ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Medication Kim McCullough STUDENT NAME______________________________________ Celecoxib MEDICATION___________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________ CATEGORY CLASS__NSAID _____________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE OF MEDICATION Expected Pharmacological Action Therapeutic Use Inhibition of COX-2 results in decreases inflammation, fever, and pain and does not decrease platelet aggregation Suppresses inflammation, relieves pain, decreases fever, and can protect against colorectal cancer Complications Medication Administration GI discomfort (dyspepsia, abdominal pain, heartburn and nausea), impaired kidney function, and increased risk for heart attack and stroke PO 200 mg Avoid giving to patients with recent MI and with severe HF. Contraindications/Precautions Increased risk for MI and stroke due to secondary suppression of vasodilation and it is contraindicated in patients who have an allergy to sulfonamides. Nursing Interventions Monitor PTT, PT and INR. Interactions Anticoagulants, alcohol, glucocorticoids, and ketorolac. Can decrease the diuresis of furosemide and the hypertensive effects of ACE inhibitors and OTC medications. Client Education Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness reduction of inflammation, fever, mild to moderate pain and relief from dysmenorrhea. ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES Report any indication of bleeding. Avoid alcohol. Tell provider about any over-the-counter medication, vitamins, or herbal supplements before taking them take medication with food or 8 ounces of water of milk Therapeutic Procedure A7