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WWII & Cold War Course Notes: Key Events & Impacts

The Course of Second World War (p.70-75)
Major theatres (where the war takes place)
1. The Pacific Theatre: Germany and Italy’s attacks on
France, Britain, Poland and Soviet Union.
2. The European- African- Middle East Theatre: Japan’s
1937: Japan’s invasion of China
1939- 1941: Axis Power’s successful period
1939 September 1: invasion of Poland: Blitzkrieg strategy was
adopted -> successfully occupied Poland within a month
1940 May: Germany occupied Denmark and Norway <obtained air and naval bases for attacks on Britain
1940 May: Germany invaded Belgium and the Netherlands ->
invade France via Belgium
1940 June: fall of France:
- 370,000 allied soldiers retreated to Britain
1940 June 13: Fall of Paris
1940 June 22: France surrendered to Germany
1940 July: Battle of Britain: battle between Britain and German
air forces
1940 August: Italy attack North Africa (Britain’s oil supplies)
-> Britain counter- attack -> Hitler sent troops to Africa to help
1941 June: Germany attacks Soviet Union (capture Soviet lands
-> kill Jews), however, failed to defeat Soviet Union
1941 December 8:
Pearl Harbour Incident: Japanese troops suddenly attack
American naval base at Pearl Harbor (in Hawaii) -> US declare
war on the Axis Powers
1941: the outbreak of the Pacific War
1942- 1945: Allied counter- offensives - the end of WW2
1942: US defeated Japan in the battles in the pacific
1942 May: German troops forced to retreat from North Africa
1943: Soviet Union defeated German troops
1944 June 6: D- Day: 156000 Allied soldiers landed on the
beaches of Normandy in Northern France (then occupied by
1944 August 24: freed france from Nazi control
1945 April 30: Soviet troops took Berlin (Germany capital city)
+ Hiter’s sucicide
1945 August 15: Japan surrendered after atomic bombs are
dropped in Hiroshima (6 August) and Nagasaki (9 August)
1945 August 30: End of war
The Lessons Learned from the Second World War (p.76-85)
1. Wartime conferences and Agreements
- dominated by U.S., U.S.S.R., Britain <- The big three
- Events: Yalta Conferences, Potsdam Conferences (to
discuss wartime strategies and post- war arrangements)
2. War crime trials
- important for development of International Law
- guidelines for prosecutions
- advocate establishing International Criminal Court
- Events: International Military Tribunal 1945 (Germany)
International Military Tribunal for the Far East 1946
Post-war Arrangements
- divided into four zones (occupied by Britain, France, U.S.,
U.SS.R. -> to denazify Germany
- Germans from other European countries were sent back to
- divided into four zones (occupied by Britain, France, U.S.,
- seperated from Germany
- denazification
- cannot unite with Germany
- occupied by U.S. (originally occupied by U.S., Britain
(who had too many colonies to handle), China (internal
war), U.S.S.R (Cold War with U.S.)
- General MacArthur was the first SCAP (Supreme
Commander of the Allied Powers) in Japan
- signed the Treaty of San Francisco 1951 -> return
conquered land to China (Manchukuo/ Manchuria) and
gave up control of Korea.
1. Political:
- Formation of the United Nations (sign of United
Nations Charter on 26/6 1945) -> to maintain world
peace and promote the economic, social and cultural
developments of nations
- Decolonization (driven by nationalism, weakened
European powers, self determination)
- Rise of U.S. and U.S.S.R. as superpowers (traditional
European powered weakened and less colonies -> US
& USSR rose -> competed for world leadership -> led
to Cold War)
2. Technological:
- technological advancement <- new weapons eg atomic
bombs (for bombing) and tools created -> higher
- penicillin (medicine), radio, airplanes (adopted to
military use originally) -> now used within the
3. Military:
- strategic bombing: It is believed that war could be
won by demoralizing the enemy (to make surrender a
more preferable choice than struggling) -> direct
attacks upon enemy cities -> rapid collapse of civilian
morale -> increase political pressure to maintain peace
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki: to weaken Japanese’s will of
resistance and reduce the casualties sustained by the
allied forces
- The power of atomic weapons triggered the nuclear
arms race (Cold War era)
4. Social:
- Concept of war changed -. the determination of
declaring a war is weakened due to the serious
post-war problems caused (the war cost is too high)
The Features and Development of the Cold War
Timeline: 1945-1991 Cold War (1946-1991)
1945 Apr 25 United Nations Conference of International
1945 May 7: surrender of Germany
1945 June 26: the signing of United Nations Charter
=> the birth of the United Nations
=> maintain world peace
=> promote economic, social, and cultural
developments of nations
1945 August 15: Atomic bombs dropped on Japan (Hiroshima
& Nagasaki) by US
End of WWII
Surrender of Japan
1945 Oct 24: establishment of United Nations
1945 Nov: International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg
1946 Apr: International Military Tribunal for the Far East
1946-1949: Chinese Civil War
1946 Feb: Long Telegram
1946 March: Iron Curtain Speech {also called The Sinews of
- speech delivered by British Prime Minister Winston
- announced that the former wartime allies would no longer
- a grand alliance involving all countries should be formed to
maintain peace
- Effect => marked the beginning of the Cold War (allied
powers no longer cooperate)
1947 March: Truman Doctrine
- Challenge: Greece and Turkey broke out communist
activities <- U.S. feared they’re pro- communist
- Response -> Harry Truman (suggested by George Kennan)
announced that the U.S. would help countries that are
threatened by communism (by providing financial aid)
- Effect: Greece and Turkey government successfully
stopped the expansion of communism
1947 June: Introduction of Marshall Plan (in response to
Truman Doctrine -> really form a plan to help countries
*Formulated by George Marshall, the Secretary of State*
- Intention of US was not to dominate Europe
- BUT USSR thought that US wanted to instil its ideology to
destroy communism => highlighted the feature of Cold War
: Ideology differences / mutual distrust
- helped Western European countries rebuild their economies
-> stop communism from spreading [ U.S. had an idea that
communism spread because of bad economy] )
- 16 nations responded to the offer
- stopped the spread of communism
- strengthen their ties with US
- Caused the Molotov plan (as a response to the Marshall
1947 July: Introduction of Molotov Plan (response to the
Marshall Plan)
- Challenge: USSR did not trust the Marshall Plan
- Response: provided economic aid to Eastern European
countries + tightened control
- Effect: The two plans divided Europe into two economic
blocs: East-West relationships further worsened
1948-1949: Berlin Blockade
Background: According to the Potsdam Conference:
- Germany and Berlin were each divided into four
occupation zones (Berlin: USSR, Western Germany: US,
Britain, France)
1948 June: Blockade of routes to West Berlin by USSR
- Challenge: US, France, Britain conducted a currency
reform to facilitate economic recovery in western Germany
USSR: suspicious and did not trust them (features of the Cold
War: mutual distrust)*
- Response: close all land routes into Western Berlin to cut
off the food and water supply to Berlin in order to make the
three abandon the reform of German economy
- Solution & effect: -Western countries sent supplies to
Western Berlin by air
- Formation of NATO to protect each other from Soviet
1949 April: North Atlantic Treaty (Atlantic Pact) Organisation
Purpose: a united military strength to protect each other in case
of any foreign attack from U.S.S.R
- Effect: USSR ended the Berlin blockade as it was under
pressure of the united military strength
1949 May: End of blockade of West Berlin by USSR
1949 May: establishment of the federal Republic of Germany
(West Germany)
- West Berlin (US, Britain, France <- merged economically
(currency reform) and politically)
1949 October: Establishment of the German Democratic
Republic (East Germany)
1955 May: Warsaw Pact
- Challenge: NATO formed by US and western European
countries -> enabling US to station troops and deploy
missiles in NATO members -> threatening the safety of
- Response: U.S.S.R formed the Warsaw Treaty Organisation
with Eastern European states
1960: U2 incident (spying activities against each other)
Effects of the Berlin Blockade
1. Division of Germany
- US, Britain, France => West Germany (believing that
a strong West Germany could resist Soviet expansion
into West Europe)
- USSR => East Germany (response to the formation of
West Germany)
2. Two rival military blocs
- Warsaw Pact
=> divided Europe into two military blocs
1950-1953: Korean War (indirect conflict between the
- Soviet army overran Japanese army in Manchukuo and
northern Korea (during WW2)
- Tension between north and South Korea over the issue of
SK: Rhee Syngman (support from U.S)
NK: Kim Il- sung (support from U.S.S.R)
1950 June 25: North Korea’s invasion of South Korea
(supported by the USSR)
- the United Nations security council condemned the
invasion -> NATO members (mostly American troops since
they are in Japan) => pushed the NK forces back over the
38th Parallel
- The People’s republic of China, fearing the invasion of
Manchukuo (national security), sent ‘voluntary troops’ to
North Korea
1953 July 27: armistices were signed -> established the Korean
Demilitarised zone.
Impact of Korean War
- United Nations became a stage of American-Soviet
confrontation (both the U.S. & the U.S.S.R tried to
influence the decisions of the UN security council
concerning Korea)
- US was determined to build up an Asian defence line,
fearing the expansion of U.S.S.R
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis (**IMPORTANT -> TURNING
- Nikita Khrushchev (USSR)-> the idea of ‘peaceful
coexistence’ <- relationship between US and USSR
1959 Feb: Pro- American (support U.S.) government in Cuba
overthrown by Fidel Castro <- ‘Maoism’ (communism)
1961 Apr: US supported the Cuban exiles to overthrow the
Castro’s government (proposed by John Kennedy) => failed
1. worsened relationships between Cuba and US
2. Castro turned to USSR and USSR responded positively
(John Kennedy’s decision indirectly contributed to the
alliance of Cuba and USSR)
1961 Oct : USSR detonated the Tzar Bomba (most powerful
bomb in history) to seek for balance of nuclear power against
US {wanted to put the bomb in Cuba}
1962 Sep:
- US discovered the plan of missiles (espionage) and
imposed a naval blockade to prevent Soviet ships from
reaching Cuba
- demanded USSR to withdraw the missiles from Cuba
(Khrushchev refused => came close to a nuclear war)
1962 Oct:
- Agreement between the Kennedy and Khrushchev, both
concerned about the consequences of a nuclear war (from
Khrushchev’s personal messages)
- John Kennedy believed in Khrushchev as he thought he
was responsible for all people’s safety, and lifted the
blockade (diffusing the mutual distrust between the
- Khrushchev agreed to withdraw the missiles to defuse the
- John Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba in the future
Importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis
- closest moment to a nuclear war
- change of attitude between Khrushchev and Kennedy: from
having mutual distrust to having mutual trust
- a direct communication channel 1963“the hotline” was set
up between US and USSR to allow direct communication
in case of crises
=> embodying the two’s mutual trust
=> Before: mutual distrust and political conflicts due to
ideological differences (communism vs capitalism)
=> After: mutual trust {reducing importance of ideological
differences -> feature of Cold War: unavoidable co-existence of
communist and capitalist bloc}
=> realize the importance of mutual trust and direct
=> development of nuclear weapons must be limited to avoid a
nuclear war
1963: (signing of Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty)
1970-1979: Detente
Cause: Cuban Missile Crisis
- tension between the two superpowers now eased
- fear of nuclear war further deterred any ideas of direct
military conflicts (needed to be limited)
Impact: => U.S. and U.S.S.R. had frequent negotiations
Nikita Khrushchev and his successor Leonid Brezhnev: promote
“Peaceful Coexistence” => (due to) unavoidable coexistence of
both capitalist and communist
Richard Nixon (U.S.): more conversations between U.S. and
communist countries
1968: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
1972: First Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
1975: Helsinki Agreement
- improving Sino-American relationships (NATO & Warsaw
=> Ping Pong diplomacy
=> US supported China in recovering its legal position in United
1985-1991: End of Cold War
1970- 1985: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (deterioration of US
& USSR relationship)
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of USSR
- introduced reforms to save U.S.S.R.’s collapsing economy
- reconstruct Soviet economy
- reduce Soviet military expenditure and aid
- reform the government
- improve relations with US
=> adopted a “new political thinking” to remove the ideological
considerations in foreign policy
=> led to great changes in Eastern Europe
Sinatra Doctrine (loosening policy of Soviet control over
Eastern Europe)
- End of communist rule
- people in Eastern Europe were allowed to choose their own
political and economic systems
1989 Dec 3: Gorbachev and George HW Bush agreed on
reductions in troops and weapons
=> End of cold war
The collapse of the Soviet Union:
- the mishandling of reforms
1. communist regimes in Eastern Europe failed to solve
structural problems and economic problems => collapse
2. Gorbachev’s reforms failed to improve the living standards
of people
3. discontent of hardliners brought a military coup against
1990: Unification of Germany (east and west)
1991 July: End of the Warsaw Treaty Organisation
1991: August Coup :discontent of hardliners brought a coup
against Gorbachev
1991 Dec 25: Gorbachev resigned -> End of Soviet Union
What is the Cold War?
- US, USSR => superpowers
- Western bloc (US), Communist bloc (USSR) were
formed to protect national interests
- confronted each other in different areas
- mutual distrust and fear affected the two governments’
- NO military conflicts -> deterrence only (the use of
nuclear weapons to scare each other)
- coexistence of conflicts and cooperations (such as the
Marshall & Molotov plan)
Causes of Cold War
1. Ideological differences
- Ideology => a set of ideas, beliefs, values that
explain how the society should work to achieve
ultimate goals
- Difference between Communism (USSR) and
Capitalism (US) => different political, economic,
social systems
- USSR and US believed their nations embodied
the superior way of life => affected their
construction and views on the world
E.g. Their perceptions on threats and opportunities
2. Mutual mistrust
- To the Western European countries:
=> seen expansion of Soviet influence in Eastern
Europe as a threat
=> excluded USSR from Paris Peace Conference,
League of Nations, Munich Conference
- To USSR:
=> the international intention to intervene the Russian
Civil War revealed the capitalist’s intention to
suppress the people’s October Revolution
=> Western European countries refused to form an
alliance with USSR when Nazi Germany expanded to
Eastern Europe
=> Joseph Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet
Non-Aggression Pact
3. American-Soviet confrontation in Europe
- Western powers and USSR had conflicts over
war-time strategies and post-war arrangements
- Soviet armies liberated Eastern Europe from Nazi
control + supported local communists to establish
pro-Soviet government
=> SO, US was worried about Soviet expansion in
Eastern Europe and was determined to resist Soviet
Features of the Cold War
1. Co-existence of conflicts and cooperation
2. Use of nuclear weapons as a mean of deterrence
(not really use to attack others)
3. Use of propaganda as a tool to denonce
- justify government’s policy (e.g. US used
propaganda to justify their nuclear weapons,
US and USSR attacked each other’s
political, economic and social systems)
- intentionally praise the country
4. Spying / Espionage
- Due to mutual distrust between countries
- steal technology and intelligence secrets
- collect important information for their
country’s security
5. Intentional avoidance of direct military conflicts
between the superpowers
=> Competition through forming rival blocs and
arms race
– Military blocs
- NATO 1949 formed by US, Canada and ten
Western countries to resist Soviet expansion
- Warsaw Pact 1955 established by USSR
with Eastern European countries
– Economic blocs
- Marshall Plan 1947 is introduced by US to
help Western European countries to rebuild
their economy=> become more tied to US
- In response to the Marshall Plan, Molotov
Plan 1947 is introduced by USSR to provide
aid to Eastern European
countries=>enabling USSR to tighten
control over Eastern European countries
– Nuclear race
- US and USSR competed for the
development of atomic bombs
- spent huge sum of money developing more
destructive nuclear weapons
=> world living under the threat of nuclear war
–Space race
- 1957 USSR launched the first satellite
=> US accelerate developing its space technology
=> begin of space race
6. Competition for influence in less developed
- made use of military and economic aid to
less developed countries in Asia and Africa
- intervened in local conflicts
7. Reducing importance of ideological differences
- realised that it was not possible to let one
ideology dominate the world
- started to view the world with different lens
- unavoidable coexistence of the communist
bloc and the capitalist bloc
8. Indirect conflicts between superpowers
- Korean War
Overview Timeline:
1937: Japan’s invasion of China
1939- 1941: Axis Power’s successful period
1939 September 1: invasion of Poland: Blitzkrieg strategy was
adopted -> successfully occupied Poland within a month
1940 May: Germany occupied Denmark and Norway <obtained air and naval bases for attacks on Britain
1940 May: Germany invaded Belgium and the Netherlands ->
invade France via Belgium
1940 June: fall of France:
370,000 allied soldiers retreated to Britain
1940 June 13: Fall of Paris
1940 June 22: France surrendered to Germany
-France was divided into two parts
1. German occupied zone
2. Pro-German Vichy France
1940 July: Battle of Britain: battle between Britain and German
air forces
1940 August: Italy attack North Africa (Britain’s oil supplies)
-> Britain counter- attack -> Hitler sent troops to Africa to help
1940 September: Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with
Germany and Italy (Berlin- Rome- Tokyo- Axis)
1941 April: Japan signed the Soviet- Japanese Treaty of
Neutrality- (even though Japan is one of the axis powers, it did
not attack the Soviet Union from Manchuria (its puppet state) ->
signed a pact of neutrality)
1941 June: Germany attacks Soviet Union (capture Soviet lands
-> kill Jews), however, failed to defeat Soviet Union
1941 December 8:
Pearl Harbour Incident: Japanese troops suddenly attack
American naval base at Pearl Harbour (in Hawaii) -> US declare
war on the Axis Powers
-> Roosevelt consecutively declared war on Japan (Germany
and Italy also declared war on the US)
1941: the outbreak of the Pacific War (8/12)
1942- 1945: Allied counter- offensives - the end of WW2
1942 June: Battle of Midway -> Japanese troops tried to destroy
the American fleet -> suffered from heavy losses (turning point
in the pacific war)
1942: US defeated Japan in the battles in the pacific
1942 Aug: Battle of Stalingrad =>SU defeated Germany(turning
point of WW2)
1943 Feb: Soviet Union defeated German troops
1943 May: German troops forced to retreat from North Africa
1943 July: Battle of Kursk =>End of the German offensive
capability on the Eastern Front (turning point of WW2)
1943: Liberation of Italy
1944 June 6: D- Day: 156000 Allied soldiers landed on the
beaches of Normandy in Northern France (then occupied by
1944 August 24: freed France from Nazi control
1944 October: Battle of the Philippines ((Battle of Leyte
oct-dec) <- Japan lost to the US (General MacArthur), cutting
off the its oil supply lines with Southeast Asia)
1945 February: Battle of Iwo Jima (the most violent battle in
the pacific war) -> heavy casualties -> US decided to drop the
atomic bombs on Japan.
1945 April 30: Soviet troops took Berlin (Germany capital city)
+ Hiter’s suicide
1945 June 26: signing of the United Nations Charter
1945 August 15: Japan surrendered after atomic bombs are
dropped in Hiroshima (6 August) and Nagasaki (9 August),
decision made by President Truman
1945 August 30: End of war
1945 October 24: the official operation of the United Nations
1945 November: International Military Tribunal <- Germany’s
war crime trial
1946-1949: Chinese Civil War
1946- 1991: Cold War
1946 March: Iron Curtain Speech (speech delivered by British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill -> marked the beginning of
the Cold War <- allied powers no longer cooperate)
1947 March: Truman Doctrine (Greece and Turkey broke out
communist activities <- U.S. feared they’re pro- communist ->
Harry Truman annoyed that the U.S. would help countries that
are threatened by communism)
1947 June: Introduction of Marshall Plan (helped Western
European countries rebuild their economies -> stop communism
from spreading [ U.S. had an idea that communism spread
because of bad economy] )
1947 July: Introduction of Molotov Plan (soviet’s response to
the Marshall Plan -> provided economic aid to Eastern European
countries + tightened control)
1948-1949: Berlin Blockade
1948 June: Blockade of routes to West Berlin by USSR
1949 April: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO is
formed) -> united military strength to ‘defend’ each other in
case of any foreign attack from U.S.S.R
1949 May: End of blockade of West Berlin by USSR
- West Berlin (US, Britain, France <- merged economically
(currency reform) and politically)
1949 May: establishment of the federal Republic of Germany
(West Germany)
1949 October: Establishment of the German Democratic
Republic (East Germany)
1950-1953: Korean War
1950 June 25: North Korea’s invasion of South Korea
(supported by the USSR)
1951: japan signed the treaty of San Francisco (to give China
Manchuria & give up Korea)
1953 July 27: armistices (Korean war) were signed ->
established the Korean Demilitarized zone.
1955 May: Warsaw Pact <- (West Germany joined NATO) <U.S.S.R formed the Warsaw Treaty Organization with Eastern
European states -> divide Europe into two rival military blocks.
1959 Feb: Pro- American (support U.S.) government in Cuba
overthrown by Fidel Castro <- ‘Maoism’ (communism)
1961 Apr: US supported the Cuban exiles to overthrow the
Castro’s government (proposed by John Kennedy) => failed
1961 Oct : USSR detonated the Tzar Bomba (most powerful
bomb in history) to seek for balance of nuclear power against
US {wanted to put the bomb in Cuba}
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 Sep:
- US discovered the plan of missiles (espionage) and
imposed a naval blockade to prevent Soviet ships from
reaching Cuba
- demanded USSR to withdraw the missiles from Cuba
(Khrushchev refused => came close to a nuclear war)
1962 Oct:
- Agreement between the Kennedy and Khrushchev, both
concerned about the consequences of a nuclear war (from
Khrushchev’s personal messages)
1970-1979: Detente
1963: (signing of Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty)
1968: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
1969: First Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
1975: Helsinki Agreement
- improving Sino-American relationships (NATO & Warsaw
=> Ping Pong diplomacy
=> US supported China in recovering its legal position in United
1970- 1985: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (deterioration of US
& USSR relationship)
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of USSR
- introduced reforms to save U.S.S.R.’s collapsing economy
1989 Dec 3: end of Cold War Gorbachev and George HW
Bush agreed on reductions in troops and weapons
1990: Unification of Germany (east and west)
1991: August Coup :discontent of hardliners brought a coup
against Gorbachev
1991 Dec 25: Gorbachev resigned -> End of Soviet Union