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Indonesian Textbook C1: Activity Proposals & Grammar

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Indonesian Language Textbook for Foreign Speakers
My Indonesian friend
C1 level
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Source: blog.theodorewatson.com
Activity Proposal
Learning objectives:
After studying the material in this unit, students are expected to be able
to: 1. read and create a proposal text; 2.
make complex sentences with time sequence relationships;
3. create conversations within the context of the meeting
atmosphere; 4. retell the content of the speech in an activity;
and 5. get to know Indonesian culture about Borobudur Temple.
Indonesian for Foreign Speakers Level C1
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Reading and writing
Activity 1
Activity Proposal Text
Read the activity proposal text below!
I. Rationale
Parameters of Indonesian language proficiency for foreign speakers can not only
be done through the Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI), but can also
be done through various activities, such as Indonesian speech competitions.
II. Type of activity
Competition between foreign students studying Indonesian at
National University of Indonesia.
III. Activity Theme
Love Indonesian Language and Culture.
IV. Activity Objectives
Improving foreign students' ability to speak Indonesian.
V. Activity Participants
All foreign students studying Indonesian at the National University of Indonesia.
VI. Time and Place of Implementation
Day/Date: Thursday, August 13 2015.
: 08.00 to 16.00 WIB
: Hall of Building B of the National University Language Center
VII. Composition of the Committee
Patron: Iwan Setiawan
Committee Chair: Wati Anggraenai
: Marina Sundari
Treasurer: Anita Dewanti
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VIII. Budget
Consumption: Rp. 6,000,000.00
Documentation: Rp. 1,000,000.00
Transportation: Rp. 1,500,000.00
IX. Schedule
: 08.00–09.00
Competition Rounds I–V: 09.00–14.00
Semi Finals
: 14.00–15.00
: 15.00–16.00
X. Conclusion
Thus we submit this proposal. We sincerely hope that Mr/
Mothers can provide support for the success of this event.
Jakarta, 12 June 2015
Chairman of the committee,
Wati Anggraeni
Mariana Sundari
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs,
Prof. Dr. Budiman Wirjadisastra
Understanding the Structure of an Activity Proposal
Look at the structure of the proposal text below!
I. Rationale
This section contains the main ideas regarding the background to the implementation
of the activity.
II. Type of activity
This section explains the form of activities to be carried out, for example
competitions, seminars, workshops or public lectures.
III. Activity Theme
This section explains the scope of the activities to be implemented.
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IV. Activity Objectives
This section explains the objectives to be achieved from carrying out the activity.
V. Activity Participants
This section explains who are the parties involved in the activities to be carried out.
VI. Time and Place of Implementation
This section explains when and where the activities mentioned in the proposal will be
VII. Composition of the Committee
This section lists the responsible parties and the parties who are the committee/executor of the
activities to be carried out.
VIII. Cost Budget This
section contains details of the funds required for the activities to be carried out. With the details
of these funds, the party who will provide support or assistance will know how much funds need
to be provided for the activity.
IX. Event Activities This
section contains details of the event from start to finish to serve as a guide for participants and
committees in carrying out activities so that the event runs in an orderly and timely manner.
X. Conclusion
This section explains the hopes and desires of the party submitting the proposal to the party
asking for help and support.
Activity 2
Answering Questions based on the Text Answer the
questions below based on the activity proposal text!
1. What types of activities are mentioned in the proposal?
2. What is the theme of the activities mentioned in the proposal?
3. What is the aim of the activities mentioned in the proposal?
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4. Who are the participants involved in the activity?
5. When will the activities mentioned in the proposal be implemented?
6. Where are the activities mentioned in the proposal implemented?
7. Who is the committee for the activities mentioned in the proposal?
8. What is the schedule for the activities mentioned in the proposal?
9. To whom are proposals usually addressed?
10. How much money is required for the activities mentioned in
Activity 3
Making Sentences with Vocabulary in the Text Make
sentences using the vocabulary below!
1 proposal 2
activities 3
activity themes 4
activity objectives 5
6 committee
7 events
8 budget 9
10 support
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Activity 4
Make Activity Proposals
Make an activity proposal according to the activity proposal structure
explained above!
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Activity 5
Grammar: Complex Sentences Time Relations
Complex Sentences-Time Relations
Complex time-relationship sentences in Indonesian can be formed using conjunctions such
as when, time, before, after, after, and when.
Time Relationship Conjunctions
Complex Sentence–Temporal Relations
1. when
When Dad came home, Mom was making
fried bananas in the kitchen.
2. time
When we were little, we used to play and
swim in the river near our house.
3. before
Before the meeting begins, all participants
must fill out the attendance list.
4. after
We will be allowed to go home after
all work is done.
5. when
We sat on the beach as the sun began to set.
Activity 6
Determining Time Relationships in Complex Sentences in Text
Look for discourse in the mass media that contains complex sentences- time relationships
then write them in the column below!
Time Relationship Conjunctions
Complex Sentence–Temporal Relations
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Time Relationship Conjunctions
Complex Sentence–Temporal Relations
Activity 7
Making Complex Sentences- Time Relations
Continue the parts of the sentences below so that they become complex sentences with time
1. Mother finished cooking when
2. When it rains, ________________________________________________________________
3. When my best friend came, _______________________________________________________
4. Before they came ___________________________________________________________
5. After the event is over, _____________________________________________________________
6. They arrived at our house on time
7. All the guests were present in the room before 8. They
started working after
Activity 8
Conversation: Meeting to Plan an Activity
Practice the conversation below with your friends!
Field Assignments
Key words: agenda, plan, project, implementer, exploitation, and transportation.
: "Good morning all!"
Meeting members: "Good morning!"
: “Okay, we will start this meeting. "The agenda for this week's meeting is preparation
for the implementation of a project to revitalize areas due to landslides in
Meeting member: "Yes, sir."
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: “For this project, I appointed Mr. Phillips as chairman
: "Okay sir."
: “Anyone have any ideas, when do we start this project?”
: "It's best as soon as possible, sir."
: “Is the implementation team on site ready?”
: “Yes, sir. They are ready to wait for instructions from the center.”
: “Okay, we will start the project in one week. "I, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Tono, Mr. Yudi, and
Mrs. Yulia are going to Kalimantan."
: "Okay sir."
: “What about transportation to Kalimantan?”
: "We will take a plane from Jakarta, sir."
: "Good. What about transportation from the airport to the location?”
: “We should take a helicopter from the airport, sir. "The location is impassable to
vehicles due to the landslide."
: “For helicopter rental, does anyone have any ideas?”
: “I know a company to rent helicopters from
: "Okay, then Mr. Yudi is in charge of renting the helicopter."
: "Okay sir."
: "Okay, I'm closing today's meeting. Thank You."
Activity 9
Conversation Practice
Complete the following conversation so that it becomes a complete conversation!
1. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B : "Today's meeting agenda is to discuss the earthquake problem in Aceh."
2. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "It is best that assistance be provided by the local PMI team."
3. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "The assistance needed by flood victims is food and blankets."
4. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "The smoke disaster was caused by forest burning."
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5. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "It is better if aid is sent by air so it can arrive quickly."
6. A : What should be done to prevent landslides?
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
7. A: "Where should aid for disaster victims be sent?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
8. A: "Where do flood victims take temporary refuge?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
9. A: "What causes flooding in big cities?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
10. A: "What are the consequences of the habit of throwing rubbish into the river?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
Activity 10
Listening to a Speech in an Activity
Listen to the speech of the Chancellor of Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) on the occasion of
UNPAD's 58th anniversary which can be found on the link www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wZizai_
nzAU, then write down the main points of the speech again!
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Activity 11
Cultural Notes
Read the discourse about the historic building of Borobudur Temple below
here and tell me again!
Borobudur temple
Source: www.telsuriindonesia.com
Borobudur Temple is the largest temple in Indonesia. This temple is located in
Magelang, about 40 km from Yogyakarta City, Central Java.
Borobudur consists of ten levels and measures 123 x 123 meters.
Inside there are 1460 reliefs and 504 Buddhist stupas. Since 1991, Borobudur has become even
more special because it has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Borobudur Temple was built around 800 AD or the 9th century.
The founder of Borobudur Temple was King Samaratungga who came from the Syailendra
Dynasty. The construction process was carried out by Mahayana Buddhists during the reign
of the Syailendra dynasty.
Currently, Borobudur has become a tourist attraction visited by many tourists, both
local and foreign. Apart from that, Borobudur Temple has also become a holy place for the
Buddhist community and is the main place during the celebration of the Buddhist holiday
called Vesak Day.
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Source: www. Bahasainggrisoke.com
Application letter
Learning objectives:
After studying the material in this unit, students are expected to be
able to: 1. read and write a job application letter;
2. make complex sentences with comparative relationships;
3. create a conversation in the context of a job interview; 4.
retell the contents of the dialogue on television; and
5. get to know Indonesian culture regarding batik.
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Reading and writing
Activity 1
Job Application Letter Text
Read the text of the job application letter below!
Bogor, 12 August 2015
Mr/Madam Head of Personnel Department
PT Sinar Mitra Sejati
Jalan MT Haryono, Kav-16 Jakarta
Yours faithfully,
Based on an advertisement published in the general daily Kompas on Sunday,
August 9 2015, the company that you lead requires employees to fill the position of Internal
I, Meriska Anastasia, graduated from the Bachelor Program at the Faculty of
Economics, Padjadjaran University in 2013 and worked as an Internal Auditor at a private
company in Jakarta (2013-2015). I can speak English and Mandarin both orally and in
writing, am able to operate a computer, and am able to audit all financial data.
Through this letter, I am submitting a job application request to be accepted as an
employee with the position of Internal Auditor at PT Sinar Mitra Sejati Finance which you
For consideration, I attach a curriculum vitae, photocopy of diploma, work experience
certificate, and other complementary letters.
For your attention, sir/madam, I would like to thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Meriska Anastasia
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Understanding the Text Structure of an Application Letter
Look at the text structure of the application letter below!
a. Place and Date of Letter
Place and date of the letter contains information regarding the place, date, month and year when
the letter was created or sent.
b. Mailing Address
The mailing address contains information to whom the letter is addressed or sent. Usually
contains data on the name or position of the recipient of the letter, company name and
company address.
c. Greetings
The opening greeting is the beginning of communication between the sender and recipient
of the letter. Usually use the words With respect, Assalamualaikum, and so on.
d. Body of Letter
The body of the letter is used to state the news or information that you want to convey
through the letter. The body of the letter is usually divided into three parts, namely: (a)
(contains an introduction or initial information regarding where the job vacancy information
was obtained.
(b) content (contains the core or main issues of the intended purpose of sending the letter.
Usually also contains the applicant's personal information, educational background
and work experience of the applicant. (c) closing (usually contains a thank you
e. Closing Greetings
Closing greetings are the end of communication between the sender and recipient of the
letter. Usually use the words Sincerely, Sincerely, and so on.
Sender's Identity
The sender's identity contains information about the party sending the letter. Usually
consists of the name and signature of the sender.
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Activity 2
Answering Questions based on Text
Answer the questions below based on the text of the job application letter!
1. What is the content of the letter?
2. To whom was the letter sent?
3. Who sent the letter?
4. Where was the letter written?
5. When was the letter written?
6. Where do applicants get information about job vacancies?
7. What is the educational background of the job applicant?
8. What position do job applicants want?
9. What languages does the applicant speak?
10. What do applicants include in their job application letter?
Activity 3
Making Sentences with Vocabulary in the Text
Make sentences using the special vocabulary below!
1 employee 2
personnel department 3
job vacancies 4 job
application letters
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5 job interviews
6 internal auditors
7 companies 8
job applicants
9 work experience
10 salary or income
Activity 4
Create a Job Application Letter
Write a cover letter based on the job vacancy below!
We, the managers of a private hospital in Pekanbaru, Riau, need
several workers:
With requirements
- D-3/S-1 Nursing graduate
(have a basic cardiology certificate/ICCU)
- D-3/S-1 Midwifery graduate
- D-3/S-1 Pharmacist graduate
Application letter sent to:
PO BOX 1410
Received no later than one week after this advertisement is published.
(Only applicants who meet the requirements will be called)
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Activity 5
Linguistic Rules: Complex Sentences- Comparative Relationships
Complex Sentences-Comparative Relations
Complex sentences-comparative relationships in Indonesian can be formed using
conjunctions or conjunctions such as like, like, like, like, like, and so on.
No. Comparative Relationship Conjunction Complex Sentence–
Comparative Relationships
The house occupied by Mr. Hadi
1. like
Purnomo's family is very luxurious
a most beautiful royal palace.
The faces of the two twins are very
similar like betel nuts cut in half.
2. like
3. carry out
The advice given by my father was very
calming and reconciling
water dripping in the desert.
4. like
The girl's eyebrow hair was as neat as
an ant in a row.
5. like
He has no purpose in life like a chick
that has lost its mother.
Activity 6
Determining Complex Sentence- Based Comparison Relations
Animal Story Text
Deer and Tortoise
Long ago there lived a deer who was arrogant and angry. He acted very
arrogantly like the strongest King of the Forest. He often underestimates the
abilities of other animals.
One day the deer was walking by the lake. He met a turtle who was seen
just pacing around.
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"Turtle, what are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for a source of livelihood," answered the Turtle.
The deer suddenly became angry when he heard the turtle's answer.
“Don't pretend, O Turtle! You're just walking around, but you act like you're
looking for a source of livelihood!"
The Tortoise tried to explain, but the Deer was still angry. In fact, the
Deer threatened to step on the Tortoise's body. The irritated turtle finally
challenged him to compete with his leg calf strength.
The Deer's emotions burned like fire, he was very angry when he heard
the Tortoise's challenge to fight with his calf. He also asked the turtle to kick
his calf first.
"Kick as hard as you can!"
The Tortoise was not willing to do it. He said, “If I kick
your calf, you will fall and not be able to kick me back.”
The deer became increasingly angry when he heard the turtle's words
because he felt like he was being teased. He got ready to kick. He's planning.
When he felt it was right, he kicked with his front leg as hard as he could.
When the Deer swung his leg, the Tortoise immediately put his legs into
his shell. The deer's kick only hit an empty spot. The Deer was very angry to
find that his kick didn't hit. He then stepped on the turtle's shell as hard as a
giant stepping on an ant.
As a result, the Tortoise's body sank into the ground. The Deer
thought the Tortoise was dead. He also left the Turtle.
The turtle tried hard to get out of the ground. After a few moments of
effort, the turtle finally managed to get out of the ground. He then looked for
the deer. He found the deer, then the turtle said. "Get ready Deer, now it's my
turn to kick."
The Deer only underestimated the Tortoise's abilities, saying, "Use all
your ability to kick my calf.
Come on, don't hesitate!”
The Tortoise was alert and took stances on high ground. He then rolled
his body. When he was almost near the deer's body, he raised his body until
it floated. The Tortoise aimed at the Deer's nose. The Tortoise's shell was so
hard that it hit the Deer's nose.
The Deer felt like his nose had broken off. Immediately, the proud deer felt
pain and no longer dared to underestimate other animals.
Source: http:// dongengceritarakyat.com/
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Look for complex sentences with comparative relationships based on the story above!
Time Relationship Conjunctions
Complex Sentence–Temporal Relations
Activity 7
Complete the
Sentences Match the parts of the sentences below to form a complex sentencecomparative
relationship! a. The moon shines at night.
b. Chicks lose their mother. c.
Water and oil cannot mix. d. New
roses bloom. e. Cat and dog
quarrel. f. Has fallen down the
stairs. g. The chain is tied firmly.
h. The buffalo is matched
by the nose.
1. Brother and sister often have disagreements
2. He was struck by constant misfortune
3. He really obeys what his friends say
4. Their thoughts can never unite like one
5. Since their coach left, the football team is like
6. The girl's face is round like
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7. Our friendship is as strong as it gets
8. The girl's beauty is like
Activity 8
Job Interview Conversation Practice
Practice the conversation below with your friends!
Job interview
Keywords: job interview, geologist, and job application
In a coal mining office in East Kalimantan there are prospective employees
being interviewed.
Prospective Employee: "Good morning, sir." (while shaking hands)
Interviewer: “Good morning. Please sit."
Prospective Employee: "Thank you, sir."
Interviewer: “I have read your application letter and CV. Be specific about your
Prospective Employee: “I am an experienced geologist. I worked five years in a
coal mine.”
Interviewer: "Describe in more detail your type of expertise!"
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Prospective employee: "I was trusted as a junior geologist for two years , then three
years I worked as a senior geologist at a mining company in the
Middle East."
Interviewer: "Explain your job specifications!"
Prospective Employee: "I have handled geological mapping, deep drilling, and
interpreting geological data."
Interviewer: "Why did you move to this company?"
Prospective Employee: "The main reason, I want to be close to my family."
Interviewer: "And then?"
Prospective Employee: “I am applying as a senior geologist. I already have experience
and I'm sure I can do it."
Interviewer: "What do you mean?"
Prospective Employee: "I want to explore my abilities further."
Interviewer: “Okay, I understand. I will contact you if you qualify and join our company."
Prospective Employee: “Thank you, sir. I excuse myself. Good morning."
Interviewer: “You're welcome. Good morning."
Activity 9
Conversation Practice
Complete the following conversation so that it becomes a complete conversation!
1. A : “Where do you work?”
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
2. A: "Who is the head of the company where you work?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
3. A : “Where is your company head office?”
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
4. A: "How long have you been working in Papua?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
5. A: "What field does your company operate in?"
B : “__________________________________________________________________________________”
6. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B : "Today's meeting agenda discusses the impact of rising oil prices."
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7. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B : "What salary do you want?"
8. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "Internal company meetings are held once a month."
9. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "Employee salaries are paid every first day through Bank ABC."
10. A: “__________________________________________________________________________________”
B: "Recruitment of new employees is carried out at the beginning of every year."
Activity 10
Listening to Interview Programs on Television
Listen to the interview between Nazwa Syihab and BJ Habibie on the Mata Nazwa program which can be found
on the link www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xYHnxlYawbI, then write down/retell the main points of the dialogue!
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Activity 11
Cultural Notes
Listen to the discourse about traditional fabrics below!
Source: enskloplediaindonesia.com
Batik is a traditional cloth originating from Indonesia. Making batik is
usually done by women. Almost every region in Indonesia has unique motifs
and colors according to their respective regions.
Batik can be used to make clothes, trousers, bags, suits, skirts, sandals, and
so on. In 2009 batik was recognized by UNESCO as a Representative List of
the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The main material for making batik is white cloth. Apart from that, you also need an ingredient
called "night" and a small stove to heat the night. For coloring, materials from tree bark and plants are
How to make batik is as follows. First, batik patterns are drawn with a
pencil on the white cloth. Usually, the patterns are floral, leaf, animal, or striped.
Second, after being drawn, the patterns are covered with wax which has been
heated using a canting. Third, the cloth is dipped in colored liquid to produce
colorful batik cloth. Finally, the batik cloth is dried in the sun at a certain air
temperature until it becomes dry and ready to be used.
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Source: cherrywis.net
Learning objectives:
After studying the material in this unit, students are expected to be able
to: 1. read and create explanatory texts on the theme of natural
phenomena; 2. make complex sentences relating suggestions and
offers; 3. create conversations in the context of field
assignments; 4. retell the contents of the public service
advertisement; and 5. get to know Indonesian culture regarding homecoming traditions.
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Reading and writing
Activity 1
Texts Themed on Natural Phenomena
Read the text on the theme of natural phenomena below!
The Smog Is Increasingly Thick
Land and forest burning in Riau is still widespread. NOAA18 satellite monitoring shows there
are 145 fire hotspots in Riau. The concentration of hotspots in the areas of Bengkalis 38, Meranti 20,
Siak 19, Pelalawan 19, Dumai 17, Inhil 15, Rohil 14, and Kuansing 3.
The Giam Siak Kecil biosphere reserve is also still burning. This is very detrimental because the
biosphere reserve is the habitat of elephants, Sumatran tigers, tapirs, bears and other fauna.
Observations from the air show that illegal logging is systematically encroaching on the biosphere
Thick smoke from the burning area was carried by the dominant wind from northeast to
southwest, causing reduced visibility in Pekanbaru. On Tuesday (11/3) morning, visibility was only 200
Air quality in Riau is also getting worse, some areas are even at dangerous levels because they are
above 300 psi.
It was recorded that dangerous air quality was found in Duri Camp (409 psi), Duri Field (>500
psi), Siak (500 psi), Kandis (500 psi), Perawang (500 psi), Bangko (>500 psi), and Libo (449 psi). As a
result, the number of people affected by smoke-related diseases continues to increase. There are
41,589 people suffering from ISPA, 1,544 people suffering from asthma, 1,385 people suffering from
eye irritation, 2,084 people suffering from skin irritation, and 862 people suffering from pneumonia.
Handling of the smoke disaster continues. The ground operation was carried out by deploying
more than 2,500 personnel consisting of TNI, Polri, Manggala Agni, BPBD, SKPD and volunteers. Air
operations were carried out with weather modification and water bombing. The remote location of the
fire point, the absence of water, and the thick smoke caused problems in extinguishing it.
The final effort made was to distribute 2 tons of NaCl seedling material to West Siak, Rohul and
Kampar. Water bombing was carried out 236 times, namely by Sikorsky helicopters 62 times on the
Limestone Hill. Kamov helicopters extinguished fires 47 times in Bukit Batu and Dumai, while 4 other
helicopters bombed water 126 times in Meranti, Langgam and Bukit Kapur.
Source: http:// www.bnpb.go.id/ dengancepat
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Understanding Text Structure
Explanatory text is a text that aims to explain the process of a natural or social
phenomenon based on the principle of cause and effect. Explanatory texts also
generally aim to answer how and why questions.
General Statement
Cause-Effect Sequence
Text Structure
Cause-Effect Sequence
Land and forest burning in Riau is still widespread.
NOAA18 satellite monitoring shows there are 145 fire hotspots in Riau.
Concentration of hotspots in Bengkalis 38, Meranti 20, Siak 19, Pelalawan 19, Dumai 17,
Inhil 15, Rohil 14, and Kuansing 3.
The Giam Siak Kecil biosphere reserve is also still burning. This is very
detrimental because the biosphere reserve is the habitat of elephants, Sumatran
tigers, tapirs, bears and other fauna. Observations from the air show that illegal
logging is systematically encroaching on the biosphere reserve.
Thick smoke from the burning area was carried by the dominant wind from
northeast to southwest, causing reduced visibility in Pekanbaru. On Tuesday
(11/3) morning visibility was only 200 meters. Air quality in Riau is also getting
worse, some areas are even at dangerous levels because they are above 300
psi. It was recorded that dangerous air quality was found in Duri Camp (409
psi), Duri Field (>500 psi), Siak (500 psi), Kandis (500 psi), Perawang (500 psi),
Bangko (>500 psi), and Libo ( 449 psi). As a result, the number of people
affected by smoke-related diseases continues to increase.
Order of ReasonConsequence
Order of ReasonConsequence
There are 41,589 people suffering from acute respiratory infections, 1,544 people suffering from asthma, 1,385 people
suffering from eye irritation, 2,084 people suffering from skin irritation, and 862 people suffering from pneumonia.
Handling of the smoke disaster continues. The ground operation was
carried out by deploying more than 2,500 TNI, Polri, Manggala Agni, BPBD,
SKPD personnel and volunteers to extinguish the fire. The remote location of
fire hotspots, the absence of water and dense smoke caused problems in
extinguishing. Air operations were carried out with weather modification and
water bombing. On this day, 2 tons of seedling material for West Siak NaClke,
Rohuldan Kampar, were distributed. Water bombing was carried out 236 times,
namely by Sikorsky helicopters 62 times on the Limestone Hill.
Kamov helicopters extinguished fires 47 times in Bukit Batu and Dumai, while 4
other helicopters bombed water 126 times in Meranti, Langgam and Bukit Kapur.
Source: http:// www.bnpb.go.id/ dengancepat
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Activity 2
Answering Questions based on Text
Answer the questions below based on the text!
1. In which locations is forest burning still occurring in Riau?
2. Why is the Siak Kecil Biosphere Reserve fire considered detrimental?
3. How is the air quality in Riau due to forest burning?
4. What causes visibility in Pekanbaru to decrease?
5. Where is the air quality already dangerous?
6. What diseases do people suffer from forest burning?
7. Who is involved in ground operations to handle smoke disasters?
8. What is carried out in air operations to handle smoke disasters?
9. What obstacles do you face when extinguishing a fire?
10. What is the last resort when extinguishing a fire?
Activity 3
Making Sentences with Vocabulary in the Text
Make sentences using the special vocabulary below!
1 habitat
2 biosphere
reserves 3 haze
4 illegal logging
34 Indonesian Languages for Foreign Speakers Level C1
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5 forest burning
6 countermeasures
7 air quality
8 viewing distance
9 concentrated
10 disasters
Activity 4
Creating Explanatory Text
Make an explanatory paragraph consisting of a general statement, cause and
effect 1, cause and effect 2, and solution/conclusion based on the picture below!
Source: http:// jakartabagus.rmol.co/
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Source: www.setgab.go.id
Source: www.tempo.co
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Activity 5
Linguistic Rules: Complex Sentences of Cause and Effect Relationships
Complex Sentences of Cause/Effect Relationships
Complex sentences of causal relationships in Indonesian can be formed using conjunctions
such as cause and because.
Complex sentences of consequence relationships in Indonesian can be formed using
conjunctions such as so and then.
No Complex Sentences Causal Relationships
Main Sentence Subsentence
1. Diana felt hungry because she didn't have
breakfast this morning.
Diana felt hungry
2. Haze hit Sumatra Island
because there was forest burning by irresponsible
Smog engulfs
the island
This morning he didn't
have breakfast.
burning occurred
by irresponsible
No Complex Sentences Causal Relationships
1. Many fishermen fish with bombs so that marine biota is
2. The event was attended by the President of the
Republic of Indonesia , so the police
carried out increased security.
Main Sentence Subsentence
Many fishermen fish
with bombs
marine biota
The event was attended
police have increased
by the President
Indonesian for Foreign Speakers Level C1 37
becomes damaged.
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Activity 6
Determining Complex Sentences of Cause and Effect Relationships
Look for a discourse in the mass media that contains complex sentences of cause or
effect relationships. After that, write it in the column below!
Main Sentence Subsentence
No Complex Sentences Causal Relationships
Activity 7
Completing Sentences
Continue the sentences below into sentences that state a cause and effect relationship!
1. I can't work today because
2. Rice plants experience drought due to
3. Amin was late coming to the office because
4. Many public facilities were damaged due to
5. Successive collisions on the toll road are the result ________________________________________
6. Fuel prices have increased due to
38 Indonesian Languages for Foreign Speakers Level C1
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7. Today's meeting hasn't started yet so ___________________________________________
8. The athlete's stamina increases
9. He didn't turn in the assignment so __________________________________________
10. The land in Meranti Village is so fertile that _____________________
Activity 8
Conversation Practices in Meetings
Practice the conversation below with your friends!
In the Boardroom: Obstacles and Anticipation
Several employees had gathered in the meeting room. This meeting will discuss obstacles and anticipation.
Meetings that discuss obstacles and anticipation are usually held once a month.
Coordinator: "Good morning."
Employee: "Good morning, sir."
Coordinator: "I want a report on obstacles, what are you facing this month?"
Employee: "Two units of the drilling machine were damaged, sir."
Coordinator: "What steps have been taken?"
Employee: "The mechanic has started checking."
Coordinator: "Apart from that, what other obstacles are there?"
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Employee: "The topographic mapping team is making slow progress, sir."
Coordinator: "How could that happen?"
Employee: "The distance is too far from basecamp. Communication is a bit difficult.”
Coordinator: "What steps have been taken?"
Employee: " Additional camps are being prepared to make mobilization easier."
Coordinator: "Have the camp needs been recorded and purchased?"
Employee: "Yes, sir. Just waiting for delivery."
Coordinator: "When can additional camp plans be completed?"
Employee: "Next week, sir, it will be available for occupancy."
Coordinator: "What are the activity plans for next month?"
Employee: "Drilling at several points at the new location, sir."
Coordinator: "I ask for a written report."
Employee: "Yes, sir. I've prepared it."
Coordinator: "Okay. Thank You. Please continue your respective work.
Good morning."
Employee: "Good morning, sir."
Activity 9
Creating Conversations in Meetings
Create a conversation in a meeting situation that discusses a particular problem!
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Activity 10
Listen to Public Service Announcements
Listen to the public service advertisement about the environment found on the link
http:// www .youtube .com/ watch ?v =rFxAE7uUGMU then write down the main
points of the public service advertisement again!
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Activity 11
Cultural Notes
Listen to the discourse about traditional fabrics below!
Source: www.selasar.com
Homecoming is a tradition of returning to your hometown during Eid al-Fitr
(Lebaran). This tradition is usually carried out by Indonesian people who work
and live in the city.
When we go home we can meet and gather with parents or relatives who live far away to say
goodbye and forgive. The homecoming time is usually seven days before and seven days after Eid al-Fitr.
Homecomers return to their hometowns using various means of
transportation, such as cars, motorbikes, trains, airplanes and ships. During
the homecoming season, transportation facilities and inter-regional roads in
Indonesia are very congested and congested. Travel ticket prices are usually
expensive and difficult to obtain.
Despite this, going home remains a tradition that Indonesian people carry
out every year. The positive value of this homecoming is that it can strengthen
relationships and strengthen brotherhood between families and Indonesian
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Activity 12
Writing about Culture
Write a short essay about the customs of people in your country in commemorating important religious
44 Indonesian Languages for Foreign Speakers Level C1