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English oral-AI

English oral
Intelligence has been defined in many different ways, the capacity for
abstraction, logic, understanding, learning. Varying kinds and degrees of
intelligence occur in people, many animals and even some machines! That
leads me to my topic today…The wold of Artificial Intelligence.
Now you might have an idea of what artificial intelligence or AI is, but to your
surprise it streches far wider than ChatGPT that writes your english essays…
AI is a method of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a
software think intelligently like the human mind. And To understand the idea
behind AI, you should think about what distinguishes human intelligence from
that of other creatures – our ability to learn from experiences and apply these
lessons to new situations. We can do this because of our advanced
brainpower; we have much more neurons than any animal species.Today’s
computers don’t match the human biological neural network – not even close.
But they have one significant advantage over us: their ability to analyze vast
amounts of data and experiences much faster than humans could ever hope
Artificial intelligence has been used in computer programs for years, but it is
now applied to many other products and services. For examle,
Robotic bees
Bumblebees use “buzz pollination,” a rapid vibrating motion, to pollinate fruits
and vegetables such as strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, potatoes.Tiny,
AI-powered robots are now joining their insect friends to pollinate these crops
in a more efficient and dependable way. An Israel-based company has
commercialized these robots to produce the vibrations that shake off pollen
from the flowers to fertilize the plants so they can bear fruit.In other
applications, robotic bees, at a tenth of a gram and half the size of a paper
clip, are used in search-and-rescue missions, surveillance, and high-res
weather and environmental monitoring. Some robot bees can swim
underwater, opening up additional possibilities.
An AI toothbrush
Could there be any more basic (and literally hands-on) human action than
brushing your teeth? An AI toothbrush is programmed to take the data of
thousands of lab-recorded brushing actions, combine it with your personal
brushing style, and come up with recommendations to make your pearly
whites even whiter. You’ll be alerted if you’ve missed spots when brushing, if
you’re brushing with too much (or too little) pressure, or if you’re not brushing
long enough. And, of course, there’s a smartphone app for that.
AI mattresses
Memory foam has been around for some time and is now built-in to most
shoes and even mattresses. While memory foam fits itself based on a
walking or sleeping style, a company has come up with an autonomous
adaptation module AI trackbot to do this on the mattress. The HEKA AI
mattress can collect body pressure distribution data in real-time,
independently recognize body shapes and sleep positions, and calculate the
optimal pressure distribution for sleep positions based on Sleep Medicine
databases.The mattress will then make autonomous adjustments in mattress
height and firmness for changing sleeping positions. Such functions ensure
that the body stays properly aligned and properly supported during sleep.
To conclude: AI's uses are diverse and far-reaching.It has the power to
enhance productivity, improve efficiency, and solve complex problems that
were once thought were impossible. In the coming years, AI will undoubtedly
continue to evolve and shape our world in ways we can't yet imagine. By
embracing its potential while also being mindful of its limitations, we can
harness the power of artificial intelligence to build a brighter, more inclusive
future for all.