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Family Immigration Journal: US History Reflection

Journal: Respond: How Did Your Family
United States?
Multicultural Studies
Answer the questions below using the following guidelines:
If different branches of your family came to the United States from different
countries or regions, you may write about all of the branches or just the one you
know most about.
If you cannot find out the answers to some questions, make a reasonable guess.
When you guess, state that you are guessing and give the reasons for your guess.
When you are finished, hand your work to your teacher for grading.
1. Summarize what you know about your family before they came to the United
States, including the part of the world they came from. (5 points)
2. Summarize why your family came to the United States. Were they indigenous
people, outsiders brought by force, immigrants who chose to move here, or
people whose communities were taken into the United States without moving
when the national borders changed? (5 points)
3. What form of transportation did your family use to come to the United States?
What do you think their journey was like? (5 points)
Journal: Respond: How Did Your Family Come to the United States?
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4. Summarize the situation your family encountered upon arrival in the United
States. What happened in those early days? Did they become part of the
American “melting pot”? (5 points)
5. Now that you have summarized how your family came to the United States,
write a short narrative about their journey. Include the main points you
summarized above and anything else you would like to add. (20 points)
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Journal: Respond: How Did Your Family Come to the United States?
Copyright © 2024 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized
copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited.