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Easy Learn How To fix QuickBooks Error 6123

Fixing QuickBooks Error 6123: StepWise Solutions Are Here
QuickBooks company file is utilized on a daily basis to access & implement various business data for all
the relevant projects. Nevertheless, a few errors like ‘QuickBooks Error 6123’ can suddenly prevent the
user from opening the company file on the system.
In addition, this error code is also observed while trying to restore the company file from its appropriate
backup copy (‘.QBB’) on the computer. Most experts put this error inside the ‘6XXX Error Series’.
The subsequent sections of the blog illustrate some reasons behind this error code, along with effective
If you want precise technical assistance regarding ‘QuickBooks Error 6123’, you should dial 1-855-8560042 to connect with our QB Technical Professionals Team.
6123 QB Desktop Application Error: Relevant Technical Causes
The correct reasons behind the ‘6123 QB Desktop Application Error’ are discussed in the following points:
•The most common reason is the damage prevalent inside the QB company file on your system.
•If the user has stored the backup file (‘.QBB’) inside any external device (or server), this error will surely
occur on the screen.
Effective Step-Wise Solutions For The ‘6123 Company File Error Message in
You can eliminate the ‘6123 Company File Error Message in QuickBooks’ using the solutions indicated
Solution 1: Precisely use the execution of the ‘QB File Doctor’ utility to remove this company
file problem
• In this solution, correctly operate the browser window to reach the official Intuit website, after which
the precise link to download QuickBooks Tool Hub must be clicked.
• The correctly acquired file (‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’) must be put inside the ‘My Downloads’ folder
situated on your computer.
• After that, open the ‘My Downloads’ folder and swiftly execute the ‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’ file to
ensure the seamless installation of QB Tool Hub.
• Find the newly generated icon of QB Tool Hub on the Windows Desktop screen and simply right-click
the same icon, after which you need to tap the ‘Open’ tab.
• Thereafter, you can shift to the QB Tool Hub window to choose the ‘Company File Issues’ menu,
following which you can effortlessly tap the ‘Run QuickBooks File Doctor’ icon.
• Allow the precise execution of the QB File Doctor utility, and you will definitely succeed in launching
the QB company file on your computer.
Solution 2: Effortlessly move the backup file (‘.QBB’) to the local hard drive & execute the
restoration process
• Here, you will make sure that you have shifted the backup file (‘.QBB’) to the local hard drive, after
which you must tap the ‘Open or Restore Company’ tab via the ‘File’ menu.
• After that, swiftly choose the ‘Restore a backup copy’ icon & you must tap the ‘Local Backup’ option
following which you will succeed in choosing the backup file icon (‘.QBB’).
• Thereafter, seamlessly select a folder present on the system & tap the ‘Save’ button to eventually put
the restored company file inside the selected folder.
• Finally, you can utilize the restored company file for all your relevant tasks on the computer.
Through the correct execution of both step-by-step solutions highlighted above, you will succeed in
eradicating ‘QuickBooks Error 6123’. For more technical details & help, dial 1-855-856-0042 to
connect with our QB Technical Experts Team.