р�,:: "8.К: зе:нLW Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day 1: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio - - - - - -- ------- Workout Date: Total Workout Time: Plan Recommendations The goal of today's workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help turn your body into а fat burning machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Todays cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired on а 8 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you тау Ье аЫе to do тоге than 10 rounds. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 1 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 МВ High Toss/Extensive Jumps Contrast Sets 1 1 3 Reps 1 1 5-20 Weight Distance Time Rest - -:-- min - -:-- min 1:15 min Notes Superset Вох Squat lnverted Row 3 3 8 8 Superset Dumbbell Bench Press Band Resisted Bridge March 3 3 10 10 15 sec 30 sec Perform each side Complex (Landmine ог DB) 3 7 1:00 min Perform each side Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optional) Reverse Flys (Optional) 3 3 00:00:05 О sec О sec Towel lnverted Curl (Optional) Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) 3 1 5 12 12 10 00:00:15 45 sec Optional Static Stretch 1 00:00:15 О sec 7/11 Breathing 1 00:03:00 --:-- min Zone 5 Cardio 1:00 min 1:00 min 15 sec Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hlp fllp forward lxlO yards total Hlp fllp backwards lxlO yards total Complex (Landmlne or DB): Perform Each Slde This exercise wlll Ье the same reps on ALL variations. For example, lf it says 7 reps that means 7 spllt stance presses. 7 dlp presses, 7 rdls. Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optional): 1 rep= 5 second hold. So if it says 5 reps that means you do one rep (hold at bottom for 5 seconds). соте back up, then repeat 5 times. Optlonal Statiё Stretch: The post workout stretch 1s optional. lf you don't have extra time it's ok to skip this, it won't make а blg difference in terms of recovery. However. if you're someone that 1s very tight it can Ье beneficial. lt's also ok to do this later at night or ear1ier in the moming if you don't have time to do it at the end of your workout. Additlonal Notes: Tlme Limit: 01:30:00 о CopytlQht 2020 f'IF Pt<formonco Р.1� :ас uwиa:a Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day 2: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exercise causes апу joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Side Т Spine Opener: Perform Each Side Additional Notes: Time Limit: 01:00:00 О Copyright 2020 PjF Performan<• Daily Overview: Day 2 SB Stir The Pot/Rocker Wall Side Т Spine Opener Core Rotation Pallof Press Brettzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Weighted Windmill Mobllity Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Reps 1 з з з з з з 1 Weight Distance Time 1 7 4 б 00:00:20 12 4 00:20:00 Rest Notes --:-- min --:-- min - -:-- min Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec О sec - -:-- min р..11:: :ас sL.a Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day З: Full Body Strength (В) + Optional Zone 4 Cardio Workout Date:- - - - - - Total Workout Тime:- - - - - - Plan Recommendations Тhе goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. ln today's workout we use тоге circuits and higher repetitions than our monday/friday workout. You should "feel the burn" in todays session! Todays cardio is optional. For beginners or anyone who is relatively out of shape you тау need to take today as а rest day. lf you're over1y fatigued and tired skip the cardio and also scale back the strength training. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 4 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner or obese person but you decide to do the zone 4 cardio today, you тау have to cut back on intensity and stick to а low­ moderate расе while still completing 10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off. Beginners, ,obese people or anyone with joint pain тау need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to tthe safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 1 Day 3 Foam Roller Circuit Circuit Superset Superset Optional Zone 4 Cardio Sets 1 1 Reps 1 Weight Distance Time 00:00:25 1 Rest --:- -min --:- -min Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 Dumbbell Kickstand Clean/Press 3 4 Lat Pull-Down OR Pull Up 1.5 DB Squats 3 3 15 10 О sec 20 sec Push Ups 3 МАХ 1:15 min Hamstring Walk Outs Dumbbell Scarecrows 3 3 5 15 О sec О sec Notes --:- -min 1:00 min Perform each side 21 Curls (Optional) 3 7 О sec Tricep Extension (Optional) 3 15 --:- -min Zone 4 Cardio (80-90%) 10 1 7/11 Breathing 1 00:01:00 1:00 min 00:03:00 --:- -min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxl0 reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxl0 each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxl0 yards total Hip flip backwards lxl0 yards total Dumbbell Кickstand Clean/Press: Кеер in mind, not everyone has the mobllity to safely overhead press. lf you can't comfortaЬly get the dumbbells above the head without tipping forward or extending (arching) your back, then skip the press and just do the kickstand clean. Push Ups: We're aiming for as many reps as possiЫe. However, do NOT come to technical failure. That means our form should never Ье compromised to achieve more repetitions. We want to stop about 1 -2 reps short of failure. О Copyrlght 2020 f'IF �rformonco P..l'= ас C&SILII $ Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day 4: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio ------- ------- Workout Date: Total Workout Time: Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe саге while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. Тhis zone is great for building our aeroblc base. which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to worl<! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Daily Overview: Day 2 Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Side Т Spine Opener: Perform Each Side Additional Notes: Time Limit: 01:00:00 С Copyright 2020 PJF Performa.nce Sets 1 Weighted Windmill Mobllity 3 3 3 3 3 3 Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) l SB Stir Тhе Pot/Rocker Wall Side Т Spine Opener Саге Rotation Pallof Press Brettzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Reps 1 Weight Distance Тime Rest --:-- min Notes 7 --:-- min 4 --:-- min Perform each side б О sec Perform each side 00:00:20 О sec Perform each side 12 О sec 4 О sec 00:?0:ОО --:-- min р.11: :ас ::.e1нLii Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day 5: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio ------- ------- Workout Date: Total Workout Time: Plan Recommendations The goal of today's workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. Тhis type of workout will help tuгn your body into а fat buming machine Ьу optimizing ,our metabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hindeг оuг metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Today's caгdio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the progгam as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your enduгance, you тау Ье аЫе to do тоге than 10 rournds. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain тау need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remembeг, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exeгcise with good form or ask а personal tгainer fог guidance if you're unsure оп уоuг exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the foгm, skip the exeгcise and substitute anotheг exercise that уоu'ге comfoгtaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Superset Superset Zone 5 Cardio Daily Overview: Phase 11. Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 МВ High Toss/Extensive Jumps Contrast Вох Squat lnverted Row Dumbbell Bench Press Band Resisted Bгidge March Complex (Landmine or DB) Тгiсер Push Down lso Hold (Optional) Reveгse Flys (Optional) Towel lnverted Cuгl (Optional) Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Reps Set.s 1 1 3 1 1 52 -0 3 3 8 8 3 10 10 7 5 12 12 10 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Weight Distance Time 00:00:05 00:00:15 00:00 :15 00:03:00 Rest Notes - -:- - min - -:-- min 1:15 min 1:00 min 1:00 min 15 sec 30 sec Perfoгm each side 1:00 min Perfoгm each side О sec О sec 15 sec 45 sec О sec --:- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2:: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tllt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each slde Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Complex (Landmine or DB): Perform Each Side Thls exercise wlll Ье the same reps on ALL variations. For example, lf it says 7 reps that means 7 split stance presses. 7 dip presses. 7 rdls. Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optional): 1 rep= 5 second hold. So if it says 5 reps that means you do one rep (hold at bottom for 5 seconds), come back up, then repeat 5 times. Optional Static Stretch: The post workout stretch is optional. lf you don't have extra time it's ok to skip this, it won't make а Ыg difference in terms of recovery. However, if you're someone that is very t, ight it can Ье beneficial. lt's also ok to do this later at night or earlier ln the mornlng if you don't have time to do it at the end of your workout. Additional Notes: Time Llmit: 01:30:00 с Copy�9ht 2020 PJF P�rformanco р.11: с mиса Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 1, Day 6: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Side Т Spine Opener: Perform Each Side Additional Notes: Time Limit: 01:00:00 о C0t>y�9ht 2020 PJF Pe<formanct Daily Overview: Day 2 SB Stir The Pot/Rocker Wall Side Т Spine Opener Core Rotation Pallof Press Brettzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Weighted Windmill Mobllity Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Weight Reps 1 з з з з з з 1 Distance Time 1 7 4 б 00:00:20 12 4 00:20:00 Rest Notes --:-- min --:-- min --:-- min Perform each side о sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side о sec О sec --:-- min р..11:: :ас uе,н,__ Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, Day 1: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal of today's workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. Тhis type of workout will help turn your body into а fat burning machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Today's cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes апу joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 1 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 МВ High Toss/Extensive Jumps Contrast Superset Superset Вох Squat lnverted Row Dumbbell Bench Press Band Resisted Bridge March Complex (Landmine or DB) Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optional) Reverse Flys (Optional} Towel lnverted Curl (Optional) Zone S Cardio Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Weight Reps Sets 1 1 з з з з з з з з з 1 1 1 Distance Time 1 Rest Notes - -:-- min 1 - -:-- min 5-25 1:15 min 8 1:00 min 10 1:00 min 10 15 sec 12 30 sec Perform each side 7 5 12 1:00 min Perform each side 00:00:05 15 12 О sec О sec 15 sec 00:00:15 45 sec 00:00:15 О sec 00:03:00 --:- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total lnverted Row: lntensity: Band Resisted Bridge March : Perform Each Side Complex (Landmine or DB) : Perform Each Side This exercise will Ье the same reps on ALL variations. For example, if it says 7 reps that means 7 split stance presses, 7 dip presses, 7 rdls. Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optional): 1 rep= 5 second hold. So if it says 5 reps that means you do one rep (hold at bottom for 5 seconds), come back up, then repeat 5 times. Optional Static Stretch : The post workout stretch is optional. lf you don't have extra time it's ok to skip this, it won't make а Ыg difference in terms of recovery. However, if you're someone that is very tight it can Ье beneficial. lt's also ok to do this later at night ог earlier in the moming if you don't have time to do it at the end of your workout. Additional Notes: Time Limit: 01 :30:00 С> Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Performance Р.Р са:и.:а Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, Day 2: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Call"dio Workout Date: _______ Total Workout Time: _______ Plan Recommendations The goal fог this workout is building а strong and staЫe соге whi le improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we аге going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base. which is actually impoгtant for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people ог anyone wi th joi nt pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confi dent оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfoгtaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let' s lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Side т Spine Opener: Perform Each Side Core Rotation Pallof Press: Perform Eac;:h Side Daily Overvi ew: Оау 2 SB Stir The Pot/Rocker Sets 1 Weighted Windmill Mobllity 3 3 3 3 3 3 Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 1 Wall Side Т Spine Opener Соге Rotati on Pallof Press Brettzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Reps 1 Weight Distance Time Rest Notes 8 ••:•• min ••:•• min 4 -•:•• min Perform each side 8 О sec Perform each side 00:00:20 О sec Perform each side 12 О sec б О sec 00:25:00 ••:•• min Staff Member Notes: Brettzel Stretch Perform Each Slde Addltlonal Notes: Tlme Li mlt: 01:00:00 о Copyr1oht 2020 PJfJ P1rform1nc1 р..11: :ас c&11L.Ja Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, Day 3: Full Body Strength (В) + Optional Zone 4 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. ln today's workout we use more circuits and higher repetiti ons than our monday/fri day workout. You should "feel the burn" in todays session! Todays cardio is opti onal. For beginners ог anyone who is relatively out of shape you may need to take today as а гest day. lf you're overl y fatigued and tired skip the caгdio and also scale back the strength tra ining. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 4 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 ог 9 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner ог obese person but you decide to do ·the zone 4 cardio today, you may have to cut back оп intensity and stick to а low-moderate расе while still compl eti ng 10 rounds of 1 minute оп/1 minute off. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest opti on while still pushing1 yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own l imitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substi tute anotheг exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let' s get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so l et's lock in and get some insane results! Exercise Daily Oveгview: Phase 1 Day 3 Circuit Superset Superset Optional Zone 4 Cardio Sets 1 Foam Roller Circuit 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 Dumbbell Kickstand Clean/Press Lat Pull-Down OR Pull Up Reps 1 Weight Distance Time 00:00:25 Rest ••:·• min ••:•• min 1 --:-- min 3 4 1:00 min Perform each side 3 15 О sec 1.5 DB Squats 3 10 20 sec Push Ups 3 МАХ 1:15 min Hamstri ng Walk Outs Dumbbell Scarecrows 3 б О sec 3 15 О sec 21 Curl s (Opti onal) Tri cep Extension (Optional) Zone 4 Cardio (80-90%) 3 7 О sec 3 15 --:•• min 12 1 7/11 Breathing Notes 1 00:01:00 1:00 min 00:03:00 ••:•• min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post ti lt hip bridge lxl0 reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip fl exor stretch lxl0 each side Hamstri ng crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip fl ip forward lxl0 yards total Hip fl ip backwards lxl0 yards total Dumbbell Kickstand Clean/Press: Кеер in mind, not everyone has the moЬility to safely overhead press. lf you can't comfortaЫy get the dumbbells above the head without tipping forward ог extending (arching) your back, then skip the press and just do the kickstand clean. Push Ups: We're aiming for as many reps as possiЫe. However, do NOT come to technical failure. That means our form should never Ье compromised to achieve more repetitions. We want to stop about 1-2 reps short of failure. е Copyright 2020 PJF Performarкe р.1,: :ас ac:wLii Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, Day 4: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot ofthe cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Side Т Splne Opener: Perform Each Side Core Rotation Pallof Press: Perform Each Side Exercise Daily Overview: Day 2 SB Stir Тhе Pot/Rocker Wall Side Т Spine Opener Core Rotation Pallof Press Bretitzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Weighted Windmill Mobllity Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Weight Reps Sets 1 з з з з з з 1 Distance Time 1 8 4 8 12 б 00:00:20 00:25:00 Rest Notes --:- - min --: -- min --:- - min Perform each side о sec Perform each side о sec Perform each side о sec о sec --:- - min Staff Member Notes: Brettzel Stretch Perform Each Side Addltlonal Notes: Time Limit: 01:00:00 О Щ)'l19ht 2020 PIF Pel1o,�nce P.l� 1LCJ -AfiHL8i Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, D· ay 5 - Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal of today's workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help turn your body into а fat burning machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite the calori c deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Today's cardio wili Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you тау Ье аЫе to do тоге than 10 rounds. Beglnners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain тау need to modlfy а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exerclse causes апу joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Exerclse Dally Overview: Phase 1 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 МВ High Toss/Extensive Jumps Contrast Superset Superset Вох Squat 1 1 з з Reverse Flys (Optlonal) Towel lnverted Curl (Optlonal) з з з з з з з Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) 1 Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathlng 1 1 lnverted Row Dumbbell Bench Press Band Resisted Bridge March Complex (Landmlne or DB) Tricep Push Down lso Hold (Optlonal) Zone 5 Cardlo Sets Reps 1 1 Weight Dlstance Time Rest --:-- mln --:-- mln 5-25 1:15 min 8 10 1:00 min 1:00 min 10 15 sec Notes 12 30 sec Perform each slde 7 1:00 min Perform each slde 5 00:00:05 12 15 12 О sec О sec 15 sec 00:00:15 45 sec 00:00:15 00:03:00 О sec --:-- mln Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2: Sklps lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tllt hlp brldge lxlO reps Т Splne slde lylng opener lx7 reps each slde 1/2 Kneel hlp flexor stretch lxlO each slde Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each slde Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each slde Hlp fllp forward lxlO yards total Hlp fllp backwards lxlO yards total lnverted Row: lntenslty: Band Reslsted Brldge March: Perform Each Slde Complex (Landmlne or DB) : Perform Each Slde This exerclse wlll Ье the same reps on ALL variatlons. For example, if it says 7 reps that means 7 split stance presses, 7 dip presses. 7 rdls. Trlcep Push Down lso Hold (Optlonal): 1 rep• 5 second hold. So lf lt says 5 reps that means you do one rep (hold at bottom for 5 seconds). come back up, then repeat 5 times. Optlonal Statlc Stretch: The post workout stretch 1s optlonal. lf you don't have extra time it's ok to skip this, it won't make а Ыg difference in terms of recovery. However. if you're someone that is very tlght it can Ье beneflcial. lt' s also ok to do this later at night or earlier in the morning if you don't have ti me to do it at the end of your workout. Addltlonal Notes: Tlme Limit: 01:30:00 С> C0t>Y"9"' 2020 PIF P1rfonnonc1 р�� 1DC UCJHL8 Fat Don't Fly- Phase 1 Week 2, Day 6: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we аге going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners. obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Let's get to work! Phase 1 will go Ьу quick so let's lock in and get some insane results! Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 (Low lmpact) Staff Member Notes: Wall Slde Т Splne Opener: Perform Each Side Core Rotatlon Pallof Press: Perform Each Side Exercise Daily Overview: Day 2 SB Stir The Pot/Rocker Wall Side Т Spine Opener Core Rotation Pallof Press Brettzel Stretch Reverse 1/2 Crunch Weighted Windmill Mobllity Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Reps 1 Weight Distance Time 8 4 8 00:00:20 12 б 00:25:00 Rest Notes •-:-- min •-:-• min •-:-- min Perform each side о sec Perform each side о sec Perform each side о sec о sec •-:-• min Staff Member Notes: Brettzel Stretch Perform Each Side Addltional Notes: Time Limit: 01:00:00 Р.1� :аз иLW Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day 1: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations Тhе goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help tum your body into а fat burning machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Todays cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. This high of an intensity should only Ье used Ьу people with high levels of fitness. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 ог 9 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner ог obese person, you may have to cut back оп intensity and stick to а low-moderate расе while still completing 10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 1 1 1 о Weight Distance --:-- min 1 2 10.00 yds 4 1 20.00 yds lncline Bench Press Hip Thrust Low Row Bent Knee Calf Raise (Optional) Tricep Extension (Optional) з з з з з з з з Rest --:- min Sled March or Band Pull Through 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press Time 1 Sprint Drills Dumbbell lncline Curls (Optional) Zone 5 Cardio Reps Dynamic Warm Up 2 КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast Superset Sets О sec 1:00 min 10-5 1:30 min б 8 1:00 min 1:00 min 12 45 sec 8 45 sec 12 О sec 15 О sec 12 О sec Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) 10 00:00:20 45 sec Optional Static Stretch 1 00:00:15 --:- min 7/11 Breathing 1 00:03:00 --:- min 1 Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bri dge lxl0 reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip fl exor stretch lxl0 each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxl0 yards total Hip flip backwards lxl0 yards total Sled March or Band Pull Through: Remember, if you choose the band pull through option you are doing 10 reps each leg. You are only going Ьу yards if you choose the sled option. КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast: Remember, if it says 10-5 that means 10 on the first exercise and 5 on the second exercise. о Copyrl!lht 2020 PJF ""rformanco р_1,:: IEG L.E Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day 2: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Тime: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. Тhis zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 2 Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hip Opener: Sets l Band Straight Leg Raise з з з з з з Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 1 Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Opener Lateral OЬlique Flexion Lateral Line Stretch Anti Rotation ABC's Reps l Weight Distance Тime Rest -:-min Notes б -:-min 4 -:-min Perform each side 4 о sec Perform each side о sec Perform each side 1 О sec Perform each side 10 О sec 15 00:30:00 -:- min Perform Each Side Anti Rotation ABC's: 1 Repetition = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J. then go heavier. lf you are using the band option and you don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J. then continue going through the alphabet until you feel an 8 or 9 out of 10 burn in the core. с Copyright 2020 PJf Perfonnance р�,: :ас aL& Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day З : Full Body Strength Training (В) + Combo Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to impr·ove full body strength and add lean muscle. ln today's workout we use more circuits and higher repetitions than our monday/friday workout. You should "feel the burn• in todays session! Todays cardio is optional. For beginners or anyone who is relatively out of shape you may need to take today as а rest day. lf you're overly fatigued and tired skip the cardio and also scale back the strength training. As always in this program. listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of todays cardio I wan't you to feel tired on an 8 or 9 out of 10. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance. you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beglnner or obese person but may have to cut back on the amount of rounds performed or cut back on intensity. Beginners. obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train accordirng to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exerclse form. lf an exercise causes any Joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Circuit Circuit Combo Cardio Daily Overview: I Phase 2 Day З Foam Roller Circuit Dynamic Warm Up 2 Penultlmate Вох Jumps (Optional) Hlp Bridge Horlzontal Press Reverse Lunge Row Walking Curls/Alternatlng Press DouЫe Leg Functlonal Calf Ralse (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Dumbbell Lateral Ralse + Post Delt Row Drop Set Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optlonal Static Stretch 7/11 Breathlng Sets Reps 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 Weight Distance Time 00:00:25 з з б з з 8 20 з 12 з з 15-15 10 1 1 1 00:00:15 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:-- mln --:-- mln --:-- mln 1:30 mln 20 sec Perform each slde 20 sec Perform each slde 1:15 mln Perform each slde О sec -:-mln 30 sec О sec - -:-- mln - -:-- mln Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Кneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Клее hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Additional Notes: Time L.i mit: 01:30:00 О Copyrlght 2020 PJF P•rformanu P.l'= ,ас aawca Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day 4: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe соге while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we аге going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving ош abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 2 Sets 1 Reps 1 Weight Distance Тime Rest -:- min Notes -:- min -:- - min Perform each side Superset Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Opener 3 3 б Superset Lateral OЫique Flexion Lateral Line Stretch 3 3 15 О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side Anti Rotation ABC's Band Straight Leg Raise Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact!:) 3 3 1 1 10 О sec Perform each side О sec -:- min Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hlp Opener: 4 4 00:30:00 Perform Each Side Antl Rotatlon ABC's; 1 Repetltion = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then go heavier. lf you are using the band option and you don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then contlnue going through the alphabet until you feel an 8 or 9 out of 10 burn ln the core. С Copy�ght 2020 PJF Pe,fom,1nce р� :се :аt1:нса Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day 5: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help turn your body into а fat burning machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite th1 e caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Todays cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. This high of ап intensity should only Ье used Ьу people with high levels of fitness. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 ог 9 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you тау Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а begin11er ог obese person, you may have to cut back оп intensity and stick to а low-moderate расе while still completing 10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes апу joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Zone 5 Cardio Sets Reps о Weight Distance Time Rest -- :-- min - -:-- min Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 1 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 1 Sprint Drills 1 2 10.00 yds О sec Sled March oir Band Pull Through 4 1 20.00 yds 1:00 min КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast 3 10-5 1:30 min 1/4 Squats ог 1/4 Leg Press 3 3 6 1:00 min 8 1:00 min 12 45 sec lncline Bench Press Hip Thrust Low Row з 8 45 sec Dumbbell lncline Curls (Optional) 3 12 О sec 3 Bent Knee Calf Raise (Optional) 3 15 О sec Tricep Extension (Optional) 3 12 О sec Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) 10 1 00:00:20 45 sec Optional Static Stretch 7 /11 Breathing 1 00:00:15 --:-- min 1 00:03:00 -- :-- min Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxl0 reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxl0 each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Кпее hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxl0 yards total Hip flip backwards lxl0 yards total Sled March or Band Pull Through: Remember, if you choose the band pull through option you are doing 10 reps each leg. You are only going Ьу yards if you choose the sled option. КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast : Remember, if it says 10-5 that means 10 оп the first exercise and 5 on the second exercise. е Copyri ght 2020 PJF Performance P.l� ,ас а.са Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 1, Day 6: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe соге while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we аге going steady state for а long duration. Тhis zone is great for building our аегоЫс base, which is actually important for improving our aЫlity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat buming engine. Beginners, obese people ог апуопе with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exerclse form. lf ап exercise causes апу Joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Oaily Overview: Phase 2 Оау 2 Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Орепег Superset Lateral OЫique Flexion Lateral Line Stretch Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hlp Opener: Anti Rotation ABC's Band Stralght Leg Raise Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets 1 з з з з з з 1 Reps 1 б Weight Distance Time 4 Rest Notes -:- min -:-min -:-mln Perform each side 15 О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side 1 10 О sec Perform each side О sec -:-- mln 4 00:30:00 Perform Each Slde Antl Rotatlon ABC's: 1 Repetltlon = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J. then go heavler. lf you аге using the band option and you don't feel the bum Ьу the time you get to J, then contlnue going through the alphabet untll you feel ап 8 ог 9 out of 10 burn ln the соге. С Copyrl ghl 2020 PJf Pt<lom,e,co р.11: ссэиа::а Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day 1: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: _______ Total Workout Time: _______ Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help tum your body into а fat buming machine Ьу optimizing our metabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but full body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Todays cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. This high of an intensity should only Ье used Ьу people with high levels of fitness. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired оп а 8 or 9 out of 10 scale. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner or obese person, you may have to cut back оп intensity and stick to а low- moderate расе while still completing 10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Zone 5 Cardio Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Sled March or Band Pull Through КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press lncline Bench Press Hip Thrust Low Row Dumbbell lncline Curls (Optional) Bent Knee Calf Raise (Optional) Tricep Extension (Optional) Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 1 1 Reps о 1 2 1 10-5 б Weight Distance Time Rest 00:00:20 00:00:1 5 00:03:00 - - :- min - - :- min о sec 1:00 min 1:30 min 1:00 min 1:00 min 45 sec 45 sec о sec о sec о sec 45 sec --:-- min --:-- min 10.00 yds 20.00 yds 8 12 8 12 15 12 1 Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxl0 reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxl0 each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxl0 yards total Hip flip backwards lxl0 yards total Sled March or Band Pull Through : Remember, if you choose the band pull through option you are doing 10 reps each leg. You are only going Ьу yards if you choose the sled option. КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast : Remember, if it says 10-5 that means 10 on the first exercise and 5 on the second exercise. р.11:: сыиса Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day 2: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our аеrоЫс base, which is actually important for improving our aЫlity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train accordi1ng to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 2 Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Opener Lateral OЫique Flexion Lateral Llne Stretch Antl Rotat.ion ABC's Band Straight Leg Raise Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Reps 1 з з з з з з 1 Weight Distance Time Rest 00:35:00 - - :-- min --:-- min --:-- min Perform each slde О sec Perform each slde О sec Perform each slde О sec Perform each slde О sec - -:-- mln 1 8 4 15 4 1 10 Notes Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hip Opener: Perform Each Slde Anti Rotatlon ABC's: 1 Repetitlon = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the tlme you get to J, then go heavier. lf you are using the band option and you don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then contlnue golng through the alphabet until you feel an 8 or 9 out of 10 burn in the core. с Copynght 2020 PJr Ptrformanct Р.1� :аа са:и.:- Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day З: Full Body Strength Training (В) + Combo Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. ln today's workout we use more circuits and higher repetitions than our monday/friday workout. You should "feel the burn• in todays session! Todays cardio is optional. For beginners or anyone who is relatively out of shape you may need to take today as а rest day. lf you're overly fatigued and tired skip the cardio and also scale back the strength training. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of todays cardio I wan't you to feel tired on an 8 or 9 out of 10. So if you're extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner or obese person but may have to cut back on the amount of rounds performed or cut back on intensity. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comforta Ыe with. Circuit Clrcuit Combo Cardio Exercise Sets Reps Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day З Foam Roller Circuit Dynamic Warm Up 2 Penultimate Вох Jumps (Optional) Hip Bridge Horizontal Press Reverse Lunge Row Walking Curls/Alternating Press 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 1 1 3 12 б 8 25 12 DouЫe Leg Functional Calf Raise (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Dumbbell Lateral Raise + Post Delt Row Drop Set Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optional Static St.retch 7/11 Breathing Weight Distance Time Rest 00:00:25 --:-- min --:-- min --:-- min 1 Notes 1:30 min 20 sec Perform each side 20 sec Perform each side 1:15 min Perform each side О sec -- : -- min 30 sec 15-15 1 00:00:15 00:03:00 о sec - - : - - min - - : - - min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Additional Notes: Time Limit: 01:30:00 О Copyright2020 PJF Pmonnanc:o р.11: О&С L..&IИL.18 Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day 4: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal fог this workout is building а strong and staЫe соге while improving movement quality. Fог the zone 2 cardio we аге going steady state fог а long duration. This zone is great fог building оuг aeroblc base, which is actually important fог improving оuг abllity to гесоvег quickly from workouts and also enhances оuг fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of thle cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to оuг own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer fог guidance if you're unsure on уоuг exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hip Opener: Exercise Daily Overview; Phase 2 Day 2 Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Ореnег Lateral OЫique Flexion Lateral Line Stretch Anti Rotation ABC's Band Straight Leg Raise Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Reps 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Weight Distance Time 1 8 4 15 4 1 10 00:35:00 Rest Notes -;-- min -:-- min -:-- min Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec -:-- min Perform Each Side Anti Rotation ABC's: 1 Repetition = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then go heavier. lf you аге using the band option and you don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then continue going through the alphabet until you feel an 8 ог 9 out of 10 burn in the соге. с Copyrlght 2020 PJF Pмonnance Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day 5: Full Body Strength (А) + Zone 5 Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations The goal of todays workout is to improve full body strength and add lean muscle. This type of workout will help turn your body into а fat buming machine Ьу optimizing ourmetabolism despite the caloric deficit (mainly coming from the diet). Normally cutting calories will hinder our metabolism, but ful l body strength training helps combat that slowing of the metabolism. Todays cardio will Ье Zone 5, which is 90-100% of our max heart rate. This high of an intensity should only Ье used Ьу people with high levels of fitness. As always in this program, listen to YOUR BODY and adjust the program as needed. At the end of the Zone 5 cardio I want you to feel tired on а 8 or 9 out of 10 scale. So if you' re extremely advanced with your endurance, you may Ье аЫе to do more than 10 rounds. lf you're а beginner or obese person, you тау have to cut back on intensity and sti ck to а low-moderate расе while still completing 10 rounds of 1 minute on/1 minute off. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain тау need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Superset Zone 5 Cardio 1 1 Reps о Weight Di.stance Time 1 Rest -:- min - : - min Sprint Drills 1 2 10.00 yds О sec Sled March or Band Pull Through 4 1 20.00 yds 1:00 min КВ Swing + Вох Jump Contrast Superset Sets 3 10-5 1:30 min 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press lncline Bench Press 3 3 б 8 1:00 min 1:00 min Hip Thrust 3 12 45 sec Low Row 3 8 45 sec Dumbbell lncline Curls (Optional) 3 12 О sec Bent Knee Calf Raise (Optional) 3 15 О sec Tricep Extension (Optional) 3 12 О sec Zone 5 Cardio (90-100%) 12 1 Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing 1 1 00:00:20 45 sec 00:00:1 5 00:03:00 - - :- min - - :- min Notes р�� :ас с..м,и.са Fat Don't Fly- Phase 2 Week 2, Day б: Core/Movement Quality + Zone 2 Cardio Workout Date: - Total Workout Time: - - - -- - - -- - -- Plan Recommendations The goal for this workout is building а strong and staЫe core while improving movement quality. For the zone 2 cardio we are going steady state for а long duration. This zone is great for building our aeroblc base, which is actually important for improving our abllity to recover quickly from workouts and also enhances our fat burning engine. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and st.rength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainerfor guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and subst.itute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Low lmpact Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 2 Day 2 Dead Bug Rocker Series 90/90 Hip Opener Lateral OЫique Flexion Lateral Line Stretch Anti Rotation ABC's Band Straight Leg Raise Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Reps 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Weight Distance Тime 1 8 4 15 4 1 10 00:35:00 Rest Notes -:- min -:-min -:- min Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec Perform each side О sec -:-min Staff Member Notes: 90/90 Hip Opener: Perform Each Side Anti Rotatlon ABC's: 1 Repetition = A-J. lf don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then go heavier. lf you are using the band option and you don't feel the burn Ьу the time you get to J, then continue going through the alphabet until you feel an 8 or 9 out of 10 burn in the core. О Copyrlght 2020 PJF P«fonnance р.11:: 'ас LAIIHLli Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 1, Day 1: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). Оп most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or апуопе with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exercise causes апу joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase З Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Resisted Sprint Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast Posterior Lateral Lunge Long Duration Jump Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets Weight Reps 1 1 1 з 2 1 1 1 Time 1 о 1 4 4 Distance 5-2 10.00 yds 10.00 yds б 14 00:00:20 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:-- min --:-- min О sec 40 sec 1:30 min Perform each side 1:00 min Perform each side 1:00 min О sec --:-- min --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spi ne side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast : We're doing 5 reps on the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 total) on the penultimate. Тhat completes 1 set Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterior Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side е Copyrighl 2020 PJF P@rformance P.l� :ас сmиа::а Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 1, Day 2: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: _______ Total Workout Time: _______ Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively over1oading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) ог Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps аге increased week to week). On most exercises we аге decreasing our гер range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Barbell Rollout Wall Side т Spine Band Rotations Side Plank/Мodified Side Plank Hamstring Floss Dumbbell Bench Press DB Split Stance Row Amold Press Vertical Pull Down Shrugs (Optional) 21 Curls (Optional) Trlcep Dropset (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets Reps 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 Weight Distance Time 1 1 7 7 10 б б 00:00:25 8 б 15 7-7-7 б 00:35:00 Rest -:-- min --:-- min о sec о sec о sec 30 sec 30 sec 1:00 min 30 sec 1:00 min --:-- min --:-- min --:-- min О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip fllp backwards lxlO yards total О Copy�ght 2020 PJF Porformanco р.11: 1 CEWSL.a Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 1, Day 3: Lower Body Strength/Power ( В ) Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overtoading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase З Day З Sets Reps Weight 1 1 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 Sprint Accelerations 4 Contrast Step Ups 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press 4 4 Distance Time --:-- min 40 sec 1:30 min Perform each side 4-4 4 RDL or СаЫе Pullthrough 3 6 1 12 7/11 Breathing 1 Notes --:-- min 10.00 yds Zone 5 Workout Optional Static Stretch Rest 1:30 min 1:00 min 00:00:20 40 sec --:-- min 00:03:00 --:-- min 1 Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bri dge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip fl exor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Contrast Step Ups: We're doing 4 reps on the weighted step up AND 4 reps on the bodyweight step- u p jump. Perform Each Side о Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Porrorm•nc• р.11: оас аа1нL81 Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 1, Day 4: Core/Upper Body (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations Fог phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises оvег the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) ог Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps аге increased week to week). On most exercises we аге decreasing оuг гер range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and роwег. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to оuг own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer fог guidance if you're unsure on уоuг exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Exercise Dynamic Warm Up 2 Dragon Flag Level 2 Eccentric Hip Flexor Tilt Da Vinci Plank Hamstring Floss lncline Bench Press Rotational Row Vertical Pull Down Yoga Pushup Сгаzу 8 Curls (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 7/11 Breathing Sets Reps Weight Distance 1 1 3 б 3 4 3 3 10 3 12 3 8 3 10 3 10 24 3 3 12 1 1 Time Rest --:-- min --:-- min --:-- min 00:00:20 --:-- min О sec 45 sec 1:00 min 45:00 min 1:00 min --:-- min --:-- min 00:35:00 О sec 00:03:00 --:-- min Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total е Copyrl gh! 2020 PJF Performanee Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 1, Day 5: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Total Workout Tlme: _______ Workout Date: _______ Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding i n different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exerclse form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exerclse Daily overview: Phase з Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Reslsted Sprint Velocity Squat + Penuitimate Contrast Posterlor Lateral Lunge Long Duration Jump Sprlnt 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optlonal Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets 1 1 1 4 4 з 2 1 1 1 Reps 1 о 1 5-2 б Welght Dlstance Time 10.00 yds 10.00 yds 00:00:20 14 00:03:00 Rest Notes -:-- min - -:-- min о sec 40 sec 1:30 min Perform each slde 1:00 min Perform each slde 1:00 min о sec -:-- mln --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2 : Sklps lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hlp bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lylng opener lx7 reps each slde 1/2 Kneel hlp flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each slde Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each slde Hlp fllp forward lxlO yards total Hlp fllp backwards lxlO yards total Veloclty Squat + Penultlmate Contrast : We're dolng 5 reps оп the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each slde (4 total) оп the penultlmate. That completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterlor Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Slde о Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Parformanca Р.1� :ас ас:иLа Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 1, Day б: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: - - - -- - Total Workout Time: - - - -- - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks. but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners. obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember. we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form. skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Barbell Rollout Wall Side т Spine Band Rotations Side Plank/Modified Side Plank Hamstring Floss Dumbbell Bench Press DB Split Stance Row Arnold Press Vertical Pull Down Shrugs (Optional) 2 1 Cur\s (Optional) Tricep Dropset (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 Reps Weight Distance 1 1 7 7 Time 00:00:25 10 б б 8 б 15 7-7-7 б 00:35:00 Rest -:-min -:-min О sec о sec О sec 30 sec 30 sec 1:00 min 30 sec 1:00 min -:-min -:-min -:-min о sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hlp flip forward lxlO yards total Hlp flip backwards lxlO yards total С> Copyrl gnt 2020 PJF Performonce р.11:: :ас а.:а Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 2, Day 1: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Тhis means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used weel< to weel<) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased weel< to weel<). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or asl< а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, sl<ip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exer<:i$e Set$ Rep$ Daily Overview: Phase 3 Оау 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills 1 1 1 Resisted Sprint Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast 4 4 Posterior Lateral Lunge 3 3 2 Hip Thrust Long Duration Jump Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Wall< 40s Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing 1 1 1 Weight 1 1 1 Di$titn<:e Тime Re$t Note$ -:- - min -:- min 10.00 yds О sec 15.00 yds 1:00 min 1:30 min Perform each side 5-2 б 00:00:25 1:00 min Perform each side -:-min 1:00 min 00:03:00 О sec -:- min -:- min 10 15 Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip fl exor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each slde Hip fl ip forward lxlO yards total Hip fl ip backwards lxlO yards total Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast : We're doing 5 reps оп the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 total) оп the penultimate. That completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterior Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side С1 Copyright 2020 PJF Performance р.11: iEti t.WiiiHL8 Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 2 , Day 2 : Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). Оп most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to opti mize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perforпn each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exercise causes апу joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Sets Reps 1 Weight Distance Time Rest 1 --:-- min Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 1 --:-- min Barbell Rollout 3 8 О sec Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotations 3 8 Side Plank/Modified Side Plank 3 Hamstring Floss 3 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 4 4 б 30 sec DB Split Stance Row б 1:00 min Arnold Press 3 8 Vertical Pull Down 3 б 30 sec 1:00 min Shrugs (Optional) 3 15 --:-- min О sec 00:00:30 О sec 30 sec 21 Curls (Optional) 3 7-7-7 --:-- min Tricep Dropset (Optional) 3 б --:-- min Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 1 00:35:00 О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine slde lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total С Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Perlormonce р.11: 'ас UGWCL.ii Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 2, Day 3: Lower Body Strength/Power (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comforta Ыe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 3 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Accelerations Contrast Step Ups 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press RDL or СаЫе Pullthrough Zone 5 Workout Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets Reps 1 1 Weight Distance Time 1 1 15.00 yds 4 4 4 4-4 4 3 1 1 1 б 13 00:00:20 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:- min --:-- min 40 sec 1:30 min Perform each side 1:30 min 1:00 min 40 sec --:- min --:-- min р.11: $ас U&SCLII Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 2, Day 3: Lower Body Strength/Power (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to, train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain o r you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitr ute another exercise that you're comforta Ыe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 3 Dynamic Wa1rm Up 2 Sprint Accelerations Contrast Step Ups 1/4 Squats o r 1/4 Leg Press RDL or СаЫе Pullthrough Zone 5 Workout Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathirng Sets Weight Reps 1 1 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 Distance Time 1 1 15.00 yds 4-4 4 б 13 00:00:20 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:- min --:-- min 40 sec 1:30 min Perform each side 1:30 min 1:00 min 40 sec --:- min --:- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Contrast Step Ups: We're doing 4 reps on the weighted step up AND 4 reps on the bodyweight step-up jump. Perform Each Side о CopyrlQht 2020 PJF Ptfformance Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 2, Day 4: Core/Upper Body (В) Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Тhis means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) ог Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps аге increased week to week). Оп most exercises we аге decreasing our гер range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people ог anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain ог you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Dynamic Warm Up 2 Dragon Flag Level 2 Eccentri c Hip Flexor Tilt Da Vinci Plank Hamstri ng Floss lncline Bench Press Rotational Row Vertical Pull Down Yoga Pushup Crazy 8 Curls (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 7/11 Breathing Sets 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Reps Weight Distance 1 7 4 10 12 8 10 12 24 12 Time Rest --:- - min - -:- - min - -:- - min 00:00:20 - -:- - min О sec 45 sec 1:00 min 45:00 min 1:00 min - -:- - min - -:- - min 00:35:00 О sec 00:03:00 - -:- - min Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total С Copyrl gM 2020 PJF Perlormance р.1,: ,&<о аа,нLil Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 2, Day 5: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: ------ Total Workout Time: ------ Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notlce that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Thls means that we're progresslvely overloadlng NOT Ьу addlng ln different exerclses over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу lncreaslng intenslty (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу lncreaslng volume (cardio reps are lncreased week to week). On most exerclses we are decreaslng our rep range, which wlll allow us to use heavier welghts ln order to optlmlze strength and power. Beglnners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength tralning to the safest optlon while stlll pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to traln according to our own limitatlons and always perform each exerclse with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint paln or you aren't 100% confident on the form, sklp the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe wlth. Exerclse Dally Overview: Phase З Day 1 Dynamlc Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Reslsted Sprlnt Veloclty Squat + Penultlmate Contrast Posterior Lateral Lunge Hip Thrust Long Duratlon Jump Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optlonal Statlc Stretch 7/11 Breathlng Sets 1 1 1 4 4 з з 2 1 1 1 Reps 1 1 1 5-2 Welght Dlstance Tlme 10.00 yds 15.00 yds б 10 15 00:00:25 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:-- min --:-- min о sec 1:00 mln 1:30 mln Perform each slde 1:00 mln Perform each slde --:-- min 1:00 mln о sec --:-- min --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2 : Sklps lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tllt hlp brldge lxlO герs Т Splne slde lylng ореnег lx7 герs each side 1/2 Kneel hlp fl exor stгetch lxlO each side Hamstгlng cгossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hlp fllp foгwaгd lxlO yaгds total Hlp fllp backwards lxlO yards total Veloclty Squat + Penultlmate Contrast : Wе'ге dolng 5 герs on the Velocity Squat, then 2 герs each side (4 total) on the penultlmate. That completes 1 set. Rest and гереаt fог 4 total sets. Posterlor Lateral Lunge: Регfогm Each Slde о Copy�9ht2020 PJF Po,fo,manco Р.1� 5DU U&HL& Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 2, Day 6: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 1 - -: - - min - -:- - min Barbell Rollout 3 8 О sec Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotations 3 8 Side Plank/Modified Side Plank 3 1 О sec 00:00:30 О sec Hamstring Floss 3 10 30 sec Dumbbell Bench Press DB Split Stance Row 4 4 б б 30 sec 1:00 min Arnold Press 3 8 Vertical Pull Down 3 б 30 sec 1:00 min Superset Shrugs (Optional) 3 15 --:-- min 21 Curls (Optional) 3 7-7-7 --:-- min 3 1 б Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Tri cep Dropset (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Superset Superset --:-- min 00:35:00 О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side H ip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total с Copyright 2020 PJP Perrormance р.11: 1&С UWHLII Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 3, Day 1: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week} or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а blt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form. skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase З Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Resisted Sprint Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast Posterior Lateral Lunge Hip Thrust Long Duration Jump Sprint l0s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets Weight Reps 1 1 1 5 4 з з 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Distance Time 10.00 yds 20.00 yds 5-3 б 10 00:00:30 16 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:-- min --:-- min О sec 1:00 min 1:30 min Perform each side 1:00 min Perform each side --:-- min 1:00 min О sec --:-- min --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast: We're doing 5 reps on the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 total) on the penultimate. Тhat completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterior Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side С1 Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Ptrformanct р.11: 6 ИL& Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 3, Day 2: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). Оп most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf ап exercise causes апу joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Sets 1 Reps Weight Distance 1 Time Rest -:-min Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 1 -:-min О sec Barbell Rollout 3 9 Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotati ons 3 9 Side Plank/Modified Side Plank 3 Hamstri ng Floss 3 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 4 6 30 sec DB Split Stance Row 4 6 1:00 min Arnold Press 3 8 30 sec Vertical Pull Down 3 6 1:00 min Shrugs (Optional) 3 15 --:-- min 21 Curls (Optional) 3 7-7-7 --:-- min Tricep Dropset (Optional) 3 6 --:-- min Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 1 о sec 00:00:35 О sec 30 sec 00:35:00 О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip fl ip forward lxlO yards total Hip fl ip backwards lxlO yards total о C<JpyПght 2020 PJF Per"Qrmance p_i,:: Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 3, Day 3: Lower Body Strength/Power (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitat.ions and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip t.he exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 3 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Accelerations Contrast Step Ups 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press RDL or СаЫе Pullthrough Zone 5 Workout Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets 1 1 5 4 4 3 1 1 1 Reps 1 1 4-6 4 Welght Distance Time 20.00 yds б 14 00:00:20 00:03:00 Rest Notes --:- - min --:- - min 1:30 min 1:30 min Perform each side 1:30 min 1:00 min 40 sec --:- - min --:- - min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Cont.rast Step Ups: We're doing 4 reps on the weighted step up AND 4 reps on the bodyweight step-up jump. Perform Each Side О Copyrlght 2020 PIF Per1onnance р.1,:: :&tt ас:иса Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 3, Day 4: Core/Upper Body (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notlce that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we·re progresslvely over1oading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Dynamic Warm Up 2 Dragon Flag Level 2 Eccentric Hip Flexor Tilt Da Vinci Plank Hamstring Floss lncline Bench Press Rotational Row Vertical Pull Down Yoga Pushup Crazy 8 Curls (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 7/11 Breathing Sets 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Reps Weight Distance 1 8 4 10 12 8 10 14 24 12 Time Rest --:-- min --:-- min --:- - min 00:00:25 --:-- min 0sec 45 sec 1:00 min 45:00 min 1:00 min --:- - min --:-- min 00:35:00 0sec 00:03:00 --:- - min Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Splne side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstrlng crossover touches lx7 each slde Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip fllp backwards lxlO yards total С> Copyrl �ht 2020 P)F Ptrformonco р.11: :ас uc:нLE Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 3, Day 5: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights i n order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase З Day l Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes l l l l l l Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast 4 5.3 1:30 min Perform each side Posterior Lateral Lunge 3 6 1:00 min Perform each side 10 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Resisted Sprint 5 Hip Thrust 3 Long Duration Jump 2 Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s 1 Optional Static Stretch 1 7/11 Breathing 1 --:-- min --:-- min О sec 10.00 yds 20.00 yds 1:00 min --:-- min 00:00:30 1:00 min О sec 16 --:-- min 00:03:00 --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstri ng crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Veloclty Squat + Penultlmate Contrast : We're doing 5 reps on the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 total) on the penultimate. That completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterlor Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side о Copyrlght 2020 PSI= Perform•nce р-11: :ас ELW Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 3, Day 6: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Тhis means that we're progressively over1oading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). Оп most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perfoгm each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 2 Sets Reps 1 Weight Distance Time Rest 1 -:- min Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 1 -:- min BarЬell Rollout 3 9 О sec Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotations 3 9 Side Plank/Мodified Side Plank 3 Hamstring Floss 3 10 30 sec Superset Dumbbell Bench Press DB Split Stance Row 4 4 б 30 sec 1:00 min Superset Amold Press Vertical Pull Down 3 8 30 sec 3 б 1:00 min Superset Shrugs (Optional) 3 15 -:- min 21 Curls (Optional) Tricep Dropset (Optional) 3 3 7-7-7 -:-min -:- min Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 1 Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact О sec 00:00:35 б б 00:35:00 О sec О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug latera l lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total с, Copyrl ght 2020 PJF Performance р.1,:: .WU а&ИL.18 Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 4, Day 1: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Total Workout Time: _ ______ Workout Date: ______ Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Тhis means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitatiofl1s and always periorm each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exerclse Daily Overview: Phase З Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Reslsted Sprint Velocity Squat + Penultimate Contrast Posterior Lateral Lunge Hlp Thrust Long Duration Jump Sprint l0s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optlonal Statlc Stretch 7/11 Breathing Sets Weight Reps 1 1 1 5 4 з з 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Distance Time 10.00 yds 25.00 yds 5-3 б 10 17 00:00:35 00:03:00 Rest Notes -: - - min -:- - min о sec 2:00 min 1:30 min Periorm each side 1:00 min Periorm each side -:- - min 1:00 min о sec - - : - - min - -:- - min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hlp flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Veloclty Squat + Penultimate Contrast : We're doing 5 reps on the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 total) on the penultimate. That completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterior Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side о Copyrlght 2020 PJF Penormance Р.Р ,ас см:нса Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 4, Day 2: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exerclses we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and stre ngth training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Exerclse Daily OveNiew: Phase 3 Day 2 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Barbell Rollout Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotations Side Plank/Modified Side Plank Hamstring Floss Dumbbell Bench Press DB Split Stance Row Arnold Press Vertical Pull Down Shrugs (Optional) 21 Curls (Optional) Tricep Dropset (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) Sets 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 Reps Welght 1 1 10 10 Distance Tlme 00:00:40 10 б б 8 б 15 7-7-7 б 00:35:00 Rest --:-- min --:-- min О sec О sec О sec 30 sec 30 sec 1:00 min 30 sec 1:00 min --:-- min --:-- min - - : -- min О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total С Copyright 2020 PJF Performance р�,: 1аз UCIH м::■ Fat Don't Fly- Phase З Week 4, Day 3: Lower Body Strength/Power (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our гер range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form ог ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Overview: Phase 3 Day 3 Sets 1 Reps 1 Weight Distance Time 1 Rest --:-- min Notes Dynamic Warm Up 2 1 --:-- min Sprint Accelerations 5 Contrast Step Ups 4 4-6 1:30 min Perform each side 25.00 yds 2:00 min 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press 4 4 1:30 min Perform each side RDL or СаЫе Pullthrough 3 6 1:00 min Zone 5 Workout 1 15 Optional Static Stretch 1 7/11 Breathing 1 00:00:20 40 sec --:-- min 00:03:00 --:-- min Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip f1exor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip f1ip forward lxlO yards total Hip f1ip backwards lxlO yards total Contrast Step Ups: We're doing 4 reps оп the weighted step up AND 4 reps оп the bodyweight step-up jump. Perform Each Side 1/4 Squats or 1/4 Leg Press: Perform Each Side с Copynght 2020 PJF Performance р.11: :ас сю:нс■ Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 4, Day 4: Core/Upper Body (В) Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overl oading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ьit. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Exerclse Dynamic Warm Up 2 Dragon Flag Level 2 Eccentric Hip Flexor Tilt Da Vinci Plank Hamstring Floss lncline Bench Press Rotational Row Vertical Pull Down Yoga Pushup Crazy 8 Curls (Optional) Single Arm Tricep Extension (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 7/11 Breathing Sets Reps Welght Dlstance 1 1 з з з з з з з з з з 1 1 9 4 10 12 8 10 16 24 12 Tlme Rest •·=·· min •·=·· min •·=·· min •·=·· min 00:00:30 о sec 45 sec 1:00 min 45:00 min 1:00 min •·=·· min •·=·· min 00:35:00 о sec •·=·· min 00:03:00 Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamic Warm Up 2 : Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks 1х30 seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total о copyright 2020 PJF Performance р.11: ,..,z CCJHLII Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 4, Day 5: Lower Body Power/Strength (А) + Multiple Zone Cardio Workout Date: ------- Total Workout Time: ------- Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. Thls means that we're progresslvely overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exerclses over the 4 weeks, but lnstead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of welght used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). On most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with Jolnt paln may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitatlons and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guldance if you're unsure on your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any Joint pain or you aren't 100% confident on the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exerclse that you're comfortaЫe with. Exerclse Dally Overview: Phase 3 Day 1 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Sprint Drills Reslsted Sprint Veloclty Squat + Penultlmate Contrast Posterlor Lateral Lunge Hip Thrust Long Duratlon Jump Sprint 10s/Jog 20s/Walk 40s Optional Static Stretch 7/11 Breathlng Sets 1 1 1 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 Reps 1 1 1 5.3 б 10 17 Weight Distance Time 10.00 yds 25.00 yds 00:00:35 00:03:00 Rest Notes •·=·· min -:•· min О sec 2:00 mln 1:30 mln Perform each side 1:00 mln Perform each side ••:•• min 1:00 mln О sec ••:•• min ••:•• min Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2: Skips lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tilt hip bridge lxlO reps Т Spine side lying opener lx7 reps each side 1/2 Kneel hip flexor stretch lxlO each side Hamstring crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each side Hip flip forward lxlO yards total Hip flip backwards lxlO yards total Velocity Squat + Penultlmate Contrast: We're doing 5 reps on the Velocity Squat, then 2 reps each side (4 totai) on the penultimate. That completes 1 set. Rest and repeat for 4 total sets. Posterior Lateral Lunge: Perform Each Side О Cc>pyrlgN 2020 PJF P«IO<mll>C• р.1,: 1&4 LAIIHLE Fat Don't Fly- Phase 3 Week 4, Day 6: Core/Upper Body (А) Workout Date: - - - - - - Total Workout Time: - - - - - - Plan Recommendations For phase 4 you'II notice that we now have 4 weeks of the same program. This means that we're progressively overloading NOT Ьу adding in different exercises over the 4 weeks, but instead Ьу increasing intensity (amount of weight used week to week) or Ьу increasing volume (cardio reps are increased week to week). Оп most exercises we are decreasing our rep range, which will allow us to use heavier weights in order to optimize strength and power. Beginners, obese people or anyone with joint pain may need to modify а lot of the cardio and strength training to the safest option while still pushing yourself а Ыt. Remember, we have to train according to our own limitations and always perform each exercise with good form or ask а personal trainer for guidance if you're unsure оп your exercise form. lf an exercise causes any joint pain or you aren't 100% confident оп the form, skip the exercise and substitute another exercise that you're comfortaЫe with. Exercise Daily Ov@rvi@w: Phas@ 3 Day 2 Dynamic Warm Up 2 Superset Superset Superset Superset Superset Zone 2 Workout Low lmpact Sets 1 1 Reps 1 Weight Distance Time Rest ••:•• min 1 ••:•• min Barbell Rollout 3 10 О sec Wall Side Т Spine Band Rotations 3 10 О sec Side Plank/Modifi ed Side Plank 3 Hamstring Floss 3 10 Dumbbell Bench Press 4 б 30 sec DB Split Stance Row 4 б 1:00 min Arnold Press 3 8 30 sec Vertical Pull Down 3 б 1:00 min 00:00:40 О sec 30 sec Shrugs (Optional) 3 15 --:•• min 2 1 Curls (Optional) 3 7.7.7 --:•• min Tri cep Dropset (Optional) Zone 2 60-70% (Low lmpact) 3 б 1 --:•• min 00:35:00 О sec Notes Staff Member Notes: Dynamlc Warm Up 2: Sklps lхЗО seconds Seal Jacks lхЗО seconds Post tllt hlp brldge lxlD reps т Splne slde lylng opener lx7 reps each slde 1/2 Kneel hlp flexor stretch lxlO each slde Hamstrlng crossover touches lx7 each side Knee hug lateral lunge lx4 each slde Hlp fllp forward lxlO yards total Hlp flip backwards lxlD yards total о C09yr!Q\ht 2020PJf "rforrnonce