Plant Biotechnology Journal (2023) 21, pp. 2019–2032 doi: 10.1111/pbi.14109 A promoter trap in transgenic citrus mediates recognition of a broad spectrum of Xanthomonas citri pv. citri TALEs, including in planta-evolved derivatives Deepak Shantharaj1, Gerald V. Minsavage1, Vladimir Orbovic2, Gloria A. Moore3, Danalyn R. Holmes4, €mer5,a, Diana M. Horvath6, Thomas Lahaye4,5,* Patrick Ro and Jeffrey B. Jones1,* 1 Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA 2 Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, FL, USA 3 Department of Horticultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA Zentrum fu€r Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP), Eberhard-Karls-Universita€t Tu€bingen, Tu€bingen, Germany 4 5 Genetics, Department of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Martinsried, Germany 6 2Blades Foundation, Evanston, IL, USA Received 5 March 2023; revised 9 June 2023; accepted 12 June 2023. *Correspondence (Tel +49 7071 2978745; fax +49 7071 29 3287; email; Tel +1 352 273 4673; fax +1 352 392 6532; email a €then, Present address: Avicare+, Ko Germany Keywords: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), transcriptional activator-like effector (TALE) protein, executor-type resistance (R) gene, AvrBs3, AvrGf1, AvrGf2. Summary Citrus bacterial canker (CBC), caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), causes dramatic losses to the citrus industry worldwide. Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs), which bind to effector binding elements (EBEs) in host promoters and activate transcription of downstream host genes, contribute significantly to Xcc virulence. The discovery of the biochemical context for the binding of TALEs to matching EBE motifs, an interaction commonly referred to as the TALE code, enabled the in silico prediction of EBEs for each TALE protein. Using the TALE code, we engineered a synthetic resistance (R) gene, called the Xcc-TALE-trap, in which 14 tandemly arranged EBEs, each capable of autonomously recognizing a particular Xcc TALE, drive the expression of Xanthomonas avrGf2, which encodes a bacterial effector that induces plant cell death. Analysis of a corresponding transgenic Duncan grapefruit showed that transcription of the cell death-inducing executor gene, avrGf2, was strictly TALE-dependent and could be activated by several different Xcc TALE proteins. Evaluation of Xcc strains from different continents showed that the Xcc-TALE-trap mediates resistance to this global panel of Xcc isolates. We also studied in planta-evolved TALEs (eTALEs) with novel DNA-binding domains and found that these eTALEs also activate the Xcc-TALE-trap, suggesting that the Xcc-TALE-trap is likely to confer durable resistance to Xcc. Finally, we show that the Xcc-TALE-trap confers resistance not only in laboratory infection assays but also in more agriculturally relevant field studies. In conclusion, transgenic plants containing the Xcc-TALE-trap offer a promising sustainable approach to control CBC. Introduction The bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xcc) is the causal agent of citrus bacterial canker (CBC), a disease associated with defoliation, blemished fruit, premature fruit drop, twig dieback, and general tree decline, thereby causing severe economic losses to the citrus industry worldwide (Naqvi et al., 2022). The movement of Xcc-infected propagating material, such as budwood, rootstock seedlings, or budding trees has repeatedly led to outbreaks of CBC in citrus growing areas previously unaffected by CBC. Given the known long-distance routes of Xcc dissemination, it is evident that genetic resistance is the only option for sustainable control of CBC and that bactericides are not a sustainable means of preventing future CBC outbreaks. Research on plant pathogenic xanthomonads that infect various host species has provided insights into the molecular basis of how this pathogen manipulates susceptible hosts to promote disease and how pathogen-resistant plant genotypes either avoid manipulation by the pathogen or use immune receptors to recognize and combat the pathogen. Many xanthomonads inject transcriptional activator-like effector (TALE) proteins into plant host cells to increase their virulence towards the host. TALE proteins bind to effector-binding elements (EBEs) in host promoters and transcriptionally activate downstream host susceptibility (S) genes to favour in planta growth and/or spread of the pathogen (Teper et al., 2023). TALEs bind to matching EBEs through a variable number of nearly identical, tandemly arranged 33–34 amino acid long peptide modules commonly referred to as repeats, with each TALE-repeat aligning with one nucleotide of a matching EBE. Repeat variable diresidues (RVDs) located at positions 12 and 13 of each TALE repeat determine the base preference of the repeat. These base preferences have been decoded for all possible RVDs, and these RVD-nucleotide correlations, commonly referred to as the TALE code, now allow in silico prediction of DNA target sites for any given TALE protein (Teper et al., 2023). The mechanistic basis of how TALEs recruit the host’s RNA polymerase II (pol II) complex has also been elucidated in recent studies. For the initiation of transcription, pol II assembles with [Correction added on 31 October 2023, after first online publication: The copyright line was changed.] ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 2019 several general transcription factors, including TFIIA, at the promoter DNA to form the pre-initiation complex (PIC; Girbig et al., 2022). TALEs bind to this pol II PIC with their transcription factor binding domain (TFB), which is located C-terminal to the DNA binding domain of the TALE (Yuan et al., 2016). The TFB domain interacts with TFIIAc, which is a subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIA. Examination of the three-dimensional architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol II PIC reveals that TFIIA is located close to the upstream promoter DNA (Plaschka et al., 2016), consistent with a model in which the TALE protein physically bridges the distance between a given EBE and the pol II PIC. The model in which TALEs physically link pol II PICs and EBEs is consistent with the observation that TALE-induced transcripts are generally initiated ~50 nucleotides downstream of a given EBE €mer et al., 2009a,b; (Antony et al., 2010; Hummel et al., 2012; Ro Strauß et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2014; Tran et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2015). Virulence of the CBC-causing pathogen Xcc largely depends on the TALE protein PthA4. PthA4 binds to a compatible EBE upstream of the Citrus sinensis lateral organ boundaries 1 (CsLOB1) gene and induces transcription of the downstream host S gene, which encodes a LOB-transcription factor (Hu et al., 2014; Li et al., 2014). How CsLOB1 expression benefits the bacterial pathogen remains unclear. However, since PthA4dependent activation of the virulence-promoting CsLOB1 gene depends on PthA4-compatible EBEs upstream of CsLOB1, CRISPRbased mutagenesis of the PthA4-EBE is expected to reduce the virulence of PthA4-dependent Xcc strains. Recent studies using CRISPR mutagenesis to mutate PthA4-binding EBEs in the CsLOB1 promoter have indeed shown corresponding citrus plants to have increased resistance to Xcc (Huang et al., 2021, 2022; Jia et al., 2016, 2017, 2022a,b; Peng et al., 2017). Given that optimal Xcc growth in citrus depends on TALE-mediated activation of CsLOB1, one would expect strong evolutionary pressure on Xcc to maintain the ability to activate CsLOB1 through TALEs. Indeed, recent studies have shown that Xcc strains harbouring PthA4 derivatives that are no longer able to activate CsLOB1 due to mutations in their DNA-binding domains can alter their DNA-binding domains after prolonged incubation in host plants to regain the ability to activate CsLOB1 (Teper and Wang, 2021). Given the high evolvability of the TALE DNAbinding domain, it is therefore likely that CRISPR-induced mutations in the PthA4-EBEs of the CsLOB1 promoter would exert evolutionary pressure on Xcc. This would likely lead to the selection of in planta-evolved TALEs (eTALEs) with altered DNAbinding specificity capable of transcriptionally activating CRISPRinduced CsLOB1 mutant alleles. In conclusion, CRISPR-induced mutagenesis of PthA4-EBEs in the CsLOB1 promoter is unlikely to confer durable resistance to Xcc. While CRISPR-induced EBE mutations suppress the virulencepromoting function of TALEs, TALE-triggered immune responses offer an alternative way to suppress in planta growth of TALEcarrying xanthomonads. Molecular analysis of dominantly inherited TALE-triggered plant-immune reactions revealed two functionally distinct classes of R genes: (i) constitutively expressed R genes encoding nucleotide-binding leucine rich repeat (NLR) proteins and (ii) transcriptionally regulated executor R genes. Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) Bs4 and rice (Oryza sativa) Xa1/Xo1 are representatives of such TALE-recognizing NLRs, which achieve specific recognition of TALEs presumably through direct interaction (Ji et al., 2020; Read et al., 2020a,b; Schornack et al., 2004; Triplett et al., 2016). While the molecular basis of NLR-dependent TALE recognition remains to be elucidated, the molecular processes by which executor type R genes recognize microbial TALE proteins are well understood. The EBEs in the promoters of the executor R genes act as TALE traps that misdirect the virulence activity of the TALEs to induce the transcription of resistance-mediating executor transcripts that induce cell death and stop the spread of the biotrophic parasite. Accordingly, such executor R genes are also often referred to as promoter traps. Previous studies have shown that the recognition capacity of executor R genes can be expanded by incorporating multiple back-to-back EBEs into the R gene promoter, resulting in executor R genes that can mediate the recognition of multiple €mer et al., 2009a; Zeng TALEs (Hummel et al., 2012; Ro et al., 2015). These may be EBEs that recognize TALEs from different strains of Xanthomonas, resulting in broad-spectrum resistance, or EBEs that detect several or all the numerous TALEs from a particular strain of Xanthomonas. The latter configuration, in which multiple TALEs of a Xanthomonas strain each independently activate the R promoter, should confer durable resistance because all TALE genes encoding promoter-activating proteins must mutate simultaneously to evade recognition by this enhanced executor R gene. Given that recent studies have shown the high evolutionary capacity of TALEs under conditions of high evolutionary selection pressure, such designed executor R genes that are preceded with an arsenal of TALE-trapping EBEs will possibly confer durable resistance to Xcc (Teper and Wang, 2021). Previously, we engineered an enhanced executor R gene to confer broad spectrum and durable resistance to CBC (Shantharaj et al., 2017). To establish this promoter trap, we used a repertoire of 14 different TALEs from citrus-infecting xanthomonads, derived matching EBEs using the TALE code, and inserted a corresponding EBE array into the promoter of the pepper executor R gene Bs3. This R gene promoter controls the expression of avrGf1, which encodes a Xanthomonas effector protein that triggers the hypersensitive response (HR) in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi; Rybak et al., 2009). Using transient, Agrobacterium-mediated expression in citrus, we confirmed that this designed executor R gene, termed ProBs314EBE:avrGf1, indeed mediated recognition of a broad spectrum of Xcc strains. However, in these previous studies, we were unable to identify a stable transgenic line containing ProBs314EBE:avrGf1. We present here the establishment and molecular characterization of a stable-transgenic grapefruit line containing a derivative of ProBs314EBE:avrGf1, which we have termed XccTALE-trap. While the TALE-sensing promoter is identical in both executor R genes, the Xcc-TALE-trap now contains avrGf2 instead of avrGf1, a Xanthomonas effector that, based on previous studies, induces a stronger HR in grapefruit than avrGf1 (Gochez et al., 2015) and is therefore potentially a better executor of cell death. To gain insight into the recognition specificity of tandemly arranged EBEs in our designed promoter trap, we performed rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), an approach that allows us to determine which EBEs have been chosen for transcription of a given TALE-induced transcript. These findings showed that in addition to their designated high-affinity EBEs, TALEs often bind to sequence-related EBEs. We also studied the Xcc-TALE-trap in conjunction with in planta-evolved derivatives of the Xcc TALE protein PthA4. These studies suggest that the Xcc-TALE-trap recognizes not only current but also newly evolved eTALE ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2020 Deepak Shantharaj et al. proteins. Finally, we show that the Xcc-TALE-trap confers Xcc resistance not only in laboratory assays but also in more agronomically relevant field studies. Results Construction of a synthetic plant R gene confers citrus canker resistance To generate a synthetic plant R gene that triggers HR upon the perception of TALEs from Xcc, here referred to as the Xcc-TALEtrap, we placed the Xanthomonas avrGf2 gene, which triggers HR in citrus, downstream of 14 tandem-arranged EBEs that were designed using the TALE-code to have high affinity to known X. citri TALEs (Figure 1). Eight of the 14 EBEs were designed to mediate the recognition of different Xcc TALEs, each of which can autonomously activate the disease-promoting CsLOB1 gene (Figure 1; red arrows). The remaining six EBEs were designed to trap distinct Xcc TALEs for which the plant target genes are currently unknown but for which matching EBEs can be predicted by the TALE code (black arrows). In addition to these 14 EBEs matching to Xcc TALEs, we incorporated an EBE matching to AvrBs3 (grey arrow), a well-studied TALE protein from the pepper pathogen Xanthomonas euvesicatoria (Xeu; Bonas et al., 1989). Generally, Xcc strains contain several TALEs (Teper et al., 2023), with one or more TALEs likely being compatible with EBEs in the Xcc-TALE-trap promoter and each individually capable of activating transcription of the HR-inducing executor gene avrGf2. For example, strain Xcc306 contains next to the CsLOB1activating TALE protein PthA4 three additional trap-activating TALEs (PthA1, PthA2, and PthA3). Given that in our Xcc-TALEtrap promoter we incorporated for each of these four Xcc306 TALEs a corresponding TALE-code predicted EBE, each of these four TALEs is expected to trigger the trap independently (Figure 1). Since mutations in all four Xcc306 TALEs would be required to evade recognition by this Xcc-TALE-trap, it seems plausible that the Xcc-TALE-trap will provide durable resistance to Xcc306 and presumably other Xcc strains containing more than one XccTALE-trap compatible TALE. Seeing as the Xcc-TALE-trap contains TALE code predicted EBEs with high affinity for numerous currently known Xcc TALEs, this trap is also expected to provide broad-spectrum Xcc resistance. The Xcc-TALE-trap inhibits development of Xcc-related disease phenotypes The Xanthomonas effector protein AvrGf2, which we integrated as a TALE-inducible executor gene in the Xcc-TALE-trap, is known to trigger HR in citrus (Gochez et al., 2017). Accordingly, it was important to show that in the absence of the pathogen, there is no executor expression and that AvrGf2-triggered HR is strictly TALE dependent. To test stringent transcriptional regulation of avrGf2, we inoculated Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the Xcc-TALE-trap T-DNA with or without Xcc306 into grapefruit leaves. In these transient assays, the Xcc-TALE-trap induced HR only when inoculated together with Xcc306, and not when coinoculated with XccD4 (Figure S1), an Xcc306 derivative from which all four TALE genes were removed by mutagenesis (Hu et al., 2014). This observation suggests that the Xcc-TALE-trap triggers HR in a strictly TALE-dependent fashion and therefore this T-DNA construct seemed suitable for application in stably transformed citrus plants. We initiated the transformation of Duncan grapefruit plants and identified within five putative transgenic lines one plant that indeed contains the Xcc-TALE-trap as a stable transgene (Figure S2). To test for citrus canker resistance, we inoculated this transgenic line and a corresponding Duncan grapefruit wildtype control plant with Xcc306, an Xcc strain that is expected to activate the Xcc-TALE-trap with four distinct TALEs: PthA1, PthA2, PthA3, and the CsLOB1-activating PthA4 protein (Figure 1). When spray inoculated, only wild-type (WT) Duncan plants, but not the derived transgenic line, showed typical citrus canker pustules, a disease-associated infection phenotype characteristic of susceptible plant genotypes (Figure 2). Similarly, infection of Xcc306 via pinprick inoculation triggered canker-like lesions only on leaves of Duncan WT plants but not on leaves of the derived transgenic line carrying the Xcc-TALE-trap. In summary, transgenic lines containing the Xcc-TALE-trap showed no disease phenotypes. The Xcc-TALE-trap inhibits in planta growth of Xcc306 Given that disease phenotypes of Xcc were suppressed in the transgenic line, we wondered if the Xcc-TALE-trap would also inhibit in planta growth of Xcc306. To clarify if in planta growth of Xcc306 differs in the context of leaves from Duncan WT and leaves from the transgenic line, we inoculated both plant genotypes and quantified bacterial multiplication over a period of eight days. This time course analysis showed that until four days post inoculation (dpi), in planta growth of Xcc306 was almost indistinguishable in Duncan WT and the transgenic line (Figure 3). Yet, at six and eight dpi, the number of colonyforming units that could be recovered from leaves declined in the context of the transgenic line and the inoculated leaf tissue generally showed HR at a later timepoint. By contrast, multiplication of strain Xcc306 continued at six and eight dpi in Duncan WT plants. Notably, the number of colony-forming units recovered at eight dpi from Duncan WT and the transgenic line differed by almost four logs, demonstrating the highly efficient bacterial resistance conferred by the XccTALE-trap. Next, we tested whether the reduced in planta growth of strain Xcc306 in the context of the transgenic line is TALE dependent. To clarify TALE dependence, we used strain Xcc306 and XccD4, an isogenic Xcc306 derivative lacking TALE genes (Hu et al., 2014). Inoculation studies of Duncan WT and the transgenic line with XccD4 revealed that this TALE-depleted Xcc strain multiplied in both plant genotypes to almost identical levels (Figure 3). This observation suggests that the reduction of in planta growth of Xcc306 in the context of the transgenic line is indeed TALE-dependent. We also noted that in Duncan WT plants, growth of XccD4 was reduced relative to growth of Xcc306. The reduced in planta growth of the TALE-depleted mutant XccD4 is in accordance with previous studies where PthA4 and other Xcc TALEs were shown to promote in planta growth of Xcc (Hu et al., 2014). Based on the design of the Xcc-TALE-trap, the observed HR should generally correlate with transcriptional activation of the avrGf2 executor transgene by Xcc-delivered TALE proteins (Figure 1). To test TALE-dependent transcriptional activation of the avrGf2 transgene, we inoculated leaves of the transgenic citrus line with Xcc306, its TALE gene-depleted derivative XccD4 or with inoculation medium. Next, we harvested inoculated leaf tissue at 0, 24, and 48 hours post inoculation (hpi) and determined avrGf2 transcript levels by quantitative reversetranscription PCR (qRT-PCR). qRT-PCR studies showed elevated avrGf2 transcript levels in the transgenic line at 24 and 48 hpi ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2021 (a) Xcc-TALE-trap Apl2 Apl3 PthB PthA* PthA*2 PthAw PthA1 PthA2 PthA3 B3.7 HssB3 PthA 3213 PthC AvrBs3 executor PthA4 promoter trap 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100 bp avrGf2 PthA4 4 1 PthA1 2 PthA2 PthA3 Xcc 306 PthA1 PthA2 PthA3 3 5’UTR PthA4 (b) CDS (c) CsLOB1 PthB PthC PthA4 PthAw PthA*2 PthA* Apl2 PthA 3213 TCTCTATATAAACCCCTTTTGCCTT TCTCTATCTCAACCCCTTT TCTCTATATAACTCCCTTT TATAAACCTCTTTTACCTT TATTTACCACTCTTACCTT TATACACCTCTTTACATTT TATAAATCTCTCTTACCTT TATACACCTCTCTTACT TATAAATCTCTCTTACCTT HssB3 Apl3 PthA1 PthA2 PthA3 B3.7 TACACATTATACCACT TACACACCTCCTACCACCTCTACTT TATATACCTACACTACCT TACACACCTCTTTTAAT TATATACCTACACCCT TATATACCTACACTACACTACCT Figure 1 A promoter trap designed to perceive various X. citri TALE proteins controls transcription of Xanthomonas avrGf2, encoding an effector protein that triggers cell death in grapefruit. (a) Each of the four different Xcc306 TALEs can independently activate the Xcc-TALE-trap. White framed arrows show EBEs along with TALEs which were used to derive these EBEs. To make it easier to address individual EBEs, they are also identified by a simple one-digit code (white font in black circle). Red arrows represent EBEs of CsLOB1-targeting TALEs. Black arrows indicate TALE EBEs whose host target gene is unknown. The yellow oval represents strain Xcc306, which delivers the four TALE proteins shown. Each Xcc306 TALE protein is expected to bind to a complementary high-affinity EBE and induce a transcript ~50 base pairs downstream encoding the cell death inducing AvrGf2 protein (wavy line). The binding of Xcc306 TALEs to complementary EBEs is indicated by a blue background colour. The start sites of TALE-induced transcripts, located ~50 nucleotides downstream of the respective TALE EBEs, are indicated by numbered asterisks. (b) Nucleotide sequences of EBEs designed to capture matching, CsLOB1-targeting TALE proteins. The CsLOB1 promoter (uppermost sequence) and EBEs along with matching TALEs have been incorporated in the promoter trap. (c) Nucleotide sequences of TALE EBEs in the promoter trap whose host target genes are unknown. spray inoculation transgenic wildtype pinprick inoculation transgenic with Xcc306 (Figure 4). By contrast, inoculation of XccD4 or inoculation medium did not induce elevated avrGf2 transcript levels in the transgenic line. In summary, these studies show that the Xcc-TALE-trap is transcriptionally activated by Xcc306 TALE proteins. To determine if in the transgenic line AvrGf2-triggered HR interferes with PthA4-dependent activation of CsLOB1, transgenic and non-transgenic grapefruit were inoculated with Xcc306 or the TALE gene-deleted strain XccD4. Quantification of wildtype Figure 2 Transgenic grapefruit containing a promoter trap driving AvrGf2 expression show resistance to strain Xcc306 when being inoculated by either pinprick inoculation or spray inoculation. Leaves of the transgenic line and wild-type Duncan grapefruit were inoculated with Xcc306 (5 9 108 cfu/mL) containing the TALE proteins PthA1, PthA2, PthA3, and PthA4. Pictures were taken at 12 days post-inoculation (dpi). transcripts at 48 hpi revealed that Xcc306 but not XccD4 induced elevated CsLOB1 levels in both, transgenic and non-transgenic grapefruit (Figure S3). However, the increase in CsLOB1 was lower in the transgenic grapefruit than in the non-transgenic grapefruit, probably as a result of initiation of the HR in the transgenic plant, which is likely to have an inhibitory effect on all biochemical processes, including transcription. In conclusion, we show that both the Xcc-TALE-trap and CsLOB1 are transcriptionally activated by Xcc306 TALE proteins. ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2022 Deepak Shantharaj et al. 9 Xcc306 - WT 8 Log 10 cfu/cm 2 leaf *** 7 n.s. TALE virulence (CsLOB1 activation) XccΔ4 - WT XccΔ4 - transgenic *** TALE avirulence (Xcc-TALE-trap) 6 ** 5 Xcc306 - transgenic 4 3 0 dpi 2 dpi 4 dpi 6 dpi 8 dpi Figure 3 In planta growth of Xcc is inhibited in transgenic Duncan grapefruit plants containing the Xcc-TALE-trap. Bacterial suspensions were adjusted to 105 cfu/mL prior to blunt-end syringe infiltration of wild-type (WT) and transgenic Duncan grapefruit leaves (transgenic). Leaf discs of inoculated tissue were assayed for bacterial populations of depicted Xcc strains at the depicted days post-infiltration (dpi). Values are presented in a line graph with the mean value of three biological replicates (n = 3) and the error bars displaying the calculated standard deviation. Statistical significance on day 8 was determined between the indicated plant and bacterial genotype combinations using a Student’s t-test, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, n.s.P > 0.05, no significance. Differences of in planta growth observed for the two studied Xcc strains are caused either by differences TALE-dependent virulence activity (Xcc306 vs. XccD4 in WT host) or TALE-dependent avirulence activity (Xcc306 in WT vs. Xcc306 in transgenic). relative avrGf2 expression / mock 60 50 40 30 20 a a a a a a a b a 10 0 Mock Xcc 306 Xcc Δ4 Mock 0 hpi X cc 306 24 hpi Xcc Δ4 Mock Xcc 306 Xcc Δ4 48 hpi Figure 4 Analysis of the transgenic grapefruit line shows that the executor gene avrGf2 is transcriptionally activated by the Xcc306 wild-type strain but not by a derived mutant strain (XccD4) lacking pthA14. avrGf2 transcript levels were quantified by quantitative reverse-transcription real-time PCR. avrGf2 expression was quantified at 0, 24, and 48 hours post-inoculation (hpi) with either Xcc306 (5 9 108 cfu/ml), its mutant derivative XccD4 (5 9 108 cfu/mL) or inoculation medium (mock). avrGf2 transcript levels were normalized to Ef1a expression and relative to mock treatment. Data are presented in a bar graph with the mean value of two biological replicates (n = 2) and error bars displaying the calculated standard deviation. Statistically significant groups (P < 0.01) are indicated with lower case letters calculated according to one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey HSD post hoc test. The Xcc-TALE-trap is triggered by Xcc- but not by Xoo-TALE proteins To clarify whether each of the four Xcc306 TALE proteins can trigger the Xcc-TALE-trap, we studied the TALE-depleted Xcc306 derivative XccD4 and corresponding transconjugants containing the TALE genes pthA1, pthA2, pthA3, pthA4, or avrBs3. As anticipated, inoculation of the TALE-depleted strain XccD4 did not trigger HR in Duncan WT leaves nor in leaves of the transgenic line, demonstrating that Xcc-TALE-trap activation is TALE-dependent (Figure S4). By contrast, each of the XccD4 transconjugants carrying the individual TALE genes pthA1, pthA2, pthA3, pthA4, or avrBs3, triggered HR in the transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap but not in leaves of Duncan WT plants. These findings demonstrate that each of the Xcc306 TALEs as well as the Xeu TALE AvrBs3 is sensed by and activates transcription of the Xcc-TALE-trap. Given that all tested Xcc306 TALEs and AvrBs3 were recognized by the Xcc-TALE-trap, we wondered if other TALEs, for which matching EBEs were not incorporated in the trap promoter, would also activate the XccTALE-trap. To study recognition specificity of the Xcc-TALE-trap, we used XccD4 transconjugants carrying the TALE genes pthXo1, pthXo6, or avrXa7 that were originally identified in the rice pathogen X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Notably, these three Xoo ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2023 TALEs differ in their DNA binding preference from Xcc TALEs and therefore are not expected to trigger the Xcc-TALE-trap. Indeed, inoculation of the XccD4 transconjugants carrying the TALE genes pthXo1, pthXo6, or avrXa7 did not trigger HR in the transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap (Figure S5), suggesting that our promoter trap recognizes TALE proteins specifically from Xcc. The Xcc-TALE-trap mediates broad-spectrum resistance to Xcc strains The Xcc-TALE-trap was engineered using a spectrum of 14 sequenced Xcc TALE proteins for which corresponding EBEs were deduced by the TALE code and integrated into the promoter trap (Figure 1). Given that characterized Xcc strains typically contain several TALEs, we speculated that the XccTALE-trap would possibly mediate resistance to a broad range of Xcc strains. To test the recognition spectrum of the Xcc-TALEtrap, we studied a panel of 10 distinct Xcc strains that originate from countries across four different continents (South America, North America, Asia, and Oceania) and that likely cover at least some genetic diversity observed within Xcc (Table S1). While the TALE gene repertoire of these strains is unknown, Southern analysis using the Xcc306 PthA4 gene as a probe showed that all strains in this collection contain TALE genes (Figure S6) and should therefore activate the Xcc-TALE-trap. In our infectionbased studies of the Xcc collection, we included the wellcharacterized strain Xcc306, and the derived TALE-depleted strain XccD4 as positive and negative controls respectively. The panel of Xcc strains was inoculated into Duncan WT plants, as well as the transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap, using syringe infiltration as well as pinprick inoculation (Figure 5). When using syringe infiltration, all Xcc strains except XccD4 triggered HR in the transgenic line, but not in Duncan WT plants. When using pinprick inoculation, the severity of diseaseassociated pustules on Duncan WT showed some variation across the strains and was not evident in the transgenic line. Overall, our findings suggest that the Xcc-TALE-trap mediates broad-spectrum resistance to CBC. 50 RACE studies suggest that TALE proteins bind preferentially to TALE-code predicted EBEs The promoter of the Xcc-TALE-trap contains 14 tandemarranged EBEs designed to capture Xcc TALEs with distinct DNA-binding specificity (Figure 1). However, it remains unclear whether or not the different Xcc-delivered TALEs in a native infection scenario exclusively or at least preferentially target the TALE code predicted EBEs. This raises the question of how to determine which of the tandem-arranged EBEs in the Xcc-TALEtrap in fact captures a given TALE protein. Numerous studies have shown that the transcriptional start site (TSS) of TALEinduced transcripts is generally ~50 nucleotides downstream of € mer the targeted EBE (Antony et al., 2010; Kay et al., 2007; Ro et al., 2007, 2009a,b; Streubel et al., 2017). Accordingly, the TSS of a TALE-induced transcript can be used to identify a corresponding TALE-binding EBE in the promoter trap. To clarify which of the 14 tandem-arranged EBEs in fact interacts with matching TALEs, we studied five TALEs for which TALE-code predicted, perfect-match EBEs (pEBEs) had been incorporated into the promoter trap: AvrBs3 a TALE from the tomato and pepper pathogen Xeu, as well as PthA1, PthA2, PthA3, and PthA4, four TALEs from the citrus-infecting strain Xcc306. To study TALE-EBEs interactions for the Xcc-TALE-trap, XccD4 transconjugants containing either avrBs3, pthA1, pthA2, pthA3, or pthA4 were inoculated into the transgenic Duncan grapefruit line. Two dpi, RNA was extracted from inoculated leaf tissues and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) was carried out. PCR-amplified avrGf2 transcripts were cloned and sequenced to determine TSSs for each of the five Xcc-delivered TALEs. Inspection of the executor transcript 50 ends induced by the five studied TALEs uncovered for all TALEs corresponding transcripts starting sites ~50 nucleotides downstream of their pEBEs (Figure 6; Figure S7). For two of the five TALEs that were studied, AvrBs3 and PthA3, the majority of TSSs were ~50 nucleotides downstream of their designated pEBEs, which corroborates TALE-code predictions. Since the TSSs for most of the PthA1-, PthA2-, and PthA4-induced transcripts were not ~50 nucleotides downstream of their designated pEBE, we assumed that some TSSs could be explained by sequences in the promoter that are highly sequence related to the designated pEBEs. To test this hypothesis, we scanned the promoter sequences located ~50 bp upstream of the observed TSSs using the TARGET FINDER algorithm (Doyle et al., 2012) to identify ‘second best’ EBEs (sEBEs) for the given TALEs. Indeed, TARGET FINDER uncovered for both PthA1 and PthA4 such sEBEs that are in accordance with the observed TSSs. For example, 15 of the 19 PthA1-induced transcripts start ~50 bp downstream of the B3.7-EBE (EBE5) which differs from the PthA1-pEBE (EBE8) in only two out of 18 nucleotides. Similarly, the TSSs of six of the eight PthA4-induced transcripts starts ~50 bp downstream of the PthA3213-EBE (EBE3), which differs from the PthA4-pEBE (EBE15) in only two out of 18 nucleotides. While for four out of five TALEs, the majority of observed TSSs could be explained by the TALE code, the situation was different for PthA2. With PthA2, only five of 17 TSSs were ~50 nucleotides downstream of its pEBE (EBE7), and the remaining 12 TSSs could not be explained by TALE-code predictions. In summary, most observed TALE-induced executor transcripts can be explained by interaction of the TALEs with code predicted pEBEs or sequence-related sEBEs. Newly evolved Xcc TALEs transcriptionally activate the Xcc-TALE-trap The Xcc-TALE-trap contains pEBEs corresponding to eight Xcc TALEs that are known to transcriptionally activate the diseasepromoting CsLOB1 gene, including PthA4 from strain Xcc306 (Figure 1). Recent studies uncovered that PthA4 derivatives with mutated DNA binding domains that are incapable of activating CsLOB1, rapidly evolve to regain the capability to transcriptionally activate CsLOB1 (Teper and Wang, 2021). While the DNAbinding domain of these PthA4-derived eTALEs and the wildtype PthA4 protein differ, the eTALEs indeed share high similarity in the RVD composition of their DNA binding repeat arrays with PthA4 (Figure S8). To clarify if the PthA4-derived eTALEs dTALELB2A1, dTALELB2A2, dTALELB3A, dTALELB5A, and their progenitor dTALEWTLOB1 would be captured by EBEs in the Xcc-TALE-trap that were designed to trap wild-type PthA4 protein (EBE15), we delivered the TALEs into transgenic Duncan grapefruit via Xcc and carried out RACE as previously described. Analysis of TSSs showed that three out of four eTALEs (dTALELB2A1, dTALELB3A, and dTALELB5A) and their progenitor dTALEWTLOB1 bound to the PthA4 pEBE (EBE15) of the XccTALE-trap. dTALELB2A1, dTALELB5A, and dTALEWTLOB1 induced additional transcripts that indicated interaction of these PthA4 derivatives with the PthA3213-EBE (EBE3) (Figure 7), as was the case for the wild-type PthA4 protein (Figure 6). By ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2024 Deepak Shantharaj et al. (a) 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 6 6 3 7 Xcc Δ4 Xcc 306 Xcc A44 Xcc 2004-00059 (Florida) Xcc 46 (India) Xcc 82 (Japan) 2 1 Tr ans ge nic 8 WT 9 7 8 10 9 11 12 10 11 Xcc101 (Guam) Xcc106 (Australia) Xcc 111 (China) Xcc126 (Korea) Xcc131 (Maldive) Xcc257-2 (Thailand) 12 (b) WT 1 2 Xcc Δ4 Xcc 306 1 2 3 4 Xcc A44 Xcc 2004-00059 (Florida) 3 4 5 6 Xcc 46 (India) 7 8 Xcc 82 (Japan) 5 6 Xcc101 (Guam) Xcc106 (Australia) 7 8 9 10 Xcc 111 (China) Xcc131 (Maldive) 9 10 11 12 Xcc126 (Korea) Xcc257-2 (Thailand) 11 12 Tr ans genic Figure 5 A transgenic Duncan line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap mediates recognition to a broad panel of Xcc strains. Leaves of either Duncan wild-type (WT) or a transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap (transgenic) were infected with a panel of depicted Xcc strains (5 9 108 cfu/mL) using infiltration (a) or pinprick inoculation (b). Pictures were taken at 4 (a) or 12 (b) dpi. contrast, the TSSs of dTALELB2A2-initiated transcripts could not be associated with Target Finder-predicted upstream EBEs. In summary, three out of four of the PthA4-derived eTALEs (dTALELB2A1, dTALELB3A and dTALELB5A) showed interactions with EBEs of the Xcc-TALE-trap that were similar to the progenitor TALE PthA4. ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2025 3 2 1 P1 AvrBs3 HssB3 4 6 PthA 3213 B3.7 5 7 PthC PthA1 PthA2 PthA3 PthAw PthA*2 PthB PthA* Apl3 PthA4 Apl2 8 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 avrGf2 5’ upstream sequence 900 800 700 600 best possible score score 10.88 [bps:4.86] PthA1 - B3.7 7 TALE EBE executor gene 500 400 300 distance EBE 3’ - TSS 200 100 1 3 5 7 50 9 11 13 PthA1 B3.7 15 17 4.86 [bps:4.86] PthA1 - PthA1 19 50 1 3 5 7 9 3.30 [bps:3.30] PthA2 - PthA2 3.22 [bps:3.22] PthA3 - PthA3 11 50 13 15 17 1 50 5 7 PthA4 PthA 3213 4.95 [bps:4.53] PthA4 - PthA4 3 10.20 [bps:4.53] PthA4 - PthA 3213 50 1 3 5 7 50 11.05 [bps:4.39] AvrBs3 - AvrBs3 50 1 3 2 4 6 8 10 PthA1 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 PthA2 12 14 16 2 4 6 PthA3 8 2 4 PthA4 6 8 2 4 AvrBs3 Figure 6 50 RACE studies suggest that TALEs do not bind exclusively to the highest affinity target site of the Xcc-TALE-trap. The grey horizontal bar on top depicts the promoter trap consisting of the avrGf2 executor gene (far right) and the 50 upstream sequence with distinct tandem-arranged EBEs (arrows). Each EBE is labelled with the TALE that was used to deduce this EBE and for simplicity with a number (white font on black background). Horizontal grey and blue lines with numbering on the far right (30 end) represent 50 RACE products with the variable 50 end on the far left. Transcript-inducing TALEs are indicated next to the square brackets on the far right. Vertical grey bars originating from the EBEs indicate the location of the EBEs relative to the 50 transcript ends. Transcripts for which an EBE could be predicted ~50 nucleotides downstream of the 50 transcript end by Target Finder (https://tale-nt.cac. are depicted in blue colour along with the corresponding predicted EBE shown as blue vertical boxes. The score of predicted TALE-EBE combinations is given along with the best possible score (bps) for a given TALE in blue font next to the given EBE. Detailed representative descriptions on TALE-EBE combinations are also given in purple-font text on the uppermost TALE-EBE combination. Yellow boxes show sequence alignments of TALE-code-predicted EBEs and chosen EBEs for PthA1 and PthA4. P1; anchor primer used in 50 RACE studies. Xcc strains (5 9 108 cfu/ml) were inoculated blunt-end syringe infiltration; inoculated tissue for transcript studies was harvested at 48 hpi. The Xcc-TALE-trap mediates resistance to citrus canker in a field study While our laboratory infection studies suggested that the XccTALE-trap would confer resistance to Xcc (Figures 2, 3, and 5), such experiments conducted under laboratory conditions lack the complexity of the situation observed in the field. Therefore, we initiated studies to determine whether the transgenic line outperformed Duncan grapefruit, the progenitor of the transgenic line, under field conditions. Following planting in March 2019, a visual inspection 3 months later in June 2019 revealed no canker symptoms in the transgenic line and very few in the Duncan grapefruit (Table S2). However, inspections after six and nine months in September and December of 2019 revealed moderate to severe disease symptoms on Duncan grapefruit, but not on any of the derived transgenic lines carrying the Xcc-TALEtrap (Table S2). Therefore, our field studies show that transgenic lines carrying the Xcc-TALE-trap provide CBC resistance not only in controlled laboratory infection assays but also under agronomically relevant field conditions. Discussion Towards cisgenic canker-resistant citrus plants We established and characterized a transgenic citrus plant containing the Xcc-TALE-trap, a synthetic executor type R gene designed to trigger HR in host cells upon perception of Xcc TALE proteins. The transgenic citrus line established in this study is based on previously published work in which a promoter trap for Xcc TALE proteins was analysed by transient expression rather ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2026 Deepak Shantharaj et al. B3.7 HssB3 PthA 3213 PthC AvrBs3 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 P2 PthA1 PthA2 PthA3 PthAw PthA* PthA*2 Apl3 PthB PthA4 Apl2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 avrGf2 executor gene 5’ UTR 600 7.65 [bps:5.45] dTALELB2A1 - PthA4 500 200 100 14.94 [bps:5.45] dTALELB2A1 - PthA 3213 50 400 300 dTALELB2A1 50 dTALELB2A2 50 7.20 [bps:5.00] dTALELB3A - PthA4 8.95 [bps:5.24] dTALELB5A - PthA4 5.54 [bps:5.34] dTALEWTLOB1 - PthA4 dTALELB3A 50 12.49 [bps:5.24] dTALELB5E - PthA 3213 50 50 12.83 [bps:5.34] dTALEWTLOB1 - PthA 3213 50 dTALELB5A dTALEWTLOB1 Figure 7 50 RACE studies suggest that the Xcc-TALE-trap is capable of detecting evolved TALE proteins. For explanations of the graphics, please refer to Figure 6. than in stable transgenic lines (Shantharaj et al., 2017). In this work, the same engineered promoter was used, but a different cell death inducing effector, AvrGf2, was used instead of the previously used AvrGf1 protein. AvrGf1 and AvrGf2 share 45% sequence similarity and both effectors trigger HR in most citrus species, except key lime (C. aurantifolia; Gochez et al., 2015). Quantitative studies revealed that AvrGf2 triggers a stronger HR and mediates a stronger inhibition of in planta growth of Xcc as AvrGf1 (Gochez et al., 2015), possibly suggesting that AvrGf2 is the more potent executor protein. Agrobacterium-mediated transient delivery of ProBs314EBE:avrGf1 and the Xcc-TALE-trap showed that both constructs execute HR in a strictly TALEdependent fashion (Figure S1) (Shantharaj et al., 2017), suggesting that the AvrGf1- and AvrGf2-based executor type R genes are both equally suitable for application in stable transgenic lines. However, we failed to observe transgenic citrus lines for ProBs314EBE:avrGf1 (Shantharaj et al., 2017) while we eventually identified one line containing the AvrGf2-based Xcc-TALE-trap (Figure S2). The low overall transformation success rate might reflect the fact that the transformation of citrus is still challenging (Conti et al., 2021). However, recent studies have shown that transgenic application of the rice executor gene Xa23 leads reduced bacterial growth, probably due to upstream promoters at the specific transgene integration site (Ji et al., 2022). Therefore, the low number of citrus transformants may also be related to the cellular toxicity of executor genes, which are likely to eliminate all transgenic lines with leaky executor transgene expression. Since no executor genes have been identified in citrus plants, we used the bacterial effector gene avrGf2 as a TALE-inducible executor gene in our transgenic citrus lines. While the integration of foreign DNA into plant genomes suffers from low public acceptance (Sharma et al., 2022), it is important to note that transcription of this bacterial transgene was found in planta exclusively after infection with TALE gene carrying Xcc strains (Figure 4). Given the superb resistance of our transgenic line to Xcc infection, it is foreseeable that in plantations containing only transgenic trees, the bacterial avrGf2 gene would not actually be transcribed, which should potentially eliminate or reduce public concerns. Since the rejection of gene editing (GE) approaches in plants by a large part of the public is probably the consequence of a lack of knowledge about the causal relationships between RNA, DNA, and protein, the concept of TALE-activated immunity opens up an opportunity to improve the public’s understanding and appreciation of the nuances of GE technology. If executor genes were available from citrus, they could be used to generate cisgenic, rather than less accepted transgenic, executor type R genes. While a citrus executor has not been cloned as of yet, recent studies resulted in the identification of PthA4AT, a derivative of the Xcc TALE protein PthA4 that triggers HR in citrus (Roeschlin et al., 2019). Notably, PthA4AT derivatives, which due to mutations in their nuclear localization signals do not translocate to the host nucleus, do not trigger HR, ultimately suggesting that PthA4AT transcriptionally activates a to-beidentified citrus executor gene. In summary, these observations suggest that the citrus genome contains executor genes which, once cloned, could serve as modules for the construction of cisgenic executor genes for the transformation of citrus. Mechanistic insights into NLR proteins point to another source of executor genes that have not yet been exploited for executor R gene construction. Upon recognition of microbial effectors, NLR proteins change their conformation from a quiescent to an activated state, which in turn executes immune programmes that typically result in HR. Mutational studies have led to the identification of conserved amino acids that can be manipulated ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2027 to generate autoactive NLR variants that induce immune responses upon translation in the absence of an NLR-activating effector (Maruta et al., 2022). Genes encoding autoactive NLRs are functionally equivalent to the executor genes and could be used for the construction of TALE-inducible R genes. Notably, the recently published citrus genomes (Wu et al., 2022) provide easy access to numerous genes encoding NLRs that could be used as starting materials to deduce autoactive citrus NLRs. We also anticipate that research on cell death in the context of developmental biology will lead to the discovery of previously unknown executors, particularly in plant model species (Nowack et al., 2022). Subsequent identification of orthologous executor genes from crop species will allow us to establish TALE-inducible executor type R genes through a cisgenic rather than transgenic approach in citrus and other crop species that hopefully will no longer raise public concern. Analysis of executor transcript TSSs provides insights into TALE-targeted EBEs in the Xcc-TALE-trap The promoter of our Xcc-TALE-trap is equipped with an arsenal of 14 tandem-arranged EBEs that were designed to have high affinity to one of 14 distinct Xcc-TALEs (Figure 1). Similarly, five and six tandem-arranged EBEs were previously integrated into the promoters of the rice executor R genes Xa10 and Xa27, respectively, in order to extend their recognition capacity for TALE proteins (Hummel et al., 2012; Zeng et al., 2015). A unique feature of the Xcc-TALE-trap is its EBE array and how it addresses functionally related TALEs that target identical or overlapping sequences in the host plant as, for example, PthA4, PthAw, PthA*2, PthA*, Apl2, and PthA 3213 (Figure 1b). Notably, for each of these functionally related TALEs, the EBE array of the Xcc-TALE-trap contains a TALE code-predicted perfect match EBE, rather than a ‘broad spectrum’ EBE that is likely less efficient in detecting all of these functionally related TALEs (Table S3). We reasoned that this arrangement would improve the chances that TALEs with related but distinct DNA-binding preferences would be matched with high-affinity EBEs, potentially improving the sensitivity of the Xcc-TALE-trap. To clarify if Xcc TALEs would bind exclusively to their designated high-affinity pEBE or also to sequence-related EBEs with presumably lower affinity, we studied five distinct TALEs for which matching pEBEs were incorporated in the promoter of the Xcc-TALE-trap. 50 RACE studies indicated that some but not all executor transcripts are initiated by TALEs at their designated pEBE (Figure 6). For example, two out of eight PthA4-induced executor transcripts were initiated ~50 nucleotides downstream of the destined PthA4-EBE (EBE3), while five out of eight executor transcripts were initiated ~50 nucleotides downstream of the PthA3213-EBE (EBE15). Given that these two EBEs differ in only two of 19 nucleotides, it seems plausible that PthA4 can interact with both EBEs. Yet, TALE-code based in silico predictions suggested that PthA4 has a higher affinity to the PthA4-EBE (EBE15; score 4.95) when compared to the PthA3213-EBE (EBE3; score: 10.20) (Figure 6). Therefore, it was counterintuitive that most of the PthA4-induced executor transcripts are initiated from the PthA3213-EBE rather than the PthA4-EBE (Figure 5). The unexpected transcript ratios may be due to technical peculiarities of the RACE approach, where reverse transcription of mRNAs followed by PCR amplification favours the identification of shorter transcripts. For example, PthA3213-EBE- and PthA4-EBEderived RACE products are 539 and 945 nucleotides long, respectively, potentially favouring amplification of short PthA3213-EBE-derived transcripts versus the longer PthA4-EBEderived transcripts. Previously, similar RACE studies have been conducted for a derivative of the rice executor gene Xa27, where the promoter was equipped with six EBEs matching to Xoo and Xoc TALE proteins (Hummel et al., 2012). These RACE studies suggested that six different TALEs, for which designated pEBEs had been integrated into the Xa27 promoter, induced transcripts with mostly identical TSS rather than executor transcripts initiated by each TALE at its designated high-affinity pEBE (Hummel et al., 2012). Similarly, RACE studies for a set of six distinct TALEs, designed to activate the rice OsSULTR3; 6 gene identified only for two of six TALEs transcripts that were initiated ~50 nucleotides downstream of corresponding EBEs (Wang et al., 2017). The discrepancies between our results and those of previously published studies may be explained, at least in part, by the different promoter contexts in which the EBEs were embedded. Alternatively, the studied rice genes might have TALE-dependent next to TALE-independent (leaky) transcription, which could possibly explain why some of the observed transcripts are not initiated from TALE-predicted EBEs. In summary, our RACE-based studies of our Xcc-TALE-trap suggest that TALEs target preferentially code-predicted EBEs to initiate executor transcripts. However, it also seems that RACEbased analysis of TALE-induced executor transcripts with distinct 50 UTRs may not provide a perfect reflection, but rather an approximation of the EBE preferences of a given TALE. The Xcc-TALE-trap provides broad spectrum and potentially durable resistance to CBC When we conceptually designed the Xcc-TALE-trap, the aim was to create an R gene that would mediate both broad spectrum and durable resistance to citrus canker. Indeed, our studies suggest that the Xcc-TALE-trap mediates broad-spectrum resistance since inoculation of a collection of Xcc strains originating from four different continents showed that all strains trigger HR in the transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap, but not in the progenitor cultivar Duncan grapefruit (Figure 5). We also have reason to believe that the Xcc-TALE-trap will be durable based on the observation that most Xcc strains have multiple TALE genes each independently triggering HR (Figures 1 and 3). Therefore, a given Xcc strain must mutate several TALE genes simultaneously to escape detection by the Xcc-TALE-trap. This is in contrast to previously generated EBE-depleted pathogen-resistant plants, where transcriptional activation of a particular S gene via one newly evolved TALE that binds an alternative upstream EBE is likely to be sufficient to regain host compatibility (Nowack et al., 2022). We therefore assume that promoter traps mediating recognition of multiple different TALEs are more likely to confer durable resistance than host S gene derivatives in which the EBEs for single TALEs have been mutated. Given that the TALE DNA-binding domain is known to evolve rapidly (Nowack et al., 2022), we wondered to what extent newly evolved eTALEs from Xcc would be sensed by our Xcc-TALE-trap. Four recently identified eTALEs that evolved in planta from the CsLOB1-activating progenitor PthA4 enabled us to address this question (Teper and Wang, 2021). The DNA binding domains of these eTALEs and their precursor PthA4 are similar but distinct (Figure S8). In this context, it is noteworthy that the Xcc-TALEtrap contains not only a high-affinity pEBE for the PthA4 protein, but also seven additional pEBEs designed to recognize seven native Xcc TALEs (PthB, PthC, PthAw, PthA*, PthA, Apl2 and PthA ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2028 Deepak Shantharaj et al. 3213; Figure 1b) that are predicted to bind the same target region in the CsLOB1 promoter as PthA4 by similar but distinct TALE repeat arrays. We therefore hypothesized that the functional collective of eight sequence-related EBEs in the XccTALE-trap would have a high probability to sense PthA4-derived eTALEs. Indeed, our RACE studies somewhat support this hypothesis since in three out of four cases the eTALE-induced executor transcripts are the consequence of interaction with either the PthA4 pEBE (EBE15) or the sequence-related PthA 3213 pEBE (EBE3; Figure 7; Figures S7 and S8). In summary, our data suggest that TALE traps containing multiple sequence-related EBEs have the potential to sense in planta evolving eTALEs with novel DNA binding domains, thereby conferring more durable resistance to Xcc. We anticipate that future studies will improve our understanding of the evolution of TALE DNA-binding domains and may inspire improved trap designs that better anticipate changes in the TALE DNA-binding domain. In summary, our results suggest that the availability of the TALE code, combined with the mechanistic understanding of the evolution of the TALE DNA-binding domain, makes it possible to construct TALE-specific R genes that confer effective protection not only against currently existing Xcc TALEs, but presumably also against newly evolving TALE proteins. Experimental procedures Construction of the binary vector for citrus transformation Binary vector pTLAB21 containing the Xcc-TALE-trap was modified as follows: avrGf2 gene (Gochez et al., 2015) with SacI site was amplified and ligated into vector pK7Bs314EBE:avrGf1-35Sterminator replacing avrGf1. The Bs3 promoter carrying 14 EBEs was published previously (Shantharaj et al., 2017). The Bs314EBE: avrGf1-35S-terminator was amplified with primers ATCCGG AATTCATATGACATGTTC-TAATAAACGCTCTTTTCT containing EcoRI, NdeI, and reverse primer having EcoRI, ATCCGGAATTCCCAT-GGCATGCTGGCTCCTTCAACGTTGCGG. The amplicon was ligated into pCRTM/GW/TOPO (Life technologies, Carlsbad, California) with EcoRI site. The 35S terminator was amplified with primers GGAATTCCATATGAGTCCGCAAAAATCACCA and GGAATTCCATATGTCACTGGATTTTGGTTT with NdeI site and ligated in front of Bs314EBE. Cloned amplicons were amplified using Advantage HD Polymerase (Clontech, Palo Alto, California). Orientation and sequence was verified by Sanger sequencing. The 35S terminatorProBs314EBE:avrGf2-35S terminator sequence from pCRTM/GW/ TOPO was moved into pTLAB21 with EcoRI site. For plant transformation, Agrobacterium strain EHA101 (C58, rif; pTiBo542DT-DNA, kan) was transformed with plasmid pTLAB21 by electroporation. EHA101 transconjugants were selected on streptomycin 50 mg/mL, kanamycin 50 mg/mL, and rifamycin 25 mg/mL. Transient avrGf2 expression The engineered binary construct with Xcc-TALE-trap was assayed for HR induction transiently by Agrobacterium on intact grapefruit leaves. A suspension of the A. tumefaciens EHA101 harbouring the binary construct was adjusted to OD600 = 0.3 and infiltrated into citrus leaves. Five hours later the infiltrated areas were infiltrated with Xcc306 suspensions adjusted to 5 9 108 cfu/mL. Plants were kept in the growth room at 28 °C, 12 h day/ 12 h night photoperiod and RH of 60% and inspected for HR symptoms. Production of transgenic citrus plants Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Duncan grapefruit was carried out as previously described (Orbovic and Grosser, 2007). Transgenic shoots that sprouted from explants co-incubated with Agrobacterium were selected based on the GFP fluorescence. They were micrografted in vitro onto ‘Carrizo’ citrange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] rootstock and later acclimatized by transferring to sterile soil. Once they reached the height of 25–30 cm, they were moved to the greenhouse and transferred to 15 cm diameter pots to obtain larger shoots. Genomic DNA was isolated from leaves and tested for ProBs314EBE:avrGf2 by PCR. Transgenic plant material that tested positive was multiplied by grafting. Grafted plants were acclimatized in the greenhouse and tested for canker resistance. Plant pathogenicity assays The experiments were conducted in the greenhouse environmental conditions at ambient air temperature at 25 °C day/21 °C night with humidity 60% day/night. Pathogenicity towards Xcc306 was determined by inoculating leaves of transgenic and wild-type Duncan grapefruit by bacterial suspension using four methods: (i) Infiltration assay in which leaves were infiltrated with bacterial suspensions adjusted to 108 cfu/mL and the leaves were observed for HR daily for 4 days. (ii) Population growth assay where bacterial suspension was adjusted to 105 cfu/mL and infiltrated using a hypodermic needle and syringe. Leaf discs of 1 cm2 were harvested at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 days after infiltration with a cork borer and then ground in 1 mL sterile tap water. The homogenate was serially diluted and plated on NA plates. Colonies were counted 48 h after plating. (iii) A leaf pin prick assay was done by placing a drop of bacterial suspension (108 cfu/mL) on the adaxial leaf surface and then the leaf was pinpricked through the drop with a syringe and hypodermic needle. Leaves were inspected for canker lesions at a regular time interval. (iv) A spray inoculation test in which the plants were misted with a bacterial suspension adjusted to 108 cfu/mL and bagged for 48 h. Plants were monitored for a regular period for canker lesion appearance. Quantitative real-time PCR Leaves of transgenic grapefruit carrying the Xcc-TALE-trap were infiltrated with either sterile tap water (mock), or bacterial suspensions (Xcc306 or Xcc306D4) prepared in sterile tap water. Suspensions were adjusted to an OD600 = 0.3 (~5 9 108 cfu/mL). The experiment consisted of two replicates consisting of two leaf discs (1 cm2 leaf tissue), which were collected and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen at 0, 24, and 48 h post-inoculation (h p.i.). Samples were powdered using a 1600 MiniGTM SPEX sample prep machine and RNA was extracted using TRI Reagent (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, Missouri) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Following extraction, RNA samples were treated with DNase (TURBO DNA-freeTM kit; Invitrogen by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts). A total quantity of 600 ng of RNA was used per sample to synthesize cDNA by reverse transcription using the ProtoScript II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, Massachusetts) with the anchored oligo-d(T) primer [d(T)23VN]. Real-time PCR was carried out on a CFX96TM Real-Time System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Berkeley, California) using SsoFastTM EvaGreen Supermix and 2 lL of 1:10 diluted cDNA template. Each experimental sample was replicated three times. Amplicons were subjected to melting ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2029 curve analysis (65–95 °C in 0.5 °C increments). PCR for avrGf2 was accomplished using the primer set qavrGf2F (Table S4). PCR of citrus Ef1a was used as constitutive standard (Table S4). The expression data were analysed by relative quantification normalized to a reference gene using 2DDCT. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends 50 RACE was carried out on transgenic grapefruit inoculated with transconjugants containing individual TALEs or eTALEs. Suspensions were adjusted to an OD600 of 0.3 (5 9 108 cfu/mL). Plants were kept in the greenhouse. For each sample, 2 cm2 leaf discs were collected and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen 48 h after infiltration. Samples were powdered using a 1600 MiniGTM SPEX sample prep machine and total RNA was extracted using TRI Reagent (Sigma Chemical Company) according to manufacturer’s protocol. Following extraction, RNA samples were treated with DNase (TURBO DNA-freeTM kit, Invitrogen by Thermo Fisher Scientific). A total quantity of 1000 ng of RNA was used per sample to synthesis 50 -RACE-ready cDNA using the SMARTer RACE 50 /30 kit (Takara Bio USA, Inc., Mountain View, CA) following the kit protocol. Primary 50 -RACE PCR reactions and nested PCR were accomplished following kit guidelines using avrGf2 gene-specific primers (GSPs) GSP-150, GSP249, and GSP589 (Table S4). RACE products were cloned into the pRACE vector and sequenced using the M13F universal primer. Comparing Xcc-TALE-trap transgenic and nontransgenic Duncan grapefruit under field conditions Nine Xcc-TALE-trap transgenic citrus trees and seven wild-type Duncan grapefruit trees were planted at a USDA facility in Fort Pierce, Florida on 28 March 2019 in a randomized design. Plants were spaced 76 cm apart. Following transplanting of these trees into the field, trees were typically sprayed every 2 weeks for insect control only. Trees were exposed to natural inoculum from citrus canker-infected trees. Trees were rated for disease severity on 5 June, 27 September, and 3 December 2019. The disease severity ratings were based on a scale from 1 to 4 (1: no visible canker symptoms, 2: a few lesions, 3: prevalent lesions on multiple leaves and 4: many lesions on individual leaves and widely distributed on the tree). Statistical analysis of disease ratings at each time point was conducted using the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test in PROC NPAR1WAY of SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Accession numbers The nucleotide sequence of pTLab21, a T-DNA plasmid containing the Xcc-TALE-trap has been deposited at GenBank under the accession number: OQ601558. Acknowledgements We thank the 2Blades Foundation and Citrus Research and Development Foundation for funding this project. The authors thank the Division of Plant Industry, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for providing X. citri strains for this study. ICBR-UF DNA sequencing facility for Sanger sequencing all the engineered clones. We thank all staff of the Core Citrus Transformation Facility at UF-Citrus transformation centre, lake Alfred, Florida. We also thank Prof. Nian Wang (University of Florida) for kindly providing us with in planta developed PthA4 derivatives. DFG grant LA 1338/9-1 has supported the citrus research in the Lahaye laboratory. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. Conflicts of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Author contributions D.S. carried out all experimental work, unless otherwise stated, and prepared the first draft of the article. G.V.M. carried out RACE studies. V.O. carried out the transformation of grapefruit plants. D.H. and P.R. designed the EBE assembly of the Xcc-TALEtrap. D.R.H carried out data and statistical analysis related to Figures 3 and 4; Figure S3 and edited the article. T.L. was involved in the conceptual design of the Xcc-TALE-trap and prepared a revised version of the article figures and text. 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Figure S3 In transgenic grapefruit lines containing the Xcc-TALEtrap, Xcc306 TALE proteins transcriptionally activate both the avrGf2 executor transgene as well as the CsLOB1 endogene. Figure S4 A promoter trap with tandem-arranged EBEs mediates recognition of four distinct TALE proteins from Xcc306. ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License A TALE-trapping promoter confers canker resistance 2031 Figure S5 A transgenic grapefruit line, with a promoter trap, designed to recognize Xcc TAL effectors, does not show HR upon delivery of TAL effectors from X. oryzae pv. oryzae. Figure S6 Xcc strains from different continents all have TALE genes. Figure S7 Location of transcriptional start sites (TSS) of avrGf2 executor transcripts within the Xcc-TALE-trap. Figure S8 Evolved PthA4-derived TALEs transcriptionally activating the CsLOB1 promoter and the Xcc-TALE-trap. Table S1 Collection of Xcc strains of distinct geographical origin that were inoculated into leaves of Duncan grapefruit and a derived transgenic line containing the Xcc-TALE-trap. Table S2 The Xcc-TALE-trap confers resistance to citrus canker in a field study. Table S3 Features of engineered executor R genes. Table S4 List of primers used in this study. ª 2023 The Authors. Plant Biotechnology Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and The Association of Applied Biologists and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 21, 2019–2032 14677652, 2023, 10, Downloaded from by Zhejiang Normal University, Wiley Online Library on [02/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License 2032 Deepak Shantharaj et al.