Uploaded by Afifa Shefa

English Article

Our City – A Tourist Hotspot?
By: Afifa Shefa
Journalist, Reader’s digest
10 January 2024
In a dimly lit corner of a once-cozy restaurant, a sad incident unfolded,
shedding light on a growing gap between tourists and locals. As a local
journalist who witnessed the events, it's crucial to share the story and
reflect on the changing relationship between visitors and residents.
The evening started with two businessmen celebrating a deal when a
young boy tried to steal a wallet. The waiter intervened, revealing a kid
who seemed to have a tough life. The atmosphere in the restaurant was
tense, showing the resentment towards tourists.
The discontent among tourists is reciprocated, with the city losing its
charm to aggressive vendors, persistent beggars, and opportunistic
buskers, all targeting visitors for money.
The incident in the restaurant reflects the widening gap between
tourists and locals. The charm that defined the city is fading, replaced
by mutual disrespect. Tourists' complaints highlight a broader issue of
cultural erosion.
To rebuild respect, both tourists and locals must talk. Responsible
tourism and efforts by locals to preserve their identity can create a
harmonious coexistence. Our city doesn't have to be a battleground; it
can be a place where different worlds meet with understanding,
enriching each other.