PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE NEW NORMAL PRESENTER Prof. Anthony Mayowa OLADOYIN 4x3 16x9 Professional information about the Speaker Professor Anthony Mayowa OLADOYIN Sabbatical Staff at Department of Political Science & International Relations Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, NIGERIA [From Department of Public Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria] Email (a): Email (b): Mobile Tel: +2348033858311, +2348056708657 Outline of Presentation Introduction Conceptual Clarification Meaning of Conflict Meaning of Conflict Cycle Diagramatic Illustrations Remarks on Diagrams of Conflict Cycle Conclusion Recommendations Introduction Conflicts are inevitable in any human society They take place in the workplace, civil service, religious institutions, political institutions, armed forces and paramilitary organizations among others. It is a concern for societal peace and political unity. The positive benefits of conflict in a dialectic perspective is necessary to be noted as a matter fact. Introduction Groups and individuals are often drawn into conflict in the workplace. Conflict can even occur within a given individual when he has to make difficult decisions. The general assumption is that conflict tends to have negative consequences for both the individual and the organization such as bitter labor disputes, turnover and lost productivity. Workplace conflicts come in all forms and are most common between coworkers or a superior and a subordinate. Understanding the typical life cycle of a conflict can help managers skillfully manage workplace disagreements and bring them to successful resolution. Conflict and Conflict Cycle According to Penn State, a conflict cycle, by definition, is the process by which a conflict emerges, grows and ultimately resolves itself. Several underlying factors, interpersonal and organizational, contribute to workplace conflict. Hierarchy and conflicting interests often lead to work-related conflicts. They can rise out of resource allocation, workload or benefits. If groups perceive unequal treatment, this can lead to resentment and conflict over real or imagined disparities. Other forms of conflict are those based on interpersonal relationships and tensions. Office politics, gossip, rumors and their consequences are easy to observe. Clashing personality styles, language and cultures as well as gender conflict often lead to harassment or discrimination charges. Disagreement Occurs As the initial disagreement or threat begins to develop, more parties become involved and all parties take sides. The upswing might be quick, or differences make appear slowly over time. In this early stage, conflict is not readily obvious, but the tension between parties is noticeable, and they often try to avoid contact with one another. The Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, recommends dealing with conflict early on before tension builds and problems escalate. Polarized Opinions Form In the next stage of the conflict cycle, involved parties start to ask questions about the situation. They want to know all the detail to decide who is right and wrong. Each side starts to gather support and justification for its position. The conflict becomes more open and characterized by low level fighting. Relationships become very strained and there is an obvious polarization between the sides. Confrontation and Arguments Intensify After the battle lines are drawn and sides chosen, one group makes an obvious attempt to block the opposition's goals. This is the peak of the conflict and the tension, fighting and violence is the most intense. This behavior could be obvious interference, or more indirect disruption, such as backbiting and rumors. Resolution of Issue Every conflict must eventually resolve, either through compromise or by one party claiming victory over the other, at least for the time being. Ideally, the life cycle of the conflict ends when the group reaches an understanding and agrees to an outcome that everyone accepts. Compromise is another possibility. Each party gains and loses a little, but they manage to What is the conflict cycle? Conclusion Vote of Thanks Thanks for your listening attention. End End