Uploaded by Idris FORNAH

PBS Planning Formulation: A Guide for Clinical Practice

Formulation of PBS planning
Idris Fornah
Clinical Nurse Specialist
At the end of this activity the participants will be able to
 Understanding of formulation
 How does it relate to positive behaviour support
 Importance of formulation following functional Analysis
 Design a Positive Behaviour Support Plan
 You will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the benefits and limitations of utilizing PBS
 You will be able to define the components of a PBS Plan
 You will be able to generate ideas that could inform the design of a PBS Plan
 You will be able to evaluate the elements of a PBS Plan.
What is Formulation of PBS planning?
What is formulation
 This involves knitting together different information streams into a coherent single picture of
why behaviours are occurring.
 This is a complex skill.
 It involves checking out whether different ways of asking the same question produce the same
answer (a process sometimes called triangulation), that all key information has been included,
and seeing whether the overall picture described makes sense from a theoretical and practical
PBS Plans
 How can plans be made effective?
Why might plans fail or not be as effective as they could be?
What are effective formats of PBS plans?
My experiences of PBS planning?
How should plans be reviewed and maintained?
What a good Positive Behavioural Support Plan should contain
 Complex challenging behaviours require support plans that cover all areas of need.
 The purpose of a PBS plan is to provide the key information that staff require to provide
consistent support to a service user on a daily basis.
 The plan should be written in a clear, concise manner, avoiding the use of jargon wherever
 It should be based on a functional analysis and focus on bringing together the key elements
of: primary prevention; secondary prevention; reactive strategies and risk management.
 Because a PBS plan is a summary, it can be supplemented by more detailed guidance
contained in personal files.
What a good Positive Behavioural Support Plan should contain
While individual plans will necessarily vary, the best PBS plan will conform to the following
content criteria.
What a good Positive Behavioural Support Plan should contain
While individual plans will necessarily vary, the best PBS plan will conform to the following
content criteria.
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) Plan Checklist
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) Plan Checklist
Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) Plan Checklist
 PBS User Guide (2018) LDAG Subgroup. Transforming Care in Wales for
People with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour
 Lavigna and Willis (1995) Model of Positive Behaviour Support
 NHS Education for Scotland (2011) PBS facilitators Pack.
 Open Minds (2019). What is Positive Behaviour Support? - Open Minds
 PBS Academy (2016). Positive Behavioural Support Competence
Framework. The PBS Academy UK | UK Positive Behavioural Support
(PBS) Competence Framework
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• In groups –
• In groups –
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