upper part, kn owin g
that the temperature is raised from Tl = 273 K to T2 = 409.5 K . Us in g th e equ ati on for
adiabatic co mpress ion:
273 K . (22.4 cl m 3) ~ = 409 .5 II} .
from whi ch
273 ) ~
V2 = 22.4 clm 3 . ( - = 22.4 cl m 3
273 ) 3
= 12.19cl Il1 .
( 409.5
The pressure of the gas in the upper part can be calculated usin g the equati on of state:
22.4 409. 5
P2 =P1 - - = 10 Pa · - - · - . -=2 .76 ·1 0 Pa.
T1 V2
12.19 273
The fin al vo lume of the lower part is V; = 2V1 - 112 = 44 .8 el m J - 12.1 9 el l1l 3 =
::::: 32. 61 cl m 3 and sin ce the pi ston is weightl ess , the pressure in the lower part equal s
the pressure in the upper part, so P; = 2. 76· lOS Pa . In the lower part , the change of
state is not adi abati c, since in that case heat is give n to the gas by the elec tri c heater.
The heater' s energy input is given to the gas in the lower part, whi ch transfers part of it
to the upper part by doing work on it. The fin al temperature of the lower part is given
by the equ ati on of state:
, 2.76· 10 s ·32.61
T2 = T l - - = 274 1,,·
. 0c ?2
= 1096.9 h = 82 3.9 C .
111 III
10 • - .4
The ch anges in the te mperature in the two parts are:
f::, T l = T2 - T l = 409 .5 I{ - 273 K = 136 .5 j{
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
/::,.T2 = T~ - Tl = 1096.9 K - 273 K = 823.9 K.
As the system is insulated , the heater's energy input is the sum of the changes in the
energies of the two parts:
Q= Ii ·t= /::"U 1 + /::,. U2 ,
he nce
t= V 2 (/::"U1 + /::"U2 ).
The changes in the energy 111 the two parts can be written as /::" U 1 = cvm/::"T1 and
/::" U2 = cv m /::,.T2 , so
t = V2 mCv( /::"Tl + /::,.T 2 ).
Substituting known values gives :
242 D
2 . 4 . 10 - kg · 3140 - - (136.5 + 823 .9) K = 60.5 s ~ 1 min.
220 V
kg · K
Solution of Problem 209. Let Po and Vo stand for the initial state variables.
Let the maximum volume reached by the gas during the process be x Vo.
The efficiency of the process is
Wu seful
7)=-- .
The work done by the gas (that is, the useful
work) is proportional to the area enclosed by the
graph of the cyclic process.
In order to calculate this , the maximum pressure should be determined. From the gas
from which
With this, the area enclosed by the graph is
Wu seful =
= Po Vo
4~o - po) (x Vo - Vo) =
( ~ - 1) (x - 1) = po:o (4 - x) (x - 1) .
It can be seen immediately that for the possible values of x relation 1 :::: x :::: 4 holds.
In the case of x = 1 and x = 4 the work done and therefore the efficiency is zero,
because in these cases the rectangl e representing the cyclic process degenerates into
straight line segments, so both the area and the useful work become zero.
7.3 First Jaw of thermodynamics
Thermodynam ics Solu tions
In order to determine the efficiency, the heat absorbed by the gas shou ld be determ ined
5 well .
The gas absorbs heat along segments (0-1 ) and (1 -2). At constant volume
QOl;:::C b,. U1 :
(i -1) = ~poVo
Lf:::.pVo = ~ ( 4P -po ) Vo = ~poVo
Q01 :=:: LNkf:::.T=
4-x .
and at constant pressure
Q1 2
7 4po
= f:::. U2 + p6. V = 2P16. V +P1 6. V = 2P l6. V = 2 . --;:-(xVo - Yo) =
x- I
With these, the total heat absorbed is
= ~Po Vo(x - 1) = 14po Vo ---·
4- x
The efficiency of the process as function of x is:
x- I
Po Vo
= QOl + Q 02 = -Po Vo - - - + 14po Vo - - - = --(11.5x - 4).
1](x) = Wuse ful = ~(4 -x)(x- l ) = (4 -x)(x - 1) = x - 5x+4 = f( x) .
POxvO( 1l. 5x-4)
11. 5x-4
4- 11.5x
If this efficiency function is graphed and analysed in interval 1::; x::; 4 (or by means
of differentiati on), it can be shown that it has a maximum at x = 1.891 . If this value is
substituted back into the function , for the maximum
= 0.1059;:::; 10.6%
is acquired. (So then the vo lume of the gas should be in creased to V2 = V3 = 1. 891Vo .)
A table of values for a few valu es of x :
1. 2
0.05 7
1. 8
0 .105389
The efficiency function in interval a 0 ::; x ::; 10 and in interval 1 ::; x ::; 4 bearin g
physical importance:
300 C reat il'e PhYsics Problem s with So lu tions
So luti on using deri vati ve. The function has an extreme val ue where its deri vat i
' Ve is
cll/ (.C) = O.
According to the diA'ercnt iation rule for fracti o nal fun ction:
.!' (.r),r;(.J') - ./'(.c ),r;' (.1) = 0
./' (.1 ) = .[,2 - 5.1' + '1
f' (.1 ) = 2.r - 5 .
g(.l') = 4 - 11. 5.c
,r;'(.];) = - 11. 5.
The derivative is ze ro if it s numerat or is zero , that is, ./"(x)g(.c) = g'(x)./'( x) .
By using thi s, an eq uatio n is acq uired for .r:
(2 .1 - 5)(4 -11. 5.1 ) = 11. 5· (.c 2 - 5.c + 4).
Reorg ani sing:
11. 5.]2 - 8.7.: + 26 = O.
It s so luti on is
8±JG4 + 4 · 11. 5 · 26
2 ·11 .5
(.C2 cannot he nega ti vc). With thi s,
8 ±35 .5
= l. 89 .
5.c + 4
l. 89 2 - 5 . l. 89 - 4
=0. 106.
4 - 11. 5..1'
4- 11. 5 ·1. 89
.l'2 -
First solution of Problem 210. From the first law of thermodynamic s:
a) The process is not adiabatic since the enc losed gas ahsorhs heat fro m the
's urroundin gs' th ro ugh the heater filament. It is isoharic because of the constant ex ter nal
air pressure. (There is heat transfer inward s but no heat tran sfer outwards .)
The heat absorbed is
Q= \\ 'p!= Pt =3 6W·120 s= LI320J .
According to the first law , 6U = Q + IV, where
6U = c"m 6 T. In detail , with the da ta
e nclosed air:
= -1-+-(J-6-T- '
With the information Qu = 1. 293 kg/ m:;, and (J = 1/( 2731<) obtained from ta hles,
~ J UU
41 2
1.293 kg/ m
= ] 176 1 + (300 I( - 2731<) /2 73 l\
m:; ,
~ Th er modYJJ amics Solutions
7.3 First law of t herm odynam ics
\!()= (10clll1- +40cl m - ) · l. b ci lll =75ci m =7.5 ·1 0
At constant press ure,
(2) can be substitut ed into ( I):
·?; =Q ~ PO ( A2 ~ Al ) '?; '
Cu ,930o Vo TO
Wit h the substituti o n of Q = PI and rea rrangement to ex press the di splace ment in
- ( A2 ~ A l )( PO +C(, ,930LJT())4;)20 J
+ 712 k g..J t,'\. · 1.1 76 IIIk ~ · 300 K )
(4 ·10 -2 111 2 ~ 1 .10 - 2 m :2) ( 1 0G~
= 4.1 cm .
b) The tempera ture of the air in the final state is obtain ed fro m (2):
=300 K ·
(A2 ~ Ad x
+ n=~
40 cim 2 ~ 10 ci1l1 2 4. 1 Clll
2 · - - + 300 K=349.2K.
10clm +4 0cl lll
Second solution of Problem 2 10, From the uni versal gas eq uati o n:
Po Va = n RTo·
The heat abso rbed is
/ +2 k
2 ?no
t +2 k
Q= cj )rnt6.T= -' - - mt6.T= -' - - (nN A ?no )t6.T= - - Rnt6.T=
7 Po Vo
= - RJ/t6.T= - - - t6. T
2 To
and hen ce the change in temperature and the final temperalUre are
2 QTn
t6.T= - - - =
7 Po \!()
2 ·4320 J ·300 K
7 · 10" -;-;;0 . 7.0 · 10 - - m -
=49.4 C,
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Because of the constant pressure,
V= To ·T=
7.5.10 - 2 m 3
·349K= 87. 37 dm ,
b. V = (A 2 - Ad x = V - Vo = 87.34 dm 3 - 75 elm 3 = 12. 34 dm 3 .
12.3 elm 3
40elm - 10dm
2 =0 .41dm=4.1 cm.
Solution of Problem 211. a) The processes that occur in the middle and rightmost
compartments are adiabatic , described by the equation
pV"f = constant ,
where '"Y = J'.. = - - = 1.4. Therefore, the resulting pressures can be obtained by
applying the adiabatic equation of state to the initial and final states. With the use of the
data in the figure, the final pressure in the rightmost (3rd) compartment is
N (2)
V3 ) "f
P3=Po· ( = 2 0 -2 ·
20 N/cm
4dm 3
20 N/cm
273 K
=29.92-2 .
Similarly, the final pressure in the middle (2nd)
compartment is
4 dm 3
N (4)
P2 = 20 cm 2 ·
= 38.62 cm 2 ·
The pressure in the leftmost compartment is
determined from the equilibrium of the pistons,
since that process is not adiabatic.
The condition for the equilibrium of the pistons is
273 K
With the forces acting on the individual piston
surfaces in detail:
that is,
])1 =
38.62 ~ (4 - 1) .10 2 cm 2 + 29.92 ~ .10 2 cm 2
e rn '
4.10 2 cm 2
e rn-
= 36.44 - - .
cm 2
7.3 First la w of th erlllodynam ics
7. Tbermody nam ics Solution s
b) Since the system does no work on the surroundin gs , the algebraic sum of the works
done by the part s .of the system on. one another is 0, and the heat absorbed is eq ual to
the change In the In terna l energy of the system:
Q = -6.U = c u (ml -6.T1 + 1n2 -6.T2 + 1TI3-6.TJ).
The changes in te mperature are ca lcu lated from the un iversal gas equation:
Ih II]
pit 11/
Hence the final temperature of the gas in the first compartment is
, 36.44N / cm 2 · 6c1m 3
20 N / cm 2 . 4 d m
T 1 =TI - - =273h·
. ,
=746.]] h..
Similarl y,
T ) = 273 h. ·
38.62N /cm 2 ·2.5c1m J
= 329.48 h"
20 N / C111 2 . 4 d m
, 29.92N/cIll 2 ·1. 5c1 m
T 3 =273I,, ·
=306.31J\ .
20 N/C Ill 2 . 2 dill
The masses of the air in the indi vidu al co mpartm ents arc obtained as the product of
density and volume, Since the ini tial pressure is twi ce the norm al atmospheric pressure,
the initial densi ty is also doubled:
The changes in temperature are
-6.T1 = T{ - Tl = 746 .11 K - 273 K = 473. 11 K,
-6.T2 = T~ - T2 = 329A8 K - 273 K = 56.48 1( ,
f::.T3 = T~ - T3 = 306.31 K - 273 K = 33.31 K.
, With these data, the total chan ge in internal energy, th at is, the total energy absorbed,
IS obtain ed as foll ows:
Q==f::. U=0.7 -
g 1"
· (1 0.4g · 473 .11 [( + 10Ag · 56 .48K +5 .2g·33.31 K)=3976 .7.1.
Solution of Problem 212. a) Let nl and n2 denote the quantities or helium and
OXYgen , respectively, in kilomoles , let C li l and C v2 denote the correspondi ng molar
4 15
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
specific heats , and let m be the total mass of the gas mixture . The total mass of the
mixture is the sum of the masses of the components , and since m = M . n,
where NI is the molar mass of the gas in kg/kmo!. It follows from the first law of
thermodynamics that - since the volume of the gas does not change - the change in
the internal energy of the gas mixture is
!":!.E = (Cv1 · n l
+ Cv 2 · n2)·)!":!.T = Q.
(I) and (2) expressed with numerical data :
4 - - ·nl +32 - - ·n2 =m
( 12300
kmol ·K
·nl+20 500
·n2)·50K=143500J .
(I ')
The solution of the simultaneous equations is
nl = 0.15 kmol,
n2 = 0.05 kmol ,
that is,
7nH e = Nl1nl =4
- - ·0.15 kmol=0.6kg ,
moo = NI2n2 = 32 - - ·0.05 kmol = 1.6 kg.
b) At constant volume,
which now means
273 K
(273 + 50) K '
and hence
P = 0.75 .10 5 Pa.
c) The total quantity of gas in the container is
n = nl + n2 = 0.15 kmol + 0.06 kmol = 0.2 kmo\.
The volume of this quantity of gas at 0 °C and normal atmospheric pressure is VN ::;::
= n · 11;'101, the product of molar volume and the number of moles. Now,
VN =0.2 kmol·22.4-- =4.48m 3 .
The volume of the gas in question is obtained by applying Boyle's law to that state and
the actual state of the gas in the container:
7.3 First law of t herm odynam ics
1. Th erm ody namics Solu tion s
that is,
l.013 . 10 5 P a· 4.48 111 3 = 0.75 · 10::; Pa· V,
and hence
V =6.05 111 3 .
Solution of Problem 213. a) The initi al volume of the gas is obtained from the
universal gas eq uatio n. Expressed in li tres,
m RT
V1 = - - =
2. 10- 2 kg
8.32 J /(l11ol· K) · 200 K
2' 1O - kg / 11101
5 ·10 5 N/ m-
=33.24 1.
The change 1- 2 is isobaric, so V2 / V1 = T2 / T 1 , and hence
lf2 =V1 - = 33 .24 1· - - = 83. 1 I.
Process 2-3 is isoc horic (the line segment 2- 3 lies on a line pass ing through the origin ),
for which P3/P2 = T3 / T2 ' and thu s
T 3 = T2 - = 500 K . - = 700 K
The change 3-4 is isobaric again , so
V4 =V3 - = 83.1 1 · --, =59.361.
Finally, the process 4-5 is isochoric aga in , where T::; = Tl = 200 K and V5 = V4 =
== 59.36 I. The final pressure is therefore
])5 = P4 -
= 7 · 10 P a · = 2.8 ·10 Pa.
The unkn own state variab les are thus determined. Now the other two diagrams can
be drawn .
b) The P- V and T - V diagram s are as fo ll ows :
P (10 5 Pal
500+---------F---,A 2
10 20304050607080
V( I)
c) The work done on the gas can be ca lcul ated from the P- V diagram. Intern al
energy is the same at the beginning and at the end of the process since the temperatures
4 17
300 C reati ve P hysics Problelll s w it h Soill t io ll s
of the gas in the ini tial and fin al statl:S are eq ual. T he fi rs t law of therm odynami cs States
6U = Q + II '= 0, thu s Q = - lI'.
Thl: work done on thl: gas can k ckt n min ed in four stages:
.- N
W12 =- PJ (1/2 - 1I1)= - 5 ·10"-.) · (8;3.l - 3 3 . 24) ·1O ~ III = - 24930.1 ,
\!":;eJ = - J!:;( \;:I -
1/3 ) = - 7 · 10" - ) . (59 .36 - 83.1 ) . 1O ~ J Ill :) = 16G1 8 J ,
11 ',1" = O.
Th e net work donl: o n th e gas is
II ' = 11 '12 + 11'23 + 11':31+ IVI :; = - 24930 .J + 0 + l6G 18 J + 0 = - 83 12 J,
and the net heat absorbed is
Q = - II · = 8312 J.
Solution of Problem 214. The heat absorbed (g ive n o n) by the gas is obtained from
the first law of th erm odynami cs. It states that 6U = Q + \IF , that is, the heat absorbed
by the gas is Q = 6 U - II ' , Here, th e change in internal energy ca n be ex pressed in
term s of the change in te mperature:
6 U = nC,,(T 2 - T I ) = 0.001 111 01· 20.5 .J / (111 01· K) . (- 10 K ) = - 0. 205.J .
The work done ca n be determined with th e he lp of a press ure-vo lume d iag ram.
Let Po den ote the ex ternal air press ure, let (! den ote the density of mercury, and
let hi and 112 be the initi al and final hei ght s of th e mercury co lumn . It can be Sl:l:11
fro m the di ag ram th at th e press ure of the enclosed air vari es linearl y wit h its vo lu me.
Th erd'ore the work, rep rl:sented by the
area under the graph , can be calcu lated
from th e arithmeti c mea n o f the in itial and
Po - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fi nal press ures:
He ncl: the work done on the gas is
th at is,
II" = -~ (P21/2 - fJl I/l + Pl 1/2 - P2lil )' (1)
It can be show n th at th l: slim of the third and fourth term s in the brac kets is 0 : Si nce
4 18
7. Th e1'llJOclY IJ<llllics So lu t ions
7.3 First law of th erm o d y n a mics
]]2 V1
= (Po - (!gh2)(L - h l )· A ,
with the multiplications carried out, the right-hand sides of' the equations are
(p oL - POh2 - (!ghl L + (!ghl h 2 )A,
(PoL - JJ()h 1 - (!gh2L + (!gh2h l )A .
The first and last term s are the same in hoth exp re ssio ns. It foll ows from the given
length of the tuhe that th e factor (!gL in the third term is eq ual to Po , whi ch makes the
second and third term s of hoth ex press ion s add up to the sa me quantity:
Therefore, the last two term s of ( I ) reall y ca nce l out.
The uni versa l gas equati o n ap pli ed to the first two term s gives P2 V2 = n RT2 and
Pl VI = nRTI .
Henee the work done on the gas is
1\1 = - 2" R(T2 - Td = - 0.042 J.
The heat absorhed by the gas is
1 (nflT2 - nRTd = n(T2 - Td ( C u +"2
Q = 6 U - IV = IIC, ,(T2 - T d + 2
=O .OOll11 ol· ( -lOh ) 20.5 J /( l11 ol·I\. ) +
8 .31 J /( 1ll0[. K))
= - 0.247J ,
that is , the hea t given 00' by the air is + 0.2LI7 J .
Solution of Problem 215. a) After th e heatin g
starts , th e liquid membrane hulges out more and
more owing to th e ri sing temperature. This will
cause it s radius of' c ur vature T to decrease . Since
the press ure of' the enc losed gas is in equilibrium
with the exte rn al pressure plu s the excess pressure
of the curved liquid film :
P=Pn+ ~.
It is easy to see that the pressure in creases in
thi s stage.
Figure a) shows th at the smallest
Possibl e va lue of' " is H.. When that occ urs, the
lllel1lbrane has a hemi spherical shape. Therefore ,
the Ill ax im um pressure is
4 0.
PlIla x
= Pu + R = 1040 Pa.
300 Creative P hysics Problem s wit h Solu t ions
(The same resul t can also be obta in ed witho ut using the concept of the excess presSUr .
o f a curved liquid fi lm . Le t F de note the to ta l force exerted by the tu be o n the
me mbrane . In the situ ati o ns show n by fig ures a) and c), F < 4HlrQ , s ince F is the
resultant of the le ngth w ise compo ne nts of the fo rces actin g o n e le me ntary arcs .
In the case b), F = 4R7W, th is is the max imum value o f F. Sin ce th e membrane i
in equilibrium ,
(1 )
and he nce
With the substituti o n of the maximum value of F in ( I) , (2) g ives the same result for
as obta ined above.)
The te mperature is c alcul ated from the unive rsal gas equ ati o n:
Pm a x [R
7rh + (2/3)R 3 7r ]
where R 2 7r h is the vo lume of the cylinder and 3 R 37r is the vo lume o f the hemi sphere.
He nce,
T =
1040Pa · [25. l0 - 3 m+(2 / 3).5 .l0 - 3 m]
·T o =
·250 h. = 295 [\.
Po h
1000 P a· 25 . 10 - 3 m
b) The fi rs t law of the rmodynami cs states Q = t:,. U + Wy as . The c hange in in tern al
poR 2 h
e nergy IS t:,. U = - N kt:,.T, where N k = - - from the uni versal gas equ ati on ap plied
to the initi a l state. The re fore,
t:,.U = l po R 7rh . t:,.T = ~ . 1000 Pa · 25 . 10- m 7r' 25 · 10 -[; m = 8.8.10 - 4 J.
250 K · (295 K - 250 K)
The work done by the gas is used for inc reas ing the e nergy of the me m brane and
di splacing the externa l air:
2 3
Wg = 2Qt:,. A+po t:,. V = 2Q(2R 7r - R 7r) + po R 7r = 2.7 · 10 - J.
T hus, fro m the first law of the rm ody nami cs, the heat absorbed is Q = 8.8.10 + 2. 7 . 10- 4 J = U .5 .10 - 4 J .
Solution of Problem 216. Let P1, VI , T I . sta nd fo r the initi a l state vari ables o f the
e ncl osed gas. Furthe rm ore, let us cons ider the state whe n the pi sto n has mo ved furthes t
from its initi al pos itio n and the re fo re sto ps fo r a mo me nt. Let the state va ri abl es o f the
gas be P2 , V2 , T2 the n. Acco rdin g to th e conditi o n set in the probl e m:
7.3 First la ll' of t hermodY l/ am ics
7. Th ermodynamics Sol utions
The gas unde rgoes adi abatic change of state, and therefore:
PI 11]"1 = P2 112"1 ·
PI = (V2. ) "I = 2"1 = 21.4 = 2.639 .
From equati ons ( I) and (2)
Examini ng the moti on of the piston between the two states in co ncern , accordin g to
the work-energy theorem appli ed to the piston:
In thi s, the work done by the ex tern al ai r (co nside rin g th at tJ. II = III ) is
!IVexter ll al
= -7h tJ. II = -PI,; III '
As the process is adi abati c, accord in g to the fi rs t law of therm odynami cs beca use Q = 0:
Wgas =
- tJ. U",,,,; = ( ~ ) (P I III - ]]2 V2)'
With thi s, the work-energy theore m becomes ~ (PI III - P2 112 ) - jJ(~ x t III = O. Subs titut ing
the values rece ived fro m ( I) and (3):
~ (PI - 22:~9) ilL= Pk Ill ,
from wh ich, al"tc r simplifyin g and reo rga ni sin g, the un know n initi al press ure is
2· lOG Pa
U. 639
5· 2.639
= 1.652 ·1 0 Pa.
From thi s, wc ca n also learn th at the minimum press ure of the gas was
P2 = _ P
_ I- = 0.626· lO G Pa.
After the process in co ncern the pi ston started to move back.
Solution of Problem 217. The speed of the pi ston reac hes it s max imu m at the
moment whe n the accelerati on of the pi ston becomes zero, i.e. the res ult ant rOrCL: ac tin g
on it is zero . Let m be the mass or the pi ston, A be the base area or the cy linder and
Po be the atmos pheri c pressure. Accordin g to Newton's seco nd law:
PuA + mg - pA = rna ,
Where P is the press ure of the gas in side the cy linder. Let Pi be the prL:ss urL: o r the
heliu m gas at the momen t when the piston's acce lerati on beco mes zero (a = 0). Us in g
the above equ ati on, PI can be writte n as:
80kg · l Om/sN
P I = Pu + -A = 10 - - 2 +
10')- cm 2
= 18 CI11 2 .
42 1
300 C reative Physics Problems with Solution s
The helium gas undergoes an adiabatic compress ion for which pV1' = constant
App lying this to the initial and final states of the gas and using that the ratio of specifi .
heats is "'I = cp / Cv = 5250/3150 = 5/3 (or with the help of the degree of rreedo~
"'1 =(1+2)/1=5/3) , we get that
substituting known values, we find :
10 - 2 ·2243dm =lS-·V3
cm 2
from which the final volume of helium is:
C~) ~ dm3 =15.74 dm3.
Let us use the equation of state to calculate the temperature of helium in is final state :
P1 V1 _
l SN/cm . 15.74dm _
T1 - To - - - 273 K
3 - 345 - 72
10 N/cm 2 ·2 2.4 dm
The maximum speed of the piston can be determined using the work-energy theorem:
'2: W =/::"E
kin .
Let us calculate the works done by the forces acting on the piston. The dista nce
moved by the piston until it reaches its maximum speed is:
V 1 - V2
22.4 dm 3 - 15.74 dm 3
s= - - - =
=6.66 m .
1 dm
The work done by the atmosphere is:
5 N
- 3
Watrn=PO(V1 -V2) =10 - 2 ·(22.4-15.74)·10 m =666J .
The work done by the gravitational force is:
V - V
- 1
m = 532 .S J.
The helium gas is compressed, therefore its work will be negative (the direction of the
force exerted by it and the displacement of the piston are opposite). The magn itude of
this work can be found using the first law of thermodynamics:
vVgrav = 7ngs = 7ng -1-- 2 = SOkg ·10 s2 · 6.66 ·10
/::" U = Q+W,
where W is the work done on the gas. The work done by the gas is the same as the
magnitude, but negative. As there is no tran smission of heat during an adiabatic procesS,
Q = 0 , hence
W He = - /::"U = -cv mH e/::"T = - 3 150 --(345 K - 273K) = -907. 2 J.
7.3 First law of thermodynamics
7. Thermodynamics Solu tions
The work-energy theorem will therefore take the form of:
VI -V2
Po(VI - V2 ) + m g - -A
- cv m(T2 - T I ) = 2mv - 0,
where v is the maximum speed reached by the piston. Solving for v, we get:
v = . !2PO(VI - V2 ) + 2g VI - V2 _ 2c m He (T2 -T ),
Let us factor out VI - V2 :
+.f) - 2c m (T2 - Td.
2(VI - V2 ) (PO
v mHe
Substituting the values of works done by the external forces , we find:
v= ·/ - 2- (666J +5 32.8J-907.2J)= . 7.29 2 =2 .7-.
80 kg
Solution of Problem 218. a) According to the first law of thermodynamics, 6.E =
= Q+ W , from which the absorbed heat is:
Q = 6.E - W = 6. E + W gas.
In the isobaric process the absorbed heat and the change of the internal energy are:
Q = cp 17l6.T
Writing these into the first law , we get:
cp m 6.T = cv m 6.T + Wg as .
The work done by the gas is :
= (cp - cv)m 6. T .
According to the statement of the problem , this work is 68 % of the increase of the
internal energy , therefore:
cp- cv
- - ' = - - = ,,(- 1=0.68,
So 'Y = l.68. According to data tables, this va lue corresponds only to krypton , so the
experiment is performed with krypton gas .
300 C l'eative P h ysics Problem s \-\'ith Solut ions
b) During the ad iabati c compress ion the work done
on the gas is:
With our data
36800 .J =
2L19!12 J
0 .68
/ )'J V3 -
from whi ch
I);, V, = 36850 .J ·0.68 + 2'19L12 .J = 50000 J.
Accordin g to th e ideal gas law in the fin al state of the adi abati c process ,
whi ch means th at the un know n fi nal temperatu re T2 I S:
50000 .J
I) If
= 601
. .39-b ['\.;:::; 601 . LI ['\..
T 2 = - :j -'J =
n il
10 lIl ol· 8 .314 ",,,\. \(
Solution of Problem 219. Accordin g to the first la w of th erm odynami cs , t:" E = Q +
+ \I' = Q - I Vg"s, whi ch mea ns th at the heat abso rbed by the gas is
The chan ge o f th e intern al energy and the work done by the gas are:
6E= LN!,;6 T= L~f(6T
2 !II
II 'gas = jJ6 If = ill Il6T.
where It l is the un know n molar mass of the gas .
equ ati on ( I) of the absorbed heat, we get:
Putt ing these ex pressions into
Q = £~1?6T + ~R6T= f +2 ~R6T.
2 ill
il l
(We remark that the formul a Q = ('II III 6T gives th e sa me va lue for the absorbed heal
as the prev ious one.)
The heat e mitt ed be the elec tri c hea ter is
u2 /,
Q,.\= -
whi ch is onl y parti all y absorbed by the gas. The co nn ec ti on between the heat absorbed
by the gas and th e 11l:at emitt ed by th e heater is Q = I/Q,.\ , so
f + 2 III
- - - J?6T = I / - L.
il !
7.3 First law of t h erm odynam ics
7. T he /'llJ odylJamics So lu t io ns
from here the unkn own mo lar mass or the gas is:
i\J =.f + 2 . ~ '7-Rt::.T.
Numerical ly:
}\1 = - _ .
·500 · 83 1- - ·2501\ =2 mo l · K
mo l '
2 · 0.75 220 2 V2 . 25 s
wh ich mean s that there is hyd roge n in the container.
Solu tion of Prohlem 220. Notations, dat a:
l l '!\"s = 56 kJ.
m::::: InH p + 111112 = 180 g ,
Q = 156 kJ .
For the sa ke of simpli c it y, let us denote th e mass of the hyd rogen gas by 'lnl, and
that of the helium gas by 7n2.
Accord ing to the I. law of therm ody nami cs, the change of th e intern al energy is:
t::. E = Q + l\' = Q - I I ~ils = 156 kJ - 56 kJ = 100 kJ.
The expa nsion o f the gas at constant press ure is an isobaric process .
The gas law and the expression of the illl ernal energy are :
pt::. V = (N I + /\'2) ' j.,:t::.T
t::. E = C~l
,N + .~2 A2) .kt::.T
and from ( I ) and (2) we obtain that:
t::. E= (II N + f2 N ).
2 I
2 2
(Nl + N2)
It mea ns th at
2t::. E
N + 1'2 N?).
W gas
N l +N2
5N] + 3N2
NI +N2
Let x denote the ratio Nl / N2 of the number of hydrogen and helium particles. After
si mplifyin g the las t eljuati o n, we get:
5:1.' + 3
.1.:+ 1
So lvin g thi s eq uati on, we get:
25.1' + 25 = 35.1' + 21 --> 10.r = LI ,
thu s th e rati o .r = Nl / N2 is: .1.: = 0.4 , and N l = OAN2 . Now the number of particles
IS expressed in term s of the mass , the molar mass and Avogadro ' s number, and in se rted
Into the previo us elj uation:
1\ ,.\ .
- . }\ .I =0 .·J-
i\f 2
}\1 I
III]=0 .4·77L-J- .
- /\ [ 2
300 C reative P hysics P roblems wi t h Solu t ions
Writin g here the numeri cal va lues of the mo lar masses :
ml=0.4· 1n 2- =0 .2m2 --> m2= 51n l'
S ince ml + m2=m, ml + 5ml =6ml=m, fi nall y we get
180 g
ml = (5 = --6- = 30 g.
Accordin g to the uni versal gas law, the te m perature c hange is:
pb. V = W g a s = ( :: + :: ) R b.T
Numerica lly :
56. 103 J · 2· 10- 3 ~. 4 . 10- 3 ~
b.T = __________~--------------~I~n~ol~------~lll~O~I----------~
8.31 - J _. ( 30 . 1Q - 3 k<T·4· 1O- 3 ~ + 1 50·1Q -3 k <T . 2 . 1O -3~ )
mo l
= 128.4 K.
Solution of Problem 221. Le t Vo a nd Po as we ll as yVo a nd XPo de no te the volu me
a nd pressure o f the gas at the beg inning as we ll as at the e nd o f the process , respectively.
It follows immedi ate ly from the co ndition s o f the problem th at the to tal heat transferred
into the syste m equals the initi a l intern al e ne rgy o f the gas, which is:
E= "2PoVo ,
s ince helium is an noble gas with three the rm od y namical degrees o f freedom . So the
total heat transfe rred into the syste m is:
Q = "2 PoVo ,
The work done by the gas in the process in vesti gated
is equa l to the area of the trapezium under the graph in
the pressure-vo lume pl ane:
Po - - - - /
Po +xpo
(yVO - Vo)=2PoVo( x+ l )(y-1).
Whil e the change of the intern al e ne rgy o f the gas is:
b. E = 2(x POyVo -Po Vo ) = "2 Po Vo( x+ l)(y -1) .
Acco rdin g to the I. law of therm odyn ami cs, the to tal heat tra ns ferred to the gas is:
Q = b. E + W = - Po Vo( x y - 1) + - Po Vo( x+ 1)(y - 1) =
= "2 Po Vo (3xy - 3 + xy - x + Y - 1).
7.3 First lall' of t h erm o dY lJamics
7. Th erm odyn a.m ics Solu tions
After combining the similar terms:
Q= - p oVo(4:r:y+y-x-4) .
Bu t this heat, as we ha ve seen, is equ al to the initi al intern al energy of the gas:
- Po Vo = - Po 110 ( 4 .1:y + y - .r - 4) .
From thi s equati on we get y as a function of .c :
.1' + 7
3 = 4xy + y - .1: - 4 ---+ 7 = (LI.l: + 1) Y - .1: ---+ y= - - .
In the probl em we are interested in , the max im al poss ible vo lume changes. Thu s we
have to find the ma ximal value of y . Thi s ca n be done by analys in g the form of the
above determined function. To do thi s, let us re write the fun ction in a dinerent forlll.
First we mu ltiply both the numerator and the denominato r of the frac ti on hy 4 , the n we
elimin ate x from the numerator by separatin g the integer part and the rema inder of the
divi sion:
x+ 7
4x + 28
4x+ l + 27
1 (.
y= Llx+ 1 =4(4x+1)= 4(4 x+ 1) =4+4(4x+ 1)=4 I + l.c + 1 .
It is easy to see that the functi on is strictl y
decreasing in the phys ical ly reasonable region
x ~ 0, so the max imal y value corresponds to .r; =
= 0 , i.e.: y(O) = 7.
Thu s the vo lume of the gas can increase at most
by the rati o of 7, i.e., V;"ax = 7Vo . Furthermore,
in thi s case the graph of the process in the 7J - V
plane is a li ne seg ment with negati ve slope, which
'reaches ' the zero press ure at the vo lume 7Vo . (Of
Course, in reality the press ure onl y approaches zero.)
Du ring a part of thi s process the gas abso rbs,
during another part the gas releases heat, but the
total heat transferred to the gas is certain ly pos itive.
During thi s process the gas does not doubl e its
intern al e nergy ; in fact , at the end of the process
the intern al energy tends to ze ro.
~ [--~
300 Creative P hysics Prob lems w it h Solutions
Solution of Problem 222. Le t us apply the work-energy
theore m to the moti o n between the points A and B:
?( 1
- mg · 2R·slll a +kQ-
1) = 1-mv
. Q Q
2R · Slll"2
2R ·cos"2
B C1I1
· t he time
At POInt
lI1stant 0 f t he te nSion
fo (1)
di sappearin g but still in the orbit of radiu s R) , the resulta nt
o f the rad ial forces is
1ngsllla -
2 ·COS -
(2Rcos %)
m v2
= --.
T he charge in questi o n is obtained by multiplying equatio n (1 ) by 2, equatio n (2) by R ,
subtractin g the m and rearranging :
5·mgR 2 sin a
k(_l%. __ %
s in
42 8
4 cos
5 .10- 3 k g· 9.81 m /s . 10 m 2 sin 60°
-----.:=:-:--;;-:-- - ' - - ----::----:-2
9. 10 9 Nm ( _ 1 _ 0 _ _
s in30
4 cos 30 o
3_ )
= 2. 04 . 10 - 7 c.
Chapter 8
Electrostatics Solutions
8.1 Electrostatics
Solution of Problem 223. Because of the equal masses of the balls and the symmetry
of the opposite forces , the displacements of the balls are also symmetric. Thus after
releasing the balls at their extreme pos iti ons both
threads make an angl e (3/2 with the vertical ,
where (3 is the angle between the two threads.
According to the work-energy theorem, the
sum of the works done by the forces acting on
the balls is equal to the change of the kinetic
energy of the system. Since at the initial and
final (extreme) position the balls are at rest, their
kinetic energy is zero , thus
m o"'--~---"--'---~.jc m
1_) _ 2mgl (cosa 21 si n ~
21 S1l1 a
~_ u '(cosa-cosg)
= O.
From here the smal ler charge is:
2mgl ( cosa - cos ~ )
2mgt2 ( cosa - cos ~ ) . sin ~ s in a
2(_1 __ 1 )
2lsi ll ~
k . (sin ~ - sin a )
Inserting the numerical va lues, we get:
2.10 - 4 kg · 9. 8 1 ~· 0.09 m 3(cos200-cos42 ° )·sin42 ° · sin20° =5.2.10 - 8 e.
9 .10 9 ~lt (sin 42 ° - sin 20°)
The bigger charge is 2Q = lO A .1O-8e, of course.
Solution of Problem 224. Le t us use an inertial reference frame attached to the centre
~f lllass of the two particles. The above described motion is possible if in this reference
(~~e .the two particles perform a uniform circular motion around their centre of mass.
lewlng this motion from other, ' moving ' inertial reference frames, the speeds of the
P~rticles would not be constant.) The centripetal force needed to maintain the uniform
cIrcular motion is produced by the Coulomb force. (The gravitational force is by many
300 C rea t i,'c Phys ics Pl'Oblelll s with S olut io ll s
orders of magnitude smaller. so it is neg li gible. ) Since the two parti cks re volve arOUnd
the co mm on ce ntre of mass, their angular vdoc iti es are the same.
By the dcliniti ll n of the ce ntre of mass,
Furthermore , the di stan ce of the particles is co nstant ,
1'1 +1'2 = rI.
This distance rl is divided by the centre o f mass at the ratio 171 1/ 111 2, therefore :
/'1 =
II /-)
II L I + 11 12
1. 5 (' Ill
G·1 0- 12 kg+1.2 · 1O - 1j kg
· 1, 2 .LQ - ll kg = 1 C ll1 ,
1'2 = d -
1'1 = 1. 5 C l1l - 1 c m = U. 5 CIll.
The speed of the panicles ca n be determined from Newton ' s second law. Writi ng it
for the first ['Jani c k:
= II L j /'1";- '
1,; - ")( -
It mea ns that the ang ular ve loc ity is:
v.) ==
Q 1Q 2
N l1l 2
9 · 1O!) ~-.
(2.43 · 1O- 1:l )2 C 2
= 6. 274 1. 5 2 ,10- 4 1l1 2 . 6 ·10- 12 kg .10 - 2 111
The speed of the first panicle IS:
and the speed of the second one , orbitin g half rad iu s, is:
ul = f'j ..J =1O-2 m · G.274-;::::;O .063 - = 6 .34
= O. 5v ] = 3. 17
C ll!
Solution of' Prohlem 225. a) Accordi ng to the ce ntre o f mass theorem, in the lack
of ex tern al force the two ob jects move in such a way that their centre of mass remains
at rest in th e inertial refcren'ce frame . So the two speck s of dust meet at their centre of
mass. This position has to be det ermin ed. Let us give the distance of the centre of masS
from the first speck of mass 1111.
Let th e origin of th e coo rdin ate sy stem be at the ce ntre of mass. The form ul a for the
['Jos ition o f the centre o f mass yie ld s that :
0 = 171' 1·1'1 + 111 2 .1' 2
1I/1' /; ]
1771 +717 2
+ [- 1I1 2(cL ) 111.1 + 111 2
'" j ) ]
from which
II /-)
.(; 1 =
+ 111 2
(11 =
1. 3
1.7 + 1.3
·(j c IlJ = 2 .6 c lll.
8. 1 E lectrostatics
8. Electros tatics So illtions
So the two speck s of dust w ill meet 2.6 C lll far from the initi al positi on o f th e first spec k
of mass 1111 (a nd consequently 3.4 C Ill far from th e initial positi on o f th e other speck).
b) T o answer th e quest ion we ha ve to use th e co nserva tion law of energy and of
linear mome nt uill. According to the first law , the initi al electric potential energy eq uals
the sum of the kin eti c and potential energies at the distan ce el 2 :
Epnl., = EPClI.2+ Eki ll , + E kiIl 2 )
or, in detail s:
k -ell
Q1Q2 1
) 1
= ! . ' - - + -1I11 1'- + -IH2 V -.
The SUIll o f th e mome ntum o f the specks remain s zero in th e process, so:
Frolll here
} '2 =
} ' J'
Writing it int o equ atio n ( I ), and rearrangin g th e terms , we get:
2kQ 1Ch
(-I- -1)
ri 1
= 1I111'1 + II L2
v )
After so me ca lcul ati on the foll owi ng is obtained for the speed o f the first speck:
2·9·10!) 1~.'~2 . ]0 - 9 C · 5 ·1O- 9 C · 1.3 · 10- 11 kg 0.0611l - 0 .01m
- - - - - - =437 - .
1. 7.10 kg (1. 7 · 10 kg + 1.3·1O kg)
0.06111·0 .01111
The other speed ca n be obtain ed either by exchanging the indi ces in this formula, or by
using the formula for V2 deri ved from the momentum co nse rva ti on law. The result is:
1. 7.
v·) = - - V I = - - -137 - = - 572 - .
11/ 2
(The negative sign mean s that if the pos iti ve x axis o f the coordina te system is
pointin g in th e directi on of th e ve locity o f the first speck , then th e seco nd speck 1Il0ves
in opposite direction to th e .1: axis.)
The speed of approach of the two object s is ju st their relative speed , which is:
lll) = 1009 -111 .
m - ( -5 72 -
V I' ~ ll ' = Ul - V2 = LI 37 -
(Thi s is th e speed of the first speck relati ve to the second one. Of course, the speed of
the second one relati ve to th e first speck is the oppos ite:
L' I' ~I ."
= L'2 - v] =
- L137 - = - 1009 - .
(- 572 -Ill)
The qu est ion was ask ing the magnitude o f the speed o f approach , w hi ch is the abso lute
Value o f either o f th ese relative speeds.)
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
Solution of Problem 226. The problem is highly theoretical since it is Im possibl
to concentrate such a large charge on such a small object. The order of magnitUde
of the radius of a spherical particle with a mass of o ne thousandth of a gram may b~
about I mm. That would result in an order of magnitude of 10 10 V for the potential
and 10 13 V /m for the electric field at the surface, which is impossibl e. Let us assUine
however, that it is still possibl e, and solve the problem.
The particl e has to cover a vertical distance of y = d/2, and the initial value of its
vertical speed is zero. Since the field is uniform , the acceleration will be constant and
thus the distance covered is
d 1 2
Y = - = -at
2 2
Hence the time of flight is
t=~ .
From Newton 's second law , the acceleration is
a= ~ = - = --.
Horizontal speed is constant between the plates. Expressed in terms of the distance to
be covered and the time of flight, it is
Vx = v=~ = ~=h~=hJ~~ =~J;: .
12 cm
v = ~~
4· 10- 3 C . 60000 V
--5-.-1-0-- -=-6-k-g-- = 27712.8~.
Solution of Problem 227. Let the electron arrive at velocity v at an angle of
incidence a and leave at velocity u at an angle of refraction {3. Just as between the
meshes , only a force perpendicular to the meshes acts on the particles , their vel ocity
component parallel with the mesh does no t change: vsin a = us in {3 . Accordin g to the
work-kinetic energy theorem
- 7nu - -mv = V q.
s ll1 a
2U q
1 + ~-2 . Since ratio
sin {3
s in a/sin {3 is independent of the angle of incide nce, it has the same value for every
From the two equations through transformations
From the definition of the re fractive index n =
1 + 7HV
2U~- = 1.42.
Solution of Problem 228. Electrons on the edge of the beam travel with a veloci ty
V1 = y'2 e Vo /m whose direction forms an ang le a/2 with the centre-li ne when reach ing
the first lattice.
The component V1 x of velocity V1 that is parallel to the lattice remain s un chan ged,
while the perpendicular component V1y should decrease to such an extent that the angle
8.1 Electros ta t ics
8. Electrosta.t ics Sol 1I tions
of di recti on of the veloc ity changes fro m a./ 2 to a. . The equati ons describin g the chan ge
of the angle are:
. a
V l. c
V I. ,.
Slll - = - .
SI 11 0 ' = - ,
si n ~
sin O'
2 cos ~
2sin ~ cos ~
V' x
The pote nti al di Acrcnce betwee n the latti ccs sho ul d dec rease the ve loc it y from 1'[ to
V2 . Accordin g to the work-kinetic energy
e V = -2 m v 2- - -/TlV
fro m wh ich the pote nti al difference between the lattices is:
m 2
2)= 7nvi [( -V2 ) 2 - 1 =Vo
V= -(V2-vl
= 60000 V (
4 cos 15°
(1 .
4 cos 2 ~
- 1
- 1) = - 43923 V
Thi s is the potenti al of the seco nd lattice relati ve to the first (the charge of the elec tron
is negati ve) .
Solution of Problem 229. a) Due to the nature of force (central and rep ul sive) ac ting
On the mov in g charge, its path can onl y be a hyperbo la.
Accordin g to the wo rk- kineti c energy theore m, the work do ne by the electri c fi e ld is
eq ual to the change in the parti cle ' s kineti c energy . As the pani cle' s initi al pos it io n is
at in fin ity , the wo rk done by the electri c fie ld is th e negative of the pani cle' s potential
energy at the point of its cl oses t approac h, thu s:
-k · - ,. = -2 'm v - -2 Inv0,
Where T is the small est separatio n and /,; = 9 .10 9 Nm 2 Ie .
300 Crea.tive P hysics Problem s with Solu t ions
As the force ac ting o n the mov ing partic le
is central , the angul ar mo mentu m o f this
particle defined with respect to point Q
is co nstant. Assuming that the mass is
consta nt, the equation si mplifies to :
d· vo = l' · v .
-------------- -- --------- -- ---------- ------- ---------.Q
Solving equation (2) for v and substitut_
ing it into equation ( I), we obtain :
2 2
m v&
-2- .1'2 - kqQ·1' -
dL........... . ........
mv d
---!}= o.
The soluti o n of the equ at ion is:
1' = - - +
qQk)2 + d2
( m v&
m v&
Substituting kn ow n values gives:
9.109 N ~~2 .1O - 7 C . 10 - 5 C
10- 5 kg. 4 .104 Ir~2
9.109 N m .10- 7 C .10-5 C ) 2
10- 5 kg· 4 .10 4 ~~.
+ 0.01 m 2 =
= 0.125 m.
Using this res ult, we gel that the minimum value of the vel oc ity of the moving
parti c le is:
V =- ·Vo=
·200 - =160- .
b) Let point A be the vertex of the hyperbo la, which is its closest point to the fi xed
8.1 E lectl'Os t a tics
~ctl'Os t a tics So lu tions
Let point 0 be the centre of the hyperbola, which lies on segment AQ. This is the
oint whe re the lines of directions o f the moving particle 's initial and final veloc iti es
for the asymptotes) intersec t :ac h other. Distances 0 A and OQ a.re the le ng th of
he sem i tran sverse aXIs and focal di stance o f the hyperbo la respect ive ly. Tnangles
~J{Q and OCA are congruent , therefore OD = OH = d is the semi co nju ga te axis
of the hype rbo la. The focal len gth can be expressed as OQ
=J A02 + d2 , w hile the
A02 + d2 . Therefore in case
smallest separation (1') is g ive n by the formula AO
of an arbitrary initi al speed Va, the semi co nju gate ax is of the hyperbola is d , whi le its
semitransverse ax is is :
OA= kqQ.
The asymptotes o f the hy perbo la wi ll be perpe ndi c ular to each other if the semi conju ga te
and semitran sverse axes are equal:
9 .1 09 N r~12 .10 - 7 C .10 - 15 C
d= - - ? =
=0.0225 m .
lO - G kg. 4 . 10 4 l~~0
If now distance d is changed to its new va lu e, equation (3) g ives T = 0.05432 m for the
smallest separation and equation (2) gives V = 82.842 m /s for the fin al veloc ity of the
moving particl e .
Solution of Problem 230. When the anode current starts , the energy of the photo n is
equal to the work fun c tion :
¢ = hf = 6.63.10 - 34 J s · 3 . 10 14 ~::::: 2.10 - 19 J.
In the second case the frequency of the appli ed li g ht is:
f=- =
3 .10 8 '-'-"
= 7.10 14
425.10- m
The kinetic energy of the electrons leav in g the cathode:
hf = ¢ + Ekill
Eki ll = hf -
With numeri cal va lues
J s · 7· 10 14 ~ - 2 .10- 19 J =
= 4.64 1 . 10 - 19 JJ - 2 .10 - 19 J = 2.641 . 10- 19 J.
Ekill = 6.63 .10 -
While the e lec tro ns emerge from the cat hode a nd move to the anode, the cath ode gai ns
Pos.itive charge and th e anode gains negative c harge, this way a 'counter-field' is created,
Which stops the e lectrons before they reach the a node after a suffici e ntly lo ng time. The
~~unter-voltage created across the capac itor ca n be . measured between the ~athode and
e anode as well . ThiS electnc field does e V 01 work pe r e lec tro n to lllc rease the
300 Creat ive Ph.\·s ics Problellls w it l, SolJJ t io lls
potential energy or the electron s, whi ch according to the work- kin eti c energy theore n
( 1\' = 6.Ek ill ) is equal to th e chan ge in the kinetic energy o r the electron :
( \I = 0 - 1~11I'
with numeri ca l va lu es:
rrom here , the pote nti al o r the ca th ode rel ati ve to th e anode is:
- :2.G,ll·H) - l!J .J
\1= - 1.G ·10 - 1!! C = 1. 65V.
The charge on the capac it or is
The number o r electrons on the capac itor is
- l.oS . ]0 - 12 C
. .
11=-;;= - 1. 6.10 - 19 C = 1. 03· 10.
(The inherent capac it ance or the photocell is neglected. )
Solution of Prohlem 231. Due to the sy milletry or the arrangement. we can consi der
onl y one or the two penduluill s. (Because o r thL: eq ual Illasses, the pos iti on or the two
threads is sy milletric with respec t to the re llecti on aga in st a ve rtical line passing throug h
the suspL: nsion poin!. ) Let us write down the co nditi ons ror the equilibriulll or rorces
actin g for example on the Idt sp here, in horizo ntal as well as in vertica l directi on.
When the sp heres are submerged int o paraOin. the roll owi ng forces are actin g on the
the force due to gravity. th e buoya nt rorce, the Co ul omb rorce and the rorce exerted
by the thread. (We assu me that the paraffin tank is large enough, so th at the e O'ect
or the surrace polarization charges can be
neglec ted , and we al so suppose th at the
threads have neg li gible width .) Accord ing
to the figure , th e rorce balance equatio ns
arc :
in hori zo ntal dirL:cti o n:
in vL: rtical direct io n::
(J \1.9 - (Jp.fJ \I - 1\'1' coso P
= D.
Rearran gin g the first equation and d ividin g it wi th th e seco nd one, WL: obtain that:
l Gr,EoE,P ((J - [il') ' \I[,
' S '1 112(l l~. = ta ll np
( I)
8. 1 E lectrosta.tics
8. E lect rostat ics So lu tiolls
Without paraOin the structure o f the hrst eq uation does not chan ge, but since in the air
(or practi ca ll y. in vac uum ) E , = 1 , the relative permitti vity can be omitted, and different
letters should be used for the angle and for the force o f the thread. In th e seco nd equati on
th e bu oya nt force is omitted , so in the air th e force balance equa ti ons are:
in horizontal di rec ti on:
in vertical direction:
gllg -
I\' ,A, COSCl,A, =0 .
Again rearran gin g the equations and tak in g their quotient. we get that :
= ta ll ClA ·
1 67l'EU/2gllg ' Slll -OA
Di vidin g the two equati ons ( I ) and (2) for the tan ge nts o f th e angles in paranin and in
air, after ca ncel lation, we obtain:
E ,(g -
gp)'s in O:p
. 2
g'S 111
Multipl y in g thi s equation w ith the denominator o f the right hand side:
ta ll C1A . 'J
• ')
. 'J
g . - - - SIII -O,A, = E ,g'S II1 -0p - E ,.gp ·SIII- Op.
tall C1 p
We collect the terms co ntainin g th e unkn ow n den sity to th e left hand side of the
equation , and use the di stributive law o f multiplication:
" 2
t.an O: A . 2
- - - 5 111 O:A -E ,.S III Op
La n C1p
. 2
·g= -E ,.gp·S 111 o·p .
Finall y, ex pressi ng the densit y o f th e sphere s, we get :
E ,.5 111- O:p
,- ~s
in Cl A
= 800 -3"
2· sin 30°
. 2.
. :,V 0 . 'J
= 3960.3
2 · sIn 30° - : ;~:: J~u S Il1 - 35°
Solution of Problem 232. II' tim e i s meas ured from the start of th e motion , In time
th e in sul ator slab penetrates to a di sta nce o f
= aO l 2
t'rOlll th e place or entry. At thi s tim e, the pl ates practically form two capac itors co nnected
In parall el : one w ith area C.l' and capaci tance C 1 , w hi ch is filled by th e in sul ator and
300 C reati ve P hysics Problems with Solu t ions
another one with area c(c-x) and capac itance C 2 , which is fill ed with air. Their
capac itances are
_ cOcr cx
_ coc(c-x)
C2 .
C1 - - - d
The equi valent capac itance and the charge co ll ec ted on the plates as fun ction of time are
cOC [
C=C1+C2=d[C+(cr-1) X] = d C+(c r - 1)2 t - ,
aOt 2] U =cOC
U cO(c r - l )caoU ·t 2
Q = -cOC [
C+(c.- 1 ) -- +
respec ti vely. From the same train of thought it can be seen that as the in sul ator penetrates
between the pl ates by tJ. x , the charge of the capac ito r changes by
tJ. Q = tJ. CU -= ( cocrCtJ. x _ COCtJ. x ) U = cO(c r - l )cU tJ. x.
Thi s charge is deli vered by the emf source, so the current in the wires leading to the
capac itor is
tJ. Q cO(cr - l )cU tJ. x
cO(cr - l )cU
cO(c r - l )cU
= -- =
.- =
.v =
ao t
tJ. t
with numerical values
8.85· 1O - 12~·( 101 - 1 ) . 2 00mm ·2 1~ ·l O OV
r A
s.t= 1. 77 . 10- _. t,
that is, the current increases linearl y from zero.
: i ~ E,(E,-1 )ca,U
8 .1 E lcctros ta t ics
§;J2..e ctros ta tics Soil! tiOll S
When the in su lator fills the space betwee n the pl ates completely, the capac it ance of
the capacitor does not change any more, the c harge on the plates remains co nstant as
well, the charging cu rrent ceases. This happens at time in sta nt
2·0 .2111
---,,-,---- =0.447 s.
2 ~~
Until this moment the charge on the plates and the current are mon otonously in creas in g
in time, so they reac h their max imum va lue exac tl y at thi s moment:
Qlllax =
coc r c2U
8.85 .10 - 12 ~ ;; ·101· (0.2m )2 ·100V
= 1.79/, C .
2 · 10 -· 111
8.85 .1O -12~. (101 - 1) ·0.2m·100 V )2 · 0.2 m ·2 ~
,, = 7.92/, A.
2.10 - 3 m
Solution of Problem 233. The give n data guarantee that the in sul atin g pl ate can be
considered in both directions as infinitely large s in ce the di stance of the sphere cl is mu ch
less than the size of the square L. It means that with a good approximation the electric
field of the plate is homoge neo us in the in vesti gated reg ion. Using thi s (we ll-founded)
assumption , the electri c fi eld of the charged pl ate can eas il y be determined with the help
of Gauss ' law (Maxwell's 1. equation).
Gauss' law states th at
L E ~A COSQ= - LQ·
co II
Applying it to a thin rectangular box aro und the plate (and neglectin g the inh omoge neit y
of the electric fie ld at the lateral faces of the box) , th e co nstant E ca n be ca rri ed out of
the sum, COSQ = 1 and the surface area of the box is
L~ A=2A=2 L2
Expressing thi s area with the distance d , and writ in g it , along with the total charge of
the square plate, into Gauss ' law , we get th at:
E 2· (100d )2 = ~ 100Q.
1'his electric field is perpendicular to the pl ate, so the compone nt s of the elec tri c field
Vector, expressed in terms of the charge o f the sp here Q and the di stance dare:
E~ !Jp la t e = 0 '
300 Creative Phy sics Problem s with Solu tions
Now le t us invest igate the electric field near the sphere. The electric field of the
charged sphere inside the sphe re is zero . O uts ide of the sphere, however, the electric
field is simil ar to the fi eld of a point c harge Q pl aced at the centre of the sphere. In
addition, the ho mogeneous electric fi eld of the sq uare plate penetrates into the insulating
sphere so the ne t electric field inside the sphere is:
Ex = 5 .10 -
E:~2 ' Ey = 0, E z ::::: o.
At the given point o uts ide the sphere
the ne t electric field is obtained by
_____ "5__ _
uperpos in g the field of the plate
I ,
and that of the sphere, accordi ng to
the fi gure .
" , !J.{2
(In the figure the len gths of the
electri c field vectors are not properly scaled , since in reality at the investigated po int the field due to the
pl ate is 22 times smaller than the
field of the sphere. The di rections,
ho wever, are properl y indicated. )
The e lectric field due to the (uniformly distributed) charge Q on the sphere at the
. (d2'2'd0) .
po mt
E SP hel'e = _l_ .
JL .
( ~ J2) 2
27rE:od 2
E:Od 2
The components of the net elec tric field are:
= Eplate - E sploel'ecos45° = 5 .1O- 3JL - 0.1 59JLcos 45° = - 0.10 7 JL
E:od2 '
E y -- E ysphel'e sm
. 45° -- 0 .159 JL
. 45° - 0. 11 3 JL
E: d 2 sm
E: d 2 ·
The mag nitude of the net electric field is:
156 JL
VI E x2 + E2=0
a nd its ang le relative to the x ax is is:
= a rc t g - = 46.6 .
<p = arctg _ .
Solution of Problem 234. Orig in all y the potential differences across the capacltors are
8.1 E lectrostatics
Electrostatics So lutions
their charges are
and their e nerg ies are
1 Q2
2 C
a) Let us move the plates of capacitor B . Then C n =
;:;:: C /2. The voltage of the battery does not change but
charge moves from the plates into the battery. The charges
on capacitors connected in series are obviously equal, let
Q' stand for this new charge. With this used for potential
differences , the following relationship is acquired:
from which the magnitude of the new charge can be determined:
Q ,=CV
3 '
The new energ ies are
W' = ~ Q,2 = ~CV2
W' = - - - = -CV2
n 2 C/2 9
2 C
1 Q,2
Based on (2), (4) and (5), the changes in the e nergies of the capacitors are
6WA =WA -WA = 18 CV -SCV =-72 CV ,
6W' =W' -WD=~CV2_~CV2=_~CV2.
Based on ( I ) and (3), the change in the energy of the battery is
6Wb at =-V6Qcap=V Q - Q =2 CV -3"CV =6 CV .
The change in the energy of the system is
, _
, (' _(~ _ ~ _2 )
6Wsystem-6Wbat + 6IVA+6Hn-
2_ ~
CV -12 CV .
So the total energy of the system increased.
The change in the energy of the system is
300 C r eat ive P hys ics Prob le m s w it l, S oill tions
The work th at was requi red to in crease the separati on of the pl ates of the capacitor w.
. e nergy.
done at tle
I ex pe nse 0 I· tIl IS
[Re mark : Thi s ca n be understood by co nsider in g th t.: fo ll ow in g:
T ht.: work done by us is tht.: work dont.: by a c hangin g force, beca use in the case oj'
capac itor B both th e charge and th t.: po tenti al d i n'erence across it change. So the work
is given by an int egra l.
The work do ne by us is
II ' =
where F' is the mag nitu de of the force betwee n the "Iales and .1: is the relev ant
separati on of the pl att.:s, whi ch ch anges fro lll d to 2d. The t.:\ec trostati c forc c that acts
on the plates of the capacitors - as wc know - is half of the product of the resu lt ant
electri c fi e ld and th e charge on the di sc:
F =- QE
where based o n Gau ss' law , the mag nitude of the t.:lectri c fi e ld is
E=~ . g
(Ou t.: to th e co nstant ve loc it y) the forc e exe rted by us in th e dirt.:ction of di spl acement on
thc "l ate Df capac it or B that is pull ed by us has the same mag nitude as th e eicctros tatic
force th at acts o n it:
1 Q/3
] '[3 = - Q /3 ' - - =
1 2
1 C~ IIJ
- Q [3 ' = ;--2
2 EoA
(I. )
When th t.: st.:parat ion betwee n the plates o f capacitor B is in creased , both it s capac ity
and the pott.: nti al diA'erence ac ross it change. Let us desc ribe thi s two-vari able fun ction as
a one-var iable fun cti on of the di stance bet ween the pl ates. Let .1; stand for the chang in g
di stance betwee n tht.: plates of the caracit or. W ith it , th t.: carac it ance o f capacit or B is:
ell = -
T he (c hangin g) charge s on th t.: two capac it ors co nn ec tt.:cI in seri es are equal , so the
po tential diffe rences across th em are
a ll el
The ir rati o is
C ,\ '
t.h a t is,
11/3 = - ,
8. 1 Electrostatics
8, Electrostatics So lu t ions
rhe sum of the two potential di ncrcnces is constant and is eq ual to the voltage of the
CA+C a
V = \/4 + Va = Va + Va = Va ----'--'----'CA
From thi s the changin g potential diftcrence across capacitor B expresscd with the
constant vo ltage ac ross the battery is
Va = V
= V
= V
= V _ 1_ = V ~
(Jl )
C,.1 + C a
1 + CD / CA
l + ~ , _,_I
1 + ~:"1'
,J; + d '
E"o A
With it th e force pullin g the plate of capac itor B as function of x based on (1. ) and
(II,) is
The work do ne by us is the integra l of force as function of di sp lace ment:
. J'
I~a d ,r=-coA
V-? / ' ( d,l' )2 '
. x +d
II =
The integrati on is carried out with the fo llo win g substitution: (.r+ d ) = z and d:J; = d z ,
Then the integra l becomes
cl z
' = - -; = - +
Using thi s, our work is
II =2'c oAV - [ -x+ clL =2' c OAV-[ -,r +2d - ( -;J;+ d) ] =
= ~ c AV2 (~_~. ) = ~ coA V2 3 - 2 = ~ coA V2 = ~ C V2
2 II
2cl 3d
2 d
12 d
as we have already stated,]
b) Let us in sert an in sulator into capac itor A. Then accord in g to the given cond iti on
CA =2C , For potential difl'erence s:
Q" QI'
V= 2C +C '
fr om wh ich
Q "=~Cv.
The energ ies of the capacitors are
1 QII2
VV" = --- = -CV 2
2 2C
1 Q"2
IV" = --- = -CV2
2 C
300 Creat ive Physics Problem s with Solll tions
the changes in the energies of the capacitors are
!::,. W"
= W"A - W A = - ~
!::"W"=W" - W
the change in the e nergy of the battery is
=V(Q-Q")= _ ~6 CV2 '
the change in the energy of the system is
!::,. Wsystem
7 - 6
1) cv 2 = - 12
1 CV 2 .
= (-172 + 72
The capacitor pulls the insulator in and in the meantime gives
~CV2 energy to it
(which for example in the case of moti o n with friction is given to the surroundings as
Solution of Problem 235. a) Let us assume that the area of the plates (A) is much
greater than the separation (d), i.e. A» d 2 , which means that the e lectric fiel d between
the plates is uniform . Let d be the separation of the plates of the capac itor, V be the
potenti al difference provided by the batte ry , E be the initial e lectric field strength in the
capacitor. In the initial state, the relation between the potenti a l difference and the fie ld
stre ngth is g ive n by the equation:
E-- d'
c -l
In the fist case the tw o pl ates pl aced
inside the capacitor behave like a solid metal
block of width d/3 . Due to the induced
charge on the connect ed plates , the electric
field E2 between them is zero. Since the
potential difference provided by the battery
remains constant, we have:
which yields
The electric flux between the left and right pair of plates is the same due to the symmetry
of the situat io n:
he nce
8.1 E lectrostat ics
8. Electrostatics Solution s
E1 =E3 ·
s ubstitutin g equ ation (2) into eq uati on ( I):
E3 + E3 = 2E3 = 3E ,
SO the elec tri c fi eld stre ngth in questi on is:
E1 = E3 = - E = - · 600 V / m= 900 V /m.
b) This case is much more compli cated. Let Q1 , Q 2, Q3, Q4, Q" and Q6 be the
charges on the surfaces of the pl ates as show n. Let E 1 , E 2 and E3 be the elec tri c field
strengths between the pair of pl ates mov in g fro m left to right. Applyin g Maxwe ll ' s third
equation (Faraday's law) to loop ABCDA show n in th e fi gure, we get:
L V=O ,
E 2 - + E 3 - = Ed.
since the potential di Aerence pro vided by the battery, th at was Ed initi all y, remain s
constant. Thi s yi elds
where E is the initi al fi eld stre ngth in side the capaci tor.
The additi onal two pl ates are connected by a wire, therefore they are
equ ipotenti al, so the potential di Aer,L,------E=1--,---E=2- - --,
,__--~~+ ~---~- ~ -~2-~~­
ences between the seco nd pl ate and
__----~+ l -----~ - ~-------~either the first or the third one is the
same. Thi s mea ns that:
-I -------~+
hence - co nside rin g the direc tions of
the field s - the relation between the
electric fie ld vectors is:
E1 = -E2 .
-I -------~A~----~
- ------~+"f< - --- - ------ "-~ -- - ---------~
- I----------j+ : 1---------01
e-:: ------~d1-----oi- ·~ -----~'01
Applying the conservation of charge to
the additi onal two plates, we obta in :
O2 : 0 3
0, 05
0 6l
o.! ------------+1: ------------"c
As IE11 = IE21 , the flu x thro ugh Q 1 equals the tlu x through Q2 , hence:
E 1 A= E 2 A,
300 C r ea t ive Physics Problem s w it h S olu tion s
thu s
Q l =Q4'
Inserting thi s in to equati o n (5), we have:
a nd the refore
The tlu x th ro ugh Q5 is give n by:
\[1 3
= E 3A = ~Q5 = - ~2Q4 = 2 · (- ~Q4 ) = 2 · E2A ,
whi ch yields:
E3 =2E2·
In sertin g thi s into equati o n (3a), we get:
thus the fi eld stre ngths in questi o n are:
E 2 = - E = - ·600 - = 400 33m
E3 = 2E2 = 2 . 400 -
= 800 - ,
E l = -400- .
Solution of Problem 236. a) Le t Q de no te the absolute value o f charge, let data with
subscripts 1 and 2 , respec ti ve ly, re fer to the capac itors on the left and o n the right, and
let data w ith no s ubsc ript re fer to the capac itor d ropped o nto the m. The c harges of the
capac itors in the initi al state are
Q l = C 1 VI = 2. 10 - 6 J.l F · 150 V = 3 . 10- 4 C,
Q2 = C 2 V2 = 3 .10 - 6 {iF · 120 V = 3.6 . 10- 4 C.
1.5 flF
1'4 II l.4
+3·10 C
-3 10
-3.6 '10 C
3 fl F....L
I ·4
+3 ·10 -x
. 3j10 +x A
-3.6·10 +x +1.2 '10 C
-1 .8· 10
+3 .6j10 - X -1 .2j10
- - - (0)-----1.
1.5 flF
- - - ( 0 ) - - - - 1.
+1 .2 10
8. 1 E lec trostatics
§;ldLectrosta tics So lutions
Let x be the c harge o n the dropped capac ito r whe n it has co nnected to the free e nds
f the o ther two capac itors. The to tal charge o f each of the three cond uc tors containin g
~he points marked A, Ba nd G in the fi gure stays consta nt since they are in sul ated fro m
ne anothe r. T hu s the charge on the upper plate of capac itor I is QI - x , the c harge
~n its lo wer pl ate is - QI + x, th e charge o n the upper pl ate of capac ito r 2 is - Q2 + x ,
and the charge o n its lo wer pl ate is Q2 - x .
The pote nti al di ffe re nce of po int B re lati ve to po int A, as c alcul ated across the
capacitor ( I ) o n the le ft , is
VLl A =VI = -
3 . 10 - 4 - X
2.10 - 6
and the same po te nti al d i ffe re nce calc ul ated th ro ugh the other two capac ito rs, th at is,
along the path B G A is
- Q2
VLl CA = VLlC + VCA = V + V2 = C + C; = l. 5 . 10-6 F
3.6.10 - 4 C - X
3.10 - 6 F
Since the e lectrosta tic fi e ld is conserv ative, these tw o vo ltages are eq ual:
3. 10 - 4 C -x
2 .10- 6 F
l. 5 ·10- 6 F
3.6 .10 - 4 C - x
3. 10 - 6 F
Multiplied by the commo n de no min ato r 6 .1O - 6 F :
9. 10- 4 C - 3x = 4x - 7.2 . 10 - 4 C - 2x,
and hence the c harge of the dropped capac itor is
16.2 C
x = - - = l. 8 · 10- C.
x can be used to de termine the po te nti a l differe nce across each c apacitor:
VI = VAll =
V2 = VCA =
3.10- 4 C - l. 8 · 10- 4 C
= + 60 V.
2.10 - 6 F
- 3.6 . 10 - 4 C + l. 8 . 10 - 4 C
3.10 - 6 F
= - 60V ,
and the pote nti al differe nce of the capac itor dropped o nto the m is
1.8 .10- 4 C
V=VLlc = l. 5 .10 -6 F = + 120 V.
b) It is easy to see that the amo unt of c harge pass in g th ro ugh the po int A is the c harge
lost by capac itor 2 a nd gained by capac itor 1, that is,
/:-"Q = x = 1.8. 10 - 4 cou lombs
Passed fr o m 2 to 1, w hi c h mean s toward s the le ft.
300 C I'eat i\'e Phys ics P roblem s with So ill t ions
Solution of Prohlem 237. It is known that on the surface of the Eart h, whose radi
'IS I)c , mass 'IS J\1 and (e
I nsily
" IS y, tIle grav "
' n ca n be given in the
li S
lt alioI
na acce Ieratl()
following form :
In order to so lve the problem , we should de term in e the magnitud e of gra vitat io nal
acce lerati on on a disc with a very large radiu s, a thickness of H and a den sit y of 0
(far from the rim of the di sc) , We succeed relati ve ly easil y if we make use of the an alc~~
betwee n the force laws of e lec trostatic and gra vitati onal interacti o n.
The electrostati c force actin g on a point-like , stati onary electric charge and the
gravitational force acting lx.:tween point-like bodies are of s imil ar nature:
/J1 1 17l2
F =- C - - , - or ,
a ne!
where f.., = l / L17rcII' It can be see n th at the corresponding quantities are m mass
(,g rav it ati onal charge' ) and CJ electri c charge , C gra vitati onal co nstant and 1/4 irc()
and g = F / III grav itati o nal acceleration and E = F / CJ elcctric field. Therefore, if we
determine the electric field of a di sc of infinite radiu s and homoge neo us charge de nsity
outside the di sc, then through th e substitution of the corres ponding quanti ties we also
get the gra vitati onal acceleration in the case of a mass distribution ha vin g a si mil ar
The electric equivalent is determined using Gau ss' law:
where the electri c 'source inten sity' NE = E2A, If
the electri c charge density is {}'I' then the total ch arge
e nclosed by a c losed meas uring surface is LCJ = {}"A l-! ,
from which the elect ri c field is
So the grav itati onal accelerati on gai ned from (2) through the rep lacement of the
correspo ndin g qu antiti es is
(}1I1 f[
= 27rC-,
This should be equal to the grav it ati onal acceleration th at is meas ured on th e surface of
the Earth regarded to be uniform , which based on ( I) is
gsplwr.. = gdis("
=C~4 R7r {}1I1
{}lIl ff
= c l 7r --;Z-
8. 1 E lectrostatics
8 Electrostatics So lutions
frol11 which the thi ck ness of the disc of the ' flat Ea rth' is
H = - R= -·6370 kill = 4250 kill.
Solution of Prohlem 238. Co nside r a who le cy linder of uniform volume charge
density first. The electri c field as a function of the distance from the axis in side the
cylinder can be determined fro m Ga uss' law, whi ch states
E l:. A= - L
Using sy mmetry considerati ons, it is easy to find a closed surface th at the field
lines norma ll y intersect eve rywhere, and on whi ch the intersec ti ons arc distributed
uniforml y. Thu s the division o f the surface into small element s and the adding up of
their contributions can both be avoided. Let us apply Gauss ' law to the test surface of
cylindrical sy mmetry with height h and radiu s .r :
E·2X7r·h= - g.!; 7rh,
where 2:.l:7r · It = A is the area of the tes t surface (w ithout the bases of the test cy linder,
since those arc not illlersec ted by any lield lines), and .l:2 7r ·h = V is the volume bounded
by the surface. The product of the vo lum e and the charge den sity is the total charge
surrounded by the surface, and the left-hand side of the equation is the tot al electric
flux cross in g the surface. Thus the magnitude o f the electri c field in side the cy linder is
expressed in terms of the distance from the axis as follows:
that is , the electric field increases linearl y with the radius, and its direc ti on is radial.
From the electrical point of view ,
the eO'ec t of the bore in the solid
cylinder could also be ac hie ved
without CU llin g out a narrower
cylinder: In stead, that part co uld
be given a c harge density eq ual
and opposite to that of the ori gin al
cylinder, to make the resultant
chargc zero in that part of the
VOlume, Then the electric fi eld in
the bore ca n be obtained as the
sUperposition of the electric f'lelds
of the two cy linders of parallel axes
Ul) : : : /!; I + 1~'2)' With the notatio ns
of the fi gure:
300 Creative P hysics Problems with Solut ions
Notice that the vec tor di ffe re nce
iJ is equa l to the vec tor d cor:necting the axes of
the two cylinde rs, therefore the electri c fie ld vec tor is parall e l to d e verywhere in th
bo re, that is, the e lectric fi e ld is uni for m in the bore:
E bore = -
It is worth noting that thi s is not o nl y tru e for a cy linder. T he fie ld is also un iform i
a sphe rical cavity ins ide a sphere . It fo llows fro m the e lectri c fie ld be ing proPOrtiona~
to the rad ius, whic h is true in a uniformly charged sphe re, too.
Solution of Problem 239. Suppose that the
intern al res ista nce o f the voltage supply is
negli gible, thu s the te rmina l voltage across the
voltage suppl y is independe nt of the load. In
the first case the pote nti al at points C and
D are equal, thus the resistor between these
po ints can be ta ke n o ut witho ut ch anging the
equiva lent res ista nce of the syste m , or po ints C and D can even be shortcircu ited.
Thus the equiv ale nt resistance of the resisto rs between po ints A and B is equal to
the equiv alent resistance of two res istors , both havin g resistances o f 2R , which are
connected in parall e l, which is R. Thi s is co nnec ted in series with another resi stor of
res istance R , thu s the equivale nt res istance o f the syste m is 2R, and appl y ing Oh m's
law the curre nt in the main branch is
1 = 2R'
If the resistances of the two di ago nall y oppos ite resistors are do ubl ed, the symmetry
whic h made the po te ntial at po ints C a nd D equ al is ceased thus c urre nt will fl ow in the
brid ge as well. Us in g the no tati o ns o f the fi g ure Kirc hhoff's loop rul e for the indicated
loop is the fo llowing:
2RI2 - Rh - Rh = 0,
and cancellin g R :
2h - h - h= O.
Kirchhoff's juncti o n rul e for the junctio ns at po ints A a nd Dare:
I ' - h - h=O
a nd
11 - 12 - h =0.
the solutio n of the equ ation syste m for the c urre nts in the branc hes:
I 1 = ~5I''
45 0
12 = - 1
h =- I .
8.2 Direct c urrellt
Electrosta.tics Solut ions
'fh uS the voltage between the points A and B is:
7 ,
2Rh + R11 = -:-Rr.
the equival ent resistance hetween the points A and B is:
R A13 = 511., which is
connected in series with a resistor of resistan ce 11. , thu s the equivalent resistance of the
whole circuit is: lLe = - R + R = - R, therefore the current in th e second case is:
1' = 5V .
'fhe asked rati o of the currents is:
8.2 Direct current
Solution of Prohlem 240. The figure shows the
direction of the changes in potential s of the hatteries ,
which are given. The circuit has three branches, and
the currents in these branches h , 12 , and 1 are
unknown . The directions of the currents can be drawn
~ U02 arbitrarily . They are denoted by arrows and are all
directed towards junction B , for example. Thus when
applyin g the junction rule, all of them will be written
with a positive sign. In the circuit there are two
independent loops and one independent junction . (If
the number of junctions is n then the number of independent junctions is n - 1. The
loops are independent if there exists at least one branch in each loop which isn·t any
other loops.) If Kirch ofrs laws are applied to these loops, the three unknown s can be
determined. When setting up the loop rul e, the change in the potentials of the batteries
are taken as positive, as long as their direction is the same as the chosen direction of
the traverse of the loop.
The loop rule app li ed for the loops and the junction rule applied for point /3 are the
following :
-UOl + hRJ - 1R" =0 ,
U02 - hR2 + 1 R,,; = 0,
11+ 12+ 1 = 0.
~xpressin g r L from ( I), and 12 from (2) and writing them into (3) the following result
IS ga ined for]:
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solution s
In the main branch (through the load) the current flows opposite to the direction indicated
by the arrow. The terminal voltage across the batteries connected in parallel (the VOl tag
across the external resistance) is :
Uk = 1 R k = - 12 .284 V .
The currents that flow in the branches of the batteries are:
- 12.284 V + 12.6 V
0 .05 D
= 6.32 A
12 = - 1 - h = 6.142 A - 6.32 A = - 0.178 A.
The current flows from the higher potential towards the lower potential in the battery,
which has a smaller electromotive force caused by the other battery , which has a greater
electromotive force .
Solution of Problem 241. For the sake of better understanding, let us draw three
figures for the three cases. When the switch is in position II ', let the currents
going through resistors Rl and R2 in branch ADE (the lower one) be h and h,
respectively , and in the upper branch - because the resistances of the opposite resis tors
are the same - 1~ and 1~. Let us use the notations of the figure.
Let us apply the loop rule for the two small loops (ACDA and CEDC) and the
junction rule for junctions A and E .
1~R2 - E - hRl = 0,
1~Rl - hR2 + E=0 ,
h = h + 1~ = h + 1~ .
Adding the first two equations and taking out the resistances we gain:
(I~ - h)R2+(I~ - h)R 1 =0 .
From the junction rule the difference between the currents through the resistors which
have equal resistances:
8.2 Direct current
Electrostatics Solu tions
substituting thi s into the prev ious equati on the following interesting result is gained:
(I~ - h)R 2 + (I~ - h)Rl = 0,
( I~ - I2)(R1 + R 2) = 0,
because neither R 1 , nor R2 IS zero:
I~ - h =0 ,
similarly it can be deri ved th at I~ = h .
Usin g our resul ts let us appl y the loop rule for loop ACBXY A, and for loop
ACDA . Assume that the emf of the two batteries are equal.
R2h + Rlh -E =O ,
R2h - E - Rlh =0.
The soluti on of thi s equ ati on system for the currents is:
h = O,
h=- .
From thi s the curre nt through R2 is h = I r = 6 A .
The current fi ows through the ' route' ACDBXY A and there is no current through
the resistors whose res istance is R 1 . The va lue of the resistance of R2 is:
R2 = - .
When the switch is in positi on 22', the polarity of the battery is swapped (thi s is the
same as if we swapped the res istors Rl and R2 when the switch is in pos iti on II ') so
similarly to the previ ous case, now the current flows only through the res istors whose
resistances are R 1 , so h = E / Rl = 3 A . There is no current th ro ugh the resistors R 2
R1 = -
When the sw itch is in pos iti on 33' the curre nt in each branch is 1,)2. Accordin g to
the loop rul e whi ch is appli ed to any of the loops co ntaining the battery:
2(R1 + R 2) - E= 0,
from whi ch the asked current is: -
Ix =
1 /1
- + -II
usi ng the res ults gained fo r the res istances - :
2I dJ!
2 ·3 ·6
h + IfI
3+ 6
- --=--A=4A.
b Solution of Problem 242. Thi s circuit is an ~exa mpl e of an unbalanced Wheatstone
tIdg e . Let us so lve thi S pro bl em uS1l1g Klrc hofl s laws .
45 3
300 Crea ti" e Ph.,·sics Problem s with Soilltions
a) In ge neral the loop rule states th at for any loop:
lOI )I )
T ra ve rsin g the uJlper loop in the co un terc lockwi se directi o n (usin g the directio ns 01"
current s sho wn in the fi gure) , we find:
whi ch yield s
13 = - /1 - 12 =-2 .5A - (- 1. 5 A)=- 1 A,
Thus the third ammeter read s I A , and th e directi o n of the current in that branc h is
oJlpos it e the direction of traverse, so it fl ows from point D to C .
b) In thi s part our task is to ex press I;j as a fun ct io n 01"
resistance n.r . We have 6 un knowns (the currents in the
5 bran ches and resistance H ), which shou ld be determined
usin g the potential din'crence bet ween points A and F3 anci
the four known resistances. Let us use Kirch ofl's laws
I =:
again: equation s ( I) and (2) are junctio n rules (
B0 - - - - - ' - - - - - - - '
jlfo diU /I
0) applied at points D and C respectively , while equatio ns
If = 0) aJlplied to
(:l), (4) and (5) are loop rules
the upper and lower loops and finall y to loop AD !3A,
Resistance R ca n eas il y be calculated usin g th e data given in part a), but let us work
with it now as if it was a parameter. Usi ng the direction s shown in the fi gure and
working with the magnitudes of curre nts, we obtai n:
h = IJ + 1.1'
I = II + 13
no = I'l. Ro + 1:J?o
l rft.r = I3Ro
+ 1H
If = I2RlI + [ r ](../'
Let us so lve the system of equations step by step. Let us simplify eq uati on (:l) by
no and substitute 12 from equati on ( I) into equation s (:l) and (5) :
1 = 11+ 1:3
11 = 1:3+ I r + 1:3
I r H,I = 1;3RII + 1 If
If = 1:3i?(J + l r fill + I:Jtl
8.2 Direct Cllrrent
8 Electrostatics So ill t iolls
Thi s way we reduced th e nu mber o f eq uati ons to fo ur. Let us now in sert eq uati on (2)
into equ ati on (4) :
(3 /1 )
I J =2 fJ + I.1'
I ,. li,. = f J Ru + 11R + I:3 R .
V = I:, /Lo + f £ Ro + I.en t'
(5' )
substitutin g eq uati on (r ) into equ ati on (4 '), we reduce the number of un k now ns to two :
I,l: R.,. = f:j Ru + 2I'J R + I.t' R + 13R
V = I:jRo + 1.,. Ro + I ,. R.,.
(4 /1)
(5' )
Let us now so l ve equ ati on (5') for I.e ::
V - f:JRO
I ,. = ---'--
Ro+ R.1'
insertin g thi s int o equati on (4 /1 ), we have:
V -lJRo
V- lJR o
- ---'- R.,. = 1'J( RII + 3R ) +
flo + R,,.
Ro + R.,.
Multipl y in g th e eq uati on by th e de nomin ator gi ves:
Thi s is a lin ear eq uati on fo r I:3 . A ft er sOllle algebra, we find:
V ( R ,. - R ) = 2RoRJ'J + 2R o R IJ + 3RRJj + R613 =
= (2 /?uR.,. + 2R II R + 3RR.,. + R~) /3 = [( 2Ro + 3R )R.,. + Ro( Ro +2 R )]· h
which y ields
V( R.,. - R )
(2/{o + 3R )R ,. + Ro( flo + 2R )
If the va lue o f Il is calcul ated, we get th e req ui red h (R.I') fun cti on. R. ca n be found
Usin g the data gi ven in th e fi st pa rI. T he potenti al di fference be tween po ints A and C is:
v,,, c = Rol l = 20 · 2.5 A =5 V
So the potential diO'crence ac ross resistance
R Illu st be:
Vn = V - v,,, c = 19 V - 5 V = 14 V
As th e current in the bra nch o f R is
1 n = [ 1 + f:J = 2.5 A + 1 A = 3. 5 A
the valu e of I? tu rns out to be R = Vn / 1 = 14 V /3 .5 A = 4 O. Thu s curre nt I3 ca n be
expressed in terills o f R ., as:
19V (H.r - <l0)
:, - (2 · 2 0 - 3 . <I 0) R , + 2 0 (2 0 + 2 . 4 0 )
1 -
19V R .l. - 76 Y· 0
16 0· R., + 20 0 2 .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
The graph of the function is a hyperbola I
special points are: at R x = 0 / 3 = -3.8 A'; ~
R x = 4 rl 13 = 0 ; at R ," = 32 rl h = 1 A·
R x-7oo, 13 tends to 19/ 16=1.1875A. '
Solution of Problem 243. From the first measurements we know that the thre
resistances are equal (R).
Let R v stand for the inte rnal resistance o
the voltmeter. Then the potential difference
between point pairs AB ,BC,C D are div ide
in the ratio of the resistances measured betwee
these points . (See the fi g ure) . From this, th
potential difference between point pai r AB is
'--- - - - - Vo
.B.:..!l::L + 2R R + Rv
A 13 -
R+R v
After simplifying and reorganising, the parametric equation for the potential diffe
e nce, which was measured to be 20 V is
Vo·R v
2R + 3R v '
If the voltmeter is connected between points A and C, the above mentione
proportional part can be calculated from the following formula:
AG- 2R-Ry +R
2R- R v
2R + Rv'
after simplifying, thi s surprisingly results in exactly twice of value VA G :
= 2·
= 2VA13 = 40 V.
2R+ 3Rv
VAD = Vo =62 V,
which is not three times VAB !
Solution of Problem 244. In the case of a closed sw itch , after a sufficient time th
capacitor is charged completely and then no current flows throu gh it. In thi s state th
potential difference across it is
8.2 Dircct c urrcnt
Electrostatics So lu t ions
B -y
where R 23 is the equiva lent res istance of resistan ces R2 and R:; co nnected in para ll el:
R2 R 3
2+ 3
R.23 = R
substituting the va lue of R23 int o the eq uati on:
V;e = V.0
Rl R2 + RlR3 + R2R3
and the charge on the capac itor is
Q e = ella
R2 3
R ]R2 + RIR3 + R2R:;
After the switch is opened , the capacitor di sc harges through resistors R2 and R 3 .
Currents i2 and i3 flowing through the resistors decrease con tinu ously but their rati o
remains constant:
The constant rati o of the currents also gives the rati o of the charges carri ed by th em :
R3 '
where Q2 and Q3 stand for the charges flowin g throu gh res istors R2 and R 3 ,
respectively. The sum of Q2 and Q 3 is obvious ly Q ~ :
Based on (2) and (3), it can be stated that in the di sc harge process charge Q" fl ow in g
out of the capacitor is di stributed betwee n the discharg in g res istors in in ve rse rati o to
the ratio of resistances R2 and R 3 .
Makin g use of this fact:
or based on (I )
R2 R 3
HlR2+ RIR3+ R2R 3 R 2 + HJ
a) Based on thi s, the result s in the case of R J = 400 0 are
Q 3 = Clio
R 23 = 80 0 ,
lie = 4 V, Q e = 200 l iC,
Q 3 = 40 JiC.
b) In thi s case, the express ion for Q:3 give n in (4) is regarded as a function of H:J ' Let
the R stand for the ide ntic al va lues o f Rl and R.2 . Then (4) ca n be written in the form
Q . _ e ll,
. 30 (R + 2R3)(R+ R:3) '
300 Creative Phy sics Problem s with Solutions
or in a more suitable form
Q 3 = C VoR-
R: +3 R
Regarding the denominator as function of R 3 , it can be seen that the denominator has
a minimum , which results in the maximum of Q 3 . Based on the inequality between the
arithmetic and geometric means (taking into consideration the terms of the denominator
that contain the variabl e):
that is,
2R3 + -R
_ _----=-=-"-3
> Rv2 .
The left side (the arithmetic mean) is the smallest when the two terms are equal , that
is , when
2R3 = R3'
from which R3 =
J2 R . The value of the denominator has a minimum here because
the third , constant term does not influence the place of the extreme value.
So after the switch is opened , the maximum discharging charge flows through resis tor
R 3 if its value is
R3=2R=70.71 D,
and based on (4) , the maximum charge that flows through it is
5.10 - 5 F·9 V
2v2 + 3
= 77.2 ftC.
Solution of Problem 245. Let us connect s cells in a series in one chain . Then the
equivalent no-load voltage of one chain is
VOl =
s Vo
and the equivalent internal resistance is
Rl = sR.
Then k = N / s chains are created. ( s = 1 , 2, 3, .. . , N.) The equivalent internal
resistance of the battery acquired by connecting the chains in parallel is
R _ Rl _ sR _ 2 R
" - k - N/s - s N '
8.2 Direct c urrent
~ectrostatics Solutions
If the consumer whose resistance is optimal for maximum power output is connected to
the battery , then its resistance is equal to the internal resistance of the battery , so
R c =Ri =5 N'
The power output on the consumer is always
P=I 2 R c'
By substituting our results into the re lationship we acquire
) 2 . 52 R
2 s- R
= Vo N.
The final result does not contain 5, which means that the power output on a consumer
whose resistance is optimal is the same in each case, independently of the value of 5,
that is, the arrangement of our battery.
With numerical values
Solution of Problem 246. Three different circuits can be made as shown in the figures
a), b), and c). The first is when a part of the variable resistor and the resistor are
connected in series, the second is a potential divider (potentiometer) , and the third is
when the two parts of the variable resistor are connected in parallel and this is connected
in series to the resi stor.
Data: RR = R = 100 fl, P R = 2 W, O :S rV ar:S r = 1000 fl , P Vur = 15 W,
U =::: 48 V . In order to make it easier to figure out the circuits, let us denote the resistor
in the circuit with the sy mbo l of a lamp .
. a) The key of the solution is to find out the maxIInum current throu gh the resistor and the variable
resistor. This limits the voltage across the resistor.
The maximum current through the resistor is :
IIl,nax = ) PR./ RR = )2 W / 100 fl = 0.1 414 A,
the maximum current through the variable resi stor:
I var", "X = ) PVul/r = )15 W / 1000 fl = 0.1225 A.
JUG C l'c<ltin' P /n 's ics Pl'Ob/c JIl s lVit/l Soluti o n s
In case o r a series co nn ec ti on the maximum c urrent whi ch ca n !low through that
. I1 .IS co nn ec ted , and w Ilose resistance
. .IS X, (so throu ohpart
. hi e res .istor w IllC
o I· t he varia
I S tle
I lllaXllllUIll
.IS: b t e
as we II ,)'IS 0 . I22-;) A . tlU
vo ltage across the resistor
The voltage is minimull1 il' the whole variahle res istor is co nn ec ted int o the circuit C
thi s case the curren t decreases) whi ch is all owed:
' In
UI1 ''' i'' = I lIlill I? =
48 V
H. = - - - . 100 D = 4 .364 V.
I? + r lllilX
11 00 D
h) When the va ri ahl e resis tor is used as a pote ntial
divider. then part .r o r the va riabl e res istor is connected
in ser ies to the rest or the varia ble resistor r - ,r and
the resistor R wh ich are connected in parall el. thus
the curre nt th ro ugh the sys tem is limited by the curn.: nt
th ro ugh part .r :
This leads to a qu adrati c equ ati o n:
IVaI'", ,, .r
2 - (U + IVa I'",", r ).r + U(r + In - IVa I'",", rR = O.
Substituting the give n data the so luti o n will be .r = 30'1.4 D, thu s th e res istance or that
part whi ch is co nnected in parallel to the resistor is I' - .[ = G\)·S .6 D.
The equivalent resistance or the parallel conn ec tion is:
I?" =
I? (r - .[)
= 87.43 D.
H+ 7' - .l'
thu s the max imum voltage across th e resistor is:
Un. ,,, ,,, = H, .I Va l' ,,,", = 87.4:3 D · 0.1 225 A = 10.71 V .
The Il11111mUm vo ltage across the res istor in thi s case is 0, sinee the resis tor is
shortcircuited il' the pointer is put to th e left ex treme position.
c) In the third case, the two parts of the
vari ab le res istor are co nnected in parallel
and thi s is connected in series to the resi sX
tor. H the pointer o f the variable res istor is
placed to the middle and is moved to wardS
= r-x
the ri gh t or the le rt , a sy mmetri cal change In
the current will result. When the poin ter IS
in the middle pos iti o n, the half of the Illa:l;
IInum current 0 1 the resistor !l ow s thIOLl ".
eac h pa rt of the variable res istor, wh iChl~~
smaller than the ll1 aX llnUIl1 current th ro ugh the varIable resistor. so the current IS I1 n11
8.2 Direct current
Electrosta tics Solutions
bY the n.:s i stor. T hu s the ma ximum current in the circuit is l ,llax = l rr " , ax = 0.1 414 A
and th emaximuIn vo ltagc across the resistor is Un", ax = lrr", ax R= 14.14 /V . .when the
current IS thc ma x imum , the pointer splits the variab le res istors Into two part s l or wh ich:
(,. -.r):r
U \ f o/·== I R ,ll tlX
/' -
+ X'. '
where UI'(l1 = U - Un = 48 V - ll l. ILI V = 33.86 V . so the equation to be solved is th e
substituting thc data thi s is :
0.1414.1'2 - 141.4x + 33860 = 0 ,
Both so luti ons of the quadratic equation are solutions of the problem:
.rl = 602.65 12
a nd
,1;2 = 397.35 12.
If th e pointer is pushed furth er away than four-tenth s or six-tenths of th e tot al length ,
then the current through the resistor will be more than the all owed m ax imum (and also
it will exceed th e all owed max imum through the shorter part o f th e variab le re sistor).
Becau se o f the sy mm etry , th e maximum of th e resistan ce of the variable resistor - thus
the minimum of the vo ltage acro ss the re si stor - occu rs if the point er is in the middle
position. In thi s case thc equ ivalent resistan ce of the variable resistor is RI'"I' = 1' / 4 =
= 25012, and the vo ltage across the res i stor is
U Il
,,·1Q012=13 .71V.
H + R 1/ ,",
10012 +250H
Summari zin g the re sults, th e vo ltages across th e resi stor in case of a), b), and c) are
the followin g:
4.36,1 V :::; Un :::; 12.25 V ,
0 :::; U n :::; 10.71V ,
13.71 V :::; Un :::; I Ll . I Ll V.
Solution of ProhIcm 247. a) II' R", i s the resistance o f the multiplier and Ril1t is
the intern al resistance o f th e meter, then:
I? III = ('II - 1) /(il1['
If noS is th e resistance of the shunt , th en:
R , = R l1 ,!
n- 1
MUltiplyin g equation ( I ) by eq uati on (2) gives:
Rill R s = R~ , tJ
Which means that th e internal resistance o f the meter is th e geometrical mean of the
reSistance s o f the multiplier and shullt:
Hil1! =
J R", /(, = V3 12,2712 = V81 \1 2 = 9 12.
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solu tions
b) The power di ss ipated by the mo vin g-co il c an be writte n in term s o f the curre nt
res istance as :
p= 12 R int ,
w hi ch y ie ld s:
{;£ I;;&.
J R", R s
R int
)9.1O-4 W
=1O - 2 A=10mA .
9 rl
The voltage ac ross the mov ing-co il is g ive n by:
V= ~ = y'PR illt =
Insertin g g ive n d ata, we find
9 . 10- 4 W
=9.10- 2 V=90m V.
10- 2 A
Solution of Problem 248. Let x stand fo r the resis tance o f the part of the variable
res istance that fall s betwee n the left e nd o f the resisto r and the s lide. The two res istor
parts separated by the slide are connected in parall e l in the c irc uit. T he current created
can be c alcul ated from the e lectro moti ve fo rce a nd the equi va le nt res ista nce:
I =Vo =
Vo · R
RoR+ x (R -x )'
x( R -x )
x +R- x
The de no min ato r of the fr ac ti o n is a qu adrati c fun c ti o n: _x 2 + Rx + RRo. Its maxi mum
- compare d to fun cti o n ax 2 +bx+c - is at -b/ 2a, that is, in our case at R / 2. Then
the value o f the de nomina to r is maximum , the value of the frac ti o n and the re fore curre nt
are minimum , its value is
I . _
RRo+~(R - ~)
4Ro+ R
As accordin g to the probl e m
> -3- '
substitutin g the va lue 4Ro/3, a value s mall er than R in pl ace o f R in ( I) g ives a value
greate r than the o ne rece ived in ( I):
I . _
111111 -
4Vo <
4Ro + R 4Ro + .'!..{f
3 Vo
4 Ro
O n the othe r hand, the max imum curre nt occurs w he n the slide is at one o f the endpoints
o f the vari ab le res istance, because the n it is sho rted , its ' inc luded ' res istance is zero
(s hort-c irc uit c urre nt). Its va lue is
I rn ax = Ro'
8 Electrostatics Solu tions
8.2 Direc t c urre ll t
substitutin g it into (2), it is really true that
I ",i" < 4" . I"'<1x ·
The minimum and maximum current s are
4 V()
1",i" = 4R o + R '
a nd
respec ti vely.
Solution of Problem 249. The ci rcuit diagram is shown in
the figure.
If the mOLO r rotates, th e magnetic fi eld of the stator indu ces
an electromotive force in the co ndu ctors or the armature. Let
£ stand for the potential diA:erence induced in the rotor as
generator and [ R stand for the potent ial diA·erence across the
ohmic resistor .
According to KirchhoO"s law:
U - E - 1 R=O .
From thi s, E = U - 1 R is the vo ltage or the motor, which should be take n int o
considerati on for mechanical power.
The power o f the motor is:
P= ]E= I (U- IR ).
This is a quadratic fun ction for [ :
P= - RI2 +U l .
This functi on Illay have a max imum at . - b/ 2a'. So the curre nt belonging to the
maximum power is
- U
[ = - 2R = 2R ·
With thi s, the ma ximum power of the motor can be ca lc ul ated:
P",ax = - R . ( 2R
)2+ U . 2RU = 4UR .
With numeri ca l values:
220 2
P",ax = --Hi = 195.16 W.
The mechanical power output of the motor cannot be more th an thi s, meanin g it ca nn ot
Produce a mechanical power o f 200 W.
Solution of Prohlem 250. First we determi ne the equ iva len t resistan ce o r th e inl inite
chain of internal resistances show n below . Let T.r be the equi va lent resista nce or the
300 Creative P hysics Prob lems with Solutions
chain betwee n points A and B . If one more rec urrin g sec ti on is connected be l'
the chain , the net res istance of the new chain will be 7',"+ 1. Since two resistors are
. and one 111
. paralIe I to 1'," , the net resIstance
of the new chain canare
co nn ec ted .111 senes
calcul ated as :
-:;'+21'+1'", =1''''+1 ·
The key to the soluti on is to recognize
that addin g one more secti on to an infinite chain does not change the chain and
its resu ltant resistance, hence 1''''+ 1 == l'
Iso lating 1'", + 1 from equ ation (I) a~d
then substituting 1'x+1 = 1' x , we obtain:
which is a qu adratic equation for 1'x :
1'~ + 2T7' x - 21'2 = o.
The so luti on of this eq uation gives the equivalent intern al resistance 111 question,
which is:
Let us now in vestigate what happens if two batteries of different emf are connected
in parallel. Let c be the resultant emf of the arrangement, which in other words is the
no-l oad potenti al difference across points A and B. Although no load is connected
across the termin als (A and B), there is still a current (i )
fl ow ing in the cl osed loop. Applying Kirchoff' s loop rule to
the loops containing points A and B and either of the two
batteries, we get:
c = c2 - i1' 2l
= C1 + i1' 1 .
The soluti on of the system of equati ons gives the resultant emf of the two batteries:
A' - +
r({3- 1)
_ _ _ _ _ _...J
Let us now investi gate the infi nite
chain of batteries. Let Cx be the eq uivalent emf of the chain , whose equivalent
res istance accordin g to eq uation (2) IS
1'x = 1'( J3 + 1). First let us connect tWO
batteries in series to the chain. The resultant emf across points A'-B' is now:
8.2 Direct current
Electrostat ics So lu tions
and the net resi stance accord in g to equ ati on (2) is:
1'2 = 21'+r(V3 - 1) = 1'(V3+ 1).
Let us the n con nect one more battery (of emf E = E1 and internal resistance l' = 1'1)
points A' - B ' . Accord in g to the formula obtain ed for the resultant emf of
a~o batteries co nn ected in parall el [see equ ati on (3)J , the resulta nt e mf of this new
arrangement IS:
E( V3 + 3 )+E~.
V3 + 2
Since adding one more rec urrin g sec ti on to the infinite chain does not change its
equivalent emf, we can substitute Ex+ 1 = Ex :
E(3 + V3) + E:c
Ex =
V3 + 2
The solution of thi s equ ation gives the eq uivale nt emf of the infinite chain , which is:
Ex = V3E.
Solution of Problem 251. a) If the condition set in part a) o f the problem can be
satisfi ed , then it is al so true in cases n = 0 and n = 1 , so the eq ui vale nt resistance
measured betwee n points A and B is
the same in these two cases. Based on
the figure
R·c = R 1 +
R 2+ R x
multiplyin g by the denominator:
n =1
RxR2 + R ; = RIR2 + R1Rx + R 2R x .
The rearranged form of the quadratic eq uati on is
R ; - R 1R x - R1R2 = 0,
its solution is
-----4~i-R-X-,-R-1:~~~R~2-~:- -C=-R-1]--~~-R--2~F ~R' ~
300 C r c'Itil"C' P h,l's ics PIO I) lc IlI S lI'it /l Soillt io lls
W e have to exa min e w hether in th e case o j' ft. .. = 30 it is reall y tru e th at I?
is independent J'ro m th e num ber oj' in c lu ded quadrupoles, Le t us consider the 1~11l
I'l ,,, termillatin
' " g 11. B <lse d on co nd Ili
" o n ( I ). t h ell'
' equi valent,1St
qua d rup o Ie aneI res istor
U r , But then the quadrupole before th e l ast one is also terminated by a re sistance /( IS
w hi ch means that th e equi valent resistanc e is I?,.. again ,
,I ,
The proced ure ca n be repeated until we reach the first qu ad rup ole, Th is is term inated
by a ci rcu it pan w ith an equ i valent resistan ce R .. aga in . so the eq ui valent re sistance
between points ~ and /J is /? .. in depende ntl y oj' th e number oj' in c lud ed quadrupole s,,
b) T he potential diO'ere nce across res istor I?,.. is the potential din'erenCl': acros s the last
element now, For this . we have to determine th e c urrent !l ow in g through resistor I? .. ,
', R,
A 0 -~c:::J - r
-o - ~ c:::J
B 0- - - - - '
- -0 - -
0· ··0- - - -
The c urrent !lo wi ng through th e lirst re sistor n I IS I I = VA f3 / If A f] = 1 A , because
V AIJ = :\ V and I? A /J = 3 0,
For thi s reason. let us con sider an arbitrary quadrupole (e,g, in positi on j) , Let
l j stand J'm the current !l ow in g through resi S[(lr H I and I j + I for th e current !low ing
th rough resistor ft. .. ,
With these notati ons. for the current !low ing
th ro ugh resistor I?, .. based on the c ircuit diag ram:
J'ro m tile loop law
~ c:::::J -'l--'---~ 0 - - - - - - -:
: : R
l ,-'
and from the junc ti o n la w
The va lu e of 12 is ex pressed fro m th e r ati o:
T hi s is substituted into the junc ti on la w :
/? ..
I j+ I + I j+ I H2 = I j ,
From thi s, the cu rrent !l ow in g throu gh resistor H .. is
I j+ L =
I j+ 1
If ,.. + R2
8 .2 Direc t c l/J'J'e n t
Elect ros tat ics So ll/tio lls
Using these. the fol low ing relation ships are acq uired:
I '] = J I
R 2 + R .r
I 'j = j.)
I - 1 .
( R2 + R.I'
- R 2 + R .r
= II.
l? 2+ /?r
With thi s. the rotential diAerenee across th e terminating resistor R .r IS
V, = l?J, = 30 · 2.00-1 85 · 10- .1 A = 0.6015 111 V
Solution of Problem 252. The carac it ance of the metal sphere with respect to
infinity, where the potential is zero , ca n be ca lculated such that the charge on the sphere,
Q, is di vided by the potential at the surface of the sphere , ha ving a charge of Q . Due
to the sy mmetry of the sphere , the di stribution of the charge on the sphere is uniform ,
which creates a ce ntral electric field whose field lines are perpendi cul ar to the surface of
the sp here, thu s outside the sp here they arc dra wn as if they
came from the ce ntre of the sphere. Therefore the potential
at the surface of the sphere is the sa me as the potential at a
distance of /' from a pointlike charge of Q placed into the
centre of the sphere , which is:
v= _1_ .2
thus the caracitance of th e sphere of radiu s /' IS
If the potenti al dinerence between the ends of the wires is V , then at each touch the
sphere carries a charge of QI = C V = 47fco/'V , thu s durin g a time I the amount of
charge carri ed bet wee n the end s of the wires is Q = nLQ l ' where accordin g to the data
1i::::5 /1 ] / lllill = 0.9 l /s . Thu s the average current is
l =,=n QI = n47f c OTV,
and appl yin g Ohm 's la w the resistance ca n be cal culated as:
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
(We supposed that direct current was applied, and the potential at the end of----------one .
the wires is equal to the potential of a point at infinity.)
Solution of Problem 253. The original resistance of the wire is R = 2LT = 4 Q I
the conducting path is an ideal shortcircuit, then connecting the wires at B does ~ f
effect the measurement at A, thus the total resistance of the pair of wires of seo meat
AX would be gained. Similarly , the measurement at B would give the total resi~tan III
of the pair of wires of segment X B, thus the sum of these resistances would give t~e
original, known resistance of the cable. Because the sum of the two measured data i~
greater than this (R 1 + R 2 > LT), we can conclude that the conducting path is not an
ideal shortcircuit, but instead has has some resistance R.
In case of the first measurement, R is connected in parallel to the two wires of length
X B and this is connected in series with two wires of length AX. In case of the second
measurement, R is connected in parallel with the two wires of length AX. For the
two, known, equivalent resistances two equations can be set up from which the two
unknowns (R and for example AX) can be determined. Though the equati on system
is very difficult to solve if the unknown of the equation system which characterize the
position of the conducting path is chosen to be simply x = AX. The soluti on of the
equation system is easier if half of the length of the cable l = L /2 is introduced, and the
position of the conducting path is characterized by the distance x between the midpoint
of the cable and the short.
With this the two equations are:
2(l ~ x )TR
Rl =2(l+x)T+ 2(l~x)T+R'
R2 = 2 (l ~ x) T +
2(l +x) TR
2 l+ x T+R
After eliminating the denominators, and taking out one equation from the other the
variable R can be calculated quite easily , and substituting it back into one of the
equations a quadratic equation can be gained for x .
T(RI ~ R 2)· x2 + [R IR2 ~ 2lT(Rl + R 2]· X + l2T(Rl ~ R 2) = o.
~ctros t a ti cs Solu tions
8.2 Direct curreIl t
the solution of this equati on which makes sense is:
217·(R 1 + R 2 ) - R1R2 Ri R~ - 411'Rl R2( RJ + R2 - 41, )
x = --~~--~~--~~~~~~~--~~~~--~--~
21'(R1 - R 2)
substitutin g the data of the prob lem the resu lt is .1: = 50 metres, thu s the short is at
three-quarters of the cab le measured from A. The resistance of the conductin g path is
R"'" 3 ohms.
Chapter 9
Magnetism Solutions
9.1 Magnetic field
Solution of Problem 254. a) The fig ure shows that the ch loride io ns passing throug h
both diaphragms A1 a nd A 2 move along a straig ht line . Thi s is possible o nl y for those
particles w hic h travel at a spec ific speed , si nce fo r other speeds the orbits are curved arcs
in the e lectri c and mag netic field . T hu s the first part of the dev ice , with perpend icular
e lec tri c a nd mag ne tic fi e lds, is a ' velocity filter ' , which selects fro m the dispersed speed
distributi o n o f the io n beam a specific veloc ity value . Thus after the diaphragm A2 we
have to deal with o nly one speed value.
After the second diaphragm A 2 we have pure magnetic fi e ld , and the io ns enter this
re gio n with a velocity perpe ndi c ular to the fi e ld. Here , they perform uniform circu lar
moti o n until they hit the photo pl ate . The magnetic Lore ntz fo rce is equal to the
centripetal force, and since the relevant vectors are pe rpendicular, the equation of motion
m v2
B ev = - - .
For the two isoto pes with differe nt masses the radii are:
The diffe re nce of these radii is:
Using the geometric fac t th at 6 x = 26 r ,
B e6 r
B e6 x
2 ·10- 2 T ·l. 6 .10- 19 C · 4 .10- 2 m
4 m
= 1 .92 · 10 s
(m2-m d
2· (m 2-md
2 · 2· l. 67· 10- 2 7 kg
b) O nly those particles pass through the velocity filter, for which the magnetic
a nd e lec tri c forces compensate eac h o the r, i.e., have equal mag nitudes and opposite
directio ns:
eE =Bev.
Co nsequ e ntly , the mag nitude of the e lec tri c fie ld is :
E =Bv =2·10
- 2
- 2 · l. 92·10
-=384 - .
9.1 Mag netic field
9. Magn et ism Solutions
The elec tric field is homogeneous, and in the arrangement of the figure it is directed
horizontall y from left to righ t.
Solution of Problem 255. The speed of the electron is obtai ned from the work-energy
e6V= - m v .
1.6·1O - 19C
7 m
V = 2-6V= \ . 2.
· 800V= 1. 686·10 -.
g · lO -3 1 kg
~ I
The elec tron is ac ted on by the magneti c Loren tz force:
F= evx 13.
(Since the lin es of magneti c in duction and the lin es of mag net ic fie ld inte nsity have
. the same direct ion in vacuum , we ca n consider fie ld lin es the same as lines of mag netic
inducti on. ) The vectorial product is perpendi cul ar to both and 13 , so the force wi ll not
change the magnitude of the veloc ity, and th ere fore the magnitude o f the force vector
also stays co nstant: F = evBsin a. Since the force has no component paralle l to 13, the
motion of the elec tron in the direction of the fie ld lines is uniform , whi le the projection
of its moti on on a plane perpendicular to the fie ld lines is uniform circular. The rad ius of
its orbit can be determined by selling the Lorentz
force eq ual to the centripetal force:
2 . 2
ev B sin a = m v SIl1 a
7n V SIl1 a
r =---
Thus the trajectory of the electron is a heli x with its axis parall el to the field lines.
In a reference fra me mov ing along with the elec tron at a parall el speed of vII = vcos a,
the electro n is moving in a circul ar orbit at a tangent ial speed of VJ. = vs in a , and its
orbital peri od is
2n r 27r'1nv sin a
T= - = - - - VJ.
eB vs in a
271' 9 . 10- 3 1 ko
1.6 . 10 - 19 C . O.O~ T = 1.767 . 10 - s,
independently of the in itial direction of the velocity of the elec tro n.
47 1
:JOO Cl'eat i\ 'c PII.'·sics Problelli s lI'itll SO llltio ll S
Trave llin g al a spt.:cd of VII = I'l'o~n, il COW l'S lht.: disla nct.: L in a lilll t.: of 1 = ~
w hi c h has 10 bt.: a n intt.:gn mullipk of lht.: orbil al pt.:riod T to sa li sfy the rt.:quirt.:~;l~~i~(\ '.
tht.: probkm :
1= - - - =1/' - - .
I ' eos(\
( 13
a nd ht.:nct.:
cos n = - .
2/iIIlI '
0.02 T·I.(j·]O - I!lC·O .111l
2/i · 9·10 - j lk g· 1.(j 8 (j· ] D7 ~
0 ::::; cosn ::::; I for IHln-nt.:galivt.: angks. and 1/ is a POS ili vt.: in wgt.:J'. In addili on 10 lht:
lri vial cast.: o f n = D. lhi s ma y o nl y occ ur if at kast 4 co mr kw n.:volution s art.: made
coset = - - = 0. 8:395 -+
coso = -
=0 .67 16 -
First solution of Problem 256. In rorlllui a bookklS. il ca n be fo und lh at lht.: mag nt:lic
indu cli o n dut.: 10 a roinllike c harge o f Q undergo in g unirorlll c irc ul ar mot ion of rad iu s
,. and of srt.:t.:d I' at the ce nlre of lhe c irc le is:
Fro m thi s, lhe mag neti c fit.:ld ca n he cal cu lalt.:d as H = - . T he on ly task wh ich is
kft is 10 dt.:lermine tht.: e hargt.: and lhe spt.:ed of the s phere. T ht.: c hargt.: on lht.: spht.:rt.: is
Q = ('If. where C = LI/i EIll? is lhe ca pacitance nf the iso lat t.:d spht.: re. The pott.:n tial of
tht.: sp here is ca lc ul aled wi lh res pecl 10 infinit y. Th us
The spet.:d of th t.: sphe re is t' = "W = ,.271' 11, whe rt.:
T hert.: rort.: the asked Illagndic li t.: ld is:
'[ ,17rEo !?·,.27r1/·1!
/I = - . - -- c - - - 1/ i , . 2
IS lht.: nUlllber of rev ol Ulions.
2/i·8.8:j ·1 0 - 1 2~· 0.011l1·1 t> (1I11J I 900 V
=o .LQ - 7
D.:3 III
Second solution of Prohlem 256. T ht.: probkm ca n bt.: so lvt.:d hy us in g lht.: nolt.: al lhe
t.: lld of tht.: prohkm aboul lht.: ci rc ular c urrt.: nl -ca rryi ng wire. Wt.: ha vt.: 10 ddt.:rlni nL: lh~
magniludt.: of lh at c UITt.:nl which is t.:l]u iva lL:nl IO lhe c harge moving along a circular pal .
Th is ca n bt.: found ir we ca lc ulate how man y lilllt.:S lh t.: chargt.: crosst.:s lhe cross st.:C l ;.
o r lhe circ ul ar palh in a unil o f lilll t.:. whi ch should bL: mulliplit.:d by lhe lllagni lUde 0
lht.: chargt.: in o rli t.:r 10 gL:l lht.: el]ui va knl c urren t.
9. 1 Magnet ic fie ld
9. Ma g netislIl So lutio ns
. es d unn
' g one second , t h us
Th e sp I1L:n.: paSSL:S onL: cross sec ti on 18000 = 30 0 1/ s tlln
the L:qui va lL:nt CUITL: nt is 1 = nQ. If th e va luL: o f Q = CV = 471Eo RV and the eq ui va lent
current an.: substitutL:d i nt o the gi ve n for mul a thL: n:
H =-=
1l2 m:: o RV
=0 ·10
A / Ill
is gain ed .
Solution of Problem 257. L et us USL: th L: fo ll owi ng no tatio ns ror th L: data g l vc n:
!"-:::::2000 - . I"1=5c lII , J3 = cl·10 - ·I T, B='7
I Let us aSSIIIUIllL: t I1at t I1e CO l' 1 carnes
. an e Iec tn' c c urrent l . Because o f' t he sym metry o f.
thc arrange ment. the mag neti c fi eld prod uced by th e co il outside th e so lenoid is si m il ar
to th at o r a stra ig ht. current-carry in g wi re. as it is show n i n the figu re on page 474.
Let us appl y Maxwe ll 's seco nd law to a c irclL: o r radiu s "1 = 5 cm , w hose pl ane is
perpL:ndi cul ar to th e ax is of th e sole no id. Sin ce the surrace o r th e circlL: is crossed by
the current I , the streng th o r th e m ag neti c field at th e d istance 1"1 fro m th e ax is is:
Hl = 1111 -, - ,
whi ch mea ns that the current in th e coi l is:
21"171 H j
In side th e long so leno id thi s current prod uces a mag neti c fi eld :
= IIU - ,- '
thu s the strength o r th e magnetic fie ld in side th e sole no id is:
B. =1'11
21"I7IB I N
_ 'J
· - =21"I 71B j - =2 · 5· 10 -m·7I·4·1Q
T·2000 = O.2 51 T .
If th e co il is wou nd i n two layers , and in th e seeo nd l ayer the turn s are pl aced in
?ppos ite di rect ion along th e so leno id, the n th e net magneti c fi eld outside th e soleno id
IS zero, sincL: in the d i rec tio n of thL: ax is o f th e so lenoid th e c urre nts fl ow in g in th e
two layers cancel L:ach ot her. (In side thc co il thc mag netic fie ld re main s the sa me.) If,
however, al"tcr fi ni sh in g one layer or tu rn s, the w ire is carri ed back to th e beg innin g or
the sol eno id. and the seco nd layer is placed i n th e same directi on along th e soleno id,
then th e net curre nt th ro ugh th e plane perpendic ular to the axis o r th e so leno id is aga in
1, So Out side th e co il th e m ag neti c fi eld is B I , as in th e firs t case.
If th e turn s of th e SuccL:ss i ve layers are pl aced back and fo rt h along the co il , as
~onveni e nt , th en for eve n nll mber of layers th e net mag neti c fie ld outside is zero, w hil e
for odd nu mber o f layers it is 13 I , provi ded th at the cllrrent and th e de nsity of turn s are
the sa me.
300 C reative Physics Problems with Solutions
The directi o n o f the mag neti c field inside the sole no id , is a lways pe rpe nd icul ar to
fi e ld outs ide it.
Solution of Problem 258. Le t us de no te the g ive n d ata by: N = 2000 ~ 1' 1 - 5
m '
B=0.2 51 T, 1 =40 A.
First we dete rmine the mag netic fie ld prod uced by the sole no id at the distance o f 5
from its ax is. Then it is e asy to calcul a te the Lorentz force o f thi s fi e ld acti ng On ~
wire. The o ppos ite o f thi s force (re ac ti o n fo rce) is exerted o n the sole no id.
Since the stre ngth o f the ho moge neo us mag netic fi e ld in s ide the co il is B, the e lect
curre nt in the sole no id is :
1 50 1 =
'wi re
Because o f the symmetry o f the arrangeme nt, the mag ne ti c fi e ld produ ced by the c
o uts ide the sole no id is simil ar to that of a stra ight, c urre nt-carry ing wire, as it is show
in the fi gure. Le t us appl y M axwell ' s seco nd law to a c ircle o f radiu s 1'1 = 5 cm, who
plane is perpe ndicul ar to the axi s o f the so le no id. Since the s urface of the ci rc le
c rossed by the curre nt I , the stre ngth o f the mag ne ti c fi e ld at the di stance 1'1 fro m
a XIs I S:
1 50 1
B1 = { L O - - '
Thi s magnetic field can be cons idered ho mogen eous in the reg io n o f the thi n wire,
the mag netic Lo rent z force e xe rted o n the le ngth l o f the wire is:
F = B 1Iwi re l.
In deta il s:
1 50 1
B l I wi re
Bl2I wi re
F = B1 I w ire l = {LO-- I w ire l = { LO-';-r - - l =
{tO I '
It means that the Lore ntz force exerted on the leng th l = 1 m o f the so le no id is:
F =
0.25 1 vS·
1 m 2 ·40A
2 · 0. 05 m · 7l'· 2000
= 16 mN = 1.6 . 10- 2 N .
9. J Mag ll e tic ReId
9. Mag netism Solutions
Remark s:
1. If th e co il is wound in tw o layers , and in the second l ayer the turn s arc placed in
posite direct ion along the so lenoid, then th e net magnetic fi eld out si de the so len oid
?P zero, since in th e d irect ion of the ax is of th e so lenoid th e currents fl owi ng in the
IS .O layers cancel each oth er. If, however, after fini shin g one l aye r o f turn s, the w ire is
l:rried back 10 th e beginn in g o f the so lenoid , and th e second layer is pl aced in th e sa me
~irectiOn along th e so lenoid , th en th e nct current through the plane, perpendi cu lar to the
axis of the so lenoId IS aga In J , so outside th e cot! th e magnetI c fIeld IS /J 1 , as 111 th e
first case.
2. If the turn s of th e success i ve layers are placed hack and forth along th e co il. as
convenient , th en for even number of layers th e net magne ti c field out side is zero. while
for odd num ber o f layers it is B 1, provided th at th e current and th e density of turn s are
the same.
3. The direc ti on of the magnetic fie ld in side th e so lenoid is al ways perpendicu l ar to
the fi eld outside it.
4. If the w indin g of th e co il is bifil ar, i. e., in th e second layer th e turn s are wo un d in
opposite se nse, backwards along th e so lenoid (w ith the same dens ity) , th en th e mag neti c
field is zero in sid e as w ell as outs ide th e so leno id.
Solution of Problem 259. The force ac tin g on a particl e of charge Q th at moves
with a ve loc ity of v in a magnetic fie ld is gi ven by th e formu la:
This forc e is perpendi cular to both th e vel oc ity and th e magnet ic field, so as in th e
present case th e mag netic fie ld is uniform and hori zontal , the ba ll w ill move along a
curve in a vertical plane perpendi c ul ar to th e field lin es. Since th e force is perpendi cular
to the velocity , it ca n onl y change its directi on and not its magnitude ( i.e. thi s forc e can
not do work), th ere fore th e conservation o f energy hold s in thi s case:
rngh = - m v
u = )2gh.
First let us in ves ti gate the x com pone nt of
the moti on. T he re fere nce fra me show n in th e
figure is defined such that its hori zo ntal ax is
x and verti ca l ax is yare both perpendicul ar
to the m ag neti c field and the orig in is th e
Initial pos iti on o f the ball. The ve loc it y , force
and acceleration vec tors ca n be reso l ved into
horizontal and verti ca l component s.
New ton ' s seco nd law app l ied to the hori zo ntal comp one nt s state s:
F,. = Ina.
L· ,
IVhere F., = F si II a. , and a. is th e an gle formed by th e force and th e ve rti ca l.
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu tions
As in our case
is perpe ndic ular to B, the mag nitude of the mag ne ti c force will b
F = QvB, which is now subst ituted into the prev ious equation to get:
Qv Bs in a =ma x ·
Note that in equ ati o n (3) vsin a = v y , which is the y coordinate of velocity. Assurn in
that accelerati on is the time derivative of velocity and velocity is the time derivative o~
displacement, we obtain:
dv x
QB · - = m · - .
Integratin g thi s leads us to :
QB jd y = .m,. jdV1; '
where the integration limits of de pth are chosen to be 0 and h and the correspond ing
values 0 and Vx = v are the limits of velocity. W e assumed that the x coordinate
of velocity reaches its max imum at the deepest point of the path, s ince that is the
po int where the ve locity of the ball becomes horizontal. After integrati o n equation (4)
Substituting v from equ atio n (2), we find :
From which the dee pest point's y coordinate is (Ymax = h):
2·(0.0Q3·1O - 3 kg)2·9.81m /s
Q2 B 2
(5. 10- 5 C)2 . (0.4 T )2
h = -- =
This is the depth in which the velocity of the ball reaches its maximum , so:
~ _ 2mg _ 3 kg ·9.8 1~ _
vlnax -V2gh--Q -
5· 10 - a ·0.4 T
-2 .94-.
Remarks: I. The data g ive n in this problem are unrea l. The radius of a ball of mass
0.003 g cannot be less than a few millimeters, because if it was charged to 5.10- C,
the electric po te nti al near to the surface of the ball would be approximately o f magnitude
5. 10- 5
V = 9. 10 9 - - V = 4.5· lOll V
10 - 6
Therefore it is imposs ible to c harge thi s ball to the given rnag nitude, as e lectric sparks
would be e mitted (that di scharge the ball) well before reaching the required charge. .
2. The path of the fallin g ball is a cycloid. Integrating equation (4) to an up per li mIt
of y g ives:
9.2 Induc tion (motional emf)
g. Magnetism Solu tion s
:.-which means that the horizontal component of
velocity is in direct proportion to the depth
(i .e. the y coordinate). We will show that
he same relation exists between the horizontal
t ornponent of velocity and y coordinate of an
~bitrary point on a circle rolling along the x
axis with constant speed. Let a circle of radius T
roll without slipping along the x axis as shown.
Let its constant angular velocity be w . The
coordinates of a point on the rolling circle can
be written as:
l'x (rot
x = np - 1'sin rp,
y = l' - l' cos rp .
If the circle rolls with a constant angular velocity, rp = wt , so:
x = 1'Wt - 1'sinwi ,
y = l' - 1' COSWt = 1' (1 - coswt).
The x component of velocity is the time derivative of the x coordinate, so:
= - = W1' - W1'COSWt = w1'(l- coswt) = wy.
This shows that the horizontal component of the velocity is indeed in direct proportion
to the y coordinate. Therefore we have shown that the path of the ball dropped in a
uniform magnetic field is a cycloid.
9.2 Induction (motional emf)
Solution of Problem 260. Since the metal rod is moving in magnetic field, electromotive force is induced in it. This starts an electric current, and the capacitor gradually
loaded with electric charge. The instantaneous current is determined by the induced
electromotive force and the voltage across the capacitor, according to Ohm ' s law:
R i(t ) = [ind (t) - V e ,
Ri (t) = BLv (t) _ Q~t).
According to Lenz ' s law , the magnetic force acting on the rod, which is carrying
electric current, works against the motion , so the speed of the rod decreases, although
there is no friction nor air resistance. The rod decelerates as long as there is current
300 C rc,lti" e P/I." sics Problc /ll.5 \I'irIJ So lu t iolls
Ilowing in tht.: circ le. so as long as tht.: vo ltage of tht.: capac itor dot.:s not bal an ce the
induct.:d t.:kctrornoti ve force. Afk r thi s. tht.: s pt.:ed of tht.: rod rt.:lllains constant:
F3 j , I'''li" = ------C- .
Accord in g to tht.: illlpulst.:-ll1olllt.:ntum tht.:ort.:lll, tht.: (i nfinitt.:s im al) changt.: of the
mOIllt.:n tum of the rod is t.:qu a l to th t.: impul st.:. i.t.: . th t.: product of th t.: forct.: and the
(s hort ) tinK o f it s action:
1116. 1'= /<'6.1 .
In our cast.: onl y the magnetic Lort.:nt z forct.: is ac tin g o n th t.: rod , thus for a shon tilll e
the following is true:
11/ 6.1 '" = - F3L i6.t.
(Tht.: nt.:gati vt.: sig n is duc to Le nz's law ; th t.: Lorentz forct.: dt.:crt.:ast.:s the spt.:ed or the
rod .)
But tht.: product i 6.1 is just th t.: infinites im al chargt.: ll owt.:c1 across the c ircu it and
acculllulatt.:d in tht.: capac itor during this (short ) timt.: int erval. So th t.: chan ge or the
charg t.: o f the ca pacitor is:
i6.1 = 6.Q.
so comb inin g tht.: prev ious t.:q uati o ns for th t.: in vestigated short till1 t.: intt.:rval wt.: gt.:ttha t:
/1/ 6. c" = - /3I-6.Q " .
Lt.:t us dividt.: the whole moti on int o inlinit t.:s imal intt.: rva ls. and kt LI S s um up tht.:se
t.:qll ati ons wri ut.:n for t.:ach small int t.: rval. Wt.: get that
III ( l 'IIl ill -
I'll ) =
- !3 j ,QI"il X'
Exp rt.:ss in g Q"" " from t.:qu ati on ( I),
and writin g it int o equati o n (2) ,
IIlU" lill -
171 UI}
= - /J LC J3 L UI"i " = _ 8 2 L 2 CV " !iI I '
wt.: gt.:t that the hnal co nstant s pt.:ed or th t.: rod is:
Solution of Prohlem 261. T he ckct ro ll1 oti ve force indll ct.:d in th t.: 1l10ving wire
c rt.:a tt.:s t.: lt.:ctri c cll rrt.: nt in th t.: two stat ionary framt.:s whi ch art.: co nll t.:cwd to tht.: w ire"~
its two t.:nds , whose CUITt.: nt s art.: opposite to t.:ach nth t.:r. T ht.: ClllTt.: nt ill tht.: moving Will;
is dt.:tt.:rmint.:d onl y by tht.: rt.:sistanct.: o r tht.: ammeter I? thu s tht.: valut.: of tht.: current IS.
1 =- · J3/ u.
47 8
9.2 In d uct ion (motional em f)
9. Mag ll etislII So lutioll s
The tWO loops w hic h are co nn ec tcd to th e two end s o r th e w ire, whi ch behaves as th e
current source, are co nn ec ted in parallel. T he currents in the loops are not infinite eve n
though th eir res ista nces are co nsidered zero, beca use the resistan ce o f the amm eter in
the Ill ov in g wi re restri cts th ese currents as we ll. Kirchho W s jun cti on rule ho lds tru e,
according to w hi ch
Eve n th ough th e res istances o r th e loops are neg l igib le w ith respec t to the res istance
of th e amm eter. th eir re sistan ce w ith res pect to eac h oth er is not neg li gibl e. thu s
the curn.:nt s th at run th ro ugh th em are determine d
h- x
by the rati o o f th ei r res istances . For th e sa ke o f
simpli ci ty, let us ass ume th at th e w ire o f th e rrame
o I
is made o r the sa me m aterial and have th e sa me
diameter every w here.
The res istances o r both U -shaped loops change
dependi ng o n th e in stantan eo us pos i tion o r the
mov in g w ire. therefore the current s runnin g th ro ugh
them also depend o n th e pos iti o n (thu s th e elapsed time ) o f th e mov in g wire. T he
res istance o f eac h loop usi ng th e notati ons o f th e fi gure arc:
a llCl
Accord in g to Kirchh o W s loop ru le, th e c urrents in the two bran ches are inverse ly
proporti onal to th ese res istances:
2(11 - .1' )+ 1
2.r + 1
Ex pre ss in g 12 from thi s and subs titutin g back into the form er equ atio n th e c urrents in
the two bran ches arc:
11 =
2(11 - .1') + 1 B l u
2(1 + 11 ) 'R'
I + 2r Ri c
/2=2(1 + 11 ) R
T he c urrent s in th e two bran ches cha nge oppos itely, and the current in eac h branch
vary li nearly w ith th e di spl acement .J' (o r w ith th e time i) I j = a - b.J:, or II = a - bvt
and h =u' + llr. or 12 =a' + b't,/ w hi ch is
= 211 + 1 . I3I v _
2(11 + 1)
/3/ u
2Elu ',r.
2(11 + 1)R
I = 2h + 1 . Bl v _ 2Bl v
2(17 + 1) R
2(h+l) R
1 = 2(1I + I ) R
+ 2(h + !)IL ' j ' ,
1 _
2 -
Bl u
2(h + l ) . R
2Bl v 2
+ 2(h + l )R' t.
Wh en th e di rec ti o n o r th e motion or the w ire changes, th e direc ti o n o f both currents
Change. T he fi g ure shows how th e curre nts change w ith th e tim e.
300 Cr ea tive P hy sics Problems with Solu tion s
- - - - - ,.....-------,,,,- - - - - - - - - - - --r---_
_ __ __ _ ___ ____ __ mm _ ___ _ _ _ _______ __
' ,,
-----------~-----~~--- - - - - - -- ~-----~ ---- -- -
The max imum and minimum va lues of the c urre nts are:
- I
1 max -
_ 2h + l B lv
2(h + l) . R '
2m ax -
Bl v
I 1,,, ,,, -- I 2,,, ,,, -- 2(h-+l) . R
Le t us consider a n example. Let the res istance of the me te r be R = Hl , the length of
the mov ing wire be 1= 0 .25 m , its speed be v = 2 m i s , the le ngth o f the parallel wires
be h = 1 m, and the mag netic induc ti o n be B = 0 .8 T. Calcul atin g with these data :
h = 0.36 A - 0.32 - . x = 0 .36 A - 0.64 - . t ,
h=0.04 A + 0 .32 - · x =0.36 A + 0 .64 _·t ,
I 1", ax = 12 "" " = 0 .36 A ,
11 m ,,, = I 2m ax = 0.04 A.
Solution of Problem 262. a) O ne key to the soluti o n is th at the res ista nce of the fra me
is negli g ibl e. T hi s means that in side the frame the e lectri c fie ld is zero ( in macroscop ical
sense), because othe rw ise an infinite ly large c urre nt wo uld flow. Let us ap pl y M axwe ll ' s
seco nd law alo ng the fr ame:
o _
L Ebo S = - bot = O.
So the to ta l mag ne tic flu x surro unded by the fr ame
ca nnot c ha nge d urin g the moti o n. As the init ial fl ux
was <P = B .A , it sho ul d have the sa me value in any
pos itio n of the fra me.
In a pos iti o n c harac te ri sed by a ng le r.p, the flux
o f the fr ame orig inate s partl y from the fi e ld with
4 80
9.2 In d uct ioll (m otional em f)
9. Mag netis m Solutions
induction B ( B · A · cos cp ), part ly fro m the mag neti c fie ld creatcd by thc currcnt indu ced
in the framc ( L · i ) . So the total flu x is
B . A . cos cp + L . i.
But because of the co nstant val ue of the f~u x
B . A = B . A . cos cp + L. ·i .
From thi s the curre nt is
i =
B ·A
----z(1 - cos ip) .
The curre n! has max imum when cOSip = - 1 , th at
is, when cp = 7T :
2B ·A
2 111ax
= -L--'
Remark: The rel ationship i ll1 ax ' L = 2/3· A at
ip = 7T is reaso nable, becau se the flu x th at ori ginates from the ex tern al fi eld is - B · A (duc to the
turning of the frame), so the 'ow n' flu x should be
+2B· A if thc total f~u x remain s + B · A.
b) During the moti on, the frame ex peri ences a
turning mo ment:
i ®f----- -'O
'-----'--- ----10 i
IV! (cp ) = - B . A- i . si n cp .
Usi ng the relati onship for current, the turnin g moment can be written in the fo ll ow ing form :
lI I (cp )= -
(B · A )2
· sin cp ( l - cos cp ).
By e xaminin g the turnin g mome nt , it can be see n th at unti l an angul ar ui spl accmcnt
of 180 0 the turnin g mo ment slows dow n the frame and aft er th at it helps the ro tati o n.
So it can be stated th at pos iti o n cp = 7T is the 'standstill pos iti on' if the frame rc ac hes
this positi on (in stable eq uilibrium positi o n) the n it turn s over.
The extremes of thi s ex press ion ca n be acquired to an arbitrary accuracy by draw in g
the graph o f the fun cti on and ca lc ul atin g a few substituti o n values usin g a ca lcul ator.
Draw ing the graph is simpl e if we make Li se of the identity
sin cp (l - coscp) = sin cp - sin cp coscp = sin cp - - siIl 2<p .
Sa func ti o ns sin cp and - -1 sm2
cp should be added and the n rc fl ec ted abo ut the <p aX Is:
48 1
300 Creative P hysics Pro blem s with Solutions
2 ,00
4 ,00
(II' )
8 ,00
n nI
breaking ' :accelerating :
It can be seen that the ' max imum breakin g moment ' ari ses at the pl ace of the
minimum o f the fun cti on. By examinin g the graph, it is cl ear th at thi s pl ace is an ang ular
positi on small er than 'if and greater than 'if /2 .
Let us substitute 100° first:
-(sin1 00° - 0.5·sin 2000) = - 1.15581,
At 110° :
-(sin 11 0° - 0. 5 · sin 2200) = - 1. 26108 ,
so the absolu te value of the substituti on value of the functi on increases.
The substituti on value of the fun cti on at 150° is
-(sin 150° - 0.5· sin 300° ) = - 0.93301 ,
so the abso lute value of the substituti on value dec reases again. Let us exam ine the
fun cti on aro und 120° .
-(sin 120° - 0.5 · sin 240° ) = - 1.299038.
Its absolute value is the greatest so far. Let us check the value of the fun cti on at 121
and at 11 9° .
-(sin 121° - 0.5· sin 242° ) = - 1.298641097 ,
-(sin 119° - 0.5· sin 238° ) = - 1.298643755.
Both values are smaller in abso lute value than the absolute value belongin g to 120 ,
so we ca n state with great confide nce that we have determined the requested ang ular
pos iti on with an error less than 2/120 = 1. 6% .
9. Ma.g net ism Solu t ions
9.2 In du ct ion (m o tional em f)
Remark. The ex treme value of the fun cti on can be found usin g derivati ve as well.
""he place of the minimum is given by the soluti on o f equ ati on - - = O. The equ atI on
leads to the qu adrati c equati on
2 · cos 2 <p - cos<p - 1 = 0 ,
whose so luti on is
cos <p = -2 '
th at is,
rad = 120 .
<p = -
Solution of Problem 263. The system desc ribed above is the mode l of a unipolar
induction generator, i.e. a ge nerator whic h produces DC curre nt by electro magnetic
induction .
The co nducti on electron s in the di sc move on a circular path due to the rotati on,
therefore the mag netic defl ectin g force (or Lore ntz force) makes them move in the radial
direction buildin g up a potenti al difference between the shaft and the perimeter of the
disc. If res istor R is co nnected across the shaft and the perimeter of the disc, a current
will flow in the circuit. The conducti on electro ns will drift outw ards, and since now
their veloc iti es have a radi al compone nt as we ll , the Lorentz force will act on them in
a directi on opposite the rotati on, whi ch makes the di sc decel erate (Lenz' s law ). The
decelerati on caused by the torque of thi s Lorentz fo rce is proporti onal to the current
flowing in the radi al direction , which is pro portional to the potenti al difference ex isting
between the centre and the perimeter of the di sc . Since thi s pote nti al difle rence depends
upon the an gul ar ve loc ity of the rotati on, the di sc will accelerate until the magnitude of
the torque of Lorentz force reaches the mag nitude of the torque caused by mass m.
Let us first determine the potenti al di ffe rence induced betwee n the shaft and the
perimeter o f the di sc, and then ex press the current fl owin g in the circuit. The seco nd
step is the n to determine the net torqu e of the forces actin g on the curre nt fl owin g in the
radial directi on, which then sh ould be made equ al to the torque of mass m .
To find the potential diffe rence between the
centre and the perimeter of the di sc, let us co nsid er
a metal rod ro tatin g about one o f its ends in a pl ane
perpendicul ar to the uniform magneti c fi eld . The
potential di ffe rence induced between the ends o f
the rod can be written as the sum of the potenti al
differences t:.. V = B t:.. lTW induced in the elements
of the rod . If the rod is divided into n equ al parts
of length t:.. l = l in, the sum ca n be written as :
Where T i = 2'
. -1 .IS the d Istance
. other
o t'' the 2·til e Ieme nt t'rom the rotall.on aX .IS, or III
Words it is th;1 radius of its circul ar path . If thi s radius is multipli ed by the angular
300 C'l'cat i\'c P/n'sics Pmb/c lI/s \\'ith So lu t ions
velocity, we get the velocit y of the given clement (l'i = "iW) , which is perpendi cu lar t
the magnetic field.
Factoring uut th e constants , we finu:
[I' /I tenu s to infinity (which mean s that the rod is di v ided into smaller and smaller pan s),
the first term in the bracket tend s to zero , w hile the second remain s co nstanl. Hence th e
potential diOcrence bet ween the two enu s of the rou is:
JJ ew
\/= ~- .
The rotatin g uisc ca n be hanuled as if it were an infinite number o f rods connec ted
in parallel. The potential uiOcrence indu ced betwee n the centre and perimeter of the
ui sc can therefore be determin ed as th e net potential diOcrence produced by identical
batteries connecteu in parallel. w hi c h is:
B,. 2W
\ / = --
The current Ilow ing in the c ircu it due to thi s potential diO'erence is:
jJ,. 2 w
R = 2I? .
This current is a stream of conuuction electrons mo ving along complicated path s fro m
the shaft to the perimeter. [n spite of the co mplicated path s of the electrons , the Lorentz
force acting on the current can be calculateu as if the current was flowing along a stra ight
line in the rauial uirection.
To pro ve thi s, let us consider a wire connec tx
ing points A and 8 that has an arbitrary shape
in the plane perpendicular to th e magneti c fie ld.
Let us then co nlll;c t points A and /J with a
stra ight wire as we ll , thu s producin g a closed
loop as show n. If current I flows in th e loop,
th e magneti c fielu cxerts forces on cach segme nt
of thc loop. The rcsultant o f the se forc cs wh ich
are all in th c plane of thc loop must bc zcro, or
otherwi se the loop wo uld start to movc in the
plane dctcrmincd by itself. which is imposs ible. (Or let us in ves ti gatc what hap pcns iJ"
the Cl"Tent in the original loop is substituted by sma ll circ ular c urrent loops in whic h
the direction and m<H! nitud e o r the c urrents arc the sa me as that in the ori!!inal 101lP'
In siue the original lo~)p, w here the small loops adjoin , th e force s that arc tl~e same ill
magnitude but opposite in dircction ca nce l each other. Thercfore all we need to consider
is the curre nt on the perimeter o f th e small loops, w hich is the sa me as the current ill
the orig inal loop. Since thc small loops are all perpendicular to the mag neti c fi eld, there
9. j\ Jag llct is ll) Soillt io ns
9.2 TIlc/lI ct i o n ( m o ti on a l em f )
is no mag neti c force ac tin g on them , therefore the net forc e for the whole system of
loops is zero as we ll. Know in g that the net forc e in side th e ori gin al loo p is zero, we can
conclude that the result ant force actin g o n the ori gin al loop mu st be zero as we ll.
It can be useful to prove our statement for a speci al case th at ca n easil y be generali zed.
Let us co nsid er a semi -c ircular wire in the [ll ane per[lendi cul ar to the mag neti c fi e ld and
also a straight wi re that co nnects th e e nds of the se mi c ircle. Let us ass ume that the sa me
current !l ows in eac h of th e two wires. The se mi-c ircul ar wire can be approx imated by
an open po lygo n whose sides are all eq ual and ha ve a len gth of 6 l .
The magnet ic forces (Lorent z forces) ac tin g
0 11 each side of the po lygo n have the sam e
magnitude , whi ch is:
Let us reso lve th ese forces into co mponent s th at
are parallel and perpe ndi cular to the straight
wire (or the diameter of the semi -circl e). Due to
the sy mm etry, th e re sult ant of the parallel force
compone nt s mu st be zero. The mag nitudes of
the perpendi cul ar co mponents ca n be written as
6F.l = E 16/ sin(l ,
where C\. is the an gle whi ch the give n side of the polygon form s with the lin e of the
diam eter. Note that 6l sin o' is the len gth of the orthogo nal pro jec ti o n of the give n side
to the di ameter, therefore th e sum of these ex press ions gives the len gth of the diameter
itself. Thu s the sum of the perpendi cular co mpo nents of forces equ als the forc e actin g
on the strai ght wire:
;= 1
1= 1
Hen ce we proved th at the mag net ic force actin g on a curre nt carryin g wire between
point s A and 13 is in de pendent of the shape of the wire and eq uals F = Ell/d ] .
App lyin g thi s to our case, we get th at the res ult a nt of the forces ac tin g o n the current ,
which is prod uced by electrons mov in g along arbitrary path s fro m the sh aft to the
perimeter of th e disc, equ als a force th at wo uld act on a curre nt of the same magnitude
fl owin g stra igh t along the radiu s o f the di sc. Thu s the force ac tin g on the curre nt in th e
di sc is~ F = Dr".
Substitutin g th e eX [lress ion for th e mag nitu de of the curre nt , we obta in:
13 2 ,,0 W
F =~~
Thi s force is distributed eve nl y along radiu s l ' (s in ce 1 = constant), therefore it ca n
be substituted by a force th at ac ts at a di stance o f 1' /2 fro m the ce ntre of the disc . The
torque o f thi s force abo ut th e sha rt is:
III = F - .
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
The angular velocity of the disc increases until this torque reaches the mag nit ude of
the torque produced by mass m and their net torque becomes zero:
B2 r 3 w
2R'"2 - mg(!=O ,
which yields
W =
2 4
B r
= 100 s
- 1
Solution of Problem 264. The straight wire accelerates to a speed at which the torq ue
of the magnetic force is equal to the torque of the drag force.
Let the current flow out of the ax le towards the two ends of the wire. D ue to the
symmetry , the CUITents in the two branches are equal , its value is 1/2 . Let the magne ti c
induction point into the plane of the figure. In this case the wire rotates anticl ockwise.
The torque of the drag force k1 v 2 is k1 v 2 l / 2. The speed in terms of the an gul ar speed
of the wire is v = wl/2 thus the torque in terms of the angular speed is :
2 3
k w__
l .
M= _l
The magnetic field exerts a force of
I l
F1 =B · _ ·2 2
on one half of the wire, the length of whic h is l/2
(independently of its motion). Because thi s force is
distributed evenly , its resultant is in the midpo int of the
half-wire, thus its torque calculated for the axle is :
M1 = F l - = B · -. - . - .
The torque exerted on the whole wire is:
M=2 M 1 = - - ·
From the equation of the torque of the drag force and the magnetic force we gain:
From this the asked angular speed is:
Substituting the given data: w = 12 .65 ~ , and the number of revolutions is n = 2.013 ~ .
9.2 In du ction (motiolJ al emf)
9. Magn etism Solutions
The ohm ic res istance of the wire sys tem co nnected to the power sup ply is zero
everywhere, th us there is no vo ltage ac ross any of the elements, whi c h is generated
from the power supp ly. The vo ltage betwee n the ax le and the mcrcury tank is the
electromoti ve fo rce generated by the motional indu cti on. If the wire is pe rpc ndic ul ar
to the mag netic induction and the direc ti on of the moti o n is perpe nd icul ar to hoth the
the wire and the magnetic indu cti on, the mag nitude of the ind uced cmf is:
= Bl v ,
where I is the le ngth of the wire, v is its speed. The vo ltage between poi nts whi ch are a
unit len gth apart has the sa me magn itude as that of the elec tri c field, whi ch is ge nerated
by the induced charges . Its mag nitude is:
E = B v.
It can be seen th at in the case of the ro tat in g straight wire the elec tric fi el d along the wi re
is uniforml y increas in g with the distance T meas ured fro m the ax le. The total vo lt age
can be cal cul ated as a sum :
V= L6V= LE61= L
B v 61 ,
where the speed as a functio n of the angul ar speed is v = W T . S uhs titu tin g thi s into th e
formula of the induced vo lt age :
V= LBwT 61 ,
Factori zing thi s sum:
V=BWL T61 .
The value o f the sum is more punctu al if the 6 1 di stances, into whi ch th c wire is dividcd ,
are small er. Let 6 1 = - , in thi s case the rad iu s of the i -th seg me nt is ri = i · - , an d
the voltage ac ross this segment is 6 Vi = B wr;6L thu s the total volt age is:
Takin g out the factor lin:
B w?( l + 2+3 + ... +i + ... +n) ,
where in the bracket there is the sum of the fi rs t n natu ra l num bers. Us in g the formul a
of the sum of the firs t n ele me nts of an arithmetic seque ncc, the vo ltage t.., :
= B wl2 (71 + 11 ) = B wl (1 + ~) .
Bw~2 . n(71+
If the length of the seg me nts is decreased, so n te nds to in fi ni ty the scco nd term in thc
braCket te nds to zero, thus the vo ltage between th e e ncls of a wire whi ch is ro tated aho ut
one of its e ncls is:
B wl 2
V =-2
300 C reative Physics Problems with Solutions
In our case we have two wires of length l/ 2, which are connected in parallel and acros
which the voltage is the same as the induced voltage in only one of them:
B wl 2
Substituting the data: V = 3.16.10- 3 V.
Solution of Problem 265. Based on the direction of rotation, there are two cases to
di stinguish: I . Band w point in opposite direction s, 2. Band w point in the same
Case 1: Band w are oppos itely directed:
In the figure, the induction vector points towards the
: r :
- : Fe= eE
page and the angular velocity vector points away from the
(~l i
page. The figure shows the (relevant) forces actin g on a
particular electron when the constant electron density has
already set. (There may be fluctuations. ) These forces are
the magnetic Lorentz- force and the electric force owi ng to
the field of the separated charges. The Lorentz-force now
points radially outwards. Since the electron accelerates
towards the centre of the circular path, the electric fo rce
must act towards the centre. Thus the electric field vector
points radially outwards.
The net force (expressed III terms of the magnitudes of the vectors) provi des the
centripetal force:
E e-eTwB=mTw 2 .
Hence the magnitude of the electric field is
E= (ewB+mw2) ' j' .
What charge distribution is responsible for the electric field expressed in (2)?
It is known that the magnitude of the electric field in the interior of a lon g straight
cylinder of uniform volume charge density is:
E- -.!L· T
2 '::0
and in the case of positive charge density it points radially outwards, that is, it has the
same structure as the electric fi eld established in our rotating cylinder. (With a difference
worth menti oning: in the rotating metal cylinder, the result will be accurate for a short
cylinder too, since that is the only distribution of the electric field that can provide the
force di stributi on required by the stati onary state of ri gid rotation). This leads to the
conclusion that the charge density in side the rotatin g cylinder is uniform. The magnitude
of that charge distribution is obtain ed from (2) and (3):
2.::ow(eB + m w)
9.2 Indu ction (motional emf)
9. Magn etism Solutions
The whole cylinder is neutral , its interior is positively charged, the corresponding
charge is situated on the outer surface.
Case 2: Band
point in the same direction. Then the magnetic Lorentz-force points
towards the centre of the circle. In that case, three subcases may occur, depending on
the speed of the rotation:
w= eB
w < eB
w > eB
1n1'w 2 < e1'wB
w< - ,
then the electric force is outwards and the electric field vector E points towards the axis
of the cylinder, the electric charge density is negative. The outer surface of the cylinder
is positively charged.
then the Lorentz-force alone can keep the electrons in orbit, there is no electric field,
charge density is zero . This provides the answer to question b).
w>- ,
then the electric force points towards the centre of the circle and the electric field vector
E is radially outwards, the electric charge density is positive. The outer surface of the
cylinder carries a negative charge.
In the cases a) and c) , the equations of the motion and the magnitudes of the electric
field and the charge density are as follows:
1n1'w 2 = e1'wB + eE,
ewB - mw 2
'1' ,
2cow (e B - mw)
mw 2 -ewB
'1' ,
2cow(mw - eB)
300 C r cat i ve Ph,l"!:;ics Pl'Ob/c II 1.5 wi t h So lu t i o ll s
Solution of Prohlem 266. L et us rl:so l vl: thl: induction o r the magnetic field or tl '
Earth into vertic al and hori zo ntal co mponents. The vertical compo nent dOl:s not i ndli~~
electroill oti ve force ( loop elll!) in th e rin g, becau se it s flu x is al ways zero. Let B stan ~
ror th e hori zo ntal cO lllponent. If th e rin g rotates at angular ve locit y w, i ts magneti c
flu x is
w here wi is th e ang le enc losed by th e normal vec tor or the rin g and vec tor B. T he
electromoti ve rorce indu ced in th e rin g - based on the analogy of simple harmonic
moti on (relati onship rat e o r chan ge o f ve loc it y-acce lerati on; see sim ple harmonic
motion ) - is:
[ = - - - = /. Ti-F3 W S lIlu.! l.
The cu rrent in th e rin g IS
,271 /3w
1= -
= - - - S iIl W t ,
w here R is the res istan ce or the rin g. Let Bu stand for th e inducti on o f th e magneti c
field induced by th e current in th e ce ntre o f th e rin g. It s magnitude is:
, .2 71 JJw
'71 Bw
lJ u = 1'11- = I ' I I - - - sill wl = JlII---sin ",'t .
2r R
The direction o f magnetic induction flu is perpendicular to th e plane of the r in g
and rotate s w ith it. Let us re so l ve vec tor Bo int o components parallel with and
perpendicular to the hori zo ntal indu ction B o r the m agnetic field o f the Earth . The
magnitude of th e parallel co mponent is:
I'7r JJw .
1J0 = II,U~_ - sill wi · coswt = IL() ~~ s ll1 (2wt),
So the mean or the parallel component is zero in tim e.
perpendicular cO lllponent is:
f'7IBw ,
The magnitud e of the
J5 u =ILII - - - SIII wi,
It s mean in time (s imilarl y to the root mean sq uare va lue or a sinu so idal current) is
f'7IB w
(Bu ) = ILII----;;n'
This mean inducti on diverts the mag neti c ring from the direction o f th e magnet ic fie ld
of the Ea rth ,
T he magneti c needle points in th e directi on
th e re sultant or B and R ill . Let (1 stand for tilL:
angle o f thi s di ve rsion. Then
( B;; )
t all n =
where '11 sta nd s ror the numl1L:r of revo luti ons or the rin g.
217, 2 /1
I' Ti
JJ =1 '11 t'. i? = f'II~ = 11II W
9.2 In d uction (motiona.l em f)
9. Ma g netis1I1 Solutiolls
Let us rea li ze that th e ang le o f th e di version of th e magneti c needle does not depend on
the mag nit ude o f the inducti on o f th e mag neti c fi eld o f th e Earth , th e onl y import ant
thin g is th at the mag neti c field o f th e Earth has a non-ze ro horizo nt al co mponent.
Furtherm ore. the above relatio nshir gi ves th e average va lue of th e di version. It is
poss ible th at the mag neti c need le osc ill ates a littl e bit aro und its new equilibrium
position .
The num eri ca l va lue of th e electri c res istance of the r in g i s:
R =/,o
r = 4T1· 1O - ~ .
/i 2 ·O. l lll· l Os- 1
:2. t all n
2· tan2 ()
= 1. 78.10 -" O~O.18 1ll 0.
Solution of Prohl em 267. a) T he change in m ag neti c flu x indu ces an emf, w hieh
generates a curre nt:
[. = - - = IV
where <\) = B z · I'02 /i + L 1.
Since th e res istan ce o f th e rin g i s R = 0 , th e net emf should al so be zero : [. = 0, thu s
the magneti c \lu x <I> is co nstant :
1> = Bu( l - o;:;) "~/i+ L ! = constant.
With the initi al co nd iti ons (;:; = O. J = 0) co nsid ered , th e co nstant \lu x is
= 130 1'6 TI .
b) The current \l ow in g in th e rin g ca n be ex rressed from th e equ ations ( I ) and (2) :
! = - Bo(t 1'0TI ;:;.
The extern al mag neti c field exert s forces on th e current elements o f th e currentcarryin g rin g. T he res ult ant force is
r <= - 13, . 1(;:;) · 21'11 /i = - F3 orJr o .
B(J a.r~TI
. 21'0 /i . ;; = - k ;; .
Newt on's second law app li ed to th e r in g gi ves th e equ ati on
1110 z
= F'z - lIlg = - /,;;; - m g ,
(4 )
thu s th e r in g w ill osc ill ate harm oni ca ll y .
With th e initi al conditi ons co nsidered, th e moti on o f th e r in g is desc ribed by the
equ ati on
;;(1) = A(coswL - 1),
49 1
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solutions
where the angular frquency is
w =
/k = 7rT'6 Bo
The equilibrium position ( a z = 0) and the amplitude A are obtained from equation
Zo= - A = - - = (6)
2B6a. f3T 67r2 )
that is,
w = 7r ·0. 5 · 10
2 · 32m- 1 · 16m - 1
50·1O - kg· 1. 3· 10- Ys/ A
m· 0.01 - 2
. s
---------,-----= 31 26
50 . 10- 6 kg· 9.S m /s 2 . 1.3 .10- 8 Vs/ A
= 1 cm.
2.0.01 2 V2 S2 / m 4 . 32 m - I ·16 m - 1 . 0. 5 4 . 1O - 8 7r 2
c) The current in terms of time is obtained by substituting the expression (5) into the
equation (3):
I( t)=
·A(coswt- 1).
With the expression (6) of the amplitude:
I(t )=
f3(c oswt-1),
and hence the maximum value of the curre nt is
2.50.10- 6 kg · 9.8 I11 /S
I max = 7rT6Bo f3 = I max = 27r ' 0.52. 10-4. 0.01 V s/ m 2 .16 111- 1 = 39 .
9,3 Inciuction (t rallsform er emf)
9, Magn etism Solutions
9.3 Induction (transformer emf)
Solution of Problem 268. a) According to Ohm ' s law ,
I-- - - - - - R - gL / A - gL '
is the electric field in the conductor. Th us the curren t is
and the current density , suitabl e for describing the phenomenon loca ll y, is
1 ~
= -A- = n ev = -g E ,
J= -
where n is the number of cond uct ion electrons per unit vo lume, e is the eleme ntary
charge, v is the drift speed in question and A is the cross-sec ti onal area of the
conductor. Hence
According to the law of induction, the change of the magnetic field creates an elec tric
field around the changing I~ux, which is present inside the metal ring , too, The magnitude
of the electric fie ld at a distance T from the axis is
1 ~B
2TJr ~t
2 ~t ----:; '
it is inversely proportional to the distance from the ax is,
Thi s electric field generates a current in the ring , The speed of the electrons
constitutin g the current is obta ined from (I) and (2) :
~B, RyJr
R; ~B 1
v= - - - - - =C l ' 2gne ~t r
and their angular speed is
R; ~B 1
w= - = - - - - - = Cl ' - ,
2gne ~t 7,2
b) Question b) can be answered with a simi lar reasoning , According to Maxwell' s
law , the total electromotive force around a closed curve is proportional to the rate of
Change of the I~ux through it. Because of symmetry , the total emf can be expressed for
a circular electric fi eld line:
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu tions
and hence the e lec tric field is directly proportional to the radius:
2 6t '
and the drift speed of the electrons obtained from (I) is
v = - - . --·r= C2·r.
2(271e 6t
The ir angular speed is
1 6B
w = - = - - -- =C2
2(2ne 6 t
which is a constant independent of the radius.
The task is to determine the coefficients C1 and C2. The data is taken from tables.
The molar mass of copper is M = 0.0635 kg / mol , its den sity is d = 8960 kg/m 3 ,
its res istivity is (2 = 1.78.10 - 8 0 m , and the elementary charge is e = 1.6.10 - 19 c.
Hence, (w ith the ass umption of one conduction e lectron per copper ato m on average,)
the number of conduction electrons per unit volume is
= N = m N ~ = NAd
With the substitution of the data, the drift speed in case a) is
MR~ 6 B 1
--- ,
2(2NAde 6 t r
and numerically:
Cl -
0.0635 kg/mol· 25. 10 - m · 0.2 T
2 ·1.78 .10- 8 0 m · 8960~·
6 ·10 23 / mol·1.6 .10- 19 c· 2 s
rn 3
037.10 - 6 m
Thu s
m2 1
v = 1.037.10 - 6 _ . - .
s r
(A t the middl e radius, that only means a speed of v = 1.728. 10- 5 m /s !)
In the angular speed , the coefficient of 7~2 is the same.
The coefficient in case b) is obtai ned if the prev ious value is divided by
1.037 .!!:C . 10 - 6
s 4
25 · 10- m
R;, that is,
= 4. 148. 10- 4 - .
Thus the speed and angular speed are now
v=4. 148·10- <l I
- ·7'
w=4. 148·10-.
The grap hs below represent the variation of the speed as a function of the radius in
each case:
9.3 Induction (tran s former emf)
9. Magnetism Solutions
(10- m/s)
(10- m/s)
2.07 -2--------------
r(10- m)
r(10- m)
First solution of Problem 269. The magnetic field
x x x x x
changing in time induces an electric field that enters the
metallic ring and starts a current in it. On this already
current-bearing conductor (whose induction increases in
time), a magnetic Lorentz force acts from the same field,
which is perpendicular to both the induction lines and
the conducting ring, and because of the direction of x
the induced current points in the direction of the centre
of the ring, so it strives to crash the ring. Therefore
it creates tensile stress in the ring. (If the ring were
in a magnetic field whose induction decreases in time,
x x x x x x x x
the force would strive to burst the ring.) We have to
determine this force .
As the field changes uniformly in time, the induced electric field and so the loop emf
is constant in time, self induction has no part in the process.
The magnitude of the current induced in the conducting ring of resistance r is
(applying Ohm's law to our case)
1= Uo = 6.<I> = 6.BR 7r
6.t · r 6.t'(2 2 ~7r
6.B RA
The simplest way to calculate the created tensile stress is by determining the resultant
magnetic field acting on a semicircle and dividing this by twice the cross-sectional area
of the wire.
300 C rea t i,'e Physics P ro iJ/c llIs " 'iti, Solutions
--/iiiiiiii ~2R
T he rorce act in g on a semi circle is oh vious ly
as, mu ch as th e rorce ac tin g on th e '2 J? di ameter
0 1 a current-bea rIn g w ire th at co nsists or a senl i_
circle and it s d iameter. hecause in the homoge_
neous fie ld th e conductor does not accelera t" ~s 0
th e res ult ant o r th e mag netic L orent z rorce actin "
on it sho uld he O. W ith thi s, th e rorce actin" o~
th e se illi circle is
w here 13 1 is th e mag nitude or magnetic induct ion at tim e in stant II'
Silllilar to the endpoint s o r th e semi circle. the rorces pullin g o ne se mi circle away rro m
th e oth er, or in our case pu shin g one se illi ci rcle toward s th e oth er, are parall el to each
oth er, and thu s one cros s-sec ti on gets onl y hair or th e res ult ant roree:
- ----0
/-\ == - == /3 I 1R .
w here
_ 6 13
/3 1 - 61'11 ==~'
so th e tensi Ie stress created hy th e mag neti c Lorent z rorce is
a == ~ ==
/31 11 a x 6/3 I? A . l? == 8 111HX /? 2 613 ,
A 2 61 2g
Li g
By turnin g th e rin g. we en sure th at besid es th e co mpress i ve stress produced by
th e magneti c field a tensile stress also appears, whi ch - gi ven a su it ahle nu mher or
revo luti ons - ca n co mpensate fo r eac h oth er. T hi s is w hy th e ex perim ent wo uld not
w ork in a mag neti c field w ith decreas in g indu cti on, w hen th e magneti c fi eld wou ld be
or tensil e nature as w ell (in th e rin g th e direc ti on or th e current wo uld turn hut the
direc ti on or vec tor B wo ul d rema in th e same, so th e direct ion o f th e Ill ag net ic Lore nt z
rorce would also turn ),
The mec hani ca l stress ca n be determ ined th ro ugh two d in'erent train s o f th ought :
I. T he m ag nitud e o f th e centripetal force actin g on a sma ll
pi ece o f m ass 6/11 == dA H..p or a rin g ro tated aro und an
ax is th at passes throu gh it s centre and is perpendi cular to
its pl ane is
Fc == d A R y . n ...?
( where d is th e de nsity or th e material o r th e r in g), i f thi s
sm all mass cl ement is forced to un dergo unirorm circ ular
mo ti on, Th is rorce is exert ed by the neighhouri ng parts III
touch w ith th e gi ve n part ( through cl asti c interacti oll ) as
show n in th e fig ure.
9. j\ [ag ll c tis lIl So ill tio ll s
9.3 Illdu ct io n ( tra nsfo rm er em f )
ThL: central angk t:;. ..,::; is also L:qual to the angle enclosed by thL: force vectors pulling
the eiL:mL:nt in the two direction s (thL: Y arc ang les with perpendicular arms), so their
resultant (th e ce ntripetal force acting on the mass element) is
. t.,? = (lAH2 ..,::;w 2 ,
- ' I SIJl"2
from which the pul l ing fore e is
. 2 <.p .
S ill "2
The smaller the seg ment of length t:;.l = lit.,? , the more accurate ly we can calculate the
force ac tin g on a small bit with mass t:;.m (because then the direct ion of the centripeta l
force s acting on the ends o f the bit of the ring diAer less and less) . It is known that
siJl o
if n ~ 0, so
and th e tensi Ie stre ss is
.) .)
IJ= A =dR-w- .
From th e required equality of the two ten sile stres ses that arise due to two din·erent
reasons and act in the oppos ite direction , the required angu lar speed can be determined:
from w hich the angular speed is
w= 2
13 11 I ii X t:;.B
-- · =0. 0 ·
2 v~
2 v~
. _
8.9G ·10 J kg / Ill :> ·l.78 . 10 - 8 D111 0.2 S
= 177 _1
and the corresponding number of rev olution s is
n = - =28.17 - .
II. The ten sile stress can be determin ed in an elementary way using the following
train of th ought as we ll:
The Illass clements of the rotated copper ring would move apart from each other if no
elastic (tangential ) contracting force acted between them. Its magnitude - as we have
alread y see n - sho uld be
FJ =dAH?w 2
This can also be see n if we examine a closed cylinder of radius R and height h, which is
placed into a pressurized environment. The compressive force produced by this external
pressu re correspo nd s to the cen tripet al force that is required for circular motion.
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solution s
What is this pressure?
Let us imagine that we cut a segment of arc 6.1 and hei ght h
out of the nappe of the cylinder. The centripetal force acting on
it is 6. mRw 2 , in detail :
Let us find the pressure that would cause the same effect:
6.16.ThdRw2 = p6.lh ,
from which
p= 6.TdRw 2 .
This pressure can be used for the proof.
Let us imagine a closed cylinder of radius R , semicircular base, hei g ht h in the
pressurized environme nt de termined now . The resultant force on the semicyl inder
caused by the pressure should have the same magnitude as the fo rce actin g on the
rectangle with area 2Rh, because the cylinder does not accelerate despite the externa l
forces acting on it. So the magnitude of this forc e is
F=p2Rh ,
that is, based on the above
F = 6.TdRw 2 ·2Rh ,
and the tensile stress produced in cross section A = 6.Th IS
2 2
CJ= - - =dR w
which we wanted to prove .
Second solution of Problem 269. W e could also start from the assumption that there
is no tensile stress in the ring, if the magn etic Lore ntz force acting on an arbitrary tiny
mass element of it provides exactly the normal force required for the circular track of
radius R (because then the ring can be divided into mechanically indepe ndent circular
arc segments , its parts would remain in the track of radius R, the shape of the ring
would not change even in the absence of tensile stress).
Let 6.m stand for the mass of a sufficiently small arc element of the copper rin g; the
equation of its motion is (only radial force ac ts ):
B· i · 6.1 = 6. mRw 2 .
Dividing by 6.1 results in the appearance of linear mass density, which can be calcu lated
from the total mass and the circumference:
6. m
B·~= - - ·Rw
mw 2
= --Rw = - - .
9.:..1 In d uc tio n (t ran s forlll er C' lll f)
9. Nl agn e tis m Solu tions
Substitut ing the va lues of instantaneous induction and in stantaneous current:
t::. B . t . ViII"
The induced potential difleren ce and the resistance of the ring can he determined frol11
the data. By ca lculating these, the left side of the equation gains the form
t::. t
6 <])
. 6I3·11
= (t::.B)
o · 2117f
t::. l
- _ . t. _6_1_ = __ .t .
o · 21171"
./. _RA .
With thi s, our equation of moti on beco mes
The mass of the copper ring ex pressed with its volume and dcn sity d is III = d · 2I?7r · A ,
by substituting this into ollr equation , it hecomes
t::.B)2./. RA =d.2RTi.A-w
- - -- - = dRA w"' .
( t::.i
From thi s, the requested angular specd independentl y of the radius and the width of the
ring is
w _ t::. B
t::. t
( t __2 _V_S.c.../'_11_2
V2Qd -
0.2 S
2·1.78· 10 -
0.1 S
. .3 = 177 - .
r2m· 8.96· 10 ' kg / m·
Solution of Problem 270. a) The chang ing magnetic fi eld induces a non-conservati ve
electric field , which results in currents flowing in the co nducting loops placed in the
field . The currents in the indi vidua l hranches can he determined hy usin g Maxwe ll ' s
second law (that is , Kirchhofr s loop rule) and applying Ma xwe ll' s first law (that is,
Kirchh oWs junction rule) to one of the hranch points.
To keep track of algebraic signs, let us assign direction s
to current s and voltages. Let us move around the loops in
the positive direction , and assume th at current fl ows from
A to B in the shorter arc and th ro ugh the meter, wh il e it
flow s fom B to A in the longer arc .
Let C l de note the emf induced in the smaller loop (I. )
and let C2 he the emf induced in the larger loop (11. ). Let
Al and A2 denote the areas of the smaller and greater
loops respec tively. It follow s from Ma xwe ll 's law that
300 C reative Physics Problem s wi t h S olution s
Applied to the Ohmic loops 1. and II.:
L 1f =c l ,
In detail , using the assumed directions of currents:
!:. B
hRl - 1R", = !:.t · A l ,
Hence hand 12 are
h = !:.B . Al + 1 . R m
Rl '
12 = !:.B . A 2 _ 1. R m .
!:.t R 2
According to Kirchhoffs junction rule applied to point A ,
h =1 + h·
(3 )
If (I) and (2) are substituted in (3) , an equation is obtained with the single unknown
being the current flowing through the meter:
!:.B . A 2 _ 1 . R m = 1 + !:.B . Al + 1 . R m.
!:.t R 2
!:.t R l
!:.B . (A 2 _ Al) = 1 (Rm + 1 + R m ) .
R2 Rl
Hence, by finding the common denominator and simplifying, the following ex pression
is obtained for the current in question:
1 _ !:.B .
A2Rl - A 1R2
-!:.t R ",( R l + R 2) + R 1R 2 ·
(4 )
Numerically, expressed in terms of the resistance R m of the meter:
V 0.2m2 · 5 \1-0 .1m2 ·2r2
1=0.4 - 2 .
R m . 7 \1 + 10 \1
7· R m + 10\1 ·
Question a) can be answered if the given value of 0.5 \1 is substituted for Rrn . To
answer question b), the voltage across the meter needs to be expressed and the value of
R", = 00 substituted . Thus, in the a) the meter reads a current of
A = 0.0237 A.
7 · 0. 5+ 10
It is in structive to determine the currents hand 12 flowing in the arcs AlB and
A2B , too . If the value (4) of 1 is substituted in (I) and (2) and a common denominator
is applied , the following expression s are obtained:
h = !:.B . A l [Rm( R l + R 2) + R 1R 2]+ A2R 1R rr• - A 1R2R ,n.
[R",( Rl + R 2)+ R1R2] Rl
9.3 Induction (t ransfor mer em f )
9. Nlagn e t ism Solutio ns
The te rm AIRrnR2 cancels o ut and the n the nume rato r a nd de nominator ca n bo th be
di vided by R I . Thu s the parametri c ex press io n of h simplifies to
h=6:.B. (AI+ A2)Rm+ AIR2.
6:.t R",R I + R,ll. R2 + RI R2
By sy mme try co nside rati o ns. a simil ar ex press io n is obtained fo r
interc hang ing indices:
by simpl y
Nume ri call y:
0.3m 2 ·0. 5 D + 0 .1m2·2D
I I = 0.4-·
2 - - - - - - -- - - - -
m 0.5D · 5 D + 0.5D · 2D +5 D·2D
0. 15+0.2
= 0.4·
A=A = 0. 01037 A = 10.37 rnA ,
0 .15 + 1
A = 0.4A=A = 0. 03407 A = 34. 07rnA.
13 .5
Clearly , the res ult will be the same if h is added to I :
h = 0.4-
0 .3·0.5+ 0 .2·5
12 = 0.0237 A + 0 .01037 A = 0.03407 A.
b) The vo ltme ter bein g ideal means that no c urre nt fl ows th ro ug h it. Ho we ver, the
express ions o btained in a) re main valid , and they can be used as they are. If the curre nt
I fl owing through the mete r is mul tipli ed by the res istance R", o f the meter, the reading
of the voltme te r is o btained . The value o f I is taken from (4):
V= IR 'I1, = 6:. B .
A 2R 1 -A I R 2
.R",= 0.32V . R",.
6:. t R",R I + R",R 2 + R I R2
7 R", + 10D
To determine the limit o f thi s expressio n as R,ll. --+ 00, the numerator and de no minator
are both di vided by the res istan ce Rm o f the me ter:
0 .32 V
7 + 10 D/ Rm
--+ - -
= 0 .0457
since fo r a large e no ugh res istance of the me te r, the term 10 D / R,ll. becomes neg li gible
next to 7. M athe maticall y, 10/ R", --+ 0 as R", --+ 00 .
Thu s the val ue obtained is the vo ltage measured be twee n the points A and B.
The c urre nt is now the sa me in both arcs (they are cond uctors co nnected in series).
The value o f the c urre nt is o btai ned by substituting the valu e R ", = 00 into either (5)
Or (6) after di viding both the num erator and the de nomin ato r by R", :
6:. B (AI + A 2) + AIR"
Al + A2
I - 12 - __ .
R,,, --+ _6:. B_ . ~_--=16:.t
Rl + R.2 + IIllI 2
6:. t Rl + R2
NUmeri call y:
11 = 12 = OA -
0.3 m 2
,..... --
= 0.01714 A = 17.14 mAo
300 C rcflti,·c Pln·sics Problelll s n·itl , SollJ tio JJ S
Solution of Prohlem 271. If the uniforml y chan g in g mag neti c field was present
eve ryw here in side th e big cy lind er, the n. beca use o f th e sy milletry o f the arrangement.
the lielt.! lin es o f the ind uced el ec tric fi eld wo ul d be co nce ntri c c irc les in the plane
perpendi cular to the ax is. and the electri c fie ld at a d istance,. from the ax is (,.:s I? )
co uld be eas ily ca lc ul ated fro m Maxwe ll ' s law o f in ducti on:
Appl y in g the la w for a c irc le o f radiu s ,. , th e co nstant Illagnitu de o f the e lectric field
can be carri ed out o f th e SUIll , and COS(\ = I , so :
/3,. 27i = I3A = <I).
is the magneti c !lu x inside the c irc le . T hu s, from equ ati o n ( I ) the indu ced e lectric field
at the d istan ce,. fro m the axis has th e mag nitud e:
No w let us co nsider the magneti c li e kl in th e problem as the superpos ition of two
uniforml y chan g in g mag neti c fi e ld s (produced separat ely by appro priat e co il s) :
- a ho mogen eo us, uniforllll y chang in g mag neti c field B (I) . which is prese nt everywhere in side the bi g cy linder,
- and a mag neti c held - B(t ) . whi ch is present only in sid e the small cy linder.
In a perpendi c ul ar cross sect ion of the
cy linders. let OJ be the centre o f the big .
and O 2 be that o f the small cy lin de r.
and co nsider a po int P inside the Sillall
cy linder, whi ch is at a di stance ,. froi11
I a nd at a di stance Ii fro m O 2 . Let
r and s den ote the vectors from the
centres to P . (See the fi gun.: .) Then
the induced net e lectri c li eld E at P is
th e superpos iti o n o f the two electric fields
ind uced separatel y by the two magnetic
lie lds: E = E I + E 2 . where. by equati on (2) ,
= - . - - I·
2 /:'1
1 /:, 13
/;;., = _.
- 2 /:,t
due to th e cha nge o f B(l )
due to the change of - Jj ( t ).
S in ce EJ l. r and E 2 1.s . th e an gles n are equ al in the tri angles 02PO I and PA I3.
9. j\{a g IJ c ti.';JJ1 So lu tiolls
9.3 Indu ctio n (trans form er emf)
On the other hand , the ratios of the sides forming the angle a are also equal ,
thu S the two trian gles are similar. Us in g thi s fact, the net induced electri c field is:
co nstant.
Numeri ca ll y,
n R6U 0.1111
8=E 1 - = - - = - - · 80 - 2 =2.0 - .
'-I 6/
Since two sid es of the similar trian gles are pairwise perpendicul ar to eac h other, the
third sides arc also perpendicular,
E ..l 0 10 2 ,
so the electric field induced in sid e the small cy linder is homogeneous.
(We remark that the fact that the magnitude of the electric field is co nstant in a
region where the magneti c field vanishes (or stati c), implies that the electric field is
homogeneo us there . Thi s can be deduced from Ma xwe ll ' s seco nd law. [I' the magnitude
of the electric field is constant. then the field Iines ha ve the same spacial 'density', and
they form a sys tem of parallel strai ght lines. Otherwise we co uld find a closed circle
along whi ch L, /~ 6"cO SQ would not be ze ro , whi ch is imposs ible if' the magneti c flux
is not changing. This mean s that the electric field is hom oge neous.)
Solution of Problem 272. a) Let us de termin e the flux surrounded by the circular
track as fun cti o n of time. As thl.: inducti on changes along the radiu s, the area of the
circle is divided into small regi ons in which the magnetic field can he regarded as
homoge neo us. Fo r thi s purpose , let us take a circular ring of radiu s T and a width
6 ,. « ,. whosl.: flu x is:
6<j:> = IJ (I',/ ) , 21'7r ' 6,..
Accordin g to the co ndition given in thl.: probl em
61> = ---.!!./ . 2/r,. 6,..
Let us sum up the element ary flu xes:
<1)(/) = L6<j:> = 2/r Eo/
L6,.;= 2/r EoLR,
that is,
1>(/) =2/rEoRt .
Due to thl.: cy lindri ca l sy mmetry of the situati o n, the induced electric (ield created also
has cy lindri ca l sy mmetry , so con siderin g ( I), the e lectric field at the place of the bead is
E( r? ) = - · _ = - . .
=Eo .
2/r R
2/r r?
300 Creat ive Physics Problems with Solu tions
The bead ex periences a constant e lectric field in the directi o n of the tange nt , so aCCordino
to (2), its velocity as functi o n o f time is
v(t) = -
·t .
b) Applying the fundam e nta l law o f dynamics in radi al directi o n:
qvB +N =m R '
where N is the normal force exerted by the trac k. Us in g (3), its magnitude is
m E'5q 2t2
Eaq Eat
N = m- -qvB= - . - -2- - q. - t o=0.
There is no force between the bead and the ring in a mag netic field of such structure
N = 0, that is, the track does not exert a radial normal force and thus d oes no t have to
be there . (The principle of the betatron particle accelerator.)
Solution of Problem 273. The acceleration of the electron equals the product of the
induced electric field and the charge to mass ratio of the electron. The e lectric field can
be determined from Faraday 's law of inducti o n:
E .6. scoset = - 15:t .
If the summation is carried out along the circumference of the circle of radius TA,
then COSet = 1 everywhere and the magnitude of the electric field is also constant, and
thus, with magnitudes considered only ,
E·2TA7f= .
1 .6. <1>
. The
2TA7f .6.t
mag nitude of the change in flux induci ng the electric field is .6. <1> = A.6.B . Expressed
H e nce the electric field at the starting point of the electron is E A = --- in terms of the data of the coil:
With this information , the accelerati o n of the electron is
a- _F - _eE - e · _2'1'o47r
- m - m m
eR 27f .6.B
m2TA7f .6.t
1.6·1Q - 19 A s · 4· 1Q -4 m 2·0.8Vs/m 2
9.1·10 - 31 kg · 2 · 3 ·10- 2 m·lO- 1 s
e R 2.6. B
m 2TA .6.t
_ _ __
9.3 Indu ction ( t ran s former emf)
9. NIagll etism S olution s
b) The speed of the electron is determined by the induced electric field. The difTlculties
are due to the electron 'drifting olr the electric fie ld line that passes through point A.
Neither the path of the electro n nor the valu es of the electric field along the path can be
calculated by elementary methods .
Although the electri c field is now constant, it is not conse rvat ive , and therefore no
potential or potential difference can be defined in it. However, the tota l emf
E6 s is
zero for any closed cuve that does not surro und a changing flux. Thus , if the actua l path
of the e lectron is comp leted to a closed curve suc h th at it does dot surro und a chang in g
flux and the work done by the elect ri c fie ld is easy to ca lcu late in the additiona l seg ments
of the closed curve, then it provides an e leme ntary method to obta in the work done o n
the electron along the actua l path , too .
The figure shows a pos sible closed cu rve of that kind:
it consists of the actual elec tron path , a circ ul ar arc
subtendin g the same ang le and centred at the axis of the
coil , and a radial lin e segme nt. The work done by the
electric field along the arc AB' is
lVel = F· .5 = eE1' A<P = e - - - - . 1'A <P =
2TA 1T 6t
1 R211:6B
e R2 <p6f3
= e- 1'A<P =
21'1\ 11:
independentl y of the distance TA of the start ing point A from th e axis. The work done
by the electric field along the radial lin e segment BB' is zero since the elec tri c fi e ld
vector is perpendicular to the displacement. Therefore the actua l work done on the
electron along the path AB is equal to the W eI above.
Hence the speed of the electron is obtai ned from the work-energy theorem ( I \ "' 1 =
::::: mv 2 / 2, with the assumption that it travels in vaCLlum):
e jf2 6B
- - - <P =
Rem ark: The result can also be obtain ed by considering the formula for the speed of
the uniform ly accelerated circular motion of the electron along the arc AB':
v=~ =
2 -T<p =
j e R26B
since the magnitude of the electric field E is constant along the arc and its direction I S
tangenti al , so the electron will move along the arc with uniformly chang in g speed.
300 C r eative Physics Problem s wi th Solutions
Solution of Problem 274. A moving electron is affected by both magnetic and
e lectric fields. We should investigate the fields that are present in the centre of the
circle at the time instants in question and the direction of the electric field and magnetic
induction vectors that characteri se these.
When no magnetic field is present (fa = 0), on ly the chang ing magnetic flux creates
(a stationary) electric field , which accelerates the electron with a force of F == eE
(regard less of its velocity co ndi tion). When there is current in the coil again (e.g. at
time in stant tl = 0.6 s ), a magnetic field is also present in the centre of the circle
which acts with a force of F = evx 13 on the electron ; this force is perpendicul ar to th~
previous force. Therefore we shou ld determine the magnitude of the electric fi eld and
the induction of the magnetic fie ld in the centre of the centra l circle of the coil at the
given moment.
a) When the current is zero , only electric fie ld is present. Within the thin iron wire
a so-cal led toroidal magnetic field is created , whose flux density can be considered
constant for the whole cross-section, because the 3.6- mm diameter of the iron wire can
be neglected relative to the 200-mm diameter of the circle. This thin magnetic flu x tube
acts like the thin current-bearing wire in the creation of the magnetic field , therefore
the (non-statio nary) electric field created by the magnetic flux element can be described
in the same way as the magnetic field created by the current element, with a law that
corresponds to the Biot-Savart law . All one needs to do is determine which qu antities
correspond to each other in the two processes . The correspond ing quantities are given
by the c ircuital law and the law of induction.
In the case of a straight conductor for one induction line
B2n r=Mol
Mo I
B- - - 271" 1"
in the case of a straight thin coil (flux tube)
1 ~<p
E= - - - .
21'71" ~t
From these, it is obvious that the quantity correspondi ng to Mol in the Biot-Savart law
E21'7l" =- -
. - . Wit
. h th'IS, the two types a f' B 1' 0t-Savart Iaware
Mo l~l
~B= - - - sin a,
1 ~<p ~l
~E= - - - sina .
471" 1, 2
471" ~t 1, 2
In the centre of the circle the resultant electric field can be determined throu gh the
known summation:
1 ~<p ~l
1 ~<p 1
~E =
- - - sin a = - - ~l s m90 ,
471" ~t 1'2
471" ~t 1'2
~l = 21'71" is the circumference of the circle. From this , after simplify ing by
21'71" the following expression is acqu ired for the e lectric field in the centre of the circle:
E = ~ ~<p
21' ~ t'
which is constant due to the cond iti on given in the problem.
9.3 Induction (transformer emf)
9. JVlagnetism Solutions
In case a) B = 0 but ,6,B =I 0 both outside the toroidal coil (including the centre
of the circular coil) and inside the coil. (The hysteresis of the soft-iron wire can be
neglected , therefore even if remanent magnetism exists at the moment in question ,
the rate of change of remanent magnetism, which determines the electric field , can be
approximated well with the rate of change of magnetism that belongs to zero induction
of the first magnetizing curve, which is proportional to the rate of change of current.)
The Ch""g:: :::e~:~:o~,:"~~~":
wi" i,
a=~ . ))
\: ~v
1-+0( (
If this is substituted into the law analogous with
the Biot-Savart law , the acceleration of the electron is
a = eE = ~~lOIlT N A6.1 ~ = 0.0008
2R 2 7r6.t m
)~ =
CS2 m
= 140659340 .7 2 ~ 1.41.108 2 )
and its direction is perpendicular to the plane of the circle.
b) At tI = 0.6 s the magnetic field , which is created
by the current that flows in the copper wire, is present
again . The value of current 0.1 s after becoming zero is
II = 0.2Ill1ax = 2 A. This current - although it flows
in the circular coil - creates exactly the same magnetic
field in the centre of the central circle of the toroid as
a single thin circular conductor placed along the central
circle that bears the same current. The induction of this
field is perpendicular to the plane of the circle and the
magnetic Lorentz force produced by it is perpendicular to both jj and v, therefore it
acts in the plane of the circle, therefore it is perpendicular to E as well. The resultant
acceleration can be acquired from the Pythagorean theorem.
a ll1ag = ----;;;;- = m V~lO 2R =
= 0.0012566 ( kgm)
CS2 m = 220947176 m /s 2 ~ 2.21.10 8 m/s2.
The total acceleration of the electron is
2 _ e
alllag+ael-mV 12.6·10
+ 8· 10
= 0.0014925 ( ~S~1 ) ~ = 2624201 59.4 m /s 2 ~ 2.624 . 108 m/s2.
30U C reati l'e Physics Pl'O blc lll s with Solu t io1l.s
The direction of the acceleration encloses an angl e of
lux JJI
cp = arc t an - - - = arc t a n
0.001 266
= 57.7°
0 .0008
with the axis.
Remark: Some would think that the iron wire that fil ls the in side of the coil - be in ()
a a conductor that surround s a changing flu x - would produce a current whose direc t i o~
is opposite to the current in the coil and therefore decreases it s magneti c field.
If the coil bearing the iron wire is not o nl y bent into a c ircle but is al so so ldered
togeth er, then a circ ular conductor that surround s the (inhomogeneousl y di stributed)
magneti c flu x is acquired indeed. but thi s - even if calculated with the homogen ous
flu x that is calculated from the ma ximum inducti o n measured al o ng the centre lin e of
the toroid - gives an upper limit of less than one th ousandt h for the current of the iro n
wire and the induction created by it.
9.4 Alternating current
Solution of Prohlem 275. If the initial charge of the loaded sphere is Q , then its
potential is:
U() = - - .
cjiicll i?
The potential o f the othcr spherc is initia lly zero. Sin ce there is a potential din'erence
between the two end s of the coil , an clec tric current is produced , i.e. charge is transferred
from one sphere to thc other. From this , it is clear that the system investi gat ed is an
oscillatory circuit , the spheres actin g as capacitors.
In an ideal L C circuit undamped harmo nic oscillation s are produced , i.e . first all
charges go from one plate o f the capacitor III the other, and then all charges go back
to the first plate without loss . (We investigatc only one period of the oscillati on , and
ncgleet the losses due to Joule- heat and dipole electromagnctic radiation .)
What is the capacitan ce of the 's ubstituting capacitor' cOll sisting of the spheres'? (We
have to take into con sideration that the total charge o f the plates is not zcro.) The an swer
is gi vcn by thc following reasoning: Lct us con sider the charge Q on the first sphere as
the S UIll of charges Q/2 and Q/ 2 , and let us regard th e charge a Oil the second sphere
as the sum of charges Q/2 and - Q / 2. The potential diflerence due to the equ al Q/2
charge s on both spheres is zero , while the voltage due to the opposite charge s Q /2 and
- Q / 2 on the two sphere s is U" I!'X = Ut i . So the eharge of the substitutin g capacit or is
Q /2, and it s voltage is U ti , thu s it s capacitan cc is:
, Q/ 2 ,
C = -- = 2iicli R.
It mean s that the peri od o f the osc illatory circuit is:
T = 2ii .fTC = 2ii /2iicll J(
9.4 A l teJ'llat ing ClIrrent
9. l\ Iag lJNis lII S o lutio lls
After thi s time. the charges on the sp heres beco me equal to their initial values. When
the charge o j' the first sphere is Q / 2 . the charge of' the seco nd sphere is Q / 2 as well ,
so the vo ltage across the co il is zero, and the time e lapsed unti l thi s state is a quarter of
the peri od:
L = -T = -7i J 27icIlLfl.
Solution of Prohlem 276. a) The potential din'crence app li ed to the combination is
divided between the two ca pacitors in the ratio of' their resistances. Thus the potentia l
din'eren ce across the first capacitor is:
\I =
J? I + I? 2
. Ii =
220 V
·1·10 = V = 4LI V
1 . 10!) + ,I . 109
whil e the potential di ne rence across the scco nd capacitor is:
which mean s that the second capacitor breaks down.
b) If a putential d in'erence is applied to a capacitor, there will always be a current
At the same time there is a
chargin g current (Ie ) flowing throu'gh the capacitor due to the same potenti al diH'erence .
Therefore the ca pacitor can be substituted by an idea l capacitor thal is co nnec ted In
parallel tu the ohmi c resistance of' the ca pacitor.
The potential di n'ere nce across the capacitors arc in proporti on to the ir net impedances ( Z ). If components arc connected
in parallel , their co nductivities are added together as vectors,
so accordin g to Pythagoras' theorem the net conductivity of
the cOlllbination is:
(J 11 ) due to the ohmic co ndu cti vity of the capacitor.
where Y is the net co nducti vity, G = ] / f( is the ohmic conductivity and B = 1/ X c is
the capacitive co nducti vit y. The net impedance of the combination is Z = l / Y. The net
conducti vi ty o f the first capacitor is therefore :
whiic for it s impedan ce, we gel:
ZI = ~ =
V I + (R1 wC1F'
Let us di vide both th e numerator and the denominator by R I :
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions
The capacitive conductance B1 = wC 1 of the capacitor is much greater than its ohmic
conductance 1/ R 1 . Assuming the frequency to be v = 50 H z, we find:
B1 = 21TV' C 1 = 314. 16 S-l .10.10-
simil arly
6 F = 3. 1416 .10 - 3 r2 - \
B2 = 314.16 S-l .12.5.10- 6 F = 3.927.10- 3 r2-1,
while the ohmic conductivities are :
~ = _ 1 _ = 10 -9 r2 - 1
10 9 r2
= 0.25 .10- 9 r2 - 1 .
4· 10 9 r2
This means that the ohmic conductivity is six orders of magnitude less th an the
capacitive conductivity, so the ohmi c conductivity is negli gible, which holds even more
to its square:
_-,-----,- = 10- 18 r2- 2 «3 .14 2 .10- 6 r2 - 2 .
10 18 r22
Therefore the net impedances of the capac itors are equal to their capacitive resistances, because:
= - -=XC"
JO + (wCd
wC 1
Similarly the net impedance of the second capacitor is equal to its capacitive resistance.
As the capacitors are connected in series, their potential differences are in the ratio of
their impedances or capac itive resistances, therefore the potential difference across the
first capacitor is:
X 1 +X 2
1/ 10
. 220V=122.2V
1/C 1 +1/C2
1/ 10 + 1/ 12 .5
simi larly the potential difference across the second capacitor is:
V2 =
1/12 .5
· 220 V = 97.8 V.
1 10 + 1 12.5
(The potential difference across the first capacitor is greater than the one across the
second, which is opposite to the situ ation in the first case.)
If we want to find out whether the capacitors will break down or not, we need to
calculate the maximum values of their potential differences. These are:
V1max = v'2V1 = v'2. 122 .2 V = 172.8 V > 130 V ,
V2m ax = v'2V2 = v'2. 97.8 V = 138.3 V < 170 V,
therefore in this case the capacitor of capacitance C 1 breaks down .
9.4 A I t C/"IJ at illg Cllrre n t
9. l\IJagnetism Solu tio ns
Solution of Problem 277. a) As the c urre nt lags be hind the vo ltage. the c irc uit is of
induc ti ve na ture. T he phase ang le is r.p = 7r /4 rad = 45° .
T he impeda nce is
z = \~ I IIS = v'lIax = 200 V = 28.29 O.
[ ""LX
7.07 A
The ohmic res istance is:
R = Z · cos45° = 28.29 D· cos Ll5° = 20 D .
From the isosce les ri g ht- ang led tri ang le:
XL~X e= R .
uJ L ~ -= /f.
. t lmtis ,
From thi s
C =
w(w L~R)
628s - I· (628 ·0. 1 43 ~ 20 ) D
=22 .8 1 /,P .
b) T he max imum pote nti al di ffe re ncc ac ross the coil is VL ",n, =
max imum pote nti al differe nce across th e co il is
[ III" XX",
so the
VL,,, o, = I ",ax ·w L = 7.07 A · 628 S-l · 0. 143 11 = G34 .91 V.
As the pote nt ia l diffe re nce across the coil is ahead o f the vo ltage V in the c irc uit by
7r /4, the po te nti a l diflere nce across the co il as fun c ti o n o f time is
IT ) .
VL =634 .91 V s ill ( 628 ~l · t + ~
T he maxi mum pote nti a l differe nce across the capac ito r is
7.07 A
Ve ", n, = f ll,axX e = I lIIax wC = 62 8 S- l .22 .8 . 10 - 6 P = 493 .77 V ,
and as the pote nti al differe nce across the capac it or lags behind the termin a l vo lt age by
37r/4, the pote ntia l d iff'erence as fun c ti o n of time is
IT ) .
Ve =493 .77V·sin ( 628-·L+3~
Solution of Problem 278. Accordin g to the state me nt o f the proble m, th e im peda nce
of the c irc ui t is in de pe nde nt o f the res istance o f the O hmi c n:s isto r. Let us lin d o ut the
necessary co nditi o n of thi s .
We illu strate th e c urre nts a nd vo lt ages thro ug h and across th e indi vid ual e lec tri c
com ponent s by ro tating vec tors . To draw an adequ ate di ag ram, we use the fo ll ow in g
fact s:
I . T he part RC and the co il are connec ted in para ll e l, thu s the vo lt age ac ross the co il
and the vo ltage of th e ge nerator are the same. (U He = U L = U .)
2. The c urre nt o f the co il ( J L) has a de lay o f 90° w ith respec t to the vo lt age .
5 11
300 Creative P hysics Problem s with Solu tion s
3. L et 'P de note the phase shi ft betwee n the curre nt (In c ) th ro ugh R, C and the
vo ltage of the ge nerato r (U nc )! It is kn o wn that the c urre nt lead s the voltage.
4.The vo ltage across the O hmi c res istor (V n) is in ph ase with the c urre nt (I nc) o f
the R C branc h.
5. T he vo ltage (Vc ) across the capacitor lags the c urre nt (Inc ) by a phase shi ft
o f 90 0 .
6. T he to tal vo ltage Unc across the res istor R and capac itor C is the vector sum of
the vo lt ages Un and Uc .
/ \\\
The (ro tatin g) vec tor representin g the c urre nt (I ) of the main branch is the su m o f
the (ro tatin g) vecto rs re presentin g the c urre nt ( I nc ) th ro ugh R C and the current (I L )
th rough the co il. Accordin g to the fi g ure (s plitting the vec tor I R C to compo nents and
addin g the vec to r h):
or equi va le ntl y
12 = I I + fA c - 2h I ncsin <p.
Fro m the theory o f AC c irc uits it is kn o wn that:
1 = -'
h= X L;
S ubstituting these fo rmul as into equ ati o n ( I), the fo ll o wing is o btained for the
im peda nce:
X L ( R2+ X b) ,
o r in a simple r fo rm :
Z2 =
51 2
XL -2Xc
Xr+ XdR2 + X bl"
9.4 A l tern ating c urren t
9. JVIagnetism Solu t ions
It can be seen that if XL = 2Xc the n the seco nd te rm o n the ri ght hand s ide equ als zero,
thus in thi s case the total impedance is indepe nde nt of the Ohmi c res istance: Z = XL .
The freque ncy co rrespo nd ing to thi s case is de termin ed by the equ ati o n
Lw=Cw '
from whi ch
L C = 1000 Hz ,
and fin all y the freq ue ncy is :
v = ~ = 159 .2 Hz.
Solution of Problem 279. a) T he induct ive reacta nce is XL = Lw = 62812 , the
capaciti ve reac tance is X c = l /Cw = 0 .63612. T he voltages across the in d uc tor and
capacitor are in oppos ite ph ases , and they also have diflere nt mag nitudes . Thu s their
sum may o nl y be zero if eac h of the m is zero.
At the give n time in sta nt , the cu rre nt inc reases the vo ltage o n the capac itor, so it mu st
be a time in stant in the fi rs t qu arte r peri od of the grap h. Let x de note the time interval
in quest io n.
The voltage and c urre nt of the capacito r as fun cti o ns o f time are
Vc = VCo . sinwt,
1 = 10 . coswt.
Their ratio is
- =Xc·tan wt
that is,
1 = 0.636· tan (314
Hence t = 0. 0032 sa nd
0.02 s
x= - - t= - - -0.0032s=0.0068s.
b) T he voltage o n the co il has a co nsta nt value of
VL = L· -;\ = 2 H· 0.8 - = l.6 V.
Since the c urre nt decreases , VL is opposi te in po larity to the vo ltage on the capac ito r.
The capac itor needs to be charged further to increase its voltage by 6. V = 0 .6 V,
51 3
300 C l'eilt i,-e P /I.,·sics P ro ble ll ls with So lu tio )) s
so that the res ul tant vo ltage is zero. That takes an ex tra charge o f t:..Q
Ct:.. \I _
= 5 · 10 -:J F· 0. 6 V = 0.00:3 C sur rlied hy th e current. Since the mea n current duril~
the tim e int erval I is
/ "1(';11' =
I A +( l A - 0. i::I A s- 1· / )
= I A. - 0. <1- s ·1 .
th e equ ati on
( I A - 0. 1- , / )1 =0 .003 C
is ohtain ed. By rearra ngement. th e equ ati o n for th e tim e in second s is
0. 11/2 - I + 0 .00:3 = O.
T he so luti on is
c) In the case of a sinu so idal current. the roles o f th e quantiti es I and .1' ahove an.:
interch anged :
In ( I ). let .J" he the ne w tim e inter va l in question.
Now I ' = 0.OOG8 (th e valu e o f .J' ahove). and
1= - - .J' .
H cnce
.1' = :2 - I' = O.Ol s - 0. 0068 s = 0.00:32 s.
In th e case o f a uniforml y decreasin g current. the voltages on th e ind uctor and
capac itor ha ve the same po larit y . Thu s th e resultant vo ltage may o nl y hecome zero if
th e voltage acro ss the capac it or changes from + 1 V to - l. G V.
That takes a charge transfer o f
Q =5 ·I O- J P· (1 + 1. G)II= 0.0 13 C .
With th e me,lIl current durin g th e tim e int erva l 1=.(''' requ i red :
/ "1< ';111 . • J' ''
1 A + I A - 0 .8 A s- I . .J' ''
.. J' '' = 0.0 1:3 C.
O. 1. J',, 2 - .(''' + O.OD = 0
for th e tim e in second s. H ence
.1''' = 0.0 1:3 s .
(Thi s is shor ter th an th e tim e 1.2Gs o f th e current vani shin g altoge ther .)
Solution of Prohlem 2 ~n. We ca n ass um e th at th e hox co nt ain s ohmi c resistors.
capac it ors and indu ctors. w hi ch may occur in an inl i nit e numher o f co mhinati ons. Let us
lind th e simplest case ( lh at is, an equi va lent co mhin ati on th aI contain s a sin g le cle me nt
o f eac h k ind ). Sin ce th e impeda nce has a minim LIIll . th e capac it or and indu ctor should
5 14
9.4 A It em a ting c urrent
9. j\ Iag ll c tis llI So lutio ll s
be connected in series. According to th e tabl e, the impedance is not zero at th e resonant
frequen cy, so there mu st be an ohmic res istor in th e combination, too. The resultant
impedan ce of a resistanc e
indu ctan ce L and capac it ance C co nn ec ted in series is :
n2 + (l -:~LC) 2
There are three unkn ow ns th at can be determined from three appropriate equations . The
table co ntain s more than enough rairs of corres pondin g values th at could be used to
set up three equati o ns. That so luti on. howe ver, wo uld in vo l ve lo ng and in co nveni ent
ca lculation s. In stead. w ith a lillie in sight, we ca n eas il y get very good approximate
va lues.
It is kno w n that ;;; = Il at reso nance. Accordin g to the table, th e minimum impedance
is about 20 (2. T hi s pro vides an estimate for th e ohmi c res istance.
For very low frequen cies , it is enough to co nsider th e reactan ce o f th e capacitor, inductive reZ(O
ac tan ce is IH.:g li gibk:
Z-= R- +(wCF '
th at is.
20 s- 1 J782" 0 2 - 25 2 0 2
= 63.91/I.F.
For ve ry hi gh frequencies , on the ot her hand , it is
the capac iti ve reactance that ca n be neg kcted , it is
enough to co nsid er i nducti ve reacta nce:
and hence
, '
/, = 2. J £2 - R2,
that is. w ith th e large- frequen cy data o f th e table ,
.)7922-252=0. 1583 11.
5000 S - I
(Note that approximately the sa me va lues arc obta in ed if even th e ohmi c resistances are
ignored in the ex treme cases, that is. the eq uati on
782 n =
20 s- 1 C
is so l ved fur caracitance: the res ult is C = G3 .93 /LF. and th e equation
7920=5000s - 1L
is so l ved for ind uc tan ce: th e result is L = 0.158<1 IT .)
300 Cr ea tive Physics Problem s with Solu tions
Solution of Problem 281. In a g ive n in stant, the mag nitude of c urre nt between points
(a, b, c and d) is the same. The emf o f the ge nerator is the sum o f the potential
differences ac ross these segments . Note that the RMS vo ltages sho uld be added as
vec tors, since it is an AC c ircui t.
Our first task is to investi gate the circu it when the angul ar frequency of the AC
generator is w. Since the RM S current is 1= 1 mA a nd R = 5 kn , the RMS voltaoe
across points a-b mu st be V;,b = 5 V , thus Vbd = o. This means th at there is a resonance
between poi nts band d.
Since b- c is capac itive the para ll el LC circ uit between c-d mu st be induct ive, hence:
wL < - .
The ne t impedance between points c and d can be ca lc ulated as:
XL -
thu s
X cd =
(wL)· (l/wC)
L /C
= -;-..,----'-:-- (l /wC) - wL
(l /w C) -w L
The resonance condition in this case is:
L /C
1 =0 .
(l /wC) - wL wC
From thi s eq uation we obtain that the o ri g in al angular frequency is:
= 2LC .
The RMS voltage across po ints band c can be calculated using the readin g of the
substitutin g g ive n data, we find :
which yields
Vue = 12 V.
Using our results above, we can determine the capacitive reac tance of the capacitor in
the first case (w he n the angular frequency is w) :
X c = Xb e = - =
12 V
= 12 kn ;
0.001 A
(2 )
9. 4 A lt ern at ing c urren t
9. M agn etism Solu tions
whil e the inducti ve reactance of the coil is:
XL=w L = 2wC =6 kO.
Let us now fi nd out what happe ns if the angul ar freq uency is changed to w/V2 . The
inducti ve reactance should by div ided by V2 while the capac iti ve reacta nce shoul d be
multipli ed by V2 to get their new values. Thu s, accord in g to equ at ion ( I), the net
impedance of th e para ll e l LC circ uit betwec n poin ts c and d will be:
(6 kO / /2) · 12 kO · /2 =.JV2 kO.
12kO · /2 -(6 kO / /2)
bein g an inducti ve type of im peda nce , The net im pedance betwee n point s b and d is:
X "" = X c -X,d = J2V2 kO - 4/2 U2 = SV2 kO
bein g a capac iti ve type of imped ance.
The net im pedance between po int s a and d ca n be calc ul ated as:
There fore the ammeter in the second case reads:
[ = '~J eII. =
5 V = OA O/I mA.
The net impedance betwee n po int s a and c is:
Therefore in the seco nd case the readin g of the vo ltmet er (whi ch is the RMS vo lt age
across th ese two points) will be:
v,,,=X,, c · I = 17, 6S kO·O .40L!Ill A =7. 15 V.
Solution of Problem 282. The parts in the two branches that arc abo ve po int s F'
and Q should have the same net im ped ances and phase dine re nces. In the le ft bra nch.
where eleme nts are co nnec ted in parall el , the curre nt leads the potenti al dinc re nce by
<p, whose tangent is:
R wC
t a ll <p = - - = - Xc
2 '
in the ri ght branch , where cl ements arc conn ec ted in seri es:
l /wC
= -- .
tanr.p = -
Ass um ing that the ri gh t-hand sides of th e eq uati ons arc eq ual, we obt ain:
R wC
wc n , '
5 17
300 Crea tive Physics Problems with Solutions
from which the angular frequency of the alternating potential difference is:
Assuming that the impedances in the two branches are the sa me, we get:
We have a system of equations for w and Rx. Substituting the angular frequency
from the first equation into the seco nd , we gain a quadratic equation for the unk now n
4R~ + 4RRx - 3R = 0,
whose solution is:
Rx = 2 = 0.5 kD ,
from which the angular frequency is :
=1000 sCR
w= -
and thus the frequency of the alternating potential di fference is:
n=~=1 59 .2 s- 1.
Solution of Problem 283. Let us assume that the internal resistance of the AC
network is negligible. The DC potential differences supplied by the cells and the AC
potential difference supplied by the ne twork are superimposed. The DC voltmeter cannot
follow the AC potential difference because of its high frequency, therefore its read ing
is not affected by the AC network. As the internal resistance of the AC network is zero,
the circuit in the first case behaves as if it was shorted as shown. In this case the coils
do not affect the reading of the DC voltmeter.
Since the DC voltmeter reads VA l] = 0, the potential differences accross the internal
resi s tances should be equal to the respective emfs o f the cells. (The probl e m can only
be solved if the res istan ces of the coils are taken to be 0 .)
9.4 Alternating current
9. lVla.gn e tism Solu t ions
The potential difference across points A and B is zero in both the upper and lower
branch of the circuit, therefore:
VA}]=IRl -[l=O
IRl=[l ,
VA}] = I R2 - [2 = 0
I R2 = [2 ,
R 2 =[2=100V=2
50 V
therefore R2 = 2R l · The readin g of the DC voltmeter was used to find the ratio of the
internal resistances of the cells. Let us now con nect an AC voltmeter across points A
and B.
The phase constant in an RL circuit is given by the formula:
tan tp = R '
substituting known values, we find:
tan45 ° = 1 = - -R l + R2
Rl + 2R l '
which yields Rl = 2wL/3 and R2 = 2Rl = 4wL/3. The net impedance of the circuit is:
Z = J(R l + R2F + (2wL)2 = J(6wL/3)2 + (2wLF = 2V2wL.
The AC component of the current has an RMS value of:
- Z - 2V2wL·
The impedance between points A and B can be calculated as:
ZA}] =
Ri + (wLF =
J~(WL)2 + (wL)2 = V; ·wL,
therefore the potential difference across these two points (or across the terminals of the
AC voltmeter) is:
VA}] = IZ A}] =
.h 6
·--·wL=-- ·V=
= 0.425 V = 0.425·220 V = 93 .5 V.
Chapter 10
Optics Solutions
Solution of Prohlem 2X~. Us in g ba tt t: ri t:s th t: prnbkm has no so lut io n. Th ou~ h
wt: can ust: AC vo ltagt: supplit:s whost: ma ximu m vo ltagt:s art: t:lJual , th t: n.: is a 120 0
phast: diOert: nct: ht: twt:t: n th t: n1. In practict: wt: ca n ust: two ieknti cal transformt:rs. the ir
prim ary co il s ha vt: to bl: co nlll.:c tt:d to two diO't: rt: nt ph ast:s o f a thrt:t:- ph ast: gt:nt:rat or.
a nd tht:n th t: st:ulIldary co il s ha vt: to ht: co nn t:c tt:d in st:ri t:s, T ht: vo ltagt: ac ross ont: of
th t: st:co nd ary co il s is th t: sa mt: as th t: vo ltagt: across th t: two st:cond ary co il s co nnt:ctt:d
In st:nt:s,
Solution of Problem 2XS. Lt:t us dt: tt: rmin t: th t: lJu antiti t:s typi ca l for th t: fou r layt: rs,
Th t: distanct:s tra vt:lkd hy li ght art::
.-I :z /J:j = -,- - ,
Sill (\ '2
.-Il /h= - ,- - .
Sill (\ I
Th t: spt:t:d s o f li ght in th t: diOe rt: nt pl att:s art: :
(':j=- ,
( ''2= - ,
(' 1 = - ,
" I
11 :1
" '2
T ht: t:l apst:d timt:s that art: t:lJu al t: an bt: writtt:n as:
,J.l /h
" I
.-I l 13j
1/ 2
..4 1 13.1 1/ :; /;
1 = - - = - - - = - - = - -,= - - = - -,('I
C sin n I
(' SIII 02
C SIIl C1 :j
S nt:ll" s la w statt:s that :
sill n
1/ 2
sill ,J
1/ I
ass uillin g th at In th t: case o f th t: criti ca l ang k sill ,} = I . wt: gt: t:
I /o)
SIII Ch=- ,
SillC1I =---=-,
" '2
" -I
SIII O:I = - ,
1/ :3
Substitutin g th t:st: into th t: t: xprt:ss ioll s for th t: t: lapst:d tilllt:s and simplifyin g hy "Ie.
wt: gt: t:
" '1
1/ :)
/I ~
~ = II } = II j = C COll sta!lt.
As tht: lirst two rt: frac ti vt: ind ict:s art: g iVt: n. (' ca n bt: dt: tt:rlllint:d :
2 ,72
C= = :\ ,
2. ·1:\
10. Optics So lu tio us
The n.:mainin g two refracti ve indices arc there fore:
II :~
2. "13 2
II ·) = ~ = - - = 1. 968.
11 -1 =
Id = 1. 968 2
- - = 1. 29 1.
To he ahle to calculate th e thi ckn esses o r the
layers, we need to determine the ang les o r
incidence lirsl. T hese are :
:2 .·1;3
s ill o 1 = --2 = - - = 0.9 ---4 0 1 = 64.] 6°
" I
:2 .1
L. 9G8
= - -.- = 0.81
:2. -13
11 .1
S ill 0 ·) = =
11 :)
O:j = ,11
A3 :·
02 = 5LLl
. .
- - = 0 .656
: B4
sin o ·) = -
A4 :
The thi ckness o r the hOllom layer can be
written as:
eL I =b· coLClI =
/r---.,;-) -
.) /
= /Jv 1 ~5 in -Cl I = /JV l - 1I 2 " l =bVlli - 1I 2 .
51110 1
11 2/ 111
11 2
substitutin g kn ow n values, we find :
eL L =
Similarl y:
= /J
(f j
= /J
10 111111·
-/2.7 2 - 2. "132
= 4. 82 1ll111.
2. L132
- II~ = 10
-/2. 43 2 - 1. 96 8 2
- I/, .~ = 10
11 <1
1. 908
= 7.24 111m ,
-/1. 98 6 2 - 1. 291 2
= l1. 51 III Ill.
1. 29 1
Rem ark: T hi s pro blem is a s implified mode l o r fibre-opti cs. In fibres used for
transmillin g inror matio n, it is essential that li ght rays ent erin g the fibre in diOerent
direc ti ons sho ul d arrive simu lt ane ously independent of the ir di stances trave lled. It can
be do ne ir th e refrac ti ve index in the fibre decreases in proporti on to the di stance from
the ax is squ ared . T he tec hnol ogy for makin g such libres has already been developed.
Solution of ProhlcI11 286. T hi s prob lem can onl y be so lved by makin g certain
ass ump ti ons. A lig ht ray that is refracted at the bound ary, whi ch means th at part of
it leaves the system , also has a part th at is refl ected . Due to the sy mmetry of the sphere,
however. thi s part will reach the boundary again under the same angle of inc idence and
part of it wil l leave th e systc m aga in. There fore , all li ght rays th at arc re fracted at the
300 Crea.tive Physics Problems with Solutions
bo undary for the first time will sooner or later leave the syste m . These li ght rays form a
do uble cone in the ins ide of the she ll , whose co ne ang le 2rp is determined o nl y by the
critical angle at the g lass-air boundary. Note that this reaso nin g neg lec ts the phenomenon
of absorption loss that happe ns during re fl ections even in materials that are permeable to
li ght and which causes the warming-up of the system. After stat in g these assumpti ons,
let us start solvin g the probl em .
Le t us fo ll ow back the way of the I ight ray that leaves the o ute r surface of the g lass
shell at point C with an angle of refraction {32 = 90 0 . In thi s case the ang le of incide nce
at the glass-air boundary a2 is the critical angle, so:
sin a 2 = 112
The angle of refraction at the carbon di sulphide- glass boundary {31 ca n be determined
applying the Sine-law to triangl e 0 BC :
sin {31
sin a2
sin {31 = - sin a 2 = -
' -.
Applying the law of refrac ti o n to po int B, we find:
S1l1 a l
n 2
sin {31
112 .
1 R
S1I1 a 1 = - , s1n {32 = - ' - .
111 T
Finally, the angle formed by the li ght ray and the radiu s at point A is g iven by the
Sine-law appli ed to triangle OAB:
sin rp
s in a l
10. Optics Solutions
from which we get:
r .
1 R
Slll cp= - Sl11(11 = - ' - .
The same result is obtained if we exami ne the li ght rays go in g in the opposi te
directi on, therefore it ca n be stated that onl y the li ght rays that are emitted in si de the
doubl e cone with co ne angle 2cp leave the sys tem. Note the interesting fact that th e
result is indepe nde nt of both the refractive index of thc glass and the inncr rad iu s of the
To ca lc ul ate the percent of the energy th at leaves the sys tem let th e so urce of li ght
be the ce ntre of an imagi nary sp here with radi us (). In side thi s sp here the e nergy !low
is the same in all direct ions, therefore the area of the spherical caps dete rillin ed by the
double conc divided by the area of the sphere gives th e percent of e nergy in question .
The height of thc spheri ca l caps is g - gCOScp, so the total area of the two caps is
give n by: 2· 27ig(g - gcoscp) , whil e the area of the sp here is 47i(}2 The ratio of e nergy
that leaves the system is therefore:
47i g2 ( 1 - cos cp )
---'----,,----'- = 1 - cos cp .
Li7i g2
Substitutin g our resu lt for half the cone angle:
1 It
1 7.5
coscp = cos arcsin - . - = cosarcs in - . - . = 0.U2-12 .
nl a
1.6 6
from which we have
cp =51.35 ° .
Givin g the lea vin g energy in percentage :
eav lllg
= 1 - cos5 1. 35° = 0.375 = 37.5%.
Solution of Prohlem 287. The whol e half-space ca n be seen if the rays wh ich co me
from the so li d ang le of a 27i steradian enter into the corc of the opti ca l libre. The
bound ary case is when the ray at the mos t ex trcme
positi on cnters into the med ium of refrac ti ve index
111 from the med ium whose refrac ti ve index is Il:J ,
sweeping their boundary. (O f co urse the inform ati on
transmittcd by these ex treme rays is very dim .) The
an gle of refraction of the rays which enter from the halfspace is between 0 and the critic al angle of total intern al
refl ecti on etc , thus the extreme rays mu st sati sfy the
foll ow in g condition:
In order not to have mu ch loss, the rays in sid e the
fibre must be reflected at the claddin g, and thu s for the
300 Creative Physics Problems with Solu t ions
extreme ray the following condition mu st be sati sfied at the boundary of the two media
of refractive indices 71 ] -n2:
sin 90°
sin (900 - a )
Because sin90° = 1 and si n (90° -a ) = cosa, thus
s in a = n 3/n] and cosa = 712/711 ' From the equation
system a can eas ily be eliminated:
Ordering the equation n1 is:
ni = n~ + n~, a nd n1 = vn~ + n~ .
The so lution of the problem is: n1 ~
n~ + n~ . Let us notice that the result is
symmetrical for 712 and 713, thus theoretically the role of two materials can be swapped .
The asked refractive indices in cases a) and b) are :
n] = vI + 1 = v 2;:::j 1.41,
711 =
= - ;:::j 1. 67.
. 1+-
Solution of Problem 288. Let us denote the distance between the first lens and the
object by x . According to the thin lens formula ,
- +- - X
k1 - f '
where k1 is the distance between the lens and its image. Expressing it, we get:
k]= - - .
It means that the distance of this image from the second lens is
Thi s real image is the object for the seco nd le ns, and its image is produced at the distance
k2 fro m the le ns:
10. Optics So lutions
The di stance of thi s image fro m the third lens is db - k 2 . The im age produced by the
third lens is at the di stance
from the third lens.
The di stance A between the obj ec t and the sc reen is simpl y the sum of the length s
x, da , db and k3 :
(db - k 2 )J
A = x + d" + db + d b - k - J .
In sertin g here k2 from one o f the prev ious equ ati ons, after a length y but straightforw ard
calcul ati on, we get that
A ccordin g to the statement of the probl em, the above ex press ion of A is independent
of x . It is poss ibl e onl y if all the multipli ers of x are zero . L et us inves ti gate these
term s one by one. The multipli er of x in the numerator has to va ni sh, so
Consequentl y da = db, so the three lenses are pl aced at equ al di stances from eac h other.
L et us denote thi s comm on di stance by d . With thi s notati on the formul a for A has a
simpler form:
A = 2d
2 2
[d - 4Jd + 3J jx + J d[2J - dj
+ [d 4Jd + 3j2 jx + J [- j2 + 3dJ - d2 ]"
2 -
The multipli er of x in the numerator and th at of x in the denomin ator are the same,
so there is only one furth er requirement:
Thi s is a qu adratic equ ati on for d (s ince J is a gi ve n parameter), whose so luti on is
d1.2 =
4J ± J 16f2 - 12]2
= 2J ± J,
thu s
Writin g these va lues bac k into the formul a for the distance A between the obj ect and
the sc ree n, we obtain two different soluti ons:
- 2
J d(2J - d)
J 3J(2J-3]')
A - d + J( - J2 +3dJ - d2) 3j + J( - ]2 +3 .3]2 - 9]2)-9 J ,
F J (2 J - 1)
A2=2J + J( -P+3]2- P ) =3f.
J(}(} C r cdti,'c P/1.\·sics P1'OiJIClll S wi t h Solutioll s
Solution of Prohlem 289. ThL: las t datum . whic h is thL: abso lutL: valuL: o f thL: foca l
kngth o f the L: ye piL:ce. impli L:s tha t ddinitd y two so luti ons arL: L:x pL:cted to be g i ven for
thL: probkm. LL:t us exami ne lirst w hen thL: foca l kngth is positi ve . so th L: eycpiece is a
co nvL:rg ing kn s o f Keplerian telesco pe .
The imagL: of very di stant objects formed by th L: astron omi ca l telescope is dimini shed.
but the angk subtended by the oh jL:ct is increa sed. Obse rvin g an ohject through
a tekscope mea ns three opti cal dL:v ices arc nL:eded : th e ohjecti vL: (o bject lens) o f
the tekscope w hi ch ha s a bi g diameter, th e Dc ular (eYL:piece) w hi c h has small focal
kngth and th e len s o f th e eye of th e ohserve r. During th L: ohserva ti o n. th e eye is
' acco mmodat ed to infinit y', whi ch mea ns that th e ohserver adju sts th eir eyes such tha t
the image o f an inlinitel y di stant object is ·s harp·. so th e image of an infin itel y fa r
object (which is vL:ry far fro m the obser vL:r) is formed on the retina. In this case the
eye forms an image from th e ra ys w hi ch co me fro m the obj ec t and w hi ch arc parallel.
T he ra ys w hi ch pa ss through th L: eyepiece o f the Kepkrian tek sco pe w ill be paralk l
if it passes th e foc Li s of the eyepiece w hi ch is on the side o f the ohj ec ti ve so that thL:
li ght-rays. w hi ch tra ve l from a di stant ohj L:c t and w hich arL: paralkl. w ill travel in thL:
above described way as long as the eye piL:cL: and till: objL:cti ve have a common principal
ax is and th L: ir foc i co in c idc. In thi s case th e image formed hy th e objec ti ve is in the
focal plane of th L: object len s, and thi s im age behaves as a I'ea l obj ec t of th e cyepiL:cc .
If the two foc i co in c ide, th ell a sharp imagL: ca n olll y be gai nL:d if the obser ver' s eye is
accommodated to inlinit y. Placi ng the sc ree n thL:re. a blurred image w ill be formL:d on
the sc ree n SiIKL: thL: paralkl ra ys do not meet. But if the eyep iL:ce is moved int o th e right
direction and by the appropriate amount, we may gain co nverg in g ra ys , w hi ch form a
sharp image on thL: sc reen . O ur ta sk is to (iL: tL:rlnin L: thc di splacement o f the eYL:piecL:.
16 em
10. Optics Soilltio ll s
If the ocula r is ll10 ved further frOll1 thl: objective, th e real image forn 'd b the
ob.il:cti vl: is fUrlil l:r from thl: eYl:pil:l:l: than the rocus or the eyeplece~ thu s t~l: ey~pl ce
tWIllS a rl:a. l IIll .H!l:.
Let us substItute .thl: numerI
ca l va lul:s' of th"~ CoO'IV'en d a ta 'Into the
. . In this. C'lS"
, ~ the 0 I'
)Ject d'Istance
IS I = 2 + .r , thl: lln agl: d lstan cl: IS k = 16 - ." , and th e rocal kngth is f = 2. The lens
equati on is :
1 1
-+- = I
substitutin g the data
2 + .r
16 - .1'
- - + --=- .
Ordl:rin g the eq uati on:
.1'< - 1-1.1' + t = O.
Thi s l:quati on has two solu ti o ns: .I' = 7 ± 3· Vb , thu s '" 1 =0.28c m and X2 = 13.72clll.
Thi s lattl: r onl: - though th l: so luti on of thl: problelll - can not be used in practice,
beca usl: if the kns Illovcd along such a long d istancl: the image wou ld be very slll al!.
16 em
Thl: imagl: of thl: Su n ca n also be forml:d by the Ga likan telescope in whic h there
is a di vc rg in g kns as an eYl:p iece all owing it to ha ve a virtua l focus and givin g it a
ncg at ivc focal kngth. Thl: ocu lar is placl:d in the way of the convl:rging bl:all1 of li ght,
and tra vl:ls through the ob.il:ct ive bl:fore thl:Y ml:l:t at one point. Thus the rays beco me
paralkl (so the obsl: rvl: r ca n look wi th hi s l:yl:S adjustl:d to infinit y) altho ugh the angle
betwl:c n thc ra ys and th e principal axis is grl:a tl:r th an it wo uld bl: without the diverging
kn s. Moving thl: l:Yl:pil:ce wi th thl: appropriate di stancl: of .1' , converging rays ca n be
produ ced again. so a rl:a l imagl: is formed on the sc reen which is at a finite di stance
from thl: tl:kscopl: . Aga in the l:Yl:pil:ce must bl: mo ved outwards, so that the image
forml:d by thl: nbjl:ct ive is at thl: roc us of the ob jl:cti vl: (without the cyepiece) whi ch
w ill Lll: hl: twl:l:n thl: l:ye piecl: and thl: rocus of th ~ l:yepil:ce at a dista nce or 2 cm - x,
llll:asured from the l:Yl:p il:ce. T hi s wil l thu s be thl: virtual ob ject of the eyepiece. The
objl:ct di stancl: is J GC lll -:t: aga in. The thin len s equation (c~lllsidering th at the object
di stan cl: uf a virtual object and thl: focal length of a d ivl:rgi ng lens are nl:gative) IS the
ro ll owing:
300 Creative Physics Problem s with Solution s
16 -x
-2 '
A fter ordering the eq uation:
x 2 - 18x + 4 = O.
The solu tio ns are: x =9 ±V77, so seemi ngly, we have d iscovered two so lutions again.
X l = 17.77 cm a nd X2 = 0 .22 cm. B ut the so lutio n of the prob lem is only the X ==
= 0.22 cm, because 17.77 cm > 16 cm, thus the le ns sho ul d have been placed behi nd
the screen , wh ich wo ul d make it imposs ible to form an image.
Solution of Problem 290. A so-called Gal il ean telescope is to be bui lt, which wou ld
create an upright im age. T hi s is why the mi dd le le ns is needed in order to tu rn the
ups ide-dow n im age back. T he firs t image of the object, wh ich is at in finity , is form ed at
the foc us of the objective of foca l le ngth h. T he next image is formed in fro nt of the
eyepi ece at a d istance of h from it, whi ch is its focal le ngth. S ince the length of the
tube is d , the di sta nce which re ma in s for the sum of the o bj ec t distance and the image
di stance of the middle le ns, 0 + i is eq ual to d - h - 13. So
T he le ns equati o n for the midd le le ns is:
- + - =-.
o k 12
The equ ati o n syste m leads to a qu adrati c equ ati o n for 0 a nd i. T he so luti o ns will be:
d-h -h- j(d - h -13)(d-h -h-4h)
0 =
. d-h -h+ j(d - h -13)(d- h -13- 4h)
T he ang ul ar mag ni fica ti on of the m iddle le ns is fdo, the ang ul ar magnificati on of
the eyepi ece is i/ h, thu s the tota l a ngul ar mag nifi catio n is:
N= h .~= h o .
o 13 13
usin g the va lues of i and 0:
h 1+jl -4f d(d- h -13)
13 I - Jl-4h/(d - h -h)
10. Optics Solu tions
The greatest magnification ca n be gained by vary ing the order of the le nses, since the
data (d, iI , 1"2 ,/3) are fixed. (From the formula of the magnification it ca n be seen that
the magn ificat ion is the greatest if d is the longest possib le va lu e.) So for the diOere nt
orders of lenses the mag nificati ons mu st be ca lc ul ated . So obv ious ly the lens of focal
length Ii = 90 cm will be the object ive and the whole length of the tube cl = 150 Clll
must be used. The following res ult s can be ca lcu lated:
90 CIll
8 CIll
10 cm
lO C111
40 cm
36 e lll
90 cm
10 cm
8 cm
13. 5 CIll
38.5 C111
32. 06 ( 111.
It can be seen th at the magni fica ti on is the greatest if the middle len s is the one whi ch
has a focal leng th of 8 cm , and the eyep iece is the lens of focal length 10 e lll .
Solution of Problem 291. The foca l length of both lenses is I = 1/ D = 1/ 2 ill , thu s
the two len ses are at the foci of each other. Because o f the spec ial data , the form ation
of the im age ca n easi ly be described .
100 em
50 em
Let us place a pointlike light so urce toward s the axi s at a distance of 100 cm from
the convcrg in g le ns. Accordin g to the give n data, thi s object is at a di stance of twice
the focal length and so its im age would also be formed at a distance of twice the foca l
length on the other side of the le ns. This means, due to the spec ial data, that the objec t
will be 50 cm from the diverging lens, and thu s at its focus . Because the beam which
trave ls towards the focus of the diverging le ns is refracted parallel to the axis o f the
le ns, the mirror, which is placed perpendicularly to the axis , will refl ec t the beam along
itself independe ntly of the distance x . Because the way of li ght is reversible, the beam
will travel back to the origi nal position from where it was ema nated, formi ng a pointlike
Im age.
Now let us place a small objec t above the ax is perpendicularly to the axis. Its
image will be loc ated where the im age of its point on the axis is formed. Beca use the
magnifi cation is M = I / O = p/i, and in the case of the first len s the image and object
distances are equal , and since the system only reflec ts back the im age to that side of the
convergin g lens where the objec t is at the same di stance from the len s, the magnification
is I , meaning that the object and the image are the same size. Therefore th e im age is
rea l, in verted and has the same size as the object.
300 Creative Physics Pro blems with Solutions
Solution of Problem 292. Ths li ght cone th at passes the c irc ul ar hole and the light
cone th at is fo rmed fro m the beam refracted by the rest of the le ns must meet exactly
at the wa ll. Let us de note the rad iu s of the bright circle formed o n the wall with h
the radiu s of the hole o n the lens w ith l' and the radius of the le ns w ith R = 21' . Th~
d istance be twee n the li ght-source and the le ns is the object d istance o.
T he di stance between the le ns and the image of the lig ht-source is: ~ = 0 _ f ·
Fro m the s imil ar tri angles:
from the first equ ati o n
0-1 - A
can be substituted a nd the foll ow ing qu adratic equation can
be gained fo r 0:
20 2 - 2Ao+af = o.
Its so luti o ns are:
~ ± ~J A(A-2f).
In our case the fo ll owi ng two so lutions are gained for the possible pos itio ns of the
li ght- source: 01 = 6 cm and 02 = 3 cm. In the first case, the le ns mu st be placed 6 cm
fro m the li ght source. The second so luti o n is also a correct soluti o n, tho ugh in this case
the im age is virtual. (A tri vial solu tion is the 0 = 0.)
T he prob le m can on ly be solved if A > 2f.
10. Optics Solutions
Solution of Problem 293. The im ages o f the po ints o f the lig ht tube are o n the
prin c ipal ax is . Let the required pos iti o n o f the screen be at a di stance of x fro m the
len s and let the d iame ter o f the li ght spo t be 2r in th at pos iti o n. The images o f the e nd s
of the tubes are at di stances 01 and 02 fr o m the le ns are form ed at distances:
01 -
Assuming that the rati os o f corres po ndin g sides are equal in simi lar triangl es, we o btain:
So lvin g the syste m of equ ati o ns for x a nd r, we find:
i 1 +i 2 '
x = --
Substitutin g the im age di sta nces ca lc ul ated above, we get:
The le ngth o f the im age of the li g ht tube is:
(01 - 02)j2
l'i =2 2 -2 1 =( 02 - j)( 01 - j)
(01 - 1)(02 - 1)'
whe re I is the le ngth o f the li ght tube.
S ubstitutin g g iven d ata, we fi nd x = 96 cm, T = 0.4 cm , Ii = 40 cm . Note that the
minimum value o f the rad iu s o f the image is 4 mm , whi ch is quite imposs ible for a lig ht
tube, wh ose radius is at least abo ut 2 c m . Thi s means th at a s in g le w ire fil ame nt sho uld
be used in thi s ex pe rime nt instead o f the li ght tube.
Solution of Problem 294. Let us fo ll o w the way the im ages are fo rmed by the lenses
and the mirro r. T he virtu a l im age fo rmed by the di verg ing le ns has a n image di stance of:
o l iI
= --= 4 -- 4·4
dm = - 2 elm
01 - iI
53 1
300 C reat i" e Pln's ics P ro ble Jll s wi t h Solu t iolJ S
Since the linear magnilication ]s
=0 ]
If i J
Ill ]
'/ )
= -- = ff u l
the height of the lirst Image IS
[J il =
'2 = [J ol ·
Thi s virtual image is seen by the di verging len s as an object with an object di stan ce
of ()2 = h + III I = 6 e11ll , therci'ore the i mage formed by the second len s has an Im age
di stance of
(j . L
h = - - - = - - dill = 12 e11l1.
02 - h
6 - <I
The linear magnilication of the second lens is:
=2 .
II/-)= --.::.. = -
Hence the height of the second image is l/ i2 = 111 2 fl u] = 11I2H i i = 2JJ i l = ,r = H riJ ,
The seco nd image is seen by the conca ve mirror as a virtual object being at a di stance
of 0:3 = I:J - 12 = - 8 dill , therci'ore the image is formed at:
'1'J =
- 64
- 16
- 8 ,8
- 8- 8
- - - = - - - = - - = 4 clll l.
o:; - h
Thi s is a real image and since the linear magnilication of the mirror is:
111' , = - = - .
the height o f the lined image is J-J i:j = 1I 1:3 H u3 = ? '
Note that the linal image is formed in the pl:lIle of the converging len s, therefore
the image can only be captured on a screen i I' it s height is greater than the radiu s of
the lens. Thi s happens when .1' is greater than J, therefore the lirst condition for the
perpendicular di splacement is d < .1: . If ,l' is increased further than 1. 5 rI , the rays will
all pass Linder the concave mirror. and there will be no image formation, Therefore the
solution of the problem is :
rI < .r < 1. 5 II.
out in detail, dealing with classical physics topics such as
mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, magnetism
and optics. Posed in accessible language and requiring
only elementary calculus, these problems are intended to
strengthen students' knowledge of the laws of physics by
applying them to practical situations in a fun and instructive way.
These problems and solutions challenge students of physics,
stretching their abilities through practice and a thorough
comprehension of ideas.
Laszlo Holies has been teaching physics at the best high
schools in Budapest for over 50 years. He is the organizer and
curator of Hungarian and international physics competitions
and holds several awards. Some of his students are well-known
in international physics circles and those who are not, simply
like physics.
ISBN 978-1 - 84331-869-9
9 7