This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1 Two-Stage Load Shedding for Secondary Control in Hierarchical Operation of Islanded Microgrids 1 Quan Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Zhiyi Li, Member, IEEE, Qiuwei Wu, Senior Member, IEEE and Mohammad Shahidehpour, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—A two-stage load shedding scheme is presented to cope with severe power deficits caused by microgrid islanding. Coordinated with the fast response of inverter-based grid-forming distributed energy resources (DERs), the proposed approach estimates the load shedding at each stage and the resulting power flow redistribution. The first stage of load shedding will cease any rapid frequency decline in which the locally measured frequency deviation is employed to guide the load shedding level and process. Once a new steady state is reached at the end of first stage, the second stage is activated, which performs load shedding according to load priorities. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified through time-domain simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC based on a scaled-down microgrid system. Index Terms—Microgrid islanding, secondary control, controllable loads, renewable energy resources, load shedding. M I. INTRODUCTION can operate in grid-connected and island modes to ensure the continuous supply of power [1]. In island mode, a microgrid will operate as a self-controlled entity to regulate its frequency and voltage by dispatching distributed energy resources (DERs) including wind turbine generator (WTG), photovoltaic (PV), battery energy storage system (BESS), and controllable loads [2]. Accordingly, when the microgrid load is larger than its total generation capacity, the frequency will drop rapidly due to the low effective inertia and the DER power output will increase to supply local loads. Appropriate load shedding procedure would be inevitable if the supply continues to be less than demand. In such circumstances, the power deficit which is determined by the power measurement at the point of common coupling (PCC) can be mitigated by a combination of fast responses of local generators and under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) that can stabilize the islanded microgrid to prevent any microgrid collapse [3]-[6]. The UFLS settings are predefined, including frequency threshold values, percentage of shedding at each step, delay time, etc. However, load shedding schemes could result in excessive load curtailments as they do not estimate the power deficiency at each step under prevailing operating conditions [3]. Adaptive load shedding schemes, which measure frequency derivatives to estimate power imbalances, could be utilized [4],[5]. Such schemes monitor the rate of frequency changes in the equivalent center of inertia and devise an adaptive load shedding at each step corresponding to the primary frequency control response. However, presumed delays in microgrid islanding detections and the oscillatory nature of frequency derivatives may pose instantaneous measure errors are considered unacceptable for islanded ICROGRIDS Q. Zhou, Z. Li, and M. Shahidehpour are with the Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA (e-mail:;; Q. Wu is with the Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE), Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2800, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (e-mail: microgrids facing rapid frequency drops. In addition, a very fast primary control response of local inverter-based DERs, such as WTGs with a BESS, can sustain the microgrid frequency [7],[8]. In under-frequency conditions, the primary control response of DERs depends largely on DER capacity rather than response speed. This paper focuses on circumstances in which a microgrid is suddenly disconnected from the utility grid and an optimal level of load curtailment is required in order to restore the microgrid frequency expeditiously [9]. The load shedding level and the related power flow adjustments are adjusted in a two-stage solution which considers the fast primary frequency control response of inverter-based DERs for achieving the stated speed and quantity objectives. The first stage stabilizes the microgrid system frequency quickly. The proposed scheme considers the location and the quantity of load shedding for enhancing the microgrid system dynamics [10],[11]. The frequency deviation selects loads and estimates the first stage of load shedding quantity [12]. The estimated curtailment will determine the corresponding changes in the microgrid frequency and power flow. The second stage will restore the steady-state frequency considering load supply priorities [13]. This stage provides an adequate frequency margin for applying the secondary control in a microgrid. Considering the power sharing in the hierarchical control of microgrids, the secondary control in an island mode will restore the rated frequency and voltage corresponding to changes in local demand and generation. However, the secondary control may fail if the power balance cannot be maintained or the frequency deviation due to the low effective system inertia is significant. In such circumstances, sufficient curtailments within the available time may cease the rapid frequency decline and prevent the frequency collapse in the islanded microgrid. Even though the frequency collapse can be averted using a heuristic method, operating a microgrid at low frequency may pose a threat to its frequency stability. The microgrid will be vulnerable to additional disturbances in such occasions because the key microgrid parameters are designed based on the rated operating states. If the frequency falls below its set point for a while, some DERs could stop working resulting in additional power deficit. The frequency set point defined as a safe frequency is adjustable. Therefore, load shedding should be sufficient to recover the frequency to its safe value quickly in order to prevent undesirable tripping of microgrid generators [14]. Then the secondary control, which is followed and implemented in the span of seconds or minutes, restores the rated microgrid frequency. The main contributions of the paper are listed as follows: (1) The correlation between frequency deviation and the integral of active power deficit is utilized to select proper load curtailment locations and quantities in an islanded microgrid. (2) The proposed two-stage load shedding scheme coordinates 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 load curtailments with fast responses of grid-forming DERs for improving the steady and the economic operation of an islanded microgrid. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the steady state frequency decline and recovery based on the combined droop characteristics. Section III illustrates the relation between locally measured frequency deviations and the integral of local power deficits. A two-stage load shedding scheme is presented in Section IV. Case studies are presented in Section V to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Section VI concludes the paper. If the islanded power deficit Pdef measured at PCC exceeds the frequency regulation range stated in the droop curve, microgrid DERs will operate at their maximum capacities. Accordingly, the load curtailment carried out by the primary frequency control of grid-forming DERs for restoring f restored is expressed as: nG f f gross Pshed Pdef Pi k 1 Pk f i k 1 k A loss factor , which is the ratio of initial load to initial generation, is introduced for considering network losses: gross Pshed 1 Pshed II. FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AN ISLANDED MICROGRID Microgrids adopt a droop-based control strategy in island mode in which DERs are classified as grid-forming and grid-following control resources. The grid-forming DERs (e.g., natural gas turbines, energy storage devices) are operated as voltage sources to regulate the microgrid frequency and voltages according to the microgrid demand. The set points of these dispatchable DERs are determined according to their interactions with other local grid-forming DERs. The grid-following DERs (e.g., WTGs, PVs), which are operated as current sources, follow microgrid frequency and voltage settings of local grid-forming DERs. In island mode, the active power deficit can be reduced by either increasing the DER generation by primary frequency control or decreasing the system demand by load shedding. So, load shedding quantities and DER responses are integrated for frequency restoration in which the corresponding values are calculated based on steady-state characteristics of microgrids. In an island mode, the microgrid DER supply will increase when the utility supply is interrupted, resulting in the frequency drop. The microgrid load shedding will restore the system frequency to its pre-islanding values. The range of frequency regulation is determined by DER droop coefficients and operating state. If DERs are numbered according to their descending range of frequency regulations: m p ,1Pmax,1 m p ,2 Pmax,2 ... m p , n Pmax, n (1) G G where m p ,1 is the active power droop coefficient of DER1, and Pmax,1 is the maximum power regulation capacity of DER1, and nG is the number of DERs. Fig. 1 shows the aggregated droop characteristics of microgrid DERs, in which the microgrid generation response to the frequency deviation in each segment is expressed as: k 1 Pk f k i 1 m p , i (2) where Pk is the incremental DER supply in segment k which corresponds with f k (i.e., a frequency drop from f k 1 to f k ). In Fig. 1, the restoration of nominal frequency f in segment k will determine the required load curtailment. Accordingly, if the islanded microgrid frequency has dropped to f , and f and f are located in segments j and k, respectively, the required load curtailment required for restoring f is given as: gross Pshed f j 1 f f j k 1 Pj Pi i j 1 f f k P f k k (4) (3) (5) Taking into account the fast response of inverter-based DERs, it is feasible to use the steady state frequency response to determine the load curtailment for frequency restoration. Used in this way, any load curtailment after islanding will be in conjunction with the primary frequency control of DERs for frequency regulation. f f rated f nG f nG 1 f nG Segment nG Segment nG 1 f nG 1 .. . f f2 f1 Segment k .. . f1 P nG P1 Segment 1 PnG 1 Remaining Shedding P Fig. 1 Aggregated droop characteristic in a microgrid. III. CORRELATION OF POWER DEFICIT AND FREQUENCY DEVIATIONS FOR INVERTER-BASED DERS In Fig. 2, the primary control structure for a grid-forming DER includes: (i) power sharing control (lower half of Fig. 2), (ii) inverter control (upper half of Fig. 2). The power sharing control will share active and reactive power demands among DERs in a microgrid according to their droop settings. The inverter control in Fig. 2, which consists of an outer loop for voltage control and an inner loop for current control, is aimed at regulating the inverter voltage and current [15]. Lf Vi Vb Io Il DC Source Lc Vo Cf f ref Viref Voltage Loop Microgrid Distribution Network Il Vo Ilref Viref Current Loop Vo,n Voref Load Qn Voref Q P/Q Calculation P f ref Vo Io P rated f rated Fig. 2. Primary control of DER. 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 The droop control characteristic of DER i is expressed as: rated f inv ,i f invrated (6) , i mP , i Pinv , i Pinv , i rated Vinv ,i Vinvrated , i nQ , i Qinv , i Qinv , i (7) where mP ,i and nQ ,i are droop coefficients of active and reactive power for DER i, respectively, f inv ,i and Vinv ,i are the frequency rated and the voltage of DER i, respectively, f invrated , i and Vinv , i are the rated frequency and voltage of DER i, respectively, Pinv ,i and Qinv ,i are the active and the reactive power of DER i, rated respectively, Pinvrated , i and Qinv , i are the rated active and reactive power of DER i, respectively. The instantaneous active pinv ,i and reactive power qinv ,i of DER for power sharing control are calculated as a function of output voltage and current, i.e., (8) pinv ,i Vinvd ,i I invd ,i Vinvq ,i I invq ,i qinv ,i Vinvq ,i I invd ,i Vinvd ,i I invq ,i (9) where Vinvd ,i and Vinvq ,i are the d-axis and q-axis voltage components of DER i, I invd ,i and I invq ,i are the d-axis and q-axis current components of DER i. To eliminate high-frequency harmonics, the instantaneous active and reactive power are passed through a low-pass filter, Pinv ,i fc fc pinv ,i , Qinv ,i qinv ,i s fc s fc (10) where f c is the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter. Equivalently, dPinv ,i dt dQinv ,i dt f c Pinv ,i f c Vinvd ,i I invd ,i Vinvq ,i I invq ,i (11) f cQinv ,i f c Vinvq ,i I invd , i Vinvd ,i I invq , i (12) We define the instantaneous power demand from the distribution network Pe ,i as: Pe ,i Vinvd ,i I invd ,i Vinvq ,i I invq ,i (13) Then the relationship between frequency derivative and local power deficit (analogous a swing equation) is stated as: 1 df inv ,i Pinv ,i Pe ,i Pdef , i mP , i f c dt microgrids with low system inertia. However, the relationship between local frequency deviations and the integral of power deficit is stated as: f i mP ,i f c Pdef ,i t dt (15) Hence, a local frequency deviation distinguishes microgrid locations with higher power deficits. The frequency deviation among microgrid locations will continue until a new steady state frequency is reached. In (15), the frequency deviation and the integral of local power deficit must shrink after islanding as shown in our simulation studies. Therefore, local frequency deviations and their relative differences in various locations facilitate load shedding decisions in low inertia microgrids. IV. PROPOSED TWO-STAGE LOAD SHEDDING SCHEME The proposed two-stage load shedding scheme addresses the power imbalance caused by microgrid islanding. The first stage is to cease rapid frequency drop and allows the frequency to settle at a temporary settling point. Further load shedding is triggered at the second stage to recover the system frequency to a predetermined safe value. In Fig. 3, the microgrid frequency will deviate from its rated Point A and settle in Point B as load shedding occurs in island mode. At times, the frequency might continue to drop below Point B before it rebounds, which could be due to a delay in the frequency support provided by load shedding or a slow response of certain types of DERs, like hydro turbines [16]. Within a time limit, additional load shedding is activated to recover the frequency to a predetermined Point C. At this time, the secondary control is initiated to restore the rated frequency at Point D. f 60 Hz Ceasing Remediation Restoration A D 59.5 Hz f safe C B f temp (14) If a microgrid power deficit occurs due to a sudden change in its operating condition (e.g., islanding, generator unit tripping, load change, etc.), the power deficit will be distributed among participating DERs. Accordingly, the magnitude of power deficit at different microgrid locations will depend largely on individual DER responses and the transient DER response will depend on the microgrid damping conditions. In such circumstances, the microgrid frequency derivative is an instantaneous indicator of local power deficit, which is very sensitive to pertinent transients and difficult to measure [8]. When facing a power deficit, the microgrid frequency could typically decline at the rate of 10 Hz/second, due to low system inertia. Accordingly, the available load shedding period for lowering the power deficit is very limited. Although frequency derivative could be a proper index for improving the load shedding performance, the index calculation would be a prohibitive task due to the oscillatory nature of the index in Stage 1 Stage 2 Secondary Control Time t Fig. 3. Frequency response during load shedding process. The proposed flowchart is depicted in Fig. 4 and the steps are further analyzed as follows. A. First Stage of Load Shedding Scheme At the first stage shown in Fig. 4, the objective is to retain a normal operation in a microgrid after it faces severe power deficits caused by islanding. The loads designated for curtailment should be selected based on microgrid system dynamics rather than economics. Hence, locally measured frequencies are utilized after islanding to distinguish most effective loads for quickly ceasing and stabilizing the system frequency. We consider the following steps in order to optimize the quantity and the location of load shedding at the first stage: 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4 1) Load Shedding Quantities at the First Stage According to the first stage objective, load shedding can be divided into two parts: a) Direct part: Eliminates the mismatch between available power generation and load demand, namely, nD nG j 1 i 1 Pmis PD , j PGmax ,i (16) where nD is the number of loads, PD , j is the demand of load j, and PGmax , i is the maximum capacity of DER i. However, this provision may fail to provide a sufficient frequency support. b) Marginal part: Restores a temporary frequency (i.e., Point B in Fig. 3) for providing a certain margin for frequency stability in the islanded microgrid. The corresponding load curtailment is obtained by (3). Start Islanding Detection Estimation of shedding amount of stage1 the first stagePshed stage1 Pshed 0 N Y Load shedding selection based on decision criteria I Stop criterion N df dt 0 Y Estimation of shedding amount of stage 2 the second stage Pshed stage 2 Pshed 0 N Y Load shedding allocation based on frequency deviations and redistributed power flow Y Load shedding allocation based on load priority stage1 Shed Pshed of loads Shed Pshed of loads increments and the system frequency to loading increments are calculated using an efficient power flow tracing method. Such sensitivities are computed based on steady state droop characteristics in an islanded microgrid. Accordingly, buses with faster frequency drops will demonstrate higher sensitivity values, which can participate effectively in load shedding. In island mode, local frequencies may start to deviate from the rated value of 60Hz with a given threshold value of 59.5Hz as shown in Fig. 3. Once the local frequency deviates below 59.5 Hz, the corresponding loads will be subject to curtailment. The stopping criterion for the load curtailment selection is given as: stage1 (17) PDnet, j Pshed iS where S is the set of selected loads, PDnet, j is the net power stage1 is the estimated load injection at load bus j, and Pshed shedding at the first stage. Once the stopping criterion is satisfied, the selection process will stop. The curtailment usually occurs where local and neighboring DERs are insufficient for supplying the local demand. When facing a severe power deficit, a higher frequency threshold will be set so that the load shedding scheme can be triggered more quickly. 3) Load Shedding Allocation at the First Stage II stage 2 End Fig. 4. Flowchart of the secondary control with two-stage load shedding. 2) Load Shedding Locations at the First Stage The first stage is to rescue the microgrid frequency drop in islanding mode. So, the proposed approach will quickly identify several effective loads for curtailment considering the frequency response delay, especially in large microgrids with a large number of loads. It is essential to ensure continuous supply of critical loads (e.g., hospitals, police stations, data centers, major traffic lights, etc.) and these critical loads must be excluded from load shedding. In addition, curtailment selection should exclude specific loads whose curtailment in islanded microgrid may have detrimental effects on the frequency or threaten the microgrid operation [16],[17]. A microgrid may experience temporary network reconfiguration among local feeders during the transient process resulting in a redistribution of microgrid power flow. For grid-forming DERs, the redistribution of power flow after islanding may result in an instantaneous demand fluctuation. In addition, as discussed in Section III, the severity of local power deficits is manifested in frequency deviations among grid-forming DERs which will determine the frequencies for local grid-following DERs and loads. The objective of the proposed load shedding scheme and the subsequent secondary control is to restore the rated frequency. In [18],[19], the sensitivities of generator output to loading After selecting load curtailment locations, the exact load curtailment is determined using frequency deviations and the estimated redistribution of microgrid power flow, which would be different from the initial load and power flow distribution [19]. Accordingly, a load bus with a larger frequency deviation and heavier net load will have a larger share of curtailment. Some DERs located close to load buses may be able to respond quickly to supply the corresponding loads. After islanding, any load curtailments at such buses may lead to additional frequency fluctuations. Hence, local frequency deviations along with redistributed power flows determine the load shedding allocations as: stage1 net Pshed , j f D , j PD , j nS f j 1 D, j stage1 PDnet, j Pshed (18) stage1 net where Pshed , j is the curtailment at load j in the first stage, PD , j is the net power injection at load bus j after islanding, and f D , j is the locally measured frequency of load j. Accordingly, the selection and allocation of load shedding at this stage are determined by temporary and final redistribution of power flows. This first stage process ought to be implemented expeditiously after islanding; otherwise, power imbalances will lead to severe microgrid transients and even system collapse. B. Second Stage of Load Shedding Scheme For avoiding undesirable generator tripping, the second stage of load shedding will recover the microgrid frequency from its temporary setting to its safe value (i.e., shifting from Point B to Point C in Fig. 3) which will be followed by secondary control for restoring the rated frequency. The secondary control would shift each DER’s operating point to mitigate frequency and voltage deviations caused by the primary droop-based control. 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 However, the secondary control might result in a lower damping which could lead to oscillatory responses [20]. Therefore, the objective of second stage load shedding is to provide an adequate frequency margin for the restoration of rated frequency. The additional curtailment at the second stage is calculated according to the steady state frequency deviation at the end of the first stage and recovery characteristics embedded in the islanded microgrid. After the first stage load shedding, the power imbalance will be alleviated as the microgrid reaches a temporary steady state. The delay time at the second stage is not so critical. The load curtailment selection at this stage is determined by load priorities rather than the microgrid stability. At the second stage, remaining loads are classified according to their priorities and those with lowest priorities are curtailed first. The second stage is designed to recover the frequency from the temporary settling frequency f1 to the safe value f safe ( f r f safe f r 1 ). In Fig. 5, the loads are designated as Type 1 to Type r-1 for curtailment, which can shift the microgrid frequency from f1 to f r . Furthermore, additional curtailments are required to increase the frequency from f r to f safe . This provision is proportionally shared among nr loads of Type r. So, the recovery gain of load j is defined as: (19) mDr , j f r 1 f r PDr , j where 1 j nr and PDr , j is the initial demand of load j of Type r. According to (19), the curtailment of each load of Type r is expressed as: Pshed , j f safe f r mDr , j (20) The designated load curtailment is calculated as: r 1 f safe f r l 1 f r 1 f r stage 2 Pshed PDl PDr (21) nl where PDl is the total demand of Type l, i.e., PDl PDl ,i , i 1 and PDr is the total initial demand of Type r. f . . . fr+1 V. CASE STUDIES A. Microgrid System In Fig. 6, the microgrid is a scaled-down three-phase balanced microgrid system with five DERs and six aggregate loads [20]. DER 1-4 are interactive grid-forming DERs whereas DER 5 is a non-interactive grid-following DER. The microgrid is connected to the utility grid at the PCC through a circuit breaker, representing a common microgrid structure. The detailed technical parameters of the microgrid are shown in Table I. Since DERs are larger than 30kW, the safe frequency is set at 59Hz and the corresponding time limit is 5s [14]. The total delay for activating relays and load shedding is 50ms (3 cycles). The communication delay and calculation time required by microgrid master controller will take 50ms at the first stage. For comparison, we consider a UFLS scheme with a 4-step load shedding of 35-30-20-15% at threshold frequencies, 59, 58.8, 58.4 and 58Hz. These frequency thresholds and load shedding allocations at each step are deliberately chosen to minimize the load curtailment at higher levels of power deficit [3]. We consider the following assumptions for simulation: 1) Grid-following DERs are WTGs, and grid-forming DERs are a combination of WTGs and BESS; 2) Grid-following DERs are modeled as PQ-controlled voltage source converters for maintaining pre-determined active and reactive power outputs; 3) Grid-forming DERs are modeled as droop-controlled voltage source converters, which interact with other DERs for sharing the supply of loads autonomously; 4) DERs are connected to the microgrid distribution network through identical LCL filters; 5) Loads are controllable. If a load is curtailed, its active and reactive power consumptions (determined by the load power factor) will both be adjusted; 6) For improving the system dynamic performance, a fraction of L6, which is directly supplied by a grid-following DER, does not participate in load shedding unless this DER is tripped. The proposed load shedding scheme is tested in the PSCAD/EMTDC platform using this microgrid system. mDr , j . . . Utility Grid f safe r D ,1 m mDr ,nr fr f2 . . . m1D ,1 DER1 PD1 ,1 PDr ,1 Pshed , j Bus 2 DC/AC L1 PDr ,nr Pshed Fig. 5. Frequency recovery corresponding to load shedding levels. At this stage, load curtailment is determined based on individual load priorities, ensuring that loads with low priority are curtailed first and critical loads are preserved. DC/AC L2 Type 1 PD1 ,n1 DER2 DER4 L6 Bus 3 DC/AC Bus 4 f1 Bus 0 Line 3 Line 2 Line 1 Bus 1 m1D ,n1 DC/AC PCC Type r . . . DER5 DC/AC L3 DER3 Line 4 Bus 5 Line 5 L5 L4 Fig. 6. A schematic diagram of the studied microgrid system Table I Technical specifications of the studied microgrid DER Parameter mP (Hz/W) nQ (V/Var) Prated (kW) Pmax (kW) DER 1 5e-2 1e-4 10 30 DER 2 3.75e-2 1e-4 10 50 DER 3 2.5e-2 1e-4 10 90 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 DER 4 DER 5 2.5e-2 - Parameter Line 1, 2, 3 Line 4, 5 Parameter Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5 Load 6 1e-4 Network Resistance R() 0.1 0.05 Loads Priority Critical Non-critical Non- critical Semi- critical Semi- critical Semi- critical 10 60 110 60 Reactance X(mH) 0.5 0.25 Active Power (kW) 60 80 80 20 20 100 B. Simulation Cases Three simulation cases are carried out: Case 1: Microgrid is islanded from the utility grid; Case 2: Microgrid islanding with a lower load demand; Case 3: Microgrid islanding with an outage of DER; The microgrid islanding is simulated by opening the circuit breaker at t=1s. The simulation is recorded for 15s. Case 1: Microgrid Islanded from the Utility Grid Before islanding, the total load is 360kW and the microgrid network loss is 15kW. The supply from the utility grid and DERs are 275kW and 100kW, respectively. So, the loss factor is 4.2%. The islanding interrupts the utility supply and causes severe active power deficit. The DERs increase their supplies in the islanded microgrid. However, the power deficit will continue due to the limited DER capacity. The load curtailment at the first stage is determined by (4) and (5) as 52.8kW. According to the locally measured frequencies, shown in Fig. 7, L6 and L2 are selected successively to participate in the first stage load shedding (LS) with the corresponding allocations determined by (18). The proposed load shedding provides a sufficient support for system frequency, which is ceased at 58Hz. At t=3s, the second stage load shedding is activated and shared by L2 and L3 due to their lower priorities. The corresponding curtailment is calculated by (21) as 89.6kW. Accordingly, the frequency is recovered to the safe value 59Hz. At t=10s, the secondary control is initiated which restores the rated 60Hz frequency. The microgrid frequency response and active power adjustment are depicted in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. For the 4-step UFLS scheme, the first three load shedding steps are triggered at t=1.22s, 1.25s and 1.35s, respectively. In the first step, only L2 and L3 are selected due to their low priorities. Then all the other loads, except for the critical load L1, will be involved in load shedding. Fig. 9 shows the comparison of system frequency responses in the two schemes, with the corresponding information on activated load shedding for each scheme presented in Table II. In the 4-step UFLS scheme, there is a delay in the frequency support provided by load shedding, resulting in the over-curtailment of loads. Although both schemes have limited the subsequent frequency alterations to 58Hz after islanding, the level of curtailment and the number of participating loads are much fewer in the proposed scheme. Table II Load shedding from each load in the two schemes for Case 1(kW) Proposed Load Shedding Scheme Frequency [Hz] Stage Activation Time (s) L1 L2 1 1.27 2 3.00 Load Shedding (kW) 0 0 0 22.63 37.42 60.05 Load (kW) L3 L4 0 52.18 52.18 0 0 0 L5 L6 Sum 0 0 0 30.17 0 30.17 52.8 89.6 142.4 L5 L6 Sum 0 2.9 13.2 0 16.1 0 5.8 26.4 0 32.2 92.4 79.2 52.8 0 224.4 Conventional 4-Step UFLS Scheme Step Fig. 7. Frequency response using the proposed LS scheme in Case 1 Activation Time (s) L1 L2 L3 Load (kW) L4 1 1.22 2 1.25 3 1.35 4 Load Shedding (kW) 0 0 0 0 0 46.2 33.8 0 0 80 46.2 33.8 0 0 80 0 2.9 13.2 0 16.1 Active Power [kW] Case 2: Islanding with a Lower Load Demand Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] Fig. 8. Active power of DERs and utility grid in Case 1 In this case, the islanding and partial outage of L3 by 60kW occur simultaneously as depicted in Fig. 10 in which the lower power deficit by the proposed scheme is successfully recognized. By (4) and (5), there are no loads to be curtailed at the first stage. At t=3s, the new steady state is reached and the second stage will curtail L2 and L3 by 65.92kW and 16.48kW, respectively, as determined by (21). Since the curtailment does not occur at stage one, the final curtailment of each load is only decided by their priorities. Fig. 9. Comparison of system frequency response in Case 1 Fig. 10. Frequency response using the proposed LS scheme in Case 2 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 UFLS may result in additional load shedding. Comparatively, the proposed load shedding scheme can successfully rescue the frequency deviations using a smaller level of curtailment. Active Power [kW] For this case, only two shedding steps are triggered in the 4-step UFLS scheme since the initial power deficit is lower. The curtailment is reduced to 134.16kW. But, there are still five loads involved in the load shedding procedure. Table III presents the curtailment of each load in each scheme. In Fig. 11, the frequency performance of the 4-step scheme is better than that that in Case 1. When facing lower power deficits, the proposed scheme still has a better performance than that of the 4-step scheme concerning the level of curtailment and the number of involved loads. Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] Fig. 12. Active power of DERs and utility grid in Case 3 Fig. 11. Comparison of system frequency response in Case 2 Table III Load shedding from each load in the two schemes for Case 2(kW) Activation Time (s) 1 2 3.00 Load Shedding Step Activation Time (s) 1 1.27 2 1.32 3 4 Loads Shedding Proposed Load Shedding Scheme Load L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 0 0 0 0 0 0 65.92 16.48 0 0 0 65.92 16.48 0 0 Conventional 4-Step UFLS Scheme Load L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 0 57.79 14.45 0 0 0 22.21 5.55 8.54 8.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80.00 20.00 8.54 8.54 L6 0 0 0 Sum 0 82.40 82.40 L6 0 17.08 0 0 17.08 Sum 72.24 61.92 0 0 134.16 Case 3: Islanding with an Outage of DER The DER 5 is operated as a non-interactive grid-following WTG. However, if the wind speed exceeds its cut-out value, this DER will be tripped to avoid damages to WTG. In this case, we assume the power deficit is caused by the simultaneous microgrid islanding and the tripping of DER 5. Compared to Case 1, there is an additional power deficit resulted by the DER 5 outage. Accordingly, the active power responses of DERs and the utility grid are also changed as depicted in Fig. 12. In the proposed load shedding scheme, L6 and L2 are selected to share the curtailment at the first stage to 112.8kW at t=1.24s. The minimum frequency is 57.5Hz and the temporary frequency is set at 58Hz which is reached at t=3s. At the second stage, the curtailment is 89.6kW, which is allocated among L2 and L3 according to their available capacities. At t=10s, the frequency is gradually restored by the subsequent secondary control. Fig. 13 depicts the frequency response of the islanded microgrid. A comparison of the proposed LS scheme with the 4-step UFLS scheme is shown in Fig. 14. The system frequency drops more quickly than that in Cases 1 and 2, which is because of the additional power deficit. Although larger curtailments have occurred during the first few steps, the frequency still falls below 58Hz, resulting in the triggering of all four load shedding steps. Even the critical load L1 is partly curtailed. The excessive load shedding increases the system frequency above 60Hz in which the curtailment at each scheme is shown in Table IV. So, when facing a higher power deficit, the 4-step Fig. 13. Frequency response using the proposed LS scheme in Case 3 Frequency [Hz] Stage Fig. 14. Comparison of system frequency response in Case 3 Table IV Load shedding from each load in the two schemes for Case 3(kW) Proposed Load Shedding Scheme Stage Activation Time (s) 1 1.24 2 3.00 Load Shedding Step Activation Time (s) 1 1.19 2 1.21 3 1.26 4 1.32 Load Shedding Load L1 L2 L3 L4 0 26.03 0 0 0 36.10 53.50 0 0 62.13 53.50 0 Conventional 4-Step UFLS Scheme L5 L6 Sum 0 0 0 86.77 0 86.77 112.80 89.60 202.40 Load L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Sum 0 0 0 24.03 24.03 56.70 23.30 0 0 80.00 56.70 23.30 0 0 80.00 0 7.23 9.26 3.51 20.00 0 7.23 9.26 3.51 20.00 0 36.14 46.30 17.56 100.00 113.40 97.20 64.80 48.6 324.0 In the three cases, load shedding levels at the conventional 4-step UFLS scheme are 224.4kW, 134.16kW, and 324kW, respectively. The rapidly increasing frequency deviation, which is due to a delay in frequency recovery, may trigger additional load shedding steps, resulting in excessive load shedding and even over-frequency conditions. Clearly, there are limitations for UFLS schemes (which is triggered step by step) to deal with the rapid frequency deviations in low inertia microgrids. Comparatively, the proposed load shedding scheme reduces load curtailment requirements in the three cases to 142.4kW, 82.4kW and 202.4kW, respectively. The proposed approach makes use of primary control of microgrids by carefully tuning load curtailment quantities and locations. Accordingly, the proposed scheme offers a desirable frequency regulation 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2018.2817738, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 performance at various power deficit levels in islanded microgrids. In addition, the number of involved loads is also reduced in the proposed load shedding approach. VI. CONCLUSIONS In order to cease the rapid frequency deviations, a load shedding scheme may result in the curtailment of additional loads. In addition, there could be a delay before the active power compensation provided by load shedding is reflected in the system frequency response. Therefore, even with carefully adjusted load shedding parameters, such as number of steps, frequency thresholds, and curtailments at each step, the frequency regulation performance may still be undesirable in different operating conditions. Ths situation will be aggravated in islanded microgrids with a low system inertia, in which rapid frequency deviations may easily trigger additional load shedding steps which tend to result in excessive levels of load curtailment in islanded operating conditions, as depicted in our simulation results. This paper presented a two-stage load shedding scheme to address the severe under frequency conditions after islanding. Considering the fast primary frequency response of inverter-based grid-forming DERs, we adjusted load curtailments at each stage according to the actual system operating conditions. The first stage was responsible for ceasing a rapid frequency deviation and rescuing the islanded microgrid system from collapse. Effective loads were selected for curtailment, which was based on locally measured frequencies and the final power flow distribution. The second stage fulfilled the steady state frequency recovery between two settling frequencies which ensured that the following secondary control would be able to restore the rated frequency. The time-domain simulation case studies were presented to show the significant performance of the proposed load shedding scheme in managing the frequency regulation. REFERENCES [1] M. Shahidehpour, Z. Li, S. Bahramirad, Z. Li and W. 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He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology. His research interests include microgrid control and optimization. Zhiyi Li (GSM’14-M’17) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2011 and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, China, in 2014. He completed his Ph.D. degree in 2017 in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Illinois Institute of Technology. He is a visiting faculty in the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at Illinois Institute of Technology. Qiuwei Wu (SM’15) received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in power system and its automation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in 2000 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in power system engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2009. He is Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and IEEE Power Engineering Letters. He is also Associate Editor of International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. His research interests are in smart grids, wind power, electric vehicle, active, distribution networks, electricity markets, and smart energy systems. Mohammad Shahidehpour (F’01) received the Honorary Doctorate degree from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. He is a University Distinguished Professor and Bodine Chair Professor and Director of the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at Illinois Institute of Technology. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 1949-3053 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.