©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING SOME USEFUL VOCABULARY FROM CAMBRIDGE IELTS 4 Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING con‧front / kənˈfrʌnt / verb [ transitive ] 1 if you are confronted with a problem, difficulty, etc., it appears and needs to be dealt with It was the first time the team had been confronted with a stronger opponent, but they still played well. 2 to try to make someone admit s/he has done something wrong, especially by showing him/her proof I'm afraid to confront her about her drinking. 3 to deal with something difficult or bad in a brave and determined way Sooner or later you'll have to confront your problems . 4 to stand in front of someone, as though you are going to attack him/her She was confronted by two men. a‧larm‧ing / əˈlɑrmɪŋ / adjective very frightening or worrying an alarming increase in violent crime ˈrain ˌforest noun [ countable ] EARTH SCIENCES an area of thick forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in a place where it rains a lot il‧lus‧tra‧tion / ˌɪləˈstreɪʆən / Ac noun [ countable ] 1 a picture in a book ➔ graphic, diagram watercolor illustrations picture , sketch , painting , snapshot , portrait , cartoon , caricature ➔ see Thesaurus box at PICTURE 1 2 an example that helps you understand something or shows the truth of something Saturday's game provided a vivid illustration of how popular soccer has become. viv‧id / ˈvɪvɪd / adjective 1 vivid memories, dreams, descriptions, etc. are so clear that they seem real He had a vivid picture of her in his mind. 2 vivid imagination an ability to imagine unlikely situations very clearly 3 vivid colors or patterns are very bright — vividly adverb me‧di‧a / ˈmidiə / Ac noun [ plural ] all the organizations, such as television, radio, and newspapers, that provide news and information for the public, or the people who do this work the news media The film attracted a lot of media attention . The scandal was widely reported in the media. ➔ MASS MEDIA Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING tu‧i‧tion / tuˈɪʆən / noun [ uncountable ] 1 the money you pay for being taught What is the cost of tuition at a private college? 2 the act of teaching harbour 2 verb [ transitive ] 1 to protect someone by hiding him/her from the police 2 to keep hopes, bad thoughts, or fears in your mind for a long time Ralph harbors no bitterness toward his ex-wife. mis‧con‧cep‧tion / ˌmɪskənˈsɛpʆən / noun [ countable, uncountable ] an idea that is wrong or untrue, but that people still believe It's a misconception that red meat cannot be part of a healthy diet. cur‧ric‧u‧lum / kəˈrɪkyələm / noun ( plural curricula / -kyələ / or curriculums ) [ countable ] all of the subjects that are taught at a school, college, etc. con‧cep‧tu‧al / kənˈsɛptʆuəl / Ac adjective ( formal ) relating to ideas, or based on them, and not yet real The plans are in the conceptual stage. — conceptually adverb er‧ro‧ne‧ous / ɪˈroʊniəs / Ac adjective ( formal ) not correct erroneous statements The information we were given was erroneous. — erroneously adverb wrong , incorrect , inaccurate , misleading , false , fallacious ➔ see Thesaurus box at WRONG 1 ro‧bust / roʊˈbʌst, ˈroʊbʌst / adjective strong and healthy, or not likely to have problems a robust 70-year-old man robust economic growth ab‧sorb‧ing / əbˈsɔrbɪŋ, -ˈzɔr- / adjective so interesting that you do not notice or think about other things an absorbing article interesting , enthralling , engrossing , compelling , gripping , riveting ➔ see Thesaurus box at INTERESTING Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING ac‧ces‧si‧ble / əkˈsɛsəbəl / Ac adjective 1 easy to reach or get into ANT INACCESSIBLE The park is not accessible by road. 2 easy to obtain or use We want a low-cost health care system that is accessible to every citizen. 3 easy to understand and enjoy We tried to make the play more accessible to a young audience by reducing it from its original three hours to ninety minutes. I thought his last book was more accessible. — accessibility / əkˌsɛsəˈbɪləi / noun [ uncountable ] mod‧i‧fi‧ca‧tion / ˌmɑdəfəˈkeɪʆən / Ac noun 1 [ countable ] a small change made in something such as a design, plan, or system We've made a few modifications to the original design. In 2007, a further modification to the system was agreed. 2 [ uncountable ] the act of modifying something, or the process of being modified Modification of a patient's environment can sometimes speed up recovery. re‧fine / rɪˈfaɪn / Ac verb [ transitive ] 1 to make a substance more pure using an industrial process The sugar is refined and then shipped abroad. 2 to improve a method, plan, system, etc. by making small changes to it Refine your analysis as you get more data. re‧fined / rɪˈfaɪnd / Ac adjective 1 made more pure using an industrial process refined flour 2 improved and made more effective a more refined technique 3 polite and well-educated peer 1 / pɪr / noun sb's peer someone who is the same age as another person, or who has the same type of job, rank, etc. Barton has gained the respect of his peers. peer 2 verb [ intransitive ] to look very carefully, especially because you cannot see something well Harris peered into the dark closet. look , glance , peek , peep ➔ see Thesaurus box at LOOK 1 Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING strat‧e‧gy / ˈstræədʒi / Ac noun ( plural strategies ) 1 [ countable ] a planned series of actions for achieving something a strategy for raising funds the company's marketing/business/development strategy Children develop different strategies to learn material such as vocabulary. method , way , approach ➔ see Thesaurus box at METHOD ➔ see Thesaurus box at PLAN 1 2 [ countable, uncountable ] the skill of planning the movements of armies in a war, or an example of this military strategy ˌself-ˈevident adjective clearly true and needing no proof SYN OBVIOUS damp / dæmp / adjective slightly wet, usually in a cold and unpleasant way The house was cold and damp. a damp sponge damp weather — dampness noun [ uncountable ] humid - used to say that the weather, especially hot weather, is slightly wet and makes you uncomfortable humid weather/climate It's unbearably humid. moist - used to say that something, especially food, is slightly wet, especially in a way that seems nice The turkey was moist and tender. moist cake clammy - wet, cold, and sticky in a way that is unpleasant My mother's hand felt clammy. dom‧i‧nant / ˈdɑmənənt / Ac adjective 1 strongest, most important, or most noticeable America's dominant role in international business The dominant male gorilla is the largest in the group. powerful , influential , strong ➔ see Thesaurus box at POWERFUL 2 controlling other people or things, or wanting to do this her husband's dominant behavior 3 BIOLOGY a dominant GENE results in a physical feature even if it has been passed on from only one parent ➔ recessive dom‧i‧nate / ˈdɑməˌneɪt / Ac verb [ intransitive, transitive ] 1 to have power and control over someone or something Five large companies dominate the auto industry. 2 to be the strongest, most important, or most noticeable feature of something The murder trial has been dominating the news this week. — domination / ˌdɑməˈneɪʆən / noun [ uncountable ] Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING hab‧i‧tat / ˈhæbəˌtæt / noun [ countable ] the natural environment in which a plant or animal lives We got a chance to see the gorillas in their natural habitat . in‧dig‧e‧nous / ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs / adjective ( formal ) indigenous plants, animals, etc. have always lived or grown naturally in the place where they are SYN NATIVE These plants are indigenous to the Amazon region. con‧sist‧ent / kənˈsɪstənt / Ac adjective 1 ( approving ) always happening in the same way, or having the same attitudes, quality, etc. ANT INCONSISTENT I've tried to be consistent in applying the rules. 2 containing facts, ideas, etc. that agree with other facts, etc. His story is not consistent with the facts. — consistently adverb consistently good grades i‧den‧ti‧fy / aɪˈdɛn əˌfaɪ, ɪ- / Ac verb ( identified , identifies ) [ transitive ] to recognize and name someone or something The victims were identified as John and Louise Preston. The tests help identify children with reading problems. identify with sb/sth phrasal verb 1 identify with sb to be able to share or understand the feelings of someone else It was easy to identify with the novel's main character. 2 be identified with sb/sth to be closely connected with an idea or organization He will always be identified with the Harry Potter movies. log‧ging / ˈlɔgɪŋ, ˈlɑ- / noun [ uncountable ] the industry of cutting down trees for wood, paper, etc. ˌacid ˈrain noun [ uncountable ] EARTH SCIENCES rain that can damage the environment because it contains acid from factory smoke, waste gases from cars and trucks, etc. ➔ see Topic box at ENVIRONMENT fac‧tor 1 / ˈfæktɚ / Ac noun [ countable ] 1 one of several things that influence or cause a situation The weather could be an important/major/key factor in tomorrow's game. Crime is due to economic/social factors . We liked both houses, but the location was the deciding factor ( = most important factor ) . 2 a particular level on a scale that measures how strong or effective something is Strong north winds mean that the windchill factor will make the temperature seem much lower. 3 MATH a number that divides into another number exactly 3 is a factor of 15. Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING con‧ser‧va‧tion / ˌkɑnsɚˈveɪʆən / noun [ uncountable ] 1 the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests, etc. the conservation of wildlife 2 the controlled use of a limited amount of water, gas, electricity, etc. to prevent the supply from being wasted — conservationist noun [ countable ] ox‧y‧gen / ˈɑksɪdʒən / noun [ uncountable ] CHEMISTRY ( symbol O ) a gas in the air that has no color, smell, or taste, and that all plants and animals need in order to live em‧brace / ɪmˈbreɪs / verb [ transitive ] 1 to put your arms around someone and hold him/her in a caring way Rob reached out to embrace her. hug , cuddle , hold , wrap your arms around sb ➔ see Thesaurus box at HUG 1 2 ( formal ) to eagerly accept ideas, opinions, religions, etc. young men who are embracing Islam — embrace noun [ countable ] in‧com‧pat‧i‧ble / ˌɪnkəmˈpæ əbəl / Ac adjective too different to be able to be accepted, work together well, or have a good relationship The two cellphones use incompatible systems. Results of the two experiments were incompatible. These new scientific facts are incompatible with each other. Tony and I have always been incompatible. — incompatibility / ˌɪnkəmˌpæ əˈbɪlə i / noun [ uncountable ] pre‧dom‧i‧nate / prɪˈdɑməˌneɪt / Ac verb [ intransitive ] to have the most importance, or to be the most in number Democrats predominate in this district. Sometimes, passing tests predominates over the importance of learning. com‧plex 1 / kəmˈplɛks, kɑm-, ˈkɑmplɛks / Ac adjective something that is complex has a lot of different parts and is difficult to understand or deal with complex systems of irrigation a complex issue The technology is highly complex . — complexity / kəmˈplɛksə i / noun [ uncountable ] the increasing complexity of large construction projects complicated , elaborate , convoluted , intricate ➔ see Thesaurus box at COMPLICATED Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING drive 1 / draɪv / verb ( past tense drove / droʊv / , past participle driven / ˈdrɪvən / ) 1 [ intransitive, transitive ] to make a car, bus, etc. move and control where it goes teenagers learning to drive He drives a red Porsche. When you get into a car, you buckle/fasten your seatbelt , then put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the engine . You release the parking/emergency brake , and put the car in drive . You check your mirrors ( = look into them ) before driving onto the street. You press the gas pedal with your foot to make the car accelerate ( = go faster ) . When you turn right or left, you must indicate/put on your turn signals . When you want to slow down, you press the brake (pedal) with your foot. When you park your car, you put the car in park and set/put on the parking brake . 2 [ intransitive, transitive ] to travel in a car or take someone somewhere by car We're driving up/down to Washington this weekend. Would you mind driving me to the airport? After the party, he drove her home . 3 [ intransitive, transitive ] to make people, animals, or an activity move somewhere We were driven indoors by the rain. Large grocery chains drove out the small family-owned stores. 4 [ transitive ] to strongly influence someone to do something What drove him to suicide? 5 drive sb crazy/nuts/insane etc. also drive sb up the wall to make someone feel very annoyed and angry The kids are driving me crazy! 6 [ transitive ] to hit something very hard Barry drove the ball into left field. 7 [ transitive ] to provide the power for a vehicle or machine the motor that drives the propeller drive sb ↔ away phrasal verb to behave in a way that makes someone want to leave you If you keep on drinking, I guarantee you'll drive her away. drive sth ↔ down phrasal verb to make prices, costs, etc. fall quickly drive off phrasal verb 1 if a driver or a car drives off, he, she, or it leaves 2 drive sb/sth ↔ off to force someone or something to go away from you Police used tear gas to drive off the rioters. drive sth ↔ up phrasal verb to make prices, costs, etc. increase conflicting / kənˈflɪk.tɪŋ / adjective describes beliefs, needs, facts, etc. that are different and opposing: conflicting opinions/ideas/advice She was troubled by the conflicting interests (= interests which are difficult to combine) of a career and a family. The jury heard conflicting evidence from three different witnesses. con‧flict 2 / kənˈflɪkt / Ac verb [ intransitive ] if two ideas, beliefs, opinions, etc. conflict, they cannot both be true The new evidence conflicts with the findings from previous studies. We have heard many conflicting opinions on the subject. Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING con‧flict 1 / ˈkɑnˌflɪkt / Ac noun 1 [ countable, uncountable ] angry disagreement between people, groups, countries, etc. a conflict between father and son conflicts over land The two groups have been in conflict with each other for years. 2 [ countable, uncountable ] fighting or a war Armed conflict might be unavoidable. The fighting continues despite efforts to resolve the conflict . war , warfare , fighting , combat , action , hostilities ➔ see Thesaurus box at WAR 3 [ countable, uncountable ] a situation in which you have to choose between opposing things a conflict between the demands of one's work and one's family 4 [ countable ] something that you have to do at the same time that someone wants you to do something else Sorry - I have a conflict Friday. Can we do it on Monday? 5 conflict of interest(s) a situation in which you cannot do your job fairly because you are personally affected by the decisions you make She sold her shares in the company to avoid any conflict of interest. 6 ENG. LANG. ARTS a situation in a book, play, movie, etc. in which different characters or forces oppose each other in a way that causes or influences the action of the story The central conflict in the story is between the boy and his father. a‧re‧na / əˈrinə / noun [ countable ] 1 a building with a large flat central area surrounded by raised seats, used for sports or entertainment A new sports arena is under construction downtown. 2 the political/public/national arena all the people and activities relating to politics or public life More women are entering the political arena. com‧prise / kəmˈpraɪz / Ac verb ( formal ) 1 [ linking verb ] to consist of particular parts The World Trade Organization comprises more than 100 nations. The committee is comprised of eight members. Comprise , be composed of , and consist of can each be used in order to talk about the parts that things are made of, or the things that something contains. Comprise is the more formal word. Each of the following sentences means the same thing, but the patterns are different The United States comprises 50 states. The United States is composed of 50 states. The United States consists of 50 states. 2 [ transitive ] to form part of a larger group Women comprise over 75% of our staff. por‧poise / ˈpɔrpəs / noun [ countable ] a large sea animal, similar to a DOLPHIN , that breathes air Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING ter‧res‧tri‧al / təˈrɛstriəl / adjective 1 EARTH SCIENCES relating to the Earth rather than to the Moon, stars, or other PLANET s 2 BIOLOGY living on or relating to land rather than water grant 1 / grænt / Ac noun [ countable ] an amount of money given to someone by an organization for a particular purpose They have applied for a research grant . a grant from the National Institute of Health grant 2 Ac verb 1 take it for granted (that) to believe that something is true without making sure SYN ASSUME You shouldn't take it for granted that your parents will pay for college. 2 take sb for granted to expect that someone will always be there when you need him/her, and never thank him/her He's so busy with his work that he takes his family for granted. 3 [ transitive ] ( formal ) to give someone something that s/he has asked for or earned, especially official permission to do something The U.S. granted her permission to remain as a refugee. give , award , present ➔ see Thesaurus box at GIVE 1 4 granted (that) used in order to say that something is true, before you say something else about it Granted, he didn't practice much, but he played well anyway. teethe / tið / verb [ intransitive ] if a baby is teething, his/her first teeth are growing -toothed / -tuːθt / suffix with teeth: gap-toothed (= with a space between the top two front teeth) toothless / ˈtuːθ.ləs / adjective (NO TEETH) having no teeth: an ugly toothless old hag e‧volve / ɪˈvɑlv / Ac verb 1 [ intransitive ] to develop and change gradually over a long period of time Did man evolve from apes? Their relationship evolved into a strong friendship. 2 [ transitive ] to develop something gradually In America, we have evolved legal structures to protect people's rights. de‧gen‧er‧ate 1 / dɪˈdʒɛnəˌreɪt / verb [ intransitive ] to become worse The party degenerated into a drunken fight. — degeneration / dɪˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʆən / noun [ uncountable ] Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING ru‧di‧men‧ta‧ry / ˌrudəˈmɛntri, -ˈmɛnəri / adjective ( formal ) very simple and basic a rudimentary knowledge of geometry cap‧tive 1 / ˈkæptɪv / adjective 1 kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave captive animals His son had been taken captive ( = taken and kept as a prisoner ) . 2 captive audience people who listen to or watch someone or something because they have to, not because they want to captive 2 noun [ countable ] someone who is kept as a prisoner, especially in a war prisoner , hostage ➔ see Thesaurus box at PRISONER calf / kæf / noun ( plural calves / kævz / ) [ countable ] 1 the part at the back of your leg between your knee and foot 2 the baby of a cow, or of some other large animals such as an ELEPHANT courtship / ˈkɔːt.ʃɪp / / ˈkɔːrt- / noun [ C or U ] OLD-FASHIONED OR FORMAL the time when people have a romantic relationship with the intention of getting married: They had a passionate courtship and a long, loving marriage. ritual ˈrɪtʃuəl noun [countable/uncountable] 1 a formal ceremony 2 something that you do regularly and always in the same way Their meetings became a weekly ritual. go through/perform a ritual He went through his nightly ritual of locking all the doors. ritual ˈrɪtʃuəl adjective only before noun 1 done regularly and always in the same way, and often boring for that reason the ritual exchange of presents at Christmas time 2 done as part of a ceremony a ritual dance stroke 2 verb [ transitive ] to move your hand gently over something She stroked the baby's face. touch , feel , rub , pet , caress ➔ see Thesaurus box at TOUCH 1 stroke 1 / stroʊk / noun [ countable ] Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING 1 BIOLOGY a sudden illness in which an ARTERY ( = tube carrying blood ) in your brain bursts or becomes blocked Since Tom had a stroke he's had trouble talking. 2 a repeated movement of your arms in a sport such as swimming, or a particular style of swimming or rowing the back stroke 3 an action done to achieve something The change is a bold stroke on the mayor's part. Getting those two to work together was a stroke of genius . He managed to improve his election chances at a stroke ( = with one sudden action ) . 4 stroke of luck something lucky that happens to you 5 a single movement of a pen or brush, or a line made by doing this With a stroke of the pen , the deal was finalized. track 2 verb [ transitive ] 1 to search for a person or animal by following a smell or tracks on the ground We tracked the moose for hours. follow , tail , stalk ➔ see Thesaurus box at FOLLOW 2 to follow the movements of an aircraft or ship by using RADAR 3 to leave mud or dirt behind you when you walk Who tracked mud all over the floor? track sb/sth ↔ down phrasal verb to find someone or something after searching in different places We finally were able to track down her parents. mod‧er‧ate 1 / ˈmɑdərɪt / adjective 1 neither very big nor very small, very hot nor very cold, very fast nor very slow, etc. a moderate temperature Moderate exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease. 2 having opinions or beliefs, especially about politics, that are not extreme and that most people consider reasonable a moderate Republican/Democrat moderate voters in‧ter‧face / ˈɪn ɚˌfeɪs / noun [ countable ] 1 the way a computer program looks on a screen, or the way you type or put information into the program 2 the way two subjects, events, etc. affect each other the interface between Islam and the West con‧trar‧y 1 / ˈkɑnˌtrɛri / Ac noun ( formal ) 1 on the contrary used in order to show that the opposite of what has just been said is actually true We didn't start the fire. On the contrary, we helped put it out. 2 to the contrary showing or saying the opposite In spite of rumors to the contrary, their marriage is fine. contrary 2 adjective Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING 1 completely different or opposite This idea is contrary to Catholic teaching. 2 contrary to popular belief used in order to show that something is true even though people may think the opposite Contrary to popular belief, gorillas are shy and gentle. con‧trar‧y 3 / kənˈtrɛri / adjective deliberately doing or saying the opposite of what someone else wants an extremely contrary child in‧hab‧it / ɪnˈhæbɪt / verb [ transitive ] to live in a particular place The forest is inhabited by bears and moose. in‧hab‧it‧ant / ɪnˈhæbə ənt / noun [ countable ] one of the people who live in a particular place the inhabitants of large cities in‧ten‧si‧ty / ɪnˈtɛnsə i / Ac noun [ uncountable ] the quality of being felt very strongly or of having a strong effect I was surprised by the intensity of his feelings. in‧ten‧sive / ɪnˈtɛnsɪv / Ac adjective involving a lot of activity, effort, or attention in order to achieve something an intensive English course — intensively adverb de‧te‧ri‧o‧rate / dɪˈtɪriəˌreɪt / verb [ intransitive ] to become worse Her health is deteriorating quickly. — deterioration / dɪˌtɪriəˈreɪʆən / noun [ uncountable ] com‧pen‧sate / ˈkɑmpənˌseɪt / Ac verb 1 [ intransitive ] to do something so that something bad has a smaller effect Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience. 2 [ transitive ] to pay someone money because s/he has suffered injury, loss, or damage The firm will compensate workers for their loss of earnings. The fund was set up to compensate victims of the disaster. — compensatory / kəmˈpɛnsəˌtɔri / adjective The court awarded Ms. Jones $2 million in compensatory damages. Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING vo‧cal 1 / ˈvoʊkəl / adjective 1 expressing your opinion strongly or loudly a vocal critic/opponent of the president 2 relating to the voice vocal music — vocally adverb vocal 2 noun [ countable usually plural ] the part of a piece of music that is sung rather than played on an instrument The song has Maria McKee on vocals . a‧cous‧tic / əˈkustɪk / adjective 1 relating to sound and the way people hear things 2 an acoustic musical instrument is not electric an acoustic guitar for‧age / ˈfɔrɪdʒ, ˈfɑr- / verb [ intransitive ] to go to a lot of places searching for food or other supplies animals foraging for food em‧ploy / ɪmˈplɔɪ / verb [ transitive ] 1 to pay someone to work for you The factory employs over 2,000 people. 2 to use a particular object, method, or skill in order to achieve something research methods employed by scientists spec‧trum / ˈspɛktrəm / noun ( plural spectra / -trə / ) 1 [ singular ] a complete or very wide range of opinions, ideas, people, etc. The policy appeals to a wide/broad spectrum of voters. women from across the social spectrum 2 [ countable ] PHYSICS the set of different colors that is produced when light passes through a PRISM haunt‧ing / ˈhɔn ɪŋ, ˈhɑn- / adjective sad, beautiful, and staying in your thoughts for a long time a haunting memory — hauntingly adverb Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING out‧line 1 / ˈaʊt̚laɪn / noun 1 [ countable, uncountable ] the main ideas or facts about something, without all the details Here is an outline of the company's plan. 2 [ countable ] a plan for a piece of writing in which each new idea is separately written down The teacher wants an outline of our essays by Friday. 3 [ countable, uncountable ] a line around the edge of something that shows its shape per‧spec‧tive / pɚˈspɛktɪv / Ac noun 1 [ countable ] a way of thinking about something that is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences Becoming a mother gave Helen a whole new perspective on life. The novel is written from a child's perspective . We are trying to develop a broader perspective on Third World development. 2 [ uncountable ] the ability to think about something sensibly, so that it does not seem worse than it is I think Tony's lost all sense of perspective . You've got to keep things in perspective . 3 [ uncountable ] ENG. LANG. ARTS a method of drawing a picture that makes objects look solid and shows distance and depth the artist's use of perspective lit‧er‧al / ˈlɪ ərəl / adjective the literal meaning of a word or expression is its basic or original meaning ➔ figurative a literal interpretation of the Bible spin 1 / spɪn / verb ( past tense and past participle spun / spʌn / , present participle spinning ) 1 [ intransitive, transitive ] to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this The ceiling fans were spinning. He grabbed Lisa by the arm and spun her around ( = turned her around ) . turn , twist , whirl , twirl , swivel , go around , revolve , rotate ➔ see Thesaurus box at TURN 1 2 [ transitive ] to describe a situation or information in a way that is intended to influence the way people think about it - used especially about what politicians do In the book, he admits his affair but spins it as best he can. 3 [ intransitive, transitive ] to make cotton, wool, etc. into thread by twisting it together 4 sb's head is spinning if your head is spinning, you feel confused or as though you might FAINT ( = become unconscious ) 5 be spinning your wheels ( informal ) to continue trying to do something without having any success 6 [ transitive ] if an insect spins a WEB or a COCOON , it produces thread and makes it 7 spin a tale/yarn/story to tell a story that you have invented spin (sth ↔) off phrasal verb to make part of a company into a separate company, or to become a separate company The company may spin off its engineering division. Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING spin 2 noun 1 [ countable, uncountable ] an act of turning around quickly the spin of the wheel 2 [ singular, ncountable ] POLITICS the way someone, especially a politician, talks about information or a situation, in order to influence the way people think about it ➔ spin doctor A spokesman tried to put a positive spin on the report. political spin control ( = the attempt to control the way people think about an event ) 3 [ singular ] ( informal ) a short trip in a car for pleasure trace 1 / treɪs / Ac verb [ transitive ] 1 to study or describe the history, development, or origin of something He traced his family history (back) to the 17th century. 2 to copy a picture by putting a thin piece of paper over it and drawing the lines that you can see through the paper ➔ see Thesaurus box at DRAW 1 3 to find someone or something that has disappeared Police are still trying to trace the missing child. find , locate , track sb/sth down ➔ see Thesaurus box at FIND 1 4 to find out where a telephone call is coming from, using electronic equipment Police were able to trace the call to an apartment in Brooklyn. — traceable adjective Drug smugglers do not want the money to be traceable. trace 2 noun 1 [ countable, uncountable ] a sign that someone or something has been in a place We found no trace of them on the island. He disappeared without a trace ( = completely ) . 2 [ countable ] a very small amount of a substance, quality, emotion, etc. that is difficult to notice There was a trace of poison in the glass. a trace of sorrow in his voice curve 1 / kɚv / noun [ countable ] 1 a line or shape that bends like part of a circle a sharp curve in the road ➔ see picture at BENT 2 2 a method of giving GRADE s based on how a student's work compares with other students' work The test will be graded on a curve . curve 2 verb [ intransitive, transitive ] to bend or move in the shape of a curve, or to make something do this a golf ball curving through the air — curved adjective — curvy adjective a‧back / əˈbæk / adverb be taken aback to be very surprised or shocked I was taken aback by her criticism. Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING schol‧ar / ˈskɑlɚ / noun [ countable ] someone who studies a subject and knows a lot about it schol‧ar‧ly / ˈskɑlɚli / adjective 1 relating to the serious study of a particular subject a scholarly journal 2 someone who is scholarly spends a lot of time studying, and knows a lot about a particular subject schol‧ar‧ship / ˈskɑlɚˌʆɪp / noun 1 [ countable ] an amount of money that is given to someone by an organization to help pay for his/her education a football/music/academic, etc. scholarship Michael got a scholarship to college. 2 [ uncountable ] the knowledge, work, or methods used in serious studying Burns's book is a work of great scholarship. virtually / ˈvɜː.tju.ə.li / / ˈvɝː- / adverb (ALMOST) B2 almost: Their twins are virtually identical. That wine stain on my shirt has virtually disappeared. ren‧di‧tion / rɛnˈdɪʆən / noun [ countable ] the way that a play, piece of music, art, etc. is performed or made a powerful rendition of “America the Beautiful” Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC Quality IELTS courses! S.M.A.R.T Call and join our team now! - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC Quality IELTS courses! S.M.A.R.T Call and join our team now! - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING +99897 252 3100 ©SMART TEACHING CENTRE – STC S.M.A.R.T - SPEEDY MODERN AND RESOLUTE TEACHING SOME USEFUL VOCABULARY FROM CAMBRIDGE IELTS 4 Quality IELTS courses! Call and join our team now! +99897 252 3100