Uploaded by Rica Jimenez Mendoza


Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
Name:___________________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion in a Narrative
English 4, Quarter 4 – Week 3
Learning Competency with code/Kasanayang Pampagkatuto at koda
Distinguish between fact and opinion in a narrative (EN4RC-III-36)
Background Information for Learners
Fact- is a true statement. It is a thing or an event that really happened or existed. It can
be proven by means of observation and experience.
Rodrigo R. Duterte is the President of the Philippines.
Wild animals live in the forest.
Opinion- is a view or guess which may or may not be true. It is a feeling or attitude. Clue
words like think. Believe, feel, must be, must, probably, seems, and often signal an
The dogs are said to be the mans’ best friend.
Peter feels that somebody is embracing him.
Activity 1
Directions: Read the paragraph carefully. Underline the sentence that states the fact.
Everyone should try to save and recycle waste paper. Waste paper can be used instead of
trees to make newspaper. Making paper from waste paper uses less energy and causes
less pollution. Recycling also saves land that would have been used for waste disposal.
Therefore it is best to recycle.
1. Tarsiers can be found in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines, they are
in the islands of Samar, Leyte, and Bohol. They live in trees and in the roots of plants like
bamboo. It is believed that they are one of the smallest primates; it is no larger than an
Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
adult man’s hand. A tarsier has brown and gray fur covering its body. Its hind legs and
feet are elongated. It has big round eyes. It sleeps during the day and finds food at night.
It eats many insects.
2. The brightest sports star who brought a great honor to our country is Paeng
Nepomuceno. He is the top male bowler that has made it to the Guinness Book of World
Records. He is the only bowler whose world record includes four wins in the world
championships. The last world championship that he bagged was held in Castlereagh,
North Ireland, in 1996. It was in Baguio City where Paeng began as a bowling legend. It
was his own father who discovered his skill. Paeng was very young then. They were playing
golf at Camp John Hay where they are taking a short vacation. Suddenly it rained. They
found themselves whiling away the time inside a bowling alley. Paeng had a new good
game that led to more and greater one.
Activity 2
Directions: Read the paragraph carefully. Underline the sentence that states an opinion.
1. My mother gave me a new cell phone. She gave it to me on my birthday. She bought it
from Korea. I was so happy when I received it. I showed it to my friends in school the
following day. They told me, perhaps it was the latest model from Korean Company. I really
liked my new cellphone.
2. Here we go again, I thought, the first day of fourth grade I always got a little nervous on
the first day of school. I knew a lot of kids who would be my classmates and I had heard
that the teacher was nice. There would still be a lot of new things, though. We would have
new rules and new routines, new information in all subjects to learn in all subject areas.
Maybe they moved the classes to different rooms. It was exciting too, but that didn’t mean
I wasn’t nervous.
3. On a sunny Sunday morning, the man looked at his neighbor’s fertile, dark, green lawn
and then at his own dead grass and dried soil. As he watered it he uttered to himself “I
wish mine were as lush as his; I would gladly cut it every Sunday”.
Activity 3
Directions: In the passages below identify 1 to 2 sentences that express a fact and opinion.
Write them on the lines provided for.
1. Nica went to the zoo with her parents on Saturday. It took them an hour to get there
because there was a lot of traffic. She had lots of fun looking at all of the animals. The
birds are so really cute. They even have a chance to see the elephant and giraffe during
feeding time. Perhaps Nica enjoyed much in the zoo. On the drive home, Nica fell asleep.
She wanted to lay down because she was tired.
Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
2. I am a dog lover. It is better to have a pet dog than a cat. I believe this because dogs
love to play, and I do too. Dogs love to run and play fetch. You can throw a ball, and a dog
brings it back. Also, dogs can go running with you. Since I love to run a dog would be a
great pet for me. Another reason I think is because dogs can protect you. They have a
strong, loud bark that can scare someone if they need to. As you can clearly see, I believe
dogs are better pets than cats.
3. The second graders climb onto the school bus that would take them on their field trip.
All of the students fit on one bus. Mr. Ray was the bus driver. He is the best bus driver
ever. Since there were only second graders on the bus, they could sit in any seat. ”I got
the back seat!” shouted Zac. “It is too bumpy back there,” said Rayne. Everyone should
get a window seat, “said Oliva.
4. Baking cookies takes less than an hour. First you need to add 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup
sugar, 2 cups chocolate chips, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla to a mixing
bowl. Next you stir the ingredients together until they are completely combined. Preheat
the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Put a spoonful of cookie batter an inch apart onto a
Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
greased cookie sheet. Bake for about 10 minutes or until the cookies are light brown at
the edges. Baking cookies every day I think is very easy and enjoyable.
5. Reading is the most important subject in school. Studies show that students who read
outside the school outperform their classmates on standardized tests.
Lesson Guides in Elem. English 4 pp.161-162 www.education .com, English For You and Me 4 TX pp.117 Fun in English 4 TX pp.69,172
Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
Answer Key
Activity 1
1. They believe it as one of the smallest primates; it is no larger than an adult man’s
2. He is the top male bowler that has made it to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Activity 2
1. They told me, perhaps it was the latest model from Korean Company.
2. Here we go again, I thought, the first day of fourth grade I always got a little nervous
on the first day of school.
3. As he watered it he uttered to himself, “I wish mine were as lush as his; I would gladly
cut it every Sunday.”
Activity 3
1. Fact:
Nica went to the zoo with her parents on Saturday. It took them an hour to get there
because there was a lot of traffic.
Perhaps Nica enjoyed much in the zoo. On the drive home, Nica fell asleep. She wanted
to lay down because she was tired.
2. Fact: I am a dog lover. It is better to have a pet dog than a cat.
They have a strong, loud bark that can scare someone if they need to.
It is better to have a pet dog than a cat. I believe this because dogs love to play, and I do
3. Fact:
The second graders climb onto the school bus that would take them on their field trip.
All of the students fit on one bus.
Mr. Ray was the bus driver. He is the best bus driver ever.
Baking cookies takes less than an hour. First you need to add 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup
sugar, 2 cups chocolate chips, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla to a
mixing bowl.
Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet
Baking cookies every day I think is very easy and enjoyable.
5. Fact:
Studies show that students who read outside the school outperform their classmates on
standardized tests.
Reading is the most important subject in school.
Prepared by:
Rica J. Mendoza
Teacher I
Amadeo Elementary School – Amadeo District