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Chapter 5 -Hadith 2, 3, 4

Chapter 5
Major Teachings in Hadith of the Holy Prophet [SAW]
Hadith - 2, 3, 4
Part-a: Describe the teachings about what Muslims believe.
Part-b: Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.
Part (a): Teachings of the Hadith
o Introduction:
Title of Hadith (Main topic)
Part (b): Implementation of the Hadith
o Lessons/ Practical
How the teachings in this hadith
Category: Individual/Community life
o Teachings/Message/Beliefs:
can be applied to our lives.
o Historical/Modern day example
o Effects: What advantages would
Teachings it contains regarding
that have for the community &
what Muslims believe.
individual? (If any)
o Relevant reference of
o Reference of Quran or Hadith
related to the same topic
General Guidelines
➢ Students are required to identify and refer
the teachings of the hadith from translation
to attempt part a.
➢ Students must not paraphrase the hadith
translation in part b instead they are
required to explain it.
➢ First, the title and type of hadith must be
mentioned and then explanation of the
➢ Students must not use the key words like
‘should’ and ‘must’ in part (a) at all.
➢ Reference should not be irrelevant to the
➢ Students are required to mention the
Practical application of hadith in part (b).
➢ effect or benefits (if any) should be
➢ Use of words such as ‘should and ‘must’
required to be added in part (b) only, along
with lesson learnt or currents examples.
mentioned according to the type of hadith
(individual or communal)
Possible Opening Sentences of part (a) and part (b)
Part (a)
✓ This hadith is related to ……
✓ This Hadith demonstrates……
✓ This Hadith explains…….
✓ This hadith stresses upon the
significance of ……
✓ This hadith addresses Muslims and
highlights the…
✓ This hadith describes …
✓ This hadith brings out the importance
✓ In this hadith Prophet (SAW) has
instructed the Muslims to …….
✓ This hadith provides excellent
guidelines for the Muslims about…..
✓ This hadith teaches the believers to …..
Part (b)
✓ Muslims can put the teachings of this hadith into
practice by……….
✓ The teachings of this hadith contain
important lessons for Muslims today……….
✓ This hadith inspires believers to….
✓ This hadith URGES Muslims to….
✓ The hadith emphasizes on……….
✓ This hadith urges every human being to----Effects:
✓ Adherence to this Hadith will develop
✓ If Muslims put the teachings of this Hadith
into practice, then………….
✓ The Practice will lead to……….
✓ This practice will strengthen the
Hadith 3: Importance of Speech and Social Ethics in Islam
Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who
believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes in Allahand
the Last Day be generous to his guest.
Part-a: Describe the teachings of Hadith about what Muslims believe.
It is a communal hadith about the Importance of Speech and Social Ethics in Islam.
Good Speech
This hadith stresses on the importance of good manners that one must adopt to
become an ideal Muslim, and a true believer. It highlights the importance of good
speech, as the tongue is an easy means of earning good deeds, as the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
said, “Good speech is charity.” The hadith explains that if one does not use the
tongue for earning good deeds, it is incumbent to remain silent, to avoid gossiping,
back biting, using bad language or abusive words.
Rights of Neighbours
The hadith also stresses on the importance of the rights of neighbours. The
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Jibreel kept advising me to be good to neighbours until I
thought he would make them my inheritors.” Muslims are encouraged to honor
their neighbours, show respect to them, and be generous with them in every way
possible whether financially, physically, or otherwise.
Generosity towards Guests
This hadith also draws the attention towards the importance of honoring one’s
guests and being generous with them, in all ways determined by norms. The
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “When a guest comes to someone’s home, he comes with his
own sustenance and when he leaves his home, due to him the sins of the
host are forgiven.”
Conclusion: The teachings of this hadith serve as an encouragement to strive to
be the best Muslim because every single aspect of Muslims life will be questioned
on the Day of Judgment, including how they treated others. Therefore, all the good
conducts mentioned in the hadith are associated with Iman.
Title and category
of the hadith must
be mentioned first
as an introduction.
Teachings of the
hadith must be
explained according to
the translation in
Add relevant reference
from Quran & Hadith
Add conclusion
Part-b: How do Muslims put these teachings into actions?
Actions/Practical Implementation:
In this hadith Muslims can learn not only the sign of firm belief but also the social
ethics. Belief in Allah and the Last Day is the basis of all goodness.
Muslims must implement the teachings of this hadith daily affairs. Many rewards
can simply be earned by remaining silent in situations where person can show
anger, gossip or show hatred.
Current Example: Muslims must avoid every kind of inappropriate conversation
because such acts can lead us to hell fire easily. We must refrain from: spreading
rumours, especially those that will cause harm to the community, by slandering,
back-biting, sarcasm and making fun of others as this is one of the most common
social ills today.
Rights of Neighbours
Muslims should treat their neighbours with kindness and help them in times of
need and difficulty.
Current example: Now adays, technology is so advanced that people have no
time to get socialized with neighbour instead people prefer to get engaged on
phones. We should be patient with our neighbour even if they cause annoyance
to us. As per the advice of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, when we cook something, we must send
some to your neighbour as well.
Opening sentence
implementation and
teachings of hadith
along with historical
and current examples.
Generosity towards Guests
Muslims can learn about the best way of hospitality by the sunnah of the prophets
and the example set by his companions. One of the Ansari companions was
praised by Allah due to his generous hospitality when he himself starved without
letting his condition exposed to his guest. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬informed him, “Allah
was pleased with what you did last night.”
Current Example: Guests should be treated nicely and with generosity. It is
demonstrated in many ways like making guests comfortable and presenting meal
to the guests etc
Effect: Following this hadith in daily life, will have positive impact on unity of
Muslims and will surely result in attaining the pleasure of Allah in the Hereafter as
Mention the outcome or
effect of the
implementation of the
Hadith 2: Significance of Brotherhood in Islam
None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.
Part-a: Describe the teachings of Hadith about what Muslims believe.
This is a communal hadith that mentions the significance of brotherhood in Islam with the concept of equality.
This hadith stresses on the importance of brotherhood in Islam by considering it a sign of Iman. It explains that
until a Muslim does not develop feelings of brotherhood and love for his Muslim brother, his faith will be
considered weak and incomplete. This concept of brotherhood is promoted in other texts as well, as Allah says
in the Quran, “Believers are but a single brotherhood.” (49:10). And the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “A Muslim is the
brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, forsake him, or look down upon him.’’ Mishkat)
The hadith stresses on the importance of adopting traits like empathy, selflessness, and ridding ourselves of
selfishness, with fellow Muslims just as we are closest to our kin. It sets the bar for true brotherhood, and that is
to love for other Muslims, what one likes for himself. It delivers the message of love, respect, dignity and welfare
for other people. It teaches high moral values and etiquettes of virtue in social life and dealings. Islam gives
immense importance to humanity and this hadith condemns jealousy and all kind of evils for fellow brothers.
Conclusion: The teachings of this hadith guide the Muslims to one of the criteria for complete Iman, which is
indispensable to a strong social fabric developed on equality for the Ummah.
Part-b: Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.
Actions/Practical Implementation:
This hadith from Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us that in order to become a true believer in Allah, we must
have the same level of care and concern for our fellow human beings as we do for ourselves. We should not only
think about our own needs but also consider how our actions will affect those around us.
This means that if we want something good or beneficial for ourselves then we should also want the same thing
for others. It is important to remember that all people are equal in the eyes of Allah and so it is essential to treat
everyone with respect and kindness regardless of their background or beliefs
Muslims must reflect before conducting any affair with fellow Muslims, how would they want to be treated. They
must strive to provide others what they have themselves.
A beautiful example of which was exhibited by the Ansari brother (Sa’d ibn ar-Rabee’ al-Ansari) of Abdur Rahman
ibn ‘Awf, when offered him half his wealth, and to divorce one of his wives so that he can marry her. (Sahih al
Bukhari 5072)
Current Example When buying gifts for someone, we must ensure to buy the same type and quality that we
would prefer for own self. Likewise, if a Muslim is about to finalize some commercial deal, and if we can foresee
that he would bear loss in it, we must warn him against proceeding with it. Also, if a Muslim indulges in sins, we
must prevent him from doing so, to save him from Allah’s wrath.
Effect: By doing this, we can create a more harmonious society where everyone can live together
Hadith 4: Significance of Obligatory Acts in Islam
A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think
that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lawful that which is lawful
and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further,
shall I enter paradise? He said: Yes.
Part-a: Describe the teachings of Hadith about what Muslims believe.
Introduction: This Hadith sums up the secret of entry to Paradise by mentioning the most required deeds to
be performed by a believer. This hadith also sets the goal for the communal benefits of the society.
Amongst the five pillars upon which Islam stands, after Shahadah, the two mentioned in this hadith are those
which are obligatory for every Muslim. This Hadith highlights the principles of eligibility for Paradise. Allah says
in the Quran, “And whatsoever the messenger gives you, take it. And whatsoever he forbidden,
abstain (from it).” (Hashr 59:7).
Without the establishment of Salah and observance of Sawm, it is not possible to be saved from
Hell-fire. According to the teaching of this hadith, when a Muslim performs his obligatory prayer, he has done
his duty towards Allah. In the same way. Fasting during the days of Ramadan is obligatory. Besides this all
fasting is either optional (Nafl) or compensatory (Qada).
The hadith also mentions importance of adherence to Halal and avoiding Haram. The hadith teaches that it is
also mandatory on believers to have enough education about their religion so that they can differentiate
between right and wrong and act accordingly. If Islamic teachings are followed, i.e., only the lawful is acted
upon and the prohibited is shunned, then the path to Jannah becomes clear and sure. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: "What
I have forbidden you, avoid, what I have ordered you, do as much as you can." (Bukhari, Muslim).
This hadith also indicates that being careful about lawful and unlawful acts is not easy because Satan attracts
us towards sin. Therefore, being cautious is rewardable.
This hadith affirms that Allah has made the practice of Islam easy for his believers and He expects obedience
from them with performance of obligations as differentiating permissible and forbidden are adequate to be
rewarded with paradise.
Part b: Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.
Actions/Practical Examples:
Muslims can put the teachings of this hadith in multiple ways. Muslims must be regular in the offering of the 5
daily prayers and in fasting the prescribed month of Ramadan. They must ensure not to miss out on any prayer
or fast, except for a genuine reason acceptable in Shariah, and must make up for the missed prayers and
fasts. In current times, Muslims can ensure punctuality in their acts of worship by setting reminders or alarms,
or using apps that remind them of prayer times.
Muslim should also continuously work to enhance their knowledge about religious laws, to know what is halal,
hence, freely indulge in it, and to know what is haram in order to avoid it. Muslims must stay away from all
haram foods and earnings. Abstaining from unlawful is not only in what we eat but also in the way we earn
and use, e.g., earning through bribery, usury, stealing or cheating is Haram in Islam. We should also educate
our children/siblings about our Islamic beliefs and practices and their importance.
Implementing the teachings of this hadith will result in prosperity of the society, as individual transformation in
the form of God-consciousness brings positive change in the society.