CURRICULUM VITAE Mallikarjuna Reddy Vallem Email: Primary – Secondary – Phone: 505-621-8093 Academic Record: 2003-present MS in EE with major on power and hold a GPA of 3.83 in the first semester. Worked as both a Teaching assistant and Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University. 1999- 2003 Secured the All India Rank (AIR) of 511 out of over 3,00,000 students in IIT JEE 1999. Completed B.Tech (Hons) from Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur in 2003. Industrial Internships: 1. Summer internship at CPRI-UHVRL, Hyderabad: Did my summer internship at Central Power Research Institute, Ultra High Voltage Research Lab, Hyderabad where the training was observation and analysis of the high voltage transmission systems up to 800 kV and high voltage Insulator Testing. Also I was assigned a project on finding out frequency response of a system using a sweep frequency generator. I gave an input signal with sweep frequency of required range and obtained the output response of an RLC circuit and plotted the frequency and phase response of the system. 2. Study on Power Deregulation impacts in India : Worked on the effects of power deregulation on the reliability in India. Worked on a comprehensive study to the Government of India based on the data provided by the Electrical companies in 2003. The project was a long term project which was supposed to change the Power Generation and Transmission system in India by 2015. Publications: 1) IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference 2005: The paper is titled “Distributed Generation Placement for Optimal Microgrid Architecture”. The paper describes a method based on simulated annealing algorithm to optimally site the location of DG in the planning of an optimal microgrid. Planning decisions are based on reliability as an explicit criterion. 2) North American Power Symposium: “Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generation for Optimal Microgrid Architecture” improves the method published in the previous paper and extends it to even size the proper amount of DG. Projects: 1) Sandia Labs SURP( Sandia University Research Program): The SURP 2005 proposal has been accepted by Sandia Labs. The project is to design models to evaluate the role of storage devices on reliability of microgrids. The purpose of the project is to determine the extra money required to rise the reliability to 0.9, 0.99, 0.999 etc. 2) NSF Microgrid Architecture: I had worked on the NSF project with Dr. Joydeep Mitra with a research Assistantship in Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University. The aim of the project was to achieve planning of self-sufficient, self-healing, autonomous microgrids for the future. I have worked on the resource planning part of the project. 3) RS-485 based measurement system: During my second year I undertook a project on the interface of few physical systems like an RTD and a digital voltmeter integrated to give out a RS-485 input which was converted in RS-232 output and fed into a computer and the data was actually evaluated. Then it was plotted and the result was critically analyzed. The work was very much appreciated and it was made an experiment for the departmental students in their third year. Computer Skills: 1. Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Matlab 2. Operating Systems: Win 9.x, UNIX, Linux, Windows NT, MS-DOS. Contact address: 1116 Plain st. Apt # A, Las Cruces, NM, 88001